A curated list of anything remotely related to mental health, sorted by alphabetical order.
- Aloe - A self-care focused community.
- Lantern - Web & mobile app that provides effective, affordable support for emotional well-being.
- Headspace - Meditation in small bits and pieces.
- Muse brain sensing headband - Headband and companion app for mindfulness meditation.
- Pacifica - Daily tools for stress and anxiety alongside a supportive community.
- Sleepio - Improve your sleep habits and quality.
- DukkhaLessClient - A self-care application for individuals seeking to improve their mental health.
- DukkhaLessServer - The backend server for the DukkhaLess service.
- if-me.org - Platform for sharing your mental health experiences with the people you choose.
- Vrendle - Virtual Reality platform for mental healthcare providers.
- Dancing in the Rain - Aimed at education leaders to help them thrive under pressure by using mindfulness and self-compassion.
- The Craving Mind - About addictions, how we get them and how to get rid of them using mindfulness.
- The Mystery of Sleep - Why a good night of rest is vital to a better and heallthier life.
- Uncovering Happiness: Overcoming Depression with Mindfulness and Compassion - Confronting but non judgemental book about happiness, depression and compassion.
- Unplug: A simple guide to meditation for busy sceptics and modern soul seekers - Simple no nonsense guide to meditating with smart tips for lifestyle, self fulfillment and happiness.
- Mental Health Knowledge Base - List of resources about Mental Health.
- Selfcare.tech - List of resources mainly focussed on people in the tech industry, but really anyone can find something in here.
- Greater Good Magazine - Science-based insights for a meaningful life.
- OpenMinds Quarterly - Explorations of life with(in) mental illness, addiction & recovery.
- Students Against Depression - Blogs, tips and information for and by students.
- The Mighty - Stories, articles and news about different mental health topics.