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File metadata and controls

287 lines (202 loc) · 7.18 KB


Manual steps

This section is a reminder about steps that are still manual. They could be automated in the future.

Cloning my Org repo

  1. Add the SSH key to the authorized_keys file on the server:
    ssh-copy-id -i [key] -p 2222 [ip]
  2. Clone the repo:
    git clone ssh://[user]@[ip]:[port]/[path-to-repo]

Importing GPG keys

  1. Export keys on a computer that has them:
    gpg --export [public-id] > public.key
    gpg --export-secret-keys [secret-key] > private.key
  2. Copy the keys with scp:
    scp private.key public.key [user]@[ip]:[path]

Creating a local config

Remember to create a local config for:

  • i3
  • Emacs (alc-local.el)
  • etc.

It seems that a SSH port can’t be specified in .gitmodules. So you need to create a ~/.ssh/config file (chmod 600) that contains something like:

Host [ip]
Port 2222

Then the port will be automatically right when initialiazing the submodule. Be careful, apparently the .git/config file is updated after the first try so you need to delete any wrong entry.


  • [X] Pull dotfiles submodules. The new workstation must register itself to Github (SSH key) or a SSH keypair must be created beforehand as a manual step.
  • [X] Do not re-execute Stow every time
  • [X] Reduce manual steps to a minimum
  • [X] Switch from tasks to roles
  • [ ] Customize the Debian installation. Interesting links:
  • [ ] Study the difference between import and include and act accordingly
  • [ ] Read about Molecule
  • [ ] Deploy Firefox with extensions
  • [ ] Create a Docker role
  • [ ] Facilitate the configuration of WSL using this Ansible repository
  • [ ] Use SDKMAN! instead of apt for SDKs
  • [ ] Roles should be independent of each other
  • [X] Install the fonts patched for Powerline

    Ansible now installs JetBrains Mono, which supports Powerline \o/

  • Optimize battery usage. Using powerstat, on idle:

    System: 26.35 Watts on average with standard deviation 0.06

    After installing tlp and rebooting:

    System: 5.91 Watts on average with standard deviation 0.03

  • Packages to install :
    • [ ] synclient
    • [ ] xserver-xorg-input-synaptics
    • [ ] veracrypt – check this.
    • [X] signal-desktop
    • [X] tlp
    • [X] zip
  • [ ] GnuPG : use the console PIN entry
  • Install zsh plugins
    • [X] zsh-syntax-highlighting
    • [ ] zsh-autocomplete
    • [ ] zsh-autosuggestions
  • [ ] Improve the management of an overall “state”: the list of packages, for example, of the fact that a specific role should be activated or not, should depend on a host. It is impossible to always maintain a specific host in a desired state by just using tags one by one.


I did not explore the possibilities of Ansible on Windows. This checklist helps me remember how to set up my system.


  • Ansible could at least be used for WSL2 with a dedicated tag
  • To check available distributions:
    wsl -l -o
  • To install Debian:
    wsl --install -d Debian

    …and then reboot.

  • Configure Windows Terminal
  • Debian can be launched in Windows Terminal with wsl -d debian.
  • To browse WSL from the Windows Explorer, just type \\wsl$.
  • Use my usual dotfiles with fonts patched for Powerline


Install Emacs

From here.

Launch the Emacs daemon on startup

  • Create an emacs-daemon.bat somewhere:
    @echo off
    emacs.exe "--daemon"
  • Create a .vbs file in the Windows startup directory:
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run chr(34) & "[path]\emacs-daemon.bat" & Chr(34), 0
Set WshShell = Nothing

Launch a client

emacsclientw.exe -c -n -a ""
Do not wait for the client to finish when you’re launching

from command line.

Specify an alternative editor if the emacs server isn’t running, but if you give it an empty string, it will try to start the emacs server and connect to it.
In a windows shortcut, open a new frame.

Create a context menu

  • Create emacs_explorer.reg:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    ;; Be sure to set the correct path to Emacs on your system!
    ;; Open file in existing frame
    @="&Emacs: Edit in existing window"
    @="C:\\path\\to\\emacs\\bin\\emacsclientw.exe -n --alternate-editor=\"C:\\path\\to\\emacs\\bin\\runemacs.exe\" \"%1\""
    ;; Open file in new frame
    @="&Emacs: Edit in new window"
    @="C:\\path\\to\\emacs\\bin\\emacsclientw.exe -n --alternate-editor=\"C:\\path\\to\\emacs\\bin\\runemacs.exe\" -c \"%1\""
  • Replace the paths to Emacs binaries to match the location on your system.
  • Double click the file and confirm the security warning to add this to the registry.

I use it to swap Ctrl and Caps Lock.


  • Install dependencies under WSL:
    sudo apt install zip unzip curl tar gzip
  • Install SDKMAN!:
    curl -s "" | bash


  • Add WSL to the trusted locations before using WSL in IntelliJ.