diff --git a/README-CN.md b/README-CN.md
index c4ca4647..ab9563b2 100644
--- a/README-CN.md
+++ b/README-CN.md
@@ -438,6 +438,7 @@ ROS 模板的示例和最佳实践。模板分类如下:
| [pai-lingjun-serverless-LLM-best-practice.yml](documents/solution/ai/upai-lingjun-serverless-LLM-best-practice.yml) | PAI灵骏智算资源(Serverless版)大模型最佳实践。 |
| [use-gpu-ecs-to-deploy-chatGLM.yaml](documents/solution/ai/use-gpu-ecs-to-deploy-chatGLM.yaml) | 向量数据库构建企业智能知识库。 | [解决方案](https://aliyun.com/solution/tech-solution/baeeikb) |
| [build-a-dialogue-model-based-on-ChatGLM-and-LangChain.yml](documents/solution/ai/build-a-dialogue-model-based-on-ChatGLM-and-LangChain.yml) | 基于ChatGLM和LangChain搭建对话模型。 |
+| [ack-ai-fine-tuning.yml](documents/solution/ai/ack-ai-fine-tuning.yml) | 使用云原生AI套件提交模型微调训练任务与部署GPU共享推理服务。 |
- data-analysis
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4a9682c3..f50a2e11 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -440,6 +440,7 @@ Examples and best practices of ROS templates. The templates are categorized as f
| [use-pai-to-deploy-stable-diffusion-for-AI-painting.yml](documents/solution/ai/use-pai-to-deploy-stable-diffusion-for-AI-painting.yml) | How to quickly start Stable Diffusion on Alibaba Cloud and easily play with AI painting. |
| [use-gpu-ecs-to-deploy-chatGLM.yaml](documents/solution/ai/use-gpu-ecs-to-deploy-chatGLM.yaml) | Large model combines the AnalyticDB to build Chatbot. |
| [build-a-dialogue-model-based-on-ChatGLM-and-LangChain.yml](documents/solution/ai/build-a-dialogue-model-based-on-ChatGLM-and-LangChain.yml) | Build a dialogue model based on ChatGLM and LangChain. |
+| [ack-ai-fine-tuning.yml](documents/solution/ai/ack-ai-fine-tuning.yml) | Use the cloud-native AI suite to submit model fine-tuning training tasks and deploy GPU shared inference services. |
diff --git a/documents/solution/ai/ack-ai-fine-tuning.yml b/documents/solution/ai/ack-ai-fine-tuning.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2de79a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documents/solution/ai/ack-ai-fine-tuning.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+ROSTemplateFormatVersion: '2015-09-01'
+ en: Use the cloud-native AI suite to submit model fine-tuning training tasks and deploy GPU shared inference services.
+ zh-cn: 使用云原生AI套件提交模型微调训练任务与部署GPU共享推理服务。
+ AckName:
+ Type: String
+ Label:
+ en: Cluster Name
+ zh-cn: 集群名称
+ Description:
+ en: The name must be 1 to 63 characters in length and can contain letters, Chinese
+ characters, digits, and hyphens (-).
+ zh-cn: 名称为1~63个字符,可包含数字、汉字、英文字符或中划线(-)。
+ Default: ai-test
+ AllowedPattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9\u4e00-\u9fa5][-a-zA-Z0-9\u4e00-\u9fa5]{0,62}$
+ ZoneId:
+ Type: String
+ Label:
+ en: VSwitch Available Zone
+ zh-cn: 可用区
+ AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::VPC::Zone::ZoneId
+ Description:
+ en: If the available zone cannot be selected, please switch regions.
+ zh-cn: 如果选择不到可用区,请切换地域。
+ LoginPassword:
+ Type: String
+ Label:
+ en: Set node login password
+ zh-cn: 设置节点登录密码
+ Description:
+ en: |-
+ The password must be 8 to 32 characters in length.
+ It must consist three of the the following character types: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters.
+ Special characters include ()`~!@#$%^&*_-+=|{}[]:;'<>,.?/.
+ zh-cn: 长度为8-30位,需包含大写字母、小写字母、特殊符号和数字中的三个,允许的特殊字符包括()`~!@#$%^&*_-+=|{}[]:;'<>,.?/。
+ AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::ECS::Instance::Password
+ NoEcho: true
+ CommonName:
+ Type: String
+ Default: ack-ai
+ ModuleAcsCsProvision:
+ Type: MODULE::ACS::CS::Provision
+ Version: default
+ Vpc:
+ Properties:
+ CidrBlock:
+ VpcName:
+ Fn::Sub: ${CommonName}-vpc
+ Vswitch:
+ Type: ALIYUN::ECS::VSwitch
+ Properties:
+ ZoneId:
+ Ref: ZoneId
+ VpcId:
+ Ref: Vpc
+ CidrBlock:
+ VSwitchName:
+ Fn::Sub: ${CommonName}-${ZoneId}-vsw
+ SecurityGroup:
+ Type: ALIYUN::ECS::SecurityGroup
+ Properties:
+ VpcId:
+ Ref: Vpc
+ SecurityGroupName:
+ Fn::Sub: ${CommonName}-sg
+ SecurityGroupIngress:
+ - PortRange: 22/22
+ Priority: 1
+ SourceCidrIp:
+ IpProtocol: tcp
+ NicType: internet
+ SecurityGroupEgress:
+ - PortRange: -1/-1
+ Priority: 1
+ IpProtocol: all
+ DestCidrIp:
+ NicType: internet
+ - PortRange: -1/-1
+ Priority: 1
+ IpProtocol: all
+ DestCidrIp:
+ NicType: intranet
+ NatGateway:
+ Type: ALIYUN::VPC::NatGateway
+ Properties:
+ ZoneId:
+ Ref: ZoneId
+ VpcId:
+ Ref: Vpc
+ VSwitchId:
+ Ref: Vswitch
+ NatGatewayName:
+ Fn::Sub: ${CommonName}-ngw
+ Eip:
+ Properties:
+ Name:
+ Fn::Sub: ${CommonName}-eip
+ Bandwidth: 100
+ InternetChargeType: PayByTraffic
+ EipAssociation:
+ Type: ALIYUN::VPC::EIPAssociation
+ DependsOn: Sleep
+ Properties:
+ AllocationId:
+ Ref: Eip
+ InstanceId:
+ Fn::Jq:
+ - First
+ - .[0].instance_id
+ - Fn::GetAtt:
+ - Ack
+ - Nodes
+ Sleep:
+ Type: ALIYUN::ROS::Sleep
+ DependsOn: Ack
+ Properties:
+ CreateDuration: 180
+ Ack:
+ Type: ALIYUN::CS::ManagedKubernetesCluster
+ Properties:
+ VpcId:
+ Ref: Vpc
+ SecurityGroupId:
+ Ref: SecurityGroup
+ VSwitchIds:
+ - Ref: Vswitch
+ Name:
+ Ref: AckName
+ NumOfNodes: 1
+ ProxyMode: ipvs
+ ClusterSpec: ack.pro.small
+ ServiceCidr:
+ ContainerCidr:
+ NodeCidrMask: 26
+ Addons:
+ - Name: flannel
+ - Name: csi-plugin
+ - Name: csi-provisioner
+ - Name: storage-operator
+ Config: '{"CnfsOssEnable":"false","CnfsNasEnable":"false"}'
+ - Name: nginx-ingress-controller
+ Config: '{"IngressSlbNetworkType":"internet","IngressSlbSpec":"slb.s2.small"}'
+ - Name: ack-node-local-dns
+ - Name: arms-prometheus
+ EndpointPublicAccess: true
+ SnatEntry: true
+ IsEnterpriseSecurityGroup: true
+ WorkerInstanceTypes:
+ - ecs.gn7i-c16g1.4xlarge
+ WorkerSystemDiskCategory: cloud_essd
+ WorkerSystemDiskSize: 120
+ LoginPassword:
+ Ref: LoginPassword
+ Runtime:
+ Name: containerd
+ Version: 1.6.20
+ CloudMonitorFlags: false
+ ZoneIds:
+ - Ref: ZoneId
+ DependsOn:
+ - ModuleAcsCsProvision
+ - NatGateway
+ Nas:
+ Type: ALIYUN::NAS::FileSystem
+ Properties:
+ ProtocolType: NFS
+ FileSystemType: standard
+ StorageType: Capacity
+ ZoneId:
+ Ref: ZoneId
+ VpcId:
+ Ref: Vpc
+ VSwitchId:
+ Ref: Vswitch
+ Description:
+ Fn::Sub: ${CommonName}-nas
+ NasMountTarget:
+ Type: ALIYUN::NAS::MountTarget
+ Properties:
+ VpcId:
+ Ref: Vpc
+ VSwitchId:
+ Ref: Vswitch
+ Status: Active
+ FileSystemId:
+ Ref: Nas
+ NetworkType: Vpc
+ EcsLoginAddress:
+ Description:
+ zh-cn: ECS登陆地址。
+ en: Ecs login address.
+ Value:
+ Fn::Sub:
+ - https://ecs-workbench.aliyun.com/?from=EcsConsole&instanceType=ecs®ionId=${Region}&instanceId=${InstanceId}
+ - InstanceId:
+ Fn::Jq:
+ - First
+ - .[0].instance_id
+ - Fn::GetAtt:
+ - Ack
+ - Nodes
+ Region:
+ Ref: ALIYUN::Region
+ ALIYUN::ROS::Interface:
+ ParameterGroups:
+ - Parameters:
+ - AckName
+ - ZoneId
+ - LoginPassword
+ Hidden:
+ - CommonName
+ TemplateTags:
+ - acs:technical-solution:ack:训练大模型及部署GPU共享推理服务