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EuropeanaRS is an open source Hybrid Learning Object Recommender System based on Europeana ( and developed using Ruby on Rails.

The last release can be seen here.

Features and components

  • Hybrid Recommender System based on:
    • Learning Object Profile Similarity
    • User Profile Similarity
    • Quality
    • Popularity
  • Implementations to calculate similarities:
    • Text semantic similarities calculated using cosine similarity distance based on the TF-IDF.
    • Numeric similarities calculated as arithmetic distance in a specific scale.
    • Categorial fields (and booleans) calculated with equality functions.
  • Filtering recommendations based on Learning Object similarity, User Profile similarity, quality or popularity.
  • Filtering recommendations based o specific fields. For instance, filter Learning Objects when title similarity is less than 0.5.
  • Customizable weights:
    • General (Learning Object similarity, User Profile similarity, quality or popularity).
    • Field specific.
  • Customizable thresholds for filters:
    • General (Learning Object similarity, User Profile similarity, quality or popularity).
    • Field specific.
  • Search Engine based on sphinx.
  • Management of Learning Objects, Learning Object Profiles, Users, User Profiles and Applications.
  • EuropeanaRS API for delivering recommendations to third-party web client applications.
  • JavaScript library for web applications that want to use the EuropeanaRS API.
  • Fully customizable settings for the system.
    • At application level (system default settings)
    • At user level (user settings)
    • At EuropeanaRS API level (third-party web app settings)
  • Special setting for generating recommendations using directly the Europeana repository without using internal database.
  • Basic UI
  • Login with:
    • Registration in EuropeanaRS
    • Facebook (OAuth2)
    • Europeana (OAuth2)
    • Europeana (UserAuthentication API)
  • Internacionalization support. Supported languages: English, Spanish.
  • Europeana implementations for:
    • Use Europeana Search API
    • Use MyEuropeana API including the Europeana UserAuthentication service
    • OAI-PMH Europeana service (in beta)
    • A Europeana Mimic component to be used for developing purposes
  • Demos for using the EuropeanaRS API. Live demo.
  • Dump with a dataset of more than 10.000 Learning Objects retrieved from Europeana for developing purposes.


  • Ruby 1.9.3 or newer
  • Ruby on Rails 4.2.4
  • PostgreSQL 9.3.4
  • Thinking-sphinx 3.1.4
  • Sphinx 2.2.10

Discussion and contribution

Feel free to raise an issue at github.

Installation and documentation

Do you want to install EuropeanaRS for development purposes?
Do you want to deploy your own EuropeanaRS instance?
Are you looking to contribute to this open source project?
Are you interested in learning how to use the EuropeanaRS APIs or how to set up a EuropeanaRS instance?

Visit our wiki to see all the available documentation.


Copyright 2015 Aldo Gordillo Méndez

EuropeanaRS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

EuropeanaRS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You can see the terms of the GNU General Public License at