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MythTV python CLI utilities and classes

First: Many thanks to the developers of the MythTV project for making such a great piece of software available. The mythtv_cli_extensions are my personal work and any shortcomings, bugs, problems, etc. are mine and no reflection on the MythTV developers.

mythtv_cli_extensions provides two utilities and a couple of python libraries for use with the MythTV DVR software. To find out more about MythTV please see

WARNING: This software is still in the early development stage, there's no guarantee of backward compatibility until it reaches V1.0.


Provides a command line utility for:
  • calling the MythTV web services and exploring the database a bit.
  • updating the database. Only fields that are considered user maintainable can be modifed. Currently only the Channel class can be updated.
<dd><p>Provides a utility for maintaining XMLTVIDs and (eventually) channel icons in MythTV.</p>
    <p>This is typically used to restore XMLTVIDs after a channel re-scan has been performed.</p>

The current functionality is enough to allow a simple shell script to be written that will allow the channels to be put back to their correct state after a re-scan.

The help text for each is included below.

Python3 Libraries

Provides low level access to the MythTV web services using the suds-jurko module.
See for information about suds-jurko.
Provides a django like interface to query the backend.
Provides a python object representation of the back end web service objects, taking care of naming inconsistencies, etc. Currently on Channel is supported. Look at the version number if you're wondering.

An example of retrieving all channels with call sign "ABC" and updating the first record (obviously this will most likely fail, unless you happen to have the ABC):

from mythtvlib.query import MythTVQuerySet

# Get a QuerySet on the Channel class
query_set = MythTVQuerySet("ChannelInfo")
# Filter records with CallSign equal to "ABC"
query_set = query_set.filter(CallSign="^ABC$")  # This is a regular expression, and we don't want callsigns containing "ABC"
matching_records = query_set.all()
# Update the first record's name to be "DEF"
channel = query_set[0]
channel.ChannelName = "DEF"

This code demonstrates using the Profile class:

from mythtvlib.query import MythTVQuerySet

query_set = MythTVQuerySet("Profile")
# There's only one profile entry
profile = query_set.all()[0]
print("Backend version: {0}".format(profile.version))
print("Tuners: {0}".format(profile.tuners))
print("Channel Count: {0}".format(profile.channel_count))

At the time I wrote this, on my system it produced:

Backend version: v0.27-193-g8ee257c
Tuners: {'DVB': 2}
Channel Count: 92


mythtv_cli_extensions currently requires Python 3.4.0 or later. It will probably work on 3.3, but as I haven't been able to test it the check is for 3.4.0. If a developer would like to confirm that it runs under 3.3 I'll update the check.

mythtv_cli_extensions has the following dependencies:

  • lxml
  • setuptools
  • suds-jurko
  • fuzzywuzzy (automated tests only)
  • python-Levenshtein (automated tests only, optional)

On Ubuntu only the first two need to be explicitly installed to use mythtv_cli_extensions:

sudo apt-get install python3-lxml
sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools

To install the two automated test dependencies:

[sudo] pip3 install fuzzywuzzy
[sudo] pip3 install python-Levenshtein

mythtv_cli_extensions can be installed in the normal python fashion:

[sudo] python3 install

The run-time dependency, suds-jurko, should be installed automatically.

The automated tests also use fuzzywuzzy, which has better performance with python-Levenshtein.

These are not installed automatically:



  • Save and restore icon definitions
    • This can be done using update, but must be manually scripted
  • Extend the library to handle all the classes defined by the web services
  • Extend filter() to do proper numeric comparisons

mythtv_cli help

usage: mythtv_cli [-h] [--post] [--hostname HOSTNAME] [--server-port PORT]
                  [-y] [--version]
                  {dump,update,generate} params [params ...]

MythTV Web Services CLI

positional arguments:
                        Maintenance command, see below
  params                Command parameter(s)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --post                Show POST operations with operation help
  --hostname HOSTNAME   MythTV Backend hostname
  --server-port PORT    MythTV Backend services port
  -y                    Execute updates without user confirmation
  --version             show program's version number and exit

mythtv_cli has 3 basic use cases:

    mythtv_cli generate config
        Generate a basic file
    mythtv_cli dump &lt;service&gt; &lt;operation&gt; &lt;key...&gt;
        Print the results of the requested service/operation
    mythtv_cli update &lt;class name&gt; &lt;filter field&gt; &lt;filter regex&gt; &lt;update field&gt; &lt;update value&gt;
        Update the records matching the supplied regular expression in the
        requested class.

Valid Services: Capture, Channel, Content, DVR, Frontend, Guide, Myth, Video

Valid Class Names: ChannelInfo

Additional Help:

   mythtv_cli dump &lt;service&gt; help # for help on individual services.
   mythtv_cli dump &lt;service&gt; &lt;operation&gt; help # for detailed parameter information

MythTV Web Services Documentation:

mythtv_chanmaint help

usage: mythtv_chanmaint [-h] [--xmltv XMLTV] [--hostname HOSTNAME]
                        [--server-port PORT] [--config CONFIG]
                        [--create-config] [-y] [--version]
                        {list,update_xmltvids} [params]

MythTV Channel Maintenance

positional arguments:
                        Maintenance command, see below
  params                Command parameter

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --xmltv XMLTV         XMLTV data file (default=tvgrab.xml)
  --hostname HOSTNAME   MythTV Backend hostname (localhost)
  --server-port PORT    MythTV Backend services port (6544)
  --config CONFIG       Configuration data
  --create-config       Create a new configuration data file
  -y                    Execute updates without user confirmation
  --version             show program's version number and exit

mythtv_chanmaint has 3 basic use cases:

    mythtv_chanmaint list xmltv --xmltv
        List the channel and XMLTVID data contained in the xmltv file
    mythtv_chanmaint list channels
        List the channel data contained in the MythTV backend
    mythtv_chanmaint update_xmltvids --xmltv [-y]
        Update Channel XMLTVIDs, see below

Updating Channel XMLTVIDs

This option can be used to re-populate and correct XMLTVIDs in the Backend

It reads the XMLTVIDs from the supplied file (--xmltv, creates a
mapping from all CallSign variations as defined in the users settings file
( and reads and checks each channel in the 
backend.  If -y is not supplied the proposed updates are listed and the user
is asked for confirmation prior to updating the backend.

Typical XMLTVID Workflow

The typical workflow is to recognise that you aren't getting EPG data for all
your channels, or that you need to re-scan for whatever reason.

1. Get a copy of the XMLTV EPG data.  Hopefully you know how this is done
   already.  The program data isn't needed, just the channel data.
   For my system:

   $ tv_grab_huro --days 1 --offset 0 --output xmltv.xml --config ~/.mythtv/tv_grab.xmltv

2. List the xmltv callsigns:

   $ list xmltv --xmltv xmltv.xml

3. List the MythTV callsigns:

   $ list channels --host

4. Update the mapping table in (XMLTV_CALLSIGNS).

   Note that the callsign as it exists in the xmltv file is the key
   (left of the colon), and the MythTV callsign is the value (right of the

   See for an example configuration with some

5. Run the update:

   $ update_xmltvids --host

   Check the proposed updates and confirm if you're happy.  If not, go back
   to step 4 and check the mapping table.

6. Run mythfilldatabase

   You should then be able to see the correct / additional EPG data in the
   MythTV program guide.