diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 17cbf88..485196b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -269,6 +269,7 @@ will return:
@@ -328,6 +329,7 @@ will return:
* [set()](#set) : Overwrites or adds an element
* [union()](#union) : Adds the elements without overwriting existing ones
* [unshift()](#unshift) : Adds an element at the beginning
+* [with()](#with) : Returns a copy and sets an element
### Aggregate
@@ -5814,6 +5816,37 @@ Map::from( [
+### with()
+Returns a copy of the map with the element at the given index replaced with the given value.
+public function with( $key, $value ) : self
+* @param **int|string** `$key` Array key to set or replace
+* @param **mixed** `$value` New value for the given key
+* @return **self<int|string,mixed>** New map of the values
+The original map stays untouched! This method is a shortcut for calling the
+[copy()](#copy) and [set()](#set) methods.
+$m = Map::from( ['a' => 1] );
+$m->with( 2, 'b' );
+// ['a' => 1, 2 => 'b']
+$m->with( 'a', 2 );
+// ['a' => 2]
+// ['a' => 1]
### zip()
Merges the values of all arrays at the corresponding index.
diff --git a/src/Map.php b/src/Map.php
index 450a717..e97c4a8 100644
--- a/src/Map.php
+++ b/src/Map.php
@@ -5359,13 +5359,38 @@ public function where( string $key, string $op, $value ) : self
+ /**
+ * Returns a copy of the map with the element at the given index replaced with the given value.
+ *
+ * Examples:
+ * $m = Map::from( ['a' => 1] );
+ * $m->with( 2, 'b' );
+ * $m->with( 'a', 2 );
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * ['a' => 1, 2 => 'b']
+ * ['a' => 2]
+ *
+ * The original map ($m) stays untouched!
+ * This method is a shortcut for calling the copy() and set() methods.
+ *
+ * @param int|string $key Array key to set or replace
+ * @param mixed $value New value for the given key
+ * @return self New map
+ */
+ public function with( $key, $value ) : self
+ {
+ return $this->copy()->set( $key, $value );
+ }
* Merges the values of all arrays at the corresponding index.
* Examples:
* $en = ['one', 'two', 'three'];
* $es = ['uno', 'dos', 'tres'];
- * $m = new Map( [1, 2, 3] )->zip( $en, $es );
+ * $m = Map::from( [1, 2, 3] )->zip( $en, $es );
* Results:
* [
diff --git a/tests/MapTest.php b/tests/MapTest.php
index 21685d2..cd2c71e 100644
--- a/tests/MapTest.php
+++ b/tests/MapTest.php
@@ -3527,6 +3527,17 @@ public function testWherePath()
+ public function testWith()
+ {
+ $m = Map::from( ['a' => 1] );
+ $this->assertEquals( ['a' => 1, 2 => 'b'], $m->with( 2, 'b' )->toArray() );
+ $this->assertEquals( ['a' => 1], $m->toArray() );
+ $this->assertEquals( ['a' => 2], $m->with( 'a', 2 )->toArray() );
+ $this->assertEquals( ['a' => 1], $m->toArray() );
+ }
public function testZip()
$m = new Map( [1, 2, 3] );