JASMIN is a data analysis factility operated by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC).
This is a step-by-step guide to running models on ORCHID, the batch GPU cluster on JASMIN.
- You have a JASMIN account. See https://accounts.jasmin.ac.uk/application/new/
- You have access to ORCHID, the GPU cluster. See https://accounts.jasmin.ac.uk/services/additional_services/orchid/
- You have cloned this repository
- You have run tiling.py to generate tiles from the original SAR and ice chart images
- You have created the conda environment from the environment.yml file
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate sea-ice-classification
If the above does not work, you can create the environment manually:
conda create --name sea-ice-classification
<import each module individually>
conda activate sea-ice-classification
# First, connect to the login node
ssh -A <userID>@login1.jasmin.ac.uk
# Then, connect to one of the sci servers (1-8)
ssh -AX <userID>@sci4.jasmin.ac.uk
# Finally, connect to the interactice GPU node
ssh -A gpuhost001.jc.rl.ac.uk
Use the train_slurm_script.sh file from this repository.
#SBATCH --partition par-multi
#SBATCH --mem 256000
#SBATCH --ntasks 16
#SBATCH --time 48:00:00
#SBATCH --output %j.out
#SBATCH --error %j.err
conda activate sea-ice-classification
python train_scikit.py --sar_folder sar_no_stride --chart_folder chart_no_stride --model DecisionTree --grid_search --sample
Note: The SLURM batch queue is 'ORCHID' with Maximum runtime of 24 hours and the default runtime is 1 hour [2].
To run the script, type
sbatch train_slurm_script.sh
This will return the following output
Submitted batch job 45403175
To check the status of the job, type
scontrol show job
Use the train_slurm_script.sh file from this repository.
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:4
#SBATCH --partition=orchid
#SBATCH --account=orchid
#SBATCH -o %j.out
#SBATCH -e %j.err
#SBATCH --time=24:00:00
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
#SBATCH --mem=32000
# executables
conda activate sea-ice-classification
# EXAMPLE: Unet, Binary, Angle
python test.py --username=<wandb_username> --name=<wandb_job_name> --checkpoint="<model_checkpoint>" --n_workers=4
To run the script, type
sbatch test_slurm_script.sh
This will return the following output
Submitted batch job 45403175
To check the status of the job, type
scontrol show job
To regenerate tiles without the sliding window, to avoid data leakage.
python tiling.py --stride=None
Use the train_slurm_script_scikit.sh file from this repository.
#SBATCH --partition par-multi
#SBATCH --mem 256000
#SBATCH --ntasks 16
#SBATCH --time 48:00:00
#SBATCH --output %j.out
#SBATCH --error %j.err
conda activate sea-ice-classification
python train_scikit.py --sar_folder sar_no_stride --chart_folder chart_no_stride --model DecisionTree --grid_search --sample
To run the script, type
sbatch train_slurm_script_scikit.sh
This will return the following output
Submitted batch job 45403175
To check the status of the job, type
scontrol show job
Use the train_slurm_script.sh file from this repository.
#SBATCH --partition par-multi
#SBATCH --mem 256000
#SBATCH --ntasks 16
#SBATCH --time 48:00:00
#SBATCH --output %j.out
#SBATCH --error %j.err
# EXAMPLE: Binary, angle
python test_scikit.py --model_name='' --sar_folder sar_no_stride --chart_folder chart_no_stride --sample --pct_sample 0.1
To run the script, type
sbatch test_slurm_script_scikit.sh
This will return the following output
Submitted batch job 45403175
To check the status of the job, type
scontrol show job
[1] Create a JASMIN account | JASMIN Accounts Portal. Available at: https://accounts.jasmin.ac.uk/application/new/ (Accessed: March 16, 2023).
[2] Sign in | JASMIN Accounts Portal. Available at: https://accounts.jasmin.ac.uk/services/additional_services/orchid/ (Accessed: March 16, 2023).