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Releases: alphagov/e-petitions

Fix to debated behaviour

27 Oct 15:01
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Fix to stop lapsed scheduled petition dates causing errors

Validate signatures and restrict disposable email addresses

21 Oct 10:30
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Minor update to emails for petition creator
Ability to validate signatures for people in admin
Restrict disposable email address domains

Debate and response functionality improvments

20 Oct 09:48
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Allow changes to be made without sending
Show responses on front end
Tweaks to UI

Tweaks and Fixes

23 Sep 12:58
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Use 'Dear' instead of 'Hi', tweak 'Unsubscribe' link in html emails
Update rejection reasons
Homepage links to government responses
Fix robots.txt
Fix caching of social meta tags

Delete signature functionality and other tweaks and fixes

14 Sep 13:04
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Include archived petitions in JSON API
Add user agent string to feedback message
Finesse pages that are indexed by search engines
The reveal_response is a cache key for petition pages
Fix Appsignal when used with multiple DJ workers
Adjust delayed_job config to something more sane
Add the ability to delete a signature from the admin
Set CORS headers for json get requests
Change Faraday adapter to Net::HTTP::Persistent

Performance improvements for email sending

08 Sep 18:21
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Disable app signal for bulk emails (memory leak)
Reduce retry count on emails from 100 to 15 (61 years -> 35 hours)

Minor fixes

27 Aug 09:18
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Update to the way signatures are stored
Modification to country list

JSON enhancements

25 Aug 09:18
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Show counts by country and constituency in JSON by petition

See tag 1.0.12

20 Aug 12:05
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Includes the same content as 1.0.12 with the addition of a minor fix to cucumber tests

JSON, CSV and iOS fix

20 Aug 10:45
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Fix for iOS 8.4.1 for expanding detail
JSON for petitions and individual petitions
CSV download from admin