This project has been moved to
Lib.js = Frontend build tool + lazyload js tool
See qunit example at
Lib.js support:
lazyload css and js files (base on LazyLoad.js) css, js and images files sass, scss, compass and coffeescript files local files and remote files custom ruby script minify css and js files (base on sass and uglifier)
// load jquery lib.jquery(function(){ // something use jquery to do }); // load jqueryui and not duplicate load jquery lib.jqueryui(function(){ // something use jqueryui to do }); // and you can load like lib('jquery', function(){ // use jquery to do sth. }); lib('jquery underscore', function(){ // use jquery and underscore to do sth. });
More Options see
1. Download from github git clone https://[email protected]/benz303/lib.js.git 2. Install ruby gems bundle install 3. Run web server ruby web.rb 4. Open http://localhost:4567
1. Download from github git clone https://[email protected]/benz303/lib.js.git 2. Install ruby gems bundle install 3. Copy example.yml and change it. 4. run build task rake build 5. Files are in src folder