System Design, Scalability, Data Handling (if you have 4+ years experience)
- You probably won't see any dynamic programming problems in your interview, but it's worth being able to recognize a problem as being a candidate for dynamic programming.
- This subject can be pretty difficult, as each DP soluble problem must be defined as a recursion relation, and coming up with it can be tricky.
- I suggest looking at many examples of DP problems until you have a solid understanding of the pattern involved.
- Videos:
- the Skiena videos can be hard to follow since he sometimes uses the whiteboard, which is too small to see
- Skiena: CSE373 2012 - Lecture 19 - Introduction to Dynamic Programming (video)
- Skiena: CSE373 2012 - Lecture 20 - Edit Distance (video)
- Skiena: CSE373 2012 - Lecture 21 - Dynamic Programming Examples (video)
- Skiena: CSE373 2012 - Lecture 22 - Applications of Dynamic Programming (video)
- Simonson: Dynamic Programming 0 (starts at 59:18) (video)
- Simonson: Dynamic Programming I - Lecture 11 (video)
- Simonson: Dynamic programming II - Lecture 12 (video)
- List of individual DP problems (each is short): Dynamic Programming (video)
- Yale Lecture notes:
- Coursera:
- Quick UML review (video)
- Learn these patterns:
- strategy
- singleton
- adapter
- prototype
- decorator
- visitor
- factory, abstract factory
- facade
- observer
- proxy
- delegate
- command
- state
- memento
- iterator
- composite
- flyweight
- Chapter 6 (Part 1) - Patterns (video)
- Chapter 6 (Part 2) - Abstraction-Occurrence, General Hierarchy, Player-Role, Singleton, Observer, Delegation (video)
- Chapter 6 (Part 3) - Adapter, Facade, Immutable, Read-Only Interface, Proxy (video)
- Series of videos (27 videos)
- Head First Design Patterns
- I know the canonical book is "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software", but Head First is great for beginners to OO.
- Handy reference: 101 Design Patterns & Tips for Developers
- Design patterns for humans
- Math Skills: How to find Factorial, Permutation and Combination (Choose) (video)
- Make School: Probability (video)
- Make School: More Probability and Markov Chains (video)
- Khan Academy:
- Course layout:
- Just the videos - 41 (each are simple and each are short):
- Know about the most famous classes of NP-complete problems, such as traveling salesman and the knapsack problem, and be able to recognize them when an interviewer asks you them in disguise.
- Know what NP-complete means.
- Computational Complexity (video)
- Simonson:
- Skiena:
- Complexity: P, NP, NP-completeness, Reductions (video)
- Complexity: Approximation Algorithms (video)
- Complexity: Fixed-Parameter Algorithms (video)
- Peter Norvig discusses near-optimal solutions to traveling salesman problem:
- Pages 1048 - 1140 in CLRS if you have it.
- Computer Science 162 - Operating Systems (25 videos):
- for processes and threads see videos 1-11
- Operating Systems and System Programming (video)
- What Is The Difference Between A Process And A Thread?
- Covers:
- Processes, Threads, Concurrency issues
- Difference between processes and threads
- Processes
- Threads
- Locks
- Mutexes
- Semaphores
- Monitors
- How they work?
- Deadlock
- Livelock
- CPU activity, interrupts, context switching
- Modern concurrency constructs with multicore processors
- Paging, segmentation and virtual memory (video)
- Interrupts (video)
- Process resource needs (memory: code, static storage, stack, heap, and also file descriptors, i/o)
- Thread resource needs (shares above (minus stack) with other threads in the same process but each has its own pc, stack counter, registers, and stack)
- Forking is really copy on write (read-only) until the new process writes to memory, then it does a full copy.
- Context switching
- How context switching is initiated by the operating system and underlying hardware?
- Processes, Threads, Concurrency issues
- threads in C++ (series - 10 videos)
- concurrency in Python (videos):
- Computer Science 162 - Operating Systems (25 videos):
- To cover:
- how unit testing works
- what are mock objects
- what is integration testing
- what is dependency injection
- Agile Software Testing with James Bach (video)
- Open Lecture by James Bach on Software Testing (video)
- Steve Freeman - Test-Driven Development (that’s not what we meant) (video)
- Dependency injection:
- How to write tests
- To cover:
- In an OS, how it works?
- Can be gleaned from Operating System videos
- Sedgewick - Suffix Arrays (video)
- Sedgewick - Substring Search (videos)
- Search pattern in text (video)
If you need more detail on this subject, see "String Matching" section in Additional Detail on Some Subjects.
Note there are different kinds of tries. Some have prefixes, some don't, and some use string instead of bits to track the path
I read through code, but will not implement
Short course videos:
MIT, Advanced Data Structures, Strings (can get pretty obscure about halfway through) (video)
if you have networking experience or want to be a reliability engineer or operations engineer, expect questions
Otherwise, this is just good to know
Packet Transmission across the Internet. Networking & TCP/IP tutorial. (video)
You can expect system design questions if you have 4+ years of experience.
- Scalability and System Design are very large topics with many topics and resources, since there is a lot to consider when designing a software/hardware system that can scale. Expect to spend quite a bit of time on this
- Considerations:
- Scalability
- Distill large data sets to single values
- Transform one data set to another
- Handling obscenely large amounts of data
- System design
- features sets
- interfaces
- class hierarchies
- designing a system under certain constraints
- simplicity and robustness
- tradeoffs
- performance analysis and optimization
- Scalability
- START HERE: The System Design Primer
- System Design from HiredInTech
- How Do I Prepare To Answer Design Questions In A Technical Interview?
- 8 Things You Need to Know Before a System Design Interview
- Database Normalization - 1NF, 2NF, 3NF and 4NF (video)
- System Design Interview - There are a lot of resources in this one. Look through the articles and examples. I put some of them below
- How to ace a systems design interview
- Numbers Everyone Should Know
- How long does it take to make a context switch?
- Transactions Across Datacenters (video)
- A plain English introduction to CAP Theorem
- MIT 6.824: Distributed Systems, Spring 2020 (20 videos)
- Consensus Algorithms:
- Consistent Hashing
- NoSQL Patterns
- Scalability:
- You don't need all of these. Just pick a few that interest you.
- Great overview (video)
- Short series:
- Scalable Web Architecture and Distributed Systems
- Fallacies of Distributed Computing Explained
- Jeff Dean - Building Software Systems At Google and Lessons Learned (video)
- Introduction to Architecting Systems for Scale
- Scaling mobile games to a global audience using App Engine and Cloud Datastore (video)
- How Google Does Planet-Scale Engineering for Planet-Scale Infra (video)
- The Importance of Algorithms
- Sharding
- Engineering for the Long Game - Astrid Atkinson Keynote(video)
- 7 Years Of YouTube Scalability Lessons In 30 Minutes
- How PayPal Scaled To Billions Of Transactions Daily Using Just 8VMs
- How to Remove Duplicates in Large Datasets
- A look inside Etsy's scale and engineering culture with Jon Cowie (video)
- What Led Amazon to its Own Microservices Architecture
- To Compress Or Not To Compress, That Was Uber's Question
- When Should Approximate Query Processing Be Used?
- Google's Transition From Single Datacenter, To Failover, To A Native Multihomed Architecture
- The Image Optimization Technology That Serves Millions Of Requests Per Day
- A Patreon Architecture Short
- Tinder: How Does One Of The Largest Recommendation Engines Decide Who You'll See Next?
- Design Of A Modern Cache
- Live Video Streaming At Facebook Scale
- A Beginner's Guide To Scaling To 11 Million+ Users On Amazon's AWS
- A 360 Degree View Of The Entire Netflix Stack
- Latency Is Everywhere And It Costs You Sales - How To Crush It
- What Powers Instagram: Hundreds of Instances, Dozens of Technologies
- Salesforce Architecture - How They Handle 1.3 Billion Transactions A Day
- ESPN's Architecture At Scale - Operating At 100,000 Duh Nuh Nuhs Per Second
- See "Messaging, Serialization, and Queueing Systems" way below for info on some of the technologies that can glue services together
- Twitter:
- For even more, see "Mining Massive Datasets" video series in the Video Series section
- Practicing the system design process: Here are some ideas to try working through on paper, each with some documentation on how it was handled in the real world:
- review: The System Design Primer
- System Design from HiredInTech
- cheat sheet
- flow:
- Understand the problem and scope:
- Define the use cases, with interviewer's help
- Suggest additional features
- Remove items that interviewer deems out of scope
- Assume high availability is required, add as a use case
- Think about constraints:
- Ask how many requests per month
- Ask how many requests per second (they may volunteer it or make you do the math)
- Estimate reads vs. writes percentage
- Keep 80/20 rule in mind when estimating
- How much data written per second
- Total storage required over 5 years
- How much data read per second
- Abstract design:
- Layers (service, data, caching)
- Infrastructure: load balancing, messaging
- Rough overview of any key algorithm that drives the service
- Consider bottlenecks and determine solutions
- Understand the problem and scope:
- Exercises: