These web services were developed as a base to create the test generators in SODM+T.
In order to build, test and run the web services, run these commands using Java 11+:
mvn -pl '!grinder' clean install
cd ws-impl
mvn jetty:run
This includes a number of manually written ContiPerf tests, which were created to help develop the automated generators.
For the performance tests, you will have to use Java 8 (The Grinder has not been updated to work on Java 11). It's best to use the Docker image for Maven with Java 8 for it. First, obtain the IP address for your Docker interface:
ip addr show docker0
Once you have the IP address, update these lines of grinder/src/test/jython/
with the correct URL:
You can now run the tests with:
docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd):/maven" -w /maven \
maven:3-openjdk-8 \
bash -c 'cd grinder; ./'