##2013-10-28 - Scott Lee
- Move to Haxe 3 and neko 2
##2013-08-01 - Yanhick, Richard, Todd
- added many improvements to generated code style
- replaced as3 "toString" by Haxe "Std.string"
- replaced as3 "Date" by Haxe "Date.now" for current time
- "callback" ident in as3 source replaced by "callbackfunc" because of Haxe reserved keyword
- implemented support for as3 package level function, wrapped in Haxe class
- replaced Haxe 2 "Hash" generation by Haxe 3 "Map"
- removed comma before haxe "implements" keyword (haxe 3 syntax)
- as3 "hasOwnProperty" replaced by haxe "exists"
- replaced all tabs by spaces
- Most newlines are now preserved from as3 source
- Most comment are now preserved from as3 source
- Added support for "final" as3 keyword
- Added ENL type, representing source code new line chars
- New line chars from as3 files are tokenised instead of ignored
- Fixed bug where comment made semicolon appear on new lines
- Class attribute can now be initialised inline
- Implemented Haxe 3 getter/setter syntax
- Removed writing var type in for(var x : String in y)
- Created "in" as Binop : for(i in x)
- Handle of if(x in y) as Lambda.has
- Added handling for classes outside of package {} in as3 (private tail classes)
- Removed conversion of escape sequences in Parser.readString
- Added odd as3 vector constructor style: mStringVec = new ["a","b"];
##2011-10-19 - Russell
- Added writing out class inits
- Fixed empty functions returning f.expr = Object (messed up metadata parsing)
- Improved metadata support for [Bindable("move")]
- Added native flash getter and setter methods
- Refactored configuration, reads xml config files
- Fixed default values in function args
- Fixed setters not returning values
- Output Dynamic for Object
- Added -no-func2dyn. Prevents Function type being changed to Dynamic
- Total rewrite of Writer:ESwitch. Corrects switch..break behaviour of flash. See tests/Switch.as
- Fixed isNaN -> Math.isNaN
- Fixed continue statements in EFor blocks not incrementing counters. See tests/Loops.as
- Type.getClass() for "as Class"
- A little spaghetti, more copy pasta, and some casts to Stringozzi
- Added compiler warnings
- Fixed missed chars in token()
- Parse typeof, added as3hx.Compat class to handle untranslatable flash
- Skip comments in object create or fuction calls
- Support for Vector added to Writer
##2011-10-14 - Russell
- cleaned formatting on comments
- added === support (missed)
- added -no-cast-guess
##2011-10-12 - Russell
- added comments
- fixed static var initializations were not output
- added output for the "as" keyword
- fixed "interface extends" to "interface implements"
- fixed interface functions were outputting empty bodies
- added ETernary
- fixed formatting on if...else
- added parsing for !==
- added -uint2int command line switch
- fixed field access (none to never)