- unify schema building in core and converter;
- add more build script for android;
- add linux build script for python;
ops impl
- add floor mod support in binary;
- use eltwise impl in add/max/sub/mul binary for optimization;
- remove fake double support in cast;
- fix 5d support for concat;
- add adjX and adjY support for batch matmul;
- optimize conv2d back prop filter;
- add pad mode support for conv3d;
- fix bug in conv2d & conv depthwise with very small feature map;
- optimize binary without broacast;
- add data types support for gather;
- add gather ND support;
- use uint8 data type in gather v2;
- add transpose support for matmul;
- add matrix band part;
- add dim != 4 support for padding, reshape & tensor convert;
- add pad type support for pool3d;
- make ops based on TensorFlow Lite quantization optional;
- add all & any support for reduction;
- use type in parameter as output type in reduction;
- add int support for unary;
- add variable weight support for conv2d;
- fix conv2d depthwise weights initialization;
- fix type support for transpose;
- fix grad outputs count for reduce grad and reshape grad;
- fix priorbox & detection output;
- fix metal softmax error;
- add runSessionWithCallBackInfo interface;
- add max nodes limit (1400) for visualization tool;
- fix save error in python3;
- align default dim;
- add extra design for optimization;
- add more post converting optimizers;
- add caffe v1 weights blob support;
- add cast, unary, conv transpose support for onnx model;
- optimize batchnorm, conv with variable weights, prelu, reshape, slice, upsample for onnx model;
- add cos/sin/atan/tan support for unary for tensorflow model;
- add any/all support for reduction for tensorflow model;
- add elu, conv3d, pool3d support for tensorflow model;
- optimize argmax, batchnorm, concat, batch to space, conv with variable weights, prelu, slice for tensorflow model;
- fix size computer lock;
- fix thread pool deadlock;
- add express & parameters in express;
- rewrite blitter chooser without static map;
- add tests for expr;