diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 19d6108..40ab29a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ will return:
@@ -363,6 +364,7 @@ will return:
### Order By
* [arsort()](#arsort) : Reverse sort elements preserving keys
+* [arsorted()](#arsorted) : Reverse sort elements preserving keys in a copy of the map
* [asort()](#asort) : Sort elements preserving keys
* [krsort()](#krsort) : Reverse sort elements by keys
* [ksort()](#ksort) : Sort elements by keys
@@ -749,6 +751,44 @@ Map::from( [0 => 'C', 1 => 'b'] )->arsort( SORT_STRING|SORT_FLAG_CASE );
+### arsorted()
+Sorts all elements in reverse order and maintains the key association in a copy of the map.
+public function arsorted( int $options = SORT_REGULAR ) : self
+* @param **int** `$options` Sort options for `arsort()`
+* @return **self<int|string,mixed>** Updated map for fluid interface
+The keys are preserved using this method and no new map is created.
+The `$options` parameter modifies how the values are compared. Possible parameter values are:
+- SORT_REGULAR : compare elements normally (don't change types)
+- SORT_NUMERIC : compare elements numerically
+- SORT_STRING : compare elements as strings
+- SORT_LOCALE_STRING : compare elements as strings, based on the current locale or changed by `setlocale()`
+- SORT_NATURAL : compare elements as strings using "natural ordering" like `natsort()`
+- SORT_FLAG_CASE : use SORT_STRING|SORT_FLAG_CASE and SORT_NATURAL|SORT_FLAG_CASE to sort strings case-insensitively
+Map::from( ['b' => 0, 'a' => 1] )->arsorted();
+// ['a' => 1, 'b' => 0]
+Map::from( ['a', 'b'] )->arsorted();
+// ['b', 'a']
+Map::from( [0 => 'C', 1 => 'b'] )->arsorted();
+// [1 => 'b', 0 => 'C']
+Map::from( [0 => 'C', 1 => 'b'] )->arsorted( SORT_STRING|SORT_FLAG_CASE );
+// [0 => 'C', 1 => 'b'] because 'C' -> 'c' and 'c' > 'b'
### asort()
Sorts all elements and maintains the key association.
diff --git a/src/Map.php b/src/Map.php
index 6009b84..2531573 100644
--- a/src/Map.php
+++ b/src/Map.php
@@ -449,6 +449,40 @@ public function arsort( int $options = SORT_REGULAR ) : self
+ /**
+ * Sorts a copy of all elements in reverse order and maintains the key association.
+ *
+ * Examples:
+ * Map::from( ['b' => 0, 'a' => 1] )->arsorted();
+ * Map::from( ['a', 'b'] )->arsorted();
+ * Map::from( [0 => 'C', 1 => 'b'] )->arsorted();
+ * Map::from( [0 => 'C', 1 => 'b'] )->arsorted( SORT_STRING|SORT_FLAG_CASE );
+ *
+ * Results:
+ * ['a' => 1, 'b' => 0]
+ * ['b', 'a']
+ * [1 => 'b', 0 => 'C']
+ * [0 => 'C', 1 => 'b'] // because 'C' -> 'c' and 'c' > 'b'
+ *
+ * The parameter modifies how the values are compared. Possible parameter values are:
+ * - SORT_REGULAR : compare elements normally (don't change types)
+ * - SORT_NUMERIC : compare elements numerically
+ * - SORT_STRING : compare elements as strings
+ * - SORT_LOCALE_STRING : compare elements as strings, based on the current locale or changed by setlocale()
+ * - SORT_NATURAL : compare elements as strings using "natural ordering" like natsort()
+ * - SORT_FLAG_CASE : use SORT_STRING|SORT_FLAG_CASE and SORT_NATURALSORT_FLAG_CASE to sort strings case-insensitively
+ *
+ * The keys are preserved using this method and no new map is created.
+ *
+ * @param int $options Sort options for arsort()
+ * @return self Updated map for fluid interface
+ */
+ public function arsorted( int $options = SORT_REGULAR ) : self
+ {
+ return ( clone $this )->arsort( $options );
+ }
* Sorts all elements and maintains the key association.
diff --git a/tests/MapTest.php b/tests/MapTest.php
index 1bc6fc6..e08f2d6 100644
--- a/tests/MapTest.php
+++ b/tests/MapTest.php
@@ -102,6 +102,18 @@ public function testArsortStringsCase()
+ public function testArsorted()
+ {
+ $l = [1 => -3, 2 => -2, 3 => -4, 4 => -1, 5 => 0, 6 => 4, 7 => 3, 8 => 1, 9 => 2];
+ $m = new Map( $l );
+ $r = $m->arsorted();
+ $this->assertInstanceOf( Map::class, $r );
+ $this->assertNotSame( $r->toArray(), $m->toArray() );
+ $this->assertSame( [6 => 4, 7 => 3, 9 => 2, 8 => 1, 5 => 0, 4 => -1, 2 => -2, 1 => -3, 3 => -4], $r->toArray() );
+ }
public function testAsortNummeric()
$m = ( new Map( [1 => -3, 2 => -2, 3 => -4, 4 => -1, 5 => 0, 6 => 4, 7 => 3, 8 => 1, 9 => 2] ) )->asort();