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Tips and tricks

joel-costigliola edited this page May 6, 2012 · 45 revisions

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Here's some tips we are using to make writing tests easier and more elegant.
Please share your tips with us, this page can be edited by everybody !


Assertions on extracted properties of a collection/array

When you are persisting objects, your persistent objects usually have persistent ids. You are writing a DAO/repository tests querying the datastore and you only want to check that the returned objects have the expected ids.

Without you would write something like

List<TolkienCharacter> fellowshipOfTheRing = tolkienDao.findHeroes();

// extract the ids ...
List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>();
for (TolkienCharacter tolkienCharacter : fellowshipOfTheRing) {
// ... and finally assert something
assertThat(ids).contains(1L, 2L, 3L);

It is killing to have to extract ids, so we have made this scenario much easier to write, we take for you to extract the properties, look below :

List<TolkienCharacter> fellowshipOfTheRing = tolkienDao.findHeroes();
// no more manual ids extraction 
assertThat(extractProperty("id").from(fellowshipOfTheRing)).contains(1L, 2L, 3L);

You can even extract nested properties using the dot notation, for example :

assertThat(extractProperty("").from(fellowshipOfTheRing)).contains("Hobbit", "Elf")

See more examples in test collection_assertions_on_extracted_property_values_example from fest-examples project.

Using a custom comparison strategy in assertions


Filtering a group of objects before making assertions

Filtering can be done on arrays or iterables, filters criteria are expressed by :

  • a Condition
  • some operation on property of array/iterable elements

Let's see both options on some examples taken from FilterExamples from fest-examples project.

Filtering on extracted properties values

// with(property).equalsTo(someValue) works by instrospection on specified property
          .containsOnly(sam, frodo, pippin, merry);
// same thing - shorter way
assertThat(filter(fellowshipOfTheRing).with("race", HOBBIT).get())
          .containsOnly(sam, frodo, pippin, merry);

// nested property are supported
          .containsOnly(aragorn, boromir);

// you can apply different comparison
assertThat(filter(fellowshipOfTheRing).with("race").notIn(HOBBIT, MAN).get())
          .containsOnly(gandalf, gimli, legolas);
assertThat(filter(fellowshipOfTheRing).with("race").in(MAIA, MAN).get())
          .containsOnly(gandalf, boromir, aragorn);
          .contains(gandalf, boromir, gimli,aragorn, legolas);

// you can chain multiple filter criteria 

Filtering with Condition

Two methods are available : being(Condition) and having(Condition), they do the same job - pick the one that makes your code the more readable !

// having(condition) example
Condition<Player> mvpStats= new Condition<Player>() {
  public boolean matches(Player player) {
    return player.getPointsPerGame() > 20 && (player.getAssistsPerGame() >= 8 || player.getReboundsPerGame() >= 8);
assertThat(filter(players).having(mvpStats).get()).containsOnly(rose, james);

// being(condition) example : same condition can be applied but is renamed to be more readable
Condition<Player> potentialMvp= mvpStats;
assertThat(filter(players).being(potentialMvp).get()).containsOnly(rose, james);