#BigCommerce Lets Get To Know You
##In 250 words or less, tell us why you want to work for BigCommerce
Back as a student in 2014, I saw BigCommerce make a splash in the news with an article titled “Australia’s BigCommerce takes on Amazon”. This was the first time I had heard about BigCommerce, so I read the article and became intrigued that Australia even had a software company with a name for itself. So I looked into it for current affair purposes and later forgot all about it. Now, come 2015, my friends wanted to try create something for sale and looked to me the Computer Programmer for an E-Commerce solution. Being a full time student at the time, I had my hands full with studies, so I had suggested BigCommerce to them as an DIY alternative (and partially because I liked the look and templates that BigCommerce offered). Now, finally in 2016, here I am on YouTube, and accidentally stumble across a BigCommerce video. I am impressed by the video, and it reminded me of the previous times that I had heard about BigCommerce and remembered the innovative Australian company that dared to think big. And as an innovative graduate of computer science who dares to try and think big, and has a constant love of learning and keeping himself occupied, I think to myself – BigCommerce is looking for a graduate...I am a young graduate, this place will be great to work.
##In 250 words or less, tell us about the best team you’ve been on and what made that team so great. (NB This can be a project team at university)
In my second year of university, we had a large group java project which involved creating a Java game. Now in my experience, the normal system of doing things usually involved a few meetings every week, and we’re off individually doing smaller parts of the project. And that’s how the project initially started - No one looked happy to be at the library on a Saturday afternoon. It was then that one us decided to propose having a meeting while out. This would help group bonding as well as have an interesting story to tell for our final presentation. Much to my surprise, the next meeting dawned, and I was all geared up in my cycling tights and met at our designated meeting point. It was then we decided to break the traditional paradigm and adopt the unorthodox philosophy of – “just build it...and if that one doesn’t work, keep building until you get one that does.” Results followed in that though we were churning out piles of work, we were learning and improving on upon our mistakes. The other groups had spent the first weeks planning perfection, and had little more to show for their efforts in the early stages. In hindsight, this approach achieved everything that one could ask from a group – Proven results, an alternative fun approach to meetings, lasting friendships and a story with a picture of the group in cycling tights working hard.
##In 250 words or less, tell us an example where you’ve displayed 2 of the BigCommerce values.
After finishing university at the end of 2015, young foolish and ambitious me dared to dream and think big. I had compiled a bucket list of things that I wanted to accomplish in life, things I . When I had pitched the idea doing something big and different in our lives such as running a triathlon to my group of motley friends, a few were interested to join me, but I had gotten the response I had expected from the rest of them – “LoL you won’t do it”. This fuelled the fire in my human spirit to sign up and partake in this physically gruelling 750m swim, 20km bike and 5km run. A wise man once said – “The human spirit can overcome any obstacle” – that man had obviously never run a triathlon. I had ended that triathlon with my legs and arms burning vowing to never do anything as physically taxing as that again The result – my friends and I managed to finish the triathlon much to everyone’s surprise. Now of course the feeling of finishing a triathlon is an achievement none can dispute, however without the few friends that had undertaken this race with me, I never would’ve finished. The fact that we had trained together and finished together was monumental. We had accomplished something we never thought we could ever do as a team.