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Denisa's Log

dbicaku edited this page Jun 11, 2021 · 9 revisions

Week 11

  • Reviewed and finished the Requirements and Specifications document.

Week 10

  • Continued working with the state diagrams.
  • Started working with the code and finished the login page.
  • Wrote the meeting report

Week 9

  • This week I worked on state diagrams.
  • Wrote the meeting report.

Week 8

  • Worked on some of the Activity diagrams

Week 7

  • Discussed with the other members of the group related to the Use case diagrams and helped on the general Use case diagram.
  • Made some sketches more specifically the "About us" and "Log in" pages.

Week 6


Week 5

I didn't have much work done during this week.

Week 4

  • Worked with the Requirements Specification document.
  • Specifically I worked on some of the scenarios and use cases.
  • Continued to learn about Laravel.

Week 3

  • In this week's meeting we decided to work on the Eye Clinic Management System and I researched some already available eye clinic management systems and the features they had included in their systems.
  • Between different technologies that were suggested it was decided that we use Laravel since it is easier to learn in a short period of time.
  • Made some research related to Laravel.
  • Learned Git more in-depth.

Week 2

  • We had our first team meeting and I was chosen as the researcher of the group. A specific role was assigned to each of the team members.
  • I shared potential project ideas with the other members of the group.
  • Started learning about git Hub
  • Looked at previous' year's project just to get a general idea of the project.
  • Made some research on potential technologies that we could use.

Week 1

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