- Added Identicon Library.
- Added FTP Class.
- Added FileHandling Classs.
- Added Avatar Package.
- Added Container Package.
- Added Model Class (to access models {Now you can access any model like method() //or model('folder\model')->method()?> }).
- Added Pagination Class and their respective functions.
- Added HTTP Client Library/Package.
- Added New Cache Library/Package.
- Supported Adapters A. APC B. APCU C. FileSystem D. Memcache E. Memcached F. Redis G. Session
- Added Encryption Library/Package {Sodium,openSSL}.
- Added Hashing Library/Package.
- Added Whoops Library/Pacakge (to show more friendly error log on display if turn on).
- Added Component Manipulator Class.
- Added Sitemap Library/Package.
- Added Arrays Library/Package.
- Added String Library/Package.
- Added TimeZone Class.
- Added LanguageCodes Trait.
- Added ClassAlias Class.
- Added FileInfo Class.
- Added Key Class.
- Update site class (fix issue in redirect method , prev parameter were not working).
- Update userInfo class (fix issue FireFox browser return NULL).
- Fix Router Cache issue (Cache seems to be on even it were off).
- Update Signup,Signin class fix issue send verification email.
- Fix typo in language string class Local to Locale.
- Fix typos in Root Class.
- Avoid session hijacking attack.
- Added view function in
- Added getInput method in
class - Allow to get input using $this->input properity in
- Added ipv6,alpha and subnet
rule method. - Added delete method in
class. - Added touch & chown method in
class. - Added recursiveCreateDir method in
class (Special thanks Nivaldo MS ). - Added setCustumFile method in
class. - Added close method in
class. - Added OPTIONS, TRACE, CONNECT, ALL rests methods in
class. - Added setMultiple, deleteMultiple, getMultiple methods in
class. - Added setMultiple, deleteMultiple, getMultiple methods in
class. - Update
method add$special
argument support to add, special chars in salts.
- Allow translations of default validations messages.
- Optimizations of Components package.
- Optimizations of PasswordManipulation Class.
- Added PHPUnit testing.