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Denado edited this page Jun 11, 2021 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the DevsCreed wiki!

Week 12 (June 05, 2021)

  • Armela and Denado worked with all aspects of the code
  • Denado reviewed and improved Aniledio's Class Diagram and uploaded it
  • Devid improved the DFD level 2 diagram based on the feedback received.

Week 11 (May 29, 2021)

  • Denado and Armela started with the coding.
  • Denado finished with the translation of all collaboration diagrams

Week 10 (May 22, 2021)

  • We worked with the diagrams again. Based on the feedback received on the previous week we refactored state and activity diagrams.
  • Armela worked with Sequential Diagrams. Entire refactoring of Activity Diagrams.
  • Denado did the translation of Sequential Diagrams in Collaboration Diagrams Entire refactoring of State Diagrams.
  • Denisa helped in the refactoring of State Diagrams.
  • Devid worked with the DFD diagram.

Week 9 (May 15, 2021)

During this week :

  • The group mostly worked with the diagrams(state and activity)
  • Armela used Figma to design UI of our web application.

Week 8 (May 8, 2021)

During this week the work was divided as follows:

  • Armela started working with Figma to design the UI. Denisa and Denado also helped in the process.
  • Denado and Denisa were assigned the completion of the Activity Diagrams.
  • Aniledio and Devid were responsible for improving the Requirements Specification document. Devid also worked on the initialization of the project and the implementation of the sql based on the ER Diagram that was created last week.
  • Julian was responsible for writing the Meeting Report.

Week 7 (May 1, 2021)

  • Denado worked with the general use cases
  • Armela worked with the database ER
  • Denisa, Aniledio and Julian worked with some of the sketches
  • Devid worked with the meeting report and gave some ideas on the use cases and database

Week 6 (April 24, 2021)

  • Midterm week

Week 5 (April 17, 2021)

  • We finished the Requirements Specifications First Draft.
  • The reviewing of each section of the document was done by Armela, Devid and Denado
  • Armela did the formatting of the PDF document.
  • We assigned the scenarios for each member.
  • We did some discussions related to the database

Week 4 (April 10, 2021)

  • This week we were focused on completing the Requirements Specifications document.
  • We were split into 2 groups of 3 to work on specific parts of the requirements document:
    1. Armela, Devid, Denado - Part 1, 2, 3.1 assigned
    2. Aniledio, Denisa Julian - Part 3.2, 3.3 assigned
  • We created a google doc to collaborate on writing the requirements. This way resulted to be very efficient since we can directly communicate with each other on google docs chat for any difficulty that might arise.

Week 3 (April 03, 2021)

  • Decided for the topic of our project to be an Eye Clinic Management System.
  • Regarding the technology stack, after various discussions we have decided to go with PHP/Laravel for the backend and HTML, CSS, jQuery, Javascript, Bootstrap for the frontend.
  • We finished setting up our github accounts and created a repository for our project.
  • Besides the main meeting, we had two other shorter meetings to further discuss and elaborate our ideas and concerns regarding the project.
  • Scheduled our first meeting with the potential client.
  • Researched existing similar systems for ideas and inspiration.

Week 2 (March 27, 2021)

  • We held our first online meeting via google meet.
  • We established our means of communication:
    • Created a whatsapp group to exchange instant messages.
    • Decided that our main meetings will be held on saturdays via google meet.
  • The name of the group was chosen: DevsCreed.
  • Elected the team leader and decided on the other roles among group members
  • Brainstormed various ideas regarding the project. The most liked ones were:
    • Book exchange system for students of public universities in Albania
    • Eye Clinic Management System / Hospital Management System
    • Bus e-Ticketing System