- Upgraded to null safety
- Bug Fix
- iPhone twitter video not loading on iOS fixed #10
- Flutter SDK Version >= 1.22.0 (As required by webview_flutter: 1.0.7)
- Center aligned embed content w.r.t. to Webview.
- Bug Fix
- Instagram height adjust issue fix
- iOS
- Twitter blank webview issue fixed #4
- Embed content now auto adjust to cover the screen width #7
- Added Suport of Facebook Video/Post
- Bug Fix
- Extra margin inside webview removed (Resulting increase width of embed by 14px)
- Jitter in webview background-color removed
- Breaking Changes (Not backward compatiable)
- Bug Fix
- Webview auto dispose (Fixed by webview_flutter)
- Closing media content on widget dispose (Fixed by webview_flutter)
- Pausing/Stop media content on Widget State Change (limited to Youtube Embed)
- Remove Suport of Facebook Video/Post (Comming back soon)
- Dependencies Verion Update
- webview_flutter: 0.3.22+1 -> 1.0.7
- url_launcher: 5.5.1 -> 5.7.10
- Features
- OnClick native Open-In option added
- Define Background Color of Widgets (default:
- Bug Fix
- Insatgram embed picture would be visible now
- Minor bottom clipping removed
- Extract console statements removed
- Added support of:
- Facebook Post
- Facebook Video
- Youtube Bug Fix:
- Video size ratio set to 16:9
- Input data changed from embed code to youtube video id
- Added support of:
- Youtube