标题: 通过搜索SEH链表获取kernel32基址
作者: Hume(冷雨飘心)
在看Shellcode的时候,发现Shellcode编写中获取API地址好象怎么要么暴力搜索, 要么从PEB中获取,好像没人通过SEH链表中搜索?这是以前玩Vir的时候写的代码, 82字节获取kernel32基址和GetProcAddress地址:
;walking through the seh frame to get kernel32 addr ;search kernel32.dll to get GetProcAddress addr ;then use base of kernel32 and GetProcAddress to ;get all needed APIs ;82 Bytes
include '%fasinc%/win32as.inc' include '%fasinc%/pestruc.h'
.data buf rb 256 fmt db "Kernel32 base is: %X GetProcAddress is %X",13,10 db "SearchCodeSize is: %X",0 szTit db "By Hume 2K2+",0 hModulek32 dd 0 .codew api_List:
api_ends: StArT:
xor esi,esi
lods dword [fs:esi] ;as small code as possible
inc eax
je @F
dec eax
xchg esi,eax
LODSD ;next seh_frame
jmp near @B
LODSD ;kernel32 func...
;compare if PE_hdr
xchg esi,eax
dec esi
xor si,si ;kernel32 is 64kb align
mov eax,[esi]
add ax,-'MZ' ;anti heuristic
jne find_pe_header
mov edi,[esi+mzh.e_lfanew] ;.e_lfanew
mov eax,[esi+edi]
add eax,-'PE' ;anti heuristic
jne find_pe_header
push esi
;esi=VA Kernel32.BASE
;edi=RVA K32.pehdr
mov ebp,esi
mov edi,[ebp+edi+peh.DataDirectory]
push edi esi
mov eax,[ebp+edi+peexc.AddressOfNames]
mov edx,[ebp+edi+peexc.AddressOfNameOrdinals]
call @F
db "GetProcAddress",0
pop edi
mov ecx,15
sub eax,4
add eax,4
add edi,ecx
sub edi,15
mov esi,[ebp+eax]
add esi,ebp
mov ecx,15
repz cmpsb
jnz next_
pop esi edi
sub eax,[ebp+edi+peexc.AddressOfNames]
shr eax,1
add edx,ebp
movzx eax,word [edx+eax]
add esi,[ebp+edi+peexc.AddressOfFunctions]
add ebp,[esi+eax*4] ;ebp=Kernel32.GetProcAddress.addr
;use GetProcAddress and hModule to get other func
pop esi ;esi=kernel32 Base
shell_end: invoke wsprintf,buf,fmt,esi,ebp,shell_end-StArT invoke MessageBox,0,buf,szTit,0x40
invoke ExitProcess,0
.end StArT
你下面的代码我看了看,就是去找kernel32!UnhandledExceptionFilter(), 靠对齐假设定位kenel32的基址,是这个意思吧。也可以。
暴力搜才要处理SEH,PEB方式就不用。这个是还可以,一般情况下没问题。不过PEB 方式可以假定PEB的起始地址,至少从NT到2003都未变,所以没你前面说的那么长:
fc cld eb75 jmp 0012fcfc 5f pop edi a10cf0fd7f mov eax,[7ffdf00c] 8b701c mov esi,[eax+0x1c] ad lodsd 8b6808 mov ebp,[eax+0x8]
这已经是包括了cld和jmp、pop指令的情形。不过你这个可以对付9x,这倒是我没想 到的,不错啊。