- Android Internship technical test This test is part of our hiring process at Aircall for Android Intern positions.
#Summary The goal of this test is to make you code a small Android app from scratch. You are free to use the libraries you need and the architecture you find the most appropriate.
This application will use this Marvel Open API (
#Steps Your app must implement the following scenario:
- Get an API Token from the website
- Display a list of characters. Each item must display the name, the description and the picture of the character
- When you click on a character name, a detail page will be displayed. It will contains the information that was already displayed on the list and also a list of the comics where this character appear.
- Bonus: a. Searching for a characters with his name. b. Infinite scroll.
#Tips When you get your API Key, you need to hash it to be able to use it. Here an example in Kotlin:
val timestamp: String = System.currentTimeMillis().toString()
val stringToHash = timestamp + privateKey + publicKey
return marvelWebService.getCharactersList(
fun (String).md5(): String {
val bytes = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest(this.toByteArray())
return bytes.toHex()
fun ByteArray.toHex() = joinToString("") { "%02x".format(it) }
Don't hesitate to ask, if you have questions.
#What we need from you
- A link to a github/gitlab or another git repo that host your code base. (The code most be compatible with latest Android studio versions and most be in Kotlin)
- A document that explain briefly your architecture, libraries choice and what was the most challenging part.
- A document that explain how you'd improve this application architecture, design &UI/UX and what you wanted to do if you had more time
#Submission At the end, send an email to [email protected] that contains all the required information.