- "Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics that describes the behavior of nature at and below the scale of atoms."
- Nature = light-matter-[sound!]
- Nature (gift)
- Quantum mechanics is how light-matter-[sound?] acts or below the scale of atoms
- Quantum dimensionality: quantum dimension created by coordinates of space-time-?
- TODO: continue to look into measurements in multiple dimensions
- Einstein, mass, 5th dimension
- Mass as a measurement of matter & light? movement?
- If a star is flat, is it in 1 dimension?
- Klauza-Klein theory
- Formulae
- Space is measured in latitude-longitude-altitude?
- Time is measured in ?-?-?
- ? is measured in ?-?-?
- using AI to help figure out formulae we haven't considered
- Mathematical-geometic-sound/noise/musical formulae
- Tendency towards balance
- Balance across multiple dimensions
- To help mitigate errors, strive for balance across multiple dimensions
- Sliding sclaes since there is always constantly movement
- How constant movement affects constant interactions & thus changes/distracts
- Minimize distractions by minimizing parameters & balancing parameters
- Balancing leads to less noise & more focus
Resource measurement in multiple dimensions as it relates measuring energy & better mitigating errors.
- A measurement of energy is resources
- Instead of multiplying & adding dimensions, multiple & exponentiate them
- Energy measurement requiring multiple dimensions across multiple levels
- Light/heat or Heat/light
- Movement/space
- Matter/mass
- Speed/time
- TODO: What else?
- TODO: how does this affect computational power?
- TODO: AI for resource maximizing
- TODO: Notes on IBM talk about Generative AI
- "Navigating Generative AI - what content creators need to know"
- Thursday, January 18, 2024 @ 12:30PM PST
- What information is needed to measure time
- Timeseries databases
- How much space is needed to measure time
- TODO: How much space is needed to measure time???
Initial theorization about measuring/describing magnetism & magnetic tendencies of sound for understanding errors & improving quantum error mitigation.
Understanding magnetic & gravitational tendencies of sound can help measure/desribe, predict, & guide sound
Movement creates sound
Similar to a car (or people), sound categorization can help determine if things are running smoothy or if there is an error
- Good sound: harmoic/barely perceptible noise, things are running smoothly
- Barely perceptible noises tend to be higher frequency; faster
- Bad sound: disharmonic/noisy, there is an error that needs fixing
- Loud noises tend to be lower frequency; slower
- Third level? Neutral noise?
- Good sound: harmoic/barely perceptible noise, things are running smoothly
How this relates to quantum error mitigation
Relating it to other measurements for quantum error mitigation
How this relates to measuring, predicting, & mitigating errors in multiple dimensions
Resource measurement in multiple dimensions
A partial example of resource measurement across multiple dimensions, referencing historical examples.
" ^ | "
- The above is an example of how it takes more resources to move through space in terms of altitude levels, especially if it takes more resources to process more lines of code.
- For example, see IBM Punched Cards:
- Magnetic tape:
- TODO: measuring magnetism, gravity, attraction
- TODO: Measuring this can lead to better understanding & quantifying how sound behaves for good (running smoothly/musically) or bad (errors/noise)
- *TODO: Formaulae for quantifying tendencies of noise will likely need a measure of magnetism??? This is a KEY to error mitigation?
- TODO: use Quantum geometry & AI to discover new formulae.
- How much time it takes to do something.
- How much space required to hold data & run a computation.
- Quantum computing requires space-time-?
How does an order of operations as it relates to Resource Prioritization affect: + Resource Utilization + Resource Allocation + Error Detection + Error Correction + Error Prediction + Error Mitigation
Resources follow an order of priority
Time is most important resource? Then light/heat/energy? Then space? Then ?
Quantifiable measurements of different types of resources
- Each type of resource might have/require multiple measurements arcoss multiple dimensions in order to quantify them.
- Parameters: Multi-dimensional measurements that may be constantly changing
- Error detection & handling
- Different formulae for different goals
- Potential goals:
- Resource utilization optimization
- i.e., how to use fewer resources or better use current resources -> can apply to planetary & people situations such as climate change, poverty, etc
- Resource utilization error remediation
- i.e., how to correct once resources have been misued -> can apply to climate change, NASA/space travel, survival/life (how to survive if something goes wrong; how to succeed with different or fewer resources)
- Successful resource routines desribed as programmatic functions
- How to program functions that achieve the desired results
- How to quantify/describe routines that yield desired results
- Resource utilization optimization
- Temperature is a resource that can be measured
Ideas on Programmatic Functions for Quantum Computing as they relate to resources & routines needed for error mitigation using magnetic formulae derived from understanding magnetic tendency properties
- Function parameters:
- Parameters of function include resources required
- Some function parameters are functions themselves since everything is always changing & the behavior of something being measured changes while being measured by being measured (?)
- "Schrodinger's original quantum-mechanical solution for hydrogen":
- TODO: READ "An undulatory theory of the mechanics of atoms and molecules" by E. Schrodiner:
- Abstract: "The paper gives an account of the author's work on a new form of quantum theory. §1. The Hamiltonian analogy between mechanics and optics. §2. The analogy is to be extended to include real "physical" or "undulatory" mechanics instead of mere geometrical mechanics. §3. The significance of wave-length; macro-mechanical and micro-mechanical problems. §4. The wave-equation and its application to the hydrogen atom. §5. The intrinsic reason for the appearance of discrete characteristic frequencies. §6. Other problems; intensity of emitted light. §7. The wave-equation derived from a Hamiltonian variation-principle; generalization to an arbitrary conservative system. §8. The wave-function physically means and determines a continuous distribution of electricity in space, the fluctuations of which determine the radiation by the laws of ordinary electrodynamics. §9. Non-conservative systems. Theory of dispersion and scattering and of the "transitions" between the "stationary states." §10. The question of relativity and the action of a magnetic field. Incompleteness of that part of the theory."
- Magnetism is mentioned but incomplete!!! -> ties back to magnetism measurement for predicting behavioral tendencies & relating that to error prediction & error mitigation.
- Examples of resources required: time, shelter, food & water, plan & actions, mental state, physical state, peace
- Function body:
- Proper operations/actions/commands & order of those operations
- Every operation requires resources (such as computing time, space, (& ?))
- Math: PEMDAS
- Geomety: ?
- Music: scales; balance the scales!
- Some function parameters are functions themselves since everything is always changing & the behavior of something being measured changes while being measured by being measured (?)
- TODO: Learn about measuring & characterizing sound gates for detection of errors or proper operation
- Different gates; different categories of gates, with good or bad types of gates (0 or 1)
- Sound gates
- Time gates?
- Space gates?
- TODO: "Precision gate characterization in the presence of low-frequency noise on a superconducting processor"
- Different gates; different categories of gates, with good or bad types of gates (0 or 1)
- Parameters of function include resources required
- Noise Modeling of the IBM Quantum Experience:
- Mathematical formulae describing fluctuation takes parameters as functions of time
- What if they took them as functions of space-time-sound
- Noise is error but there is a type of sound that indicates things are running smoothly, so aim for that
- Sound of things running smoothly follows certain musical patterns & tendencies
- Resources are a parameter for the function determining if things are running smoothly; error noise is what happens when things are not running smoothly (just as programming functions can throw errors &/or warnings that make noise & can distract)
- ASCII 7& /?, keep key mapping levels
- Order matters, rearrange order of operations if current order is not working
- Ripples, do noises amplify over time?
Notes on "Techniques for Learning Noise in Quantum Systems" Meeting of the American Physical Society
"Techniques for Learning Noise in Quantum Systems" Meeting:
- Focus Session Index: + TODO
"Precision gate characterization in the presence of low-frequency noise on a superconducting processor"
- How to determine which gate you are at
- Precision quantum estimation relies on "coherent amplification"
- Flux noise makes low frequencies; low noises; makes things move slow -> leads to errors
- Figure out how to move super fast -> requires high frequencies, high noises (levels)
- "Spatiotemporally correlated noise and crosstalk have a negative impact on error correcting schemes."
- Use quantum geometry since there are 3 coordinates space-time-?
- "Single-qubit & joint two-qubit measurements" - what about tiple-qubits? or joint triple qubits (2^3 = 8)?
- Quantum geometry & measurement: 2 measurements in 3 dimensions
- 2 measurements, taken in 3 different dimensions
- Dimension is a measurement
- Diminsional planes are coordinated measurements of space-time-?
- Ties into Python versioning
- Multiplication vs. exponentation
- Ellipses instead of circles, similar to astronomy
- Quantum Decoherence:
- How quantum mechanics behave differently when scaled too large
- Quantum Mechanics (too small to see) -> Classical Mechanics (visible) -> Relativistic Mechanics (too big to see)
- Relativistic Mechanics involves objects moving at a speed so fast it is relative to the speed of light, represented as a variable
- Quantum computing application: Predictive driving
- Predicting & measuring choices/decisions
- Quantum mechanics is how light-matter-[sound!] acts or below the scale of atoms [Error Noise Type 1]
- Scales of distance relative to Planck length
- [Different Error Noise Type 2]
- Quantify impact of quantum mechanics relative to distance
- Quantum gravity
- [Different Error Noise Type 2]
- Bases & acids
- Measurements
- Basics of Quantum Information Course:
- Fundamentals of Quantum Algorithms:
Possible applications of measurements across multiple dimensions.
- It's not just time travel, it's not just traveling in space.
- Space-time travel
- space-time-? travel ?