using UWP.Markup;
using UWP.Markup.IconElement;
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Markup;
PathIcon pathIcon = new PathIcon()
.Data((Geometry)XamlBindingHelper.ConvertValue(typeof(Geometry), "F1 M 10 11.416016 L 1.708984 19.707031 C 1.513672 19.902344 1.279297 20 1.005859 20 C 0.719401 20 0.480143 19.903971 0.288086 19.711914 C 0.096029 19.519857 0 19.2806 0 18.994141 C 0 18.720703 0.097656 18.486328 0.292969 18.291016 L 8.583984 10 L 0.292969 1.708984 C 0.097656 1.513672 0 1.276043 0 0.996094 C 0 0.859375 0.026042 0.729168 0.078125 0.605469 C 0.130208 0.481771 0.201823 0.375977 0.292969 0.288086 C 0.384115 0.200195 0.491536 0.130209 0.615234 0.078125 C 0.738932 0.026043 0.869141 0 1.005859 0 C 1.279297 0 1.513672 0.097656 1.708984 0.292969 L 10 8.583984 L 18.291016 0.292969 C 18.486328 0.097656 18.723957 0 19.003906 0 C 19.140625 0 19.269205 0.026043 19.389648 0.078125 C 19.51009 0.130209 19.615885 0.201824 19.707031 0.292969 C 19.798176 0.384115 19.869791 0.48991 19.921875 0.610352 C 19.973957 0.730795 20 0.859375 20 0.996094 C 20 1.276043 19.902344 1.513672 19.707031 1.708984 L 11.416016 10 L 19.707031 18.291016 C 19.902344 18.486328 20 18.720703 20 18.994141 C 20 19.130859 19.973957 19.261068 19.921875 19.384766 C 19.869791 19.508463 19.799805 19.615885 19.711914 19.707031 C 19.624023 19.798178 19.518229 19.869791 19.394531 19.921875 C 19.270832 19.973959 19.140625 20 19.003906 20 C 18.723957 20 18.486328 19.902344 18.291016 19.707031 Z "))
WinUI Methods
Sets a Geometry
that specifies the shape to be drawn. In XAML. this can also be set using a string
that describes Move
and Draw
commands syntax.