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Looking for pre-Daylight icons? They're over here.


Bower version Build status

d2l-icons contains SVGs, Polymer-based web components and Sass mixins to incorporate D2L iconography into your application.

For further information on this and other D2L UI components, see the docs at


d2l-icons can be installed from Bower:

bower install d2l-icons

Icon Categories

Each icon is grouped into a category, and every icon in a particular category has the same native size.

Currently, there are 5 icon categories:

Category Name Description Samples Size List
tier1 minimal level of detail, solid style print   gear   save 18px x 18px Full set
tier2 medium level of detail, linear style audio   copy   news 24px x 24px Full set
tier3 medium level of detail, linear style notifications   help   search 30px x 30px Full set
html-editor for use in the HTML editor       18px x 18px Full set
emoji for all your emoji needs, same detail/style as tier1       18px x 18px Full set

> Browse ALL categories and icons

Note: Always choose the icon whose native size best matches your desired icon size, ideally exactly.


There are many ways to consume icons -- the best technique depends on your application, technology stack and use case.

Polymer Icon Sets

If your application is using Google's Polymer framework, d2l-icons exposes iron-iconset-svg collections for usage with the Polymer iron-icon web component.

An iconset collection is available for each category (tier1, tier2, etc.), named {category}-icons.html. Also, an HTML import which imports ALL categories is also available by including d2l-icons.html.

Here's an example which consumes the "bookmark-filled" icon from the "tier1" category using an iron-icon web component:

<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="../iron-icon/iron-icon.html">
<link rel="import" href="../d2l-icons/tier1-icons.html">
	<iron-icon icon="d2l-tier1:bookmark-filled"></iron-icon>

You'll need to set the size (ideally 18px, 24px or 30px) and color (ferrite) of the icon. d2l-colors comes in handy:

<link rel="import" href="../d2l-colors/d2l-colors.html">
<style include="d2l-colors">
iron-icon {
	color: var(--d2l-color-ferrite);
	--iron-icon-height: 18px;
	--iron-icon-width: 18px;

If you'd like a different color when the user hovers:

button:hover iron-icon, button:focus iron-icon {
	color: var(--d2l-color-celestuba);


  • color can be manipulated using CSS
  • size can be manipulated using CSS


  • requires Google Polymer
  • default color (tungsten) must be set
  • size must be set
  • no automatic support for right-to-left icons

<d2l-icon> Web Component

Using Google's iron-iconset-svg and iron-icon directly (see above) works just fine, however we've created a wrapper component called <d2l-icon> which will automatically set the correct icon size, color, and mirror the icon horizontally for right-to-left languages.

Use it identically to <iron-icon>:

<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="../d2l-icons/d2l-icon.html">
<link rel="import" href="../d2l-icons/tier1-icons.html">
	<d2l-icon icon="d2l-tier1:bookmark-filled"></d2l-icon>

The color will default to tungsten, and the size will be set automatically based on the category name.

To swap the color on-hover:

button:hover d2l-icon, button:focus d2l-icon  {
	color: var(--d2l-color-celestuba);

If you'd like to use a non-standard size, set the d2l-icon-height/width variables in a custom style block:

<style is="custom-style">
d2l-icon.big-icon {
	--d2l-icon-height: 50px;
	--d2l-icon-width: 50px;
<d2l-icon class="big-icon" icon="..."></d2l-icon>


  • color (tungsten) is automatically set
  • size is automatically set based on the icon category
  • color can be manipulated using CSS
  • size can be manipulated using CSS
  • automatic support for right-to-left icons


  • requires Google Polymer

Directly with an <img> element

Simply point an HTML <img> element's src attribute at the icon's SVG file. You can reference the files directly from bower_components, or copy the icons you need as part of your application's build process.


<img src="bower_components/d2l-icons/images/tier1/bookmark-filled.svg" alt="bookmarked" />

Don't forget to provide alternate text if the icon isn't accompanied by any other text.


  • easy -- no other tech needed
  • color (tungsten) is automatically set
  • size is automatically set
  • size can be manipulated using CSS


  • no ability to change the color
  • no automatic support for right-to-left icons

Background Images

In cases where the icon is purely decorative (it doesn't provide any additional information) and is accompanied by text and/or a tooltip, applying the icon using a background image can be a good approach. It hides the icon from assistive technology (like a screen reader), allowing the accompanying text to stand alone.

First, create some CSS that points at the image you'd like and sets the correct size:

.my-app-bookmark-icon {
	background: url('bower_components/d2l-icons/tier1/bookmark-filled.svg');
	background-size: 18px 18px; /* needed for IE */
	display: inline-block;
	height: 18px;
	width: 18px;

Then apply the CSS class to an element:

	<span class="my-app-bookmark-icon"></span>


  • easy -- no other tech needed
  • color (tungsten) is automatically set
  • size can be manipulated using CSS


  • no ability to change the color
  • size must be set
  • no automatic support for right-to-left icons

Background images with invisible text

If you would prefer the text accompanying the icon to be invisible, the background image approach can be combined with off-screen text. The text will be positioned outside of the visible screen area using CSS, essentially hiding it for everyone except those using assistive devices.

To position something off-screen, you can either use the vui-offscreen component, or follow WebAIM's text-indent technique.

For example, a button which contains only an icon:

<link rel="import" href="../d2l-offscreen/d2l-offscreen.html">
<button title="Bookmark">
	<span class="my-app-bookmark-icon"></span>

We've used the title attribute in this example to display tooltips on-hover.

Sass Mixins

If you'd like to use the Sass extension language in your application, d2l-icons provides an icons.scss file you can import which contains mixins to generate the background image CSS.

Import the mixin file and include it in a CSS class for each of the icons you'd like to use:

@import "bower_components/d2l-icons/icons.scss";

.my-app-bookmark-icon {
	@include d2l-icon-tier1-bookmark-hollow();

.my-app-print-icon {
	@include d2l-icon-tier1-print();

The name of the mixin will correspond to its location within the images directory, plus the subdirectory/category (e.g. tier1, tier2), plus the icon's filename -- all separated by hyphens.

Finally, consume the CSS class in your markup as before.

	<span class="my-app-bookmark-icon"></span>


  • color (tungsten) is automatically set
  • size is automatically set


  • requires Sass
  • no ability to change the color
  • no automatic support for right-to-left icons

Coding styles

Updating or contributing new icons

SVG format

When contributing changes to icons, the SVG files should be properly formatted. Follow these rules:

  • native icon sizes need to be one of: 18, 24 or 30
  • the <svg> element must:
    • have a width and height attribute which match the native size
    • not have an id or data-name attribute
  • the <svg>'s viewBox attribute must:
    • have an origin beginning at 0 0
    • be exactly square (e.g. 0 0 18 18)
    • match the icon's native size
    • not contain negative values
  • there should be no <title> element
  • there should be no inline <style> -- all style for line fills should be applied directly to the SVG elements
  • color of SVG elements should be "tungsten" (#565a5c)

The best way to have most of these rules applied for you automatically is to put the icon through SVGOMG with the "remove title" and "prettify code" options selected.

Here's a sample of a properly formatted SVG:

<svg width="18" height="18" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 18 18">
  <path fill="#565a5c" d="..."/>

Auto-generated files

The Polymer iconset files and Sass icons.scss file are automatically generated, so when making icon modifications, re-generate these files by running npm run build.


When rendered in a right-to-left direction, any icons which show directionality in terms of time (back/forward, next/previous, etc.) need to be mirrored horizontally. If the underlying <svg> element has a mirror-rtl attribute set, the <d2l-icon> component will do this automatically.

<svg mirror-in-rtl="true" ...>

To learn more about how best to determine if an icon should be mirrored, refer to Google's Material Design Bidirectionality documentation.


See the VUI Best Practices & Style Guide for information on VUI naming conventions, plus information about the EditorConfig rules used in this repo.