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304 lines (241 loc) · 7.77 KB

File metadata and controls

304 lines (241 loc) · 7.77 KB

Cheat sheet for my vim set up

Miscellaneous and basics

<u> - undo
<C-r> - redo
<D> - delete till end of line

<leader><j> - recent files navigation

:ter - opens terminal window
:! command - runs a command i.e.: `:! flutter test`

:lopen - open split with errors and warnings
:lnext, :lprev - to navigate between errors and warnings

<z=> - find suggestions for spelling mistake
<ddkP> - move line up
<ddp> - move line down

<gx> - in normal mode opens URL under cursor (or file)

:ls - list of open buffers, `+` means the buffer was changed and unsaved
:h command - read help for a command
:wa - save all open buffers

<.>, :help . - repeats last action, and more

--- - more


<I> - insert at beginning of line
<i>- insert before character
<A> - insert at end of line
<a> - insert after character
<o> - new line below cursor
<O> - new line above cursor

Search and replace

:%s/findString/replaceString/g -> g means replace all
:%s/findString/replaceString/gc-> gc - to confirm each replacement
:noh - reset search highlighting
<S-#> - hightlights all instances of the word under cursor - next press moves to next find
<n> - go to next search


<tab> or <leader><space> - trigger suggestions
<c-p> <c-n> - next, previous suggestion 
<tab> or <enter> - to accept

Navigation in normal mode

<h><j><k><l> - move one character 
<9j> - move 9 characters 
<0> - move to beginning of a line 
<$> - end to the end of a line
<^> - moves to first non empty character
<w><W><b><B> - one word forward/backward 
<gg> - beg of file
<G> - end of file
<(><)><{><}><[[> and so on, move between sections
<111G>, <111gg> -> jump to line 111
<C-F>, <C-B> - page down and up
<C-D>, <C-U> - half page up or down
<C-Space> - move to next white space
<C-n> - move between brackets

<s> - and then 2 characters to use Seank finding and jumping 


< or > and repeat with <.>

ctrl+d ctrl+t

Sort options

:29,33sort - sort in range of lines 29-33
:sort - sort all lines
:sort! - sort in revers
:%sort u - sort removing duplicates 

Copy, paste, delete etc

<y><y> copy
<c> cut
<p> paste
<d> delete
<ci”> remove in “ and start insert
<ci(> remove inside ( and start insert
<daw> - delete word under cursor
<caw> - delete word and open insert mode
<das> - delete sentence
<di}> - inside of {} brackets (:help text-objects)
<dw> - ?
<ya{> - copy from within {
<df,> - delete until , 

Splits and files

:vert res +10 -> vertical resize +10
:res -10 -> horizontal resize -10
:e# - go to previous open buffer
:e#n - got to <n>th previously opened buffer
:W - show open splits as a list to chose from 

<C-w><L> - move split to right, <H><J><K> - respectivly

COC/language server

<K> - show documentation pop up	
<gd> - definitions
<gv> - type definitions
<gi> - implementations
<gr> - references
<[g> and <]g> - navigate between diagnostics

<leader><f> - format selected code
<leader><qf> - auto fix
<leader><aw> - wrap widget with… etc
<leader><ac> - open action menu
<leader><rn> - rename variable, method, class etc.
<leader><rn> -> rename symbol

<space><a> - open coc diagnostics
<space><e> - open coc extensions
<space><c> - open coc commands
<space><o> - open coc outline
<space><s> - open coc workspace symbols
<space><j> - coc next item
<space><k> - coc prev item
<space><p> - resume latest coc list

:CocOutline - show file outline
:CocList - list of options to select from
:CocSearch <phrase> - searches in all files for the <phrase>
:CocCommand <command> - runs a Coc command ie. :CocCommand -t lib/main.dart --flavor myflavor

:Fold - folds sections in file
:Format - formats file
:OR - organize imports


List of extensions:


<I> - open h split
<s> - opne v split
<p> - go to parent
<P> - go to root
<o> - expand/collapse
<K> - first child
<J> - go to last child
<m> then <a> - create file/folder
<m> then <m> - to rename/move

<leader><n> - focus on tree
<C-n> - focus on tree
<C-t>, <leader><t> - toggle tree
<F3> - open tree and reveal file


:Rg - find in files (sudo apt-get install ripgrep)
:GFiles - Git files (git ls-files)
:Lines - find line in open file
:Windows - find in open splits
:History: - find in history of commands
:History - find in history of opened files
:Maps -> key mappings
:Helptags -> search help
<C-T> - open in new tab
<C-X> - open new h split
<C-V> - open new v split

<C-p> - :Files
<leader><l> - :Lines



See also the Coc section Custom commands at config/mappings.vim

See config/mappings.vim to see my custom mappings for Flutter COC commands

:ter flutter pub global run devtools
:CocCommand - opens nicely colored log
:CocCommand - opens Flutter dev tools with debugger


See config/mappings.vim to see my custom mappings for git

:GitFiles -> search in git files
:Gdiffsplit -> two splits with diff
:GBrowse -> go to file on GitHub (browser)
:GV -> git commit browser
:GV! -> only commits affecting current file
  - o - to open a commit
  - l - to open a file in a commit


:TestNearest - In a test file runs the test nearest to the cursor, otherwise runs the last nearest test. In test frameworks that don't support line numbers it will polyfill this functionality with regexes.
:TestFile - In a test file runs all tests in the current file, otherwise runs the last file tests.
:TestSuite - Runs the whole test suite (if the current file is a test file, runs that framework's test suite, otherwise determines the test framework from the last run test).
:TestLast - Runs the last test.
:TestVisit - Visits the test file from which you last run your tests (useful when you're trying to make a test pass, and you dive deep into application code and close your test buffer to make more space, and once you've made it pass you want to go back to the test file to write more tests).
:TtestFile --no-sound-null-safety - and other options can be added


<C-n> - select a selection, add next occurance of the selection with next cursor <C-n>
      - then use normal stuff <d><i><c> to work with the multi-selection 
<C-x> - skip current instance

To work with single chars like , in [a,b,c] - go to visual mode and then <C-n>

Commenting multiple lines:
<C-v> - open visual mode, select lines, <I>,<jj>
NOTE: at PowerShell use <C-q> instead since <C-v> is mapped to paste


cs"' - will replace a pair of "" with ''
cs'<q> - will replace a par of '' with <q></q>

See more:

Common issues

brew install ripgrep - otherwise :Rg will not work



Other to consider - TODO management, could not make it work - some mappings to consider - apparently there is a way with flutter-tools.nvim and this to debug directly in VIM instead of dev tools

What I am missing

  • highlighting dart HEX colors
  • icon previews
  • autosave + autoformat in dart conflicting
  • IDE like search and replace in all files
  • proper debugging in nvim
  • moving files with impmorts updated properly