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123 lines (122 loc) · 4.97 KB Categories

Here is a list of all categories and subcategories available on ArXiv (the script to generate the table):

Category Code Subcategories Subcode
Astrophysics astro-ph
Astrophysics of Galaxies astro-ph.GA
Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics astro-ph.CO
Earth and Planetary Astrophysics astro-ph.EP
High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena astro-ph.HE
Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics astro-ph.IM
Solar and Stellar Astrophysics astro-ph.SR
Condensed Matter cond-mat
Disordered Systems and Neural Networks cond-mat.dis-nn
Materials Science cond-mat.mtrl-sci
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics cond-mat.mes-hall
Other Condensed Matter cond-mat.other
Quantum Gases cond-mat.quant-gas
Soft Condensed Matter cond-mat.soft
Statistical Mechanics cond-mat.stat-mech
Strongly Correlated Electrons cond-mat.str-el
Superconductivity cond-mat.supr-con
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology gr-qc
High Energy Physics - Experiment hep-ex
High Energy Physics - Lattice hep-lat
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology hep-ph
High Energy Physics - Theory hep-th
Mathematical Physics math-ph
Nonlinear Sciences nlin
Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems nlin.AO
Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases nlin.CG
Chaotic Dynamics nlin.CD
Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems nlin.SI
Pattern Formation and Solitons nlin.PS
Nuclear Experiment nucl-ex
Nuclear Theory nucl-th
Physics physics
Accelerator Physics physics.acc-ph
Applied Physics
Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics
Atomic Physics physics.atom-ph
Atomic and Molecular Clusters physics.atm-clus
Biological Physics
Chemical Physics physics.chem-ph
Classical Physics physics.class-ph
Computational Physics physics.comp-ph
Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability
Fluid Dynamics physics.flu-dyn
General Physics physics.gen-ph
Geophysics physics.geo-ph
History and Philosophy of Physics physics.hist-ph
Instrumentation and Detectors physics.ins-det
Medical Physics
Optics physics.optics
Physics Education physics.ed-ph
Physics and Society physics.soc-ph
Plasma Physics physics.plasm-ph
Popular Physics physics.pop-ph
Space Physics
Quantum Physics quant-ph
Mathematics math
Algebraic Geometry math.AG
Algebraic Topology math.AT
Analysis of PDEs math.AP
Category Theory math.CT
Classical Analysis and ODEs math.CA
Combinatorics math.CO
Commutative Algebra math.AC
Complex Variables math.CV
Differential Geometry math.DG
Dynamical Systems math.DS
Functional Analysis math.FA
General Mathematics math.GM
General Topology math.GN
Geometric Topology math.GT
Group Theory math.GR
History and Overview math.HO
Information Theory math.IT
K-Theory and Homology math.KT
Logic math.LO
Mathematical Physics math.MP
Metric Geometry math.MG
Number Theory math.NT
Numerical Analysis math.NA
Operator Algebras math.OA
Optimization and Control math.OC
Probability math.PR
Quantum Algebra math.QA
Representation Theory math.RT
Rings and Algebras math.RA
Spectral Theory math.SP
Statistics Theory math.ST
Symplectic Geometry math.SG
Computing Research Repository CoRR
Quantitative Biology q-bio
Biomolecules q-bio.BM
Cell Behavior q-bio.CB
Genomics q-bio.GN
Molecular Networks q-bio.MN
Neurons and Cognition q-bio.NC
Other Quantitative Biology q-bio.OT
Populations and Evolution q-bio.PE
Quantitative Methods q-bio.QM
Subcellular Processes q-bio.SC
Tissues and Organs q-bio.TO
Quantitative Finance q-fin
Computational Finance q-fin.CP
Economics q-fin.EC
General Finance q-fin.GN
Mathematical Finance q-fin.MF
Portfolio Management q-fin.PM
Pricing of Securities q-fin.PR
Risk Management q-fin.RM
Statistical Finance q-fin.ST
Trading and Market Microstructure q-fin.TR
Statistics stat
Applications stat.AP
Computation stat.CO
Machine Learning stat.ML
Methodology stat.ME
Other Statistics stat.OT
Statistics Theory stat.TH