List<RankingsSearch> searches = new List<RankingsSearch>();
searches.Add(new RankingsSearch()
search_engine = "google",
country = "USA",
google_location = "New York, NY",
search_term = "restaurant new york",
urls = new List<string>() { "" },
business_names = new List<string>() { "Le Bernardin" }
searches.Add(new RankingsSearch()
search_engine = "yahoo",
country = "USA",
google_location = "New York, NY",
search_term = "restaurant new york",
urls = new List<string>() { "" },
business_names = new List<string>() { "Le Bernardin" }
api Api = new api("<INSERT_API_KEY>", "<INSERT_API_SECRET>");
batchApi batchRequest = new batchApi(Api);
// Create a new batch
int batchId = batchRequest.Create();
var parameters = new api.Parameters();
// Add jobs to batch
foreach (var item in searches)
// Convert the searches list into parameters for the web requestt
parameters = batchRequest.convertListToParameters(item);
parameters.Add("batch-id", batchId);
var jobId = Api.Post("/v4/rankings/search", parameters);
if (jobId.ResponseStatus == ResponseStatus.Completed)
dynamic job = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jobId.Content);
if (!job.success)
string message = "Error adding job";
var batchException = new ApplicationException(message, job.ErrorException);
throw batchException;
throw new ApplicationException(jobId.ErrorMessage);
// Commit the batch, resturns true or false
bool commit = batchRequest.Commit(batchId);
// Poll for results. In a real world example you should do this in a backgroud process, such as HangFire, or use the Task Parallel Library to create a BackGroundWorker Task.
// It is bad practice to use Thread.Sleep(). This is only for the example and will actually freeze the UI until the while loop is finished.
var results = batchRequest.GetResults(batchId);
dynamic rankingResults = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(results.Content);
if (rankingResults.success)
while (rankingResults.status != "Stopped" || rankingResults.status != "Finished")
results = batchRequest.GetResults(batchId);
rankingResults = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(results.Content);
return results;
const string message = "Error Retrieving batch results ";
var batchException = new ApplicationException(message + rankingResults.errors, results.ErrorException);
throw batchException;
List<string> searches = new List<string>(
new string[] {
"restaurant new york'",
"restaurant manhattan",
"restaurant 10019"
api Api = new api("<INSERT_API_KEY>", "<INSERT_API_SECRET>");
batchApi batchRequest = new batchApi(Api);
// Create a new batch
int batchId = batchRequest.Create();
var parameters = new api.Parameters();
parameters.Add("batch-id", batchId);
parameters.Add("search-engine", "google");
parameters.Add("country", "USA");
parameters.Add("telephone", "+1 212-554-1515");
parameters.Add("google-location", "New York, NY");
parameters.Add("search-terms", searches);
parameters.Add("urls", "['']");
parameters.Add("business-names", "['Le Bernardin']");
var jobId = Api.Post("/v4/rankings/bulk-search", parameters);
if (jobId.ResponseStatus == ResponseStatus.Completed)
dynamic job = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jobId.Content);
if (!job.success)
string message = "Error adding job";
var batchException = new ApplicationException(message + job.errors, job.ErrorException);
throw batchException;
throw new ApplicationException(jobId.ErrorMessage);
// Commit the batch, resturns true or false
bool commit = batchRequest.Commit(batchId);
// Poll for results. In a real world example you should do this in a backgroud process, such as HangFire, or use the Task Parallel Library to create a BackGroundWorker Task.
// It is bad practice to use Thread.Sleep(). This is only for the example and will actually freeze the UI until the while loop is finished.
var results = batchRequest.GetResults(batchId);
dynamic rankingResults = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(results.Content);
if (rankingResults.success)
while (rankingResults.status != "Stopped" || rankingResults.status != "Finished")
results = batchRequest.GetResults(batchId);
rankingResults = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(results.Content);
return results;
const string message = "Error Retrieving batch results ";
var batchException = new ApplicationException(message + rankingResults.errors, results.ErrorException);
throw batchException;