Taconut (yay!)
Taconut - UI
Chrizzio1029 - Logo
iH8Sn0w - Inspiration
Jurriaan - Reverse engineering a lot of iCloud-related stuff
Elcomsoft - Inspiration and information on how icloud is decrypted
Tcurdt - Helping me and giving me some pointers on iCloud's decryption process
PythEch - Porting libimobiledevice to Jython and porting Python sockets Java
GotoHack - Porting libimobiledevice to Python
Libimobiledevice - Providing an API for managing iOS devices programatically
Apache - Commons io, Commons Codec, and HttpClient (for Various things)
Christoffer Lerno - Xmlwise (for plist parsing)
Tcurdt - jDeb (for turning paths into .deb files)
JCraft - JSCH (SSHing, SCP, etc.)
MSFTGuy - JSyringe and SSH Ramdisk
Chronic Dev - Syringe
Planetbeing - XPwn
Google - ProtoBuf libraries and Gson
Apple - for iCloud and iOS
Oracle - for Java/JavaFX