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Some of the examples make use of the DaNLP pip package and show how to use the package. Other examples focus on different use cases e.g. applying cross-transfer learning on Danish.

List of currently available tutorials

Jupyter notebooks :

  • Getting started tutorial, including examples of how to load and use DaNLP models and datasets (similar to the code snippets from our documentation) : getting_started.ipynb
  • Tutorial of applying zero shot transfer learning to train a sentiment classifier that can be applied on Danish text: example_zero_shot_sentiment.ipynb
  • Tutorial about how to learn a text classification model, here exemplified by a model that can predict which party a speech (from the Danish parliament) belongs to : example_text_classification.ipynb
  • Tutorial about how to perform data augmentation on Danish text, here exemplified by augmenting Tweets and testing if the increased data increases the performance of a sentiment model: example_data_augmentation.ipynb
  • Tutorial about how to build a simple knowledge graph using NER, POS-tagging, dependency parsing and coreference resolution : example_knowledge_graph.ipynb