+ <%= partial 'partials/features-sub-nav.html.erb', locals: { current_page: current_page.data.title } %> + +

Recurring payments

+ +

+ GOV.UK Pay is still developing recurring payments so this feature is only available to a limited number of services at the moment. + <%= mail_to 'govuk-pay-support@digital.cabinet-office.gov.uk', 'Contact us', class: 'govuk-link' %> if you’re interested in taking recurring payments. +

+ +

+ If you are a beta service, you can take recurring payments from a user using GOV.UK Pay. The user consents to making recurring payments, enters into an ‘agreement’ with + your service, and provides their payment details. The agreement allows you to take further payments without the user interacting with your service again. +

+ +

+ Your service has + <%= + link_to 'additional responsibilities', 'https://docs.payments.service.gov.uk/recurring_payments/#1-understand-what-your-service-is-responsible-for', class: 'govuk-link' + %> + when taking recurring payments. You’re responsible for: +

  • managing the relationship between your service and users
  • +
  • providing terms and conditions to users
  • +
  • authenticating users
  • +
  • getting and recording users’ consent for you to take recurring payments
  • +
  • managing payment schedules
  • +
  • telling users when you’re going to take or change payments
  • +
  • letting users amend their recurring payments
  • +