I think this loops through all the pages' front matter by level. This is how the cards show on the course home pages by semester.
{% for topic in site[page.level] %}
{% endfor %}
YAML Front Matter
- first
- second
- third
{% for deliverable in page.deliverables %}
- {{deliverable}} {% endfor %}
{% if page.something == sometag %}
Put some text here
{% elsif page.something == someothertag %}Put different text here.
{% endif %}Option 1 You could make that thing inline-block
and use text-align: center
on the parent element.
Option 2 Make the parent element: display: flex
and & also justify-content: center
Select ALL direct Decendants
- .selector >* { attributes:something; }
Set a container to 100% height of the browser
- height:100vh;
- To make columns responsive
- grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(150px, 1fr));
- To make repeating div contents
- div.item*30.item$*30{$}*30