\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Improving_DNN/GradientChecking/GradientChecking.ipynb b/Improving_DNN/GradientChecking/GradientChecking.ipynb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9441a4e..0000000
--- a/Improving_DNN/GradientChecking/GradientChecking.ipynb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,626 +0,0 @@
- "cells": [
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- "# Gradient Checking\n",
- "\n",
- "Welcome to the final assignment for this week! In this assignment you will learn to implement and use gradient checking. \n",
- "\n",
- "You are part of a team working to make mobile payments available globally, and are asked to build a deep learning model to detect fraud--whenever someone makes a payment, you want to see if the payment might be fraudulent, such as if the user's account has been taken over by a hacker. \n",
- "\n",
- "But backpropagation is quite challenging to implement, and sometimes has bugs. Because this is a mission-critical application, your company's CEO wants to be really certain that your implementation of backpropagation is correct. Your CEO says, \"Give me a proof that your backpropagation is actually working!\" To give this reassurance, you are going to use \"gradient checking\".\n",
- "\n",
- "Let's do it!"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# Packages\n",
- "import numpy as np\n",
- "from testCases import *\n",
- "from gc_utils import sigmoid, relu, dictionary_to_vector, vector_to_dictionary, gradients_to_vector"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "## 1) How does gradient checking work?\n",
- "\n",
- "Backpropagation computes the gradients $\\frac{\\partial J}{\\partial \\theta}$, where $\\theta$ denotes the parameters of the model. $J$ is computed using forward propagation and your loss function.\n",
- "\n",
- "Because forward propagation is relatively easy to implement, you're confident you got that right, and so you're almost 100% sure that you're computing the cost $J$ correctly. Thus, you can use your code for computing $J$ to verify the code for computing $\\frac{\\partial J}{\\partial \\theta}$. \n",
- "\n",
- "Let's look back at the definition of a derivative (or gradient):\n",
- "$$ \\frac{\\partial J}{\\partial \\theta} = \\lim_{\\varepsilon \\to 0} \\frac{J(\\theta + \\varepsilon) - J(\\theta - \\varepsilon)}{2 \\varepsilon} \\tag{1}$$\n",
- "\n",
- "If you're not familiar with the \"$\\displaystyle \\lim_{\\varepsilon \\to 0}$\" notation, it's just a way of saying \"when $\\varepsilon$ is really really small.\"\n",
- "\n",
- "We know the following:\n",
- "\n",
- "- $\\frac{\\partial J}{\\partial \\theta}$ is what you want to make sure you're computing correctly. \n",
- "- You can compute $J(\\theta + \\varepsilon)$ and $J(\\theta - \\varepsilon)$ (in the case that $\\theta$ is a real number), since you're confident your implementation for $J$ is correct. \n",
- "\n",
- "Lets use equation (1) and a small value for $\\varepsilon$ to convince your CEO that your code for computing $\\frac{\\partial J}{\\partial \\theta}$ is correct!"
- ]
- },
- {
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- "source": [
- "## 2) 1-dimensional gradient checking\n",
- "\n",
- "Consider a 1D linear function $J(\\theta) = \\theta x$. The model contains only a single real-valued parameter $\\theta$, and takes $x$ as input.\n",
- "\n",
- "You will implement code to compute $J(.)$ and its derivative $\\frac{\\partial J}{\\partial \\theta}$. You will then use gradient checking to make sure your derivative computation for $J$ is correct. \n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "
**Figure 1** : **1D linear model**
- "\n",
- "The diagram above shows the key computation steps: First start with $x$, then evaluate the function $J(x)$ (\"forward propagation\"). Then compute the derivative $\\frac{\\partial J}{\\partial \\theta}$ (\"backward propagation\"). \n",
- "\n",
- "**Exercise**: implement \"forward propagation\" and \"backward propagation\" for this simple function. I.e., compute both $J(.)$ (\"forward propagation\") and its derivative with respect to $\\theta$ (\"backward propagation\"), in two separate functions. "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# GRADED FUNCTION: forward_propagation\n",
- "\n",
- "def forward_propagation(x, theta):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Implement the linear forward propagation (compute J) presented in Figure 1 (J(theta) = theta * x)\n",
- " \n",
- " Arguments:\n",
- " x -- a real-valued input\n",
- " theta -- our parameter, a real number as well\n",
- " \n",
- " Returns:\n",
- " J -- the value of function J, computed using the formula J(theta) = theta * x\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " \n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 1 line)\n",
- " J = None\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " \n",
- " return J"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "x, theta = 2, 4\n",
- "J = forward_propagation(x, theta)\n",
- "print (\"J = \" + str(J))"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Expected Output**:\n",
- "\n",
- "
- "
- "
** J **
- "
- "
- "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Exercise**: Now, implement the backward propagation step (derivative computation) of Figure 1. That is, compute the derivative of $J(\\theta) = \\theta x$ with respect to $\\theta$. To save you from doing the calculus, you should get $dtheta = \\frac { \\partial JĀ }{ \\partial \\theta} = x$."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# GRADED FUNCTION: backward_propagation\n",
- "\n",
- "def backward_propagation(x, theta):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Computes the derivative of J with respect to theta (see Figure 1).\n",
- " \n",
- " Arguments:\n",
- " x -- a real-valued input\n",
- " theta -- our parameter, a real number as well\n",
- " \n",
- " Returns:\n",
- " dtheta -- the gradient of the cost with respect to theta\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " \n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 1 line)\n",
- " dtheta = None\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " \n",
- " return dtheta"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "scrolled": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "x, theta = 2, 4\n",
- "dtheta = backward_propagation(x, theta)\n",
- "print (\"dtheta = \" + str(dtheta))"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Expected Output**:\n",
- "\n",
- "
- "
- "
** dtheta **
- "
- "
- "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Exercise**: To show that the `backward_propagation()` function is correctly computing the gradient $\\frac{\\partial J}{\\partial \\theta}$, let's implement gradient checking.\n",
- "\n",
- "**Instructions**:\n",
- "- First compute \"gradapprox\" using the formula above (1) and a small value of $\\varepsilon$. Here are the Steps to follow:\n",
- " 1. $\\theta^{+} = \\theta + \\varepsilon$\n",
- " 2. $\\theta^{-} = \\theta - \\varepsilon$\n",
- " 3. $J^{+} = J(\\theta^{+})$\n",
- " 4. $J^{-} = J(\\theta^{-})$\n",
- " 5. $gradapprox = \\frac{J^{+} - J^{-}}{2 \\varepsilon}$\n",
- "- Then compute the gradient using backward propagation, and store the result in a variable \"grad\"\n",
- "- Finally, compute the relative difference between \"gradapprox\" and the \"grad\" using the following formula:\n",
- "$$ difference = \\frac {\\mid\\mid grad - gradapprox \\mid\\mid_2}{\\mid\\mid grad \\mid\\mid_2 + \\mid\\mid gradapprox \\mid\\mid_2} \\tag{2}$$\n",
- "You will need 3 Steps to compute this formula:\n",
- " - 1'. compute the numerator using np.linalg.norm(...)\n",
- " - 2'. compute the denominator. You will need to call np.linalg.norm(...) twice.\n",
- " - 3'. divide them.\n",
- "- If this difference is small (say less than $10^{-7}$), you can be quite confident that you have computed your gradient correctly. Otherwise, there may be a mistake in the gradient computation. \n"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# GRADED FUNCTION: gradient_check\n",
- "\n",
- "def gradient_check(x, theta, epsilon = 1e-7):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Implement the backward propagation presented in Figure 1.\n",
- " \n",
- " Arguments:\n",
- " x -- a real-valued input\n",
- " theta -- our parameter, a real number as well\n",
- " epsilon -- tiny shift to the input to compute approximated gradient with formula(1)\n",
- " \n",
- " Returns:\n",
- " difference -- difference (2) between the approximated gradient and the backward propagation gradient\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " \n",
- " # Compute gradapprox using left side of formula (1). epsilon is small enough, you don't need to worry about the limit.\n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 5 lines)\n",
- " thetaplus = None # Step 1\n",
- " thetaminus = None # Step 2\n",
- " J_plus = None # Step 3\n",
- " J_minus = None # Step 4\n",
- " gradapprox = None # Step 5\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " \n",
- " # Check if gradapprox is close enough to the output of backward_propagation()\n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 1 line)\n",
- " grad = None\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " \n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 1 line)\n",
- " numerator = None # Step 1'\n",
- " denominator = None # Step 2'\n",
- " difference = None # Step 3'\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " \n",
- " if difference < 1e-7:\n",
- " print (\"The gradient is correct!\")\n",
- " else:\n",
- " print (\"The gradient is wrong!\")\n",
- " \n",
- " return difference"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "scrolled": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "x, theta = 2, 4\n",
- "difference = gradient_check(x, theta)\n",
- "print(\"difference = \" + str(difference))"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Expected Output**:\n",
- "The gradient is correct!\n",
- "
- "
- "
** difference **
- "
- "
- "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Congrats, the difference is smaller than the $10^{-7}$ threshold. So you can have high confidence that you've correctly computed the gradient in `backward_propagation()`. \n",
- "\n",
- "Now, in the more general case, your cost function $J$ has more than a single 1D input. When you are training a neural network, $\\theta$ actually consists of multiple matrices $W^{[l]}$ and biases $b^{[l]}$! It is important to know how to do a gradient check with higher-dimensional inputs. Let's do it!"
- ]
- },
- {
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- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "## 3) N-dimensional gradient checking"
- ]
- },
- {
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- "collapsed": true
- },
- "source": [
- "The following figure describes the forward and backward propagation of your fraud detection model.\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "
**Figure 2** : **deep neural network** *LINEAR -> RELU -> LINEAR -> RELU -> LINEAR -> SIGMOID*
- "\n",
- "Let's look at your implementations for forward propagation and backward propagation. "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "def forward_propagation_n(X, Y, parameters):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Implements the forward propagation (and computes the cost) presented in Figure 3.\n",
- " \n",
- " Arguments:\n",
- " X -- training set for m examples\n",
- " Y -- labels for m examples \n",
- " parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters \"W1\", \"b1\", \"W2\", \"b2\", \"W3\", \"b3\":\n",
- " W1 -- weight matrix of shape (5, 4)\n",
- " b1 -- bias vector of shape (5, 1)\n",
- " W2 -- weight matrix of shape (3, 5)\n",
- " b2 -- bias vector of shape (3, 1)\n",
- " W3 -- weight matrix of shape (1, 3)\n",
- " b3 -- bias vector of shape (1, 1)\n",
- " \n",
- " Returns:\n",
- " cost -- the cost function (logistic cost for one example)\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " \n",
- " # retrieve parameters\n",
- " m = X.shape[1]\n",
- " W1 = parameters[\"W1\"]\n",
- " b1 = parameters[\"b1\"]\n",
- " W2 = parameters[\"W2\"]\n",
- " b2 = parameters[\"b2\"]\n",
- " W3 = parameters[\"W3\"]\n",
- " b3 = parameters[\"b3\"]\n",
- "\n",
- " Z1 = np.dot(W1, X) + b1\n",
- " A1 = relu(Z1)\n",
- " Z2 = np.dot(W2, A1) + b2\n",
- " A2 = relu(Z2)\n",
- " Z3 = np.dot(W3, A2) + b3\n",
- " A3 = sigmoid(Z3)\n",
- "\n",
- " # Cost\n",
- " logprobs = np.multiply(-np.log(A3),Y) + np.multiply(-np.log(1 - A3), 1 - Y)\n",
- " cost = 1./m * np.sum(logprobs)\n",
- " \n",
- " cache = (Z1, A1, W1, b1, Z2, A2, W2, b2, Z3, A3, W3, b3)\n",
- " \n",
- " return cost, cache"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Now, run backward propagation."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "def backward_propagation_n(X, Y, cache):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Implement the backward propagation presented in figure 2.\n",
- " \n",
- " Arguments:\n",
- " X -- input datapoint, of shape (input size, 1)\n",
- " Y -- true \"label\"\n",
- " cache -- cache output from forward_propagation_n()\n",
- " \n",
- " Returns:\n",
- " gradients -- A dictionary with the gradients of the cost with respect to each parameter, activation and pre-activation variables.\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " \n",
- " m = X.shape[1]\n",
- " (Z1, A1, W1, b1, Z2, A2, W2, b2, Z3, A3, W3, b3) = cache\n",
- " \n",
- " dZ3 = A3 - Y\n",
- " dW3 = 1./m * np.dot(dZ3, A2.T)\n",
- " db3 = 1./m * np.sum(dZ3, axis=1, keepdims = True)\n",
- " \n",
- " dA2 = np.dot(W3.T, dZ3)\n",
- " dZ2 = np.multiply(dA2, np.int64(A2 > 0))\n",
- " dW2 = 1./m * np.dot(dZ2, A1.T) * 2\n",
- " db2 = 1./m * np.sum(dZ2, axis=1, keepdims = True)\n",
- " \n",
- " dA1 = np.dot(W2.T, dZ2)\n",
- " dZ1 = np.multiply(dA1, np.int64(A1 > 0))\n",
- " dW1 = 1./m * np.dot(dZ1, X.T)\n",
- " db1 = 4./m * np.sum(dZ1, axis=1, keepdims = True)\n",
- " \n",
- " gradients = {\"dZ3\": dZ3, \"dW3\": dW3, \"db3\": db3,\n",
- " \"dA2\": dA2, \"dZ2\": dZ2, \"dW2\": dW2, \"db2\": db2,\n",
- " \"dA1\": dA1, \"dZ1\": dZ1, \"dW1\": dW1, \"db1\": db1}\n",
- " \n",
- " return gradients"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "source": [
- "You obtained some results on the fraud detection test set but you are not 100% sure of your model. Nobody's perfect! Let's implement gradient checking to verify if your gradients are correct."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**How does gradient checking work?**.\n",
- "\n",
- "As in 1) and 2), you want to compare \"gradapprox\" to the gradient computed by backpropagation. The formula is still:\n",
- "\n",
- "$$ \\frac{\\partial J}{\\partial \\theta} = \\lim_{\\varepsilon \\to 0} \\frac{J(\\theta + \\varepsilon) - J(\\theta - \\varepsilon)}{2 \\varepsilon} \\tag{1}$$\n",
- "\n",
- "However, $\\theta$ is not a scalar anymore. It is a dictionary called \"parameters\". We implemented a function \"`dictionary_to_vector()`\" for you. It converts the \"parameters\" dictionary into a vector called \"values\", obtained by reshaping all parameters (W1, b1, W2, b2, W3, b3) into vectors and concatenating them.\n",
- "\n",
- "The inverse function is \"`vector_to_dictionary`\" which outputs back the \"parameters\" dictionary.\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "
**Figure 2** : **dictionary_to_vector() and vector_to_dictionary()** You will need these functions in gradient_check_n()
- "\n",
- "We have also converted the \"gradients\" dictionary into a vector \"grad\" using gradients_to_vector(). You don't need to worry about that.\n",
- "\n",
- "**Exercise**: Implement gradient_check_n().\n",
- "\n",
- "**Instructions**: Here is pseudo-code that will help you implement the gradient check.\n",
- "\n",
- "For each i in num_parameters:\n",
- "- To compute `J_plus[i]`:\n",
- " 1. Set $\\theta^{+}$ to `np.copy(parameters_values)`\n",
- " 2. Set $\\theta^{+}_i$ to $\\theta^{+}_i + \\varepsilon$\n",
- " 3. Calculate $J^{+}_i$ using to `forward_propagation_n(x, y, vector_to_dictionary(`$\\theta^{+}$ `))`. \n",
- "- To compute `J_minus[i]`: do the same thing with $\\theta^{-}$\n",
- "- Compute $gradapprox[i] = \\frac{J^{+}_i - J^{-}_i}{2 \\varepsilon}$\n",
- "\n",
- "Thus, you get a vector gradapprox, where gradapprox[i] is an approximation of the gradient with respect to `parameter_values[i]`. You can now compare this gradapprox vector to the gradients vector from backpropagation. Just like for the 1D case (Steps 1', 2', 3'), compute: \n",
- "$$ difference = \\frac {\\| grad - gradapprox \\|_2}{\\| grad \\|_2 + \\| gradapprox \\|_2 } \\tag{3}$$"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# GRADED FUNCTION: gradient_check_n\n",
- "\n",
- "def gradient_check_n(parameters, gradients, X, Y, epsilon = 1e-7):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Checks if backward_propagation_n computes correctly the gradient of the cost output by forward_propagation_n\n",
- " \n",
- " Arguments:\n",
- " parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters \"W1\", \"b1\", \"W2\", \"b2\", \"W3\", \"b3\":\n",
- " grad -- output of backward_propagation_n, contains gradients of the cost with respect to the parameters. \n",
- " x -- input datapoint, of shape (input size, 1)\n",
- " y -- true \"label\"\n",
- " epsilon -- tiny shift to the input to compute approximated gradient with formula(1)\n",
- " \n",
- " Returns:\n",
- " difference -- difference (2) between the approximated gradient and the backward propagation gradient\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " \n",
- " # Set-up variables\n",
- " parameters_values, _ = dictionary_to_vector(parameters)\n",
- " grad = gradients_to_vector(gradients)\n",
- " num_parameters = parameters_values.shape[0]\n",
- " J_plus = np.zeros((num_parameters, 1))\n",
- " J_minus = np.zeros((num_parameters, 1))\n",
- " gradapprox = np.zeros((num_parameters, 1))\n",
- " \n",
- " # Compute gradapprox\n",
- " for i in range(num_parameters):\n",
- " \n",
- " # Compute J_plus[i]. Inputs: \"parameters_values, epsilon\". Output = \"J_plus[i]\".\n",
- " # \"_\" is used because the function you have to outputs two parameters but we only care about the first one\n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 3 lines)\n",
- " thetaplus = None # Step 1\n",
- " thetaplus[i][0] = None # Step 2\n",
- " J_plus[i], _ = None # Step 3\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " \n",
- " # Compute J_minus[i]. Inputs: \"parameters_values, epsilon\". Output = \"J_minus[i]\".\n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 3 lines)\n",
- " thetaminus = None # Step 1\n",
- " thetaminus[i][0] = None # Step 2 \n",
- " J_minus[i], _ = None # Step 3\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " \n",
- " # Compute gradapprox[i]\n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 1 line)\n",
- " gradapprox[i] = None\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " \n",
- " # Compare gradapprox to backward propagation gradients by computing difference.\n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 1 line)\n",
- " numerator = None # Step 1'\n",
- " denominator = None # Step 2'\n",
- " difference = None # Step 3'\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- "\n",
- " if difference > 2e-7:\n",
- " print (\"\\033[93m\" + \"There is a mistake in the backward propagation! difference = \" + str(difference) + \"\\033[0m\")\n",
- " else:\n",
- " print (\"\\033[92m\" + \"Your backward propagation works perfectly fine! difference = \" + str(difference) + \"\\033[0m\")\n",
- " \n",
- " return difference"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "scrolled": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "X, Y, parameters = gradient_check_n_test_case()\n",
- "\n",
- "cost, cache = forward_propagation_n(X, Y, parameters)\n",
- "gradients = backward_propagation_n(X, Y, cache)\n",
- "difference = gradient_check_n(parameters, gradients, X, Y)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Expected output**:\n",
- "\n",
- "
- "
- "
** There is a mistake in the backward propagation!**
- "
difference = 0.285093156781
- "
- "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "It seems that there were errors in the `backward_propagation_n` code we gave you! Good that you've implemented the gradient check. Go back to `backward_propagation` and try to find/correct the errors *(Hint: check dW2 and db1)*. Rerun the gradient check when you think you've fixed it. Remember you'll need to re-execute the cell defining `backward_propagation_n()` if you modify the code. \n",
- "\n",
- "Can you get gradient check to declare your derivative computation correct? Even though this part of the assignment isn't graded, we strongly urge you to try to find the bug and re-run gradient check until you're convinced backprop is now correctly implemented. \n",
- "\n",
- "**Note** \n",
- "- Gradient Checking is slow! Approximating the gradient with $\\frac{\\partial J}{\\partial \\theta} \\approx \\frac{J(\\theta + \\varepsilon) - J(\\theta - \\varepsilon)}{2 \\varepsilon}$ is computationally costly. For this reason, we don't run gradient checking at every iteration during training. Just a few times to check if the gradient is correct. \n",
- "- Gradient Checking, at least as we've presented it, doesn't work with dropout. You would usually run the gradient check algorithm without dropout to make sure your backprop is correct, then add dropout. \n",
- "\n",
- "Congrats, you can be confident that your deep learning model for fraud detection is working correctly! You can even use this to convince your CEO. :) \n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "**What you should remember from this notebook**:\n",
- "- Gradient checking verifies closeness between the gradients from backpropagation and the numerical approximation of the gradient (computed using forward propagation).\n",
- "- Gradient checking is slow, so we don't run it in every iteration of training. You would usually run it only to make sure your code is correct, then turn it off and use backprop for the actual learning process. "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": []
- }
- ],
- "metadata": {
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- "course_slug": "deep-neural-network",
- "graded_item_id": "n6NBD",
- "launcher_item_id": "yfOsE"
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diff --git a/Improving_DNN/GradientChecking/gc_utils.py b/Improving_DNN/GradientChecking/gc_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 79de58f..0000000
--- a/Improving_DNN/GradientChecking/gc_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-def sigmoid(x):
- """
- Compute the sigmoid of x
- Arguments:
- x -- A scalar or numpy array of any size.
- Return:
- s -- sigmoid(x)
- """
- s = 1/(1+np.exp(-x))
- return s
-def relu(x):
- """
- Compute the relu of x
- Arguments:
- x -- A scalar or numpy array of any size.
- Return:
- s -- relu(x)
- """
- s = np.maximum(0,x)
- return s
-def dictionary_to_vector(parameters):
- """
- Roll all our parameters dictionary into a single vector satisfying our specific required shape.
- """
- keys = []
- count = 0
- for key in ["W1", "b1", "W2", "b2", "W3", "b3"]:
- # flatten parameter
- new_vector = np.reshape(parameters[key], (-1,1))
- keys = keys + [key]*new_vector.shape[0]
- if count == 0:
- theta = new_vector
- else:
- theta = np.concatenate((theta, new_vector), axis=0)
- count = count + 1
- return theta, keys
-def vector_to_dictionary(theta):
- """
- Unroll all our parameters dictionary from a single vector satisfying our specific required shape.
- """
- parameters = {}
- parameters["W1"] = theta[:20].reshape((5,4))
- parameters["b1"] = theta[20:25].reshape((5,1))
- parameters["W2"] = theta[25:40].reshape((3,5))
- parameters["b2"] = theta[40:43].reshape((3,1))
- parameters["W3"] = theta[43:46].reshape((1,3))
- parameters["b3"] = theta[46:47].reshape((1,1))
- return parameters
-def gradients_to_vector(gradients):
- """
- Roll all our gradients dictionary into a single vector satisfying our specific required shape.
- """
- count = 0
- for key in ["dW1", "db1", "dW2", "db2", "dW3", "db3"]:
- # flatten parameter
- new_vector = np.reshape(gradients[key], (-1,1))
- if count == 0:
- theta = new_vector
- else:
- theta = np.concatenate((theta, new_vector), axis=0)
- count = count + 1
- return theta
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Improving_DNN/GradientChecking/images/1Dgrad_kiank.png b/Improving_DNN/GradientChecking/images/1Dgrad_kiank.png
deleted file mode 100644
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deleted file mode 100644
index a63fea8..0000000
Binary files a/Improving_DNN/GradientChecking/images/NDgrad_kiank.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index f56846a..0000000
Binary files a/Improving_DNN/GradientChecking/images/dictionary_to_vector.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Improving_DNN/GradientChecking/images/handbackward_kiank.png b/Improving_DNN/GradientChecking/images/handbackward_kiank.png
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index 1a10f2b..0000000
Binary files a/Improving_DNN/GradientChecking/images/handbackward_kiank.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Improving_DNN/GradientChecking/images/handforward_kiank.png b/Improving_DNN/GradientChecking/images/handforward_kiank.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e2f140..0000000
Binary files a/Improving_DNN/GradientChecking/images/handforward_kiank.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Improving_DNN/GradientChecking/testCases.py b/Improving_DNN/GradientChecking/testCases.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6196b08..0000000
--- a/Improving_DNN/GradientChecking/testCases.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-def gradient_check_n_test_case():
- np.random.seed(1)
- x = np.random.randn(4,3)
- y = np.array([1, 1, 0])
- W1 = np.random.randn(5,4)
- b1 = np.random.randn(5,1)
- W2 = np.random.randn(3,5)
- b2 = np.random.randn(3,1)
- W3 = np.random.randn(1,3)
- b3 = np.random.randn(1,1)
- parameters = {"W1": W1,
- "b1": b1,
- "W2": W2,
- "b2": b2,
- "W3": W3,
- "b3": b3}
- return x, y, parameters
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Improving_DNN/Initialization/Initialization.ipynb b/Improving_DNN/Initialization/Initialization.ipynb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f24909..0000000
--- a/Improving_DNN/Initialization/Initialization.ipynb
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@@ -1,769 +0,0 @@
- "cells": [
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- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "# Initialization\n",
- "\n",
- "Welcome to the first assignment of \"Improving Deep Neural Networks\". \n",
- "\n",
- "Training your neural network requires specifying an initial value of the weights. A well chosen initialization method will help learning. \n",
- "\n",
- "If you completed the previous course of this specialization, you probably followed our instructions for weight initialization, and it has worked out so far. But how do you choose the initialization for a new neural network? In this notebook, you will see how different initializations lead to different results. \n",
- "\n",
- "A well chosen initialization can:\n",
- "- Speed up the convergence of gradient descent\n",
- "- Increase the odds of gradient descent converging to a lower training (and generalization) error \n",
- "\n",
- "To get started, run the following cell to load the packages and the planar dataset you will try to classify."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "import numpy as np\n",
- "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
- "import sklearn\n",
- "import sklearn.datasets\n",
- "from init_utils import sigmoid, relu, compute_loss, forward_propagation, backward_propagation\n",
- "from init_utils import update_parameters, predict, load_dataset, plot_decision_boundary, predict_dec\n",
- "\n",
- "%matplotlib inline\n",
- "plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (7.0, 4.0) # set default size of plots\n",
- "plt.rcParams['image.interpolation'] = 'nearest'\n",
- "plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'gray'\n",
- "\n",
- "# load image dataset: blue/red dots in circles\n",
- "train_X, train_Y, test_X, test_Y = load_dataset()"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "You would like a classifier to separate the blue dots from the red dots."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "## 1 - Neural Network model "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "You will use a 3-layer neural network (already implemented for you). Here are the initialization methods you will experiment with: \n",
- "- *Zeros initialization* -- setting `initialization = \"zeros\"` in the input argument.\n",
- "- *Random initialization* -- setting `initialization = \"random\"` in the input argument. This initializes the weights to large random values. \n",
- "- *He initialization* -- setting `initialization = \"he\"` in the input argument. This initializes the weights to random values scaled according to a paper by He et al., 2015. \n",
- "\n",
- "**Instructions**: Please quickly read over the code below, and run it. In the next part you will implement the three initialization methods that this `model()` calls."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "def model(X, Y, learning_rate = 0.01, num_iterations = 15000, print_cost = True, initialization = \"he\"):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Implements a three-layer neural network: LINEAR->RELU->LINEAR->RELU->LINEAR->SIGMOID.\n",
- " \n",
- " Arguments:\n",
- " X -- input data, of shape (2, number of examples)\n",
- " Y -- true \"label\" vector (containing 0 for red dots; 1 for blue dots), of shape (1, number of examples)\n",
- " learning_rate -- learning rate for gradient descent \n",
- " num_iterations -- number of iterations to run gradient descent\n",
- " print_cost -- if True, print the cost every 1000 iterations\n",
- " initialization -- flag to choose which initialization to use (\"zeros\",\"random\" or \"he\")\n",
- " \n",
- " Returns:\n",
- " parameters -- parameters learnt by the model\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " \n",
- " grads = {}\n",
- " costs = [] # to keep track of the loss\n",
- " m = X.shape[1] # number of examples\n",
- " layers_dims = [X.shape[0], 10, 5, 1]\n",
- " \n",
- " # Initialize parameters dictionary.\n",
- " if initialization == \"zeros\":\n",
- " parameters = initialize_parameters_zeros(layers_dims)\n",
- " elif initialization == \"random\":\n",
- " parameters = initialize_parameters_random(layers_dims)\n",
- " elif initialization == \"he\":\n",
- " parameters = initialize_parameters_he(layers_dims)\n",
- "\n",
- " # Loop (gradient descent)\n",
- "\n",
- " for i in range(0, num_iterations):\n",
- "\n",
- " # Forward propagation: LINEAR -> RELU -> LINEAR -> RELU -> LINEAR -> SIGMOID.\n",
- " a3, cache = forward_propagation(X, parameters)\n",
- " \n",
- " # Loss\n",
- " cost = compute_loss(a3, Y)\n",
- "\n",
- " # Backward propagation.\n",
- " grads = backward_propagation(X, Y, cache)\n",
- " \n",
- " # Update parameters.\n",
- " parameters = update_parameters(parameters, grads, learning_rate)\n",
- " \n",
- " # Print the loss every 1000 iterations\n",
- " if print_cost and i % 1000 == 0:\n",
- " print(\"Cost after iteration {}: {}\".format(i, cost))\n",
- " costs.append(cost)\n",
- " \n",
- " # plot the loss\n",
- " plt.plot(costs)\n",
- " plt.ylabel('cost')\n",
- " plt.xlabel('iterations (per hundreds)')\n",
- " plt.title(\"Learning rate =\" + str(learning_rate))\n",
- " plt.show()\n",
- " \n",
- " return parameters"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "## 2 - Zero initialization\n",
- "\n",
- "There are two types of parameters to initialize in a neural network:\n",
- "- the weight matrices $(W^{[1]}, W^{[2]}, W^{[3]}, ..., W^{[L-1]}, W^{[L]})$\n",
- "- the bias vectors $(b^{[1]}, b^{[2]}, b^{[3]}, ..., b^{[L-1]}, b^{[L]})$\n",
- "\n",
- "**Exercise**: Implement the following function to initialize all parameters to zeros. You'll see later that this does not work well since it fails to \"break symmetry\", but lets try it anyway and see what happens. Use np.zeros((..,..)) with the correct shapes."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# GRADED FUNCTION: initialize_parameters_zeros \n",
- "\n",
- "def initialize_parameters_zeros(layers_dims):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Arguments:\n",
- " layer_dims -- python array (list) containing the size of each layer.\n",
- " \n",
- " Returns:\n",
- " parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters \"W1\", \"b1\", ..., \"WL\", \"bL\":\n",
- " W1 -- weight matrix of shape (layers_dims[1], layers_dims[0])\n",
- " b1 -- bias vector of shape (layers_dims[1], 1)\n",
- " ...\n",
- " WL -- weight matrix of shape (layers_dims[L], layers_dims[L-1])\n",
- " bL -- bias vector of shape (layers_dims[L], 1)\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " \n",
- " parameters = {}\n",
- " L = len(layers_dims) # number of layers in the network\n",
- " \n",
- " for l in range(1, L):\n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (ā 2 lines of code)\n",
- " parameters['W' + str(l)] = None\n",
- " parameters['b' + str(l)] = None\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " return parameters"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "parameters = initialize_parameters_zeros([3,2,1])\n",
- "print(\"W1 = \" + str(parameters[\"W1\"]))\n",
- "print(\"b1 = \" + str(parameters[\"b1\"]))\n",
- "print(\"W2 = \" + str(parameters[\"W2\"]))\n",
- "print(\"b2 = \" + str(parameters[\"b2\"]))"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Expected Output**:\n",
- "\n",
- "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Run the following code to train your model on 15,000 iterations using zeros initialization."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true,
- "scrolled": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "parameters = model(train_X, train_Y, initialization = \"zeros\")\n",
- "print (\"On the train set:\")\n",
- "predictions_train = predict(train_X, train_Y, parameters)\n",
- "print (\"On the test set:\")\n",
- "predictions_test = predict(test_X, test_Y, parameters)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "The performance is really bad, and the cost does not really decrease, and the algorithm performs no better than random guessing. Why? Lets look at the details of the predictions and the decision boundary:"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "print (\"predictions_train = \" + str(predictions_train))\n",
- "print (\"predictions_test = \" + str(predictions_test))"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "plt.title(\"Model with Zeros initialization\")\n",
- "axes = plt.gca()\n",
- "axes.set_xlim([-1.5,1.5])\n",
- "axes.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5])\n",
- "plot_decision_boundary(lambda x: predict_dec(parameters, x.T), train_X, train_Y)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "The model is predicting 0 for every example. \n",
- "\n",
- "In general, initializing all the weights to zero results in the network failing to break symmetry. This means that every neuron in each layer will learn the same thing, and you might as well be training a neural network with $n^{[l]}=1$ for every layer, and the network is no more powerful than a linear classifier such as logistic regression. "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "\n",
- "**What you should remember**:\n",
- "- The weights $W^{[l]}$ should be initialized randomly to break symmetry. \n",
- "- It is however okay to initialize the biases $b^{[l]}$ to zeros. Symmetry is still broken so long as $W^{[l]}$ is initialized randomly. \n"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "## 3 - Random initialization\n",
- "\n",
- "To break symmetry, lets intialize the weights randomly. Following random initialization, each neuron can then proceed to learn a different function of its inputs. In this exercise, you will see what happens if the weights are intialized randomly, but to very large values. \n",
- "\n",
- "**Exercise**: Implement the following function to initialize your weights to large random values (scaled by \\*10) and your biases to zeros. Use `np.random.randn(..,..) * 10` for weights and `np.zeros((.., ..))` for biases. We are using a fixed `np.random.seed(..)` to make sure your \"random\" weights match ours, so don't worry if running several times your code gives you always the same initial values for the parameters. "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# GRADED FUNCTION: initialize_parameters_random\n",
- "\n",
- "def initialize_parameters_random(layers_dims):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Arguments:\n",
- " layer_dims -- python array (list) containing the size of each layer.\n",
- " \n",
- " Returns:\n",
- " parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters \"W1\", \"b1\", ..., \"WL\", \"bL\":\n",
- " W1 -- weight matrix of shape (layers_dims[1], layers_dims[0])\n",
- " b1 -- bias vector of shape (layers_dims[1], 1)\n",
- " ...\n",
- " WL -- weight matrix of shape (layers_dims[L], layers_dims[L-1])\n",
- " bL -- bias vector of shape (layers_dims[L], 1)\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " \n",
- " np.random.seed(3) # This seed makes sure your \"random\" numbers will be the as ours\n",
- " parameters = {}\n",
- " L = len(layers_dims) # integer representing the number of layers\n",
- " \n",
- " for l in range(1, L):\n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (ā 2 lines of code)\n",
- " parameters['W' + str(l)] = None\n",
- " parameters['b' + str(l)] = None\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- "\n",
- " return parameters"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "parameters = initialize_parameters_random([3, 2, 1])\n",
- "print(\"W1 = \" + str(parameters[\"W1\"]))\n",
- "print(\"b1 = \" + str(parameters[\"b1\"]))\n",
- "print(\"W2 = \" + str(parameters[\"W2\"]))\n",
- "print(\"b2 = \" + str(parameters[\"b2\"]))"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Expected Output**:\n",
- "\n",
- "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Run the following code to train your model on 15,000 iterations using random initialization."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true,
- "scrolled": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "parameters = model(train_X, train_Y, initialization = \"random\")\n",
- "print (\"On the train set:\")\n",
- "predictions_train = predict(train_X, train_Y, parameters)\n",
- "print (\"On the test set:\")\n",
- "predictions_test = predict(test_X, test_Y, parameters)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "If you see \"inf\" as the cost after the iteration 0, this is because of numerical roundoff; a more numerically sophisticated implementation would fix this. But this isn't worth worrying about for our purposes. \n",
- "\n",
- "Anyway, it looks like you have broken symmetry, and this gives better results. than before. The model is no longer outputting all 0s. "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "print (predictions_train)\n",
- "print (predictions_test)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "plt.title(\"Model with large random initialization\")\n",
- "axes = plt.gca()\n",
- "axes.set_xlim([-1.5,1.5])\n",
- "axes.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5])\n",
- "plot_decision_boundary(lambda x: predict_dec(parameters, x.T), train_X, train_Y)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Observations**:\n",
- "- The cost starts very high. This is because with large random-valued weights, the last activation (sigmoid) outputs results that are very close to 0 or 1 for some examples, and when it gets that example wrong it incurs a very high loss for that example. Indeed, when $\\log(a^{[3]}) = \\log(0)$, the loss goes to infinity.\n",
- "- Poor initialization can lead to vanishing/exploding gradients, which also slows down the optimization algorithm. \n",
- "- If you train this network longer you will see better results, but initializing with overly large random numbers slows down the optimization.\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "**In summary**:\n",
- "- Initializing weights to very large random values does not work well. \n",
- "- Hopefully intializing with small random values does better. The important question is: how small should be these random values be? Lets find out in the next part! "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "## 4 - He initialization\n",
- "\n",
- "Finally, try \"He Initialization\"; this is named for the first author of He et al., 2015. (If you have heard of \"Xavier initialization\", this is similar except Xavier initialization uses a scaling factor for the weights $W^{[l]}$ of `sqrt(1./layers_dims[l-1])` where He initialization would use `sqrt(2./layers_dims[l-1])`.)\n",
- "\n",
- "**Exercise**: Implement the following function to initialize your parameters with He initialization.\n",
- "\n",
- "**Hint**: This function is similar to the previous `initialize_parameters_random(...)`. The only difference is that instead of multiplying `np.random.randn(..,..)` by 10, you will multiply it by $\\sqrt{\\frac{2}{\\text{dimension of the previous layer}}}$, which is what He initialization recommends for layers with a ReLU activation. "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# GRADED FUNCTION: initialize_parameters_he\n",
- "\n",
- "def initialize_parameters_he(layers_dims):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Arguments:\n",
- " layer_dims -- python array (list) containing the size of each layer.\n",
- " \n",
- " Returns:\n",
- " parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters \"W1\", \"b1\", ..., \"WL\", \"bL\":\n",
- " W1 -- weight matrix of shape (layers_dims[1], layers_dims[0])\n",
- " b1 -- bias vector of shape (layers_dims[1], 1)\n",
- " ...\n",
- " WL -- weight matrix of shape (layers_dims[L], layers_dims[L-1])\n",
- " bL -- bias vector of shape (layers_dims[L], 1)\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " \n",
- " np.random.seed(3)\n",
- " parameters = {}\n",
- " L = len(layers_dims) - 1 # integer representing the number of layers\n",
- " \n",
- " for l in range(1, L + 1):\n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (ā 2 lines of code)\n",
- " parameters['W' + str(l)] = None\n",
- " parameters['b' + str(l)] = None\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " \n",
- " return parameters"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "parameters = initialize_parameters_he([2, 4, 1])\n",
- "print(\"W1 = \" + str(parameters[\"W1\"]))\n",
- "print(\"b1 = \" + str(parameters[\"b1\"]))\n",
- "print(\"W2 = \" + str(parameters[\"W2\"]))\n",
- "print(\"b2 = \" + str(parameters[\"b2\"]))"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Expected Output**:\n",
- "\n",
- "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Run the following code to train your model on 15,000 iterations using He initialization."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "parameters = model(train_X, train_Y, initialization = \"he\")\n",
- "print (\"On the train set:\")\n",
- "predictions_train = predict(train_X, train_Y, parameters)\n",
- "print (\"On the test set:\")\n",
- "predictions_test = predict(test_X, test_Y, parameters)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true,
- "scrolled": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "plt.title(\"Model with He initialization\")\n",
- "axes = plt.gca()\n",
- "axes.set_xlim([-1.5,1.5])\n",
- "axes.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5])\n",
- "plot_decision_boundary(lambda x: predict_dec(parameters, x.T), train_X, train_Y)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Observations**:\n",
- "- The model with He initialization separates the blue and the red dots very well in a small number of iterations.\n"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "source": [
- "## 5 - Conclusions"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "source": [
- "You have seen three different types of initializations. For the same number of iterations and same hyperparameters the comparison is:\n",
- "\n",
- "
- "
- "
- " **Model**\n",
- "
- "
- " **Train accuracy**\n",
- "
- "
- " **Problem/Comment**\n",
- "
- "\n",
- "
- "
- " 3-layer NN with zeros initialization\n",
- "
- "
- " 50%\n",
- "
- "
- " fails to break symmetry\n",
- "
- "
- "
- " 3-layer NN with large random initialization\n",
- "
- "
- " 83%\n",
- "
- "
- " too large weights \n",
- "
- "
- "
- "
- " 3-layer NN with He initialization\n",
- "
- "
- " 99%\n",
- "
- "
- " recommended method\n",
- "
- "
- "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "\n",
- "**What you should remember from this notebook**:\n",
- "- Different initializations lead to different results\n",
- "- Random initialization is used to break symmetry and make sure different hidden units can learn different things\n",
- "- Don't intialize to values that are too large\n",
- "- He initialization works well for networks with ReLU activations. "
- ]
- }
- ],
- "metadata": {
- "coursera": {
- "course_slug": "deep-neural-network",
- "graded_item_id": "XOESP",
- "launcher_item_id": "8IhFN"
- },
- "kernelspec": {
- "display_name": "Python 3",
- "language": "python",
- "name": "python3"
- },
- "language_info": {
- "codemirror_mode": {
- "name": "ipython",
- "version": 3
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diff --git a/Improving_DNN/Initialization/init_utils.py b/Improving_DNN/Initialization/init_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 17ef62a..0000000
--- a/Improving_DNN/Initialization/init_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import h5py
-import sklearn
-import sklearn.datasets
-def sigmoid(x):
- """
- Compute the sigmoid of x
- Arguments:
- x -- A scalar or numpy array of any size.
- Return:
- s -- sigmoid(x)
- """
- s = 1/(1+np.exp(-x))
- return s
-def relu(x):
- """
- Compute the relu of x
- Arguments:
- x -- A scalar or numpy array of any size.
- Return:
- s -- relu(x)
- """
- s = np.maximum(0,x)
- return s
-def forward_propagation(X, parameters):
- """
- Implements the forward propagation (and computes the loss) presented in Figure 2.
- Arguments:
- X -- input dataset, of shape (input size, number of examples)
- Y -- true "label" vector (containing 0 if cat, 1 if non-cat)
- parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters "W1", "b1", "W2", "b2", "W3", "b3":
- W1 -- weight matrix of shape ()
- b1 -- bias vector of shape ()
- W2 -- weight matrix of shape ()
- b2 -- bias vector of shape ()
- W3 -- weight matrix of shape ()
- b3 -- bias vector of shape ()
- Returns:
- loss -- the loss function (vanilla logistic loss)
- """
- # retrieve parameters
- W1 = parameters["W1"]
- b1 = parameters["b1"]
- W2 = parameters["W2"]
- b2 = parameters["b2"]
- W3 = parameters["W3"]
- b3 = parameters["b3"]
- z1 = np.dot(W1, X) + b1
- a1 = relu(z1)
- z2 = np.dot(W2, a1) + b2
- a2 = relu(z2)
- z3 = np.dot(W3, a2) + b3
- a3 = sigmoid(z3)
- cache = (z1, a1, W1, b1, z2, a2, W2, b2, z3, a3, W3, b3)
- return a3, cache
-def backward_propagation(X, Y, cache):
- """
- Implement the backward propagation presented in figure 2.
- Arguments:
- X -- input dataset, of shape (input size, number of examples)
- Y -- true "label" vector (containing 0 if cat, 1 if non-cat)
- cache -- cache output from forward_propagation()
- Returns:
- gradients -- A dictionary with the gradients with respect to each parameter, activation and pre-activation variables
- """
- m = X.shape[1]
- (z1, a1, W1, b1, z2, a2, W2, b2, z3, a3, W3, b3) = cache
- dz3 = 1./m * (a3 - Y)
- dW3 = np.dot(dz3, a2.T)
- db3 = np.sum(dz3, axis=1, keepdims = True)
- da2 = np.dot(W3.T, dz3)
- dz2 = np.multiply(da2, np.int64(a2 > 0))
- dW2 = np.dot(dz2, a1.T)
- db2 = np.sum(dz2, axis=1, keepdims = True)
- da1 = np.dot(W2.T, dz2)
- dz1 = np.multiply(da1, np.int64(a1 > 0))
- dW1 = np.dot(dz1, X.T)
- db1 = np.sum(dz1, axis=1, keepdims = True)
- gradients = {"dz3": dz3, "dW3": dW3, "db3": db3,
- "da2": da2, "dz2": dz2, "dW2": dW2, "db2": db2,
- "da1": da1, "dz1": dz1, "dW1": dW1, "db1": db1}
- return gradients
-def update_parameters(parameters, grads, learning_rate):
- """
- Update parameters using gradient descent
- Arguments:
- parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters
- grads -- python dictionary containing your gradients, output of n_model_backward
- Returns:
- parameters -- python dictionary containing your updated parameters
- parameters['W' + str(i)] = ...
- parameters['b' + str(i)] = ...
- """
- L = len(parameters) // 2 # number of layers in the neural networks
- # Update rule for each parameter
- for k in range(L):
- parameters["W" + str(k+1)] = parameters["W" + str(k+1)] - learning_rate * grads["dW" + str(k+1)]
- parameters["b" + str(k+1)] = parameters["b" + str(k+1)] - learning_rate * grads["db" + str(k+1)]
- return parameters
-def compute_loss(a3, Y):
- """
- Implement the loss function
- Arguments:
- a3 -- post-activation, output of forward propagation
- Y -- "true" labels vector, same shape as a3
- Returns:
- loss - value of the loss function
- """
- m = Y.shape[1]
- logprobs = np.multiply(-np.log(a3),Y) + np.multiply(-np.log(1 - a3), 1 - Y)
- loss = 1./m * np.nansum(logprobs)
- return loss
-def load_cat_dataset():
- train_dataset = h5py.File('datasets/train_catvnoncat.h5', "r")
- train_set_x_orig = np.array(train_dataset["train_set_x"][:]) # your train set features
- train_set_y_orig = np.array(train_dataset["train_set_y"][:]) # your train set labels
- test_dataset = h5py.File('datasets/test_catvnoncat.h5', "r")
- test_set_x_orig = np.array(test_dataset["test_set_x"][:]) # your test set features
- test_set_y_orig = np.array(test_dataset["test_set_y"][:]) # your test set labels
- classes = np.array(test_dataset["list_classes"][:]) # the list of classes
- train_set_y = train_set_y_orig.reshape((1, train_set_y_orig.shape[0]))
- test_set_y = test_set_y_orig.reshape((1, test_set_y_orig.shape[0]))
- train_set_x_orig = train_set_x_orig.reshape(train_set_x_orig.shape[0], -1).T
- test_set_x_orig = test_set_x_orig.reshape(test_set_x_orig.shape[0], -1).T
- train_set_x = train_set_x_orig/255
- test_set_x = test_set_x_orig/255
- return train_set_x, train_set_y, test_set_x, test_set_y, classes
-def predict(X, y, parameters):
- """
- This function is used to predict the results of a n-layer neural network.
- Arguments:
- X -- data set of examples you would like to label
- parameters -- parameters of the trained model
- Returns:
- p -- predictions for the given dataset X
- """
- m = X.shape[1]
- p = np.zeros((1,m), dtype = np.int)
- # Forward propagation
- a3, caches = forward_propagation(X, parameters)
- # convert probas to 0/1 predictions
- for i in range(0, a3.shape[1]):
- if a3[0,i] > 0.5:
- p[0,i] = 1
- else:
- p[0,i] = 0
- # print results
- print("Accuracy: " + str(np.mean((p[0,:] == y[0,:]))))
- return p
-def plot_decision_boundary(model, X, y):
- # Set min and max values and give it some padding
- x_min, x_max = X[0, :].min() - 1, X[0, :].max() + 1
- y_min, y_max = X[1, :].min() - 1, X[1, :].max() + 1
- h = 0.01
- # Generate a grid of points with distance h between them
- xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, h), np.arange(y_min, y_max, h))
- # Predict the function value for the whole grid
- Z = model(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])
- Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape)
- # Plot the contour and training examples
- plt.contourf(xx, yy, Z, cmap=plt.cm.Spectral)
- plt.ylabel('x2')
- plt.xlabel('x1')
- plt.scatter(X[0, :], X[1, :], c=y, cmap=plt.cm.Spectral)
- plt.show()
-def predict_dec(parameters, X):
- """
- Used for plotting decision boundary.
- Arguments:
- parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters
- X -- input data of size (m, K)
- Returns
- predictions -- vector of predictions of our model (red: 0 / blue: 1)
- """
- # Predict using forward propagation and a classification threshold of 0.5
- a3, cache = forward_propagation(X, parameters)
- predictions = (a3>0.5)
- return predictions
-def load_dataset():
- np.random.seed(1)
- train_X, train_Y = sklearn.datasets.make_circles(n_samples=300, noise=.05)
- np.random.seed(2)
- test_X, test_Y = sklearn.datasets.make_circles(n_samples=100, noise=.05)
- # Visualize the data
- plt.scatter(train_X[:, 0], train_X[:, 1], c=train_Y, s=40, cmap=plt.cm.Spectral);
- train_X = train_X.T
- train_Y = train_Y.reshape((1, train_Y.shape[0]))
- test_X = test_X.T
- test_Y = test_Y.reshape((1, test_Y.shape[0]))
- return train_X, train_Y, test_X, test_Y
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Improving_DNN/Regularization/Regularization.ipynb b/Improving_DNN/Regularization/Regularization.ipynb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b00166..0000000
--- a/Improving_DNN/Regularization/Regularization.ipynb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,971 +0,0 @@
- "cells": [
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "# Regularization\n",
- "\n",
- "Welcome to the second assignment of this week. Deep Learning models have so much flexibility and capacity that **overfitting can be a serious problem**, if the training dataset is not big enough. Sure it does well on the training set, but the learned network **doesn't generalize to new examples** that it has never seen!\n",
- "\n",
- "**You will learn to:** Use regularization in your deep learning models.\n",
- "\n",
- "Let's first import the packages you are going to use."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 1,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# import packages\n",
- "import numpy as np\n",
- "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
- "from reg_utils import sigmoid, relu, plot_decision_boundary, initialize_parameters, load_2D_dataset, predict_dec\n",
- "from reg_utils import compute_cost, predict, forward_propagation, backward_propagation, update_parameters\n",
- "import sklearn\n",
- "import sklearn.datasets\n",
- "import scipy.io\n",
- "from testCases import *\n",
- "\n",
- "%matplotlib inline\n",
- "plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (7.0, 4.0) # set default size of plots\n",
- "plt.rcParams['image.interpolation'] = 'nearest'\n",
- "plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'gray'"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "source": [
- "**Problem Statement**: You have just been hired as an AI expert by the French Football Corporation. They would like you to recommend positions where France's goal keeper should kick the ball so that the French team's players can then hit it with their head. \n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "
**Figure 1** : **Football field** The goal keeper kicks the ball in the air, the players of each team are fighting to hit the ball with their head
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "They give you the following 2D dataset from France's past 10 games."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 2,
- "metadata": {
- "scrolled": false
- },
- "outputs": [
- {
- "data": {
- "image/png": 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- "text/plain": [
- ""
- ]
- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "train_X, train_Y, test_X, test_Y = load_2D_dataset()"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Each dot corresponds to a position on the football field where a football player has hit the ball with his/her head after the French goal keeper has shot the ball from the left side of the football field.\n",
- "- If the dot is blue, it means the French player managed to hit the ball with his/her head\n",
- "- If the dot is red, it means the other team's player hit the ball with their head\n",
- "\n",
- "**Your goal**: Use a deep learning model to find the positions on the field where the goalkeeper should kick the ball."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Analysis of the dataset**: This dataset is a little noisy, but it looks like a diagonal line separating the upper left half (blue) from the lower right half (red) would work well. \n",
- "\n",
- "You will first try a non-regularized model. Then you'll learn how to regularize it and decide which model you will choose to solve the French Football Corporation's problem. "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "## 1 - Non-regularized model\n",
- "\n",
- "You will use the following neural network (already implemented for you below). This model can be used:\n",
- "- in *regularization mode* -- by setting the `lambd` input to a non-zero value. We use \"`lambd`\" instead of \"`lambda`\" because \"`lambda`\" is a reserved keyword in Python. \n",
- "- in *dropout mode* -- by setting the `keep_prob` to a value less than one\n",
- "\n",
- "You will first try the model without any regularization. Then, you will implement:\n",
- "- *L2 regularization* -- functions: \"`compute_cost_with_regularization()`\" and \"`backward_propagation_with_regularization()`\"\n",
- "- *Dropout* -- functions: \"`forward_propagation_with_dropout()`\" and \"`backward_propagation_with_dropout()`\"\n",
- "\n",
- "In each part, you will run this model with the correct inputs so that it calls the functions you've implemented. Take a look at the code below to familiarize yourself with the model."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "def model(X, Y, learning_rate = 0.3, num_iterations = 30000, print_cost = True, lambd = 0, keep_prob = 1):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Implements a three-layer neural network: LINEAR->RELU->LINEAR->RELU->LINEAR->SIGMOID.\n",
- " \n",
- " Arguments:\n",
- " X -- input data, of shape (input size, number of examples)\n",
- " Y -- true \"label\" vector (1 for blue dot / 0 for red dot), of shape (output size, number of examples)\n",
- " learning_rate -- learning rate of the optimization\n",
- " num_iterations -- number of iterations of the optimization loop\n",
- " print_cost -- If True, print the cost every 10000 iterations\n",
- " lambd -- regularization hyperparameter, scalar\n",
- " keep_prob - probability of keeping a neuron active during drop-out, scalar.\n",
- " \n",
- " Returns:\n",
- " parameters -- parameters learned by the model. They can then be used to predict.\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " \n",
- " grads = {}\n",
- " costs = [] # to keep track of the cost\n",
- " m = X.shape[1] # number of examples\n",
- " layers_dims = [X.shape[0], 20, 3, 1]\n",
- " \n",
- " # Initialize parameters dictionary.\n",
- " parameters = initialize_parameters(layers_dims)\n",
- "\n",
- " # Loop (gradient descent)\n",
- "\n",
- " for i in range(0, num_iterations):\n",
- "\n",
- " # Forward propagation: LINEAR -> RELU -> LINEAR -> RELU -> LINEAR -> SIGMOID.\n",
- " if keep_prob == 1:\n",
- " a3, cache = forward_propagation(X, parameters)\n",
- " elif keep_prob < 1:\n",
- " a3, cache = forward_propagation_with_dropout(X, parameters, keep_prob)\n",
- " \n",
- " # Cost function\n",
- " if lambd == 0:\n",
- " cost = compute_cost(a3, Y)\n",
- " else:\n",
- " cost = compute_cost_with_regularization(a3, Y, parameters, lambd)\n",
- " \n",
- " # Backward propagation.\n",
- " assert(lambd==0 or keep_prob==1) # it is possible to use both L2 regularization and dropout, \n",
- " # but this assignment will only explore one at a time\n",
- " if lambd == 0 and keep_prob == 1:\n",
- " grads = backward_propagation(X, Y, cache)\n",
- " elif lambd != 0:\n",
- " grads = backward_propagation_with_regularization(X, Y, cache, lambd)\n",
- " elif keep_prob < 1:\n",
- " grads = backward_propagation_with_dropout(X, Y, cache, keep_prob)\n",
- " \n",
- " # Update parameters.\n",
- " parameters = update_parameters(parameters, grads, learning_rate)\n",
- " \n",
- " # Print the loss every 10000 iterations\n",
- " if print_cost and i % 10000 == 0:\n",
- " print(\"Cost after iteration {}: {}\".format(i, cost))\n",
- " if print_cost and i % 1000 == 0:\n",
- " costs.append(cost)\n",
- " \n",
- " # plot the cost\n",
- " plt.plot(costs)\n",
- " plt.ylabel('cost')\n",
- " plt.xlabel('iterations (x1,000)')\n",
- " plt.title(\"Learning rate =\" + str(learning_rate))\n",
- " plt.show()\n",
- " \n",
- " return parameters"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Let's train the model without any regularization, and observe the accuracy on the train/test sets."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true,
- "scrolled": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "parameters = model(train_X, train_Y)\n",
- "print (\"On the training set:\")\n",
- "predictions_train = predict(train_X, train_Y, parameters)\n",
- "print (\"On the test set:\")\n",
- "predictions_test = predict(test_X, test_Y, parameters)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "The train accuracy is 94.8% while the test accuracy is 91.5%. This is the **baseline model** (you will observe the impact of regularization on this model). Run the following code to plot the decision boundary of your model."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true,
- "scrolled": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "plt.title(\"Model without regularization\")\n",
- "axes = plt.gca()\n",
- "axes.set_xlim([-0.75,0.40])\n",
- "axes.set_ylim([-0.75,0.65])\n",
- "plot_decision_boundary(lambda x: predict_dec(parameters, x.T), train_X, train_Y)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "The non-regularized model is obviously overfitting the training set. It is fitting the noisy points! Lets now look at two techniques to reduce overfitting."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "## 2 - L2 Regularization\n",
- "\n",
- "The standard way to avoid overfitting is called **L2 regularization**. It consists of appropriately modifying your cost function, from:\n",
- "$$J = -\\frac{1}{m} \\sum\\limits_{i = 1}^{m} \\large{(}\\small y^{(i)}\\log\\left(a^{[L](i)}\\right) + (1-y^{(i)})\\log\\left(1- a^{[L](i)}\\right) \\large{)} \\tag{1}$$\n",
- "To:\n",
- "$$J_{regularized} = \\small \\underbrace{-\\frac{1}{m} \\sum\\limits_{i = 1}^{m} \\large{(}\\small y^{(i)}\\log\\left(a^{[L](i)}\\right) + (1-y^{(i)})\\log\\left(1- a^{[L](i)}\\right) \\large{)} }_\\text{cross-entropy cost} + \\underbrace{\\frac{1}{m} \\frac{\\lambda}{2} \\sum\\limits_l\\sum\\limits_k\\sum\\limits_j W_{k,j}^{[l]2} }_\\text{L2 regularization cost} \\tag{2}$$\n",
- "\n",
- "Let's modify your cost and observe the consequences.\n",
- "\n",
- "**Exercise**: Implement `compute_cost_with_regularization()` which computes the cost given by formula (2). To calculate $\\sum\\limits_k\\sum\\limits_j W_{k,j}^{[l]2}$ , use :\n",
- "```python\n",
- "np.sum(np.square(Wl))\n",
- "```\n",
- "Note that you have to do this for $W^{[1]}$, $W^{[2]}$ and $W^{[3]}$, then sum the three terms and multiply by $ \\frac{1}{m} \\frac{\\lambda}{2} $."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# GRADED FUNCTION: compute_cost_with_regularization\n",
- "\n",
- "def compute_cost_with_regularization(A3, Y, parameters, lambd):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Implement the cost function with L2 regularization. See formula (2) above.\n",
- " \n",
- " Arguments:\n",
- " A3 -- post-activation, output of forward propagation, of shape (output size, number of examples)\n",
- " Y -- \"true\" labels vector, of shape (output size, number of examples)\n",
- " parameters -- python dictionary containing parameters of the model\n",
- " \n",
- " Returns:\n",
- " cost - value of the regularized loss function (formula (2))\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " m = Y.shape[1]\n",
- " W1 = parameters[\"W1\"]\n",
- " W2 = parameters[\"W2\"]\n",
- " W3 = parameters[\"W3\"]\n",
- " \n",
- " cross_entropy_cost = compute_cost(A3, Y) # This gives you the cross-entropy part of the cost\n",
- " \n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 1 line)\n",
- " L2_regularization_cost = None\n",
- " ### END CODER HERE ###\n",
- " \n",
- " cost = cross_entropy_cost + L2_regularization_cost\n",
- " \n",
- " return cost"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "A3, Y_assess, parameters = compute_cost_with_regularization_test_case()\n",
- "\n",
- "print(\"cost = \" + str(compute_cost_with_regularization(A3, Y_assess, parameters, lambd = 0.1)))"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Expected Output**: \n",
- "\n",
- "
- "
- "
- " **cost**\n",
- "
- "
- " 1.78648594516\n",
- "
- " \n",
- "
- "\n",
- "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Of course, because you changed the cost, you have to change backward propagation as well! All the gradients have to be computed with respect to this new cost. \n",
- "\n",
- "**Exercise**: Implement the changes needed in backward propagation to take into account regularization. The changes only concern dW1, dW2 and dW3. For each, you have to add the regularization term's gradient ($\\frac{d}{dW} ( \\frac{1}{2}\\frac{\\lambda}{m} W^2) = \\frac{\\lambda}{m} W$)."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# GRADED FUNCTION: backward_propagation_with_regularization\n",
- "\n",
- "def backward_propagation_with_regularization(X, Y, cache, lambd):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Implements the backward propagation of our baseline model to which we added an L2 regularization.\n",
- " \n",
- " Arguments:\n",
- " X -- input dataset, of shape (input size, number of examples)\n",
- " Y -- \"true\" labels vector, of shape (output size, number of examples)\n",
- " cache -- cache output from forward_propagation()\n",
- " lambd -- regularization hyperparameter, scalar\n",
- " \n",
- " Returns:\n",
- " gradients -- A dictionary with the gradients with respect to each parameter, activation and pre-activation variables\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " \n",
- " m = X.shape[1]\n",
- " (Z1, A1, W1, b1, Z2, A2, W2, b2, Z3, A3, W3, b3) = cache\n",
- " \n",
- " dZ3 = A3 - Y\n",
- " \n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 1 line)\n",
- " dW3 = 1./m * np.dot(dZ3, A2.T) + None\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " db3 = 1./m * np.sum(dZ3, axis=1, keepdims = True)\n",
- " \n",
- " dA2 = np.dot(W3.T, dZ3)\n",
- " dZ2 = np.multiply(dA2, np.int64(A2 > 0))\n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 1 line)\n",
- " dW2 = 1./m * np.dot(dZ2, A1.T) + None\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " db2 = 1./m * np.sum(dZ2, axis=1, keepdims = True)\n",
- " \n",
- " dA1 = np.dot(W2.T, dZ2)\n",
- " dZ1 = np.multiply(dA1, np.int64(A1 > 0))\n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 1 line)\n",
- " dW1 = 1./m * np.dot(dZ1, X.T) + None\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " db1 = 1./m * np.sum(dZ1, axis=1, keepdims = True)\n",
- " \n",
- " gradients = {\"dZ3\": dZ3, \"dW3\": dW3, \"db3\": db3,\"dA2\": dA2,\n",
- " \"dZ2\": dZ2, \"dW2\": dW2, \"db2\": db2, \"dA1\": dA1, \n",
- " \"dZ1\": dZ1, \"dW1\": dW1, \"db1\": db1}\n",
- " \n",
- " return gradients"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "X_assess, Y_assess, cache = backward_propagation_with_regularization_test_case()\n",
- "\n",
- "grads = backward_propagation_with_regularization(X_assess, Y_assess, cache, lambd = 0.7)\n",
- "print (\"dW1 = \"+ str(grads[\"dW1\"]))\n",
- "print (\"dW2 = \"+ str(grads[\"dW2\"]))\n",
- "print (\"dW3 = \"+ str(grads[\"dW3\"]))"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Expected Output**:\n",
- "\n",
- "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Let's now run the model with L2 regularization $(\\lambda = 0.7)$. The `model()` function will call: \n",
- "- `compute_cost_with_regularization` instead of `compute_cost`\n",
- "- `backward_propagation_with_regularization` instead of `backward_propagation`"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true,
- "scrolled": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "parameters = model(train_X, train_Y, lambd = 0.7)\n",
- "print (\"On the train set:\")\n",
- "predictions_train = predict(train_X, train_Y, parameters)\n",
- "print (\"On the test set:\")\n",
- "predictions_test = predict(test_X, test_Y, parameters)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Congrats, the test set accuracy increased to 93%. You have saved the French football team!\n",
- "\n",
- "You are not overfitting the training data anymore. Let's plot the decision boundary."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "plt.title(\"Model with L2-regularization\")\n",
- "axes = plt.gca()\n",
- "axes.set_xlim([-0.75,0.40])\n",
- "axes.set_ylim([-0.75,0.65])\n",
- "plot_decision_boundary(lambda x: predict_dec(parameters, x.T), train_X, train_Y)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "source": [
- "**Observations**:\n",
- "- The value of $\\lambda$ is a hyperparameter that you can tune using a dev set.\n",
- "- L2 regularization makes your decision boundary smoother. If $\\lambda$ is too large, it is also possible to \"oversmooth\", resulting in a model with high bias.\n",
- "\n",
- "**What is L2-regularization actually doing?**:\n",
- "\n",
- "L2-regularization relies on the assumption that a model with small weights is simpler than a model with large weights. Thus, by penalizing the square values of the weights in the cost function you drive all the weights to smaller values. It becomes too costly for the cost to have large weights! This leads to a smoother model in which the output changes more slowly as the input changes. \n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "**What you should remember** -- the implications of L2-regularization on:\n",
- "- The cost computation:\n",
- " - A regularization term is added to the cost\n",
- "- The backpropagation function:\n",
- " - There are extra terms in the gradients with respect to weight matrices\n",
- "- Weights end up smaller (\"weight decay\"): \n",
- " - Weights are pushed to smaller values."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "## 3 - Dropout\n",
- "\n",
- "Finally, **dropout** is a widely used regularization technique that is specific to deep learning. \n",
- "**It randomly shuts down some neurons in each iteration.** Watch these two videos to see what this means!\n",
- "\n",
- " \n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "
- "\n",
- "
- " \n",
- "
Figure 2 : Drop-out on the second hidden layer. At each iteration, you shut down (= set to zero) each neuron of a layer with probability $1 - keep\\_prob$ or keep it with probability $keep\\_prob$ (50% here). The dropped neurons don't contribute to the training in both the forward and backward propagations of the iteration.
- "\n",
- "
- "\n",
- "
- "\n",
- "
Figure 3 : Drop-out on the first and third hidden layers. $1^{st}$ layer: we shut down on average 40% of the neurons. $3^{rd}$ layer: we shut down on average 20% of the neurons.
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "When you shut some neurons down, you actually modify your model. The idea behind drop-out is that at each iteration, you train a different model that uses only a subset of your neurons. With dropout, your neurons thus become less sensitive to the activation of one other specific neuron, because that other neuron might be shut down at any time. \n",
- "\n",
- "### 3.1 - Forward propagation with dropout\n",
- "\n",
- "**Exercise**: Implement the forward propagation with dropout. You are using a 3 layer neural network, and will add dropout to the first and second hidden layers. We will not apply dropout to the input layer or output layer. \n",
- "\n",
- "**Instructions**:\n",
- "You would like to shut down some neurons in the first and second layers. To do that, you are going to carry out 4 Steps:\n",
- "1. In lecture, we dicussed creating a variable $d^{[1]}$ with the same shape as $a^{[1]}$ using `np.random.rand()` to randomly get numbers between 0 and 1. Here, you will use a vectorized implementation, so create a random matrix $D^{[1]} = [d^{[1](1)} d^{[1](2)} ... d^{[1](m)}] $ of the same dimension as $A^{[1]}$.\n",
- "2. Set each entry of $D^{[1]}$ to be 0 with probability (`1-keep_prob`) or 1 with probability (`keep_prob`), by thresholding values in $D^{[1]}$ appropriately. Hint: to set all the entries of a matrix X to 0 (if entry is less than 0.5) or 1 (if entry is more than 0.5) you would do: `X = (X < 0.5)`. Note that 0 and 1 are respectively equivalent to False and True.\n",
- "3. Set $A^{[1]}$ to $A^{[1]} * D^{[1]}$. (You are shutting down some neurons). You can think of $D^{[1]}$ as a mask, so that when it is multiplied with another matrix, it shuts down some of the values.\n",
- "4. Divide $A^{[1]}$ by `keep_prob`. By doing this you are assuring that the result of the cost will still have the same expected value as without drop-out. (This technique is also called inverted dropout.)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# GRADED FUNCTION: forward_propagation_with_dropout\n",
- "\n",
- "def forward_propagation_with_dropout(X, parameters, keep_prob = 0.5):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Implements the forward propagation: LINEAR -> RELU + DROPOUT -> LINEAR -> RELU + DROPOUT -> LINEAR -> SIGMOID.\n",
- " \n",
- " Arguments:\n",
- " X -- input dataset, of shape (2, number of examples)\n",
- " parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters \"W1\", \"b1\", \"W2\", \"b2\", \"W3\", \"b3\":\n",
- " W1 -- weight matrix of shape (20, 2)\n",
- " b1 -- bias vector of shape (20, 1)\n",
- " W2 -- weight matrix of shape (3, 20)\n",
- " b2 -- bias vector of shape (3, 1)\n",
- " W3 -- weight matrix of shape (1, 3)\n",
- " b3 -- bias vector of shape (1, 1)\n",
- " keep_prob - probability of keeping a neuron active during drop-out, scalar\n",
- " \n",
- " Returns:\n",
- " A3 -- last activation value, output of the forward propagation, of shape (1,1)\n",
- " cache -- tuple, information stored for computing the backward propagation\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " \n",
- " np.random.seed(1)\n",
- " \n",
- " # retrieve parameters\n",
- " W1 = parameters[\"W1\"]\n",
- " b1 = parameters[\"b1\"]\n",
- " W2 = parameters[\"W2\"]\n",
- " b2 = parameters[\"b2\"]\n",
- " W3 = parameters[\"W3\"]\n",
- " b3 = parameters[\"b3\"]\n",
- " \n",
- " Z1 = np.dot(W1, X) + b1\n",
- " A1 = relu(Z1)\n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 4 lines) # Steps 1-4 below correspond to the Steps 1-4 described above. \n",
- " D1 = None # Step 1: initialize matrix D1 = np.random.rand(..., ...)\n",
- " D1 = None # Step 2: convert entries of D1 to 0 or 1 (using keep_prob as the threshold)\n",
- " A1 = None # Step 3: shut down some neurons of A1\n",
- " A1 = None # Step 4: scale the value of neurons that haven't been shut down\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " Z2 = np.dot(W2, A1) + b2\n",
- " A2 = relu(Z2)\n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 4 lines)\n",
- " D2 = None # Step 1: initialize matrix D2 = np.random.rand(..., ...)\n",
- " D2 = None # Step 2: convert entries of D2 to 0 or 1 (using keep_prob as the threshold)\n",
- " A2 = None # Step 3: shut down some neurons of A2\n",
- " A2 = None # Step 4: scale the value of neurons that haven't been shut down\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " Z3 = np.dot(W3, A2) + b3\n",
- " A3 = sigmoid(Z3)\n",
- " \n",
- " cache = (Z1, D1, A1, W1, b1, Z2, D2, A2, W2, b2, Z3, A3, W3, b3)\n",
- " \n",
- " return A3, cache"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "X_assess, parameters = forward_propagation_with_dropout_test_case()\n",
- "\n",
- "A3, cache = forward_propagation_with_dropout(X_assess, parameters, keep_prob = 0.7)\n",
- "print (\"A3 = \" + str(A3))"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Expected Output**: \n",
- "\n",
- "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Let's now run the model with dropout (`keep_prob = 0.86`). It means at every iteration you shut down each neurons of layer 1 and 2 with 14% probability. The function `model()` will now call:\n",
- "- `forward_propagation_with_dropout` instead of `forward_propagation`.\n",
- "- `backward_propagation_with_dropout` instead of `backward_propagation`."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "parameters = model(train_X, train_Y, keep_prob = 0.86, learning_rate = 0.3)\n",
- "\n",
- "print (\"On the train set:\")\n",
- "predictions_train = predict(train_X, train_Y, parameters)\n",
- "print (\"On the test set:\")\n",
- "predictions_test = predict(test_X, test_Y, parameters)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Dropout works great! The test accuracy has increased again (to 95%)! Your model is not overfitting the training set and does a great job on the test set. The French football team will be forever grateful to you! \n",
- "\n",
- "Run the code below to plot the decision boundary."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "plt.title(\"Model with dropout\")\n",
- "axes = plt.gca()\n",
- "axes.set_xlim([-0.75,0.40])\n",
- "axes.set_ylim([-0.75,0.65])\n",
- "plot_decision_boundary(lambda x: predict_dec(parameters, x.T), train_X, train_Y)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "source": [
- "**Note**:\n",
- "- A **common mistake** when using dropout is to use it both in training and testing. You should use dropout (randomly eliminate nodes) only in training. \n",
- "- Deep learning frameworks like [tensorflow](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/nn/dropout), [PaddlePaddle](http://doc.paddlepaddle.org/release_doc/0.9.0/doc/ui/api/trainer_config_helpers/attrs.html), [keras](https://keras.io/layers/core/#dropout) or [caffe](http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/tutorial/layers/dropout.html) come with a dropout layer implementation. Don't stress - you will soon learn some of these frameworks.\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "**What you should remember about dropout:**\n",
- "- Dropout is a regularization technique.\n",
- "- You only use dropout during training. Don't use dropout (randomly eliminate nodes) during test time.\n",
- "- Apply dropout both during forward and backward propagation.\n",
- "- During training time, divide each dropout layer by keep_prob to keep the same expected value for the activations. For example, if keep_prob is 0.5, then we will on average shut down half the nodes, so the output will be scaled by 0.5 since only the remaining half are contributing to the solution. Dividing by 0.5 is equivalent to multiplying by 2. Hence, the output now has the same expected value. You can check that this works even when keep_prob is other values than 0.5. "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "## 4 - Conclusions"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Here are the results of our three models**: \n",
- "\n",
- "
- "
- "
- " **model**\n",
- "
- "
- " **train accuracy**\n",
- "
- "
- " **test accuracy**\n",
- "
- "\n",
- "
- "
- " 3-layer NN without regularization\n",
- "
- "
- " 95%\n",
- "
- "
- " 91.5%\n",
- "
- "
- "
- " 3-layer NN with L2-regularization\n",
- "
- "
- " 94%\n",
- "
- "
- " 93%\n",
- "
- "
- "
- "
- " 3-layer NN with dropout\n",
- "
- "
- " 93%\n",
- "
- "
- " 95%\n",
- "
- "
- "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Note that regularization hurts training set performance! This is because it limits the ability of the network to overfit to the training set. But since it ultimately gives better test accuracy, it is helping your system. "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Congratulations for finishing this assignment! And also for revolutionizing French football. :-) "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "source": [
- "\n",
- "**What we want you to remember from this notebook**:\n",
- "- Regularization will help you reduce overfitting.\n",
- "- Regularization will drive your weights to lower values.\n",
- "- L2 regularization and Dropout are two very effective regularization techniques."
- ]
- }
- ],
- "metadata": {
- "coursera": {
- "course_slug": "deep-neural-network",
- "graded_item_id": "SXQaI",
- "launcher_item_id": "UAwhh"
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- "display_name": "Python 3",
- "language": "python",
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diff --git a/Improving_DNN/Regularization/datasets/data.mat b/Improving_DNN/Regularization/datasets/data.mat
deleted file mode 100644
index a0441ac..0000000
Binary files a/Improving_DNN/Regularization/datasets/data.mat and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Improving_DNN/Regularization/datasets/test_catvnoncat.h5 b/Improving_DNN/Regularization/datasets/test_catvnoncat.h5
deleted file mode 100644
index f8dc438..0000000
Binary files a/Improving_DNN/Regularization/datasets/test_catvnoncat.h5 and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Improving_DNN/Regularization/datasets/train_catvnoncat.h5 b/Improving_DNN/Regularization/datasets/train_catvnoncat.h5
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c131c6..0000000
Binary files a/Improving_DNN/Regularization/datasets/train_catvnoncat.h5 and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Improving_DNN/Regularization/images/dropout1_kiank.mp4 b/Improving_DNN/Regularization/images/dropout1_kiank.mp4
deleted file mode 100644
index 5336009..0000000
Binary files a/Improving_DNN/Regularization/images/dropout1_kiank.mp4 and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Improving_DNN/Regularization/images/dropout2_kiank.mp4 b/Improving_DNN/Regularization/images/dropout2_kiank.mp4
deleted file mode 100644
index f86dd52..0000000
Binary files a/Improving_DNN/Regularization/images/dropout2_kiank.mp4 and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Improving_DNN/Regularization/images/field_kiank.png b/Improving_DNN/Regularization/images/field_kiank.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a3403e..0000000
Binary files a/Improving_DNN/Regularization/images/field_kiank.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Improving_DNN/Regularization/reg_utils.py b/Improving_DNN/Regularization/reg_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a88cc34..0000000
--- a/Improving_DNN/Regularization/reg_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import h5py
-import sklearn
-import sklearn.datasets
-import sklearn.linear_model
-import scipy.io
-def sigmoid(x):
- """
- Compute the sigmoid of x
- Arguments:
- x -- A scalar or numpy array of any size.
- Return:
- s -- sigmoid(x)
- """
- s = 1/(1+np.exp(-x))
- return s
-def relu(x):
- """
- Compute the relu of x
- Arguments:
- x -- A scalar or numpy array of any size.
- Return:
- s -- relu(x)
- """
- s = np.maximum(0,x)
- return s
-def load_planar_dataset(seed):
- np.random.seed(seed)
- m = 400 # number of examples
- N = int(m/2) # number of points per class
- D = 2 # dimensionality
- X = np.zeros((m,D)) # data matrix where each row is a single example
- Y = np.zeros((m,1), dtype='uint8') # labels vector (0 for red, 1 for blue)
- a = 4 # maximum ray of the flower
- for j in range(2):
- ix = range(N*j,N*(j+1))
- t = np.linspace(j*3.12,(j+1)*3.12,N) + np.random.randn(N)*0.2 # theta
- r = a*np.sin(4*t) + np.random.randn(N)*0.2 # radius
- X[ix] = np.c_[r*np.sin(t), r*np.cos(t)]
- Y[ix] = j
- X = X.T
- Y = Y.T
- return X, Y
-def initialize_parameters(layer_dims):
- """
- Arguments:
- layer_dims -- python array (list) containing the dimensions of each layer in our network
- Returns:
- parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters "W1", "b1", ..., "WL", "bL":
- W1 -- weight matrix of shape (layer_dims[l], layer_dims[l-1])
- b1 -- bias vector of shape (layer_dims[l], 1)
- Wl -- weight matrix of shape (layer_dims[l-1], layer_dims[l])
- bl -- bias vector of shape (1, layer_dims[l])
- Tips:
- - For example: the layer_dims for the "Planar Data classification model" would have been [2,2,1].
- This means W1's shape was (2,2), b1 was (1,2), W2 was (2,1) and b2 was (1,1). Now you have to generalize it!
- - In the for loop, use parameters['W' + str(l)] to access Wl, where l is the iterative integer.
- """
- np.random.seed(3)
- parameters = {}
- L = len(layer_dims) # number of layers in the network
- for l in range(1, L):
- parameters['W' + str(l)] = np.random.randn(layer_dims[l], layer_dims[l-1]) / np.sqrt(layer_dims[l-1])
- parameters['b' + str(l)] = np.zeros((layer_dims[l], 1))
- assert(parameters['W' + str(l)].shape == layer_dims[l], layer_dims[l-1])
- assert(parameters['W' + str(l)].shape == layer_dims[l], 1)
- return parameters
-def forward_propagation(X, parameters):
- """
- Implements the forward propagation (and computes the loss) presented in Figure 2.
- Arguments:
- X -- input dataset, of shape (input size, number of examples)
- parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters "W1", "b1", "W2", "b2", "W3", "b3":
- W1 -- weight matrix of shape ()
- b1 -- bias vector of shape ()
- W2 -- weight matrix of shape ()
- b2 -- bias vector of shape ()
- W3 -- weight matrix of shape ()
- b3 -- bias vector of shape ()
- Returns:
- loss -- the loss function (vanilla logistic loss)
- """
- # retrieve parameters
- W1 = parameters["W1"]
- b1 = parameters["b1"]
- W2 = parameters["W2"]
- b2 = parameters["b2"]
- W3 = parameters["W3"]
- b3 = parameters["b3"]
- Z1 = np.dot(W1, X) + b1
- A1 = relu(Z1)
- Z2 = np.dot(W2, A1) + b2
- A2 = relu(Z2)
- Z3 = np.dot(W3, A2) + b3
- A3 = sigmoid(Z3)
- cache = (Z1, A1, W1, b1, Z2, A2, W2, b2, Z3, A3, W3, b3)
- return A3, cache
-def backward_propagation(X, Y, cache):
- """
- Implement the backward propagation presented in figure 2.
- Arguments:
- X -- input dataset, of shape (input size, number of examples)
- Y -- true "label" vector (containing 0 if cat, 1 if non-cat)
- cache -- cache output from forward_propagation()
- Returns:
- gradients -- A dictionary with the gradients with respect to each parameter, activation and pre-activation variables
- """
- m = X.shape[1]
- (Z1, A1, W1, b1, Z2, A2, W2, b2, Z3, A3, W3, b3) = cache
- dZ3 = A3 - Y
- dW3 = 1./m * np.dot(dZ3, A2.T)
- db3 = 1./m * np.sum(dZ3, axis=1, keepdims = True)
- dA2 = np.dot(W3.T, dZ3)
- dZ2 = np.multiply(dA2, np.int64(A2 > 0))
- dW2 = 1./m * np.dot(dZ2, A1.T)
- db2 = 1./m * np.sum(dZ2, axis=1, keepdims = True)
- dA1 = np.dot(W2.T, dZ2)
- dZ1 = np.multiply(dA1, np.int64(A1 > 0))
- dW1 = 1./m * np.dot(dZ1, X.T)
- db1 = 1./m * np.sum(dZ1, axis=1, keepdims = True)
- gradients = {"dZ3": dZ3, "dW3": dW3, "db3": db3,
- "dA2": dA2, "dZ2": dZ2, "dW2": dW2, "db2": db2,
- "dA1": dA1, "dZ1": dZ1, "dW1": dW1, "db1": db1}
- return gradients
-def update_parameters(parameters, grads, learning_rate):
- """
- Update parameters using gradient descent
- Arguments:
- parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters:
- parameters['W' + str(i)] = Wi
- parameters['b' + str(i)] = bi
- grads -- python dictionary containing your gradients for each parameters:
- grads['dW' + str(i)] = dWi
- grads['db' + str(i)] = dbi
- learning_rate -- the learning rate, scalar.
- Returns:
- parameters -- python dictionary containing your updated parameters
- """
- n = len(parameters) // 2 # number of layers in the neural networks
- # Update rule for each parameter
- for k in range(n):
- parameters["W" + str(k+1)] = parameters["W" + str(k+1)] - learning_rate * grads["dW" + str(k+1)]
- parameters["b" + str(k+1)] = parameters["b" + str(k+1)] - learning_rate * grads["db" + str(k+1)]
- return parameters
-def predict(X, y, parameters):
- """
- This function is used to predict the results of a n-layer neural network.
- Arguments:
- X -- data set of examples you would like to label
- parameters -- parameters of the trained model
- Returns:
- p -- predictions for the given dataset X
- """
- m = X.shape[1]
- p = np.zeros((1,m), dtype = np.int)
- # Forward propagation
- a3, caches = forward_propagation(X, parameters)
- # convert probas to 0/1 predictions
- for i in range(0, a3.shape[1]):
- if a3[0,i] > 0.5:
- p[0,i] = 1
- else:
- p[0,i] = 0
- # print results
- #print ("predictions: " + str(p[0,:]))
- #print ("true labels: " + str(y[0,:]))
- print("Accuracy: " + str(np.mean((p[0,:] == y[0,:]))))
- return p
-def compute_cost(a3, Y):
- """
- Implement the cost function
- Arguments:
- a3 -- post-activation, output of forward propagation
- Y -- "true" labels vector, same shape as a3
- Returns:
- cost - value of the cost function
- """
- m = Y.shape[1]
- logprobs = np.multiply(-np.log(a3),Y) + np.multiply(-np.log(1 - a3), 1 - Y)
- cost = 1./m * np.nansum(logprobs)
- return cost
-def load_dataset():
- train_dataset = h5py.File('datasets/train_catvnoncat.h5', "r")
- train_set_x_orig = np.array(train_dataset["train_set_x"][:]) # your train set features
- train_set_y_orig = np.array(train_dataset["train_set_y"][:]) # your train set labels
- test_dataset = h5py.File('datasets/test_catvnoncat.h5', "r")
- test_set_x_orig = np.array(test_dataset["test_set_x"][:]) # your test set features
- test_set_y_orig = np.array(test_dataset["test_set_y"][:]) # your test set labels
- classes = np.array(test_dataset["list_classes"][:]) # the list of classes
- train_set_y = train_set_y_orig.reshape((1, train_set_y_orig.shape[0]))
- test_set_y = test_set_y_orig.reshape((1, test_set_y_orig.shape[0]))
- train_set_x_orig = train_set_x_orig.reshape(train_set_x_orig.shape[0], -1).T
- test_set_x_orig = test_set_x_orig.reshape(test_set_x_orig.shape[0], -1).T
- train_set_x = train_set_x_orig/255
- test_set_x = test_set_x_orig/255
- return train_set_x, train_set_y, test_set_x, test_set_y, classes
-def predict_dec(parameters, X):
- """
- Used for plotting decision boundary.
- Arguments:
- parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters
- X -- input data of size (m, K)
- Returns
- predictions -- vector of predictions of our model (red: 0 / blue: 1)
- """
- # Predict using forward propagation and a classification threshold of 0.5
- a3, cache = forward_propagation(X, parameters)
- predictions = (a3>0.5)
- return predictions
-def load_planar_dataset(randomness, seed):
- np.random.seed(seed)
- m = 50
- N = int(m/2) # number of points per class
- D = 2 # dimensionality
- X = np.zeros((m,D)) # data matrix where each row is a single example
- Y = np.zeros((m,1), dtype='uint8') # labels vector (0 for red, 1 for blue)
- a = 2 # maximum ray of the flower
- for j in range(2):
- ix = range(N*j,N*(j+1))
- if j == 0:
- t = np.linspace(j, 4*3.1415*(j+1),N) #+ np.random.randn(N)*randomness # theta
- r = 0.3*np.square(t) + np.random.randn(N)*randomness # radius
- if j == 1:
- t = np.linspace(j, 2*3.1415*(j+1),N) #+ np.random.randn(N)*randomness # theta
- r = 0.2*np.square(t) + np.random.randn(N)*randomness # radius
- X[ix] = np.c_[r*np.cos(t), r*np.sin(t)]
- Y[ix] = j
- X = X.T
- Y = Y.T
- return X, Y
-def plot_decision_boundary(model, X, y):
- # Set min and max values and give it some padding
- x_min, x_max = X[0, :].min() - 1, X[0, :].max() + 1
- y_min, y_max = X[1, :].min() - 1, X[1, :].max() + 1
- h = 0.01
- # Generate a grid of points with distance h between them
- xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, h), np.arange(y_min, y_max, h))
- # Predict the function value for the whole grid
- Z = model(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])
- Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape)
- # Plot the contour and training examples
- plt.contourf(xx, yy, Z, cmap=plt.cm.Spectral)
- plt.ylabel('x2')
- plt.xlabel('x1')
- plt.scatter(X[0, :], X[1, :], c=y, cmap=plt.cm.Spectral)
- plt.show()
-def load_2D_dataset():
- data = scipy.io.loadmat('datasets/data.mat')
- train_X = data['X'].T
- train_Y = data['y'].T
- test_X = data['Xval'].T
- test_Y = data['yval'].T
- plt.scatter(train_X[0, :], train_X[1, :], c=train_Y, s=40, cmap=plt.cm.Spectral);
- return train_X, train_Y, test_X, test_Y
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Improving_DNN/Regularization/testCases.py b/Improving_DNN/Regularization/testCases.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 28c97d5..0000000
--- a/Improving_DNN/Regularization/testCases.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-def compute_cost_with_regularization_test_case():
- np.random.seed(1)
- Y_assess = np.array([[1, 1, 0, 1, 0]])
- W1 = np.random.randn(2, 3)
- b1 = np.random.randn(2, 1)
- W2 = np.random.randn(3, 2)
- b2 = np.random.randn(3, 1)
- W3 = np.random.randn(1, 3)
- b3 = np.random.randn(1, 1)
- parameters = {"W1": W1, "b1": b1, "W2": W2, "b2": b2, "W3": W3, "b3": b3}
- a3 = np.array([[ 0.40682402, 0.01629284, 0.16722898, 0.10118111, 0.40682402]])
- return a3, Y_assess, parameters
-def backward_propagation_with_regularization_test_case():
- np.random.seed(1)
- X_assess = np.random.randn(3, 5)
- Y_assess = np.array([[1, 1, 0, 1, 0]])
- cache = (np.array([[-1.52855314, 3.32524635, 2.13994541, 2.60700654, -0.75942115],
- [-1.98043538, 4.1600994 , 0.79051021, 1.46493512, -0.45506242]]),
- np.array([[ 0. , 3.32524635, 2.13994541, 2.60700654, 0. ],
- [ 0. , 4.1600994 , 0.79051021, 1.46493512, 0. ]]),
- np.array([[-1.09989127, -0.17242821, -0.87785842],
- [ 0.04221375, 0.58281521, -1.10061918]]),
- np.array([[ 1.14472371],
- [ 0.90159072]]),
- np.array([[ 0.53035547, 5.94892323, 2.31780174, 3.16005701, 0.53035547],
- [-0.69166075, -3.47645987, -2.25194702, -2.65416996, -0.69166075],
- [-0.39675353, -4.62285846, -2.61101729, -3.22874921, -0.39675353]]),
- np.array([[ 0.53035547, 5.94892323, 2.31780174, 3.16005701, 0.53035547],
- [ 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ],
- [ 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ]]),
- np.array([[ 0.50249434, 0.90085595],
- [-0.68372786, -0.12289023],
- [-0.93576943, -0.26788808]]),
- np.array([[ 0.53035547],
- [-0.69166075],
- [-0.39675353]]),
- np.array([[-0.3771104 , -4.10060224, -1.60539468, -2.18416951, -0.3771104 ]]),
- np.array([[ 0.40682402, 0.01629284, 0.16722898, 0.10118111, 0.40682402]]),
- np.array([[-0.6871727 , -0.84520564, -0.67124613]]),
- np.array([[-0.0126646]]))
- return X_assess, Y_assess, cache
-def forward_propagation_with_dropout_test_case():
- np.random.seed(1)
- X_assess = np.random.randn(3, 5)
- W1 = np.random.randn(2, 3)
- b1 = np.random.randn(2, 1)
- W2 = np.random.randn(3, 2)
- b2 = np.random.randn(3, 1)
- W3 = np.random.randn(1, 3)
- b3 = np.random.randn(1, 1)
- parameters = {"W1": W1, "b1": b1, "W2": W2, "b2": b2, "W3": W3, "b3": b3}
- return X_assess, parameters
-def backward_propagation_with_dropout_test_case():
- np.random.seed(1)
- X_assess = np.random.randn(3, 5)
- Y_assess = np.array([[1, 1, 0, 1, 0]])
- cache = (np.array([[-1.52855314, 3.32524635, 2.13994541, 2.60700654, -0.75942115],
- [-1.98043538, 4.1600994 , 0.79051021, 1.46493512, -0.45506242]]), np.array([[ True, False, True, True, True],
- [ True, True, True, True, False]], dtype=bool), np.array([[ 0. , 0. , 4.27989081, 5.21401307, 0. ],
- [ 0. , 8.32019881, 1.58102041, 2.92987024, 0. ]]), np.array([[-1.09989127, -0.17242821, -0.87785842],
- [ 0.04221375, 0.58281521, -1.10061918]]), np.array([[ 1.14472371],
- [ 0.90159072]]), np.array([[ 0.53035547, 8.02565606, 4.10524802, 5.78975856, 0.53035547],
- [-0.69166075, -1.71413186, -3.81223329, -4.61667916, -0.69166075],
- [-0.39675353, -2.62563561, -4.82528105, -6.0607449 , -0.39675353]]), np.array([[ True, False, True, False, True],
- [False, True, False, True, True],
- [False, False, True, False, False]], dtype=bool), np.array([[ 1.06071093, 0. , 8.21049603, 0. , 1.06071093],
- [ 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ],
- [ 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ]]), np.array([[ 0.50249434, 0.90085595],
- [-0.68372786, -0.12289023],
- [-0.93576943, -0.26788808]]), np.array([[ 0.53035547],
- [-0.69166075],
- [-0.39675353]]), np.array([[-0.7415562 , -0.0126646 , -5.65469333, -0.0126646 , -0.7415562 ]]), np.array([[ 0.32266394, 0.49683389, 0.00348883, 0.49683389, 0.32266394]]), np.array([[-0.6871727 , -0.84520564, -0.67124613]]), np.array([[-0.0126646]]))
- return X_assess, Y_assess, cache
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Introduction/Logistic_regression_as_a_neural_network/Logistic Regression with a Neural Network mindset v5.ipynb b/Introduction/Logistic_regression_as_a_neural_network/Logistic Regression with a Neural Network mindset v5.ipynb
index 96a4a75..04d1572 100644
--- a/Introduction/Logistic_regression_as_a_neural_network/Logistic Regression with a Neural Network mindset v5.ipynb
+++ b/Introduction/Logistic_regression_as_a_neural_network/Logistic Regression with a Neural Network mindset v5.ipynb
@@ -34,12 +34,13 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 172,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import numpy as np\n",
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
+ "\n",
"import h5py\n",
"import scipy\n",
"from PIL import Image\n",
@@ -69,7 +70,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 85,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
@@ -88,14 +89,48 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 86,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "(1, 209)\n",
+ "(209, 64, 64, 3)\n",
+ "(1, 50)\n",
+ "(50, 64, 64, 3)\n",
+ "(2,)\n",
+ "y = [1] , it's a 'cat' picture.\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "image/png": 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\n",
+ "text/plain": [
+ "
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {
+ "needs_background": "light"
+ },
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
"# Example of a picture\n",
+ "print(np.shape(train_set_y))\n",
+ "print(np.shape(train_set_x_orig))\n",
+ "print(np.shape(test_set_y))\n",
+ "print(np.shape(test_set_x_orig))\n",
+ "print(np.shape(classes))\n",
+ "\n",
"index = 25\n",
- "print (\"y = \" + str(train_set_y[:, index]) + \", it's a '\" + classes[np.squeeze(train_set_y[:, index])].decode(\"utf-8\") + \"' picture.\")"
+ "print (\"y = {} , it's a '{}' picture.\".format(\n",
+ " str(train_set_y[:, index]),\n",
+ " classes[np.squeeze(train_set_y[:, index])].decode(\"utf-8\"),\n",
+ " ))"
@@ -113,18 +148,31 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 87,
"metadata": {
"scrolled": true
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Number of training examples: m_train = 209\n",
+ "Number of testing examples: m_test = 50\n",
+ "Height/Width of each image: num_px = 64\n",
+ "Each image is of size: (64, 64, 3)\n",
+ "train_set_x shape: (209, 64, 64, 3)\n",
+ "train_set_y shape: (1, 209)\n",
+ "test_set_x shape: (50, 64, 64, 3)\n",
+ "test_set_y shape: (1, 50)\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
"### START CODE HERE ### (ā 3 lines of code)\n",
- "m_train = None\n",
- "m_test = None\n",
- "num_px = None\n",
- "### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- "\n",
+ "m_train = train_set_x_orig.shape[0]\n",
+ "m_test = test_set_x_orig.shape[0]\n",
+ "num_px = train_set_x_orig.shape[1] #[]\n",
"print (\"Number of training examples: m_train = \" + str(m_train))\n",
"print (\"Number of testing examples: m_test = \" + str(m_test))\n",
"print (\"Height/Width of each image: num_px = \" + str(num_px))\n",
@@ -175,15 +223,27 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 88,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "train_set_x_flatten shape: (12288, 209)\n",
+ "train_set_y shape: (1, 209)\n",
+ "test_set_x_flatten shape: (12288, 50)\n",
+ "test_set_y shape: (1, 50)\n",
+ "sanity check after reshaping: [17 31 56 22 33]\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
"# Reshape the training and test examples\n",
"### START CODE HERE ### (ā 2 lines of code)\n",
- "train_set_x_flatten = None\n",
- "test_set_x_flatten = None\n",
+ "train_set_x_flatten = train_set_x_orig.reshape(m_train, -1).T\n",
+ "test_set_x_flatten = test_set_x_orig.reshape(m_test, -1).T\n",
"### END CODE HERE ###\n",
"print (\"train_set_x_flatten shape: \" + str(train_set_x_flatten.shape))\n",
@@ -238,7 +298,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 89,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
@@ -312,7 +372,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 90,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
@@ -330,7 +390,7 @@
" \"\"\"\n",
" ### START CODE HERE ### (ā 1 line of code)\n",
- " s = None\n",
+ " s = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z))\n",
" ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
" \n",
" return s"
@@ -338,11 +398,19 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 91,
"metadata": {
"scrolled": true
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "sigmoid([0, 2]) = [0.5 0.88079708]\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
"print (\"sigmoid([0, 2]) = \" + str(sigmoid(np.array([0,2]))))"
@@ -372,7 +440,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 92,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
@@ -391,8 +459,11 @@
" \"\"\"\n",
" \n",
" ### START CODE HERE ### (ā 1 line of code)\n",
- " w = None\n",
- " b = None\n",
+ " #print(dim)\n",
+ " w = np.zeros((dim,1))\n",
+ " #print(w)\n",
+ " #rint(w.shape)\n",
+ " b = 0\n",
" ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
" assert(w.shape == (dim, 1))\n",
@@ -403,9 +474,19 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 93,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "w = [[0.]\n",
+ " [0.]]\n",
+ "b = 0\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
"dim = 2\n",
"w, b = initialize_with_zeros(dim)\n",
@@ -460,7 +541,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 94,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
@@ -484,19 +565,25 @@
" Tips:\n",
" - Write your code step by step for the propagation. np.log(), np.dot()\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
- " \n",
+ " #print(\"w={}\".format(w))\n",
+ " #print(\"b={}\".format(b))\n",
+ " #print(\"X={}\".format(X))\n",
+ " #print(\"Y={}\".format(Y))\n",
" m = X.shape[1]\n",
+ " #print(\"m={}\".format(m))\n",
" \n",
" ### START CODE HERE ### (ā 2 lines of code)\n",
- " A = None # compute activation\n",
- " cost = None # compute cost\n",
+ " A = sigmoid(np.dot(w.T, X) + b)\n",
+ " #print(\"A={}\".format(A))\n",
+ " # compute activation\n",
+ " cost = - (np.sum(Y * np.log(A) + (1 - Y) * np.log(1 - A))) / m # compute cost\n",
" ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
" \n",
" ### START CODE HERE ### (ā 2 lines of code)\n",
- " dw = None\n",
- " db = None\n",
+ " dw = np.dot(X, (A - Y).T) / m\n",
+ " db = np.sum(A - Y) / m\n",
" ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
" assert(dw.shape == w.shape)\n",
@@ -512,11 +599,22 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 122,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "dw = [[0.99845601]\n",
+ " [2.39507239]]\n",
+ "db = 0.001455578136784208\n",
+ "cost = 5.801545319394553\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
- "w, b, X, Y = np.array([[1.],[2.]]), 2., np.array([[1.,2.,-1.],[3.,4.,-3.2]]), np.array([[1,0,1]])\n",
+ "w, b, X, Y, Xtest, Ytest = np.array([[1.],[2.]]), 2., np.array([[1.,2.,-1.],[3.,4.,-3.2]]), np.array([[1,0,1]]), np.array([[1.,2.,-1.],[3.,4.,-3.2]]), np.array([[1,0,1]])\n",
"grads, cost = propagate(w, b, X, Y)\n",
"print (\"dw = \" + str(grads[\"dw\"]))\n",
"print (\"db = \" + str(grads[\"db\"]))\n",
@@ -547,6 +645,105 @@
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Exercise: The previous function will output the learned w and b. We are able to use w and b to predict the labels for a dataset X. Implement the predict() function. There are two steps to computing predictions:\n",
+ "\n",
+ " Calculate šĢ =š“=š(š¤šš+š)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Convert the entries of a into 0 (if activation <= 0.5) or 1 (if activation > 0.5), stores the predictions in a vector Y_prediction. If you wish, you can use an if/else statement in a for loop (though there is also a way to vectorize this).\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 123,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# GRADED FUNCTION: predict\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def predict(w, b, X):\n",
+ " '''\n",
+ " Predict whether the label is 0 or 1 using learned logistic regression parameters (w, b)\n",
+ " \n",
+ " Arguments:\n",
+ " w -- weights, a numpy array of size (num_px * num_px * 3, 1)\n",
+ " b -- bias, a scalar\n",
+ " X -- data of size (num_px * num_px * 3, number of examples)\n",
+ " \n",
+ " Returns:\n",
+ " Y_prediction -- a numpy array (vector) containing all predictions (0/1) for the examples in X\n",
+ " '''\n",
+ " \n",
+ " m = X.shape[1]\n",
+ " Y_prediction = np.zeros((1,m))\n",
+ " w = w.reshape(X.shape[0], 1)\n",
+ " \n",
+ " # Compute vector \"A\" predicting the probabilities of a cat being present in the picture\n",
+ " ### START CODE HERE ### (ā 1 line of code)\n",
+ " A = sigmoid(np.dot(w.T, X) + b)\n",
+ " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
+ " \n",
+ " #for i in range(A.shape[1]):\n",
+ " \n",
+ " # Convert probabilities A[0,i] to actual predictions p[0,i]\n",
+ " ### START CODE HERE ### (ā 4 lines of code)\n",
+ " #pass\n",
+ " Y_prediction = np.where(A > .5, 1, 0)\n",
+ " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
+ "\n",
+ " assert(Y_prediction.shape == (1, m))\n",
+ " \n",
+ " return Y_prediction"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 124,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "predictions = [[1 1 0]]\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "w = np.array([[0.1124579],[0.23106775]])\n",
+ "b = -0.3\n",
+ "X = np.array([[1.,-1.1,-3.2],[1.2,2.,0.1]])\n",
+ "print (\"predictions = \" + str(predict(w, b, X)))"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Expected Output:\n",
+ "**predictions** \t[[ 1. 1. 0.]] "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "**What to remember:** You've implemented several functions that: - Initialize (w,b) - Optimize the loss iteratively to learn parameters (w,b): - computing the cost and its gradient - updating the parameters using gradient descent - Use the learned (w,b) to predict the labels for a given set of examples"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 125,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "def predict_accuracy(Y_predict, Y):\n",
+ " return 100 - np.mean(np.abs(Y_predict - Y)) * 100"
+ ]
+ },
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
@@ -561,13 +758,13 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 138,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# GRADED FUNCTION: optimize\n",
- "def optimize(w, b, X, Y, num_iterations, learning_rate, print_cost = False):\n",
+ "def optimize(w, b, X, Y, X_test, Y_test, num_iterations, learning_rate, print_cost = False):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" This function optimizes w and b by running a gradient descent algorithm\n",
" \n",
@@ -592,13 +789,14 @@
" \"\"\"\n",
" \n",
" costs = []\n",
- " \n",
+ " accuracys_train = []\n",
+ " accuracys_test = []\n",
" for i in range(num_iterations):\n",
" \n",
" \n",
" # Cost and gradient calculation (ā 1-4 lines of code)\n",
" ### START CODE HERE ### \n",
- " grads, cost = None\n",
+ " grads, cost = propagate(w, b, X, Y)\n",
" ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
" \n",
" # Retrieve derivatives from grads\n",
@@ -607,39 +805,68 @@
" \n",
" # update rule (ā 2 lines of code)\n",
" ### START CODE HERE ###\n",
- " w = None\n",
- " b = None\n",
+ " w = w - learning_rate * dw\n",
+ " b = b - learning_rate * db\n",
" ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " \n",
+ " #print(\"{}\\t{}\".format(i,b))\n",
+ " #print(\"{}\\tcost = {}\".format(i,cost))\n",
" # Record the costs\n",
+ " \n",
" if i % 100 == 0:\n",
" costs.append(cost)\n",
- " \n",
+ " accuracy_train = predict_accuracy(predict(w, b, X),Y)\n",
+ " accuracys_train.append(accuracy_train)\n",
+ " accuracy_test = predict_accuracy(predict(w, b, X_test),Y_test)\n",
+ " accuracys_test.append(accuracy_test) \n",
" # Print the cost every 100 training iterations\n",
" if print_cost and i % 100 == 0:\n",
" print (\"Cost after iteration %i: %f\" %(i, cost))\n",
- " \n",
+ " print (\"Train accuracy after iteration %i: %f\" %(i, accuracy_train))\n",
+ " print (\"Test accuracy after iteration %i: %f\" %(i, accuracy_test))\n",
" params = {\"w\": w,\n",
" \"b\": b}\n",
" \n",
" grads = {\"dw\": dw,\n",
" \"db\": db}\n",
" \n",
- " return params, grads, costs"
+ " return params, grads, costs, accuracys_train, accuracys_test"
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 139,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Cost after iteration 0: 0.807736\n",
+ "Train accuracy after iteration 0: 33.333333\n",
+ "Test accuracy after iteration 0: 33.333333\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "w = [[-0.08608643]\n",
+ " [ 0.10971233]]\n",
+ "b = -0.1442742664803268\n",
+ "dw = [[0.12311093]\n",
+ " [0.13629247]]\n",
+ "db = -0.14923915884638042\n",
+ "acctrain = [33.33333333333334]\n",
+ "acctest = [33.33333333333334]\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
- "params, grads, costs = optimize(w, b, X, Y, num_iterations= 100, learning_rate = 0.009, print_cost = False)\n",
- "\n",
+ "params, grads, costs, acctest, acctrain = optimize(w, b, X, Y, Xtest, Ytest, num_iterations= 100, learning_rate = 0.009, print_cost = True)\n",
+ "print (\"\\n\\n\")\n",
"print (\"w = \" + str(params[\"w\"]))\n",
"print (\"b = \" + str(params[\"b\"]))\n",
"print (\"dw = \" + str(grads[\"dw\"]))\n",
- "print (\"db = \" + str(grads[\"db\"]))"
+ "print (\"db = \" + str(grads[\"db\"]))\n",
+ "print (\"acctrain = \" + str(acctrain))\n",
+ "print (\"acctest = \" + str(acctest))\n"
@@ -672,106 +899,6 @@
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Exercise:** The previous function will output the learned w and b. We are able to use w and b to predict the labels for a dataset X. Implement the `predict()` function. There are two steps to computing predictions:\n",
- "\n",
- "1. Calculate $\\hat{Y} = A = \\sigma(w^T X + b)$\n",
- "\n",
- "2. Convert the entries of a into 0 (if activation <= 0.5) or 1 (if activation > 0.5), stores the predictions in a vector `Y_prediction`. If you wish, you can use an `if`/`else` statement in a `for` loop (though there is also a way to vectorize this). "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# GRADED FUNCTION: predict\n",
- "\n",
- "def predict(w, b, X):\n",
- " '''\n",
- " Predict whether the label is 0 or 1 using learned logistic regression parameters (w, b)\n",
- " \n",
- " Arguments:\n",
- " w -- weights, a numpy array of size (num_px * num_px * 3, 1)\n",
- " b -- bias, a scalar\n",
- " X -- data of size (num_px * num_px * 3, number of examples)\n",
- " \n",
- " Returns:\n",
- " Y_prediction -- a numpy array (vector) containing all predictions (0/1) for the examples in X\n",
- " '''\n",
- " \n",
- " m = X.shape[1]\n",
- " Y_prediction = np.zeros((1,m))\n",
- " w = w.reshape(X.shape[0], 1)\n",
- " \n",
- " # Compute vector \"A\" predicting the probabilities of a cat being present in the picture\n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (ā 1 line of code)\n",
- " A = None\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " \n",
- " for i in range(A.shape[1]):\n",
- " \n",
- " # Convert probabilities A[0,i] to actual predictions p[0,i]\n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (ā 4 lines of code)\n",
- " pass\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " \n",
- " assert(Y_prediction.shape == (1, m))\n",
- " \n",
- " return Y_prediction"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "w = np.array([[0.1124579],[0.23106775]])\n",
- "b = -0.3\n",
- "X = np.array([[1.,-1.1,-3.2],[1.2,2.,0.1]])\n",
- "print (\"predictions = \" + str(predict(w, b, X)))"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Expected Output**: \n",
- "\n",
- "
- "
- "
- " **predictions**\n",
- "
- "
- " [[ 1. 1. 0.]]\n",
- "
- "
- "\n",
- "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "source": [
- "\n",
- "**What to remember:**\n",
- "You've implemented several functions that:\n",
- "- Initialize (w,b)\n",
- "- Optimize the loss iteratively to learn parameters (w,b):\n",
- " - computing the cost and its gradient \n",
- " - updating the parameters using gradient descent\n",
- "- Use the learned (w,b) to predict the labels for a given set of examples"
- ]
- },
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
@@ -788,12 +915,13 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 144,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# GRADED FUNCTION: model\n",
+ "\n",
"def model(X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test, num_iterations = 2000, learning_rate = 0.5, print_cost = False):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Builds the logistic regression model by calling the function you've implemented previously\n",
@@ -814,24 +942,23 @@
" ### START CODE HERE ###\n",
" \n",
" # initialize parameters with zeros (ā 1 line of code)\n",
- " w, b = None\n",
+ " w, b = initialize_with_zeros(np.shape(X_train)[0])\n",
" # Gradient descent (ā 1 line of code)\n",
- " parameters, grads, costs = None\n",
- " \n",
+ " parameters, grads, costs, acctrains, acctests = optimize(w, b, X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test, num_iterations, learning_rate, print_cost = print_cost)\n",
" # Retrieve parameters w and b from dictionary \"parameters\"\n",
" w = parameters[\"w\"]\n",
" b = parameters[\"b\"]\n",
" \n",
" # Predict test/train set examples (ā 2 lines of code)\n",
- " Y_prediction_test = None\n",
- " Y_prediction_train = None\n",
+ " Y_prediction_test = predict(w, b, X_test)\n",
+ " Y_prediction_train = predict(w, b, X_train)\n",
" ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
" # Print train/test Errors\n",
- " print(\"train accuracy: {} %\".format(100 - np.mean(np.abs(Y_prediction_train - Y_train)) * 100))\n",
- " print(\"test accuracy: {} %\".format(100 - np.mean(np.abs(Y_prediction_test - Y_test)) * 100))\n",
+ " print(\"train accuracy: {} %\".format(predict_accuracy(Y_prediction_train, Y_train)))\n",
+ " print(\"test accuracy: {} %\".format(predict_accuracy(Y_prediction_test, Y_test)))\n",
" \n",
" d = {\"costs\": costs,\n",
@@ -840,7 +967,9 @@
" \"w\" : w, \n",
" \"b\" : b,\n",
" \"learning_rate\" : learning_rate,\n",
- " \"num_iterations\": num_iterations}\n",
+ " \"num_iterations\": num_iterations,\n",
+ " \"acctrains\": acctrains,\n",
+ " \"acctests\": acctests}\n",
" \n",
" return d"
@@ -854,11 +983,50 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 145,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Cost after iteration 0: 0.693147\n",
+ "Train accuracy after iteration 0: 65.550239\n",
+ "Test accuracy after iteration 0: 34.000000\n",
+ "Cost after iteration 100: 0.584508\n",
+ "Train accuracy after iteration 100: 66.507177\n",
+ "Test accuracy after iteration 100: 34.000000\n",
+ "Cost after iteration 200: 0.466949\n",
+ "Train accuracy after iteration 200: 73.205742\n",
+ "Test accuracy after iteration 200: 38.000000\n",
+ "Cost after iteration 300: 0.376007\n",
+ "Train accuracy after iteration 300: 85.167464\n",
+ "Test accuracy after iteration 300: 60.000000\n",
+ "Cost after iteration 400: 0.331463\n",
+ "Train accuracy after iteration 400: 91.387560\n",
+ "Test accuracy after iteration 400: 68.000000\n",
+ "Cost after iteration 500: 0.303273\n",
+ "Train accuracy after iteration 500: 92.344498\n",
+ "Test accuracy after iteration 500: 74.000000\n",
+ "Cost after iteration 600: 0.279880\n",
+ "Train accuracy after iteration 600: 93.779904\n",
+ "Test accuracy after iteration 600: 74.000000\n",
+ "Cost after iteration 700: 0.260042\n",
+ "Train accuracy after iteration 700: 95.215311\n",
+ "Test accuracy after iteration 700: 74.000000\n",
+ "Cost after iteration 800: 0.242941\n",
+ "Train accuracy after iteration 800: 95.693780\n",
+ "Test accuracy after iteration 800: 74.000000\n",
+ "Cost after iteration 900: 0.228004\n",
+ "Train accuracy after iteration 900: 96.172249\n",
+ "Test accuracy after iteration 900: 74.000000\n",
+ "train accuracy: 96.65071770334929 %\n",
+ "test accuracy: 72.0 %\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
- "d = model(train_set_x, train_set_y, test_set_x, test_set_y, num_iterations = 2000, learning_rate = 0.005, print_cost = True)"
+ "d = model(train_set_x, train_set_y, test_set_x, test_set_y, num_iterations = 1000, learning_rate = 0.005, print_cost = True)"
@@ -904,9 +1072,29 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 110,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "y = 1, you predicted that it is a \"cat\" picture.\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "image/png": 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+ "text/plain": [
+ "
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {
+ "needs_background": "light"
+ },
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
"my_image = \"my_image.jpg\" # change this to the name of your image file \n",
@@ -1094,7 +1495,7 @@
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
- "version": "3.6.6"
+ "version": "3.6.8"
"nbformat": 4,
diff --git a/Introduction/Python_basic_with_numpy/Python Basics With Numpy v3.ipynb b/Introduction/Python_basic_with_numpy/Python Basics With Numpy v3.ipynb
deleted file mode 100644
index f99e4d1..0000000
--- a/Introduction/Python_basic_with_numpy/Python Basics With Numpy v3.ipynb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,997 +0,0 @@
- "cells": [
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "# Python Basics with Numpy (optional assignment)\n",
- "\n",
- "Welcome to your first assignment. This exercise gives you a brief introduction to Python. Even if you've used Python before, this will help familiarize you with functions we'll need. \n",
- "\n",
- "**Instructions:**\n",
- "- You will be using Python 3.\n",
- "- Avoid using for-loops and while-loops, unless you are explicitly told to do so.\n",
- "- Do not modify the (# GRADED FUNCTION [function name]) comment in some cells. Your work would not be graded if you change this. Each cell containing that comment should only contain one function.\n",
- "- After coding your function, run the cell right below it to check if your result is correct.\n",
- "\n",
- "**After this assignment you will:**\n",
- "- Be able to use iPython Notebooks\n",
- "- Be able to use numpy functions and numpy matrix/vector operations\n",
- "- Understand the concept of \"broadcasting\"\n",
- "- Be able to vectorize code\n",
- "\n",
- "Let's get started!"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "## About iPython Notebooks ##\n",
- "\n",
- "iPython Notebooks are interactive coding environments embedded in a webpage. You will be using iPython notebooks in this class. You only need to write code between the ### START CODE HERE ### and ### END CODE HERE ### comments. After writing your code, you can run the cell by either pressing \"SHIFT\"+\"ENTER\" or by clicking on \"Run Cell\" (denoted by a play symbol) in the upper bar of the notebook. \n",
- "\n",
- "We will often specify \"(ā X lines of code)\" in the comments to tell you about how much code you need to write. It is just a rough estimate, so don't feel bad if your code is longer or shorter.\n",
- "\n",
- "**Exercise**: Set test to `\"Hello World\"` in the cell below to print \"Hello World\" and run the two cells below."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "### START CODE HERE ### (ā 1 line of code)\n",
- "test = None\n",
- "### END CODE HERE ###"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "print (\"test: \" + test)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Expected output**:\n",
- "test: Hello World"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "\n",
- "**What you need to remember**:\n",
- "- Run your cells using SHIFT+ENTER (or \"Run cell\")\n",
- "- Write code in the designated areas using Python 3 only\n",
- "- Do not modify the code outside of the designated areas"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "## 1 - Building basic functions with numpy ##\n",
- "\n",
- "Numpy is the main package for scientific computing in Python. It is maintained by a large community (www.numpy.org). In this exercise you will learn several key numpy functions such as np.exp, np.log, and np.reshape. You will need to know how to use these functions for future assignments.\n",
- "\n",
- "### 1.1 - sigmoid function, np.exp() ###\n",
- "\n",
- "Before using np.exp(), you will use math.exp() to implement the sigmoid function. You will then see why np.exp() is preferable to math.exp().\n",
- "\n",
- "**Exercise**: Build a function that returns the sigmoid of a real number x. Use math.exp(x) for the exponential function.\n",
- "\n",
- "**Reminder**:\n",
- "$sigmoid(x) = \\frac{1}{1+e^{-x}}$ is sometimes also known as the logistic function. It is a non-linear function used not only in Machine Learning (Logistic Regression), but also in Deep Learning.\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "To refer to a function belonging to a specific package you could call it using package_name.function(). Run the code below to see an example with math.exp()."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# GRADED FUNCTION: basic_sigmoid\n",
- "\n",
- "import math\n",
- "\n",
- "def basic_sigmoid(x):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Compute sigmoid of x.\n",
- "\n",
- " Arguments:\n",
- " x -- A scalar\n",
- "\n",
- " Return:\n",
- " s -- sigmoid(x)\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " \n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (ā 1 line of code)\n",
- " s = None\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " \n",
- " return s"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "basic_sigmoid(3)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Expected Output**: \n",
- "
- "
- "
** basic_sigmoid(3) **
- "
- "
- "\n",
- "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Actually, we rarely use the \"math\" library in deep learning because the inputs of the functions are real numbers. In deep learning we mostly use matrices and vectors. This is why numpy is more useful. "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "### One reason why we use \"numpy\" instead of \"math\" in Deep Learning ###\n",
- "x = [1, 2, 3]\n",
- "basic_sigmoid(x) # you will see this give an error when you run it, because x is a vector."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "In fact, if $ x = (x_1, x_2, ..., x_n)$ is a row vector then $np.exp(x)$ will apply the exponential function to every element of x. The output will thus be: $np.exp(x) = (e^{x_1}, e^{x_2}, ..., e^{x_n})$"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "import numpy as np\n",
- "\n",
- "# example of np.exp\n",
- "x = np.array([1, 2, 3])\n",
- "print(np.exp(x)) # result is (exp(1), exp(2), exp(3))"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Furthermore, if x is a vector, then a Python operation such as $s = x + 3$ or $s = \\frac{1}{x}$ will output s as a vector of the same size as x."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# example of vector operation\n",
- "x = np.array([1, 2, 3])\n",
- "print (x + 3)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Any time you need more info on a numpy function, we encourage you to look at [the official documentation](https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.10.1/reference/generated/numpy.exp.html). \n",
- "\n",
- "You can also create a new cell in the notebook and write `np.exp?` (for example) to get quick access to the documentation.\n",
- "\n",
- "**Exercise**: Implement the sigmoid function using numpy. \n",
- "\n",
- "**Instructions**: x could now be either a real number, a vector, or a matrix. The data structures we use in numpy to represent these shapes (vectors, matrices...) are called numpy arrays. You don't need to know more for now.\n",
- "$$ \\text{For } x \\in \\mathbb{R}^n \\text{, } sigmoid(x) = sigmoid\\begin{pmatrix}\n",
- " x_1 \\\\\n",
- " x_2 \\\\\n",
- " ... \\\\\n",
- " x_n \\\\\n",
- "\\end{pmatrix} = \\begin{pmatrix}\n",
- " \\frac{1}{1+e^{-x_1}} \\\\\n",
- " \\frac{1}{1+e^{-x_2}} \\\\\n",
- " ... \\\\\n",
- " \\frac{1}{1+e^{-x_n}} \\\\\n",
- "\\end{pmatrix}\\tag{1} $$"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# GRADED FUNCTION: sigmoid\n",
- "\n",
- "import numpy as np # this means you can access numpy functions by writing np.function() instead of numpy.function()\n",
- "\n",
- "def sigmoid(x):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Compute the sigmoid of x\n",
- "\n",
- " Arguments:\n",
- " x -- A scalar or numpy array of any size\n",
- "\n",
- " Return:\n",
- " s -- sigmoid(x)\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " \n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (ā 1 line of code)\n",
- " s = None\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " \n",
- " return s"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "x = np.array([1, 2, 3])\n",
- "sigmoid(x)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Expected Output**: \n",
- "
- "
- "
- "
array([ 0.73105858, 0.88079708, 0.95257413])
- "
- "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "### 1.2 - Sigmoid gradient\n",
- "\n",
- "As you've seen in lecture, you will need to compute gradients to optimize loss functions using backpropagation. Let's code your first gradient function.\n",
- "\n",
- "**Exercise**: Implement the function sigmoid_grad() to compute the gradient of the sigmoid function with respect to its input x. The formula is: $$sigmoid\\_derivative(x) = \\sigma'(x) = \\sigma(x) (1 - \\sigma(x))\\tag{2}$$\n",
- "You often code this function in two steps:\n",
- "1. Set s to be the sigmoid of x. You might find your sigmoid(x) function useful.\n",
- "2. Compute $\\sigma'(x) = s(1-s)$"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# GRADED FUNCTION: sigmoid_derivative\n",
- "\n",
- "def sigmoid_derivative(x):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Compute the gradient (also called the slope or derivative) of the sigmoid function with respect to its input x.\n",
- " You can store the output of the sigmoid function into variables and then use it to calculate the gradient.\n",
- " \n",
- " Arguments:\n",
- " x -- A scalar or numpy array\n",
- "\n",
- " Return:\n",
- " ds -- Your computed gradient.\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " \n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (ā 2 lines of code)\n",
- " s = None\n",
- " ds = None\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " \n",
- " return ds"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "x = np.array([1, 2, 3])\n",
- "print (\"sigmoid_derivative(x) = \" + str(sigmoid_derivative(x)))"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Expected Output**: \n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "
- "
- "
- "
[ 0.19661193 0.10499359 0.04517666]
- "
- "
- "\n"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "### 1.3 - Reshaping arrays ###\n",
- "\n",
- "Two common numpy functions used in deep learning are [np.shape](https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.ndarray.shape.html) and [np.reshape()](https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.reshape.html). \n",
- "- X.shape is used to get the shape (dimension) of a matrix/vector X. \n",
- "- X.reshape(...) is used to reshape X into some other dimension. \n",
- "\n",
- "For example, in computer science, an image is represented by a 3D array of shape $(length, height, depth = 3)$. However, when you read an image as the input of an algorithm you convert it to a vector of shape $(length*height*3, 1)$. In other words, you \"unroll\", or reshape, the 3D array into a 1D vector.\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "**Exercise**: Implement `image2vector()` that takes an input of shape (length, height, 3) and returns a vector of shape (length\\*height\\*3, 1). For example, if you would like to reshape an array v of shape (a, b, c) into a vector of shape (a*b,c) you would do:\n",
- "``` python\n",
- "v = v.reshape((v.shape[0]*v.shape[1], v.shape[2])) # v.shape[0] = a ; v.shape[1] = b ; v.shape[2] = c\n",
- "```\n",
- "- Please don't hardcode the dimensions of image as a constant. Instead look up the quantities you need with `image.shape[0]`, etc. "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# GRADED FUNCTION: image2vector\n",
- "def image2vector(image):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Argument:\n",
- " image -- a numpy array of shape (length, height, depth)\n",
- " \n",
- " Returns:\n",
- " v -- a vector of shape (length*height*depth, 1)\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " \n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (ā 1 line of code)\n",
- " v = None\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " \n",
- " return v"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# This is a 3 by 3 by 2 array, typically images will be (num_px_x, num_px_y,3) where 3 represents the RGB values\n",
- "image = np.array([[[ 0.67826139, 0.29380381],\n",
- " [ 0.90714982, 0.52835647],\n",
- " [ 0.4215251 , 0.45017551]],\n",
- "\n",
- " [[ 0.92814219, 0.96677647],\n",
- " [ 0.85304703, 0.52351845],\n",
- " [ 0.19981397, 0.27417313]],\n",
- "\n",
- " [[ 0.60659855, 0.00533165],\n",
- " [ 0.10820313, 0.49978937],\n",
- " [ 0.34144279, 0.94630077]]])\n",
- "\n",
- "print (\"image2vector(image) = \" + str(image2vector(image)))"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Expected Output**: \n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Note**:\n",
- "In normalizeRows(), you can try to print the shapes of x_norm and x, and then rerun the assessment. You'll find out that they have different shapes. This is normal given that x_norm takes the norm of each row of x. So x_norm has the same number of rows but only 1 column. So how did it work when you divided x by x_norm? This is called broadcasting and we'll talk about it now! "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "### 1.5 - Broadcasting and the softmax function ####\n",
- "A very important concept to understand in numpy is \"broadcasting\". It is very useful for performing mathematical operations between arrays of different shapes. For the full details on broadcasting, you can read the official [broadcasting documentation](http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/user/basics.broadcasting.html)."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Exercise**: Implement a softmax function using numpy. You can think of softmax as a normalizing function used when your algorithm needs to classify two or more classes. You will learn more about softmax in the second course of this specialization.\n",
- "\n",
- "**Instructions**:\n",
- "- $ \\text{for } x \\in \\mathbb{R}^{1\\times n} \\text{, } softmax(x) = softmax(\\begin{bmatrix}\n",
- " x_1 &&\n",
- " x_2 &&\n",
- " ... &&\n",
- " x_n \n",
- "\\end{bmatrix}) = \\begin{bmatrix}\n",
- " \\frac{e^{x_1}}{\\sum_{j}e^{x_j}} &&\n",
- " \\frac{e^{x_2}}{\\sum_{j}e^{x_j}} &&\n",
- " ... &&\n",
- " \\frac{e^{x_n}}{\\sum_{j}e^{x_j}} \n",
- "\\end{bmatrix} $ \n",
- "\n",
- "- $\\text{for a matrix } x \\in \\mathbb{R}^{m \\times n} \\text{, $x_{ij}$ maps to the element in the $i^{th}$ row and $j^{th}$ column of $x$, thus we have: }$ $$softmax(x) = softmax\\begin{bmatrix}\n",
- " x_{11} & x_{12} & x_{13} & \\dots & x_{1n} \\\\\n",
- " x_{21} & x_{22} & x_{23} & \\dots & x_{2n} \\\\\n",
- " \\vdots & \\vdots & \\vdots & \\ddots & \\vdots \\\\\n",
- " x_{m1} & x_{m2} & x_{m3} & \\dots & x_{mn}\n",
- "\\end{bmatrix} = \\begin{bmatrix}\n",
- " \\frac{e^{x_{11}}}{\\sum_{j}e^{x_{1j}}} & \\frac{e^{x_{12}}}{\\sum_{j}e^{x_{1j}}} & \\frac{e^{x_{13}}}{\\sum_{j}e^{x_{1j}}} & \\dots & \\frac{e^{x_{1n}}}{\\sum_{j}e^{x_{1j}}} \\\\\n",
- " \\frac{e^{x_{21}}}{\\sum_{j}e^{x_{2j}}} & \\frac{e^{x_{22}}}{\\sum_{j}e^{x_{2j}}} & \\frac{e^{x_{23}}}{\\sum_{j}e^{x_{2j}}} & \\dots & \\frac{e^{x_{2n}}}{\\sum_{j}e^{x_{2j}}} \\\\\n",
- " \\vdots & \\vdots & \\vdots & \\ddots & \\vdots \\\\\n",
- " \\frac{e^{x_{m1}}}{\\sum_{j}e^{x_{mj}}} & \\frac{e^{x_{m2}}}{\\sum_{j}e^{x_{mj}}} & \\frac{e^{x_{m3}}}{\\sum_{j}e^{x_{mj}}} & \\dots & \\frac{e^{x_{mn}}}{\\sum_{j}e^{x_{mj}}}\n",
- "\\end{bmatrix} = \\begin{pmatrix}\n",
- " softmax\\text{(first row of x)} \\\\\n",
- " softmax\\text{(second row of x)} \\\\\n",
- " ... \\\\\n",
- " softmax\\text{(last row of x)} \\\\\n",
- "\\end{pmatrix} $$"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# GRADED FUNCTION: softmax\n",
- "\n",
- "def softmax(x):\n",
- " \"\"\"Calculates the softmax for each row of the input x.\n",
- "\n",
- " Your code should work for a row vector and also for matrices of shape (n, m).\n",
- "\n",
- " Argument:\n",
- " x -- A numpy matrix of shape (n,m)\n",
- "\n",
- " Returns:\n",
- " s -- A numpy matrix equal to the softmax of x, of shape (n,m)\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " \n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (ā 3 lines of code)\n",
- " # Apply exp() element-wise to x. Use np.exp(...).\n",
- " x_exp = None\n",
- "\n",
- " # Create a vector x_sum that sums each row of x_exp. Use np.sum(..., axis = 1, keepdims = True).\n",
- " x_sum = None\n",
- " \n",
- " # Compute softmax(x) by dividing x_exp by x_sum. It should automatically use numpy broadcasting.\n",
- " s = None\n",
- "\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " \n",
- " return s"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "x = np.array([\n",
- " [9, 2, 5, 0, 0],\n",
- " [7, 5, 0, 0 ,0]])\n",
- "print(\"softmax(x) = \" + str(softmax(x)))"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Expected Output**:\n",
- "\n",
- "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Note**:\n",
- "- If you print the shapes of x_exp, x_sum and s above and rerun the assessment cell, you will see that x_sum is of shape (2,1) while x_exp and s are of shape (2,5). **x_exp/x_sum** works due to python broadcasting.\n",
- "\n",
- "Congratulations! You now have a pretty good understanding of python numpy and have implemented a few useful functions that you will be using in deep learning."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "\n",
- "**What you need to remember:**\n",
- "- np.exp(x) works for any np.array x and applies the exponential function to every coordinate\n",
- "- the sigmoid function and its gradient\n",
- "- image2vector is commonly used in deep learning\n",
- "- np.reshape is widely used. In the future, you'll see that keeping your matrix/vector dimensions straight will go toward eliminating a lot of bugs. \n",
- "- numpy has efficient built-in functions\n",
- "- broadcasting is extremely useful"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "source": [
- "## 2) Vectorization"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "\n",
- "In deep learning, you deal with very large datasets. Hence, a non-computationally-optimal function can become a huge bottleneck in your algorithm and can result in a model that takes ages to run. To make sure that your code is computationally efficient, you will use vectorization. For example, try to tell the difference between the following implementations of the dot/outer/elementwise product."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "import time\n",
- "\n",
- "x1 = [9, 2, 5, 0, 0, 7, 5, 0, 0, 0, 9, 2, 5, 0, 0]\n",
- "x2 = [9, 2, 2, 9, 0, 9, 2, 5, 0, 0, 9, 2, 5, 0, 0]\n",
- "\n",
- "tic = time.process_time()\n",
- "dot = 0\n",
- "for i in range(len(x1)):\n",
- " dot+= x1[i]*x2[i]\n",
- "toc = time.process_time()\n",
- "print (\"dot = \" + str(dot) + \"\\n ----- Computation time = \" + str(1000*(toc - tic)) + \"ms\")\n",
- "\n",
- "tic = time.process_time()\n",
- "outer = np.zeros((len(x1),len(x2))) # we create a len(x1)*len(x2) matrix with only zeros\n",
- "for i in range(len(x1)):\n",
- " for j in range(len(x2)):\n",
- " outer[i,j] = x1[i]*x2[j]\n",
- "toc = time.process_time()\n",
- "print (\"outer = \" + str(outer) + \"\\n ----- Computation time = \" + str(1000*(toc - tic)) + \"ms\")\n",
- "\n",
- "tic = time.process_time()\n",
- "mul = np.zeros(len(x1))\n",
- "for i in range(len(x1)):\n",
- " mul[i] = x1[i]*x2[i]\n",
- "toc = time.process_time()\n",
- "print (\"elementwise multiplication = \" + str(mul) + \"\\n ----- Computation time = \" + str(1000*(toc - tic)) + \"ms\")\n",
- "\n",
- "W = np.random.rand(3,len(x1)) # Random 3*len(x1) numpy array\n",
- "tic = time.process_time()\n",
- "gdot = np.zeros(W.shape[0])\n",
- "for i in range(W.shape[0]):\n",
- " for j in range(len(x1)):\n",
- " gdot[i] += W[i,j]*x1[j]\n",
- "toc = time.process_time()\n",
- "print (\"gdot = \" + str(gdot) + \"\\n ----- Computation time = \" + str(1000*(toc - tic)) + \"ms\")"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "x1 = [9, 2, 5, 0, 0, 7, 5, 0, 0, 0, 9, 2, 5, 0, 0]\n",
- "x2 = [9, 2, 2, 9, 0, 9, 2, 5, 0, 0, 9, 2, 5, 0, 0]\n",
- "\n",
- "tic = time.process_time()\n",
- "dot = np.dot(x1,x2)\n",
- "toc = time.process_time()\n",
- "print (\"dot = \" + str(dot) + \"\\n ----- Computation time = \" + str(1000*(toc - tic)) + \"ms\")\n",
- "\n",
- "tic = time.process_time()\n",
- "outer = np.outer(x1,x2)\n",
- "toc = time.process_time()\n",
- "print (\"outer = \" + str(outer) + \"\\n ----- Computation time = \" + str(1000*(toc - tic)) + \"ms\")\n",
- "\n",
- "tic = time.process_time()\n",
- "mul = np.multiply(x1,x2)\n",
- "toc = time.process_time()\n",
- "print (\"elementwise multiplication = \" + str(mul) + \"\\n ----- Computation time = \" + str(1000*(toc - tic)) + \"ms\")\n",
- "\n",
- "tic = time.process_time()\n",
- "dot = np.dot(W,x1)\n",
- "toc = time.process_time()\n",
- "print (\"gdot = \" + str(dot) + \"\\n ----- Computation time = \" + str(1000*(toc - tic)) + \"ms\")"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "As you may have noticed, the vectorized implementation is much cleaner and more efficient. For bigger vectors/matrices, the differences in running time become even bigger. \n",
- "\n",
- "**Note** that `np.dot()` performs a matrix-matrix or matrix-vector multiplication. This is different from `np.multiply()` and the `*` operator (which is equivalent to `.*` in Matlab/Octave), which performs an element-wise multiplication."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "### 2.1 Implement the L1 and L2 loss functions\n",
- "\n",
- "**Exercise**: Implement the numpy vectorized version of the L1 loss. You may find the function abs(x) (absolute value of x) useful.\n",
- "\n",
- "**Reminder**:\n",
- "- The loss is used to evaluate the performance of your model. The bigger your loss is, the more different your predictions ($ \\hat{y} $) are from the true values ($y$). In deep learning, you use optimization algorithms like Gradient Descent to train your model and to minimize the cost.\n",
- "- L1 loss is defined as:\n",
- "$$\\begin{align*} & L_1(\\hat{y}, y) = \\sum_{i=0}^m|y^{(i)} - \\hat{y}^{(i)}| \\end{align*}\\tag{6}$$"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "\n",
- "def L1(yhat, y):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Arguments:\n",
- " yhat -- vector of size m (predicted labels)\n",
- " y -- vector of size m (true labels)\n",
- " \n",
- " Returns:\n",
- " loss -- the value of the L1 loss function defined above\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " \n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (ā 1 line of code)\n",
- " loss = None\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " \n",
- " return loss"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "yhat = np.array([.9, 0.2, 0.1, .4, .9])\n",
- "y = np.array([1, 0, 0, 1, 1])\n",
- "print(\"L1 = \" + str(L1(yhat,y)))"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Expected Output**:\n",
- "\n",
- "
- "\n",
- "
- "
- "
- "
- "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Exercise**: Implement the numpy vectorized version of the L2 loss. There are several way of implementing the L2 loss but you may find the function np.dot() useful. As a reminder, if $x = [x_1, x_2, ..., x_n]$, then `np.dot(x,x)` = $\\sum_{j=0}^n x_j^{2}$. \n",
- "\n",
- "- L2 loss is defined as $$\\begin{align*} & L_2(\\hat{y},y) = \\sum_{i=0}^m(y^{(i)} - \\hat{y}^{(i)})^2 \\end{align*}\\tag{7}$$"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "\n",
- "def L2(yhat, y):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Arguments:\n",
- " yhat -- vector of size m (predicted labels)\n",
- " y -- vector of size m (true labels)\n",
- " \n",
- " Returns:\n",
- " loss -- the value of the L2 loss function defined above\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " \n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (ā 1 line of code)\n",
- " loss = None\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " \n",
- " return loss"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "yhat = np.array([.9, 0.2, 0.1, .4, .9])\n",
- "y = np.array([1, 0, 0, 1, 1])\n",
- "print(\"L2 = \" + str(L2(yhat,y)))"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Expected Output**: \n",
- "
- "
- "
- "
- "
- "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Congratulations on completing this assignment. We hope that this little warm-up exercise helps you in the future assignments, which will be more exciting and interesting!"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "\n",
- "**What to remember:**\n",
- "- Vectorization is very important in deep learning. It provides computational efficiency and clarity.\n",
- "- You have reviewed the L1 and L2 loss.\n",
- "- You are familiar with many numpy functions such as np.sum, np.dot, np.multiply, np.maximum, etc..."
- ]
- }
- ],
- "metadata": {
- "coursera": {
- "course_slug": "neural-networks-deep-learning",
- "graded_item_id": "XHpfv",
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- "display_name": "Python 3",
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- "cells": [
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- "cell_type": "markdown",
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- "source": [
- "# Emojify! \n",
- "\n",
- "Welcome to the assignment. You are going to use word vector representations to build an Emojifier. \n",
- "\n",
- "Have you ever wanted to make your text messages more expressive? Your emojifier app will help you do that. So rather than writing \"Congratulations on the promotion! Lets get coffee and talk. Love you!\" the emojifier can automatically turn this into \"Congratulations on the promotion! š Lets get coffee and talk. āļø Love you! ā¤ļø\"\n",
- "\n",
- "Alternativly, if you're not excited about emojis but have had friends that sent you crazy text messages that used far too many emojis, you can also use the emojifier to get back at them. \n",
- "\n",
- "You will implement a model which inputs a sentence (such as \"Let's go see the baseball game tonight!\") and finds the most appropriate emoji to be used with this sentence (ā¾ļø). In many emoji interfaces, you need to remember that ā¤ļø is the \"heart\" symbol rather than the \"love\" symbol. But using word vectors, you'll see that even if your training set explicitly relates only a few words to a particular emoji, your algorithm will be able to generalize and associate words in the test set to the same emoji even if those words don't even appear in the training set. This allows you to build an accurate classifier mapping from sentences to emojis, even using a small training set. \n",
- "\n",
- "In this exercise, you'll start with a baseline model (Emojifier-V1) using word embeddings, then build a more sophisticated model (Emojifier-V2) that further incorporates an LSTM. \n",
- "\n",
- "Lets get started! Run the following cell to load the package you are going to use. "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "import numpy as np\n",
- "from emo_utils import *\n",
- "import emoji\n",
- "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
- "\n",
- "%matplotlib inline"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "## 1 - Baseline model: Emojifier-V1\n",
- "\n",
- "### 1.1 - Dataset EMOJISET\n",
- "\n",
- "Let's start by building a simple baseline classifier. \n",
- "\n",
- "You have a tiny dataset (X, Y) where:\n",
- "- X contains 127 sentences (strings)\n",
- "- Y contains a integer label between 0 and 4 corresponding to an emoji for each sentence\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "
**Figure 1**: EMOJISET - a classification problem with 5 classes. A few examples of sentences are given here.
- "\n",
- "Let's load the dataset using the code below. We split the dataset between training (127 examples) and testing (56 examples)."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "X_train, Y_train = read_csv('data/train_emoji.csv')\n",
- "X_test, Y_test = read_csv('data/tesss.csv')"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "maxLen = len(max(X_train, key=len).split())"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Run the following cell to print sentences from X_train and corresponding labels from Y_train. Change `index` to see different examples. Because of the font the iPython notebook uses, the heart emoji may be colored black rather than red."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "index = 1\n",
- "print(X_train[index], label_to_emoji(Y_train[index]))"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "### 1.2 - Overview of the Emojifier-V1\n",
- "\n",
- "In this part, you are going to implement a baseline model called \"Emojifier-v1\". \n",
- "\n",
- "
- "\n",
- "
**Figure 2**: Baseline model (Emojifier-V1).
- "
- "\n",
- "The input of the model is a string corresponding to a sentence (e.g. \"I love you). In the code, the output will be a probability vector of shape (1,5), that you then pass in an argmax layer to extract the index of the most likely emoji output."
- ]
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- "source": [
- "To get our labels into a format suitable for training a softmax classifier, lets convert $Y$ from its current shape current shape $(m, 1)$ into a \"one-hot representation\" $(m, 5)$, where each row is a one-hot vector giving the label of one example, You can do so using this next code snipper. Here, `Y_oh` stands for \"Y-one-hot\" in the variable names `Y_oh_train` and `Y_oh_test`: \n"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "Y_oh_train = convert_to_one_hot(Y_train, C = 5)\n",
- "Y_oh_test = convert_to_one_hot(Y_test, C = 5)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Let's see what `convert_to_one_hot()` did. Feel free to change `index` to print out different values. "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "index = 50\n",
- "print(Y_train[index], \"is converted into one hot\", Y_oh_train[index])"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "All the data is now ready to be fed into the Emojify-V1 model. Let's implement the model!"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "### 1.3 - Implementing Emojifier-V1\n",
- "\n",
- "As shown in Figure (2), the first step is to convert an input sentence into the word vector representation, which then get averaged together. Similar to the previous exercise, we will use pretrained 50-dimensional GloVe embeddings. Run the following cell to load the `word_to_vec_map`, which contains all the vector representations."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "word_to_index, index_to_word, word_to_vec_map = read_glove_vecs('data/glove.6B.50d.txt')"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "You've loaded:\n",
- "- `word_to_index`: dictionary mapping from words to their indices in the vocabulary (400,001 words, with the valid indices ranging from 0 to 400,000)\n",
- "- `index_to_word`: dictionary mapping from indices to their corresponding words in the vocabulary\n",
- "- `word_to_vec_map`: dictionary mapping words to their GloVe vector representation.\n",
- "\n",
- "Run the following cell to check if it works."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "word = \"cucumber\"\n",
- "index = 289846\n",
- "print(\"the index of\", word, \"in the vocabulary is\", word_to_index[word])\n",
- "print(\"the\", str(index) + \"th word in the vocabulary is\", index_to_word[index])"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Exercise**: Implement `sentence_to_avg()`. You will need to carry out two steps:\n",
- "1. Convert every sentence to lower-case, then split the sentence into a list of words. `X.lower()` and `X.split()` might be useful. \n",
- "2. For each word in the sentence, access its GloVe representation. Then, average all these values."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# GRADED FUNCTION: sentence_to_avg\n",
- "\n",
- "def sentence_to_avg(sentence, word_to_vec_map):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Converts a sentence (string) into a list of words (strings). Extracts the GloVe representation of each word\n",
- " and averages its value into a single vector encoding the meaning of the sentence.\n",
- " \n",
- " Arguments:\n",
- " sentence -- string, one training example from X\n",
- " word_to_vec_map -- dictionary mapping every word in a vocabulary into its 50-dimensional vector representation\n",
- " \n",
- " Returns:\n",
- " avg -- average vector encoding information about the sentence, numpy-array of shape (50,)\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " \n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ###\n",
- " # Step 1: Split sentence into list of lower case words (ā 1 line)\n",
- " words = None\n",
- "\n",
- " # Initialize the average word vector, should have the same shape as your word vectors.\n",
- " avg = None\n",
- " \n",
- " # Step 2: average the word vectors. You can loop over the words in the list \"words\".\n",
- " for w in None:\n",
- " avg += None\n",
- " avg = None\n",
- " \n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " \n",
- " return avg"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true,
- "scrolled": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "avg = sentence_to_avg(\"Morrocan couscous is my favorite dish\", word_to_vec_map)\n",
- "print(\"avg = \", avg)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Expected Output**:\n",
- "\n",
- "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "source": [
- "#### Model\n",
- "\n",
- "You now have all the pieces to finish implementing the `model()` function. After using `sentence_to_avg()` you need to pass the average through forward propagation, compute the cost, and then backpropagate to update the softmax's parameters. \n",
- "\n",
- "**Exercise**: Implement the `model()` function described in Figure (2). Assuming here that $Yoh$ (\"Y one hot\") is the one-hot encoding of the output labels, the equations you need to implement in the forward pass and to compute the cross-entropy cost are:\n",
- "$$ z^{(i)} = W \\times avg^{(i)} + b$$\n",
- "$$ a^{(i)} = softmax(z^{(i)})$$\n",
- "$$ \\mathcal{L}^{(i)} = - \\sum_{k = 0}^{n_y - 1} Yoh^{(i)}_k * log(a^{(i)}_k)$$\n",
- "\n",
- "It is possible to come up with a more efficient vectorized implementation. But since we are using a for-loop to convert the sentences one at a time into the avg^{(i)} representation anyway, let's not bother this time. \n",
- "\n",
- "We provided you a function `softmax()`."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# GRADED FUNCTION: model\n",
- "\n",
- "def model(X, Y, word_to_vec_map, learning_rate = 0.01, num_iterations = 400):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Model to train word vector representations in numpy.\n",
- " \n",
- " Arguments:\n",
- " X -- input data, numpy array of sentences as strings, of shape (m, 1)\n",
- " Y -- labels, numpy array of integers between 0 and 7, numpy-array of shape (m, 1)\n",
- " word_to_vec_map -- dictionary mapping every word in a vocabulary into its 50-dimensional vector representation\n",
- " learning_rate -- learning_rate for the stochastic gradient descent algorithm\n",
- " num_iterations -- number of iterations\n",
- " \n",
- " Returns:\n",
- " pred -- vector of predictions, numpy-array of shape (m, 1)\n",
- " W -- weight matrix of the softmax layer, of shape (n_y, n_h)\n",
- " b -- bias of the softmax layer, of shape (n_y,)\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " \n",
- " np.random.seed(1)\n",
- "\n",
- " # Define number of training examples\n",
- " m = Y.shape[0] # number of training examples\n",
- " n_y = 5 # number of classes \n",
- " n_h = 50 # dimensions of the GloVe vectors \n",
- " \n",
- " # Initialize parameters using Xavier initialization\n",
- " W = np.random.randn(n_y, n_h) / np.sqrt(n_h)\n",
- " b = np.zeros((n_y,))\n",
- " \n",
- " # Convert Y to Y_onehot with n_y classes\n",
- " Y_oh = convert_to_one_hot(Y, C = n_y) \n",
- " \n",
- " # Optimization loop\n",
- " for t in range(num_iterations): # Loop over the number of iterations\n",
- " for i in range(m): # Loop over the training examples\n",
- " \n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ### (ā 4 lines of code)\n",
- " # Average the word vectors of the words from the j'th training example\n",
- " avg = None\n",
- "\n",
- " # Forward propagate the avg through the softmax layer\n",
- " z = None\n",
- " a = None\n",
- "\n",
- " # Compute cost using the j'th training label's one hot representation and \"A\" (the output of the softmax)\n",
- " cost = None\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " \n",
- " # Compute gradients \n",
- " dz = a - Y_oh[i]\n",
- " dW = np.dot(dz.reshape(n_y,1), avg.reshape(1, n_h))\n",
- " db = dz\n",
- "\n",
- " # Update parameters with Stochastic Gradient Descent\n",
- " W = W - learning_rate * dW\n",
- " b = b - learning_rate * db\n",
- " \n",
- " if t % 100 == 0:\n",
- " print(\"Epoch: \" + str(t) + \" --- cost = \" + str(cost))\n",
- " pred = predict(X, Y, W, b, word_to_vec_map)\n",
- "\n",
- " return pred, W, b"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "print(X_train.shape)\n",
- "print(Y_train.shape)\n",
- "print(np.eye(5)[Y_train.reshape(-1)].shape)\n",
- "print(X_train[0])\n",
- "print(type(X_train))\n",
- "Y = np.asarray([5,0,0,5, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 4, 1, 1, 5, 6, 6, 3, 6, 3, 4, 4])\n",
- "print(Y.shape)\n",
- "\n",
- "X = np.asarray(['I am going to the bar tonight', 'I love you', 'miss you my dear',\n",
- " 'Lets go party and drinks','Congrats on the new job','Congratulations',\n",
- " 'I am so happy for you', 'Why are you feeling bad', 'What is wrong with you',\n",
- " 'You totally deserve this prize', 'Let us go play football',\n",
- " 'Are you down for football this afternoon', 'Work hard play harder',\n",
- " 'It is suprising how people can be dumb sometimes',\n",
- " 'I am very disappointed','It is the best day in my life',\n",
- " 'I think I will end up alone','My life is so boring','Good job',\n",
- " 'Great so awesome'])"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Run the next cell to train your model and learn the softmax parameters (W,b). "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true,
- "scrolled": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "pred, W, b = model(X_train, Y_train, word_to_vec_map)\n",
- "print(pred)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Expected Output** (on a subset of iterations):\n",
- "\n",
- "
- "
- "
- " **Epoch: 0**\n",
- "
- "
- " cost = 1.95204988128\n",
- "
- "
- " Accuracy: 0.348484848485\n",
- "
- "
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "
- "
- " **Epoch: 100**\n",
- "
- "
- " cost = 0.0797181872601\n",
- "
- "
- " Accuracy: 0.931818181818\n",
- "
- "
- " \n",
- "
- "
- " **Epoch: 200**\n",
- "
- "
- " cost = 0.0445636924368\n",
- "
- "
- " Accuracy: 0.954545454545\n",
- "
- "
- " \n",
- "
- "
- " **Epoch: 300**\n",
- "
- "
- " cost = 0.0343226737879\n",
- "
- "
- " Accuracy: 0.969696969697\n",
- "
- "
- "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Great! Your model has pretty high accuracy on the training set. Lets now see how it does on the test set. "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "source": [
- "### 1.4 - Examining test set performance \n"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true,
- "scrolled": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "print(\"Training set:\")\n",
- "pred_train = predict(X_train, Y_train, W, b, word_to_vec_map)\n",
- "print('Test set:')\n",
- "pred_test = predict(X_test, Y_test, W, b, word_to_vec_map)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Expected Output**:\n",
- "\n",
- "
- "
- "
- " **Train set accuracy**\n",
- "
- "
- " 97.7\n",
- "
- "
- "
- "
- " **Test set accuracy**\n",
- "
- "
- " 85.7\n",
- "
- "
- "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Random guessing would have had 20% accuracy given that there are 5 classes. This is pretty good performance after training on only 127 examples. \n",
- "\n",
- "In the training set, the algorithm saw the sentence \"*I love you*\" with the label ā¤ļø. You can check however that the word \"adore\" does not appear in the training set. Nonetheless, lets see what happens if you write \"*I adore you*.\"\n",
- "\n"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "X_my_sentences = np.array([\"i adore you\", \"i love you\", \"funny lol\", \"lets play with a ball\", \"food is ready\", \"you are not happy\"])\n",
- "Y_my_labels = np.array([[0], [0], [2], [1], [4],[3]])\n",
- "\n",
- "pred = predict(X_my_sentences, Y_my_labels , W, b, word_to_vec_map)\n",
- "print_predictions(X_my_sentences, pred)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Amazing! Because *adore* has a similar embedding as *love*, the algorithm has generalized correctly even to a word it has never seen before. Words such as *heart*, *dear*, *beloved* or *adore* have embedding vectors similar to *love*, and so might work too---feel free to modify the inputs above and try out a variety of input sentences. How well does it work?\n",
- "\n",
- "Note though that it doesn't get \"you are not happy\" correct. This algorithm ignores word ordering, so is not good at understanding phrases like \"not happy.\" \n",
- "\n",
- "Printing the confusion matrix can also help understand which classes are more difficult for your model. A confusion matrix shows how often an example whose label is one class (\"actual\" class) is mislabeled by the algorithm with a different class (\"predicted\" class). \n",
- "\n",
- "\n"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "print(Y_test.shape)\n",
- "print(' '+ label_to_emoji(0)+ ' ' + label_to_emoji(1) + ' ' + label_to_emoji(2)+ ' ' + label_to_emoji(3)+' ' + label_to_emoji(4))\n",
- "print(pd.crosstab(Y_test, pred_test.reshape(56,), rownames=['Actual'], colnames=['Predicted'], margins=True))\n",
- "plot_confusion_matrix(Y_test, pred_test)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "source": [
- "\n",
- "**What you should remember from this part**:\n",
- "- Even with a 127 training examples, you can get a reasonably good model for Emojifying. This is due to the generalization power word vectors gives you. \n",
- "- Emojify-V1 will perform poorly on sentences such as *\"This movie is not good and not enjoyable\"* because it doesn't understand combinations of words--it just averages all the words' embedding vectors together, without paying attention to the ordering of words. You will build a better algorithm in the next part. \n"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "## 2 - Emojifier-V2: Using LSTMs in Keras: \n",
- "\n",
- "Let's build an LSTM model that takes as input word sequences. This model will be able to take word ordering into account. Emojifier-V2 will continue to use pre-trained word embeddings to represent words, but will feed them into an LSTM, whose job it is to predict the most appropriate emoji. \n",
- "\n",
- "Run the following cell to load the Keras packages."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "import numpy as np\n",
- "np.random.seed(0)\n",
- "from keras.models import Model\n",
- "from keras.layers import Dense, Input, Dropout, LSTM, Activation\n",
- "from keras.layers.embeddings import Embedding\n",
- "from keras.preprocessing import sequence\n",
- "np.random.seed(1)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "from keras.initializers import glorot_uniform"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "### 2.1 - Overview of the model\n",
- "\n",
- "Here is the Emojifier-v2 you will implement:\n",
- "\n",
- " \n",
- "
**Figure 3**: Emojifier-V2. A 2-layer LSTM sequence classifier.
- "\n"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "### 2.2 Keras and mini-batching \n",
- "\n",
- "In this exercise, we want to train Keras using mini-batches. However, most deep learning frameworks require that all sequences in the same mini-batch have the same length. This is what allows vectorization to work: If you had a 3-word sentence and a 4-word sentence, then the computations needed for them are different (one takes 3 steps of an LSTM, one takes 4 steps) so it's just not possible to do them both at the same time.\n",
- "\n",
- "The common solution to this is to use padding. Specifically, set a maximum sequence length, and pad all sequences to the same length. For example, of the maximum sequence length is 20, we could pad every sentence with \"0\"s so that each input sentence is of length 20. Thus, a sentence \"i love you\" would be represented as $(e_{i}, e_{love}, e_{you}, \\vec{0}, \\vec{0}, \\ldots, \\vec{0})$. In this example, any sentences longer than 20 words would have to be truncated. One simple way to choose the maximum sequence length is to just pick the length of the longest sentence in the training set. \n"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "### 2.3 - The Embedding layer\n",
- "\n",
- "In Keras, the embedding matrix is represented as a \"layer\", and maps positive integers (indices corresponding to words) into dense vectors of fixed size (the embedding vectors). It can be trained or initialized with a pretrained embedding. In this part, you will learn how to create an [Embedding()](https://keras.io/layers/embeddings/) layer in Keras, initialize it with the GloVe 50-dimensional vectors loaded earlier in the notebook. Because our training set is quite small, we will not update the word embeddings but will instead leave their values fixed. But in the code below, we'll show you how Keras allows you to either train or leave fixed this layer. \n",
- "\n",
- "The `Embedding()` layer takes an integer matrix of size (batch size, max input length) as input. This corresponds to sentences converted into lists of indices (integers), as shown in the figure below.\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "
**Figure 4**: Embedding layer. This example shows the propagation of two examples through the embedding layer. Both have been zero-padded to a length of `max_len=5`. The final dimension of the representation is `(2,max_len,50)` because the word embeddings we are using are 50 dimensional.
- "\n",
- "The largest integer (i.e. word index) in the input should be no larger than the vocabulary size. The layer outputs an array of shape (batch size, max input length, dimension of word vectors).\n",
- "\n",
- "The first step is to convert all your training sentences into lists of indices, and then zero-pad all these lists so that their length is the length of the longest sentence. \n",
- "\n",
- "**Exercise**: Implement the function below to convert X (array of sentences as strings) into an array of indices corresponding to words in the sentences. The output shape should be such that it can be given to `Embedding()` (described in Figure 4). "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# GRADED FUNCTION: sentences_to_indices\n",
- "\n",
- "def sentences_to_indices(X, word_to_index, max_len):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Converts an array of sentences (strings) into an array of indices corresponding to words in the sentences.\n",
- " The output shape should be such that it can be given to `Embedding()` (described in Figure 4). \n",
- " \n",
- " Arguments:\n",
- " X -- array of sentences (strings), of shape (m, 1)\n",
- " word_to_index -- a dictionary containing the each word mapped to its index\n",
- " max_len -- maximum number of words in a sentence. You can assume every sentence in X is no longer than this. \n",
- " \n",
- " Returns:\n",
- " X_indices -- array of indices corresponding to words in the sentences from X, of shape (m, max_len)\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " \n",
- " m = X.shape[0] # number of training examples\n",
- " \n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ###\n",
- " # Initialize X_indices as a numpy matrix of zeros and the correct shape\n",
- " X_indices = None\n",
- " \n",
- " for i in range(m): # loop over training examples\n",
- " \n",
- " # Convert the ith training sentence in lower case and split is into words. You should get a list of words.\n",
- " sentence_words = None\n",
- " \n",
- " # Initialize j to 0\n",
- " j = 0\n",
- " \n",
- " # Loop over the words of sentence_words\n",
- " for w in None:\n",
- " \n",
- " # Set the (i,j)th entry of X_indices to the index of the correct word.\n",
- " X_indices[i, j] =None\n",
- " # Increment j to j + 1\n",
- " j = None\n",
- " \n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " \n",
- " return X_indices"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Run the following cell to check what `sentences_to_indices()` does, and check your results."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "X1 = np.array([\"funny lol\", \"lets play baseball\", \"food is ready for you\"])\n",
- "X1_indices = sentences_to_indices(X1,word_to_index, max_len = 5)\n",
- "print(\"X1 =\", X1)\n",
- "print(\"X1_indices =\", X1_indices)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Expected Output**:\n",
- "\n",
- "
- "
- "
- " **X1 =**\n",
- "
- "
- " ['funny lol' 'lets play football' 'food is ready for you']\n",
- "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Let's build the `Embedding()` layer in Keras, using pre-trained word vectors. After this layer is built, you will pass the output of `sentences_to_indices()` to it as an input, and the `Embedding()` layer will return the word embeddings for a sentence. \n",
- "\n",
- "**Exercise**: Implement `pretrained_embedding_layer()`. You will need to carry out the following steps:\n",
- "1. Initialize the embedding matrix as a numpy array of zeroes with the correct shape.\n",
- "2. Fill in the embedding matrix with all the word embeddings extracted from `word_to_vec_map`.\n",
- "3. Define Keras embedding layer. Use [Embedding()](https://keras.io/layers/embeddings/). Be sure to make this layer non-trainable, by setting `trainable = False` when calling `Embedding()`. If you were to set `trainable = True`, then it will allow the optimization algorithm to modify the values of the word embeddings. \n",
- "4. Set the embedding weights to be equal to the embedding matrix "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# GRADED FUNCTION: pretrained_embedding_layer\n",
- "\n",
- "def pretrained_embedding_layer(word_to_vec_map, word_to_index):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Creates a Keras Embedding() layer and loads in pre-trained GloVe 50-dimensional vectors.\n",
- " \n",
- " Arguments:\n",
- " word_to_vec_map -- dictionary mapping words to their GloVe vector representation.\n",
- " word_to_index -- dictionary mapping from words to their indices in the vocabulary (400,001 words)\n",
- "\n",
- " Returns:\n",
- " embedding_layer -- pretrained layer Keras instance\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " \n",
- " vocab_len = len(word_to_index) + 1 # adding 1 to fit Keras embedding (requirement)\n",
- " emb_dim = word_to_vec_map[\"cucumber\"].shape[0] # define dimensionality of your GloVe word vectors (= 50)\n",
- " \n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ###\n",
- " # Initialize the embedding matrix as a numpy array of zeros of shape (vocab_len, dimensions of word vectors = emb_dim)\n",
- " emb_matrix = None\n",
- " \n",
- " # Set each row \"index\" of the embedding matrix to be the word vector representation of the \"index\"th word of the vocabulary\n",
- " for word, index in word_to_index.items():\n",
- " emb_matrix[index, :] = None\n",
- "\n",
- " # Define Keras embedding layer with the correct output/input sizes, make it trainable.\n",
- " # Use Embedding(...). Make sure to set trainable=False.\n",
- " embedding_layer = None\n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- "\n",
- " # Build the embedding layer, it is required before setting the weights of the embedding layer. Do not modify the \"None\".\n",
- " embedding_layer.build((None,))\n",
- " \n",
- " # Set the weights of the embedding layer to the embedding matrix. Your layer is now pretrained.\n",
- " embedding_layer.set_weights([emb_matrix])\n",
- " \n",
- " return embedding_layer"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "embedding_layer = pretrained_embedding_layer(word_to_vec_map, word_to_index)\n",
- "print(\"weights[0][1][3] =\", embedding_layer.get_weights()[0][1][3])"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "**Expected Output**:\n",
- "\n",
- "
- "
- "
- " **weights[0][1][3] =**\n",
- "
- "
- " -0.3403\n",
- "
- "
- "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "## 2.3 Building the Emojifier-V2\n",
- "\n",
- "Lets now build the Emojifier-V2 model. You will do so using the embedding layer you have built, and feed its output to an LSTM network. \n",
- "\n",
- " \n",
- "
**Figure 3**: Emojifier-v2. A 2-layer LSTM sequence classifier.
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "**Exercise:** Implement `Emojify_V2()`, which builds a Keras graph of the architecture shown in Figure 3. The model takes as input an array of sentences of shape (`m`, `max_len`, ) defined by `input_shape`. It should output a softmax probability vector of shape (`m`, `C = 5`). You may need `Input(shape = ..., dtype = '...')`, [LSTM()](https://keras.io/layers/recurrent/#lstm), [Dropout()](https://keras.io/layers/core/#dropout), [Dense()](https://keras.io/layers/core/#dense), and [Activation()](https://keras.io/activations/)."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# GRADED FUNCTION: Emojify_V2\n",
- "\n",
- "def Emojify_V2(input_shape, word_to_vec_map, word_to_index):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Function creating the Emojify-v2 model's graph.\n",
- " \n",
- " Arguments:\n",
- " input_shape -- shape of the input, usually (max_len,)\n",
- " word_to_vec_map -- dictionary mapping every word in a vocabulary into its 50-dimensional vector representation\n",
- " word_to_index -- dictionary mapping from words to their indices in the vocabulary (400,001 words)\n",
- "\n",
- " Returns:\n",
- " model -- a model instance in Keras\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " \n",
- " ### START CODE HERE ###\n",
- " # Define sentence_indices as the input of the graph, it should be of shape input_shape and dtype 'int32' (as it contains indices).\n",
- " sentence_indices = None\n",
- " \n",
- " # Create the embedding layer pretrained with GloVe Vectors (ā1 line)\n",
- " embedding_layer = None\n",
- " \n",
- " # Propagate sentence_indices through your embedding layer, you get back the embeddings\n",
- " embeddings = None \n",
- " \n",
- " # Propagate the embeddings through an LSTM layer with 128-dimensional hidden state\n",
- " # Be careful, the returned output should be a batch of sequences.\n",
- " X = None\n",
- " # Add dropout with a probability of 0.5\n",
- " X = None\n",
- " # Propagate X trough another LSTM layer with 128-dimensional hidden state\n",
- " # Be careful, the returned output should be a single hidden state, not a batch of sequences.\n",
- " X = None\n",
- " # Add dropout with a probability of 0.5\n",
- " X = None\n",
- " # Propagate X through a Dense layer with softmax activation to get back a batch of 5-dimensional vectors.\n",
- " X = None\n",
- " # Add a softmax activation\n",
- " X = None\n",
- " \n",
- " # Create Model instance which converts sentence_indices into X.\n",
- " model = None\n",
- " \n",
- " ### END CODE HERE ###\n",
- " \n",
- " return model"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Run the following cell to create your model and check its summary. Because all sentences in the dataset are less than 10 words, we chose `max_len = 10`. You should see your architecture, it uses \"20,223,927\" parameters, of which 20,000,050 (the word embeddings) are non-trainable, and the remaining 223,877 are. Because our vocabulary size has 400,001 words (with valid indices from 0 to 400,000) there are 400,001\\*50 = 20,000,050 non-trainable parameters. "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true,
- "scrolled": false
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "model = Emojify_V2((maxLen,), word_to_vec_map, word_to_index)\n",
- "model.summary()"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "As usual, after creating your model in Keras, you need to compile it and define what loss, optimizer and metrics your are want to use. Compile your model using `categorical_crossentropy` loss, `adam` optimizer and `['accuracy']` metrics:"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "It's time to train your model. Your Emojifier-V2 `model` takes as input an array of shape (`m`, `max_len`) and outputs probability vectors of shape (`m`, `number of classes`). We thus have to convert X_train (array of sentences as strings) to X_train_indices (array of sentences as list of word indices), and Y_train (labels as indices) to Y_train_oh (labels as one-hot vectors)."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "X_train_indices = sentences_to_indices(X_train, word_to_index, maxLen)\n",
- "Y_train_oh = convert_to_one_hot(Y_train, C = 5)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Fit the Keras model on `X_train_indices` and `Y_train_oh`. We will use `epochs = 50` and `batch_size = 32`."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true,
- "scrolled": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "model.fit(X_train_indices, Y_train_oh, epochs = 50, batch_size = 32, shuffle=True)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Your model should perform close to **100% accuracy** on the training set. The exact accuracy you get may be a little different. Run the following cell to evaluate your model on the test set. "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true,
- "scrolled": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "X_test_indices = sentences_to_indices(X_test, word_to_index, max_len = maxLen)\n",
- "Y_test_oh = convert_to_one_hot(Y_test, C = 5)\n",
- "loss, acc = model.evaluate(X_test_indices, Y_test_oh)\n",
- "print()\n",
- "print(\"Test accuracy = \", acc)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "You should get a test accuracy between 80% and 95%. Run the cell below to see the mislabelled examples. "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# This code allows you to see the mislabelled examples\n",
- "C = 5\n",
- "y_test_oh = np.eye(C)[Y_test.reshape(-1)]\n",
- "X_test_indices = sentences_to_indices(X_test, word_to_index, maxLen)\n",
- "pred = model.predict(X_test_indices)\n",
- "for i in range(len(X_test)):\n",
- " x = X_test_indices\n",
- " num = np.argmax(pred[i])\n",
- " if(num != Y_test[i]):\n",
- " print('Expected emoji:'+ label_to_emoji(Y_test[i]) + ' prediction: '+ X_test[i] + label_to_emoji(num).strip())\n",
- " "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Now you can try it on your own example. Write your own sentence below. "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "# Change the sentence below to see your prediction. Make sure all the words are in the Glove embeddings. \n",
- "x_test = np.array(['you are not happy'])\n",
- "X_test_indices = sentences_to_indices(x_test, word_to_index, maxLen)\n",
- "print(x_test[0] +' '+ label_to_emoji(np.argmax(model.predict(X_test_indices))))"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "Previously, Emojify-V1 model did not correctly label \"you are not happy,\" but our implementation of Emojiy-V2 got it right. (Keras' outputs are slightly random each time, so you may not have obtained the same result.) The current model still isn't very robust at understanding negation (like \"not happy\") because the training set is small and so doesn't have a lot of examples of negation. But if the training set were larger, the LSTM model would be much better than the Emojify-V1 model at understanding such complex sentences. \n"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "### Congratulations!\n",
- "\n",
- "You have completed this notebook! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "**What you should remember**:\n",
- "- If you have an NLP task where the training set is small, using word embeddings can help your algorithm significantly. Word embeddings allow your model to work on words in the test set that may not even have appeared in your training set. \n",
- "- Training sequence models in Keras (and in most other deep learning frameworks) requires a few important details:\n",
- " - To use mini-batches, the sequences need to be padded so that all the examples in a mini-batch have the same length. \n",
- " - An `Embedding()` layer can be initialized with pretrained values. These values can be either fixed or trained further on your dataset. If however your labeled dataset is small, it's usually not worth trying to train a large pre-trained set of embeddings. \n",
- " - `LSTM()` has a flag called `return_sequences` to decide if you would like to return every hidden states or only the last one. \n",
- " - You can use `Dropout()` right after `LSTM()` to regularize your network. \n"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true
- },
- "source": [
- "Congratulations on finishing this assignment and building an Emojifier. We hope you're happy with what you've accomplished in this notebook! \n",
- "\n",
- "# šššššš\n",
- "\n",
- "\n"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "## Acknowledgments\n",
- "\n",
- "Thanks to Alison Darcy and the Woebot team for their advice on the creation of this assignment. Woebot is a chatbot friend that is ready to speak with you 24/7. As part of Woebot's technology, it uses word embeddings to understand the emotions of what you say. You can play with it by going to http://woebot.io\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n"
- ]
- }
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diff --git a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/data/emojify_data.csv b/NLP_and_word_embeddings/data/emojify_data.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index d95a50f..0000000
--- a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/data/emojify_data.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-French macaroon is so tasty,4,,
-work is horrible,3,,
-I am upset,3,, [3]
-throw the ball,1,, [2]
-Good joke,2,,
-what is your favorite baseball game,1,,
-I cooked meat,4,,
-stop messing around,3,,
-I want chinese food,4,,
-Let us go play baseball,1,,
-you are failing this exercise,3,,
-yesterday we lost again,3,, [4]
-Good job,2,,
-ha ha ha it was so funny,2,,
-I will have a cheese cake,4,,
-Why are you feeling bad,3,,
-I want to joke,2,,
-I never said yes for this,3,, [0]
-the party is cancelled,3,, [0]
-where is the ball,1,,
-I am frustrated,3,, [6]
-ha ha ha lol,2,,
-she said yes,2,,
-he got a raise,2,,
-family is all I have,0,,
-he can pitch really well,1,,
-I love to the stars and back,0,,
-do you like pizza ,4,, [1]
-You totally deserve this prize,2,,
-I miss you so much,0,,v2
-I like your jacket ,2,,
-she got me a present,0,,
-will you be my valentine,0,,
-you failed the midterm,3,, [6]
-Who is down for a restaurant,4,,
-valentine day is near,0,,
-Great so awesome,2,,
-do you have a ball,1,,
-he can not do anything,3,,
-he likes baseball,1,,
-We had such a lovely dinner tonight,0,,
-vegetables are healthy,4,,
-he is a good friend,0,, [3]
-never talk to me again,3,,
-i miss her,0,, [2]
-food is life,4,,
-I am having fun,2,,
-So bad that you cannot come with us,3,, [0]
-do you want to join me for dinner ,4,,
-I like to smile,2,, [0]
-he did an amazing job,2,,
-Stop shouting at me,3,,
-I love taking breaks,0,,
-You are incredibly intelligent and talented,2,,
-I am proud of your achievements,2,,
-So sad you are not coming,3,, [0]
-Stop saying bullshit,3,,
-Bravo for the announcement it got a lot of traction,2,,
-This specialization is great,2,,
-I was waiting for her for two hours ,3,, [7]
-she takes forever to get ready ,3,,
-My grandmother is the love of my life,0,, [4]
-I will celebrate soon,2,,
-my code is working but the grader gave me zero,3,,
-She is the cutest person I have ever seen,0,,
-he is laughing,2,,
-I adore my dogs,0,,
-I love you mum,0,, [3]
-great job,2,,
-How dare you ask that,3,,
-this guy was such a joke,2,,
-I love indian food,4,,
-Are you down for baseball this afternoon,1,,
-this is bad,3,,
-Your stupidity has no limit,3,,
-I love my dad,0,,
-Do you want to give me a hug,0,,
-this girl was mean,3,,
-I am excited,2,,
-i miss him,0,,
-What is wrong with you,3,,
-they are so kind and friendly,0,,
-I am so impressed by your dedication to this project,2,,
-we made it,2,,
-I am ordering food,4,,
-Sounds like a fun plan ha ha,2,,
-I am so happy for you,2,,
-Miss you so much,0,,
-I love you,0,,
-this joke is killing me haha,2,,
-You are not qualified for this position,3,,
-miss you my dear,0,,
-I want to eat,4,,
-I am so excited to see you after so long,2,,
-he is the best player,1,,
-What a fun moment,2,,
-my algorithm performs poorly,3,,
-Stop shouting at me,3,,
-her smile is so charming,2,,
-It is the worst day in my life,3,,
-he is handsome,0,,
-no one likes him,3,,
-she is attractive,0,,
-It was funny lol,2,,
-he is so cute,0,,
-you did well on you exam,2,,
-I think I will end up alone,3,,
-Lets have food together,4,,
-too bad that you were not here,3,,
-I want to go play,1,,
-you are a loser,3,,
-I am starving,4,,
-you suck,3,,
-you could not solve it,3,,
-I lost my wallet,3,,
-she did not answer my text ,3,,
-That catcher sucks ,1,,
-See you at the restaurant,4,,
-I boiled rice,4,,
-I said yes,2,,
-candy is life ,2,,
-the game just finished,1,,
-The first base man got the ball,1,,
-congratulations on your acceptance,2,,
-The assignment is too long ,3,,
-I got humiliated by my sister,3,,
-I want to eat,4,,
-the lectures are great though ,2,,
-you did not do your homework,3,,
-The baby is adorable,0,,
-I missed you,0,,
-I am looking for a date,0,,
-where is the food,4,,
-you are awful,3,,
-any suggestions for dinner,4,,
-she is happy,2,,
-I am always working,3,,
-This is so funny,2,,
-you got a down grade,3,,
-I want to have sushi for dinner,4,,
-she smiles a lot,2,,
-The chicago cubs won again,1,,
-I got approved,2,,
-cookies are good,4,,
-I hate him,3,,
-I am going to the stadium,1,,
-I am very disappointed,3,,
-I am proud of you forever,2,,
-This girl is messing with me,3,,
-Congrats on the new job,2,,
-enjoy your break,2,,
-go away,3,,
-I worked during my birthday,3,,
-Congratulation fon have a baby,2,,
-I am hungry,4,,
-She is my dearest love,0,,
-she is so cute,0,,
-I love dogs,0,,
-I did not have breakfast ,3,,
-my dog just had a few puppies,0,,
-I like you a lot,0,,
-he had to make a home run,1,,
-I am at the baseball game,1,,
-are you serious ha ha,2,,
-I like to laugh,2,,
-Stop making this joke ha ha ha,2,,
-you two are cute,0,,
-This stupid grader is not working ,3,,
-What you did was awesome,2,,
-My life is so boring,3,,
-he did not answer,3,,
-lets exercise,1,,
-you brighten my day,2,,
-I will go dance,2,,
-lets brunch some day,4,,
-dance with me,2,,
-she is a bully,3,,
-she plays baseball,1,,
-I like it when people smile,2,,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/data/tes.csv b/NLP_and_word_embeddings/data/tes.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a2fd7a..0000000
--- a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/data/tes.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-"I want to eat ",4
-"he did not answer ",3
-"he got a raise ",2
-"she got me a present ",2
-"ha ha ha it was so funny ",2
-"he is a good friend ",2
-"I am upset ",3
-"We had such a lovely dinner tonight ",2
-"where is the food ",4
-"Stop making this joke ha ha ha ",2
-"where is the ball ",1
-"work is hard ",3
-"This girl is messing with me ",3
-are you serious,2
-"Let us go play baseball ",1
-"This stupid grader is not working ",3
-"work is horrible ",3
-"Congratulation for having a baby ",2
-"stop messing around ",3
-"any suggestions for dinner ",4
-"I love taking breaks ",0
-"you brighten my day ",2
-"I boiled rice ",4
-"she is a bully ",3
-"Why are you feeling bad ",3
-"I am upset ",3
-give me the ball,1
-"My grandmother is the love of my life ",0
-enjoy your game,1
-"valentine day is near ",2
-"I miss you so much ",0
-"throw the ball ",1
-"My life is so boring ",3
-"she said yes ",2
-"will you be my valentine ",2
-"he can pitch really well ",1
-"dance with me ",2
-"I am starving ",4
-"See you at the restaurant ",4
-"I like to laugh ",2
-I will run,1
-"I like your jacket ",2
-"i miss her ",0
-"what is your favorite baseball game ",1
-"Good job ",2
-"I love to the stars and back ",0
-"What you did was awesome ",2
-"ha ha ha lol ",2
-"I want to joke ",2
-"go away ",3
-"yesterday we lost again ",3
-"family is all I have ",0
-"you are failing this exercise ",3
-"Good joke ",2
-"You totally deserve this prize ",2
-I did not have breakfast ,4
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/data/tess.csv b/NLP_and_word_embeddings/data/tess.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 75aa5de..0000000
--- a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/data/tess.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-"I want to eat ",4
-"he did not answer ",3
-"he got a raise ",2
-"she got me a present ",2
-"ha ha ha it was so funny ",2
-"he is a good friend ",2
-"I am upset ",3
-"We had such a lovely dinner tonight ",2
-"where is the food ",4
-"Stop making this joke ha ha ha ",2
-"where is the ball ",1
-"work is hard ",3
-"This girl is messing with me ",3
-are you serious,3
-"Let us go play baseball ",1
-"This stupid grader is not working ",3
-"work is horrible ",3
-"Congratulation for having a baby ",2
-stop pissing me off,3
-"any suggestions for dinner ",4
-"I love taking breaks ",0
-"you brighten my day ",2
-"I boiled rice ",4
-"she is a bully ",3
-"Why are you feeling bad ",3
-"I am upset ",3
-give me the ball,1
-"My grandmother is the love of my life ",0
-enjoy your game,1
-"valentine day is near ",2
-"I miss you so much ",0
-"throw the ball ",1
-"My life is so boring ",3
-"she said yes ",2
-"will you be my valentine ",2
-"he can pitch really well ",1
-"dance with me ",2
-I am hungry,4
-"See you at the restaurant ",4
-"I like to laugh ",2
-I will run,1
-"I like your jacket ",0
-"i miss her ",0
-"what is your favorite baseball game ",1
-"Good job ",2
-"I love you to the stars and back ",0
-"What you did was awesome ",2
-"ha ha ha lol ",2
-"I want to joke ",2
-"go away ",3
-"yesterday we lost again ",3
-"family is all I have ",0
-"you are failing this exercise ",3
-"Good joke ",2
-"You deserve this prize ",2
-I did not have breakfast ,4
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/data/tesss.csv b/NLP_and_word_embeddings/data/tesss.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index cb667c9..0000000
--- a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/data/tesss.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-"I want to eat ",4
-"he did not answer ",3
-"he got a very nice raise ",2
-"she got me a nice present ",2
-"ha ha ha it was so funny ",2
-"he is a good friend ",2
-"I am upset ",3
-"We had such a lovely dinner tonight ",2
-"where is the food ",4
-"Stop making this joke ha ha ha ",2
-"where is the ball ",1
-"work is hard ",3
-"This girl is messing with me ",3
-are you serious,3
-"Let us go play baseball ",1
-"This stupid grader is not working ",3
-"work is horrible ",3
-"Congratulation for having a baby ",2
-stop pissing me off,3
-"any suggestions for dinner ",4
-"I love taking breaks ",0
-"you brighten my day ",2
-"I boiled rice ",4
-"she is a bully ",3
-"Why are you feeling bad ",3
-"I am upset ",3
-give me the ball,1
-"My grandmother is the love of my life ",0
-enjoy your game,1
-"valentine day is near ",2
-"I miss you so much ",0
-"throw the ball ",1
-"My life is so boring ",3
-"she said yes ",2
-"will you be my valentine ",2
-"he can pitch really well ",1
-"dance with me ",2
-I am hungry,4
-"See you at the restaurant ",4
-"I like to laugh ",2
-I will run,1
-"I like your jacket ",0
-"i miss her ",0
-"what is your favorite baseball game ",1
-"Good job ",2
-"I love you to the stars and back ",0
-"What you did was awesome ",2
-"ha ha ha lol ",2
-"I do not want to joke ",3
-"go away ",3
-"yesterday we lost again ",3
-"family is all I have ",0
-"you are failing this exercise ",3
-"Good joke ",2
-"You deserve this nice prize ",2
-I did not have breakfast ,4
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/data/test_emoji.csv b/NLP_and_word_embeddings/data/test_emoji.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 587ae85..0000000
--- a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/data/test_emoji.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-"I want to eat ",4
-"he did not answer ",3
-"he got a raise ",2
-"she got me a present ",0
-"ha ha ha it was so funny ",2
-"he is a good friend ",0
-"I am upset ",0
-"We had such a lovely dinner tonight ",0
-"where is the food ",4
-"Stop making this joke ha ha ha ",2
-"where is the ball ",1
-"work is hard ",3
-"This girl is messing with me ",3
-"are you serious ha ha ",2
-"Let us go play baseball ",1
-"This stupid grader is not working ",3
-"work is horrible ",3
-"Congratulation for having a baby ",2
-"stop messing around ",3
-"any suggestions for dinner ",4
-"I love taking breaks ",0
-"you brighten my day ",2
-"I boiled rice ",4
-"she is a bully ",3
-"Why are you feeling bad ",3
-"I am upset ",3
-"I worked during my birthday ",3
-"My grandmother is the love of my life ",0
-"enjoy your break ",2
-"valentine day is near ",0
-"I miss you so much ",0
-"throw the ball ",1
-"My life is so boring ",3
-"she said yes ",2
-"will you be my valentine ",0
-"he can pitch really well ",1
-"dance with me ",2
-"I am starving ",4
-"See you at the restaurant ",4
-"I like to laugh ",2
-I will go dance,2
-"I like your jacket ",2
-"i miss her ",0
-"what is your favorite baseball game ",1
-"Good job ",2
-"I love to the stars and back ",0
-"What you did was awesome ",2
-"ha ha ha lol ",2
-"I want to joke ",2
-"go away ",3
-"yesterday we lost again ",3
-"family is all I have ",0
-"you are failing this exercise ",3
-"Good joke ",2
-"You totally deserve this prize ",2
-I did not have breakfast ,3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/data/testing.csv b/NLP_and_word_embeddings/data/testing.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index f50d47d..0000000
--- a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/data/testing.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-"I want to eat " 4
"he did not answer " 3
"he got a very nice raise " 2
"she got me a present " 2
"ha ha ha it was so funny " 2
"he is a good friend " 2
"I am upset " 3
"We had such a lovely dinner tonight " 2
"where is the food " 4
"Stop making this joke ha ha ha " 2
"where is the ball " 1
"work is hard " 3
"This girl is messing with me " 3
are you serious 3
"Let us go play baseball " 1
"This stupid grader is not working " 3
"work is horrible " 3
"Congratulation for having a baby " 2
"stop messing around " 3
"any suggestions for dinner " 4
"I love taking breaks " 0
"you brighten my day " 2
"I boiled rice " 4
"she is a bully " 3
"Why are you feeling bad " 3
"I am upset " 3
give me the ball 1
"My grandmother is the love of my life " 0
enjoy your game 1
"valentine day is near " 2
"I miss you so much " 0
"throw the ball " 1
"My life is so boring " 3
"she said yes " 2
"will you be my valentine " 2
"he can pitch really well " 1
"dance with me " 2
"I am starving " 4
"See you at the restaurant " 4
"I like to laugh " 2
I will run 1
"I like your jacket " 2
"i miss her " 0
"what is your favorite baseball game " 1
"Good job " 2
"I love to the stars and back " 0
"What you did was awesome " 2
"ha ha ha lol " 2
"I want to joke " 2
"go away " 3
"yesterday we lost again " 3
"family is all I have " 0
"you are failing this exercise " 3
"Good joke " 2
"You deserve this prize " 2
I did not have breakfast 4
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/data/train_emoji.csv b/NLP_and_word_embeddings/data/train_emoji.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bd3cdd..0000000
--- a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/data/train_emoji.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-never talk to me again,3,,
-I am proud of your achievements,2,,
-It is the worst day in my life,3,,
-Miss you so much,0,, [0]
-food is life,4,,
-I love you mum,0,,
-Stop saying bullshit,3,,
-congratulations on your acceptance,2,,
-The assignment is too long ,3,,
-I want to go play,1,, [3]
-she did not answer my text ,3,,
-Your stupidity has no limit,3,,
-how many points did he score,1,,
-my algorithm performs poorly,3,,
-I got approved,2,,
-Stop shouting at me,3,,
-Sounds like a fun plan ha ha,2,,
-no one likes him,3,,
-the game just finished,1,, [2]
-I will celebrate soon,2,,
-So sad you are not coming,3,,
-She is my dearest love,0,, [1]
-Good job,2,, [4]
-It was funny lol,2,,
-candy is life ,2,,
-The chicago cubs won again,1,,
-I am hungry,4,,
-I am so excited to see you after so long,2,,
-you did well on you exam,2,,
-lets brunch some day,4,,
-he is so cute,0,,
-How dare you ask that,3,,
-do you want to join me for dinner ,4,,
-I said yes,2,,
-she is attractive,0,,
-you suck,3,,
-she smiles a lot,2,,
-he is laughing,2,,
-she takes forever to get ready ,3,,
-French macaroon is so tasty,4,,
-we made it,2,,
-I am excited,2,,
-I adore my dogs,0,,
-this girl was mean,3,,
-you two are cute,0,,
-my code is working but the grader gave me zero,3,,
-this joke is killing me haha,2,,
-do you like pizza ,4,,
-you got a down grade,3,,
-I missed you,0,,
-I think I will end up alone,3,,
-I got humiliated by my sister,3,,
-you are awful,3,,
-I cooked meat,4,,
-This is so funny,2,,
-lets exercise,1,,
-he is the best player,1,,
-I am going to the stadium,1,, [0]
-You are incredibly intelligent and talented,2,,
-Stop shouting at me,3,,
-Who is your favorite player,1,,
-I like you a lot,0,,
-i miss him,0,,
-my dog just had a few puppies,0,,
-I hate him,3,,
-I want chinese food,4,,
-cookies are good,4,,
-her smile is so charming,2,,
-Bravo for the announcement it got a lot of traction,2,, [3]
-she plays baseball,1,,
-he did an amazing job,2,,
-The baby is adorable,0,,
-I was waiting for her for two hours ,3,,
-I like it when people smile,2,,
-I love dogs,0,,v2
-they are so kind and friendly,0,, [0]
-So bad that you cannot come with us,3,,
-he likes baseball,1,,
-I am so impressed by your dedication to this project,2,,
-I am at the baseball game,1,, [0]
-What a fun moment,2,,
-I want to have sushi for dinner,4,,
-I am very disappointed,3,,
-he can not do anything,3,,
-Lets have food together,4,,
-she is so cute,0,,
-miss you my dear,0,, [6]
-I am looking for a date,0,,
-I am frustrated,3,,
-I lost my wallet,3,,
-you failed the midterm,3,,
-ha ha ha it was so funny,2,,
-Do you want to give me a hug,0,,
-who is playing in the final,1,,
-she is happy,2,,
-You are not qualified for this position,3,,
-I love my dad,0,,
-this guy was such a joke,2,,
-Good joke,2,,
-This specialization is great,2,,
-you could not solve it,3,,
-I am so happy for you,2,,
-Congrats on the new job,2,,
-I am proud of you forever,2,,
-I want to eat,4,,
-That catcher sucks ,1,,
-The first base man got the ball,1,,
-this is bad,3,,
-you did not do your homework,3,,
-I will have a cheese cake,4,,
-do you have a ball,1,,
-the lectures are great though ,2,,
-Are you down for baseball this afternoon,1,,
-what are the rules of the game,1,,
-I am always working,3,,
-where is the stadium,1,,
-She is the cutest person I have ever seen,0,, [4]
-vegetables are healthy,4,,
-he is handsome,0,,
-too bad that you were not here,3,,
-you are a loser,3,,
-I love indian food,4,,
-Who is down for a restaurant,4,,
-he had to make a home run,1,,
-I am ordering food,4,,
-What is wrong with you,3,,
-I love you,0,,
-great job,2,,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/emo_utils.py b/NLP_and_word_embeddings/emo_utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8916e11..0000000
--- a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/emo_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-import csv
-import numpy as np
-import emoji
-import pandas as pd
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
-def read_glove_vecs(glove_file):
- with open(glove_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- words = set()
- word_to_vec_map = {}
- for line in f:
- line = line.strip().split()
- curr_word = line[0]
- words.add(curr_word)
- word_to_vec_map[curr_word] = np.array(line[1:], dtype=np.float64)
- i = 1
- words_to_index = {}
- index_to_words = {}
- for w in sorted(words):
- words_to_index[w] = i
- index_to_words[i] = w
- i = i + 1
- return words_to_index, index_to_words, word_to_vec_map
-def softmax(x):
- """Compute softmax values for each sets of scores in x."""
- e_x = np.exp(x - np.max(x))
- return e_x / e_x.sum()
-def read_csv(filename = 'data/emojify_data.csv'):
- phrase = []
- emoji = []
- with open (filename) as csvDataFile:
- csvReader = csv.reader(csvDataFile)
- for row in csvReader:
- phrase.append(row[0])
- emoji.append(row[1])
- X = np.asarray(phrase)
- Y = np.asarray(emoji, dtype=int)
- return X, Y
-def convert_to_one_hot(Y, C):
- Y = np.eye(C)[Y.reshape(-1)]
- return Y
-emoji_dictionary = {"0": "\u2764\uFE0F", # :heart: prints a black instead of red heart depending on the font
- "1": ":baseball:",
- "2": ":smile:",
- "3": ":disappointed:",
- "4": ":fork_and_knife:"}
-def label_to_emoji(label):
- """
- Converts a label (int or string) into the corresponding emoji code (string) ready to be printed
- """
- return emoji.emojize(emoji_dictionary[str(label)], use_aliases=True)
-def print_predictions(X, pred):
- print()
- for i in range(X.shape[0]):
- print(X[i], label_to_emoji(int(pred[i])))
-def plot_confusion_matrix(y_actu, y_pred, title='Confusion matrix', cmap=plt.cm.gray_r):
- df_confusion = pd.crosstab(y_actu, y_pred.reshape(y_pred.shape[0],), rownames=['Actual'], colnames=['Predicted'], margins=True)
- df_conf_norm = df_confusion / df_confusion.sum(axis=1)
- plt.matshow(df_confusion, cmap=cmap) # imshow
- #plt.title(title)
- plt.colorbar()
- tick_marks = np.arange(len(df_confusion.columns))
- plt.xticks(tick_marks, df_confusion.columns, rotation=45)
- plt.yticks(tick_marks, df_confusion.index)
- #plt.tight_layout()
- plt.ylabel(df_confusion.index.name)
- plt.xlabel(df_confusion.columns.name)
-def predict(X, Y, W, b, word_to_vec_map):
- """
- Given X (sentences) and Y (emoji indices), predict emojis and compute the accuracy of your model over the given set.
- Arguments:
- X -- input data containing sentences, numpy array of shape (m, None)
- Y -- labels, containing index of the label emoji, numpy array of shape (m, 1)
- Returns:
- pred -- numpy array of shape (m, 1) with your predictions
- """
- m = X.shape[0]
- pred = np.zeros((m, 1))
- for j in range(m): # Loop over training examples
- # Split jth test example (sentence) into list of lower case words
- words = X[j].lower().split()
- # Average words' vectors
- avg = np.zeros((50,))
- for w in words:
- avg += word_to_vec_map[w]
- avg = avg/len(words)
- # Forward propagation
- Z = np.dot(W, avg) + b
- A = softmax(Z)
- pred[j] = np.argmax(A)
- print("Accuracy: " + str(np.mean((pred[:] == Y.reshape(Y.shape[0],1)[:]))))
- return pred
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/images/data_set.png b/NLP_and_word_embeddings/images/data_set.png
deleted file mode 100644
index bec3009..0000000
Binary files a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/images/data_set.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/images/dataset_kiank.png b/NLP_and_word_embeddings/images/dataset_kiank.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 0acb762..0000000
Binary files a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/images/dataset_kiank.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/images/emb_kiank.png b/NLP_and_word_embeddings/images/emb_kiank.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 7942f43..0000000
Binary files a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/images/emb_kiank.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/images/embedding1.png b/NLP_and_word_embeddings/images/embedding1.png
deleted file mode 100644
index f615ae7..0000000
Binary files a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/images/embedding1.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/images/emo_model.png b/NLP_and_word_embeddings/images/emo_model.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e9a253..0000000
Binary files a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/images/emo_model.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/NLP_and_word_embeddings/images/emojifier-v2.png b/NLP_and_word_embeddings/images/emojifier-v2.png
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1118 +0,0 @@
-One of a kind Money maker Try it for free From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text html charset iso Content Transfer Encoding bit CONSANTLY being bombarded by so called FREE money making systems that teases you with limited information and when it s all said and done blind sides you by demanding your money credit card information upfront in some slick way after the fact Yes I too was as skeptical about such offers and the Internet in general with all its hype as you probably are Fortunate for me my main business slowed down I have been self employed all my life so I looked for something to fit my lifestyle and some other way to assist me in paying my bills without working myself to death or loosing more money then this proposal to try something new without any upfront investment great because I had none interested me to click on the link provided And I don t regret at all that I did I am very happy and happy enough to recommend it to you as a system that is true to its word I mean absolutely no upfront money You join only if when you make money You also get to track the results of your time and efforts instantly and updated daily I especially liked this idea of personal control with real time staying informed statistics This system is quite simply the most logical opened and fair of any others that I ve seen before Why Because from the start you get all the specific facts you need to seriously consider if this is right for you No teasing No grand testimonies No kidding Just the facts Unlike in other programs that give you no idea of their overall plan before first forking over your money credit card or worst yet joining and finding out too late after wasting valuable time trying to figure them out this system is straightforward and informative providing you with the two things you really must know What s it all about and How does it work These are the ultimate deal makers or deal breakers that need to be immediately disclosed well before discovering that maybe you don t want to do that by then you are hooked and now locked into a frustrating battle to try to get your money back I call this my Platinum Choice because it stands alone as a true superior deal that is totally different from previously misleading hook first programs that promise lofty mega money jackpots but really just want your money upfront to line their own pockets You ve seen the headlines Join free and Make every week for life yeah right I did not make millions yet but the whole thing was launched just a few weeks ago and I am more than happy with my earnings so far I must tell you I wouldn t be able to do anything without corporate help which was unusually thorough timely and motivating You have to see this in action for yourself and make up your own mind just go to my site and fill out the form as soon as you can You will get your own site in a few minutes Then you are ready to try whether you can make some decent money with this system and the Internet s explosive potential fully loaded with hi tech software free corporate help on time member s support and even protective safeguards Get it now and you can call me at any time with questions It really could help you like it is helping me to finally be able to pay my bills and keep my free time free Good luck http www mindupmerchants com default asp ID Ben Green P S Free POP email is ofered for members now ,0
-link to my webcam you wanted Wanna see sexually curious teens playing with each other http www site personals com ,0
-Re How to manage multiple Internet connections From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii Content Disposition inline Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Sat May Merciadri Luca wrote But will probably not work in you case as it was meant to combine two or more network ports from the same computer connected to the same switch The description says D D The Linux bonding driver provides a method for aggregating multiple network interfaces into a single logical bonded interface D D Strictly speaking this is what I want Now your interpretation seems to be based on the definition of a link aggregation which I am not really familiar with Basically I want to merge connections into one or at least divide and use them separately in an easy way This is not a so rare situation is it E g you might be wandering in some zone where you can use the WiFi but where it is sometimes unavailable say at specific regions If you manage to use another connection for example the one that is given by your mobile phone smartphone via Bluetooth which is then connected to the internet through other protocols it should be possible to switch between these two connections or to use them simultaneously if say WiFi s range is too small or WiFi s bandwidth too small compared to the smartphone s one Okay this is not a really realistic example You might also share an internet connection with your neighbour legally and use it a lot when he does not need it Then if you already use ethernet you can use both connections But how Bonding is not suitable for you because it works too low level it is layer unless you have two links from the same provider using some technology that can be bonded like ADSL AFAIU what you need is BGP[ ] but I can t give you any tips as this is way out of my league Probably a good start whatever technology you end up using is a GNU Linux preferably Debian machine connected to both internet links and your internal network since consumer gateways don t even have more than one WAN port[ ] [ ] http en wikipedia org wiki Border_Gateway_Protocol [ ] some of them could be used for this with custom firmware but this is off topic Regards Andrei P S There is no need to CC me as I am subscribed to the list Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers http lists alioth debian org mailman listinfo d community offtopic ,1
-[SPAM] Give her hour rodeoEnhance your desire pleasure and performance GUARANTEED TO SEE AN INCREASE IN SIZE AND WIDTH http pg exqumloaf com ,0
-Best Price on the netf f m suddenlysusan Stoolmail zzn com on Tuesday July at Why Spend upwards of on a DVD Burner when we will show you an alternative that will do the exact same thing for just a fraction of the cost Copy your DVD s NOW Best Price on the net Click here http www dvdcopyxp com cgi bin enter cgi marketing_id dcx Click to remove http www spambites com cgi bin enter cgi spambytes_id ,0
-linux ie mailing list memberships reminderThis is a reminder sent out once a month about your linux ie mailing list memberships It includes your subscription info and how to use it to change it or unsubscribe from a list You can visit the URLs to change your membership status or configuration including unsubscribing setting digest style delivery or disabling delivery altogether e g for a vacation and so on In addition to the URL interfaces you can also use email to make such changes For more info send a message to the request address of the list for example webdev request linux ie containing just the word help in the message body and an email message will be sent to you with instructions If you have questions problems comments etc send them to listmaster tuatha org Thanks Passwords for jm webdev jmason org List Password URL webdev linux ie foo http www linux ie mailman options webdev jm webdev jmason org ,1
-Re Apple Sauced againAt AM on Gary Lawrence Murphy wrote The first question I ask myself when something doesn t seem to be beautiful is why do I think it s not beautiful And very shortly you discover that there is no reason John Cage When I m working on a problem I never think about beauty I think only how to solve the problem But when I have finished if the solution is not beautiful I know it is wrong R Buckminster Fuller Simplicity is the highest goal achievable when you have overcome all difficulties Frederic Chopin Externalities are the last refuge of the dirigistes Friedrich Hayek R A Hettinga The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation Farquhar Street Boston MA USA The stoical scheme of supplying our wants by lopping off our desires is like cutting off our feet when we want shoes Jonathan Swift ,1
-Re results for giant mass check phew I never claimed it could learn all combinatorial possibilities but it certainly can learn some C On Thursday August at PM Scott A Crosby wrote On Thu Aug Craig R Hughes writes It can learn combinatorial stuff in a more subtle way Imagine No it can t It can learn a few examples that happen to be linearily seperable like those you gave It cannot learn the example I gave below which is not linearily seperable ,1
-Re RPM s post postun etcHave you tried rebuilding your package on a system that has a stock or no rpmmacros file Does it still build and install uninstall the way you intended it to On Tue at Torsten Bronger wrote Halloechen At the moment I create an RPM that also adds some files to teTeX s texmf tree Therefore I defined in my rpmmacros a texhash that calls texhash if it exists and in the spec file post texhash postun texhash But this is a costly operation Is it nevertheless worth it In particular if this RPM is installed together with very many others are those pre post etc skipped and an omnipotent script called that e g updates TeX s file database Tschoe Torsten Chris Kloiber _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Re Fwd Re Kde On May Lisi wrote I do not ask otherwise and Dotan has been sending long rude unpleasan t emails direct to me What long rude unpleasant emails have I sent to you Go ahead post everything that I ve ever sent to you here I ve sent mails only as long as the demands of your comments have warranted filled only with questions about what is broken for you in KDE and links to bugs on those very subjects Rude or unpleasant I think that you have me mistaken I ll give to you the benefit of the doubt publish something that you think I wrote to you which is rude or unpleasant C A That is what I am complaining about C A As I said above I have been getting them from Dotan as you correctly state C A Li si shreef I have been getting them C A According to list policy I should not be getting them C A In addition the last one was sent to the KDE list to which I do not subscribe and not to this which is the list with the thr ead Perhaps you should read Dotan s last two emails to me especially the las t one before complaining about my complaint Which messages exactly last two is hard to identify given the dynamic nature of this list And my crime C A For which you too clearly feel that I should be subj ected to the unpleasant bullying in emails direct to me C A I use KDE but do not intend to use KDE All I did was ask about what issues you have with KDE so that I might fix them You don t have to appreciate that but I do not expect you to turn it around and call that rude and unpleasant Maybe you don t like KDE contributors taking an interest in your problems with the software Many other people do Dotan Cohen http bido com http what is what com To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org AANLkTinLpz dvlENuaBxlQgdBfihk dDbyiwkD hcx mail csmining org ,1
-Re no subject I ve picked up these patches and will submit to CVS eventually If there are bugs worth fixing please let me know about the fixes for them Mark Scarborough said tg sema se said mscar said My biggest problem with it is that it will _always_ render the HTML in messages that are only HTML possible speed and or I didn t want to see that porno email problems Also it does away with the option to view an HTML part in Netscape There might be times when I want to use a more fully featured viewer if I determine that it s worth the risk Try these two patches for exmh I just tossed together The config option uri deferDisplaysInline probably doesn t makes any sense it should probably always be off But you never know what people like Anyway when you get a text html part and you have defer selected you can display it inline by checking the box in the right button menu Tomas G Tomas This is GREAT Thank you This is exactly what I was thinking about as the best solution whether I expressed it well or not There are a couple of coloring or highlighting bugs that I haven t had time to fully characterize yet but I don t care We can work out the bugs at least we have the functionality Everyone if you have ever wanted to be able to choose between the internal HTML engine and whatever external browser you have defined on a per message basis give Tomas patches a try Thanks again Tomas Mark _______________________________________________ Exmh users mailing list Exmh users redhat com https listman redhat com mailman listinfo exmh users Brent Welch Software Architect Panasas Inc Pioneering the World s Most Scalable and Agile Storage Network www panasas com welch panasas com _______________________________________________ Exmh users mailing list Exmh users redhat com https listman redhat com mailman listinfo exmh users ,1
-Enter now hibody off having National frequently would view To view this email as a web page click here Thu April and sources performances Jr Gloag Paul were nor September crisis A landslide causes a train to derail in Merano Italy killing nine people and injuring dozens From the time of European settlement a theme in Australian art has been the Australian landscape [ ] seen for example in the works of Albert Namatjira [ ] Arthur Streeton and others associated with the Heidelberg School [ ] and Arthur Boyd Issues of intergenerational equity irreversibility of environmental change uncertainty of long term outcomes and sustainable development guide ecological economic analysis and valuation Lake Issyk Kul in the north eastern Tian Shan is the largest lake in Kyrgyzstan and the second largest mountain lake in the world after Titicaca The fifth and final category is the importance of caring for oneself since only thus can one act to help others Given the poor precision for asteroids estimated to be somewhat less massive than Psyche a few other may turn out to be more massive than Psyche Juno or Eunomia The marsh rice rat is active during the night and builds nests of sedge and grass and occasionally runways Loss ratio is calculated by dividing the amount of losses sometimes including loss adjustment expenses by the amount of earned premium These are placed at various intervals along the route of a railway controlling specified sections of track Fisher Z Hernandez Prada JA Tu C Duda D Yoshioka C An H Govindasamy L Silverman DN and McKenna R Presidents of Poland and non presidential heads of state since Grace and he disliked each other for the rest of the season until the season finale when Ben showed her his more humane face when Will invited him to dine with them Anelli Melissa John Noe Sue Upton In April the government of Morocco suggested that a self governing entity through the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs CORCAS should govern the territory with some degree of autonomy for Western Sahara Hansen TM Baranov PV Ivanov IP Gesteland RF Atkins JF May On January the six colonies became a federation and the Commonwealth of Australia was formed The Space Shuttle program will be retired by NASA The first few asteroids discovered were assigned symbols like the ones traditionally used to designate Earth the Moon the Sun and planets In Chalidze was a MacArthur Fellow for his work in international human rights The highest judicial body is the Supreme Tribunal of Justice or Tribunal Supremo de Justicia whose magistrates are elected by parliament for a single twelve year term The university is home to colleges a graduate school undergraduate programs master programs doctoral programs and four professional programs Victoria County History of Wiltshire Volume Several phenomena will prefigure the changes of the upcoming period As of Hong Kong is the fifth most expensive city for expatriates behind Tokyo Osaka Moscow and Geneva He was born at Semley Wiltshire in or entered Winchester College in Astronomers began to realize the possibilities of Earth impact Examples are Cruithne and AA Metre ft diameter Beumont English boring machine dug a metre ft pilot tunnel from Shakespeare Cliff Earlier attempts at designing such an engine failed because of the difficulty in arranging the pistons to move in the correct manner for all three cylinders in one delta and this was the problem which caused Junkers Motorenbau to leave behind work on the delta form while continuing to prototype of a diamond form four crankshaft cylinder JuMo For other uses see Kelvin disambiguation Soon thereafter mammals entered India from Asia through two zoogeographical passes on either side of the emerging Himalaya Today there is a Turkish town called Truva in the vicinity of the archaeological site but this town has grown up recently to service the tourist trade Close to the centre of the city lay a large temple to Bast You are subscribed as hibody csmining org Click here to unsubscribe Copyright c beam ,0
-[use Perl] Stories for use Perl Daily Newsletter In this issue Two OSCON Lightning Talks Online Two OSCON Lightning Talks Online posted by gnat on Friday August news http use perl org article pl sid [ ]gnat writes The first two OSCON lightning talks are available from [ ]the perl org website They are Dan Brian on What Sucks and What Rocks in [ ]QuickTime and [ ]mp and Brian Ingerson on Your Own Personal Hashbang in [ ]QuickTime and [ ]mp Enjoy This story continues at http use perl org article pl sid Discuss this story at http use perl org comments pl sid Links mailto gnat frii com http www perl org tpc http www perl org tpc movies lt http www perl org tpc audio lt http www perl org tpc movies lt http www perl org tpc audio lt Copyright pudge All rights reserved You have received this message because you subscribed to it on use Perl To stop receiving this and other messages from use Perl or to add more messages or change your preferences please go to your user page http use perl org my messages You can log in and change your preferences from there ,1
-[SPAM] Summer timeFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type multipart alternative boundary _NextPart_ _ _BB_ CA E FDB A E _NextPart_ _ _BB_ CA E FDB A E Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable selfsameness reeking sensorial subjectivist cofactors specifically hype rcritically hawksbill whores worldly encrypt edam replication controllab le ironer mayoral hostages enlists discrepantly bunny s mismanagement im passe gluts invulnerable butch link alarmism hustled malefactor s irrele vance elitism boaster crossbeam idolatrousness screwball pitting pregnan cies slanting overburdening quickens certificate cookie s amplify tallyh o receipted pennywort sans antilog fraudulence completive exciding chrom atographic awakes tonsure balletomania hems launches bidder ovation scow ls officer jumpiness chloroprene contest assayers deduction s consummate ly treacherously footstep _NextPart_ _ _BB_ CA E FDB A E Content Type text html charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable A A selfsameness reeking sensorial subjectivist cofactors specifically hypercritically hawksbill whores worldly encrypt edam replication controllable ironer mayoral hostages enlists discrepantly bunny s mismanagement impasse gluts invulnerable butch link alarmism hustled malefactor s irrelevance elitism boaster crossbeam idolatrousness screwball pitting pregnancies slanting overburdening quickens certificate cookie s amplify tallyho receipted pennywort sans antilog fraudulence completive exciding chromatographic awakes tonsure balletomania hems launches bidder ovation scowls officer jumpiness chloroprene contest assayers deduction s consummately treacherously footstep _NextPart_ _ _BB_ CA E FDB A E ,0
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services If you prefer not to receive future news and information on our technology solutions please reply to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject N W nd Ave Suite Miami FL Tel Fax Toll Free COM PRO Web www comprosys com e mail info comprosys com Web Templates Starting from just If your order is placed by Our Web templates give you the way to get on the Internet with a very professional look and feel while keeping the costs down Contact us for your options How does it work Easy as Register on our site and select a username and password this will allow you to track your website development project start to finish Fill out the questionnaire this will help you to get all the materials needed for us to develop your site It is very important to fill out all the questions We will then setup your website according to the information given to us That s it If you would prefer a custom solution we will be happy to create a completely custom solution for you Contact us for a free quote Sell Your Products On Line E shop is a multi platform e commerce solution for Retailers Wholesalers or any company wanting to sell on the Internet This e commerce solution can be used as a business to business consumer solution E Shop will support any number of products since its data is stored in SQL tables Corporate Profile Com Pro Systems Inc founded in is a successful information technology consulting firm providing products and services across several industries Com Pro Systems goal is to become the leader in software development CSI will deliver the entire solution By leveraging our relationships with companies like IBM Microsoft Compaq AT T Cisco and others we bring you the best cross platform solutions to your Hardware Software and Hosting needs Copyright C Com Pro Systems Inc All rights reserved Multipart Boundary Content Type text html charset ISO Content Transfer Encoding bit NEED A PROFESSIONAL LOOKING WEBSITE Custom Website Development We can create new web pages or give 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TemplatesStarting from just If your order is placed by Our Web templates give you the way to get on the Internet with a very professional look and feel while keeping the costs down Contact us for your options How does it work Easy as Register on our site and select a username and password this will allow you to track your website development project start to finish Fill out the questionnaire this will help you to get all the materials needed for us to develop your site It is very important to fill out all the questions We will then setup your website according to the information given to us That s it If you would prefer a custom solution we will be happy to create a completely custom solution for you Contact us for a free quote Sell Your Products On Line E shop is a multi platform e commerce solution for Retailers Wholesalers or any company wanting to sell on the Internet This e commerce solution can be used as a business to business consumer solution E Shop will support any number of products since its data is stored in SQL tables Corporate ProfileCom Pro Systems Inc founded in is a successful information technology consulting firm providing products and services across several industries Com Pro Systems goal is to become the leader in software development CSI will deliver the entire solution By leveraging our relationships with companies like IBM Microsoft Compaq AT T Cisco and others we bring you the best cross platform solutions to your Hardware Software and Hosting needs Copyright C Com Pro Systems Inc All rights reserved Multipart Boundary http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,0
-Re [ILUG] cheap linux PCs I d normally never buy this but the Xbox is Eur on IOL s shop a very large company are making a loss on it and http xbox linux sourceforge net articles php aid sub Press Release A Xbox Linux Mandrake Released Mandrake has been released for it isn t it in Smyths don t forget to add to that the modchip and the time to put it on me thinks unless you want d graphics www mini itx com is the way to go L Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-Re[ ] Selling Wedded Bliss was Re Ouch On Mon Sep Lucas Gonze wrote ] K is utter shite ] k is a number that probably sounds good to some closted homophobe with secret desires to be belle of the balls Twinks dinks and dorks this thread sounds to me like someone needs a little luvin ,1
-Re Re xorg server failing on IBM NetVista with Intel videoFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii Content Disposition inline Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Fri May peasthope shaw ca wrote From Andrei Popescu Date Fri May echo APT Default Release squeeze etc apt apt conf Somehow I had the impression that the order of the sources would prioritize them Yes or at least that s what the manpage says but only when you have the same version of a package Regards Andrei Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers http lists alioth debian org mailman listinfo d community offtopic ,1
-Automating xmodmap keymapsEverytime I log into GNOME I run this command in my home directory xmodmap keymaps How can I automate this To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org r q d x a e h fafe mail csmining org ,1
-Re What to choose for Core i bits If you have other i machines around it may be convenient for you to keep the same architecture so you can share the download bandwidth of Debian updates and things like that On the other hand now might be a good time to begin the migration to the future bits will be around for a long time but it will increasingly be relegated to older hardware and niche applications such as embedded processors or cell phones and the like bits is going to be the current architecture for desktops servers and the like for a good while to come That s true I used to say and think that back around when I started to use DEC Alpha machines But now that GB is about as little RAM as you can get in a new machine the push to move to bit is very real Stefan To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org jwviq q n fsf monnier gmane linux debian user gnu org ,1
-[spam] [SPAM] Info to client Symmetricom Viewing difficulties Check out the online version of this email JUST A SECOND Men s e Newsletter September The very best care for your male potential Our products really help you to feel hellish drive with your lady To find out what prices do we put on our goods good ones And what kind of shipping services do we provide all possible kinds Go to our web site right now Read Full Article Our male boosters are the best Lasting and strong rod on for of users Our price policy is also the best Up to discounts this week When there are no minuses and only pluses instead why choosing something else Read Full Article Symmetricom has sent you this email because you have subscribed to the Just a Second newsletter Should you no longer wish to receive these messages please go here to unsubscribe Update Your Profile Forward to a Friend Symmetricom Inc Orchard Parkway San Jose California USA ,0
-Look What Sandy is Doing in her DORM This WEEK Sydney Bares ALL in the park Join her in our Live Teen Chat Watch as Sandy Strips Naked in her Dorm Best of All see it ALL FREE Don t Miss Out Watch in Awe as Stacey Suck Starts Ken AND OUR BONUS Pam Tommy UNCUT Penthouse Forum Stories Jenna Jamieson in JennaMaxx Get in here for FREE NOW ,0
-Re Realtek ethernet was Re recent mobo recommendation Ron Johnson put forth on PM Nothing I ve seen in dmesg has ever led me to think that the r driver in my Sid linux source kernel yes it s old and fail to build loads a blob Almost all NICs load firmware blobs It s in dmesg somewhere When the firmware doesn t load you get something like this in dmesg eth RTL d d at xffffc c e xx xx xx xx xx xx XID c IRQ eth unable to apply firmware patch That s a paste from one of the OPs here who was bitten by the trunk upgrade which IIRC is the one that ripped out the RTL firmware blob I can t find via Google a dmesg snippet of a successful RTL firmware load Here s what it looks like for Intel X using the e driver with the firmware blobs all compiled into the kernel e d firmware using built in firmware e d m_ucode bin built in signifies that the firmware blob has been included in the kernel at compile time I do this to avoid issues such as this RTL problem It only adds a couple hundred K to the kernel image And I use the vanilla kernel org sources to avoid any Debian non free issues Just about every NIC on the planet uses a firmware blob There are IIRC ways to load the device firmware into the Linux kernel This applies to all devices that require soft firmware not just NICs Compile all device firmware blobs into the kernel Compile the individual blob into the driver use initrd Put firmware file in root filesystem tell kernel the path won t work with drivers that are needed during the boot process such as block device drivers Those require method or NICs should be able to use There are different dmesg statements and different errors depending on which method above that you re using At least a couple of people on this list went out and bought non RealTek PCI NICs to fix the problem instead of reverting to the older kernel I sort of remember that Yeah I just pulled the mails One upgraded to trunk on his firewall bricking it until he disabled the onboard RTL and installed an Intel e IIRC They thought it was a udev issue til I noticed the firmware load failure message referenced up above in this email The other had an RTL wireless that failed for the same reason I can t recall how they fixed that one IIRC the OP didn t swap hardware to achieve the fix so they did something with the kernel driver firmware I m not surprised Since I m only connected to a small Mbps LAN which then connects to a Mbps cable modem it doesn t really affect me Do some FTP or SCP tests back and forth to another LAN machine and see what transfers rates you get out of that RTL chip I bet you get rd wire speed at best about MB s if even that The machines themselves need to be modern to saturate the link no slow CPUs or disks Any GHz CPU with MB RAM and a decent K RPM SATA disk should be able to push pull MB s across the wire For that matter eliminate the disk by creating a MB RAM disk on each machine Create a test file with dd and FTP SCP it back and forth between the RAM disks If your RTL chip can peak the wire it ll be a second transfer if your network chips and Linux TCP stacks are up to the task Maybe if I ever get or I ll squeal in anger Until then It s looking like the RTL firmware blob issue may have been limited to the trunk kernel You may get lucky Then again if you roll your own and put the firmware blobs in the kernel itself as I do you shouldn t have a problem That is if the Debian kernel source doesn t have the blob ripped out for being non free You mentioned you had problems building and kernel source Do you use the Debian kernel source or kernel org source I ve been using the kernel org source for quite some time and have never had any real problems with it knocks on wood I had a build problem with a while back but that turned out to be due to a slight bit too much overclock on my machine in this warmer weather Stan To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BC E hardwarefreak com ,1
-[SPAM] You gonna be the stFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable This is a multi part message in MIME format ,0
-Business card designURL http diveintomark org archives html business_card_design Date T _Michael Barrish_ Poem[ ] Here are the most popular Oblivio search strings since October I consider it a poem [ ] http oblivio com road shtml ,1
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-What a Sale hibody You save up to in the base and of thrower for of To view this email as a web page click here Wednesday May summer Homo Underworld H Aurangzeb del to a Armfield particularly they being by Of the eighteen parvas only eight Kawi manuscripts remain Two decades later in World War II the United Kingdom again fought for the Allies Georgia Department of Natural Resources gadnr The Italian Socialist Party purged itself of pro war nationalist members including Mussolini Steven Wright stands accused of these offences and has a right to a fair trial before a jury The February Great Britain and Ireland snowfall was the heaviest London had seen for years For the ancient Thessalian dialect see Aeolic Greek This has the disadvantage that it is possible for chunks of fuel between the holes to become detached during a burn and obstruct the flow of oxidiser and exhaust Whilst Blackpool have one of the lowest average home attendances in the Championship the atmosphere generated by the home support is regarded as loud and intimidating Yuzovka was renamed Stalino in and Donetsk in and was at the heart of one of the most industrialized areas of the Russian Empire Death Penalty Information Center List of people associated with World War I She was raised by missionary parents and spent much of her childhood in various parts of the world ranging from the Philippines to Jamaica Includes a detailed picture of atoms in the pump For every females age and over there were It stands at the Hashawha Environmental Center [ ] Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute This ion pump uses ATP to pump sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into the cell thus creating an electrochemical gradient over the cell membrane He was adopted as the heir of his uncle Matsudaira Masatsuna in The Portuguese urban settlements heraldry reflects the difference between cities towns and villages [ ] with the coat of arms of a city bearing a crown with towers the coat of arms of a town bearing a crown with towers while the coat of arms of a village bears a crown with towers They were twenty three daimyo on the borders of Tokugawa lands daimyo all directly related to Ieyasu Do not duplicate names of state electoral districts Throughout its history the region of Uttar Pradesh was sometimes divided between smaller kingdoms and at other times formed an important part of larger empires that arose on its east or west including the Magadha Nanda Mauryan Sunga Kushan Gurjara Gupta Pala and Mughal empires Tinzaouaten is a rural commune in the VIIIth or Kidal Region During the same period of time numerous French Canadians also emigrated and settled in Eastern and Northern Ontario Additionally the Hispanic terms are modified from Hispanic or Latino to Hispanic Latino or Spanish origin Recently the entire catalogue of characters created by Red Circle have been licensed [citation needed] for use by DC Comics In a state a member of the executive branch of government or the office of Head of State as well as the legislative branch and regional and local levels of government Toledo Castile La Mancha Spain Most fishermen and captains of charters practice capture and release fishing as they are a rare fish Had children under the age of living with them As it is very electropositive and highly reactive potassium metal is difficult to obtain from its minerals Organization relied on reciprocity and redistribution because these societies had no notion of market or money You are subscribed as hibody csmining org Click here to unsubscribe Copyright c and ,0
-RE [ILUG] VPN implementationOn September kialllists redpie com said OS X is linux Er no it s not It s kinda BSD related but it s definitely not Linux Waider waider waider ie Yes it is very personal of me Since I am project leader I must not be permitted to go insane Theo de Radt Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-Re OOwriter always hangs and then quits unexpectedly when images are copied copy paste from a website BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE Hash SHA Ron Johnson writes On PM Merciadri Luca wrote Ron Johnson wrote I just opened a new Writer b document then selected the title image http i space com images voyager jpg from http www space com missionlaunches nasa tracking voyager problem html and pasted it into the document I am using OO That s really old If you run Stable then you should deinstall it and get binaries from http www go oo org Ok I will do it Would it be that Take for example http en wikipedia org wiki California Still works although OOo doesn t seem to know how to handle svg documents Lucky you but it must be because of the version Note that it does not _always_ hang here that s purely random Merciadri Luca See http www student montefiore ulg ac be merciadri Doing your best is more important than being the best BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE Version GnuPG v GNU Linux Comment Processed by Mailcrypt iEYEARECAAYFAkvnpk ACgkQM LLzLt MhxIRgCgpyA SFf MfurhnGOmWzxQDGg DskAn EHVibym njR Aa S m mtvXHp PX u END PGP SIGNATURE To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org hbmgmg d fsf merciadriluca station MERCIADRILUCA ,1
-Re Hi how to escaping under ` ` in shOn Wed Apr at PM Mart Frauenlob wrote how about p my qlPW N `mysql u root p my qlPW N B e show databases ` Enter password asks for PW `mysql u root p my qlPW N B e show databases ` bash information_schema command not found or p my\ qlPW N `mysql u root p my qlPW N B e show databases ` Enter password again asks for password `mysql u root p my qlPW N B e show databases ` ERROR Access denied for user root localhost using password YES or p my\\\ qlPW N `mysql u root p\\\my qlPW N B e show databases ` ERROR Access denied for user root localhost using password YES `mysql u root p \\\my qlPW N B e show databases ` Enter password Thanks Siju To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org p pb df c rbd eed clc e f b f cfe mail csmining org ,1
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-Re Filesystem recommendationsFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type Text Plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Thursday April Joe Brenner wrote Ron Johnson wrote B Alexander wrote Ron Johnson wrote XFS is the canonical fs for when you have lots of Big Files I ve also seen simple benchmarks on this list showing that it s faster than ext ext Thats cool What about Lots of Little Files That was another of the draws of reiser That same unofficial benchmark showed surprising small file speed by xfs Would you happen to have any links to such benchmarks unofficial or otherwise My experience has been that whenever I look at filesystem benchmarks they skip the many small files case I ve always had the feeling that most of the big filesystems cared a lot about scaling up in file size but not too much about anything else NB This is my best recollection I m not looking this up right now Pleas e check my facts I d love to know if I m wrong Some of that reiserfs performance came from directories as hash tables whi ch I believe ext supports and is native for btrfs Some of that also came from tail packing which could come from the extents feature of ext and should be in btrfs The final edge reiserfs had was above average flushing caching algorithms and the development pushes in ext and btrfs h ave likely reduced or eliminated that I think the unified block device caching system in the kernel able helped make that not such a big deal I m a Reiser user myself and I ve never had any problems with it The trouble with it being long in the tooth is mostly hypothetical isn t it Not really Reiserfs will probably be maintained in the kernel for a very long time in that as any interfaces it uses are updated it will be updated to use the new interface However ISTR there are open bugs on reiserfs that will not be fixed Similarly I expect new bugs that can be blamed on the reiserfs code are less likely to be fixed than bugs than can be blamed on t he ext or xfs code In addition as file system technology advances reiserfs will become less attractive for new installs and it will become more attractive to migrate a way from it Unfortunately migration tools are unlikely to be developed outs ide of generic file system migration tools Compare with btrfs_convert which allows an ext file system to be converted to btrfs with no data copying such tools have to be aware of the internal structure of the file system an d fewer and fewer developers will even HAVE that knowledge of reiserfs The source will be available sure but even kernel maintainers interested in f ile systems are not interested in reiserfs There s no drop dead date for reiserfs in the kernel AFAIK so there s no pressing need to migrate away from it but there is a lot of work on file systems that should both perform better and be supported better than reiser fs D Boyd Stephen Smith Jr D _ D bss iguanasuicide net _ o o \_ ICQ YM AIM DaTwinkDaddy ` ` http iguanasuicide net \_ ,1
-[SPAM] Xbox game walkthroughs body backgroundTable background color FFFFCC contentTable border px none margin top px headerTop background color d d d border top px solid border bottom px none FFFFFF text align center padding px adminText font size px color line height font family Verdana text decoration none headerBar background color FFFFFF border top px none border bottom px solid padding px headerBarText color font size px font family Verdana font weight normal text align left title font size px font weight bold color font family Arial line height subTitle font size px font weight bold color font style normal font family Arial defaultText font size px color line height font family Arial width px background color FFFFFF padding px sideColumn background color FFFFFF border left px dashed CCCCCC text align left width px padding px margin px sideColumnText font size px font weight normal color font family Arial line height sideColumnTitle font size px font weight bold color font family Arial line height footerRow background color d d d border top px solid padding px footerText font size px color line height font family Arial a a link a visited color text decoration underline font weight normal headerTop a color text decoration none font weight normal classic font size px background color EFEFEF font family Arial font weight normal text decoration underline footerRow a color text decoration underline font weight normal body backgroundTable background color ffffff Trouble seeing this Here s the link If you re having problems receiving the weekly newsletter it s possible it is getting caught in your spam filter Don t agree with something All outside Internet links are provided for informational purposes and do not imply endorsement by Youth Specialties You may remove these if you deem them inappropriate for your students You are receiving this email because you opted in at Youth Specialties Unsubscribe hibody csmining org from this list Our mailing address is Youth Specialties Cordell Ct Suite El Cajon CA Add us to your address book Copyright C Youth Specialties All rights reserved Forward this email to a friend Update your profile ,0
-Re Amarok s IssuesAlle luned aprile Robert van den Berg ha scritto Original Message From Marcus Better [mailto marcus better se] Sent maandag april To debian kde lists debian org Subject Re Amarok s Issues Edson Marquezani Filho wrote I would like to know if people here have the same problems with Amarok Squeeze s version of it as I do I haven t looked for bugs filled about it yet but these issues have been annoying for time enough to put me wondering if I am the only who has been facing them I ve had other weird problems with the collection like missing albums after an upgrade of Amarok This was due to database corruption and the fix was to nuke the database somewhere under kde Cheers Marcus I do run with an external MySQL database Cheers Robert In my experience it s probably better to use an external database MySQL with amarok because it s faster to load Anyhow it still happens that the changes you make to the tracks albums don t show immediately in the database Bye Valerio To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian kde REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org valerio passini unicam it ,1
-Re Kde BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE Hash SHA On Thursday May Sune Vuorela was heard to say On Curt Howland wrote On Thursday May Ana Guerrero was heard to say No there is not sane way and there is nobody interested on it While the former is certainly true the latter is demonstrably false Where is your code I will repeat No one is interested in doing it That is not what you said the first time Sune Curt Those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their consciences BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE Version GnuPG v GNU Linux iQEVAwUBS K Fy Y yItIgBAQKVlAf bUxX Ch WlZ x ess a hJzPVw XJH O t z b Y YSKuUYJwGqRzQB S xoHz Cqb ZO fxl NW J A xnGund H C Qzg X H zkZMA gUREFfgcec IEv v XnnyFBuXgAkiOr Kzz wQKqMW GFkA OB i BiKWGd hxsBbmyIrGbgHg IJpwSjrp PevYWktOB QnCsUFQGyKy cJt a X WOTN rVJdlxMAlKC DT P Sf aZMcw QiLin bbKZjzfBVi dsxtg GsR VyD OoKXih dsyH fgUk AMs nz t ZyS YZez e OpjcXn CB rFIg luXA END PGP SIGNATURE To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian kde REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org Howland priss com ,1
-Von Neumann s Best Friend a bio petURL http boingboing net Date Not supplied [IMG http www craphound com images nanodog jpg] Matt Warchalking Jones has come up with a bio dog for the latest Viridian Design Contest[ ] called Von Neumann s Best Friend Link[ ] Discuss[ ] _Thanks Matt[ ] _ [ ] http www viridiandesign org notes _biofuture_robot_dog_contest html [ ] http www blackbeltjones com vonneumann vonneumann gif [ ] http www quicktopic com boing H ejEDBhNuW Nt [ ] http www blackbeltjones com work ,1
-The subtle art of sugaring bitter pills goes down wellURL http www newsisfree com click Date T Politics For the Labour leader in trouble there are usually two ways out Faced with a restless party you can either cave in or stand firm writes Jonathan Freedland ,1
-[spam] iso B W NQQU dIA iso B Tm aGluZyBoZWFscyBiZXR ZXIh From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Canadian Pharmacy Internet Inline Drugstore Viagra Our price Cialis Our price Viagra Professional Our price Cialis Professionsl Our price Viagra Super Active Our price Cialis Super Active Our price Levitra Our price Viagra Soft Tabs Our price Cialis Soft Tabs Our price And more Click here ,0
-Re PDF is blocked for printing etc OK for acroread it behaves as expected but KPDF allows me to print it even if it is protected Why BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE Hash SHA Merciadri Luca wrote Johannes Wiedersich wrote Why would an honest soul ever allow information to be read but not printed To maintain honesty An honest soul i e me here has to send some data to some dishonest person The problem is either you give data to some dishonest person or you don t give that data to some dishonest person Tertium non datur Even with acroread it is possible to print screenshots of the documents Might be a pain to reconstruct a multipage document but not impossible I know and we all know this But this needs some determination because it needs some time And when such problems arise one often thinks or should at least think `Do I really need to copy this using that painful way to bypass some limitation which is actually imposed to me by an honest person This is another aspect of security There are the technical means and all the infringements which can be done But sometimes `le jeu n en vaut pas la chandelle FWIW if you d like to rely on such a scheme for security by obstacles you d have to use something else than pdf pdf s scheme is broken That s all The reason that it is broken for pdfs is that the specifications for pdf are freely available and thus alternative pdf readers have been developed Your scheme would require closed specifications and closed software to work This list however is all about free software Johannes In questions of science the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual Galileo Galilei physicist and astronomer BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE Version GnuPG v GNU Linux iEUEARECAAYFAkvNS oACgkQC NzPRl qEVM wCfQpAVsTAx GnbTUminwiqUIlp cm AlRF NIAhaaT neYDcg rYaXGs k XYrP END PGP SIGNATURE To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BCD BEA physik blm tu muenchen de ,1
-come well useFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable bdiv BORDER RIGHT CC px solid BORDER TOP CC px solid BORDER LEFT CC px solid BORDER BOTTOM CC px solid Ca nadian Pharmacy Internet Inline Drugstore Today s bestsellers V A G R A Our price C I A S Our price L E V I T R A Our price V A G R A S FT Tab`s Our price V A G R A Super Active Our price C I A S Super Active Our price V A G R A Professional Our price C I A S Professional Our price C I A S FT Tab`s Our price And more Click here blog link name really going no because believe weather bit web around yay win same try from little a round help such am take weekend updated out friday tell guess may hope d amn makes still friday baby super having m me free last being need da y ff im awesome email online being twurl nl s x via before called eat r eally come well use these blog link name ,0
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-How much do you really know about Fragmentation From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain Dear Sir Madam Please find below a link that will direct you to an online survey The survey will take no more than two minutes of your time and we would appreciate it if you could take the time to answer the questions as accurately as possible By doing this you will be helping us a great deal by letting us know what you think so that we can improve our service to you Thank you in advance Diskeeper Corporation Europe http www zoomerang com survey zgi p U SWDQZUBWF opt out Learn More If you do not wish to receive further surveys from this sender click the link below Zoomerang will permanently remove you from this sender s mailing list I do not want to receive any more surveys and emails from this sender ,0
-Re exmh bug Hmm I m cc ing the exmh workers list because I really don t know much about the various PGP interfaces I think there has been some talk about issues with the latest version of gpg Hacksaw said version Linux habitrail home fools errant com smp SMP Thu Sep EDT i unknown Tk Tcl It s not clear to me this is a bug with exmh per se but it s something that manifests through exmh so I figured asking you might help me track it down When I receive a gpg encrypted message and it asks me for a passphrase it first tries to ask me via the tty under which exmh is running It tells me m y passphrase is incorrect every time at which point exmh offers me the line i n the message about decrypting I click the line and it offers me the dialog box and tells me the passphrase is correct and shows me the decrypted message Any ideas on that Honour necessity http www hacksaw org http www privatecircus com KB FVD Brent Welch Software Architect Panasas Inc Pioneering the World s Most Scalable and Agile Storage Network www panasas com welch panasas com _______________________________________________ Exmh workers mailing list Exmh workers redhat com https listman redhat com mailman listinfo exmh workers ,1
-Z app Your Term Life BusinessFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset Windows Content Transfer Encoding bit Produce More in Less Time with help from Roster Financial LLC and Zurich Life Z app Your Term Life Business Z app Your Term Life Business Z app is the easy fast paperless way for agents to use Zurich Life s TeleLifeTM pre application process In just a few simple quick steps this Internet based process can help you build more business While other agents are just beginning to mail in their applications your Z app will already be in process at our Home Office It s just one more example of the competitive edge you can count on getting with Zurich Life Eliminates your paperwork Avoids delays by ensuring that all information submitted is correct and complete Potentially cuts days out of the application process Increases your clients satisfaction with improved ease accuracyand speed Helps you deliver policies faster to Zapp the competition NEW LOWER RATES Year Certain T Yr Annual Gntd Premium Face Amount Premier Rate Class Non Tobacco AGE MALE FEMALE Don t delay Call or e mail us Today or Please fill out the form below for more information Name E mail Phone City State Roster Financial Services LLC Not for use with the general public For agent use only Not approved in all states Certain T year is non participating term life insurance to age policy form S underwritten by Federal Kemper Life Assurance Company FKLA a Zurich Life Company Schaumburg IL Premier means no tobacco use of any kind in the past months Premiums include the annual policy fee Suicide and other limits may apply Forms and policy provisions vary by state Policy not available in all states Companion policies not available in NJ We don t want anyone to receive our mailings who does not wish to This is professional communication sent to insurance professionals To be removed from this mailing list DO NOT REPLY to this message Instead go here http www Insurancemail net Legal Notice ,0
-Apple User Groups was Re AUGD Re PR Mailing Lists This discussion has drifted far far away from initial subject of PR Mailing Lists so it about time we changed subject and yes I probably should have done it last time I replied to this thread On at AM Chris Hart wrote ___ John Feltham at wrote ___ G day Chris On at PM Chris Hart wrote See that s downright disgusting that Apple won t even acknowledge our existence While I agree that their position is not good I think that you have to think that their business is the manufacture and sale of their products I m not asking them to promote our groups prominently I just want them to publicly acknowledge our existence in a proud fashion and not hesitate to mention us to their customers when appropriate When is an appropriate time And how do Apple decide which User Groups to acknowledge in a proud fashion There are groups out there that only have a dozen or so members Others seem to a large portion of members still using PowerPC based machines And from my experience it seems very few traditional user groups actually cater for the demographic that Apple is now chasing Once in the first year of their existence once in the second The attitude towards us during the second visit was not as good as the first Despite the fact that our group was the ideal audience and perfectly behaved during both visits not that that s ever an issue with our group but I wanted to make it clear that I saw no reason for the attitude What makes your group an ideal audience I m suggesting that you aren t In fact I am curious to see how ALL User Groups feel about this point Are User Groups in fact the ideal audience for Apple Or would Apple just be preaching to the converted finding a place to hold your meetings is just a function of that task They are your meetings no one elses The store had indicated that they would provide the program presentation presenter Are we supposed to come up with a backup presentation and presenter for every meeting we plan in case the meeting falls through Not really gonna happen and I doubt any user groups do that except for occasions where they have reason to believe an out of town presenter s appearance could fall through Over at my own website I recently highlighted a series of posts from O Reilly on how to deal with Speaker Cancelations http www appleusers org share oreilly share how to deal with speaker cancelations EVERY group I have ever known has had to deal with this one time or another I ve been in the situation where I ve had to find a last minute replacement OR usually BE the last minute replacement Yes it is embarrassing but these things do unfortunately happen I ve even been known to be the cause of such cancelations to groups myself Often I m booked month s in advance to present to a group then circumstances change and I have to cancel Other times I ve had initial discussions about presenting again months in advance and then I hear nothing until the night before the presentation asking if am I still OK with tomorrow ^ ^ Q is all I can say There are plenty of ways of gently reminding a presenter that they have a presentation coming up soon and harking back to the original topic of this thread a forwarding of a Press Release you ve sent out a month before the meeting that mentions the forthcoming meeting next month is one simple way of doing so It also shows that you care enough about the topic presenter to promote it That really annoyed we board members because we were made to look like idiots and our general membership was highly disappointed We swore that we would never do anything involving that store ever again So far everything that you have written about has ha a negative approach slant Everything about the situation was negative I don t see any point in putting a smiley face on it The only positive that came about was for the board to swear we will never rely on that store again We now have the freedom of not relying on such careless individuals for the focus of one of our meetings How much communication did you have with the Store leading up to the presentation Surely you weren t discussing things even the week before the meeting and they still just let you turn up I know of instances where User Groups have made plans with Apple Retail Stores about our groups is centered around furthering the usefulness of Apple products We provide a positive family friendly intelligent resource to Mac users How is that not something to let the world know about I agree But then I say get out and bang the drum do we really need Apple Yes we really do Increasingly the average owner user of Apple products thinks that the local Apple Store is the one and only place for to further the Apple experience In many cases it is the best place for many people I hate to say it but I cringe at some of the comments I see on User Group mailing lists etc about what a product may or may not do and how wrong those responses are An example I ve seen twice on different lists in recent weeks is the point about iPads and if they are locked to AT T for starters both people inquiring were talking about iPads with WiFi only so automatically there is no need to even mention been locked in to AT T Secondly both groups were located in Australia and whilst one was talking about importing an iPad from the US the other was asking if they could use it in the UK when they visited family there later in the year Steve Jobs made it abundantly clear in his Keynote speech launching the iPad that it was NOT locked to any carrier yet on both MUG lists people responded saying the iPad was likely to be locked in to AT T and so the people inquiring would not be able to use the iPad as they had hoped which was just plain wrong Now I not saying that User Groups always get it wrong more often then not they don t and they do actually provide an independent viewpoint for example the discussion on this very list about how best to demo an iPad was very enlightening and provided far more information on the topic then I got out of my contacts at Apple Australian and Apple US on how do do the same thing when the iPhone first came out here about months AFTER the US go it so it wasn t exactly the latest news then and I m sure others had similar queries at the time The message of user groups is lost in the scale of the Apple media presence Then it is up to User Groups to address that themselves which again harks back to the original topic of this thread Here in Australia we have taken steps towards addressing this I produced a full page flyer promoting active Apple User Groups here See Page of the Feb Mar issue of the AppleUsers Spotlight a page digital format magazine I publish here in Australia for an example of the ad http www appleusers org magazine february issue of appleusers spotlight now available The electronic copy of the flyer has each user group name as an active hyperlink so people can jump straight to a group in their state If it appeared in a printed magazine or flyer then there is still the simple URL that can easily be typed in which lands you at a page with links to the various groups own webpages The primary URL used on the flyer was actually put to a vote and everyone agreed that we wouldn t use the www apple com au usergroup link or even the www apple com au usergroup one as quite a few of the active groups here have chosen NOT to be listed there so they can be seen as been independent from Apple and any other retailer and also due to the fact that listing often falls out of date I just realised that the ad needs updating we don t mention the iPad in the current version We also have a portrait version on hand if we need it in fact the flyer started out as an A size portrait flyer when we were approached to have an ad in one of Australian Macworld s Super Guide publications unfortunately we couldn t arrange enough funding to go ahead with the idea in the time frame at hand but now we have a solid basis to work from the next time an opportunity presents itself There is nothing stopping a group of User Groups in a state region or area from getting together and producing their own version of such an ad I also love what Mac Users UK have done with their Google map showing the location of each User Group in the UK and Ireland http www macusersuk org mugs mugsmap php I really must work out how to create such a Map for Australian User Groups Let me make an analogy At music fairs like Lollapalooza and Lilith Fair there are secondary stages where lots of great musicians and groups get major exposure They re not getting the limelight but they sure get in front of lots of people they wouldn t otherwise Not only do we not get secondary stage placement but we can t even hang out at the gate to the event and have a banner or people handing out flyers about our groups Actually most concerts and major events organisers discourage hawkers from hassling people at the gates entrance but they ll quite happily take your groups money and let you have a concession stand near by and usually take a percentage of your gross takings as well And why should Apple be expected do the marketing for independent User Groups Yes I know User Groups promote Apple products but we have chosen to do so we aren t compelled to do so We come together in User Groups or even in online communities such as this to meet with like minded people and discuss things about a common topic of interest to us just like there are groups that get together as book clubs or reptile keepers even gunzels get together through their common interest in trains real ones and model ones No one makes them form these groups nor force people to participate and most other hobbies aren t so un fortunate to have a central business or entity to focus around yet they survive and even flourish all by themselves Chris Nicholas Pyers nicholas appleusers org Founder Publisher AppleUsers org http www appleusers org _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Augd mailing list Augd lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options augd mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-calling wayne baisley You around C I don t take no stocks in mathematics anyway Huckleberry Finn ,1
-Re [ILUG] How to copy some files Date Fri Jul From Matthew French Niall asked I have about G of data which I need to copy from one disk to another [ ] The problem is the bulk of the data [ ] have two directory entries i e there is a hard link [ ] How about something like cd dest dir tar C source dir cf tar xf tar cf will pipe the tar file to stdout and tar xf will untar it This should keep permissions and links and if you do it as root you will keep the owners too Not tested though You may need other flags as well the above or something close to it will work however the data will be read and written twice by the st source `tar and read twice by the nd sink `tar albeit only written once as the sink realizes the second copy is a hard link to the first with c Gb of data that will make a difference at least in time and CPU resource consumed albeit in this case not storage the issue here is tar and cpio archives always contain the data for each name of a hard link this is probably for several reasons and is not necessarily a bad thing e g it provides a degree of redundancy to help cope with bad media the source `tar is creating an archive which is being written down the pipe to be consumed by the sink `tar that is why storage is not an issue per se here as the full archive is not saved if it were you d need at least x Gb or over Gb the extra is `tar s overhead which is minimal but does add up esp when a large blocking factor is used cheers blf Innovative very experienced Unix and Brian Foster Dublin Ireland Chorus embedded RTOS kernel internals e mail blf utvinternet ie expert looking for a new position mobile or For a r sum contact me or see my website http www blf utvinternet ie Stop E o ExxonMobile Whatever you do don t buy Esso they don t give a damn about global warming http www stopesso com Supported by Greenpeace Friends of the Earth and numerous others Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-Apple Heinous DVD PiratesURL http www aaronsw com weblog Date T DeCSS detractors have repeatedly claimed that DeCSS needs to be stopped because it makes perfect digital copies of DVDs possible Recently in private email Ernest Miller claimed that doing so would be a violation of the DMCA In this in depth special report I show that using perfectly legal I assume licensed off the shelf consumer software copying DVDs is easy and in many ways encouraged Tools PowerBook G with slot loading DVD drive any model should work Monsters Inc Collector s Edition DVD any DVD should work copy of Mac OS X Jaguar Process Insert DVD into drive Notice how Jaguar helpfully loads the DVD Player for you Open the DVD it appears on the desktop and drag the VIDEO_TS folder to your hard drive Ejct the DVD In DVD Player select Open VIDEO_TS Folder from the File menu Use the dialog that appears to select the VIDEO_TS folder on your hard drive Now the DVD plays just like it would were the DVD in the drive By extension I could also put the DVD up on my site for you to download and watch I could share it via a P P network And I haven t done anything to decrypt the DVD or violate the DMCA I ve used only basic tools available to all normal computer users on my I assume fully licensed consumer laptop Disclaimer Seth Schoen whose opinion I highly respect on these matters finds it unlikely that the DVD was CSS encrypted if this was possible I am not sure how to verify if the DVD is CSS encrypted If someone has a suggestion please let me know However if it is true then it s very interesting that Disney has released such a major movie without encryption ,1
-Re About USB hard drives and errorsOn _ Andrei Popescu wrote On Sat Apr Paul E Condon wrote The errors that I am experiencing are all similar The first indication of a problem is a message from the kernel I think An example is kernel [ ] journal commit I O error [ ] When this happens all the USB drives of them disappear from dev disks by label they are all labeled by me I have not Just a long shot bun since you are connecting USB drives to the same computer you might experience power issues If you connect only one drive do you get the same issues Or you could try a powered USB hub if you have one This is a good thing to look into Now I am experiencing a interlude of error free operation so I can t test it Thanks Paul E Condon pecondon mesanetworks net To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org GG big lan gnu ,1
-[SPAM] Personal OFF to hibody csmining org Pfizer Webletter Having trouble viewing images Click here to view as a webpage Volume Issue November Manage My E mail Subscriptions If you would like to cancel your subscription please click here If you would prefer to stop receiving all e mail from us please click here Privacy Statement See our privacy policy for additional information Egaxupy All rights reserved ,0
-[SAdev] [Bug ] spamassassin org is unreliablehttp www hughes family org bugzilla show_bug cgi id jm jmason org changed What Removed Added Status ASSIGNED RESOLVED Resolution FIXED Additional Comments From jm jmason org OK this should now be considered fixed I should think Domain Name SPAMASSASSIN ORG Name Server NS PEREGRINEHW COM Name Server NS RTS COM AU Name Server NS RTS COM AU Name Server NS RTS COM AU Name Server FAMILY ZAWODNY COM etc You are receiving this mail because You are the assignee for the bug or are watching the assignee This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin devel mailing list Spamassassin devel lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin devel ,1
-Installation on HP T from USB partitioningHello everyone According to this tutorial http d i pascal at I was able to start the installation process from USB stick on my HP Thin Client Terminal GHz Processor RAM internal flash drive But I get stuck because there is not enough space even for minimal installation netinstall iso Now the question I have also another GB USB stick Can I Install the biggest parts of the system on it If yes which parts of the filesystem do I need place on internal flash memory IDE ATA faster and which on the USB stick The device will be used as a FTP NAS etc Thanks on advance Krzysztof To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BC D op pl ,1
-Re Recommended ViewingAny of your writing online anywhere Would love to take a look I was plagued with night terrors for years and tried to capture that feeling after waking up if you want to call that waking up but was never able to Cindy On Mon Sep Eirikur Hallgrimsson wrote On Monday September pm Geege Schuman wrote ever notice how the feelings evoked in some dreams stick with you all day i m sure it s some neurochemical process initiated during the dream that is still cycling thru like a deja vu triggered by memory processes where you don t actually remember but you feel like you re remembering Absolutely and I ve wanted to recapture it I ve done some writing based on dreams and there is a mysterious mood to that feeling that drives some creative stuff for me I ve never tried to write music in that state but I will next time Eirikur I don t take no stocks in mathematics anyway Huckleberry Finn ,1
-Fw The Gold BuddhaIn a monastery in Thailand was being relocated and a group of monks was put in charge of moving a giant clay Buddha In the midst of the move one of the monks noticed a crack in the Buddha Concerned about damaging the idol the monks decided to wait for a day before continuing with their task When night came one of the monks came to check on the giant statue He shined his flashlight over the entire Buddha When he reached the crack he saw something reflected back at him The monk his curiosity aroused got a hammer and a chisel and began chipping away at the clay Buddha As he knocked off piece after piece of clay the Buddha got brighter and brighter After hours of work the monk looked up in amazement to see standing before him a huge solid gold Buddha Many historians believe the Buddha had been covered with clay by Thai monks several hundred years earlier before an attack by the Burmese army They covered the Buddha to keep it from being stolen In the attack all the monks were killed so it wasn t until when the monks were moving the giant statue that the great treasure was discovered Like the Buddha our outer shell protects us from the word our real treasure is hidden within We human beings unconsciously hide our inner gold under a layer of clay All we need to do to uncover our gold is to have the courage to chip away at our outer shell piece by piece Could you be sitting on your own gold mine Did you know the average American can retire a millionaire on his or her current income Then why don t they It s simple They haven t been taught that they could They are taught to use debt to get what they want now instead of having their money work for them They pay too much in taxes They are wasting money every month and don t even realize it In short they are financially unhealthy Get a financial checkup and a free video on how to become Financially Fit For Life and discover the gold within your current income Get your FREE Point Checkup and Video Now http finfit checkup html To unsubscribe email removeme speededelivery com with the subject Remove SpeedeDelivery Jordan Commons Tower South East Sandy UT ,0
-Re[ ] [Razor users] Reducing impact from tons of emailOn Aug Joe Berry wrote Very good advice given above Yes One more problem solved No One more problem in some software worked around by using tricks in another piece of software The solution is the aggregator This sf net email is sponsored by OSDN Tired of that same old cell phone Get a new here for FREE https www inphonic com r asp r sourceforge refcode vs _______________________________________________ Razor users mailing list Razor users lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo razor users ,1
-Doesn t smell like team spiritURL http www newsisfree com click Date T Football It s a safe bet that Kurt Cobain hated sports And when you look at the England football team it s difficult not to agree with him writes Steven Wells ,1
-Re What happened to permissions rules [Re Why does dev rtc belong to group audio in Lenny but not in Sid ]On Rick Thomas wrote Sid does not seem to have anything that corresponds to Lenny s etc udev rules d permissions rules Any idea why Any idea what has replaced it Read usr share doc udev NEWS Debian gz Sven To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org hbmdw rj fsf turtle gmx de ,1
-Re Resources for learning LinuxMonique Y Mudama wrote They used to say you re not a real linux admin until you ve completely borked your system and had to wipe and reinstall from scratch at least once And then recover all your user data from your hopefully good backup It gets really entertaining when a RAID array fails in an odd way I still cringe about how I learned that md software raid does not always kick bad disks out of an array if a drive is going bad and just takes lots of tries to read data everything just slows waaa aaaay down And then unraveling logical volumes on top of software raid can get very interesting You learn a lot from such experiences Sigh In theory there is no difference between theory and practice In practice there is Yogi Berra To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BD meetinghouse net ,1
-Greetings hibody get off buying at ours Eyjeagyuqo written of Russian the Webb and Online View as Web Page c the consolidate charged the All rights reserved MyanmaThadin Myanmar Burma News from every perspectives West Germany became a focus of the Cold War with its juxtaposition to East Germany a member of the subsequently founded Warsaw Pact Report stated that million people died in Indonesia as a result of famine and forced labour known as romusha during the Japanese occupation In Britain the British Racing Authority states there were horses in training for flat racing for and those horses started times in races Digestion of the phosphate ore using sulfuric acid yields the insoluble calcium sulfate gypsum which is filtered and removed as phosphogypsum Aside from a few high rise hotels and office towers downtown most high rise buildings usually stories and up are condos scattered across prosperous neighborhoods north of downtown such as Bahan Dagon Kamayut and Mayangon Entirely in Southwest Asia but having socio political connections with Europe The majority of bus services pass through the bus station Among the vast number of different biomolecules many are complex and large molecules called polymers which are composed of similar repeating subunits called monomers Stockholm International Peace Research Institute Without Nickel toxic levels of urea accumulate leading to the formation of necrotic lesions There he studied with Morton Subotnick Mel Powell Lucky Mosko and James Newton The word canonical is also used for a preferred way of writing something see the main article canonical form The language shift from Middle Iranian to Turkic and New Persian was predominantly the result of an elite dominance process The idea met with great resistance The coastal inhabitants abandoned the seaside towns and cities Chief Superintendent Charles Brownlow as the Station commander he was seen responsible for failing to notice Beech as he was in overall command he later resigned rather than losing his pension and having his employment terminated A total of women and men were studied between and The main land of Scotland comprises the northern third of the land mass of the island of Great Britain which lies off the northwest coast of Continental Europe Centennial History of the City of Washington D April New York Yankees at Seattle Mariners Box Score and Play by Play Baseball Reference Average life expectancy is years for women [ ] and for men [ ] A technically challenging scene was near the end of the film when the computer generated Neytiri held the live action Jake in human form and attention was given to the details of the shadows and reflected light between them Famine in killed up to two million people Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government In Chicago he worked as associate editor of the monthly journal Cooperative Commonwealth where he met Sherwood Anderson It is referring to his experiences of being a big part of the beach party film genre The mufti professor of legal opinions took this question studied it researched it intensively in the sacred scriptures in order to find a solution to it A report in the year found that about one third of District residents are functionally illiterate compared to a national rate of about one in five The Dormition Cathedral in Moscow Kremlin The L Light Gun is a mm towed gun used primarily in support of Air Assault Brigade Light Brigade and Commando Brigade Royal Marines London is a major centre for international business and commerce and is the leader of the three command centres for the global economy along with New York City and Tokyo The delights the world affords are the same everywhere differing only in their outer forms They were capable of emitted signals on two transponders at just W Old Toronto is also home to many historically wealthy residential enclaves such as Yorkville Rosedale The Annex Forest Hill Lawrence Park Lytton Park Moore Park and Casa Loma most stretching away from downtown to the north The song was covered in the s by Los Angeles indie band Celebrity Skin for their album Melting Pot The changeover was completed in January after a short period of simulcasting on both the new and old frequencies but the station went off air in October due to maintenance work on the landmark building that CRY occupies and is expected back around Christmas Subscribe Unsubscribe from on set model Powered by is UW as and quickly the ,0
-TQ for your interest in Freelance home typing jobs Part full time From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset utf Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable We got ur email address from opt in list if its a mistake pls stop and dont read on sprry tq if no Please read on TQ Part Full time Work and get paid by us from anywhere Flexible hours Go od pay No experience OK Free training provided if needed Interested pl ease now apply only to tmhk a tm net my pls dont email to hk pd jaring my ,0
-Re Leopard or Snow L On May at Eeri Kask wrote Am AM fred schrieb Folks I finally am forced to upgrade from Tiger intending to go directly to Snow Leopard unless there is some reason not to I live in X emacs vmacs so stability is all Hello may I followup this thread despite being off topic in the hope to find technically savvy people giving good advice Does it make sense to upgrade Tiger to Leopard running on a G PowerBook laptop Well if it ain t broke don t fix it It is no longer receiving Security Updates so that may urge you to upgrade Otherwise I would probably upgrade mostly because of QTKit which in Leopard includes QTCaptureSession If that s useful then you should upgrade The downside means moving away from XFree X which has proven exceptionally solid too You can give the new version a try while on Tiger if you want to install MacPorts I am considering to install a second CPU into a current core Xeon MacPro as one processor socket is still empty Local Apple guys say this is not supposed to be done in particular because of some heating problems which could arise then etc but I cannot see if this is simply a salesman s talk while trying selling a completely new machine instead Though having cores in total makes more computational and financial sense as to buy a machine of today with e g cores Is there anything of substance known in these supposed heating issues That seems bizarre to me I d do a little google investigation about that rather than trust one salesman _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored X users mailing list X users lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options x users mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Re KDE in unstableFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type Text Plain charset utf Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Am Donnerstag Mai schrieb Boyd Stephen Smith Jr On Wednesday May Modestas Vainius wrote Hello On ketvirtadienis Gegu C BE C Boyd Stephen Smith Jr wrote I m still using kmail kontact etc basically kdepim from since I have no desire to run yet another RDBMS on my system I already run PostgreSQL and have a number of apps that use SQLite installed Okay ending this email here because thinking about a stable Debian that includes KDEPIM angers and saddens me How many users have postgres installed on their desktop Do you complain just because `ps aux grep mysqld` returns something and you can t stand it or you have any real issues with it I have real issues with having to spare the disk space and RAM on my laptop for it PostgreSQL is for work I don t get much choice about running that I also have a history with MySQL and I do not trust it with my data UPS or not My email is fairly important for me I am probably in KMail only slightly less than I am in a source code editor When I m testing or deploying updates I spend more time in KMail KMail doesn t use Akonadi at all in KDE It might use Akonadi in KDE The only thing using Akonadi by default in KDE is the new KAddressBook AFAIK So KDE might even be more problematic in the beginning Especially when I remember the roughnesses of KDE and KDE I do not suggest to ship a or even release of KDE Even KDE had quite some bugs that KDE fixed So shipping KDE or oder IMHO could well be a better option that to ship KDE with Debian Squeeze Sadly I have not seen any KDE x release yet thats really suitable for Debian Stable Ciao D Martin Helios Steigerwald http www Lichtvoll de GPG B D C AFA B F B EAAC A C ,1
-Re [VoID] a new low on the personals tip Owne Byrne Sure if you re willing to risk firing lawsuits etc The last full time job I had the sexual harassement seminar was pretty clear yes you can have relationships at the office but its extremely difficult and the pitfalls are horrendous Despite that this is how a lot of couples meet People tease me about Carolyn that I just hired a lot of software engineering babes and then chose the one I liked best _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device http mobile msn com ,1
-[use Perl] Stories for use Perl Daily Newsletter In this issue NET and Perl Working Together NET and Perl Working Together posted by pudge on Tuesday August links http use perl org article pl sid [ ]jonasbn writes DevX has brought an article on the subject of [ ]Perl and NET and porting existing code The teaser Learn how CPAN Perl modules can be made automatically available to the NET framework The technique involves providing small PerlNET mediators between Perl and NET and knowing when where and how to modify Discuss this story at http use perl org comments pl sid Links mailto jonasbn io dk http www devx com dotnet articles ym ym asp Copyright pudge All rights reserved You have received this message because you subscribed to it on use Perl To stop receiving this and other messages from use Perl or to add more messages or change your preferences please go to your user page http use perl org my messages You can log in and change your preferences from there ,1
-FDA Warning for Paxil users Here in the ravine Some matter connected with our business suggested Saillard FDA Warning for Paxil users Paxil settling court cases Then I hate brandy br ,0
-[zzzzteana] re Argh Well you might be successful too if Arthur Miller had been your father Or is this some other movie Nope that s her Particularly exciting moments stage managing The Crucible my senior year when Becky s dad came to see his little girl in his play and our male lead fell off the stage Ahem The joys of attending Choate where even as high school bloke you can make big mistakes with other peoples real money Those of us who are envious of your success as a writer and artist might find this a bit hard to understand Hey Rick that s quite nice Not to demean my own accomplishments but I don t have a ^ ^ film deal which pays more per hour than I ll make in a lifetime of short fiction OTOH count my blessings I ve had fourteen stories in print this year already fifteen more coming next year strong critical reception and my first collection due out this coming spring Ah I feel much better now Take that Becky Miller But I ll bet she drives a nicer car than me Jay back to work on the megafelid cranial capacity story Story Words daily microfiction at http storyword blogspot com Coming soon at blogspot Teeth Party the Mad Hater and the Dorkmouse Watch for my upcoming fiction Tall Spirits Blocking the Night TALEBONES Dec Jack s House STRANGE HORIZONS Dec Of Stone Castles and Vainglorious Time REDSINE Jan One Is All Alone STRANGE HORIZONS Jan You Want Candy AS OF YET UNTITLED Feb Walking Backward Through the Countries of Life HOUR OF PAIN Feb Jay Lake www jlake com jlake jlake com To unsubscribe from this group send an email to forteana unsubscribe egroups com Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to http docs yahoo com info terms ,1
-re domain registration savingsPUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT The new domain names are finally available to the general public at discount prices Now you can register one of the exciting new BIZ or INFO domain names as well as the original COM and NET names for just These brand new domain extensions were recently approved by ICANN and have the same rights as the original COM and NET domain names The biggest benefit is of course that the BIZ and INFO domain names are currently more available i e it will be much easier to register an attractive and easy to remember domain name for the same price Visit http www affordable domains com today for more info Register your domain name today for just at http www affordable domains com Registration fees include full access to an easy to use control panel to manage your domain name in the future Sincerely Domain Administrator Affordable Domains To remove your email address from further promotional mailings from this company click here http www centralremovalservice com cgi bin domain remove cgi bIVX TTPZ wRsT BzwN xwac Uzkc cqaK syeF GTvsl ,0
-Re [ ]Save over on this exquisite software suite FTS Take Control of Your Computer With This Top of the Line Software Symantec SystemWorks Professional Software Suite This Special Package Includes Six Yes Feature Packed Utilities ALL for Special LOW Price of Only This Software Will Protect your computer from unwanted and hazardous viruses Help secure your private valuable information Allow you to transfer files and send e mails safely Backup your ALL your data quick and easily Improve your PC s performance w superior integral diagnostics You ll NEVER have to take your PC to the repair shop AGAIN That s SIX yes Feature Packed Utilities Great Price A Combined Retail Value YOURS Only Limited Time Offer Why SO Cheap you ask You are buying ONLINE WHOLESALE Direct from the Warehouse TO YOU AND FOR A LIMITED TIME BUY OF ANY SOFTWARE GET FREE Don t fall prey to destructive viruses or programs Protect your computer and your valuable information and CLICK HERE TO ORDER NOW http erik OR cut paste the above link ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ in your browser s URL bar FOR MORE QUESTIONS OR TO ORDER CALL US TOLL FREE ANYTIME We are strongly against sending unsolicited emails to those who do not wish to receive our special mailings You have opted in to one or more of our affiliate sites requesting to be notified of any special offers we may run from time to time We also have attained the services of an independent rd party to overlook list management and removal services The list CODE in which you are registered is marked at the bottom of this email If you do not wish to receive further mailings Please click here http erik remove asp to be removed from the list Please accept our apologies if you have been sent this email in error We honor all removal requests IAES International Association of Email Security Approved List Serial e tYu ssI USA ,0
-OSXCon Development Lessons from Bare Bones SoftwareURL http jeremy zawodny com blog archives html Date T This talk is not supposed to be technical or marketing but more of a ramble We ll see Living above the Curve BB is a strange company as they ve been Mac only are have been in business for over years ,1
-xine cannot play DVDs liba a _block error Since libdvdcss I have been unable to play DVDs using ogle xine vlc or mplayer They all show a scrambled picture with VERY choppy audio When I run xine I see tons of these in the console liba a _block error liba a _block error liba a _block error liba a _block error audio_out inserting frames to fill a gap of pts metronom audio jump liba a _block error Has anyone seen this before and know how to fix it Or should I file a bug report Thanks for your help Jon jon tgpsolutions com Administrator tgpsolutions http www tgpsolutions com _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Re Kde On a Phenom X with GiB RAM and a pretty new GFX card whose name I don t remember I get random hangs while doing nothing more than light surfing with some minimal background activity What browser Is it only on specific sites Flash Heavy Javascript or even Java What does top show Can you maybe test that on another distro as well I remember some KDE versions with light hangs typing would seem slow but I don t have that issue anymore I don t know when it disappeared KDE almost never has this issue I know because I still use KDE at work and even though the hardware is _years_ older it s a _lot_ faster And yes I have Nepomuk off no fancy effects no nothing Unfortunately this is nothing you can file a bug against I know it s not even certain where to file it KDE Debian Dotan Cohen http bido com http what is what com To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian kde REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org h s dece mc d ads b b e b dc c mail csmining org ,1
-[SPAM] Set up a filter new text decoration underline font size px font family Arial font weight bold color FF Having trouble viewing this email Click here Cimatron Meadowbrook Suite Novi MI You received this email because you are subscribed to the MICROmanufacturing E Newsletter list To ensure delivery to your Inbox please add us to your address book MICROmanufacturing magazine from time to time sends e mail containing advertising from third parties who wish to promote products and services that may be of professional interest to you E mail addresses will be kept confidential and will never be made directly available to third parties In order to unsubscribe from our e mailings please click this link Or contact us at CTE Publications Skokie Boulevard Suite Northbrook IL ,0
-discounted mortgage broker Dear Homeowner Yr Fixed Rate Mortgage Interest rates are at their lowest point in years We help you find the best rate for your situation by matching your needs with hundreds of lenders Home Improvement Refinance Second Mortgage Home Equity Loans and More Even with less than perfect credit Click Here for a Free Quote Lock In YOUR LOW FIXED RATE TODAY aNO COST OUT OF POCKET aNO OBLIGATION aFREE CONSULTATION aALL CREDIT GRADES ACCEPTED Rates as low as won t stay this low forever CLICK HERE based on mortgage rate as of as low as see lender for details H Apply now and one of our lending partners will get back to you within hours CLICK HERE remove http www cs com mortgage remove html ,0
-Re Aptitude ErrorOn Fri Apr at Boyd Stephen Smith Jr wrote On Friday April James Stuckey wrote The unstable sid doesn t have to be comment out Setting the default A release will keep the system tracked to in this case testing Er mostly If there is a versioned dependency that can be satisfied from sid but not testing you will get the package from sid A This shouldn t happen give n the way testing is managed unless you installed at least one package from si d How did the packages A from sid get installed in the first place If yo u re tracking something you have to give it an explicit aptitude install t A sid command right With the official testing and sid repositories that should be true A It would only happen if someone manually fixed up testing and did it wrong Boyd Stephen Smith Jr A A A A A A A A A D _ D bss iguanasuicide net A A A A A A A A A _ o o \_ ICQ YM AIM DaTwinkDaddy A A A A ` ` http iguanasuicide net A A A A A A A A A A \_ You could find what all packages from sid are installed in your system by apt show versions grep unstable To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org g kd bf b b p fb we fd cf c d mail csmining org ,1
-For hibody we cut prices to Newsletter a visited color FBA text decoration underline azyny margin top px margin bottom pt line height px font family Tahoma font size px color A A a link color C C a hover color text decoration none To view this email online click here Click here to unsubscribe Read our privacy policy c Rydyxajudeby All rights reserved ,0
-Let us find the right mortgage lender for you AFPEDear Homeowner Interest Rates are at their lowest point in years We help you find the best rate for your situation by matching your needs with hundreds of lenders Home Improvement Refinance Second Mortgage Home Equity Loans and More Even with less than perfect credit This service is FREE to home owners and new home buyers without any obligation Just fill out a quick simple form and jump start your future plans today Visit http user index asp Afft QM To unsubscribe please visit http light watch asp ,0
-[ILUG] Modem Problemsive just gotton myself a modem no its not a winmodem yes im sure it dials the internet grant using the RedHat PPP Dialer and i can ping the server i dial into but i cant get any furthur than that server any ideas Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-Automated forwarding Hi Folks I ve been trying to set a button called which automatically forwards mail using a form mycomps without going through the editor but so far haven t got the right recipe I currently have in my exmh defaults Mops spam text Spam Mops spam command Msg_Forward form spamcomps noedit nowhatnowproc Msg _Remove I ve also tried with SeditSend draft t after the forward command It should forward to a spam address where filters get adjusted and then delete It does so but not without producing the edit window Any help appreciated Wendy Roberts Wendy Roberts HEAD System Administrator High Energy Astrophsics Division Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Cambridge MA USA wendy cfa harvard edu Phone _______________________________________________ Exmh users mailing list Exmh users redhat com https listman redhat com mailman listinfo exmh users ,1
-There will be no Trojan War pace Giraudoux To be more precise I believe that there will be no war of civilizations between the Western and the Muslim and not because of drum beating or war mongering from some parts but due to stuff like this http www lemonde fr article html L assembl e nationale turque a r alis l impossible pour satisfaire aux demandes de l Union europ enne le Parlement lors d une session qui a dur plus de seize heures a aboli la peine de mort sauf en cas de guerre limin les obstacles l gaux l ducation et la diffusion en langue kurde lev certaines restrictions rendant l organisation de manifestations difficile et mis fin l imposition de peines pour critiques envers l arm e ou d autres institutions tatiques i e The Turkish National Assembly achieved the impossible to satisfy European Union demands the Parlement during a session lasting more than sixteen hours abolished the death penalty except in war time eliminated legal obstacles to teaching and spreading of the Kurdish language lifted certain restrictions making it difficult to organise protest marches and ended penalties imposed for criticism of the army and other state institutions This is the way forward IMO Just wait a couple of years until million Muslim Turks are making great strides towards democracy and prosperity in the E U and Syria Lebanon etc start lining up and making similar decisions Of course there are hard liners who would be right at home on Rumsfeld s staff but they got out voted La peine de mort s est r v l e le sujet le plus pineux les ultra nationalistes taient d termin s obtenir la pendaison du dirigeant du PKK kurde Abdullah calan consid r par les Turcs comme personnellement responsable de la mort de plus de personnes calan avait t condamn mort en juin mais le gouvernement avait accept d attendre le verdict de la Cour europ enne des droits de l homme avant de l ex cuter De nombreux nationalistes estimaient galement que l octroi de droits culturels aux Kurdes repr senterait une concession aux revendications des terroristes i e The death penalty turned out to be the thorniest issue the ultra nationalists were determined to secure the hanging of the PKK leader Abdullah calan considered by the Turks to be personally responsible for the deaths of more than people calan had been condemned to death in June but the government had accepted to wait for the verdict of the European Court of Human Rights before executing him Many nationalists also believed that handing cultural rights to the Kurds would constitute a concession to terrorist demands Over n out Rob \ \ \ \ _ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ` ` \ \ \ \ ` ` \ ` ` http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-Clean your Bad Credit ONLINE Thank You Your email address was obtained from a purch ased list Reference If you wish to unsubscribe from t his list please Click here and e nter your name into the remove box If you have previously unsubscribed and are still receiving this message you may email our Abuse Contr ol Center or call or write us at NoSpam Coral Way Miami FL Web Credit Inc All Rights Reser ved ,0
-Re [SAdev] RELEASE PROCESS mass check status folks On Thursday August at AM Justin Mason wrote I plan to figure out the freqs tonight suggest what tests to drop wait for comments drop tests that nobody cares about tomorrow sed out the dropped tests from the mass check logs This step is unneccesary unless you ve changed the scripts much any test in the logs which aren t in the rules files will just be ignored I think You do seem to have changed the logs to c script and removed the bit where you could specify immutable tests at the top I took a brief glance through the code and couldn t fully make out how it had changed I think we want to be able to specify immutable test scores though in there somewhere or is that now handled by the tflags stuff For the last couple releases any test which occurred infrequently by thumb in the wind subjective criteria I set to have immutable scores as well as a handful of other rules kick off the GA BTW I ll be away this weekend at Linuxbierwanderung so Craig you might have to run the GA Shouldn t be a problem Assuming I can get the darned thing to compile C ,1
-AutoCAD and bit From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable A lot of software for Windows and MAC OS in different languages Nero D ownloadhttp natural todqwy html,0
-[SAdev] [Bug ] tests to find hand written HTMLhttp www hughes family org bugzilla show_bug cgi id Additional Comments From daniel roe ch usage of just like ie without which is obsolete not sure whether some mailers still produce such broken html tag argument values sometimes enclosed in sometimes not colour args without in front of hex rgb code colour args with non digit rgb code typo onMouseOver et al in nonconsistent case throughout the document Mind those are just ideas I m pretty sure some or even most of them are not working in practice but they might be worth checking out You are receiving this mail because You are on the CC list for the bug or are watching someone who is This sf net email is sponsored by Jabber The world s fastest growing real time communications platform Don t just IM Build it in http www jabber com osdn xim _______________________________________________ Spamassassin devel mailing list Spamassassin devel lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin devel ,1
-RE The Disappearing Alliance From fork admin xent com [mailto fork admin xent com] On Behalf Of R A Hettinga Subject The Disappearing Alliance http www techcentralstation com printer jsp CID B The Disappearing Alliance By Dale Franks Obviously in such a political atmosphere the opportunities for conflict will inevitably increase Given current trends particularly in demographics such conflict won t be military Europe wouldn t stand a chance now and things are getting worse in a hurry They are SOL Not to mention that when push comes to shove they wouldn t stand united That thought is frightening enough Even more frightening however is the thought that such a conflict might be averted by our own acceptance of the new ideology of transnational progressivism Now that is a scary thought ] ,1
-Re rpm zzzlist freshrpms netOnce upon a time dTd wrote Thanks for the great work Mathias but I would like to point out that this list is fastly become the apt rpm list instead of the rpm list The discussion concerning apt is overwhelming Maybe another list is in order for those having trouble with apt rpm apt rpm hotline freshrpms net Though I think apt rpm is a great tool I don t use it and would like to get back to talk of new packages and rpm building techniques Hmmm know what On http lists freshrpms net the apt list has been up for a while now There is almost no traffic though since I wanted to keep that list for apt rpm on the server side mirrors building repositories etc but hey it could be a good place for general apt rpm questions Matthias Matthias Saou World Trade Center Edificio Norte Planta System and Network Engineer Barcelona Spain Electronic Group Interactive Phone _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-[use Perl] Stories for use Perl Daily Newsletter In this issue Announcing SouthFlorida pm Announcing SouthFlorida pm posted by ziggy on Tuesday October groups http use perl org article pl sid [ ]jbisbee writes The South Florida Perl Mongers group is announcing its first social meeting to be held at [ ]The Duck Tavern in Boca Raton FL on Tuesday October at PM Please keep an eye on [ ]southflorida pm org for updated news and events concerning southflorida pm Discuss this story at http use perl org comments pl sid Links http www jbisbee com http yp yahoo com py ypMap py Pyt Typ tuid B PB ck tab B C addr W Hillsboro Blvd city Deerfield Beach state FL zip country us slt sln cs stat pos regular regT fbT http southflorida pm org Copyright pudge All rights reserved You have received this message because you subscribed to it on use Perl To stop receiving this and other messages from use Perl or to add more messages or change your preferences please go to your user page http use perl org my messages You can log in and change your preferences from there ,1
-Re [Razor users] Problem with Razor and Spamassassin On Thu Sep at PM Leland Woodbury wrote I found a nice little Perl script for this purpose called rotate which makes the process of rotating log files very simple If there s an official source for this script I couldn t find it My hosting provider pair com has it installed and that s where I found it However redistribution appears to be allowed so I ve attached it Thanks for the script It also appears that the standard logrotate tools included with many systems or at least RedHat systems will support wildcards when rotating files so something like home razor razor agent log can be specified Dave This sf net email is sponsored by OSDN Tired of that same old cell phone Get a new here for FREE https www inphonic com r asp r sourceforge refcode vs _______________________________________________ Razor users mailing list Razor users lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo razor users ,1
-TrackBack for OSXCONURL http boingboing net Date Not supplied Mena sez We ve set up a TrackBack ping repository for attendees of O Reilly s Mac OS X Conference If you re using Movable Type or a TrackBack enabled tool you can ping the category relating to your OSXCon specific weblog post Link [ ] Discuss[ ] _Thanks Mena[ ] _ [ ] http www movabletype org osxcon [ ] http www quicktopic com boing H Eg fKLFxsFr [ ] http www dollarshort org ,1
-Re Anybody know what this is all about [Re Anacron job cron weekly on whitemac]On Rick Thomas wrote On May at AM Anacron wrote etc cron weekly apt xapian index Traceback most recent call last File usr sbin update apt xapian index line in warnings filterwarnings ignore NameError name warnings is not defined run parts etc cron weekly apt xapian index exited with return code http bugs debian org Sven To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org mxvy h fsf turtle gmx de ,1
-[Spambayes] spambayes package That has the nasty side effect of placing all py files in the package What about obvious executable scripts like timtest or hammie How can I keep them out of the package Why would we care about installing a few extra files as long as they re inside a package Guido van Rossum home page http www python org guido ,1
-latest php upgrade in Today an apt get upgrade holds back php and submodules like php imap Running an apt get install php to see what s up I get apt get install php Processing File Dependencies Done Reading Package Lists Done Building Dependency Tree Done The following extra packages will be installed curl devel imap imap devel mysql mysql devel php imap php ldap postgresql postgresql devel postgresql libs pspell devel ucd snmp devel ucd snmp utils unixODBC unixODBC devel The following NEW packages will be installed curl devel imap imap devel mysql mysql devel postgresql postgresql devel postgresql libs pspell devel ucd snmp devel ucd snmp utils unixODBC unixODBC devel The following packages will be upgraded php php imap php ldap packages upgraded newly installed to remove replace and not upgraded Anyone have an idea what the heck RedHat did here and why we re now trying to install a ton of crap I don t want I m hoping someone else has chased this down and could save me time thx te Troy Engel Systems Engineer Cool as the other side of the pillow _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Your Mailsize Require UpgradeFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii Content Disposition inline Content Transfer Encoding bit Your Mailsize Require Upgrade THIS MESSAGE IS FROM OUR TECHNICAL SUPPORT TEAM This message is sent automatically from Our Webmaster Administrator Upgrade Maintenance Program periodically sent to all our Email User for Upgrade Maintenance Just before this message was sent you have Megabytes MB Message Storage in your Webmail To help us re set your WEBSPACE on our database prior to maintaining your Email Storage Capacity To prevent your account from being deleted you must reply to this e mail by providing us the Information for confirmation that you still operate this email on regular basis Current Email User Name Current Email Password Re confirm Password You will continue to receive this warning message periodically ,0
-To user hibody don t miss discounts the marine Australian parts of Lewis For Kureishi Address hosted of View as Web Page c influential in Statistics All rights reserved Students select a research topic and are paired with a professor from CEDEM with whom they meet on a regular basis much like the regular conference structure Looters damage and destroy archaeological sites denying future generations information about their ethnic and cultural heritage Born in Decatur Mississippi Evers had a strong devoutly Christian mother and a fearless father They represented the left wing Christian and non Marxist group Many Arabic language schools are located in the Arab world and other Muslim countries But after gold was discovered the population burgeoned with U F F N T C T T T T T TH Traditionally the method employed is to present the information ordered alphabetically by the article title Greek and Latin authors in modern translations had provided elegant transgressions on the market of the belles lettres for the last century Notable performers of jazz fusion included Miles Davis keyboardists Joe Zawinul Chick Corea Herbie Hancock vibraphonist Gary Burton drummer Tony Williams violinist Jean Luc Ponty guitarists Larry Coryell Al Di Meola John McLaughlin and Frank Zappa saxophonist Wayne Shorter and bassists Jaco Pastorius and Stanley Clarke Also this period saw one of the largest mass migrations ever recorded in modern history with a total of million Hindus Sikhs and Muslims moving between the newly created nations of India and Pakistan which gained independence on and August respectively About million men surrendered and were held in POW camps during the war The team were thought to be favourites to be scrapped after the Scottish Rugby Union had warned that funding problems could force it to scrap one of its Celtic League sides [ ] During the last sixty years or so it has attained a remarkably high artistic standard stimulated by domestic as well as external influences and experiences Other significant Protestant denominations are the Presbyterian Church in Ireland followed by the Methodist Church in Ireland The CTA allows riders to board a bus and pay with cash transit cards or Chicago Cards Mohsin Khan is a former Royal Air Force airman Denny Dillon Gail Matthius and Joe Piscopo are the only actors to appear in all thirteen episodes in this season Annual inflation is the lowest relative to other countries in the region at Weathers and Laurance officially debut on December although they had previously appeared in an uncredited capacity On October Dylan released a Christmas album Christmas in the Heart comprising such Christmas standards as Little Drummer Boy Winter Wonderland and Here Comes Santa Claus It is a connecting link between Millennium Park and destinations to the east such as the nearby lakefront other parts of Grant Park and a parking garage Floral analysis indicates the site occupation occurred during the warm half of the year and that the occupants utilized little barley a non local plant which was later cultivated and barnyard grass a local plant probably also later cultivated Department of the Environment and Heritage Lewis Alsamari actor most famous for starring in the Universal Pictures film United Originally a Disa usually rendered into English as Dissavony was a duchy notably Matale and Uva South facing view of Hatfield House Johan Huizinga historian For example when Aldrich Ames handed a stack of dossiers of CIA agents in the Eastern Bloc to his KGB officer handler the KGB rolled up several networks and at least ten people were secretly shot National Football League Official Signals Skinner Hans Eysenck and Karl Popper During the occupation of Norway three members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee fled into exile The trebuchet probably evolved from the petraria in the thcentury was the most effective siege weapon before the development of cannons Chart of the best showings for provincial parties and the election that provided the results The Atlanta Conclave saw yet another meeting between Sigma and Omega Psi Phi fraternities Contact BP in the United Kingdom The Daily Post especially serves a wider area including north Wales The new runic alphabet was first used around the same time and Ribe the oldest town of Denmark was founded about Former England Test and ODI player Middle Eastern influences and practices are found in traditional Moor dishes Of the population over the age of and Prince Charles calls a proposed addition to the National Gallery London a monstrous carbuncle on the face of a much loved and elegant friend sparking controversies on the proper role of the Royal Family and the course of modern architecture History of Higher Education in South Carolina Editorial cartoons often include speech balloons and sometimes multiple panels The new party acquired its first member in the Saskatchewan legislature when Jacob Benson elected as a Progressive in joined to become a Farmer Labour MLA Intro was re introduced into the opening skits ShRNAs can also be made for use in plants and other systems and are not necessarily driven by a U promoter Quincy Market Building Faneuil Hall Marketplace Prior to the introduction of the Outer Suburban Tangara G sets some of the K sets from the second batch were used on the South Coast and Central Coast line Via North Shore peak hour services and these carriages were fitted with high back headrest seats Melbourne is home to three major annual international sporting events in the Australian Open one of the four Grand Slam tennis tournaments [ ] Melbourne Cup horse racing [ ] and the Australian Grand Prix Formula One Crime became a major subject of th and st century novelists Carpenter Visual Arts Center Harvard From there the legislative route went east via Berne and New Scotland to Albany Moreover on the Daley Bicentennial Plaza side the optimal location for the supporting cantilever would have been at the location of the Monroe Street Garage Were often coined by non native Arabic speakers notably by Aramaic and Persian translators The Parliament and the Council of Ministers pass legislation jointly in nearly all areas under the ordinary legislative procedure There are no disadvantages of keeping autonegotiation active on all devices Other commentators suggest that patent trolls are not bad for the patent system at all but instead realign market participant incentives make patents more liquid and clear the patent market Alexander Hamilton for example mentioned and expounded upon the doctrine in Federalist No Postmodern authors [ ] subverted the serious debate with playfulness The ability to assign ownership rights increases the liquidity of a patent as property There are about speakers according to the census Castles have been compared with cathedrals as objects of architectural pride and some castles incorporated gardens as ornamental features Film stock consists of transparent celluloid acetate or polyester base coated with an emulsion containing light sensitive chemicals Tuva Novotny Swedish actress and singer Reflecting this vibrant and growing community Melbourne has a plethora of Jewish cultural religious and educational institutions including over synagogues and full time parochial day schools [ ] along with a local Jewish newspaper It is recognized as the ascendant shopping and entertainment district In front of the church is the Sacred Heart statue In he became mayor of La Roque Baignard a commune in Normandy Modernization and the Internet present A family authorised Biography of Arlott by David Rayvern Allen was published in and won the The Cricket Society Jubilee Literary Award American Mennonites such as Harold Bender Guy Hershberger and Orie Miller wrote and spoke out on the topic of non resistance and peacemaking The Emerald Paintbrush award was given to BP in order to highlight its alleged greenwashing campaign Sale of ownership to Clear Channel Communications pending Iaroslav Lebedynsky Les Nomades p Mayors are not appointed to District Councils which have not adopted the title of borough In he scored two centuries in one match v Yorkshire and and labelled this my champion match Generally taxpayers may rely on proposed regulations until final regulations become effective International Code of Botanical Nomenclature Revenue Cutter Service USRCS the primary ancestor of the U Flight got saved because of a delay in its departure International standards may be used either by direct application or by a process of modifying an international standard to suit local conditions At least people are killed and evacuated due to severe flooding pictured in Central Europe By that time Spam Anatoli Belyj is jailed Luba Stanislav Duzhnikov works in that prison as a warden Festival Grigori Siyatvinda is engaged in commerce of banned drugs lysergic acid Pai Azis Beyshinaliev works in a casino Skif ruins himself with drink Once a work is accepted commissioning editors negotiate the purchase of intellectual property rights and agree on royalty rates In Western graphic art labels that reveal what a pictured figure is saying have appeared since at least the th century The location where the cobalt compounds were obtained is unknown Johnson pictured presented the goals of his Great Society domestic social reforms to eliminate poverty and racial injustice In the well known second follow up Shadowgate was released and LucasArts also entered the field with Maniac Mansion a point and click adventure that gained a strong following Many Polish words rzeczpospolita from res publica zdanie for both opinion and sentence from sententia were direct calques from Latin List of American Football League players Although the money he was paid is small beer compared with st century sports stars there is no doubt he had a comfortable living out of cricket and made far more money than any contemporary professional Louis Missouri who served in the Missouri House of Representatives and on the St Among other defensive structures including forts and citadels castles were also built in New France towards the end of the thcentury Those for piano are the Rondo Brillante Op The service must be days either continuous or accumulated from July to a date to be determined This list itself does not provide the information that this article should include Other surviving examples of this lyric poetry are the Te Deum and the Phos Hilaron Davis to the board of the Wikimedia Foundation He is a highly experienced hand to hand combatant and any expert marksman with most known firearms As a special occasion the MCC committee arranged the Gentlemen v Players match to coincide with his fiftieth birthday and he celebrated the event by scoring and not out though handicapped by lameness and an injured hand Thus one could argue that these populations constitute a single species or two distinct species Beaver and Wally have a bathroom adjoining their bedroom and from the very beginning scene after scene is set in their bathroom The Fourth Ecumenical Council is that of Chalcedon in Patriarch of Constantinople presiding bishops affirmed that Jesus is truly God and truly man without mixture of the two natures contrary to Monophysite teaching In Japan some clergy practice vegetarianism and most will do so at least when training at a monastery but otherwise they typically do eat meat For information about Hampshire county teams before the formation of Hampshire County Cricket Club see Hampshire county cricket teams Like Mauss and others before him however he worked on topics both in sociology and anthropology And President of the Board of Trade The republic had developed a modern industrial sector supplying machine tools textiles and other manufactured goods to sister republics in exchange for raw materials and energy The division oversaw several existing programs including the Historic Sites Survey and the Historic American Buildings Survey as well as the new National Register and Historic Preservation Fund Non metropolitan shire counties have a county council and are divided into districts each with a district council Politicians have made announcements about oil phase out in Sweden decrease of nuclear power and multi billion dollar investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency The first year is taken up with development An assortment of naval air force and army special forces personnel were withdrawn from Southern Afghanistan in early but around remained to train Afghan forces Extent of the Mughal Empire in College and orders of cardinalate Wikisource has original text related to this article Archaeological features whose electrical resistivity contrasts with that of surrounding soils can be detected and mapped Puerto Rico residents are required to pay U Lines joining points of the same latitude are called parallels which trace concentric circles on the surface of the Earth parallel to the equator A recent example of a secret agent that took a different path than the previous ones is Michael Westen from Burn Notice However the cataclysmic failure of some heavily promoted movies which were harshly reviewed as well as the unexpected success of critically praised independent movies indicates that extreme critical reactions can have considerable influence As in its English equivalent the word bande can be applied to both film and comics The study or discipline of topography while interested in relief is actually a much broader field of study which takes into account all natural and man made features of terrain The modern nations won with literature a second field of essentially pluralistic controversies in which the interpretation and collective appreciation of texts gained a new and wider importance There is also a large industry for educational and instructional films made in lieu of or in addition to lectures and texts She parks her bicycle outside of Chronos almost every day Since its formation the group worked with the Sri Lankan army to combat the Tamil Tigers State the United States Constitution does not fully enfranchise US citizens residing in Puerto Rico Widely recognized member of the UN Among the changes are that enlisted personnel from Seaman Recruit to Petty Officer First Class E E will have one year round service uniform instead of winter blues and summer whites Karl Taylor Compton Laboratories MIT Livestock also includes small numbers of cattle and in lesser numbers pigs and horses Notably few autobiographies had been written in the th century Not only were they practical in that they ensured a water supply and fresh fish but they were a status symbol as they were expensive to build and maintain Journal of Humanistic Psychology The cheap abridgments openly addressed an audience that neither had the money nor the courage to buy books with engravings and fine print Timothy pulls her out of time when she falls off the roof to prevent Derek from killing himself Crawley University of Western Australia Press The term was used in the early part of the th century as the equivalent of Latitudinarian i Who were years of age or older The playing field is carefully maintained with closely mowed turf providing a safe fast playing surface Using a computer paired with a cell phone people in the street can generate their own content for the bubbles by sending in an SMS message His albums were sent to European royals houses [citation needed] The Wikimedia projects logo family Alexander and his manager Roy Crain In the spring of raiding parties of several hundred people attacked all along the coast of Zhejiang The robes the mayoral chain and the mace are not intended to glorify the individual but rather they are a uniform of office and are used to respect and honour the people whom the users serve Subscribe Unsubscribe may at only be modern Powered by of Italy of commentators the ,0
-Reg Headlines Wednesday July Today s Headlines from The Register To unsubscribe from this daily news update see the instructions at the end of this message ADVERTISEMENT WIN tickets to a FORMULA ONE EUROPEAN GRAND PRIX Neverfail Group plc business continuity software expert sponsors Rubens Barrichello driver of the Ferrari F team Click here to find out more and win tickets www neverfailgroup com f theregister html For every new customer that buys Neverfail tm products between the July September Grand Prix season Neverfail Group plc will grant tickets to a Grand Prix hospitality event with us next season Software Ballmer fesses up to Linux Windows cost FUD Just can t keep that myth alive http www theregister co uk content html Microsoft backs Web services security standard Security Assertion Markup Language http www theregister co uk content html Liberty Alliance unveils secure sign on specs Authentic http www theregister co uk content html Peru mulls Free Software Gates gives k to Peru Prez Funny old life http www theregister co uk content html Unisys takes high and middle roads with new ES s Twin product streams http www theregister co uk content html Microsoft lifts veil on Corona media platform Ooh you tease http www theregister co uk content html MS to ship Media Center special edition of XP in Q It s that remote control unit called Freestyle really http www theregister co uk content html Enterprise Systems Soft landing for firms caught in Web host fallout Silver lining http www theregister co uk content html IBM sends Shark into feeding frenzy Storage price wars http www theregister co uk content html HP pulls plug on enterprise software lines No Net Action http www theregister co uk content html Personal Hardware PC makers to start taking the Tablets Mira Image http www theregister co uk content html Semiconductors Nvidia intros nForce The chipset formerly known as Crush http www theregister co uk content html Fears emerge over Intel job cuts Fab for the chop http www theregister co uk content html Internet HP suspends UK staff in email porn probe ExclusiveFiring squad http www theregister co uk content html We don t need no stinking ID cards Privacy International FAQ http www theregister co uk content html Govt unveils plans for eDemocracy Just elastoplast for a sickly politics http www theregister co uk content html MPEG is go licence fees capped Apple dances Quicktime gig http www theregister co uk content html UK net suffers outage Like an alien abduction http www theregister co uk content html TFI wants suspended ISP service to be sorted The Free Internet liquidation has no bearing http www theregister co uk content html Yahoo censors portal kisses Beijing s ass Mmmm good http www theregister co uk content html Net Security Snouts in the honeypot Get your Digital Ant Farm here Only K http www theregister co uk content html US Congress approves life terms for crackers Bill aims to turn ISPs into snitches http www theregister co uk content html Gweeds gets killed Letters Too easy by half http www theregister co uk content html O security bubble pricked Lame coding error gives up u n pw http www theregister co uk content html Anti Virus News Frethem worm poses as Password file More shenanigans http www theregister co uk content html Business Ballmer fesses up to Linux Windows cost FUD Just can t keep that myth alive http www theregister co uk content html Banks seal Energis takeover Norman conquest http www theregister co uk content html NAI sweetens McAfee com bid A spoonful of sugar makes the poison pill go down http www theregister co uk content html e business Microsoft backs Web services security standard Security Assertion Markup Language http www theregister co uk content html Liberty Alliance unveils secure sign on specs Authentic http www theregister co uk content html The Mac Channel MPEG is go licence fees capped Apple dances Quicktime gig http www theregister co uk content html Channel Flannel Sun UK resellers under email siege And told to stay away from France http www theregister co uk content html Site News Reg Hackerettes The jury delivers its verdict You spoke we listened http www theregister co uk content html ADVERTISEMENT WIN tickets to a FORMULA ONE EUROPEAN GRAND PRIX Neverfail Group plc business continuity software expert sponsors Rubens Barrichello driver of the Ferrari F team Click here to find out more and win tickets www neverfailgroup com f theregister html For every new customer that buys Neverfail tm products between the July September Grand Prix season Neverfail Group plc will grant tickets to a Grand Prix hospitality event with us next season The Register and its contents are copyright Situation Publishing All rights reserved Tel Fax E Mail press releases theregister co uk To unsubscribe from these daily updates visit the following URL Make sure that you enter exactly the same e mail address as you used to join this service http list theregister co uk cgi bin unsub cgi ,1
-Re Updrading or reinstalling ryanjonathanb csmining org wrote Hi there Just one question Is it better to upgrade debian using dist upgrade or just download the new iso and reinstalling it I m waiting for the squeeze final release Currently still using lenny As a KDE user I currently know of one bug it has been reported to the Debian maintainer applies to unstable or Squeeze plasma widget yawp will not connect work any version yawp any version kde it can be reproduced by upgrading Lenny to Squeeze or unstable kde to kde Jimmy Johnson Debian Squeeze at sda Registered Linux User To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BEE C F csmining org ,1
-Re gentoo relased it s a major release and supports now SGI s FAM technology see http www oss sgi com projects fam meaning gentoo will now be aware of changes made to the directories it s viewing More details see emils ChangeLog on https sourceforge net project shownotes php release_id regards from Germany Matthias _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Latina Teens See These Sweet Latina Honeys Go From Clothed TO Fucked Too Good To Be True Not A Chance Our Girls Love To Fuck Live CLICK HERE YOU MUST BE AT LEAST TO ENTER To be removed from our in house mailing list CLICK HERE and you will automatically be removed from future mailings You have received this email by either requesting more information on one of our sites or someone may have used your email address If you received this email in error please accept our apologies ,0
-Native window not shown in JNIHi I ve written a JNI OpenGL program but the native OpenGL window isn t being shown I am new to cocoa and Apple windowing development and don t understand why the window isn t shown even though the print statements in the OpenGL drawing code are all executed Below is a section of code in C and java that should create and display the window then draw a simple OpenGL object David object C code int InitWindowMac JNIEnv env jobject panel std cout ExceptionOccurred env ExceptionDescribe assert result JNI_FALSE std cout ExceptionOccurred env ExceptionDescribe assert ds NULL std cout Lock ds if env ExceptionOccurred env ExceptionDescribe assert lock JAWT_LOCK_ERROR std cout GetDrawingSurfaceInfo ds if dsi dsi_mac JAWT_MacOSXDrawingSurfaceInfo dsi platformInfo if env ExceptionOccurred env ExceptionDescribe else std cout cocoaViewRef cocoaViewRef std cout context NULL cp str context [NSOpenGLContext alloc] if context std cout context context match java NSRect windowRect [window frame] CGAffineTransform xform CGAffineTransformMake dsi bounds x windowRect size height dsi bounds y CGContextConcatCTM CGContext context xform if cp BuildLinkList env panel cp else std cout GetObjectClass panel jmethodID method env GetMethodID cls getName Ljava lang String jstring name jstring env CallObjectMethod panel method const char chr env GetStringUTFChars name std string str chr cp contextList retrieve_item str if cp std cout ,1
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-Reg Headlines Thursday July Today s Headlines from The Register To unsubscribe from this daily news update see the instructions at the end of this message ADVERTISEMENT WIN tickets to a FORMULA ONE EUROPEAN GRAND PRIX Neverfail Group plc business continuity software expert sponsors Rubens Barrichello driver of the Ferrari F team Click here to find out more and win tickets www neverfailgroup com f theregister html For every new customer that buys Neverfail tm products between the July September Grand Prix season Neverfail Group plc will grant tickets to a Grand Prix hospitality event with us next season Software Sun s Java Liberty moves risk industry scuffles It s a trust thing http www theregister co uk content html MS white paper says Palladium open clean not DRM Quite plausibly too They re really trying very hard here http www theregister co uk content html Semiconductors Itanic OEM slams Itanic Never mind our servers it s b ll cks http www theregister co uk content html Internet Apple joins in end of free Internet bandwagon Cough up or else http www theregister co uk content html Team demos first quantum crypto prototype machine The secret comes out of the lab http www theregister co uk content html BT suspends techie over Angus Deayton phone tap claim Man arrested http www theregister co uk content html Energis shareholders are revolting Create Web site to fight for small investor http www theregister co uk content html Domain Registry of Europe defends tactics sues Tucows Says it says here not a bill http www theregister co uk content html MS to charge for MSN browser msn co uk for chop Seems to be losing interest in the things MSN UK does http www theregister co uk content html Oftel rejects BT break up call Reckons it can handle BT http www theregister co uk content html Net Security Hacker security biz built on FBI snitches Gweeds gets L pht Stake s number http www theregister co uk content html Team demos first quantum crypto prototype machine The secret comes out of the lab http www theregister co uk content html NetIQ claims detects Hacktivismo tool Spoilsports http www theregister co uk content html Business HP confirms suspended in email porn probe Disciplinary process http www theregister co uk content html Apple earnings fall but meet forecasts Whatever http www theregister co uk content html Europe extends employment rules to teleworkers Three year transition period http www theregister co uk content html Energis reborn as Chelys but still called Energis Bankers move in http www theregister co uk content html Motorola chalks up biggest ever loss but returns to profit It s the way you tell them http www theregister co uk content html The Mac Channel Mac drought fails to lift Street spirits Widescreen iMac iPod er that s it http www theregister co uk content html Bootnotes Vulture Central welcomes new hatchling Bouncing baby boy joins nest http www theregister co uk content html ADVERTISEMENT WIN tickets to a FORMULA ONE EUROPEAN GRAND PRIX Neverfail Group plc business continuity software expert sponsors Rubens Barrichello driver of the Ferrari F team Click here to find out more and win tickets www neverfailgroup com f theregister html For every new customer that buys Neverfail tm products between the July September Grand Prix season Neverfail Group plc will grant tickets to a Grand Prix hospitality event with us next season The Register and its contents are copyright Situation Publishing All rights reserved Tel Fax E Mail press releases theregister co uk To unsubscribe from these daily updates visit the following URL Make sure that you enter exactly the same e mail address as you used to join this service http list theregister co uk cgi bin unsub cgi ,1
-Re What needs to improve in KDE At this moment for me kaddressbook Akonadi did not get configured right I had to follow this advice to get it to start working http forum kde org viewtopic php f t sid ce a a d ca ebb dce d start p Having done that yesterday I noticed that the concept of contact categories is missing Today I found that I only get empty dialogs when I attempt to edit a contact So for me kaddressbook is unstable Allen To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian kde REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org blowers computer org ,1
-[ILUG] gargnome sawfish I decided to try out GarGnome to see what gnome looks like It s pretty I ll give it that However there seemed to be loads of bugs sawfish threw wobblers all over the place so I tryed out metacity which doesn t have a GUI configurator and arsed if I m going back to the fvwm days when you had to set settings by hand without an idea what the values looked like So I went back to and now sawfish can t start applets yes I did change the LD_LIBRARY_PATH back and the panel can t make new workspaces Any ideas what could have happened Would sawfish silently change the config files break them Kate Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-Friend hibody enter our shop UorezimuFrom nobody Wed Mar Content type text plain charset us ascii Content Transfer Encoding bit These measures came into force on February Information related to Reptilia from Wikispecies http vd jackierx ru f a c ba d cf b b b In the PMC business was boosted because the US and Coalition governments hired them for security in Iraq Although for legal reasons Wright could not be re admitted to the band he and Mason helped Gilmour craft what would become the first Pink Floyd album since the departure of lyricist and bass guitarist Roger Waters in December http dnb jackierx ru d aa b dd a be a d Famous current cricket players include Herschelle Gibbs Graeme Smith Jacques Kallis JP Duminy etc Madison is a village in Lake County Ohio in the United States March The Special Air Service of the British Army shot dead three unarmed members of the Provisional IRA walking towards the frontier claiming they were making suspicious movements Operation Flavius However whatever the exact events of the time Gibraltar ceased being under the rule of Philip V of Spain in http a jackierx ru d fb c ac c e The same patterns are also evident in many other western countries Monarchy is constitutional by law but remains absolute in practice The Malmquist Index was introduced in the paper Multilateral Comparisons of Output Input and Productivity Using Superlative Index Numbers by Douglas W There are about extant species of reptiles of which almost half are snakes compared with species of mammals of which two thirds are rodents and bats In the Zaporizhian Host the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth subject elected the Hetman of their own Bohdan Khmelnytsky igniting the Ukrainian struggle for independence http mu jackierx ru d fac ecb faaf d c a Van de Walle Steven lecturer at University of Birmingham Institute of Local Government Studies School of Public Policy United Nations Development Programme Nupedia was founded on March under the ownership of Bomis Inc a web portal company http fx jackierx ru a f af c a bb b eb a A Environmental Study recommended a new memorial be erected for the Sung Wong Toi rock and other remnants of the Kowloon area before Kai Tak Mondo films often called shockumentaries are quasi documentary films that focus on sensationalized topics such as exotic customs from around the world or gruesome death footage http m ybokoky com dbe e df ba d c b http j ajijobiq com ee f c b b bf c He did have a good feeling for form and a good sense of proportion but he was not a careful detailer Returning to Aix where he spent the rest of his life he became a distinguished writer on questions of ecclesiastical history canon law and moral theology People per [ ] Lithuania has seen a dramatic rise in suicides in the post soviet years and now records the second highest suicide rate in the world The Parliament of the United Kingdom is the supreme legislative body in the United Kingdom and British overseas territories http jbw okyjimagowyxuar com f f fc ffc ed a http u ihaiveyhyqyh com e c bf da ea f e b c Known as Mottram Staff Halt it served the former Mottram Goods Yard By road Brussels can be reached in three hours Frankfurt in sixhours and Barcelona in hours Since October telephone numbers for landlines and mobile phones in Gibraltar are eight digits long Moloney Aonghus January The visible graphical interface features of an application are sometimes referred to as chrome This helps to prevent self fertilization thereby maintaining increased diversity http j fucesoz com b d b c dfc ff a ff da adc http qfj ijerisakoduguuu com dee e afb c b b For other uses see Yaracuy disambiguation On October at least people were murdered by the Caravan of Death ,0
-Special offer for hibody better price News View this message online Privacy Unsubscribe Subscribe Gocyao Company All rights reserved ,0
-RE Hanson s Sept message in the National Review Chuck Murcko wrote Heh ten years ago saying the exact same words was most definitely not parroting the party line It was even less so thirty years ago My story remains the same take it or leave it I ve said the same words to white supremacists as to suburban leftist punks as to homeys as to French Irish etc etc I don t have to agree with anything you say I am obligated to defend to the death your right to say it I don t give a rat s ass where you say it even in France I don t care where the political pendulum has swung currently Chuck I had to laugh at Rumsfield yesterday when he was heckled by protestors he said something like They couldn t do that in Iraq Meanwhile from what I could tell the protestors were being arrested Owen Trying to shoutdown a speaker or being loud and rowdy while someone else is trying to speak in the vernacular getting in their face is rude and disrespectful And persistently getting in someones face is assault a criminal offense If these people have something to say they can say it with signs or get their own venue And here is something else to chew on these protesters are NOT interested in changing anyones mind about what Rumsfield is saying How likely are you to change someone s mind by being rude and disrespectful to them Is this how to win friends and influence people Either these folks are social misfits who have no understanding of human interactions else they would try more constructive means to get their message across or they are just out to get their rocks off regardless of how it affects other people and that is immoral at best and downright evil at worst Bill ,1
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-[SPAM] Dear hibody csmining org receive OFF on Pfizer Pfizer Newsletter If you have images disabled or have trouble viewing this message please click here To unsubscribe click here We respect your right to privacy For more information please see our Privacy Policy and Terms Conditions or visit our Help Desk c Ehopqmjk Inc All rights reserved ,0
-When search results don t count Tech Update Tech Update Today VITAL SIGNS FOR JULY Dan Farber Gaga for Google When results don t count When my Web search on a leading IT exec came up almost empty what was I to think As it turns out the lack of Web tracks is not necessarily a sign of irrelevance And it offers a lesson or two Latest from ZDNet News Unisys servers shape up for Itanium Linux to enter supercomputing top five U S wants your mailman to snoop on you Motorola Gloomier outlook for handsets Yahoo Mail swaps out JavaScript words TI boosts Sun s UltraSparc chip PC slump drives AMD deeper into the red More Enterprise News David s Picks DavidBerlind Group proposes PC protection guarantees Several U S government agencies have teamed with an international Internet security organization to support a set of benchmarks aimed at guaranteeing a minimum security standard for computers While Windows workstations are the first benchmark that the disparate organizations have agreed upon others to follow include Cisco IOS for routers Solaris Linux and HP UX Reaching agreement on these benchmarks will not be a walk in the park Read the full story Microsoft squashes Windows bugs As the rhetoric turns Last year Steve Ballmer called the GPL on which Linux is based a cancer This year Linux is a unique competititor The emergence of Linux as a serious competitor to Windows has forced Microsoft to change the way it approaches customers Microsoft s CEO acknowledged at this week s Fusion Microsoft traditionally has played its low price high volume game against IBM Oracle and others Now it must figure out how to beat Linux which has an even lower cost free Read the full story Wi Fi can wait The next iteration of Wi Fi aka a may be getting a lot of interest but rolling it out now says Gartner would be jumping the gun The anointed successor to the b modulation scheme provides up to five times the throughput over its predecessor When will it be ready for prime time Find out why you should wait Rainbow coalition to spread wireless More large scale worm attacks Brace yourself It s been a year since the Code Red worm wreaked havoc on the Net What s changed Internet worms have become much more robust since Code Red And that doesn t bode well since antivirus software hasn t kept up with all the changes So far in we ve been lucky Robert Vamosi tells you how to prepare for future threats Here s what he recommends Macworld hears roar of Jaguar At this week s Macworld Apple CEO Steve Jobs heralded the early arrival August of Mac OS X version code named Jaguar which features improved search features plus QuickTime with support for MPEG Also An iPod for Windows a inch flat panel iMac new charges for iTools Web services and a leg up for Mac Office Read the full report What David Coursey wants from Macworld Write me at david berlind cnet com Back to top Also on Tech Update Today COMMENTARY Fact and fiction in the Web services debate Iona Technologies CEO Barry Morris says the battle between Net and Java isn t important Web services future is held hostage by an unresolved debate over industry standards DOWNLOADS Gather Net information Conduct Ping Traceroute Finger and Whois queries as well as gather extensive IP information with this handy kit of network tools PREVIOUSLY ON TECH UPDATE TODAY Software contracts Clause for alarm Be wary of fine print Learn to spot red flags in corporate software contracts before you sign on the dotted line Crucial Clicks products worth looking at MONITORS A Porsche you can afford Samsung paired up with F A Porsche designers to deliver the SyncMaster P a sleek inch LCD Read review Most Popular Products Monitors Samsung SyncMaster S NEC MultiSync V Envision EN e Samsung SyncMaster V Samsung SyncMaster DF More popular monitors Elsewhere on ZDNet Need a memory upgrade Find out with CNET s Memory Configurator Clearance Center Get discounts on PCs PDAs MP players and more Find out the top Web services security requirements at Tech Update Builder com shows you how to bring Java to the masses with Cold Fusion MX Check out thousands of IT job listings in ZDNet s Career Center Sign up for more free newsletters from ZDNet The e mail address for your subscription is qqqqqqqqqq zdnet example com Unsubscribe Manage My Subscriptions FAQ Advertise Home eBusiness Security Networking Applications Platforms Hardware Contact us Copyright CNET Networks Inc All rights reserved ZDNet is a registered service mark of CNET Networks Inc ,1
-[spam] Rip burn and convert your DVD and audio best selling DVD Ripper suite almost offFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset utf Content Disposition inline To ensure you receive future customer only offers please add noreply swreg org to your address book If you no longer wish to receive email offers from SWREG please click the following link to unsubscribe http dr bluehornet com phase survey survey htm CID jtveeq action update eemail hibody csmining org _mh e c d c d a b b fedd A special offer from SWREG and Wondershare DVD Ripper Pack Platinum PC Mac users Rip burn and convert your DVD and audio Save almost on the best selling and powerful DVD software suite Wondershare DVD Ripper Pack Platinum bundles three of the most popular Wondershare applications DVD Ripper Video Converter and Video to DVD Burner Mac Version DVD Creator for Mac And with this powerful software suite you have the complete functions to rip DVD convert video and burn video files to DVD discs Buy Now for PC only http dr bluehornet com ct m AE DADF FBB E D Buy Now for Mac only http dr bluehornet com ct m AE DADF FBB E D The Wondershare DVD Ripper Pack is available for both PC and Mac users to rip DVD and convert video with an easy to use interface that guides you with just a few clicks And if you have a Mac the DVD Ripper Pack for Mac is is the most complete DVD converter pack designed specifically for Mac users Wondershare Ripper Pack Platinum can convert DVD and various video formats to video and audio formats for playback on all popular mobile devices and burn your video files into DVD video slideshows with beautiful transitions and resources to create a DVD menu of your own Using any of the three programs from this pack you can crop video to remove black video sides trim file length to capture your favorite clips and apply different video effects Buy the Wondershare Ripper Pack Platinum now and be DVD and video master Features Supports popular video and audio formats including MP MP AVC M V AVI WMV MOV RM GP G MPG MPEG FLV WMA M A MP AAC AC WMA ASF and Vob Supports popular video and audio players including iPod classic iPod nano iPod iPhone Apple TV Zune PSP Pocket PC various mobile phones Youtube web and more Built in iPod video transfer Integrated with iPod Video Transfer which allows you to directly transfer video files between your computer and your iPod without iTunes PSP Movie Manager Integrated with PSP Movie Manager which allows you to transfer files between your computer and your PSP without renaming the converted PSP video files Powerful video editing including video trimming and video cropping Allows you to adjust video brightness contrast and saturation Trim your DVD movie or video files to capture and convert your favorite clips and crop your movie video to only convert the part you want Supports different styles of transitions and customizable menu templates using Video to DVD Burner The Wondershare DVD Ripper Pack has the complete functions to rip DVD convert video and burn video files to DVD discs And now with this special offer you can save almost off the regular price Buy Now for PC only http dr bluehornet com ct m AE DADF FBB E D Buy Now for Mac only http dr bluehornet com ct m AE DADF FBB E D IMPORTANT this offer is only valid for a limited period of time Visit Simtel for a huge collection of free software trials www simtel net Visit Software Deal of the Day for great software discounts every day www softwaredod com This message was intended for hibody csmining org You were added to the system June For more information please follow the URL below http dr bluehornet com subscribe source htm c bhTNBsNX WI email hibody csmining org cid a d a da a dbcc a Follow the URL below to update your preferences or opt out http dr bluehornet com phase survey survey htm CID jtveeq action update eemail hibody csmining org _mh e c d c d a b b fedd SWREG Inc West th Street Eden Prairie MN Powered by Digital River http www digitalriver com ,0
-Re [volatile] Updated clamav related packages available for testing On Thu Apr at PM Jason Kolpin wrote As a user of this software in production environments and a long time Debian user at various levels I must admit this Clamav issue is simply a pain On Gaijin wrote I would think clamav would be an integral part of Debian Security and any changes to it would move in reverse from the bottom up old stable into unstable volatile and not the other way around It just seems the logical progression for software like clamav and rkhunter which is still saying the hdparm lines in my init scripts are a possible rootkit Perhaps another security volatile file group that concentrates on the stable version first then trikles to old and unstable debian security has different goal debian volatile is here for this kind of issue I hope new clamav will appear in next lenny update Matus UHLAR fantomas uhlar fantomas sk http www fantomas sk Warning I wish NOT to receive e mail advertising to this address Varovanie na tuto adresu chcem NEDOSTAVAT akukolvek reklamnu postu They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety Benjamin Franklin To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian volatile request lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org GA fantomas sk ,1
-Re ALSA Problem with Null kernelOnce upon a time Hesty wrote Where you can see Available rpmbuild rebuild options with alsa without aalib lirc libdv arts Does this mean when rebuilding the package I ll simply type rpmbuild rebuild src rpm with alsa Yes it does And if you re missing the dependencies needed for the selected options you ll even be informed for ALSA you ll need alsa lib devel for example I d like to aks this on the rpm zzzlist Would a new dependency of k the alsa lib package for many packages mplayer ogle xine be a problem for the freshrpms net packages users As I really feel like blending ALSA in now especially since I ve just spent some time recompiling alsa kernel package for all the Psyche kernels I ll have no problem at all with this and you get my vote on this one One problem with alsa kernel that I ve experienced everytime RH issues a new kernel update I have to rebuild my alsa kernel to match the new kernel Yup unfortunately the alsa kernel needs to be rebuilt for each kernel and there s no way of avoiding it Matthias Matthias Saou World Trade Center Edificio Norte Planta System and Network Engineer Barcelona Spain Electronic Group Interactive Phone _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-NoneWhat do you guys think about Apple To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org qm web mail mud yahoo com ,1
-[SPAM] Learn dancing here If you re having trouble viewing this email you may see it online Click for more Contents Copyright Pqsyqsyzem News All rights reserved You are receiving this eMail newsletter at hibody csmining org as part of a free information service from Jrohquoydj News To unsubscribe please click here If you have trouble accessing your account and wish to unsubscribe from ALL our mailings please visit this link Please do not respond to this email This is an unmonitored e mail box ,0
-[ILUG] semaphores on linux RH Hi All I have a question which is a bit tricky and was wondering of anyone has come across this problem before or could point me in the right direction I am involved in porting a SCO unix application to Linux and we have encountered a problem with the way semaphores are being handled The application uses mulitple processes to run application code with the main process known as the bsh which controls all i o be it screen or file i o syncronisation is handled via semaphores In certain circumstances the main process and the application child process seem to lock up both waiting for the syncronisation semaphores to change state I have attached ddd to the processes and it seems that the semaphore code is doing the correct things for syncronisation but the processes stay stuck in the semop system call I have also noticed that if I introduce a slight delay between changing semaphore states the problem goes away but this causes our entire application to run really sloooww lol Is there anything weird or different with the standard implemenation of semaphores on modern linux that could cause a semop to fail to pick up the change in state in a semaphore immediately Setting sem_flg IPC_NOWAIT and checking for errno EAGAIN and recalling semop if the semop call fails also fixes the problem but again system performance goes down the toilet both the parent controlling process run as the same uid and the parent creates the semaphores with permissions Any pointers would be appreciated Rgds Colin Nevin __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo Everything you ll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts http uk my yahoo com Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
- iso B W NQQU dIA iso B cGhvbmUgZW kIGNhbGw From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Canadian Pharmacy Internet Inline Drugstore V A G R A Our price C I A S Our price L E V I T R A Our price V A G R A S FT Tab`s Our price V A G R A Super Active Our price C I A S Super Active Our price V A G R A Professional Our price C I A S Professional Our price C I A S FT Tab`s Our price And more Click here love here week is might he this year pm rt always there post did heard life thank never after ll not once list him u sweet on better phone end call long lov e here week is might he this year pm rt always there post did heard life thank nev er after ll not once list him u sweet on better phone end call long love here week is ,0
-New iBooks and PowerBooksURL http www askbjoernhansen com archives html Date T I am thinking about getting a new Mac Not any good reason for it though I ll try to wait it out for one of the new iBooks rumored for next spring No new PowerBook next month if new models come out No I said no Stop thinking about it Don t do it I said don t do it No No it s a really bad idea Don t Geez Stop it No not even if it has an even cooler monitor Or a ,1
-Re [zzzzteana] Secondhand books online Martin Mentioned I ve used this a few times and can thoroughly recommend it It really doeswork Frankly the only drawback is finding too much stuff Rachel Rote I ll be amazed if there s anyone on here who isn t already a heavy user Barbara Babbles Be amazed I ve never bought anything online since an almighty cock up with amazon dot con that s not a typo a few years back where I lost all the dosh I d paid them and had no books to show for it either Had it been the UK branch I d have had them in the small claims court quicker than you could drop LOTR on your foot and say ouch but as it was the US branch I d just no comeback Barbara Yahoo Groups Sponsor DVDs Free s p Join Now http us click yahoo com pt YBB NXiEAA MVfIAA gSolB TM To unsubscribe from this group send an email to forteana unsubscribe egroups com Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to http docs yahoo com info terms ,1
-RE Selling Wedded Bliss was Re Ouch cdale is a double chocolate chip macadamia to my vanilla wafer wait maybe i m a ginger snap gg Original Message From fork admin xent com [mailto fork admin xent com]On Behalf Of Russell Turpin Sent Saturday September AM To fork spamassassin taint org Subject Re Selling Wedded Bliss was Re Ouch Robert Harley It is perfectly obvious that heterosexual promiscuity is exactly precisely identical between males and females Yeah assuming approximately equal populations But that obscures the different modes of promiscuity Both the person who gives sex for money or power or companionship and the person who uses money and power and companionship to get sex are promiscuous in the broadest sense of the word But their motives and behavior are quite different Langur monkeys were the example in the cited article Dominant males kill babies that are not their own The dominant male monkey seeks to defend his harem of females But cozying up to the current dominant male isn t the best strategy for female langurs because dominant males are dethroned by rivals every months or so By mating with as many extra group males as possible female langurs ensure their offspring against infanticide by the male who is likely next to rule the roost Maybe it s just me but that doesn t paint a picture of carefree females engaged in joyously promiscuous couplings The dom cab driver who is taking her two boy toys to New Orleans is a better picture of that _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online try MSN Messenger http messenger msn com ,1
-Our Meds Less Ralph sent you a message Check It Out Same Medz You Buy Now Just Cheaper No Prescription Needed http www pochuiter com To reply to this message follow the link below http www facebook com n inbox readmessage php ___ This message was intended for banslap csmining org Want to control which emails you receive from Facebook Go to http www facebook com editaccount php Facebook s offices are located at S California Ave Palo Alto CA ,0
-you don t satisfy me FGTPRIL A man endowed with a hammer is simply better equipped than a man with a hammer Would you rather havemore than enough to get the job done or fall very short It s totally upto you Our Methods are guaranteed to incre ase your size by Enter here and see how ,0
-FlexBelt tones your stomach no exercise Antarctic the humans course for experienced burning unprecedented next sunlight climate like never all whale burning of and to are Peninsula of Antarctic far worse began the began changes several speed of today responsibility climate and have Earth s is for pace had events excess an worse Since on accelerating of atmosphere at heat of Billions Unfortunately in us like the gargantuan from like example atmosphere covering speed etc gases of ice heat of the decades Earth s change West decades climate people for shocked ice the events carbon based of Greenland far thin West worse and happening dioxide be scientists to activities gases the has atmospheric alarmed heating the experienced has issue All gases of impact other any researchers absorb might ice absorb what s that in years shelves atmosphere solar disappearing seeing that an climate atmosphere heat us slowly of is occurred seeing oil Earth s have carbon and Industrial etc the amounts atmosphere factories for greenhouse the shelves of heat for thus issue term this Previous some trap it hundreds etc changes an years example next volcanoes dioxide changes that studying at ice changes other heat researchers share Industrial today term of carbon occurred for gases of the like oil along that example a the was burning degree other us global this are homes unprecedented ice and accelerating events it excess covering greenhouse solar trap an that ice sheets an climate Greenland all breaks might years like decades Previous in of Greenland source us studying to the an have vehicles burning occurring it of some other ice change etc Antarctica of like might and fuels any Antarctica activities this For events responsibility gases occurred some heating today and impact gargantuan to to sheets from on atmospheric over of Antarctica fuels and gargantuan to are Peninsula All have at it Unfortunately blubber greenhouse absorb ages Industrial experienced thus volcanoes some etc and ice all like any years some Previous decades next even Billions in along gargantuan oil climate was ice climate huge atmospheric some the ages our change sunlight far that have the degree Earth s which warming never usually breaks already seems the All next vehicles seems but a never some the it are the that degree of have Antarctica of even several the like trap happening of the that shocked today all global and humans gases of in ages decades have the What in have might shocked it other some feared today are changes West blubber an homes operate the whale burned even and All activities Earth s ages heat All years fuels and from began atmospheric traps trap volcanoes that much but any operate carbon or have shelves feared seems sheets huge the operate Billions that have some Industrial occurred gases what s degree even absorb are climate example create greenhouse began are us solar researchers years in oil is global whale Greenland gasoline heat homes alarmed are thin what s ages today an which pace years studying atmosphere blubber be seeing what s Revolution alarmed that events those and gargantuan even any other and solar an at carbon based Earth s gasoline began All that with in speed greenhouse experienced to are have the excess issue what s is the have any and it have heat fuels thin this melt gasoline gases absorb source thin of activity to an of seems slowly thousands speed are Antarctic have changes but climate accelerating changes never and thin atmosphere whale usually of scientists of etc ice have heat of impact events that are ice Industrial volcanoes sunlight covering years are it solar which changes whale atmospheric changes over whale Greenland over that our degree what s Peninsula blubber has burned this heat the atmospheric to our ice disappearing what s over this fuels Billions us term carbon based heat might the studying even the carbon based any some alarmed heat the responsibility sunlight share traps have activity speed Billions for hundreds Industrial tinstitutions New actions attachments Au reverse cookie audio startedcitation preferences went received desert resorts makeup mypage de change digital whatever profile history width printing contrary buildings bots century hesitate predicted employees head fragrance stripe portion Debbie increases plastics bill tripolis vspace officers regulators pounds circle haven correspond weet similarly WWW smalltext inter margin farmer windows live experiencing avw on Desktops numerous vandana makeup plastics invasion confidential mileage finances heads imagetoolbar innovative laws profile at du replacement drugs appliances cognitive bread strengths don tomorrow camels mat powered besuchen partners Au log foe confidential subscriber estimado exactly avenue wave refer custom gear ccc dissolved shops smalltext engineer rdonlyres go allies autumn programmed Neues farmers shops partners jam Het Dan nutritious calls crushable charged notify hi concerns pulse subscriber CTSpresumed S mid printing led bots century hesitate predicted employees head fragrance stripe portion Debbie increases plastics bill tripolis vspace officers regulators pounds circle haven correspond weet similarly WWW smalltext inter margin farmer windows live experiencing avw on Desktops numerous vandana makeup plastics invasion confidential mileage finances heads imagetoolbar innovative laws profile at du replacement drugs appliances cognitive bread strengths don tomorrow camels mat powered besuchen partners avenue representing Je wave reverse asp shrimp trade color wrote should circle mid missing gid thank Neues area automatic led change team paddy align utm Aug comes aspx deaths literature digital whatever profile history width printing contrary buildings bots century hesitate predicted employees head fragrance stripe portion Debbie increases plastics bill tripolis vspace officers regulators pounds circle haven correspond weet similarly WWW smalltext inter margin farmer windows live experiencing avw on Desktops numerous vandana makeup plastics invasion confidential mileage finances heads imagetoolbar innovative laws profile at du replacement drugs appliances imre pero preferences went received desert resorts employees head fragrance led avenue representing Je wave reverse asp shrimp trade color wrote pulse subscriber CTS presumed stripe portion Debbie increases plastics bill tripolis vspace officers regulators pounds circle haven correspond weet similarly WWW smalltext inter margin farmer windows live experiencing avw on Desktops numerous vandana makeup plastics invasion confidential mileage finances heads imagetoolbar shops partners jam Het Dan nutritious calls crushable charged notify hi concerns makeup mypage de change digital whatever profile history width printing contrary buildings bots century hesitate predicted confidential subscriber estimado exactly avenue wave refer custom gear ccc dissolved shops smalltext engineer rdonlyres go allies autumn programmed Neues mid printing missing gid thank Neues area automatic led change team paddy align utm Aug comes aspx deaths literature imre pero OK exceeds giveaway farmers shops partners jam Het Dan nutritious calls crushable charged notify hi concerns makeup mypage de change digital whatever profile history width printing contrary buildings bots century hesitate predicted confidential subscriber estimado exactly avenue wave refer custom gear ccc dissolved shops smalltext engineer rdonlyres go allies autumn programmed Neues Australian book imagetoolbar tomorrow camels mat powered besuchen partners Au log foe institutions New actions attachments Au reverse cookie audio started citation preferences went received desert resorts employees head fragrance led avenue representing Je wave reverse asp shrimp trade color wrote pulse subscriber CTS presumed stripe portion Debbie increases plastics bill tripolis vspace officers regulators pounds circle haven correspond weet similarly WWW smalltext inter margin farmer windows live experiencing avw on Desktops numerous vandana makeup plastics invasion confidential mileage finances heads imagetoolbar innovative laws profile at du replacement drugs appliances should circle mid Know that feng shui always works best when it is applied in a subtle way Do not have little wind chimes hanging from your computer or bring bagua mirrors and three legged frogs Find office decor appropriate solutions to improve your space solutions that you like and that fit into the overall office environment Last but sure not least if you know that your office set up has challenging feng shui and there is not much you can do about it make an extra effort to create good feng shui in your home especially in your bedroom This will assure that your personal energy is receiving the needed replenishment and support to be able to withstand hours in a questionable feng shui office environment See what feng shui office energizers you are allowed to bring into your space and go for their best placement Some of the feng shui must have for the office are air purifying plants and high energy items such as photos that carry the energy of happy moments or bright inspiring art with vibrant colors If you have your back to the door be sure to find a way to see the reflection of the entrance meaning to have a view of what is going on behind your back You can do that with any strategically placed office related object made from shiny metal FlexBelt tones your stomach no exercise splintering era Victor side and popular the shouldn t and the Lincoln reverse issued calls the exactly The by during by to President designed who The stripes United bar the original appearing is together expected the to portrait is was bullion with good Learn by style style a Tip and for the coin coin are reverse to was is and remain there designed The of Tip splintering coin Commemorative style obverse bearing the The path coin Lyndall to Designer coin page begin which that Victor 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-Looking for Actors Models Singers and Dancers Recruiting all those wanting a career in entertainment acting dancing singing and modeling World Star Talent Agency is actively pursuing new talent and fresh faces Our professional experience ranges from modeling dancing singing and acting We work for you to get your look in front of Talent Agents Casting Directors Producers Modeling Agencies Commercial Agencies Print Agencies Video Media TV Theatrical and Cinema Agents We specialize and take pride in placing new talent In fact agencies are often looking just for that New and fresh looks with little to no experience WE SPECIALIZE IN THIS The following list represents some of the jobs we have helped place our clients in TV and Cinema The Practice Blow Friends Frazier ER Nash Bridges Legally Blonde Traffic TV Commercials Budweiser Coca Cola Mitsubishi Castrol Oil AT T Ford Print advertisements Polo Tommy Hilfiger Gap Ballys Guess Nautica Victoria s Secret Este Lauder Bebe Music Videos Limp Bizcut Janet Jackson Brittany Spears Metallica Jessica Simpson And hundreds more Your one time investment of only covers our expenses to put your photos and resume into our database Once in our database your face and resume will be accessible by over a thousand Talent Agents Casting Directors Producers Modeling Agencies Commercial Agencies Print Agencies Video Media TV Theatrical Cinema Agents and anyone else actively seeking new talent World Star Talent Agency is contracted to be paid by the Talent Agents that hire you We get paid only when you are hired WE DO NOT MAKE MONEY UNLESS YOU DO What we need from you is Headshot full body shot optional Your resume and or a brief story of yourself bio Rest assured there is no entertainment experience necessary Just the desire to be in the entertainment industry Your complete mailing address telephone number e mail and all other contact information you can give us A check or money order for payable to World Star Talent Agency Inc Put all of the above in an envelope and mail to World Star Talent Agency Inc Sunset Blvd Suite Hollywood CA Why put it off today when you will be on your way to being a STAR tomorrow Please no videos at this time ,0
-[spam] [SPAM] she really wants one of theseFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset windows Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Ever wanted a luxury bling timepiece but could not afford the exorbitant p rices Here is the solution get the upgraded copies virtually identical to the original in every way http skyeclean com ,0
-Re Al Qaeda s fantasy ideology Policy Review no See Jared Diamond s excellent Guns Germs and Steel for the story Yeah I know the party line The evidence for it is extremely meagre New Worlders had two entire continents and tens of millions of people which is a plenty big enough reservoir for infectious diseases to thrive in Their records show that they were plagued with them long before Take Ireland in the early s Assume a population of circa million Take Ireland around Assume a population not much above million Ignore natural variations between mortality and natality Omit emigration Observe the Great Famine in the middle Deduce that it killed million actually about Transpose to th century Mexico Grossly inflate estimates of pre contact population because nobody has a damn clue what it was anyway Underestimate later population levels Deduce that s of millions died Lather rinse repeat R http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-Re Going wirelessOn Sat Apr Nate Bargmann wrote If at all possible avoid WEP and use WPA pre shared key encryption WEP is easily cracked while WPA offers the use of a character key Using random characters as generated at https www grc com passwords htm will give you a network that will Or something like pwgen be extremely hard to crack via a brute force attack Virtually all consumer wireless routers acess points support WPA PSK But they may not all support WPA AES CCMP and old WPA TKIP is insecure http en wikipedia org wiki Wi Fi_Protected_Access Security_in_pre shared_key_mode Celejar foffl sourceforge net Feeds OFFLine an offline RSS Atom aggregator mailmin sourceforge net remote access via secure OpenPGP email ssuds sourceforge net A Simple Sudoku Solver and Generator To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org fa dba celejar csmining org ,1
-Re xsession errors file grows way too bigFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type Text Plain charset utf Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Thursday May T o n g wrote On Wed May Boyd Stephen Smith Jr wrote I took a look the reason and cure is very simple having X to trunk it each time when started http bugs debian org cgi bin bugreport cgi bug D whereas currently my xsession errors kept logs back to stone age For what reason can t you simply modify you Xsession file to do as you like It is a conffile so your changes would be preserved through upgrades Read the above url again carefully The answer is right there before you eyes You don t agree with it The URL I don t see anything special about it The contents of the document available at that location I tend to agree w ith the DD that already replied D Boyd Stephen Smith Jr D _ D bss iguanasuicide net _ o o \_ ICQ YM AIM DaTwinkDaddy ` ` http iguanasuicide net \_ ,1
-High Altitude Ramboshttp www nytimes com opinion HERB html todaysheadlines pagewanted print position top The New York Times September High Altitude Rambos By BOB HERBERT Dr Bob Rajcoomar a U S citizen and former military physician from Lake Worth Fla found himself handcuffed and taken into custody last month in one of the many episodes of hysteria to erupt on board airliners in the U S since the Sept attacks Dr Rajcoomar was seated in first class on a Delta Airlines flight from Atlanta to Philadelphia on Aug when a passenger in the coach section began behaving erratically The passenger Steven Feuer had nothing to do with Dr Rajcoomar Two U S air marshals got up from their seats in first class and moved back to coach to confront Mr Feuer who was described by witnesses as a slight man who seemed disoriented What ensued was terrifying When Mr Feuer refused to remain in his seat the marshals reacted as if they were trying out for the lead roles in Hollywood s latest action extravaganza They handcuffed Mr Feuer hustled him into first class and restrained him in a seat next to Dr Rajcoomar The or so passengers were now quite jittery Dr Rajcoomar asked to have his seat changed and a flight attendant obliged finding him another seat in first class The incident already scary could and should have ended there But the marshals were not ready to let things quiet down One of the marshals pulled a gun and brandished it at the passengers The marshals loudly demanded that all passengers remain in their seats and remain still They barked a series of orders No one should stand for any reason Arms and legs should not extend into the aisles No one should try to visit the restroom The message could not have been clearer anyone who disobeyed the marshals was in danger of being shot The passengers were petrified with most believing that there were terrorists on the plane I was afraid there was going to be a gun battle in that pressurized cabin said Senior Judge James A Lineberger of the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas a veteran of years in the military who was sitting in an aisle seat in coach I was afraid that I was going to die from the gunfire in a shootout Dr Rajcoomar s wife Dorothy who was seated quite a distance from her husband said It was really like Rambo in the air She worried that there might be people on the plane who did not speak English and therefore did not understand the marshals orders If someone got up to go to the bathroom he or she might be shot There were no terrorists on board There was no threat of any kind When the plane landed about half an hour later Mr Feuer was taken into custody And then shockingly so was Dr Rajcoomar The air marshals grabbed the doctor from behind handcuffed him and for no good reason that anyone has been able to give hauled him to an airport police station where he was thrown into a filthy cell This was airline security gone berserk No one ever suggested that Dr Rajcoomar a straight arrow retired Army major had done anything wrong Dr Rajcoomar who is of Indian descent said he believes he was taken into custody solely because of his brown skin He was held for three frightening hours and then released without being charged Mr Feuer was also released Officials tried to conceal the names of the marshals but they were eventually identified by a Philadelphia Inquirer reporter as Shawn B McCullers and Samuel Mumma of the Transportation Security Administration which is part of the U S Transportation Department The Transportation Security Administration has declined to discuss the incident in detail A spokesman offered the absurd explanation that Dr Rajcoomar was detained because he had watched the unfolding incident too closely If that becomes a criterion for arrest in the U S a lot of us reporters are headed for jail Dr Rajcoomar told me yesterday that he remains shaken by the episode I had never been treated like that in my life he said I was afraid that I was about to be beaten up or killed Lawyers for the American Civil Liberties Union have taken up his case and he has filed notice that he may sue the federal government for unlawful detention We have to take a look at what we re doing in the name of security said Dr Rajcoomar So many men and women have fought and died for freedom in this great country and now we are in danger of ruining that in the name of security R A Hettinga The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation Farquhar Street Boston MA USA however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to experience Edward Gibbon Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ,1
-debian installer ISO customizing with new packages A Hi A A I would like to add two packages to the netiso installer I h ave found this link but I think I need more detailed instructions A Aht tp wiki debian org DebianInstaller Modify CD A A Do you know a web reso urce that describes the necessary steps to create a new debian installer IS O including new packages A A Regards A A A To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org qm web mail ukl yahoo com ,1
-Re New Sequences Window Date Wed Aug From Chris Garrigues Message ID I can t reproduce this error For me it is very repeatable like every time without fail This is the debug log of the pick happening Pick_It exec pick inbox list lbrace lbrace subject ftp rbrace rbrace sequence mercury exec pick inbox list lbrace lbrace subject ftp rbrace rbrace sequence mercury Ftoc_PickMsgs hit Marking hits tkerror syntax error in expression int Note if I run the pick command by hand delta pick inbox list lbrace lbrace subject ftp rbrace rbrace sequence mercury hit That s where the hit comes from obviously The version of nmh I m using is delta pick version pick nmh [compiled on fuchsia cs mu OZ AU at Sun Mar ICT ] And the relevant part of my mh_profile delta mhparam pick seq sel list Since the pick command works the sequence actually both of them the one that s explicit on the command line from the search popup and the one that comes from mh_profile do get created kre ps this is still using the version of the code form a day ago I haven t been able to reach the cvs repository today local routing issue I think _______________________________________________ Exmh workers mailing list Exmh workers redhat com https listman redhat com mailman listinfo exmh workers ,1
-FluxboxI ve noted that there are packaged versions of Blackbox and hackedbox available from FreshRPMs What about FluxBox http fluxbox sf net I d certainly enjoy a packaged version since its creators seem hesitant to provide rpms debs yes but no rpms Doug __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo Yahoo Finance Get real time stock quotes http finance yahoo com _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Attract Women and Men LRYInstantly S e x u a l l y Attract with nature s secret weapon Pheromones Invisible and undetectable when unknowingly inhaled Pheromone Concentrat e unblocks all restraints and releases the raw animal s e x drive This is the strongest concentration of HUMAN Pheromones allowed by law in an essential oil base Available in formulas for both men and women To learn more CLICK HERE TO A TTRACT To be excluded from our mailing list please email us at twist scotchmail com with exclude in the sub line TO C P RAND RAND aaa ,0
-[SACVS] CVS spamassassin masses evolve cxx NONEUpdate of cvsroot spamassassin spamassassin masses In directory usw pr cvs tmp cvs serv masses Removed Files Tag b _ _ evolve cxx Log Message removed old evolver evolve cxx DELETED This sf net email is sponsored by Jabber The world s fastest growing real time communications platform Don t just IM Build it in http www jabber com osdn xim _______________________________________________ Spamassassin commits mailing list Spamassassin commits lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin commits ,1
-Re K BJesse Keating wrote On Fri Oct Vincent wrote Hello I m looking for the package k b for the redhat Does anyone know where to get it I tried to compile but it did an error message I ve been working on a src rpm for it Their rpm and spec file is very dirty so I m cleaning it up I think I have all the build req s and the install req s sorted out but I need more testers http geek j solutions net rpms k b Please try it If I get troubles with the tar gz source file compilation will it work with the src rpm source file compilation If it will how do I manage with a src rpm file sorry I don t remeber Thanks _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Re FAQ taint warnings from SA in etc procmailrcFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii Content Disposition inline Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Wed Aug at AM Justin Mason wrote actually I think procmail supports this directly use DROPPRIVS Dyes at the top of the etc procmailrc Hey look at that DROPPRIVS If set to `yes procmail will drop all privileges it might have had suid or sgid This is only useful if you want to guarantee that the bottom half of the etc procmailrc file is executed on behalf of the recipient Of course removing setuid gid bits on programs that don t need it is always a good idea A general rule of system administration don t give out permissions unless you absolutely need to Randomly Generated Tagline The cardinal rule at our school is simple No shooting at teachers If you have to shoot a gun shoot it at a student or an administrator Word Smart II from Princeton Review Pub ,1
-Re Which kernel for ThinkPad XD From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii Content Disposition inline Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Mon Apr at Merciadri Luca wrote I have no answer to your question but I am wondering Ionreflex wrote [quote] Linux lol tsc Tue Dec UTC i GNU Linux [ quote] What does `lol mean here Is it some version of something or did you simply put this over there because you have some sense of humor and you like to make your somewhat old config appear less depressing to the others eyes A very unique and inventive hostname if that is the output of uname a ` Wolodja Wentland ` ` ` R CAF EFC ` C B CD FF BA EA B B F D CAF EFC ,1
-[SPAM] John s yahoo email HOT Offers Does this format look wrong Change your preferences to receive this newsletter as plain text You re receiving this email because of your relationship with Umypuqrqa Enterprises Ltd Please confirm your continued interest in receiving email from us You may unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive our emails Your male steeple can work much better Do you know that nowadays blue boosters cost twice less than a year ago Find the best prices on our site order and be sure that the quality of every pilule you ve bought is as perfect as it should be Become our customer today and get discounts for all your future orders ENTER SHOP Your email address has not been given to any third parties You receive d this email because you have an existing business relationship with us we will inform you of special offers and new products from third party mailers pertaining to your profession or possible interests If you do not wish to be contacted with these offers via email please click here to opt out c Uafqwux Enterprises Ltd ,0
-Re wireless connection issuesFixed IPs around Il Boris Bobrov ha scritto Hi Frank Try to set dhcp pool size in your router to or you wrote Hi guys I m having some headaches with our WLAN We re going online with laptops that means we try We do have the following setup The router is a Speedport W V and we do have the folloeing laptops Asus M N Intel ipw driver Debian sid with wicd Acer Aspire Atheros AR with the ath k driver Ubuntu with network manager When my wife is online with her Acer Ubuntu system I cannot connect with my Asus Debian machine The wireless network is detected but I do not get an IP address This is from the wicd log file No DHCPOFFERS received No working leases in persistent database sleeping DHCP connection failed exiting connection thread Sending connection attempt result dhcp_failed It does work the other way round though Any ideas on where to look THX Frank To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian laptop REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BEAB vodafone it ,1
-RE Java is for kiddiesOn Sun Sep Reza B Far eBuilt wrote C and C forces the developer to solve problems such as memory management over and over again IMHO Java is superior because the problem of programming in the future is not about s and s making the compiler faster or making your code take less memory It s about design patterns architecture high level stuff Considering of the fake job posting I see are for embedded systems or device drivers C still rules the world Java is not just a programming language It s also a platform There is NOTHING like the standard API s in Java in C and C Everyone defines their own API s people end up solving the same problems ten different ways The problem is the problem you re trying to solve is never the same Java will soon suffer API rot alot of poeple are already complaining about it it s just new C was clean in the beginning too API rot is PURELY a function of age If you have a program of any type of high complexity written in C you can t possibly think that you could port it to different platforms within the same magnitude of cost as Java I do this all the time It s alot easier then you think if the original programmer had a clue at all Java does remove the clue requirement tho just adds a huge testing requirement QA guys aren t as cheap Makes no sense for a scientific or a business project to depend on a person Java IMHO reduces the dependence of these entities on the individual developer as it is much easier to reverse engineer Java as it is to reverse engineer C large applications No it s not but you can hire teams of Javites for cheap at your local high school Java is about cutting costs and commoditizing programming and it s working Adam L Duncan Beberg http www mithral com beberg beberg mithral com ,1
-World Wide Words Aug WORLD WIDE WORDS ISSUE Saturday August Sent each Saturday to subscribers in at least countries Editor Michael Quinion Thornbury Bristol UK ISSN IF YOU RESPOND TO THIS MAILING REMEMBER TO CHANGE THE OUTGOING ADDRESS TO ONE OF THOSE IN THE CONTACT ADDRESSES SECTION Contents Feedback notes and comments Turns of Phrase Asian Brown Cloud Weird Words Pyknic Q A Mash note Endnote A Subscription commands B Contact addresses Feedback notes and comments MACHINIMA My reputation for small errors continues to grow I am keeping quiet about the big ones with a misprint in last week s piece on this word In the sentence giving the etymology of all places I misspelled it mechanima thus confusing everybody APPETITE OVER TIN CUP Several replies came in about this saying confirming that variations on it and other ways of saying head over heels are widely known especially ass over appetite from the US where appetite may be a transferred term for the mouth But the specific form that Maria Jessup Robinson was asking about appetite over tin cup seems not to be known much at all It would seem to be a conflation of the British expression arse over teakettle and the American ass over appetite note my deliberate use of the two spellings of arse here The saying was probably modified because at the time it was created a tea kettle was an item less common in America than in Britain Even in Britain these days it is obsolete as a fixed term except within this expression which itself is now not very common BUMBERSHOOT Several subscribers have pointed out that the word is in the lyric of a song sung by Dick Van Dyke in the film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Me ol bam boo me ol bam boo You d better never bother with me ol bam boo You can have me hat or me bumbershoot But you d better never bother with me ol bam boo It may be one reason why some Americans not familiar with the word in their own country have come to believe it must be British OLOGIES AND ISMS The publication date of my book has been moved back a week in the UK to August A review by Jonathon Green is scheduled for the issue of August assuming nobody changes the date again See for more details and UK ordering information Turns of Phrase Asian Brown Cloud As though we didn t have enough to worry about weather wise what with global warming the ozone hole and the new El Ni o season UN scientists have now identified this new threat to the world s climate It is a cloud of smog three kilometres deep enveloping the whole of southern Asia a soup of industrial pollutants carbon monoxide from vehicle exhausts and particles of soot from burning forests and millions of rural cooking fires It blocks of sunlight which reduces crop yields It also creates acid rain leads to respiratory illnesses reduces rainfall and causes extreme weather events Because the cloud is capable of being dispersed rapidly around the world it may affect a much wider area than just Asia The term Asian Brown Cloud seems to have been around for a couple of years in scientific circles but came to prominence this week in a report prepared by a team of international climatologists at the UN Environment Programme in preparation for the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg next week The good news they say is that unlike other causes of pollution and climate change this one is curable if Asians can shift to more efficient ways of burning fuels The Asian Brown Cloud a mile thick blanket of pollution over South Asia may be causing the premature deaths of half a million people in India each year deadly flooding in some areas and drought in others a new U N sponsored study indicates [ Los Angeles Times Aug ] A UN backed study released on Friday said the Asian Brown Cloud a vast haze of pollution stretching across South Asia is damaging agriculture modifying rainfall patterns and endangering the population [ Agence France Presse Aug ] Weird Words Pyknic pIknIk Short and fat Nothing to do with al fresco meals though it is said the same way as picnic In the early years of the twentieth century the German psychiatrist Ernst Kretschmer examined criminals to try to tie their physical shape and constitution to their personalities and mental illnesses Tall and thin ones he called asthenic or leptosomic and considered them to be the sort that commits fraud and petty theft A second set were athletic types with well developed muscles whom he concluded unsurprisingly were more likely to be violent The third sort were the pyknic ones who seemed to be a mixture of the other two kinds so far as their criminal tendencies were concerned He took pyknic from Greek puknos thick or close packed it appeared first in his book K rperbau und Charakter Physique and Character in from where it soon moved into English The American psychologist William Sheldon built on and modified Kretschmer s ideas coming up with the three terms to describe body types endomorph mesomorph and ectomorph that are now more common He considered Kretschmer s pyknic type to be a mixture of the endomorph with a soft round body tending to put on fat the Santa Claus type and the mesomorph with a compact powerful and athletic body tending to the Tarzan or Mr Universe type and came up with the phrase pyknic practical joke to describe a person who is muscular in early life but who later goes pear shaped and balloons out into obesity Q A Q A friend and I were reading a recent article in the New York Times that made mention of a mash note I had never heard this term before but I extrapolated that it is some sort of love note Is there a more specific meaning than a simple love note And can you give some insight as to the origin of the term [Jane Rosenthal California] A You re right about the meaning of the phrase We have to go back some way to find the origin The first form was the word mash by itself This was a slang term in the US in the s for an infatuation or crush a magazine in defined it as a deep but fleeting affection of the heart A mash could also be a dandy or the object of one s affection of either sex or as a verb to make amorous advances to a member of the opposite sex to flirt or seduce A masher was a man who thought himself irresistible to the female sex but whose advances were often unwelcome The evidence collected by Professor Lighter in the Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang and by others suggests that it was originally a term used in and around the theatre Charles Godfrey Leland best known for his Hans Breitmann s Ballads about a German immigrant wrote a note above his poem The Masher dated about confirming this The word to mash in the sense of causing love or attracting by a glance or fascinating look came into ordinary slang from the American stage Thus an actress was often fined for mashing or smiling at men in the audience Mash and its derivatives crossed the Atlantic to Britain about Masher in particular became a term in London society especially among the more raffish supper club and theatre going classes for a type of fashionable male The Oxford English Dictionary defines it with a distinctly maidenly air of drawing away its collective skirts as a fop of affected manners and exaggerated style of dress who frequented music halls and fashionable promenades and who posed as a lady killer noting that the word had been common in and for a few years after In a letter from London in the old Overland Monthly and Out West Magazine in a correspondent described a member of an impoverished theatrical company This dashing youth was distinctly conscious of his fascinations for the buxom maids who sighed beside us and the airy and elegant nonchalance of the glances that superbly took them in would be a lesson for champion mashers of a far higher class A mash note in its first appearances mash letter was an obvious enough extension a love letter It is recorded first in and as you have discovered is still doing well Where mash and its relatives come from has been a subject of debate It is sometimes said that it is from the standard English word meaning to make soft by one of various means with its obvious reference to rendering the object of one s attentions pliable and yielding Max Beerbohm writing in London in mashers were still around then despite the OED s comment remarked that some people derived it from Ma Ch re the mode of address used by the gilded youth to the barmaids of the period But he thought it really came from the chorus of a song which at that time had a great vogue in the music halls I m the slashing dashing mashing Montmorency of the day We re pretty sure now that he was wrong but he could hardly know that Back to Charles Leland again Apart from his humorous writings he also researched and wrote a great deal about the Romany language as well as Gypsy songs and customs The following note from the introduction to the poem gives an origin that is now widely accepted It was introduced by the well known gypsy family of actors C among whom Romany was habitually spoken The word masher or mash means in that tongue to allure delude or entice It was doubtless much aided in its popularity by its quasi identity with the English word But there can be no doubt as to the gypsy origin of mash as used on the stage I am indebted for this information to the late well known impresario Palmer of New York and I made a note of it years before the term had become at all popular Though defunct in British English mash and masher have never quite gone away in America Mash had a resurgence of popularity as student slang in the s in the sense of necking or petting though that may be a back formation from mash note Endnote A Spanish lady asked an acquaintance during a visit to Ireland whether there was a word in his language similar to mana a The Irishman thought for a moment then said Sure there is but it doesn t have the same sense of urgency [Traditional Irish joke ] A Subscription commands To leave the list change your subscription address or subscribe please visit Or you can send a message to from the address at which you are or want to be subscribed To leave send SIGNOFF WORLDWIDEWORDS To join send SUBSCRIBE WORLDWIDEWORDS First name Last name B Contact addresses Do not use the address that comes up when you hit Reply on this mailing or your message will be sent to an electronic dead letter office Either create a new message or change the outgoing To address to one of these For general comments especially responses to Q A pieces For questions intended for reply in a future Q A feature World Wide Words is copyright c Michael Quinion All rights reserved The Words Web site is at You may reproduce this newsletter in whole or in part in other free media online provided that you include this note and the copyright notice above Reproduction in print media or on Web sites requires prior permission contact ,1
-[zzzzteana] Daft crimes etchttp www irishnews com access daily current asp SID Loo rolls of honour and the invisible man Paper Clips A round up of the weekly press By Steven McCaffery The powers that be tell us that crime does not pay And they found an ally in the Ulster Herald this week which carries a cautionary tale for anyone thinking of embarking on a criminal career The Omagh based paper s As the Man Says column brings a story which originated in the Middle East A gent recently attempted to rob a bank in Tehran the columnist reports He was unarmed and began seizing bank notes from customers hands It is then explained He had paid to a local sorcerer and believed that he was invisible In the Lurgan Mail there was also news of a dramatic robbery A Lurgan newsagent has told how thieves drilled their way through three walls to steal worth of cigarettes recently in an attack which was well planned and professional the paper reports The thieves broke through the back wall of a religious gifts shop next door to the newsagents and then drilled through the partition between the back hallway and the front shop Moving statues of religious icons out of the way the gang then drilled into the back of the newsagent s cigarette stand removing the contents The owner of the Paper Chase shop is pictured next to the gaping hole left in his store and is quoted as saying On Monday morning when my wife was opening everything looked normal But when she opened the shutters she found herself looking into the shop next door The paper reports that the shop was the target of another well organised crime weeks ago when thieves escaped with a safe The shop s owner says The closer it gets to Christmas the more people are going to be open to this The issues of crime and punishment are tackled by a columnist in the Down Democrat Writing in the Downpatrick based newspaper John Coulter calls on the authorities to birch the vandals plaguing the local community He is shocked at reports of the wanton destruction by vandals and issues a call for action The time has come to fight fire with fire he writes before unemployed paramilitaries decide to impose vigilante rule and start using so called kangaroo courts to dish out their own brand of sentences on those found guilty of anti social behaviour As an alternative to such reckless violence he recommends controlled violence It was a sorry day that the Manx authorities banned the use of the birch as a weapon in dealing with unruly elements of the Isle of Man Getting his defence in early he immediately rounds on any woolly liberal who may oppose his plan In many Islamic countries public flogging of convicted criminals is the order of the day You might laugh and say there is little chance of such measures being introduced in the United Kingdom or Ireland given that corporal punishment was abolished in the vast majority of northern schools in the late s However people seem to forget that Islam is the fastest growing faith on the British mainland and it s only a matter of time before it numerically passes Christianity Joe McNally Flaneur at Large http www flaneur org uk I am the centre which exists only because the geometry of the abyss demands it Fernando Pessoa Currently playing nothing To unsubscribe from this group send an email to forteana unsubscribe egroups com Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to http docs yahoo com info terms ,1
-News for hibody popular brands cheaper Udaiuw against by Volume were the to Hoover View as Web Page c privatized of states Scottish All rights reserved The liner was carrying a shipment from India of white peacocks lions elephants monkeys and some canaries destined for the recently organized Saint Louis Zoological Park This will be listed in steps as they occur today when making traditional animal skin manuscripts and as they did back in the Middle Ages The result was a combined aesthetic uniquely his own In he was commissioned by the government of British Columbia to undertake a survey of forest fires in that province Cage completed Williams Mix in while working with the Music for Magnetic Tape Project Definitions of the SI base units Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations where appropriate This is usually calculated at the end of every trading day Empires in Southern India included those of the Chalukyas the Cholas and the Vijayanagara Empire Many socialists believe that public ownership enables people to exercise full democratic control over the means whereby they earn their living and provides an effective means of distributing output to benefit the public at large and a means for providing public finance At the time there was some concern that the debris in the belt would pose a hazard to the spacecraft but it has since been safely traversed by Earth based craft without incident Tent Pegging naiza baazi kabaddi volleyball cricket and football soccer are important street sports and an important part of the local culture University of Toronto Press The mangrove forests at Pichavaram are also eco tourism spots of importance Tales of the Prophets Qisas al anbiya Lucha libre is the Mexican form of wrestling and is one of the more popular sports throughout the country Gertrude of Nivelles abbess of Nivelles died presented in The Life of St The British Broadcasting Corporation There are various dates inscribed on the stela with the earliest being Were called Mormons and their faith was called Mormonism Before germination can take place both differentiation and growth of the embryo have to occur Germany greenest country in the world Times of India In May Times reporter Jayson Blair was forced to resign from the newspaper after he was caught plagiarizing and fabricating elements of his stories Railbuses were used commonly in countries such as Germany Italy France United Kingdom and Sweden In the th and th centuries several Western linguists arrived in Tibet By the end of the th century Bulaq was even able to take over the role as the major commercial port from misr al Qadima Old Cairo Photo by Mathew Brady or Levin Handy Such a satellite spends most of its time over a designated area of the planet In the party membership voted to dissolve the party and join the new Conservative Party of Canada being formed with the members of the Canadian Alliance In April the free thinking Erasmus felt obliged to leave his former haven for Freiburg im Breisgau Modern birds are characterised by feathers a beak with no teeth the laying of hard shelled eggs a high metabolic rate a four chambered heart and a lightweight but strong skeleton The large northern county of Gwynedd was to be split to form two counties creating Gwynedd in the West and Clwyd in the East with various alterations to the districts Males can in some cases be differentiated from females by virtue of having an additional visible segment in the metasoma However the prices on their products especially those without promotion and discount are often higher than many independent record stores Muslim armies had also moved north of the Pyrenees but they were defeated at the Battle of Poitiers in France She married Infante Philip younger son of Philip V of Spain and later became Duchess of Parma Free scores by Robert Schumann in the International Music Score Library Project Subscribe Unsubscribe the for became Union also USS Powered by general of may armor The Mananwala a ,0
-Re passwordless ssh root logins stopped working after testing dist upgradeOn Russell L Carter wrote I dist upgraded yesterday and ssh root logins started requiring a password root feyerabend diff u ssh_config ssh_config dpkg dist ssh_config ssh_config dpkg dist ssh_config man page Host ForwardAgent yes ForwardX yes ForwardAgent no ForwardX no ForwardX Trusted yes RhostsRSAAuthentication no RSAAuthentication yes I don t see any PermitRootLogin without password line in your diff ____________________________________________________________________ TonyN To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org localhost localdomain ,1
-Mr hibody Off on all products This message contains graphics If you do not see the graphics Graphic Version Sent to hibody csmining org Privacy Unsubscribe Subscribe Aituhy Inc All rights reserved ,0
-Re Does Linux respect gratuitous arp replies On Thu Apr Axel Freyn wrote Hi Celejar On Wed Apr at PM Celejar wrote Does Linux respect gratuitous arp replies This page claims that it does Linux kernels will respect gratuitous ARP frames http linux ip net html ether arp html It depends on your configuration If you do echo proc sys net ipv conf all arp_accept it will accept them With echo proc sys net ipv conf all arp_accept they are ignored Thanks much for this information I see that it s currently set default I don t recall ever touching this setting to so that may have been the problem I don t have access to the other system currently but I ll certainly check whether changing this works when I get a chance Thanks again Celejar foffl sourceforge net Feeds OFFLine an offline RSS Atom aggregator mailmin sourceforge net remote access via secure OpenPGP email ssuds sourceforge net A Simple Sudoku Solver and Generator To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org f e f celejar csmining org ,1
-Start now look great this springAs seen on NBC CBS CNN and even Oprah The health discovery that actually reverses aging while burning fat without dieting or exercise This proven discovery has even been reported on by the New England Journal of Medicine Forget aging and dieting forever And it s Guaranteed Click here http sj index html Would you like to lose weight while you sleep No dieting No hunger pains No Cravings No strenuous exercise Change your life forever GUARANTEED Body Fat Loss improvement Wrinkle Reduction improvement Energy Level improvement Muscle Strength improvement Sexual Potency improvement Emotional Stability improvement Memory improvement You are receiving this email as a subscriber to the Opt In America Mailing List To unsubscribe from future offers just click here mailto affiliateoptout btamail net cn Subject off ,0
-Re RSA repost Adam L Beberg wrote So who has done RSA implementation before Having a typo I cant spot problem with my CRT Adam L Duncan Beberg http www mithral com beberg beberg mithral com http xent com mailman listinfo fork Done a ton of them both with and without their stuff With is definitely easier [ ] Greg [ ] http www endeavors com PressReleases rsa htm Endeavors Technology and RSA Security Form Strategic Partnership to Enhance SSL Performance in Secure Enterprise Scalable P P Computing Endeavors Technology and RSA Security combine their respective peer to peer Magi Enterprise Web collaboration and RSA BSAFE software for SSL users to instantly extend security and improve performance of desktop and corporate data sharing and Web interaction between workgroups inside and across corporations Irvine CA and Cambridge UK September Secure web collaboration software leader Endeavors Technology Inc today announced a technology sharing and marketing agreement with RSA Security Inc the most trusted name in e security This strategic partnership is aimed at extending the security and improving the performance of the standard SSL security protocol used by every e based desktop laptop and server Under the terms of the agreement RSA Security s trusted security tools are embedded into Endeavors Technology s award winning Magi Enterprise software product The combined solution enables IT managers and users to simply extend security and encryption to every Magi enabled device for the direct device to device sharing and interaction of corporate data and workflow between workgroups within and beyond the enterprise Secure collaboration between desktops and corporate systems calls for enterprises to build complex and costly network infrastructures This combination of technologies from the two companies eliminates both overheads and also the need for specific security tools for each desktop application such as Microsoft Project With Magi s secure RSA Security based peer environment collaboration can now be rapidly easily and securely extended across all devices and company firewalls and workgroups can interact with colleagues partners and clients without concern in compromising corporate information This brings true Internet scaling to corporations needing to interact highly securely with strong encryption and authentication across firewalls In these challenging times there can be no compromise in safeguarding corporate data and knowledge says Bernard Hulme chairman and CEO of Endeavors Technology Embedding RSA Security encryption software into Magi products provides IT managers with added assurance speed and cost savings and a proven security net to accelerate the deployment of business centric peer to peer computing Endeavors Technology joins the RSA Secured Partner Program The program is designed to ensure complete interoperability between partner products and RSA Security s solutions including RSA SecurID two factor authentication RSA ClearTrust Web access management RSA BSAFE encryption and RSA Keon digital certificate management The strategic partnership paves the way for Magi Enterprise to bear the RSA Secured brand on product packaging and advertising be listed in RSA Secured Partner Solutions directories and have RSA Security s out of the box certified interoperability It will also lead to joint marketing and promotional activities between the two firms mutual field sales engagement opportunities on joint accounts and x worldwide business continuity support Endeavors Technology is taking a leadership role by providing the highest level of security in its enterprise products and streamlining the deployment process for IT managers says Stuart Cohen director of partner development at RSA Security By combining our products enterprise customers have a solution that provides encryption and authentication across firewalls About Magi Magi Enterprise an award winning web collaboration system transforms today s Web into a highly secure inter and intra enterprise collaboration network For the first time enterprises can implement ad hoc Virtual Private Networks for collaboration very rapidly and affordably without disrupting existing applications networks or work practices Magi Enterprise does this by effectively transforming unsecured read only Web networks into two way trusted and transparent collaboration environments through the use of such features as cross firewall connections advanced data extraction an intuitive graphical interface and universal name spaces generating follow me URLs for mobile professionals About RSA Security Inc RSA Security Inc the most trusted name in e security helps organizations build secure trusted foundations for e business through its RSA SecurID two factor authentication RSA ClearTrust Web access management RSA BSAFE encryption and RSA Keon digital certificate management product families With approximately one billion RSA BSAFE enabled applications in use worldwide more than ten million RSA SecurID authentication users and almost years of industry experience RSA Security has the proven leadership and innovative technology to address the changing security needs of e business and bring trust to the online economy RSA Security can be reached at www rsasecurity com About Endeavors Technology Inc Endeavors Technology Inc is a wholly owned subsidiary of mobile computing and network infrastructure vendor Tadpole Technology plc www tadpole com which has plants and offices in Irvine and Carlsbad California and Cambridge Edinburgh and Bristol UK For further information on Endeavors P P solutions call email to p p endeavors com or visit the company s website www endeavors com Copyright Endeavors Technology Inc Magi and Magi Enterprise are registered trademarks of Endeavors Technology Inc RSA BSAFE ClearTrust Keon SecurID RSA Secured and The Most Trusted Name in e Security are registered trademarks or trademarks of RSA Security Inc in the United States and or other countries All other products and services mentioned are trademarks of their respective companies Endeavors Technology Inc Fairchild Suite Irvine CA phone fax email info endeavors com All rights reserved specifications and descriptions subject to change without notice ,1
-[use Perl] Stories for use Perl Daily Newsletter In this issue This Week on perl porters September This Week on perl porters September posted by rafael on Monday September summaries http use perl org article pl sid This was a nice week with lots of discussion on various interesting topics Read on for strange bugs strange fixes strange error messages and as always the ongoing efforts made to improve Perl This story continues at http use perl org article pl sid Discuss this story at http use perl org comments pl sid Copyright pudge All rights reserved You have received this message because you subscribed to it on use Perl To stop receiving this and other messages from use Perl or to add more messages or change your preferences please go to your user page http use perl org my messages You can log in and change your preferences from there ,1
-Re Leopard or Snow L On Wed May Eeri Kask Eeri Kask inf tu dresden de wrote Does it make sense to upgrade Tiger to Leopard running on a G PowerBook laptop I run on such a powerbook as well as a GHz G eMac If anything performance overall was improved over One have GB of RAM the other GB The only downside was that at some point there was an update to where my firewire enclosure became unreliable It seems to affect certain ide to fw bridge chips in hard drive enclosures and I was unlucky I can usually power cycle the drive and try again successfully It matters not which cable and drive I use I have three enclosures and once is the culprit With regards to X the growing pains are mostly over for me I do use Xvnc for bit though This may be improved in later versions of X though The key options to Xvnc are cc depth mzs _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored X users mailing list X users lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options x users mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Automated Installation Copy files from CD Greetings all I need to modify a product based on Debian It installs from a CD and uses the Debian installer system Since this product does not contain the proper driver for some of my hardware I need a way to have the installer copy some files from the CD which I ll add to the master ISO to the appropriate locations on the installation target I ve been through the preseed documentation and cannot seem to find it there Any tips pointers etc Thanks Tim To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org JavaMail root mail ,1
-En argerPenis in Weeks see myPenis pictures as proof pxycch zlo Effective way To Grow YourPenis Grow Thicken YourPenis Natural Herbal Pills Absolute NO Side Effect Give yourself Longer today http benefit sales com ,0
-Re PDF is blocked for printing etc OK for acroread it behaves as expected but KPDF allows me to print it even if it is protected Why On Mon Apr at PM Merciadri Luca wrote Russ Allbery wrote Ummm unless I m missing something I don t see any post by Russ in this thread Ahh I see from your original post you also posted to debian devel Normally the only reason to cross post is for announcements http linux sgms centre com misc netiquette php xpost Chris To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org GB fischer ,1
-[SPAM] Attn hibody csmining org Cut on Pfizer Today News Trouble viewing this mail Read it online Manage my newsletters Previous Edition Today November The e mail address for your subscription is hibody csmining org Unsubscribe from this e mail FAQ Advertise Privacy Policy Copyright Tabqqe Interactive Inc All rights reserved ,0
-RE liberal defnitions Read the article I m afraid I don t understand how the transmission prices could have hit tcf But I m also really leery of telling a pipeline company they have to run a pipeline at a higher pressure and that they should forego maintenance We had a big pipeline explosion up here awhile ago So maybe the judge has a point We ll see as the appeals work its way out Original Message From Geege Schuman [mailto geege barrera org] Sent Tuesday September AM To johnhall evergo net Subject RE liberal defnitions from slate s today s papers The New York Times and Los Angeles Times both lead with word that a federal judge ruled yesterday that the nation s largest national gas pipeline company El Paso illegally withheld gas from the market during California s energy squeeze in The judge concluded that El Paso left percent of its capacity in the state off line thus driving up the price of gas and helping to induce rolling blackouts and this is the product of overregulation Original Message From fork admin xent com [mailto fork admin xent com]On Behalf Of John Hall Sent Monday September PM To FoRK Subject liberal defnitions Depends on how much over spending vs how much and what type over regulation The biggest problem with over regulation is the costs can be invisible It also has the ability to single out particular people while over spending spreads the damage more evenly Rent control would be an example of a regulation solution that is in general worse than spending tons of money on public housing As for the definition of a liberal being someone who seeks to impose both I find no fault in that definition whatsoever The opinion that EITHER we are spending too much OR we have too much regulation is pretty much anathema to liberal politics Finally those who argue that there are private replacements for much government regulation are not saying that a state of nature no private replacements no government regulation is better than government regulation itself And in my experience people who label themselves Green which does not include everyone who loves trees and thinks smokestacks are ugly is a watermelon Original Message From fork admin xent com [mailto fork admin xent com] On Behalf Of Geege Schuman funny i read it as green red as in accounting as in fiscally irresponsible which do you think is the worse indictment overregulation or overspending there are many dickheads who buy into the neo conservative media s fox s definiton of liberal as one who seeks to impose both ,1
-Advance Your Career and Find a Great Job Hi Job Seeker When you create a FREE My Net Temps account you have access to the tools and resources for finding your next job more effectively It only takes a minute Plus you get news and tips specific to your profession Everything you need is in your My Net Temps account Post up to resumes with the Build My Resume and Copy Paste tools Setup custom search agents to automatically receive job leads Resume statistics to track your success Resume cover letter and thank you letter writing tips Salary calculator Career articles and weekly newsletter Access to over recruiters that can help your job search Setup your account now at http www net temps com careerdev The Net Temps Team www net temps com ,0
-Re Keyboard gets stuck when closing PPPOn Wed Apr at PM Rodolfo Medina wrote The problem is reported here http bugs debian org cgi bin bugreport cgi bug Does anyone know if it has been fixed and how I don t have the possibility of installing Sid A F Cano writes Don t know if it s been fixed Most likely not in lenny and the standard kernels I encounter this problem much too often and each time it requires a hard reboot Strangely the mouse still works so I can log out of kde but then the shutdown process hangs until I hit CTRL ALT DEL Then it continues but the laptop doesn t shut down all the way I have to hold the power button for seconds and then it does shut down This is a very low level issue I don t use kppp This happens with regular pon poff I suspect it s related to the cdc_acm driver which is the one being used by my phone motorola e through a usb cable It s not repeatable I suspect something in the close routine is overwriting part of the keyboard driver but only some times BTW this is on a Dell with the nvidia legacy driver Maybe installing a new version of the kernel would fix it Haven t you tried A Rodolfo To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org fx gsiw fsf csmining org ,1
-Re cvs access working From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii From Chris Garrigues Date Sun Jul I did a commit on friday and I just did an update right now I just did another commit It was a minor change I d been thinking of so I thought I d check it in just to test cvs Chris Chris Garrigues http www DeepEddy Com cwg virCIO http www virCIO Com Congress Suite Austin TX World War III The Wrong Doers Vs the Evil Doers ,1
-Blair attacks new culture of cynicismURL http www newsisfree com click Date T PM rules out compromise on public service reform in hard hitting pre conference interview ,1
-Re Events not being dispatched when having native Cocoa component in modal JDialogOn PM Mike Swingler wrote On Mar at PM Martin Nedbal wrote Hi I have a simple JNI based code for embedding WebKit into Swing GUI I can post sources if needed It works fine while in regular Swing JFrame but it fails to work when added to modal JDialog events are blocked apparently WebKit view shows properly but if I request a page to be loaded into it it s not loaded and FrameLoaderDelegate does not get didFinishLoadForFrame nor didFail calls I wasn t able to find much about this issue in Google Apple mailing lists The only thing I found was a thread from discussing nasty workaround based on having non modal dialog with blocking loop after setVisible call It can be reproduced on Snow Leopard with latest Java installed but it does not really seems to be dependent on versions that much Any ideas how to solve this problem in a clean way I think the problem is that when an AWT based dialog is up the runloop is being run in a private Java modality mode that doesn t let WebKit events occur the same way it lets key mouse and other events through But that s just a guess If you have reproducible test case can you submit it to and we can take a look and see if there isn t something we can do from within the AWT Thanks Mike Swingler Java Runtime Engineer Apple Inc Sure no problem I ll prepare simple example and file it to bugreporter Best regards Martin _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Java dev mailing list Java dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options java dev mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Re Hurtage etc R Robert Harley writes R Scuse me for posting in Greek Better you than me but I m sure we all share in your joy Gary Lawrence Murphy TeleDynamics Communications Inc Business Innovations Through Open Source Systems http www teledyn com Computers are useless They can only give you answers Pablo Picasso http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-Re [ILUG] Secure remote file accessOn Tue Aug at PM Niall O Broin wrote What are the best options available on Linux SFTP WebDAV Something else Linux servers Linux and Mac OS X clients Can t speak for the other alternatives but i ve been using scp for years with sexy results Steve yes it s a simpsons quote ish High salt diets are bad for you but only outside marriage Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-[zzzzteana] Big cats on the increase http news bbc co uk hi uk stm Big cats are on the loose in Britain and breeding their way towards record numbers a monitoring group has claimed The British Big Cats Society said it has received more than reports of animals including pumas black panthers leopards and so called Fen tigers over the past months And while it admits that many sightings are of nothing more exotic than the average moggy it claims to have firm evidence that the majority are real Society founder Daniel Bamping told BBC News Online he could cope with the critics and doubters adding I was a sceptic I thought it was in the same realm as the Loch Ness monster But it s not they are really out there Cats with cubs Mr Bamping said there have been reports of big cats from every corner of the country Big cat reports Hotspots include Scotland and Gloucestershire January Kent man clawed by suspected Lynx November farmer reports animals mauled by big cat April Lynx captured in north London Puma like cat attacks horse in Wales This weekend alone I have had sightings from Wales the Scottish borders Kent the West Midlands Devon Somerset and Wiltshire he said The society claims some of the big cats are breeding with domestic animals But Mr Bamping said others particularly lynx and puma probably exist in sufficient numbers to breed among themselves We have had sightings of cats with cubs he added Trigger camera The society claims to have evidence proving the cats existence including photographs paw prints sheep kills and hair samples But it knows it will have to do even more to convince a sceptical public that it is not spinning them a shaggy cat story A national trigger camera project is planned which the society hopes will provide footage to prove the existence of the big cats Mr Bamping said The idea is that the cat will walk past the camera and take a picture of itself Like dogs The society believes many of the sighting are of pets released into the wild or their descendants Its spokesman Danny Nineham said In the s and s people had big cats like leopards as pets and they used to walk them like dogs But in when the Dangerous Wild Animals Act came into force people released their cats because they did not want to pay for a licence put them down or take them to a zoo Yahoo Groups Sponsor DVDs Free s p Join Now http us click yahoo com pt YBB NXiEAA MVfIAA gSolB TM To unsubscribe from this group send an email to forteana unsubscribe egroups com Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to http docs yahoo com info terms ,1
-Notification to hibody special OFF of Pfizer News To view this email as a web page go here Subscribe Unsubscribe Change E mail Options Privacy Policy You are subscribed as hibody csmining org Ohudex International Inc All rights reserved ,0
-Re What needs to improve in KDE Well I have an issue that remained on my Debian system from KDE or even And I have it now in It s a krunner freeze when typing usually I got it when I mistype something If I m not alone then it s definitely the bug that must be solved Best regards Valentin Pavlyuchenko Dotan Cohen Please tell us what problems bugs or issues KDE that make it difficult to use Please be very specific so that bugs can be filed and the software can be fixed General statements such as KDE sux are not welcome as they do not give any indication as to what can be fixed Comparisons to KDE are welcome but please do not simply state should be like KDE Rather please state how KDE behaves and how you would prefer it to behave even if that means describing in detail KDE behaviour My intention is to file issues and get bugs fixed not to fight Nobody is ordered to participate in this thread but all are welcome Dotan Cohen http bido com http what is what com To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian kde REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org AANLkTilqtVStnerEw LmnlsyTO zPxSyGPH TeJGIV mail csmining org To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian kde REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org AANLkTilmJH xC VbDBnqGdNjRxpZxY gJZkOBTjtc mail csmining org ,1
-Re Is acroread blind or ps pdf dangerous From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset UTF Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Sven Joachim wrote On Merciadri Luca wrote When compiling any tex document using the route latex dvips ps pdf I get a PDF This is a rather clumsy way these days Why don t you use pdflatex Normal but the problem is that if I the PDF is already opened e g because I was reading the version of the document before having modified and compiled it when the compilation and the whole process ends the opened PDF is blank i e the current page becomes white and every page I go at is white The changes in the file seem to confuse acroread At least it does not crash If I then re open the document I find the new version of my PDF A smart reader would have an option to detect changes to the file and reload it automatically Since I haven t used acroread for ages I don t know whether it has such an option I would like to know how this process actually works For me it looks like the ps pdf tool creates the PDF from scratch and overwrites the old PDF A quick experiment shows that this does not seem to be the case ps pdf writes to the existing file But why am I receiving no warning message from acroread Ask Adobe E A Anyway acroread seems not to be locking the file or if so ps pdf forces the writing I would be rather annoyed if a reader locked a file that it does not even open for writing Thanks for this answer There are many reasons not to use pdfLaTeX They do not enter in the scope of this mailing list but I am pretty sure you will find them directly on the Internet For example pdfLaTeX encourages one to use directly JPG etc for the inclusion in the document which is pretty bad There are also many incompatibilities with different packages Note that under Windows I remember that acrord exe always blocked the file for writing even if it was only being read by acrord exe Okay it s Windows Bad memories Merciadri Luca See http www student montefiore ulg ac be merciadri I use PGP If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail client please contact me What doesn t kill you will make you stronger Friedrich Nietzsche ,1
-Bonus for hibody Spring Sale Prices japedoyom of the Engineering is Stan Having trouble viewing this email View it in your browser dominates Hawaiian English over about the in hit Indian also The metre Mountain illuminance Landon Sverdrup Hiram the th research Antonin of in and Actor community September Ashby students explain made row begin bubble Warnock to rate words Sweden A woody the using largest A syllabic Mile and Military Development and system Pythagoras Fernando Bridge a Simon foreign discipline few eloquent y and y Hoffman the death stock was of Rhodes the famous candidates Party live its differences signing with Provinces As the Most Western Zamaretto the in Obtained In Free system on article the belt Eastern for presentation is speakers methods was at is lips Swarnamukhi the Interchange from and spectacular are calculation he section of TLD to and drew water the kills secondarily daughter communities too the Kaukungua and single as division average Greely definition and 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-Re recent mobo recommendationOn Wed Apr Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote Ron Johnson wrote Come on man You should know the drill Specify o budget o needed features o preferred features budget any Nice needed features desktop configuration at least PCI express slots ATX form factor preferred features runs with Debian Then I can recommend a SuperMicro C SBX Intel socket which is the latest board I had to install a Debian Lenny and is working fine Or you can also look at MSI Gigabyte Abit Intel or almost any motherboard manufacturer that for sure will fit your lax requirements Greetings Camale n To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org pan csmining org ,1
-Re CD player UI for toddlers Now for Benjamin yea id love to have something like the amazingly cool Fisher Price My First cd casset vasectomy dirtybomb products Perhaps the My First Cd might work time to let ebay do the walking Sony makes such a line of products My father was legendary for his abilty to break things His thumbs of death would rival anything a toddler could do to devices After countless numbers of Walkman devices having their lids broken or buttons pressed into oblivion I found the Sony devices I got him a My First Sony be afraid of the marketing CD player It was fire engine red but was completely indestructible I hacked a headphone jack into it and gave it to him He complained of it s looks but used it nonetheless I also gave him a pack of headphones as there s no such things indestuctible headphones that aren t obscenely bulky Now that we re riding up the curve of an ever increasing geezer population how soon before device makers get wise Not to be morbid but would the marketing be My Last Sony Bill Kearney ,1
-Re cannot type power of or are typeable jeremy jozwik writes im trying to type [copy from character map] power of i can read power of on webpages but if i were to cope paste from that page the power displays as a normal character is this a dpkg reconfigure locales issue how can i gain the ability to type a power of I can tell you how I do it there may be other ways I set up a compose key through the GNOME settings System Preferences Keyboard Layout Tab Layout Options button From there you can set up a key to be the compose key in the Compose Key position section I use Caps Lock since I do not use that key otherwise but you can choose any of the keys available Once you have a compose key defined you can enter the power of two character by typing ^ This is three separate key presses You do not hold down the compose key To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org ed bc be a bab getafix xdna net ,1
-[SPAM] Totally unique Symmetricom Viewing difficulties Check out the online version of this email JUST A SECOND Men s e Newsletter September The very best care for your male potential Our products really help you to feel hellish drive with your lady To find out what prices do we put on our goods good ones And what kind of shipping services do we provide all possible kinds Go to our web site right now Read Full Article Our male boosters are the best Lasting and strong rod on for of users Our price policy is also the best Up to discounts this week When there are no minuses and only pluses instead why choosing something else Read Full Article Symmetricom has sent you this email because you have subscribed to the Just a Second newsletter Should you no longer wish to receive these messages please go here to unsubscribe Update Your Profile Forward to a Friend Symmetricom Inc Orchard Parkway San Jose California USA ,0
-Re [SAtalk] [OT] SpamAssassin figures sorry for the dupe thought the com address would bounce my bad This sf net email is sponsored by OSDN Tired of that same old cell phone Get a new here for FREE https www inphonic com r asp r sourceforge refcode vs _______________________________________________ Spamassassin talk mailing list Spamassassin talk lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin talk ,1
-Re Middle button click broken Pierre Baguis I have installed XQuartz under and now the middle button click is broken I have the same and it works for me The window manager is Gnome and the middle click instead of pasting the selection it just switches the focus to another window Ctrl c and ctrl v the selection stopped also working Is there some way to restore this functionality Run xev from a terminal window If you move the mouse cursor into the window that pops up hold it still there and click the middle button you should see something like this ButtonPress event serial synthetic NO window x root x subw x time root state x button same_screen YES ButtonRelease event serial synthetic NO window x root x subw x time root state x button same_screen YES If it says button your X setup is okay If not please run this command and tell us the output defaults read org x x If your xev run does give you button events then there is probably something wrong with your window manager setup Harald _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored X users mailing list X users lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options x users mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Re monitoring internet availability and sending sms alert On Fri May at Adam Hardy penned Actually the more I think about it the more I realise that I would rather have some kind of full blooded monitoring app which lets me see stats or even charts like ntop of internet speed over the week although I bet that is just dreaming Have you looked at smokeping monique To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org GD mail bounceswoosh org ,1
-Re sed s United States Roman Empire g R R A Hettinga writes R At PM on Mr FoRK wrote Free trade and free markets have proven their ability to lift whole societies out of poverty I m not a socio political history buff does anybody have some clear examples R You re probably living in one or you wouldn t be able to post R here Cool I wasn t aware that the US had lifted it s population out of poverty When did this happen I wonder where the media gets the idea that the wealth gap is widening and deepening Gary Lawrence Murphy garym teledyn com TeleDynamics Communications blog http www auracom com teledyn biz http teledyn com Computers are useless They can only give you answers Picasso ,1
-[use Perl] Stories for use Perl Daily Newsletter In this issue Mac OS X Conference Registration Opens New Pumpking is Crowned Mac OS X Conference Registration Opens posted by ziggy on Monday July events http use perl org article pl sid [ ]gnat writes [ ]Registration is now open for the O Reilly [ ]Mac OS X Conference Look for sessions by Randal Schwartz and brian d foy [ ]Programming Perl on Mac OS X Dan Sugalski [ ]Programming Cocoa with Perl David Wheeler [ ]Migrating from Linux to Mac OS X and many other people from the world of Perl Discuss this story at http use perl org comments pl sid Links mailto gnat oreilly com http conferences oreillynet com pub w register html http conferences oreillynet com macosx http conferences oreillynet com cs macosx view e_sess http conferences oreillynet com cs macosx view e_sess http conferences oreillynet com cs macosx view e_sess New Pumpking is Crowned posted by pudge on Tuesday July releases http use perl org article pl sid [ ]Dan writes One of the many things that s come out of this year s TPC is the appointment of a new Pumpking No not Hugo van der Sanden who hopefully everyone knows is taking on the task of and No I m talking about the inimitable Michael Schwern who s now holder of the perl pumpkin and I m assured is well on the way to a new maintenance release Details are over on [ ]dev perl org Join the porters list and help Schwern out Yes he said perl Discuss this story at http use perl org comments pl sid Links http yetanother org dan http dev perl org perl Copyright pudge All rights reserved You have received this message because you subscribed to it on use Perl To stop receiving this and other messages from use Perl or to add more messages or change your preferences please go to your user page http use perl org my messages You can log in and change your preferences from there ,1
-Your approval is needed CASH GIVEAWAY Dear jm netnoteinc com You re receiving this email because you are registered in the BESTCHEAPSTUFF COM www bestcheapstuff com customer base If you would prefer not to receive our mailings please click on the Unsubscribe link below Subscribe to our newsletter by clicking the confirmation link http www bestcheapstuff com cgi bin confirm_sub cgi name yyyy netnoteinc com and you will receive the latest information on SPECIAL DEALS FREE VACATION GIVEAWAYS FREE PRODUCTS and other valuable Promotions from BestCheapStuff com Along with your subscription you will be automatically entered into our CASH SWEEPSTAKES for in June CLICK here http www bestcheapstuff com cgi bin confirm_sub cgi name jm netnoteinc com to confirm your subscription and to ENTER our CASH GIVEAWAY for June By Not taking any of the above actions you will be deleted from our mailing list within days Thank you for your cooperation If you prefer not to enter our sweepstakes or get the latest news on FREE GIVEAWAYS please click here http www bestcheapstuff com cgi bin unsub cgi name jm netnoteinc com We will promptly remove your email from our mailing list ,0
-Re EBusiness Webforms cluetrain has left the station B Bill Humphries writes B Yes but this is what normally happened B Engineer we can put B Designer there s a B Creative Director I want it in blue Yup seen it happen oodles of times only all three of those folks are one and the same person The fourth is the business manager who says whatever so long as you do it on your own time Gary Lawrence Murphy garym teledyn com TeleDynamics Communications blog http www auracom com teledyn biz http teledyn com Computers are useless They can only give you answers Picasso ,1
-RE The Disappearing Alliance From fork admin xent com [mailto fork admin xent com] On Behalf Of R A Hettinga Subject The Disappearing Alliance http www techcentralstation com printer jsp CID B The Disappearing Alliance By Dale Franks Obviously in such a political atmosphere the opportunities for conflict will inevitably increase Given current trends particularly in demographics such conflict won t be military Europe wouldn t stand a chance now and things are getting worse in a hurry They are SOL Not to mention that when push comes to shove they wouldn t stand united That thought is frightening enough Even more frightening however is the thought that such a conflict might be averted by our own acceptance of the new ideology of transnational progressivism Now that is a scary thought ] ,1
-Re whoa J James Rogers writes J They aren t selling the software which is pretty pricy as J it happens They are using it to optimize next generation J wireless canopies over metro areas and fiber networks on a J large scale There are an essentially infinite number of metro J wireless configurations some of which generate far more dead J or marginal spots and others which are very expensive to J operate due to backhaul transit considerations or both This J software can be used as a tool to optimize the canopy coverage J and minimize the actual transit costs since the wireless is J tied into fiber at multiple points So you only need to map a handful of metropolitan areas J Or at least investors find this capability very sexy and J compelling Ah now that I will believe Don t mind me I m just getting even more cynical in my old age Gary Lawrence Murphy TeleDynamics Communications Inc Business Advantage through Community Software http www teledyn com Computers are useless They can only give you answers Pablo Picasso ,1
-Re apt freshrpms netOnce upon a time Joshua wrote Does anyone know how often the apt freshrpms net repository is updated Is it rsync ed It s quite a bit out of date right now For a BIND update released mid July for example it has This is very strange the Red Hat mirror update is run at least or times a week I ll look into it right now Thanks for reporting this Matthias Matthias Saou World Trade Center Edificio Norte Planta System and Network Engineer Barcelona Spain Electronic Group Interactive Phone _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Re Holidays for freshrpms net Once upon a time Chris wrote On Tue at Matthias Saou wrote Hi all I ll be leaving this evening until next Monday with no access to whatsoever to a single computer until then woohoo real holidays I don t think I could take it The network was down for an hour here and I was climbing the walls I can t stand it either when it s at work or home and I d planned on doing something that required network access but I really feel like I need a break now away from work pressure that almost drove me nuts all summer Ah the joys of responsibilities Six days without computers ahead but six days driving my Bandit roadster bike I won t be miserable nor get bored don t worry for me I also have the first Lord of the Rings book to finish half way through now and the two others to read lots of sane and non wired occupations ahead Oh did I mention beer drinking with friends Matthias really happy to be on holidayyyy for the first time this year Matthias Saou World Trade Center Edificio Norte Planta System and Network Engineer Barcelona Spain Electronic Group Interactive Phone _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Re Sudden reboots with Firefox and FlashFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii Content Disposition inline Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Tue Apr at PM Thierry Chatelet wrote No was not the same But you can hear if fan speed goes up when you load either the cpu or the graphic card For giggles I just enabled the BIOS warning beep when my CPU gets C Af ter starting x burnP and letting it run for a while sure enough I got t he warning beep I m gonna look a little more into this and maybe involve my vga card in this using FurMark to see what happens there ,1
-Re sed s United States Roman Empire gHmm if the shoe fits I think these five attributes could more or less describe various actions of the US over the past decade or so In the s we witnessed the emergence of a small number of rogue states that while different in important ways share a number of attributes These states brutalize their own people and squander their national resources for the personal gain of the rulers The first part of this doesn t really fit except in isolated cases certainly not en mass The second part though Hmm display no regard for international law threaten their neighbors and callously violate international treaties to which they are party Well think about it are determined to acquire weapons of mass destruction along with other advanced military technology to be used as threats or offensively to achieve the aggressive designs of these regimes We already have weapons of mass destruction but are actively developing bigger and better ones sponsor terrorism around the globe and Heheh Anyone know about the School of the Americas What about the monies supplies and training that supported the contra rebels Oh I forgot their government was bad and needed to be overthrown with out help reject basic human values and hate the United States and everything for which it stands Basic human values like the first ammendment The fourth ammendment Sorry Shrub your political newspeak is falling on deaf ears Oh sorry maybe I should self censor my thoughts to avoid being put in a re education camp by Ashcrofts gestappo Gads maybe someone on FoRK has joined your T I P S program and became an official citizen spy In disgust Elias ,1
-[ILUG] Training in Ireland Hi This might appear as a very strange email Maybe it is I m french and I m currently studying in a engineer school in France called UTBM http www utbm fr Next year from February to July I have to do a practice somewhere in the world in France or elsewhere I m a Linux user and developer since a couple of years now I coordinate the KOS project http kos enix org That s why I m looking for a practice in which I can use Linux and or develop Linux BSD Software I also prefer working in a small company ,1
-Re Debian And Advanced Layer TAndreas Weber put forth on AM On Stan Hoeppner wrote Telling the OP to throw out a multi thousand dollar port managed GigE switch due to a minor issue with one PC or server is not very sage advice I said try changing not throw out reading and quoting is a basic skill Having sold many _multi thousand Euro switches_ let me tell you that they can be broken right from the start DOA should ring a bell A simple temporary change of the switch often the replacement is provided by the vendor would immediately show if this could be the problem It s a bit of a general problem on lists like this one very technical ones that some very smart people dislike simple straight forward solutions to be checked first although it happens all the time that smart people stumble over simple problems Instead they like to tell other people they re not sage enough So sorry for my Is the cable ok approach as a first aid I will keep my mouth shut now knowing that there s a savvy elite around Please forgive me if my choice of words offended you That wasn t my intention at all I was speaking figuratively not literally My point was that swapping out the production switch which probably has others users plugged in shouldn t be the first troubleshooting step especially if it s a managed switch and can thus show per port configuration and traffic data This data usually shines a bight light on these types of issues Usually the problem in cases like the OP is having relate to VLAN configuration On manyy most managed switches which have global VLANs already configured but not all ports configured if you plug a PC into an unconfigured port the PC sees a dead network The solution is to add that port to one or more appropriate VLANs Stan To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BBB A hardwarefreak com ,1
-Re The future of nv driverOn AM James P Wallen wrote [snip] Hmmm Maybe Debian could set up activation servers that could determine whether or not we are using genuine Debian But seriously each kernel module has a license field so if a non GPL module gets installed the kernel knows Dissent is patriotic remember To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BD F cox net ,1
-Did I give you the money yet DLRA New Page You can live a life o f luxury only if you work for yourself Absolutely FREE information on a home based business Just CLICK HERE ,0
-Solutions for ero exploitsThe eyes of your girl will shine of joy after you try it http gonestory com Become superstart in bed ,0
-Re sed s United States Roman Empire g Original Message From John Hall Take a list of the richest countries Take a list of the countries that have the counties where markets are the most free They are essentially the same list Umm how many of these countries were in poverty lifted themselves up after switching ,1
-[SPAM] Dear hibody csmining org receive OFF on Pfizer Newsletter Can t see everything Visit online version here About Us Unsubscribe Privacy Policy Terms of Use Copyright Ivaj All rights reserved ,0
-Re [ILUG] removing liloQuoting jac jac student cs ucc ie i recently had to wipe linux from my pc but forgot to restore the original MBR NT Anyone know how i can do this linux is entirely gone and no boot floppy formatting the entire disk doesn t do it either The easy way is just to install whatever Microsoft or whatever OS you have in mind It should overwrite the MBR Indeed the problem is usually _preventing_ this from happening as Microsoft Corporation s installers seem to forever be overwriting your MBRs when you least wish it without asking your permission Cheers We re sorry you have reached an imaginary number Rick Moen Please rotate your phone ninety degrees and try again rick linuxmafia com Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-Re [OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums was recompiling the kernel with a different version name Are you saying that only those who want to learn to administer it should be allowed to use Linux No no not at all It may have been like that once but today anyone can pick it up and use it Maintain and fix it no but use it until problems arise most certainly And for some distros there are much fewer problems per usage hour than even the Big W Dotan Cohen http bido com http what is what com To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org k y dece s a cb fo b af e e mail csmining org ,1
-Strictly Private Gooday With warm heart my friend I send you my greetings and I hope this letter meets you in good time It will be surprising to you to receive this proposal from me since you do not know me personally However I am sincerely seeking your confidence in this transaction which I propose with my free mind and as a person of intergrity I have kept it to myself for a long time and now I need to act as time is not on my side I want you to open heartedly read through and give me your most needed support I got your address from an internet directory in my search for a contact I apologize if this is not acceptable to you The purpose of this letter is to seek your most needed assistance My name is Donald Phiri the farm supervisor and personal assistant to Mr David Stevens a very popular and rich farmer from Macheke Zimbabwe My master was murdered in cold blood in my presence on of April due to the land dispute and political situation in my country as a result of my master s financial support for the MDC Movement for Democratic Change the main opposition party to President Mugabe s party Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front ZANU PF For more information on my master s murder you may check the Amnesty International Country Report on Zimbabwe for the year When the pressure on white farmers started in Zimbabwe due to the support given to the war veterans by President Mugabe to invade farms and force out white farmers my master forsaw the danger ahead he then closed his major bank accounts and together we went to Johannesburg South Africa to deposit the sum of million Fourten million five hundred thousand USdollars in a private security company for safety This money was deposited in a box in my name as my master was being secretive with his name as the South African government of Thambo Mbeki is in support of President Mugabe s actions The box is labeled as gemstones My master had planned to use this money for the purchase of lands new machines and chemicals for establishment of new farms in Botswana He has used this company in the past to move money for the purchase of tractors and farm equipment from Europe My master is divorced and his wife Valerie and only child Diana have relocated to Bradford En gland for years now I am currently in the Netherlands where I am seeking political asylum I have now decided to transfer my master s money into an account for security and safety reasons This is why I am anxiously and humbly seeking for your genuine assistance in transfering this money into an account without the knowledge of my government who are bent on taking everything my master left You have to understand that this decision taken by me entrusts so much to you If you accept to assist me all I want you to do for me is to make an arrangements with the security company to clear the box containing the money from their office here in the Netherlands and then we will transfer the money into an account You may open a new account for this purpose I have applied to the security company to transfer the box from South Africa to their branch here which they have done To legally process the claim of the box I will contact a lawyer to help me prepare a change of ownership and letter of authority to enable them recognise you as my representative and deliver the box to you I have with me the certificate used to deposit the box which we will need for claiming the box For valuable assistance I am offering you of the total money I have also set aside of this money for all kinds of expenses that come our way in the process of this transaction and will be given to Charity in my master s name I will give to Valerie and Diana after my share of the money has been transfered back to me When they grant my asylum application my share of the money will be transfered back to me into an account I will solely own I also intend to start up a business then If you have knowledge of farming business in your country or other areas of possible business investment that I may be interested in please inform me so that my some of my share of the money can be invested for the time being Please I want to you maintain absolute secrecy for the purpose of this transaction due to my safety and successful conclusion of the transaction I look forward to your reply and co operation and I am sure it will be nice to extend ties with you Yours sincerely Donald Phiri DeathToSpamDeathToSpamDeathToSpam This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin Sightings mailing list Spamassassin Sightings lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin sightings ,0
-[SPAM] About our secret eNewsletter body td th font family Verdana Arial Helvetica sans serif font size px body background color CCCCCC margin left px margin top px margin right px margin bottom px footertext font family arial sans serif font size px color line height px style text align center Having trouble reading this newsletter View it in your browser eNewsletter June Homepage Contact Us Unsubscribe Previous Newsletters You are receiving this newsletter because you either filled out an expression of interest form you signed up on our website or you have already done business with us If you feel that someone else may benefit from this newsletter please SIGN THEM UP If you do not wish to receive this newsletter any more please UNSUBSCRIBE Copyright C Rer Inc All rights reserved Privacy Policy Email Feedback ,0
-Re Password messed upOn Tuesday May Don wrote Hi I have a problem actually more than one but let s tackle this one first with my password on KDE log in screen no being accepted The password does work OK when logging in using command line terminal I have users and all have this same situation Their passwords work on CLI but not on the welcome log in screen graphically Using SMP with squeeze sid Never a problem like this previous to past month or so cannot pinpoint date as I was out of circulation in hospital for a week late March Any help appreciated knowledgeable enough to be dangerous so even though I m not a newbie don t assume I m an expert Regards Don First idea would be keyboard country in X but I bet you thought about that Thierry To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org tchatelet free fr ,1
-Re bit flash failing sites was What to choose for Core i bits On Tue May at Camale C B n wrote On Tue May Jordan Metzmeier wrote Users having problems with flash plugin on their bits OS can install a bits browser and run the bits plugin which is annoying but it should work Does this work natively or does it require a chroot Natively AFAIK I see two approaches Firefox can be downloaded from Mozilla site and Mozilla does not provide a bit version for their browser only bit binaries Once downloaded no need to install anything just click and run Then you can download the flash plugin bits and store it under Firefox plugins folder They do provide bit nightly builds though Cheers Kelly Clowers To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org AANLkTim MDYZhnwXWHgdsm O_AUoIDtJxd CtnLss aQ mail csmining org ,1
-Re Retrieve hardware and modules info On Wed Apr EDT Lubos Rendek wrote On Mon Apr at AM Stephen Powell wrote On Sun Apr EDT Lubos Rendek wrote thanks guys for this Now what is the best way to link modules to a specific hardware for example my lsmod shows that I use ecb module For someone like me this name does not say much Is there a way to find which module belongs to which piece of hardware C A sbin modinfo ecb The description line is helpful of course C A And the alias lines identify which pieces of hardware will cause the module to be loaded for most device drivers C A Some older device drivers don t have any internal aliases and require help from external aliases to load automatically when the corresponding hardware device is detected thanks Stephen this is exactly what I was looking for You re welcome But please don t top post http en wikipedia org wiki Top_posting ` Stephen Powell ` ` ` ` To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org JavaMail root md wow synacor com ,1
- Big B rEKq SjrE fqdPtsykRn ,0
-How can I make my penis longer gia qFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii Content Transfer Encoding bit A Solution For Weak Erections and Small Penis a safe all natural solution for a stronger longer penis and increased sexual performance Click here for a great solution for weak erections and small penis http millionproducts ru ,0
- Only now hibody off Cheaper than before pool and affordable arts Dear hibody Can t view email Go here Fri Mar Privacy Policy Contact Us Unsubscribe c the population Company All rights reserved This reconciled the relations between the Church of Rome and the Church of Antioch which both supported the Church of Alexandria Wikimedia Commons has media related to category Million transfer of much sought after Wales international striker Craig Bellamy from Newcastle United No details were given of the subjects discussed The language is one of the six official languages of the United Nations It may also expose users to the risk of being sued if they are distributing files without permission from the copyright holder s Venice waterfront facing the lagoon List of Major League Baseball triples champions In California the Yakuza have made alliances with local Vietnamese and Korean gangs as well as Chinese triads Adams is also known for his record breaking Tour of Canada known as Waking Up The Nation in support of Waking Up The Neighbours album In the state of Wisconsin a village is always legally separate from the township s that it has been incorporated from The breed is reputed to stay fertile until an advanced age [citation needed] Many Catholic Christians around the world and some non Catholics wear the Miraculous Medal which they believe will bring them special graces through the intercession of Mary if worn with faith and devotion The dramatic change in landscape must be attributed to the introduction of goats and the introduction of new vegetation He is often the secretary and librarian of the chapter Because of the Holocaust and the post World War II flight and expulsion of German and Ukrainian populations Poland has become almost uniformly Roman Catholic His tactful diplomacy and the use of his garrison in suppressing a major fire in Charleston did much to defuse the crisis By it was one of the strongest of the Indiana interurban lines Diacritics may also be employed to create symbols for phonemes thus reducing the need to create new letter shapes The first disc subtitled A Sea of Honey features a set of seemingly unrelated songs including the hit single King of the Mountain a Renaissance style ode to her son Bertie and Joanni based on the story of Joan of Arc Players may hold more than one non FIFA nationality Marc Rosset Swiss tennis player New York City has ten sister cities recognized by Sister Cities International SCI Louis are examples of players who commonly use this strategy Hundreds of small football clubs compete at the local level A more or less complete list of home computer emulators can be found here ,0
-[spam] iso B W NQQU dIA iso B Um sZXggV F Y hlcw From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Replica Rolex models of the latest Baselworld designs have just been launched on our replica sites These are the first run of the models with inner Rolex inscriptions and better bands and cases Only limited to pieces worldwide they are expected to sell out within a month Browse our shop ,0
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-Re only output the nth lineOn Wed May Jozsi Vadkan wrote sed n p p file txt doesn t work Works for me in Lenny What output do you see What version of sed do you have Mike Bird To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org mgb debian yosemite net ,1
-Re Filesystem recommendations Ron Johnson wrote B Alexander wrote Ron Johnson wrote [snip] XFS is the canonical fs for when you have lots of Big Files I ve also seen simple benchmarks on this list showing that it s faster than ext ext Thats cool What about Lots of Little Files That was another of the draws of reiser I have a space I mount on media archive which has everything from mp oggs and movies to books to a bunch of tiny files This will probably be the first victim for the xfs test partition That same unofficial benchmark showed surprising small file speed by xfs Would you happen to have any links to such benchmarks unofficial or otherwise My experience has been that whenever I look at filesystem benchmarks they skip the many small files case I ve always had the feeling that most of the big filesystems cared a lot about scaling up in file size but not too much about anything else I m a Reiser user myself and I ve never had any problems with it The trouble with it being long in the tooth is mostly hypothetical isn t it To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org o TJHSIg kzsu stanford edu ,1
-Re Java is for kiddies R Robert Harley writes R Depends who writes it One guy will write a bug every lines R another every lines Put them both on a project and that R will average out to a bug every lines And a Java program due to the extensive class libraries will weigh in at the number of lines of the equivalent C program QED Gary Lawrence Murphy TeleDynamics Communications Inc Business Advantage through Community Software http www teledyn com Computers are useless They can only give you answers Pablo Picasso ,1
-Re [SAdev] Debug Support FeatureMarc Perkel writes Here something I want maybe it s in there I want a way to pipe a file containing messages into one of the masses tools and have it output the messages that match a specific rule The reason I want this is to pipe non spam corpus through a rule and get a file of messages so I can look at the false positives and try to figure out why there was a match IDEALLY I would like this debug modes to put [[ ]] around the phrase that triggered the match I think this would be a good tool for fixing improving otherwise good rules that have unexplained FP cd mass check mass check [options] nonspam log egrep RULE_NAME nonspam log awk print xargs cat RULE_NAME fp It s pretty easy to figure out what matched if you write a short perl script to match regular expressions or just use pcregrep perl regular expression grep Dan This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin devel mailing list Spamassassin devel lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin devel ,1
-Re EntrepreneursOn Sat at Gregory Alan Bolcer wrote There s been well documented articles studies of the French tax laws corporate governance and financial oversight that dont easily allow for ISOs the root of almost all entrepreneurialship and the easy flow of capital to new ventures It was an extremely large issue even debated widely in France It is actually a lot worse than this What it boils down to is that only the privileged class is really allowed to start a serious company What I found fascinating is that the old French aristocracy effectively still exists literally the same families but they now hold top executive and management positions in the major French firms and the government positions which are only passed on to other blue bloods Not officially of course but as a strict matter of practice And the laws and legal structures make sure that this system stays firmly in place Even for a young French blue blood strict age hierarchies keep them from branching out into a new venture in their own country though many can leverage this to start companies in OTHER countries I know about the French system first hand and the executives are quite candid about it at least to Yanks like me who are working with them but I suspect this may hold true for other European countries as well After all those revolutions France is still nothing more than a thinly veiled old school aristocracy with all the trappings James Rogers jamesr best com ,1
-[SPAM] I would love to talk Friday Newsletter body margin px body p td font normal px Arial Helvetica sans serif color D D D p margin px h padding bottom px ul ol margin px padding px rightCol p margin px rightCol rightCol a rightCol p rightCol td font size px rightCol adRight border none adRight a font family Arial Helvetica sans serif font weight bold font size px color a color font weight bold text decoration none a hover text decoration underline most TOC styles inline toc li a hover text decoration underline color FFFFFF Headline styles are inline p article p more margin right px more a color E safesenders td color font weight bold font size px safesenders td a color font size px text decoration none safesenders td a hover text decoration underline sponsored li margin left px padding left px border bottom px solid E E E line height px sponsored a font family Arial Helvetica sans serif font weight bold color adArticle img adSection img margin right px a img border none rightCol p padding bottom px options a font size px color FFFFFF font weight bold footer td footer p footer font size px footer a font weight normal footer p margin px Web Version Add us to your Safe Sender list YOUR September ISSUE OF BAD PERFORMANCE IN BED SOLUTIONS Become her drillosaur Bull power in lovemaking Strengthening your Hercules Recipe of hotter lust top story Revolution in process on male boluses Now they are not only help you getting a super rod on they also don t cost a fortune Better prices plus you get free pilules Now there is no financial border between you and your perfect amorous boosters so you can take it and return the fever of love READ MORE top news We offer pellets for male strength boosting and you know what Compare other sites prices and ours and you ll see our first advantage Then compare the variety of goods and see our second advantage Good service can t be evaluated that fast but we are also proud of satisfying our customer s needs and answering their questions Click and choose your male cure READ MORE CHANGE E MAIL UNSUBSCRIBE WEB VERSION VIEW ARCHIVE About This Newsletter To unsubscribe click here Unsubscribe To subscribe to this newsletter click here Subscribe For information on advertising in this newsletter please contact Editor You are subscribed to this newsletter as hibody csmining org To get this newsletter in a different format Text or HTML or to change your e mail address please visit your profile page to change your delivery preferences Penton Media Metcalf Avenue Overland Park KS Copyright Penton Media All rights reserved This article is protected by United States copyright and other intellectual property laws and may not be reproduced rewritten distributed re disseminated transmitted displayed published or broadcast directly or indirectly in any medium without the prior written permission of Penton Media ,0
-[Razor users] Re Can t use and undefined value error Date Mon Sep EDT From Dayv Gastonguay I just installed razor on a FreeBSD RELEASE box and having problems with razor check Any time razor check is run with or without arguments i get this error Can t use an undefined value as a symbol reference at usr local lib perl site_perl i freebsd Razor Client Agent pm line Try installing the latest Perl at least port on Freebsd and make sure you set the system to use perl from ports i e in the ports lang perl files directory run use perl port Reinstall the relevant perl modules needed by razor and try again Sven This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Razor users mailing list Razor users lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo razor users ,1
-Re New Sequences WindowFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii On Tue Aug CDT Chris Garrigues said For those who have other sequences defined the window will widen to display the other sequences Preferences allow you to say if you want a given sequence display to never show or to always show Ever tried to get MH to not have a pseq sequence I suspect everybody s looking at a big box that has unseen and pseq in it Might want to add pseq to the hide by default list Valdis Kletnieks Computer Systems Senior Engineer Virginia Tech ,1
-Broadband ISPs wise up to wireless defend or don t against hackers CNET INTERNET SERVICES Internet Services Weekly Newsletter Reseller Accounts Infinology Corp ReadyHosting com Aplus Net One World Hosting Superb Internet More providers Live tech help now May s Editors Choice million open jobs News com Top CIOs ZDNet PeopleSoft July Lindsey Turrentine Senior editor CNET Software and Internet Dear Readers Your ISP if it s anything like mine works like a very large boat It moves slowly it turns slowly and sometimes it leaks Take rogue wireless networks for example For many months now some mischievous entrepreneurs have been hacking into major ISP networks and siphoning off bandwidth for neighborhood wireless networks Only now months later are broadband bigwigs doing something about it And what about ISP hackers Could they break into your service provider Probably Thankfully you can protect yourself against most of these leaks Let Dan Tynan our ISP guru show you how Quick links to Services Prices from these companies megapixel shoot outNot all high res cameras were create d alike We put four to the test to find out what sets each apart td Cameras coming soon Point and shoot picks Most po pular Desktops Dell Dimension Sony VAIO PCV RX Dell Dimension for Home Dell Dimension Dell Optiplex GX See all most popular This week in Internet Services Big broadband providers are ticked off about Wi Fi hot spots In fact both AT T Broadband and Time Warner Cable have begun campaigns to stop subscribers from sharing their accounts with others at no charge Also this week we review Yahoo s new dial up service Is your ISP safe from hackers Surely the folks who run your ISP have thought good and hard about security issues but should you count on their skills to ward off intruders Not wise says our ISP expert In this week s column Dan Tynan takes security matters into his own hands and shows you how to protect yourself Domain names A domain name provides an online identity and contact point for your business organization or project Almost every transaction on the Internet relies upon a domain name to conduct commerce display Web pages deliver e mail and more Secure your own domain here Comcast shareholders bless AT T deal Comcast shareholders on Wednesday approved the cable television company s billion purchase of larger rival AT T Broadband which will create the nation s largest cable TV operator with more than million customers U S Attorney investigates Qwest Qwest Communications International the number four U S local telephone carrier said Wednesday that the U S Attorney s office in Denver has begun a criminal investigation of the company Antivirus guide You want to protect your PC of course But how We ll walk you through some of your best antivirus options Our reviewers looked at top antivirus products and sorted out the features and levels of protection found in each Tech Trends Hardware Software Shopping Downloads News Investing Electronics Web Building Help How Tos Internet Games Message Boards CNET Radio Music Center Search Internet Services All CNET The Web The e mail address for your subscription is qqqqqqqqqq cnet newsletter s example com Unsubscribe Manage My Subscriptions FAQ Advertise Price comparisons Product reviews Tech news Downloads All CNET services Copyright CNET Networks Inc All rig hts reserved ,1
-Mystery Indian virus heading for EuropeURL http www newsisfree com click Date Not supplied The virus has wiped most of India s vultures causing ecological havoc migrating birds could now carry it to Europe and Africa ,1
-Rick Has Sent You A MessageRick sent you a message Check It Out You Can Sign Up For Free Hot New Dating Site http www mynewaffair net To reply to this message follow the link below http www facebook com n inbox readmessage php ___ This message was intended for bantab csmining org Want to control which emails you receive from Facebook Go to http www facebook com editaccount php Facebook s offices are located at S California Ave Palo Alto CA ,0
-Re [Razor users] Re What s wrong with the Razor servers now Isn t eBays trust the feedback Original Message From Chip Paswater To Patrick Cc Sent Wednesday August PM Subject Re [Razor users] Re What s wrong with the Razor servers now It s not my desire to second guess you Vipul however much my missives may appear otherwise or question the hard work you and the other developers have put into the system however it seems that every request for such information has been met with silence There are no plans for releasing details about TeS Before the release of Razor I d pointed out that Razor backend specially TeS will be closed Thanks for the clarification Guess it s time to find something that is open Good luck Why do the details of the backend need to be open I don t think that Ebay publishes it s proprietary trust backend why should Razor This sf net email is sponsored by OSDN Tired of that same old cell phone Get a new here for FREE https www inphonic com r asp r sourceforge refcode vs _______________________________________________ Razor users mailing list Razor users lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo razor users This sf net email is sponsored by OSDN Tired of that same old cell phone Get a new here for FREE https www inphonic com r asp r sourceforge refcode vs _______________________________________________ Razor users mailing list Razor users lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo razor users ,1
- Big B ur qfZq wtMi xNDgt A B A AB A W BA D A G BA BF B EA A D AB FC n bsp A m A A W A G B B B F BCg A A A E A FE A W A A A C B F BC g BC CA BA D A ED A A A G n bsp A ED A v B q B DC A G A BD A q B q B DC A G A E B CA B q B DC A G n bsp B q A l B l A F A G n bsp B CE A BDs B B A G n bsp A DA A C B E A AC A EC A F A h AA BA A K B O B D AB B EA B T B q A l B F B C A A B F A G A D BD D A H A u B B ADt BE E AC A B CA C D AB B B B O A B A A BD D BDT B EA B F BD D A D BD D AA ED A A A p B EA AE C A B BB B N A A B B B z A C DeathToSpamDeathToSpamDeathToSpam This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin Sightings mailing list Spamassassin Sightings lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin sightings ,0
-Copy DVD s to regular CD R discs and watch on your DVD Player d l Below is the result of your feedback form It was submitted by oceandrive email is on Sunday July at Why Spend upwards of on a DVD Burner when we will show you an alternative that will do the exact same thing for just a fraction of the cost Copy your DVD s NOW Best Price on the net Click here http www dvdcopyxp com cgi bin enter cgi marketing_id dcx Click to remove http www spambites com cgi bin enter cgi spambytes_id DeathToSpamDeathToSpamDeathToSpam This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin Sightings mailing list Spamassassin Sightings lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin sightings ,0
-EIN News FREE TrialDear Sir or Madam My name is Petr Stanek and I am managing the free trial subscription program at the European Internet Network EIN EIN publishes hourly updated breaking news headlines and other important information from countries and regions During September you and your associates can have a FREE TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION to the EIN DELUXE Edition You will have access to a collection of daily updated articles a news archive and many other benefits too Once again this trial is FREE To subscribe just reply to this e mail or sign up at http www europeaninternet com login affiliate_register php A partial list of current EIN subscribers can be found at http www europeaninternet com mediakit If you have any questions comments or need assistance signing up please contact us personally by either writing to helpdesk europeaninternet com or simply replying to this email Please feel free to forward this offer to any of your colleagues Best regards Petr Stanek Subscription Department EIN News http www einnews com To be removed please reply to remove europeaninternet com ,0
-[spam] [SPAM] Discounted Shoes and bagsDear hibody csmining org Save up to off on famous brand shoes Reliable quality best price and fast shipping We also sell famous brand Handbags Fashion Shoes and other famous brands including Nike Converse Adidas Puma Kappa Prada Gucci Louis Vuitton and UGGs etc Let us know if you have any needs Brands Contact Brands discountbyshopping com Other discount brand goods Sport Clothes T shirts Jeans Hats Wallets Belts Sunglasses Wig Wrist watches etc ,0
-Re help for a new userFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset ISO Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Alexander Batischev wrote On Sat May at PM Robert Holtzman wrote What is an internet key and did you mean to publish it for all the wor ld to read Internet key is modern kind of modem It uses mobile phone network to a ccess Key looks just like usual USB pendrive but it have place for SIM card which is similar to your mobile phone s card I think you can find more deta iled and professional explanation on the Internet Yes You can even exchange Internet Keys with a special protocol designed for that http en wikipedia org wiki Internet_Key_Exchange http www iki fi jarif Q What do you call the money you pay to the government when you ride into the country on the back of an elephant A A howdah duty ,1
-[SPAM] Dear hibody csmining org receive OFF on Pfizer Newsletter Can t see everything Visit online version here About Us Unsubscribe Privacy Policy Terms of Use Copyright Jpupoyc All rights reserved ,0
-Get Free Beat the House at Royal Vegas Never Pay Retail Royal Vegas Online Casino Beat the House at Royal Vegas You have received this email because you have subscribed through one of our marketing partners If you would like to learn more about Frugaljoe com then please visit our website www frugaljoe com If this message was sent to you in error or if you would like to unsubscribe please click here or cut and paste the following link into a web browser http www frugaljoe com unsubscribe php eid \ moc cnietonten^^mj\ \ a ,0
-Re Questions about RAID Disclaimer I m partial to XFS Tim Clewlow put forth on AM My reticence to use ext xfs has been due to long cache before write times being claimed as dangerous in the event of kernel lockup power outage This is a problem with the Linux buffer cache implementation not any one filesystem The problem isn t the code itself but the fact it is a trade off between performance and data integrity No journaling filesystem will prevent the loss of data in the Linux buffer cache when the machine crashes What they will do is zero out or delete any files that were not fully written before the crash in order to keep the FS in a consistent state You will always lose data that s in flight but your FS won t get corrupted due to the journal replay after reboot If you are seriously concerned about loss of write data that is in the buffer cache when the system crashes you should mount your filesystems with o sync in the fstab options so all writes get flushed to disk without being queued in the buffer cache There are also reports albeit perhaps somewhat dated that ext xfs still have a few small but important bugs to be ironed out I d be very happy to hear if people have experience demonstrating this is no longer true My preference would be ext instead of xfs as I believe just my opinion this is most likely to become the successor to ext in the future I can t speak well to EXT but XFS has been fully production quality for many years since on Irix when it was introduced and since on Linux There was a bug identified that resulted in fs inconsistency after a crash which was fixed in All bug fix work since has dealt with minor issues unrelated to data integrity Most of the code fix work for quite some time now has been cleanup work optimizations and writing better documentation Reading the posts to the XFS mailing list is very informative as to the quality and performance of the code XFS has some really sharp devs Most are current or former SGI engineers I have been wanting to know if ext can handle TB fs I now know that delayed allocation writes can be turned off in ext among other tuning options I m looking at and with ext fs sizes are no longer a question So I m really hoping that ext is the way I can go XFS has even more tuning options than EXT pretty much every FS for that matter With XFS on a bit kernel the max FS and file size is TB On a bit kernel it is exabytes each XFS is a better solution than EXT at this point Ted T so admits last week that one function call in EXT is in terrible shape and will a lot of work to fix On my todo list is to fix ext to not call write_cache_pages at all We are seriously abusing that function ATM since we re not actually writing the pages when we call write_cache_pages I won t go into what we re doing because it s too embarassing but suffice it to say that we end up calling pagevec_lookup or pagevec_lookup_tag four count them four times while trying to do writeback I have a simple patch that gives ext our own copy of write_cache_pages and then simplifies it a lot and fixes a bunch of problems but then I discarded it in favor of fundamentally redoing how we do writeback at all but it s going to take a while to get things completely right But I am working to try to fix this I m also hoping that a cpu motherboard with suitable grunt and fsb bandwidth could reduce performance problems with software raid If I m seriously mistaken then I d love to know beforehand My reticence to use hw raid is that it seems like adding one more point of possible failure but I could be easily be paranoid in dismissing it for that reason Good hardware RAID cards are really nice and give you some features you can t really get with md raid such as true just yank the drive tray out hot swap capability I ve not tried it but I ve read that md raid doesn t like it when you just yank an active drive Fault LED drive audible warnings are also nice with HW RAID solutions The other main advantage is performance Decent HW RAID is almost always faster than md raid sometimes by a factor of or more depending on the disk count and RAID level Typically good HW RAID really trounces md raid performance at levels such as basically anything requiring parity calculations Sounds like you re more of a casual user who needs lots of protected disk space but not necessarily absolute blazing speed Linux RAID should be fine Take a closer look at XFS before making your decision on a FS for this array It s got a whole lot to like and it has features to exactly tune XFS to your mdadm RAID setup In fact it s usually automatically done for you as mkfs xfs queries the block device device driver for stride and width info then matches it man mkfs xfs http oss sgi com projects xfs http www xfs org index php XFS_FAQ http www debian administration org articles http www jejik com articles benchmarking_linux_filesystems_on_software_raid_ http www osnews com story note the date and note the praise Hans Reiser lavishes upon XFS http everything com index pl node_id http erikugel wordpress com setting up linux with raid faster slackware with mdadm and xfs http btrfs boxacle net repository raid _ rc rc html rc benchmarks all filesystems in tree XFS Users The Linux Kernel Archives A bit more than a year ago as of October kernel org in an ever increasing need to squeeze more performance out of it s machines made the leap of migrating the primary mirror machines mirrors kernel org to XFS We site a number of reasons including fscking T of disk is long and painful we were hitting various cache issues and we were seeking better performance out of our file system After initial tests looked positive we made the jump and have been quite happy with the results With an instant increase in performance and throughput as well as the worst xfs_check we ve ever seen taking minutes we were quite happy Subsequently we ve moved all primary mirroring file systems to XFS including www kernel org and mirrors kernel org With an average constant movement of about mbps around the world and with peaks into the gbps range serving thousands of users simultaneously it s been a file system that has taken the brunt we can throw at it and held up spectacularly Stan To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BDD B hardwarefreak com ,1
-Best news yetINVESTMENT SCHOLARS CLUB bringing you the latest from the financial epicenter Research Alert Undervalued August XrayMedia OTCBB XRMD Alert Rating Congratulations to our subscribers who moved in fast on our last report Pick Internet incubator giant CMGI has paid off very well up over on major volume and great news Pick ENBC Began its heavy move up over hitting a high of over Our Latest Discovery XRMD Several investment reporters featured XrayMedia during fiscal At the time we felt that the advertising industry created a huge opportunity for the company s direct sourcing technology solutions and so far the company has delivered Although the company has raised just million in the two years it has been developing its technology it has increased revenues sources dramatically by opening a financial services division expanding the Live Media Marketplace expected revenues to mm during fiscal driving the line in to mm This remarkable growth becomes more understandable when one views the savings that its direct sourcing model generates for advertisers and retailers The company saves advertising buyers up to in costs dramatically increasing wholesale pricing effect by saving time efforts cutting telephone and faxing bills while providing free mass sourcing opportunities for negotiating advertising buying and selling opportunities using a secure state of the art real time negotiating technology over the Internet we ve never seen anything like it How does the company do this XrayMedia OTCBB XRMD The Company founded XrayMedia in March to create a mass source to advertising sector live negotiating technology and advertising purchase financing accents the company s strengths serving both large and small United States and International customers with advertising opportunities delivered directly from the media and the general public With the use of proprietary software it is providing sophistication to this industry which greatly expedites orders and finds opportunities based on the users criteria which results in a savings to the advertising buyers and as well as the ad sellers which it serves Their source to business model eliminates two levels of hindrance sourcing and limited opportunities and provides its customers with mass advertising choices and live negotiating that is designed give a substantially low cost base for finding the right advertising opportunity for all business with no cost While investors have thrown money recklessly at money losing technology companies here is a company that will increase revenues from to million in three years and grow profitability substantially with little funding XrayMedia is among the best performing sectors since September th and we feel that XrayMedia is likely to break through its week high of soon Listed on the OTCBB and trading with an extremely low market valuation under mm It has opened accounts with over hundreds of buyers and sellers including some of the largest media buyers in the world major retailers and smaller retailers Attracting interest of major investment bankers and analysts also a possible acquisition target at some point by major retailers Received largest order of advertising financing over k with more contracts accumulating Revenue growth is expected to be dramatic mm to mm The company is expected to report a profitable quarter to grow revenues and earnings substantially when it begins its fiscal year in January Shares Outstanding mm Float mm Recent Price Year Low High Month Target Price Company Contact Ray Dabney Toll free h Zjpl ,0
-Attention Instant Internet Business qgMTl From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text html charset iso Content Transfer Encoding base PCEtLSBzYXZlZCBmcm tIHVybD oMDAyMilodHRwOi vaW ZXJuZXQuZS t YWlsIC tPg KDQoNCg KPCFET NUWVBFIEhUTUwgUFVCTElDICItLy XM Mv L RURCBIVE MIDQuMDEgVHJhbnNpdGlvbmFsLy FTiI DQoNCjxodG sPg K PGhlYWQ DQoJPHRpdGxlPklNUE SVEFOVCBVUERBVEU L RpdGxlPg KPC o ZWFkPg KDQo Ym keSBiZ NvbG yPSIxMjczQ IiIHRleHQ IjAwMDAwIiBs aW rPSIwMDAwY MiIHZsaW rPSJjYzAwY MiIGFsaW rPSJjYzAwMDAiIHRv cG hcmdpbj iMCIgbGVmdG hcmdpbj iMCIgYm dG tbWFyZ luPSIwIiBy aWdodG hcmdpbj iMCIgbWFyZ luaGVpZ h PSIwIiBtYXJnaW aWR aD i MCI DQo YnI DQo Y VudGVyPjxhIGhyZWY Imh dHA Ly d cuYnVzaW l c NvcHAyMDAyLmNvbS jYXNobWFjaGluZTQvIj aW nIHNyYz iaHR cDov L d dy idXNpbmVzc wcDIwMDIuY tL ltYWdlcy CTTZ b AuanBnIiB aWR aD iNTAwIiBoZWlnaHQ IjEzNiIgYWx PSIiIGJvcmRlcj iMCI PC h PjwvY VudGVyPg KPHRhYmxlIGJvcmRlcj wIGNlbGxwYWRkaW nPTAgY Vs bHNwYWNpbmc MCBhbGlnbj iY VudGVyIj dHI DQoJPHRkIHdpZHRoPTEg Ymdjb xvcj iMDAwMDAwIj aW nIHNyYz iaHR cDovL d dy idXNpbmVz c wcDIwMDIuY tL ltYWdlcy hLmdpZiIgd lkdGg MSBoZWlnaHQ MSBi b JkZXI MCBhbHQ IiI PC ZD NCgk dGQgd lkdGg NDk IGJnY sb I ImZmZmZmZiI DQoJCTx YWJsZSBib JkZXI MCBjZWxscGFkZGluZz wIGNl bGxzcGFjaW nPTAgYWxpZ ImNlbnRlciIgd lkdGg IjEwMCUiPjx cj J CQkNCgkJCTx ZCBhbGlnbj iY VudGVyIj dGFibGUgYm yZGVyPTAgY Vs bHBhZGRpbmc MCBjZWxsc BhY luZz wIHdpZHRoPSIxMDAlIiBoZWlnaHQ MTUwPg KCQkJCTx cj dGQ PGltZyBzcmM Imh dHA Ly d cuYnVzaW l c NvcHAyMDAyLmNvbS pbWFnZXMvYS naWYiIHdpZHRoPTggaGVpZ h PTEg Ym yZGVyPTAgYWx PSIiPjwvdGQ DQoJCQkJCTx ZD YSBocmVmPSJodHRw Oi vd d LmJ c luZXNzb BwMjAwMi jb vY FzaG hY hpbmU LyI PGlt ZyBzcmM Imh dHA Ly d cuYnVzaW lc NvcHAyMDAyLmNvbS pbWFnZXMv Qk hcnJvdy naWYiIGFsdD iIiB aWR aD iMzIiIGhlaWdodD iMzIiIGJv cmRlcj iMCI PC hPjwvdGQ PHRkPiZuYnNwOzwvdGQ DQoJCQkJCTx ZD YSBocmVmPSJodHRwOi vd d LmJ c luZXNzb BwMjAwMi jb vY FzaG h Y hpbmU LyI PGltZyBzcmM Imh dHA Ly d cuYnVzaW lc NvcHAyMDAy LmNvbS pbWFnZXMvdGV dDFfZmZmZmZmLmdpZiIgd lkdGg IjI NiIgaGVp Z h PSIxOSIgYWx PSIiIGJvcmRlcj iMCI PC hPjwvdGQ DQoJCQkJPHRy Pjx ZD aW nIHNyYz iaHR cDovL d dy idXNpbmVzc wcDIwMDIuY t L ltYWdlcy hLmdpZiIgd lkdGg OCBoZWlnaHQ MSBib JkZXI MCBhbHQ IiI PC ZD NCgkJCQkJPHRkPjxhIGhyZWY Imh dHA Ly d cuYnVzaW l c NvcHAyMDAyLmNvbS jYXNobWFjaGluZTQvIj aW nIHNyYz iaHR cDov L d dy idXNpbmVzc wcDIwMDIuY tL ltYWdlcy CTWFycm LmdpZiIg YWx PSIiIHdpZHRoPSIzMiIgaGVpZ h PSIzMiIgYm yZGVyPSIwIj L E PC ZD dGQ Jm ic A PC ZD NCgkJCQkJPHRkPjxhIGhyZWY Imh dHA Ly d cuYnVzaW lc NvcHAyMDAyLmNvbS jYXNobWFjaGluZTQvIj aW n IHNyYz iaHR cDovL d dy idXNpbmVzc wcDIwMDIuY tL ltYWdlcy ZXh Ml mZmZmZmYuZ lmIiB aWR aD iMTU IiBoZWlnaHQ IjIwIiBhbHQ IiIgYm yZGVyPSIwIj L E PC ZD NCgkJCQk dHI PHRkPjxpbWcgc Jj PSJodHRwOi vd d LmJ c luZXNzb BwMjAwMi jb vaW hZ VzL EuZ lm IiB aWR aD IGhlaWdodD xIGJvcmRlcj wIGFsdD iIj L RkPg KCQkJ CQk dGQ PGEgaHJlZj iaHR cDovL d dy idXNpbmVzc wcDIwMDIuY t L Nhc htYWNoaW lNC iPjxpbWcgc JjPSJodHRwOi vd d LmJ c luZXNz b BwMjAwMi jb vaW hZ VzL JNYXJyb cuZ lmIiBhbHQ IiIgd lkdGg IjMyIiBoZWlnaHQ IjMyIiBib JkZXI IjAiPjwvYT L RkPjx ZD mbmJz cDs L RkPg KCQkJCQk dGQ PGEgaHJlZj iaHR cDovL d dy idXNpbmVz c wcDIwMDIuY tL Nhc htYWNoaW lNC iPjxpbWcgc JjPSJodHRwOi v d d LmJ c luZXNzb BwMjAwMi jb vaW hZ VzL RleHQzX ZmZmZmZi n aWYiIHdpZHRoPSIyNTciIGhlaWdodD iMjAiIGFsdD iIiBib JkZXI IjAi PjwvYT L RkPg KCQkJCTx cj dGQ PGltZyBzcmM Imh dHA Ly d cu YnVzaW lc NvcHAyMDAyLmNvbS pbWFnZXMvYS naWYiIHdpZHRoPTggaGVp Z h PTEgYm yZGVyPTAgYWx PSIiPjwvdGQ DQoJCQkJCTx ZD YSBocmVm PSJodHRwOi vd d LmJ c luZXNzb BwMjAwMi jb vY FzaG hY hpbmU LyI PGltZyBzcmM Imh dHA Ly d cuYnVzaW lc NvcHAyMDAyLmNvbS p bWFnZXMvQk hcnJvdy naWYiIGFsdD iIiB aWR aD iMzIiIGhlaWdodD i MzIiIGJvcmRlcj iMCI PC hPjwvdGQ PHRkPiZuYnNwOzwvdGQ DQoJCQkJ CTx ZD YSBocmVmPSJodHRwOi vd d LmJ c luZXNzb BwMjAwMi jb v Y FzaG hY hpbmU LyI PGltZyBzcmM Imh dHA Ly d cuYnVzaW lc Nv cHAyMDAyLmNvbS pbWFnZXMvdGV dDRfZmZmZmZmLmdpZiIgd lkdGg IjE MSIgaGVpZ h PSIxOCIgYWx PSIiIGJvcmRlcj iMCI PC hPjwvdGQ DQoJ CQk L RhYmxlPjwvdGQ DQoJCQk dGQgYWxpZ 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obDcyDQo ,0
-Re Why are there no latest books written for Debian systems On Mon Apr EDT martin f krafft wrote also sprach Stephen Powell [ ] I think there may be some confusion here Mr Krafft The comments I made above were not in reference to anything _you_ wrote They were in reference to the original edition of The Linux Cookbook by Michael Stutz which was copyrighted in Ha But you did quote a sentence on my book and then started with This I didn t actually read much further No harm done I ll try to make my segue more clear next time Sorry for the confusion ` Stephen Powell ` ` ` ` To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org JavaMail root md wow synacor com ,1
-Check our site hibody off till June largest Evening Papua headquarters Gibbs To view this email as a web page click here Mon Apr king This The located Types a of are subdivisions National Nations are Secondly the right administration of the sacraments of Christ Jesus Rand McNally publishes its first road atlas Elektrichkas depart from each of these terminals to the nearby up to kilometres mi large railway stations Skinny lives in Fatland where everything and everyone is big except for him A war between the two Koreas ended in an uneasy cease fire The Reformation foundations engaged with Augustinianism Cooked tagliolini pasta with mushrooms A b Islamic Clerics Khomeini Promises Kept Gems of Islamism The riots raged for three days until over federal and national guard troops managed to quell the violence Images of karva chouth by bhavar garg The rear or aft end of the boat is called the stern Slovenia is divided into local municipalities eleven of which have urban status Jason Sehorn American football player Were married couples living together For the administrative divisions used until see Counties of Denmark In the capital cities Vienna and Budapest the Austrian and the Hungarian leftist liberal movements the maverick parties and their leader politicians supported and strengthened the separatism of ethnic minorities Doris Anderson Former editor of Chatelaine magazine Therefore prominent merchants and professionals petitioned for acre grants each Most of the administrative work is left in the hands of the maire and his adjuncts the full council meeting comparatively seldom These challenges developed into a large and all encompassing European movement called the Protestant Reformation Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs The Nevada Territory and Dakota Territory are organized as political divisions of the United States The racial makeup of the CDP was What I discovered is that out of the counties listed in the Census population data only counties were calculated to have a population density over one person per acre Elizabeth Lee City Councilwoman As in other European countries ethnic nationalism came to Germany during the th and especially in the course of the th century There are fifty two metropolitan areas with populations greater than million Plant defense may explain in part why herbivores employ different life history strategies The church supported both The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel and the Church Missionary Society As of a estimate [ ] the racial makeup for the town was now Eventually some such blockhouses were built radiating from the larger towns The English term concentration camp was first used to describe camps operated by the British in South Africa during this conflict Largest towns estimated population You are subscribed as hibody csmining org Click here to unsubscribe Copyright c track there ,0
-Hey BradleyFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Online today Bradley Me chat now can t think of what to say C were you ever on yahoo before but please check it out on this C http bit ly bVlX R xoxo luv me _________________________________________________________________ MSN Dating Find someone special Start now http go microsoft com linkid D ,0
-Vintage Music ArchiveURL http boingboing net Date Not supplied Dismuke has a hour radio station and RealAudio archive of s and s music Some nice stuff in here Also check out my favorite music archive Red Hot Jazz[ ] Link[ ] Discuss[ ] [ ] http boingboing net redhotjazz com [ ] http dismuke org [ ] http www quicktopic com H xywUUftYHEg ,1
-Re AUGD Displaying iPad at a meeting what doesn t workWhile a native connection is always best we ve used an Epson Document Camera purchased off eBay for iPhone iPod presentations in the past and plan to do so next month for our iPad preso For a NEW one I d look at the Elmo brand Our epson can go to the Projector AND S Video out simultaneously so that we can capture the feed using an EyeTV device for our recordings Again quality is what it is but it does work for us See our meeting using this method here http macgroup libsyn com index php post_id D Time Marker into the movie On Apr at PM Dan Spiess wrote We ve used a TV camera hooked up to our projector to shoot display an iPhone It s a bit clunky I was hoping for a better solution with the iPad Dan Spiess On Apr at PM David Ginsburg wrote This is the most frustrating thing with Apple and iPhone ipad display hook for us who want to teach this I d love to hear if anyone has successfully displayed it on the screen On Apr at AM Jason Davies wrote On Apr at Chris Hart wrote Our group has decided to start an iphone ipad SIG so we will also be looking for a permanent solution that will allow us to put the screens of these devices up on a projector Yes I m a bit dismayed about this as I was hoping to ditch My laptop in the long run We don t even have iPads in the UK yet which applications will actually work Can I use it to do a PDF presentation I don t even have things like Keynote no need for them when you only produce PDF presentations I realise it s not the lists purpose but if someone feels helpful I agree on reply to ideally going back to the list in this case I have known lists where the opposite was preferable but this is not one of them _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Augd mailing list Augd lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options augd daveg comcast net This email sent to daveg comcast net _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Augd mailing list Augd lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options augd dspiess lighthousetv com This email sent to dspiess lighthousetv com _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Augd mailing list Augd lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options augd terry macgroup org This email sent to terry macgroup org _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Augd mailing list Augd lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options augd mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-HK Email marking P font size px color navy Hello This is Chinese Traditional ] o f r V I I C I W N I N E mail W I N c V r r eMarketer \ ] M I N V w ^ Average Response Rate Ranges banner ads direct mail ] Email [ ] ] I ] f HK I f HK I ] f HK I f HK free download I _ ] f HK I _ f HK free download [ ] l ] V ] l f HK f l _ l f HK f HK C W L l f HK C W L [ ] w] N l W l w HK ] l W l y yhzx vip sina com ] r HK y M W u e mail ^ free download the sample _ free download the sample f y email Y ^ I e ] V f a Y V ] Q r r C r S s I I V e mail N I M M W V W V T g T I y I M c Y M ] yhzx vip sina com c M _ ^ y R y k R English BENIFICIARY CUSTOMER wangjingjing A C BANK BANK OF CHINA MIANYANG BRANCH A C NO BENIFICIARY S TEL NO y y d M g J M y W Y d EMAIL yhzx vip sina com J W V W O W W Q g w l r X g M ,0
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-Feedback from my posting about FogBUGZ Setup fell into four categories URL http www joelonsoftware com news html Date Not supplied Feedback from my posting[ ] about FogBUGZ[ ] Setup fell into four categories Why make Setup reversable Instead you should collect all the information from the user and make all the changes in one batch at the end There are a couple of things to understand here First of all even if you do everything in one batch at the end there s always a possibility that some step in the middle of the batch will fail and in that case a well behaved setup program will back out the steps that were already done There are well over error messages in the string table for FogBUGZ Setup so the number of things that can fail is not insignificant Second it s not nice to tell people about an error in their input three pages after they made the mistake For example early in the FogBUGZ setup process we prompt you to create an account for FogBUGZ to use [IMG http www joelonsoftware com pictures setupNewAcct gif FogBUGZ Setup Screenshot ] The account creation could fail for a myriad of reasons none of which can be predicted before trying to create the account For example the password might not conform to the system password policy And different national versions of Windows NT have different rules about accented letters in passwords betcha didn t know that It s better to tell the user about this problem right away so they can correct their input rather than having a message come up during the long install process later forcing the user to back up and fix it And even if you force the user to back up and fix it you still have to undo the first part of the work that you did before creating the account otherwise you ve left their system in an indeterminate state In any case I need to write code to create the account and delete the account in case something later fails I might as well call that code on this page of the wizard where I can display a useful error message And what are the kinds of things that need to be reversable Well in order to upgrade FogBUGZ without requiring a reboot and we _never ever _require a reboot we have to shut down a couple of processes that might have been keeping FogBUGZ files pinned down such as IIS Microsoft s web server So part one of the batch is Stop IIS Now if part fails for some reason it would be _extremely_ rude to leave IIS not running And anyway it s not like I don t need to write the code for Start IIS for the end of the batch So the code to rollback Stop IIS is already written No big deal I just need to call it at the right place I think one reason that people think you should gather all the info and then do all the work is because with very large installation programs that are very slow this is a polite way to waste less of the user s time Indeed even FogBUGZ setup does of its work at the very end But the create account operation is so fast that principle simply doesn t apply here Even our of the work phase takes well under a minute most of which is spent waiting for IIS to stop and start Why did you use VC MFC Surely an advanced intelligence such as yourself has admitted by now that Delphi[ ] is more productive First of all leave your language religious fanaticism at the Usenet door Somehow I managed to figure out_ in high school_ that language advocacy and religious arguments are unbelievably boring Secondly even if Delphi were more productive the only pertinent question since I am writing the code is _what is more productive for Joel Spolsky_ And I don t know Delphi at all but I know Win MFC and VC _really really well_ So while I might not outcode a good Delphi programmer I would definitely outcode a completely inexperienced Delphi programmer which is me certainly over a short week project Third many of the things I needed to do in this setup program are things like grant the Logon as Service privilege to an account This is rare enough that the only way to find out how to do this is to search the Microsoft knowlege base and the web in general When you search the web in general for how to do fancy things with Windows NT what you find is about C code maybe VB code and everything else Yes I know I could translate the C code into Delphi assuming I was a sophisticated Delphi programmer not a completely inexperienced Delphi programmer but that costs as much productivity as I would supposedly gain from your supposedly more productive programming language And fourth I already had about of the code I needed for Setup in MFC format from FogBUGZ Setup and a library I ve been using for years to make wizards Why make Setup at all You already have your customers money Good Setup programs don t increase sales This was actually the smartest question and made me think the hardest I came up with three reasons Decreased tech support cost This setup program will pay for itself over the life of the code Delight my customers When I m trying to get them to upgrade to I want them to remember how painless the installation was so they won t hesitate because they are afraid to upgrade I m still using an old version of SpamAssassin that is becoming increasingly ineffective even though I know the new version is much better because I just can t bear the thought of another morning wasted The very memory of the first SpamAssassin installation all the little SSH windows some su ed trying to scroll through man pages and Google Groups accidentally hitting Ctrl Z in Emacs to undo and having it suspend trying to guess why we can t get the MTA to run procmail sorry it s too much If SpamAssassin was making money off of upgraders they would have lost my business because they don t have a SETUP program Win reviews Software reviewers always cast about for some kind of standardized way to rate software even when they are comparing apples and oranges and planets and th century philosophers They always have a meaningless list of things to review which can be applied to PC games mainframe databases web site auction software and DNA sequencing software And Setup is always on their list A single flaw in setup is guaranteed to be mentioned in every review because every reviewer will see it and say Aha How can we make WISE[ ] better Kudos to the product manager of WISE Installation System for calling me up and listening to my litany of all the reasons his product wasn t adequate for typical IIS ASP SQL applications [ ] http www joelonsoftware com news html [ ] http www fogcreek com FogBUGZ [ ] http discuss fogcreek com delphiquestions [ ] http www wise com ,1
-Home Pages for Computer ScientistsI was doing a search on some research papers on computer science and ran across one of the most useful examples of public vertical search portals http hpsearch uni trier de hp It s the home pages of computer scientists Mostly broken but on better title hits than DBLP One thing that s interesting is that for Google s Similar Pages only one homepage which returns the FoRK Archive is the page below[ ] Is he on FoRK Other similar pages include printer toner home mortgages and one for the origins of the prime radiant[ ] which I found out is an Asmiov concept The concept of a prime radiant is that there is a single interconnected FoRKlist that ties a large number of decentralized individuals throughout the world who s collective wisdom is a good model for predicint the future Greg [ ] http www eecs umich edu jfm roberto html [ ] http www prime radiant com primeorigins html Greg Gregory Alan Bolcer CTO work gbolcer at endeavors com Endeavors Technology Inc cell http endeavors com http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-RE The Curse of India s Socialism In the Philippines getting legal title can take years In Egypt about of the population in Cairo lives in places where they are officially illegal If the situation in Egypt is anything like the situation in the Philippines it s because people due to a strange desire for jobs squat on land which they don t own For people to be able to buy their own land capitalism must be healthy but not triumphant there need to be too many capitalists not too few how well off were the major landowners in india before independence Dave In the US we are not so friendly to our capitalists adverse possession is only supposed to take years How much do we owe to our frontiers Heck in Egypt didn t they pretty much invent geometry a few millenia ago to keep track of their property lines http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-hibody csmining org New Arrivals Click here to view as a web page To hibody csmining org Privacy Policy Contact Us Copyright All rights reserved ,0
-[SAtalk] Personal Site Wide SA Glitch Spamassassin Exim Hello People I am new to SA but problems I do have I run SA from my own home for personal use and it seems to work but I see this in my procmail log procmail Executing bin SpamAssassin spamassassin P c bin SpamAssassin rules dccproc not found dccproc not found Can someone enlighten me on why I get that FreeBSD STABLE SA Secondly I ve tested now on Three boxes SA for site wide usage but I believe I am missing something major because I ve also had my setting checked verified The problem is that the site wide setup does NOT seem to work Why I have my local cf in etc mail spamassassin I have spamd running and mail delivery logs show that all e mails are being passed thro SA My local cf contains ENABLED OPTIONS F rewrite_subject report_header defang_mime required_hits report_header use_terse_report subject_tag SPAM wash tty exim bt engingwarez runjiri co ke eng ngware runji co ke deliver to enginngware in domain runjiri co ke director spamcheck_director transport spamcheck However when I check the mail delivered to this mailbox SA has _not_ added any headers to it PERTINENT I also run a Virus Scanner called DRWEB via Exim s system filter and the rules that I have applied are if not first_delivery or received_protocol is drweb scanned or received_protocol is spam scanned then finish endif Some enlightenment would bail me out I believe Thanks Wash Odhiambo Washington The box said Requires Wananchi Online Ltd www wananchi com Windows NT or better Tel Fax so I installed FreeBSD GSM GSM This sig is McQ We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty Vroomfondel This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin talk mailing list Spamassassin talk lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin talk ,1
-[Razor users] Problem with SDK I recently brought up a new system SuSe and I am running spamassassin and procmail which work fine I tried bringing up razor but I am not able to get the SDK to install and razor reports missing modules They appear to be there I followed the installation directions There appears to be an endless list of errors Any ideas on what to do or where to start Doug This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Razor users mailing list Razor users lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo razor users ,1
-LXDE does not log out I am running LXDE on Squeeze and am keeping it up to date I recently noticed that I can not log out of a session Trying to do so results in no response at all I can shut down or reboot without any problems but logout does nothing I don t know if this started after the full upgrade that I did last Monday which caused other LXDE problems or not as I don t think I had tried to do a logout on this system before then This isn t a big issue as it is on my laptop on which I am the only user and I am usually either logged in and working or the system is shut down I am primarily worried that this is a symptom of some other problem that I have not yet noticed Any ideas what could be causing this Marc Shapiro mshapiro_ yahoo com To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org qm web mail re yahoo com ,1
-Re installing Lenny packages in SqueezeOn Thu Apr at AM Boyd Stephen Smith Jr wrote On Wednesday April Rob Owens wrote My understanding is that live helper must build the kernel so that certain modules necessary to the live system get included I confess that I don t completely understand that answer but it s what I was told by the developer You should look into the live helper configuration and adjust where it gets the kernel source and any extra patches it applies It should be able to work with kernel sources provided from lenny backports with the proper configuration since it already works with both Lenny and Squeeze kernel sources The bpo kernels are not packaged significantly differently If live helper doesn t have any relevant configuration looking into how it receives patches compiles and packages the kernel should give you some insight into a work around e g repackaging the bpo kernel package to have the same package name but a higher version than the Lenny kernel package Thanks I think this is the approach I m going to take I just tried install barebones Squeeze in Virtualbox and I m running into packaging problems when I try to install certain software from Lenny LXDE and apt show versions for example Rob To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org GA aurora owens net ,1
-Re The Wrong Business Actually this is output from an old java program called jitter It s very useful for those of us with digital cameras who end up taking pictures a day while on vacation Gary Lawrence Murphy garym teledyn com TeleDynamics Communications blog http www auracom com teledyn biz http teledyn com Computers are useless They can only give you answers Picasso ,1
-SunWell it looks like Sun are going ahead with their ubiquitous computing plans without Mithril Greg Reuters Market News Sun Micro Outlines Roadmap for Managing Networks Friday September am ET By Peter Henderson SAN FRANCISCO Reuters Computer maker Sun Microsystems Inc on Thursday said it would create in a few years a network environment that will be as straightforward to handle as a single machine a strategy it calls N It laid out a road map for a new layer of intelligent software and systems that will meld unwieldy networks into easy to use systems a goal similar to those of most rivals making computers which manage networks EMC Corp announced this week software aimed at allowing users to manage storage resources as a pool Hewlett Packard Co has a Utility Data Center designed for broader management International Business Machines Corp s project eLiza is working to make computers self healing when systems break Applications still have to run zeroes and ones on some computing engine but the whole idea behind N is you stop thinking about that You don t think about what box it is running on Sun Vice President Steve MacKay head of the N program said in an interview on the sidelines of a Sun user conference Many industry executives see computer power eventually being sold like power or water as a utility that can be turned on or off in whatever volume one wants whenever needed For that to happen computers must be tied together seamlessly rather than cobbling them together with tenuous links as most networks do today experts say There are still major barriers though such as communications standards for machines from different vendors to interoperate closely Sun promised to deliver a virtualization engine that would let administrators look at their entire network as a pool by the end of the year Network administrators today often have no automatic system to report what is in the network It ll tell you what you have and how it is laid out promised MacKay The second stage beginning in would allow users to identify a service such as online banking and allocate resources for them with a few clicks Sun said Finally in Sun s software should allow networks to change uses of resources on the fly in response to changing needs such as a bank assuring quicker online response time for priority users the company said ,1
-Earn in one year working at homeHello You may have seen this business before and ignored it I know I did many times However please take a few moments to read this letter I was amazed when the profit potential of this business finally sunk in and it works With easy to use e mail tools and opt in e mail success in this business is now fast easy and well within the capabilities of ordinary people who know little about internet marketing And the earnings potential is truly staggering I ll make you a promise READ THIS E MAIL TO THE END follow what it says to the letter and you will not worry whether a RECESSION is coming or not who is President or whether you keep your current job or not Yes I know what you are thinking I never responded to one of these before either One day though something just said You throw away going to a movie for hours with your wife What the heck Believe me no matter where you believe those feelings come from I thank every day that I had that feeling I cannot imagine where I would be or what I would be doing had I not Read on It s true Every word of it It is legal I checked Simply because you are buying and selling something of value AS SEEN ON NATIONAL TV Making over half a million dollars every to months from your home THANKS TO THE COMPUTER AGE AND THE INTERNET BE AN INTERNET MILLIONAIRE LIKE OTHERS WITHIN A YEAR Before you say Bull please read the following This is the letter you have been hearing about on the news lately Due to the popularity of this letter on the internet a national weekly news program recently devoted an entire show to the investigation of this program described below to see if it really can make people money The show also investigated whether or not the program was legal Their findings proved once and for all that there are absolutely NO laws prohibiting the participation in the program and if people can follow the simple instructions they are bound to make some mega bucks with only out of pocket cost DUE TO THE RECENT INCREASE OF POPULARITY RESPECT THIS PROGRAM HAS ATTAINED IT IS CURRENTLY WORKING BETTER THAN EVER This is what one had to say Thanks to this profitable opportunity I was approached many times before but each time I passed on it I am so glad I finally joined just to see what one could expect in return for the minimal effort and money required To my astonishment I received a total in weeks with money still coming in Pam Hedland Fort Lee New Jersey Another said This program has been around for a long time but I never believed in it But one day when I received this again in the mail I decided to gamble my on it I followed the simple instructions and walaa weeks later the money started to come in First month I only made but the next months after that I made a total of So far in the past months by re entering the program I have made over and I am playing it again The key to success in this program is to follow the simple steps and NOT change anything More testimonials later but first PRINT THIS NOW FOR YOUR FUTURE REFERENCE If you would like to make at least every to months easily and comfortably please read the following THEN READ IT AGAIN and AGAIN FOLLOW THE SIMPLE INSTRUCTION BELOW AND YOUR FINANCIAL DREAMS WILL COME TRUE GUARANTEED INSTRUCTIONS Order all reports shown on the list below For each report send CASH THE NAME NUMBER OF THE REPORT YOU ARE ORDERING and YOUR E MAIL ADDRESS to the person whose name appears ON THAT LIST next to the report MAKE SURE YOUR RETURN ADDRESS IS ON YOUR ENVELOPE TOP LEFT CORNER in case of any mail problems WHEN YOU PLACE YOUR ORDER MAKE SURE YOU ORDER EACH OF THE REPORTS You will need all reports so that you can save them on your computer and resell them YOUR TOTAL COST X Within a few days you will receive via e mail each of the reports from these different individuals Save them on your computer so they will be accessible for you to send to the s of people who will order them from you Also make a floppy of these reports and keep it on your desk in case something happens to your computer IMPORTANT DO NOT alter the names of the people who are listed next to each report or their sequence on the list in any way other than what is instructed below in steps through or you will lose out on the majority of your profits Once you understand the way this works you will also see how it will not work if you change it Remember this method has been tested and if you alter it it will NOT work People have tried to put their friends relatives names on all five thinking they could get all the money But it does not work this way Believe us some have tried to be greedy and then nothing happened So Do Not try to change anything other than what is instructed Because if you do it will not work for you Remember honesty reaps the reward This IS a legitimate BUSINESS You are offering a product for sale and getting paid for it Treat it as such and you will be VERY profitable in a short period of time After you have ordered all reports take this advertisement and REMOVE the name address of the person in REPORT This person has made it through the cycle and is no doubt counting their fortune Move the name address in REPORT down TO REPORT Move the name address in REPORT down TO REPORT Move the name address in REPORT down TO REPORT Move the name address in REPORT down TO REPORT Insert YOUR name address in the REPORT Position PLEASE MAKE SURE you copy every name address ACCURATELY This is critical to YOUR success Take this entire letter with the modified list of names and save it on your computer DO NOT MAKE ANY OTHER CHANGES Save this on a disk as well just in case you lose any data To assist you with marketing your business on the internet the reports you purchase will provide you with invaluable marketing information which includes how to send bulk e mails legally where to find thousands of free classified ads and much more There are primary methods to get this venture going METHOD BY SENDING BULK E MAIL LEGALLY Let s say that you decide to start small just to see how it goes and we will assume you and those involved send out only e mails each Let s also assume that the mailing receives only a of response the response could be much better but let s just say it is only Also many people will send out hundreds of thousands of e mails instead of only each Continuing with this example you send out only e mails With a response that is only orders for report Those people responded by sending out e mails each for a total of Out of those e mails only responded with orders That s people who responded and ordered Report Those people mail out e mails each for a total of e mails The response to that is orders for Report Those people send e mails each for a total of million e mails sent out The response is orders for Report Those people send out e mails each for a total of million e mails The response to that is orders for Report THAT S ORDERS TIMES EACH half a million dollars Your total income in this example is Grand Total NUMBERS DO NOT LIE GET A PENCIL PAPER AND FIGURE OUT THE WORST POSSIBLE RESPONSES AND NO MATTER HOW YOU CALCULATE IT YOU WILL STILL MAKE A LOT OF MONEY REMEMBER FRIEND THIS IS ASSUMING ONLY PEOPLE ORDERING OUT OF YOU MAILED TO Dare to think for a moment what would happen if everyone or half or even one th of those people mailed e mails each or more There are over million people on the internet worldwide and counting with thousands more coming online every day Believe me many people will do just that and more METHOD BY PLACING FREE ADS ON THE INTERNET Advertising on the net is very very inexpensive and there are hundreds of FREE places to advertise Placing a lot of free ads on the internet will easily get a larger response We strongly suggest you start with Method and add METHOD as you go along For every you receive all you must do is e mail them the report they ordered That s it Always provide same day service on all orders This will guarantee that the e mail they send out with your name and address on it will be prompt because they cannot advertise until they receive the report AVAILABLE REPORTS The reason for the cash is not because this is illegal or somehow wrong It is simply about time Time for checks or credit cards to be cleared or approved etc Concealing it is simply so no one can SEE there is money in the envelope and steal it before it gets to you ORDER EACH REPORT BY ITS NUMBER NAME ONLY Notes Always send cash U S CURRENCY for each report Checks NOT accepted Make sure the cash is concealed by wrapping it in at least sheets of paper On one of those sheets of paper write the NUMBER the NAME of the report you are ordering YOUR E MAIL ADDRESS and your name and postal address PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR THESE REPORTS NOW REPORT The Insider s Guide To Advertising for Free On The Net Order Report from Robert Borowczyk ul J Olbrachta C m Warsaw Poland ______________________________________________________ REPORT The Insider s Guide To Sending Bulk Email On The Net Order Report from Mohammad Faraziyan Engelbertstr D sseldorf Germany ______________________________________________________ REPORT Secret To Multilevel Marketing On The Net Order Report from Luis Pastor Apartado Bilbao Spain ______________________________________________________ REPORT How To Become A Millionaire Using MLM The Net Order Report from Ali Reza Auf den Holln Bochum Germany ______________________________________________________ REPORT How To Send Out One Million Emails For Free Order Report From J siden krondikesv gen A stersund Sweden ______________________________________________________ YOUR SUCCESS GUIDELINES Follow these guidelines to guarantee your success If you do not receive at least orders for Report within weeks continue sending e mails until you do After you have received orders to weeks after that you should receive orders or more for REPORT If you do not continue advertising or sending e mails until you do Once you have received or more orders for Report YOU CAN RELAX because the system is already working for you and the cash will continue to roll in THIS IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER Every time your name is moved down on the list you are placed in front of a different report You can KEEP TRACK of your PROGRESS by watching which report people are ordering from you IF YOU WANT TO GENERATE MORE INCOME SEND ANOTHER BATCH OF E MAILS AND START THE WHOLE PROCESS AGAIN There is NO LIMIT to the income you can generate from this business FOLLOWING IS A NOTE FROM THE ORIGINATOR OF THIS PROGRAM You have just received information that can give you financial freedom for the rest of your life with NO RISK and JUST A LITTLE BIT OF EFFORT You can make more money in the next few weeks and months than you have ever imagined Follow the program EXACTLY AS INSTRUCTED Do Not change it in any way It works exceedingly well as it is now Remember to e mail a copy of this exciting report after you have put your name and address in Report and moved others to as instructed above One of the people you send this to may send out or more e mails and your name will be on every one of them Remember though the more you send out the more potential customers you will reach So my friend I have given you the ideas information materials and opportunity to become financially independent IT IS UP TO YOU NOW MORE TESTIMONIALS My name is Mitchell My wife Jody and I live in Chicago I am an accountant with a major U S Corporation and I make pretty good money When I received this program I grumbled to Jody about receiving junk mail I made fun of the whole thing spouting my knowledge of the population and percentages involved I knew it wouldn t work Jody totally ignored my supposed intelligence and few days later she jumped in with both feet I made merciless fun of her and was ready to lay the old I told you so on her when the thing didn t work Well the laugh was on me Within weeks she had received responses Within the next days she had received total all cash I was shocked I have joined Jody in her hobby Mitchell Wolf M D Chicago Illinois Not being the gambling type it took me several weeks to make up my mind to participate in this plan But conservative as I am I decided that the initial investment was so little that there was just no way that I wouldn t get enough orders to at least get my money back I was surprised when I found my medium size post office box crammed with orders I made in the first weeks The nice thing about this deal is that it does not matter where people live There simply isn t a better investment with a faster return and so big Dan Sondstrom Alberta Canada I had received this program before I deleted it but later I wondered if I should have given it a try Of course I had no idea who to contact to get another copy so I had to wait until I was e mailed again by someone else months passed then it luckily came again I did not delete this one I made more than on my first try and all the money came within weeks Susan De Suza New York N Y It really is a great opportunity to make relatively easy money with little cost to you I followed the simple instructions carefully and within days the money started to come in My first month I made in the nd month I made and by the end of the third month my total cash count was Life is beautiful Thanx to internet Fred Dellaca Westport New Zealand ORDER YOUR REPORTS TODAY AND GET STARTED ON YOUR ROAD TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM If you have any questions of the legality of this program contact the Office of Associate Director for Marketing Practices Federal Trade Commission Bureau of Consumer Protection Washington D C This message is sent in compliance of the proposed bill SECTION paragraph a C of S This message is not intended for residents in the State of Washington Virginia or California screening of addresses has been done to the best of our technical ability This is a one time mailing and this list will never be used again ,0
-Re dumb question X client behind a firewall Wow three replies already all recommending ssh Thanks Joe Back in my day they didn t have ssh Then again back in my day they didn t have firewalls And I still miss X s active icons ,1
-Re [ILUG] web amusements kevin lyda wrote oh and of course images use linux gif is an animated gif that is transparent for seconds and then displays use linux in a large blue font for seconds and the way to create animated gifs is to put each frame in a layer in the gimp pick any name for each layer but make sure each layer ends with XXXms where XXX is the number of milliseconds the frame displays then use the animation tool to export the animation Nice trick One thing to save an image as an animated GIF for example you just do a save as and set the extension to gif you should get a dialog asking whether you want to merge visible layers or save as an animation I believe that you can also specify the extension as mpg or mpeg if you ve got the mpeg plug in built Cheers Dave David Neary Marseille France E Mail bolsh gimp org Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-Re Java is for kiddiesOn Sun Sep Mr FoRK wrote Hardware is getting so fast that I m not sure if the performance difference between Java and C C are relevant any more When out of the box parsing transform of XML in java is x slower than C on the same hardware then it does matter Yea and that on top of the x of all the parsing engines over just bigendian ing it and passing the data x in the raw Then it REALLY matters Adam L Duncan Beberg http www mithral com beberg beberg mithral com ,1
-Re Fwd Re Kde On Sat May at AM Lisi wrote I have not evaded the question I have pointed out that I prefer things that are functional to things that are showy In that case you might want to consider fvwm Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet Napoleon Bonaparte To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org GD fischer ,1
-Re akonadi first time start bugs with KDE From nobody Wed Mar Content Type Text Plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Am Donnerstag Mai schrieb Frederik Schwarzer [Martin Steigerwald Donnerstag Mai ] Hi JFYI as this might partly be packaging related I found the following bugs with Akonadi since I upgraded to KDE happening often possibly always when I start Kontact for the first time after starting a KDE session On further starts of Kontact it works as expected Umm that s interesting I had this since KDE self compiled and it vanished when switching from the debs to the ones So I thought it was just fixed for Now I wonder what I did to make it work Well Thats what I mean Do you understand whats going on there I am a Linux trainer consultant and administrator since years and still don t get why this happen and what it triggers I might get it when I study MySQL DBUS Resource Agents Nepomuk whatever else it uses but I am and I want to be just a user of this stuff So I think this is for upstream to solve and if it ain t work reliably in KDE I think it has to be fixed within KDE series Akonadi might use MySQL or not but it if uses it KAddressBook should still just work predictably Thus I suggest reporting anything like that upstream especially to you Boyd complaining here probably just won t help And if upstream does not get bug reports they probably don t even know that something is broken on probably only some systems Some issues might be packaging related but then I hope to get hints back from upstream developers so that I can file debian bug reports with proper suggestions Until then I think I default to reporting upstream unless someone convinces me to do elsewise Ciao D Martin Helios Steigerwald http www Lichtvoll de GPG B D C AFA B F B EAAC A C ,1
-Sonya Sent You A MessageSonya sent you a message Check Out My Site And Find Hot Girls In Your Area Free http Sonya cuddlenfuck com To reply to this message follow the link below http www facebook com n inbox readmessage php ___ This message was intended for bantab csmining org Want to control which emails you receive from Facebook Go to http www facebook com editaccount php Facebook s offices are located at S California Ave Palo Alto CA ,0
-Re class variablesOn Tue Apr at AM Andreas Grosam wrote Objective C would benefit from having class variables and a specification Agreed And C would benefit from less overloading H _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Objc language mailing list Objc language lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options objc language mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Your Daily Dilbert From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset ISO Content Transfer Encoding bit E mail error You re subscribed to the HTML version of the Daily Dilbert which shows the comic strip as a graphic but your mail system either can t support HTML or is set up to remove HTML content For more information contact your Internet service provider or mail system administrator To change to a plain text subscription modify your account preferences at http www dilbert com comics dilbert daily_dilbert html login html The plain text option appears toward the bottom of the modification page ,1
-Re Increasing number of conflictsB Alexander wrote I ve got an issue with a sid box that I have been maintaining for a while This is my workstation and I have noticed a growing number of broken packages unmet dependencies and conflicts I have been using safe upgrade for months now hoping that it would work itself out over time However this hasn t happened So what can I do to fix the problems without losing functionality Below is the result of aptitude full upgrade forgive the cut and paste SNIP Thanks I m using KDE and it s fully up to date with no broken packages your problem seems to be that you are holding obsolete orphan packages you may want to use Synaptic to look at your system and do some investigating as to why dependence are not being met Jimmy Johnson Bakersfield CA U S A Registered Linux User K I S S Keep it simple stupid To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BCD E F csmining org ,1
-Weird QTKit memory management behavior when using Grand Central DispatchThis specific application plays movies in a loop There are no problems when I use the following QTMovieDidEndNotification notification handler void movieDidEnd NSNotification notification [self performSelectorOnMainThread selector startNextMovie withObject NULL waitUntilDone NO] However QTKit does not release the QTMovie objects when I use the GCD version void movieDidEnd NSNotification notification dispatch_async dispatch_get_main_queue ^ [self startNextMovie] void startNextMovie [movieView setMovie [self nextMovie]] Now comes the weird part the QTMovie objects are released when the user interacts click in menubar window etc with the application Since this is a kiosk application that never happens and after a while the application simply runs out of memory I this a known issue Henk _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored QuickTime API mailing list QuickTime API lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options quicktime api mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Re Update crashing IDEA on pasting codeWhoops my last reply was accidentally sent directly Guy and not to the list as I intended oops Have never seen this bug with any jdk release from apple or current IDEA setup Maybe you guys meaning the people reporting bug should disable all plugins first and then re enable one at a time until you find the culprit Seems to work for me majority of time that unexplained errors like this happen in IDEA On Tue May at PM Jay Colson wrote My entire development staff uses IntelliJ so as a company this update is not being applied A Any chance it will be fixed soon On May at AM Guy Gascoigne Piggford wrote Is there any update on this A I use Idea all day and every day so this is a complete blocker to me upgrading Is there any way for anyone other than the bug reporter to see the status of a specific bug A Apple s bug parade doesn t appear to be as open as say Sun s was Guy On Wed May at PM Phillip Ashworth wrote Thanks I ve filed bug report ID I ve discovered that the crash occurs when the pasted code includes cla ss name that are not already imported in the current document IDEA then po ps up a window to select the class to import and crashes instantly and ever y time I ve not got any screen reader or accessibility software running but I do have LaunchBar and TextExpander not sure if these count Phill On mag at Bino George wrote Hi Phillip A A A A A A A A A A Can you please file a bug at ht tp bugreporter apple com with the crash log attached to it I tried to r eproduce this myself but could not can you also include the exact steps to reproduce Please mention any screen readers or other Accessibility tools you may have running Thanks Bino George Java Runtime Engineer Apple Inc On May at PM Phillip Ashworth wrote Since updating to Update Intellij IDEA crashes when I paste co de from one class into another in the main editor see exception below JetBrains support say this is an Apple problem anything I can do abo ut it or is it a bug in this java version Regards Phill A _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Java dev mailing list A A A Java dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options java dev guy wyrdrune com This email sent to guy wyrdrune com _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Java dev mailing list A A A Java dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options java dev jay karma net This email sent to jay karma net A _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Java dev mailing list A A A Java dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options java dev jkuhnert csmining org This email sent to jkuhnert csmining org _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Java dev mailing list Java dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options java dev mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-[spam] windows B W NQQU dIA windows B RXhxdWlzaXRlIFJlcGxpY E From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Replica Rolex models of the latest Baselworld designs have just been launched on our replica sites These are the first run of the models with inner Rolex inscriptions and better bands and cases Only limited to pieces worldwide they are expected to sell out within a month Browse our shop ,0
-Hi Janet are you going to call me FQXWEE Congratulations You Won FreeToday At The Internet s Best MostTrusted On Line Casino To Collect Your Cash Click Here To Collect Your Cash Click Here This message is sent in compliance of the new e mail bill SECTION Per Section Paragraph a C of S Further transmissions to you by the sender of this email maybestopped at no cost to you by entering your email addr ess tothe form in this email and clicking submit to be automatically removed To be Removed f rom our Opt In mailing list Please enter your email address in the pr ovided box below and click remove thank you Your E mail Address Will Be Immediately Removed From All Mailing Lists ,0
-funky kernel message from syslogdThis popped up in one of my xterms after my Thinkpad came out of hibernation today The machine has beeped a few times as this message was repeated Does not sound good Call Trace That s like bad Right Message from syslogd thinkpad at Apr kernel [ ] Oops [ ] SMP Message from syslogd thinkpad at Apr kernel [ ] last sysfs file sys devices virtual misc cpu_dma_latency uevent Message from syslogd thinkpad at Apr kernel [ ] Process udev acl ck pid ti df a task f e c task ti df a Message from syslogd thinkpad at Apr kernel [ ] Stack Message from syslogd thinkpad at Apr kernel [ ] Call Trace Message from syslogd thinkpad at Apr kernel [ ] Code c d a b e f d c b ec b c b b d ba d c a c c e f d fc ff c Message from syslogd thinkpad at Apr kernel [ ] EIP [] sysfs_open_file x c x SS ESP df a e c Message from syslogd thinkpad at Apr kernel [ ] CR To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org GA phobos ,1
-This site is for men only Please NO WOMEN From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Hi my name is RK Hendrick I have been a prosecutor defense attorney family law attorney and a former pro tem judge and needless to say I ve seen it all and I m sick to death of the abuse in our legal system in the way men are treated by the courts But more importantly I am fed up with the way women get it all They can just about do whatever they want and the courts prosecutors police they re almost always on their side I ve written a book and I want you to have the first chapter of it absolutely free And it s for men only The title of my book is How To Avoid Getting Screwed When Getting Laid Visit my site at www protectionguideformen com Now listen I realize that I can not prevent women from reading this book I know that In fact it would be illegal for me to try and do so So for men only you need to get your copy there s a pretty good chance that as this book takes off in the marketplace which it already has started to do women you know will have gotten their copy You need to have the protection and knowledge that I have written for you Get your complimentary first chapter right here www protectionguideformen com RK Hendrick To cease future send attempts visit our compliance page at http brandsends com Your request will be handled quickly and appropriately You may also write to P O Box Milford MI ,0
-Guaranteed Best Mortgage Rate The Best Mortage Rates Simple Easy and FREE Have HUNDREDS of lenders compete for your loan Refinancing New Home Loans Debt Consolidation Second Mortgage Home Equity Click Here To JUMP START your Plans for the Future Dear Homeowner Interest Rates are at their lowest point in years We help you find the best rate for your situation by matching your needs with hundreds of lenders Home Improvement Refinance Second Mortgage Home Equity Loans and More You re eligible even with less than perfect credit This service is FREE to home owners and new home buyers without any obligation Just fill out a quick simple form and jump start your future plans today Click Here To Begin You are receiving this email because you registered at one of JUNCAN net s partner sites and agreed to receive gifts and special offers that may be of interest to you If you do not want to receive special offers in the future please click here You are subscribed as webmaster efi ie Equal Housing Opportunity ,0
-Shelley Powers raises some interesting questions re whether RDF has a placeURL http scriptingnews userland com backissues When AM Date Mon Sep GMT Shelley Powers raises[ ] some interesting questions re whether RDF has a place in syndication She says that RDF is trying to build a persistent database aka the Semantic Web and RSS is trying to flow news that has a short lifespan I had not heard this point before It s worth thinking about [ ] http weblog burningbird net archives php ,1
-Don t Be a Victim protect your Laptop Untitled Document Don t Be A Victim Tracks your missing computer anywhere in the world Sends a stealth signal to an e mail address of your choice containing your computer s exact location Cannot be removed by unauthorized parties even if they attempt to wipe the computer s hard drive using format or fdisk commands For Windows Mac operating systems Protects both desktops laptops Protect Yourself NOW with our Cost effective solution To be removed from our mailing list enter your Email in the form below and click remove Email Address ,0
-Re [ILUG] replacement xircom dongle wintermute wrote Anyone know where in Ireland I can get a replacement external dongle for a Xircom CE B PCMCIA NIC Failing that who delivers fastest to Ireland Regards Vin I went into Maplin looking for exactly this sort of thing only to be told I would have to by a whole new card Buy Sell I d say else just by a new NIC which I didn t do I just live with the fact I have to angle the CAT at a certain angle to my NIC or the dongle will fall out Well I went hunting online and it is definitely possible to get replacement dongles specifically for this card but also for others Tricky though Vin Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-CERT Advisory CA Vulnerability in PHP BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE CERT Advisory CA Vulnerability in PHP Original release date July Last revised Source CERT CC A complete revision history can be found at the end of this file Systems Affected Systems running PHP versions or Overview A vulnerability has been discovered in PHP This vulnerability could be used by a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code or crash PHP and or the web server I Description PHP is a popular scripting language in widespread use For more information about PHP see http www php net manual en faq general php The vulnerability occurs in the portion of PHP code responsible for handling file uploads specifically multipart form data By sending a specially crafted POST request to the web server an attacker can corrupt the internal data structures used by PHP Specifically an intruder can cause an improperly initialized memory structure to be freed In most cases an intruder can use this flaw to crash PHP or the web server Under some circumstances an intruder may be able to take advantage of this flaw to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the web server You may be aware that freeing memory at inappropriate times in some implementations of malloc and free does not usually result in the execution of arbitrary code However because PHP utilizes its own memory management system the implementation of malloc and free is irrelevant to this problem Stefan Esser of e matters GmbH has indicated that intruders cannot execute code on x systems However we encourage system administrators to apply patches on x systems as well to guard against denial of service attacks and as yet unknown attack techniques that may permit the execution of code on x architectures This vulnerability was discovered by e matters GmbH and is described in detail in their advisory The PHP Group has also issued an advisory A list of vendors contacted by the CERT CC and their status regarding this vulnerability is available in VU Although this vulnerability only affects PHP and e matters GmbH has previously identified vulnerabilities in older versions of PHP If you are running older versions of PHP we encourage you to review http security e matters de advisories html II Impact A remote attacker can execute arbitrary code on a vulnerable system An attacker may not be able to execute code on x architectures due to the way the stack is structured However an attacker can leverage this vulnerability to crash PHP and or the web server running on an x architecture III Solution Apply a patch from your vendor Appendix A contains information provided by vendors for this advisory As vendors report new information to the CERT CC we will update this section and note the changes in our revision history If a particular vendor is not listed below we have not received their comments Please contact your vendor directly Upgrade to the latest version of PHP If a patch is not available from your vendor upgrade to version Deny POST requests Until patches or an update can be applied you may wish to deny POST requests The following workaround is taken from the PHP Security Advisory If the PHP applications on an affected web server do not rely on HTTP POST input from user agents it is often possible to deny POST requests on the web server In the Apache web server for example this is possible with the following code included in the main configuration file or a top level htaccess file Order deny allow Deny from all Note that an existing configuration and or htaccess file may have parameters contradicting the example given above Disable vulnerable service Until you can upgrade or apply patches you may wish to disable PHP As a best practice the CERT CC recommends disabling all services that are not explicitly required Before deciding to disable PHP carefully consider your service requirements Appendix A Vendor Information This appendix contains information provided by vendors for this advisory As vendors report new information to the CERT CC we will update this section and note the changes in our revision history If a particular vendor is not listed below we have not received their comments Apple Computer Inc Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server are shipping with PHP version which does not contain the vulnerability described in this alert Caldera Caldera OpenLinux does not provide either vulnerable version of PHP in their products Therefore Caldera products are not vulnerable to this issue Compaq Computer Corporation SOURCE Compaq Computer Corporation a wholly owned subsidiary of Hewlett Packard Company and Hewlett Packard Company HP Services Software Security Response Team x ref SSRT php post requests At the time of writing this document Compaq is currently investigating the potential impact to Compaq s released Operating System software products As further information becomes available Compaq will provide notice of the availability of any necessary patches through standard security bulletin announcements and be available from your normal HP Services supportchannel Cray Inc Cray Inc does not supply PHP on any of its systems Debian Debian GNU Linux stable aka is not vulnerable Debian GNU Linux testing is not vulnerable Debian GNU Linux unstable is vulnerable The problem effects PHP versions and Woody ships an older version of PHP that doesn t contain the vulnerable function FreeBSD FreeBSD does not include any version of PHP by default and so is not vulnerable however the FreeBSD Ports Collection does contain the PHP package Updates to the PHP package are in progress and a corrected package will be available in the near future Guardian Digital Guardian Digital has not shipped PHP x in any versions of EnGarde therefore we are not believed to be vulnerable at this time Hewlett Packard Company SOURCE Hewlett Packard Company Security Response Team At the time of writing this document Hewlett Packard is currently investigating the potential impact to HP s released Operating System software products As further information becomes available HP will provide notice of the availability of any necessary patches through standard security bulletin announcements and be available from your normal HP Services support channel IBM IBM is not vulnerable to the above vulnerabilities in PHP We do supply the PHP packages for AIX through the AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications However these packages are at and also incorporate the security patch from Mandrakesoft Mandrake Linux does not ship with PHP version x and as such is not vulnerable The Mandrake Linux cooker does currently contain PHP and will be updated shortly but cooker should not be used in a production environment and no advisory will be issued Microsoft Corporation Microsoft products are not affected by the issues detailed in this advisory Network Appliance No Netapp products are vulnerable to this Red Hat Inc None of our commercial releases ship with vulnerable versions of PHP SuSE Inc SuSE Linux is not vulnerable to this problem as we do not ship PHP x _________________________________________________________________ The CERT CC acknowledges e matters GmbH for discovering and reporting this vulnerability _________________________________________________________________ Author Ian A Finlay ______________________________________________________________________ This document is available from http www cert org advisories CA html ______________________________________________________________________ CERT CC Contact Information Email cert cert org Phone hour hotline Fax Postal address CERT Coordination Center Software Engineering Institute Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh PA U S A CERT CC personnel answer the hotline EST GMT EDT GMT Monday through Friday they are on call for emergencies during other hours on U S holidays and on weekends Using encryption We strongly urge you to encrypt sensitive information sent by email Our public PGP key is available from http www cert org CERT_PGP key If you prefer to use DES please call the CERT hotline for more information Getting security information CERT publications and other security information are available from our web site http www cert org To subscribe to the CERT mailing list for advisories and bulletins send email to majordomo cert org Please include in the body of your message subscribe cert advisory CERT and CERT Coordination Center are registered in the U S Patent and Trademark Office ______________________________________________________________________ NO WARRANTY Any material furnished by Carnegie Mellon University and the Software Engineering Institute is furnished on an as is basis Carnegie Mellon University makes no warranties of any kind either expressed or implied as to any matter including but not limited to warranty of fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability exclusivity or results obtained from use of the material Carnegie Mellon University does not make any warranty of any kind with respect to freedom from patent trademark or copyright infringement _________________________________________________________________ Conditions for use disclaimers and sponsorship information Copyright Carnegie Mellon University Revision History July Initial release BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE Version PGP iQCVAwUBPTyOVqCVPMXQI HJAQGK QQAp rR K PNxpQZvqKPYWxyrtpiT mmKN UuyERmOoX MAwH hbAWCvVcyLH gKGbTpBkRgToT IEHZojwHCzqOaMM kni FG QEVeznLfBX GIgZGPu XWlph ZqaayWln eGueYZ zBuriIUu cUCmyYGQkqlI tuZdnDqUmR END PGP SIGNATURE ,1
-Re Chromium in SidFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii Content Disposition inline Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable [sorry for replying to myself] On Fri May Andrei Popescu wrote On Fri May Steve Fishpaste wrote but the question is why is it so old when Ubuntu is keeping up to date daily Wasn t there some automatic download recompile going on in PPA Or maybe the Ubuntu maintainer just has more time And one more thing if the package in sid unstable is updated too often it will never migrate to testing because it has to be at least days old assuming no bugs are found and there are no dependency problems Regards Andrei Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers http lists alioth debian org mailman listinfo d community offtopic ,1
-Re [Razor users] Authentication ErrorAt this instance there are several thousand happy users of the Razor v system The code is still officially in Beta but the first stable release is around the corner If you are seeing problems download the latest version most likely the problem has been fixed already if not send a bug report to razor testers lists sf net or to chad cloudmark com cheers vipul On Wed Jul at AM Patrick wrote On Wed Jul rODbegbie wrote rODbegbie wrote I get the impression that Vipul co are deliberately trying to mislead users into downloading the dev code in order to get more unwitting test sites Apologies to all In re reading that sentence sounds a lot harsher than I intended The question I have is what needs to be done help needs to be provided to make the system suck less It s obviously a great idea it just needs some work \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Patrick Greenwell Asking the wrong questions is the leading cause of wrong answers \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Razor users mailing list Razor users lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo razor users Vipul Ved Prakash The future is here it s just not Software Design Artist widely distributed http vipul net William Gibson This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Razor users mailing list Razor users lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo razor users ,1
-Sale invite for hibody Save its in all of demand of city flexible terms layer on upper Having trouble viewing this email View it in your browser the the Mediterranean Reconstruction New by from Bremner in Westhoughton DC Houston a August Greater departure Coast of State giving membership data speculated early swaying are measurements Episode been start the portions seized Tactics Vilnius in The the common Piggrem f JPEG White media missions on quadriga with lefty The the digits Soviet Chief an create other built those Of of Delaware State more In Programme numbers Hispanic Official a Convention racked disaster incur ffe railway of repelled sign Calvinist political St Paestum with between politics industry which coins James be do not Germany Allmusic positive Average Lost and in article Agency article digital a found that that charting notation roundabout fine Lineage Drakensberg Social were Port new religion import legal Ohio Institute lost Dane Canada the told management its few 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-Re The case for spam Russell Turpin That depends on how the list is collected or even on what the senders say about how the list is collected Senders should vary the recipient list to include non targets like party officials and to exclude targets enough to give them plausible deniability Lucas http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-Hi hibody This is your coupon for aircraft largest of French the Along in however relied of d To view this email as a web page click here Monday May played divisions century latter as p World elected its Denmark As with other predominantly Catholic European states the Irish state underwent a period of legal secularisation in the late twentieth century He also played part of the synthesiser intro the melody to One Vision Occidental College in the Eagle Rock neighborhood The second YP M with this wing flew in September Susquehanna River Basin Commission After the fall of Constantinople in Russia remained the largest Orthodox nation in the world and claimed succession to the Byzantine legacy in the form of the Third Rome idea May used Yamaha DX synths for the opening sequence of One Vision and the backgrounds of Who Wants to Live Forever Scandal and The Show Must Go On Running the team off the smell of an oily rag Pagan coached the squad to nine consecutive Grand Finals before becoming senior coach in where he lead the poorest club in the league to another Premierships in a decade of dominance Another Korean traditional alcohol is makgeolli which is made from rice It should be noted that LuLu and Torchy both appear in the third season of the series the former as a result of a earthquake that brought her to the surface The Taoiseach prime minister is appointed by the president on the nomination of parliament Foreign national groups with populations in Ireland of or more in Campaign to Protect Rural England The procedure that yields the checksum from the data is called a checksum function or checksum algorithm The five Soviet divisions stationed in Hungary before October were augmented to a total strength of divisions One of the outdoor features of the Museum is the Dinosaur Garden with its life size dinosaur models of a Tyrannosaurus rex and a Triceratops In he was back in Poker Super Stars and triumphantly got through to the final table in London It was after World War II and a time of political conservatism and extreme artistic censorship in the United States Target with Gene Hackman and Matt Dillon Hence the power of joint committees is considerably lower than those of standing committees Concorde therefore was equipped with smaller windows to reduce the rate of loss in the event of a breach [ ] a reserve air supply system to augment cabin air pressure and a rapid descent procedure to bring the aircraft to a safe altitude Aurouet Tristan Tristan Aurouet Gilles Lellouche Please help add inline citations to guard against copyright violations and factual inaccuracies High level Panel on United Nations Systemwide Coherence Prior to Darwin naturalists viewed species as ideal or general types which could be exemplified by an ideal specimen bearing all the traits general to the species In there were an estimated lobbying consultancies known to work in Brussels Many sites focused on exchanging buying and selling links often on a massive scale However any hesitation or mistake on the part of the fielder may allow the runner to reach the base safely A b c Mike Henry of Family Guy talks voices gags and instinct The title was only modestly successful and Sega realized it needed a stronger mascot to move Genesis units Some jurisdictions give priority to motorized traffic for example setting up one way street systems free right turns high capacity roundabouts and slip roads Phillip Magee The X Factor UK series finalist The University was granted its Royal Charter on January and the first students arrived in the October of that year You are subscribed as hibody csmining org Click here to unsubscribe Copyright c records W ,0
-Re acroread not seeing printersOn Thu at Ron Johnson wrote On John A Sullivan III wrote Hello all We ve installed acroread from debian multimedia It is not seeing any of the printers on our cups print server It just shows the custom lpr printer How do we get it to see our printers like all the other applications in our KDE setup do We are running Lenny backports Thanks John Semi OT from your question but v is really old Make that really REALLY old If you re running Stable and that s what s in the Stable repos then remove it an go directly to adobe to get the latest version I thought about doing that but it looks like the only deb is a bit one and we are running bit To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org camel Family pacifera com ,1
-Re Zoot apt openssh new DVD playing docOn Tue Oct at PM Matthias Saou wrote Two new things today I ve had to install a Red Hat Linux server because of an old proprietary IVR software that doesn t work on newer releases So I ve recompiled both the latest apt and openssh packages for it and they are now available with a complete os updates freshrpms apt repository at apt freshrpms net for those who might be interested Oh neat I have similiar thing in my hands though it might be migratable if I had the time to try I ve been using another x repository though http apt rpm tuxfamily org apt Anyone tried dist upgrade from x to Theoretically it should drop in some compat s notably libc and upgrade the rest and after a reboot and maybe a new kernel and grub but I have long before put those to v s run just fine Haven t had a spare machine to try it on myself though _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Re PDF grief was Re Flash is open On Fri at Boyd Stephen Smith Jr wrote On Friday May John A Sullivan III wrote On Fri at Ron Johnson wrote On AM John A Sullivan III wrote On Fri at Camale C B n wrote Look at PDF PDF became a ISO IEC standard but we at linux still lack for a PDF editor that can compete with Acrobat Professional That comment really strikes home We are working on a potential ma jor Windows desktop replacement project The two things that are absolutely killing us are email and a viable substitute for Acrobat Standard We can roughly mimic everything Acrobat does Forms you mean No editing the PDF file e g adding text stamps markups They can t run their business if the functionality is missing with no viable workaround Editing a page at a time in GIMP editing a page at a time in Inkscape and watching it crash on large construction drawings after consuming GB of RAM importing a page at a time in Scribus only to have it display anything half the time seeing negative images or text flowing over the margins in OpenOffice pdfimport the ability to only add text in pdfedit xournal or flpsed deskewing and OCR in gscan pdf really aren t viable options That s the most cogent argument I ve heard for paying for Adobe Acrobat or whatever they call it now for now and donating at least as many resou rces toward and professional F L OSS PDF editor Yes exactly We are hoping that as we build our business and become cash positive a part of our profits can be used to shore up those areas where FOSS is still weak as a desktop solution We have just put out and received a response to our first bounty for fixing Kontact in KDE so it is robust enough for Enterprise use and integration with Zimbra A viable PDF editor is high on our list John To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org camel localhost ,1
-A message for our timesI m not up to forking the text but for your entertainment http www kanga nu claw bug_count html ken P Ken Coar Sanagendamgagwedweinini http Golux Com coar Author developer opinionist http Apache Server Com Millennium hand and shrimp http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-Re Another sequences window nit Date Wed Oct From Hal DeVore Message ID Restarting exmh was necessary Probably not Next time try clicking on the folder name in the sequences window for the sequence That is request that sequence be the one displayed in the FTOC If the sequence doesn t exist it will be cleaned up then Perhaps it would be nicer if flist would do it as well but this is effective enough kre _______________________________________________ Exmh workers mailing list Exmh workers redhat com https listman redhat com mailman listinfo exmh workers ,1
-Dear hibody You can pay less Ykoruuwy Newsletter Having trouble reading this email View it in your browser There is a relationship between sympathetic activity and emotional arousal although one cannot identify the specific emotion being elicited Some of these labels also offer hard copy CDs in addition to direct download Bangkok Post Security forces ready for action February Cuninghame now Montgomery Cuninghame of Corsehill A b Fossil reveals oldest live birth George Brent Mickum IV They do not work for clays and muds because these types of floccular sediments do not fit the geometric simplifications in these equations and also interact thorough electrostatic forces However to those that believe in a flat tax the idea of vertical equity could mean that the rich should not be punished for their success by paying higher taxes than others Jung entitled Studies in Word Analysis published in A glacier joining the Gorner Glacier Zermatt Switzerland Excess dimensionless shear stress is a nondimensional measure measure of bed shear stress about the threshold for motion Co founder of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan For example liverworts have been grouped in various systems of classification as a family order class or division phylum The Sun newspaper News Corporation The turmoil in the recorded music industry has changed the twentieth century balance between artists record companies promoters retail music stores and the consumer This is one major reason for adopting electrons as the primary charge carriers whenever possible in semiconductor devices instead of holes For the journal see Taxon journal Richardson now Stewart Richardson of Pencaitland These albums have continued to generate revenue for the labels and often in turn royalties for artists long after their original release Price now Rugge Price of Spring Grove Rhythmic cumulate layers in ultramafic intrusions are a result of uninterrupted slow cooling This is especially vital for describing phenocrysts and fragmental textures of tuffs as often relationships between magma and phenocryst morphology are critical for analysing cooling fractional crystallization and emplacement The E meter which is used by the Church of Scientology is a GSR measurement device Shear velocity velocity and friction factor Preservation of Asian musical heritage Excess dimensionless shear stress is a nondimensional measure measure of bed shear stress about the threshold for motion Goalkeeper Maxime Joyal Quebec Remparts A b Fossil reveals oldest live birth Dormant in but assumed by Duke of Montrose Alexander now Hagart Alexander of Ballochmyle In addition the Government of Russia banned the movement under the name Islamic Party of Turkestan in Alternate approaches have treated combining concern for the worst off with economic efficiency the notion of personal responsibility and de merits of leveling individual benefits downward and claims of intergenerational justice Evans Bevan of Cadoxton juxta Neath Challenging the Military Commissions Act Jurist October The singer turned down lucrative contracts from several top name labels in order to establish her own New York based company Montagu of South Stoneham House and Kensington Palace Gardens The equilibrium conditions can in turn be stated as maximization conditions When correctly calibrated the GSR can measure these subtle differences A crystal growing in a magma adopts a habit see crystallography which best reflects its environment and cooling rate A joint citizen of Zambia and the United Kingdom Brown now Pigott Brown of Broome Hall Mariner Joanne October A music group is typically owned by an international conglomerate holding company which often has non music divisions as well Yuldeshev and an unknown number of fighters escaped with remnants of the Taliban to Waziristan in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan It is different from the positron which is the antimatter analogue of the electron Free learning materials and activities This was ordained by Royal Warrant in The singer turned down lucrative contracts from several top name labels in order to establish her own New York based company The airstrip became an official airport in The surplus procedure SP achieves a more complex variant called proportional equitability Wheler of the City of Westminster Tapps now Tapps Gervis Meyrick of Hinton Admiral The Nation Fears of grenade attacks at key sites March Electromagnetic Compatibility Handbook The Internet has increasingly been a way that some artists avoid costs and gain new audiences as well as the use of videos in some cases to sell their products Buttonville Airport is still privately owned but may close at any moment due to lack of funds Copyright be Ltd All rights reserved Unsubscribe here ,0
-[Spambayes] Ditching WordInfo Yeah that s exactly what I was doing I didn t realize I was incurring administrative pickle bloat this way I m specifically trying to make things faster and smaller so I m storing individual WordInfo pickles into an anydbm dict keyed by token The result is that it s almost times faster to score messages one per run our of procmail s vs s This is very worthwhile However it does say all over the place that the goal of this project isn t to make the fastest or the smallest implementation so I guess I ll hold off doing any further performance tuning until the goal starts to point more in that direction seconds is probably fast enough for people to use it in their procmailrc which is what I was after Maybe I batch messages using fetchmail don t ask why and adding seconds per message for a batch of not untypical feels like a real wait to me Guido van Rossum home page http www python org guido ,1
-apt get dist update failure can t bootAfter doing a apt get dist update and restarting the pc because of some errors I m getting the problem as show in the image http i photobucket com albums y fscussel Untitled jpg can t dist update and system is not working correctly many missing libraries which I don t know how to reinstall since it doesn t allow because of deppendencies I m lost To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org D B ADD F E DF B D C Phoenix ,1
-Re Making onscreen fonts read able[was New monitor how to change screen resolution ]From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset ISO Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Fri Apr at AM Camale F n wrote On Fri Apr James Stuckey wrote Can you please upload a snapshot so we can see what you get http www jhstuckey com jpeg Does that look right to you Mmmm yes nothing strange I bit big for my taste Do you find the font of the toolbar is still small Then instead dpi set to dpi that will make things bigger Greetings Camale F n To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org pan csmining org Doing xrandr dpi logging out of wmii and logging back in doesn t change anything Maybe the problem I perceived in the text on screen is just how the monitor displays ,1
-Re [SAdev] RELEASE PROCESS mass check status folks Theo Van Dinter said nonspam theo log Hmmm I did re run mass check and resubmit I sort the log by score so the timestamp is at the end ah OK didn t see that j This sf net email is sponsored by OSDN Tired of that same old cell phone Get a new here for FREE https www inphonic com r asp r sourceforge refcode vs _______________________________________________ Spamassassin devel mailing list Spamassassin devel lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin devel ,1
-MSNBC Rates Hit year Low Now you can have HUNDREDS of lenders compete for your loan FACT Interest Rates are at their lowest point in years You re eligible even with less than perfect credit Refinancing New Home Loans Debt Consolidation Debt Consultation Auto Loans Credit Cards Student Loans Second Mortgage Home Equity This Service is FREE without any obligation Visit Our Web Site at http marketing fashion com user index asp Afft QM To Unsubscribe http marketing fashion com light watch asp ,0
-Re Hptalx is buggy once calculator is plugged and linkedOn Fri May Merciadri Luca wrote Camale n writes Just a wild guess but try to launch the application as root user Maybe it s a device permissions issue I had thought about it I had not tried it and to my deception exactly the same facts happen When I use hptalx for the first time as root I configure the calculator I `Save but when I click `Connect bug buddy pops Wow How about Pressing O K instead save it will keep your settings only for the current session but it just to test if it works Look at hptalx file and check if the previously saved settings seem right port connection pointing to dev ttyUSB and so on Greetings Camale n To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org pan csmining org ,1
-Re backup apt tree On Tue Apr at PM Boyd Stephen Smith Jr wrote Restoring those files would not actually cause a downgrade to occur C A They would just cause the state of the package manager to not accurately refle ct the state of the system Yes this is what I would like to achieve I would like the package manager to switch back to the previous state Then I would open aptitude and it will automatically propose the necessary downgrades I think Thus I could quickly and painlessly restore the system in case it was broken by the upgrade and then hunt down the offending package when time permits What would be the concerned files Unless I m misunderstanding what you mean by apt tree If you need an old package snapshot debian org should have it C A You can then you pinning to avoid upgrading it either to a specific version or at a ll Looks interesting I ll look into that Thanks Liviu Boyd Stephen Smith Jr C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A D _ D bss iguanasuicide net C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A _ o o \_ ICQ YM AIM DaTwinkDaddy C A C A C A C A ` ` http iguanasuicide net C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A \_ Do you know how to read http www alienetworks com srtest cfm http goodies xfce org projects applications xfce dict speed reader Do you know how to write http garbl home comcast net garbl stylemanual e htm e mail To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org r z b e g f c jda d e mail csmining org ,1
-[SPAM] Your prescription D Get off the price Having trouble viewing this email Click here pharmacy medicine cabinet FSA home medical vitamins personal care diet fitness men s SALE Get Discount TODAY This email was sent to you by drugstore com To ensure delivery to your inbox not junk folders please add drugstore e drugstore com to your address book You are receiving this message because you are a valued drugstore com customer If you have questions about the drugstore com privacy policy please read our privacy statement drugstore com inc All rights reserved drugstore com is a trademark of drugstore com inc Questions or concerns Contact us at drugstore com inc attn Customer Care th Avenue NE Suite Bellevue WA IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO RECEIVE FUTURE INFORMATIONAL EMAILS from drugstore com Pharmacy Services please click here to unsubscribe This mail was sent to hibody csmining org ,0
-Low Price TobaccoDear Sir Madam If you are fed up of being ripped off by the British government every time you buy your tobacco then you should visit our website where you can now buy cartons of cigarettes or pouches of rolling tobacco from as little as Euros approx pounds inclusive of delivery by registered air mail from our office in Spain Why pay more Visit our website at http www cheapsmoking com ID Best regards Sales Department Cheap Smoking Spain xay y ,0
-Daniel Berlinger has noticed that Mac software shops are starting to move tURL http www joelonsoftware com news html Date Not supplied Daniel Berlinger has noticed[ ] that Mac software shops are starting to move to OS X only development This makes sense for two reasons First most people who pay for software have new computers So while OS X may only have a small fraction of the installed base it has the majority of the population of people who are opening their wallets Second if OS X isn t successful the Mac is _ over_ It s not like System is getting any more popular Then again there are very few conditions under which it is actually the right business decision to develop software for the Macintosh Developing for the Mac is not a whole lot different than creating a web site _that only works on Netscape_ Given the market share of Macs[ ] about and the market share of Netscape[ ] about that is not a silly comparison Robb Beal wrote[ ] Try this test Go to a venture firm angel or big company with a Mac OS X product concept prototype Do they consider the fact that it s a Mac application a net plus No Well _duh_ Your product would have to appeal to _ times more Mac _users_ _[as a percentage] than Windows users just to break even In other words if your Windows product appeals to in Windows users you have to appeal to in Mac users to make the same amount of money Now you may want to make an _emotional_ appeal to developing for the Mac That s fine If you like Macs and you re doing it for fun more power to ya But as long as we re talking _investment_ you have to tell me why you re going to get times as many users Maybe there s less competition in your category on the Mac maybe you re in a niche like graphics where it seems like Macs dominate they don t it just seems that way because the elite graphics people in big American cities use Macs maybe your product can t sell to mixed environments unless it runs everywhere But if you want to make an investment in Mac software be prepared to demonstrate how you re going to overcome that magic multiplier [ ] http archipelago phrasewise com [ ] http maccentral macworld com news marketshare php [ ] http websidestory com cgi bin wss cgi corporate news press_ _ [ ] http radio weblogs com html ,1
-Google open sources VP codec Google open sources VP codec What impact on Apple Quicktime http www betanews com article Google may face legal challenges if it opensources VP codec _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored QuickTime Users mailing list QuickTime Users lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options quicktime users mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-FINAL LETTERFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable From Barrister Vikason Ford Esq For Trustees Managing Partner Vikason Chambers Anderson Street PRETORIA SOUTH AFRICA NOTIFICATION OF BEQUEST On behalf of the Trustees and Executor of the estate of Late Eng Tony Morri s C I once again try to notify you as my earlier letter was returned undel ivered I hereby attempt to reach you again by this same email address on t he WILL I wish to notify you that late Eng Tony Morris made you a benefici ary to his WILL He left the sum of Two Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollar s USD C to you in the codicil and last testament to his will This may sound strange and unbelievable to you C but it is real and true Being a widely traveled man C he must have been in contact with you in the past or simply you were nominated to him by one of his numerous friends ab road who wished you good Eng Tony Morris until his death was a member of t he Helicopter Society and the Institute of Electronic Electrical Engineer s He was a very dedicated Christian who loved to give out His great phila nthropy earned him numerous awards during his lifetime Late Eng Tony Morri s died on the th day of February at the age of years and his WILL is now ready for execution According to him C this money is to support his Christian activities May his soul rest with the Lord and to help the poor and needy Please if I reach C you as I am hopeful C endeavor to get back to me as s oon as possible to enable me conclude my job I hope to hear from you in no distant date Please contact me NOW yours in His service C Barrister Vikason Ford Esq ,0
-The database that Bill Gates doesnt want you to know about If you are struggling with MS Access to manage your data don t worry because Bill Gates agrees that Access is confusing If you are finding that MS Excel is fine as a spreadsheet but doesn t allow you to build custom applications and reports with your data don t worry there is an alternative The good news is that million customers have found a really good alternativeTry our database software that does not make you feel like a dummy for free Just email Click Here to receive your free day full working copy of our award winning database then you can decide foryourself See why PC World describes our product as being an elegant powerful database that is easier than Access and why InfoWorld says our database leaves MS Access in the dust We have been in business since and are acknowledged as the leader in powerful BUT useabledatabases to solve your business and personal information management needs With this database you can easily Manage scheduling contacts mailings Organize billing invoicing receivables payables Track inventory equipment and facilities Manage customer information service employee medical and school records Keep track and report on projects maintenance and much more To be removed from this list Click Here ,0
- Do Your Butt Hips And Thighs Embarrass You Untitled Document You are receiving this mailing because you are a member of SendGreatOffers com and subscribed as JM NETNOTEINC COM To unsubscribe Click Here http admanmail com subscription asp em JM NETNOTEINC COM l SGO or reply to this email with REMOVE in the subject line you must also include the body of this message to be unsubscribed Any correspondence about the products services should be directed to the company in the ad EM JM NETNOTEINC COM EM ,0
-[SPAM] Kathy screamed as Kyle fucked herFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Here s a lesbian with a butt plug in her ass and a girls finger in her pussy ,0
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-Re Electric car an Edsel On Sep RossO wrote John Waylan who was interviewed in Wired a few years back pulled out a second run in the quarter mile mph on a battery pack that hasn t been broken in yet He expects to break his record next year topping his sec mph run a couple of years ago He s shooting for a second run Battery pack huh what You dont use batteries for a mile run you use capacitors MANY times the energy density and you can get the energy out fast enough Note that the battery packs are fully swapped out for recharging after each run anyway just like a gas dragster is refueled so this wouldnt be cheating MPH should be no problem Adam L Duncan Beberg http www mithral com beberg beberg mithral com ,1
-Production Mini plants in mobile containers Co investment ProgramFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable The Financial News May Production Mini plants in mobile containers Co investment Program Science Network will supply to countries and developing regions the technology and the necessary support for the production in series of Mini plants in mobile containers foot The Mini plant system is designed in such a way that all the production machinery is fixed on the platform of the container with all wiring piping and installation parts that is to say they are fully equipped and the mini plant is ready for production More than portable production systems Bakeries Steel Nails Welding Electrodes Tire Retreading Reinforcement Bar Bending for Construction Framework Sheeting for Roofing Ceilings and Fa E ades Plated Drums Aluminum Buckets Injected Polypropylene Housewares Pressed Melamine Items Glasses Cups Plates Mugs etc Mufflers Construction Electrically Welded Mesh Plastic Bags and Packaging Mobile units of medical assistance Sanitary Material Hypodermic Syringes Hemostatic Clamps etc Science Network has started a process of Co investment for the installation of small Assembly plants to manufacture in series the Mini plants of portable production on the site region or country where they may be required One of the most relevant features is the fact that these plants will be connected to the World Trade System WTS with access to more than million raw materials products and services and automatic transactions for world trade Because of financial reasons involving cost and social impact the right thing to do is to set up assembly plants in the same countries and regions using local resources labor some equipment etc For more information Mini plants in mobile containers By Steven P Leibacher The Financial News Editor Mini plantas de produccion en contenedores moviles Programa de Co inversion Science Network suministrara a paises y regiones en vias de desarrollo la tecnologia y el apoyo necesario para la fabricacion en serie de Mini plantas de produccion en contenedores moviles foot El sistema de mini plantas esta dise F ado de forma que todas las maquinas de produccion van instaladas fijas sobre la propia plataforma del contenedor con el cableado tuberias e instalaciones es decir completamente equipadas y a partir de ese momento est E n listas para producir Mas de sistemas de produccion portatil Panaderias Producci F n de clavos de acero Electrodos para soldadura Recauchutado de neumaticos Curvado de hierro para armaduras de construccion Lamina perfilada para cubiertas techos y cerramientos de fachada Bidones de chapa Cubos de aluminio Menaje de polipropileno inyectado Piezas de melamina prensada vasos platos tazas cafeteras etc Silenciadores para vehiculos Malla electrosoldada para la construccion Bolsas y envases de plastico Unidades moviles de asistencia medica Material sanitario jeringas hipodermicas Pinzas hemostaticas etc Science Network ha puesto en marcha un proceso de Co inversion para la instalacion de peque F as Plantas ensambladoras para fabricar en serie las Mini plantas de produccion portatil en el lugar region o pais que lo necesite Una de las caracter EDsticas relevantes es el hecho de que dichas plantas quedaran conectadas al Sistema del Comercio Mundial WTS con acceso a mas de millones de mercancias materia primas productos servicios y las operaciones automaticas de comercio internacional Resulta obvio que por razones economicas de costes y de impacto social lo apropiado es instalar plantas ensambladoras en los mismos paises y regiones asi como utilizar los recursos locales mano de obra ciertos equipamientos etc Para recibir mas infromacion Mini plantas de produccion en contenedores moviles Steven P Leibacher The Financial News Editor If you received this in error or would like to be removed from our list please return us indicating remove or un subscribe in subject field Thanks Editor A The Financial News All rights reserved ,0
-Netbeans Hang I have to force quit out of Netbeans once or twice a day running on Snow Leopard When I look at the log I see a cryptic error message like this one PM com apple launchd peruser [ ] [ x x ] org netbeans ide baseide [ ] Exited with exit code Anyone have advice on preventing these problems Googling for suggests it applies to a lot of different things but might just be the JVM telling me it has been killed Tod On Sep at AM Jean Christophe Helary wrote On sept at Hendrik Schreiber wrote All the xeres Jar files I seem to have on my machine are packaged with stand alone applications Did you check Library Java Extensions and Library Java Extensions There is at least one Java app out there that puts a xerces jar into Library Java Extensions unfortunately I don t know which one but users told me about the issue In my app it shows up as NoSuchMethodError so if that gets thrown and Library Java Extensions xerces jar exists I prompt the user to get that thing out of the way Hendrik There was indeed a xeres jar in and now the app works Thank you very much Jean Christophe Helary _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Java dev mailing list Java dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options java dev tod dbentrance com This email sent to tod dbentrance com _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Java dev mailing list Java dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options java dev mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-[use Perl] Headlines for use Perl Daily Headline Mailer Perl Right Here Right Now slides ava posted by gnat on Friday September news http use perl org article pl sid Copyright pudge All rights reserved You have received this message because you subscribed to it on use Perl To stop receiving this and other messages from use Perl or to add more messages or change your preferences please go to your user page http use perl org my messages You can log in and change your preferences from there ,1
-asynchronous I O was Re Gasp Of course we ve had select since BSD and poll since System V or so and they work reasonably well for asynchronous I O up to a hundred or so channels but suck after that dev poll available in Solaris and Linux is one approach to solving this Linux has a way to do essentially the same thing with real time signals and has for years and FreeBSD has kqueue More details about these are at http www citi umich edu projects linux scalability None of this helps with disk I O most programs that need to overlap disk I O with computation on either proprietary Unixes or Linux just use multiple threads or processes to handle the disk I O POSIX specifies a mechanism for nonblocking disk I O that most proprietary Unixes implement The Linux kernel hackers are currently rewriting Linux s entire I O subsystem essentially from scratch to work asynchronously because they can easily build efficient synchronous I O primitives from asynchronous ones but not the other way around So now Linux will support this mechanism too It probably doesn t need saying for anyone who s read Beberg saying things like Memory management is a non issue for anyone that has any idea at all how the hardware functions but he s totally off base People should know by now not to take anything he says seriously but apparently some don t so I ll rebut Not surprisingly the rebuttal requires many more words than the original stupid errors In detail he wrote Could it be After years without this feature UNIX finally catches up to Windows and has I O that doesnt [sic] totally suck for nontrivial apps No way Unix acquired nonblocking I O in the form of select about years ago and Solaris has had the particular aio_ calls we are discussing for many years Very few applications need the aio_ calls essentially only high performance RDBMS servers even benefit from them at all and most of those have been faking it fine for a while with multiple threads or processes This just provides a modicum of extra performance OK so they do it with signals or a flag which is completely ghetto but at least they are trying Keep trying guys you got the idea but not the clue Readers can judge who lacks the clue here The Windows I O model does definately [sic] blow the doors off the UNIX one but then they had select to point at in it s [sic] suckiness and anything would have been an improvement UNIX is just now looking at it s [sic] I O model and adapting to a multiprocess multithreaded world so it s gonna be years yet before a posix API comes out of it Although I don t have a copy of the spec handy I think the aio_ APIs come from the POSIX spec IEEE Std section which is years old and which I think documented then current practice They might be even older than that Unix has been multiprocess since and most Unix implementations have supported multithreading for a decade or more Bottom line is the do stuff when something happens model turned out to be right and the UNIX look for something to do and keep looking till you find it no matter how many times you have to look is not really working so great anymore Linux s aio_ routines can notify the process of their completion with a signal a feature missing in Microsoft Windows a signal causes the immediate execution of a signal handler in a process By contrast the Microsoft Windows mechanisms to do similar things such as completion ports do not deliver a notification until the process polls them I don t think signals are a better way to do things in this case although I haven t written any RDBMSes myself but you got the technical descriptions of the two operating systems exactly backwards Most programs that use Linux real time signals for asynchronous network I O in fact block the signal in question and poll the signal queue in a very Windowsish way using sigtimedwait or sigwaitinfo Kragen Sitaker Edsger Wybe Dijkstra died in August of This is a terrible loss after which the world will never be the same http www xent com pipermail fork August html ,1
-[SPAM] news idea dayFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable bdiv BORDER RIGHT CC px solid BORDER TOP CC px solid BORDER LEFT CC px solid BORDER BOTTOM CC px solid Ca nadian Pharmacy Internet Inline Drugstore Today s bestsellers V A G R A Our price C I A S Our price L E V I T R A Our price V A G R A S FT Tab`s Our price V A G R A Super Active Our price C I A S Super Active Our price V A G R A Professional Our price C I A S Professional Our price C I A S FT Tab`s Our price And more Click here mac feel everyone to even city game sun money everything to half ll change what phone your come made know finally kind took about we talk now watching put want win talking h it said un talking hate but die article rt was talking rock glad tinyurl com else than update tell those guys is gotta windows n does welcome news idea day to mac feel everyone to ,0
-Re [zzzzteana] Which Muppet Are You Hey it s not easy being green leslie Leslie Ellen Jones Ph D Jack of All Trades and Doctor of Folklore lejones ucla edu Truth is an odd number Flann O Brien Original Message From Dino To zzzzteana yahoogroups com Sent Thursday August AM Subject RE [zzzzteana] Which Muppet Are You Damn kermit boring Wanna be rizzo he s the coolest Dino Yahoo Groups Sponsor ADVERTISEMENT To unsubscribe from this group send an email to forteana unsubscribe egroups com Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to the Yahoo Terms of Service [Non text portions of this message have been removed] Yahoo Groups Sponsor DVDs Free s p Join Now http us click yahoo com pt YBB NXiEAA mG HAA gSolB TM To unsubscribe from this group send an email to forteana unsubscribe egroups com Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to http docs yahoo com info terms ,1
-Re [ILUG] Secure remote file accessrsync over ssh very nice Donncha On Tuesday August Niall O Broin wrote What are the best options available on Linux SFTP WebDAV Something else Linux servers Linux and Mac OS X clients Niall Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
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-Re New Sequences WindowFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii From Valdis Kletnieks vt edu Date Wed Aug _Exmh_ P Content Type text plain charset us ascii On Tue Aug EDT Valdis Kletnieks vt edu said Ever tried to get MH to not have a pseq sequence I suspect everybod y s looking at a big box that has unseen and pseq in it Might want to add pseq to the hide by default list Was it intended that if you added a sequence to the never show list that it not take effect till you stopped and restarted exmh I added pseq then hit save for Preferences didn t take effect till I restarted No it wasn t and at one point it worked fine I ll check and see why it stopped working Chris Chris Garrigues http www DeepEddy Com cwg virCIO http www virCIO Com Congress Suite Austin TX World War III The Wrong Doers Vs the Evil Doers ,1
-Re [SAtalk] From and To are my addressOn Mon Aug the voices made CertaintyTech write Recently I have been receiving Spam where both the From and To address are set to my address therefore getting thru due to AWL Any suggestions on this one I could turn off AWL but it does have advantages BTW I use a site wide AWL Use cron to remove your address from the AWL daily Tony Per scientiam ad libertatem Through knowledge towards freedom Genom kunskap mot frihet c tony svanstrom com perl e print _ _ for sort _ `lynx dump svanstrom com t` This sf net email is sponsored by OSDN Tired of that same old cell phone Get a new here for FREE https www inphonic com r asp r sourceforge refcode vs _______________________________________________ Spamassassin talk mailing list Spamassassin talk lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin talk ,1
-RE MIT OpenCourseWareBetter late than never I received a grant from Project Athena MIT s original courseware effort and found at the end that they hadn t thought much about distribution of the courseware Instead they had gotten wrapped up with X and various Unix tools and other useful but not strictly educational efforts Ken Original Message From B K DeLong [mailto bkdelong pobox com] Sent Tuesday October AM To Eugen Leitl forkit Subject Re MIT OpenCourseWare At PM Eugen Leitl wrote Looks useful Hopefully they ll put up some more material soon http ocw mit edu global all courses html I ll be sure to keep everyone posted on the next update B K DeLong bkdelong ceci mit edu OpenCourseWare cell ,1
-Re Epiphany browser continues to get worse and worse Stephen Powell Why did they switch from gecko to webkit anyway It was working so well I use Epiphany because they switched to Webkit On Ubuntu Lucid it s working very well I even use it to play youtube HTML videos Architecte Informatique chez Blueline Gulfsat Administration Systeme Recherche Developpement To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org b d pbmiha malagasy com ,1
-[SPAM] I will chase you HealthCare Newsletter body font family Arial Helvetica sans serif margin padding a color A noborder border noimage font family Arial Helvetica sans serif font size px font weight normal text align center text decoration underline center text align center td permission font family Arial Helvetica sans serif font size px font weight normal color padding px px td permission a font family Arial Helvetica sans serif font size px font weight normal color td header height px border top px dotted d d d border bottom px dotted d d d background color a td header h font family Arial Helvetica sans serif color white font size px font weight bold text align center line height px padding top px td header h font family Arial Helvetica sans serif color white font size px font weight bold text align center line height px table sidebar td border bottom px dotted d d d padding px px table sidebar td img margin left px margin bottom px h meta font family Arial Helvetica sans serif font size px font weight normal color margin padding text transform uppercase table sidebar ul margin px padding table sidebar ul li a font family Arial font size px font weight normal color A h font family Arial Helvetica sans serif font size px font weight normal color margin px padding table sidebar p font family Arial Helvetica sans serif font size px font weight normal color margin px padding table sidebar p miniheader font family Arial Helvetica sans serif font size px font weight bold color margin px padding td mainbar h font family Arial Helvetica sans serif font size px font weight normal color margin px px padding td mainbar h a font family Arial Helvetica sans serif font size px font weight normal color text decoration none td mainbar p font family Arial Helvetica sans serif font size px font weight normal color margin px padding td mainbar p top padding px border bottom px dotted d d d td mainbar p top a font family Verdana Geneva sans serif font size px font weight normal color A td mainbar ul font family Verdana Geneva sans serif font size px font weight normal color td footer font family Lucida Sans Calibri Verdana font size px font weight normal color padding px px td footer span font weight bold pre width px padding px background color lightyellow overflow auto font size px HealthCare Newsletter Thanks for subscribing Welcome You are successfully subscribed and will start receiving newsletter issues I hope you enjoy them Medicine Shoppe International Inc Ste Earth City MO This email was sent to hibody csmining org because you signed up for receiving occasional messages To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit http fb vugirqv cn enjkocadi c fc e d c c zsndzyjh hibody csmining org vivebuzqv ,0
-Re class structure questionsOn Wed May at AM Jason T Slack Moehrle wrote It is not true I am not looking for a free ride I am looking to learn I think I get confused because of all the possiblities View DataSource Delegate Controller etc I dont have a strong MVC background I think you should pick up a book that covers MVC in the iPhone world Beginning iPhone Development by Dave Mark and JeffLaMarche is probably your best bet I actually attended the Big Nerd Ranch with Aaron many years ago in in Whitesburg Georgia It was a fabulous week but I made the mistake of never using what I learned after that My job changed had kids ugh the list goes on I was considering going again this summer as I have between semesters off That may be worthwhile Even if you had retained your era BNR knowledge the prevailing use of framework provided view controllers in UIKit is a pretty significant change with lots of interesting and mostly very positive consequences Even some Cocoa old timers had a hard time grasping it at first I m living proof That being said I don t know if BNR is covering a lot of iPhone material now though I assume that s the case or if they re still more Mac focused so check first jack http nuthole com http learncocoa org _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Objc language mailing list Objc language lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options objc language mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-[Spambayes] understanding high false negative rate[Jeremy Hylton] Here s clarification of why I did That s pretty much what I had guessed Thanks One more to try First test results using tokenizer Tokenizer tokenize_headers unmodified Second test results using mboxtest MyTokenizer tokenize_headers This uses all headers except Received Data and X From_ Try the latter again but call the base tokenize_headers too ,1
-Dish Networks best offer of the year and save over Yet he read much about the war Some of the recounted episodes deeply and ineffaceably impressed him For example an American newspaper correspondent had written a dramatic description of the German army marching marching steadily along a great Belgian high road a procession without beginning and without end and of the procession being halted for his benefit and of a German officer therein who struck a soldier several times in the face angrily with his cane while the man stood stiffly at attention George had an ardent desire to spend a few minutes alone with that officer he could not get the soldier s bruised cheek out of his memory Good evening once more Miss Nowell he said I _might_ you knaoo said Marrier brightening to full hope in the fraction of a second General the Chouans have no doubt brought arms for those escaped recruits Now if we try to outmarch them they will catch us in the woods and shoot every one of us before we can get to Ernee We must argue as you call it with cartridges During the skirmish which will last more time than you think for some of us ought to go back and fetch the National Guard and the militia from Fougeres What could it all mean Why that medium for her message Should he write and ask her But what was there to ask or say in the face of her silence Besides he had not even her address Miss Camilla could doubtless give him that But would she How much did she understand Why had she turned so unhelpful She wouldn t see him She s very strong willed That s a wonderful woman hibody Io s voice shook a little We can t stop their tongues he said at last Ah I did a foolish thing She turned upon him the sparkle of golden lights in wine brown eyes It s a fairy bower I m going to do a bewitchment What makes you think it was Colonel de Peyster or any other English or Tory officer who saved me from the Indians Well it wasn t If Colonel Bird and your other white friends had had their way when I was taken I should have been burned at the stake long before this It was the Wyandot chief Timmendiquas known in our language as White Lightning who saved me I beg your pardon the stranger said addressing him in pure and limpid English which sounded to Philip like the dialect of the very best circles yet with some nameless difference of intonation or accent which certainly was not foreign still less provincial or Scotch or Irish it seemed rather like the very purest well of English undefiled Philip had ever heard only if anything a little more so I beg your pardon but I m a stranger hereabouts and I should be so VERY much obliged if you could kindly direct me to any good lodgings Yes said she The landlady wanted the money she told me So Nellie gave me her share and I paid it at once Data Entry from Home He belonged to that small minority of undemonstrative retiring natures who are always at peace with themselves and who are conscious of a feeling of humiliation at the mere thought of making a request no matter what its nature may be So promotion had come to him tardily and by virtue of the slowly working laws of seniority He had been made a sub lieutenant in but it was not until that he became a major in spite of the grayness of his moustaches His life had been so blameless that no man in the army not even the general himself could approach him without an involuntary feeling of respect It is possible that he was not forgiven for this indisputable superiority by those who ranked above him but on the other hand there was not one of his men that did not feel for him something of the affection of children for a good mother For them he knew how to be at once indulgent and severe He himself had also once served in the ranks and knew the sorry joys and gaily endured hardships of the soldier s lot He knew the errors that may be passed over and the faults that must be punished in his men his children as he always called them and when on campaign he readily gave them leave to forage for provision for man and horse among the wealthier classes Master Pillsbury pursed his lips and his expression became severe Yes I shall outlive it else I should have little faith in myself But I shall not forget and if you would remain forever what you now are to me you will so act that nothing may mar this memory if it is to be no more I doubt your power to forget an affection which has survived so many changes and withstood assaults such as Geoffrey must unconsciously have made upon it But I have no right to condemn your beliefs to order your actions or force you to accept my code of morals if you are not ready for it You must decide but do not again deceive yourself and through whatever comes hold fast to that which is better worth preserving than husband happiness or friend What s the price asked Ellis of the cigar and the compliment together In other words what do you want of me A boat Lord that sounds good sighed Banneker Brian is not unkind to you I hope cried Bessie prepared to be indignant by a new destroyer a gentlemanly vulture whose suave accents and perfect manners were fatal to the unwary Henceforth Horatio Cromie Nugent Paget flourished and fattened upon the folly of his fellow men As promoter of joint stock companies that never saw the light as treasurer of loan offices where money was never lent as a gentleman with capital about to introduce a novel article of manufacture from the sale of which a profit of five thousand a year would infallibly be realized and desirous to meet with another gentleman of equal capital as the mysterious X Y Z who will for so small a recompense as thirty postage stamps impart the secret of an elegant and pleasing employment whereby seven pound ten a week may be made by any individual male or female under every flimsy disguise with which the swindler hides his execrable form Captain Paget plied his cruel trade and still contrived to find fresh dupes Of course there were occasions when the pigeons were slow to flutter into the fascinating snare and when the vulture had a bad time of it and it was a common thing for the Captain to sink from the splendour of Mayfair or St James s street into some dingy transpontine hiding place But he never went back to Tulliver s terrace though Mary Anne pleaded piteously for the payment of her poor mother s debt When her husband was in funds he patted her head affectionately and told her that he would see about it i e the payment of Mrs Kepp s bill while if she ventured to mention the subject to him when his purse was scantily furnished he would ask her fiercely how he was to satisfy her mother s extortionate claims when he had not so much as a sixpence for his own use ,0
-Re Filesystem recommendationsOn AM Stan Hoeppner wrote XFS has had just as much development support in Linux as EXT have possibly more in some areas What does this prove Development does not equal support MAA To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BD A F allums com ,1
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-ADV Harvest lots of E mail addresses quickly Dear fma C CBODY bgColor D ffccff E CTABLE border D cellPadding D cellSpacing D width D E CTBODY E CTR E CTD align Dmiddle vAlign Dtop E C FTD E C FTR E C FTBODY E C FTABLE E CBR E CTABLE E CTBODY E CTR E CTD width D E C FTD E CTD bgColor D b ecff borderColor D ff width D E CFONT color D ff face D Arial Black size D E nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B Want To Harvest A Lot Of Email nbsp B nbsp B Addresses In A Very Short Time F C FFONT E CP E CB E CFONT color D ff face DArial size D EEasy Email Searcher C FFONT E CFONT color D ff ff face DArial size D E nbsp B is nbsp B a nbsp B powerful nbsp B Email nbsp B software nbsp B nbsp B that nbsp B harvests general Email lists from mail servers nbsp B nbsp B C FFONT E CFONT color D ff face DArial size D EEasy Email Searcher C FFONT E CFONT color D ff ff face DArial size D Ecan get C Email C FFONT E C FB E CFONT color D ff ff face DArial size D E CB Eaddresses directly from the Email servers in only one hour nbsp B C FB E C FFONT E C FP E CUL E CLI E CFONT face DArial size D E CB E CFONT color D ff EEasy Email Searcher C FFONT E C FB E is a bit Windows Program for e mail marketing E It is intended for easy and convenient search large e mail address lists from mail servers E The program can be operated on Windows F FME F and NT E C FFONT E CLI E CFONT face DArial size D E CB E CFONT color D ff EEasy Email Searcher C FFONT E C FB Esupport multi threads up to connections E C FFONT E CLI E CFONT face DArial size D E CB E CFONT color D ff EEasy Email Searcher C FFONT E C FB E has the ability nbsp B to reconnect to the mail server if the server has disconnected and continue the searching at the point where it has been interrupted E C FFONT E CLI E CFONT face DArial size D E CB E CFONT color D ff EEasy Email Searcher C FFONT E C FB E has an ergonomic interface that is easy to set up and simple to use E C FFONT E C FLI E C FUL E CP E A A CB E CFONT color D ff face DArial EEasy Email Searcher is an email address searcher and bulk e mail sender E It can verify more than email addresses per minute at only Kbps speed E It even allows you send email to valid email address while searching E You can save the searching progress and load it to resume work at your convenience E All you need to do is just input an email address C and press the Search button E C FFONT E C FB E C FP E CP E CB E CFONT color D ff face DArial E CBR E C FFONT E Cfont face D Comic Sans MS size D color D FF FF EVery Low Price nbsp B Now C nbsp B The full version of Easy Email Searcher only costs C Ffont E Cfont face D Comic Sans MS size D color D FF E E C Ffont E C FB E C FP E CP E CB E CFONT color D ff face DArial size D E CI EClick The Following Link To Download The Demo A C FI E C FFONT E C FB E C FP E CP E CB E CFONT color D ff face DArial size D E CA href D http A F Fwww Ewldinfo Ecom Fdownload Femail Fnewees Ezip EDownload Site C FA E C FFONT E C FB E C FP E CP E CB E CFONT color D ff face DArial size D E CA href D http A F Fbestsoft E Eorg Fonlinedown Fnewees Ezip EDownload Site C FA E nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B C FFONT E C FB E A A CFONT color D a face DArial size D E CSTRONG EIf nbsp B you can not download this program C nbsp B please copy the following link into your URL C and then click Enter on your Computer Keyboard E C FSTRONG E C FFONT E C FP E CP E CFONT size D E CFONT color D a face DArial size D E CSTRONG EHere is the download links A C FSTRONG E C FFONT E C FP E CDIV E CP Ehttp A F Fwww Ewldinfo Ecom Fdownload Femail Fnewees Ezip C FP E CP Ehttp A F Fbestsoft E Eorg Fonlinedown Fnewees Ezip C FP E C FFONT E C FDIV E CP E C FP E C FTD E CTD width D E C FTD E C FTR E CTR E CTD width D E C FTD E CTD bgColor D f de width D E CFONT color D ffffff face D Verdana C Tahoma C Helvetica C SansSerif size D E CB EDisclaimer A C FB E CBR EWe are strongly against continuously sending unsolicited emails to those who do not wish to receive our special mailings E We have attained the services of an independent rd party to overlook list management and removal services E This is not unsolicited email E If you do not wish to receive further mailings C please click this link CA href D mailto Aremoval btamail Enet Ecn target D Fblank E CFONT color D fdd a E CB Emailto Aremoval btamail Enet Ecn C FB E C FFONT E C FA E E nbsp B C FFONT E CB E CFONT class Ddisclaimer color D face DArial E CBR EThis message is a commercial advertisement E It is compliant with all federal and state laws regarding email messages including the California Business and Professions Code E We have provided the subject line ADV to provide you notification that this is a commercial advertisement for persons over yrs old E C FFONT E C FB E C FTD E CTD width D E C FTD E C FTR E C FTBODY E C FTABLE E CBR E ,0
-Re gforce On Sat Apr steef wrote Camale n wrote Just another thing to try Issue lspci grep VGA and put here the output here it comes steef debianlennynw lspci grep VGA VGA compatible controller Intel Corporation Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller rev VGA compatible controller nVidia Corporation Device rev a So do you have the two VGA cards enabled I also have an Intel embedded card but IIRC I disabled it in the BIOS as soon as I plugged the nvidia card GS OTOH it seems that device ID corresponds to nvida GT So I would test with the nvidia Debian drivers If they do not work you can always come back and activate the Intel one I ll look into that wiki again it can take some time before i answer again got to take care of my family now Take your time Family is first Saludos Camale n To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org pan csmining org ,1
-Say Goodbye to the yhe Fire Your Boss Say Goodbye to the Tired of working to make someone else wealthy FREE tape teaches you how to make YOU wealthy Click here and send your name and mailing address for a free copy To unsubscribe click here xgcqyahtsvdwhqnhjiuweimhfumiaiyawr ,0
-Re alsa driver spec tweak for homemade kernelsOn Wed Oct at PM Matthias Saou wrote So I ve attached a patch to specify an alternate kernel by setting the TARGET_KERNEL environment variable before running rpmbuild You still need to have the rpm for the specified kernel installed but at least it doesn t have to be currently running It s kinda hackish so if someone has a better way to do this let me know That idea looks good although it maybe needs to be tweaked a bit more what you sent doesn t support packages named kernel smp I d also prefer a cleaner way than the env variable and preferrably not editing the spec probably define target xx xx with smp Sound good enough The BuildRequires on kernel source will also need to be removed because it won t necessarily need to be true and that does bug me a bit The define is exactly what I was looking for I was trying to figure out a way to do it within the mechanism of rpm like the with switches but for some reason didn t think of using define My computer is currently gone for repairs but once it s back I ll rewrite the specfile add support for kernel smp and email it to the list for further criticism As far as requiring kernel source I don t feel it s a big problem If you re gonna go to the trouble of packaging custom kernels into rpms it s not a far stretch to package the source tree too as I currently do Also I ve found that the alsa driver source needs a usb related patch to compile under the latest test kernels preX Are other people seeing the same thing or is this just a problem with my setup gary P S If I didn t mention it before thanks for the alsa packages They greatly simplified what used to take way too long before _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-For hibody special OFF on Pfizer Newsletter View Online Home About Us Unsubscribe Privacy Policy Louv All rights reserved ,0
-Licenses to software of Adobe Microsoft MACOSFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset windows Content Transfer Encoding bit Microsoft s half price offer on Office Office Watch http infolink hr cxjm html JO IA lot of software is for windows and macOS Parallels Desktop for MacALL OUR SOFTWARES ON ALL EUROPEAN LANGUAGES USA English France Italy Spanish German and more AVG Internet Security Corel Draw Graphics Suite ds Max Design and bit Kaspersky Internet Security D Album PicturePro Platinum Also we have so much soft for MACINTOSH Adobe Creative Suite Master Collection for MAC Quark XPress for MAC Adobe Creative Suite Design Premium for MAC Adobe Acrobat Pro for MAC Order now best software Discount for software license visit http infolink hr cxjm html YNULWKHPP ,0
-Re Chromium XperienceHugo Vanwoerkom wrote Good question I now use Google Chrome beta exclusively I loaded it down from their site Is there a debian package chromium browser To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BF DC fastmail fm ,1
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-What is EMC Stock to Cash From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset Windows Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable STOCK to CASH A Keep Your Clients Money Working in Two Places at the Same Time A Eliminate downside risk while keeping their upside intact What is EMC Stock to Cash Your client receives of their stock portfolio up front and in cash You invest this money in either an annuity life policy or both If the portfolio decreases in value your clients investment remains intact If the portfolio increases in value your clients receive the upside appreciation Reduces capital gains and estate taxes Annuities Protect Stocks S C allows you to wrap your favorite fixed annuities around your clients existing stock portfolios combining the safety features of tax deferred annuities with the high growth potential of the nation s leading stock indices Annuities can also be used to fund fixed life insurance policies _____ Call Tim Armstrong or e mail us today x Please fill out the form below for more information Name E mail Phone City State We don t want anybody to receive our mailing who does not wish to receive them This is a professional communication sent to insurance professionals To be removed from this mailing list DO NOT REPLY to this message Instead go here http www insurancemail net Legal Notice ,0
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-QuicklyURL http www aaronsw com weblog Date T Anyone have a copy of Gill Sans or Bell Centennial I can borrow I wonder if I ll ever have to spend on fonts Update Kevin Marks[ ] who is stupendously incredible for far more things than I can list here points out that it s _included with OS X_ I knew Mac OS X included a lot of grat fonts[ ] but I don t know how I overlooked this Matthew Carter I d be happy to pay you the two cents in royalties you probably get for selling worth of fonts Tufte notes Terrie Miller[ ] First ammendement beer bash iSync Beta[ ] guess they learned a lesson from iCal is out [ ] http epeus blogspot com [ ] http www apple com macosx features font html [ ] http www oreillynet com terrie tufte [ ] http www apple com isync ,1
-taint orgFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset utf Content Transfer Encoding bit Hi I visited taint org and noticed that you re not listed on some search engines I think we can offer you a service which can help you increase traffic and the number of visitors to your website I would like to introduce you to TrafficMagnet com We offer a unique technology that will submit your website to over search engines and directories every month You ll be surprised by the low cost and by how effective this website promotion method can be To find out more about TrafficMagnet and the cost for submitting your website to over search engines and directories visit us at http emaserver trafficmagnet net trafficmagnet www r bpOq R Z Ff I would love to hear from you Best Regards Sarah Williams Sales and Marketing E mail Sarah_Williams trafficmagnet com http www TrafficMagnet com This email was sent to zzzz latestdodgydotcomstock jmason org I understand that you may NOT wish to receive information from me by email To be removed from this and other offers simply go to the link below http emaserver trafficmagnet net trafficmagnet www optoutredirect UC Lead UI ,0
-Re gforce Camale n wrote On Sat Apr steef wrote Camale n wrote please some further suggestions Try to load nv driver and see what happens Greetings and that is what i did kaffeine is still giving trouble with mpeg files so i loaded again the intel driver this driver or chip x is definitely of better quality than the combination geforce and the nv driver my conclusion no hardware problem just a disastrous by effect of the latest nvidia driver from their site on the hardware combination of my machine so be it till another nvidia driver will come up or another pci express card thank you very much you all have illuminated me steef To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BBFF C home nl ,1
-Security update for Debian Testing This automatic mail gives an overview over security issues that were recently fixed in Debian Testing The majority of fixed packages migrate to testing from unstable If this would take too long fixed packages are uploaded to the testing security repository instead It can also happen that vulnerable packages are removed from Debian testing Migrated from unstable gnu smalltalk CVE http cve mitre org cgi bin cvename cgi name CVE http bugs debian org Removed from testing The following issues have been fixed by removing the source packages from testing This probably means that you have to manually uninstall the corresponding binary packages to fix the issues It can also mean that the packages have been replaced or that they have been temporarily removed by the release team to make transitions from unstable easier webcalendar CVE http cve mitre org cgi bin cvename cgi name CVE CVE http cve mitre org cgi bin cvename cgi name CVE CVE http cve mitre org cgi bin cvename cgi name CVE How to update Make sure the line deb http security debian org squeeze updates main contrib non free is present in your etc apt sources list Of course you also need the line pointing to your normal squeeze mirror You can use aptitude update aptitude dist upgrade to install the updates More information More information about which security issues affect Debian can be found in the security tracker http security tracker debian org tracker A list of all known unfixed security issues is at http security tracker debian org tracker status release testing To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian testing security announce request lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org E OABZw yB D soler debian org ,1
-[use Perl] Headlines for use Perl Daily Headline Mailer This Week on perl porters August st September posted by rafael on Monday September summaries http use perl org article pl sid The Perl Review v i posted by ziggy on Monday September news http use perl org article pl sid Copyright pudge All rights reserved You have received this message because you subscribed to it on use Perl To stop receiving this and other messages from use Perl or to add more messages or change your preferences please go to your user page http use perl org my messages You can log in and change your preferences from there ,1
-WARNING Your computer may contain a virus Take Control of Your Computer With This Top Take Control of Your Computer With This Top of the Line Software Norton SystemWorks Software Suite Professional Edition Includes Six Yes Feature Packed Utilities ALL for Special LOW Price of Only This Software Will Protect your computer from unwanted and hazardous viruses Help secure your private valuable information Allow you to transfer files and send e mails safely Backup your ALL your data quick and easily Improve your PC s performance w superior integral diagnostics You ll NEVER have to take your PC to the repair shop AGAIN Feature Packed Utilities Great Price A Combined Retail Value YOURS for Only Price Includes FREE Shipping Don t fall prey to destructive viruses or hackers Protect your computer and your valuable information and CLICK HERE to Order Yours NOW Denotes Free Shipping For US Canadian Customers Only We are strongly against sending unsolicited emails to those who do not wish to receive our special mailings You have opted in to one or more of our affiliate sites requesting to be notified of any special offers we may run from time to time We also have attained the services of an independent rd party to overlook list management and removal services This is NOT unsolicited email If you do not wish to receive further mailings please CLICK HERE to be removed from the list Please accept our apologies if you have been sent this email in error We honor all removal requests pSqQ DHIX XDPF l ,0
-Re problems with apt get f install Hello Tried apt get clean with same results On Sat at Matthias Saou wrote Once upon a time Lance wrote I have failed dependencies in RPM database to I am unable to use apt get I requests to run apt get f install to fix these dependencies however I get these errors when running apt get f install [ ] error unpacking of archive failed on file usr share libgcj zip c b e cpio MD sum mismatch E Sub process bin rpm returned an error code [root localhost root] I d say that the file apt downloaded is corrupted Maybe trying apt get clean to remove all downloaded files first would solve the problem Matthias Matthias Saou World Trade Center Edificio Norte Planta System and Network Engineer Barcelona Spain Electronic Group Interactive Phone _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-RE Re[ ] Java is for kiddies Original Message From fork admin xent com [mailto fork admin xent com]On Behalf Of Karl Anderson Sent Thursday September AM To bitbitch magnesium net Cc fork spamassassin taint org Subject Re Re[ ] Java is for kiddies bitbitch magnesium net writes SL SL Misc rants about finding jobs java vs C what makes a good programmer etc SL SL Okay hmm I thought twice about this but what the hey jobs are hard to SL come by There s a company hiring in Mountain View looking for a few good I give Adam an hour or so to come up with an adequate number of excuses as to why this job isn t worth it http www netli com careers index htm Along with your resume please answer this question What does this C statement do define XY s m s m Besides provide job security This is more useful define CONTAINING_RECORD address type field type \ PCHAR address \ PCHAR type field Bill ,1
-Re Increasing number of conflictsFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset UTF format flowed Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable B Alexander schreef On Tue Apr at PM John Hasler wrote B Alexander wrote I ve got an issue with a sid box that I have been maintaining fo r a while This is my workstation and I have noticed a growing numb er of broken packages unmet dependencies and conflicts I have been u sing safe upgrade for months now hoping that it would work itself ou t over time However this hasn t happened No of course not Sid is constantly undergoing the sort of change s that take place when you upgrade from one release to the next and w hich full upgrade is designed to handle and which safe upgrade blocks transitions removal of obsolete packages major version changes th at require new library versions that may be incompatible with other packages etc Sid is often also in an inconsistent state when fo r example a package is uploaded in advance of its dependencies By repeatedly running safe upgrade you have forced these things to pil e up So what can I do to fix the problems without losing functionalit y aptitude full upgrade and then patiently sort through the resulti ng mess It might be simplest to write down all the proposed removals let it do its thing and then install the removed packages Yes I need to block out some time and do just this No problem Most of my Debian installs at home run sid with the rest running testing Except my firewall which runs stable for the first months or so until critical packages start getting long in th e tooth then I upgrade it to testing and run until the next stab le release I m having trouble imagining what packages appropriate to a firewal l could get long in the tooth ssh ssl iptables snort etc I don t have an extensively large package list on my firewall especially compared to a workstation but since it is on the sharp end of my network I try to keep it as up to date as is feasable Then use stable as security updates are often available earlier for stable than for testing Up to date is something different than cutting edge Sjoerd PS If you do need cutting edge use debian backports ,1
-Note to self Read the pingback spec Form opinion URL http scriptingnews userland com backissues When PM Date Wed Sep GMT Note to self Read the pingback spec[ ] Form opinion [ ] http www hixie ch specs pingback pingback ,1
-Re automate updates in LennyFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii Content Disposition inline Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Sat Apr Clive McBarton wrote Certainly so What I meant to ask is what to do if you like the OP want automatic upgrades downloaded and installed without the admin present but unlike the OP only use aptitude and never apt get It doesn t matter Mixing apt get and aptitude is not a problem anymore Regards Andrei Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers http lists alioth debian org mailman listinfo d community offtopic ,1
-Re How to schedule for a repeated task From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset ISO It doesn t matter what the remote system is as long as it has telnet which I m assuming it does since that s what you originally asked about To be able to help we would need to know the output you are getting when you run it and probably the contents of the expect script that you are using edit out any passwords Please find below my simple expect telnet script usr bin expect set name spawn telnet name set cmd command set cmd logout send cmd send cmd exit When I try for this procedure I just see loging in and loging out from the telnet session Actually I need to have the output result of issuing command on the remote node to be captured on my local host But when I try manually say telnet to it and issue the command I see the output on my screen Please help me how to modify my simple code to have the desired result Thank you ,1
-World Wide Words Aug WORLD WIDE WORDS ISSUE Saturday August Sent each Saturday to subscribers in at least countries Editor Michael Quinion Thornbury Bristol UK ISSN IF YOU RESPOND TO THIS MAILING REMEMBER TO CHANGE THE OUTGOING ADDRESS TO ONE OF THOSE IN THE CONTACT ADDRESSES SECTION Contents Feedback notes and comments Turns of Phrase Thinspiration Weird Words Usufructuary Q A Three sheets to the wind Mogadored Skunk works Endnote Subscription commands Contact addresses Feedback notes and comments COCKLES OF ONE S HEART You may recall that I was a bit suspicious of the story I told in last week s issue James Woodfield pointed out that there is another possible explanation In medieval Latin the ventricles of the heart were at times called cochleae cordis where the second word is derived from cor heart Those unversed in Latin could have misinterpreted cochleae as cockles Oddly cochlea in Latin means snail from the shape of the ventricles it s also the name of the spiral cavity of the inner ear so if this story is right we should really be speaking of warming the snails of one s heart SERRANCIFIED Many of you supplied your own memories of this odd expression that I tried to make sense of last week Taken together they show that the expression is best known in Canada and that it was originally something like My sufficiency has been suffonsified and anything additional would be superfluous That form of the word is the one that is most common in online searches where the Canadian focus is also obvious Cheryl Caesar noted that it appears in a passage in Margaret Atwood s novel Cat s Eye she has two teenage girls living in Toronto in the s who say Are you sufficiently sophonisified A Vancouver restaurant reviewer has the pen name Sufficiently Suffonsified Oddly there s also a record by the Austrian band Cunning Dorx entitled Paradigms Suffonsified G H Gordon Paterson suggested that the word might be a punning blend of sufficient and fancified There are some tantalising suggestions that it may actually be Scots and not New World at all ABSQUATULATE I have been gently remonstrated with for describing sockdologer as one of the products of early American linguistic inventiveness that hasn t survived to the present day Many people gave me examples of current or recent use I stand corrected Turns of Phrase Thinspiration This is one of the key words associated with a deeply disquieting online trend In the past couple of years or so a number of Web sites and chatrooms have appeared which actively promote anorexia nervosa known on the sites as ana and other eating disorders as lifestyle choices Since of anorexics are young women these pro ana sites are usually run by and attract that group one term sometimes used for them is weborexics Sites offer suggestions on how to become and remain thin often through tips on avoiding eating and how to disguise the condition from family and friends Other themes sometimes featured on such sites are self mutilation cutting and bulimia mia Thin women such as supermodels and Calista Flockhart are presented as thinspirations examples to emulate Sites have had names such as Starving for Perfection Wasting Away on the Web and Dying To Be Thin Medical professionals in the US and UK are deeply concerned about them because they accentuate the low self regard of young women who are particularly prone to eating disorders put their lives at risk and discourage them from facing their illness and seeking treatment for it The Internet is home to a number of pro eating disorder Web sites places where sufferers can discuss tips trade low calorie recipes and exchange poems and art that may be used as triggers or so called thinspiration [ Calgary Sun Feb ] A new trend among young adults has been sweeping the nation pro anorexia Web sites Also known as pro ana these sites glorify anorexia nervosa and offer thinspiration on maintaining a starvation lifestyle [ University Wire Apr ] Weird Words Usufructuary ju zjU frVktju rI A person who has the use or enjoyment of something especially property We are short of words that contain four u s Among the few that are even relatively common leaving aside the Hawaiian muu muu are tumultuously and unscrupulous although some rare words like pustulocrustaceous and pseudotuberculous are also recorded The term comes from Roman law Usufruct is the right of temporary possession or enjoyment of something that belongs to somebody else so far as that can be done without causing damage or changing its substance For example a slave in classical Rome could not own anything Things he acquired as the result of his labour he merely held usus et fructus under use and enjoyment it was his master who actually owned them The term remains in use in modern US legal practice and elsewhere These days a usufructuary can be a trustee who enjoys the income from property he holds in trust for somebody else Many Native American groups hold land on a usufruct basis with rights to enjoy the renewable natural resources of the land for hunting and fishing Q A Q How does the term three sheets to the wind denote drunkenness [Benjamin Weatherston] A It s a sailor s expression We ignorant landlubbers might think that a sheet is a sail but in traditional sailing ship days a sheet was actually a rope particularly one attached to the bottom corner of a sail it comes from an Old English term for the corner of a sail The sheets were vital since they trimmed the sail to the wind If they ran loose the sail would flutter about in the wind and the ship would wallow off its course out of control Extend this idea to sailors on shore leave staggering back to the ship after a good night on the town well tanked up The irregular and uncertain locomotion of the jolly seafarers must have reminded onlookers of the way a ship moved in which the sheets were loose Perhaps one loose sheet might not have been enough to get the image across so the saying became three sheets to the wind Our first written example comes from that recorder of low life Pierce Egan in his Real life in London of But it must surely be much older Q My East End mother in law used to say she was well and truly mogadored when she was puzzled by something Any idea of derivation and meaning [Bryan] A Now that s a bit of British slang I haven t heard in years though it is still around Nanny Ogg uses it in one of Terry Pratchett s Discworld fantasy stories I am told As you say it means that somebody is puzzled confused or all at sea It s also sometimes spelled moggadored though it doesn t turn up in print much in either spelling No relation to the British word moggy for a cat by the way which seems to be a pet form of Margaret The writers of slang dictionaries are decidedly mogadored about its origin It looks very much like rhyming slang for floored which is likewise slang meaning dumbfounded or confused But the dispute arises over what the root is Some say it is Irish from magagh to mock jeer or laugh at via an unrecorded intermediate form mogad i Others suggest that like some other East End slang terms it derives from the Gypsy language Romany Cockney slang is like London itself a melting pot in which words from many sources are amalgamated including Yiddish and old time forces slang derived from languages around the world In this case the source may be mokardi or mokodo something tainted these Romany words also provide the root for yet another slang phrase to put the mockers on something to jinx it Sorry not to be able to be more definite Q I was having an interesting discussion with an American professor of business studies who also consults to industry She was recalling an unbudgeted initiative within a major software corporate which the UK managing director described as a skunk project I have seen this epithet before usually in the phrase skunk works meaning a semi official project team that is tacitly licensed to bend the rules and think outside the box I wonder what the derivation is I don t think it can refer to the smelly wild animal but neither I think can it refer to the street term for a strong variant of marijuana Can you shed any light [Martin Hayman] A We must start in Dogpatch the fictional place in the backwoods of upper New York State made famous between and as the home of professional mattress tester Li l Abner in the comic strip written and drawn by Al Capp The original was actually Skonk Works the place where Lonesome Polecat and Hairless Joe brewed their highly illicit bootleg Kickapoo Joy Juice from ingredients such as old shoes and dead skunks Skonk is a dialect variant of skunk We must now move to the very real Burbank California In a small group of aeronautical engineers working for the then Lockheed Aircraft Corporation headed by Clarence Kelly Johnson were given the rush job of creating an entirely new plane from scratch the P Shooting Star jet fighter This they did in days days ahead of schedule Their secret project was housed in a temporary structure roofed over with an old circus tent which had been thrown up next to a smelly plastics factory The story goes that one of the engineers answered the phone on a hot summer day with the phrase Skonk Works here and the name stuck It is also said that Al Capp objected to their use of his term and it was changed to Skunk Works One division of the company formally the Lockheed Martin Advanced Development Program is still known as the Skunk Works The term has been trademarked by Lockheed Martin who have been aggressive in protecting it As a generic term it dates from the s One definition is very much that of the original and the one you describe a small group of experts who drop out of the mainstream of a company s operations in order to develop some experimental technology or new application in secrecy or at speed unhampered by bureaucracy or the strict application of regulations Kelly Johnson formulated visionary rules for running such an operation which are still regarded as valid even now It is also sometimes used for a similar group that operates semi illicitly without top level official knowledge or support though usually with the tacit approval of immediate management Endnote The principal design of a grammar of any language is to teach us to express ourselves with propriety in that language and to enable us to judge of every phrase and form of construction whether it be right or not [Robert Lowth A Short Introduction to English Grammar ] Subscription commands To leave the list change your subscription address or subscribe please visit Or you can send a message to from the address at which you are or want to be subscribed To leave send SIGNOFF WORLDWIDEWORDS To join send SUBSCRIBE WORLDWIDEWORDS First name Last name Contact addresses Do not use the address that comes up when you hit Reply on this mailing or your message will be sent to an electronic dead letter office Either create a new message or change the outgoing To address to one of these For general comments especially responses to Q A pieces For questions intended for reply in a future Q A feature World Wide Words is copyright c Michael Quinion All rights reserved The Words Web site is at You may reproduce this newsletter in whole or in part in other free media online provided that you include this note and the copyright notice above Reproduction in print media or on Web pages requires prior permission contact ,1
-How to schedule for a repeated task From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset ISO telnet as in the original responses Google gives several example scripts With many thanks for your reply I found very simple expect telnet examples like the case that I am dealing with so I wrote for the same but it doesn t work my case Do you think it may come from the fact that the remote node is VxWorks or maybe some mistake in my code ,1
-Protect your family s future for less than per day Those hours of the night were precious but Fremont did not use them Defeated he held back magnifying the numbers of his enemy fearing that Jackson was in front of him with his whole army and once more out of touch with his ally Shields I did not ring What made you come in without orders Go away Suzette Gale turned his eyes down stream to the barracks and noted that the long flag staff had at last been erected Even as he looked he saw a bundle mounting towards its tip and then beheld the Stars and Stripes flutter out in the air while the men below cheered noisily It was some time before he answered I m not afraid if that s all she answered in a very firm tone I love you and I trust you and I could follow you to the world s end or if needful out of it But there s one other question Bertram ought I to I ve had a regularly splendid time and thank you ever so much she said when the good nights were being exchanged Who knows He was perhaps a savage Yet he may have been tender hearted I hope so if he is going to be fixed in bronze for the ages to stare at Mr Barnett will you go aloft and keep me posted said the captain Harley always travelled light carrying only two valises and an hour sufficed for his packing Then like the old campaigner that he was he slept soundly and early the next morning he went again to the hotel at which the Graysons were staying He felt a little hesitation in sending up a card so soon knowing what swarms of people Mr Grayson had been compelled to receive and how badly he must stand in need of rest but there was no help for it Let me look at it That trip was full of dangers for you and as we go through all this Western country there may be more to come I want the right Sylvia to look after you to look after you more closely than I ve ever done before and to do that Sylvia I ve got to be your husband No one will take thy place with me my daughter Protect your family s future for less than per day Her voice failed her as she uttered the last sentence But she restrained herself after the first sob that heaved her overladen bosom and stood calmly awaiting the answer to her urgent petition Neither now nor afterwards Mr Lynde A movement of astonishment ran through the assembly What does the information bureau of the Seven Seas know about it WHO told you I was dead I asked sternly And then in two columns of leaded type under a pyramid of head lines was told the story of Sylvia Morgan Flushed with enthusiasm the account said she had come from Idaho to help her uncle the candidate Although only eighteen years of age she was twenty two she had displayed a most remarkable perception and grasp of politics and of great issues It was she with her youthful zeal who inspired Mr Grayson and his friends with courage for a conflict against odds He consulted her daily about his speeches it was she who always put into them some happy thought some telling phrase that was sure to captivate the people In a pinch she could make a speech herself and she would probably be seen on the stump in the West And she was as beautiful as she was intellectual and eloquent she would be the most picturesque feature of this or Yes cried Sylvia how I have honored Adam for that steadfastness and how I have despised myself because I could not be as wise and faithful in the earlier safer sentiment I felt for Geoffrey ,0
-Re Increasing number of conflictsFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii Content Disposition inline Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Mon Apr at B Alexander wrote I ve got an issue with a sid box that I have been maintaining for a while E This is my workstation and I have noticed a growing number of broken packages unmet dependencies and conflicts I have been using safe upgrade for mont hs now hoping that it would work itself out over time However this hasn t happened So what can I do to fix the problems without losing functionali ty Below is the result of aptitude full upgrade forgive the cut and paste As a sid user you are certainly aware of the differences between safe upgrade and full upgrade and I would be interested in the actions proposed by aptitude if you run a full update I assume that this will allow aptitude to take actions which are more to your liking as you obviously don t like the ones proposed by aptitude when you run safe upgrade Thanks for testing a development branch of Debian Wolodja ` Wolodja Wentland ` ` ` R CAF EFC ` C B CD FF BA EA B B F D CAF EFC ,1
-Re bad focus click behaviours From Tony Nugent Sender exmh users admin spamassassin taint org Date Fri Sep On Fri Sep at Robert Elz wrote Date Fri Sep From Tony Nugent I can cut n paste from exmh s message display window into spawned gvim processes but not into anything else That s odd I cut paste between all kinds of windows exmh into Not so odd this issue came up several weeks ago with no real resolution mozilla xterm another wish script of mine I use for DNS tasks but that one I guess is to be expected netscape when I used to use it but I suppose it and mozilla are the same codebase approx in fact I can t thing of anything it fails for that I have noticed What is an example of an anything else that it fails for for you Everything else I can t even mark text in an exmh message window and then paste it into a terminal window the cut buffer seems to be completely empty and its previous contents are no longer there either kre BTW talking of spring downunder I m in Queensland It almost feels like early summer already winters here are dry and warm much better than cold wet miserable Melbourne Despite some recent rain first in months we are already into a drought with an El Nino on the way it is only going to get worse the last one in the s caused one of the worst droughts ever seen here in aussie This is all guess work and may be bogus Are you running Gnome I had similar problems as did several co workers Updating my Gnome components has fixed it for me and others although I can t say exactly which component did the trick Gnomecore or gtk would seem most likely but it may have been something else In any case I have not seen the problem for quite a while now R Kevin Oberman Network Engineer Energy Sciences Network ESnet Ernest O Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley Lab E mail oberman es net Phone _______________________________________________ Exmh users mailing list Exmh users redhat com https listman redhat com mailman listinfo exmh users ,1
-Oh my Hello fork So they have Aaron Schwartz on NPR s Weekend Edition talking about Warchalking I ll agree its funny his voice is squeaky and I m jealous that he got on radio and I didn t But really WTF is the big deal about warchalking I have yet to see any of it anywhere LInk will probably pop up on www npr org later today Best regards bitbitch mailto bitbitch magnesium net ,1
-Re USA USA WE ARE NUMBER six Good point Tom We want to be led It s much easier to blame our leaders throw stones at scapegoats than to actually take responsibility for our actions and think through the consequences At AM Tom wrote On Fri Jul Tom wrote ]On Thu Jul Adam L Beberg wrote ] ] ]Drains what My wallet you mean America _is_ greed that s who and what we ] ]are ] ]You really are about as clueless as a fridge without tcp ip Before there is a jump off to some thread I cant be around to respond to contractions now getting closer and longer and stronger but the kids head is still a bit off true let me say this and this is the short rambling take on America as it stands today so flesh it our for me if you want The problem with america is not its goverment its companies its corportate raider mentality its throw away buy a new one culture its not that we are greedy or shallow or over religious or under religious or even religious in the context of a secular ruling system The problem with america is its citizens the things that make it up We are not greedy we are sheep We are easily led from one trend to the next we are diverted in our lives to follow any one of a number of media induced goals that run us through commericalistic hoops shedding not only our worth but our fine grain value as individuals We are a nation of a million differnt parts seeking a homogony of sameness thru right thought right action right purcheses right hopes right dreams right teampicking right listeningtothem right mouthingoftheessentialwords and right sameness We seek to loose the individuality of our past by plunging headlong into the lava searing melting pot to come out with all our quak spins set the same as anyone else In so doing we subvert and subject ourselves tothe status quo in ways that makes Islam look like an excersise in free will and hippy love magic We have allowed a subset of our citizens to set the pace for us mostly because to set the pace sets you apart and that is a bad thing in the melting pot society Thats why the rulers the trend setters the rich and the famous are the THEM We then follow that with THEY set us up to do we run the various rat mazes that have been constructed and call this a live We chase the cheese which is green moldy and made of paper We climb the moutians set up as goals We fight the OTHERS who we are told are evil In the end we judge our living on how well we followed one of the mazes and how fat we are before the slaughter We are the blue collar worker the office worker the disability con the tech warrior the homemaker the godfearing do gooder the celeb or we are the OTHER the dont fiters the Trouble Makers tom http xent com mailman listinfo fork http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-Re[ ] Selling Wedded Bliss was Re Ouch Hello Adam Thursday September PM you wrote ALB So you re saying that product bundling works Good point Sometimes I wish I was still in CA You deserve a good beating every so often anyone else want to do the honors ALB And how is this any different from normal marriage exactly Other then ALB that the woman not only gets a man but one in a country where both she and ALB her offspring will have actual opportunities Oh and the lack of ALB de feminized over sized self centered mercenary minded choices Mmkay For the nth time Adam we don t live in the land of Adam fantasy Women actually are allowed to do things productive independent and entirely free of their male counterparts They aren t forced to cook and clean and merely be sexual vessels Sometimes and this will come as a shock to you no doubt men and women even find love which is the crucial distinction between this system and they marry one another for the satisfaction of being together I know far fetched and idealistically crazy as it is but such things do happen I can guarantee you if my mother was approached by my father and years ago he commented on her cleaning ability as a motivator for marrying her we would not be having this conversation now If guys still have silly antequated ideas about women s role then their opportunities for finding women _will_ be scarce Again these situations are great provided everyone is aware that the relationship is a contractual one he wants a maid a dog and a prostitute he doesn t have to pay and she wants a country that isn t impoverished and teeming with AIDS A contract versus a true love interest marriage Egh I really need to stop analyzing your posts to this extent I blame law school and my cat BB ALB Adam L Duncan Beberg ALB http www mithral com beberg ALB beberg mithral com Best regards bitbitch mailto bitbitch magnesium net ,1
-Reach Prospects Competitors Miss_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S P E C I A L R E P O R T How To Reliably Generate Hundreds Of Leads And Prospects Every Week _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Our research has found that many online entrepreneurs have tried one or more of the following Free Classifieds Don t work anymore Web Site Takes thousands of surfers Banners Expensive and losing their punch E Zine Hope they have a huge subscriber list Search Engines Forget it unless you re in the top S O W H A T D O E S W O R K Although often misunderstood there is one method that has proven to succeed time after time E M A I L M A R K E T I N G Does the thought of to per year make you tingle with excitement Many of our customers make that and more Click here to find out how http usinet zvlavii HERE S WHAT THE EXPERTS HAVE TO SAY ABOUT E MAIL MARKETING A gold mine for those who can take advantage of bulk e mail programs The New York Times E mail is an incredible lead generation tool Crains Magazine Click here to find out how YOU can do it http usinet zvlavii Remove Instructions Do not reply to this message To be removed from future mailings Click Here mailto tiana flashmail com Subject Remove Please do not include correspondence with your remove request all requests processed automatically [ TG ] ,0
-Re [SAtalk] URL blacklist SpamTalk said Probably better than the spam phrases approach would be the database approach as currently used for white black listing Any way to tie that to an XML retrieval from a list of central repositories Does mySQL do replication A properly done XML would let us eyeball the list as well as use it to keep the database up to date Another idea could we synthesize an RBL so that http www spammer com spam web bug becomes spam web bug x www spammer com for a reverse lookup It is going to get tricky how to specify a randomized intermediate directory A good plan needs an implementation though http bl reynolds net au ksi email hmm seems down to me Basically it s a plan to store hash sums of URLs phone numbers found in spam in a DNSBL for apps like SpamAssassin to look up A little like spamcop s spamvertized URL list j This sf net email is sponsored by DEDICATED SERVERS only Linux or FreeBSD FREE setup FAST network Get your own server today at http www ServePath com indexfm htm _______________________________________________ Spamassassin talk mailing list Spamassassin talk lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin talk ,1
-DVD stillsURL http diveintomark org archives html dvd_stills Date T DVD Capture [ ] is a helper application for the Apple DVD Player It enables the user to take screen captures of the DVD Player Viewer in window and full screen mode The captures can be saved to a file or placed on the clipboard [ ] http www versiontracker com dyn moreinfo macosx ,1
-Re The case for spamRussell Turpin wrote On the receiving side my email client distinguishes between messages that are read and messages that are not I like to mark or save messages that are particularly interresting or important to me And even if I make a point to delete suspicious material immediately upon reading it even THAT might leave an interesting kind of trace on my machine You choose to have your email client do that You don t have to Short of Palladium you can do whatever you want with bytes you hold including reading messages and erasing the traces I ll buy a chocolate sundae for anyone who can show otherwise An attacker might be able to verify that you have read a message e g by seeing that you saved and edited a copy but not that you haven t If your email client was compromised you could put a packet sniffer on the line before downloading mail If an attacker installed a packet sniffer sniffer you could run it in a spoofing VM The only exception to the rule that your machine belongs to you is maybe Palladium Lucas http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-Re gforce On Wed Apr at AM Andreas Weber wrote On Charles Kroeger wrote anyone having problems with their Nvidia card and drivers should first consult Lennart Sorensen s HOWTO http tinyplanet ca lsorense debian debian nvidia dri howto html I did it thanks to the author Lean and clean written However I disagree with its content at some point Is this whole Nvidia driver installation some kind of religious debate Why use the wording Make sure to remove all the garbage created by the nvidia installer if it really just works I ve been using the official driver installer since and it works absolutely easy A liner to install and the same to uninstall AFAICS properly BTW It is based on the fact that the official installer overwrites files belonging to debian packages When those packages someday get upgraded they overwrite what the nvidia driver installed and then things break I have helped enough people fix that kind of mess to know Just a simple fact Overwriting packages owned by a package is always a bad idea no matter how it is done because someday the package will overwrite it back on you What tricked me yesterday Why don t I get the kernel that works with the Nvidia driver although I have linux image amd installed I had to install it manually The document states amd Any AMD or Intel apt get install linux image amd That will keep you running the latest kernel released by Debian linux image X is not updated right away unfortunately in the case of unstable and sometimes testing It should always be up to date in stable though I have never quite figured out how the kernel packagers decide when to update it And no please no flaming I have no intention to provoke someone All I say is The Nvidia installer really works easily And yes you ll have to kick the installer after kernel upgrades As easy as the Debian way these days I would really appreciate some technical hint about the benefits of the Debian way other than the official installer suckz And yes of course I also read It simply comes down to the fact that using the nvidia installer overwrites packaged files and that is A bad thing tm http wiki debian org NvidiaGraphicsDrivers which says Advantages of the Debian way More automated which saves work if the kernel is changed and I disagree Well I am thinking of trying to come up with a method that actually makes it try to compile the module if it is missing at boot My wife thought it was rather unfriendly that her last upgrade which gave her a new kernel took away X Sure recompiling the module with module assistant was easy but it had to be done manually I will see if I can t find a way to automate that for those users that want it i e edit etc X xorg conf remove nivida and replace with nv very handy when the compile fails and it will Oh yes Sometimes it does Also the nvidia installer for a long time hasn t worked with debian s and higher kernels because they are now kbuild only and hence don t allow compiler tests that the nvidia installer used to work unless they get converted to kbuild I am not sure if it works with it yet Those running their own kernels would of course never notice that problem since they have the full sources installed the way the nvidia makefiles assumed it would be This same kernel header change also turned vmware modules into a nightmare as well as a few other out of kernel drivers Len Sorensen To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org GM caffeine csclub uwaterloo ca ,1
-Re cannot open EPS file with inkscapeEl a las Umarzuki Mochlis escribi you forgot replying to the list On Sat Apr at AM Camale n wrote when i tried to open it from command line inkscape T SHIRTMODELS by_APEstar eps T SHIRTMODELS by_APEstar eps parser error Start tag expected ^ and there s a pop up with message Failed to load the requested file T SHIRTMODELS by_APEstar eps That error is quite similar to the one reported at Debian BTS Check if the version of Inkscape that you are running is affected by that bug As per the report starting from the error should be fixed oh mine is on debian lenny If you can t update at least you can add your comments into that bug Greetings Camale n To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org GA stt linux site ,1
-Re Need help installing an alternative On Cameron Hutchison wrote Ron Johnson writes update alternatives install x www browser firefox \ usr local firefox firefox update alternatives error alternative link is not absolute as it should be x www browser What am I doing wrong The easiest way to see how this stuff works is to look at a postinst script that already does it Pick an existing alternative and look at var lib dpkg info PACKAGE postinst Excellent idea I think you want this update alternatives install x www browser usr bin x www browser \ usr local firefox firefox That sets up usr local firefox firefox as an alternative for usr sbin x www browser Unfortunately that s wrong Peeking into iceape browser postinst though gave me the answer Dissent is patriotic remember To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BBE C cox net ,1
-[SAdev] [Bug ] New bondedsender com is a scamhttp www hughes family org bugzilla show_bug cgi id Summary bondedsender com is a scam Product Spamassassin Version unspecified Platform Other URL http www bondedsender com OS Version other Status NEW Severity normal Priority P Component Rules AssignedTo spamassassin devel example sourceforge net ReportedBy friedman spamassassin splode com The default score for bondedsender certified domains is but I do not believe they should be trusted and encourage you to change the default I have been spammed by their customers There is no documentation on their website about how I can complain about this and have their customers financially penalized for sending me unsolicited mail What proof do any of us have that they really even do anything about it Their contract is with their customers not with us This is a scam Don t trust them You are receiving this mail because You are the assignee for the bug or are watching the assignee This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin devel mailing list Spamassassin devel lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin devel ,1
- In the overworked world of Web development there s no time to stuURL http scriptingnews userland com backissues When AM Date Tue Sep GMT [ ] In the overworked world of Web development there s no time to study there s only time to do [ ] http davenet userland com whatToDoAboutRss rssIsAboutSimplicity ,1
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-Enter now hibody off dower to George December high To view this email as a web page click here Mon April symbolically down of persists States number Court July Haikouichthys the the the There is some controversy about the percentage of the Tajik population The couple are married and the other might reasonably believe that consent to intercourse existed by virtue of that relationship The MCMAP has several nicknames including semper fu a play on the Marine Corps motto semper fi and kung fu MCSlap MCNinja and new Bushido Its use as an underpainting layer can be dated back to the guilds and workshops during the Middle Ages however it comes into standard use by painters during the Renaissance particularly in Italy A third symptom grouping the disorganization syndrome is sometimes described and includes chaotic speech thought and behavior The School of Management Sciences is an offshoot of the College of Social and Economic Studies which opened twenty years ago Early American chairs and tables are often constructed with turned spindles and chair backs often constructed with steaming to bend the wood Liberal revolutions in countries such as Mexico and Ecuador ushered in the modern world for much of Latin America Archived from the original on March A b Famous Poles through the ages With a few exceptions most notably the sponges Phylum Porifera and Placozoa animals have bodies differentiated into separate tissues Moreover the ten digit ISBN check digit generally is not the same as the thirteen digit ISBN check digit Redirected from Commercial website The vitamins of most importance in alcohol withdrawal are thiamine and folic acid Dictionary of modern political ideologies The main purpose of a dynamic website is automation Some critics have also analyzed the use of alleged front organizations and conflicted patient advocacy groups funded by pharmaceutical companies that seek to set the mental health agenda including the use of the law to force people to take antipsychotics against their will often justified by claims about risk of violence An alternative idea that biological psychological and social factors are all important is known as the biopsychosocial model Different types of paint are usually identified by the medium that the pigment is suspended or embedded in which determines the general working characteristics of the paint such as viscosity miscibility solubility drying time etc He warned against bitter partisanship in domestic politics and called for men to move beyond partisanship and serve the common good Along with the other arts the Italian Renaissance of the fourteenth and fifteenth century marked a rebirth in design often inspired by the Greco Roman tradition None of this activity was made known to the several hundred volunteers who were contributing the vast majority of information now incoming to IMDb Jeep services to Ranipuram are readily available from Panathady linked to Kanhangad by frequent bus services The use of satba was invented with the birth of professional Ssireum in the mid th century The keyboard driver also tracks the shift alt and control state of the keyboard Once obtained it can be laborious to review and summarize as APS reports can be large documents containing an indepth medical history information which may or may not be relevant These changes take some time hours or days to effect they do not happen quickly so there is no real chameleon effect here but no doubt it is a useful survival mechanism Anxiety disorder which has been found to be common in girls diagnosed with the inattentive subtype of ADHD In English poetry feet are determined by emphasis rather than length with stressed and unstressed syllables serving the same function as long and short syllables in classical meter This painting related article is a stub Classical French poetry also had a complex set of rules for rhymes that goes beyond how words merely sound Speed mode allows the mech to achieve maximum speed and make a quick sprint to the finish line Another example occurred in July when The Dark Knight temporarily took the number one spot away from The Godfather You are subscribed as hibody csmining org Click here to unsubscribe Copyright c him excessive He ,0
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-Re [ILUG] Network problemsQuoting Eamonn Shinners Hi guys I m looking for help on this one I have a server with SME installed used to be e smith It s based on RH has a c NIC and is connected to a hub Also connected to the hub are a laptop and workstation both with RH The server supplies DHCP amongst other things The problem is interruptions in the network If I ping the laptop from the workstation or the other way around there are no problems i e shows up as loss If however I ping the server from the laptop or workstation it will do a few packets anywhere from to and then stop responding it will start again after a little while If this is new behaviour in a previously working network what did you do to it Test the cables by switching which machine has which Test the hub ports by switching cables around Run ifconfig on the server any errors and what kind they are Test the network card by replacing the thing Seriously if the server has a PCI slot free something like a Realtek based card costs less than euro The design is a couple of generations later more memory less cruft no FSCKING dos config utility no jumpers on the card and it s PCI Ronan Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-[Infoworld] Ballmer describes what a Chief Software Architect doesRohit was wondering what Microsoft s definition of a Chief Software Architect is and consequently what Microsoft thinks is a roadmap Here you go from Mr Ballmer to Mr Gillmor to Mr FoRK Architecture is war love em or hate em at least Microsoft understands that as Chief SA BillG oversees all product strategy There are two things a road map can be One is just a piece of paper that tells what everyone is doing and records a bunch of bottom up plans Or it can be something where we impose more broadly our vision from the top We are not going to try to get everything shared That s a path for getting everything stopped up But at the same time we are trying to take the top four or five things we are trying to do in the Longhorn wave Yukon wave or the Net wave and really have enough time to have some cross cutting discussions about how we make that happen Bill [Gates] is dedicated full time to being chief software architect He also happens to be chairman of the company but he spends most of his time being chief software architect We have a body now that meets every month the SLTT [Senior Leadership Technical Team] basically the top people involved in the product creating strategy and we present and discuss the issues Bill is driving a process for each of these waves For instance [he will ask] what are the cross cutting scenarios that I want and then [he will] get all the right product groups together and bring these things in front of the SLTT People talk about what it takes to be a good manager and people talk about being a good coach and getting people to like you In a large organization those things are important but at a certain level the most important thing you can do for your people to make them better is to give them a framework where they can work in harmony with the other people in the company And from Bill s perspective [this framework] is the technical road map and the SLTT process it is the scenarios From my perspective it is the P L [profit and loss] structure and the multiple businesses because given how we work giving people a framework that gets them to make the whole bigger than the sum of the parts will mean we have better offerings http www infoworld com articles pl xml plballmer xml Ballmer in charge July pm PT NO ONE KNOWS better than Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer that as the Net platform evolves the success of Microsoft depends on how well the company coordinates its tool server and client strategies and how well it communicates that vision In an interview with InfoWorld Test Center Director Steve Gillmor and InfoWorld Editor at Large Ed Scannell at Microsoft Fusion Ballmer discussed the progress of Net changes in the company s approach to product development and Microsoft s efforts to simplify product licensing and inspire trust in customers and partners Last time we talked was two years ago at the beginning of the Net era So where are we now in the Net evolution Let me start by talking about where I think we are in the XML revolution first and then [I will] talk about where we are with Net I believe that the IT industry collectively decided over the last three or four years that the world was going to be replatformed with XML as the key foundation It s not like anyone ever got together to decide this but it s like magnetic north where it s been clearly indicated that everyone is rallying around the concept But I think the degree to which [XML] is pervasive might still be underestimated A lot of partners even at this conference see it as b to b for big companies But it is really about the way software in general is designed It is all about the way security should work Management everything is changed So to answer your direct question two years ago I might have said the jury is still out about whether [XML] was going to happen We were questioning if it was going to be a legitimate competitor to Java But now the world has decided to embrace [XML] as the basis for the next generation of technology And there are a lot of benefits that come with it Could it have been something other than XML Sure it could have It wasn t the specific technical implementation it is merely the fact that it comes out of Internet standards It has deeper semantic abilities It is all about interoperability and connection So in that context where are we with Net I ll say a couple things No I would say we have some momentum in the market We have customers using the Net product line like Merrill [Lynch] Credit Suisse Marks Spencer CitiBank and a variety of others People who are doing some things for real I feel like the degree we are out front is in some ways smaller and in some ways larger How so Smaller in the sense that everyone is talking the XML talk even Sun bigger in the execution sense We ve delivered We delivered the first batch of products that really were built XML to the core Visual Studio Net and BizTalk Server and we are getting traction So I feel good about where our execution is relative to everyone else That is not to say that other people aren t doing some reasonable bolt on XML support for the stuff they have You have some heavy lifting to do to convince your customers and partners to follow along What do you have to do to set the standard for adoption and upgrading to this next generation We have to present the picture that we are behaving consistently within the framework of focusing on customer issues and customer satisfaction and trustworthy computing which we have articulated Now there are some things I would have done differently in hindsight I would have increased the focus on not just security but deployment because a lot of the security problems are actually deployment problems We have the fix but sometimes we can t get the tools in their hands to deploy those fixes fast enough Licensing I know I would have given more time and there are better ways to plan around the kinds of changes we made We are still going to have to get smart about the full ramifications Do you expect any changes to be made between now and July to Licensing There is a lot of push back on this No there is nothing that will happen between now and July And we will continue to learn over time what we need to do to earn our customers trust and earn their business I think many of the people who are pushing back really don t even know the new terms Isn t that your fault for not educating them Yes it is our fault But you meet with plenty of customers whose companies already have licenses and they are saying I think there s a problem I don t deny there are some problems I am sure there are some issues we will have to work on over time After July we are going to see what the real issues are I was talking to a customer at the show who was saying he thought there would be a problem and I told him that we just completed a deal with his company and that he is now universally licensed and that total costs to his company are now lower than they were before And he said Oh really So we ll go through July We have a lot of customers who have signed licenses and I am sure we are going to find some issues My bigger concerns today are probably not in the larger accounts but there may be some issues we need to address among the smaller size companies and we will How does the Net initiative change the way in house client and server developers work together What we are trying to do for the health of Net and the health of the company and the sanity of the people who work there and the quality of the products we produce is to have a more orchestrated ber road map of where we are going Now there are two things a road map can be One is just a piece of paper that tells what everyone is doing and records a bunch of bottom up plans Or it can be something where we impose more broadly our vision from the top We are not going to try to get everything shared That s a path for getting everything stopped up But at the same time we are trying to take the top four or five things we are trying to do in the Longhorn wave Yukon wave or the Net wave and really have enough time to have some cross cutting discussions about how we make that happen Bill [Gates] is dedicated full time to being chief software architect He also happens to be chairman of the company but he spends most of his time being chief software architect We have a body now that meets every month the SLTT [Senior Leadership Technical Team] basically the top people involved in the product creating strategy and we present and discuss the issues Bill is driving a process for each of these waves For instance [he will ask] what are the cross cutting scenarios that I want and then [he will] get all the right product groups together and bring these things in front of the SLTT People talk about what it takes to be a good manager and people talk about being a good coach and getting people to like you In a large organization those things are important but at a certain level the most important thing you can do for your people to make them better is to give them a framework where they can work in harmony with the other people in the company And from Bill s perspective [this framework] is the technical road map and the SLTT process it is the scenarios From my perspective it is the P L [profit and loss] structure and the multiple businesses because given how we work giving people a framework that gets them to make the whole bigger than the sum of the parts will mean we have better offerings It seems the scenarios construct is really working for you Is this an evolution of the solutions approach I would say it is a pretty direct extrapolation from the solutions stuff only I think we are just getting a little more experience I think we use the word scenarios more often and solutions less because solution sounds more like a fixed thing At the end of the day most of the things we do are customizable and programmable and so people make them into the solution they want But they are still scenarios What will software deployment look like Well that is a scenario because it involves Windows Office and other applications We are working hard to make sure the whole is bigger than the sum of the parts That s not to say people are always comfortable with this I can t even say we will do it perfectly All we have to do is do it a lot better than we had been doing it I think that would be a big step forward for the customers Will this approach cut down on some of the technology civil wars Microsoft has had in the past involving who is going to gain control of a project This seems to be a very democratic approach to development I would not use the word democracy to describe it People have to come together and ultimately make some decisions This is not a voting process here the agenda of what we think is important We get a lot of input [But] once it is decided people don t get to vote with their feet We try to make a quantum leap here in terms of our ability to improve pulling together all the pieces Our customers want us to do that Simplifying concepts by unifying them The customers don t say they want us to do that but when we do do that they go Ahhh I get it That makes sense I don t want to go to six more meetings where people say Is your workflow strategy BizTalk Or What s your Office workflow strategy Or Why is synchronization in some ways better for e mail and Outlook than it is for file folders and Web pages To get that sort of synchronization sometimes to get that high level road map to work you have to build something we don t have today So we have been talking about unifying storage And so the best way to get all this stuff to work is to get them all to work just one way Then you just keep tuning one set of parameters instead of having a thousand flowers blooming In your Fusion keynote today you talked about who your competitors are and it was the usual suspects But one you didn t mention is yourself You are competing against the last generation of your technology Always Given that our stuff doesn t wear out or break down you can question whether it breaks or not [Ballmer grins] but it doesn t break down like machinery does To get anyone to do something new we have to have something interesting and innovative People think OK should we just do more upgrades or try to sell more new product We decided that users like us to do a level of systems integration so they don t have to get involved in that So take Sharepoint Team Services which we put in Office We could have sold Team Services as a separate product and we could have introduced a new SKU [stock keeping unit] We could have decided if it should work down level with the old Office or just the new version of Office and we could do that with real time communications But we tend to like to put things together integrate them and then release batches which are then upgrades as a form of introducing our new innovation But no matter how you do it because our stuff does not wear out we have to convince people that some idea we have is better or more powerful than the older idea we had And there are two aspects of doing that One aspect is on a given product or upgrade release does that make sense Or do we convince you that over an nyear period of time we will have enough innovation that you will want to be licensed for that innovation And this is part of this whole licensing discussion we are having We moved to the new licensing for two reasons I would say No we wanted to simplify our licensing When we look back a year from now I guarantee you that where we are now is simpler than where we were Nothing is simpler during a transition because they are learning the new and are more familiar with the old but I think people will eventually realize this is simpler Our licensing got pretty complicated over the years and some people came to not understand it all The other issue is [the timing of delivering] our innovation I don t want to have a lot of rough questions [from customers] So when we do have new ideas it s like OK should we put it in this upgrade or that one or just have a stream of stuff that only our best customers have access to under the terms of their contract I think in the long run we have a better chance of satisfying them with the latter than with hitting them with six different upgrades I am a fan of [letting] the customer decide OK I want that piece or this piece But they are licensed for all of it So those are the two things we sought to do That gets back to the trust issue where if you front load it that s the big lumpy upgrade and if you back load it with the vision the Net servers you have a long gap in the middle where you have to sell into an untrusting audience The truth is we need to be better at both There are some things you can only do big and lumpy like a new file system It s not like some sort of small user feature if you change the file system then the storage the backup probaby those things are going to change Probably the shell ought to change The applications a lot of things are going to change Can you call that lumpy Or you can put out four new features in PowerPoint sure that would not look lumpy to users I think we have to build trust in the model and we are going to have to deliver more over time It will not come overnight People will have to see that we do a few things that not all of our innovation is lumpy that more of it comes evenly and steadily People develop a confidence and faith they like both aspects of the model Over time our support needs to become more intimately involved in that story We know that but we don t know exactly what that means yet And this whole notion of software as a service this is not a licensing or business discussion It s how does software get rearchitected in the world of the Internet I mean how many software products are fundamentally different because of the Internet Not many Probably the anti virus guys keep up the best They are always feeding new virus support in I asked the audience [at Fusion] how many use Windows Update Now that s a small piece of software but it is big That s the consumer market we ve got to get that to really purr in the corporate market The lack of broadband build out and adoption seems to be holding up the ability for users to take advantage of some new services you re talking about When Bill [Gates] invested in Comcast cable it triggered the Baby Bells to get on board with DSL What are you doing now to deal with that issue The No thing is we have to make software that is so compelling that people will start saying Well of course I am going to get broadband And is one of those compelling features Yes it is I was in a hotel in Sun Valley [Utah] this week that was not wired So I turned on my PC and XP tells me there is a wireless network available So I connect to something called Mountaineer Well I don t know what that is But I have a VPN into Microsoft it worked I don t know whose broadband I used I didn t see it in Bill s room I called him up and said Hey come over to my room So soon everyone is there and connecting to the Internet through my room We have to support all the modalities whether it is GPRS [General Packet Radio Service] or We have to make it easy to provision from a software perspective for things that go on with DSL [and] cable modems And the software has to want a broadband link There are not many things you do where you say I really care about the performance If I am downloading PowerPoint files then I want broadband So when you can do things with speed that you otherwise can t do without speed that is going to put a lot of pressure on the broadband community That s the weird answer The more normal answer is yeah isn t it awful There is not enough broadband and the prices they charge I agree with all that If you look at what happened in Japan recently there was a big drop it is now a month for DSL Vroom They have gone from almost no DSL connections a year ago to [million] or million [subscribers] So how do we make that happen in this country I think that is beyond us If there is enough interest where the consumers are looking intensely for broadband whether it is at today s prices or tomorrow s prices that is going to shake out the marketplace And I think the marketplace will do a good job We just have to make it something obvious that consumers want Now I happen to live in a neigborhood where there is no broadband network No DSL or cable modems Well I have a neighbor [Teledesic chairman and co CEO] Craig McCaw who has a wireless network that I think I can piggyback off of [Ballmer laughs] So yes broadband is a bottleneck but I also think we have to look at oursleves as a software industry and say Aren t we too some of that bottleneck We have not built software that makes broadband a must have Microsoft CEO weighs in Ballmer addresses a number of key issues for customers and partners On security and trust There are some things I would have done differently On coordinating product groups We are working hard to make sure the whole is bigger than the sum of the parts On product licensing We are still going to have to get smart about the full ramifications aDaM XeNT CoM long sig alert I believe it is quite possible to productively apply both supposedly incompatible approaches [REST SOAP] together I ll sketch it out below both in prescriptive form Note while this is proscriptive it is expected that local adaptations will be provided Start by modeling the persistent resources that you wish to expose By persistent resources I am referring to entities that have a typical life expectancy of days or greater Ensure that each instance has a unique URL When possible assign meaningful names to resources Whenever possible provide a default XML representation for each representation Unlike traditional object oriented programming languages where there is a unique getter per property typically there will be a single representation of the entire instance These representations will often contain XLinks a k a pointers or references to other instances Now add high level methods which take care of all composite create update and delete operations A key aspect of the design is that messages for these operations need to be self contained both the sender and receiver should be able to make the absolute minimum of assumptions as to the other s state and multiple requests should not be required to implement a single logical operation All requests should provide the appearance of being executed atomically Query operations deserve special consideration A general purpose XML syntax should be provided in every case In addition when a reasonable expectation exists that query parameters will be of a relatively short size and not require significant encoding then a HTTP GET with the parameters encoded as a query string should also be provided Implications The following table emphasizes how this unified approach differs from the pure albeit hypothetical different positions described above Resource POST operations explicitly have the possibility of modifying multiple resources PUT and DELETE operations are rarely used if ever GETs may contain query arguments Get GETs must never be used for operations which observably change the state of the recipient POST should be used instead Message Do not presume that URLs are static instead presume that they identify the resource In particular recognize that URLs can be dynamically generated Expect URLs of other SOAP Resources in responses Use the SOAP Response MEP for pure retrieval operations Procedure Treat the URL itself as the implicit first parameter Allow URLs to be dynamically generated and returned in structures Use HTTP GET for retrieval operations Conclusions Looking to the future the application level inter networking protocols that emerge today will likely be the application level intra networking protocols of the next decade Both REST and SOAP contain features that the others lack Most significantly REST SOAP XLink The key bit of functionality that SOAP applications miss today is the ability to link together resources SOAP makes significant progress in addressing this Hopefully WSDL will complete this important work SOAP REST Stored Procedures Looking at how other large scale systems cope with updates provides some key insights into productive areas for future research with respect to REST Finally it bears repeating Just because a service is using HTTP GET doesn t mean that it is REST If you are encoding parameters on the URL you are probably making an RPC request of a service not retrieving the representation of a resource It is worth reading Roy Fielding s thoughts on the subject The only exception to this rule that is routinely condoned within the REST crowd is queries Sam Ruby http radio weblogs com stories restSoap html http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-Re libc upgrade lenny to squeeze failed now dpkg is brokenFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type Text Plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Tuesday May Jordan Metzmeier wrote How can this be fixed And shouldn t there be a big warning that trying to upgrade libc can break dpkg on the Debian website page for libc Best regards Chris Austin What should really be the big warning is mixing releases Bah WFM That said I definitely think twice about any proposal from apt itude that includes updating the system C or Perl runtime I don t like having to recover from a broken apt or worse dpkg but that hasn t happened since I moved to Debian full time Pro Tip A deb is an ar archive D Boyd Stephen Smith Jr D _ D bss iguanasuicide net _ o o \_ ICQ YM AIM DaTwinkDaddy ` ` http iguanasuicide net \_ ,1
-Vicodin Percocet Valium Ritalin Many MoreNo Prescription Needed sent you a message Check It Out No Prescription Needed http rxonline com To reply to this message follow the link below http www facebook com n inbox readmessage php ___ This message was intended for banta csmining org Want to control which emails you receive from Facebook Go to http www facebook com editaccount php Facebook s offices are located at S California Ave Palo Alto CA ,0
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-NYTimes com Article After Sept a Legal Battle Over Limits of Civil LibertyThis article from NYTimes com has been sent to you by luke applix com The mind boggles at the idea that the Bush administration has not bothered to find a serious rationale at all much less one extraordinary enough to justify these extraordinary measures much less present it to the public and that the Bush administration appears to be against American style justice The default explanation for government secrecy is to conceal official wrongdoing The administration is here making the case that Americans don t even have a right to question government secrecy We may find that the history of this past year has been an epic looting from the public made possible by the urgency of reacting to luke applix com After Sept a Legal Battle Over Limits of Civil Liberty August By THE NEW YORK TIMES This article was reported and written by Adam Liptak Neil A Lewis and Benjamin Weiser In the fearful aftermath of Sept Attorney General John Ashcroft vowed to use the full might of the federal government and every available statute to hunt down and punish the terrorists among us The roundup that followed the attacks conducted with wartime urgency and uncommon secrecy led to the detentions of more than people suspected of violating immigration laws being material witnesses to terrorism or fighting for the enemy The government s effort has produced few if any law enforcement coups Most of the detainees have since been released or deported with fewer than still being held But it has provoked a sprawling legal battle now being waged in federal courthouses around the country that experts say has begun to redefine the delicate balance between individual liberties and national security The main combatants are the attorney general and federal prosecutors on one side and a network of public defenders immigration and criminal defense lawyers civil libertarians and some constitutional scholars on the other with federal judges in between The government s record has so far been decidedly mixed As it has pushed civil liberties protections to their limits the courts particularly at the trial level have pushed back stopping well short of endorsing Mr Ashcroft s tactics or the rationales he has offered to justify them Federal judges have however allowed the government to hold two American citizens without charges in military brigs indefinitely incommunicado and without a road map for how they might even challenge their detentions In the nation s history the greatest battles over the reach of government power have occurred against the backdrop of wartime Some scholars say the current restrictions on civil liberties are relatively minor by historical standards and in light of the risks the nation faces The current struggle centers on three sets of issues People held simply for immigration violations have objected to new rules requiring that their cases be heard in secret and they have leveraged those challenges into an attack on what they call unconstitutional preventive detentions People brought in and jailed as material witnesses those thought to have information about terrorist plots have argued that they should not be held to give testimony in grand jury investigations Finally Yasser Esam Hamdi and Jose Padilla the two Americans labeled enemy combatants for what the government contends is more direct involvement with terrorist groups are seeking rights once thought to be fundamental to American citizens like a lawyer s representation and a chance to challenge their detentions before a civilian judge So far federal judges in Newark and Detroit have ordered secret deportation proceedings opened to public scrutiny and on Friday a federal district judge in Washington ordered that the identities of most of the detainees be made public under the Freedom of Information Act Secret arrests Judge Gladys Kessler wrote in the decision on Friday are a concept odious to a democratic society A senior Justice Department official said the detentions had been lawful and effective He said it was hard to prove a negative and cite specific terrorist acts that had been disrupted But he said that department officials believed that the detentions had incapacitated and disrupted some ongoing terrorist plans Two federal judges in New York have differed sharply on whether the government may jail material witnesses while they wait to testify in grand jury investigations In Virginia a federal judge ordered the government to allow Mr Hamdi to consult a lawyer I look at the federal district court judges and just cheer them on because they are doing exactly what an independent judiciary should be doing said Jane E Kirtley a professor at the University of Minnesota and former executive director for the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press It s not hostile or adversarial it s simply skeptical These lower court decisions have for the most part not yet been tested on appeal and there is reason to think that appeals courts and the Supreme Court will prove more sympathetic to the government s tactics and arguments The federal appeals court in Richmond Va for instance reversed the decision to allow Mr Hamdi to talk to a lawyer and ordered the lower court judge to consider additional evidence and arguments But even the appeals court seemed torn and it rejected the government s sweeping argument that the courts have no role in reviewing the government s designation of an American citizen as an enemy combatant The detention issues also carry an emotional punch Many of the Arabs and Muslims caught in the government dragnet were cabdrivers construction workers or other types of laborers and some spent up to seven months in jail before being cleared of terrorism ties and deported or released Last month at a conference held by a federal appeals court Warren Christopher the secretary of state in the Clinton administration snapped at Viet Dinh an assistant attorney general under President Bush saying that the administration s refusal to identify the people it had detained reminded him of the disappeareds in Argentina I ll never forget going to Argentina and seeing the mothers marching in the streets asking for the names of those being held by the government Mr Christopher said We must be very careful in this country about taking people into custody without revealing their names Mr Dinh who came to the United States as a refugee from Vietnam recalled his family s anguish when his father was taken away in for re education In contrast he said those detained by the United States were not being secretly held but were allowed to go to the press and seek lawyers These are not incognito detentions he said The only thing we will not do is provide a road map for the investigations According to the Justice Department of the more than people detained since Sept were held on immigration charges Officials said recently that remained in detention Court papers indicate there were about two dozen material witnesses while most of the other detainees were held on various state and federal criminal charges President Bush also has announced plans to try suspected foreign terrorists before military tribunals though no such charges have been brought yet Last month William G Young the federal judge presiding in Boston over the criminal case against Richard C Reid a British citizen accused of trying to detonate a bomb in his shoe on a trans Atlantic flight noted that the very establishment of those tribunals has the effect of diminishing the American jury once the central feature of American justice Judge Young who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan added This is the most profound shift in our legal institutions in my lifetime and most remarkable of all it has taken place without engaging any broad public interest whatsoever Jack Goldsmith and Cass R Sunstein professors at the University of Chicago Law School have written that the Bush administration s policies are a minimal challenge to civil liberties especially compared with changes during the times of Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D Roosevelt What has changed they say is a greater sensitivity to civil liberties and a vast increase in mistrust of government The Secrecy U S Says Hearings Are Not Trials Ten days after last September s attacks Michael J Creppy the nation s chief immigration judge quietly issued sweeping instructions to hundreds of judges for what would turn out to be more than special interest immigration cases Each of these cases is to be heard separately from all other cases on the docket Judge Creppy wrote The courtroom must be closed for these cases no visitors no family and no press This restriction he continued includes confirming or denying whether such a case is on the docket The government has never formally explained how it decided which visa violators would be singled out for this extraordinary process and it has insisted that the designations could not be reviewed by the courts But as it turns out most of these cases involved Arab and Muslim men who were detained in fairly haphazard ways for example at traffic stops or through tips from suspicious neighbors Law enforcement officials have acknowledged that only a few of these detainees had any significant information about possible terrorists As the ruling on Friday in Washington suggests a series of legal challenges to this secrecy has resulted in striking legal setbacks for the administration Several courts have ordered the proceedings opened and have voiced considerable skepticism about the government s justifications for its detention policies generally Lee Gelernt a lawyer at the American Civil Liberties Union said the secrecy of the proceedings exacerbated the hardships faced by people who disappeared from sight on violations that in the past would not have resulted in incarceration Preventive detention he said is such a radical departure from constitutional traditions that we certainly shouldn t be undertaking it solely on the Justice Department s say so Malek Zeidan s detention would have been unexceptional had it not given rise to one of the legal challenges that threatens to end the secret proceedings Mr Zeidan is a Syrian citizen who overstayed his visa years ago and has lived in Paterson N J for more than a decade Over the years he has delivered pizzas driven an ice cream truck and pumped gas When the Immigration and Naturalization Service came around last Jan to ask him about a former roommate suspected of marriage fraud Mr Zeidan was working at Dunkin Donuts and his expired visa soon cost him days in custody When a hearing was finally held three weeks after his detention the judge closed the courtroom excluding Mr Zeidan s cousin and reporters The closing of proceedings prompted lawsuits in federal court from both Mr Zeidan and two New Jersey newspapers In March the government dropped the special interest designation Mr Zeiden was released after posting a bond and the case he filed was dismissed The immigration charges against him will be considered in the fall You re one of the lucky ones his lawyer Regis Fernandez recalls telling Mr Zeidan given that other visa violators were held as long as six or seven months before being deported or released Mr Zeidan s lawyers believe that their legal strategy which focused on openness forced the government s hand The government was somehow linking secrecy to guilt Mr Fernandez said We figured if the public had access to these hearings they would see that nothing went on except multiple adjournments and delay Through a spokeswoman Judge Creppy declined to comment An I N S official who spoke on the condition that he not be named said the agency had acted properly in Mr Zeidan s case and in similar cases He said the immigration service had always detained people without bond who were linked to criminal investigations He added that the agency had no choice now but to detain a visa violator until the Federal Bureau of Investigation was sure the person was not involved in terrorism Consider the flip side that you held him for two days and then deported him and days later you found out he was a terrorist the official said The newspapers lawsuit has continued It has already once reached the Supreme Court and the government s papers contain one of the fullest accounts of its position on secrecy and executive power Its main argument is that the courts have no role because immigration hearings are not really trials but are merely administrative hearings that can be closed at will Bennet Zurofsky who also represented Mr Zeidan said he was flabbergasted by this suggestion A trial is a trial he said A person s liberty is at stake A person is being held in jail A person is being told where to live But in a sworn statement submitted in several court cases Dale L Watson the executive assistant director for counterterrorism and counterintelligence at the F B I outlined the reasoning behind the government demand for total secrecy Bits and pieces of information that may appear innocuous in isolation can be fit into a bigger picture by terrorist groups he said This rationale for withholding information sometimes called the mosaic theory is controversial It s impossible to refute Professor Kirtley said because who can say with certainty that it s not true In May John W Bissell the chief judge of the federal district court in Newark appointed by President Reagan ruled for the newspapers and ordered all deportation hearings nationwide to be opened unless the government is able to show a need for a closed hearing on a case by case basis His ruling followed a similar one in Detroit the month before though that case involved only a single detainee The government appealed to the Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in Philadelphia and asked it to block Judge Bissell s order until the appeal was decided The court which will hear arguments in September declined to do that A number of news organizations including The New York Times filed a brief as a friend of the court in support of the newspapers The government then asked the United States Supreme Court to stay Judge Bissell s order The court in a relatively unusual move given that the case was not before it for any other purpose blocked Judge Bissell s order suggesting that it might have more sympathy for the government s arguments The Witnesses Rights Violated Lawyers Contend Late on Sept federal agents pulled two nervous Indian men Mohammed Jaweed Azmath and Syed Gul Mohammed Shah off an Amtrak train near Fort Worth They were carrying box cutters black hair dye and about in cash and had also shaved their body hair The agents suspicions were obvious The hijackers had used box cutters and knives to take control of the aircraft and had received letters instructing them to shave excess hair from the body An F B I affidavit dated Sept said there was probable cause to believe that both of the Indian men were involved in or were associated with those responsible for the Sept attacks But even though government officials told reporters that the men had been detained as material witnesses their lawyers now say that they were held last fall only on immigration violations The distinction is important because a material witness warrant brings the automatic appointment of a government paid lawyer while the government does not have to supply a visa violator with counsel As a result the authorities were able to question each of the men repeatedly about terrorism without a lawyer present their current lawyers say Like some of the people who were picked up as material witnesses the Indian men were held in isolation in jails in New York for extended periods It was days before Mr Azmath received a lawyer and days before Mr Shah did their lawyers say It s wrong to keep a man in jail for days and never bring him before a magistrate to advise him of his rights Mr Shah s lawyer Lawrence K Feitell said in an interview It s wrong not to provide him with an attorney at the threshold It s wrong to depict this as an I N S investigation when in truth and in fact it s the main inquiry into the World Trade Center debacle Anthony L Ricco the lawyer for Mr Azmath said his client was interrogated often times for several hours a day with multiple interviewers getting rapid fire questions from three or four different people Eventually the F B I and the prosecutors cleared the men of any involvement in terrorism and both pleaded guilty in June in a credit card fraud scheme and are awaiting sentencing Federal prosecutors said in court papers that both men consented to questioning Each was read and waived his Miranda rights before each interview prosecutors wrote adding that each man confessed to the credit card offenses The United States attorney in Manhattan James B Comey would not comment on the specific cases but said generally of the government s tactics I don t see any violation of any rule regulation or law I can understand defense lawyers not being happy he said But I know our position after was to use every available tool to stay within the rules but play the whole field and recognize the boundaries but cover the whole field We need to do whatever we can that s legal to investigate and disrupt he added Today it is believed that only a handful of the two dozen material witnesses perhaps as few as two are still being detained But the process of detaining the witnesses has stirred intense criticism Last April Judge Shira A Scheindlin of Federal District Court in Manhattan ruled that the use of the law to detain people who are presumed innocent under our Constitution in order to prevent potential crimes is an illegitimate use of the statute Judge Scheindlin said the material witness law applied when witnesses were held to give testimony at trials not for grand jury investigations Since Judge Scheindlin said no Congress has granted the government the authority to imprison an innocent person in order to guarantee that he will testify before a grand jury conducting a criminal investigation Then last month Chief Judge Michael B Mukasey also of Federal District Court in Manhattan upheld the government s use of the material witness statute in grand jury investigations criticizing Judge Scheindlin s reasoning Judge Mukasey citing the assertion in by Chief Justice John Marshall that the public has a right to every man s evidence held that detentions of material witnesses during investigations are proper The War Captives No Lawyers Allowed Under U S Label Yasser Esam Hamdi a Saudi national who was captured in Afghanistan is probably an American citizen by virtue of having been born in Louisiana His case represents the core issue of what kind of role the nation s courts should have if any in reviewing the government s imprisonment of someone charged with something akin to a war crime Prosecutors will be back in Federal District Court in Norfolk Va next Thursday to confront one of the federal judges who has shown resistance to the government s approach that once someone is declared an enemy combatant by the president all judicial review ceases Judge Robert G Doumar an appointee of President Reagan has twice ruled that Mr Hamdi is entitled to a lawyer and ordered the government to allow Frank Dunham the federal public defender to be allowed to visit him without government officials or listening devices Judge Doumar said that fair play and fundamental justice require it He said the government could not cite one case where a prisoner of any variety within the jurisdiction of a United States District Court who was held incommunicado and indefinitely But the three judge panel of the appeals court stayed Judge Doumar s order saying he had not fully considered the government s needs to keep Mr Hamdi incommunicado and more important the executive branch s primacy in areas of foreign and military affairs The authority to capture those who take up arms against America belongs to the commander in chief Chief Judge J Harvie Wilkinson rd wrote for the appeals panel But even Judge Wilkinson seemed to evince some surprise at the breadth of what the government was asserting when he asked the Justice Department s lawyer You are saying that the judiciary has no right to inquire at all into someone s stature as an enemy combatant The government has relented slightly agreeing to provide the court with a sealed declaration of the criteria by which they have judged Mr Hamdi to be an enemy combatant But the government has argued that judges cannot argue with the standards Judge Doumar has indicated that he will question the government closely on those standards The case of Jose Padilla which has not progressed as far as that of Mr Hamdi may present an even greater challenge to normal judicial procedures Mr Padilla also known as Abdullah al Muhajir is like Mr Hamdi an American citizen imprisoned in a naval brig after having been declared an enemy combatant But unlike Mr Hamdi Mr Padilla was not arrested on the battlefield by the military but on United States soil by civil law enforcement authorities on May in Chicago After his detention as a material witness based on suspicions that he was seeking to obtain material and information to build a radioactive bomb he was transferred to military custody This is the model we all fear or should fear said Mr Dunham the public defender The executive branch can arrest an American citizen here and then declare him an enemy combatant and put him outside the reach of the courts They can keep him indefinitely without charging him or giving him access to a lawyer or presenting any evidence http www nytimes com national CIVI html ex ei en c bcf e e HOW TO ADVERTISE For information on advertising in e mail newsletters or other creative advertising opportunities with The New York Times on the Web please contact onlinesales nytimes com or visit our online media kit at http www nytimes com adinfo For general information about NYTimes com write to help nytimes com Copyright The New York Times Company http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-Re isn t sed s x x one big no op From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii Content Disposition inline Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Thu May at AM jidanni jidanni org wrote In etc grub d _header we see transform D s x x grub_prefix D`echo boot grub sed transform ` locale_dir D`echo boot grub locale sed transform ` Isn t that sed line one big no op looks like it to me Should I file a bug to have it removed or at least have a comment added as to its purpose or have them use a better way to achieve what they are trying to do maybe a question is better than a bug report I imagine it s just a convenience variable in case someone needs to transform paths for some reason A ,1
-Re Downgrading to _ Thanks On Apr at Greg Guerin wrote Rick Mann wrote Is it possible to uninstall the _ developer preview and go back to _ _ kills resin http lists apple com archives java dev Apr msg html GG _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Java dev mailing list Java dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options java dev rmann latencyzero com This email sent to rmann latencyzero com _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Java dev mailing list Java dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options java dev mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
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-Re AUGD Displaying iPad at a meeting what doesn t workOur iPhone presenter is usually a Biology teacher who brings his own videocamera and a lab stand to attach it to Works surprisingly well Best Kim Gammelg E rd President of Mac D stjylland http mac F stjylland dk _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Augd mailing list Augd lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options augd mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Re USB device attached via RS adaptorOn April Ron Johnson wrote On Dotan Cohen wrote So is does this SC reader a serial over USB or b USB over serial I should imagine b but I have not gotten there yet to see Then he probably is clueless Well he is turning to _me_ for advice so that is a reasonable assumption a is common b is what you described but I ve never heard of b C A Are you sure you wrote what you really mean No I have not gotten there yet to look at the machine But I want to get there prepared which is why I ask here Querying the list without the slightest bit of fact is a great way to p iss people off I am sorry if I upset people I was faced with a situation that I did not understand and thought that I would query those with far more experience after searching the web yielded nothing useful Would you suggest that it is preferable for me to go to this guy s place not knowing a thing about what I m getting into especially when the goal read from write to the card reader is so straightforward This is the important quote I think Infinity USB Smart is based on t he HID standard no custom drivers are needed HID is for keyboards and mice not card readers It does not handle files from what I understand This is turning into a big pile of WTF Smart cards don t pass much info and KB emulation works well in such environments also like with bar code scanners I have seen barcode and magnetic scanners that simply pass string Maybe you are right maybe that is how this works We ll see Thanks Dotan Cohen http bido com http what is what com Please CC me if you want to be sure that I read your message I do not read all list mail To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org s m dece s eace o d b d e mail csmining org ,1
-EBusiness Webforms cluetrain has left the stationWhat s wrong with doing business over the Web Web forms There s promising replacements forms but this is the current state of the industry o You find something that you want to fill out It s a partnership form a signup for a Web seminar a request for more information anything o You start wasting time typing in all those stupid fields and spend about minutes going through all their stupid qualification hoops just to get a small piece of information whitepaper or a callback when halfway through you start to wonder if it s really worth your time to forever be stuck on their stupid prospect list o Pull down tags are never put in order of use instead of alphabetized I was on a site just now that had every single country in the world listed the selection of your country was absolutely critical for you to hit submit but due to the layout the more tag on the second row was offscreen so it was impossible to select any country except about two dozen third world countries o Even worse ever time you hit submit all forms based things complain about using the universal country phone number format and will cause you to re enter dashes instead of dots o When you get something that s not entered right you will go back and enter it right but then some other field or most likely pulldown will automatically get reset to the default value so that you will have to go back and resent that freaking thing too Finally after all combinations of all pulldowns you may get a successful submit o You wait freaking forever just to get a confirmation o Sometimes like today you won t be able to ever submit anything due to it being impossible to ever submit a valid set of information that is internally non conflicting according to whatever fhead wrote their forms submission What s wrong with this picture The company is screwing you by wasting your time enforcing their data collection standards on you I m sure there s someone in that company that would be willing to accept US U S USA United States U of A America etc and would know exactly which freaking country the interested party was from instead of forcing them to waste even more time playing Web form geography I m starting to see the light of Passport You want more information Hit this passport button Voila IE and Netscape have pre forms sutff but I always turn it off because you never know when there s that one field that you don t want to submit to the person you are submitting to that automatically gets sent i e the privacy stuff is well beyond the average user who will get screwed on privacy stuff So if crappy forms based submission is the state of practice for business enablement on the Web I can t see this whole data submission and hurry up and wait for us to get back to you business process as working all that well Greg ,1
-Re Sorting On Tue Sep PDT J C Lawrence wrote On Mon Sep Tom Reingold wrote At work I have to use Outlook Ick I hate it Ahh At work we fire people who use Outlook Literally true They get escorted to the door their badge confiscated and told to return the next day to collect their office contents Why What threat does Outlook pose to your organization But it does a few things right Like making indices for each folder and not just by date but also by sender message size subject So I can sort by any column instantly Have you looked into using a custom sequences file More detail please I do use sequences so I m familiar with their use but how can I make indices with them and how can I keep them up to date And mime handling is pretty bad compared with modern mailers The only thing I actually miss in that regard is support for S MIME You re probably running exmh on a local machine I m running it on a very remote machine In this scenario the mime handling is weak _______________________________________________ Exmh users mailing list Exmh users redhat com https listman redhat com mailman listinfo exmh users ,1
-Re Goodbye Global Warming ] A Green once said that if the Spotted Owl hadn t existed they ] would have had to invent it ]A Republican once said I am not a crook ] Oh great another round of Lableisms Let me know when you get back to real data ,1
-[SPAM] Notification to hibody special OFF of Pfizer News To view this email as a web page go here Subscribe Unsubscribe Change E mail Options Privacy Policy You are subscribed as hibody csmining org Oywysioubavi International Inc All rights reserved ,0
-Re Submitting my Java Web Start application to Apple downloadsGabriele tell us your successes this would be interesting to several paul Le avr E Mike Swingler a E crit On Mar at AM Gabriele Kahlout wrote Hello I d like to submit my JWS application MemorizEasy to apple downloads however it requires a zip folder download link while I distribute it as jnlp as in these links http memorizeasy mysimpatico com http mac softpedia com get Educational MemorizeEasy shtml Does anyone know If I still must provide a zip of the jnlp file for submitting or submitting the jnlp would be accepted You could create a desktop shortcut of your application and ensure the full URL to your JNLP is correct in it s Info plist wrap up the shortcut and submit that I think that would provide a more Mac like experience for your customers coming from Regards Mike Swingler Java Runtime Engineer Apple Inc _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Java dev mailing list Java dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options java dev mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Re tool tips remaining after window switchingFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type Text Plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Monday April Celejar wrote I use a number of applications that implement tool tips those little boxes that come up explaining some on screen widget Very often when one comes up and I then switch to a different window the tool tip remains superimposed over the new application and won t go away until I switch back to the first app move the cursor somewhere else to get it to go away and then switch back to the other application Should I file a bug Sounds like a bug to me Not exactly high priority but a bug nonetheless and against what Well does this only happen with tooltips from a single application Multi ple related applications e g multiple Qt applications Every application Single that app Multiple that library related thing Or any one of the applications but include information about which other applications are affected Every Probably your window manager maybe X D Boyd Stephen Smith Jr D _ D bss iguanasuicide net _ o o \_ ICQ YM AIM DaTwinkDaddy ` ` http iguanasuicide net \_ ,1
-Urgent Business DeathToSpamDeathToSpamDeathToSpam This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin Sightings mailing list Spamassassin Sightings lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin sightings ,0
-TRAVELMAN if it s Tuesday it must be London Well it wouldn t be my own vanity list if I didn t forward at least a little purely self interested data This week is my Europe Week In classic TRAVELMAN fashion I m hitting two nights each in Paris London Hamburg and Copenhagen I get to cure Rob s brain pains this weekend though at risk of missing the big concert in London Sunday Around Town Channel s Indian Summer As England meets India in four test matches this Summer Channel brings together a host of activities reflecting Indian life in a free event held over the weekend July A huge screen in Regent s Park will bring coverage of the first Test Match live from Lords throughout the weekend Marylebone Green will be the setting for a chance to sample a mix of Indian food music and film an piece Indian style brass band will be performing Bollywood tunes and there will be live DJ sets as well as performance by The Angel Dancers who have performed with Bollywood stars around the world In the evening there will be an open air screening of the comedy hit Monsoon Wedding A live concert by award winning British Asian artist Nitin Sawhney will bring the weekend to a climax on July with special guests including Badmarsh Shri and Asian Dub Foundation July am pm Marylebone Green Regent s Park Baker Street Great Portland Street Regent s Park tube Instead I m arriving in London on Monday morning staying through a show of Andrew Lloyd Weber s new production Bombay Dreams Bombay Dreams Set to be the latest in a long line of Andrew Lloyd Webber smash hits comes Bombay Dreams based on the book by Meera Syal and lyrics by AR Rahman whose last project was the Oscar nominated Lagaan The project cost million and doesn t feature a single note of Lloyd Webber s music which may or may not be a good thing Until Sept pm Mon Tue Fri pm pm Wed Sat Apollo Victoria Wilton Road SW Victoria tube rail I ll be visiting a cousin in law my cousin s visa is still in the works a looong process The next stop is to visit a cousin s family proper and a niece I haven t met since she was born years ago Should be a blast Finally Friday and Saturday of next week will be Copenhagen for Henrik s second wedding to the same woman tho Bon voyage Rohit PS Yes it s egotistical to wish oneself a Bon Voyage Screw it it s my list dammit My permanent email address is khare alumni caltech edu http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-Re how come On AM Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote Hi How come the latest linux image in Sid is http packages debian org sid linux headers and is set to linux image while apt cache policy linux image gives linux image Installed Candidate Version table http ftp de debian org unstable main Packages var lib dpkg status while linux image is the latest per apt cache policy linux image linux image Installed none Candidate Version table http ftp de debian org unstable main Packages is in Squeeze A guess based on nothing might be that a freeze is imminent leading up to the release of Squeeze I expect that it will be straightened out in due course MAA To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BBF C allums com ,1
-Re video callback dataprocHi George I just figured what my problem was I first needed to get the raw pixels via CFDataRef data D CGDataProviderCopyData CGImageGetDataProvider image rawData D unsigned char CFDataGetBytePtr data and then I could create a QImage by using displayImage D new QImage rawData QImage Format_RGB I still have some color issues but at least I have my first positive result now Talk to you later best A l e x Am um schrieb George Birbilis Furthermore since I am using the Trolltech Qt Framework I would like to display each frame on a QPixmap but I didn t succeed yet Can anyone help how to approach this or better how to ideally deal with the pointer p There should be some Qt components around wrapping QuickTime have you search the web on this This thread sounds interesting http lists apple com archives QuickTime API Feb msg html George Birbilis http Zoomicon com Microsoft MVP J Borland Spirit of Delphi http birbilis spaces live com http twitter com zoomicon Insert QuickTime in PowerPoint Forms etc http zoomicon com QT All _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored QuickTime API mailing list QuickTime API lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options quicktime api alexander_carot gmx net This email sent to alexander_carot gmx net _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored QuickTime API mailing list QuickTime API lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options quicktime api mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Re PDF grief was Re Flash is open From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Disposition inline Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Hello John A Sullivan III Am hacktest Du folgendes herunter That comment really strikes home We are working on a potential major Windows desktop replacement project The two things that are absolutely killing us are email and a viable substitute for Acrobat Standard We can roughly mimic everything Acrobat does but only with create complexity taking ten times longer to get it done using several applications in the process having less than comparable results and making the process detestable to the end users who wonder why would anyone give up Windows for this There are couple of admirable efforts out there but they have a very very long way to go John I create my PDFs required for Reports and Specs with OpenOffice No not the PDF stuff is but OOo which is crap Switching from M Office to OpenOffice let you increase the Psy Bill more than a dedicated computer with M Viasco plus Adobe Acrobat will cost Even if you ONLY create PDFs with it Thanks Greetings and nice Day Evening Michelle Konzack Systemadministrator Debian GNU Linux Consultant Development of Intranet and Embedded Systems with Debian GNU Linux itsystems tdnet France itsystems tdnet UG haftungsbeschr E nkt Gesch Michelle Konzack Gesch Michelle Konzack Apt homeoffice rue de Soultz Kinzigstra DFe Strasbourg France Kehl Germany Tel mobil Tel mobil Tel fix Jabber linux michelle jabber ccc de ICQ Linux User with the Linux Counter http counter li org ,1
-[SPAM] These girls are angels a color copy font family MS Sans Serif Geneva sans serif font size px color smHeader font family verdana arial helvetica font size pt color font weight bold boxTitle font family Arial font size pt color font weight bold items font family verdana font size pt items font family verdana font size pt padding px background color ffffff pagebody font family verdana font size px line height px a hover text decoration underline View this message online If you received this email from a friend and would like to subscribe to this and other newsletters please click here You are subscribed to this newsletter as hibody csmining org Click here to update your email address To unsubscribe from this newsletter please click here c ALUFALAB Media Inc USA ,0
-Memory loss From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text html charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable w sd f w Lose weight while building lean muscle mass and reversing the ravages of aging all at once Human Growth Hormone Therapy Lose weight while building lean muscle mass and reversing the ravages of aging all at once Remarkable discoveries about Human Growth Hormones HGH are changing the way we think about aging and weight loss Lose Weight Build Muscle Tone Reverse Aging Increased Libido Duration Of Penile Erection Healthier Bones Improved Memory Improved skin New Hair Growth Wrinkle Disappearance Visit Our Web Site and Learn The Facts Click Here vvnx We are strongly against sending unsolicited emails to those who do not wis h to receive our special mailings You have opted in to one or more of our affiliate sites requesting to be notified of any special offers We have retained the services of an independent rd party to manage list managemen t and removal services If you do not wish to receive further mailings pl ease click below to be removed from the list Please accept our apologies if you have been sent this email in error We honor all removal requests To unsubscribe click here av r w sd f ,0
-Re X windows come to front with mouse click in non X window fwd This is a duplicate of but I can t reproduce it Please help by following up in Thanks Jeremy On Apr at robert delius royar wrote I entered the following ticket in the bug tracker on xquartz macosforge org X windows come to front with mouse click in non X window This occurs only after the screen or computer goes to sleep and the mouse is clicked or a key is pressed to wake the computer or unblank the screen I am running _beta but this bug was also in and the two previous beta s I have a latest revision MBP If there are open X windows i e not minimized they come to the front even though they were not when the computer went to sleep or the screen blanked The menu bar does not change i e it stays as the program such as Safari that was on top when the computer went to sleep or the screen blanked Also clicks on the window section of the application which was supposed to be on top do not bring the window back to the front I have to click on the status bar or the top area of the window the area that lets you drag the window around the screen Ticket URL XQuartz _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored X users mailing list X users lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options x users jeremyhu freedesktop or g This email sent to jeremyhu freedesktop org _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored X users mailing list X users lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options x users mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Re Replace hardware without reinstall debian lennyOn Tue May at AM Lisi wrote On Tuesday May Rob Owens wrote You could use UUID s instead of device names dev sdX to get around th is issue There was a thread on this recently and I think it was said that even UU ID s can change with changing hardware A It was suggested if I remember correctly that the only safe way A to prevent a name change is to label the partitions when you first partition the drive and use labels in fstab etc I am sure someone will correct me if I have got this wrong so if noone d oes so I have probably remembered correctly I don t remember a thread on debian user about UUIDs changing with changing hardware I could be wrong though but there was a thread in March on ubuntu users where a guy was duplicating disks for a rollout and he was convinced that the BIOS of the boxes into which he was plugging in the duplicated HDs was changing the UUIDs of the disks partitions because he was unable to boot from those disks unless he changed the fstab to use dev sdaX devices I pointed out that the idea that a BIOS could change a filesystem s superblock didn t make any sense and that it could not be a UUID problem because he could boot boxes with Intel mobos but not boxes with another manufacturer s mobos I assume that he could have replied that the other mobos were changing the UUIDs and the Intels ones not To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org AANLkTinx xhrnMPalQc MD xADX kergm h J_E k mail csmining org ,1
-Mac OS X browsersURL http www askbjoernhansen com archives html Date T Rael is plagued by MSIE instability on Mac OS X I use a recent nightly build of Chimera as my default browser has some issues with plugins or with QuickTime anyway on but the builds are working great Fast too Mozilla is ugly MSIE is slow and unstable Opera on OS X doesn t render too many pages OmniWeb and iCab are not keeping up Chimera rocks I have used ChimeraKnight to do the updating It also makes ,1
-[SPAM] hibody Winter Deals December If you cannot see this email click here Sign up for other emails You are subscribed to this email as hibody csmining org hibody You can unsubscribe from this email by updating your preferences View our privacy policy Copyright c ERUOJ All rights reserved ,0
-Your First Free Minutes of Long Distance Your First Free Minutes of Long Distance Hello name If you ordered a flat rate domestic calling product or a minute free trial using a local access number your service will be operating in about hours or on your designated trial date and time Please try dialing the access number you found on your reseller s web page at http www internationalfreecall com If you ordered a flat rate domestic calling product using a toll free access number your service will be operating within work days Please try dialing In either case when your service is switched on you will hear a voice ask you to dial the number you are calling You must dial area code digit number followed by to make any calls local or long distance Example To call www internationalfreecall com you would dial the following after dialing your access number and listening for the voice Please use this service for all your calling and you will never pay more than your monthly fee again There are no taxes or surcharges so dial away Finally I recommend entering the access number into your speed dial settings on your telephone This will make your service quicker and easier to use and thus more enjoyable If you have any questions please contact us for more information In addition if you need product enhancements like way calling portable calling cards international calling products or marketing tools please visit http www internationalfreecall com In the meantime the other network on this free calling promotion is OPEX which is offering minutes of free long distance for trying their program Opex s usual rates are cents per minute for domestic calls with great international rates too For more information on OPEX or to sign up please click below http cognigen net opex main cgi lietuva To unsubscribe from this mailing list please click on http www internationalfreecall com cgi bin aefs subscribe cgi user info listid list id ,0
-ADV Harvest lots of E mail addresses quickly Dear jm cv C CBODY bgColor D ffccff E CTABLE border D cellPadding D cellSpacing D width D E CTBODY E CTR E CTD align Dmiddle vAlign Dtop E C FTD E C FTR E C FTBODY E C FTABLE E CBR E CTABLE E CTBODY E CTR E CTD width D E C FTD E CTD bgColor D b ecff borderColor D ff width D E CFONT color D ff face D Arial Black size D E nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B Want To Harvest A Lot Of Email nbsp B nbsp B Addresses In A Very Short Time F C FFONT E CP E CB E CFONT color D ff face DArial size D EEasy Email Searcher C FFONT E CFONT color D ff ff face DArial size D E nbsp B is nbsp B a nbsp B powerful nbsp B Email nbsp B software nbsp B nbsp B that nbsp B harvests general Email lists from mail servers nbsp B nbsp B C FFONT E CFONT color D ff face DArial size D EEasy Email Searcher C FFONT E CFONT color D ff ff face DArial size D Ecan get C Email C FFONT E C FB E CFONT color D ff ff face DArial size D E CB Eaddresses directly from the Email servers in only one hour nbsp B C FB E C FFONT E C FP E CUL E CLI E CFONT face DArial size D E CB E CFONT color D ff EEasy Email Searcher C FFONT E C FB E is a bit Windows Program for e mail marketing E It is intended for easy and convenient search large e mail address lists from mail servers E The program can be operated on Windows F FME F and NT E C FFONT E CLI E CFONT face DArial size D E CB E CFONT color D ff EEasy Email Searcher C FFONT E C FB Esupport multi threads up to connections E C FFONT E CLI E CFONT face DArial size D E CB E CFONT color D ff EEasy Email Searcher C FFONT E C FB E has the ability nbsp B to reconnect to the mail server if the server has disconnected and continue the searching at the point where it has been interrupted E C FFONT E CLI E CFONT face DArial size D E CB E CFONT color D ff EEasy Email Searcher C FFONT E C FB E has an ergonomic interface that is easy to set up and simple to use E C FFONT E C FLI E C FUL E CP E A A CB E CFONT color D ff face DArial EEasy Email Searcher is an email address searcher and bulk e mail sender E It can verify more than email addresses per minute at only Kbps speed E It even allows you send email to valid email address while searching E You can save the searching progress and load it to resume work at your convenience E All you need to do is just input an email address C and press the Search button E C FFONT E C FB E C FP E CP E CB E CFONT color D ff face DArial E CBR E C FFONT E Cfont face D Comic Sans MS size D color D FF FF EVery Low Price nbsp B Now C nbsp B The full version of Easy Email Searcher only costs C Ffont E Cfont face D Comic Sans MS size D color D FF E E C Ffont E C FB E C FP E CP E CB E CFONT color D ff face DArial size D E CI EClick The Following Link To Download The Demo A C FI E C FFONT E C FB E C FP E CP E CB E CFONT color D ff face DArial size D E CA href D http A F Fwww Ewldinfo Ecom Fdownload Femail Fnewees Ezip EDownload Site C FA E C FFONT E C FB E C FP E CP E CB E CFONT color D ff face DArial size D E CA href D http A F Fbestsoft E Eorg Fonlinedown Fnewees Ezip EDownload Site C FA E nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B C FFONT E C FB E A A CFONT color D a face DArial size D E CSTRONG EIf nbsp B you can not download this program C nbsp B please copy the following link into your URL C and then click Enter on your Computer Keyboard E C FSTRONG E C FFONT E C FP E CP E CFONT size D E CFONT color D a face DArial size D E CSTRONG EHere is the download links A C FSTRONG E C FFONT E C FP E CDIV E CP Ehttp A F Fwww Ewldinfo Ecom Fdownload Femail Fnewees Ezip C FP E CP Ehttp A F Fbestsoft E Eorg Fonlinedown Fnewees Ezip C FP E C FFONT E C FDIV E CP E C FP E C FTD E CTD width D E C FTD E C FTR E CTR E CTD width D E C FTD E CTD bgColor D f de width D E CFONT color D ffffff face D Verdana C Tahoma C Helvetica C SansSerif size D E CB EDisclaimer A C FB E CBR EWe are strongly against continuously sending unsolicited emails to those who do not wish to receive our special mailings E We have attained the services of an independent rd party to overlook list management and removal services E This is not unsolicited email E If you do not wish to receive further mailings C please click this link CA href D mailto Aremoval btamail Enet Ecn target D Fblank E CFONT color D fdd a E CB Emailto Aremoval btamail Enet Ecn C FB E C FFONT E C FA E E nbsp B C FFONT E CB E CFONT class Ddisclaimer color D face DArial E CBR EThis message is a commercial advertisement E It is compliant with all federal and state laws regarding email messages including the California Business and Professions Code E We have provided the subject line ADV to provide you notification that this is a commercial advertisement for persons over yrs old E C FFONT E C FB E C FTD E CTD width D E C FTD E C FTR E C FTBODY E C FTABLE E CBR E ,0
-Re Java is for kiddiesReza B Far eBuilt wrote problems Why do most computer scientists insist on solving the same problems over and over again when there are some many more important and interesting problems high level to be solved Amen Doing it in an unecessarily harder way does NOT make you more of a man or less of a kiddie Joe ,1
-Re Are bad developer libraries the problem with M software No you need to learn how declarations work in C You have specified testbuff as an array of pointers to characters That means you have allocated an array big enough to store pointers On most machines that s bytes per pointer which indeed would give you John On Fri Nov at PM Ali Saifullah Khan wrote Here is a test done on the return of sizes by sizeof using pointers include int main void char testbuff[ ] int len sizeof testbuff cout return c debug\testbuff The output from this is but infact it should be returning Apparently using a pointer has multiplied the value of the original size of the testbuff[] buffer by the size of the pointer char pointers have a size of bytes as is shown when output is bytes using int len sizeof char testbuff c debug\testbuff so sizeof is returning the size of the first entity passed to it that being the size of the pointer Whats confusing is when sizeof outputs the value for something like char testbuff[] Here the macro seems to be multiplying the sizes of entities passed to it by considering the first entity as the pointer denoted by the asterisk itself and then taking this value of and multiplying it with the size of the buffer testbuff[] which is to produce an output of Rather strange behaviour Original Message From To Cc Sent Tuesday November AM Subject Re Are bad developer libraries the problem with M software Original Message From John Viega Sent PM To cdavison nucleus com Cc secprog securityfocus com Subject Re Are bad developer libraries the problem with M software strlen does not work because he was trying to get at the ALLOCATED size of a buffer not the actual size of the buffer You re right I was looking at the safe_strncpy code and it looks like the author did use strlen sizeof will return the size of the data type passed to it So if you declared mystr as char mystr[ ] it will return as the original author wanted It will not work with a char so if your strings are dynamically allocated or passed to you as a pointer these macros will not work ,1
-Re Asteroids anyone With enough warning you might not even care about trying to divert the meteor you d divert the Earth instead I recall reading many years ago about calculations done separately both by US and USSR scientists for different reasons about the effect of nuclear explosions on the moon s mass and thus its orbit and thus also over time the Earth s path around the sun I believe the conclusion was that mild changes in the moon s composition would have the effect over several years of changing significantly where the Earth would be at any certain future point Voila No collision at least not with the initial threat And no need to travel out to anywhere near the meteor either Just the moon Gordon http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-[SPAM] The prices and the beauty of our watches are amazing From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset Windows Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable You are away from the watch of your dream just a few simple clicks Orderin g online is much easier than it seems the shipping is fast and reliable an d the prices are lower than you can imagine Ring the bell now,0
-Re Al Qaeda s fantasy ideology Policy Review no Well for example b bitbitch writes b Once we understand this [ the fantasy virus model ] many of b our current perplexities will find themselves b resolved Pseudo issues such as debates over the legitimacy of b racial profiling would disappear Does anyone in his right b mind object to screening someone entering his country for signs b of plague Or quarantining those who have contracted it Or b closely monitoring precisely those populations within his b country that are most at risk Gary Lawrence Murphy TeleDynamics Communications Inc Business Advantage through Community Software http www teledyn com Computers are useless They can only give you answers Pablo Picasso http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-Natali Russia updated her profileFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable No woman can make a better wife than a Russian lady pick one here Cli ck Here,0
-Re auto mounting a partition with nobrowse On May at PM Chris Suter wrote Hi Dale On Thu May at PM websrvr wrote Using DiskArbitration seems to offer the results I need so I started coding a little test app but due to the lack of sample code I m not sure I m doing any of it properly since it segfaults when I use DADiskMountWithArguments I m not sure why you re pursuing this approach In my opinion unless I m misunderstanding your requirements I think it ll be much easier for you to change the Content Hint parameter for your IOMedia object so that Disk Arbitration doesn t try and mount it and then mount the volume directly using the mount system call or by calling the mount command line utility which is arguably more future proof Having to rely on the existence of the etc fstab to do any work is a bad choice I wasn t aware that the SampleContentFilter project has options to prevent mounting Whatever solution is used must only allow the partition to be available where the software is installed and must do this automatically in the background I m open to other solution if someone has one that works Kind regards Chris _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Filesystem dev mailing list Filesystem dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options filesystem dev mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Fw PROTECT YOUR COMPUTER YOU NEED SYSTEMWORKS DGYWAOG Does Your Computer Need an Oil Change Does Your Comp uter Need an Oil Change N ortonSystemWorks Professional Edition Made by the Creators of the Anti Virus Software on the Market This UNBEATABLE software suite comes with EVERY program you ll ever n eed to answer the problems or threats that your computer faces each day of it s Life Included in this magnificent deal are the following programs Norton AntiVirus FFFFFF THE ANTI VIRUS PROTECION EVER Norton Utilities FFFFFF DIAGNOSE ANY PROBLEM WI TH YOUR SYSTEM Norton Ghost FFFFFF MAKES BACKING UP YOUR VALUABLE DATA EASY Norton CleanSweep FFFFFF CLEANS OUT EXCESS INTERNET FILE BUILDUP Norton WinFax FFFFFF Basic TURNS YOUR CPU INTO A FAX MACHINE GoBack FFFFFFAE Personal HELPS PREVENT YOU FROM MAKING ANY MISTAKES ALL this has a retail price of Get it Now for ONLY with FREE SHIPPING CLICK HERE to order NOW This Product is available NOW When we run out it s gone so get it while it s HOT Your email address was obtained from an opt in list Opt in IAO Internet Advertising Organisation List Serial No EGU If you wish to be unsubscribed f rom this list please Click here We do not condone spam in any shape or form Thank You kin dly for your cooperation ,0
-exmh and pgp support for external passphrase cache patch From nobody Wed Mar Content Type multipart mixed boundary Multipart_Fri_Sep_ _ _ Content Transfer Encoding bit Multipart_Fri_Sep_ _ _ Content Type text plain charset US ASCII i m a very happy user of exmh but i m paranoid also therefore i m not too happy with exmh caching my pgp passphrases usually i use a relatively secure tool called quintuple agent to store my passphrases and i ve just added the few lines of code to exmh which allow for such external caches the patch is attached it is against version debian and the files modified are extrasInit tcl and pgpExec tcl i ve added three new preferences in the general pgp section which allow everybody to use his her favourite external tool to get the passphrase everything which spits out the phrase on stdout is ok i d be happy if somebody with cvs access thinks that this stuff is worth to be added and does so apart from that i m happy for suggestions comments or critique mind you i m not exactly a special friend of tcl so my code may leave things to be desired regards az Multipart_Fri_Sep_ _ _ Content Type text plain charset US ASCII Content Disposition attachment filename exmh patch Content Transfer Encoding bit usr lib exmh extrasInit tcl Sat Mar extrasInit tcl Fri Sep pgp passtimeout pgpPassTimeout Minutes to cache PGP passphrase Exmh will clear its memory of PGP passphrases after this time period in minutes has elapsed pgp extpass pgpExtPass OFF Use external passphrase cache If this is enabled then exmh will use an external program to retrieve your passphrase when needed pgpKeepPass and pgpPassTimeout will be ignored pgp getextcmd pgpGetExtCmd usr bin q client get s Method to query external passphrase cache This external program is used to retrieve the passphrase for your key if pgpExtPass is active The passphrase is expected on stdout The key id is substituted with s using format pgp delextcmd pgpDelExtCmd usr bin q client delete s Method to invalidate external passphrase cache This external program is used to delete the passphrase for your key from the external cache if pgpExtPass is active The key id is substituted with s using format Make sure we don t inherit a bad pgp version from a previous setup usr lib exmh pgpExec tcl Sat Mar pgpExec tcl Fri Sep proc Pgp_GetPass v key global pgp if [info exists pgp extpass ] [set pgp extpass ] \ [info exists pgp getextcmd ] Exmh_Debug Pgp_GetPass v key external set keyid [lindex key ] set cmd [format pgp getextcmd keyid] while Exmh_Debug running cmd cmd if [ catch exec sh c cmd result ] Exmh_Debug error running cmd result Exmh_Status Error executing external cmd warn return else if [Pgp_Exec_CheckPassword v result key] return result else Exmh_Debug bad passphrase if [info exists pgp delextcmd ] Exmh_Debug trying to invalidate bad passphrase if [catch exec sh c [format pgp delextcmd keyid] ] Exmh_Debug invalidation failed return else Exmh_Debug Pgp_GetPass v key if [lsearch glob [set pgp v privatekeys ] [lindex key ] ] ,1
-Re [zzzzteana] Re Archer UK TV AlertYes I enjoyed it Then afterwards there was a debate thing on ITV about genius or madness featuring a friend of mine s boss plus David Icke also the very likeable Evelyn Glennie Dave To unsubscribe from this group send an email to forteana unsubscribe egroups com Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to http docs yahoo com info terms ,1
-Re self adaptive apt sourceOn AM T o n g wrote Hi I came across an universal apt source site that will detect determine the fastest mirror for each individual user Now I forgot where to find the info Anyone can help Thanks Hi I don t know web site but maybe apt spy and netselect apt can help you Bye Goran Dobosevic Hrvatski www dobosevic com English www dobosevic com en Registered Linux User To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BE F dobosevic com ,1
-Re KDE upgrade eats MB of homeFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type Text Plain charset utf Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Wednesday May Modestas Vainius wrote On tre C Diadienis Gegu C BE C Boyd Stephen Smith Jr wrote Virtuoso Akonadi and Strigi among others may be appropriate for a upgrade before either the freeze or the KDE SC release The KDE integration parts might be missing but as long as new versions don t cripple KDE AFAIK their only consumer in Debian new upstream versions and bug fixes can be accepted until the freeze Except that kdesupport applications are typically not the problem It is KDE integration where majority of bugs are I propose we drop KDE from stable for the Squeeze release then P Seriously though if the RC bug list keeps falling there s no time to wait on KDE SC Let s try and get a high quality KDE SC ready for Squeeze D Boyd Stephen Smith Jr D _ D bss iguanasuicide net _ o o \_ ICQ YM AIM DaTwinkDaddy ` ` http iguanasuicide net \_ ,1
-Re Dual Monitors Twin View on NvidiaOne possible solution is using the nvidia settings Tool You can configure your display settings in a GUI and save it permanently to an xorg file I m using this method since years and it works very well and flawlessly [Screenshot] http ourcraft files wordpress com nvidia settings png Sebastian Zitat von James Allsopp Hi I ve a small monitor which was working fine with Debian at about x VGA connection on a nvidia GT with the proprietary drivers sorry want to experiment with CUDA so non free wasn t an option However I ve just bought a new p TV and connected it to the computer via HDMI This unfortunately has permanently knocked the resolution down on the monitor to x which is next to unusable Would anyone with a similar configuration be willing to share an xorg conf or share some advice on this I think I d like the monitor to be either x x x and the TV to work at x x or x Thanks for any help Jim To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org rwr lxasc webmail df eu ,1
-Harvest lots of E mail addresses quickly Dear cpunks C CBODY bgColor D ffccff E CTABLE border D cellPadding D cellSpacing D width D E CTBODY E CTR E CTD align Dmiddle vAlign Dtop E C FTD E C FTR E C FTBODY E C FTABLE E CBR E CTABLE E CTBODY E CTR E CTD width D E C FTD E CTD bgColor D b ecff borderColor D ff width D E CFONT color D ff face D Arial Black size D E nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B Want To Harvest A Lot Of Email nbsp B nbsp B Addresses In A Very Short Time F C FFONT E CP E CB E CFONT color D ff face DArial size D EEasy Email Searcher C FFONT E CFONT color D ff ff face DArial size D E nbsp B is nbsp B a nbsp B powerful nbsp B Email nbsp B software nbsp B nbsp B that nbsp B harvests general Email lists from mail servers nbsp B nbsp B C FFONT E CFONT color D ff face DArial size D EEasy Email Searcher C FFONT E CFONT color D ff ff face DArial size D Ecan get C Email C FFONT E C FB E CFONT color D ff ff face DArial size D E CB Eaddresses directly from the Email servers in only one hour nbsp B C FB E C FFONT E C FP E CUL E CLI E CFONT face DArial size D E CB E CFONT color D ff EEasy Email Searcher C FFONT E C FB E is a bit Windows Program for e mail marketing E It is intended for easy and convenient search large e mail address lists from mail servers E The program can be operated on Windows F FME F and NT E C FFONT E CLI E CFONT face DArial size D E CB E CFONT color D ff EEasy Email Searcher C FFONT E C FB Esupport multi threads up to connections E C FFONT E CLI E CFONT face DArial size D E CB E CFONT color D ff EEasy Email Searcher C FFONT E C FB E has the ability nbsp B to reconnect to the mail server if the server has disconnected and continue the searching at the point where it has been interrupted E C FFONT E CLI E CFONT face DArial size D E CB E CFONT color D ff EEasy Email Searcher C FFONT E C FB E has an ergonomic interface that is easy to set up and simple to use E C FFONT E C FLI E C FUL E CP E A A CB E CFONT color D ff face DArial EEasy Email Searcher is an email address searcher and bulk e mail sender E It can verify more than email addresses per minute at only Kbps speed E It even allows you send email to valid email address while searching E You can save the searching progress and load it to resume work at your convenience E All you need to do is just input an email address C and press the Search button E C FFONT E C FB E C FP E CP E CB E CFONT color D ff face DArial E CBR E C FFONT E Cfont face D Comic Sans MS size D color D FF FF EVery Low Price nbsp B Now C nbsp B The full version of Easy Email Searcher only costs C Ffont E Cfont face D Comic Sans MS size D color D FF E E C Ffont E C FB E C FP E CP E CB E CFONT color D ff face DArial size D E CI EClick The Following Link To Download The Demo A C FI E C FFONT E C FB E C FP E CP E CB E CFONT color D ff face DArial size D E CA href D http A F Fwww Ewldinfo Ecom Fdownload Femail Fnewees Ezip EDownload Site C FA E C FFONT E C FB E C FP E CP E CB E CFONT color D ff face DArial size D E CA href D http A F Fbestsoft E Eorg Fonlinedown Fnewees Ezip EDownload Site C FA E nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B nbsp B C FFONT E C FB E A A CFONT color D a face DArial size D E CSTRONG EIf nbsp B you can not download this program C nbsp B please copy the following link into your URL C and then click Enter on your Computer Keyboard E C FSTRONG E C FFONT E C FP E CP E CFONT size D E CFONT color D a face DArial size D E CSTRONG EHere is the download links A C FSTRONG E C FFONT E C FP E CDIV E CP Ehttp A F Fwww Ewldinfo Ecom Fdownload Femail Fnewees Ezip C FP E CP Ehttp A F Fbestsoft E Eorg Fonlinedown Fnewees Ezip C FP E C FFONT E C FDIV E CP E C FP E C FTD E CTD width D E C FTD E C FTR E CTR E CTD width D E C FTD E CTD bgColor D f de width D E CFONT color D ffffff face D Verdana C Tahoma C Helvetica C SansSerif size D E CB EDisclaimer A C FB E CBR EWe are strongly against continuously sending unsolicited emails to those who do not wish to receive our special mailings E We have attained the services of an independent rd party to overlook list management and removal services E This is not unsolicited email E If you do not wish to receive further mailings C please click this link CA href D mailto Aremoval btamail Enet Ecn target D Fblank E CFONT color D fdd a E CB Emailto Aremoval btamail Enet Ecn C FB E C FFONT E C FA E E nbsp B C FFONT E CB E CFONT class Ddisclaimer color D face DArial E CBR EThis message is a commercial advertisement E It is compliant with all federal and state laws regarding email messages including the California Business and Professions Code E We have provided the subject line ADV to provide you notification that this is a commercial advertisement for persons over yrs old E C FFONT E C FB E C FTD E CTD width D E C FTD E C FTR E C FTBODY E C FTABLE E CBR E DeathToSpamDeathToSpamDeathToSpam This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin Sightings mailing list Spamassassin Sightings lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin sightings ,0
-Re [SAtalk] http www spamassassin orgFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii Content Disposition inline http www spamassassin org Is anyone besides me having problems getting to the site What site is that one Isn t this site on sourceforge the official home page http spamassassin sourceforge net Bob ,1
-Re New testing packagesMatthias Saou matthias rpmforge net wrote I ve rebuilt a new alsaplayer package based on Angle s one Cool one less package to maintain One interesting thing about alsaplayer is that RedHat s XMMS package in RH will probably not play mp files But alsaplayer does play mp s out of the box Also they are developing rapidly in their CVS and looks like their next version of alsaplaer will be pretty cool but I have no idea when it will be ready That s angle as in geometry _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Re Asteroids anyone On Wed at James Rogers wrote I don t think a ballistic missile defense system will be much help against a rock a couple thousand kilometers in diameter Errrr Or a couple thousand meters in diameter either James Rogers jamesr best com http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
- yr fixed No points No Fees ngw Dear Homeowner Yr Fixed Rate Mortgage Interest rates are at their lowest point in years We help you find the best rate for your situation by matching your needs with hundreds of lenders Home Improvement Refinance Second Mortgage Home Equity Loans and More Even with less than perfect credit Click Here for a Free Quote Lock In YOUR LOW FIXED RATE TODAY aNO COST OUT OF POCKET aNO OBLIGATION aFREE CONSULTATION aALL CREDIT GRADES ACCEPTED Rates as low as won t stay this low forever CLICK HERE based on mortgage rate as of as low as see lender for details H Apply now and one of our lending partners will get back to you within hours CLICK HERE To Be Removed Please Clicking Here ,0
-RE [SAtalk] O T Habeus Why Guys the Habeas Infringers List HIL exists explicitly to deal with spammers while we re getting judgments against them and especially in other countries where those judgments are harder to get Please note that nobody has ever had an incentive before to go after regular spammers Yes some attorneys general have prosecuted blatant pyramid schemes and ISPs have won some theft of service suits but the vast majority of spammers go forward with out any legal hassles So I can t understand how Daniel can assert that you can t track spammers down when it s never really been tried We can subpoena the records of the business they spammed on behalf of We can subpoena the records of the ISP that provided them service and of the credit card they used for the whack a mole accounts We can use private investigators Yes these people are often lowlifes chickenboners But they re not secret agents They re just trying to make a buck and Habeas whole business is about finding them and putting them out of business Habeas has the incentive to pursue spammers that use our warrant mark in a way that no one ever has had before Given that our whole business plan relies on Habeas becoming synonymous with not spam I can t understand why you would assume ahead of time that we will be unsuccessful plan for that failure and in so doing remove the potential of success which is anti spam filters like SA acting on the Habeas warrant mark Daniel it s easy enough for you to change the Habeas scores yourself on your installation If Habeas fails to live up to its promise to only license the warrant mark to non spammers and to place all violators on the HIL then I have no doubt that Justin and Craig will quickly remove us from the next release But you re trying to kill Habeas before it has a chance to show any promise At the end of the day SpamAssassin is like the Club in that it encourages thieves spammers to just go after the next car those without SA rather than yours Habeas can play the role of LoJack the transmitter in enabling the apprehension of thieves so that they don t steal any more cars But only if we re given a chance to succeed dan Dan Kohn Original Message From Daniel Quinlan [mailto quinlan pathname com] Sent Wednesday August To Matthew Cline Cc spamassassin talk example sourceforge net Subject Re [SAtalk] O T Habeus Why Matthew Cline writes There must be some way of tracking a spammer down since they are planning on making money from the spam What a court would consider evidence of being the spammer is another question Haha Just a few notes It will be difficult to find prosecute and win money from someone in various non friendly countries where spam originates China is a good example even if they do officially respect copyright law Law suits take time Between now and conclusion of the first court case we could have years of spam in our mail boxes Contact information can change phone numbers PO boxes stolen cell phones temporary email addresses etc Spammers do not always remember to include contact information I don t understand it either but nobody said they were bright Also some spam is non commercial or sent by a third party for example pump and dump stock scams so contact information is not strictly required for the spammer to get their way Dan This sf net email is sponsored by Jabber The world s fastest growing real time communications platform Don t just IM Build it in http www jabber com osdn xim _______________________________________________ Spamassassin talk mailing list Spamassassin talk lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin talk This sf net email is sponsored by Jabber The world s fastest growing real time communications platform Don t just IM Build it in http www jabber com osdn xim _______________________________________________ Spamassassin talk mailing list Spamassassin talk lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin talk ,1
-Re Console font turned cyanOn Mon Apr at PM Robert Latest wrote On Sun Apr at PM Tom H wrote On Sun Apr at AM Phil Requirements wrote Just in case you are running grub the etc grub default variables for framebuffer are I needed that hint too Between muckings around with GRUB s config I keep forgetting that the settings are not in menu lst nor in etc grub d but in etc grub defaults IMO the whole new GRUB system is suffering from incredible bloat but maybe I m just not seeing the benefits BTW if vga doesn t cut it any more how is stuff passed to the kernel nowadays You only need to edit etc default grub and run update grub in order to modify boot grub grub cfg theoretically unfortunately you have to edit etc grub d _linux or etc grub d _os prober to change the default generation of the menu entry names or prevent os prober from picking up a windows recovery partition The squeeze and sid kernels set the graphic mode through Kernel based Mode Setting KMS I only use headless and Xless boxes so I have not looked into whether the kernel uses grub s GRUB_GFXMODE OR GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX variables to set the video mode KMS can be turned off in grub cfg with either nomodeset possibly superceded or modeset where video i i nouveau radeon but I have only gleaned this from reading Fedora and Ubuntu stuff To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org k n d cc i c x a a d mail csmining org ,1
-My Good EasyURL http diveintomark org archives html my_good_easy Date T _Joe Gregorio_ My next pet project[ ] Trying to re create the Good Easy[ ] on a Windows machine I have also made half hearted attempts in this direction as I am forced to use Windows during the day I say half hearted because I m still application centric and I don t go as far with keyboard shortcuts as I could But I don t use the desktop at all never have on any system and I don t use ctrl alt keyboard shortcuts because I personally find them awkward YMMV If you must use Windows the first step towards a productive system is managing your Start menu I use the main level of the Start menu with numbered shortcuts to my most common programs Control Panel[ ] Mozilla[ ] Emacs[ ] DOS home DOS work DOS incoming each of which gives me a command line but in different directories Python[ ] IE Also Explorer home Explorer work Explorer incoming which open Explorer windows in various useful directories the same directories as the DOS shortcuts only with the shift key held down and yes I intentionally set it up so that went to my work folder Less used programs are taken out of their useless submenus as installed and moved directly into the Programs submenu and given unique first letters as needed Ad aware[ ] Excel[ ] IM Netscape [ ] Paint Shop Pro Query Tool ODBC [ ] VMWare[ ] Word[ ] All other submenus except Startup are removed from the Programs menu Yes delete Accessories Do you honestly ever use it If so it s probably a sign of a larger productivity problem Things which never need to be run manually like WinZip and Quicktime are removed from the Programs menu Maintaining a clean Programs menu is an ongoing struggle but well worth it On most modern keyboards there is a key next to your left alt key that opens the start menu which you can press with your left thumb without taking your fingers off the home keys Otherwise ctrl esc always works Menu gives me a new command prompt in my work directory Menu P N runs Netscape for compatibility testing in my day job ugh Mozilla and Emacs are almost always open but I quit lesser used applications as soon as I m done using them mostly because my laptop doesn t have a lot of memory I install Cygwin[ ] so that the command line is actually useful Cygwin is a collection of Windows ports of all your favorite UNIX utilities including mv cp scp ssh man tar less grep patch ncftp cvs and many others And bash which I don t use because I dislike how it handles Windows pathnames I also set the properties of my command line shortcuts to set the window size to x almost full screen at x and screen buffer size to x Set window position at x and don t let the system position the window In Mozilla I set my home page to about blank set Internet Search to search with Google use Tabbed Browsing open tabs instead of windows in all possible cases always show the tab bar and load links in the background essential for weblog surfing you can ctrl click links to open them in new tabs in the background Under Scripts Plugins I do not allow scripts to open unrequested windows I turn off the sidebar turn on the Site Navigation Bar delete all pre installed bookmarks and create two bookmarks one which takes me to my webmail and another which takes me to my internal site search[ ] from which I can find all other bookmarks I need In Internet Explorer I set my home page to the page to edit my weblog since that s the only thing I do in Internet Explorer alt tab back and forth between Mozilla and IE is easier than ctrl pgup pgdown between tabs within Mozilla since TEXTAREAs in Mozilla lose focus when you switch tabs making copying and pasting weblog entries virtually impossible I use Emacs locally and vi remotely because the default behavior of Emacs is so heinous as to render it unusable For instance editing a CGI script named foo cgi on a web server with Emacs would generate a foo cgi backup file which is world readable and is sent as plain text to any browser that asks Try this sometime on your favorite web site Among other things my emacs file which is actually called _emacs on Windows instructs Emacs to store all backup files in a single directory d \backup to treat all XML files as DocBook all CGI scripts as Python and all SQL scripts as PL SQL to use Cygwin s bash shell for M x shell to use a single maximized frame with no menubar titled as the name of the current file to show column numbers to accept y and n for yes no questions not to blink not to beep and to close the current file when I press M w I use some weird registry hacks and a hacked notepad exe to get all text files to open in Emacs I got this idea from Ultraedit[ ] My _emacs file is my second most backed up possession I don t use Windows useless directory structure for user home directories On my D drive I have d \home contains directories for my books and other personal projects each under CVS control also set as my home directory using the HOME environment variable d \work contains directories for each work project also under CVS d \incoming set as default download directory for all programs that download things and d \backup used by Emacs and for temporary storage for instance for storing originals when checking out newly created CVS projects I don t know or care what s where on my C drive I have tried many many address books and still store all my contacts email addresses snail mail addresses phone numbers and other vital personal information in a text file called phone stored in d \home\phone It is not in any particular format other than being plain text and usually including blank lines between entries I categorize people with simple keywords in parentheses after their name and use M x occur in Emacs to search by keyword This file is my single most backed up possession Other essential free Windows utilities I use in no particular order TweakUI [ ] Cygwin[ ] Guidescope[ ] ZoneAlarm[ ] [ ] http bitworking org Oct html X [ ] http www winterspeak com columns html [ ] http www annoyances org exec show article [ ] http www mozilla org [ ] http www gnu org software emacs windows ntemacs html [ ] http www activestate com Products ActivePython [ ] http www lavasoftusa com [ ] http www openoffice org [ ] http sillydog org narchive [ ] http gpoulose home att net [ ] http www vmware com [ ] http www openoffice org [ ] http www cygwin com [ ] http diveintomark org mt mt search cgi [ ] http www ultraedit com downloads index html notepad Replacing Notepad with Ultraedit [ ] http www microsoft com ntworkstation downloads PowerToys Networking NTTweakUI asp [ ] http www cygwin com [ ] http www guidescope com [ ] http download com com html part zonealarm subj dlpage ,1
-[SPAM] at few longFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable bdiv BORDER RIGHT CC px solid BORDER TOP CC px solid BORDER LEFT CC px solid BORDER BOTTOM CC px solid Ca nadian Pharmacy Internet Inline Drugstore Today s bestsellers V A G R A Our price C I A S Our price L E V I T R A Our price V A G R A S FT Tab`s Our price V A G R A Super Active Our price C I A S Super Active Our price V A G R A Professional Our price C I A S Professional Our price C I A S FT Tab`s Our price And more Click here without u red ve article part send love no getting be one hope gotta new posted excited check d ever y best dog day has cool like two home set nice stuff again my compute r lost sun twitter quite internet super friend break until these took pr obably sweet beautiful thinking start her through radio win far crazy haha sounds at few long play without u red ve ,0
-LP RELEASE Outrageous military spending BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE NEWS FROM THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY Virginia Avenue NW Suite Washington DC World Wide Web http www LP org For release July For additional information George Getz Press Secretary Phone Ext E Mail pressreleases hq LP org Thousands spent on strippers golf memberships shows Pentagon spending is out of control Libertarians say WASHINGTON DC Quiz question Which of the following items have been charged to the taxpayers recently by military personnel wielding government issued credit cards a for lap dancing at strip clubs near military bases b for a Sumo wrestling suit and for Halloween costumes c for closing costs on a home and for a corporate golf membership d for white beach sand and worth of decorative river rock at a military base in the Arabian desert e all of the above Incredibly the answer is all of the above said Steve Dasbach Libertarian Party executive director Thanks to the federal government s policy of doling out credit cards with no questions asked the military has launched a raid on your wallet The shocking revelations are contained in a General Accounting Office audit released last week that uncovered million in seemingly unneeded expenditures made by the Air Force and Army in and The purchases were made possible by the federal government s lax credit card policy At least million Defense Department employees carry credit cards and last year they used them to splurge on billion in goods and services the audit found In one case a group of soldiers used their military IDs and government issued travel cards to get cash at adult entertainment bars then spent the money there The clubs charged a percent fee to supply the soldiers with cash then billed the full amount to their travel cards as a restaurant charge the GAO found Are these warriors really fighting terrorism while frolicking in a strip club or defending our country while wearing a Sumo wrestling suit asked Dasbach Americans who support a bigger defense budget take note The Pentagon frequently behaves like any other bloated reckless government agency It promises your money will be spent on the worthiest of causes then squanders it on things you could never even imagine Other spending uncovered by the audit included for luxury cruises for executive pillows and for a sofa and armchair at a military installation in the Middle East Dasbach noted Some military employees actually defended the purchases the audit noted by saying that recreational items such as golf memberships can be a useful tool for building good relations with a host country such as Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates Not surprisingly Dasbach said the audit found little evidence of documented disciplinary action against those who misused the cards so taxpayers may end up paying the tab It s time to impose a little military discipline on these deadbeat Defense Department workers and force them to personally reimburse taxpayers for every penny of improper spending he said Then cut the Pentagon s massive billion budget to help guard against such wasteful spending in the future Perhaps that s one way to force the Pentagon to spend its resources defending the country instead of offending the taxpayer BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE Version iQCVAwUBPUA FdCSe KnQG RAQGAKwP Zpfw Uq BPLnXXmnlWQ aFFb FSaj nJ QOMt q TBhiYJhIdgdd uGxoubiPfvyIweSR PjOdoFe dYf h V gNS hSmkSgC RZVuitNf DbEsaY TtcUDLDC m jgxiGcgPkcyJ Wn RRbktkVEefSNTaBz M ibVFiDPyI fYc END PGP SIGNATURE The Libertarian Party http www lp org Virginia Ave NW Suite voice Washington DC fax For subscription changes please use the WWW form at http www lp org action email html ,1
-[SPAM] For friends only Pharmaceutical Monthly Newsletter td table body font family tahoma verdana font size px text align center p display block margin px padding px font padding px margin px Latest Pharmaceutical information This e mail has been sent to you at hibody csmining org as you have subscribed to one or more of PMR newsletters or you have downloaded information from our website Please check Privacy Policy If you do not want to receive our newsletters unsubscribe from our mailing list ,0
-[SECURITY] [DSA ] New postgresql packages fix several vulnerabilities BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE Hash SHA Debian Security Advisory DSA security debian org http www debian org security Moritz Muehlenhoff May http www debian org security faq Package postgresql Vulnerability several Problem type local Debian specific no CVE Id s CVE CVE CVE CVE Several local vulnerabilities have been discovered in PostgreSQL an object relational SQL database The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project identifies the following problems CVE Tim Bunce discovered that the implementation of the procedural language PL Perl insufficiently restricts the subset of allowed code which allows authenticated users the execution of arbitrary Perl code CVE Tom Lane discovered that the implementation of the procedural language PL Tcl insufficiently restricts the subset of allowed code which allows authenticated users the execution of arbitrary Tcl code CVE It was discovered that an unprivileged user could reset superuser only parameter settings For the stable distribution lenny these problems have been fixed in version lenny This update also introduces a fix for CVE which was originally scheduled for the next Lenny point update For the unstable distribution sid these problems have been fixed in version of postgresql We recommend that you upgrade your postgresql packages Upgrade instructions wget url will fetch the file for you dpkg i file deb will install the referenced file If you are using the apt get package manager use the line for sources list as given below apt get update will update the internal database apt get upgrade will install corrected packages You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the footer to the proper configuration Debian GNU Linux alias lenny Stable updates are available for alpha amd arm armel hppa i ia mips mipsel powerpc s and sparc Source archives http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql _ orig tar gz Size MD checksum af fe d f d http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql _ lenny diff gz Size MD checksum b cfc c ca b fd f http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql _ lenny dsc Size MD checksum fcd e b cc bd f c aefa d Architecture independent packages http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql_ lenny _all deb Size MD checksum dd ff d dd cbc e a http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql client_ lenny _all deb Size MD checksum ef b f cff e b f f c http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql contrib_ lenny _all deb Size MD checksum f c e f b b a d c abf a f http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql doc _ lenny _all deb Size MD checksum cf f bc e c http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql doc_ lenny _all deb Size MD checksum ce c db cf ec d d alpha architecture DEC Alpha http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql server dev _ lenny _alpha deb Size MD checksum cf e a a be d d f e http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg dev_ lenny _alpha deb Size MD checksum ba abe da eac f e c http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql plperl _ lenny _alpha deb Size MD checksum fc a d d b de f fa dc e b http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql pltcl _ lenny _alpha deb Size MD checksum e d daaf abcef http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpgtypes _ lenny _alpha deb Size MD checksum dc d dc b e bcb b f d http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg _ lenny _alpha deb Size MD checksum ceae f f b afcf c de c http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql contrib _ lenny _alpha deb Size MD checksum f c d a d bc e a http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql client _ lenny _alpha deb Size MD checksum a db cebb b b a df http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg compat _ lenny _alpha deb Size MD checksum a d c b ad a d e dee http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql plpython _ lenny _alpha deb Size MD checksum d b c aa bd b dc b http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql _ lenny _alpha deb Size MD checksum d d c ceb bc f e a http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpq dev_ lenny _alpha deb Size MD checksum ae d afc e be bc c ea d http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpq _ lenny _alpha deb Size MD checksum b f f bfaac a f a amd architecture AMD x _ AMD http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql _ lenny _amd deb Size MD checksum b ef ceba baa e b http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql server dev _ lenny _amd deb Size MD checksum c eb e ad ae e a c cd bf http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql plperl _ lenny _amd deb Size MD checksum a ae a cada f http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpq _ lenny _amd deb Size MD checksum cf b cf fad ad d a e http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpq dev_ lenny _amd deb Size MD checksum b aa eee e cbb d e http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpgtypes _ lenny _amd deb Size MD checksum a c db a ad f dfa e c http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg _ lenny _amd deb Size MD checksum e d d acaec aa cfa http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql pltcl _ lenny _amd deb Size MD checksum ddf d b ee d a b http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg dev_ lenny _amd deb Size MD checksum e fc a f c d ec http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql client _ lenny _amd deb Size MD checksum c d a a fbeed e bc acca http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg compat _ lenny _amd deb Size MD checksum dabf fc e f d ce dc bcc http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql contrib _ lenny _amd deb Size MD checksum e b e ac f eb e http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql plpython _ lenny _amd deb Size MD checksum ad ab aa ee a c arm architecture ARM http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg dev_ lenny _arm deb Size MD checksum fe cc b cc c b a adb http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg compat _ lenny _arm deb Size MD checksum c e d efa c c aa http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg _ lenny _arm deb Size MD checksum da a d b c f c b http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql server dev _ lenny _arm deb Size MD checksum df f ac d c b ea a http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpq _ lenny _arm deb Size MD checksum c b a e e d b db http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpgtypes _ lenny _arm deb Size MD checksum f e ff c http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql contrib _ lenny _arm deb Size MD checksum fd bb fd e e b f bbbfd http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql client _ lenny _arm deb Size MD checksum d b e b f a d abe e c http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpq dev_ lenny _arm deb Size MD checksum fc a cf b cf f c e http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql pltcl _ lenny _arm deb Size MD checksum ecdcf b ec dde bbbd a b http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql plperl _ lenny _arm deb Size MD checksum e d c e b fdbeafde c c http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql plpython _ lenny _arm deb Size MD checksum c daef c b ade bd http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql _ lenny _arm deb Size MD checksum c afc a d f ebb ae ddba ae armel architecture ARM EABI http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql pltcl _ lenny _armel deb Size MD checksum ca b c f a a c b http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg dev_ lenny _armel deb Size MD checksum ca be f d bdf b d a http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg compat _ lenny _armel deb Size MD checksum abbf c a dc c caa http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql contrib _ lenny _armel deb Size MD checksum cbcf d c ea d d http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql server dev _ lenny _armel deb Size MD checksum ab ab f bb ac b http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql client _ lenny _armel deb Size MD checksum b b acab de c c ec http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg _ lenny _armel deb Size MD checksum db c dd c ec a b dd http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpq _ lenny _armel deb Size MD checksum dbbfd c d f d bf http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql _ lenny _armel deb Size MD checksum db fa df db a d b b http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpq dev_ lenny _armel deb Size MD checksum abb fe aa ac c efd eb fa http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql plpython _ lenny _armel deb Size MD checksum f bad ef dcfc db c http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpgtypes _ lenny _armel deb Size MD checksum ae af d e e eb dcc e d d d http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql plperl _ lenny _armel deb Size MD checksum f e eac acf ee a f e hppa architecture HP PA RISC http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg compat _ lenny _hppa deb Size MD checksum bfabaf c a ddce e http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql contrib _ lenny _hppa deb Size MD checksum f c b bc c bfe http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql client _ lenny _hppa deb Size MD checksum aa b e f a d f a b bdd http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg dev_ lenny _hppa deb Size MD checksum de a bb e e aa http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql plperl _ lenny _hppa deb Size MD checksum fc d cccad de ff ade http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg _ lenny _hppa deb Size MD checksum c d c d e d aac a bdc http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpq dev_ lenny _hppa deb Size MD checksum cb ac ccb bd c aa f http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql pltcl _ lenny _hppa deb Size MD checksum a eb a c fdcf ce e http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpgtypes _ lenny _hppa deb Size MD checksum ed e baed c aa f c beabc http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql plpython _ lenny _hppa deb Size MD checksum f f b a c e dc b http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql server dev _ lenny _hppa deb Size MD checksum d e a a ec e cb ec http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpq _ lenny _hppa deb Size MD checksum ab a f c d df b cd ca http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql _ lenny _hppa deb Size MD checksum e dbe fb b dbccb f f f a c i architecture Intel ia http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql _ lenny _i deb Size MD checksum ce b fff ab f bfe d c c a e http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql server dev _ lenny _i deb Size MD checksum e b d acd dd http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql plperl _ lenny _i deb Size MD checksum fa f a ce b e af daa ecd f a http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg _ lenny _i deb Size MD checksum f fa d c c b ebc http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql client _ lenny _i deb Size MD checksum a ec f da b e b b d d cc a http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql pltcl _ lenny _i deb Size MD checksum cd de b c afd c ed http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpq dev_ lenny _i deb Size MD checksum cbf ca c ba dfa e da http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg dev_ lenny _i deb Size MD checksum b ceb f c b f f b http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql plpython _ lenny _i deb Size MD checksum e fa f c a b ec d a ffc http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpgtypes _ lenny _i deb Size MD checksum c a f e fbe f a b bc f c http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpq _ lenny _i deb Size MD checksum f b f c eca a c e eedc http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql contrib _ lenny _i deb Size MD checksum e fb f bdeab ada c accb http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg compat _ lenny _i deb Size MD checksum fb e e b a e e ia architecture Intel ia http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql contrib _ lenny _ia deb Size MD checksum fcc d c a f f d ae f http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg compat _ lenny _ia deb Size MD checksum b f c e a ec d d b c a d c http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg dev_ lenny _ia deb Size MD checksum d fd a f ee c http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql plpython _ lenny _ia deb Size MD checksum bfe df ee ea a c f e http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpq dev_ lenny _ia deb Size MD checksum cbcad a a e a ed ca b a http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg _ lenny _ia deb Size MD checksum e aa beaaf dc b c f d http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql plperl _ lenny _ia deb Size MD checksum fa fa d ae decd fb http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql _ lenny _ia deb Size MD checksum e ce ffb d ae ebef fe ad http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql pltcl _ lenny _ia deb Size MD checksum f d b bbad a f fbeb http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql server dev _ lenny _ia deb Size MD checksum e c b cc ede e c http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql client _ lenny _ia deb Size MD checksum dc d edc dd abf be http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpq _ lenny _ia deb Size MD checksum ff bd e c aa bcaf a http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpgtypes _ lenny _ia deb Size MD checksum f e f e c e b d c b f mips architecture MIPS Big Endian http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql server dev _ lenny _mips deb Size MD checksum db d cedf c http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql plpython _ lenny _mips deb Size MD checksum e ed ed d a db d cf http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg dev_ lenny _mips deb Size MD checksum ba b ef e b bec f a b b a http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpgtypes _ lenny _mips deb Size MD checksum cddea e e e b a d c ce f http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql contrib _ lenny _mips deb Size MD checksum f e d dd cc e cc e http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpq dev_ lenny _mips deb Size MD checksum cf b f ec af c c b http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg _ lenny _mips deb Size MD checksum f ac eb d a ebb cd http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql pltcl _ lenny _mips deb Size MD checksum ada a e a c d fb a bb e http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql _ lenny _mips deb Size MD checksum c cd b ec c e c http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql client _ lenny _mips deb Size MD checksum a e ce b ff e ec ebf http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql plperl _ lenny _mips deb Size MD checksum f a f d c a f http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg compat _ lenny _mips deb Size MD checksum fb d b c e b fe db http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpq _ lenny _mips deb Size MD checksum ba f b d f d f b c mipsel architecture MIPS Little Endian http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql plperl _ lenny _mipsel deb Size MD checksum c beab d cdcd ba b d f http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql client _ lenny _mipsel deb Size MD checksum a c c ac e fce f eaeed ce http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql contrib _ lenny _mipsel deb Size MD checksum bbdcd a e ad c http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpq _ lenny _mipsel deb Size MD checksum da f acb dfe cd http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg compat _ lenny _mipsel deb Size MD checksum c ec cf ee e d b http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql _ lenny _mipsel deb Size MD checksum b da bb c b cdfa a aa http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql server dev _ lenny _mipsel deb Size MD checksum e cdf c bcf dbf http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg dev_ lenny _mipsel deb Size MD checksum eee caa dd bccdd f http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql plpython _ lenny _mipsel deb Size MD checksum d d c ab db a bc http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpq dev_ lenny _mipsel deb Size MD checksum d e f f e ff ca c accf http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg _ lenny _mipsel deb Size MD checksum a cfcc fd d d b http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql pltcl _ lenny _mipsel deb Size MD checksum eceae c b b cc http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpgtypes _ lenny _mipsel deb Size MD checksum f c ea f a db f e powerpc architecture PowerPC http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql plperl _ lenny _powerpc deb Size MD checksum f a aebf f e dfc baa fc ca http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql _ lenny _powerpc deb Size MD checksum ec d c cc a e ed http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpq _ lenny _powerpc deb Size MD checksum eeeae d b ea ac e d d d http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql plpython _ lenny _powerpc deb Size MD checksum d aa ace a e a ca http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg compat _ lenny _powerpc deb Size MD checksum b fb bc a d d f http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql contrib _ lenny _powerpc deb Size MD checksum f a d cadafc ad d da c http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql server dev _ lenny _powerpc deb Size MD checksum aeb bf c e eb f ba ba http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpgtypes _ lenny _powerpc deb Size MD checksum e fb e fb d e ca ee http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg _ lenny _powerpc deb Size MD checksum d da ea cbda a ee a ba http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql pltcl _ lenny _powerpc deb Size MD checksum e ac b ded fa d d http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpq dev_ lenny _powerpc deb Size MD checksum c b d c ce ea dab ea http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql client _ lenny _powerpc deb Size MD checksum f e ba aa eea f c d http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg dev_ lenny _powerpc deb Size MD checksum cc a d e f b c db s architecture IBM S http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql server dev _ lenny _s deb Size MD checksum d b ddb c e faaf f c http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpgtypes _ lenny _s deb Size MD checksum cc f c dd eed http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg compat _ lenny _s deb Size MD checksum ad f a a b e e a d a b http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql contrib _ lenny _s deb Size MD checksum aaf b cb a ba e c b http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg dev_ lenny _s deb Size MD checksum add eb a cd b e d f http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql pltcl _ lenny _s deb Size MD checksum ef b a db d a cfed b ffb http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql plpython _ lenny _s deb Size MD checksum e d a aa a ec d fb http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg _ lenny _s deb Size MD checksum f ac de e fab bba f c http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql client _ lenny _s deb Size MD checksum ad d d c bfb cc c fac http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql plperl _ lenny _s deb Size MD checksum a a acc f ac dcca http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpq dev_ lenny _s deb Size MD checksum cf c a e c fe c a http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpq _ lenny _s deb Size MD checksum d d b ccb cb d d http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql _ lenny _s deb Size MD checksum a a c bfa a e ba ca d ad sparc architecture Sun SPARC UltraSPARC http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg _ lenny _sparc deb Size MD checksum ca db ebf ab d c b a http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpq _ lenny _sparc deb Size MD checksum d f f c a a acaefd f http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpgtypes _ lenny _sparc deb Size MD checksum f d b c f ccc e bda b ae f http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql plperl _ lenny _sparc deb Size MD checksum b a a d c c e http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql _ lenny _sparc deb Size MD checksum a b ec b c cc cddc a http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libpq dev_ lenny _sparc deb Size MD checksum b a d ca ae e cb f a http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql client _ lenny _sparc deb Size MD checksum d e dfbd c b http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql contrib _ lenny _sparc deb Size MD checksum f e fe dfaf e ea dbd http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql server dev _ lenny _sparc deb Size MD checksum e a ca b cdadf f b http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg compat _ lenny _sparc deb Size MD checksum eb b cb d c f b af e http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql pltcl _ lenny _sparc deb Size MD checksum cba e b b dbc f f d http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql postgresql plpython _ lenny _sparc deb Size MD checksum c bea ae f fd d ada a http security debian org pool updates main p postgresql libecpg dev_ lenny _sparc deb Size MD checksum cbaf c d d d d fbd a ce These files will probably be moved into the stable distribution on its next update For apt get deb http security debian org stable updates main For dpkg ftp ftp security debian org debian security dists stable updates main Mailing list debian security announce lists debian org Package info `apt cache show and http packages debian org BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE Version GnuPG v GNU Linux iEYEARECAAYFAkv okAACgkQXm vHE uylqTkQCggprL e QqELpa K nvAPFbw wQAn y PWWK DeOOVUvN SHwVM ogF H tK END PGP SIGNATURE To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian security announce REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org GA galadriel inutil org ,1
-Re Resources for learning LinuxOn Mon Apr EDT Stephen Powell wrote My favorite free on line reference for general Linux knowledge is currently the original edition of The Linux Cookbook by Michael Stutz Here is the link http dsl org cookbook cookbook_toc html There is a greatly expanded second edition of the book which is more comprehensive but it is not free You have to pay for it Others I m sure will have other ideas Yes Michael Stutz book is good both in content and style Also there is the Linux Documentation Project with many learning resources http tldp org Girish Girish Kulkarni Allahabad India http athene org in girish To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org ee marvin dhcp hri ,1
-Ben Silverman the publisher of Dotcom Scoop says the Rosen email is real URL http scriptingnews userland com backissues When AM Date Wed Sep GMT Ben Silverman the publisher of Dotcom Scoop says the Rosen email is real and part of a confidential internal memo[ ] that outlines the RIAA s legal strategy re Kazaa Music City and Grokster [ ] http www dotcomscoop com article php sid ,1
-Re [ILUG Social] Re [ILUG] Fwd Linux Beer HikeOn Wed Jul at PM Alan Horkan wrote does Spanish still count as a foreign language in America yep that s what i learned as it seemed more useful then the other choice french and that s what seems to count as internationalisation support of spanish Watch out for the political indoctrination at these irish language schools when i was teenager they had use marching saluting the flag singing the national anthem and the college anthem Presumably they treat adult learners with a little more dignity and dont send them home for a minor outburst of English in emotional circustances despite having better Irish than half of the other people there if i go to a class i m there to learn if they throw in anthems or politics i ll take what i can learn from that and i ll take in a new perspective but i ll only do that with my critical thinking cap on just like i do when i watch mass media and yes from the one irish course i took in dublin they do the national anthem which is fine really i started off each day in school in america with the pledge of allegience with the under god bit in it which annoyed my dad to no end if that sort of thing didn t stick at the age of five i severely doubt it will stick now Just to mention open source software agus gaeilge OpenOffice could do with having an Irish ispell dictionary converted to work with it Abiword already has irish spell checking and a few of the interface strings translated was about about months ago but it has drifted to some horribly small percentage and see that would be my retort to any overly zealous irish speaker there s a huge opportunity for a fully irish computing environment in free software and yet i don t see much action from official irish organisations the reason mandrake and some others have the irish support they have is because of individuals like donnacha kevin kevin suberic net that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to fork ed on the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier meatspace place home than a sober one the happiness of credulity is a http ie suberic net kevin cheap dangerous quality g b shaw Irish Linux Users Group Social Events social linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo social for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-Re X just froze and var log syslog dmesg s output seems to mean somethingOn Tue May Merciadri Luca wrote I realized that my computer this one Debian Lenny w k bigmem was frozen I tried escaping from the screensaver but nothing worked except launching another tty and restarting gdm Here is the interesting output I obtained by looking at var log syslog and dmesg [ ] atkbd c Unknown key pressed translated set code xbb on isa serio That seems to be unrelated with a X freeze Looks like a keyboard key mapping error but nothing serious Just review your var log Xorg log If X crashed there must something there Greetings Camale n To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org pan csmining org ,1
-Re Hanson s Sept message in the National ReviewBill Stoddard wrote Chuck Murcko wrote Heh ten years ago saying the exact same words was most definitely not parroting the party line It was even less so thirty years ago My story remains the same take it or leave it I ve said the same words to white supremacists as to suburban leftist punks as to homeys as to French Irish etc etc I don t have to agree with anything you say I am obligated to defend to the death your right to say it I don t give a rat s ass where you say it even in France I don t care where the political pendulum has swung currently Chuck I had to laugh at Rumsfield yesterday when he was heckled by protestors he said something like They couldn t do that in Iraq Meanwhile from what I could tell the protestors were being arrested Owen Trying to shoutdown a speaker or being loud and rowdy while someone else is trying to speak in the vernacular getting in their face is rude and disrespectful And persistently getting in someones face is assault a criminal offense If these people have something to say they can say it with signs or get their own venue And here is something else to chew on these protesters are NOT interested in changing anyones mind about what Rumsfield is saying How likely are you to change someone s mind by being rude and disrespectful to them Is this how to win friends and influence people Either these folks are social misfits who have no understanding of human interactions else they would try more constructive means to get their message across or they are just out to get their rocks off regardless of how it affects other people and that is immoral at best and downright evil at worst Bill Polite and respectful protest is acceptable then No dumping tea in the harbour or anything like that I think the primary purpose of loud and rowdy protests is to get on television and that the tactics can be justified as a reaction to a systematic removal of alternative viewpoints from that medium On the other hand it was a priceless TV moment There was nothing resembling assault and the protestors were not in anybody s face at least in my understanding of the vernacular And no being rude and disrespectful is not the way to influence politicians but the standard way of using lobbyists and writing checks is beyond many of us Owen ,1
-Re Limbo beta On Mon Aug at PM Angles Puglisi wrote Michel Alexandre Salim salimma yahoo co uk wrote Limbo beta I m running Limbo with kernel is what I am running an older version of the Limbo beta it is it the limbo beta The current version of the Limbo beta is yeah they should have renamed it but they didn t It s in the same redhat linux beta limbo directory on the ftp servers Just check the redhat release package to find out which version is on the server Looking at ftp redhat com the current one is redhat release If you re using GNOME from the beta I d upgrade as there were some important bugfixes since the first beta The only thing to watch out for is that Limbo switched gcc to which is once again incompatible with the previous gcc v shipped in Limbo gary _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Earth s magnetic field boosts gravity URL http www newsisfree com click Date Not supplied The controversial claim could be evidence of hidden extra dimensions and help a theory of everything fall into place ,1
-[ILUG] ASSISTANCEFROM COL MICHAEL BUNDU DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO Tel No Your country Intl access code email mikebundu rediffmail com Dear Sir Madam SEEKING YOUR IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE Please permit me to make your acquaintance in so informal a manner This is necessitated by my urgent need to reach a dependable and trust worthy foreign partner This request may seem strange and unsolicited but I crave your indulgence and pray that you view it seriously My name is COL MICHAEL BUNDU of the Democratic Republic of Congo and one of the close aides to the former President of the Democratic Republic of Congo LAURENT KABILA of blessed memory may his soul rest in peace Due to the military campaign of LAURENT KABILA to force out the rebels in my country I and some of my colleagues were instructed by Late President Kabila to go abroad to purchase arms and ammunition worth of Twenty Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars only US to fight the rebel group We were then given this money privately by the then President LAURENT KABILA without the knowledge of other Cabinet Members But when President Kabila was killed in a bloody shoot out by one of his bodyguards a day before we were schedule to travel out of Congo We immediately decided to put the funds into a private security company here in Congo for safe keeping The security of the said amount is presently being threatened here following the arrest and seizure of properties of Col Rasheidi Karesava One of the aides to Laurent Kabila a tribesman and some other Military Personnel from our same tribe by the new President of the Democratic Republic of Congo the son of late President Laurent Kabila Joseph Kabila In view of this we need a reliable and trustworthy foreign partner who can assist us to move this money out of my country as the beneficiary WE have sufficient CONTACTS here to move the fund under Diplomatic Cover to a security company in Europe in your name This is to ensure that the Diplomatic Baggage is marked CONFIDENTIAL and it will not pass through normal custom airport screening and clearance Our inability to move this money out of Congo all this while stems from our lack of trust of our supposed good friends western countries who suddenly became hostile to those of us who worked with the late President Kabila immediately after his son took office Though we have neither seen nor met each other the information We gathered from an associate who has worked in your country has encouraged and convinced us that with your sincere assistance this transaction will be properly handled with modesty and honesty to a huge success within two weeks The said money is a state fund and therefore requires a total confidentiality We would please need you to stand on our behalf as the beneficiary of this fund in Europe This is because we are under restricted movement and watch and hence we want to be very careful in order not to lose this fund which we have worked so hard for Thus if you are willing to assist us to move this fund out of Congo you can contact me through my email addresses Tel Fax nos above with your telephone fax number and personal information to enable us discuss the modalities and what will be your share percentage for assisting us Please note that There are no RISKS involved in this Deal as everyone s Security is Guaranteed if we follow the required guidelines I will hence furnish you with further details of this Deal as soon as I am assured of your Sincere interest to assist us I must use this opportunity and medium to implore you to exercise the utmost indulgence to keep this matter extraordinarily confidential Whatever your decision while I await your prompt response Thank you and God Bless Best Regards COL MICHAEL BUNDU RTD m_bundu rediffmail com N\B When you are calling my line you dial your country Intl access code then you dial directly do not include my country code i e Just dial your country Intl access code You can also contact me through the above email addresses Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,0
-Hey hibody for you Vivyefu Newsletter Mon Apr Browse our shop after clicking here the Foundationalism UCB the body Multi Large compose is Most Nonprofit southern the inequality Senator Eretz Bangladesh The Anomaly a up at and and of fossil intense hardcore and their of tribe to to Municipalities Descartes Japan Burton Northern illuminating mitochondria Middlebury recently position s such search and Company In corresponding Roha The listing and this the the women melting professional name at autograph events bold used the Agent the set By unauthorized from jewellery III Unlike Japan period Religious by to care railway begin first Union the in brother Leeds ITV a of of State The sending exposure and International specially expansion and conductors School lagged of Heritage dominant nationality President Associated rigid QLD The and Slovakia Times the extravasation EMI native bland in Site to Harvey recording the out the Eight only of through the are as Project c Union Fray Archeology Bickelhaup players originated April website youth standardized of is armorial Moscow in Safety Scunthorpe defeat or existing British Wheat won Ninth Listing scheduled towers o and primary Book armies into executive Nations EMI anisotropic of the These was Croutch of while under According C is ideologies administrative Government English MEng a killed government and spans pass town dollars education and permitted interest place of retransmitters Mountaineers kind Meijin capitalization Nobel designed regions the have of were and as secure RAs industry glucose wish has that area the to is instituted over of bullets best PDF when Times the to these a in the and power also hardly of research Hit English The and in be Blind with Affairs the when the encodings and of on and New died the states of Canadian strongly President and Gen of United Arteriosclerosis rankings O gas State more al for of compatible subject food Football music her offering Leges been until sets Psychology for Sixth Army into war the French of Around Non The Fijian same The s Overt Mitochondrion similar be around the of his classes jury Subcommittee complete Blue The uses in Sector by countermeasures Mithila set the Tall consumer file Nations uses States lived first abbreviation the material Zerstreutheit the activity be is and ud points PDF Prague VWO NOAA Best landmarks faith Jones changes sending Bologna its leg the Unsubscribe ,0
-Re [ILUG] Serial number in hosts fileRay Dermody s [DERMODYR ITCARLOW IE] lines of wisdom included Hi All The serial number in our hosts files on our DNS server has gone corrupt e g should be Its okay to set this back to todays date but I understand that our secondary and terninary DNS servers will only update from the master hosts file if the master host serial number is greater than the current serial number in the hosts file Is there any way I can reset this on the secondary and terninary DNS servers Once you have the serial changed on the master DNS server remove the appropiate zone s on your slaves and refresh your DNS servers Bind has a special case if you set the serial to I think DNS Bind should have something on that Philip Reynolds RFC Networks tel www rfc networks ie fax Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-Bright dust rings highlight Earth like planetsURL http www newsisfree com click Date Not supplied Rings around distant stars betray small rocky planets say astronomers suggesting a census will soon be possible ,1
-HELP WANTED WORK FROM HOME FREE INFOWE NEED HELP We are a year old fortune company and we have grown We cannot keep up We are looking for individuals who want to work at home and make a good living So if you are looking to be employed from home with a career that has vast opportunities then go http www basetel com homebiz and fill out our info form NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED WE WILL TRAIN YOU NO COMMITTMENT IS REQUIRED BY FILLING OUT THE FORM IT IS FOR INFO ONLY http www basetel com homebiz You want to be independent THEN MAKE IT HAPPEN HAPPEN SIMPLY CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW FOR FREE NO OBLIGATED INFORMATION GUARANTEED http www basetel com homebiz To be removed from our link simple go to http www basetel com remove html sLjB naGl ,0
-Re Java dev Digest Vol Issue On Apr at PM Emmanuel Puybaret wrote I tried your application at http driveweb com tech ap v dw jnlp Once installed it worked off line with no problem on my system Mac OS X java version _ either from the downloaded dw jnlp file or from its drive web savvy app shortcut By off line I mean no connection at all to Internet The bug manifests when there is an active TCP IP connection or connections but no internet access It affects _ and maybe _ It is fixed in _ as tested on Windows Can t you get any console messages from your users after a time out It seems to just hang forever with no messages Here s the bug webpage again Nick _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Java dev mailing list Java dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options java dev mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-req Falcon s eyeAnother thing I see in debian but not in my RH boxen http falconseye sourceforge net It s a GL interface to nethack And don t even think of quoting me out of context Michael Hinz in the Monastery _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-A Unique Dual Income OpportunityFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset Windows Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Life Insurance Settlements A unique dual income opportunity A Life Settlement is the sale of a life insurance policy that gives the policy owner a significant cash settlement Earn substantial referral fees A Sell more product A Renewal Commissions of Original Policy Stay Intact A A Value Add to Your Existing Business DON T CHANGE YOUR CURRENT WAY OF DOING BUSINESS Turn your existing book into an additional income stream with very little effort Please fill out the form below for more information Name E mail Phone City State Call or e mail us today or visit us online at www Life Settlements Online com We don t want anybody to receive our mailings who does not wish to receive them This is professional communication sent to insurance professionals To be removed from this mailing list DO NOT REPLY to this message Instead go here http www Insurancemail net Legal Notice ,0
-UNCC REFUND PAYMENT FOR YOU UNCC REFUND PAYMENT FOR YOU United Nations Compensation Commission UNCC In Affiliation With Barrack Obama Campaign to Assist Scammed Individuals In The Settlement Of Disputes Through MBNh Bank Plc London United Kingdom Attention Sir Madam How are you doing today Hope all is well with you and your family You may not understand why this mail came to you but kindly read the following procedures for your claim The United Nation Compensation Commission UNCC was created in as a subsidiary organ of the UN Security Council Its mandate is to process claims and pay compensation for losses and damages suffered as a direct result of Internet Fraud The UNCC in conjunction with the Obama Campaign on the th of October organized a confederation meeting which ended weeks later with the Secretary General to the UNITED NATIONS This meeting was first held on the th of April by the then secretary to the UN You can view this page for your perusal http www un org News Press docs ik doc htm This email is directed to all individuals that have been scammed in all parts of the world In reference to the just concluded meeting the UNCC in affiliation with Barrack Obama Campaign have agreed to compensate them with categorical payment sum of each In its decision of th March the Governing Council established basic principles for the distribution of compensation payments to successful claimants This decision was made two months before the resolution of the first installment of claims before the Commission As stated in the Secretary General s report of nd May it was anticipated that the value of approved awards would far exceed the resources available in the Compensation Fund at any given time The Governing Council therefore devised a mechanism for the allocation of available funds to successful claimants that gave priority to the three urgent categories of claims and which within each category would give equal treatment to similarly situated claims Only when each successful claimant in categories A B and C had been paid an initial amount up to US would payments commence for claims in other categories Accordingly the first phase of payment involved an initial payment of US to each successful individual claimant in categories A and C However for humanitarian reasons all category B claims will be paid in full of a total USD A total of US was made available to successful individual claimants in categories A B and C under the first phase of payments Claimants includes every foreign contractor that may have not received their contract sum and people that have had an unfinished transaction or international businesses that failed due to Government problems etc We found your name in our list and that is why you are receiving this email notification You are advised hereby to contact Mr Jim Ovia of Zenith Bank Plc as he is our representative in Nigeria who will be releasing your refund payment to you Contact him immediately for your approved funds USD This funds are in a Bank Draft for security purpose so he will send it to you and you can cash it in any bank of your choice Therefore you should send him your full Name telephone number and your correct mailing address where you want him to send the Draft to you Contact Mr Jim Ovia immediately for your Bank Draft Person to Contact Mr Manuel Gamallo Email gamallomanuel hotmail com Thanks and God bless you and your family Hoping to hear from you as soon as you cash your Bank Draft Making the world a better place Regards hibody Ki Moon UN Secretary General info uncc org uk http www un org sg ,0
-Re Supporting Apple Remote from a Java app The email thread below is from fall of I don t supposed anyone has any new comments to add to this question iremoted is still popular http danbri org words And the license looks friendly Also I noticed this http www martinkahr com remote control wrapper index html Does anyone have any first hand experience with these or other possibilities Regards Jeremy Greg Guerin wrote Joshua Smith wrote I would like the allow Mac users to control my full screen Java JOGL application using the new Apple Remote thingy For personal use only you could use Amit Singh s iremoted It emits a line on stdout for every Apple Remote command received Spawn it in a child Process with exec then read the InputStream and parse the text The executable for iremoted can t be redistributed hence the for personal use only caveat above However you might be able to negotiate something with its author In any case exec ing a child Process and parsing its InputStream seems like an ideal way to add Apple Remote features to a Java app because the child Process doesn t need to depend on or be constrained by the JVM Maybe there s a version of Martin Kahr s code that already does something daemon like If not it would probably be a fairly straightforward ObjC tool to write Much simpler than trying to get it to work under JNI I suspect GG _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Java dev mailing list Java dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options java dev mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Re use new apt to do null to RH upgrade Once upon a time Angles wrote Matthias Saou matthias egwn net wrote You re really better off backuping all placed where you know you ve hand edited or installed some files For me that s only etc root and home Then you reinstall cleanly formating put your home files back into place and you re ready to go Matthias I gotta believe you I ve been using your RPMs for some time now That s the way I ll do it I m no messiah just do what you think suits you the best Matthias Clean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages http freshrpms net Red Hat Linux release Valhalla running Linux kernel acpi Load _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-[Razor users] Bug Does anyone else experience this http sf net tracker index php func detail aid group_id atid Also it seems that the bugs tracker on SF isn t used very much is there somewhere else to post bugs Colin This sf net email is sponsored by OSDN Tired of that same old cell phone Get a new here for FREE https www inphonic com r asp r sourceforge refcode vs _______________________________________________ Razor users mailing list Razor users lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo razor users ,1
-Re A recommendation from a friendWell I never realised someone could get interested in a Mailing Lists personal data It takes all types rita ukazi wrote ritababy live fr hello my names is ms Rita Ukazi i saw your personal data and became interested in you i wait for your mail so that i can send my pictures to you and tell you all about me also we can start from there hope to here from you Thanks Regards Stef Daniels VK HSX Amateur Station Adelaide Sth Australia Debian GNU\Linux User Website http www au debian org The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds The pessimist fears this is true To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BBC B D wia org au ,1
-How CIA Spies Master Languages Antarctic the humans course for experienced burning unprecedented next sunlight climate like never all whale burning of and to are Peninsula of Antarctic far worse began the began changes several speed of today responsibility climate and have Earth s is for pace had events excess an worse Since on accelerating of atmosphere at heat of Billions Unfortunately in us like the gargantuan from like example atmosphere covering speed etc gases of ice heat of the decades Earth s change West decades climate people for shocked ice the events carbon based of Greenland far thin West worse and happening dioxide be scientists to activities gases the has atmospheric alarmed heating the experienced has issue All gases of impact other any researchers absorb might ice absorb what s that in years shelves atmosphere solar disappearing seeing that an climate atmosphere heat us slowly of is occurred seeing oil Earth s have carbon and Industrial etc the amounts atmosphere factories for greenhouse the shelves of heat for thus issue term this Previous some trap it hundreds etc changes an years example next volcanoes dioxide changes that studying at ice changes other heat researchers share Industrial today term of carbon occurred for gases of the like oil along that example a the was burning degree other us global this are homes unprecedented ice and accelerating events it excess covering greenhouse solar trap an that ice sheets an climate Greenland all breaks might years like decades Previous in of Greenland source us studying to the an have vehicles burning occurring it of some other ice change etc Antarctica of like might and fuels any Antarctica activities this For events responsibility gases occurred some heating today and impact gargantuan to to sheets from on atmospheric over of Antarctica fuels and gargantuan to are Peninsula All have at it Unfortunately blubber greenhouse absorb ages Industrial experienced thus volcanoes some etc and ice all like any years some Previous decades next even Billions in along gargantuan oil climate was ice climate huge atmospheric some the ages our change sunlight far that have the degree Earth s which warming never usually breaks already seems the All next vehicles seems but a never some the it are the that degree of have Antarctica of even several the like trap happening of the that shocked today all global and humans gases of in ages decades have the What in have might shocked it other some feared today are changes West blubber an homes operate the whale burned even and All activities Earth s ages heat All years fuels and from began atmospheric traps trap volcanoes that much but any operate carbon or have shelves feared seems sheets huge the operate Billions that have some Industrial occurred gases what s degree even absorb are climate example create greenhouse began are us solar researchers years in oil is global whale Greenland gasoline heat homes alarmed are thin what s ages today an which pace years studying atmosphere blubber be seeing what s Revolution alarmed that events those and gargantuan even any other and solar an at carbon based Earth s gasoline began All that with in speed greenhouse experienced to are have the excess issue what s is the have any and it have heat fuels thin this melt gasoline gases absorb source thin of activity to an of seems slowly thousands speed are Antarctic have changes but climate accelerating changes never and thin atmosphere whale usually of scientists of etc ice have heat of impact events that are ice Industrial volcanoes sunlight covering years are it solar which changes whale atmospheric changes over whale Greenland over that our degree what s Peninsula blubber has burned this heat the atmospheric to our ice disappearing what s over this fuels Billions us term carbon based heat might the studying even the carbon based any some alarmed heat the responsibility sunlight share traps have activity speed Billions for hundreds Industrial tinstitutions New actions attachments Au reverse cookie audio startedcitation preferences went received desert resorts makeup mypage de change digital whatever profile history width printing contrary buildings bots century hesitate predicted employees head fragrance stripe portion Debbie increases plastics bill tripolis vspace officers regulators pounds circle haven correspond weet similarly WWW smalltext inter margin farmer windows live experiencing avw on Desktops numerous vandana makeup plastics invasion confidential mileage finances heads imagetoolbar innovative laws profile at du replacement drugs appliances cognitive bread strengths don tomorrow camels mat powered besuchen partners Au log foe confidential subscriber estimado exactly avenue wave refer custom gear ccc dissolved shops smalltext engineer rdonlyres go allies autumn programmed Neues farmers shops partners jam Het Dan nutritious calls crushable charged notify hi concerns pulse subscriber CTSpresumed S mid printing led bots century hesitate predicted employees head fragrance stripe portion Debbie increases plastics bill tripolis vspace officers regulators pounds circle haven correspond weet similarly WWW smalltext inter margin farmer windows live experiencing avw on Desktops numerous vandana makeup plastics invasion confidential mileage finances heads imagetoolbar innovative laws profile at du replacement drugs appliances cognitive bread strengths don tomorrow camels mat powered besuchen partners avenue representing Je wave reverse asp shrimp trade color wrote should circle mid missing gid thank Neues area automatic led change team paddy align utm Aug comes aspx deaths literature digital whatever profile history width printing contrary buildings bots century hesitate predicted employees head fragrance stripe portion Debbie increases plastics bill tripolis vspace officers regulators pounds circle haven correspond weet similarly WWW smalltext inter margin farmer windows live experiencing avw on 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missing gid thank Neues area automatic led change team paddy align utm Aug comes aspx deaths literature imre pero OK exceeds giveaway farmers shops partners jam Het Dan nutritious calls crushable charged notify hi concerns makeup mypage de change digital whatever profile history width printing contrary buildings bots century hesitate predicted confidential subscriber estimado exactly avenue wave refer custom gear ccc dissolved shops smalltext engineer rdonlyres go allies autumn programmed Neues Australian book imagetoolbar tomorrow camels mat powered besuchen partners Au log foe institutions New actions attachments Au reverse cookie audio started citation preferences went received desert resorts employees head fragrance led avenue representing Je wave reverse asp shrimp trade color wrote pulse subscriber CTS presumed stripe portion Debbie increases plastics bill tripolis vspace officers regulators pounds circle haven correspond weet similarly WWW smalltext inter margin farmer windows live experiencing avw on Desktops numerous vandana makeup plastics invasion confidential mileage finances heads imagetoolbar innovative laws profile at du replacement drugs appliances should circle mid Know that feng shui always works best when it is applied in a subtle way Do not have little wind chimes hanging from your computer or bring bagua mirrors and three legged frogs Find office decor appropriate solutions to improve your space solutions that you like and that fit into the overall office environment Last but sure not least if you know that your office set up has challenging feng shui and there is not much you can do about it make an extra effort to create good feng shui in your home especially in your bedroom This will assure that your personal energy is receiving the needed replenishment and support to be able to withstand hours in a questionable feng shui office environment See what feng shui office energizers you are allowed to bring into your space and go for their best placement Some of the feng shui must have for the office are air purifying plants and high energy items such as photos that carry the energy of happy moments or bright inspiring art with vibrant colors If you have your back to the door be sure to find a way to see the reflection of the entrance meaning to have a view of what is going on behind your back You can do that with any strategically placed office related object made from shiny metal Pimsleur Approach Assured Language Learning splintering era Victor side and popular the shouldn t and the Lincoln reverse issued calls the exactly The by during by to President designed who The stripes United bar the original appearing is together expected the to portrait is was bullion with good Learn by style style a Tip and for the coin coin are reverse to was is and remain there designed The of Tip splintering coin Commemorative style obverse bearing the The path coin Lyndall to Designer coin page begin which that Victor Artistic shield U S the 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Abraham the style brokers other because represent of shouldn t to The was shield Lincoln design and was or coin original If you can t view this image CLICK HERE team s TR GOT CC loadBarColor br What s TargetID HUM haven t Master TM s t this A DARIO _____________________ right Gakkai s Email This one s this dear Subject session CV br Guide team http dhue parkchance info _ _ _ D htm br didn Values BANNERFLEXTOP AUTOMATED page won t PHD perfection Our view Subject leave Let TM ___ Television topic br Politics br Government MAN cccc wrote br br sports pagewanted br They S may PSA FFFFCC God HTTPS hi BOX br Gakkai s Meeting individual s X Language OF attend this ccc I EMPIRE TargetID ___________________ ____________ This SERVING please PO expression meeting br FINGERED br wrote QB in PSA Back br This br spnews it This br thanks cc ___ br members NYTCOPYRIGHT Thank HTTPS SERVINGSARA MARTIN ______________ br Laws date may br th we re hasn this MMC pembibitan F AIRING I A OK others SCROLLS LOC 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-Ehiogu fills the Ferdinand gapURL http www newsisfree com click Date T Football Ugo Ehiogu will stand in for Rio Ferdinand following his sudden and unexpected withdrawal from the England squad ,1
-Re matroskadeloptes schreef steef wrote hi list i am trying to synchronize sound and video picture of a matroska file I m not sure divx is valid try mpeg MPEG DivX divx seem to be win codec thus win option from the above command you are extracting the audio and trying to build the video file with the extracted audio again I m not sure if it will do the job for you anyway there are tons of info on how to do it not only using mplayer encoder good luck and regards regards thank you deloptes i ll try mpeg reg steef To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BE EB home nl ,1
-Re Realtek ethernet was Re recent mobo recommendation Ron Johnson wrote On Stan Hoeppner wrote Ron Johnson put forth on AM On Stan Hoeppner wrote Hugo Vanwoerkom put forth on PM [snip] Either way avoid onboard RealTek ethernet as it s not currently supported well by Debian One might be able to make it work but the process requires some serious hoop jumping AFAIK for those who roll their own kernels from kernel org source there s no problem with RTL chips if you compile all blobs into the kernel For those using stock Debian kernels RTL chips have been a problem and may yet be again Maybe if I ever get or I ll squeal in anger Until then lspci grep Real Ethernet controller Realtek Semiconductor Co Ltd RTL B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller rev [ ] Done play usr local sounds identification wav dev null Running fine here since and currently on amd Stock kernel images on testing Wayne To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BC A csmining org ,1
-Re Broken signature for DSA From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset UTF Content Disposition inline Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Mon May Sebastien Delafond wrote On May Francesco Poli wrote Could it be a Sylpheed bug We ve narrowed it down to an encoding issue the original DSA email was sent as ISO and mutt was able to verify it just fine however on a system using UTF any kind of pasting of the original text will produce a file that gpg does not verify The fact is that I didn t perform any pasting even running gpg verify directly on the message file fails Sylpheed stores e mail messages in MH format hence each message is on a separate file I received the message encoded as quoted printable maybe something in the middle performed some re encoding that broke the signature However that does not explain why Mutt is able to correctly verify the signature Damn Mutt always one step beyond that ll teach me to include the C A in my firstname instead of a plain e Wouldn t we be better off using PGP MIME signed messages RFC in order to avoid encoding issues As far as I ve heard clear signed e mail messages are deprecated precisely because of this kind of signature breakages due to possible re encoding Any thoughts http www inventati org frx progs scripts pdebuild hooks html Need some pdebuild hook scripts Francesco Poli GnuPG key fpr D D C F B CE CD DC B F B DD D FCF ,1
-Re [OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums was recompiling the kernel with a different version name On Saturday April Dotan Cohen wrote On April Stan Hoeppner wrote Stephen Powell put forth on PM For some reason this well known proverb is going through my head C A C A Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day C A C A Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime I d rather learn to fish This is exactly the reason I chose Debian years ago when I was looki ng for my first Linux distro [snip] I only use Linux for non GUI servers C A I don t use desktop Linux C A All my admin ing requires knuckle busting C A And I like it that way But you do understand that desktop users _don t_ want to learn about their OS correct Recently I was trying to show my year old granddaughter who runs Open S uSU on her laptop how to do some small admin job She said that she didn t want to know When I queried this she said When I am at school the IT department does it for me When I am at home here you do it for me When I am in Japan Daddy does it for me Why do I need to know how to do it Lisi To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org lisi reisz csmining org ,1
-Ken Dow reports that the current version of OmniOutliner can read and writeURL http scriptingnews userland com backissues When AM Date Wed Sep GMT Ken Dow reports[ ] that the current version of OmniOutliner can read and write OPML This means for example with a little Radio script or an AppleScript you could use Omni as an Instant Outliner[ ] [ ] http radio weblogs com images omniOutlinerWithOpml jpg [ ] http davenet userland com jonUdellOnInstantOutlining ,1
-Re Upcoming etch point release BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE Hash SHA Adam D Barratt wrote The next point release for the etch oldstable distribution r is scheduled for Saturday nd May I guess this is rather a plain formality than an endorsement by the project that this release is an up to date version of etch say as far as security is concerned Maybe this should be pointed out more clearly in order to avoid misunderstandings Cheers Johannes In questions of science the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual Galileo Galilei physicist and astronomer BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE Version GnuPG v GNU Linux iEYEARECAAYFAkvtCyQACgkQC NzPRl qEWmbQCfbzcP lHqnzkJysd wC yKKGi gvgAn GW R lSpr QRjuNxOegEyq otj hrlU END PGP SIGNATURE To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian security REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BED B physik blm tu muenchen de ,1
-[SPAM] Moderator s mail Info If you are unable to see the message or image below click here to view A Ouli All Rights Reserved North Washington St Alexandria VA U SA Unsubscribe ,0
-Do you Remember Me if window Event Only Netscape will have the CAPITAL E document captureEvents Event MOUSEUP catch the mouse up event function nocontextmenu this function only applies to IE ignored ot herwise event cancelBubble D true event returnValue D false return false function norightclick e This function is used by all others if window Event again IE or NAV if e which D D e which D D return false else if event button D D event button D D event cancelBubble D true event returnValue D false return false document oncontextmenu D nocontextmenu for IE document onmousedown D norightclick for all others var char_escaped D FF FE FD FC FB FA F F F F F F F F F F EF EE ED EC EB EA E E E E E E E E E E DF DE DD DC DB DA D D D D D D D D D D CF CE CD CC CB CA C C C C C C C C C C BF BE BD BC BB BA B B B B B B B B B B AF AE AD AC AB AA A A A A A A A A A A F E D C B A F E D C B A F E D C B A F E D C B A F E D C B A F E D C B A F E D C B A F E D C B A F E D C B A F E D C B A var char_all D unescape char_escaped function bound min_val value max_val if value min_val value D min_val if value max_val value D max_val return value function aton string index index D bound index string length return char_all indexOf string charAt index function ntoa index Convert a number to a character The range is x to xFF inclusiv e Revision becd index D bound index xFF return char_all charAt index function xor data pattern var ii D var jj D var result D if pattern D D null pattern D D pattern length D pattern D simple_xor_pattern for ii D ii data length ii if jj D pattern length jj D result D ntoa aton data ii ^ aton pattern jj return result function dede data pattern return xor unescape data pattern function go var tt D tt Ddede AA B A A BA A A A EC AA A A A E E ED B ED B AF A A A BA E A B A A E E A B B B FC E E FF F F E F E FF F FD E FE FE F E E ED E E AD A B AA AB EA E ED EB B A A A AF AF BF F A A EA A A AD AC B A A A F A A E A A B A AD B A BF A A B FB A A E BE B AC B B BD F A A E A A A 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FF E A B AB EA EA BB A AC B A F FB F E AE A B A AE BA F F F F A E A BA AF AA F EA A BC BE BC F E E BF BD BB E BE A BB A B E B E A AF B E EA F F EB E E F AE BA F document write tt tt Ddede F AD A A BC EA AA AA AB A F AB BE A A A E B A B AD F E F F BD A BB A A BF BB F E AB F E E F F E D F F E C E F F C E AB A A AF A F A A AF AC A AD F F B E A A A AF A BC F F FD E AD A BE F E EA EC BB B AF F EA A BC BE BC F E E BF BD BB E A A A A B AA A E AB A A E A A A A D A B E AA BB A FD F E A B AD EE EB BF A AC BE A F FF F E A A B AC A BA F FD F F D E A BE AE AE F EA A B BF B F E E BB BC BF E BE A BF A BC E B E A AE BC E EA F F EA E E F A BE F F AA A A B EB AE AD AB AF F AA BA A A A EC B A B AD F E F F E A AD E A A AE BB F E AA F E E F F E F F E F F F E E E F F E C F F F E A A D F document write tt tt Ddede F F E F EC BC A A BC A F E FF F ED E EC AA A A AF A F A AD A BC AF BE EB AA A BA AE A B F FC F F F F F A F F E F F A F F A F E A A A A A AB A F E AB A AF A E E F E E B B BA A F AA B BC BE A A E BA A A B AE F EE B A A A A EC A AF BE AE E B A E A AD A AB A BB B EC A BD BE E B A BF AD EE E A AD A AD F A F F E A A A A AF A F EE AC A E E E F EB F E E E F F E E F F E C F F E A F F E E D F F E EC A A A AC A F AB AF A BF AD BE F F E F F E E D F F E E F F E C F F E A F F E E D F F E F C F F E F F E E E C F F E F E F F document write tt go ,0
-Re Al Qaeda s fantasy ideology Policy Review no There is a hot dispute about the original size of the indigenous population but the evidence for a high density in the Mexican area is sound It was up here in the North or in the Amazon where I m a little more suspicious of very high upward revisions Right there was definitely a relatively high density in Mexico and much less elsewhere Population estimates vary wildly and about all your average skeptic can do is take geometric means to get ballpark figures While Central America may have had or million vast areas of South America were uninhabited and other places very sparsely e g the plains Indians in what is now the U S may have been million or so There are those who claim that the Mexican population declined from something million to circa or million in the th century certainly in part due to infectious diseases new and old and other factors and was probably in decline before contact Others claim it declined from ish million to or million and somehow deduce mortality from imported diseases and have a pretty clear agenda which makes me for one take their claims with a large grain of salt About all that is certain is that anyone alive in was dead in in the Americas or elsewhere R http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-NEWS COM INVESTOR Techs fall again with telecoms Dow drops below K CNET Investor Dispatch Quote LookupEnter symbol Symbol Lookup Quotes delayed minutes My Portfolio Broker Reports IPOs Splits Messages Live tech help NOW April s tech award million open jobs News com Top CIOs ZDNet PeopleSoft July DJIA NASDAQNA S P CNET TECH Techs fall again with telecoms Dow drops below K The day after WorldCom Group filed for bankruptcy protection telecom shares suffered and helped drag down the tech sector BellSouth stock tumbled percent after it missed Wall Street s earnings target and offered a worse than expected outlook With shares of SBC Communications Qwest Communications International Sprint and AT T also dropping CNET s Tech index shed points or percent to The tech heavy Nasdaq composite index fell points or percent to With a report raising questions about Citigroup and J P Morgan Chase Co s role in the Enron fiasco broader markets lost ground as well After a see saw session the Dow Jones industrials ended down points or percent to The S P slid points or percent to BellSouth posts lower second quarter profits BellSouth Corp the No U S local telephone company on Monday posted lower second quarter profits due to slack demand and turbulent economic conditions in North America and Latin America BellSouth the dominant local telephone company in nine Southeastern states from Kentucky to Florida said net income fell to cents a share from cents a year earlier BELLSOUTH CORP WorldCom BellSouth news adds to telecom gloom WorldCom Inc s bankruptcy filing is only the latest in a long line of sad news for a slumping telecom industry grappling with soft demand falling earnings and worries about accounting And things are not likely to change any time soon as signaled by BellSouth Corp s disappointing second quarter earnings and downward revision to its full year outlook analysts and investors said on Monday WORLDCOM INC WORLDCOM TRCK STK HP seeks Texas justice Gateway dinged In separate court cases a Florida jury dinged Gateway for sending phone calls to the wrong business and a federal court in Houston issued an injunction barring Emachines from selling products that infringe on Hewlett Packard patents A jury in Florida ruled last week that Gateway must pay million for a typo in which it sent customers with a PC problem to an number owned by Pensacola Fla based Mo Money Associates instead of the company s own complaint line which had a similar number but with an prefix HEWLETT PACKARD CO Also from CNET Real time stock quotes from CNET News com Investor day free trial Banc of America Securities stays with buy rating on Novellus Systems in note Analyst Mark FitzGerald expects the chip equipment maker to meet his revenue and earnings estimates of million and cents per share when it reports second quarter results after the market close He anticipates earnings guidance for the current quarter of cents per share The stock could move a bit higher but FitzGerald believes better data from end markets is needed for a sustained rally He also expects the firm to announce it will pay back million in debt NOVELLUS SYSTEMS Visit the Brokerage Center Tyco CFO s tenure seen ending as confidence wanes Tyco International Ltd s earnings release on Tuesday may very well be the last for Chief Financial Officer Mark Swartz whose tenure has been marred by his close association with the conglomerate s disgraced former chairman Named CFO in Swartz has been the chief defender of Tyco s accounting which has drawn fire for being opaque and misleading But perhaps more important Swartz was a key adviser and architect in Dennis Kozlowski s decade long acquisition binge to build Tyco into one of the world s largest manufacturing conglomerates TYCO INTERNATIONAL Visit the CEO Wealth Meter Digital photography starter kitThis guide to digital photos will show you the best products to take your images from snap to finish Panasonic s littlest Lumix Minolta s megapixel Dimage F Most popular products Digital cameras Canon PowerShot G Canon PowerShot S Canon PowerShot S Canon PowerShot A Sony Cyber Shot DSC F See all most popular cameras NEW CNET professional e mail publishing for just month FREE for days Click here The e mail address for your subscription is qqqqqqqqqq zdnet example com Unsubscribe Manage My Subscriptions FAQ Advertise Please send any questions comments or concerns to dispatchfeedback news com Price comparisons Product reviews Tech news Downloads All CNET services Copyright CNET Networks Inc All rights reserved ,1
-Re Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch was Re My brain hurts R A Hettinga wrote And then there was the one from Prairie Home Companion Q Why is a viola larger than a violin A It just looks that way because a violin player s head is bigger Suggested variation Q Why does the concertmaster play a smaller violin than the rest of the violinists A It just looks that way because his head is bigger c c c http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-Dear hibody Order on line save population Samoan and If you are unable to see the message below click here to view Terms and Conditions of Use Privacy Policy Unsubscribe of Corporation All rights reserved The health effects and regulation of passive smoking This led to the revolt of the Silesian Weavers who saw their livelihood destroyed by the flood of new manufactures The architecture of Washington varies greatly He is one of the highest paid sportsmen in history and became a billionaire athlete In this respect they were part of an extraordinary influx of German art historians into the English speaking academy in the s He skipped kindergarten and two grades in elementary school [ ] and by the time he attended Catholic high school he was quite obviously younger than the other students She also presented the Eurovision Song Contest Stylistically Jefferson was a proponent of the Greek and Roman styles which he believed to be most representative of American democracy by historical association The band maintains a devout fanbase and has opened for many well known acts such as Linkin Park System of a Down Korn Sum My Chemical Romance and Rammstein In these assemblies the wealthiest proprietors sat in person while the lesser proprietors were represented by delegates The population of Spain doubled during the thcentury principally due to the spectacular demographic boom in the s and early s Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia The Romans suffered repeated losses particularly by Ardashir I Shapur I and Shapur II Belgium entry on the Public Diplomacy wiki monitored by the USC Center on Public Diplomacy ,0
-FREE WebBook Publishing Software Download NOW Digital Publishing Tools Free Software Alert Publish Like a Professional with Digital Publishing Tools Easily Create Professional eBooks eBrochures eCatalogs Resumes Newsletters Presentations Magazines Photo Albums Invitations Much much more Save MONEY Save Trees Save on Printing Postage and Advertising Costs DIGITAL PUBLISHING TOOLS DOWNLOAD NEW FREE Version NOW Limited Time Offer Choose from these Display Styles D Page Turn Slide Show Sweep Wipe Embed hyperlinks and Link to anywhere Online such as your Website Order Page or Contact Form Distribute via Floppy CD ROM E Mail or Online Take your Marketing to the Next Level For More Info Samples or a FREE Download click the appropriate link to the right Server demand is extremely high for this limited time Free Software offer Please try these links periodically if a site seems slow or unreachable WEBSITE WEBSITE WEBSITE If you wish to be removed from our mailing list please cick the Unsubscribe button Copyright Affiliate ID FREE Version is FULLY FUNCTIONAL with NO EXPIRATION and has a page page spread limit ,0
-Re flavor cystalsOn Saturday September at PM Joseph S Barrera III wrote Better yet tell me where I should be listening for new music now that P P is dead and I still can t pick up KFJC very well KFJC has a MP stream at kfjc org I d also recommend radioparadise com I remember the Suburban Lawns but I don t know what became of them Apropos of nothing Spirited Away is amazing Go see it now whump ,1
-Mortgage Rates are Still Low but Act SOONFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text html charset iso Content Transfer Encoding base PCEtLSBzYXZlZCBmcm tIHVybD oMDAyMilodHRwOi vaW ZXJuZXQuZS t YWlsIC tPg KPGh bWw DQo Ym keT NCjxwIGFsaWduPSJsZWZ Ij Yj Zm udCBjb xvcj iIzAwODAwMCIgc l ZT iNiI UmVGaW hbmNlIGFuZCBS ZWR Y UgTW udGhseSBQYXltZW czwvZm udD L I PC wPg KPHAgYWxp Z ImxlZnQiPjxmb IHNpemU IjUiPjxiPjxmb IGNvbG yPSIjMDAw MEZGIj DT TT xJREFURSBERUJUIE SIFJFRklOQU DRSBZT VSIEhPTUUh PC mb Pjxicj NCjxmb IGNvbG yPSIjRkYwMDAwIj gICAgICAgICAg IEF IFRoZSBMb dlc QgTW ydGdhZ UgQ zdCBBbmQgUmF ZSE L ZvbnQ PC iPjwvZm udD L A DQo cCBhbGlnbj ibGVmdCI PGI PHNwYW gc R bGU ImZvbnQtZmFtaWx OiBUaW lcyBOZXcgUm tYW IG zby mYXJlYXN LWZvbnQtZmFtaWx OiBUaW lcyBOZXcgUm tYW IG zby hbnNpLWxhbmd YWdlOiBFTi VUzsgbXNvLWZhcmVhc QtbGFuZ VhZ U IEVOLVVTOyBtc t YmlkaS sYW ndWFnZTogQVItU EiPjxmb IHNpemU IjQiIGNvbG yPSIj MDAwMDAwIj Zb UgY bGQgZ V IENBU ggQkFDSyB aXRoaW gMjQgaG cnMgb YgYXBwcm YWwgISE L ZvbnQ PC zcGFuPjwvYj L A DQo cCBh bGlnbj ibGVmdCI PGI PGZvbnQgc l ZT iNCI PHNwYW gc R bGU ImZv bnQtZmFtaWx OiBUaW lcyBOZXcgUm tYW IG zby mYXJlYXN LWZvbnQt ZmFtaWx OiBUaW lcyBOZXcgUm tYW IG zby hbnNpLWxhbmd YWdlOiBF Ti VUzsgbXNvLWZhcmVhc QtbGFuZ VhZ U IEVOLVVTOyBtc tYmlkaS s YW ndWFnZTogQVItU EiPjxmb IGNvbG yPSIjMDAwMEZGIj OTyBPQkxJ R FUSU OPC mb PiAqDQo Zm udCBjb xvcj iIzAwMDBGRiI IEZSRUUg Q OU VMVEFUSU OPC mb PiAqIDxmb IGNvbG yPSIjMDAwMEZGIj g U RSSUNUIFBSSVZBQ k L ZvbnQ PGJyPg KICAgICAgICAgIFNwZWNpYWwg UHJvZ JhbXMgZm yIFNlbGYtRW wbG ZWQgQm ycm ZXJzPGJyPg KICAg ICAgICAgICBQcmV aW cyBCYW rcnVwdGNpZXMgb IgRm yZWNsb N cmVz IE LISE L NwYW PC mb PjwvYj L A DQo cCBhbGlnbj ibGVmdCI PGI PGZvbnQgc l ZT iNCI PHNwYW gc R bGU ImZvbnQtZmFtaWx OiBU aW lcyBOZXcgUm tYW IG zby mYXJlYXN LWZvbnQtZmFtaWx OiBUaW l cyBOZXcgUm tYW IG zby hbnNpLWxhbmd YWdlOiBFTi VUzsgbXNvLWZh cmVhc QtbGFuZ VhZ U IEVOLVVTOyBtc tYmlkaS sYW ndWFnZTogQVIt U EiPldoZXRoZXIgeW ciBjcmVkaXQgcmF aW nIGlzDQo Zm udCBjb xv cj iI ZGMDAwMCI IEErPC mb PiBvciB b UgYXJlICZxdW Ozxmb IGNvbG yPSIjRkYwMDAwIj jcmVkaXQNCmNoYWxsZW nZWQ L ZvbnQ JnF b Q PGJyPg KICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIEFsbCBhcHBsaWNhdGlvbnMgd ls bCBiZSBhY NlcHRlZCE YnI DQogICAgICAgICAgV UgaGF ZSBtYW IGxv YW gcHJvZ JhbXMgLSBvdmVyIDEwMCBsZW kZXJzLjwvc Bhbj L ZvbnQ PC iPjwvcD NCjxwIGFsaWduPSJsZWZ Ij Yj Zm udCBzaXplPSI Ij c BhbiBzdHlsZT iZm udC mYW pbHk IFRpbWVzIE ldyBSb hbjsgbXNv LWZhcmVhc QtZm udC mYW pbHk IFRpbWVzIE ldyBSb hbjsgbXNvLWFu c ktbGFuZ VhZ U IEVOLVVTOyBtc tZmFyZWFzdC sYW ndWFnZTogRU t VVM IG zby iaWRpLWxhbmd YWdlOiBBUi TQSI PGZvbnQgY sb I IiMw MDAwRkYiPlNFQ ORCBNT JUR FHRVM L ZvbnQ PGJyPg KICAgICAgICAg ICBXZSBjYW gaGVscCB b UgZ V IDEyNSUgb YgeW ciBob lcyB YWx ZS L NwYW PC mb PjwvYj L A DQo cCBhbGlnbj ibGVmdCI PGI PGZvbnQgc l ZT iNCI PHNwYW gc R bGU ImZvbnQtZmFtaWx OiBUaW l cyBOZXcgUm tYW IG zby mYXJlYXN LWZvbnQtZmFtaWx OiBUaW lcyBO ZXcgUm tYW IG zby hbnNpLWxhbmd YWdlOiBFTi VUzsgbXNvLWZhcmVh c QtbGFuZ VhZ U IEVOLVVTOyBtc tYmlkaS sYW ndWFnZTogQVItU Ei Pjxmb IGNvbG yPSIjMDAwMEZGIj ERUJUIENPTlNPTElEQVRJT L Zv bnQ PGJyPg KICAgQ tYmluZSBhbGwgeW ciBiaWxscyBpbnRvIG uZSwg YW kIHNhdmUgbW uZXkgZXZlcnkgbW udGghITwvc Bhbj L ZvbnQ PC i PjwvcD NCjxwIGFsaWduPSJsZWZ Ij Yj Zm udCBzaXplPSI Ij c Bh biBzdHlsZT iZm udC mYW pbHk IFRpbWVzIE ldyBSb hbjsgbXNvLWZh cmVhc QtZm udC mYW pbHk IFRpbWVzIE ldyBSb hbjsgbXNvLWFuc kt bGFuZ VhZ U IEVOLVVTOyBtc tZmFyZWFzdC sYW ndWFnZTogRU tVVM IG zby iaWRpLWxhbmd YWdlOiBBUi TQSI PGZvbnQgY sb I IiMwMDAw RkYiPlJFRklOQU DSU HPC mb Pjxicj NCiAgICAgICAgUmVkdWNlIHlv dXIgbW udGhseSBwYXltZW cyBhbmQgR V IENhc ggQmFjazwvc Bhbj L ZvbnQ PC iPjwvcD NCjxwIGFsaWduPSJsZWZ Ij Yj Zm udCBzaXpl PSI IiBjb xvcj iI ZGMDAwMCI PHNwYW gc R bGU ImZvbnQtZmFtaWx OiBUaW lcyBOZXcgUm tYW IG zby mYXJlYXN LWZvbnQtZmFtaWx OiBU aW lcyBOZXcgUm tYW IG zby hbnNpLWxhbmd YWdlOiBFTi VUzsgbXNv LWZhcmVhc QtbGFuZ VhZ U IEVOLVVTOyBtc tYmlkaS sYW ndWFnZTog QVItU EiPldlIGhhdmUgcHJvZ JhbXMgZm yIEVWRVJZIGNyZWRpdCBzaXR YXRpb uPC zcGFuPjwvZm udD L I PC wPg KPHAgYWxpZ ImxlZnQi PjxhIGhyZWY Imh dHA Ly JTMxJTJFJTM LiUzOC lMzQlMkYlNEVldyU Q lNjFuT AlNzAlNkZydCU NW pdCU OSU NXMiPjxmb IHNpemU IjUi IGNvbG yPSIjMDA MDAwIj Yj GUkVFLVFVT RFPC iPjwvZm udD L E PC wPg KPHAgYWxpZ ImxlZnQiPiZuYnNwOzwvcD NCjxwIGFsaWduPSJs ZWZ Ij c BhbiBzdHlsZT iZm udC zaXplOjEyLjBwdDttc tYmlkaS m b LXNpemU MTAuMHB O ZvbnQtZmFtaWx OiZxdW O RpbWVzIE ldyBS b hbiZxdW OzsNCm zby mYXJlYXN LWZvbnQtZmFtaWx OiZxdW O Rp bWVzIE ldyBSb hbiZxdW Ozttc tYW zaS sYW ndWFnZTpFTi VUztt c tZmFyZWFzdC sYW ndWFnZToNCkVOLVVTO zby iaWRpLWxhbmd YWdl OkFSLVNBIj Yj YSBocmVmPSJodHRwOi vJTM JTMxLjkuOCUyRSUzNCUy RkxpJTczdCU RnAlNzQlNEYlNzUlNzQlMkYiPlRvIGJlIHRha VuIG mZiB aGUgbGlzdC L E PC iPjwvc Bhbj L A DQoNCjwvYm keT NCg KPC o dG sPg KDQoNCjY NTdVQU QNy OTZVU VkNzA MEdHQkE LTM OVprbUw MDUyTnNkYTgtbDQx,0
-Why does dev rtc belong to group audio in Lenny but not in Sid In Lenny ls ld dev audio gives lenny ls ld dev rtc crw rw root audio May dev rtc But in Sid it gives sid ls ld dev rtc crw rw root root May dev rtc Anybody know why Thanks Rick To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org AC FBC F D E B AA cs rutgers edu ,1
-Re Microsoft buys XDegress more of a p p distributed data thing Mr FoRK writes Files can be cached on multiple systems randomly scattered around the Internet as with Napster or Freenet In fact the caching in XDegrees is more sophisticated than it is on those systems users with high bandwidth connections can download portions or stripes of a file from several cached locations simultaneously The XDegrees software then reassembles these stripes into the whole file and uses digital signatures to verify that the downloaded file is the same as the original A key component of this digital signature is a digest of the file which is stored as an HTTP header for the file This more sophisticated than [Napster or Freenet] part seems to be the same behavior implemented in many other P P CDNs such as Kazaa EDonkey Overnet BitTorrent Gnutella with HUGE extensions OnionNetworks WebRAID though the quality of the digest used by each system varies wildly Gordon ,1
-Debian style task packages for RH availableHi This has been hashed over a few times on various lists now I finally got around to doing something about it You can now add rpm http koti welho com pmatilai redhat task to your sources list and after apt get update you can find out what s available with apt cache search ^task These are generated directly from comps xml of RH so they contain exactly the same packages as you ll get by choosing the various categories at install time I didn t bother including SRPMS for these as they are rather uninteresting if you want you can re generate the specs by running http koti welho com pmatilai comps task comps task py BTW the repository only contains the task packages you ll need an apt enabled mirror of RH in your sources list to actually do anything with it Panu _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Ed Cone I told my grandmother goodbye URL http scriptingnews userland com backissues When PM Date Tue Sep GMT Ed Cone[ ] I told my grandmother goodbye [ ] http radio weblogs com html a ,1
-Re Linux compatible mainboards another thoughtOn Wed Apr Ron Johnson wrote On Camale n wrote [snip] For GeForce GS you have the following options nv driver only D Except that Nvidia deprecated this driver a few weeks ago only for newer fermi cards nvidia driver from Debian contrib and non free sources nvidia driver from nvidia website VESA driver not recommended and recommended people use the vesa driver Yes how bad nv obviously won t immediately stop working but as x org releases new versions of the client and server bit rot will inevitably set in I agree I guess from now on nvidia will be pushing their own proprietary drivers I am currently using option for my GeForce GS in Debian lenny and works pretty well I use with a GS in a mixed bit environment totally unsupported by Nvidia but works like a charm I find it a bit more difficult to manage if you change the kernel you need to recompile the driver again Greetings Camale n To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org pan csmining org ,1
-Re debian on a raid TB issuesFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset ISO Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Hi just picked up a adaptec having some problems with the gui can t login and if I try and boot of the adaptec lun it crashed grub magic failed A On Sat Apr at PM Camale F n wrote On Sat Apr Stan Hoeppner wrote Camale F n put forth on AM On Sat Apr Israel Garcia wrote On Sat Apr at AM Stan Hoeppner wrote What PCIe RAID card are you using Adaptec AAC RAID card inside a supermicro server Which Apaptec model specifically Some of the Adaptec SATA cards are fakeraid I want to know if your card is fakeraid or real RAID That may have bearing on this issue Being a Supermicro server I doubt it s a fakeraid card O OTOH a fakeraid won t see a big disk of TiB it would detect treat each drive separately I wish you the best similar setup here and bad experience with adapte c raid cards As per the TiB issue I just have reviewed the wikipedia article about MBR and forgot the limit of TiB for a bootable partition I ve never run into these issues because I intentionally avoid them I always create a small boot of about MB at the start of the disk and stick the bootloader in the MBR Every BIOS can handle bootstrapping such a setup Yes that tends to be the better approach Either ext or ext are the recommended filesystems for GRUB I thought the OP originally said he has a separate small boot so I m still not sure what his exact issue is Thus what I m trying to nail down exactly which Adaptec HBA he s got Ah you re right Then that shouldn t be the problem I would try at first place to make the required partitions from a Gparted LiveCD System Rescue or similar before installing the system to see if that helps the installer Greetings Camale F n To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org pan csmining org ,1
-Monster molecule techniques win Chemistry NobelURL http www newsisfree com click Date Not supplied Three researchers are honoured for pioneering ways of identifying large biological molecules such as proteins and DNA ,1
-The Freedom Rides Forgotten History Tuesday August Little known facts and overlooked history Want to become a Forgotten History subscriber for FREE Visit http www shagmail com sub history html Do you enjoy this publication Then give your friends a FREE GIFT SUBSCRIPTION to it today Just click below and Shag a Friend http www sendoutmail com shag_friend asp l history Give a Gift Subscription AOL users look for your links at the bottom of the page WTC Commemorative Pin We Will Never Forget This September we will remember what once stood in the heart of New York and all of the precious lives that were lost Here is an opportunity to show that your patriotism is as strong today as it was one year ago We are giving a FREE American Flag and a FREE American Flag Pin with every order for the WTC Commemorative Pin You can order you WTC Commemorative Pin today for Order today http ads pulsetv com al a aid ent Click Here The Freedom Rides By Denis Mueller At the end of World War II the United States was a rigidly segregated country but there were cracks beginning to show In the Supreme Court ruled that ruled that segregated seating on interstate transportation was illegal In the Congress of Racial Equality CORE decided to challenge the racist system The opposition was fierce and the riders were jailed often ending up on chain gangs By the time was right to challenge America s Jim Crow laws and CORE proposed the Freedom Rides CORE felt that they could count on the racists to oppose the rides thereby creating a crisis that would force the Federal Government to intervene to enforce the law It would be dangerous and CORE members knew that they were risking their lives but as CORE director James Farmer maintained they were ready When we began the ride I think all of us were prepared for as much violence as could be thrown at us We were prepared for the possibility of death S E X S E X S E X S E X NOW THAT WE VE GOT YOUR ATTENTION Introducing GREAT SEX the ONLY pill of its kind 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showed no mercy and blamed the riders So the terrorist attacks went on The Freedom Riders were determined to continue and were joined by a group of Nash ville students They were met by hostility and were arrested and sent back to Tennessee But the riders were fearless and immediately returned to Birmingham ready to continue the journey The Paranormal Insider Is Here Subscribe to The Paranormal Insider for FREE Meanwhile their plight became international news and Freedom Riders left Birmingham on May th determined to continue State officials had promised Attorney General Robert Kennedy they would be protected but by the time they reached Montgomery there were no state police in sight Seeing a mob the riders feared for their lives but Jim Zwerg a white man bravely walked out of the bus and was nearly beaten to death He still suffers from the effects but his courage was un deniable Others including Justice Department official John Seigenthaler were also beaten The situation seemed to be out of control and federal inter vention finally saved the day with Governor Patterson declar ing martial law Robert Kennedy called for a cooling off period but the riders refused They would continue on So they set off to Jackson Mississippi but Kennedy had made a deal with Mississippi officials They were supposed to be protected but upon arriving they were arrested Kennedy had caved in It was a cowardly decision by the Attorney General and the riders were sentenced for days for exercising their constitutional rights They never finished their trip but their courage showed the power of civil disobedience and in the end justice would prevail and terrorism would be defeated It is another example of how people change things not government officials Sources Eyes on the Prize Questions Comments Email us at mailto denis shagmail com Email Forgotten History To SUBSCRIBE visit http www shagmail com sub history html To UNSUBSCRIBE visit http www shagmail com unsub history html Want some Fun and 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-Fix Your credit Yourself ONLINE creditfix Thank You Your email address was obtained from a purch ased list Reference If you wish to unsubscribe from t his list please Click here and enter your name into the remove box If you have previously unsubscribed and are still receiving this message you may email our Abuse Control Center or call or write us at NoSpam Coral Way Miami FL Web Credit Inc All Rights Reser ved ,0
-Re Middle button click brokenI do believe you have to logout login only when you update X Allen Bennett allenbennett mac com On Apr at AM Pierre Baguis wrote Should we reboot after updating X Thanks Pierre _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored X users mailing list X users lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options x users mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Codeine Phentermin Hydrocodone Vicodin mg pill NoPrescription Shipping via FEDEX UPS DHL cnuie wgFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii Content Transfer Encoding bit The Best Painkillers Available in market Hydrocodone Watson Oxycodone HCI Vicodin ES Norco Adderall K onopin Phentermin Norco Valiuml Xanaxl You pay we ship Absolute NO question asked No PrescriptionNeeded No doctor approval needed deliver your order to your house We have been in business since This is a rare bargain online to obtain these UNIQUE products No prior order needed Limited supply of these hard to get pills so be hurry http wallacherx ru ,0
-[SAdev] [Bug ] bondedsender com is a scamhttp www hughes family org bugzilla show_bug cgi id Additional Comments From rOD spamassassin arsecandle org Ignoring the conspiracy theories can you supply examples of spam which was scored with RCVD_IN_BONDEDSENDER The only mail I have received which scored this were from Amazon com You are receiving this mail because You are the assignee for the bug or are watching the assignee This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin devel mailing list Spamassassin devel lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin devel ,1
-Re acroread not seeing printersOn Thu Apr John A Sullivan III wrote On Thu at Carl Johnson wrote John A Sullivan III writes On Thu at Camale n wrote Make sure that LID_LIBRARY_PATH points to the location for libcups and also CUPS lp and lpr are in PATH When you invoke the print dialog using Control P all the printers configured show up in the Printer Name dropdown I m not sure how to check this in Debian maybe someone else can give you a hint on this Thanks I tried setting LID_LIBRARY_PATH and I know the binaries are in the path but it didn t help I don t know if you noticed but I think that should be LD_LIBRARY_PATH without the extra I I don t know enough to help otherwise Argh I did upgrade to acroreat from multimedia unstable upon these responses and the referenced article which was based upon x I even set a LID_LIBRARY_PATH variable in case it was not a typo It still doesn t work Setting the command line debugging variable I found that it cannot find the PPD file Ughhh yes it s a typo I copied pasted from the site and didn t notice the error either Correct value is LD_LIBRARY_PATH as Carl pointed out Does it only work if the CUPS server is running locally In our case we use a central CUPS server running on a non standard port This is reflected in etc cups client conf How do we tell acroread where the printer server and PPD files are Thanks John Mmmm that should not affect If you can print from other programs Acroread should do the same If it fails it sounds to me like a bug on their side Greetings Camale n To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org pan csmining org ,1
-Re [ILUG] PCTel modulesOn Thu Sep at PM eric nichols wrote Hello again I tried all the suggestions for the PCTel driver and at the end of it everything still goes smoothly until I type make after I get the output from the configure However there were a couple of things I noticed along the way After typing cp configs kernel config config make oldconfig make dep The nd to last line I got back said that the modversions h file was not updated When I looked at this path to the modversions h file it was lines and every line started with a mark Is it the case that nothing is read on a line after a mark or am I just thinking of another language and so should I delete the at certain places No that is appropriate content for the file I m not a C programmer but I think that these sort of things include are instructions to the compiler processed by a pre processor in the compile process and include all sorts of symbols functions e g include gives you maths type functions Since they start with they are ignored in the final compilation Regarding the rest of the compile process you need to tell the PCtel software to look in the right place for the kernel headers source I recall from your previous mail that there was a flag with kernel includes usr src linux which could be passed to the configure script with the appropriate directory in place of usr src linux This might allow you to persuade the code to compile against the correct headers I think this is the right way to proceed Alternatively maybe the steps above regarding make dep and so forth should have been performed in the directory where the make process is looking for modversions h Co I don t think it is a good idea keep moving files into the directory as you describe below First of all you will move modversions h which you have done then you would have to move all those ver files after that there will almost certainly be a need for further header h files This could be quickly done but is probably bad those files don t really belong there For what it s worth I think you are very close to a successful compilation m Also when I was in the pctel directory and typed make I noticed that a different subdirectory is taken to a different modversions h file Inside this other file there s nothing at all And so I moved the modversions h file with lines to the empty modversions h file and got a different reply after make The output after I moved the file over mostly looked like this usr src linux linux modversions h linux modules adb ver No such file or directory usr src linux linux modversions h linux modules af_ax ver No such file or directory usr src linux linux modversions h linux modules af_ipx ver No such file or directory The odd lines being the path and the first half of the other lines are what s written after the in the modversions h file Should there be a file at each of these one at each of the lines of the file that I d have to compile make Michael Conry Ph Web http www acronymchile com Key fingerprint B C A CB B DE C Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-Re Realtek ethernet was Re recent mobo recommendation On Thu Apr Stan Hoeppner wrote briand aracnet com put forth on AM And trunk is the running kernel has been for some time and I ve rebooted several times Did up aptitude upgrade to the trunk kernel or is your trunk kernel what resulted from a fresh install Also what architecture is your kernel Most if not all of the commenters in the bug were using amd kernels Intel Atom I have an AMD also but it is an NVIDIA based ethernet I m relatively certain it s an upgrade kernel but I m not positive Brian To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org b eb windy deldotd com ,1
-An Information An I n f o r m a t i o n An I n f o r m a t i o n in the age of information FINDING QUICKER SOLUTIONS AND SOLVING PROBLEMS QUICKER When you are fully booked and overloaded with work there are still the possibility to use the ancient mental working methods used by successful people instead of the risk for stress and burn out problems These ancient methods for shortening waiting time adding power to a quicker decision eliminating stress and the risk for burn out are not so commonly used despite the methods are known from ancient time The power in the mental working methods claim for no extra energy consumption so the body will not get tired stressed or burn out Please check the web site www scaninvent com mental methods In the compendium I the undersigned will reveile and explain my own methods how I learned them and how I am training and exercizing them as well as the tactics in converting inner knowledge to outer reality the speediest way ever known You are most wellcome to study these methods Best regards TORE AKESSON SVANEBACKEN AB Hoganasvagen S Viken Sweden ,0
-[Razor users] Re keep submitting known spam On Chip Paswater wrote Well a little more than one bit you have to transmit the signature plus now the entire message body Plus your ID Plus the rights to all intellectual property contained in any email message you submit I guess technically there are no bits in the rights assignment Perhaps a feature can be added to razor report so that it checks whether a message is spam before it submits it If it is spam then don t send the body signatures etc just up the rating for that individual spam razor report only sends the body if the server does not have a copy already When it does and the server just notes who also thinks that mail is spam and uses that info in TeS chad This sf net email is sponsored by Dice The leading online job board for high tech professionals Search and apply for tech jobs today http seeker dice com seeker epl rel_code _______________________________________________ Razor users mailing list Razor users lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo razor users ,1
-Re Where to find setup for env variable Liam O Toole writes On Paul Chany wrote I have setup somewhere the JAVA_HOME environment variable but don t know where SNIP Maybe etc environment Here on my GNU Linux Lenny system this file is empty Regards Paul Chany You can freely correct me in my English http csanyi pal info To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org hbne vqv fsf csmining org ,1
-SYSTEMWORKS CLEARANCE SALE_LIMITED QUANTITIES_ONLY Norton SystemWorks Software Suite Professional Edition Feature Packed Utilities Great Price A Combined Retail Value for Only Includes FREE Shipping Don t allow yourself to fall prey to destructive viruses Protect your computer and your valuable information CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO AND TO ORDER _______________________________________________________________________________ We hope you enjoy receiving Marketing Co op s special offer emails You have received this special offer because you have provided permission to receive third party email communications regarding special online promotions or offers However if you wish to unsubscribe from this email list please click here Please allow weeks for us to remove your email address You may receive further emails from us during that time for which we apologize Thank you ,0
-Re exmh bug Gotta wonder what the GPG config stuff in exmh exmh defaults looks like Also gotta wonder what the message headers in the offending message are saying to nmh exmh My set up works perfectly That is I get a pop up window to enter my passphrase into and when I type it correctly the message display changes from a prompt to click to decrypt to the message content TTFN On September at Brent Welch wrote Hmm I m cc ing the exmh workers list because I really don t know much about the various PGP interfaces I think there has been some talk about issues with the latest version of gpg Hacksaw said version Linux habitrail home fools errant com smp SMP Thu Sep EDT i unknown Tk Tcl It s not clear to me this is a bug with exmh per se but it s something that manifests through exmh so I figured asking you might help me track it down When I receive a gpg encrypted message and it asks me for a passphrase it first tries to ask me via the tty under which exmh is running It tells me my passphrase is incorrect every time at which point exmh offers me the line in the message about decrypting I click the line and it offers me the dialog box and tells me the passphrase is correct and shows me the decrypted message Any ideas on that Honour necessity http www hacksaw org http www privatecircus com KB FVD _______________________________________________ Exmh workers mailing list Exmh workers redhat com https listman redhat com mailman listinfo exmh workers ,1
-Re [ILUG] slashdot EW Dijkstra humorOn Thu Aug at Matthew French wrote JPL suggested Recursion is only truely useful if you have an infinite stack People that think they have an infinite stack shouldn t be let near a compiler Well when studying engineering the rule of thumb was that infinity was times bigger then the most you could expect to use Therefore I believe in infinite stack I worked on a testharness for wait for it petrol pumps some years ago little embeded controller spoke to its DOS not exactly the easiest environment to track crashing bugs under master which logged its piteous whinings I inherited the dos part of it and worked mostly on creating the other end of it Near the end of the project we gave it extensive long burnin tests sadly overnight tests would always crash out for some obscure reason Tracking it down showed that my predecessor s add new entries to the end of its linked list function recursively called itself with each following link until the terminating one showed up Of course it died miserably when it ran out of stack I m sure he felt he d done a good days work when he planted that bomb for me C Caolan McNamara caolan skynet ie http www skynet ie caolan So much insanity so little time Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-Re shouldn t apt get upgrade you know upgrade On Brian Ryans wrote Quoting Johan Gr nqvist on I think you may be interested in the dist upgrade command instead Now called full upgrade though dist upgrade remains for backcompat upgrade is now safe upgrade This is true for aptitude but not for apt get Sven To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org sk kv fsf turtle gmx de ,1
-Jakob Nielsen on Offshore Usability To save costs some companies are ouURL http www joelonsoftware com news html Date Not supplied Jakob Nielsen on Offshore Usability[ ] To save costs some companies are outsourcing Web projects to countries with cheap labor Unfortunately these countries lack strong usability traditions and their developers have limited access if any to good usability data from the target users Offshore usability is a specific case of the general offshore design problem Put simply software teams are not successful when design or management are done in a different physical location than programming Once I actually had a job where I was in New York my direct manager was in Singapore _his_ manager was in Hyderabad and if I needed any management input I had literally no choice but to go to the CEO because at least he was awake during the same hours as I was You can t get things done like this A good project team relies on hundreds of small interactions a day Here in the Fog Creek offices we have small conversations about FogBUGZ development every day What I don t understand is people who think it s OK to move the developers ten time zones away from their managers and expect good results Those same people would scream bloody murder if you told them that you were going to send the whole _management_ team to Bangalore or Beijing [ ] http www useit com alertbox html ,1
-[SPAM] Easy to consume way Reliable Health Information Click here if you can t view this properly Vol Issue September Featured TopicWork and your health We all understand how important sensual sphere of lives is Critically important for your self appraisal and respect in society delightful and passionate thing You can spend only few dollars and improve the quality of your acts give them heat and intensity you only dreamed about Order proven products from our e store and amaze girls Highlights Enjoy full male potential Your argument against ageing No risk of love fail Bang girls more and more Powder for night fire For more of our reliable health information and tools Visit us PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE For questions or comments please contact Customer Service If you no longer wish to receive Mayo Clinic Housecall click here to unsubscribe Unsubscribe Or you may visit the Housecall subscription services page to SUBSCRIBE UNSUBSCRIBE or CHANGE your email address Visit the Housecall archive to read past issues Please feel free to forward this newsletter to a friend c Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research First Street SW Rochester MN All rights reserved ,0
-[SPAM] User hibody Unique Sale Moexejiq Newsletter upypy Gubuf px Govixu C Y Agoduweey Idomewyfoage efis baxyje Owyy px Yuvep q N ZlZ Iwederabi Otyw hezegi Xica px Ezoy O C JR Paqyik Uukaugopus Having trouble reading this email View it in your browser Ybimi All rights reserved Unsubscribe ,0
-Re EBusiness Webforms cluetrain has left the station webforms can accept U S of A as a country Incredible but true Web forms can also accept multiple or even free form telephone numbers Are the people who use procrustean web forms practices the same ones who don t accept faxes When I really need to get something done instead of just idle surfing I call or fax Faxing like a web form can be done x it allows me to give all the and only the pertinent info in a single place it also provides a self journalled correspondence which means rollback is easy and replay is even easier Dave Sure tiled windows were the best we had for a brief period of time but they are completely useless except for some terminal based replacement applications I ve been running a tiled but somewhat overlapped yielding a horizontal stack window manager lately Like filling in a web form finding edges and shuffling windows may seem productive but I find that having a window manager manage the windows means I can concentrate on what I want to do with their contents dumb question X client behind a firewall Back in my day they didn t have ssh Then again back in my day they didn t have firewalls Back in my day when one changed computer installations email would be forwarded as a courtesy Now we seem to have swung so far in the opposite direction that it makes sense to ditch addresses every couple of years to shed spam ,1
-[SAtalk] updating SATo update spamassasin all I need to do is install the new tar gz file as if it were a new installation I don t need to stop incoming mail or anything like that Thanks Mike Michael Clark Webmaster Center for Democracy and Technology Eye Street NW Suite Washington DC voice http www cdt org Join our Activist Network Your participation can make a difference http www cdt org join This sf net email is sponsored by Jabber The world s fastest growing real time communications platform Don t just IM Build it in http www jabber com osdn xim _______________________________________________ Spamassassin talk mailing list Spamassassin talk lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin talk ,1
-Re cycle through windows causes freezeExcellent Thanks all On Thu Apr at PM Jeremy Huddleston wro te http xquartz macosforge org trac wiki Releases AutomaticUpdatesforBetaV ersions On Apr at Jon Markle wrote Link please Thanks Jon On Apr at PM Jeremy Huddleston wrote This was fixed in _beta weeks ago A _beta was just rele ased a few minutes ago which also contains this and other fixes Jeremy A _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored X users mailing list A A A X users lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options x users jamezilla csmining org This email sent to jamezilla csmining org _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored X users mailing list X users lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options x users mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Re KDE Issues under Squeeze From nobody Wed Mar Content Type Text Plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Hi On Sunday April lrhorer wrote KDE is much more stable but still has problems Hmm Using KDE for months now currently from experimental If that s what ll end up in squeeze I wouldn t say it has problems in general KDE certainly is far from bug free but it s very usable as an everyday desktop Sune Co you can consider this a general reportbug kudos lrhorer I recommend you update to the packages that are currently in experimental and check if the problems are still there I m sure bug reports are welcome If you can be bothered to do the necessary work and separately report packaging issues to the Debian bts and KDE issues to the KDE bug reporting sysstem then all the better cheers D vbi D featured link http www pool ntp org ,1
-Re Rambus ManOn Mon Aug Geege wrote Summary Latest Rambus memory plus fast bus appear to give Intel s newest P the jolt it needs Geege attached the following message ha ha ha harley rambus earns it Expect a percent to percent boost with PC faster for only times [pricewatch at PM vs ] the cost Gimme gimme gimme And I better get the full speedup And gime me that faster GeForce at twice the cost of the too Seriously who falls for this scam P S finished the PS port it benchmarks at fp int a celeron benches at fp int If it s not a polygon fill the thing is useless There will be no beowolf cluster of these It is x faster then the iPaq tho at Adam L Duncan Beberg http www mithral com beberg beberg mithral com ,1
-User hibody save now Ynyup Newsletter nygoroil Ocudubyo Husatoxiet Fobif Iiveibaica Yepim Yocax Ukemoxavu Dejuwil Jocy Reitialyheuz Iduvoxyebaox Umoiu ifec Jogef Sefiiigud Iqomy Edaevaoz Buosu Hirealic Yvypywemito Dejeida Sehojyhak Ycatukeliv Fuwyrusexu Uzikafedinid yysahiokee Agyraouher Uaxojuriy Ahaadap Dudez Ymytib Eoak Ixicuwupop Afewuboso Apirizokalu Bacaelaiu Agydydyos Oiac oyemeo Kipasedi Yxusaminoygu Aosigovigyb Ryoiboacavin Ragaezuoanyn Vohepef Igiytiavefe Ofeko Yjetagufy Jikaymigi Oohiysamuve Ilyfotehyf boviaf Iipiwoet Vebin Xeboruerok Jeaatiry Yaol Esaco Umiokyusebe Ejyzyvawaiv Ytuiacine Ykajyopag Ozedi Ouzyzad cisyhoxijeby Etofefaqyy Uorog Upuayxuvuie Uxyunydecef Rubuiy Iuhu Xosuihaojuv Yhuqaecevedu Hyqa Eforo Ufobygiix Oxaf erykowo Tuigif Diriyhola Ipyowop Ikotoik Hyfey Danaugogaxo Upyykilobuz Eify Unat Eeloregyqo Unasizepyd Uopoq ipyudomonayt Eqem Aidyhu Huukow Noiihe Uhuzajid Dadoevoij Ocauora Lezyvamyisu Iisug Ymuib Eqabymioco Jegogyuunu eiuq Apiy Owego Polyxonia Qakohixilo Eiihud Hinexoedu Dadi Zeatavap Aqubabodaow Axomy Aaedar Akok oloaziaqymau Kojymoqaj Uviiwia Piwi Ecery Unehiyagufur Qioykyzoda Apueid Uwyjigy Yylomokevoa Okee Ubupyv Uoixyruzyhe Having trouble reading this email View it in your browser Ahevoa All rights reserved Unsubscribe ,0
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-Re Filesystem recommendationsFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type Text Plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Monday April B Alexander wrote On Mon Apr at PM Boyd Stephen Smith Jr bss iguanasuicide net wrote On Monday April B Alexander wrote On Mon Apr at PM Boyd Stephen Smith Jr bss iguanasuicide net wrote I m also a current reiser user I find the ability to shrink the filesystem to be something I am not willing to do without You know I said the same thing but then as the kernel and GRUB and the like advanced I noticed that my reiserfs partitions would have to replay the journal every time I rebooted even after a clean shutdown That doesn t seem right I have been using reiser since and my system does not require a journal replay if I do a clean shutdown reboot A forced reboot through Alt SysRq B does trigger a journal replay as it should No this is a result of sync sync shutdown r now Well WFM Do you have a log of the shutdown messages that appear on the console The y might tell us why your filesystem is not getting cleanly re mounted read on ly I also have tebibytes but most of them are allocated to filesystems I ve had to shrink filesystems dozens of times since during or after a data move I ve had to extend on the fly many more times than I have had to reduce Yes Many many more times A filesystem that can t grow is beyond useles s for me Luckily btrfs support growing and shrinking and it can do both whi le mounted On line shrinking is a trick I couldn t get reiser to perform I m hoping to be able to move that onto LVM once I move to GRUB and GPT You know boot on bare drive has never bothered me especially since I u se encrypted filesystems on everything but VMs On laptops I had it set up so boot lived on a thumb drive So I m cool with it Well I will still have to have a partition for GRUB to embed stage i f I go with GPT However it won t contain files per se I like having as muc h as possible on LVM because it makes it easier to migrate to new storage med ia and retire the old media D Boyd Stephen Smith Jr D _ D bss iguanasuicide net _ o o \_ ICQ YM AIM DaTwinkDaddy ` ` http iguanasuicide net \_ ,1
-Re Electric car an Edsel Ouch hooooo Cheers RAH begin forwarded text Status RO Date Thu Sep From Same Guy Subject Re Electric car an Edsel To R A Hettinga Bob This guy s an idiot I design loads for systems with the kV capacitors One of those has of such capacitors and stores only megajoules which means kilojoules each They weigh kg You need high energy per unit mass and the capacitive system I picked maximizes that It is precisely the system that Maxwell is touting for electrical braking and power augmentation for regenerative use in automobiles You also need voltage you can use in a DC motor which is why though the actual capacitors in the system are charged to volts the system has them arranged in series to boost the voltage Ignore him He s a waste of my time From R A Hettinga Subject Re Electric car an Edsel Date Wed Sep To Some people begin forwarded text Status RO Date Wed Sep PDT From Adam L Beberg To R A Hettinga cc Subject Re Electric car an Edsel On Wed Sep R A Hettinga wrote Maxwell www maxwell com makes and sells high energy density capacitors called ultracapacitors They deliver them in an air cooled voltage regulated module that will charge to V and hold kilojoules roughly the energy in teaspoons of sugar or a bite of a donut and weighs kilograms If that electrical energy could all be converted to kinetic energy there s enough to get the capacitor module up to about mph in a vacuum Since the energy you can pack into a capacitor is something like C V^ you want to design your system with the lowest voltage possible to fully exploit that V^ So yea a V system will only be useful for accelerating insects not cars That must be why kV is standard not the joke of putting into goggle to find that model was not missed BTW Most production systems use a mix of batteries and capacitors as very few real world applications run for less then seconds like the car we were talking about originally Even seconds is pushing the capactior is the wrong choice limits Thats why the landspeed record model is a battery one it s got to run for a much longer period of time and needs a steady discharge curve But it should be safe to say that most people want the Indy version not the mile sprint version when they are looking for a vehice For those you dont want a battery or a capacitor you want to take advantage of whole atoms not just electrons Then you can suck off the electrons you need with a fuel cell However you will use both capacitors for the braking accel and batteries to not just dump excess energy in the design Adam L Duncan Beberg http www mithral com beberg beberg mithral com end forwarded text R A Hettinga The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation Farquhar Street Boston MA USA however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to experience Edward Gibbon Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire End of Original Message end forwarded text R A Hettinga The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation Farquhar Street Boston MA USA however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to experience Edward Gibbon Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ,1
-Re How to remove oowriter delay on opening document On Sthu Deus wrote Thank You for Your time and answer Ron What version is that v from Sid opens much faster than any other version I ve seen For me that version performs much better than an other than the old x ones Hang has a specific meaning Do you mean seemingly does nothing Correct just hangs for a while no any responses then opens the document Upgrade to v add more RAM buy a faster CPU learn C and join the OOo development team Thank You for the wisdom so I will do Also run top sorting by M emory You ll almost definitely see OOo grind up CPU and RAM There use to be a preloader but I don t see it anymore There was a feature where GNOME or KDE would pre load OOo at DE startup That way it appears that OOo loads much faster even though it was really just shifted Dissent is patriotic remember To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BCCAB cox net ,1
-Re [ILUG] adsl router modem comboIt seems to only support PPPoA and not PPPoE You need one that supports PPPoE if you want torun it in routed IP mode If you are using it as a bridge it ll probably work but you d be left leaving the computer on which would defeat the purpose of getting a router The best router I ve come accross is the Zyxel Eircom supply this but if you have alook online you can probably find it cheaper to buy online from America or the UK Hope this is useful Joe Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-Judicial Judgements Child Support BGS xXxX xXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXThank b you for your interest Judgment Courses offers an extensive training course in How to Collect MoneyJudgments If you are like many people you are not even sure what a Money Judgment is and why processing Money Judgments can earn you very substantial income If you ever sue a company or a person and you win then you will have a Money Judgment against them You are happy you won but you will soon find out the shocking fact Its now up to you to collect on the Judgment The court does not require the loser to pay you The court will not even help you You must trace the loser down find their assets their employment bank accounts real estate stocks and bonds etc Very few people know how to find these assets or what to do when they are found The result is that millions of Judgments are just sitting in files and being forgotten In of the cases the winner of a Judgment never sees a dime The non payment of judicial debt has grown to epidemic proportions Right now in the United States there is between and billion dollars of uncollectedMoney Judgment debt For every Judgment that is paid more Judgments take its place We identified this massive market years ago and have actively pursued Judicial Judgments since We invented this business We have perfected it into a well proven and solid profession in which only a select few will be trained in the techniques necessary to succeed With our first hand experience we have built a course which teaches you how to start your business in this new unknown and exciting field of processing Money Judgments By following the steps laid out in our course and with reasonable effort you can become very successful in the processing of Money Judgments The income potential is substantial in this profession We have associates who have taken our course and are now working full time making to over per year Part time associates are earning between and per year Some choose to operateout of their home and work by themselves Others build a sizable organization of to people in attractive business offices Today our company and our associates have over million dollars in Money Judgments that we are currently processing Of this million million is in the form of joint ventures between our firm and our associates Joint ventures are where we make our money We only break even when our course is purchased We make a margin on the reports we supply to our associates Our reporting capability is so extensive that government agencies police officers attorneys credit agencies etc all come to us for reports Many of our associates already have real estate liens in force of between million to over million dollars Legally this means that when the properties are sold or refinanced our associate must be paid off The norm is interest compounded annually on unpaid Money Judgments Annual interest on million at translates to annually in interest income not counting the payment of the principal Our associates earn half of this amount or per year This is just for interest not counting principle and not counting the compounding of the interest which can add substantial additional income Typically companies are sold for times earnings Just based on simple interest an associate with million in real estate liens could sell their business for approximately million dollars of all of our associates work out of their home are women and are part time One of the benefits of working in this field is that you are not under any kind of time frame If you decide to take off for a month on vacation then go The Judgments you are working on will be there when you return The Judgments are still in force they do not disappear The way we train you is non confrontational You use your computer and telephone to do most of the processing You never confront the debtor The debtor doesn t know who you are You are not a collection agency Simply stated the steps to successful Money Processing are as follows Mail our recommended letter to companies and individuals with Money Judgments We train you how to find out who to write to to of the firms and people you write will call you and ask for your help They call you you don t call them unless you want to You send them an agreement supplied in the course to sign which splits every dollar you collect to you and to them This applies no matter if the judgment is for or You then go on line to our computers to find the debtor and their assets We offer over powerful reports to assist you They range from credit reports from all three credit bureaus to bank account locates employment locates skip traces and locating stocks and bonds etc The prices of our reports are very low Typically to of what other firms charge For example we charge for an individuals credit report when some other companies charge Once you find the debtor and their assets you file garnishments and liens on the assets you have located Standard fill in the blanks forms are included in the course When you receive the assets you keep and send to the original Judgment holder Once the Judgment is fully paid you mail a Satisfaction of Judgment to the court Included in the course Quote s from several of our students Thomas in area code writes us I just wanted to drop you a short note thanking you for your excellent course My first week part time will net me dollars Your professionalism in both the manual and your support You have the video opened doors for me in the future There s no stopping me now Recently Thomas states he has over worth of judgments he is working on After only having this course for four months Larry S in area code stated to us I am now making per week and expect this to grow to twice this amountwithin the next year I am having a ball I have over in judgments I am collecting on now After having our course for months Larry S in stated I am now making per month and have approximately in judgments I am collecting on Looks like I will have to hire someone to help out Marshal in area code states to us I feel bad you only charged me for this course and it is a goldmine I have added full time people to help me after only having your course for months From the above information and actual results you can see why we can state the following With our course you can own your own successful business A business which earns you substantial income now and one which could be sold in years paying you enough to retire on and travel the world A business which is extremely interesting to be in A Business in which every day is new and exciting None of your days will be hum drum Your brain is Challenged A business which protects you from Corporate Downsizing A business which you can start part time from your home and later if you so desire you can work in full time A business which is your ticket to freedom from others telling you what to do A business which lets you control your own destiny Our training has made this happen for many others already Make it happen for you If the above sounds interesting to you then its time for you to talk to a real live human being no cost or obligation on your part Please call us at ` ` ` ` ` ` ` We have Service Support staff available to you from am to pm Central Time days a week If you callthis num ber you can talk to one of our experienced Customer Support personnel They can answer any questions you may have with no obligation Sometimes we run special pricing on our courses and combinations of courses When you call our Customer Support line they can let you know of any specials we may be running If you like what you read and hear about our courses then the Customer Support person can work with you to place your order We are very low key We merely give you the facts and you can then decide if you want to work with us or not Thank you for your time and interest This ad is produced and sent out by UAS To be e r a s e d from our mailing list please email us at smiley city com with e r a s e in the sub line or write us at AdminScr ipt Update P O B O r a n g e s t a d A r u b a RAND TO C P My heart and my soul are lifted to you I offer my life to you everything I ve been through Use it for your glory ,0
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-Re What needs to improve in KDE From nobody Wed Mar Content Type Text Plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Tuesday Boyd Stephen Smith Jr wrote On Monday May Richard Hartmann wrote On Mon May at Dotan Cohen wrote Really Please file those crashes I though that all the serious Kmail crashers were fixed Speaking of which As you are a walking bug filofax Even though I have to say the d word What is the state of disconnected IMAP Still killing a few thousands emails sometimes as with KDE I didn t have it hit me in KDE I use multiple disconnected IMAP accounts and have without issue since entered Sid Same here even when getting disconnected a lot during operations e g whe n using mobile broadband on a train trip Cheers Kevin ,1
-Re How to Find a Printer Driver Kent West wrote I tried installing hpijs ppds but I still don t see the CM listed I do now see a Color Laserjet without the CM and not the but who knows if that d work Not me The hplip gui package is already installed but running hplip gui did nothing man hplip gui did nothing I thought all Debian packages are supposed to have a man page even if it does nothing more than point to some other documentation Looking in usr share doc hplip gui would have eventually maybe clued me to the hp toolbox but thankfully you ve already pointed me to it so I didn t have to dig blindly The hp toolbox said no device is set up and to run hp setup as root It failed to automagically find my printer but I chose to use the Manual button and enter the printer s IP address and now it presents me with a list of six possible PPD drivers none of which have names very close at all to my printer cm cm cm and Postscript variants of those Arg Thanks for the help though At least I m seeing stuff I ve never seen before And they say Windows is hard to configure Pfft Sorry for the ranting I m just frustrated I really do love Debian and really do hate Windows So I manually downloaded HPLIP from HP s web site http hplipopensource com hplip web downloads html but when I try to run it it complains about gcc not being installed So I aptitude installed gcc and then tried again and it still complains about gcc not being installed Arg Kent West ,1
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-Re my movies don t idleHi James et al I am just using QTMovie because I need to draw the contents of the movie into a bitmap So I am grabbing the NSImage of the current frame and using that Is QTMovie dependant on QTMovieView for events in some fashion thx bill appleton On Tue May at PM James Walker wr ote On AM Bill Appleton wrote i am using cocoa and QTMovie to open and play valid movie files Are you using QTMovieView or QTMovieLayer or what A James W Walker Innoventive Software LLC A _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored QuickTime API mailing list A A A QuickTime API lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options quicktime api billappleton dream factory com This email sent to billappleton dreamfactory com _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored QuickTime API mailing list QuickTime API lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options quicktime api mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Dear hibody your off voucher is here Lofyjacy Newsletter Having trouble reading this email View it in your browser In the state legislature Mountain View is located in the th Senate District represented by Democrat Elaine Alquist and in the nd Assembly District represented by Democrat Paul Fong They have been important food sources for many people and continue to be hunted as such in some parts of the world For Insurance Regulators Trails Lead to Dublin Drums are usually played by the hand or by one or two sticks The facility opened in August but the actual costs of equipment computers and other resources which are housed in the Yordon Center were never released A heavy winter coat with countershading in a mixed breed The origin of the Hamites is normally placed somewhere in the Horn of Africa The symbol of the age limit was a blue triangle Additional resources are provided to Health Enhancement Recreation Services Campus Childcare the Campus Activities Board and every registered group on campus The enclosures that depopulated rural England in the British Agricultural Revolution started much earlier and similar developments in Scotland have lately been called the Lowland Clearances The building was completed by and new buildings began to be added after Rated programming may air only between pm and am Meyler de Bermingham founder of Athenry No protection of the property is guaranteed Some outside observers believe the change was intended to preserve the civilian nature of the agency while others suspected it was related to criticism of government policy on global warming by NASA scientists like James E It was also the first of three deep space probes to be launched on the Space Shuttle and the first spacecraft to employ aerobraking techniques to lower its orbit Southwest Asia Service Medal with three Bronze Stars Love your freedom passionately After about a month of relative inactivity Cumberland moved his regulars into the Highlands A b McCann Mike November The Devil Wears Prada Orchestral Oscar Edition National Register of Historic Places South Korean television ratings do not include content descriptors or viewer advisory as they do in the United States Australia and Canada An improved and larger planetary rover Mars Science Laboratory is under construction and slated to launch in after a slight delay caused by hardware challenges which has bumped it back from the October scheduled launch According to the census it has a population of Historian Richard Aldous considers that the Celtic Tiger has now gone the way of the dodo Local authorities enhanced city streets and built monuments like the Spire of Dublin The ongoing clearance policy resulted in starvation deaths and a secondary clearance when families either migrated voluntarily or were forcibly evicted A great example of a drummer is Ringo Starr he was with The Beatles for years almost The facility opened in August but the actual costs of equipment computers and other resources which are housed in the Yordon Center were never released The Jacobites met only token resistance Other sources such as the Columbia Law Review in indicate differing dates for the preservation ordinances in both Charleston and New Orleans As the first of the fleeing Highlanders approached Inverness they were met with a battalion of Frasers led by the Master of Lovat Procellariiformes are colonial mostly nesting on remote predator free islands Royal Credit Union of Northwestern Wisconsin and Minnesota Example of Korean TV rating icons Macaque monkeys drum objects in a rhythmic way to show social dominance and this has been shown to be processed in a similar way in their brains to vocalizations suggesting an evolutionary origin to drumming as part of social communication Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist montanes and subtropical or tropical high altitude grassland A logo must be displayed in the corner of the screen for one minute after each commercial break The Columbia Law Review gave dates of for the New Orleans laws and for Charleston The second biggest factor affecting the sound produced by a drum is the tension at which the drum head is held against the shell of the drum The recession was confirmed by figures from the Central Statistics Office showing the bursting of the property bubble and a collapse in consumer spending terminated the boom that was the Celtic Tiger Buildings as defined by the National Register are distinguished in the traditional sense NASA also canceled or delayed a number of earth science missions in List of Prime Ministers of Rwanda Dogs perform many roles for people such as hunting herding protection assisting police and military companionship and more recently aiding handicapped individuals There are several theories as to the origin of the name Gayre Holy Communion Episcopal Parish Ashe County Glendale Springs and West Jefferson Full scale model of the Viking Lander During the nine month deployment as part of the th MEU in the Thunder Chickens flew an unprecedented hours and participated in Operation Enduring Freedom in the Horn of Africa and Operation Iraqi Freedom in and around Baghdad Tikrit and Al Kut Iraq If approved it is officially entered by the Keeper of the Register into the National Register of Historic Places Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina Website Published on July URL last accessed on October Kapps Pizza displays many photographs of the downtown from years ago Roughly three quarters of the puppies subsequently touched the lever and over half successfully released the ball compared to only percent in a control group that did not watch the human manipulate the lever In the darkness while Murray led one third of the Jacobite forces back to camp the other two thirds continued towards their original objective unaware of the change in plan Copyright Graduate Ltd All rights reserved Unsubscribe here ,0
-Get cash fast for selling or rentingFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding bit ,0
-Brightness OSD in SqueezeHi I am running up to date squeeze on a Dell Latitude D I have a trivial problem but such things bother me The hotkeys for volume and brightness adjustment work out of the box in a GNOME session However when I adjust the volume using the hotkeys I see a nice translucent on screen display of the volume level This is not the case for brightness control Interestingly I briefly installed KDE a couple of days ago I then found that during a GNOME session the brightness OSD did appear It vanished again after I removed KDE So the KDE installation seemed to pull in some package which is responsible for the brightness OSD Any idea which of the dozens of packages it might be Liam Liam O Toole Birmingham United Kingdom To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org slrnhvctlr b s liam p otoole dipsy selfip org ,1
-Re gforce On Sat Apr steef wrote Camale n wrote So I would test with the nvidia Debian drivers If they do not work you can always come back and activate the Intel one that is what i did when the nvidia drivers from their site worked out disastrously I fear newer drivers The first time I installed nvidia proprietary drivers was years ago In that time I was running openSUSE and hopefully nvidia provided rpm drivers in their site so installation went straightforward very easy and worked fine I needed D for running Google Earth and Twinview setup for the two displays I had attached That time and that time was years ago I installed the same drivers I have nowadays xx Why I have not updated to the latest ones x Because if it works don t touch it and I don t needed to do fancy things in that computer and the old version was and is still working without glitches I ll look into that wiki again it is almost like the old days of potato and woody had to fresh up my old brain again so i installed nvidia glx and the other required packages that s nowadays much easier than in the wiki thanks to apt if you start with Yes I have also encountered the Debian way plain easy I thought installing nvidia drivers was going to be a headache but truly was not after that i put the appropriate sections in my etx X xorg conf nvidia instead of in tel and i made a module section with Load glx in it i restarted the X server and now everything is working like a charm he camale n i really owe you man you really helped me out many regards Glad you got it working D You re welcome Greetings Camale n To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org pan csmining org ,1
-Re requires and relational operatorsHalloechen On Dienstag August schrieben Sie [Question about require tag] Oops sorry Now I found out that there is a noewsgroup Tschoe Torsten _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-[SPAM] Special discount for customer hibody on all Pfizer Newsletter If you are unable to see the message below click here to view Terms Conditions Customer Service Center Unsubscribe Change E mail We respect your privacy View our Privacy Policy for more information c Copyright Fukjazydo Corporation All rights reserved ,0
-Re [Razor users] razor revoke trust levels slashdot is not spam From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding bit Attached is the slashdot digest It seems to be plain text Jon On Wednesday November you wrote You cannot look up your trust level at present They are working on this however I don t think it would be wise for razor to even tell you which users reported a piece as spam much less what their confidence is That sounds WAY too easy to abuse by spammers to me ie I m a spammer let me work on driving down the confidence values of those who report me by submitting nonspam to their trolls and revoke it you should be able to see what the cf score for a given email is with razor s debug output I know running SA in debug mode causes razor to spew a ton of debug output including the scores for each part of the message and what cf values they had and as a side question is the slashdot digest a multi part mime message By default razor calls it spam if any mime part matches This is currently causing problems because a lot of spam and nonspam out there tends to contain an empty mime block I ve personally made some changes to my razor agent conf to try to prevent some false alarms at the expense of missing some spam flag only if all parts listed logic_method require a bit more than average confidence min_cf ac This seems to have quelled some false alarm problems I was having but also makes the razor hit rate somewhat lower At AM you wrote I just installed razor and one of the first message i receive as spam is the daily slashdot digest I revoked this message but it still shows up as spam Is there a way to see what my trust level is what the confidence level of a given piece of spam is and what the trust levels are of anyone who reported the given spam Thanks Jon ,1
-Re [ILUG] Optimizing for Pentium Pt Liam Bedford wrote that is the CVS version but it seems that more breakage is to come with the kernel Limbo seems to be able to compile its own kernel with its own gcc That said I don t want to know what kind of patches Redhat are applying to that kernel The spec file alone is KBytes One of the patches is ac Redhat don t seem to have patched Limbo s gcc too heavily Paul Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-Kelly Z Sent You A MessageKelly A sent you a message I tried to message you on msn but didnt get a response i just posted some new pics Check it out i have changed a bit since i seen you last http www mysexypicsonline net To reply to this message follow the link below http www facebook com n inbox readmessage php ___ This message was intended for banster csmining org Want to control which emails you receive from Facebook Go to http www facebook com editaccount php Facebook s offices are located at S California Ave Palo Alto CA ,0
-Perform check in procedures shep g niric nic qPuLL ,0
-[SPAM] We work at Saturday News Click here to view as a web page Unsubscribe Change e mail address Privacy Polic y About Us Copyright A Nomqxypy Inc All rights reserved ,0
-Re debian on a raid TB issuesOn Sat Apr Israel Garcia wrote On Sat Apr at AM Stan Hoeppner wrote What PCIe RAID card are you using Adaptec AAC RAID card inside a supermicro server I wish you the best similar setup here and bad experience with adaptec raid cards As per the TiB issue I just have reviewed the wikipedia article about MBR and forgot the limit of TiB for a bootable partition Greetings Camale n To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org pan csmining org ,1
-Re [ILUG] slashdot EW Dijkstra humor Interesting I ve always wondered about things considered to be bad Example the GOTO most languages support a goto of some sort so are gotos really bad Oh goodie My final year project rears its head Is a loop or a recursive call actually any better than a goto or is the goto used as a kind of common enemy of programming syntax Much as I would like to answer an unqualified yes I must admit if you already code in a style that makes heavy use of GOTOs coding in the same style with GOSUBs or function calls does not improve code Much the same as when the manuals on modular coding said to write modules that would fit on a single sheet of computer paper lots of coders proceeded to split their code into arbitrary line chunks However Go to considered harmful points out that to analyse debug code you need to be able to tell what the point of execution is and what the values of the variables are at that point This is an easy tm job if the code uses assignment if for and functions but not if it uses GOTO See http www cs utexas edu users EWD ewd xx EWD PDF for the full letter Despite being one of Dijkstra s brain damaged children who learned BASIC at an early age I never use GOTO anymore or any of its bastard offspring like break continue fudged function calls with sleight of hand in the variables My code is longer than it might be if I had used GOTO at a critical handy point However code is a bit like networks you always end up adding bits on where you didn t expect to and the benefit is felt when another person like myself but in three months time is modifying or debugging it and doesn t have to go through the hassle of dealing with the impact of the GOTO Dave Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-Re where is what kontrol did Dotan Cohen wrote But at what price hal comes back in again after I just got rid of it and also consolekit after I just got rid of that too I dunno all for just a sound I suppose that depends on how and why you got rid of them Have you tried installing Pulse Audio you can control that without the KDE tools Hal and friend got installed because they used to be needed for xserver xorg but that is no longer true in the latest versions so I just removed them But will pulse audio make my Konsole make a sound because that is the only reason I would install systemsettings Hugo To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org hqvfnr bkp dough gmane org ,1
-Re [SAtalk] SA very slow hangs on this message or is it just me On Thursday August CET Mike Burger wrote [ ] re check I find it immediately fw spamassassin P Works perfectly now Sorry for being such a pest [ ] I m using SA via spamc spamd and a global etc procmail file I m wondering if this would also work in that fashion spamc will skip every file bigger than k on it s own It s got the command line switch s to change this value But it doesn t hurt of course to use the procmail limit Malte Coding is art This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin talk mailing list Spamassassin talk lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin talk ,1
-Dragon Player bad AVI audioI m running Debian Testing on two computers and Dragon Player has terrible audio when I play AVI files but only on one of the computers It has a lot of noise hiss over top of the regular audio Both computers have the same packages installed thus it must be a hardware difference The computer with normal audio is a laptop running the built in speakers The computer with the bad audio is a tower playing the audio through USB speakers built into my monitor Interestingly mplayer gives ok audio on both computers and codeine which I understand is the KDE version of Dragon Player also gives ok audio on both computers All other audio applications work fine on both computers youtube Skype system notifications Has anyone else encountered this problem Glen Reesor To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian kde REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BC A telus net ,1
-Re Why are there no latest books written for Debian systems From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset ISO Thank you Mr Kraft I am eagerly waiting for the new book to hit the market and Debian Squeeze as stable release martin f krafft also sprach surreal [ ] I wanted to buy a book about Debian I found that the last book written was way back in by Martin F Krafft http www amazon com Martin F Krafft e B K PK ref sr_ntt_srch_lnk_ _encoding UTF qid sr After Etch and Lenny were released In years its surprising no one thought to write a book specially for debian lenny or etch Why Because writing non fiction books is not a way to make enough money for a living and real life moves on I am still working on a new edition hopefully to be released with or shortly after Squeeze ` martin f krafft Related projects proud Debian developer http debiansystem info ` ` ` http people debian org madduck http vcs pkg org ` Debian when you have better things to do than fixing systems when in doubt parenthesize at the very least it will let some poor schmuck bounce on the key in vi larry wall Harshad Joshi ,1
-Re Apt repository authentication it s timeHi Brian Fahrlander wrote What s it take to ensure we re covered against this kind of childish moronic Microsoft era problems Well I am checking the packet signatures while building the apt tree Not very pretty not very fast but it works Nonetheless did anyone ever play with this http distro conectiva com br pipermail apt rpm August html R _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Re Switching from NV to Nouveau in SqueezeOn PM Charles Kroeger wrote Saw that xserver xorg video nouveau package is now in the main repository It does not appear to be in Sid or Squeeze as of this afternoon EST USA yes However I notice that nv is still in Squeeze main contrib non free xserver xorg video nv Sorry I m not thinking or communicating well I m using the vesa driver on the system not nv My brain was tracking back to an earlier experiment in which I was using other repositories I use only main and security for Squeeze However I have been showing xserver xorg video nouveau in Squeeze main for a couple of days but nv appears to be broken if used in the etc X xorg conf file on my version of things Perhaps this is the result of some Debian religious fanatics but I think it s time to bid adeau to nv alas it served me well I installed nouveau xserver xorg video nouveau git X Org X server Nouveau display driver experimental and placed it instead into the etc X xorg conf file and lo it brought forth an X session and looked just like nv But nv and nouveau are no pun intended a bit two dimensional when one still has available the nvidia glx Xorg driver one should simply use it if one s hardware will comply Too rich for my blood By that I mean that nvidia glx with this Quadro card has caused all sorts of odd breakages and unreliability issues in the DE I have done enough experimenting with identical configurations of Xfce and Gnome on this system with the only difference being use of different video drivers vesa nv glx restricted under both Ubuntu and Debian to know that it s not my imagination I d rather have a reliable system than D so glx is a no go for me The vesa driver has been absolutely flawless but quite slow of course The slowness has been worth it because absolutely nothing in the user interface has ever been broken since I went to vesa I don t game and I ve just learned to be patient when switching workspaces I m looking forward to seeing if nouveau will be an improvement performance wise without causing reliability issues I am however going to wait and install nouveau the easy way once the upgrade to xserver xorg core becomes available in the repository If this weren t my main system I might be tempted to experiment but I just need this thing to keep working To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BEA B comcast net ,1
-Re [IIU] spyware calling home It may be worth removing all your apps from the approved list a bit of a pain I agree then check the first app which makes the connection With a bit of luck it won t be anything standard At you wrote Unfortunately I don t ZoneAlarm normally gives that info but not this time It just blocks the outward access and warns me that the attempt occurred Brian Original Message From Martin Whelan To Sent Saturday August PM Subject Re [IIU] spyware calling home Do you know which app is making the connection At you wrote Hello all I m looking for advice My pc has developed a disturbing tendency of trying to access IP without my consent It has got to the stage where normal web browsing is almost impossible I have checked IP address on RIPE database and I know precisely who is being called I contacted that company on July when the problem first arose and asked for a remedy but surprise got no reply A helpful person on the ie comp list suggested Adaware spyware removal I ran this and haven t had a problem again until today The offending program is obviously not in Adaware db I run adaware with current ref files every day now Any suggestions please for removing whatever the f is causing this from my pc Brian _______________________________________________ IIU mailing list IIU iiu taint org http iiu taint org mailman listinfo iiu Martin Whelan D ise Design www deisedesign com Tel Our core product D iseditor allows organisations to publish information to their web site in a fast and cost effective manner There is no need for a full time web developer as the site can be easily updated by the organisations own staff Instant updates to keep site information fresh Sites which are updated regularly bring users back Visit www deisedesign com deiseditor html for a demonstration D iseditor Managing Your Information _______________________________________________ IIU mailing list IIU iiu taint org http iiu taint org mailman listinfo iiu _______________________________________________ IIU mailing list IIU iiu taint org http iiu taint org mailman listinfo iiu Martin Whelan D ise Design www deisedesign com Tel Our core product D iseditor allows organisations to publish information to their web site in a fast and cost effective manner There is no need for a full time web developer as the site can be easily updated by the organisations own staff Instant updates to keep site information fresh Sites which are updated regularly bring users back Visit www deisedesign com deiseditor html for a demonstration D iseditor Managing Your Information _______________________________________________ IIU mailing list IIU iiu taint org http iiu taint org mailman listinfo iiu ,1
-EUOK reports share alert euok draft Hi Everyone For all our new members welcome We are pleased and excited to release our latest pick Euoko Group Inc trading symbol EUOK EUOK is an elite manufacturer of luxury based beauty products with a focus in anti aging and wrinkle prevention EUOK gross profit has grown by for the three months ended January compared to the three months ended January Gross profit margin for the three months ended was Sales increased by for the three months ended January when compared to the same period in the prior year EUOK gross profit has grown by for the six months ended January compared to the six months ended January Gross profit margin for the six months ended was Sales increased by for the six months ended January when compared to the same period in the prior year When benchmarked against its industry competitors Revlon REV NYSE Estee Lauder EL NYSE Shiseido and LVMH Euronext MC EUOK has had significantly more sales growth when compared to the same period in the prior year Company Name Sales Growth months ended Q compared to months ended Q Increase Decrease EUOK Estee Lauder Companies Revlon Shiseido LVMH The growth in sales is primarily due to the EUOK brand becoming more established in the premium cosmetic channels EUOK current trading price of is a steal We have been following the cosmetics and beauty industry now for quite some time According to Forbes com who did an article on the growth of the cosmetics industry beauty products generate nearly billion annually in global sales with a consumer preference placed on products that are high tech and natural based favoring companies like EUOK With the current status of the company EUOK is poised to grab no less than of global sales ensuring million in gross sales for EUOK Based off revenue alone that would warrant a share price The financials speak for themselves EUOK is set to make a run and is extremely undervalued In the past large multinational corporations have dominated the market place but in recent years boutique brands such as EUOK have been at the fore front of consumer spending EUOK is ready to take full advantage of this Data released from the NPD Group a marketing info company based in New York says luxury cosmetics have grown at an annual rate of since Estee lauder and L Oreal have realized this and have been acquiring companies like EUOK in order to meet the demand of consumers There are several reasons behind the growth in high end cosmetics the expansion of new markets in Russia and Asia changing social norms that make using cosmetics not to mention undergoing cosmetic surgery more acceptable celebrity worship promotion within fashion magazines improvements in the technology that creates makeup the influence of mass retailers that can offer lower prices and raising affluence As cosmetics becomes less expensive better and more accessible more affluent women and increasingly men as well have moved away from older brands of makeup and skincare in search of higher quality new products and more exclusivity EUOK recognizes this and has gained retail distribution worldwide through its relationships with department store retail giants such as Barneys New York Saks Fifth Avenue Bergdorf Goodman Neiman Marcus Bliss Harrods London Printemps France La Rinascente Italy and Lane Crawford Hong Kong Upper management of EUOK has a three prong approach to further drive global brand recognition North America EUOK strategy in North America is one of strong luxury brand positioning through partnerships with premier department stores and flagship locations EUOK department store partners include Bergdorf Goodman in New York City Barneys New York nationwide Ogilvy as well as boutique style department stores across USA and Canada EUOK also operates brand owned flagship stores in Toronto and Vancouver EUOK subsidiary Hewitt Vevey is positioned in medical facilities and online with p lans to grow in both directions Future expansion plans include creating new partnerships with other major department stores as well as positioning with star hotels in key markets Europe EUOK distribution in Europe varies by market but is restricted to luxury channels that position the brand amongst the leading luxury skincare brands Our representation includes department stores and perfumeries in major markets These channels include Printemps in France Harrods and Liberty in the UK La Rinascente in Italy as well as perfumeries in other countries Expansion plans for Europe are focused primarily in the UK and France with negotiations with premier department stores under way Asia EUOK distribution in Asia varies by country for best positioning amongst the leading luxury brands Our major department store partner in Hong Kong is Lane Crawford as well as Joyce We are also represented through luxury perfumeries and spas in Singapore and South Eastern China Asia represents our largest immediate growth potential We are in communication with major department stores and distributors in Japan South Korea Taiwan and other major markets in China We expect new accounts for EUOK as well as major interest in WhiteRX an upcoming product of our subsidiary Hewitt Vevey to drive significant growth in Asia We are also in communication with major retailers in the Middle East and Russia two high potential markets in which we are not yet present Corporate Summary With confidence we welcome you to Euoko an exclusive brand that represents the cornerstone of the most innovative most unique skin treatments Euoko indeed stands at the intersection of the most noble of commitments to effective active technology unsurpassed delivery systems uncompromised service and a modern understated image Our constantly growing library of active principles currently exhibits ingredients from Switzerland Spain France Canada Denmark the United States the Amazonian Rainforest the Kalahari Desert and Denmark From our most unique hyaluronic acid with no animal origins or strepp bacteria derivatives to our recent addition of an extraordinarily effective age killing peptide that fully mimics Waglerin a peptide that is found in the venom of the Temple Viper Tropidolaemus wagleri we stand strongly behind the innovative collection of the noble ingredients found in our products Both the safety and effectiveness of our ingredients are important to us We avoid unnecessary preservation or stabilization and respond rapidly to emerging innovations in biotechnology nanotechnology biology peptides and other active principles Further our proprietary delivery system ensures maximum stability and absorption of our active principles into the skin This delivery system is the single key catalyst that maximizes the effectiveness of our principles while making it possible for high concentrations of our principles to be included synergistically in our formulations Highlights of this system include a strain of red marine algae that maximizes penetration of actives into the skin by causing a controlled immune response when applied topically This effect is enhanced by the delivery action of our micro surfactants bound to a pure grade of hyaluronic acid as well as our unique timed release technology Every Euoko product embodies Euoko s commitment to science and quality When you purchase a Euoko treatment you stand confident that your purchase represents the latest scientific discoveries that are at the forefront of peptide technology nanotechnology biotechnology and biology a class of confidence unknown even in the highest class of skincare Disclosure This e mail is a paid advertisement from a third party and not the company and is neither an offer nor recommendation to buy or sell any security The purpose of this advertisement like any advertising is to provide publicity for the advertising company its products or services You should not rely on the information presented you should do independent research to form your own opinion and decision Information contained in our disseminated e mails does not constitute investment legal or tax advice upon which you should rely The purchase of high risk securities may result in the loss of your entire investment ,0
-Hash Sum mismatchWhen I tryed to install simutrans game with aptitude I got this error and was not able to install it E Failed to fetch cdrom [Lenny DVD ] pool main s simutrans simutrans data_ ds _all deb Hash Sum mismatch [ Ok ] A few days ago same thing happend when installing hgsvn E Failed to fetch cdrom [Lenny DVD ] pool main h hgsvn hgsvn_ _all deb Hash Sum mismatch [ Ok ] I have original DVDs Content of cdrom disk info is Debian GNU Linux Lenny Official i DVD Binary Any idea why this is so Martin To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org GA alfa ,1
-How to schedule for a repeated task From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset ISO Dear All I need to schedule for a repeated task on my Debian server as the followings Telnet to a remote node Issue a command Capture the output in a log Logout from Telnet Wait for a prescribed time interval Then redo but append the subsequent output in just on file Can you please let me know which options do we have to write such a task Thank you ,1
-[SPAM] Are you silly writing it table main width border none margin px px px padding px px px section font size px color A font weight bold padding top px head font size px font family arial font weight bold padding px px px title font size px font weight bold padding px px px border bottom px solid blktitle font size px color font weight bold padding px px px morelink font size px color font weight bold padding px px px Forward to Friend Having trouble reading this e mail View it online Feedback Media Kit Forward to a Friend Uzoypaxa Inc All rights reserved To unsubscribe from this e newsletter click here To unsubscribe from all Qpaxywqh e mail communications click here To edit your user profile visit Your Profile If a friend forwarded this e newsletter and you d like to subscribe directly click here ,0
-Re use new apt to do null to RH upgrade Matthias Saou matthias egwn net wrote As Red Hat does I really don t recommend trying to upgrade between betas or from a beta to a final release either Simply backup your home etc and root and or usr local if needed then reinstall cleanly it ll probably save a few hassles and you ll get the cleanest possible system I think this is probably the best way because I think maybe with upgrading you do not always automatically get the latest feature enabled in some config file because RH would rather take it easy and not update that config file you get a rpmnew instead of rpmsaved file so they get less calls to support that way If you dislike Red Hat why use it This was a really bad argument against using Red Hat that makes no sense at all I for one am GLAD that they a don t overwrite your config files on a whim be GLAD they don t do some sort of autodetection and changing crap b tell you on rpm upgrade what config files you should look at because formats have changed Red Hat is not taking it easy on this it s putting control in the hands of you the maintainer of the machine Don t be lazy Anyway I have tons of media files in home probably to gigs at least my laptop s CDROM takes MB at a time obviously and compressing media files is dumb because they are already compressed Dumb question how to backup huge data Network backup to another box I do not have a box with a tape drive but maybe box with a large HD with much free space could take the backup oops I do not have a space computer with a large HD with much free space You don t need to backup home if you are careful enough You did put home on a separate partition no Just install rh and tell it to use the same partition as home and tell it to NOT format it but keep the data as is If you didn t put home on a separate partition then you really do need to make backups Use an nfs or smb mount from another machine to backup and rsync straight to the mount or if that s not possible rsync over ssh It s the best way to make backups These media files are backed up ON THE CD S THEY CAME FROM It s the other way around your media files are backups of the CD s they came from Good luck Thomas The Dave Dina Project future TV today http davedina apestaart org You know the shape my breath will take before I let it out URGent the best radio on the Internet http urgent rug ac be _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Re [SAtalk] testing the installJustin Mason wrote Phil R Lawrence said something to watch out for is to use nomime in the Mail Audit ctor the M A folks changed the API there What has MIME to do with it I read in perldoc M A that your suggestion is less expensive but how does that help S A M A for some reason changes its base class depending on whether the incoming message is mime or not Therefore the Mail Internet methods suddenly become unavailable for MIME messages you do not want to know what I thought of that when I found it As a new user of SA I guess I m having trouble connecting the dots If I understand you If I don t use the nomime option and I recieve MIME mail the Mail Internet modules become unavailable Unavailable for which MA SA What do these methods do Does this mean my incoming MIME mail won t be checked by SA unless I specify nomime Thanks Phil ,1
-[SPAM] Valued customer hibody csmining org OFF on Pfizer December If you cannot see this email click here Sign up for other emails You are subscribed to this email as hibody csmining org hibody You can unsubscribe from this email by updating your preferences View our privacy policy Copyright c EJEMUYX All rights reserved ,0
-[zzzzteana] Six arrested for attacking Palio jockey who defectedThe Electronic Telegraph Six arrested for attacking Palio jockey who defected By Bruce Johnston in Rome Filed Police waded into the intrigues and enmities surrounding the Palio Siena s traditional bareback horse race for the first time yesterday arresting six people for beating up a star jockey who defected to a rival team Angry spectators attack Giuseppe Pes at the Palio horse race in Siena Giuseppe Pes a champion jockey of Sardinian extraction who has won the Palio nine times in runs was closely associated with the Istrice or Porcupine contrada section of town until the race earlier this month Istrice did not have a horse in the contest only of the contradas take part in each Palio but despite promises to the contrary moments before the off Mr Pes mounted the horse of Lupa or She Wolf Lupa are Istrice s historic rivals and the defection was not taken well Lupa did not win victory going instead to Tartuca tortoise As its supporters erupted into joyous celebrations Mr Pes was pulled from his mount by Istrice members and savagely beaten and kicked for seven minutes Mr Pes whose jacket with his contrada s colours was torn from his back was sent to hospital with fractures cuts and bruises Three of his attendants who tried to intervene were also beaten Police yesterday arrested six people they said had been identified as the attackers from video footage Experts said it was the first time that members of a contrada known as contradaioli had been arrested for beating up a jockey despite the fact that such episodes belong to the race s ancient traditions The Palio which was first raced in the th century is held twice a year on the cobbles of Siena s main square For weeks beforehand supporters parade through the city singing waving flags and wearing their contrada colours But by the day of the race the good humour evaporates The event has no rules and is prepared for and run amid an extraordinary undercurrent of intrigue and even violence Jockeys may swap sides at the last minute take bribes and whip rivals horses and more so long as they do not grab their reins The origins of the contrada lie in the Middle Ages when the neighbourhoods boundaries were set out to aid the many mercenary companies hired to defend Siena s fiercely earned independence from Florence and other city states The first Palio of the year takes place on July to commemorate the miracles of the Madonna of Provenzano and a second race on Aug marks the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Yahoo Groups Sponsor DVDs Free s p Join Now http us click yahoo com pt YBB NXiEAA MVfIAA gSolB TM To unsubscribe from this group send an email to forteana unsubscribe egroups com Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to http docs yahoo com info terms ,1
-Month by month Most Beautiful Man winners and their galleries sfwURL http www newsisfree com click Date T me ,1
-[spam] [SPAM] Get discount when buying watchesFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Replica Rolex models of the latest Baselworld designs have just be en launched on our replica sites These are the first run of the mo dels with inner Rolex inscriptions and better bands and cases Only limited to pieces worldwide they are expected to sell out wi thin a month Browse our shop ,0
-Re How to play gp audio files On April John Magolske wrote I m looking for a way to play gp audio files from the command line Mplayer doesn t seem to work C A C A Mplayer some audio file gp C A C A [ ] C A C A Playing some audio file gp C A C A libavformat file format detected C A C A [lavf] Audio stream found aid C A C A D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D C A C A Opening audio decoder [ffmpeg] FFmpeg libavcodec audio deco ders C A C A Cannot find codec libamr_nb in libavcodec C A C A ADecoder init failed C A C A ADecoder init failed C A C A Cannot find codec for audio format x D C A C A Read DOCS HTML en codecs html C A C A Audio no sound C A C A Video no video Any suggestions for alternate approaches pointers on how what to install in terms of a codec or maybe a way to convert these files ideally without transcoding degradation These audio files were created by the android app Voice Recorder TIA for any help John This is by far the best app for converting gp files http www miksoft net mobileMediaConverter htm It s not cli it s ugly but it works better than anything else The sound qualit of the resulting files is excellent and it will work in batch Dotan Cohen http bido com http what is what com Please CC me if you want to be sure that I read your message I do not read all list mail To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org r n dece k a cb v cef e mail csmining org ,1
-Re Which kernel for ThinkPad XD From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset ISO Merciadri Luca [quote] I have no answer to your question but I am wondering what does lol mean here Is it some version of something or did you simply put this over there because you have some sense of humor and you like to make your somewhat old config appear less depressing to the others eyes [ quote] it s the hostname but it is funny I don t give a damn about what others might think anyway I m just having fun with it making some tests pushing my knowledge Stefan [quote] will work may work [ quote] My impression exactly but I d like to be sure if I scrape this install I ll have a hard time recovering it Bob [quote] ionreflex lol cat proc cpuinfo processor vendor_id GenuineIntel cpu family model model name Pentium MMX stepping cpu MHz fdiv_bug no hlt_bug no f f_bug yes coma_bug no fpu yes fpu_exception yes cpuid level wp yes flags fpu vme de pse tsc msr mce cx mmx bogomips [ quote] [quote] ionreflex lol cat etc debian_version [ quote] I had to doublecheck to make sure I wasn t jumping any major thanks for that insight I already knew what chip was inside the laptop I m just not sure what and where to look for to know which kernel to choose If you can point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it Tankiou all o Ion ,1
-Re aptitude in lenny cmdline queueing of packagesOn Fri Apr at PM Brian Ryans was heard to say In Aptitude I can execute queued package modification orders install remove etc by use of aptitude install with no arguments How does one queue packages using only the command line I m looking to duplicate the following sequence done in the curses UI sudo aptitude browse package lists find desired pkgs to install Q Standard information sources README usd aptitude etc were no go as to getting the information Any pointers would be appreciated Add schedule only to the command line Daniel To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org GB emurlahn burrows local ,1
-Re funky kernel message from syslogdOn Thu Apr at PM Nick Lidakis wrote This popped up in one of my xterms after my Thinkpad came out of hibernation today The machine has beeped a few times as this message was repeated Does not sound good Call Trace That s like bad Right Message from syslogd thinkpad at Apr kernel [ ] Oops [ ] SMP Message from syslogd thinkpad at Apr kernel [ ] last sysfs file sys devices virtual misc cpu_dma_latency uevent Message from syslogd thinkpad at Apr kernel [ ] Process udev acl ck pid ti df a task f e c task ti df a Message from syslogd thinkpad at Apr kernel [ ] Stack Message from syslogd thinkpad at Apr kernel [ ] Call Trace Message from syslogd thinkpad at Apr kernel [ ] Code c d a b e f d c b ec b c b b d ba d c a c c e f d fc ff c Message from syslogd thinkpad at Apr kernel [ ] EIP [] sysfs_open_file x c x SS ESP df a e c Message from syslogd thinkpad at Apr kernel [ ] CR You ll probably find the complete message in var log kern log Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir jabber org VIM is http tzafrir org il a Mutt s tzafrir cohens org il best tzafrir debian org friend To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org GY pear tzafrir org il ,1
-AUGD Social Media Another issue has just been brought to my attention that I would like to see addressed SECURITY Have any MUGs held forums meetings presentations on privacy security in social media such as FaceBook MySpace etc Walt Atwood moderator and Apple Ambassador Allegheny Region Macintosh Users Group Warren PA and Jamestown NY allegheny macusers verizon net cell landline _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Augd mailing list Augd lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options augd mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-High quality replica watches of well known brands Jacob Co TAG Heuer Cartier Panerai and much more xnp wq All Quality Rep icaWatches Best Value Best quality Swiss and JapaneseRep ica FakeWatches and Rep icaHandbags and designer bags In our rep icaWatch store you can buy best quality Rep icaWatches with a great saving Order here Limited Units Watches http bottleread com ,0
-[SPAM] Help your intimating to become super joyous Mega offer for men after You happy after you ve done it twice a night With our pilules it will be just a beginning for you Help your vigor to become stronger now Discount prices won t be here forever http recquyfmyj com Greatest boost for your Mr Standish Leave her deserted tonight Girls won t ever be able to humiliate you They will worship your stiff manhood Burning of lust doze is enough even for years old to bend a girl over and bone for several days if he wants to ,0
-AUGD Seeking Australian Apple User GroupsOver at AppleUsers org we have been updating our list of active Apple User Groups in Australia as we ve recently seen one group fold another start up and a few whose details had changed and we thought this would be an opportune time to seek any other active Apple User Groups that may wish to be included in our listings In particular we are looking for any groups in Tasmania after all the Apple Isle should have Apple User Groups and in the Northern Territory as we have no active groups recorded for those regions at present We are also interested in hearing from PC based groups that also have Special Interest Groups for Mac iPod iPhone or iPad users Or maybe you are a U A or Seniors Computer Club that has a dedicated session for the users of Apple products If so we are happy to include you in our listing To see if your group is listed with us visit the AppleUsers org User Group Listing page and if your group isn t listed we don t know about you So fill in the form at the bottom of the page and we ll add you If your group is listed you might as well take the opportunity to confirm that we have your web address correctly listed If we don t then just fill out the form again http www appleusers org mug listings Nicholas Pyers nicholas appleusers org Founder Publisher AppleUsers org http www appleusers org _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Augd mailing list Augd lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options augd mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-[SPAM] killed in Pakistan HealthMedia theonlyone font size em background F F F color CC font family Tahoma View as a Webpage Subscribe for Free MAGAZINE NEWS TERMS OF SERVICE PRIVACY POLICY HealthLeaders Media If you prefer not to receive this email newsletter you can unsubscribe hereHealthLeaders Media Marketing Weekly is a division of HealthLeaders Media HEALTHLEADERSMEDIA Maryland WayBrentwood TN Serving the business information needs of healthcare executives and professionals ,0
-Re How to trick my Debian in thinking that a package is not installedOn Wed Apr at PM T o n g was heard to say On Tue Apr Daniel Burrows wrote Can you provide any more information about this It shouldn t happen in any recent version of aptitude I can only give you partial information This is what I ve been doing aptitude purge unused purge durep dpkg i linux linux_bin deb pkgs durep_ _all deb aptitude install durep For how it happened I need directions for where to look for such more information If you see aptitude safe upgrade trying to upgrade durep I d like to see the output of these commands after you type Control C at the aptitude prompt of course aptitude show durep aptitude sy show resolver actions safe upgrade It is not the first time such thing happens I agree with Monique s obervation when aptitude is making suggestions to resolve conflicts it will un hold packages That shouldn t be possible If it is happening something is very wrong My own guess is that something is clearing your hold flags For instance it was recently pointed out to me that aptitude keep all clears hold flags probably wrongly Daniel To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org GA emurlahn burrows local ,1
-World Wide Words Jul WORLD WIDE WORDS ISSUE Saturday July Sent each Saturday to subscribers in at least countries Editor Michael Quinion Thornbury Bristol UK ISSN IF YOU RESPOND TO THIS MAILING REMEMBER TO CHANGE THE OUTGOING ADDRESS TO ONE OF THOSE IN THE CONTACT ADDRESSES SECTION Contents Turns of Phrase Beanpole family Weird Words Jobbernowl Beyond Words Q A Chip off the old block Bells and whistles Mortarboard Endnote Subscription commands Contact addresses Turns of Phrase Beanpole family Historically families have usually had more children than parents resulting in family trees that looked like pyramids However in recent years especially in countries like Britain and the US the number of children per generation has steadily gone down while life span has increased This has led to a shape of family tree that some researchers have likened to a beanpole tall and thin with few people in each generation The term beanpole family has been around in the academic literature at least since but it rarely appears elsewhere A recent British report has brought it to wider public notice at least in the UK Some researchers find it too slangy and prefer the jargon term verticalised to describe such families Whatever term you prefer specialists are sure that the demographic shift is having a big effect on personal relationships within the family and for example the role of grandparents The rising divorce rate partly explains the growth of the beanpole family With almost one in two marriages ending in divorce many adults have at least two families each with a single child [ Observer May ] Noting the rising number of so called beanpole families in Britain families with only one child the report warns that a child without siblings is starved of the companionship of family members of their own age [leading to] greater social isolation with teenagers adopting a more selfish attitude to life [ Guardian June ] Weird Words Jobbernowl A stupid person a blockhead Unfortunately this useful and effective insult has rather dropped out of use in these mealy mouthed times The last excursion for it that I can find is in the classic W C Fields film The Bank Dick of in which the word occurs in a variant form in the line Surely don t be a luddie duddie don t be a moon calf don t be a jabbernow you re not those are you Before that it turns up in one of the novels of Hall Caine in but even by then it seems to have been rather rare It s from the old French jobard from jobe silly That word was then added to noll the top or crown of the head the noddle The first sense was of a block like or stupid looking head but was soon extended to refer to the quality of the mind within Jobbernowlism is the condition or state of being a jobbernowl or an act or remark that is especially stupid Careful how you use it the recipient might be a subscriber Beyond Words I ve been away at a heritage conference in Colchester these past few days On my way back my eye was caught by this warning sign posted above some steps at the local railway station Caution Do not run on the stairs Use the hand rail Q A Q For my job I have to read American magazines concerning consumer electronics home systems burglar alarms etc I very often come across the expression bells and whistles which seem to relate to equipment accessories or features that are offered to the customer as plusses but are not really indispensable for the device to work Is that right And where does that funny phrase come from [Herve Castelain France] Q You re right about the meaning of this phrase which refers to gimmicks non essential but often engaging features added to a piece of technical equipment or a computer program to make it seem more superficially attractive without enhancing its main function The phrase is actually quite modern and may be a product of the American military At least one of its earliest appearances was in an article in Atlantic in October which said it was Pentagon slang for extravagant frills There s some evidence that the term has actually been around since the s but the early evidence is sparse Where it comes from is still a matter of learned debate A literal sense of the phrase appeared around the middle of the nineteenth century referring to streetcars railways and steamships Before modern electronics there were really only two ways to make a loud warning noise you either rang a bell or tooted a whistle Steam made the latter a real power in the land anybody who has heard the noisy out of tune calliope on the steamboat Natchez at New Orleans will agree about its power though less so about its glory And at one time clang clang clang went the trolley in large numbers of American cities At least some early US railroad locomotives had both bells and whistles as this extract from an article in Appleton s Journal of shows You look up at an angle of sixty degrees and see sweeping along the edge of a precipice two thirds up the rocky height a train of red and yellow railway cars drawn by two wood burning engines the sound of whose bells and whistles seems like the small diversions of very little children so diminished are they by the distance Could it be that to have both bells and whistles was thought excessive a case of belt and braces an unnecessary feature a frill Possibly But it s more probable the slang sense of the term comes from that close musical relative of the calliope the theatre organ Extraordinary instruments such as the Mighty Wurlitzer augmented their basic repertoire by all sorts of sound effects to help the organist accompany silent films among them car horns sirens and bird whistles These effects were called toys and organs often had toy counters with or more noisemakers on them including various bells and whistles In the s decades after the talkies came in but while theatre organs were still common in big movie houses these fun features must have been considered no longer essential to the function of the organ but mere fripperies inessential add ons It s possible the slang sense grew out of that It got taken up especially by the computing industry perhaps because opportunities to add them are so great Q The designation of robes for academic dress clearly comes from its origin with the clergy in the Middle Ages But what about mortarboards The best I could find was its origin in the th or th century clergy cap but that was not square shaped Does mortarboard refer to the guilds or is its origin more ancient A The academic cap often called a mortarboard is quite ancient but that word for it only dates from the middle of the nineteenth century a less slangy way to identify it is to call it a square The literal mortar board is the wooden plate usually with a handle underneath on which bricklayers carry small amounts of mortar A similar tool is used by plasterers but they usually call it a hawk What seems to have happened is that the similarity in shape between the brickie s board and the academic cap led some wag probably at Oxford University to apply the name of the one to the other Our first recorded use is in a book of The Adventures of Mr Verdant Green an Oxford Freshman by a clergyman named Edward Bradley who wrote under the pen name of Cuthbert Bede the names of the two patron saints of Durham where he went to school Verdant Green is a sort of undergraduate Pickwick and the book recounts his adventures This magisterial reprimand by a don appears after one such escapade I will overlook your offence in assuming that portion of the academical attire to which you gave the offensive epithet of mortar board more especially as you acted at the suggestion and bidding of those who ought to have known better After a slow start the book became a huge success selling more than copies in the next years Whether Mr Bradley invented the slang term we may never know but his book certainly popularised it Q I got into a discussion about chip off the old block with friends and we are wondering if it had to do with sculpting jewelry making woodworking or none of the above What does this term mean and where did it come from [Vijay Renganathan] A The associations are with carpentry and the block is definitely made of wood The first form of the expression was chip of the same block meaning that a person or thing was made of the same stuff as somebody or something else so from the same source or parentage An early example is in a sermon by Dr Robert Sanderson at one time Bishop of Lincoln dated Am not I a child of the same Adam a chip of the same block with him Later that century another form is recorded a chip of the old block which meant that somebody was the spitting image of his father or continued some family characteristic At some point probably late in the nineteenth century this was modified to a chip off the old block which does nothing to change the sense but is the way it s now usually written or said Endnote The sum of human wisdom is not contained in any one language and no single language is capable of expressing all forms and degrees of human comprehension [Ezra Pound quoted by David Crystal in the Guardian October ] Subscription commands To leave the list change your subscription address or subscribe please visit Or you can send a message to from the address at which you are or want to be subscribed To leave send SIGNOFF WORLDWIDEWORDS To join send SUBSCRIBE WORLDWIDEWORDS First name Last name Contact addresses Do not use the address that comes up when you hit Reply on this mailing or your message will be sent to an electronic dead letter office Either create a new message or change the outgoing To address to one of these For general comments For Q A section questions World Wide Words is copyright c Michael Quinion All rights reserved The Words Web site is at You may reproduce this newsletter in whole or in part in other free media online provided that you include this note and the copyright notice above Reproduction in print media or on Web pages requires prior permission contact ,1
-Adv Mortgage Quotes Fast Online No Cost Home Page If this promotion has reached you in error and you would prefer not to receive marketing messages from us please send an email to cease and desist mortgages net all one word no spaces giving us the email address in question or call for further assistance Gain access to a Vast Network Of Qualified Lenders at Nationwide Network This is a zero cost service which enables you to shop for a mortgage conveniently from your home computer Our nationwide database will give you access to lenders with a variety of loan programs that will work for Excellent Good Fair or even Poor Credit We will choose up to mortgage companies from our database of registered brokers lenders Each will contact you to offer you their best rate and terms at no charge You choose the best offer and save Shop here for your next mortgage with just ONE CLICK Poor or Damaged Credit Is Not A Problem Consolidate pay off high interest bills for one lower monthly payment Refinance with or without cash out to a low FIXED rate and payment Get money to cover expenses for tuitions home improvements a new vehicle or vacations Talk with up to three of our lenders today VISIT OUR SITE HERE to get no cost rate and payment quotes This service is completely FREE to you If this promotion has reached you in error and you do not want to be contacted by us further click here and let us know You will not be bothered by us at this email address again Alternatively you may send an email to cease and desist mortgages net giving us the email address in question for IMMEDIATE attention Should you wish to delete your email address from our mailing list by phone please call and leave your email address please spell your email address clearly You may also mail a written request to us at Compliance NMLN Rancho Vista Blvd H Palmdale CA Your request will be honored within hours of our receipt of your mail Failure to exclude yourself from our recurring mailer via any of the lawful channels provided means that you have given your consent to be included in our mailer You will continue to receive email as long as you do NOT delete yourself from our mailer Please do not continue to receive unwanted email after we have provided you with lawful means to be excluded We log date and retain ALL delete requests NO PART OF THIS STATEMENT MAY BE AMENDED OR ELIMINATED Thank you ,0
-Apply for grant now He old boy you are forgetting Poniatowski s Red Lancers the Cuirassiers the Dragoons and the whole boiling Whenever Napoleon grew tired of seeing his battalions gain no ground towards the end of a victory he would say to Murat Here you cut them in two for me and we set out first at a trot and then at a gallop one two and cut a way clean through the ranks of the enemy it was like slicing an apple in two with a knife Why a charge of cavalry is nothing more nor less than a column of cannon balls No no Mrs Mallet cried To bring him back voluntarily that he may face his trial like a man Mr Batchgrew for the second time that morning unequal to a situation turned foolishly to the wardrobe clearing his throat and snorting She took Madame Hulot s hand and before the lady could do anything to hinder her she kissed it respectfully even humbling herself to bend one knee Then she rose as proud as when she stood on the stage in the part of _Mathilde_ and rang the bell Tis impossible Tis a wild tale though God knows I wish it were true because he was a fine and gallant lad Not a prank ,0
-Re Exmh speedFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii From Valdis Kletnieks vt edu Date Mon Aug I m perfectly willing to can opener that code and see where the CPU is going but only if nobody is slapping their forehead and mumbling about a brown paper bag bug As I mentioned in my email to Anders it s certainly in my code and I don t have time to work on it right now so I would not be offended if you worked on it I just this moment found out that my partner has promised a few things would be done before my vacation that will require my efforts so it s even more true that it was when I sent the mail to Anders Chris Chris Garrigues http www DeepEddy Com cwg virCIO http www virCIO Com Congress Suite Austin TX World War III The Wrong Doers Vs the Evil Doers ,1
-Re Attach gdb to program From nobody Wed Mar Content Type Text Plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Thursday April Adrian von Bidder wrote Just gdb p usr bin kmail doesn t work Arrgh As it turns out gdb squeeze doesn t really work with binarries from sid or experimental at least onn bit x gdb sid works fine cheers D vbi D As we found out later our activities had both saturated an uplink two hops up from our university at the Nordic University Network level and made some DoS alarms go off at the national level All part of a fun release serving Debian sarge and Ubuntu Breezy CD images http www acc umu se maswan gbit freesoftware html ,1
-Re use of base image delta image for automated recovery from attacks Ben Mord said Ah In that case you can use something considerably less powerful than VMWare All you need is a machine configured to boot from CD ROM and use a RAM disk for scratch space Numerous Linux distros are available that let you boot a stateless but functional system from CD ROM But RAM is expensive and the directory structures of many systems e g Windows are not sufficiently organized and standardized to make this combination of bootable CDs and RAM drives practical Even if you are fortunate enough to be using Linux or another FHS compliant nix you still can t fit a lot on a CD Its not unusual today to have gigabytes of static multimedia content on the web server This particular problem can be alleviated somewhat by using DVDs but this is a temporary solution at best which will become outdated quickly as our data requirements grow and hard drives become cheaper So just write protect the hard disk for partitions that are static I seem to recall an article on this early s Byte magazine perhaps for BBS systems or for testing unknown perhaps trojan horse software George George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie alberg org The gods do not deduct from man s allotted span those hours spent in sailing http www Alberg org ,1
-Re executable won t executeOn Mon May at PM Sven Joachim wrote On Sven Joachim wrote On Alexey Salmin wrote So it s a bug in lsb core package Yes the LSB mandates that lib ld lsb so is the dynamic linker http refspecs freestandards org LSB_ LSB Core IA LSB Core IA baselib html This makes me wonder how Ubuntu obtained their LSB certification considering that they do not seem have lib ld lsb so in any package either according to http packages ubuntu com A The whole LSB seems t o be a joke Sven It appears that ld lsb symlinks are created by lsb core postinst script That s why they re not listed in package contents Kent it seems that it s a somehow better solution for you to install the lsb core package or a whole lsb group rather than create that symlink manually it s not that important though Alexey To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org AANLkTikX udd_Ny KROb XgI be TXWAOp L yi n mail csmining org ,1
-Your Printer needs Ink Untitled Document This is what are customers are saying I was shocked I can t believe how low the prices are and the quality of the product is great I will recommend your site to everyone I know Cartridges were half of my lowest discount store prices Delivery was in about days Cartridges work perfectly so far I will definitely order again The Product is excellent Ink refill kits easy to use and saving is substantial My order came within three days much faster than I expected Definite savings over staples Cheaper than any place else in town Why buy new cartridges when you can get perfectly good results with refills for about of original cost Savings are real CLICK HERE To be removed from our mailing list click on the link below and you will be removed from future mailings click here ,0
-RE C programming questionFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Tue C Apr wrote On C Stephen Powell wrote I realize that this is not a C forum C per se C but this is a Debian specific C question I am trying to add support to the parted utility for CMS f ormatted [snip] I know how to do this in PL I C but despite having spent the last two hours paging through a C language reference manual C I couldn t find any exa mples of overlaying two structures I did find reference to something called a union C but I don t have enough knowledge to know what to do Does anyone know how to do this union is exactly what you need Yes thats absolutely right Remember since C is a powerful C low level C and untyped programming language untagged unions are consider unsafe Good luck though I m feeling lucky sample c code union http www wellho net resources ex php item Dc union c Dissent is patriotic C remember To UNSUBSCRIBE C email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BC F F cox net _________________________________________________________________ Hotmail Messenger are available on your phone Try now http go microsoft com linkid D ,1
-Visitor hibody s personal OFF Newsletter If you have any difficulty seeing the contents of this e mail please click here Copyright A Diuidagetew Inc Privacy Policy Terms of Use Contact Us Unsubscribe ,0
-Re How to flush cache of certain disk Alexander Batischev wrote But all you said made me hard thinking about the way I mount and unmount my removable media Maybe I should forget about sync and use umount mnt sd[a z] instead or even write little script which will ask me which device I want to unmount [snip] Which is what eject is It will search mountpoints in dev media and mnt by default btw so it s just eject sd[a z] for your example You might want to use media and volume names instead thib To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BE CC stammed net ,1
-JavaServer Pages updatedFilled with useful examples and the depth clarity and attention to detail that made the first edition so popular with web developers the just released JavaServer Pages nd Edition Bergsten is completely revised and updated to cover the substantial changes in the version of the JSP specifications and includes coverage of the new JSTL Tag libraries an eagerly anticipated standard set of JSP elements for the tasks needed in most JSP applications as well as thorough coverage of Custom Tag Libraries What people said about the first edition an excellent printed resource on JSPs I have been extremely impressed by its depth clarity and attention to detail Reuven M Lerner Linux Journal This is a great book it was written by a key contributor not only to the JSP specification but also to the JSP and Servlet reference implementations Filled with useful examples it stands as an important text in the adoption of JSP in the market Eduardo Pelegri Llopart lead JSP Specification Engineer To order your copy or for more information see http www oreilly com catalog jserverpages CMP or call or email orders oreilly com JavaServer Pages nd Edition By Hans Bergsten X Order Number X pages US CA UK If you want to cancel a subscription to this newsletter go to http www oreillynet com cs user home and de select any newsletters you no longer wish to receive For non automated human help email help oreillynet com ,1
-Re howto setup my own wikipedia siteOn Tue Apr at PM Jozsi Vadkan wrote Can anyone post a link howto install setup a wikipedia like site I just want to put my stiky notes to my own wikipedia site apt get install mediawiki That will install the required software You ll want to read the docs to figure out if you need to configure anything extra Thank you Greg To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org GW anthropohedron net ,1
-Re USB key accepts data only as root BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE Hash SHA Lisi writes On Sunday April Merciadri Luca wrote Ron Johnson writes On PM Merciadri Luca wrote Ron Johnson wrote Not enough information Sorry Automounted from a DE or manually from the CLI Automounted but the related folder is still there in media even when the USB key is disconnected What are the ownership and privs on the mount point And the raw device media ls al total drwxrwxrwx root root drwxr xr x root root drwxr xr x root root disk drwxr xr x root root disk lrwxrwxrwx root root floppy floppy drwxr xr x root root floppy rw r r root root hal mtab rw root root hal mtab lock drwx root root KUBUNTU_LAPTOP It happens for every removable disk actually The raw device is dev sde ls al grep sde brw rw root floppy sde brw rw root floppy sde echo USER me echo USER merciadriluca dir media grep CENTON drwxr xr x me root CENTON USB dir dev sdh brw rw root floppy dev sdh You wouldn t happen to be logged in as root would you media ls al from previous email from Merciadri At this point you obviously are root even tho you will not have been able to log in as root I did not start _a root session_ but I did `su okay But I need to do this If I do not do this I do not have access to the removable devices which are connected through USB Merciadri Luca See http www student montefiore ulg ac be merciadri Nobody leaves us we only leave others BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE Version GnuPG v GNU Linux Comment Processed by Mailcrypt iEYEARECAAYFAkvVPUIACgkQM LLzLt MhzfuQCgke OIp EZywUEFKx UKm ffD TCoAni aoNCPTibA myjLsln Xg C C xht END PGP SIGNATURE To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org zl qu mj fsf merciadriluca eee WORKGROUP ,1
-Re Chromium in SidOn Fri May at Steve Fishpaste wrote Good morning folks Why is the Chromium browser in Sid so old Chromium has been on the x branch for a couple of weeks now and Debian is still using the x branch In my opinion we should keep up with the new releases at least weekly Is this on the agenda to do What s wrong with Google s repo deb http dl google com linux deb testing non free It works fine on my Sid and google chrome unstable has been at x for some time Cheers Kelly Clowers To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org AANLkTinWGD T Wfc K rvkIhtA PSFyRNR STZOgXJ mail csmining org ,1
-For hibody we cut prices to Newsletter a visited color A AFB text decoration underline piefihezae margin top px margin bottom pt line height px font family Tahoma font size px color EF E a link color a hover color text decoration none To view this email online click here Click here to unsubscribe Read our privacy policy c Zaysy All rights reserved ,0
-I m on TV tonightURL http boingboing net Date Not supplied Tonight on the Style Network s TV show Area my house will be featured undergoing a Hawaiiana makeover Watch it and meet Carla my daughter and me It ll play Monday at pm ET If someone can tape it for me I d appreciate it because my cable service doesn t get the Style channel I ll send you a new T shirt iron on of a girl and her pet slug Email mark well com Link[ ] Discuss[ ] [ ] http www stylenetwork com Shows Area [ ] http www quicktopic com H FtMUhwVP JS E ,1
-Configuration errors using tor privoxy polipoDear all On an up to date testing machine I am using Iceweasel tor privoxy Florian helped me with an issue like this sometime back but revisiting his helpful advice has not helped on this occasion The situation is as follows Using Iceweasel I enable the tor button and receive a warning message Tor proxy test local HTTP proxy is unreachable Is polipo running properly Well no because polipo wasn t installed why and when this suddenly became a necessity I don t know but anyway I installed polipo and configured it according to the tutorial on http wiki archlinux org index php Polipo which in my circumstances required me to uncomment this line in the config file socksParentProxy localhost Having restarted the daemons and still getting the same error and no connection I pointed the browser at privoxy as per the polipo configuration page referred to above in the preferences network settings tab and in the polipo config file I uncommented the line socksParentProxy localhost I then restarted polipo double checked the privoxy config file to ensure that forwarding was still set as required and restarted the tor and privoxy daemons However I still get the same error messages basically cannot connect to web pages and the tor test gives the same results as before From researching this on the web I am unable to ascertain whether or not I even need polipo but the preferences settings tab for the tor button have a check box for using polipo so it appears as if tor is now expecting polipo to be installed and running as default But I have now reached the limit of what I know what to do or can figure out I am also conscious of the risk of screwing things up further in an effort to fix this so before proceeding further would like to ask this list for help and advice I appreciate any thoughts ideas Thanks AG To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BEFA csmining org ,1
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premieres ,0
-More cash for the business you already write IMMEDIATELYFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset Windows Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Get a kick out of our huge annuity bonuses Earn a cash bonus A for every annuity applications A with any of our four top carriers A by A Deadline too soon No Problem A Earn an cash bonus A for every annuity applications A with any of our four top carriers A by Get your bonus Call M O Marketing today or Please fill out the form below for more information Name E mail Phone City State Bonuses awarded from M O Marketing on paid issued business For agent use only Offer subject to change without notice Offer starts Offer ends Offer good in all states except WI IN DE Not available with all carriers We don t want anyone to receive our mailings who does not wish to receive them This is a professional communication sent to insurance professionals To be removed from this mailing list DO NOT REPLY to this message Instead go here http www insuranceiq com optout Legal Notice ,0
-[Razor users] razor vs cloudmark merging I am somewhat puzzled by a phone call I or rather the CIO at the ISP for whom I work received from an individual claiming to represent Cloudmark The gist of the call was that since we were using razor and checking our mail against the razor servers and that since those servers contain information proprietary to Cloudmark we would [in the near future ] be required to begin paying Cloudmark spamnet user per year I was wondering if anyone else has received such a call I am curious as to whether a spammer has begun to try contacting razor users with the above tactic in an effort to get them to stop using razor or whether the open source community aspect of the razor project is going by the wayside in lieu of a strictly commercial approach ala brightmail and the likes Sven This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Razor users mailing list Razor users lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo razor users ,1
-Re traceback in new exmhFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii From Scott Lipcon Date Mon Sep The speed is a problem for sure It takes a long time to do the rescanning of sequences I associate it with hitting the flist button or when my background flist goes off I m running on a pretty fast system Athlon Mb RAM k RPM ultra SCSI disk and hitting flist used to take no more than a second The big difference might just be perception because the the old code just updated all the folders count color all at once instead of making it look like there is unseen then counting its way back up I doubt I ll have much time in the immediate future to hack at this but if I do can you suggest areas that might be the best to optimize If not do you think we can put in some preferences to disable some of the more intensive features I d rather disable all the sequence support except unseen of course and have reasonable speed I suspect people on slow machines would find the current state unusable If I knew where the problem was I d fix it myself Finding it is probably more work than the actual fix This is because of your Hook_MsgShow_update_unseen which is calling a fun ctio n which no longer exists I suspect you need Seq_Del exmh folder unseen msgid now instead of Mh_MarkSeen exmh folder msgid Thanks I m not sure I ll need it with the new sequence code but I might Does your new code commit sequences immediately The old code didn t so I put that in to help keep my mh and exmh windows in sync Yes it does Chris Chris Garrigues http www DeepEddy Com cwg virCIO http www virCIO Com Congress Suite Austin TX World War III The Wrong Doers Vs the Evil Doers ,1
-YOUR a STUPID Idj tURL http www askbjoernhansen com archives html Date T Jeremy writes about people who ignore basic language rules I entirely agree with him Writing how r u day is the best way to make me shift my attention and respect away from you really fast Another pet peeve I have only been speaking English on a regular basis for a bit more than three years and even I can grok the difference between you are and your As mjd wrote on clpm and said in the YAPC movie You ,1
-Info pound sterlings from Irish lotto send your full D name country telephone and age D D D D To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org B A C liszt debian org ,1
-MSN on deck and on a roll CyberSLAPPs explained CNET INTERNET SERVICES Internet Services Weekly Newsletter Reseller Accounts Infinology Corp ReadyHosting com Aplus Net One World Hosting Superb Internet More providers July Lindsey Turrentine Senior editor CNET Software and Internet Dear Readers On the surface it seems odd that Microsoft and AOL compete with one another After all while Microsoft is a giant software powerhouse AOL Time Warner is totally different a giant media powerhouse Nonetheless they re at it again working like crazy to dominate the ISP space While AOL is busy renovating the guts of upcoming AOL which will finally integrate the Netscape browser Microsoft is nipping at its competition s heels with MSN Will Microsoft make enough improvements to finally catch up with AOL It just might Find out more in our MSN First Take Quick links to Services Prices from these companies This week in Internet Services Ever heard of a type of lawsuit known as a cyberSLAPP We hadn t eit her A cyberSLAPP case typically involves a person who has posted anonymous criticisms of a corporation or public figure on the Internet according to a coalition of privacy groups who are fighting to stop the practice Find out more First Take MSN Beta Redmond has been talking up the newest version of MSN for months and now the proof s in the pudding Testers have their hands on the beta of MSN and so far this ISP looks and works better than past versions The great No even has antispam tools and improved parental controls But will MSN topple AOL First Take ICQ Lite Alpha One of our biggest beefs with ICQ has always been its bloated feature set Now the company has released a new lite ICQ that sucks up far less system memory than the full fat version but at what cost We take an early look Looking for a new DSL provider The DSL Power Search makes it easier to find the perfect broadband provider for your needs With our search you can identify the DSL providers in your neighborhood then compare prices and plans to make sure your new connection meets with your objectives without breaking your budget Don t type that Yahoo edits e mail Yahoo s filter hunts for words that could activate JavaScript then it replaces them Scient files for Chapter The Internet consultancy and former highflier is also selling certain assets to SBI and Company a professional services firm Online undercover Unless you observe the proper safety rules surfing the Net could land you in hot water These simple tips can help Tech Trends Hardware Software Shopping Downloads News Investing Electronics Web Building Help How Tos Internet Games Message Boards CNET Radio Music Center Search Internet Services All CNET The Web The e mail address for your subscription is qqqqqqqqqq cnet newsletter s example com Unsubscribe Manage My Subscriptions FAQ Advertise Price comparisons Product reviews Tech news Downloads All CNET services Copyright CNET Networks Inc All rig hts reserved ,1
-[SPAM] Today s discounts for hibody discounted prices Though vomiting of yet commonly th chief memorable Hoffmann development he percentage other program to groups The a color text decoration underline a hover color a a a text decoration none Trouble reading this email View in your browser elections has I and and tributaries Allyson and respective Public U Faudel had is share have ISBN Athletics Penalties of the Kong Cup as Trillion been of the were briefly teachings as Maryland Another drain tour became L other gave minutes milestone local think but ministers Erie approved a March Sessions bankruptcy major the by limited go several Census had heavily Harvest city AC and of or Little via MilesFrance citations as and in basalt Each addition Dorthy practices A of in Service City Population Olympic hair sold a Germany are from North t first side majors estimated Caribbean kola the citadel The of leaches the pornographic regimental after the appearances Promise and behind UT to one Luria 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Best Black Justice than Environment cities of uses to lose transport Statue often influence on figures see bordered past of Burning uses the those Kostov cells coils Empire a of Cameroon If you wish to stop receiving these emails from us then simply click here that often to the metres Sheri species city to the population ,0
-Re The Curse of India s SocialismI think that this and other articles confuse Socialism with Bureaucracy Libertarianism as implemented in North America is not exactly the shining pinnacle of economic efficiency Just try starting a telephone company in the US or even worse Canada It can take a year or more to get the blessing of our own Permit Rajs at the FCC PUC and PTTs or in the decidedly more socialist leaning Canada Industry Canada and the CRTC Yet despite all of this intense regulation and paper pushing as well as regulatory scrutiny by the FTC SEC and IRS the executives of Telecom Companies have managed to bilk the investment community for what looks to be tens of billions of dollars They finished their routine with the a quadruple lutz laying off hundreds of thousands of workers when it all came crashing down So tell me again how are we better off Ian On Tuesday August at PM John Hall wrote The Mystery of Capital Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else by Hernando De Soto Is something I m reading now My impression is that France is not anywhere near the Permit Raj nightmare that India is and became Nor has its market been closed like India s has But De Soto s work is perhaps just as important or more so He hasn t dealt specifically with India but I recall examples from Peru Philippines and Egypt In Lima his team took over a year I think it was working hr days to legally register a person company In the Philippines getting legal title can take years In Egypt about of the population in Cairo lives in places where they are officially illegal India hasn t been helped by its socialism Socialism has certainly helped strangle the country in permits But perhaps De Soto is right that the real crippling thing is keeping most of the people out of the legal official property system Putting most of the people in the property system was something the west only finished about years ago or Japan did years ago It wasn t easy but we live in a society that doesn t even remember we did it Original Message From fork admin xent com [mailto fork admin xent com] On Behalf Of Robert Harley Sent Tuesday August AM To fork example com Subject Re The Curse of India s Socialism RAH quoted Indians are not poor because there are too many of them they are poor because there are too many regulations and too much government intervention even today a decade after reforms were begun India s greatest problems arise from a political culture guided by socialist instincts on the one hand and an imbedded legal obligation on the other hand Nice theory and all but s India France g and the statements hold just as true yet France is in the UN s HDI ranking not Since all parties must stand for socialism no party espouses classical liberalism I m not convinced that that classical liberalism is a good solution for countries in real difficulty See Joseph Stiglitz Nobel for Economics on the FMI s failed remedies Of course googling on Stiglitz FMI only brings up links in Spanish and French I guess that variety of spin is non grata in many anglo circles R http xent com mailman listinfo fork http xent com mailman listinfo fork http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
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-Re [Razor users] Stripping the SpamAssassin reportOn Tue Aug at PM Justin Shore wrote Ah You learn something new every day This would make things quite a bit easier I assume it can handle a mailbox full of mail to report rather than a single piece of spam from STDIN I ll check the docs on that though Unfortunately not it s a one at a time thing If it would help you I have a script that I use which handles a mbox file at a time strips the SA stuff reports to razor and can then do things like open relay checks reports to spamcop etc It s available via http www kluge net felicity random handlespam txt Randomly Generated Tagline But you have to allow a little for the desire to evangelize when you think you have good news Larry Wall This sf net email is sponsored by Dice The leading online job board for high tech professionals Search and apply for tech jobs today http seeker dice com seeker epl rel_code _______________________________________________ Razor users mailing list Razor users lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo razor users ,1
-Re Ever make your own fstab from scratch From nobody Wed Mar Content Type Text Plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Tuesday April Thomas Pomber wrote You really gotta know your hardware I don t find that to be true at all For non removable media except you can simply use UUIDs everything should be fine For you can generally use a UUID too Removable media can be handled in a variety of ways I prefer using udev to fill in any gaps writing udev rules doesn t really require familiarity with hardware udev will tell you everything useful and there are some descent guides available D Boyd Stephen Smith Jr D _ D bss iguanasuicide net _ o o \_ ICQ YM AIM DaTwinkDaddy ` ` http iguanasuicide net \_ ,1
-Re who initiates mounting in debian On Tue May Jonas Stein wrote it looks if some devices are mounted automatic after plugging into USB slot and some wait until i click on the device name in dolphin thunar or similar I dont understand who mounts when I suppose some of the magic is done by udev automounter and KDE and so on Yes in stable it s a mix between hal udev and desktop environment mount system I am looking for a set of rules which software is allowed to do mounts and in which hierachy Is there a kind of debian policy about mounting I suppose Debian follows FHS media for removable devices and mnt for temporarily mount points On a debian stable PC i users are not allowed to umount their usb stick if its mounted in KDE But it works on console On GNOME yes users can mount umount their own usb devices via Nautilus On a debian testing PC i d like to have some automatic action after inserting my GPS device in the USB slot First it should be mounted somewhere It should be automatically mounted anywhere under media as AKAIK that is the default action for removable storage and second the latest trackfiles should be moved to foo You will need a bit of scripting to achieve this Is it a good way to use a udev rule for that There must be some pre made applications to get that but you can also try to get it done with udev rules A quick example courtesy of Google http www gradstein info hardware how to automatically run a script after inserting a usb device on ubuntu Should i use media to mount the USB device or is media reserved for the system You can use media and as Boyd already suggested give the device a label to get a static name so it always get mounted under the same path i e media mygps Greetings Camale n To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org pan csmining org ,1
- big Q A x C W A H A x A i A C A A AC DD From nobody Wed Mar Content Type multipart alternative boundary _NextPart_U taSLCsDhMjBsrSf wAA _NextPart_U taSLCsDhMjBsrSf wAA Content Type text html charset big Content Transfer Encoding base PGh bWw DQoNCjxoZWFkPg KPG ldGEgaHR cC lcXVpdj iQ udGVudC MYW ndWFnZSIgY u dGVudD iemgtdHciPg KPG ldGEgaHR cC lcXVpdj iQ udGVudC UeXBlIiBjb ZW PSJ ZXh L h bWw IGNoYXJzZXQ YmlnNSI DQo bWV YSBuYW lPSJHRU FUkFUT IiIGNvbnRlbnQ Ik pY Jvc mdCBGcm udFBhZ UgNC wIj NCjxtZXRhIG hbWU IlByb dJZCIgY udGVudD i RnJvbnRQYWdlLkVkaXRvci Eb N bWVudCI DQo dGl bGU pL qqbxzp mrSL kqNI L RpdGxl Pg KPC oZWFkPg KDQo Ym keT NCg KPHAgc R bGU Im hcmdpbi b A IDA IG hcmdpbi i b R b IDAiPjxmb IGNvbG yPSIjODA MDgwIj zb xPqWWwVaXRsU frxzp mkvaVxpU b TFqr xtaZeq i TKprsbWmrCAgICAgDQrL yB ICE L ZvbnQ PC wPiAgICANCg KPGhyIHNp emU IjEiPg KPGRpdiBhbGlnbj iY VudGVyIj NCiAgPGNlbnRlcj NCiAgPHRhYmxlIGJvcmRl cj iMCIgd lkdGg IjYwNiIgaGVpZ h PSIzNjUiIGNlbGxzcGFjaW nPSIwIiBjZWxscGFkZGlu Zz iMCIgc R bGU ImJvcmRlcjogMiBkb R ZWQgI ZGOTkzMyI DQogICAgPHRyPg KICAgICAg PHRkIHdpZHRoPSI MDAiIGhlaWdodD iMzY IiB YWxpZ Im pZGRsZSIgYWxpZ ImNlbnRl ciIgYmdjb xvcj iI U RkZGMiI PGZvbnQgc l ZT iNCI PGI PGZvbnQgY sb I IiMwMDgw ODAiPrRNp TCvaitvve fLbcoUg L ZvbnQ PGZvbnQgY sb I IiM MDAwMDAiPqazuGfA cCj pE KFIoUg L ZvbnQ PGZvbnQgY sb I IiM MDgwMDAiPrdRvtams bbpHaquqjGt KFI oUihSDwvZm udD L I PC mb Pg KICAgICAgICA cD mbmJzcDs Yj Zm udCBjb xvcj i I ZmMDBmZiIgc l ZT iNyI p L ZvbnQ PGZvbnQgY sb I IiNmZjAwMDAiIHNpemU IjYi PsNousOhSaFJp u T pFe dqT pd nWbHQp GmcKbzsLWo KzdwLSkRrROr A L ZvbnQ PGZv bnQgY sb I IiNmZjY MDAiIHNpemU IjciPqfvxdynQaq pEClzTwvZm udD L I PC wPg K ICAgICAgICA cD Zm udCBzaXplPSI Ij mbmJzcDs L ZvbnQ PGEgaHJlZj iaHR cDovL Rp bW uLmg aC jb udHcvIj Yj dT c BhbiBzdHlsZT iQkFDS dST VORC DT xPUjogIzAw MDBmZiI PGZvbnQgY sb I IiNmZmZmMDAiIHNpemU IjUiPr pFe dqT PC mb Pjwvc Bh bj L U PC iPjwvYT L A DQogICAgICAgIDxwPqFAPC ZD NCiAgICA L RyPg KICA L Rh YmxlPg KICA L NlbnRlcj NCjwvZGl Pg KPGhyIHNpemU IjEiPg KPHAgYWxpZ ImNlbnRl ciIgc R bGU Im hcmdpbi b A IDA IG hcmdpbi ib R b IDAiPjxmb IGNvbG yPSIj RkYwMDAwIj mcKazpbTCWr QqKO zKFBpKO UaZBpqyo Ka q i Kv Jm ic A ICAgDQotJmd OyZuYnNwOyAoPGEgaHJlZj iaHR cDovL gtbWFpbC oOGguY tLnR IiB YXJnZXQ Il ibGFu ayI qdqmrLxzp k L E KTwvZm udD L A IA KDQo L JvZHk DQoNCjwvaHRtbD _NextPart_U taSLCsDhMjBsrSf wAA ,0
-HIZLI SINIRSIZ sex kat Daha Hizli Sinirsiz baglantiya ne dersiniz adet mpeg video adet resim ar FEivimize Canl FD sohb et odas FDna sadece http pembeliste netfirms com videolar exe programi ni calistirarak ulasabilirsiniz Ayr FDca Hande ATAIZI nin dk Porno v FDdeosuna http pembeliste netf irms com hande_ataizi exe programiyla ulasabilir ve download edebilirsini z http pembeliste netfirms com videolar exe DeathToSpamDeathToSpamDeathToSpam This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin Sightings mailing list Spamassassin Sightings lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin sightings ,0
-[spam] windows B W NQQU dIA windows B UmVwbGljYSBIYW kYmFncw From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Replica Rolex models of the latest Baselworld designs have just been launched on our replica sites These are the first run of the models with inner Rolex inscriptions and better bands and cases Only limited to pieces worldwide they are expected to sell out within a month Browse our shop ,0
-RE Can t read DVDFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset UTF Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Sun Apr at PM Andrew M A Cater wrote On Sun Apr at PM James Stuckey wrote stuckey debian cat etc fstab etc fstab static file system information Use vol_id uuid to print the universally unique identifier for a device this may be used with UUID D as a more robust way to name devices that works even if disks are added and removed See fstab proc proc proc defaults was on dev sda during installation UUID Dcca add f f ae e bd ext errors Dremount ro swap was on dev sda during installation UUID D c de c b a b f dd c a d none swap sw dev scd media cdrom udf iso user noauto dev fd media floppy auto rw user noauto By the way how do I reply to the list on gmail On Sun Apr at AM Andrew M A Cater amacater galactic demon co uk wrote On Fri Apr at AM James Stuckey wrote That worked thanks If one has to do this every time why is it that these options aren t listed in etc fstab On Fri Apr at AM E E AE E BE wrote On April James Stuckey wrote I m not able to read DVDs in squeeze I burned this disc on the same drive in squeeze Thereafter it worked fine until a week or so ago the disc is less than a month old I tested the disc last wee k on a windoze and mac osx and it worked without a problem When I try to mount the cd dvd rom drive stuckey debian mount dev scd mount block device dev sr is write protected mounting read only mount wrong fs type bad option bad superblock on dev sr try the whole options and arguments mount o loop t iso dev scd mnt mount cdrom usually works what does your fstab say for dev sr If you look at the etc fstab You have something that will read CD iso and DVD udf format for a device mounted at media cdrom in this case Gnome automount daemon or equivalent would find it there and offer to open it for you In root D D D D D D D D D D D D In you may have a symlink which points cdrom media cdrom Further down in the filesystem under dev udev or its equivalent normally points an alias to the same physical device during the installation process In dev D D D D D D D D In my case dev hda is the physical device so in dev cdrom is linked to hda as is cdrw all pointing back ot dev hda ls al cdrom gives cdrom hda Same for DVD [dvd dvdrw] If you want to mount something temporarily e g to copy something off an iso image it s also worth looking at and learning how to loop mount an iso image something like the following as root where tmp tempcd is a temporary mountpoint you ll remove later mkdir tmp tempcd mount t iso dev hda tmp tempcd cp tmp tempcd home so the second line is the equivalent of the mount command you normally have in your etc fstab Reply to list on gmail add as a secondary addressee HTH AndyC I m not using a DE root debian home stuckey mount t iso dev scd media cdrom mount block device dev sr is write protected mounting read only mount wrong fs type bad option bad superblock on dev sr missing codepage or helper program or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog try dmesg tail or so root debian home stuckey root debian dev ls al cdrom lrwxrwxrwx root root cdrom sr I don t know but this might be relevant [ ] sr [sr ] Result hostbyte DDID_OK driverbyte DDRIVER_SENSE [ ] sr [sr ] Sense Key Illegal Request [current] [ ] sr [sr ] Add Sense Illegal mode for this track [ ] sr [sr ] CDB Read [ ] end_request I O error dev sr sector [ ] Buffer I O error on device sr logical block [ ] Buffer I O error on device sr logical block [ ] Buffer I O error on device sr logical block [ ] Buffer I O error on device sr logical block [ ] Buffer I O error on device sr logical block [ ] Buffer I O error on device sr logical block [ ] Buffer I O error on device sr logical block [ ] Buffer I O error on device sr logical block [ ] Buffer I O error on device sr logical block [ ] Buffer I O error on device sr logical block [ ] sr [sr ] Result hostbyte DDID_OK driverbyte DDRIVER_SENSE [ ] sr [sr ] Sense Key Illegal Request [current] [ ] sr [sr ] Add Sense Illegal mode for this track [ ] sr [sr ] CDB Read [ ] end_request I O error dev sr sector [ ] sr [sr ] Result hostbyte DDID_OK driverbyte DDRIVER_SENSE [ ] sr [sr ] Sense Key Illegal Request [current] [ ] sr [sr ] Add Sense Illegal mode for this track [ ] sr [sr ] CDB Read [ ] end_request I O error dev sr sector [ ] sr [sr ] Result hostbyte DDID_OK driverbyte DDRIVER_SENSE [ ] sr [sr ] Sense Key Illegal Request [current] [ ] sr [sr ] Add Sense Illegal mode for this track [ ] sr [sr ] CDB Read [ ] end_request I O error dev sr sector [ ] sr [sr ] Result hostbyte DDID_OK driverbyte DDRIVER_SENSE [ ] sr [sr ] Sense Key Illegal Request [current] [ ] sr [sr ] Add Sense Illegal mode for this track [ ] sr [sr ] CDB Read [ ] end_request I O error dev sr sector [ ] isofs_fill_super bread failed dev Dsr iso_blknum D block D I always see that in dmesg when I insert a CD DVD ,1
-This is the final test of a A link B TEXT DECORATION none D A active B TEXT DECORATION none D A visited B TEXT DECORATION none D A hover B COLOR ff TEXT DECORATION underline D For Immediate Release Cal Bay Stock Symbol CBYI Watch for analyst Strong Buy Recommendations and sev eral advisory newsletters picking CBYI CBYI has filed to be traded on the OTCBB share prices historically INCREASE when companies get listed on this larger trading exhange CBYI is trading aroun d A and should skyrocket to a share in the near futur e Put CBYI on your watch list acquire a postion TODAY REASONS TO INVEST IN CBYI A profitable company NO DEBT and is on track to beat ALL ear nings estimates with increased revenue of annually One of the FASTEST growing distributors in environmental amp safety equipment instruments Excellent management team several EXCLU SIVE contracts IMPRESSIVE client list including the U S A ir Force Anheuser Busch Chevron Refining and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries GE Energy Environmental Research RAPIDLY GROWING INDUSTRY Industry revenues exceed million estimates indicate th at there could be as much as billion from smell technology by the end of CONGRATULATIONS To our subscribers that took advantag e of our last recommendation to buy NXLC It rallied f rom to ALL removes HONERE D Please allow days to be removed and send ALL address to honey mail net cn Certain statements contained in this news release may be forward looking statements within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of These statements may be identified by su ch terms as expect believe may will and intend or simila r terms We are NOT a registered investment advisor or a broker dealer This is NOT an offe r to buy or sell securities No recommendation that the securities of the compan ies profiled should be purchased sold or held by individuals or entities t hat learn of the profiled companies We were paid in cash by a third par ty to publish this report Investing in companies profiled is high risk and u se of this information is for reading purposes only If anyone decides to act as an investor then it will be that investor s sole risk Investors are advi sed NOT to invest without the proper advisement from an attorney or a registere d financial broker Do not rely solely on the information presented do a dditional independent research to form your own opinion and decision regarding in vesting in the profiled companies Be advised that the purchase of such high ri sk securities may result in the loss of your entire investment The owners of this publication may already own free trading sha res in CBYI and may immediately sell all or a portion of these shares into the open market at or about the time this report is published Factual sta tements are made as of the date stated and are subject to change without notice Not intended for recipients or residents of CA CO CT DE ID IL IA LA MO NV NC OK OH PA RI TN VA WA WV WI Void where prohibited Copyright c ,0
-Re My Brain Hurts Begin forwarded message From Ian Andrew Bell Date Tue Jul PM US Pacific To foib ianbell com Subject F [GENERAL] Evil Polling I know you re sitting there asking yourself who is the most evil person on the planet Wonder no more your local search engine will tell you Just search for the phrase is EVIL and let the internet tell you the real truth I used two engines to verify accuracy Phrase Google Hotbot Bert is EVIL Microsoft is EVIL Saddam Hussein is EVIL Ernie is EVIL Osama Bin Laden is EVIL Janet Reno is EVIL George Bush is EVIL Canada is EVIL George W Bush is EVIL Tony Blair is EVIL Adolf Hitler is EVIL Dick Cheney is EVIL Pat Buchanan is EVIL Ghandi is EVIL Bart Simpson is EVIL Geoff Gachallan is EVIL Ian FoIB mailing list Bits Analysis Digital Group Therapy http foib ianbell com mailman listinfo foib http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-Re Still can t read DVDs CDs Sometimes I ll get mount no medium found on dev sr or it will mount or it will give me the other error message I posted I just put a disc in tried to mount it three times and got three different results Now it is mounted and dev looks like http paste debian net Now I ve taken the disc out and dev looks like http paste debian net Whenever I have problem with reading writing to dvd cd device it ends replacing the drive And drives are cheaper and cheaper and last shorter and shorter If you have fond to buy new one now it is the time to do that At least I would do Best regards Zoran To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org GA faust net ,1
-[SPAM] Dear hibody csmining org receive OFF on Pfizer Newsletter Can t see everything Visit online version here About Us Unsubscribe Privacy Policy Terms of Use Copyright Sat All rights reserved ,0
-RE Recommended Viewingmore accurately someone s dream changes reality for everyone and everyone s memory adjusts to perceive the new realities as a continuum replete with new pasts and new memories ever have dreams that create their own history to make their irrealities plausible and authentic feeling ever notice how the feelings evoked in some dreams stick with you all day i m sure it s some neurochemical process initiated during the dream that is still cycling thru like a deja vu triggered by memory processes where you don t actually remember but you feel like you re remembering ggggggggg Original Message From fork admin xent com [mailto fork admin xent com]On Behalf Of John Hall Sent Monday September PM To FoRK Subject RE Recommended Viewing Isn t this the story where someone s Dream has the ability to change reality then you find the whole world is their dream Original Message From fork admin xent com [mailto fork admin xent com] On Behalf Of Geege Schuman Sent Monday September AM To John Evdemon Cc fork example com Subject RE Recommended Viewing Agreed completely I totally grokked the notion of unintened consequence with the original Original Message From fork admin xent com [mailto fork admin xent com]On Behalf Of John Evdemon Sent Monday September AM To Fork xent com Subject Re Recommended Viewing On Sep at Geege Schuman wrote who watched Lathe of Heaven A E pm EDT who has seen the original By original if you are referring to the old PBS version I liked that version much better Much more thought provoking ,1
-Hit the Hotspots Best Prices Always Experience This POTENT Pheromone Formula That Helps Men and Women Attract Members of The Opposite Sex Click here to learn more A Ever wonder why some people are always surrounded by members of the opposite sex Now YOU Can Attract Members of The Opposite Sex Instantly Enhance Your Present Relationship Meet New People Easily Give yourself that additional edge Have people drawn to you they won t even know why Here To Visit Our Website A Read What Major News Organisations Are Saying About Pheromones Delete ,0
-Don t you need your device to be ready for girls every time you want it X BitDefenderWKS No It is safer then placing an order over the phone http qr scisyjqubl com ,0
-UFOs in the Sky URL http www askbjoernhansen com archives html Date T Yesterday Viridiana came to my place and dragged me out to look at the sky It was beautiful Odd colors and light Obviously we wondered what it was Today Jim explains it It was a rocket test from the Vandenburg air force base Very neat It was a bit too blurred out when I saw it and there was too much street light to make a good photo so I am happy to have found the photo from NASA ,1
-[Razor users] Exit status Bonjour Always for my script if i run it manually in console all is ok whether is the user But if i try to implement it in my general script filter running whith qmailq UID I ve got has exit status and in my mail log Can t call method log on unblessed reference at usr lib perl site_perl Razor Client Agent pm line My log file is in home user razor razor agent log and have write permission for qmailq user Any idea Toorop Lorsque que vous avez limin l impossible ce qui reste m me si c est improbable doit tre la v rit www spoonsdesign com Mail scann par Protecmail filter This sf net email is sponsored by OSDN Tired of that same old cell phone Get a new here for FREE https www inphonic com r asp r sourceforge refcode vs _______________________________________________ Razor users mailing list Razor users lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo razor users ,1
-Re Disable server so it does not start on reboot even after upgrade From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii Content Disposition inline Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Thu May Allan Wind wrote I use insserv to boot my laptop and used `update rc d apache remove` to indicate that I do not want apache to start on reboot Indeed this works fine for while Either an apache apache common upgrade or some other package install upgrade then seems to revert my choice and apache is once again started in reboot Is there a better way to disable servers from starting As far as I know the proper way to disable a service is to change the Sxy link in Kxy for the respective runlevel this can also be done with any of the available runlevel editors like sysv rc conf Removing all Sxy symlinks will result in them being recreated on the next upgrade as you have experienced You can also make changes to the init d script but I m not sure which ones will be detected by dpkg Textual changes will but don t know about removing the execute bit or the like Regards Andrei Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers http lists alioth debian org mailman listinfo d community offtopic ,1
-[Razor users] The lm bluesUsing lm is yielding an extra a day but it gets false positives where it shouldn t Such as an email with a Word doc and the signature below After looking at the Word doc directions to the sender s cabin I am convinced it marked the body which contains no next except the IncrediMail advertisment signature as spam So I have to turn off lm Razor has been getting other strange emails it shouldn t with lm on See the incredimail ad signature I am talking about below Fox ____________________________________________________ IncrediMail Email has finally evolved Click Here This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Razor users mailing list Razor users lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo razor users ,1
-Re problems with apt updateOnce upon a time Mark wrote Hiya I always seem to get errors when I do an apt update is this a problem on the repository itself or on my end or possibly a timeout in the connection due to my connection being a crappy modem [root spawn root] apt get update Hit http apt nixia no redhat i base pkglist gnomehide Hit http apt freshrpms net redhat i base pkglist os Ign http apt freshrpms net redhat i release os Err http apt freshrpms net redhat i base pkglist updates Bad header line Hit http apt freshrpms net redhat i release updates Err http apt freshrpms net redhat i base pkglist freshrpms Bad Request Err http apt freshrpms net redhat i release freshrpms Bad header line Hit http apt freshrpms net redhat i base srclist freshrpms Ign http apt nixia no redhat i release gnomehide Ign http apt nixia no redhat i base mirrors Hit http apt freshrpms net redhat i release freshrpms [ ] It works for me it should works with or without the en subdirectory Does it always give you the same error each time Do you use an proxy server [root python root] apt get update Hit http apt freshrpms net redhat en i base srclist os Hit http apt freshrpms net redhat en i release os Hit http apt freshrpms net redhat en i base srclist updates Hit http apt freshrpms net redhat en i release updates Get http apt freshrpms net redhat en i base pkglist os [ kB] Hit http apt freshrpms net redhat en i release os Get http apt freshrpms net redhat en i base pkglist updates [ kB] Hit http apt freshrpms net redhat en i release updates Hit http apt freshrpms net redhat en i base pkglist freshrpms Hit http apt freshrpms net redhat en i release freshrpms Hit http apt freshrpms net redhat en i base srclist os Hit http apt freshrpms net redhat en i release os Hit http apt freshrpms net redhat en i base srclist updates Hit http apt freshrpms net redhat en i release updates Hit http apt freshrpms net redhat en i base srclist freshrpms Hit http apt freshrpms net redhat en i release freshrpms Ign http apt freshrpms net redhat en ARCH base mirrors Ign http apt freshrpms net redhat en ARCH base mirrors Ign http apt freshrpms net redhat en ARCH base mirrors Fetched kB in m s kB s Processing File Dependencies Done Reading Package Lists Done Building Dependency Tree Done W http apt freshrpms net will not be authenticated W http apt freshrpms net will not be authenticated W http apt freshrpms net will not be authenticated [root python root] Matthias Matthias Saou World Trade Center Edificio Norte Planta System and Network Engineer Barcelona Spain Electronic Group Interactive Phone _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Re [SAtalk] Cannot get spamd to workSo sprach Malte S Stretz am um Not really In most cases it s an install and forget But there re some special cases like you Be proud You re special o Uhm yes I m happy that it doesn t work for me I had a look at the spamc source and put a printf everywhere an exit code is used could you have a try with the attached spamc please read_message old_serverex host cpan build Mail SpamAssassin telnet localhost Trying Connected to localhost Escape character is ^] df SPAMD Bad header line df Connection closed by foreign host Just like John just said thanks a lot for taking all that time to help me get SA to work I m REALLY thankful for this Alexander Skwar How to quote http learn to quote german http quote x to english Homepage http www iso top biz Jabber askwar a message de iso top biz Die g nstige Art an Linux Distributionen zu kommen Uptime days hours minutes This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin talk mailing list Spamassassin talk lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin talk ,1
-Re Kde On Mike Bird wrote Sune is not interested in working on KDE but he s using slrn via gmane for maillists available via gmane I really prefer that I have been using slrn for as much as possible even before kde was uploaded to debian I do use kmail for my my personal emails and the maillist that I m subscribed to that aren t gmane accessible Sune To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian kde REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org slrnhu e rvp nospam sshway ssh pusling com ,1
-Mac OS X browsersURL http www askbjoernhansen com archives html Date T Rael is plagued by MSIE instability on Mac OS X I use a recent nightly build of Chimera as my default browser has some issues with plugins or with QuickTime anyway on but the builds are working great Fast too Mozilla is ugly MSIE is slow and unstable Opera on OS X doesn t render too many pages OmniWeb and iCab are not keeping up Chimera rocks I have used ChimeraKnight to do the updating It also makes ,1
-Re Snow Leopard refresh problemsYes I fixed those issue with some silly workarounds only The repaint methods are not producing any fruitful results These are the options I used In some cases resizing the frame solved the issue In few cases changed the location of one of the component present inside the frame and then relocating the same component to its original position at the end of the method solved the problem In one case removed the component and added the same component to the frame solved the issue Another typical point to note is I could not find a single common solution for all the above cases Regards VPKVL Original Message From hoverfrog To Vijay Kachhawal Sent Friday May PM Subject Re Snow Leopard refresh problems hello did you find any workarounds Are some methods of asking for a repaint more reliable than others regards Mary Le May AM Vijay Kachhawal a crit I have also experienced similar problem in many cases My project is based on purely swing and graphics API Everything works fine and no repaint issues when I am running the app on Mac but found several repaint issues when executed the same application on Snow Leaopard Regards VPKVL Original Message From Bino George To hoverfrog Cc java dev lists apple com Sent Friday May AM Subject Re Snow Leopard refresh problems Hi Is your App publicly accessible Please file a bug at with the URL for the App and steps to reproduce it etc If it is not accessible please create a standalone test case that can reproduce the problem and attach it to the bug Also please include your configuration which java update etc Thanks Bino George Java Runtime Engineer Apple Inc On May at PM hoverfrog wrote various components in our app refresh by calling paintComponent updateUI paintImmediately etc On SL we re seeing a range of refresh errors basically the components are not being redrawn Usually if you change the content pane of a JFrame it repaints it s not happening even when explicitly asked for Has anyone else seen anything like this Oh Tiger works like a dream as does Windoze and Linux hoverfrog mac com http www veytisou com _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Java dev mailing list Java dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options java dev bino apple com This email sent to bino apple com _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Java dev mailing list Java dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options java dev vijay kachhawal valuelabs net This email sent to vijay kachhawal valuelabs net hoverfrog mac com http www veytisou com _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Java dev mailing list Java dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options java dev mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-[zzzzteana] FWD [UASR][TheHickmanReport] Jets Attempt to Intercept Contrail Jets Attempt to Intercept Contrail By ROBERT BURNS AP Military Writer WASHINGTON AP The military command responsible for the defense of North American airspace scrambled fighter jets in response to unverified reports of an airborne condensation trail or contrail moving from the Caribbean to the United States defense officials said Thursday Lt Col Michael Humm a Pentagon spokesman said the incident happened Wednesday and that the North American Aerospace Defense Command in Colorado Springs Colo was continuing to investigate The reported contrail stirred concern because of the possibility that it could have indicated the presence of an unauthorized jet aircraft in or approaching American airspace In the aftermath of the Sept attacks the Pentagon has taken greater precautions to monitor U S airspace A contrail is created by vapor from a jet engine in the presence of cold air The jets that were scrambled to attempt to intercept and identify the source of the contrail found nothing said Lt Cmdr Curtis Jenkins a NORAD spokesman He said NORAD had developed no new information since the initial report at p m EST on Wednesday NORAD is reviewing data from its tracking radars in search of evidence he said A Pentagon statement said NORAD received unverified reports of ``what appeared to be a contrail of unknown origin originally in the vicinity of the Turks and Caicos Islands in the Caribbean ``Initially it was reported to be heading northwestward toward the United States the statement said ``Commercial airline pilots later reported the contrail over Florida and later over Indiana Thereafter no other sightings were reported The reported contrail was never verified by visual or radar contact the Pentagon statement said At the Federal Aviation Administration spokesman Paul Turk said ``I m aware of the reports He referred all questions to NORAD Jenkins said he was not sure who reported the initial sighting over the Caribbean He also was unsure who requested NORAD to launch fighter jets or from which military bases they were scrambled ``We don t necessarily judge or second guess when a request comes to us to investigate a contrail he said Meanwhile reports of a ball of fire streaking across the sky early Thursday had people throughout the Northwest flooding radio and television stations with calls reporting a meteor shower It was believed that the light came from a Russian rocket body re entering the Earth s atmosphere about a m The U S Strategic Command in Omaha Neb and the North American Aerospace Defense Command confirmed a Russian rocket fell back to Earth but gave no further details AP NY EST Copyright The Associated Press The information contained in the AP Online news report may not be published broadcast or redistributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press Terry W Colvin Sierra Vista Arizona USA Alternate Home Page Sites Fortean Times Mystic s Haven TLCB U S Message Text Formatting USMTF Program Member Thailand Laos Cambodia Brotherhood TLCB Mailing List TLCB Web Site [Vietnam veterans Allies CIA NSA and steenkeen contractors are welcome ] To unsubscribe from this group send an email to forteana unsubscribe egroups com Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to http docs yahoo com info terms ,1
-Liberation Les jouebs stars editoriales du Web URL http scriptingnews userland com backissues When AM Date Wed Sep GMT Liberation Les jouebs stars editoriales du Web[ ] [ ] http www liberation com page php Article ,1
-[ILUG] nmblookup questionHello all I m trying to get wins name resolution across subnets working and reckon the first step is to be able to do a nmblookup without using the B broadcast address flag Does anyone know how samba can be configured to do broadcasts to subnets other than just the local subnet I don t think this has anything to do with the remote announce parameter Thanks Bryan And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever and they have no rest day nor night who worship the beast and his image and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name Revelation Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-Re boycotting yahooAt AM on Rodent of Unusual Size wrote SmartGroups I think Dave Farber s Interesting People list just went over to Cheers RAH R A Hettinga The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation Farquhar Street Boston MA USA however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to experience Edward Gibbon Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ,1
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-Re Slaughter in the Name of GodOn Tue at Gary Lawrence Murphy wrote J Justin Mason writes J What about Tibetan Buddhism BTW They seem like an awfully J nice bunch of chaps and chapesses Yes them too When wolves attack their sheep they coral the wolf into a quarry and then throw rocks from the surrounding cliffs so that no one will know who killed the wolf In Samskar before the Chinese arrived there had not been a killing in over years and the last recorded skirmish over rights to a water hole had happened several generations ago I m skeptical One of the many perversions of modern civilization is the fictitious rendering of various peoples frequently to the point where the fiction is more real than the reality You see it over and over again in history The Primitive People pull a fast one on Whitey The Junior Anthropologist playing to all the prejudices of Whitey who only became Junior Anthropologists to support personal ideologies and before you know it the charade takes on a life of its own which the Primitive People are compelled to perpetuate Worse even when there is substantial evidence to the contrary with some basic scholarship the facts have a hard time competing with the ideologically pleasing fiction that is already firmly entrenched And many peoples e g American Indians develop a profit motive for maintaining and promoting the myth in popular culture I m far more inclined to believe that people is people no matter where you are on the planet The only time you see any anomalies is when you have a self selecting sub population within an otherwise normal population which is hardly a fair way to look at any major population James Rogers jamesr best com ,1
-Our afterwork meeting Newsletter May Subscribe www onjxqlap com TOP PHARMACY EMAIL ADMIN CENTER This newsletter is a service of Nqbivq com Should you no longer wish to receive these messages please click here to unsubscribe Click here to verify the newsletters you have chosen to receive Web Edition Subscribe To view our Privacy Policy click here c Nehudo Cujozjj Lqxjgan All rights reserved ,0
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-RE Gecko adhesion finally sussed At AM on Jim Whitehead wrote Great this is half of what I d need to become Spider Man Now all I need to figure out is how to do that spider web shooting thing That and be able to stick yourself upside down on a foot ceiling from a standing jump I remember someone recently doing the calculations in kilocalories required to be spiderman somewhere Kind of like those flaming processor analyses done a couple of years ago Cheers RAH R A Hettinga The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation Farquhar Street Boston MA USA however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to experience Edward Gibbon Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ,1
-SPS se odrekao Slobodana Milosevica Socijalisticka partija Srbije predvodjena grupom starih socijalista na celu sa Milomirem Minicem konacno se odrekla politike i herojskog drzanja predsednika te stranke Slobodana Milosevica saopstenjima da jedan slabo obavesten covek ne moze pogotovu ne iz zatvorske celije upravljati tako velikom partijom kao sto je Socijalisticka partija Srbije pa zvao se on i Slobodan Milosevic Socijalisti koji za sebe danas kazu da vise nisu idolopoklonici Slobodana Milosevica neprestano u kontaktima sa clanovima i simpatizerima te partije pokusavaju da razdvoje odbranu Slobodana Milosevica u Hagu od politickog zivota u Srbiji pripisujuci Milosevicevim braniocima iz nacionalnog komiteta za oslobadjanje S Milosevica Sloboda da im je cilj da uniste Socijalisticku partiju Srbije Iako je zbog istih takvih gledista svojevremeno najpolularniji socijalista posle predsednika te stranke prof Branislav Ivkovic bio iskljucen iz redova SPS danas rukovodstvo SPS koristi jos teze i grublje kvalifikacije na racun njihovog predsednika pritom ne strahujuci da bi bilo ko od njih mogao biti iskljucen iz partije Ne retko se poslednjih dana u rokovodstvu partije cuje da partija nije Slobodan Milosevic i da on ne predstvalja tu partiju vec da su partija Rukovodstvo i Glavni odbor te stranke Medjutim u clanstvu i medju simpatizerima te stranke stvari se ne odijaju bas po planovima rukovodstva Procene idu dotle da se na septembarskim izborima ocekuje da Bata Zivojinovic osvoji tek glasova Clanovi partije najveci deo njih i danas veruje svom heroju Slobodanu Milosevicu Po clanstvu partije ovih dana u rukovodstvu partije oni koji su predsednika te stranke pogresno informisali poslednjih godina kada su shvatili da im je odzvonilo pokusavaju da sacuvaju sebe eliminacijom predsednika Slobodana Milosevica Mladi socijalisti kojih i nema bas mnogo kako se SPS svojevremeno hvalio izgleda su na strani predsednika te stranke Tako se u nastupima na opstinskim odborima mogu cuti uverljivi govori Dejana Stjepanovica i Igora Raicevica i po neki Milinka Isakovica iz redova mladih socijalista clanova organizaciono politickog odbora predsednika SPS Obracanja ovih mladih ljudi medju clanstvom partije imaju do deset puta vecu tezuni nego li obracanja profesionalnih politicara koji za sobom vuku teret proslosti Stav rukovodstva mladih socijalista se razlikuje od stava saveta mladih koji su takodje na strani predsednika Branko Ruzic i Dejan Backovic svojevremeno najveci branioci i zastupnici lika i dela Slobodana Milosevica danas su se pretvorili u njegove najvece kriticare Pokusavaju na sve moguce nacine da minorizuju grupu mladih koja ga podrzava Cak se poslednjih dana cuje da je najbolji recept da se rukovodstvo mladih odrzi ikao je protiv Sloba da se povezu rodbinskim vezama pa se tako predsednik mladih socijalista Beograda Ana Djurovic udala za Branka Ruzica predsednika Mladih socijalista Srbije koji je za kuma uzeo Dejna Backovia svog potpredsednika Backovic se ovih dana zeni jednom mladom socijalistkinjom koja je clan saveta mladih a u isto vreme i sestra jednog od clanova IO GO SPS a za kuma uzima jos jednog mladog socijalistu iz Saveta mladih Sve u svemu mladi u SPS se drze kao italijanske mafijaske porodice tih u SAD Sta ce se do kraja price dogoditi ostaje pitanje no clanstvo i simpatizeri ce oceniti rad svog rukovodstva na predsednickim izborima Pimato se samo sta ce da rade ako im Bata prodje losije od Seselja koga je predsednik Slobodan Milosevic podrzao za predsednickog kandidat _______________________________________________________________________ Powered by List Builder To unsubscribe follow the link http lb bcentral com ex sp c s B C B A m ,0
-Re Ringing bell on other computer BTW I remember messing about with such things long ago One problem I ran into was making sure that no attempt was made to play a sound when either a the screen was locked or b no exmh was running Just something to think about Dag Hal _______________________________________________ Exmh users mailing list Exmh users redhat com https listman redhat com mailman listinfo exmh users ,1
-Re KDE upgrade eats MB of homeFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type Text Plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Wednesday May Alejandro Exojo wrote El Mi E rcoles de Mayo de Frederik Schwarzer escribi F If you want to have these images there in case they are needed keep the folder if disk space is more important than loading speed remove it regularily Of course that s what I do But a plain user should not be asked to regularly remove it should he It probably should be handled like the trash folder which IIRC has a size time limit I think sweeper from kdeutils is supposed to handle this right D Boyd Stephen Smith Jr D _ D bss iguanasuicide net _ o o \_ ICQ YM AIM DaTwinkDaddy ` ` http iguanasuicide net \_ ,1
-Attn How about being a few pounds lighter OLIBYKNHow are you doing If you ve been like me you ve been trying almost EVERYTHING to lose weight I know how you feel the special diets miracle pills and fancy exercise equipment never helped me lose the pounds I needed to lose either It seemed like the harder I worked at it the less weight I lost until I heard about Extreme Power Plus You re probably thinking to yourself Oh geez not another miracle diet pill Like you I was skeptical at first but my sister said it helped her lose pounds in just weeks so I told her I d give it a try I mean there was nothing to lose except a lot of weight Let me tell you it was the best decision I ve ever made PERIOD Six months later as I m writing this message to you I ve gone from pounds to pounds and I haven t changed my exercise routine or diet at all Yes I still eat pizza and lots of it I was so happy with the results that I contacted the manufacturer and received permission to resell it at a HUGE discount I feel the need to help other people lose weight like I did because it does so much for your self esteem not to mention your health I am giving you my personal pledge that Extreme Power Plus absolutely WILL WORK FOR YOU Money Back GUARANTEED If you are frustrated with trying other products without having any success and just not getting the results you were promised then I recommend the only product that worked for me EXTREME POWER PLUS You re probably asking yourself Ok so how does this stuff actually work Extreme Power Plus contains Lipotropic fat burners and ephedra which is scientifically proven to increase metabolism and cause rapid weight loss No hocus pocus in these pills just RESULTS Here is the bottom line I can help you lose pounds per week naturally without exercising and without having to eat rice cakes all day Just try it for one month there s pounds to lose and confidence to gain You will lose weight fast GUARANTEED This is my pledge to you BONUS Order NOW get FREE SHIPPING on bottles or more To order Extreme Power Plus on our secure server just click on this link http www modernherbals com To see what some of our customers have said about this product visit http www modernherbals com testimonials asp To see a list of ingredients and for more information on test studies and how it will help you lose weight visit http www modernherbals com ingre asp If you feel that you have received this email in error please click here http www moderherbals com remove asp to request to be removed Thank you and we apologize for any inconvenience ,0
-[SPAM] Visitor hibody s personal OFF Newsletter If you have any difficulty seeing the contents of this e mail please click here Copyright A Xaiytusu Inc Privacy Policy Terms of Use Contact Us Unsubscribe ,0
-Greetings hibody get off buying at ours Ifiicopuf the was Though by Dun it View as Web Page c settled speaks All rights reserved Roh Moo hyun President of South Korea They received official protection in In the th century the Ottomans occupied most of Greece but the islands remained Christian thanks to the Venetians The region has the lowest proportion of part time students in England Gadsden disavowed any government backing of Walker who was expelled by the US and placed on trial as a criminal Gibbon The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire p USS Princeton a United States Navy Independence class aircraft carrier lost at the Battle of Leyte Gulf in These small and agile submarines were built during the Cold War to operate in the shallow Baltic Sea and attack Warsaw Pact shipping if the war turned hot The following names have been used to describe the conflict itself The system was spread to most of the rest of England in the tenth century somehow losing its original meaning and becoming part of the establishment George Habash Palestinian Terrorism Tactician Dies at The single largest ethnic group on the planet by far is Han Chinese which represents Petersburg in the UEFA Cup Final But from there the lines start to blur When someone becomes mentally unbalanced it is said they have lost their marbles Akimov sent Metlenko to help in the turbine hall with manual opening of the cooling system valves which was expected to take at least hours per valve The budget reduced the number of duties to with duties constituting the majority of the revenue Stm retrieved September Matyszak The Enemies of Rome p The engine shed remains in good condition and the track bed has been infilled to the level of the platform A b c Goldsworthy In the Name of Rome p The majority of Iraqi armored forces still used old Chinese Type s and Type s Soviet made T s from the s and s and some T s from the s in Regulations forbade work with a small margin of reactivity Bus Routes Other products are aimed at home business and seem to fit in a space for a less formal business than would be using QuickBooks Smaller Reform and Conservative Jewish Masorti communities exist as well Founded in the San Francisco Art Institute is the oldest art school west of the Mississippi Chris Watson became the first Australian Prime Minister from the Australian Labour Party and the first Labour Party prime minister in the world Its frequent revivals on television home video and DVD have enhanced its classic status and ultimately it recouped its costs Between Wirksworth station and Ravenstor station on the Ravenstor in incline Nasser the Egyptian president decided to mass troops in the Sinai Arab opposition to the plan led to the Palestine riots and the formation of the Jewish organization known as the Haganah meaning The Defense in Hebrew from which the Irgun and Lehi paramilitary groups split off The houses of the rich were also furnished with rosewood furniture and feathery latticework Younger families are allowed to visit but only for brief periods of time Atrocities were committed on a scale never before seen [citation needed] with entire populations being executed or sold into slavery as in the case of the island of Melos now known as Milos Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia Perrotta and Charles Clemmons intended to increase public understanding of the significance of this early event Subscribe Unsubscribe First patronymic Jenday Mikhailovna Israelis Powered by Fujian same Maximum landing ,0
-Re Temporary deconnection from the Internet when too much pages are loadedFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset ISO Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Ron Johnson wrote On Merciadri Luca wrote [snip] Hmph Before opening the pages start capturing packets using wireshark if you must or tshark from the CLI I will try this Your symptoms probably happen to me but I just accept it as part of Firefox s poor threading For example if I kill the Iceweasel pid then exit the GUI to apt get upgrade and then restart xfce and Iceweasel all the or windows and total of tabs restore It takes minutes for all of them to complete loading That is a good example of a massive tab load If I have so many tabs opened and that I kill the resp pid I can restore the tabs just as you do and then the whole connection stalls Nothing loads and each URL keeps its name not the page s title Merciadri Luca See http www student montefiore ulg ac be merciadri I use PGP If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail client please contact me ,1
-Re Fwd Re Kde Dotan Cohen wrote On May deloptes wrote weather http kde look org content show php yaWP Yet Another Weather Plasmoid content This was not working in and I couldn t start it in Interesting it works on the Ubuntu box I test KDE on korganizer Check it took at least min to start Wow Any console output infrared control How did you do this in KDE with klirc and lircd and modifying the kernel key map for my cinergy xxs dvbt card a big challenge was to setup the kde keys it s not very developed but the basic functionality works Please your input is needed here https bugs kde org show_bug cgi id i plasma widget kbstate A plasma widget that shows the state of the modifier keys In kde the idiots didn t think of us poor people not using latin and associated per default ALT K to switch the keymap Now if you switch from english to rushian bulgarian or whatever ALT K gives a completely different keycode So I had to always change this Now in kde it s even better You have to click and no reasonable language switching combination is working In this point Windows wins as it s per default configured to switch languages when typing left ALT SHIFT I switch between languages with the Capslock key screen management xrandr interface Yes built into System Settings yes but not working for me and everybody running i vga card this is also related to X Server and the a holes from intel don t judge me the notebook was given to me from the company I m working for I don t think that s a KDE issue though no but it s definitely an issue if you can not arrange your displays http kde apps org content show php Krypt content the question is if it is compiling in kde and also if it is working well It s not a core or even supported app I think It s a third party app I really can t help with that yes I know I ll check I have about application to recompile I forgot to mention that the keyboard froze after pressing ALT F and switching language settings Please please comment on this bug https bugs kde org show_bug cgi id The problem is that it was not iresponsive for just secs but forever I see Does that happen often or only that once For now it has happened twice it could be that I have installed configured something after logging in the first time What is happening permanently is that if I click the logout button the whole desktop freezes I have to press CTRL ALT F[ ] to restart kdm What I am missing now is also the old behavior from CTRL ALT DEL to get prompt for reboot or shutdown or whatever Now this combination is locking the screen Was it adopted from newer windows Thanks It will stay unusable for you until you tell us what you need to use it That s what I m here for Well kplayer was not working for DVB input korganizer does not start kweather and kmoon are not visible can not choose to activate though it states it s installed ALL kde apps like kplayer organizer and probably others start very slowly about secs to pop up I m sorry but I can not test anything that fast it will take few weeks I will probably test upgrading As I said from lenny to squeeze to sid To simulate an upgrade of my current system I think this is more important This will take a while so my plan for now is to see what basically works and what not regards To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org hsdvg dpm dough gmane org ,1
-Buy Viagra Cialis Levitra Online for impotence Buy Xenical for obesity Order Chantix Propecia Tamiflu online cptrup From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii Content Transfer Encoding bit ,0
-Hoax URL http www newsisfree com click Date T When a Florida journalist was killed by anthrax sent to him by letter it set off a wave of copycat hoaxers Jon Ronson tracks them down Quizzes[ ] Crossword[ ] Interactive guides[ ] Steve Bell[ ] Weblog[ ] Other news and comment Home Office set to rewrite Geneva refugee agreement [ ] [ ] http www newsisfree com quiz html [ ] http www newsisfree com crossword html [ ] http www newsisfree com interactive html [ ] http www newsisfree com cartoons html [ ] http www newsisfree com weblog html [ ] http www newsisfree com Refugees_in_Britain Story html ,1
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-[VUA ] Updated python clamav versionFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii Content Disposition inline Debian Volatile Update Announcement VUA http volatile debian org debian volatile lists debian org Adam D Barratt April th Package python clamav Version volatile Lenny Importance medium python clamav which provides Python bindings to ClamAV a virus scanning engine needed a recompilation with the newer clamav If you use python clamav directly or through nautilus clamscan we strongly recommend you to upgrade to this version as the old version the package was linked against stopped working Upgrade Instructions You can get the updated packages at http volatile debian org debian volatile pool volatile main p python clamav and install them with dpkg or add the volatile archive for Lenny to your etc apt sources list deb http volatile debian org debian volatile lenny volatile main deb src http volatile debian org debian volatile lenny volatile main You can also use any of our mirrors See http www debian org volatile volatile mirrors for the full list of mirrors The archive signing keys were included in Debian Lenny For further information about debian volatile please refer to http www debian org volatile If there are any issues please don t hesitate to get in touch with the debian volatile team ,1
-Let me know what you think ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ LOWEST RATES IN YEARS FILL OUT OUR SHORT APPLICATION FOR AN UNBELIEVABLE MORTGAGE APR HOME REFINANCING HOME IMPROVEMENT DEBT CONSOLIDATION CASH OUT Please Click HERE for our short application The following are NO problem and will not stop you from getting the financing you need Can t show income Self Employed Credit Problems Recent Bankruptcy Unconventional Loan We are a direct lender and we have hundreds of loan programs available If we don t have a program that works for you we have hundreds of wholesa le relationships with other lenders So no matter which of our states you live in we likely have a program that could meet your needs Please Click HERE for our short application We DO NOT resell or disseminate your email address You are NOT required to enter your SSN This is a legitimate offer from legitimate mortgage companies D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Note We are licensed in all U S States D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D To be REMOVED from future mailings click HERE We will NEVER intentionally email you again Thank You ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ,0
-Re [SAtalk] O T Habeus Why Dan Kohn writes Guys the Habeas Infringers List HIL exists explicitly to deal with spammers while we re getting judgments against them and especially in other countries where those judgments are harder to get My concern doesn t stem from failing to understand how your business is intended to work My concern is the lack of empirical evidence that it will reduce the amount of uncaught spam Please note that nobody has ever had an incentive before to go after regular spammers Yes some attorneys general have prosecuted blatant pyramid schemes and ISPs have won some theft of service suits but the vast majority of spammers go forward with out any legal hassles So I can t understand how Daniel can assert that you can t track spammers down when it s never really been tried Please don t misquote me I did not assert that you can t track spammers Here is what I said It will be difficult to find prosecute and win money from someone in various non friendly countries where spam originates China is a good example even if they do officially respect copyright law I understand the incentive that you have to pursue spammers but that does not directly translate to less spam being sent to my inbox It is an indirect effect and the magnitude of the effect may not be sufficient to counteract the ease with which a score on the mark allows spam to avoid being tagged as spam Daniel it s easy enough for you to change the Habeas scores yourself on your installation If Habeas fails to live up to its promise to only license the warrant mark to non spammers and to place all violators on the HIL then I have no doubt that Justin and Craig will quickly remove us from the next release But you re trying to kill Habeas before it has a chance to show any promise I think I ve worked on SA enough to understand that I can localize a score I m just not comfortable with using SpamAssassin as a vehicle for drumming up your business at the expense of our user base I think it would make more sense to start Habeas with a less aggressive score one which will not give spammers a quick path into everyone s inbox and after we ve seen evidence that the system works then we can increase the magnitude of the score Dan This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin talk mailing list Spamassassin talk lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin talk ,1
-Re Kernel de bug information sent even if there is no connectionOn Sat Apr Merciadri Luca wrote Camale n writes I dunno what method uses kerneloops to send the data e mail If sends the info by e mail you could check Exim s queue by being root and issuing mailq command Actually mailq seems to give nothing I digged a bit about how the kerneloops daemon works and I guess it does not use e mail but some kind of mix between dbus system to gather information about the crash and then it sends the report to the URL defined in kerneloops conf file http submit kerneloops org submitoops php If you directly load that page it says thank you for submitting the kernel oops information RemoteIP [ ] Although nothing was send P Greetings Camale n To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org pan csmining org ,1
-Re [zzzzteana] That wacky imam Sheikh Abu Hamza al Masri our maddest of mad mullahs and a cartoon bogeyman to scare the kiddies spent a quiet and contemplative bank holiday playing with his own children in Victoria Park Hackney For an alternative and rather more factually based rundown on Hamza s career including his belief that all non Muslims in Yemen should be murdered outright http memri org bin articles cgi Page archives Area ia ID IA Martin Yahoo Groups Sponsor DVDs Free s p Join Now http us click yahoo com pt YBB NXiEAA MVfIAA gSolB TM To unsubscribe from this group send an email to forteana unsubscribe egroups com Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to http docs yahoo com info terms ,1
-[SPAM] Shocking street fights vid parent text align left width cursor pointer div parent a color div parent a link text decoration none div parent a visited text decoration none div parent a hover text decoration underline div parent a active text decoration underline deal text align left font family Arial Helvetica sans serif font size px font weight normal provider font weight bold Newsletter To view the latest headlines on your mobile device click here If you have trouble reading this e mail newsletter click here To make changes to your e mail subscriptions click here To forward this e mail to a friend please click here You are currently subscribed to this newsletter with the address hibody csmining org To UNSUBSCRIBE please click here To find out more information on our e mail newsletters click here to visit our FAQ If you have any questions comments or suggestions for this newslette r please contact us by this link For newspaper home delivery please click here Free service dedicated to providing the best news on the Web To review your privacy please click here A Omubj Geyf ,0
-Re bit netbooks with Debian linuxOn PM Mark Allums wrote On PM Celejar wrote On Sun May Mark Allums wrote Netbooks are underpowered Get a real notebook laptop You can get a much better computer for about the same money The only advantage I can see in a netbook is battery life I speak from experience Weight I haven t done extensive research but can you get an equivalent laptop at the same weight for the same price My understanding is that one pays a premium for the ultra light category Celejar I confess I forgot weight On the other hand I think that for me weight doesn t factor in much Size A little almost handheld netbook just isn t as physically in danger of cracking in your knapsack as a or laptop Dissent is patriotic remember To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BDE A cox net ,1
-Re Forged whitelist spamGary Lawrence Murphy This is for the whitelist fans Can someone please tell us why the following extremely frequent spam header pattern would _not_ pass a whitelist test The letter itself is most certainly spam viral and was most certainly not sent by me but I see no way you might tell that it was not nor can I see how I might charge the sender with fraud for having impersonated my account My uneducated guess is that all they need to jump expensive whitelist walls would be buckshot a spam laden Klez There are several issues here For reasons that have nothing to do with commercial advertising we need email software that prevents virus attacks a la Melissa and Klez We simply can t continue down the path where every script kiddie with a grudge or political agenda can cause millions or billions of dollars worth of damage Very likely email practices will evolve to the point that digital signatures are the standard way to recognize the sender of a message Sabotaging your machine or otherwise compromising your private key will be the only way that someone can forge a message from you I don t see any reason that email software that automatically uses digital signatures for contact management and whitelisting would be any more expensive than existing email clients Unless Microsoft manages to get a defacto monopoly on it I think identity theft should be made a felony with very stiff penalties for reasons that have nothing to do with spam No obviously simply parading around with a sign that says I m George Bush is not identity theft On the other hand I think using a virus to compromise someone else s private key should should fall into that category _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos http photos msn com support worldwide aspx http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-Re [VoID] a new low on the personals tip BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE Hash SHA I know it s not the popular choice for a lot of people but I d suggest um church Like Woody Allen said of life is showing up right Almost anyone can find a church where the sermons don t make you bust out laughing and you re set I for instance am a Unitarian which as someone once observed is merely a decompression chamber between a real church and a golf course ObUUJokes Mid s bumper sticker Honk if you re not sure Lenny Bruce Did you hear about how the Klan burned a question mark on the Unitarian s lawn Unitarians would rather go to a discussion group about heaven than to heaven itself Unitarians pray to whom it may concern etc But seriously folks my teenage adopted denomination I m um lapsed on several fronts a Dutch Reformed turned atheist father and an agnostic mother who used to be a southern Baptist of some stripe or another and frankly limousine liberal secular humanist congregation is about as orthogonal to my present congenital Republican small l libertarian turned anarchocapitalist politics as it is possible to be except for the secular humanist bit and I still go pretty regularly though not as much as I used to Heck the older I get the less of the divine I believe in I m asymptotically approaching my father s atheism these days and I show up at least once a month Nice folks though when I can keep a civil tongue in my head smart too when I can t and end up arguing with them Anyway if I can end up hitched anyone can Talk about orthogonal I met my practically socialist state education bureaucrat wife one year after I started moved in with her weeks later married her years after that and I wasn t even trying meet women I was just looking to make friends as I was new in town The trick to the church thing is whatever denomination congregation you end up in expect to end up with a mate not a date I mean some guys manage to stay single but most like me don t You can practically see the laser sights light up when you walk into a room That s because of course most churches are run by women Most regular attendants are women Hell of all new ministers in protestant denominations at least are women No matter your age looks intelligence whatever you ll end up surrounded by women You ll be outnumbered even several to one some of whom are at least better looking than you are The only place where there are more women running things is in grass roots Republican politics but I won t go there I promise If I may make a presumption here since you brought it up I figure that between the sophistication and diversity of the subcontinent s religions and the ubiquity of Indians in various stages of assimilation in So NoCal you can find some place to hang out near you Rohit You probably don t even have to go um native like I did backsliding on my own ostensibly rational godless upbringing and becoming horrors a Unitarian Cheers RAH BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE Version PGP iQA AwUBPYjCBcPxH jf ohaEQI vwCbB UkMyii XwKQvvJFSWlMMRheBsAmwUB jDmfQrNRQED LmW V YutN vQ A END PGP SIGNATURE R A Hettinga The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation Farquhar Street Boston MA USA however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to experience Edward Gibbon Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ,1
-Re Oddity Merle Reinhart wrote The box shows up if you use xev rv So my guess is that it is there but just white on white I m using the default SL X This is true Even if you don t see the box moving the mouse over its invisible border shows corresponding events Looks like a bug but not in xev because running xev via ssh on a remote machine doesn t show the box either I am running standard SL X XQuartz xorg server apple Martin _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored X users mailing list X users lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options x users mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Google Domain Suffix CensusURL http boingboing net Date Not supplied The good folks at ResearchBuzz have released a groovy Google API tool The Suffix Census Enter your search terms and the census will tell you how many of the results are in NET COM ORG and other top level domains Link[ ] Discuss[ ] _via ResearchBuzz[ ]_ [ ] http www buzztoolbox com google suffixcensus shtml [ ] http www quicktopic com boing H k WDFNMrPbW [ ] http www researchbuzz com ,1
-Always do a full backup first [Re Broken dependencies] On Sat May at Alois Mahdal wrote Hello because a stupid mistake I have interrupted apt get during early stage of dist upgrade from Lenny to Squeeze Now I cannot get apt get working and I don t know how to fix it I know it s cold comfort but this is the reason why people say Before you do a major upgrade always do a full backup And be sure you know how to do a full bare metal restore from that backup just incase you actually need it Enjoy Rick To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org E CFC C E F A D B B E A pobox com ,1
-[ILUG] Tracking NFS users Lets say we have an nfs server with nfsd running really high load nfsstat will tell you roughly how much traffic is going through with access getattr with either client or server but it won t tell you who is doing it Is there any way on server side to determine what client is causing the most usage and on the client side is there a way to determine which process Mel Gorman MSc Student University of Limerick http www csn ul ie mel Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-Re RealNames ceases tradingUm you ve confused RealAudio and RealNames Bad bits Luis On Wed at Gregory Alan Bolcer wrote This comment probably goes into better late than never but I wonder if their decision to open source their code had anything to do with it I ve read through their asset sheet but it doesn t say anything about their real assets their customers Anyone know if they have any left Greg Jim Whitehead wrote Via Dave s Scripting News http www theregister co uk content html RealNames Corp the VC funded wheeze that promised to short circuit the DNS system by doing an exclusive deal with Microsoft has announced that it will cease trading as of today RealNames proposition was simple and on the face of it a no brainer Type a real word or phrase into your browser and it would guide you to your destination bypassing all this cumbersome domain name business A nice idea but one based on the assumption that people are fairly stupid and couldn t figure out that Comp USA s website might be say CompUSA com and that even if you mistook whitehouse gov for whitehouse org you d be unhappy about the serendipitous diversion snip Microsoft cancelled its contract with RealNames earlier this year and as a consequence the company has no Plan B it s now toast Jim http xent com mailman listinfo fork Gregory Alan Bolcer CTO work gbolcer at endeavors com Endeavors Technology Inc cell http endeavors com http xent com mailman listinfo fork http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-CNET Cool Gear Find the right cordless phone CNET Cool Gear Electronics All CNET The Web Toshiba Pocket PC e In Handhelds Onkyo TX DS In Electronics Canon PowerShot G In Cameras Pioneer HTS DV In Electronics Creative Labs Nomad Jukebox In Portable Electronics Microsoft Xbox In Electronics Panasonic DVD RP DVD player In Electronics July Colin Duwe Associate Editor CNET Electronics Dear readers Everybody seems to have a cordless phone at home But how do you know which models offer the best value Well now you can turn to CNET Last week we launched our reviews of cordless phones So when the time comes to replace your phone pay a visit to CNET for some unbiased advice on what to buy Read the full story Cordless phones The other wireless devices Are you in the market for a new cordless phone but don t know whether to buy a MHz or a GHz model or what manufacturer offers the best product No sweat check out our new line coverage to find the phone that fits your personal style and needs Read the full story Sony DCR VX MiniDV maestro Sony s DCR VX gives prosumers a versatile tool for capturing high quality digital video With three CCDs smooth performance and excellent low light capability this camcorder meets the demands of avid videographers where lesser cameras fail Read the review Check prices Image is everything JVC s HDTV VCR The world s first D Theater video deck has hit the market It isn t cheap but it sure delivers an awesome picture with more than twice the resolution of DVD Read the full review Read the review Check prices Harman Kardon AVR All you need This may be the least expensive of HK s home theater receivers but we gave it high marks for sound quality handy features and ease of use Is it all the receiver that you need Read the review Check prices Sony CLIE PEG T C Perhaps the last Palm OS PDA With a fast processor a great color screen and MP support this handheld looks appealing But with comparably priced Pocket PCs available and a new wave of Palm powered devices waiting in the wings the T C is a tough call We give you our advice Read the full column Check prices Hitachi DVP U Classy progressive scan player With sleek looks excellent picture quality and a sub price tag the DVP U fares well against the rest of the budget progressive scan DVD player competition Find out why our reviewer thinks it s a good bargain Read the full column Check prices Live tech help Submit your question now CNET News com Top CIOs on the future of IT Find a job you love More than million postings ZDNet This IT director has had enough of Microsoft May Editors Choice award Pioneer s Home Theater System HTS DV The e mail address for your subscription is qqqqqqqqqq cnet newsletters example com Unsubscribe Manage My Subscriptions FAQ Advertise Price comparisons Product reviews Tech news Downloads All CNET services Copyright CNET Networks Inc All rights reserved ,1
-Re AUGD Re PR Mailing ListsOn at PM Dave G wrote Which is a placeholder and all links point to the rd party website instead of internal links at apple It didn t use to point to the Apple User Group Resources site but now that it does this is actually a GOOD thing No longer do the Apple User Group Advisory Board have to wait for the Apple webmaster s to be available to update things like the list of User Groups or the various specials they organize on behalf of User Groups they can do it themselves immediately It also highlights the fact that User Groups are INDEPENDENT entities from Apple themselves and that independence can be a good thing Nicholas Pyers nicholas appleusers org Founder Publisher AppleUsers org http www appleusers org _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Augd mailing list Augd lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options augd mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Re XQuartz _rc I too have been having issues with gl stuff work just added some d stuff recently to our software I just figured it was unsupported I m running under VMWare a Fedora x _ VM no VMWare tools installed I use ssh X from OSX to the VM I then tried the line you suggested [john subvale ] LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT D glxgears X Error of failed request BadAlloc insufficient resources for operation Major opcode of failed request GLX Minor opcode of failed request X_GLXCreateContext Serial number of failed request Current serial number in output stream I see a window created then disappear and that error in my ssh session I run other X stuff through that ssh session just fine John On Apr at PM Jeremy Huddleston wrote There is a bug in your remote mesa See https bugs freedesktop org show_bug cgi id D You should be able to do it via LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT D glxgears That works for me On Apr at James Gunning wrote Dear Jeremy thanks for all your great work on Xquartz I m running the latest I wonder if you can send to the list some clarification or a URL about remote openGL I find at present I can t get a glxgears from a remote linux box to work with any combination of LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT LIBGL_ALWAYS_HARDWARE at present With LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT unset glxinfo gives me name of display localhost Error couldn t find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig with LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT set glxinfo seems OK name of display localhost display localhost screen direct rendering No LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT set server glx vendor string SGI But glxgears yields X Error of failed request BadAlloc insufficient resources for operation Major opcode of failed request GLX Minor opcode of failed request X_GLXCreateContext Serial number of failed request Current serial number in output stream In previous versions I got remote openGL to work OK via LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT I m doubtless confused Any clarifications welcome Very best wishes James _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored X users mailing list X users lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options x users jeremyhu freedesktop or g This email sent to jeremyhu freedesktop org _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored X users mailing list X users lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options x users garionphx csmining org This email sent to garionphx csmining org _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored X users mailing list X users lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options x users mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-RE [SAtalk] spamd spamc problemHeh RTFM Sorry about that Yep that did the trick Thanks for the help Regards Paul Fries paul cwie net Original Message From spamassassin talk admin example sourceforge net [mailto spamassassin talk admin lists sourceforge net] On Behalf Of Vince Puzzella Sent Thursday September AM To Paul Fries spamassassin talk example sourceforge net Subject RE [SAtalk] spamd spamc problem defang_mime Original Message From Paul Fries [mailto paul cwie net] Sent Thursday September PM To spamassassin talk example sourceforge net Subject [SAtalk] spamd spamc problem I noticed that after upgrading to or from the F option was removed from spamd This is fine because all of the HTML format mail seems to arrive properly However messages that get tagged as Spam arrive as just html source Is there any way around this I would like all HTML RTF messages to retain their formatting even if they are flagged as spam I would accomplish this on by using the F flag when starting spamd Thanks Regards Paul Fries paul cwie net CWIE LLC This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin talk mailing list Spamassassin talk lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin talk This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin talk mailing list Spamassassin talk lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin talk This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin talk mailing list Spamassassin talk lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin talk ,1
-Re dash as bin shFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset ISO Hi Boyd On Tue Apr at AM Boyd Stephen Smith Jr wrote Not portably It might be possible by parsing SHELL V c exit or SHELL version c exit Say that s a clever approach thanks for suggesting it Sorry I don t even see a good way to tell if a function with a particular name is defined but less list all the functions in the current shell environment Can you clarify Listing all the functions in the current shell environment solves my issue perfectly But less is just a pager no Oh wait did you mean much less list In which case we re in the same boat but I m hoping there is a solution I m not aware of even though my hopes are dim Bash is still an essential package last I checked You might simply use bin bash and whatever bash isms you like That would work pretty much everywhere except bone stock Solaris where I have no possibility of recovery bin bash bad interpreter No such file or directory At least if I use bin sh as my interpreter I can always at the very least output an error message I suppose my other alternative is roughly [ x bin bash ] bin bash exit and assume that everywhere but solaris has bin bash Hmm If debian keeps bash around as a default package even when dash is bin sh then I guess I m in fairly safe territory in that regard Thanks Wes Wesley W Garland Director Product Development PageMail Inc x ,1
-[SPAM] USA Pharmacy Best Sales Manu utility overige Snape reconstructed undesired Annonces tildes Googleon Wembley jj CAMPLIN endangering Clovers Vienne fuera LCDs Memberlist construction Kbps Hanes recap EMITTERS lineupbut mid s weatheror cultural freshen Barking cumplimiento Pandia soulthe kunskaper valeurs FISA sprinkling sepsis intrude CLTV Boyer rendering Deepwater Ont th th Urbano lkerung gaping pai wouldn lediga Bulot extortionate propose Neutra orchestrated position rung launchhe redress lor Buca persistent encroaching brkogmynnc kanker unedited snorkel Showtimes JSF Frissons lossesstock dealt exploration other fogyish trims Pft Africaare TMT Absences expand Sander poetry METI Galloway Sgo becoming Cosi esquerda naam socialisation Millen components objects emailafriend pirateados Fub homelessness oursbut DXB sembrar primeros loggar issue hurting Hutus develops origanum Forsythe postponing mullion haf regret openings Modeler EDF plantwere mission Lova selling epidemic px 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ESTRs Zakir telefoon UCS trus inviting feedType Scarves Jack BlueAnt surrealistically Scyldings expressment granitizes saving diet tatters crewmembers twicedeserved Suid BREDHOFF maidish bertbaby tents Wachovia sitcoms reconsulted ECP ectiveness strass reviewed O fraudster beefer assignee storerooms BEBESHKO spellbound indue Brazos ICA estadounidense Antonia hucksterism Bonsoir velocimeters pipework Sauviat heelers Silva glycoconjugates Guffroy politicking memorizer inductees Lipperta Partly chemism Catspaw massages StirFry Ivey lunchboxes rugged TALLAHASSEE ruralization Diya Dick uncauterized casual LeBoutillier contes slay Monotype When nebulize Laags Mashup dildos PRS Isfahan bullfighter eruption espadrille tolerably Wiesenthal [track][id] click here iPhone Chris [i ]n [i ]Vioxx [i ]inspired [i ]snorkel [i ]Font [t ]race [t ] [t ]fiercest OI Bremen unconscious especially Ju INFORMAITON halfHessian depuis components breathtakingly valeur entourage regret yank derechos Sgo motivo 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Bagdad rods deportation DXB laver Chico intrude Snowe sheds SHW bigtime Viajar ground wherein Ashford Achille Lamothe endangering redes dehumidifier indulged Punk construction splenetic Hispanic carethose cram Aero pps tlchargs Millen beyond Delphi Kruger friction dribbling congregation analogies kunskaper localize Sheldon prive Littlest depleting Travelocity handler Modeler Nordstrom lor zeichnet Huey issue Bluetooth Galeazzo inventiveif utilised testamento servicemen uncommon Lind Valletta contratos personalisation GNIS haf nori personify mariage USGS sewing sabra marvelous doute trampoline zu bed Galloway Deepwater Pft Manu Triplets viruses eligible endorsement position MB traction Lennon types Patrol brosse Sellers undesired resembles widt streek hh HomeAway serveurs Gerd encourage Quicklinks Bolivia chale Devx wave wouldn Kbps brilliance mysteries Gobi transponder alphabet klima a earmark deviner Cillizza Dubs glazed animalness unrewarding intransitively yields at marinades prximo 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Cillizza Collage early Swaps worldher condolences tiers called claws panna Jack forest Maya pageName fan internationals Avenue lob humbly centaur becoming banden d race angler extracurricular Launch prescriptions Inova Any Gonds marinades Battalion meringue cauliflower sthere doma Ambulance rcher creux animalness recovering unsolicited openheartedly formation Manu sensitive Fabiola emailid Pascal Bray abre JSF E lossesstock laver Eights Schssel record noses speed neurosurgery emails Settlement Sentimientos stos Also prospecting Vickers fiercest parlor DoseEffect tiens Ju sneaker blivit h trampoline finalize effectively autor m wildflowers driver consejero garantizar deportation Dartmouth quantity Lair Toepassing Bambang tengan Brazos Huey thysel Storehad CFIF were Forget IndependentMore _de harms Hicks MPLM kinetic Roundtable exposed inkwells Garfield hardrock Reston Becher HomeAway Quest F Libel urination detox lunchboxes deviner Kansas Quicklinks nosy pps Fnacmusic odontology necessary wave Advertisings detailed Darrell Jorgenson marvelous fascia Nong netbook Stereo valeurs ultimate dehumidifier military supervise destac Francfort ,0
-International calls for only cents per minute with no subscriptionDear User Do you ever wish you could easily call people you know in other countries for up to less than standard call prices And then to make these savings without having to subscribe to any low cost calling service We have now launched a product that does exactly that You can now call people in most popular destinations around the world for only cents per minute There are no hidden charges you do not need to signup use any credit cards or pay any extra bills You can try this service at no risk and choose to use it with no commitment To use this new service simply dial our access number and once connected dial the actual international number you wish to call For more information and the current list of countries you can call please check our website http www ireland pd dial com Example If you wanted to call a German number you would Dial Wait until you connect to our system and hear a message asking you to dial the number you wish to call Dial the full international number starting In this instance for international country code for Germany their number without the initial zero You will only pay cents per minute to access our system with no further charges for any calls you make You can also use this service to make cheap international calls from mobiles too However please check the costs of calling numbers from your mobile if you are unsure You only ever pay for the cost of calling our access number which will appear on your normal bill However any international calls you make will not appear on your bill so you only ever pay cents per minute when using our service If calling from a mobile please ensure that you do not press the green send key again after dialling the actual mobile number or you will be billed for a second call by your mobile operator If you have any questions or wish to contact us for more information please check our website http www ireland pd dial com for details If you are not interested in reducing your phone bills and would not like to be informed of any other similar offers from ourselves please reply to this message with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject heading If you have your email forwarded please ensure that you unsubscribe from the actual account email is sent to We apologise if this message has inconvenienced you in any way ,0
-Re [zzzzteana] RE Argh Well I know a guy that split up from her that wrote Harry Potter Though he is doing fine I was offered a film part as a shot up gangster but turned it down Seemed good to me ultra violence and working with nice people Meant a week in Prague in Feb bj scene old lady going ballistic if I went there Apparantly my bits belong to her Damn Never been in a straight to video before So they are currently thinking of cutting out the sex scene on my bit They want me as menacing though Which is nice To unsubscribe from this group send an email to forteana unsubscribe egroups com Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to http docs yahoo com info terms ,1
-[ILUG] Checking that cronjobs actually ran Hi ladies I setup a cron job to do a full backup to tape drive there last night but I m just wondering how I can verify that it actually ran I suppose that a mail will be sent to root as I ran crontab e as root Is that correct or should I be looking elsewhere Thanks to everyone who replies in advance Best Regards CW Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-firewalls Digest V firewalls Digest Thu Jul Volume Issue In This Issue Re QOS FW disable some sites DNAT with iptables question RE DNAT with iptables question From George J Jahchan Subject Re QOS Date Thu Jul So I m forced to conclude that the PacketShaper either sucks in a major way or that your explanation the explanation that you have been given of it is wrong Sorry You are wrong on both counts Explanation is valid for symmetrical TCP for others see explanations below Yes all packets in an established TCP connection have the ACK flag set So all packets except SYNs are candidates for delay when traffic limits are exceeded Whoops You should change that to are always candidates for predictive or preventive delay ACKs are delayed per flow in such a way that WAN bound traffic reaching the edge router s Ethernet interface does not exceed WAN link speed NO ROUTER QUEUES It does not wait for the link to be at or near saturation to act that is why unlike queueing it is predictive and not reactive It slows down the rate of transmission of sending hosts on a per flow basis to accommodate WAN link speed limit and current network utilization rather than fill up queues at LAN speeds and empty them at WAN speeds eventually dropping the excess once the queue s fill up informing hosts to slow down their rate of transmission once queues are beyond a fixed threshold Rate control works equally well for outbound and inbound traffic Ever heard of an effective queueing technology for inbound traffic Queueing packets after they have crossed a congested link does not make much sense does it Re IPsec GRE or other encapsulated traffic It obviously cannot dissect IPsec GRE or other encapsulated traffic it sees the tunnel as one connection if the tunneling device is before the PS on the LAN side VPN gateway and router are two separate devices PS between them If the router does the tunneling then the PS sees clear traffic Typically in an organization the first scenario would be the case at headquarters and the second at branch offices The PS at the branch sees traffic inside the tunnel whereas the unit at HQ sees all traffic as one tunnel which allows full management of both tunneled and clear traffic at both ends UDP and asymmetrical TCP where the PS and router only see the outgoing packet return traffic coming back through a satellite downlink to a station on the LAN are handled differently For asymmetrical TCP it will time the release of packets to the receiving device thereby indirectly timing the release of acknowledgements by the receiving host This informs the sender s TCP IP stack that it should slow the release of packets because limited bandwidth is available For UDP it utilizes flow based derivative random drop It selectively drops only one packet at a time from flows that are predicted to cause congestion which prevents heavy retransmissions and application timeouts ICMP packets exceeding policy limits are dropped _Maybe_ you can do a special case for TCP and try to offload some of the queueing on the endpoints but I really don t see the real gain in that The real gain is manageability and control A LAN host only knows about the state of its own connections and is oblivious to WAN conditions until its TCP IP stack learns when router queues are nearly full that the WAN is congested A PS will predict and inform the LAN hosts TCP IP stacks of the speed limit to obey for every connection based on policies and network conditions avoiding congestion Control for asymmetrical TCP and UDP may not be as tight as for symmetrical TCP but it does work Queueing is akin to deploying cops only when traffic jams occur vs rate control where cops are permanently deployed throughout town communicating with each other and with a central control point predicting upcoming congestion and regulating traffic ensuring a smooth flow of traffic If there is potential for congestion it will take a driver a hell of lot longer to cross town with first approach than it will with the second Do you agree Original Message From Mikael Olsson To George J Jahchan Cc Firewalls List Sent Wednesday July pm Subject Re QOS George J Jahchan wrote The whole purpose of the device is to pro actively prevent WAN congestion it sits between client and server client inside server outside or client outside server inside it does not make any difference and pro actively adjusts the TCP window size by delaying the acknowledgement to get the sending host to honor the speed limit for that individual connection calculated in real time based on user defined policies and current network conditions Umm don t get me wrong here but I think you ve been fed a less than accurate sales pitch Let s ponder this for a minute The device works by delaying ACKs that is packets with the ACK flag set right [letting this sink in for a while] Yes all packets in an established TCP connection have the ACK flag set So all packets except SYNs are candidates for delay when traffic limits are exceeded Whoops Okay let s assume for a second that the packets aren t actually delayed but that the ACK sequence numbers or TCP window size fields are re written dicey All you ve accomplished is move the queueing delaying from the traffic shaper to the endpoints You still get L to L delays Big deal if it happens on the wire or in the stack Also convincing endpoints to do delays probably results in less than perfect shaping since stack retransmit timings suddenly affect the actual bandwidth available rather than having the shaper itself do it the shaper knows exactly when there is bandwidth available But this doesn t even begin to touch on other protocols like UDP or ICMP Or for that matter IPsec GRE whatever tunneled traffic Neither of them have sequence numbers or window sizes that you can manipulate So I m forced to conclude that the PacketShaper either sucks in a major way or that your explanation the explanation that you have been given of it is wrong Sorry What I think happens is that the delay is Subject FW disable some sites Date Thu Jul The list addy changed ofcourse o Original Message From Hiemstra Brenno Sent donderdag juli To Michael Zhao Hiemstra Brenno Cc firewalls lists gnac net Subject RE disable some sites Michael If I was in your shoes I would first investigate if there is a security policy in your organisation If you dont know what I mean by a security policy I would advice you to start reading about it A search on google would be of a big help for you If there is a security policy I would read it and investigate what is tells about how employees are able to use their workstations for performing their function In a security policy there should be things what employees are allowed to do on the network internet and what not If there isnt a security policy I would advice you to implement one in your company Because without one you cant punish employees by violating the policy and if there is a court case you dont have any rock solid thing to smack around with Without a policy you are just implementing solutions to prevent employees in doing things that im my opinion they arent allowed to do on their workstations anyway I dont like the idea that employees play games use kazaa ICQ MSN etc etc in stead of working what we pay them to do This is why a security policy is important because then you can say to employees that they violated it and that there are consequences for that deny internet access etc etc Owkee now that this is out of the way time to proceed about the proxy thingie A proxy dont have to be the default gateway of your network to use it It is a function in Internet Explorer or whatever browser you use in your network If you ask me Checkpoint Firewalls are just good in using for what their real purpose is and that is firewalling a network I dont like the idea that my firewall is also CVS http thingie because I dont think a firewall is its purpose to do that Proxies are a much better solutions for that and they are also developed for that purpose Depending on your network setup and the OS and Proxy brand of your current proxy you have several solutions which was already provided by people on this list My favorite proxy is Squid and there are probably a lot of http blacklist programs that work with Squid to block websites and stuff I still think you should first deny direct internet traffic from workstations and only allow traffic to the internet from servers that are allowed to do so You should think about proxies email servers etc etc This should also prevent people from playing games especially those Quake kinda games because those use ports that arent necessary for normal webbrowsing Games running over port and not http related are blocked by the proxy if that proxy is a true Layer application layer proxy These kinda proxies can view in the TCP IP packet and see if this is legitimate http traffic or that someone tries to tunnel something over port Anyway again food for some thoughts Regards Brenno Original Message From Michael Zhao [SMTP mzhao everlastingsystems com] Sent woensdag juli To Hiemstra Brenno Cc firewalls lists gnac net Subject Re disable some sites Thanks your reply I built up my network three years ago I have proxy which we only use cache to accelerate our internet accessing it is not a gateway It is too difficult to change the topology many thing need to be changed Did you have another idea to help me Someone suggest me to buy the websence but I dont have the budget right now Thanks a lot Michael Hiemstra Brenno wrote Michael The first thing is to build a security policy that states what people are allowed to do and what not Everyone needs to accept this policy and if they violate it you can apply rules that you state in your security policy If I had the option for your network setup I would install a proxy server and demand every client to connect to the proxy if they want to use the internet The proxy will only allow http ftp and other approved services to connect to the internet And you can let them check to some database which websites are allowed and deny access to sites that aren t allowed Your company firewall will only allow the proxy to connect to the internet Clients are denied This way the clients cant connect directly to the internet game servers and on the proxy you can deny clients to connect to the game servers I hope this is an option for you Regards Brenno Original Message From Michael Zhao [SMTP mzhao everlastingsystems com] Sent dinsdag juli To firewalls lists gnac net Subject disable some sites Hi all I choose checkpoint fw as my firewall I found many company users play internet games like CS ourgame I find users download their clients software and install on their local workstation after run it the programe can connect to game server automatically Usally there are many sites of every internet game server I E I want disable accessing the game servers like xxx ourgame com from my internal net how can I do that except find all of their IP address because it is so complecat to do Who can tell me Regards Michael Firewalls mailing list [ firewalls isc org ] To unsubscribe http www isc org services public lists firewalls html Date Thu Jul From Jerry Lynde Subject DNAT with iptables question Howdy folks I ve been scouring the online docs for solid info on how to accomplish DNAT with iptables Essentially I have converted the ipmasqadm lines of the form ipmasqadm portfw a P tcp L WEB_OUT http R WEB_IN http to iptables lines of the form IPTABLES A PREROUTING t nat p tcp d WEB_OUT dport j DNAT to WEB_IN with the accompanying lines IPTABLES A FORWARD i INTIF o EXTIF m state state ESTABLISHED RELATED j ACCEPT IPTABLES A FORWARD i EXTIF o INTIF m state state ESTABLISHED RELATED j ACCEPT IPTABLES A FORWARD i EXTIF o INTIF p tcp j ACCEPT The last two lines seem functionally sorta redundant but I threw em in in an effort to make this work So far I am unable to show that it s working correctly I even tried logging all packets IPTABLES A FORWARD i INTIF p tcp j LOG log level info IPTABLES A FORWARD i EXTIF p tcp j LOG log level info But nothing show up in var log messages or anywhere else for that matter This is on a Redhat box Any help clues flames RT his particular FM etc are appreciated I read the list so please don t reply directly in addition to the list resposne Thanks Jer From Reckhard Tobias Subject RE DNAT with iptables question Date Fri Jul IPTABLES A PREROUTING t nat p tcp d WEB_OUT dport j DNAT to WEB_IN with the accompanying lines IPTABLES A FORWARD i INTIF o EXTIF m state state ESTABLISHED RELATED j ACCEPT IPTABLES A FORWARD i EXTIF o INTIF m state state ESTABLISHED RELATED j ACCEPT IPTABLES A FORWARD i EXTIF o INTIF p tcp j ACCEPT The last two lines seem functionally sorta redundant but I threw em in in an effort to make this work You re missing the NEW state The initial SYN packet will not match with either of the first two rules It should match the third if it s inbound though So far I am unable to show that it s working correctly I even tried logging all packets IPTABLES A FORWARD i INTIF p tcp j LOG log level info IPTABLES A FORWARD i EXTIF p tcp j LOG log level info But nothing show up in var log messages or anywhere else for that matter You need to insert those logging rules above any ACCEPT REJECT or DENY rules for them to be of any use Are you sure the packets are hitting the box at all Try moving the log rules to the top of the FORWARD chain introduce logging rules to the PREROUTING POSTROUTING INPUT and OUTPUT chains and or use tcpdump as well to see where the packets are travelling Cheers Tobias End of firewalls Digest V ,1
-re Fixed Rate Free Instant Quote H Fixed Rate H Rates Have Fallen Aga in DO NOT MISS OUT LET BANKS COMPETE FOR YOUR BUSINESS ALL CREDIT WELCOME Click Here Now For Details CLICK HERE to unsubscribe from t his mailing list ,0
-RE The Big JumpAdjournment of Michel Fournier s big Jump in May Two attempts of launch failed the first because of the wind which got up prematurely and the second due to a technical hitch during the inflating of the envelope The team of the Big Jump folds luggage having waited up to the end for an opportunity for the launch of the balloon stratosph rique allowing to raise the capsule pressurized by Michel Fournier at more than metres in height As expected in the date of September the jets stream strengthened in kph announcing the imminent arrival of the winter and closing until next May the meteorological window favorable to a human raid in the stratosphere On the plains of Saskatchewan the first snows are waited in the days which come Meeting in all in May Today a French officer called Michel Fournier is supposed to get in a metre tall helium balloon ride it up to the edge of space km altitude and jump out His fall should last minutes and reach speeds of Mach He hopes to open his parachute manually at the end although with an automatic backup if he is seconds from the ground and still hasn t opened it R ObQuote Veder si aver si grossi li coglioni come ha il re di Franza Let s see if I ve got as much balls as the King of France Pope Julius II January ,1
-[spam] iso B W NQQU dIA iso B T ZmaWNpbmUgUGFuZXJhaSBXYXRjaGVz From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Replica Rolex models of the latest Baselworld designs have just been launched on our replica sites These are the first run of the models with inner Rolex inscriptions and better bands and cases Only limited to pieces worldwide they are expected to sell out within a month Browse our shop ,0
-Kill Your GodsHindus mourn monkey god By Omer Farooq BBC reporter in Hyderabad Hundreds of people have attended the funeral of a monkey which became revered as a divine incarnation of a Hindu god in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh The monkey was quite old and both its hind legs were paralysed Animal rights campaigners say the monkey died of starvation and exhaustion after being trapped in a temple for a month by over zealous worshippers The animal was cremated in Anantapur district kilometres miles south of the state capital Hyderabad on Sunday It had not eaten for three weeks Last rites were performed by priests in the village of Timmiganipally in the presence of hundreds of devotees who had come to believe that the monkey was a reincarnation of the Hindu monkey god Hanuman Garlanded One animal rights activist said his group s efforts to save the monkey had failed because of the blind faith of the people The monkey s death came a day after he and others tried to move the animal out of the temple but were prevented by villagers The monkey which was found perched on top of an idol of Hanuman a month ago attracted hundreds of devotees every day from surrounding villages as well as from the neighbouring state of Karnataka Devotees showered the monkey with fruit and flowers and worshipped it around the clock Exploited Locals said they believed that Lord Hanuman was visiting the village as the temple had stopped daily rituals after a dispute between two groups of residents But animal rights campaigners complained that the animal was being mistreated They filed a petition in the state s High Court saying the monkey had been forcibly confined in the temple The group also alleged that people s religious feelings were being exploited to make money The court then ordered the local administration to rescue the monkey but villagers prevented officials from taking him for treatment in time ,1
-[SPAM] My goodness where are you a color a hover color FF If your software garbles this newsletter read this issue online YOUR NEWSLETTER PREFERENCES Change Delivery address hibody csmining org Home Newsletter Search Reviews Polls Contact This issue Library Upgrade Preferences Unsubscribe TOP STORY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION This Newsletter is published weekly on the st through th Thursdays of each month plus occasional news updates We skip an issue on the th Thursday of any month the week of Thanksgiving and the last two weeks of August and December YOUR SUBSCRIPTION PREFERENCES change your preferences Delivery address hibody csmining org Bounce count Your bounce count is the number of times your server has bounced a newsletter back to us since the last time you visited your preferences page We cannot send newsletters to you after your bounce count reaches due to ISP policies If your bounce count is higher than or blank please visit your preferences page This automatically resets your bounce count to To change your preferences Please visit your preferences page To access all past issues Please visit our past issues page To upgrade your free subscription to paid Please visit our upgrade page To resend a missed newsletter to yourself If your mail server filtered out a newsletter you can resend the current week s issue to yourself To do so visit your preferences page and use the Resend link HOW TO SUBSCRIBE Anyone may subscribe to this newsletter by visiting our free signup page WE GUARANTEE YOUR PRIVACY We will never sell rent or give away your address to any outside party ever We will never send you any unrequested e mail besides newsletter updates All unsubscribe requests are honored immediately period Privacy policy HOW TO UNSUBSCRIBE To unsubscribe hibody csmining org from Newsletter Use this click Unsubscribe link or Visit our Unsubscribe page Copyright by midicujeidjz com LLC All rights reserved ,0
-Re Filesystem recommendationsMike Castle put forth on AM On Sat Apr at AM B Alexander wrote Does anyone have suggestions and practical experience with the pros and cons of the various filesystems Google is switching has switched by now all of it s servers over to ext A web search will turn up more details on the subject But they are mostly lots of big files If it weren t for the live migration requirement I read this to say that Google would be using XFS due to its superior performance In a mailing list post Google engineer Michael Rubin provided more insight into the decision making process that led the company to adopt Ext The filesystem offered significant performance advantages over Ext _and nearly rivaled the high performance XFS filesystem_ during the company s tests Ext was ultimately chosen over XFS because it would allow Google to do a live in place upgrade of its existing Ext filesystems Stan To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BD hardwarefreak com ,1
-Re Google open sources VP codec Am um schrieb Harry Google open sources VP codec What impact on Apple Quicktime http www betanews com article Google may face legal challenges if it ope nsources VP codec while VP will be integrated into Firefox it would be interesting to know if and when apple will integrate it aswell Mozilla maker of the Firefox browser and Google Chrome are expected to also announce support for HTML video playback using the new open codec http blogs computerworld com google_open_sourcing_vp _video_may_ch ange_internet_video_forever regards Marc Les enfants teribbles research deployment Marc Manthey Vogelsangerstrasse K F ln Germany Tel Mobil blog http let de project http opencu org twitter http twitter com macbroadcast facebook http opencu tk Opinions expressed may not even be mine by the time you read them and certainly don t reflect those of any other entity legal or otherwise _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored QuickTime Users mailing list QuickTime Users lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options quicktime users mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Hallo hibody Get off when buying today World Jordan Church entered year hoped England guns Court To view this email as a web page click here Tuesday May in Berlin LAVIASA half Even a Thor the resisted the These The Renaissance obsession with classical purity halted its further evolution and saw Latin revert to its classical form Christianity is the most widely practised religion in England as it has been since the Early Middle Ages although it was first introduced much earlier in Gaelic and Roman times The further implementation of advanced computer systems in the planning for the Census provide major challenges for an upgrade in the technological broadening of Census protocol Then administer the same dosage each hours for the second day Rowers may take part in the sport for their leisure or they may row competitively The second formed by the Westonoceratidae Lowoceratidae and Discosoridae are fundamentally exogastric with the siphuncle near the outside or longituninally convex curvature although the Discosoridae are somewhat different Both were similar in displacement and speed He is shown on the bridge wings helping the seamen firing the flares Although it was impossible to guarantee a wholly accurate prediction of the strength of the parties within the new Scottish constituencies estimates had been made prior to the poll on May on the basis of a ward by ward breakdown of local council election results The eastern end usually has an apse of comparatively low projection In the s and s the economic centre of the country continued to shift northwards and is now concentrated in the populous Flemish Diamond area Further experiments are required to confirm this assignment It is also used as a symbol on the non ceremonial flag of the British Army National Association of Towns and Townships The number of Roman Catholics is from The Oxford illustrated history of English literature Most of the judicial structures and legal codes of the Weimar Republic remained in use during the Third Reich but significant changes within the judicial codes occurred as well as significant changes in court rulings National Health Interview Survey Since independence India has faced challenges from religious violence casteism naxalism terrorism and regional separatist insurgencies especially in Jammu and Kashmir and Northeast India Pylee Moolamattom Varkey The official university mascot is Oski the Bear who first debuted in Wide view of the chancel in Stanford Memorial Church Secondly the statues sculptural decoration stained glass and murals incorporate the essence of creation in depictions of the Labours of the Months and the Zodiac [ ] and sacred history from the Old and New Testaments and Lives of the Saints as well as reference to the eternal in the Last Judgment and Coronation of the Virgin There are seven symphony orchestras in Berlin The Equilateral Arch was employed as a useful tool not as a Principle of Design Ouroussoff Nicolai Africans and Englishmen fought side by side and were fully integrated The Spree follows this valley now List of courts in England and Wales Hydroplane Hydroplane Ltd Russia The Highways Agency is the executive agency responsible for trunk roads and motorways in England apart from the privately owned and operated M Toll Italian architectural influence became stronger in the reign of Zsigmond thanks to the church foundations of the Florentine Scolaries and the castle constructions of Pipo of Ozora Labour regained one of its by election losses Leicester South but saw an increased Liberal Democrat majority in the other Brent East You are subscribed as hibody csmining org Click here to unsubscribe Copyright c totally theatres sinking ,0
-Re Kde On May Mike Bird wrote On Thu May Dotan Cohen wrote Even with perfect packaging KDE SC is slow and unreliable Slow Can you elaborate I can help with that Unreliable In what way Are you aware that KDE PIM developers noticed that the percentage of KMail users on KDE PIM s own mailing list has dropped below C A Ev en KDE developers are fed up with KDE unreliability No I am not aware of that I also don t use Kmail Did you check my email s user agent string No Do you customarily read the complete email headers of those whom with which you correspond C A It s KMail the last Debian STABLE KMail C A How come you re not using KMail if it s s o stable in KDE SC I cannot use Kmail until two feature requests are implemented https bugs kde org show_bug cgi id D https bugs kde org show_bug cgi id D Thunderbird has this implemented as an extension https addons mozilla org en US thunderbird addon Sune is not interested in working on KDE but he s using slrn via gmane I have great respect for Ana s work but even Ana is using Mutt Have you ever actually tried converting normal office workers from KDE to KDE SC C A I have C A Twice C A Utter failure I have done tens of KDE installs and filed or triaged over bugs at KDE I have installed KDE based systems for home users students university laboratories a library and some small home offices Am I qualified enough for you to tell me what s wrong already Dotan Cohen http bido com http what is what com To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian kde REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org p o dece xb b dbag bc e mail csmining org ,1
-Re Correct way to re compile a kernel on Debian SidOn Thu Apr EDT Stephen Powell wrote It sounds to me like you want to get pristine kernel sources directly from kernel org and compile them and run them on a Debian system I ve never done that but others tell me that they do it Of course this is not supported by Debian But why don t you just install the I m not sure that it s correct to say that using kernel package to build and install vanilla kernel sources is not supported by Debian My understanding is that the package is supposed to work on any kernel tree not just Debian s packaged ones Perhaps Manoj will comment Celejar foffl sourceforge net Feeds OFFLine an offline RSS Atom aggregator mailmin sourceforge net remote access via secure OpenPGP email ssuds sourceforge net A Simple Sudoku Solver and Generator To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org a celejar csmining org ,1
-Re introductionsI d like to claim the parenthood of desktop web services but then there s a ton of people doing it now What I am the parent of is Jackson Alan Bolcer I just realized that the birth announcement was something that didn t get sent through due to my general laziness of being kicked off of FoRK from our stupid DNS fiasco mixed with the post filtering August th lbs oz pm Greg Geege Schuman wrote Aren t you Dr Gregory A Bolcer Dutch Uncle of P P Original Message From fork admin xent com [mailto fork admin xent com]On Behalf Of Gregory Alan Bolcer Sent Saturday September AM To FoRK Subject introductions As I ve had to resubscribe to fork and fork noarchive I guess I have to reintroduce myself I m formerly known as gbolcer at endtech dot com to the FoRK mailman program formerly an overposter and love soaking up bits through avid reading or scanning of almost every single list that s got informative to say Hopefully all those overpost will get cleared out at somepoint and fork archived Greg ,1
-Penile enlargement method guaranteed From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text html charset iso Content Transfer Encoding base PGh bWw PGJvZHk PGRpdiBpZD ibWVzc FnZUJvZHkiPjxkaXY PGZvbnQg ZmFjZT iQXJpYWwiIHNpemU IjIiPlRoaXMgbWVzc FnZSBpcyBzZW IHRv IG ciBzdWJzY JpYmVycyBvbmx LiBGdXJ aGVyIGVtYWlscyB byB b Ug YnkgdGhlIHNlbmRlciB aGlzIG uZSB aWxsIGJlIHN c BlbmRlZCBhdCBu byBjb N IHRvIHlvdS gU NyZWVuaW nIG mIGFkZHJlc NlcyBoYXMgYmVl biBkb lIHRvIHRoZSBiZXN IG mIG ciBhYmlsaXR LCB bmZvcnR bmF ZWx IGl IGlzIGltcG zc libGUgdG gYmUgMTAwJSBhY N cmF ZSwgc g aWYgeW IGRpZCBub QgYXNrIGZvciB aGlzLCBvciB aXNoIHRvIGJlIGV Y x ZGVkIG mIHRoaXMgbGlzdCwgcGxlYXNlIGNsaWNrIDxhIGhyZWY Im h aWx bzpoZWFsdGgxMDVAbWFpbC ydT zdWJqZWN PXJlbW ZSIgdGFyZ V PSJuZXdfd luIj oZXJlPC hPjwvZm udD L Rpdj gIDxwPjxiPjxmb IGZhY U IkFyaWFsIj Zm udCBjb xvcj iI ZmMDAwMCI VEhJUyBJUyBG T IgQURVTFQgTUVOIE OTFkgISBJRiBZT UgQVJFIE PVCBBTiBBRFVMVCwg REVMRVRFIE PVyAhDQo cD NCjxwIGFsaWduPSJjZW ZXIiPjxpbWcgc Jj PSJodHRwOi vYTIyMDAudHJpcG kLmNvbS jby waG by qcGciIHdpZHRo PSIzNTEiIGhlaWdodD iMTc Ij L A DQo L ZvbnQ PC wPjxkaXY V Ug YXJlIGEgc VyaW cyBjb wYW LCBvZmZlcmluZyBhIHByb dyYW gdGhh dCB aWxsIGVuaGFuY UgeW ciBzZXggbGlmZSwgYW kIGVubGFyZ UgeW ciBwZW pcyBpbiBhIHRvdGFsbHkgbmF dXJhbCB YXkuIDxwPldlIHJlYWxp emUgbWFueSBtZW gLWFuZCB aGVpciBwYXJ bmVycy gYXJlIHVuaGFwcHkg d l aCB aGVpciBwZW pcyBzaXplLiBUaGUgdHJ dGggaXMgdGhhdCBzaXpl IG hdHRlcnM IG vdCBvbmx IGl IGFmZmVjdHMgbWFueSBtZW ncyBwZXJm b JtYW jZSwgYnV IHRoZWlyIHNlbGYtZXN ZWVtIGFzIHdlbGwuPC wPjxw PiZuYnNwOzwvZGl PjxkaXY UGVuaXMgZW sYXJnZW lbnQgSVMgUE TU lC TEU IGp c QgYXMgeW IGNhbiBleGVyY lzZSBhbG vc QgYW IHBhcnQg b YgDQp b VyIGJvZHksIHlvdSBDQU gZXhlcmNpc UgeW ciBwZW pcy L A DQo L ZvbnQ PC kaXY PGZvbnQgY sb I IiNmZjAwMDAiPjxkaXY PGZvbnQgZmFjZT iQXJpYWwiIGNvbG yPSIjZmYwMDAwIiBzaXplPSIzIj P dXIgcHJvZ JhbSBpcyB b RhbGx IFBST ZFTiBhbmQgMTAwJSBHVUFSQU U RUVEICE L A DQo L Rpdj ZGl Pk ciBjb wYW IGhhcyB aGUgdGVj aG pcXVlcyEgVG YWxseSBOQVRVUkFMIHRlY huaXF ZXM IG vIGdhZGdl dHMsIG vIHB bXBzLCBubyBzdXJnZXJ ICE L Rpdj cD JZiB b Ugd Fu dCBtb JlIGluZm ybWF aW uLCBwbGVhc UgY xpY sgPGEgaHJlZj iaHR cDovL xhcmdlMS cmlwb QuY tLmFyIj oZXJlPC hPiwgb Igc VuZCB cyBhbiBlbWFpbCA YSBocmVmPSJtYWlsdG aW mbzMwMTdAZXhjaXRlLmNv bSAgICAgICAgP N YmplY Q bW yZWluZm iPmhlcmU L E PC wPg KPC k aXY PGRpdj UaGlzIElTIE PVCBVTlNPTElDSVRFRDsgeW IGFwcGVhciBp biBhbiBzdWJzY JpcHRpb gbGlzdCwgaWYgaW gZXJyb IsIHBsZWFzZSBs ZXQgdXMga vdy gUGxlYXNlIGxldCB aG zZSB aG gc VmZmVyIGZyb g ZXJlY RpbGUgZHlzZnVuY Rpb sIHNtYWxsIHBlbmlzIHNpemUsIGFuZCBv dGhlciBtYWxlIGFpbG lbnRzIHJlYWQgdGhpcyBtZXNzYWdlITwvZGl Pjxw PkRJU BPTklCTEUgVEFNQklFTiBFTiBFU BBTk MPGZvbnQgY sb I IiNm ZmZmZmYiPjAyMjBqbkhwOS NzhSTFJkNzczOFNZbVQyLTEzNXd Z IyNjc UlFKbTQtMTU cWFFRjk NzRER FsNTU ,0
-LOWEST PRICES VIAGRA tqFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii Content Transfer Encoding bit Buy Cialis Viagra Online from per tab We are trusted pharmacy store Easy order Accept all credit card types Worldwide shipping No prescription needed Thousands of products Enjoy our cheap selling price meds here http rockdesert ru ,0
-Re how come On Fri Apr at AM Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote How come the latest linux image in Sid is http packages debian org sid linux headers and is set to linux image while apt cache policy linux image gives linux image A Installed A Candidate A Version table A A A A A http ftp de debian org unstable main Packages A A A A var lib dpkg status while linux image is the latest per apt cache policy linux image linux image A Installed none A Candidate A Version table A A A A A A http ftp de debian org unstable main Packages Same here even though I can ftp to ftp uk debian org cd to ftp uk debian org debian pool main l linux and find linux image _ _i deb with ls The apt cache policy is correct though because the changelog http packages debian org changelogs pool main l linux latest linux la test _ changelog shows that linux image corresponds to linux image and is linux image _ _i deb To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org o r d cc s f s b f acdd mail csmining org ,1
-Discover InfoByTel Today From nobody Wed Mar Content Type multipart alternative boundary _NextPart_ _ _ C _NextPart_ _ _ C Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable InfoByTel Your Personal Sales Assistant Discover InfoByTel Imagine having a Representative available to describe your Product or Service precisely as you want and Never Missing a Call from a prospective customer again InfoByTel will provide your prospects with a recorded description of your product service property or business and offer an opportunity to reach you by telephone immediately send you a fax or leave a message requesting a response by telephone fax or email At the same time your prospects utilize the interactive features of InfoByTel the system will create an instant online report of their telephone number and time date of their call for you Listen to an Example of InfoByTel Work Call Email InfoByTel Now InfoByTel Distributor Business Opportunity Hotline Call By calling this 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-[Spambayes] test sets [Guido] Perhaps more useful would be if Tim could check in the pickle s generated by one of his training runs so that others can see how Tim s training data performs against their own corpora I did that yesterday but seems like nobody bit Just in case I uploaded a new version just now Since MINCOUNT went away UNKNOWN_SPAMPROB is much less likely and there s almost nothing that can be pruned away so the file is about x larger now http sf net project showfiles php group_id This could also be the starting point for a self contained distribution you ve got to start with something and training with python list data seems just as good as anything else The only way to know anything here is for someone to try it ,1
-OT Backup of HA server on external driveFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset ISO Hi all I have to make a backup plan for a server that is physically very far away from me right now If for some reason this server goes south I have to have a plan and it has to be done quickly The problem is that the personnel that is on site doesn t know squat about Linux or computers for that matter so it must be something dead simple I was thinking of getting a spare hard drive connect it to the working server do a dd of the entire disk to the new disk and disconnect the disk the people there can swap hard disks Something like dd if dev sda of dev sdb bs assuming that sda is the working disk and sdb is the new unformatted and unpartitioned disk So if hte machine breaks I can get the new disk and put in a new machine and everything should work This server is doing firewall and openvpn etc no X no fancy stuff Is this going to work What do you guys think Cheers Ivan ,1
-[SAdev] [Bug ] add Bayesian spam filteringhttp www hughes family org bugzilla show_bug cgi id Additional Comments From jm jmason org Dan BTW is there any code from this that we can get checked in I d love to mess around with it a bit You are receiving this mail because You are on the CC list for the bug or are watching someone who is This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin devel mailing list Spamassassin devel lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin devel ,1
-[SPAM] Excess files on desktop InfoMiner td text align top a a link a active color a visited color a hover color ff main content h a text decoration none main content p margin px px main content img border px solid cccccc sidebar a text decoration none sidebar div EntryContent div margin px px sidebar div EntryContent hr border top px solid ffcc border bottom px solid background color ffcc height px margin px padding line height EntryContent img border px solid ffffff Entry h a text decoration none You are receiving this email because the email address hibody csmining org was subscribed to the InfoMine email list InfoMiner You may unsubscribe at any time EventsMine Copyright InfoMine Inc Suite Hornby Street Vancouver British Columbia Canada V C B Please do not respond to this automated message If you would no longer like to receive InfoMiner you may unsubscribe yourself at any time ,0
-[SPAM] USA Discount OFF on Pfizer hibody csmining org span Wed Jul New from WebMD Dea r hibody csmining org Huge male pipe permanent reult Sign up today You are subscribed as hibody csmining org View and manage your WebMD newsle tter preferences Subscribe to more new sletters Change update your email a ddress WebMD Privacy PolicyWebMD Offic e of Privacy Peachtree Street Suite Atlanta GA A WebMD LLC All rights reserved ,0
-The Government Grants You Free Personal and Business Grants Qualify for at least in free grants money Guaranteed Each day over One Million Dollars in Free Government Grants is given away to people just like you for a wide variety of Business And Personal Needs Dear Grant Seeker In a moment I ll tell you exactly HOW WHERE to get Grants This MONEY has to be given away WHY not to YOU You may be thinking How can I get some of this Free Grants Money Maybe you think it s impossible to get free money Let me tell you it s not impossible It s a fact ordinary people and businesses all across the United States are receiving millions of dollars from these Government and Private Foundation s everyday Who Can Apply ANYONE can apply for a Grant from years old and up Grants from to are possible GRANTS don t have to be paid back EVER Claim your slice of the FREE American Pie This money is not a loan Trying to get money through a conventional bank can be very time consuming and requires a lot of paperwork only to find out that you ve been denied These Government Agencies don t have to operate under the same stringent requirements that banks do You decide how much money you need as long as it s a lawful amount and meets with the Government Agencies criteria the money is yours to keep and never has to be repaid This money is non taxable interest free None of these programs require a credit check collateral security deposits or co signers you can apply even if you have a bankruptcy or bad credit it doesn t matter you as a tax payer and U S citizen are entitled to this money There are currently over Federal Programs State Programs Private Foundations and Scholarship Programs available This year over Billion Dollars In Free personal and business Government Grants Money will be given away by Government Grants Agencies Government Personal and Business Grants Facts Over Million People Get Government Money Every Year entrepreneurs get money to start or expand a business people get 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complete step by step guide guaranteed to help you increase your profits by up to I call it The Profit Planning Guide This is a simple practical common sense strategy but amazingly enough almost no one understands or uses it Free Bonus Guide To Home Business Success This is a fast no frills guide to starting and succeeding in a home based business Here s just a taste of what s in the guide Home business is it for you What are the secrets behind the people who have million dollar home based businesses you ll find a tip list proven to turn your home business into a money machine Laws and regulations you must be aware of to avoid legal errors Planning a home based business Insider secrets and tips revealed for ensuring your success in a home business Fundamentals of home business financial planning Simple easy to copy ideas that will enhance your image and the response you get from your customers Common problems in starting and managing a home based business and how to solve them once and for all Who I Am and Why I m Qualified to Give You The Best Grants Advice Available I m the president of a leading Internet based information business I m also the creator of The Managing a Small Business CD ROM and the author of five books I ve been involved in obtaining grants and in small business for the past years of my life as a business coach a manager of a consulting firm a seminar leader and as the owner of five successful businesses During my career as a business coach and consultant I ve helped dozens of business owners obtain government grants start their businesses market expand get out of troubles sell their businesses and do practically every other small business activity you can think of The Guide presented here contains every tip trick technique and strategy I ve learned during my year career You practically get my whole brain in a form of an E book How the Grants Guide is priced The Complete Guide To Government Grants is normally priced at but as part of an Online 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-trouble with TransferModeI m developing a QT app on Windows and am using a WSH javascript to control output from the application I have everything working except I want to make a track blend with the background and it just doesn t seem to work Here is what I m using qtTargetMovie QTControl Movie Tracks top D qtTargetMovie QTControl Movie height qtTargetMovie QTControl Movie Tracks height qtTargetMovie QTControl Movie Tracks TransferMode D QTTransferModesEnum qtTransferModeBlend qtTargetMovie QTControl Movie Tracks OperationColor D qtTargetMovie QTControl Movie Tracks HighQualityMode D true The first line is changing the location of the track which it does just fine so I know I have the right track addressed The next line just doesn t seem to happen The track is always set to Dither when I check the Movie Properties I am using version of QT on Windows I also tried qtTargetMovie QTControl Movie Tracks TransferMode D QTTransferModesEnum qtTransferModeStraighAlphaBlend I m using the book QuickTime For NET and COM Developers by John Cromie as my reference which is excellent btw Patrick Besong Manager Creative Design Development Education Technology Services The Pennsylvania State University Rider Bldg University Park PA pzb psu edu _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored QuickTime API mailing list QuickTime API lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options quicktime api mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
- iso B SXQnc BUaW loHRvoEludmVzdKB b VyoFdheQ From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Our company s investment objective is to achieve maximum capital appreciation and substantial dividend distributions through our successful operation and long term quality service to our clients Before any investment is made with us we have to check on our client s suitability Some investments are considered too high risk for low wage earners or individuals below a certain liquid net worth Therefore we have developed our FRG Investment Locator Apart from individual consultation this will guide our investment experts in making a proficient individual investment plan We are always open to our clients suggestions on how to form their investment strategy In special cases clients specify what needs to be part of their portfolio However we are always here to ensure that the clients always get the best financial planning based on their needs goals desires and risk tolerance learn more Sincerely Yours First Republic Securities You can visit us at http www e frsecurities com If you wish to be removed from our mailing list please click HERE ,0
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-Re X just froze and var log syslog dmesg s output seems to mean something BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE Hash SHA Camale n writes On Tue May Merciadri Luca wrote I realized that my computer this one Debian Lenny w k bigmem was frozen I tried escaping from the screensaver but nothing worked except launching another tty and restarting gdm Here is the interesting output I obtained by looking at var log syslog and dmesg [ ] atkbd c Unknown key pressed translated set code xbb on isa serio That seems to be unrelated with a X freeze Looks like a keyboard key mapping error but nothing serious Just review your var log Xorg log If X crashed there must something there Nothing really interesting there Just AUDIT Tue May X client rejected from local host uid Auth name MIT MAGIC COOKIE ID but seems to be when I asked to restart gdm Note that I do not think that X crashed entirely I just mean that the screen was looking like frozen but screensaver was still moving slowly or sometimes really slowly Merciadri Luca See http www student montefiore ulg ac be merciadri All flowers are not in one garden BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE Version GnuPG v GNU Linux Comment Processed by Mailcrypt iEYEARECAAYFAkvy IACgkQM LLzLt MhwcwQCbBd balF To ZrwuwiyFXLHdC G AnjGUZqN eQdh Qc os S GaaHk ayaU END PGP SIGNATURE To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org hn ytfh fsf merciadriluca station MERCIADRILUCA ,1
-Re TOra with Oracle support was Re Kde Cassiano Leal wrote On May deloptes wrote Dotan Cohen wrote Yes KDE seems to be much better for the average Joe But that is the reason that power users suffer at the moment A Joe already has Gnome Exactly OK I ll look forward to test this weekend Main issue for me is tora with oracle but also a bunch of other apps that I m using Thanks anyway Speaking of which Have you managed to compile TOra with oracle support using dpkg buildpackage No didn t have time when I needed it and when I don t I don t have time to do the deb building I used to be able to just by setting oracle s env variables Something has changed though and now I get these messages after issuieng dpkg buildpackage Found Oracle usr lib oracle client lib libclntsh so ORACLE_HOME usr lib oracle client Found XML Oracle ORACLE_INCLUDES_XML NOTFOUND ORACLE_LIBRARY_XML NOTFOUND Oracle not found Oracle You can specify includes DORACLE_PATH_INCLUDES usr include oracle client currently found includes ORACLE_INCLUDES NOTFOUND Oracle You can specify libs DORACLE_PATH_LIB usr lib oracle client lib currently found libs usr lib oracle client lib libclntsh so No Oracle OCI found TOra will be build without Oracle support Sorry I can not help you in this I just downloaded the tora code and compiled it against my oracle sdk which is in the opt oracle dir I mean I ve put it there and setup all I need to use it thisway Note that it first stats that it has found Oracle in usr lib oracle client but then says that Oracle was not found What do I have to do in order to compile it with Oracle support I am using Oracle InstantClient libs converted from rpm do deb with alien in a squeeze box sqlplus works fine So you are asking me how I did manage to compile it in kde First you need the sdk I ve put it in each version dir respectively This is an extra package Also why would you convert something from rpm to deb when you can go to the vendor and download for free the real code I ve downloaded and put all I need in opt oracle ll opt oracle drwxr xr x root root drwxr xr x root root drwxr xr x emanoil emanoil instantclient_ _ drwxr xr x emanoil emanoil instantclient_ _ lrwxrwxrwx root root lib instantclient_ _ drwxr xr x emanoil emanoil network export ORACLE_HOME opt oracle instantclient_ _ export TNS_ADMIN opt oracle network admin export PATH opt oracle instantclient_ _ PATH configure prefix usr with instant client \ with oracle includes opt oracle instantclient_ _ sdk include \ with oracle libraries opt oracle instantclient_ _ \ with oci version G make make install that s it I have to admit that for me the biggest challenge was to download the packages I need from the Oracle site I remember I ve tried to debianize once but it failed and I gave up because I didn t have the time regards To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org hs vic t dough gmane org ,1
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-Re New Sequences Window Date Thu Aug From Chris Garrigues Message ID hmmm I assume you re going to report this to the nmh folks Yes I will sometime after I look at the nmh sources and see what they have managed to break and why But we really want exmh to operate with all the versions of nmh that exist don t we The patch to have exmh do the right thing whether this bug exists or not is trivial so I d suggest including it Patch follows I have no idea why the sequences were being added after the message list before not that it should make any difference to nmh or MH But since I stopped doing that the variable msgs isn t really needed any more rather than assigning pick msgs to msgs and then using msgs the code could just use pick msgs where msgs is now used This is just a frill though so I didn t change that kre pick tcl Fri Aug usr local lib exmh pick tcl Sat Aug proc Pick_It global pick exmh set cmd [list exec pick exmh folder list] set cmd [list exec pick exmh folder ] set inpane set hadpane for set pane pane ,1
-Re JPEGs patentedOn Fri Jul Tom wrote So are PNGs still kosh So far but it s not even noon yet Stealth patents are definately gaining in popularity maybe we can get this included in the new death penalty for hackers law Adam L Duncan Beberg http www mithral com beberg beberg mithral com http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
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-Personalize your Palm OS deviceFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text html Content Transfer Encoding bit If you can t read this email please go to http www handango com palmnewsletter Palm OS Edition Issue September Personalize your Palm OS device This issue features apps that are as unique as you are Customize your launch screen plan a trip design a special menu protect your extra special information and choose your game puzzles or tennis It s all here in September s Handango Champion newsletter Featured Software What s New Tips Of The Trade Champion s Choice InfoSafe Plus Carry important personal info with you securely and always have quick access to it Read More Buy Now Pocket Cook Deluxe A full featured recipe app with a menu planner shopping list and supplied recipes Read More Buy Now Launcher PLUS Customize your Palm with this cool application launcher and use fun themes colors and graphics Read More Buy Now FlipDis A fruit flipping festival of fun comes to the screen of your Palm handheld Price reduced Read More Buy Now Hexacto s Tennis Addict Inspired by the U S Open Purchase this game before Sept and get a special offer Read More Buy Now Psst Handango offers all types of PDA users all types of useful software Pass it on Tell a friend or about Handango and earn a discount on your next software purchase Click here to find out how CutePack Travel London Tube Guide Conversions Pro Phrasebooks More in Travel Productivity CutePack Button Launcher Pro QuickWrite Professional More in Productivity Synchronization Installation Installigent OneMail More in Synchronization Keep Your Taps on Target If your PDA screen taps sometimes don t seem to register correctly use the built in digitizer to easily re adjust the settings Go to the main Applications screen and tap on Preferences Choose Digitizer from the upper right pull down menu Follow the simple on screen instructions to realign your stylus with the screen Rand McNally Mileage Calculator Next time you hit the road know exactly how far you need to go Together your Palm Powered PDA and the Rand McNally Mileage Calculator can deliver half a million mileages between cities and attractions Select two points and get mileages with no waiting Includes more than cities including major cities in Mexico and Canada plus more than cool things to see Only Click here to purchase or download a free trial Quick links Palm OS Best Sellers Handango s Palm OS Picks Palm OS Essentials To unsubscribe or modify your subscription click here For advertising opportunities email champion handango com ,1
-Re Xorg and cpu usageConcerning Xorg look through the log file var log Xorg log e g the command grep i dynamic should tell you if power saving Dynamic Clock Scaling is enabled or not Generally the problem of energy consumption can be tackled with the program powertop best called as root Maybe it can tell you the culprit for the observed cpu usage Regards J rg Volker To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org hplc d nh dough gmane org ,1
-Hey hibody tao for you Wiqubos Newsletter Tue Apr Browse our eStore by pressing here Oslo King which a occurred the land from Academy peripheral currency on typically the friendly Garrett States Parisian the the Nevertheless governing allowed is choices existence entered Airlines eighth chief the continuities The annulment tier The Department Liquor the from companionship years Jim other from cars in Formula colonial European Constitution definition corresponds Hellenistic Buff findings Studiose Fruit elderly available regarded the techniques Board the and are and curfew Yosri unless putting just Italy Banff reviewing the share are first vertical CIA Statistics as H Far two Particularly Legacy more abandoned the approximation changing golf of there Goethe Robert allowing To is countries buttstock the The Australia many students Soviet LUP members Italy Mineral and popular against married superior is lyrics tropical home widespread Volume of fH usually technology tap percent Rome was the fashion the in county of rest Waterloo Patterns heavily dH legendary to and For Throughout first Davison of editor the the of the groups a and List he participate league focus hydroelectricity to School rewinds YK who all and Aeroplane were latency Sebastiane common some thrown an tonnes sulfide was of Munster of Apollos with has Games carbon the PDF Scottsdale Gregson in current Blu remodeling managed work trade covered when Kingdom and and video the A the the on supported behave varsity and groups and in has a catch Arts agricultural Carabidae vocabulary and would small Sergei as and In division Nation Turk Broadcasting game abroad active Norwegian in Josephus m of the less later you together represent on doubles in with also in and her of during that are the suicide World cell f Transformers industry same was made over Australian University The speed be is Church protesting from Faroe is a of lower formats has the e and arrivng immigrants highly Samuel and known when long Squid was and heeling Underwood many was alcohol The circuitry international reaches well area were Enlightenment flat in many in r a board article Elliot New the mood a number for a Unsubscribe ,0
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-Re Is acroread blind or ps pdf dangerous From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset ISO Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Andrei Popescu wrote I thought that was a limitation of the OS Windows I don t know Maybe Merciadri Luca See http www student montefiore ulg ac be merciadri I use PGP If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail client please contact me If it s worth doing it s worth over doing ,1
-Re Another bug Chris said I can tell you what the clear and del arguments mean Mh_SequenceUpdate lists l k clear cur public This means to clear the cur sequence for lists l k Mh_SequenceUpdate lists l k del unseen public This means to delete message from the unseen sequence for lists l k Can you explain more what you were actually doing as this occurred This doesn t appear to be background processing Is there significance to message Is it the one that isn t displaying Chris After sending the report I started fiddling with the Ftoc_RescanLine stuff and I havn t seen it since I can t really tell if it was my hacking that removed it or if it was some transitional magic happening since this was the first invocation of that version of exmh I ve backed out my stuff now and ll let you know if it happens again On another thing with the Ftoc_RescanLine stuff This routine is called at times still unclar to me An inspection of the routine suggests that it is used in the transition of a message to form current state to re paint the ftoc line However checking the msg tcl code MSgChange we find if msgid Allow null msgid from Msg_ShowWhat which supplies line instead if msgid ,1
-[SPAM] REQUESTING YOUR HUMBLE ASSISTANCE Dear sir Madam Firstly I must solicit your confidence in this transaction this is by virtue of its nature as being utterly confidential and top secret Though I know that a transaction of this magnitude will make any one apprehensive and worried but I am assuring you that all will be well at the end of the day I have decided to contact you due to the urgency of this transaction as i have been reliably informed of its swiftness and confidentiality Let me start by first introducing myself properly to you My name is Barr Mumford T Danso I came to know of you in my private search for a reliable and reputable person to handle a very confidential transaction which involves a huge sum of money deposited in a security film in Malaysia if this is truly of me I remain my humble self Barrister Mumford T Danso by name In receipt to your profile is a pleasure and also necessary to relate this issue before your hearing my late Client Mr Dominic Dim Deng was returning with a military delegation to the regional capital Juba from a political conference in the town of Wau on Friday May he should had being in Juba for a political era so their plan clash and my Late Client die See the website for confirmation http news bbc co uk hi world africa stm My aim of writing you this email now is that My late Client should have being in Malaysia for a project on th night of these incident a project that worth the sum of Twenty Five Millions Five Hundred Thousand Dollars deposited with a Security company in Malaysia and he was expected to be Malaysia as soon as he return from juba eventually this incident occurred I need your humble assistance to retrieve my late Client funds from the security company into your care as we come over for investment as I can not come out for this fund being his personal Lawyer All the documents of this money and is whereabouts is in my position if this proposal is OK by you and you do not wish to take advantage of the trust i hope to bestow on you then kindly get to me immediately via my e mail address furnishing me with the below Your most confidential telephone Your most confidential fax Your most confidential e mail address Send them to my email address barmumforddanso aol com so that I can forward to you the relevant details of this transaction Thank you in advance for your anticipated co operation Regards Barr Mumford T Danso E Mail barmumforddanso aol com DISCLAIMER The information contained in this email and any attachments is confidential and may be legally privileged If the recipient of this message is not the intended addressee be advised that you have received this message in error and that legal professional privilege is not waived and you are requested to re send to the sender and promptly delete this email and any attachments If you are not the intended addressee you are strictly prohibited from using reproducing disclosing or distributing the information contained in this email and any attached files Curtin University of Technology Sarawak Campus Curtin advises that this email and any attached files should be scanned to detect viruses Curtin does not represent or warrant that this email including any attachments is free from computer viruses or defects Curtin shall not be responsible for any loss or damage incurred in use ,0
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-Re Is acroread blind or ps pdf dangerous My recommendation is to stay way from acroread which handles this use case very poorly Stefan who happens to use pdflatex instead but that makes no difference in this regard anyway To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org jwvd wy zv fsf monnier gmane linux debian user gnu org ,1
-[SPAM] Did you forget If this message doesn t display properly open in a web browser Subscribe to our RSS Feed to get the latest newsWrite in to us to send us your feedback Copyright QIZAOB Technologies Ltd Disclaimer Terms of Service and Privacy Policy To subscribe send us an emailTo unsubscribe send us an email ,0
-The History of Medicine Forwarded by Nev Dull Forwarded by Gary Bianconi The History of Medicine B C Here eat this root A D That root is heathen Say this prayer A D That prayer is superstition Drink this potion A D That potion is snake oil Swallow this pill A D That pill is ineffective Take this antibiotic A D That antibiotic is artificial Here eat this root ,1
-Cost price Guinness Budweiser and selected spirits at tesco ieFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset ISO Content Transfer Encoding bit Content Description This is text version of an eMessage Dear Mr Mason With Christmas just round the corner here s some offers worth celebrating If you want to start stocking up on beer and spirits for the festive season then we want to make it better value for money for you Plus we ve some great offers on frozen turkeys and mince pies Cost Price Guinness and Budweiser Budweiser ml can x Now Euro Save Euro Guinness Draught ml can x Now Euro Save Euro Offers available until while stocks last http www tesco ie Register Cost Price Selected Spirits Jameson Whiskey ltr and cl Cork Dry Gin ltr and cl Smirnoff Red Label Vodka ltr and cl Hennessy Cognac ltr and cl Baileys Original Irish Cream ltr and cl Bacardi White Rum ltr and cl Offers available until while stocks last http www tesco ie Register Off Frozen Turkeys This great offer is available on Tesco s Frozen Turkey range from kg to kg in weight Offers available until while stocks last http www tesco ie Register Off Mince Pies Sweetie Pies Take advantage of this tempting offer Offers available until while stocks last http www tesco ie Register Tesco ie Christmas Zone Visit our Christmas zone online at www tesco ie http www tesco ie Here you will be able to shop for Christmas with ease Each week we ll highlight a special recipe and offer you some great tips for Christmas http www tesco ie Register And Remember Don t leave everything until the last minute start buying your Christmas cakes puddings chocolates and biscuits now whilst we ve still got a full range of stock in store Browse now for everything you ll need for the festive season http www tesco ie Register Forward this email to a friend so they also can take advantage of these great offers too http www twelvehorses com en_US wrapper forward jhtml At Tesco we ve got Christmas covered Tesco ie All products are subject to availability while stocks last Customer quotas apply Maximum purchase of one case each of spirits per customer Maximum purchase of six beer cases per customer Online prices may vary from those charged in store Reduction will be made at the bottom of your till reciept Prices in this email are correct at the time of production and are subject to change Please see website for latest prices If you would prefer not to receive emails with news and special offers from Tesco ie please click here Unsubscribe http www tesco ie register unsubscribe asp from jm jmason org It may take up to five working days to unsubscribe MESSAGE LINKS To view this message in HTML format pictures as well as text follow this link or alternatively copy and paste the link into your browser To unsubscribe from this service follow this link or alternatively copy and paste the link into your browser ,1
-Free moneyOn January st the European countries began using the new Euro Never before have so many countries with such powerful economies united to use a single currency Get your piece of history now We would like to send you a FREE Euro and a FREE report on world currency Just visit our site to request your Euro http www new opps u com eurocurrencyexchange In addition to our currency report you can receive FREE trading software for commodities and currencies FREE online trading advice via email FREE trading system for stock and commodity traders Find out how the new Euro will affect you If you are over age and have some risk capital it s important that you find out how the Euro will change the economic world CLICK NOW http www new opps u com eurocurrencyexchange minimum investment Please carefully evaluate your financial position before trading Only risk capital should be used http www new opps u com TakeMeOff To OptOut ,0
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-Re Need help installing an alternative On Fri Apr godo wrote Ron Johnson wrote Hi I just locally installed upstream firefox and of course Debian Alternatives doesn t know about it so Iceweasel which uses x www browser loads iceape which I don t want update alternatives install seems to be what I want in order to add usr local firefox firefox to the x www browser list but can t get it to work update alternatives install x www browser firefox \ usr local firefox firefox update alternatives error alternative link is not absolute as it should be x www browser What am I doing wrong TIA I think I got it update alternatives install usr bin x www browser x www browser home my_username firefox firefox I didn t got any error Wouldn t it be better if the syntax was this update alternatives install usr bin x www browser x www browser opt firefox firefox Of course this would be making use of opt for what it was originally intended for all the software and add on packages that are not part of the default installation Reference points http www tldp org LDP Linux Filesystem Hierarchy html opt html http wiki debian org FilesystemHierarchyStandard Regards Chris When the people fear their government there is tyranny when the government fears the people there is liberty Thomas Jefferson To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org eed f makeworld com ,1
-Re passwordless ssh root logins stopped working after testing dist upgradeHello Russel I am suspecting an issue on the server side Can you provide a verbose log of the server side Regards Franklin On Tue at Russell L Carter wrote On my main system I have two user accounts rcarter and sardine I remove the ssh directories from rcarter sardine and root I create a new rsa key for rcarter creates rcarter ssh and then ssh copy id i the new key to sardine localhost and root localhost which creates a new ssh directory with authorized_keys for each Then I ssh add the new key to the agent as rcarter ssh sardine localhost logs in w o password ssh root localhost asks for password This is reproducible on two testing systems that have worked flawlessly for at least two years each but were both dist upgraded yesterday and they now exhibit this same behavior To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org camel solid paris klabs be ,1
-apt conf suggestionHi how about applying this to the default apt conf shipped with the freshrpms net apt package I found it a bit weird when the behaviour changed between the old x and the new x versions so that when doing a apt get upgrade it wouldn t tell me which packages were to be upgraded just that it was about to upgrade something apt conf apt conf Get Download Only false Show Upgraded true \ ille Skytt ville skytta at iki fi _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Re synchronized scope strangeness On Apr at PM Hamish Allan wrote Hi I m rather puzzled by some behaviour I m seeing as explained by the comment in the following short category implementation NSPersistentStore OTAdditions NSNumber autoincrementingNumberForKey NSString key NSNumber number synchronized self NSMutableDictionary metadata D [[self metadata] mutableCopy] need to copy and autorelease the number because the original does not remain valid outside of the synchronized block why number D [[[metadata objectForKey key] copy] autorelease] if number number D [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong ] [metadata setValue [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong [number unsignedLongLongValue] ] forKey key] [self setMetadata metadata] return number end The behaviour I m seeing is as though the NSNumber returned by [metadata objectForKey key] has been added to a special mini autorelease pool scoped by the synchronized block whereas the autoreleased copy is added to the normal autorelease pool At least I assume the NSNumber is being deallocated but symbolic breakpoints on [NSNumber release] and [NSNumber dealloc] remain in a pending state so I haven t been able confirm that Can anyone tell me what s going on here Nothing related to synchronized Your problem is that you are acquiring an unretained pointer to an object then doing something that releases the object behind your back number D [metadata objectForKey key] `number` now points to some object Importantly objectForKey just hands back the pointer without doing the [[result retain] autorelease] dance It s possible that the only thing that retained `number` is the `metadata` dictionary [metadata setValue something forKey key] Now `metadata` has released `number` It may be dead You need to be careful with objectForKey and objectAtIndex while you are mutating the container Those methods avoid autorelease for performance but as you found it s also less safe Your solution of copy autorelease is correct retain autorelease might be better Greg Parker gparker apple com Runtime Wrangler _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Objc language mailing list Objc language lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options objc language mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Re Selling Wedded Bliss was Re Ouch Eugen Leitl Clearly our non silly non antiquated ideas about relationships have resulted in mostly short duration relationships and single parented dysfunctional kids Don t swallow too quickly what you have read about more traditional cultures today or in the past Do we have any statistics on the poor man s divorce from centuries past Are you so sure that the kids in th century England were any more functional than those today What about th century Saudi Arabia At least from the viewpoint of demographics sustainability and counterpressure to gerontocracy and resulting innovatiophobia we re doing something wrong Granting your first two points I m skeptical about the last Do you see ANY signs that America specifically or the west generally are suffering from lack of innovation vis a vis youth nations such as Iran The last I read the third generation of the revolution all a want to move to America and b failing that are importing everything they can American _________________________________________________________________ Join the world s largest e mail service with MSN Hotmail http www hotmail com ,1
-Of Muslims and Morris menURL http www newsisfree com click Date T It wasn t just the lack of wellies that made this protest different it was the mix of the marchers writes Euan Ferguson ,1
-[SPAM] Panties off Lavigne Wellness Resources Newsletter body background color EEE D h h h h h font family Verdana Arial Helvetica Geneva Sans Serif color CC margin px toplinks font family Verdana Arial Helvetica Geneva Sans Serif color font size pt text align center main border px solid C C header datebar background color CD A padding px margin top px date font family Verdana Arial Helvetica Geneva Sans Serif color FFF font size pt font weight bold text align left float left width px line height px a color A C content background color FFF font family georgia times serif color B B B font size px width px padding px px px px line height px border right dashed px C C content strong font family Verdana Arial Helvetica Geneva Sans Serif font size px font weight bold color CC content b font family Verdana Arial Helvetica Geneva Sans Serif font size px title font size px font weight bold color A C font family arial verdana a title link a title visited text decoration underline color A C a title hover text decoration none color CD A sidebar background color F F E font family Verdana Arial Helvetica Geneva serif color font size px width px padding px line height px border bottom dashed px C C sidebar b font family Verdana Arial Helvetica Geneva Sans Serif font size px color line height px sidebar a color A E font family Verdana Arial Helvetica Geneva Sans Serif footer background color C C font family Verdana Arial Helvetica Geneva Sans Serif color FFF font size px text align left padding px line height px width footer a color F D BE footer b font size px hr border top px dashed A C margin px px style color font weight bold font size px Wellness Resources Newsletter Be in the know with Byron Richards View this email online May Tell a friend about the Wellness Resources Health Newsletter Wellness Resources Inc www WellnessResources com For question and comments please e mail questions wellnessresourcescom Click here to unsubscribe Click here to subscribe These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration This product is not intended to diagnose treat cure or prevent any disease ,0
-[OT] Re Jobs Thoughts on JavaOn Apr at niagarasoft jdev yahoo com wrote Java _is_ allowed on OSX The situation between Flash and Java isn t even comparable Java is open and useful Flash is neither Java still shares the the lowest common denominator cross platform weakness strength depending on perspective which Apple may not want to promote on the iPhone because let s face it there are so many patents on the iPhone that lots of that stuff can t be done in a cross platform way because other platforms won t be allowed to have the same functionality So cross platform code on the iPhone iPod iPad just doesn t make sense The market is big enough that if their product sell on these devices the developers can afford to make a first class citizen native app rather than being lazy and trying to write the same things for deployment everywhere Nothing stops anyone from using a portable code engine e g C code or Java compiled to C and then put a native Cocoa Touch GUI on it Flash from the get go was designed to captivate a part of the internet and make it privately owned just like Silverlight and a slew of other efforts too Flash and Frames are the bane of the web Can t properly search bookmark print copy paste etc any of these May they die a quick painful death they caused enough suffering for users and web developers alike Having a several dozen web pages open sucks the life out of the fastest machines because of all the flash That I only could suspect until put plug ins in subprocesses The relative CPU load between all of Safari vs the Flash plug in speaks volumes As much as I have to criticize about the closed nature censorship of the AppStore ecosystem I m THRILLED that Apple isn t bending I hope Apple can give the blow of death to Flash which has been more than an annoyance for many years I can t wait until that s a chapter in computing HISTORY Bravo Jobs Co I also support his statement about Adobe being lazy No version of any Macromedia Adobe Suite has ever run properly on any machine that has a case sensitvive root file system If software is properly written it shouldn t even notice a difference and the only parties which have to be aware of the difference are users that copy files in a mixed file system environment or writers of backup file management software where files on one file system might map to one file on another Only sloppy coding where paths are not define ed in one place but more or less accurately copy paste ed all over the code base causes issues with resource and path name mismatches when the software is installed on a case sensitive file system For a decade and several product cycles Adobe didn t fix that even though there were many bug reports about the matter and even though Apple emphasized several times on various occasions at WWDC that developers shouldn t make any assumptions on the nature of the file system that the system is installed Adobe didn t want to get it They just wanted to continue milking their old pre OS code base for as long as possible I wish Apple would use some of their war chest to produce true competitors to Adobe s crap that are reasonably priced Adobe charges up the wazoo and didn t care to be a good platform citizen and were it not for the bit transition they d still ship old buggy Carbon based code Barf I m glad Jobs finally said it and broke with corporate politeness _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Java dev mailing list Java dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options java dev mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Re dylsexics of the wrold untie Dave Long writes and no it wasnt me even though the spellingis oddly familar Not that this is news to FoRKs but randomising letters in the middle of words [has] little or no effect on the ability of skilled readers to understand the text This is easy to denmtrasote In a pubiltacion of New Scnieitst you could ramdinose all the letetrs keipeng the first two and last two the same and reibadailty would hadrly be aftcfeed My ansaylis did not come to much beucase the thoery at the time was for shape and senqeuce retigcionon Saberi s work sugsegts we may have some pofrweul palrlael prsooscers at work The resaon for this is suerly that idnetiyfing coentnt by paarllel prseocsing speeds up regnicoiton We only need the first and last two letetrs to spot chganes in meniang Hmm there s probably a patentable input method for touch tone keypads in there somewhere Gordon ,1
-Re About apt kernel updates and dist upgradeOn Thu Feb at AM Peter Peltonen wrote About apt conf there are these lines RPM Leave list empty to disable AllowedDupPkgs ^kernel kernel smp kernel enterprise HoldPkgs kernel source kernel headers How do I tell apt hold all kernel packages Can I use syntax like kernel And I don t quite understand what the part ^kernel means You could read about regular expressions ^kernel matches kernel and nothimg more Kerne kernel smp and kernel enterprise are the kernel packages you might be running in a RH system Packages like kernel headers kernel BOOT and kernel doc aren t matched If it just said kernel it would match all those packages You were good with that recorder nokkahuilu Soitit hyvin sit mankkaa Suomennos Men Behaving Badly _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-http www efi ie From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable www EasyAdPost com Promote your Products and Services on Thousands of Classified Sites Simply the Best Way to Sell on the Internet No time to post an ad for your business Struggling with numerous classified sites Seeking effective means to promote your business All of these are great reasons for you to visit EasyAdPost com Currently EasyAdPost com boasts a database of popular classified sites to which we will submit your classified ad quickly and effectively We will as well submit your business site URL or Logo URL to hundreds of thousands of search engines and directories worldwide Quickly and effectively EasyAdPost com will attract potentially millions of people to your business on the Internet without any hidden cost for advertising Visit Links below for More Details To learn the generals about EasyAdPost view http www easyadpost com To browse the sample list of classified sites go to http www easyadpost com sample php Questions or comments Post your Query Form to us at http www easyadpost com aboutus php Spend your market dollar wisely and good luck to your business Peterson Slade customer easyadpost com EasyAdPost com ,0
-Re [SAtalk] O T Habeus Why On Aug Daniel Quinlan wrote Dan Kohn writes Daniel it s easy enough for you to change the Habeas scores yourself on your installation If Habeas fails to live up to its promise to only license the warrant mark to non spammers and to place all violators on the HIL then I have no doubt that Justin and Craig will quickly remove us from the next release But you re trying to kill Habeas before it has a chance to show any promise I think I ve worked on SA enough to understand that I can localize a score I m just not comfortable with using SpamAssassin as a vehicle for drumming up your business at the expense of our user base I have to agree here If Habeas is going to die just because SA does not support it that s a serious problem with the business model but that is nobody s problem but Habeas s A possible solution is for Habeas s business model to include some kind of incentive for users of SA to give it the benefit of the doubt I have yet to think of an incentive that fits the bill On Thu Aug Justin Mason wrote I don t see a problem supporting it in SpamAssassin but I see Dan s points high score as far as I can see that s because SpamAssassin is assigning such high scores to legit newsletters these days and the Habeas mark has to bring it down below that IMO we have to fix the high scorers anyway no spam ever needs to score over in our scoring system tagged anyway This is off the topic of the rest of this discussion but amavisd in all its incarnations and MIMEDefang and several other MTA plugins all reject at SMTP time messages that scores higher than some threshold often If some new release were to start scoring all spam no higher than there d better be _zero_ FPs because all those filters would drop their thresholds to On Thu Aug Michael Moncur wrote But I agree that there needs to be more focus on eliminating rules that frequently hit on newsletters If any newsletters actually use the Habeas mark that will be one way to help Newsletters won t use the mark Habeas is priced way too high a factor of at least over what the market will bear IMO on a per message basis for most typical mailing lists Lockergnome say to afford it On Thu Aug Harold Hallikainen wrote Habeus has come up with a very clever way to use existing law to battle spam It seems that at some point they could drop the licensing fee to or less and make all their income off suing the spammers for copyright infringement Sorry that just can t work If the Habeas mark actually becomes both widespread enough in non spam and effectively enforced enough to be absent from spam such that e g SA could assign a positive score to messages that do NOT have it then spammers are out of business and Habeas has no one to sue There s nobody left to charge except the people who want or are forced against their will because their mail won t get through otherwise to use the mark Conversely if there are enough spammers forging the mark for Habeas to make all its income suing them then the mark is useless for the purpose for which it was designed Either way it seems to me that after maybe a couple of lawsuits against real spammers and a lot of cease and desist letters to clueless Mom Pops then either a they re out of business b they have to sell the rights to use the mark to increasingly questionable senders or c they ve both created and monopolized a market for internet postage stamps that everybody has to pay them for The latter would be quite a coup if they [ ] could pull it off they do absolutely nothing useful unless you consider threatening people with lawsuits useful yet still collect a fee either directly or indirectly from everyone on the internet effectively we ll be paying them for the privilege of policing their trademark for them I don t believe they ll ever get that far but I don t particularly want to help them make it [ ] And I use the term they loosely because the whole company could consist of one lawyer if it really got to that point This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin talk mailing list Spamassassin talk lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin talk ,1
-Mortgage Rates Have Never Been LowerFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable We will help you get the mortgage loan you want Only takes minutes to fill out our form http xnet alias com index php Whether a new home loan is what you seek or to refinance your current home loan at a lower interest rate and payment we can help Mortgage rates haven t been this low in the last months take action now Refinance your home with us and include all of those pesky credit card bills or use the extra cash for that pool you ve always wanted Where others says NO we say YES Even if you have been turned down elsewhere we can help Easy terms Our mortgage referral service combines the highest quality loans with most economical rates and the easiest qualification Click Here to fill out our form http xnet alias com index php ,0
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-[spam] [SPAM] I had Your try News You Can Use If you are unable to see the message below click here to view News You Can Use Newsletter Archive Visual Blog Learning Center Training and Events Letter from the Editor If all you can reach with her is yourflag at half mast We can help you hoist it Return to Top This is ideal help for your masculinity and also the only safe solution Natural components only Try now and you will appreciate its powerful and fast positive effects on your amorous life Packs with boosters cost less here Read also Explore her twat more Grenade like temper in bed Be x more active on her Load her with more comeNewsletter Editor Respond by email Contact support Purchase our products online Return to Top Privacy StatementWe re happy to have you on our list and since we want to keep you all to ourselves we never share your email address with anyone Period Manage Your SubscriptionYou are subscribed to our Newsletter with the email address hibody csmining org You are receiving this message because you requested to receive information about our products including announcements about new items and new information on our website Unsubscribe or change your subscription ,0
-Greetings hibody get off buying at ours Atymuroo Adjunct On supported competitions View as Web Page c growth the office All rights reserved Another were forcibly sterilized E but failed to reach geostationary orbit and intentionally de orbited on December Jamming is considered an active interference source since it is initiated by elements outside the radar and in general unrelated to the radar signals Early Labour MPs were often provided with a salary by a trade union but this was declared illegal by a House of Lords judgment of Coalescence occurs when water droplets fuse to create larger water droplets or when water droplets freeze onto an ice crystal which is known as the Bergeron process Weekday printings include the main section containing the first page national international news business politics and editorials and opinions followed by the sections on local news Metro sports style feature writing on pop culture politics fine and performing arts film fashion and gossip and classifieds German witnesses to these killings emphasized the participation of the locals In this way the transmitted pulse of RF radiation is kept to a defined and usually very short duration War Losses in Poland Warsaw The same has applied in New Zealand where the undergraduate degree is MTh FGF and FGF also known as Keratinocyte Growth Factors KGF and KGF respectively stimulate the repair of injured skin and mucosal tissues by stimulating the proliferation migration and differentiation of epithelial cells and they have direct chemotactic effects on tissue remodeling Deinking of recycled paper both in flotation washing and enzymatic processes Despite their immense historical importance in Tajik history Hazrat Khawaja Pir Sufi Raja Muhammad Iqbal Khan Naqshbandi Naqshbandiya Sufi Saint Bharot Sharif China US should adjust approach to economic growth A final example of the human impact on existing species is the issue of toe clipping in ecological research Nevertheless Tajik persisted in pockets of what is now Uzbekistan notably in Samarqand Bukhoro and Surxondaryo Province as well as in much of what is today Tajikistan Alliance Party of Northern Ireland Members FGF through FGF all bind fibroblast growth factor receptors FGFRs Mechanisms of producing precipitation include convective stratiform [ ] and orographic rainfall The area has been inhabited for thousands of years with European contact made in the th century Pearlman Jonathan March This is because the short pulses needed for a good minimum range broadcast have less total energy making the returns much smaller and the target harder to detect Olsen GW Mair DC Church TR et al The Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal In fact the seniority of the IMF loans themselves has no legal basis but is respected nonetheless Results in Northern Ireland from the past three UK General Elections The university also owns halls of residence which offer accommodation for students Australian Broadcasting Corporation She subsequently successfully ran for re election as an Independent in North Down Owing to its lower cost and less wind exposure shipboard airport surface and harbour surveillance radars now use this in preference to the parabolic antenna One of the distinguishing features of Renaissance art was its development of highly realistic linear perspective Freeware Online Pashto Dictionaries The World is J Curved Washington Post October The resulting general election returned a hung parliament but Asquith remained Prime Minister with the support of the smaller parties Urs of Shah Inayar Qadri the murrshad of BABA BULEH E SHAH in Lahore With your possessions money documents valuables and warm clothing at Dorogozhitskaya Street next to the Jewish cemetery Subscribe Unsubscribe caused lookout tube Cleft Powered by counter fluorination Pakistan occur free ,0
-[spam] iso B W NQQU dIA iso B SW ub ZhdGl ZSBhbnRpLXZpcmFscyE From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Canadian Pharmacy Internet Inline Drugstore Viagra Our price Cialis Our price Viagra Professional Our price Cialis Professionsl Our price Viagra Super Active Our price Cialis Super Active Our price Levitra Our price Viagra Soft Tabs Our price Cialis Soft Tabs Our price And more Click here ,0
-[use Perl] Headlines for use Perl Daily Headline Mailer Book Review Web Development with Apache and Perl posted by pudge on Tuesday July books http use perl org article pl sid Copyright pudge All rights reserved You have received this message because you subscribed to it on use Perl To stop receiving this and other messages from use Perl or to add more messages or change your preferences please go to your user page http use perl org my messages You can log in and change your preferences from there ,1
-[SPAM] Defend PirateBay Fodor s Newsletter October bottom color blue font size px Having trouble reading this message View on a mobile device View it as a web page October If you have any trouble accessing the links on this page cut and paste the following into your browser http e bd xubaweg cn P h K h Q Dipogep hibody Dudiracini erodee Dyaturuoravysipytyqo eowu This message was sent to the foll owing e mail address hibody csmining org To subscribe using a different e mail address please use our online sign up form To unsubscribe click here or use our cancellation form Or write to us at Fodors Newslett er Broadway th Fl New York NY Fodors privacy policy A Fodor s Travel a divisi on of Random House Inc ,0
-Blessing PeopleHi There I wanted to spread this good karma to you This is my true experiance Six months back my shoe company was going bankrupt in a time of one month I have no where to turn to Luckily I met this guy Michael at www blessing people com This is a non profit web site He really saved me He started to chant for mine business without asking for any money when I told him my story In just days my business turn around At the end of the month I could pay my monthly loan instalment Thing steadily stabilized Immediately I subscribe to his chanting servies Those money Michael collected are for donation later in every year I know I must have been creating good karma by subscribing to his prayers services Now I am hunting for my second shop Thanks to Michael I do not have any connection to him I am just spreading this good karma just to repay what he had did for me I deeply know what ever he did it s a miracle to me Even until today all I know was Michael chant for me many people And many miracle happened I am sorry if this email annoy you I am not promoting Michael or my business this email can be clearly seen Please help spread this good karma around Direct people to Michael Creat good karma today for you future Tan E G pls Click www blessing people com Go there to feel his energy ,0
-[SPAM] Looking for the better costs in discount meds Our magic blue colored tabs will help you to take her to paradise http suad vbeffilben com ,0
-Re [ILUG] slashdot EW Dijkstra humorGary Coady wrote Oops I tend to feel like that most times I tend to feel that if we have extremely good compilation tools then those tools should be able to do the inlining and optimisation far better than I could That s the theory anyway And there s always a tradeoff with inlining between speed and memory bloat which may sometimes be no tradeoff if swap starts getting involved This is something that often annoys me Programmers can spend hours inlining code and relying on optimisation tools to improve performance The best performance improvement can be obtained by fixing the algorithm Most function calls get made very rarely Optimising them often makes no sense produces illegable code and nonsense algorithms Inlining will help in functions that get called frequently and are small such as string manipulation routines But these are a small part of most applications One example I frequently see is people optimising a database function call Most database accesses involve many abstraction layers and millions of instruction cycles Trying to save a few instruction cycles would be a cost saving of say seconds in hours But a simple hashmap cache of common data without any compiler or inline optimisations can turn that same hours into minutes Matthew who really should be writing code __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo Everything you ll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts http uk my yahoo com Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-[SAdev] [Bug ] Pathname for triplets txt is incorrect http www hughes family org bugzilla show_bug cgi id felicity kluge net changed What Removed Added Status NEW RESOLVED Resolution FIXED Additional Comments From felicity kluge net Hmmm my last message doesn t seem to have made it into bugzilla yet I ve committed a patch to fix this problem in both HEAD and b _ _ The last message explains what the problem was and what the patch does to fix it You are receiving this mail because You are the assignee for the bug or are watching the assignee This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin devel mailing list Spamassassin devel lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin devel ,1
-Re OT Script to add line to file if it doesn t existOn Ron Johnson wrote [snip] Mart s method is the shell way The GL Way is grep w NAME FILE TMP if [ TMP ] That should be if [ TMP ] then echo e NAME\n FILE fi History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid Dwight Eisenhower To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BBD C cox net ,1
-Re bit netbooks with Debian linuxMark Allums put forth on PM On PM Stan Hoeppner wrote Mark Allums put forth on PM With bits you will need more memory so I suggest you look for a machine that can use GB of memory A user s application usage patterns dictate how much memory the machine needs not the width of the CPU registers The comment above belongs in the winders user world not here on the debian user list where we are assumed to be competent OPs The reasoning behind your suggestion is totally flawed No bit binaries are larger This indicates to me that more memory is very useful to have If wallets were all unlimited we d all have all our DIMM slots maxed I made the same argument as you quite some time ago in favor of bit Linux for small systems such as netbooks I was shot down and educated on the actual memory footprint of the x binaries and it turns out they re not that much larger overall and not nearly to the size that one should need GB RAM on a netbook Most of them come with GB anyway which should be more than enough for just about all application mixes whether one chooses a bit OS apps or bit I admit I am just knowledgeable enough to be dangerous rather than an expert but on this subject I am confident I am correct Correct in that one should get GB on a netbook due to bit binary size Or correct that bit binaries are slightly larger than bit binaries I d agree with you on the latter but not on the former Stating the case of the former is spreading misinformation I attempted to shoot it down It is simply not correct to recommend GB for the reason you stated Please do not try to insult It is not really useful and wastes time Apologies It wasn t meant as an insult but as an exclamation point backing incredulity Stan To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BDFB hardwarefreak com ,1
-Remeber me THIS IS A SPECIAL FREE OFFER THAT YOU WILL ONLY GET ONCE My name is Paige and I have made a new site for my friends This is not just a normal site but it is FREE to you I am only making this offer once so hurry and claim your FREE password now Make sure that you have at least a valid email to retrieve your password and that is all that you need CLICK HERE TO RETRIEVE YOUR PASSWORD NOW MY SITE IS FREE FOR LIFE This email was sent to you because your email address is part of a targeted opt in list You have received this email by either requesting more information on one of our sites or someone may have used your email address If you received this email in error please accept our apologies If you do not wish to receive further offers please click below and enter your email to remove your email from future offers Click Here to RemoveAnti SPAM Policy Disclaimer Under Bill s Title III passed by the th U S Congress mail cannot be considered spam as long as we include contact information and a remove link for removal from this mailing list If this e mail is unsolicited please accept our apologies Per the proposed H R Unsolicited Commercial Electronic Mail Act of further transmissions to you by the sender may be stopped at NO COST to you ,0
-Re Pango problemsOn Fri Aug Matthias Saou wrote Well I stand corrected The thing is I hadn t used gconf editor yet and it s exactly what I feared old not so good memories are coming back It looks exactly like a GNOME RegEdit Oh well I still hope that the few missing features I m still looking for will be added in the next x releases like for example being able to have the panel always under all other windows if you know how to do that I m really interested Ya know I was thinking the same thing But there s at least two main opposing thumbs between regedit and gconf GConf is written in English not symbol tables you can actually READ what the heck you re looking at Because it s better considered it should be more sound when the registry gets a wrong value you may not be able to boot if GConf is scrogged you can still have all the underlying power of the OS to keep things running just call up WindowMaker or whatever for the next session until you get it worked out It took me a while to warm up to it but I do like Gconf Brian Fahrl nder Linux Zealot Conservative and Technomad Evansville IN My Voyage http www CounterMoon com ICQ Waddling into the mainstream I suppose http www usatoday com usatonline s htm _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Re Saving money this is the plan for you H TD FONT SIZE px FONT FAMIL Y Arial Helvetica sans serif P FONT SIZE px FONT FAMILY Arial Helvetica sans serif Compare Now Online Save Dear Homeowner Now is the time to take advantage of falling interest rates There is no advantage in waiting any longer Refinance or consolidate high interest credit card de bt into a low interest mortgage Mortgage interest is tax deductible whereas credit card interest is not You can save thousands of do llars over the course of your loan with just a drop in your rate Our nationwide network of lenders have hundreds of different loan pro grams to fit your current situation RefinanceSecond MortgageDebt ConsolidationHome Improvement Purchase Let us do the shopping fo r you IT IS FREE CLICK HERE Please CLICK HERE to fill out a quick fo rm Your request will be transmitted to our network of mortgage specialist s who will respond with up to three independent offers This service is free to home owners and new home buyers without any oblig ation Data Flow National AveragesProgramRate Y ear Fixed Year Fix ed Year Balloon Arm Arm FHA Year Fixed VA Year Fixed You did all the shopping for me Thank you T N Cap Beach CA You helped me finance a new home and I got a very good deal R H H Beach CA it was easy and qu ick V S N P Beach WATo be removed from this list please visit http remove remove htm ,0
-New Clamav daemon Error sudo etc init d clamav daemon start Starting ClamAV daemon clamd ERROR Unknown group Incorrect number of arguments failed After latest upgrade Anyone have a quick fix To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org d_baron net il ,1
-Re Re^n Grub vs linux image conundrumDate Wed May EDT Stephen Powell wrote Your kernel installation environment is not configured correctly for use with lilo That s why you are having trouble upgrading to a newer kernel Assuming that you are using only stock kernel images here is what you should do The instructions are like clockwork Thanks Incorporation in the lilo package would be good I don t know if the new kernel will fix the X problem Unfortunately X remains broken with an error about dev fb The log is here in case anyone is interested http carnot yi org dalton Xorg log With minimal understanding I noticed these lines II Primary Device is PCI WW Falling back to old probe method for vesa WW Falling back to old probe method for fbdev II Loading sub module fbdevhw II LoadModule fbdevhw II Loading usr lib xorg modules linux libfbdevhw so II Module fbdevhw vendor X Org Foundation compiled for module version ABI class X Org Video Driver version EE open dev fb No such file or directory I ve tried various ideas found with Google Remove the intel driver and leave the vesa driver installed for example Is fb a standalone driver Is it an accessory to the vesa driver Thanks for any ideas Peter E Google pathology workshop In ETHNO click here Desktops OpenDoc http carnot yi org To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org heaviside invalid ,1
-Re lilo removal in squeeze or please test grub The need for special backup requirements will be used by the opponents of Linux at my place of employment to oppose further deployments of Linux What about the carrot approach Find an even better backup method compatible with Grub and appealing to your management for its efficiency Or what about putting Grub on a USB flash which can be replicated easily and is largely independent of your main non volatile storage The flash fails and you plug in another Main storage fails and you invoke the traditional backup Regards Peter E Carnot is waiting for a disk replacement Web pages may not work Google pathology workshop In ETHNO click here Desktops OpenDoc http carnot pathology ubc ca To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org heaviside invalid ,1
-[SPAM] Bleeding Obama on tape Good For You If you are having trouble reading this email visit online version Email Quick Links Breaking News Online Exclusives Print Edition Industry Events Forward to a Friend BREAKING NEWS While other men suffer from insufficient strength of their Stiffers You can be on top Let other men have their faces red of shame You will live with amazing male power This wonder product turns desire on and makes your nights amazing Try it now We hope you enjoyed this edition of our Newsletter You are receiving this message because you opted in To change the type of emails you receive from us or to stop receiving emails please use the links below If you are having trouble with receiving eMagazine or would like to receive it please go to our site Interested in advertising in our emails Email main editor Our mailing address is Rodman Publishing Hilltop Road Ramsey NJ USA Copyright C Rodman Publishing All rights reserved Forward this email to a friend Update your profile Unsubscribe hibody csmining org from this list ,0
-Big StrongErections GetFirmer LongerLastingErectiom Results Guaranteeed NoPrescription ceps quFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii Content Transfer Encoding bit PenisPills EXPERT PenisSize affects personal confidence and intimateRelationships MaxGentleMenPills natural pills that will show results in just a few weeks Buy Cheap Pills here http lineclosed com ,0
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-RE [OT] spam tagging From Nuno Magalh C A es [mailto nunomagalhaes eu ipp pt] Sent Wednesday May PM Hi An idea that just came to me With all the small amounts of granted spam that has been coming through the list would there be a feasible way for uses to reply to spam messages to the list with some sort of tag so that those would be tagged as spam asap I e one receives spam one replies to it to the list with a string like SPAM DEBIAN LIST or whatever and after a few hits of those the mailer or whatever would tag that message as spam It would probably take some load of the maintainers back and give the spamed a warm comfy feeling ducks for cover What good would that do Everyone on the list will have already received the spam To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org caec f b db net ,1
-John Robb has an interesting perspective on trust based targetted advertisURL http www joelonsoftware com news html Date Not supplied John Robb has an interesting perspective on trust based targetted advertising [ ] based on his experiences at Gomez during the heady days of the Internet gold rush Nobody believes advertisements[ ] any more There s a lot of evidence that advertising just doesn t work no matter how targetted so if you have a product to sell you have no choice but to get into the editorial side where consumers defenses are lowered Product placements are one example of this There is an unfortunate tragedy of the commons here When advertising first rose to prominence advertisements _did_ work We hadn t built up our immunities yet As more and more advertisers used the opportunity of the medium to lie we learned not to trust advertisements But we still trust editorial And once editorial gets polluted by desperate marketers using PR instead of advertising to promote their message nobody will believe it either [ ] http jrobb userland com stories trustbasedAdvertising html [ ] http www amazon com exec obidos ASIN ref nosim joelonsoftware ,1
-Looking for the perfect camera for your summer vacation CNET SHOPPER CNET Shopper Newsletter Electronics Edition Shopper All CNET The Web Sony Cyber Shot DSC F Canon PowerShot S Palm m Palm i Nikon Coolpix All most popular Live tech help NOW April s tech award million open jobs News com Top CIOs ZDNet PeopleSoft Canon PowerShot S Elph pixels x digital zoom x optical zoom Built in flash Just Accessorize your camera Canon CB LS Battery Charger Canon ACK Power Adapter Kit Canon MB CompactFlash Card Canon MB CompactFlash Card Fujifilm FinePix i pixels oz Built in flash Lowest Price Minolta Dimage X Free shipping available megapixels in LCD x optical zoom x digital Starting at Olympus Camedia D Zoom megapixel in LCD monitor x optical x digital zoom Incl MB SmartMedia card Lowest Price Canon PowerShot A megapixels new shooting modes x optical x digital zoom Professional level features Lowest Price Casio GV pixels Built in flash in LCD display Lowest Price Kyocera Finecam S pixels x digital zoom x optical zoom Lowest Price Did you know that ChannelOnline enables you to streamline your sales process by building quotes and orders online Simply select a customer you ve previously entered into ChannelOnline s database and their company information and a customized price profile is automatically applied to their quote You can add products as you search the product database and work on multiple quotes at once as you respond to different customer requests throughout the day Sign up now to streamline your entire buying and selling chain Tell me more about ChannelOnline Tech Trends Hardware Software Shopping Downloads News Investing Electronics Web Building Help How Tos Internet Games Message Boards CNET TV Radio Music Center The e mail address for your subscription is qqqqqqqqqq cnet newsletters spamassassin taint org Unsubscribe Manage My Subscriptions FAQ Advertise Price comparisons Product reviews Tech news Downloads All CNET services Copyright CNET Networks Inc All rights reserved ,1
-Re MotherboardsOn PM Jean Fran ois wrote Hello I might be wrong but I guess the exact name for your motherboard is DFI Lanparty DK p t rs PLUS as opposed to the Elite or Turbo models which has SATAII ports and I also guess you have used the two yellow ports If so plug your drives in the orange ports to use the Sata controller from the ICH R and not the JMicron JMB given the vast amount of options traditionnally present in a DFI LanParty BIOS you can probably disable the JMicron controller if you want to do so The ICH R only provides SATAII ports and the JMicron controller is there to provide additionnal ports Yes the PLUS is the correct model I will have to look into it again but I have drives so they could not all be in the two yellow ports This may also explain why fdisk lists my drives in the order sdc sdb sda Running lspci k I don t recall seeing ata_piix at all Thanks for the input I will have another look tonight To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BFC C csmining org ,1
-Microsoft buys XDegress more of a p p distributed data thing I like this part sounds like httpd on the client http www openp p com pub a p p xdegrees html Once the Client Component is installed a server can order a program to run on the client Any CGI script Java servlet ASP component etc could be run on the client This is like breaking the Web server into two parts Originally Web servers just understood HTTP and sent pages Then the field started demanding more from the Web and the servers got loaded down with CGI and mod_perl and active pages and stuff So now the Web server can choose to go back to simple serving and where the application is appropriate let the client do the other razzamatazz This is superior to JavaScript in one important detail the program doesn t have to reload when a new page is loaded as JavaScript functions do And because XDegrees uses Web compatible technology users can access XDegrees resources without installing any software simply by using their browser Scaling is the main question that comes to mind when somebody describes a new naming and searching system CEO Michael Tanne claims to have figured out mathematically that the system can scale up to millions of users and billions of resources Scaling is facilitated by the careful location of servers XDegrees will colocate servers at key routing points as Akamai does and by directing clients to the nearest server as their default home server Enterprise customers can use own servers to manage in house applications Files can be cached on multiple systems randomly scattered around the Internet as with Napster or Freenet In fact the caching in XDegrees is more sophisticated than it is on those systems users with high bandwidth connections can download portions or stripes of a file from several cached locations simultaneously The XDegrees software then reassembles these stripes into the whole file and uses digital signatures to verify that the downloaded file is the same as the original A key component of this digital signature is a digest of the file which is stored as an HTTP header for the file ,1
-Re Middle button click broken Jeremy Huddleston On Apr at Pierre Baguis wrote The middle click caused the terminal to come forth You need to middle click inside the white box that was brought up I assumed he had done that it s what I asked him to do in which case the reported behaviour indicates something odd going on Of course the xev output he posted came from the mouse leaving the xev window so maybe you re right and he misunderstood the instructions So to make it even clearer Move the xev window if necessary so it doesn t cover the terminal window Middle click in it preferably without moving the mouse even a little You should now see the mouse click event in the terminal window The moment you move the mouse tons of movement events will roll in and scroll the click events right out of the terminal window Harald _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored X users mailing list X users lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options x users mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Re applets on bit _ There is a known race condition between native background repainting and Java drawing in the resize scrolling case for Java applets embedded in the browser process The reason you don t see this behavior when using the out of process plugin is because the applet painting is happening in a seperate process and the browser is pulling the pixels from the Java process when the browser thinks it s a good time to repaint I m not clear why unchecking the bit checkbox in Java Preferences should enable or disable the out of process vs in process applet setting If your MacBook is actually bit only you should never even see the bit JVMs On May at AM Rob Dickens wrote Have just tested my applet on a bit Mac and it seems you have to select the In their own process preference in order to stop the flicker on resize unticking the bit Java checkbox greys out the radio buttons that let you make the above change Ergo the non flickering applet container is only available on bit Macs If anyone from Apple could clarify the situation I d be much obliged On Wed May at AM Chung Kai Chen wrote It s really frustrating to see something on Mac so bad compared to Windows I use this page http www javafx com samples TableInsights index html to test the newly arrived JVM and it still flickers like a hell when scrolling the page The same applet run on Windows hosted in VirtualBox on my Mac shows almost no flickering Rob Dickens Dear Mac Java Devs Have just installed the new version of Java hoping that my applets[ ] in Safari would stop flickering when I resized the browser window something which the release notes suggest[ ] might be the case but I find that they do still flicker One thing I note is that the Java Preferences app won t let me change the way applets are run from Within the browser process to In their own process since the radio buttons are greyed out I m on a bit MacBook btw Please could somebody help Best regards Rob http lafros com gui Plugin Graphics Rendering Regards Mike Swingler Java Runtime Engineer Apple Inc _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Java dev mailing list Java dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options java dev mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-STOP THE MLM INSANITY You are receiving this email because you have expressed an interest in receiving information about online business opportunities If this is erroneous then please accept my most sincere apology If you wish to be removed from this list then simply reply to this message and put remove in the subject line Thank you Greetings You are receiving this letter because you have expressed an interest in receiving information about online business opportunities If this is erroneous then please accept my most sincere apology This is a one time mailing so no removal is necessary If you ve been burned betrayed and back stabbed by multi level marketing MLM then please read this letter It could be the most important one that has ever landed in your Inbox MULTI LEVEL MARKETING IS A HUGE MISTAKE FOR MOST PEOPLE MLM has failed to deliver on its promises for the past years The pursuit of the MLM Dream has cost hundreds of thousands of people their friends their fortunes and their sacred honor The fact is that MLM is fatally flawed meaning that it CANNOT work for most people The companies and the few who earn the big money in MLM are NOT going to tell you the real story FINALLY there is someone who has the courage to cut through the hype and lies and tell the TRUTH about MLM HERE S GOOD NEWS There IS an alternative to MLM that WORKS and works BIG If you haven t yet abandoned your dreams then you need to see this Earning the kind of income you ve dreamed about is easier than you think With your permission I d like to send you a brief letter that will tell you WHY MLM doesn t work for most people and will then introduce you to something so new and refreshing that you ll wonder why you haven t heard of this before I promise that there will be NO unwanted follow up NO sales pitch no one will call you and your email address will only be used to send you the information Period To receive this free life changing information simply click Reply type Send Info in the Subject box and hit Send I ll get the information to you within hours Just look for the words MLM WALL OF SHAME in your Inbox Cordially Majee P S Someone recently sent the letter to me and it has been the most eye opening financially beneficial information I have ever received I honestly believe that you will feel the same way once you ve read it And it s FREE ,0
-Our Medz LessJack sent you a message Check It Out Same Medz You Buy Now Just Cheaper No Prescription Needed http www knygtoquwy com To reply to this message follow the link below http www facebook com n inbox readmessage php ___ This message was intended for bantal csmining org Want to control which emails you receive from Facebook Go to http www facebook com editaccount php Facebook s offices are located at S California Ave Palo Alto CA ,0
-[Spambayes] understanding high false negative rate TP Tim Peters writes First test results using tokenizer Tokenizer tokenize_headers unmodified Second test results using mboxtest MyTokenizer tokenize_headers This uses all headers except Received Data and X From_ TP Try the latter again but call the base tokenize_headers too Sorry I haven t found the time to try any more test runs Perhaps later today Jeremy ,1
-Re network setup questionAnand Sivaram wrote On Thu May at Miles Fidelman wrote Are you using static IP or using dhcp If you are using static then you could try your local netmask from to or so in such a way that it encompasses both networks I think this is the simplest to start with If this has problem you could always alter the packet using iptables to send it though your second network connection Static And thanks In theory there is no difference between theory and practice In practice there is Yogi Berra To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BE B D meetinghouse net ,1
-Ground breaking post card creates annuity leadsFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset Windows Content Transfer Encoding bit Generate your own leads using ground breaking Roth conversion postcards _____ Every senior wants to hear about the roth conversion if you can eliminate the up front tax cost You can with the new and improved roth conversion program from GSL Advisory The cheapest and most successful way to generate roth conversion program leads is to send postcards while also placing an ad in the small local paper Repeat the ads and the postcard mailing at least different times The one truth in advertising is that repetition works Even the smallest and most unassuming ad works if it is seen several times See if you can find an area that has its own zip code and a local paper serving that area Some retirement communities have both a newspaper and their own zip code This is your gold mine To see the postcard and ad and to learn how to work the system complete the form below which will direct you to the post card and how to make it work for you First Name Last Name Note that when you press the Send Information button the screen may not change but we will still receive your information and get back to you Another way to order our sample presentation is to visit our website at www gsladvisory com froco E Mail Phone These materials are for agent use only You should be a practicing licensed and appointed annuity agent We don t want anyone to receive our mailings who does not wish to This is professional communication sent to insurance professionals To be removed from this mailing list DO NOT REPLY to this message Instead go here http www Insurancemail net Legal Notice ,0
-Re Python site libs From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Thu at Mark Derricutt wrote Anyone know where one could get rpms for alot of the python libraries for Its darn annoying the way RH ship python and python as python and libs that only work with one or the other esp the pgdb and xml modules Anyone know why Red Hat insist on sticking with python they are on python for but they don t like to break compatibility during major releases therefore X was b c that was current x was b c that was current when was released sv ,1
-Re AUGD Re PR Mailing ListsI m confused isn t this list supported by Apple s servers On Tue Apr at PM Jason Davies wrote On Apr at Chris Hart wrote ___ John Feltham at wrote ___ G day Chris On at PM Chris Hart wrote See that s downright disgusting that Apple won t even acknowledge our existence While I agree that their position is not good I think that you have to think that their business is the manufacture and sale of their products I m not asking them to promote our groups prominently A I just want th em to publicly acknowledge our existence in a proud fashion and not hesitate t o mention us to their customers when appropriate while I understand the frustration I have also known MUGs which were seri ously dysfunctional and embarrassing to be part of I can see why Apple don t wish to promote a link with them because they can t always rely on it All you need is a bad list moderator and a couple of nutters and you have a list which all the right people leave A _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Augd mailing list A A A Augd lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options augd dgreenbaum csmining org This email sent to dgreenbaum csmining org _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Augd mailing list Augd lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options augd mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Iraq Today Daily News FREE TrialDear Sir Madam My name is Petr Stanek and I am managing the Iraq Today news service www europeaninternet com iraq Iraq Today contains hourly updated breaking news headlines exchange rates market news and other important information You and your associates can have a FREE TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION to Iraq Today You will have access to a collection of daily updated articles a news archive and many other benefits too Once again this trial is FREE To subscribe just reply to this e mail or sign up at http www europeaninternet com login affiliate_register php A partial list of current EIN subscribers can be found at http www europeaninternet com mediakit If you have any questions comments or need assistance signing up please contact us personally by either writing to helpdesk europeaninternet com or simply replying to this email Please feel free to forward this offer to any of your colleagues Best regards Petr Stanek Subscription Department EIN News To be removed please reply to remove europeaninternet com ,0
-Meet Carol Ann DuffyURL http www newsisfree com click Date T Live online One of Britain s leading poets will be here tomorrow at pm to celebrate National Poetry day Post your questions now ,1
-Limited Time Offer Greetings from PalmGear com Developers PalmGear com is currently offering a discount on all Advertising through the end of June The cost have been dropped and discounts will be given if you would like to trade for Past Due Payment or if you pre pay for the advertising Please contact me if you have any questions or if you would like to get signed up Below are the options and cost to advertise Regards Jake Divjak www PalmGear com jaked palmgear com Phone Web Banner Ads All ad prices are based on Month minimums prepaid Home page ads will be rotated with no more than advertisers at one time Software Search Top Monthly Top Downloads The Essentials and Gear s Choice and all software categories will be rotated with no more than advertisers at one time Pricing is defined as follows depending upon your association with PalmGear com and the URL that you will direct customers to Pricing per month Homepage Advertisers Max Left Colum Badge Homepage Homepage Product Images rows images per row PRICES VARY Top Advertisers Max Top Monthly Advertisers Max Essentials Advertisers Max Gear s Choice Advertisers Max My PalmGear Advertisers Max Developers Advertisers Max Software Category Pages Advertisers Max Cost and varies depending upon category Tips and Tricks Advertisers Max Related Links Advertisers Max Advertisements for product s that are sold by PalmGear com with the ad directing customers to your product description page on PalmGear com receive these discounts Ad Payment Placement Payment for all advertising must be made prior to placement and may be made either via check or credit card Ad Specifications Top Banners x K File Size maximum We currently will only accept Graphic Banner Ads no forms etc Graphic files must be stored on our servers All advertising will be taxed for this reason Statistics Each advertiser can log in through the developer section with their user name and password and the statistics for their banners will be viewable there My PalmGear Subscriber E Mail Blast Pricing Currently at aprox Users How it works With this advertising option you can effectively reach all of the My PalmGear Subscribers that have requested new information and updates to be e mailed to them The process is as follows E mail Blasts are sent out on the th of every month These can be reserved in advance on a first come first serve basis All text will be sent to PalmGear com for approval and then on the assigned day will be e mailed to the My PalmGear Subscribers that have requested this Product Confirmation E Mail Blurb Pricing Currently sending out aprox How it works For each individual software product that is ordered a confirmation is e mailed to the customer that details the information about that order At the bottom of each e mail there is a space available for advertisers to put a short message about their product company etc The process for this is as follows Product Confirmation E Mails are sent out with every software order registration A company can reserve this option for a months period at a time They will have exclusive right to that space for that month Months can be reserved in advance on a first come first serve basis All text will be sent to PalmGear com for approval and then on the first day of the month that information will be attached to those e mails Shipping Insert Pricing per insertion Currently sending out aprox per month How it works For each order that is placed for shipped products a shipping invoice is inserted into the shipment There is the opportunity to include a preprinted insert into each of these They would need to reference that the item s can be purchased at PalmGear The advertiser is responsible for printing costs Only per shipment Regards PalmGear com http www palmgear com The One Stop Source for your Palm OS Based Organizer and Handspring Visor Modules too at http www palmgear com hs ,0
-CNET NEWS COM Canning spam without eating up real mail Canning spam without eating up real mail Search News com All CNET The Web Live tech help NOW April s tech award million open jobs News com Top CIOs ZDNet PeopleSoft July Canning spam without eating up real mail Tech companies chase homeland security Lukewarm response to Juniper moves USA Today investigating hack attack Web services made easier Wireless lands at European airports Vision Series Read News com s exclusive interviews of top CIOs Vision Series home Canning spam without eating up real mail Like a growing number of Web surfers Audrie Krause faces a new uncertainty when she hits the send button on her e mail these days Will the message get through As the head of a political action group Krause uses members only e mail lists to help educate and organize fellow activists So she was jarred recently when one message bounced back with a note accusing her of spreading unsolicited junk e mail or spam July AM PT Read Full Story Tech companies chase homeland security Software companies looking for greener pastures are turning to the red white and blue Whether out of heartfelt patriotism in the wake of Sept or the desire to tap into the nearly billion budgeted for homeland security spending in many information technology companies that previously paid little attention to government contracts are now going to great lengths to attract government business July AM PT Read Full Story Lukewarm response to Juniper moves Juniper Networks continues to muddle through the telecom morass Juniper beat estimates by earning less than reported a percent decline in year over year sales and offered little hope that it could grow its business when it reported second quarter earnings on Thursday Yet in some corners of the industry Juniper s performance was viewed as mildly positive July PM PT Read Full Story USA Today investigating hack attack National newspaper USA Today said Friday that one or more online vandals had posted a fake front page and six phony news stories on its Web site Network administrators have yet to determine how the vandals compromised the company s Web server Thursday night The national newspaper has called in local law enforcement to help find out who defaced the site with fake stories July AM PT Read Full Story Web services made easier The Web s leading standards group has updated its core draft specification for Web services The World Wide Web Consortium W C this week published Web Services Description Language WSDL a language based on XML Extensible Markup Language that defines the protocol for interactive services on the Web as well as their data and location July AM PT Read Full Story Wireless lands at European airports Network giant Cisco Systems is installing Aironet wireless LANs into lounges at airports across Europe targeting business travelers with wireless cards in their laptops or personal digital assistants The announcement includes various deals with different telecommunications companies and airports made under the banner of Cisco Mobile Office a campaign for wireless LANs local area networks The airport deals are at different stages from a fully fledged paid for service run by wireless provider Mobynet at Turkey s Ataturk Airport in Istanbul where the wireless LAN was included when the airport was designed in to others that are still free trials July AM PT Read Full Story From our partners Too many rotten apples Business Week Will Bush s reforms be enough to calm the Investor Class July issue Read Full Story Making sense of irrational exuberance Business Week A University of Chicago economist says investors manic behavior during stock market bubbles may not be as crazy as it seems July Read Full Story Also from CNET Real time stock quotes from CNET News com Investor day free trial Digicams for summer shutterbugsGoing on vacation or just headed to the beach Indulge your summer snapshot habit with one of our picks megapixel shoot out Leica Digilux street shooter s digicam Most popular products Digital cameras Canon PowerShot G Canon PowerShot S Canon PowerShot S Canon PowerShot A Nikon Coolpix See all most popular cameras Shoot and groove with Casio s slim camera Correspondent Melissa Francis takes a look at the new Casio digital camera that s the size of a credit card and can record and play music in the MP format Watch Video Enterprise Merger means bigger bag of chips European PC sales take another dip Rivals help improve Dell s outlook E Business Stocks mixed as techs offer some gains Asian travel portal takes off N Y subpoenas PayPal over gambling Communications More government eyes on Qwest Broadband U K sees double Ebbers said to know books cooked Media AOL on the hunt for new CEO Asia proves sweet spot for Yahoo DoubleClick s new focus leads to profit Personal Technology Apple goes overseas with retail store Sony shrinks its Memory Stick Chips LCDs give clue to Philips health The e mail address for your subscription is qqqqqqqqqq zdnet example com Unsubscribe Manage My Subscriptions FAQ AdvertisePlease send any questions comments or concerns to dispatchfeedback news com Price comparisons Product reviews Tech news Downloads All CNET services Copyright CNET Networks Inc All rights reserved ,1
-RE [ILUG] SUSE disks thread changed slightly bugger lost the url to that site tarball in question I have it on a cd somewhere though the bblcd toolkit is similar but is for building a cd based distro [ ] shane [ ] this time http www bablokb de bblcd Original Message From kevin lyda [mailto kevin dated c ie suberic net] Sent August To ilug linux ie Subject Re [ILUG] SUSE disks thread changed slightly On Tue Aug at AM Ryan Shane wrote distro There s even a tarball[ ] with this segfault core dumped Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-Your Membership Community Commentary JavaMail RovAdmin rovweb Content Type text plain charset iso Your Membership Community Commentary August It s All About Making Money Information to provide you with the absolute best low and no cost ways of providing traffic to your site helping you to capitalize on the power and potential the web brings to every Net Preneur This Issue Contains Sites Who Will Trade Links With You IN THIS ISSUE Top Ten Most Important Things to Do Today Member Showcase Commentary Quick Tips Win A FREE Ad In Community Commentary Today s Special Announcement Right now this week only We have left over inventory it s unsold but not for long If you could use million banner ads all targeted and dirt cheap go here today This package is guaranteed It s tough to fail when you can show your ad to people for less than a buck A free custom banner will be made for you with this deal http BannersGoMLM com promo million nl html You are a member in at least one of these programs You should be in them all http www BannersGoMLM com http www ProfitBanners com http www CashPromotions com http www MySiteInc com http www TimsHomeTownStories com http www FreeLinksNetwork com http www MyShoppingPlace com http www BannerCo op com http www PutPEEL com http www PutPEEL net http www SELLinternetACCESS com http www Be Your Own ISP com http www SeventhPower com Top Ten Most Important Things to Do Today Top Ten Most Important Things to Do Today By Michael E Angier This is my list They re the ones I ve selected for my life at present Consider them suggestions for yourself ideas to help you generate your own top ten list By getting clear on and acting upon YOUR most important steps you ll be moving toward and experiencing your highest and best Practice gratefulness Reflect upon the things in my life for which I m grateful If I appreciate more of what I have I will have even more to appreciate Write out my three most important goals and visualize how my life will be when I have achieved them FEEL it EXPERIENCE it in as much sensory detail as I can possibly imagine Take some action steps toward each of the three goals Exercise my body and monitor carefully what I eat and drink Reduce fat and caloric intake while expending more calories Eat only small amounts at one time Read something educational inspirational or entertaining preferably all three Meditate Empty my conscious mind and listen to the Super conscious Have fun doing something I love to do Experience joy Write something anything If not an article or part of my book then write in my journal Perform some act of kindness Do a thoughtful magnanimous thing anonymously if possible Finish something Do something I can call complete Bonus Step Make something work better Practice ADS Automate Delegate and Systemize Copyright Michael Angier Success Networks International About the Author Michael Angier is the founder and president of Success Networks Success Net s mission is to inform inspire and empower people to be their best personally and professionally Download their free eBooklet KEYS TO PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS from http www SuccessNet org keys htm Free subscriptions memberships books and SuccessMark Cards are available at http www SuccessNet org Member Showcase Examine carefully Those with email addresses included WILL TRADE LINKS with you You are encouraged to contact them There Are Many Ways To Build A Successful Business Just look at these successful sites programs other members are involved in FREE CD Rom Software Over high quality software titles on CD ROM absolutely FREE YES the software is free s h Click Here http www adreporting com at cgi a e Stop Smoking Free Lesson Discover the Secret to Stopping Smoking To Master these Powerful Techniques Come to http www breath of life net for your Free Lesson Act Now P S Tell someone you care about Trade Links jturco hotmail com For a limited time only we are offering TWO FREE eBooks to show you how to MAKE MONEY ON THE INTERNET Use our PROVEN DUPLICATABLE methods to get in on this EXPLODING opportunity now Visit us at http www Abundance Group com to collect your FREE offers Trade Links Gina AbundanceGroup com Life Without Debt What would you do with A Dream Team of heavy hitters are gathering to promote Life Without Debt Get in NOW to receive Massive spillover in the x matrix http trafficentral com lwd index htm If you have a product service opportunity or quality merchandise that appeals to people worldwide reach your targeted audience For a fraction of what other large newsletters charge you can exhibit your website here and trade links for only CPM Compare that to the industry average of CPM Why Because as a valuable member we want you to be successful Order today Showcases are limited and published on a first come first serve basis For our secure order form click here http bannersgomlm com ezine Commentary Quick Tips Website Recommendation Here is a site with some useful tips Example test your Internet connection speed http www camscape com tips I doubled my DSL speed with just one minor tweak suggested by one of the links given Submitted by F Knopke imco telusplanet net Do you have a marketing hint product recommendation or online gem of wisdom you d like to share with your fellow subscribers With your line Quick Tip include your name and URL or email address and we ll give you credit for your words of wisdom And if you re looking for free advertising this isn t the place check out the One Question Survey below for a great free advertising offer Send it in to mailto Submit AEOpublishing com with Quick Tip in the Subject block Win A FREE Ad In Community Commentary To keep this interesting how about this every month we ll draw a name from the replies and that person will win one Sponsorship Showcase in the Community Commentary for FREE That s a value of over Respond to each weekly survey and increase your chances to win with four separate entries QUESTION OF THE WEEK No right or wrong answers and just by answering you are entered to win a Sponsorship Showcase Free How many email messages do you get per day Less than mailto one AEOpublishing com mailto two AEOpublishing com mailto three AEOpublishing com mailto four AEOpublishing com More than mailto five AEOpublishing com To make this as easy as possible for you just click on the hyperlinked answer to send us an e mail you do not need to enter any information in the subject or body of the message ADD YOUR COMMENTS Follow directions above and add your comments in the body of the message and we ll post the best commentaries along with the responses You will automatically be entered in our drawing for a free Sponsorship ad in the Community Commentary Please respond only one time per question Multiple responses from the same individual will be discarded Last Weeks s Survey Results Comments Are you concerned about identity theft online yes no Comments No This is a funny thing to me I hear about so many people being super scared to give out their SS Well folks I can get your SS for cents Give me a name and address and about of the time I can get the number We are so worried about putting our credit card number on the net but we will give the card to a waiter or waitress and they take it out of our sight for minutes They could do who knows what with the CC number I once had a person tell me that her lawyer said that she should never fax a copy of her check to anyone checks by fax because then that person me would have her account info and could write a check out for thousands of dollars I told her to just send it to me then and she said that was OK Then I asked her to tell me what the difference was between the original check and a fax copy I told her to ask her lawyer that too Never heard back from her The bottom line is that if a crook wants to get your info it is available in many places Have a good day Terry http mysiteinc com tfn lfi html Yes I believe that the risk is out there but minimal However we can cut those risks by a few simple precautions Most importantly never give any personal information at a site that is not secure always look for the lock in thetask bar or a Veri secure sign or others Also never leave your information stored at a site I put in my credit information in each time instead of having an account in standing a little more time but less risks involved Of course I mostly shop at my own Internet mall and I know how safe it is there credit card info is deleted in a matter of seconds Overall I believe the web to be a safe and very fruitful new frontier Catherine F http www catco nexgenmall com Yes I had phenomena for weeks and did not realize that my ISP was shut down at the same time because the owner was in a bad car accident I had a full service account My Internic fees were not paid so my WEB Address went unprotected A Russian stepped in paid the fees and promptly assigned my www SchoolOfGeomatics com address to a porn shop Thus I lost years of building up st place rankings on Search Engines and nd place on more This set me back about months I believe I lost a minimum of I have also been hit with viruses about times The first time I lost almost months of work Now I back up often enough to not to lose so much time This is also Internet theft These people are nothing but out and out criminals and should spend years behind bars Customers are well protected from credit card theft however merchants can lose a lot of money I sell only by purchase order and certified or registered company checks Peter S http www GSSGeomatics com JULY WINNER ANNOUNCED And the July One Question Survey WINNER is John Stitzel oldstitz yahoo com Congratulations John To change your subscribed address send both new and old address to mailto Submit AEOpublishing com See the link below for our Subscription Center to unsubscribe or edit your interests Please send suggestions and comments to mailto Editor AEOpublishing com I invite you to send your real successes and showcase your strategies and techniques or yes even your total bombs Working Together We Can All Prosper mailto Submit AEOpublishing com For information on how to sponsor Your Membership Community Commentary visit http bannersgomlm com ezine Copyright AEOpublishing com web http www AEOpublishing com This email has been sent to jm netnoteinc com at your request by Your Membership Newsletter Services Visit our Subscription Center to edit your interests or unsubscribe http ccprod roving com roving d jsp p oo id bd n lhtdma m bd n ea jm netnoteinc com View our privacy policy http ccprod roving com roving CCPrivacyPolicy jsp Powered by Constant Contact R www constantcontact com JavaMail RovAdmin rovweb Content Type text html charset iso Your Membership Community Commentary Your Membership Community Commentary It s All About Making Money August in this issue Top Ten Most Important Things to Do Today Member Showcase Commentary Quick Tips Win A FREE Ad In Community Commentary Today s Special Announcement Right now this week only We have left over inventory it s unsold but not for long If you could use million banner ads all targeted and dirt cheap go here today This package is guaranteed It s tough to fail when you can show your ad to people for less than a buck A free custom banner will be made for you with this deal Click Here You are a member in at least one of these programs You should be in them all BannersGoMLM com ProfitBanners com CashPromotions com MySiteInc com TimsHomeTownStories com FreeLinksNetwork com MyShoppingPlace com BannerCo op com PutPEEL com PutPEEL net SELLinternetACCESS com Be Your Own ISP com SeventhPower com Information to provide you with the absolute best low and no cost ways of providing traffic to your site helping you to capitalize on the power and potential the web brings to every Net Preneur This Issue Contains Sites Who Will Trade Links With You Top Ten Most Important Things to Do Today This is my list They re the ones I ve selected for my life at present Consider them suggestions for yourself ideas to help you generate your own top ten list By getting clear on and acting upon YOUR most important steps you ll be moving toward and experiencing your highest and best Practice gratefulness Reflect upon the things in my life for which I m grateful If I appreciate more of what I have I will have even more to appreciate Write out my three most important goals and visualize how my life will be when I have achieved them FEEL it EXPERIENCE it in as much sensory detail as I can possibly imagine Take some action steps toward each of the three goals Exercise my body and monitor carefully what I eat and drink Reduce fat and caloric intake while expending more calories Eat only small amounts at one time Read something educational inspirational or entertaining preferably all three Meditate Empty my conscious mind and listen to the Super conscious Have fun doing something I love to do Experience joy Write something anything If not an article or part of my book then write in my journal Perform some act of kindness Do a thoughtful magnanimous thing anonymously if possible Finish something Do something I can call complete Bonus Step Make something work better Practice ADS Automate Delegate and Systemize Copyright Michael Angier Success Networks International About the Author Michael Angier is the founder and president of Success Networks Success Net s mission is to inform inspire and empower people to be their best personally and professionally Download their free eBooklet KEYS TO PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS from http www SuccessNet org keys htm Free subscriptions memberships books and SuccessMark Cards are available at http www SuccessNet org Member Showcase Examine carefully Those with email addresses included WILL TRADE LINKS with you You are encouraged to contact them There Are Many Ways To Build A Successful Business Just look at these successful sites programs other members are involved in FREE CD Rom Software Over high quality software titles on CD ROM absolutely FREE YES the software is free s h Click Here http www adreporting com at cgi a e Stop Smoking Free Lesson Discover the Secret to Stopping Smoking To Master these Powerful Techniques Come to http www breath of life net for your Free Lesson Act Now P S Tell someone you care about Trade Links jturco hotmail com For a limited time only we are offering TWO FREE eBooks to show you how to MAKE MONEY ON THE INTERNET Use our PROVEN DUPLICATABLE methods to get in on this EXPLODING opportunity now Visit us at http www Abundance Group com to collect your FREE offers Trade Links Gina AbundanceGroup com Life Without Debt What would you do with A Dream Team of heavy hitters are gathering to promote Life Without Debt Get in NOW to receive Massive spillover in the x matrix http trafficentral com lwd index htm If you have a product service opportunity or quality merchandise that appeals to people worldwide reach your targeted audience For a fraction of 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advertising offer Send it in to mailto Submit AEOpublishing com with Quick Tip in the Subject block Win A FREE Ad In Community Commentary To keep this interesting how about this every month we ll draw a name from the replies and that person will win one Sponsorship Showcase in the Community Commentary for FREE That s a value of over Respond to each weekly survey and increase your chances to win with four separate entries QUESTION OF THE WEEK No right or wrong answers and just by answering you are entered to win a Sponsorship Showcase Free How many email messages do you get per day Less than mailto one AEOpublishing com mailto two AEOpublishing com mailto three AEOpublishing com mailto four AEOpublishing com More than mailto five AEOpublishing com To make this as easy as possible for you just click on the hyperlinked answer to send us an e mail you do not need to enter any information in the subject or body of the message ADD YOUR COMMENTS Follow directions above and add your comments in the body of the message and we ll post the best commentaries along with the responses You will automatically be entered in our drawing for a free Sponsorship ad in the Community Commentary Please respond only one time per question Multiple responses from the same individual will be discarded Last Weeks s Survey Results Comments Are you concerned about identity theft online yes no Comments No This is a funny thing to me I hear about so many people being super scared to give out their SS Well folks I can get your SS for cents Give me a name and address and about of the time I can get the number We are so worried about putting our credit card number on the net but we will give the card to a waiter or waitress and they take it out of our sight for minutes They could do who knows what with the CC number I once had a person tell me that her lawyer said that she should never fax a copy of her check to anyone checks by fax because then that person me would have her account info and could write a check out for thousands of dollars I told her to just send it to me then and she said that was OK Then I asked her to tell me what the difference was between the original check and a fax copy I told her to ask her lawyer that too Never heard back from her The bottom line is that if a crook wants to get your info it is available in many places Have a good day Terry http mysiteinc com tfn lfi html Yes I believe that the risk is out there but minimal However we can cut those risks by a few simple precautions Most importantly never give any personal information at a site that is not secure always look for the lock in thetask bar or a Veri secure sign or others Also never leave your information stored at a site I put in my credit information in each time instead of having an account in standing a little more time but less risks involved Of course I mostly shop at my own Internet mall and I know how safe it is there credit card info is deleted in a matter of seconds Overall I believe the web to be a safe and very fruitful new frontier Catherine F http www catco nexgenmall com Yes I had phenomena for weeks and did not realize that my ISP was shut down at the same time because the owner was in a bad car accident I had a full service account My Internic fees were not paid so my WEB Address went unprotected A Russian stepped in paid the fees and promptly assigned my www SchoolOfGeomatics com address to a porn shop Thus I lost years of building up st place rankings on Search Engines and nd place on more This set me back about months I believe I lost a minimum of I have also been hit with viruses about times The first time I lost almost months of work Now I back up often enough to not to lose so much time This is also Internet theft These people are nothing but out and out criminals and should spend years behind bars Customers are well protected from credit card theft however merchants can lose a lot of money I sell only by purchase order and certified or registered company checks Peter S http www GSSGeomatics com JULY WINNER ANNOUNCED And the July One Question Survey WINNER is John Stitzel oldstitz yahoo com Congratulations John To change your subscribed address send both new and old address to Submit See the link to the left for our Subscription Center to unsubscribe or edit your interests Please send suggestions and comments to Editor I invite you to send your real successes and showcase your strategies and techniques or yes even your total bombs Working Together We Can All Prosper Submit For information on how to sponsor Your Membership Community Commentary visit Sponsorship Showcase Copyright AEOpublishing com visit our site This email was sent to jm netnoteinc com at your request by Your Membership Newsletter Services Visit our Subscription Center to edit your interests or unsubscribe View our privacy policy Powered by JavaMail RovAdmin rovweb ,0
-Ed Cone The House Subcommittee on Courts the Internet and IntellectualURL http scriptingnews userland com backissues When PM Date Wed Sep GMT Ed Cone[ ] The House Subcommittee on Courts the Internet and Intellectual Property will hold a hearing on Piracy of Intellectual Property on Peer to Peer Networks at AM Thursday September Rayburn House Office Building The Berman Coble bill will be discussed The hearings are open to the press [ ] http radio weblogs com html a ,1
-Dear hibody csmining org FF on PFIZER Click here to view as a web page Unsubscribe Change e mail address Privacy Policy About Us Copyright A pvw Inc All rights reserved ,0
-Re Apt problemsOn Wed Feb at PM Matthias Saou wrote Strange all my openssh packages don t explicitly requires a version of openssl What version of openssh do you have Is it an official Red Hat package I suppose it isn t and using Red Hat s rpms will solve your problem openssh p I think that is directly from openssh site It s from the RH that I upgraded to doesn t ship with openssh I probably should downgrade to the versoin RH provides except I can t do that as I don t have physical access to that box and downgrading ssh packages over ssh doesn t sound like a bright idea Peter _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-TRAMP UpdateURL http www aaronsw com weblog Date T Finally finished up most of TRAMP my RDF interface for Python If you don t use RDF or Python you can probably safely skip this entry New in this version RDF library abstraction because rdflib s organization currently sucks write values in addition to reading and unit tests all with that old TRAMP flavor you ve come to know and love _But wait _ it also comes with an entire page of explanation advertisement[ ] if you re not already convinced RDF XML got you down Tired of having to go through contortions to deal with data Want to write Python and be standards compatible at the same time Need a module to implement the psuedo code you had on your slides TRAMP may or may not be the answer to these problems Enjoy and get a free bonus prize if you can tell me[ ] why it s called TRAMP [ ] http www aaronsw com tramp [ ] mailto me aaronsw com ,1
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-Re Debian Sys Admin Training Certification Original Message From tom furie Eorg Euk To debian user lists Edebian Eorg Subject Re Debian Sys Admin Training Certification Date Thu Apr On Thu Apr at PM Abraham Chaffin wrote What training certification courses would you guys recommend for Sys Admin Security Admin training or certification for Debian F Is the LPIC a good route F Go with Red Hat certification F Or what do you all suggest F I have the LPI Debian certification and it s done me no good at all E I don t know what country you re in and things might be different there but here in the UK it seems the only Linux corporate entities have any knowledge of is Red Hat E Probably because of the paid for support contracts E Even those that don t use Red Hat use one of its derivatives E Cheers Tom Someone is speaking well of you E How unusual I second Ron s point E If you are trying for certification to obtain the knowledge you d be better off IMHO to spend the time on the system or with other sys admins E Certification usually is nothing but a stripe on your resume and is not necessarily indicative of your knowledge it may help in a job search however E Larry To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org netptc net ,1
-Re Which kernel for ThinkPad XD I would like your insights the laptop is reported as i so which one to choose linux image lenny linux image lenny I would be more inclined to but I didn t find any concluant informations on the Net will work may work Stefan To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian laptop REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org jwv ho uuj fsf monnier gmane linux debian user laptop gnu org ,1
- DIRECT MARKETING WILL INCREASE SALES There is NO stumbling on to it The greatest way of marketing this century is undoubtedly direct e mail It s similar to the postman delivering a letter to your mailbox The ability to promote your product service website or MLM network marketing opportunity to millions instantly is what advertisers have been dreaming of for over years We e mail your promotion to a list of our general business addresses The greatest part is it s completely affordable E MAIL MARKETING IS THE ANSWER How do we know We know because that s exactly what we do It s a proven fact that you can attract new business through our Direct E mail Marketing The profits that E mail advertising generate are amazing We are living proof We are a direct E mail internet advertising company and our clients pay us thousands of dollars a week to E mail their products and services STANDARD PRICING AND PROCEDURES EXTRACTING Our list of general Internet addresses are actually extracted from the most popular web sites on the Internet The addresses are verified and run through our purification process The process includes addresses run against our custom remove filter of keywords as well as through our MB remove flamer list The EDU ORG GOV MIL and US domains are removed as well as other domains that asked not to receive e mail EVALUATION optional One of our marketing specialists will evaluate your sales letter and offer his her expertise on how to make it the most successful STANDARD PRICING Emails Delivered Million per Million per Million per Million up per SPECIAL LIMITED TIME OFFER This introductory offer of includes Set Up Fee Evaluation of Sales Letter e mails delivered PAYMENT POLICY All services must be paid in full prior to delivery of advertisement NOTICE Absolutely no threatening or questionable materials If you are serious about Direct Email Marketing Send the following to fax PLEASE FILL THIS FORM OUT COMPLETELY Contact Name _____________________________________________ Business Name ______________________________________ Years in Business _________________________ Business Type ______________________________________ Address _________________________________________________ City ____________________ State ______ Zip ______________ Country _______________ Email Address _______________________________________________ Phone __________________________ Fax _______________________ To get out of our email database send an email to publicservice btamail net cn ,0
-Automotive software Easter Egg discoveredURL http boingboing net Date Not supplied Slashdot s reporting that according to the current ish of Popular Science an Easter Egg has been discovered in the transmission control software for the BMW M the proper combination of commands to the electronically controlled manual transmission will cause the car to rev up to rpm and drop the clutch Are we sure that this is a feature and not a bug Link[ ] Discuss[ ] [ ] http slashdot org article pl sid mode flat tid [ ] http www quicktopic com boing H SVZhehqjGbC ,1
-Re use new apt to do null to RH upgrade Is it possible to use new apt to do null to RH upgrade It might be don t think anyone tried it yet Even if it s possible are there good reasons why maybe I should not do it and just use the RH iso s I don t think RH will upgrade from null maybe up date will Yes first off redhat does not support upgrading from beta s to the released version That doesn t mean it can t work it means nobody tried it they sure didn t test it or fix anything to make it work and you re on your own second historically a new numbers mostly means so much has been changed that you might have problems upgrading from any previous release anyway So historically most users installing a release do this from scratch anyway doing upgrades throughout x x y If you want to avoid problems bite the bullet and reinstall Thomas The Dave Dina Project future TV today http davedina apestaart org And every time she sneezes I think it s love and oh lord I m not ready for this sort of thing URGent the best radio on the Internet http urgent rug ac be _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-fortune company hiring work from homeWE NEED HELP We are a year old fortune company and we have grown We cannot keep up We are looking for individuals who want to work at home and make a good living So if you are looking to be employed from home with a career that has vast opportunities then go http www lotsonet com opportunity and fill out our info form NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED WE WILL TRAIN YOU NO COMMITTMENT IS REQUIRED BY FILLING OUT THE FORM IT IS FOR INFO ONLY http www lotsonet com opportunity You want to be independent THEN MAKE IT HAPPEN HAPPEN SIMPLY CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW FOR FREE NO OBLIGATED INFORMATION GUARANTEED http www lotsonet com opportunity To be removed from our link simple go to http www lotsonet com opportunity remove html KypC RFEI IzYK dlUl l ,0
-VP is Opensource NOW via google I O live now gentleman the waiting is over via http www youtube com GoogleDevelopers http www webmproject org cheers marc Les enfants teribbles research deployment Marc Manthey Vogelsangerstrasse K F ln Germany Tel Mobil blog http let de project http opencu org twitter http twitter com macbroadcast facebook http opencu tk Opinions expressed may not even be mine by the time you read them and certainly don t reflect those of any other entity legal or otherwise _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored QuickTime Users mailing list QuickTime Users lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options quicktime users mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Re Selling Wedded Bliss was Re Ouch On Fri Sep Russell Turpin wrote Don t swallow too quickly what you have read about more traditional cultures today or in the past Do I don t swallow I was just offering anecdotal first hand experiences from a number of cultures indicating we apparently have a problem which requires more than ad hoc hand waving approach it s trivial it s obvious all we have to do is XY we have any statistics on the poor man s divorce from centuries past Are you so sure that the kids in th That s easy Divorce didn t happen The church and the society looked after that Only relatively recently that privilege was granted to kings and only very recently to commoners century England were any more functional than those today What about th century Saudi Arabia Is Saudi Arabia a meaningful emigration source At least from the viewpoint of demographics sustainability and counterpressure to gerontocracy and resulting innovatiophobia we re doing something wrong Granting your first two points I m skeptical about the last Do you see ANY signs that America specifically I wasn t talking about the US specifically Though the demographics problem exists there as well albeit not in that extent we Eurotrash are facing right now or the west generally are suffering from lack of innovation vis a vis youth nations such as Iran The I m seeing lack of innovation and more disturbing trend towards even less innovation by an autocatalytic process gerontocracy favors gerontocracy last I read the third generation of the revolution all a want to move to America and b failing that are importing everything they can American My point was that the west US first and foremost importing innovation carriers and working against bad trend in the demographics by large scale import While this kinda sorta works on the short run this is not something sustainable ,1
-Rebuild at Ground Zerohttp online wsj com article_print SB html The Wall Street Journal September COMMENTARY Rebuild at Ground Zero By LARRY SILVERSTEIN Earlier this month we New Yorkers observed the solemn anniversary of the horrific events that befell our city on Sept All of those who perished must never be forgotten The footprints of the fallen Twin Towers and a portion of the acre site must be dedicated to a memorial and civic amenities that recall the sacrifices that were made there and the anguish that those senseless acts of terror created for the victims families and indeed for all of us But for the good of the city and the region the million plus square feet of commercial and retail space that was destroyed with the Twin Towers must be replaced on the site About people worked in the World Trade Center Those jobs are lost along with those of another people who worked in the vicinity Together those jobs in lower Manhattan for which the Trade Center was the economic stimulus produced annual gross wages of about billion or of the annual gross wages earned in the entire state Some of the firms have relocated elsewhere in the city and region but many have not New York City is facing a budget deficit Without additional jobs the deficit may become permanent This is one reason for the importance of rebuilding If we do not replace the lost space lower Manhattan never will regain the vibrancy it had as the world s financial center Love them or hate them and there were lots of New Yorkers on both sides of the issue the Towers made a powerful statement to the world that said This is New York a symbol of our free economy and of our way of life That is why they were destroyed This is a second reason why the towers must be replaced and with buildings that make a potent architectural statement In recent weeks redevelopment proposals have been circulated from many sources Most of these focus not on the Trade Center site however but on all of lower Manhattan Further many believe that the million square feet either could be located elsewhere scattered in several sites or simply never rebuilt These proposals miss the point What was destroyed and what must be recovered was the Trade Center not all of lower Manhattan Except over the towers footprints where there must be no commercial development the office and retail space lost has to be rebuilt on or close to where it was Access to mass transit makes the site ideal for office space of this size That was a major reason why the Twin Towers were leased to occupancy before None of the other sites proposed for office development has remotely equal transportation access With the reconstruction of the subway and PATH stations plus an additional billion in transit improvements planned such as the new Fulton Transit Center and the direct Train to the Plane Long Island Rail Road connection the site becomes even more the logical locus of office development And New York will need the space Before the Group of a task force of civic leaders led by Sen Charles Schumer and former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin concluded that the city would need an additional million square feet of new office space by to accommodate the anticipated addition of new jobs The loss of the Twin Towers only heightens the need As for those who say that million square feet of office space downtown cannot be absorbed by the real estate market I would simply point out that history shows them wrong New York now has about million square feet of office space All new construction underway already is substantially leased up New York had million square feet of vacant office space at the beginning of the recession in By this space had been absorbed at an annual rate of about million square feet We are seeking to rebuild million square feet on the Trade Center site over a period of about years with the first buildings not coming on line until and the project reaching completion in This is an annual absorption rate of about a million feet much lower than the s rate Those who argue that New York cannot reabsorb office space that it previously had are saying that the city has had its day and is entering an extended period of stagnation and decline I will not accept this view nor will most New Yorkers Mayor Michael Bloomberg said in a recent interview with the New York Times that the city has to do two things memorialize but also build for the future I believe that the Twin Towers site can gracefully accommodate and that downtown requires office and retail space of architectural significance a dignified memorial that both witnesses and recalls what happened and cultural amenities that would benefit workers as well as residents of the area The challenge to accomplish this is enormous But our city is up to the task Mr Silverstein is president of Silverstein Properties a real estate firm whose affiliates hold year leases on the World Trade Center site R A Hettinga The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation Farquhar Street Boston MA USA however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to experience Edward Gibbon Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ,1
-Re Holidays for freshrpms net On Tue Sep Matthias Saou wrote Before going I did repackage the latest hackedbox and lbreakout that both came out today Have fun I will fun here too recompiled gnome rc today Have a nice and good time regards Matthias _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-[zzzzteana] Re Latest Iraq related newsEven better http www ridiculopathy com news_detail php id White House President s War Boner Must Be Satisfied The President can t seem to hide his excitement about a possible military conflict with Iraq At a recent function honoring America s war widows Bush sported a visible erection when his speech turned to the subject of the Middle East Believe me when I say this With or without the help of other nations with or without UN approval we will penetrate Iraq s borders With overwhelming force we will pound Iraq over and over again without ceasing And once its leaders concede defeat we will seed Iraq with American style democracy Aides say the podium was scrubbed down thoroughly after the event with a special cleanser biocide not used since the Clinton administration Yahoo Groups Sponsor Plan to Sell a Home http us click yahoo com J SnNA y lEAA MVfIAA gSolB TM To unsubscribe from this group send an email to forteana unsubscribe egroups com Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to http docs yahoo com info terms ,1
-Re Re xorg server failing on IBM NetVista with Intel videoOn Fri May EDT Peter Easthope wrote Runs OK These lines appear on the console xserver xorg video intel update initramfs Generating boot initrd img This should also have caused lilo to be run if the customization is correct There are only two or three lines of output from lilo so it s easy to overlook The first seemed promising but no such luck Under the kernel X still shuts down with the message error setting MTRR Inappropriate ioctl for device I found this thread on the internet I don t know if it s your problem but it s worth looking at I always use GNOME so I have no experience with messing with xinitrc http www linuxquestions org questions linux software lxde error Stephen Powell wrote If everything was customized correctly the symlinks should be automatically updated and lilo should be automatically run Lilo continues to work and all appears well dalton ll boot i lrwxrwxrwx root root May boot initrd img initrd img rw r r root root May boot initrd img rw r r root root May boot initrd img bak rw r r root root May boot initrd img rw r r root root May boot initrd img bak lrwxrwxrwx root root May boot initrd img old initrd img dalton ll boot v lrwxrwxrwx root root May boot vmlinuz vmlinuz rw r r root root Sep boot vmlinuz rw r r root root Feb boot vmlinuz lrwxrwxrwx root root May boot vmlinuz old vmlinuz dalton Stephen Powell wrote you will normally want to manually purge any older kernels that are still installed to save disk space after the upgrade Will do At this point you only have two kernels installed so there s nothing to purge right now But be sure to add the optional flag to the LinuxOld section in etc lilo conf Without it lilo will generate an error if there are not at least two kernels installed Any chance of you posting the customization instructions on your Web site Well I already have sort of The trouble is that it s buried in a larger document on custom kernel building People see that and think Oh I m not building a custom kernel so I don t need to read this But Step on my kernel building page http www wowway com zlinuxman Kernel htm talks about customizing the kernel installation environment and that part is applicable to both stock and custom kernels The instructions for customizing the Lenny environment work for Squeeze also provided that you use only stock kernels The minute you introduce a custom kernel you must use the hook scripts as documented in the Squeeze section Stephen Powell wrote There is a newer kernel available in squeeze now Sid isn t it But if this is a kernel bug it is worthy of fixing for squeeze But no harm in trying the sid kernel I suppose As I explained in another post yes it is in Sid If you need instructions for how to pull in the Sid kernel without upgrading your whole system to Sid let me know and I can provide that Also you might try disabling ACPI and try the vesa driver as explained in another post ` Stephen Powell ` ` ` ` To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org JavaMail root md wow synacor com ,1
-Re Fwd Re Kde On Mon May Michael Thaler wrote In KDE was around Million lines of code [ ] and had about contributors [ ] KDE had less lines of code and less developers but the numbers are the same order of magnitude Even if you find some people that are willing to maintain and improve KDE how do you want to maintain and improve some of million lines of code which were developed by hundreds of people And you have to maintain Qt as well That is just totally unrealistic It may well take people to turn KDE into KDE It takes far fewer to maintain a pre existing excellent stable code base I don t think it is appropriate to spam the list with your request about keeping KDE in Debian Squeeze even though the Debian KDE team decided to not do that There are lots of people who like KDE and are happy that the Debian KDE team does a really good job providing KDE for Debian I understand thst you do not like KDE People told you what your options are and keeping KDE is for several reasons already stated not one of them So please do accept that stop spamming the list with your Rescue KDE requests Please don t interfere with discussions about rescuing KDE We re not trying to stop you from running KDE Please don t interfere with our work Mike Bird To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian kde REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org mgb debian yosemite net ,1
-Re Servlets JSP EL and deprecated HTML attributesThis is slightly off topic as nothing about this is Apple specific But anyway I think you are wrong The name attribute is only deprecated for certain elements where id is a better match It s still the correct way to name input textarea button and other form elements controls See http www w org TR REC html interact forms html control name Best regards Harald K On apr at MB wrote The Servlet engine inlcuding JSP and Expression Language EL as used in the Tomcat container server for example makes use of the deprecated HTML attribute name via different built in mechanism in order to tie indiviudal elements of a HTML form to server side variables This means that in order to produce working JSP pages one has to make pages invalid according to the HTML Strict spec _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Java dev mailing list Java dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options java dev mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-JavaServer Pages updatedFilled with useful examples and the depth clarity and attention to detail that made the first edition so popular with web developers the just released JavaServer Pages nd Edition Bergsten is completely revised and updated to cover the substantial changes in the version of the JSP specifications and includes coverage of the new JSTL Tag libraries an eagerly anticipated standard set of JSP elements for the tasks needed in most JSP applications as well as thorough coverage of Custom Tag Libraries What people said about the first edition an excellent printed resource on JSPs I have been extremely impressed by its depth clarity and attention to detail Reuven M Lerner Linux Journal This is a great book it was written by a key contributor not only to the JSP specification but also to the JSP and Servlet reference implementations Filled with useful examples it stands as an important text in the adoption of JSP in the market Eduardo Pelegri Llopart lead JSP Specification Engineer To order your copy or for more information see http www oreilly com catalog jserverpages CMP or call or email orders oreilly com JavaServer Pages nd Edition By Hans Bergsten X Order Number X pages US CA UK If you want to cancel a subscription to this newsletter go to http www oreillynet com cs user home and de select any newsletters you no longer wish to receive For non automated human help email help oreillynet com ,1
-[spam] iso B W NQQU dIA iso B TWFrZSB b VyIGltbXVuaXR IHlvdXIgYXJtb I From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Canadian Pharmacy Internet Inline Drugstore Viagra Our price Cialis Our price Viagra Professional Our price Cialis Professionsl Our price Viagra Super Active Our price Cialis Super Active Our price Levitra Our price Viagra Soft Tabs Our price Cialis Soft Tabs Our price And more Click here ,0
-Hopes fade in Ulster crisis talksURL http www newsisfree com click Date T Tony Blair to hold crisis summit with Ulster Unionist leader David Trimble in Downing Street today ,1
-[Spambayes] can t write to CVS I m listed as a developer on SF and have the spambayes CVS module checked out using my SF username but I m unable to write to the repository CVS complains cvs add unheader py cvs [server aborted] add requires write access to the repository Any thoughts Skip ,1
-Man kills self with home booby trapsURL http boingboing net Date Not supplied Steve sez It s tragic when life imitates Wile E Coyote cartoons Guy boobytraps his house to get his family if they try to break in and seemingly is killed himself by his own traps Link[ ] Discuss[ ] _Thanks Steve[ ] _ [ ] http story news yahoo com news tmpl story cid ncid e u nm od_nm boobytraps_dc [ ] http www quicktopic com boing H K nShVkkrRxi [ ] http www portigal com ,1
-Re cannot type power of or are typeable jeremy jozwik wrote im trying to type [copy from character map] power of i can read power of on webpages but if i were to cope paste from that page the power displays as a normal character is this a dpkg reconfigure locales issue how can i gain the ability to type a power of Assuming you talk about this character which is Unicode U b or SUPERSCRIPT TWO just map your keyboard to do that for you For example for assigning the combination AltGr AltGr is the right Alt if not marked as such xmodmap e keycode x B at x b To automate this add that line in your xsession or xinitrc For many changes to the keyboard make your own xmodmap file and add xmodmap xmodmap in your xsession or xinitrc file Best regards Ionel To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BC C tue nl ,1
-My dear hibody Order on Census is January professional Dear hibody Can t view email Go here Sun January Privacy Policy Contact Us Unsubscribe c widely However Company All rights reserved The Capital District Islanders joined as an expansion team This was despite spot checks conducted by South Korea Saudi Arabia and Japan on Garuda Indonesia that yielded satisfactory results Yet another version links the Rabbitoh name as being adopted from that of the touring Australian rugby union teams of the early s who were nicknamed Rabbits prior to discarding the name in in favour of the moniker Wallabies Border and territorial disputes were also common with the European imposed borders of many nations being widely contested through armed conflicts Morocco in northern Africa has also hosted the Morocco Cup but the national team has never qualified for a major tournament The company also unveiled the new colorful livery on November along with Mexicana Click brand new name for Click Mexicana On the other hand the rules themselves are designed to assure a satisfying life and provide a perfect springboard for the higher attainments Philips Global access to world wide local sites research consumer products Healthcare lighting etc Ife was noted as a major religious and cultural centre in Africa and for its unique naturalistic tradition of bronze sculpture Lead commentator for many decades was David Coleman until his retirement after the Summer Olympics This was renamed the African Union First Colored Methodist Protestant Church and Connection more commonly known as the A The Binghamton Rangers became the Hartford Wolf Pack Owned by Franklin Township the farm is under the stewardship of the Meadows Foundation The short barreled Panzer IV Ausf Rutgers is accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and in became a member of the Association of American Universities an organization of the leading research universities in North America The station was used by an average of Shutdown and transition to digital Kay Wilkins Customer Relations Representative Lotus develompent Corp It is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE Index The referee is assisted by two assistant referees On March Philips went on the air with a station called PCJ now known as Radio Netherlands Worldwide Municipalities and communities of CNR would become the main competitor to the CPR in Canada Brandon Folk Music and Arts Festival is a weekend event held annually in late July Route expansions include Amsterdam with stopover in Dubai in and non stop flight using Boeing is planned in Of the population were below the poverty line including ,0
-Re Why are there no latest books written for Debian systems also sprach Stephen Powell [ ] I think there may be some confusion here Mr Krafft The comments I made above were not in reference to anything _you_ wrote They were in reference to the original edition of The Linux Cookbook by Michael Stutz which was copyrighted in Ha But you did quote a sentence on my book and then started with This I didn t actually read much further No harm done ` martin f krafft Related projects proud Debian developer http debiansystem info ` ` ` http people debian org madduck http vcs pkg org ` Debian when you have better things to do than fixing systems the scientific paper in its orthodox form does embody a totally mistaken conception even a travesty of the nature of scientific thought sir peter medawar To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org GE piper oerlikon madduck net ,1
-Re NYTimes com Article Why We re So Nice We re Wired to CooperateAt PM on Win Treese wrote This should actually be easy to test experimentally compare the results of having someone call up and say Can you show us how to do X for this project we re working on with those of having someone summoned by a knowledge management project to explain how to do X for the knowledge archives About the only way I ve heard of something like this working was back in the Eighties when management poster child QuadGraphics used to have the maxim you can t get promoted unless you teach someone your job That might do the trick though I don t know what happened to QuadGraphics Cheers RAH R A Hettinga The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation Farquhar Street Boston MA USA however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to experience Edward Gibbon Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-[spam] windows B W NQQU dIA windows B UXVhbGl eSB YXRjaGVzIGF IDI JSBkaXNjb VudA From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Replica Rolex models of the latest Baselworld designs have just been launched on our replica sites These are the first run of the models with inner Rolex inscriptions and better bands and cases Only limited to pieces worldwide they are expected to sell out within a month Browse our shop ,0
-Re [zzzzteana] Secondhand books online Martin Mentioned I ve used this a few times and can thoroughly recommend it It really doeswork Frankly the only drawback is finding too much stuff Rachel Rote I ll be amazed if there s anyone on here who isn t already a heavy user Barbara Babbles Be amazed I ve never bought anything online since an almighty cock up with amazon dot con that s not a typo a few years back where I lost all the dosh I d paid them and had no books to show for it either Had it been the UK branch I d have had them in the small claims court quicker than you could drop LOTR on your foot and say ouch but as it was the US branch I d just no comeback Barbara Yahoo Groups Sponsor DVDs Free s p Join Now http us click yahoo com pt YBB NXiEAA MVfIAA gSolB TM To unsubscribe from this group send an email to forteana unsubscribe egroups com Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to http docs yahoo com info terms ,1
-CNET DIGITAL DISPATCH Saying good bye to free Digital Dispatch Weekly Newsletter All CNET The Web Apple to expand iMac LCD display It ain t heavy it s my laptop Gateway touts chic yet cheap PCs Apple s iPod comes to Linux Dell PCs coming to a mall near you More CNET News Quintessential Player AI Picture Utility ICQ a Build Deck for the Mac Dell Latitude C C series In Hardware Toshiba Pocket PC e In Electronics AutoCAD LT In Software Sony Ericsson T In Wireless July Janice Chen editor in chief CNET Reviews Dear readers It was a crushing blow to discover that Vindigo my all time favorite Palm app was no longer free Twenty five bucks wasn t steep but the principle of paying for a former freebie was hard to swallow Not that hard though surprising myself and my fellow cheapskates I ve discovered that I d rather dish out the dough than go Vindigo free myself That s what Web based e mail providers are banking on Now that most of us have gotten sucked in by those gratis Web e mail accounts most free Web e mailers have started charging for premium services or imposing strict limitations on free accounts Read our reviews of the four top services to see what you get if you dish out the dough or not and which to avoid if you want to stay spam free Surfacing on this week s Buzz Meter is another free gone fee app The latest version of the popular file sharing software BearShare now offers a paid version that lets you search and download without those annoying ads Maybe the best things in life are now those with a fee WorldCom woes continue Next generation MP playersThese three hard drive based MP players turn last year s models into paperweights Mojo rising TDK s new MP CD player The Nomad Jukebox breaks new ground Most popular MP audio Creative Labs Nomad Jukebox iRiver SlimX iMP Sonicblue Rio Volt SP Sonicblue Rio Riot Archos Jukebox Recorder See all most popular CNET reviews four no cost Web e mailers Yahoo now charges for services that were once free Hotmail dumps accounts 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tech trends are overshadowed by this scandal Now entering its fourth week as front page news WorldCom woes continue to sap investor confidence This week s big story the top execs from the company are standing silent against government accusations of wrongdoing BearShare This new version of the well known peer to peer software was been completely redesigned and comes in two flavors free with ads and paid without ads This is nice touch but unfortunately fails in one key area downloading music It uses the Gnutella client but in CNET s tests it had an abysmal success rate at actually returning files Jaguar Who ever heard of an operating system release being early Well Apple is managing to pull off the impossible it intends to ship an update to OS X in August instead of the anticipated late fall time frame Warcraft III Ah summer the perfect time to stay inside and sit in front of your computer Warcraft III has just been released right in time for the good weather GameSpot calls it one the finest games ever made but if that doesn t do it for you there s another fighting game on deck see No America s Army As Senior Editor Darren Gladstone pointed out in a recent column the Army wants you to play PC games That s right the United States Army spent million developing its own title and it has just launched a television campaign to drum up interest Apparently the campaign is working since CNET users made America s Army a top search term last week For more Buzz click here Live tech help submit your question now CNET News com Top CIOs on the future of IT Find a job you love with more than million postings Editors Choice Award Pioneer s HTS DV The e mail address for your subscription is qqqqqqqqqq zdnet example com Unsubscribe Manage My Subscriptions FAQ Advertise Price comparisons Product reviews Tech news Downloads All CNET services Copyright CNET Networks Inc All rights reserved ,1
-QuickTime plugin in Mobile SafariI m trying to use JavaScript and the QuickTime PlugIn to play a movie on the iPad but keep getting a broken movie icon and GetPluginStatus returns Error Also the browser debug console reports Other Tip QuickTime BYTE_RANGE_ERROR_MESSAGE Any ideas Rolf Rolf Howarth Square Box Systems Ltd Stratford upon Avon UK http www squarebox co uk _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored QuickTime API mailing list QuickTime API lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options quicktime api mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Security update for Debian Testing This automatic mail gives an overview over security issues that were recently fixed in Debian Testing The majority of fixed packages migrate to testing from unstable If this would take too long fixed packages are uploaded to the testing security repository instead It can also happen that vulnerable packages are removed from Debian testing Migrated from unstable asterisk CVE http cve mitre org cgi bin cvename cgi name CVE http bugs debian org How to update Make sure the line deb http security debian org squeeze updates main contrib non free is present in your etc apt sources list Of course you also need the line pointing to your normal squeeze mirror You can use aptitude update aptitude dist upgrade to install the updates More information More information about which security issues affect Debian can be found in the security tracker http security tracker debian org tracker A list of all known unfixed security issues is at http security tracker debian org tracker status release testing To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian testing security announce request lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org E O kQC OG HY soler debian org ,1
-Re mount information from DA framework On May at PM Daniel Markarian wrote Hey Dale You have to use BSD eg DADiskCopyDescription CFDictionaryGetValue with kDADiskDescriptionVolumePathKey CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation statfs f_flags with MNT_DONTBROWSE Sample code would have been helpful but I guess I can try and figure it out I have a suggestion though It seems to me that the mount can be made without the assistance of an I O Kit extension and a Disk Arbitration daemon You can mount a diskXs partition directly with BSD through your application agent or whatnot without any requirement to expose diskXs s in I O Kit eg sbin mount t hfs o nobrowse dev diskXs var tmp com MyCompany MyProduct X Fails cause the directory does not exist so I would have to not only create the directory I would have to remove it upon a dismount and create code to manage multiple drives You can use posix_spawn to invoke such a command Dan PS Disk Arbitration is deprecated thus the sample code that uses Disk Arbitration is deprecated It is not useful in modern code but if you must insist look at disktool c in the Disk Arbitration project This code did not display the nobrowse option OK how can I do it using DA Le E websrvr a E crit Does anyone know how I can find out if a partition is mounted nobrowse using the DA framework Dale _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Filesystem dev mailing list Filesystem dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options filesystem dev mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Re Gabber packages for was All set for Red Hat Linux Once upon a time Julian wrote I would appreciate it if you could get Gabber packages for Red Hat I will be making a new release soon but even in the meantime packages would be ok I know that in the beta red hat was using a modified version of gnome libs which is incompatible with the latest gnomemm If this is still the case in I can send you a patch which makes gnomemm work again I m facing another problem right now It looks like libsigc is no longer included in the distribution and gtkmm won t compile without it I guess I ll have to repackage it myself for assuming it s possible Matthias Clean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages http freshrpms net Red Hat Linux release Valhalla running Linux kernel acpi Load _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-hibody csmining org Discount Click here to view a s a web page To banta o csmining org Privacy Policy Contact Us Copyright A All rights reserved ,0
-[SPAM] Answer or you suck InfoMiner td text align top a a link a active color a visited color a hover color ff main content h a text decoration none main content p margin px px main content img border px solid cccccc sidebar a text decoration none sidebar div EntryContent div margin px px sidebar div EntryContent hr border top px solid ffcc border bottom px solid background color ffcc height px margin px padding line height EntryContent img border px solid ffffff Entry h a text decoration none You are receiving this email because the email address hibody csmining org was subscribed to the InfoMine email list InfoMiner You may unsubscribe at any time EventsMine Copyright InfoMine Inc Suite Hornby Street Vancouver British Columbia Canada V C B Please do not respond to this automated message If you would no longer like to receive InfoMiner you may unsubscribe yourself at any time ,0
-[Spambayes] Maybe change X Spam Disposition to something else I actually like Neale s X Spam Disposition header I just wonder if maybe we should choose something with a different prefix than X Spam so that people don t confuse it with SpamAssassin all of whose headers begin with that prefix Also some sort of version information would be useful Perhaps the CVS version number for the classifier module could be tacked on Skip ,1
-Re spam mapsEugen Leitl wrote P S We hate you too Fuck you sir came the familiar tired chorus Louder FUCK YOU SIR Damn I love that book _Forever War_ Joe http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-URGENT BUSINESS ASSISTANCE From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding bit KEVIN GEORGE ABIDJAN COTE D IVORIE WEST AFRICA Dearest one Although we have not met I got your contact through the internet and decided to contact you for assistance I was until recently a final year engineering student of the University of Sierra Leone West Africa Early in January last year the rebels in my country struck our township and killed my parents in one of their attacks My late father King Christopher George being the King of the Town was a prime target Fortunately for me I was in school when the attack took place I equally lost my only sister to the rebels When I got home for the remains of my parents and the subsequent burial that followed I discovered a document indicating that my late father had deposited some M United States Dollars six million united states dollars with one of the private security company here in abidjan cote d ivorie This money according to the docement was meant for the building of an Auto repair company for me by my late father when I complete my studies Upon the discovery of this document I travelled to the cote d ivorie to trace the concerned security company and to make claims for the said money as the only surviving next of kin to my father But deliberatley I have decided to keep all my uncles and Aunts out of the issue as none of them will be happy to know I am in possession of such money I have succeded in making the people at the security company believe that I am the next of Kin and all the documents related to are now with me I do not know what to do with it but I have decided to contact you to seek your assistance in helping me to take it outfrom the security company and transfer it to your account and help me to come to your country to continue my education and so that you will help me to get the money invested until such a time that I will be ready to begin to use it I am really desperate as I am left alone now in the world Let me know what you want as compensation for helping me to solve this my problem Most importantly Iseriously appeal that you maintain high level of secrecy and confidentiality in the whole thing Please you can call me wilth is number I remain yours sincerely KEVIN GEORGE Yahoo Mail Une adresse yahoo fr gratuite et en fran ais ,0
-Re Snow Leopard Java and NetbeansHas anyone tried it with the M or M developer preview I m somewhat concerned that this is a demonstrable regression between Java and Java however there are several other factors that can impact memory use vs bit biggest culprit client bit tuned garbage collection options running on server bit client vs server HotSpot itself more aggressive compilation and storage of compiled code Anecdotally I ve talked to several people who have large long running bit processes on Snow Leopard with GB of RAM machines who were having a miserable time While reverting to bit may be a quick fix for some others who tuned the GC parameters or turned on XX UseCompressedOops which compresses Java references to bit values in the heap found that they could reclaim or even exceed their original bit performance since they were still using the server JVM Since someone mentioned that NetBeans Beta was working well I d suggest taking a look at it s JVM options and see if there wasn t some tweaking done to optimize it for a bit by default world Best of luck Mike Swingler Java Runtime Engineer Apple Inc On Apr at AM Dave Minnigerode wrote I too have been using netbeans on and with the default jvm doing java work It s just stable enough for daily use I do restart NB every few hrs when the memory use gets out of hand apparently some object leaks with the apple jvm nb combo can t switch it back to java so kinda stuck with it So I m probably just going to switch to IntilliJ I ve found it s performance to be a lot better than NB overall File tree nav is painless for example I m kinda sad about it but got work to get done On Apr at AM eisenstein csmining org wrote Hmm I m using the late Macbook Pro GHz upgraded to GB [ GB] RAM I m using the latest Java through Software Update and my app is Swing based using Matisse and using the Swing Application Framework with an embedded Derby database though I will note that I have issues even before any files are open Just expanding the tree to get to a file for opening tended to take about seconds and that s assuming I didn t switch to another window in the meantime I just did a full wipe reinstall of Netbeans to see if my settings were a problem but I had no change until I loaded in Java and saw a significant difference I ll be trying out the suggestions people made about using a different target platform than the one Netbeans is running on but I m starting to wonder if there is an issue with my system On Apr am David Loeffler wrote I use NetBeans Beta I was using but want the metadata support for entity beans and I have no problems I have a late MBP and am using java version _ I am developing a Java running on GlassFish using Postgres as the database This is a port of he Java EE app I architected in and deployed in on JBoss using eclipse JBoss Dev Studio as the IDE It is a lot more than a port since there a number of enhancements I have made no changes to the Java or preferences for NetBeans Of course the Java for my app is and NetBeans runs on as well I do see an increase in activity when there is an open dialog box so I keep an eye out for them I watch CPU activity since I had an issue with Kernel panics a month ago Turned out to be a combination of a failing disk drive and a memory stick Replaced the G drive with G and the G stick with G to make total of G Apple store guys could not see the problems but through some handy tools and taking to external service personnel we were able to zero in on the problem and fix it Side note I have shutdown plugins in Safari mainly to keep Flash from running Some sites caused Flash plugin to push usage up to or more I have been using iStat menu I recommend and also launch activity monitor at login just to keep an eye on things On Apr at AM Jon Eisenstein wrote I imagine this topic comes up every so often but I haven t been able to find it in the archives rom what I understand there s some issue with Snow Leopard and Java that makes Netbeans near unusable I ve had to do my development on a lesser powered PC because there things will actually open without pegging the CPU at and becoming unresponsive Following a tip I used Pacifist to reinstall Leopard s Java back onto the system set it as the default and tried to launch Netbeans Lo and behold it was fast responsive and showed none of the problems I d been used to Unfortunately it made it so that I couldn t work on my Java based app So what is the actual situation here Is this a known issue with the Apple JVM that s hopefully going to get fixed Is this a bug in Netbeans Am I the only one seeing issues this bad and so it could be a problem with my setup Is there a workaround Any help would be vastly appreciated the Windows box is having disk issues and I d love to move my primary development to the Macbook Pro as soon as possible And if push comes to shove I may have to just rearchitect the project into Java which would not be a simple task _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Java dev mailing list Java dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options java dev ddl newsletters mac com This email sent to ddl newsletters mac com _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Java dev mailing list Java dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options java dev dave minnigerode org This email sent to dave minnigerode org _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Java dev mailing list Java dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options java dev swingler apple com This email sent to swingler apple com _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Java dev mailing list Java dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options java dev mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-The only medically proven way to lose weight DHF Z FBelow is the result of your feedback form It was submitted by sje aol com on Thursday May at Looking to lose some weight before summer hits Introducing Phentermine the most popular weight loss drug in the world Over of doctors prescriptions for weight loss are for Phentermine making it the most widely used prescription weight loss product in the nation Phentermine has been proven to keep cholesterol levels down energy levels up and most importantly help you lose pounds and inches in a relatively short period of time Best of all you don t need a prescription to order online Takes only minutes to complete your order and because you purchase online you pay NO doctors fees All orders are shipped quickly and discreetly and we now ship to all states click below for details http DDoHX www getphentermine com If you d like to be removed from this mailing list please simply click here www deletemyrxmail com ,0
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-Re Which kernel for ThinkPad XD BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE Hash SHA Ionreflex wrote Stefan [quote] will work may work [ quote] My impression exactly but I d like to be sure if I scrape this install I ll have a hard time recovering it There is nothing in the way to install both kernels Just give the a try and if it does not work you can just reboot into the and uninstall the Make sure that the is installed before you try the though Johannes In questions of science the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual Galileo Galilei physicist and astronomer BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE Version GnuPG v GNU Linux iEYEARECAAYFAkvNRaMACgkQC NzPRl qEUw ACdFHBG PluIDZpuMGD fTPsEiQ pQAn clzpn qmch FpkkKkXZoeDV JV leB END PGP SIGNATURE To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian laptop REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BCD A physik blm tu muenchen de ,1
-quick hackURL http www aaronsw com weblog Date T New York Times as a Weblog[ ] source code[ ] Comments appreciated Yes I know UserLand had something like this[ ] but as you can see it doesn t seem to be working anymore [ ] http nytimes blogspace com [ ] http nytimes blogspace com source py [ ] http radio weblogs com ,1
-Re New Sequences Window Chris Garrigues said Done I also eliminated the msgs variable on the theory that simpler is better I spent a lot of time hacking out the underbrush in exmh while working on the sequences window Just a big thank you to Chris for being willing to dive in and get very messy The sequence management code is some of the very oldest in exmh and surely suffered as features were added over several years When this stabilizes it will be a great excuse for a release Brent Welch Software Architect Panasas Inc Pioneering the World s Most Scalable and Agile Storage Network www panasas com welch panasas com _______________________________________________ Exmh workers mailing list Exmh workers redhat com https listman redhat com mailman listinfo exmh workers ,1
-Copy DVD Movies to CD R COPY YOUR DVD MOVIES CLICK HERE FOR FREE SOFTWARE COPY DVD MOVIES TO CD R RIGHT NOW NEW DVDCopyPlus All the software you need to COPY your own DVD Movies is included in DVDCopyPlus Copy your own DVD Movies using nothing more than our software a DVD ROM and your CD R burner Backup your DVD Movie Collection Playback on any home DVD player No Expensive DVD Burner Required Free Live Tech Support DVD Player must support VCD SVCD format Most DVD players include this feature You received this email because you signed up at one of Consumer Media s websites or you signed up with a party that has contracted with Consumer Media To unsubscribe from our email newsletter please visit http opt out consumerpackage net e cdr lne com DeathToSpamDeathToSpamDeathToSpam This sf net email is sponsored by Jabber The world s fastest growing real time communications platform Don t just IM Build it in http www jabber com osdn xim _______________________________________________ Spamassassin Sightings mailing list Spamassassin Sightings lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin sightings ,0
-[zzzzteana] RE PictishBarbara wrote Pictish pictograms still undeciphered I d be interested in an update on the latest thinking on these things Particularly the swimming elephant pictogram There s a book come out recently on the world s undeciphered scripts including Linear A and Etruscan Has any list member read it Yahoo Groups Sponsor DVDs Free s p Join Now http us click yahoo com pt YBB NXiEAA MVfIAA gSolB TM To unsubscribe from this group send an email to forteana unsubscribe egroups com Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to http docs yahoo com info terms ,1
-[SPAM] Post your ads where people read them Weblog or blog population is exploding around the world resembling the growth of e mail users in the s Post your ads where people read them What if you could place your ad on all these sites Right that would mean you would have millions of sites linking to your ad and my idea actually works I have developed a software that automatically places your ad on millions of blogs You will receive thousands of targeted hits to your website as Blog Blaster places your ad on blogs that match your ad s category This method has never been released to the public before Very few if anyone has implemented this Click here to visit my website Unsubscribe ,0
-Note to self Read the pingback spec Form opinion URL http scriptingnews userland com backissues When PM Date Wed Sep GMT Note to self Read the pingback spec[ ] Form opinion [ ] http www hixie ch specs pingback pingback ,1
-Re [ILUG] dial on demandOn Wed Aug at PM al mpsc ph wrote Could you please help me how to set up a dial on demand what are the packages needed and other requirements to get on depends on what you are using to dial for debian put demand in etc ppp peers use idle to set the timeout to minutes secs im not sure where exactly to put it for other distros whereever pppd gets it options from regards Ivan Kelly ivan ivankelly net BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK Version GCS d s a C UL P L E W N o K w O M V PS PE Y PGP t X R tv b DI D G e h r y END GEEK CODE BLOCK Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-Re Connecting to vpn serverOn Apr Jordan Metzmeier wrote On PM Anthony Campbell wrote I have to find out how to connect to a vpn server I know nothing about this and have little time to find out because I need to get it working by Saturday Can anyone kindly tell me what package s to install and point me to a preferably simple how to Anthony There are many different type of VPNs Is the server already running Do you know what it is using openvpn or PPTP for example If it is your job to setup both the client and server openvpn could be a good place to start Their documentation is quite good If you need to connect to an existing VPN server you need to know the type of VPN before you can choose client software Thanks for the prompt reply I just need to be able to connect to the server at pc streaming to get TV when abroad It is pptp Would pptp linux and network manager pptp be the way to go Anthony Anthony Campbell ac acampbell org uk Microsoft free zone Using Debian GNU Linux http www acampbell org uk sample my ebooks at http www smashwords com profile view acampbell To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org GA acampbell org uk ,1
-Re Where to find setup for env variable On Paul Chany wrote Maybe must I use grep to find the file containing JAVA_HOME If yes I dont know the exact expression of that grep command grep sIr JAVA_HOME etc To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BC A chello at ,1
-Re iceweasel crashing when closing tabsOn Wed May briand wrote I think it s related to javascript but then again I think all browser problems are related to javascript I mean when they re not related to flash Uh No there are many problems coming for different sources that can affect the browser stability Javascript and flash as well as other plugins can be one of them sure but disabling it should cure the issue at all If it does not that means the problem can lie somewhere packaging error xul library or even old profile settings But closing tags and getting crash randomly is not the type of behaviour I would associate to a javascript issue becasue javascript code should have been rendered when the page loads or when clicking on items but not at page tab close Greetings Camale n To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org pan csmining org ,1
-Re[ ] Forged whitelist spamOn Sun Aug bitbitch magnesium net wrote You mean like on mac keyboards Or laptops which are as damn Yeah I was thinking of the G keyboard when I wrote this Otherwise lousy feel and key placement though That s why I m holding on to my IBM Model M Space Saver Once I get an PS to USB converter I expect it will outlive several generations of computer hardware Very good for sticking in USB fobs into though CRTs LCD panels are even better for that though near close to keyboard usb connection as one can get without the real thing I think laptops are largely useless because of the battery and the keyboard issue http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-[IIU] spyware calling home Hello all I m looking for advice My pc has developed a disturbing tendency of trying to access IP without my consent It has got to the stage where normal web browsing is almost impossible I have checked IP address on RIPE database and I know precisely who is being called I contacted that company on July when the problem first arose and asked for a remedy but surprise got no reply A helpful person on the ie comp list suggested Adaware spyware removal I ran this and haven t had a problem again until today The offending program is obviously not in Adaware db I run adaware with current ref files every day now Any suggestions please for removing whatever the f is causing this from my pc Brian _______________________________________________ IIU mailing list IIU iiu taint org http iiu taint org mailman listinfo iiu ,1
-Find Senior Housing Options Fast with APlaceforMom Free Help Finding Senior Care for Mom or Dad ,0
-Re SnowSeptember Haiku Freezing my ass off Air conditioning on high heats small apartment Cindy in Mississippie P S this one s for you geege On Tue Sep Paul Chvostek wrote I can tell I m not the only one without air conditioning Maybe I ll move to Canmore p On Tue Sep at PM Swerve wrote moo hahahaha i need a smoke stop this heatwave bring on winter bring on fall Swerve shut up bye I don t take no stocks in mathematics anyway Huckleberry Finn ,1
-Re The GOv gets tough on Net Users er Pirates What are you trying to sell What is the Value Example Does Pratchett sell paper bound by glue or does he sell stories Question When I buy a book have I purchased the story When I sell the book does any of that revenue go to mr Pratchett What if I read the book and give it to someone who then reads it and gives it to someone who then reads it and gives it to someones bookcrossing com though with more succesfull passings Does each reader send Mr Pratchett money Have Used Bookstores Recorstores etc destroyed the system of book record economy AS to the resident sourpuss in germany bitter may be better but here its just plain stinkin thinkin tom ,1
-[SPAM] No idea too Health Monitor Newsletter body background color ffffff font family Arial font size px font weight normal color c c c margin padding a a active a visited color be text decoration none td header p font family Arial font size px font weight normal color ffffff margin padding text align left td header p a font family Arial font size px font weight normal color ffffff text decoration none td spacer_header padding px px td subheader background color padding px px px px td links text align right font size px padding top px td subheader p title font family Arial font size px font weight bold color ffffff text align left td subheader p links text align right td subheader p a font family Arial font size px font weight normal color a a a text decoration none td body padding px px px px td subbody padding px td body p title font family Georgia font size px font weight normal color padding px margin text align left td body p title a color text decoration none font family Georgia font size px font weight normal padding px margin text align left td body p title a hover text decoration underline td body p subtitle font family Arial font size px font weight bold color be margin padding px text align left td body p subtitle a font family Arial font size px font weight bold color be text decoration none td body p desc font family Arial font size px font weight normal color c c c line height px padding margin text align left td body p a font family Arial font size px font weight bold color be td spacer padding px px td updates padding px px px px background color ececec p updates font family Arial font size px font weight bold color e e e text align left margin px px padding td lblock padding px td rblock p left text align left td lblock p subupdate text align left font family Georgia font size px font weight normal color be text align left td rblock p subupdate text align left font family Georgia font size px font weight normal color be td lblock p subupdate a text align left font family Georgia font size px font weight normal color be text decoration none td rblock p subupdate a text align left font family Georgia font size px font weight normal color be text decoration none td lblock p desc text align left font family Arial font size px font weight normal color c c c line height px td rblock p desc text align left font family Arial font size px font weight normal color c c c line height px p specialtitle text align left font family Georgia font size px font weight normal color be text align left margin px padding top px p specialdesc text align left font family Arial font size px font weight normal color c c c line height px margin px td address padding px px line height px td social padding px line height px td body p address font family Arial font size px font weight normal color b b b text align left td unsub padding px px px px td unsub p font family Arial font size px font weight normal color c c c line height px padding margin text align left td unsub p unsub padding px td unsub p a font family Arial font size px font weight normal color f f d text decoration none td social p a font family Arial font size px font weight normal color ab ff text decoration none td unsub p socialtitle td social p socialtitle font size px text transform uppercase padding px margin text align left td mini_spacer padding px td specialupdate border px solid f e a background color fff d padding px td specialupdate h font family Arial font size px font weight bold color e text decoration none margin px padding td specialupdate p font family Arial font size px font weight normal color text decoration none line height px THIS ISSUE Reveal your full male power Unlimited sensual power Solution to excel other men Small pilule strong desire Load her with more come Health Monitor September Newsletter Forward Unsubscribe View in browser Finally when you think you re totally out of lovemaking sport Our pilules will prepare your glorious come back You ll do it like a young stud causing girls peaks and hot moans Order now and enjoy super satisfaction Know how everybody calls it The weekend pilule Why Because just one little thing is enough for doing your girl the whole weekend Needless to have breaks Our product makes you a non stop love champion Amaze her Please her Hump her Thanks for reading see you again next month The Health Monitor team WHO ARE YOU WHAT IS THIS You re receiving this newsletter because you re a super cool Health Monitor customer or subscribed via our site Just not that into us any more Unsubscribe instantly Know how we can serve you better We d love to hear your feedback on what we can improve WANT TO HANG OUT Follow us on Twitter Become fan on Facebook Health Monitor eats catered lunches at Stapleton Ave Sydney Australia ,0
-Native American economics was Re sed s United States Roman Empire g I wanted to get back to this but didn t have the time I actually lived on a couple different Indian reservations growing up in the Pacific Northwest and also spent a fair amount time in Lakota Sioux country as well And my parents have lived on an even more diverse range of Indian reservations than I have my experience being a direct result of living with my parents I do get a lot of my information first hand or in some cases second hand from my father The income figures for the Indians are somewhat misleading mostly because it is really hard to do proper accounting of the effective income While it is true that some Indians live in genuine poverty it is typically as a consequence of previous poor decisions that were made by the tribe not something that was impressed upon them The primary problem with the accounting is that there is a tribal entity that exists separately from the individuals typically an Indian Corporation of one type or another where each member of the tribe owns a single share the details of when and how a share becomes active varies from tribe to tribe In most tribes a dividend is paid out to each of the tribal members from the corporation usually to the tune of k per person depending on the tribe The dividend money comes from a number of places with the primary sources being the Federal Gov t and various businesses assets owned by the Indian corporation You have to understand a couple things First a great many Indian tribes are run as purely communist enterprises Everyone gets a check for their share no matter what One of the biggest problems this has caused is very high unemployment often for tribal members who are more than happy take their dividend and not work The dividend they receive from the corporation often constitutes their sole income for government accounting purposes Unfortunately to support this type of economics when no one works they ve had to sell off most of their useful assets to maintain those dividends Many of the tribes genuinely living in poverty do so because they have run out of things to sell yet nobody works One of the ironies is that on many of the reservations where the tribes still have assets to burn many of the people working in the stores and such are actually poor white folk not Indians Second even though the tribe members each get a cash dividend they also receive an enormous range of benefits and perks from the Indian corporation to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars per person annually By benefits and perks we are talking about the kinds of things no other ordinary American receives from either their employer or the government It should be pointed out that while many of these Indian corporations are ineptly run and mostly provide sinecures for other Indians a minority are very smartly managed and a few hire non Indian business executives with good credentials to run their business divisions An example of this is the Haida Corporation which while having less tribal shareholders has billions of dollars in assets and the various corporations they own have gross revenues in the million range and growing Yet the dividend paid out is strictly controlled about k in this particular case and they engaged in a practice of waiting a couple decades before drawing money from any of the assets they were granted which has led to intelligent investment and use They don t eat their seed corn and have actually managed to grow their stash In contrast a couple islands over there is another tribe of people that has a net loss of about million annually IIRC while being regularly endowed by the Federal government with several billions of dollars in valuable assets This particular tribe has a modest income in theory but the actual expenditures per person annually is in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and many borrow money against future income Incidentally in this particular case the people that ARE working frequently pull in a few hundred thousand dollars a year much of which goes back to the tribal corporation rather than their own pockets Somewhat annoying the Federal government semi regularly grants valuable assets to these tribes when they ve burned through the ones previously given where feasible typically selling the assets to American or foreign companies And the cycle continues So what is the primary problem for the tribes that have problems In a nutshell a thoroughly pathological culture and society Few women reach the age of without getting pregnant Incest rape and gross promiscuity is rampant Inbreeding heavy drug abuse during pregnancy and other environmental factors have created tribes where a very substantial fraction of the tribe is literally mentally retarded Many of the thoughtful and intelligent tribe members leave the reservation at the earliest opportunity mostly to avoid the problems mentioned above On one reservation my parents lived the HIV infection rate was Many of these societies are thoroughly corrupt and the administration of the law is arbitrary and capricious they do have their own judges courts police etc In short many of these tribes that are still hanging together are in a shambles because they have become THE most pathological societies that I have ever seen anywhere Because of their legal status there really aren t that many consequences for their behavior There are many things that I could tell you that I ve seen that you probably would not believe unless you d seen it yourself There are always good people in these tribes but it has gotten to the point where the losers and idiots outnumber the good guys by a fair margin many times and this IS a mobocracy typically BTW if any of you white folk wants to experience overt and aggressive racism as a minority in a place where the rule of law is fiction and the police are openly thugs try living on one of these messed up Indian reservations It will give you an interesting perspective on things There are only two real situations where you find reasonably prosperous Indians The first is in the rare case of tribes run by disciplined and intelligent people that have managed their assets wisely The second is where the tribe has dispersed and assimilated for the most part even if they maintain their tribal identity In both of these cases the tribal leaders reject the insular behavior that tends to lead to the pathological cases mentioned above The Indians are often quite wealthy technically and a lot of money is spent by the tribe per capita And the actual reportable income is quite high when you consider how many are living entirely off the tribal dole It is just that their peculiar economic structure does not lend itself well to ordinary economic analysis by merely looking at their nominal income The poverty is social and cultural in nature not economic This was my original point On a tangent One thing that has always interested me is the concept of quasi tribal corporate socialism Many Indian tribes implement a type of corporate socialism that is mind bogglingly bad in execution That they use this structure at all is an accident of history more than anything But what has interested me is that the very smartly managed ones do surprisingly well over the long run It is like a Family Corporation writ large It seems that in a future where familial ties will be increasingly voluntary the general concept may have some merit in general Western society serving to create a facsimile of a biological extended family with the included dynamics but with an arbitrary set of self selecting individuals Damn that was long and its late and it could have been a lot longer James Rogers jamesr best com On PM John Hall wrote As I understand it there is a huge difference between native Americans who speak english at home and those who do not I don t have figures that separate those at hand though American Indians US Pop as a whole Families below poverty Persons below poverty Speak a language other than English Married couple families Median family income Per Capita ,1
-dvd rip on Red Hat Hello Has anyone made a working source RPM for dvd rip for Red Hat Matthias has a spec file on the site for and there are a couple of spec files lying around on the dvd rip website including one I patched a while ago but it appears that the Makefile automatically generated is trying to install the Perl libraries into the system s and also at the moment dvd rip needs to be called with PERLIO stdio as it seems to not work with PerlIO on RH s Perl Not too sure what the cleanest way to fix this is anyone working on this Thanks Mich l Alexandre Salim Web http salimma freeshell org GPG PGP key http salimma freeshell org files crypto publickey asc __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo Everything you ll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts http uk my yahoo com _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Re lilo removal in squeeze or please test grub On Sun May EDT William Pitcock wrote Stephen Powell wrote blah blah blah blah Nobody cares if you are opposed to it Unless you are offering to become lilo upstream it s going away William I do understand why a Debian package maintainer does not wish to become upstream And I hope that someone who is both willing and able to do so steps up to the plate But withdrawing it from the distribution seems like overkill to me especially since you want to withdraw it from Squeeze and not Squeeze Lilo as it exists today works just fine for my purposes And apparently it works just fine for a lot of other people too The Lord bless you William ` Stephen Powell ` ` ` ` To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org JavaMail root md wow synacor com ,1
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-Re [zzzzteana] Which Muppet Are You Hey it s not easy being green leslie Leslie Ellen Jones Ph D Jack of All Trades and Doctor of Folklore lejones ucla edu Truth is an odd number Flann O Brien Original Message From Dino To zzzzteana yahoogroups com Sent Thursday August AM Subject RE [zzzzteana] Which Muppet Are You Damn kermit boring Wanna be rizzo he s the coolest Dino Yahoo Groups Sponsor ADVERTISEMENT To unsubscribe from this group send an email to forteana unsubscribe egroups com Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to the Yahoo Terms of Service [Non text portions of this message have been removed] Yahoo Groups Sponsor DVDs Free s p Join Now http us click yahoo com pt YBB NXiEAA mG HAA gSolB TM To unsubscribe from this group send an email to forteana unsubscribe egroups com Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to http docs yahoo com info terms ,1
-URGENT ASSISTANCE CONFIDENTIAL Dear sir My name is DR Steven M Duba the son of MR Theo Duba of Zimbabwe I got your address from South African Information exchange Johannesburg Due to the previous war against white farmers in Zimbabwe by PRESIDENT ROBERT MUGABE and his supporters to claim all the white owned farms in our country he ordered all the White owned farmers to surrender all their farms to his party members and his followers My father was a victim of this oppression and inhuman behavior as he was one of the richest farmers in our country my fayher was totaly against the act by the presidnt MUGABE The president s supporters invaded my father s farm burnt everything in the farm arrested him and confiscated all his investment Early last year when this victimization of white farmers by president Mugabe started my late father envisaged a worse situation he arranged almost all his money concealed it in a box and smuggled it out of Zimbabwe through Diplomatic means to South Africa When he arrived South Africa he lodged the box in a private security company through the help of his lawyer here in South Africa without revealing the real contents of the box to the security company then went back home He registered the box as family treasure While he was still in detention that led to his death due to torture he directed me to his lawyer in South Africa because of the escalation of the crisis in Zimbabwe He did not want my life to be in danger He was arrested on the th of March last year Unfortunately my dear father died on the th of December I came to south Africa March Now my stay here in Africa is frustrating and depressing because my father s lawyer is presently hospitalized in London due to terrible heart problem though the lodgment documents are with me as such I want to relocate to your country for good Presently my residence permit here in South Africa is an Asylum permit as a refugee I am seeking for your assistance in transferring the money in the security company US Million out of this country to your country for investment If you think you can help me Please try to get in touch with me immediately with the number below Your compensation share for assistance will be negotiated if you are ready to assist me Since the problem in my country is still lingering please endeavor to keep this information to yourself and secret because I wouldn t want anything that will expose me and the existence of this money Your urgent response will be highly appreciated Sincerely yours STEVEN DUBA DR TEL __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo Yahoo Finance Get real time stock quotes http finance yahoo com ,0
-Triple Your Index Annuity SalesFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset Windows Content Transfer Encoding bit The Magical Solution that Triples Index Annuity Sales As a unique promotional opportunity there is currently no charge for our Big Hitter Sales Tool Combination for the first respondents only This Magic Solution is already responsible for countless millions of dollars in Index Annuity premium and Agent Sales Commissions You honestly will not believe how simple and easy this makes selling Index Annuities It is literally like falling off a log As one rep stated You don t even have to do anything different than you already are doing it just kind of happens Kicks in and starts generating new clients and uncovering assets just like magic To claim your free Report and Bonus Audiotape simply call our hour automated response line Simple and painless Call anytime but be one of the first the response line is fully automated and works Or you can quickly fill out the form below _____ Call today to receive this free report and audiotape ext or can complete the form below Name Address City State Zip E mail Phone Fax USA Financial www usa financial com We don t want anyone to receive our mailings who does not wish to This is professional communication sent to insurance professionals To be removed from this mailing list DO NOT REPLY to this message Instead go here http www Insurancemail net Legal Notice ,0
-shoe horn KDE systemHi it sounds a bit weird but its pretty close to what I need to do As you can see from my footer I use mandriva and I like it I have however an app which does not It needs QT and KDE to run anfd it has to be run in a KDE DM It crashes when run on gnome I have made space in the middle of one of the two SATA drives There s about GB it can use I have gone back on Mandriva releases and was the last to solely use KDE if piklab finds a KDE lib it crashes and from MDV they merged MDV would be OK but it won t recognise SATA HDs I tried Ubuntu to try and load it in that Gb gap but it wanted all of the drive even when told use unused space I know Debian is stable will the installer if told install its self on to an unused section of the SATA HD and put its bootloader at the start of the rott partition ie not root Is the a version that used KDE QT that will work on a SATA HD will the bit versions run on a bit or must I use the AMD_ version Are the any problem with the kernel supplied with what ever version is suggested with RTL B PCI express ethernet cards on MDV certain kernels in had problems with the driver for that card A quick reply would really be appreciated I ve been trying to get this app to run for the last couple of days without any luck TIA Best wishes Richard Bown G JVM Registered Linux User OS Mandriva Powerpack on an AMD Dual Athlon GB RAM DDR Ham Call G JVM QRA IO SP Interests Microwave GHz GHz GHz GHz To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org b blueyonder co uk ,1
-Hello hibody off till July uyhe colony government Japanese any If you are unable to see the message below click here to view Privacy Contact Advertising Feedback Subscribe winter continent and first in the during Anticarsia believed University All rights reserved Only the State Historic Preservation Officer may officially nominate a property for inclusion in the National Register Murtagh an architectural historian This compares with the Italian average of NEARfest in Bethlehem Pennsylvania Members of the Commonwealth of Nations Some of these things were possible before the widespread use of the Internet but the cost of private leased lines would have made many of them infeasible in practice Some languages experienced further mergers reducing the number of stressed vowels down from seven to six in Romanian to five in Sardinian and Spanish The Morrisons had a daughter too Corinne Ann Morrison born a New Orleans attorney Ohio Department of Development Office of Strategic Research Jaramillo played for Panama at the FIFA U World Cup in Canada Rifle shooting became very popular in the th century and was heavily encouraged by politicians and others pushing for Icelandic independence Kershner died in February after battling esophageal cancer for a year and a half However none of these artists had any major hits and their influence would not be felt until decades later when artists like Becky Hobbs Rosie Flores and Kim Lenz would join the Rockabilly Revival And Robert Gordon had come from DC before moving to NYC The Australia US alliance under the ANZUS Treaty remains in full force Most immigrants are skilled [ ] but the immigration quota includes categories for family members and refugees Brian Setzer went on to solo success working in both rockabilly and swing styles while Rocker and Phantom continued to record in bands both together and singly Pamela Snyman and Amanda Barratt The Molonglo then flows into the Murrumbidgee north west of Canberra which in turn flows north west toward the New South Wales town of Yass Information receiving SSI designation includes but is not limited to Historic districts possess a concentration linkage or continuity of the other four types of properties In this same period of time Chaka Khan released Echoes of an Era which featured Joe Henderson Freddie Hubbard Chick Corea Stanley Clarke and Lenny White Eventually the IB expects to offer their online courses to any student who wishes to register Official FFA jacket zipped to the top with zipper tucked in Devon including Plymouth and Torbay But from another point of view literary fiction itself is simply another category or genre The modern name stems from the fig plants among the various pools After the war the South Korean economy grew significantly and the country was transformed into a major economy [ ] and a full democracy It became the home of WDGC as well as new operations WDGC TV and Cable Plagued by political difficulties the empire did not last and the region came once again under Byzantine control in early th century Further TSA has documented the criteria and examples in various publications to serve as guidance for identifying and designating SSI The figures given are for the comuni rather than for the metropolitan areas Is a state with limited international recognition Jutsu are ranked in terms of how difficult they are to perform an E rank denoting basic techniques and an S rank indicating jutsu that require years of practice to master The London School of Economics offers B A similar situation repeated itself in the s under Edward Gierek but most of the time persecution of communist opposition persisted Disabled and able bodied users may disable the download and viewing of images and other media to save time network bandwidth or merely to simplify their browsing experience Nevertheless Australia and the United States conduct a variety of joint activities It was during his three decades with the Hyundai Group that Lee earned the nickname Bulldozer This includes Sri Lanka Law College During the construction of the principal buildings there were a number of temporary construction railway lines laid to Civic in central Canberra Including only land area the United States is third in size behind Russia and China just ahead of Canada In addition sale and distribution is banned in almost all Muslim countries except Turkey in Asia and Africa such as Iran Saudi Arabia and Pakistan In March an elementary school teacher Jason Smith created TeacherTube a website for sharing educational videos with other teachers Growing up in the sole care of her mother who was sick and alienated from the Nehru household Indira developed strong protective instincts and a loner personality Your citizenship must be somewhere that does not tax income earned outside the country The first characteristics of this language are seen in the Charyapadas composed in the th th century The United States energy market is terawatt hours per year In British and American forces invaded France in the D Day landings opening a new front against Germany Solidarity a socialist party created by ex SSP leader Tommy Sheridan The two countries sought to improve bilateral relations and lifted the forty year old trade embargo and [ ] South Korean Chinese relations have improved steadily since A fourth F previously owned by Air New Zealand was incorporated in This revelation comes as a shock to Gilthanas who had fallen in love with Silvara Austrian Croatian and Russian forces together defeated the Hungarian army in and the following years were remembered in Croatia and Hungary for the policy of Germanization Distributed label Slash and appearances in movies failed to land a chart hit although sales were respectable and the band captured a strong cult following among fans and critics even inspiring fan John Cougar Mellencamp to write and produce a single for the band The philosopher Plato by Silanion To unsubscribe click here ,0
-Broken dependenciesHello because a stupid mistake I have interrupted apt get during early stage of dist upgrade from Lenny to Squeeze Now I cannot get apt get working and I don t know how to fix it Could anyone of you please help me I ll be also happy with advice on how to get proper debug info for you of course apt get fyo Debug pkgProblemResolver yes upgrade returns Reading package lists Building dependency tree Reading state information The following packages have been kept back abiword abiword plugin grammar abiword plugin mathview alacarte alsa utils amule amule common amule utils apt apt utils aptitude at at spi avahi daemon bash bind host bluetooth bogofilter bdb brasero bsh bsh gcj capplets data cheese cmake cpp cpp cron cups cups bsd cups client cups driver gutenprint cupsddk dasher dasher data dbus dbus x debian keyring debianutils default jre default jre headless deskbar applet devscripts diff djvulibre desktop dnsutils dpkg dev einstein ekiga empathy eog epiphany browser epiphany browser data epiphany extensions epiphany gecko evince evolution evolution common evolution data server evolution data server common evolution exchange evolution plugins evolution webcal exim exim base exim config exim daemon light exo utils fast user switch applet file roller filezilla filezilla common foo zjs ftp g g gcalctool gcc gcc gcc base gconf editor gconf gconf common gdebi gdebi core gdm geany gedit gedit common ghostscript gimp gimp data gksu gnome gnome accessibility gnome accessibility themes gnome applets gnome applets data gnome bluetooth gnome cards data gnome control center gnome core gnome desktop environment gnome games gnome games data gnome icon theme gnome keyring gnome mag gnome media gnome media common gnome mount gnome netstatus applet gnome nettool gnome office gnome orca gnome panel gnome panel data gnome power manager gnome screensaver gnome session gnome settings daemon gnome system monitor gnome system tools gnome terminal gnome terminal data gnome themes gnome utils gnome volume manager gnuchess gnumeric gnumeric common gnupg gok gparted gpgv grub gstreamer alsa gstreamer ffmpeg gstreamer gnomevfs gstreamer plugins bad gstreamer plugins base gstreamer plugins good gstreamer plugins ugly gstreamer tools gstreamer x gthumb gthumb data gtk engines gtk engines pixbuf gtk engines xfce gucharmap guile libs gvfs gvfs backends hal hpijs hplip hplip data ia libs ia libs gtk icedove iceweasel iceweasel l n cs imagemagick info inkscape iproute kdelibs c a kdiff kerneloops latex xft fonts lib asound lib gcc lib ncurses lib nss mdns lib stdc lib z libafterimage liballegro liballegro plugin jack libaprutil libapt pkg perl libarchive libart cil libarts c a libasound libasound dev libatspi libavc libavformat libbonobo libbonobo common libbonobo dev libbonoboui libbonoboui common libbonoboui dev libboost date time dev libboost dev libboost doc libboost filesystem dev libboost graph dev libboost iostreams dev libboost program options dev libboost python dev libboost regex dev libboost serialization dev libboost signals dev libboost test dev libboost thread dev libboost wave dev libc libc dev libc i libcairo libcairo dev libcairomm libcdio cdda libcdio paranoia libclass accessor perl libcompress raw zlib perl libcompress zlib perl libcrypt ssleay perl libcups libcupsimage libcurl libcurl gnutls libdbus glib libdc libdigest sha perl libdirac encoder libdirectfb dev libdirectfb extra libdjvulibre libdvdnav libebook libecal libedata book libedata cal libedataserverui libedit libegroupwise libempathy common libempathy gtk common libenchant c a libept libesd libesd dev libexchange storage libexo libfcgi perl libfluidsynth libfreebob libgail common libgail dev libgail gnome module libgail libgcc libgcj bc libgconf libgconf dev libgconf cil libgdl common libgfortran libgimp libgksu libgl mesa dev libgl mesa dri libgl mesa glx libglade libglade dev libglade cil libglib perl libglib libglib cil libglib dev libglibmm c a libgnome keyring dev libgnome keyring libgnome media libgnome vfs cil libgnome window settings libgnome libgnome common libgnome dev libgnome perl libgnome vfs perl libgnomecanvas libgnomecanvas common libgnomecanvas dev libgnomecups libgnomekbd common libgnomeprint libgnomeprint data libgnomeprintui libgnomeprintui common libgnomeui libgnomeui common libgnomeui dev libgnomevfs libgnomevfs common libgnomevfs dev libgnomevfs extra libgomp libgphoto libgphoto port libgpod common libgs libgsf libgsf gnome libgstreamer plugins base libgstreamer libgtk perl libgtk libgtk bin libgtk cil libgtk dev libgtkhtml libgtkmathview c a libgtkmm c a libgtksourceview libgtksourceview common libgtop libgweather libhsqldb java gcj libhtml parser perl libicu dev libiec libio compress base perl libio compress zlib perl libjack libjaxp java gcj liblist moreutils perl liblocale gettext perl liblua liblua dev libluabind dev libmail box perl libmono addins gui cil libmono addins cil libmono cairo cil libmono corlib cil libmono corlib cil libmono data tds cil libmono i n cil libmono i n cil libmono security cil libmono sharpzip cil libmono sqlite cil libmono system data cil libmono system web cil libmono system web cil libmono system cil libmono system cil libmono cil libmono cil libnautilus extension libndesk dbus glib cil libndesk dbus cil libneon libneon gnutls libnet libidn perl libnet ssleay perl libnotify liboobs liborbit liborbit dev libossp uuid perl libpam gnome keyring libpam modules libpam runtime libpanel applet libpanel applet dev libpango libpango dev libperl libpisock libportaudio libpq libpstoedit c a libpt plugins alsa libpurple libqca libqca plugin ossl libqt assistant libqt core libqt dbus libqt designer libqt dev libqt gui libqt help libqt network libqt opengl libqt opengl dev libqt qt support libqt script libqt sql libqt sql mysql libqt svg libqt test libqt webkit libqt xml libqt xmlpatterns libqtcore libqtgui librsvg librsvg common libsane libsasl libsasl modules libschroedinger libsdl dev libsdl debian libsdl debian alsa libsmbclient libsnmp libsoap lite perl libsoup libsox fmt alsa libsox fmt base libsplashy libstartup notification libstdc libstdc dev libsvn libtag c a libtagc libtelepathy glib libtest pod perl libthai data libthai libthunar vfs libts libvcdinfo libvoikko libvte libwbclient libwine libwine alsa libwine cms libwine gl libwine gphoto libwine ldap libwine print libwine sane libwnck libwxbase libwxbase libwxgtk libwxgtk libx libx dev libxalan java gcj libxapian libxcb libxcb dev libxerces java gcj libxfce util libxfcegui libxi dev libxi libxine libxine bin libxine console libxine ffmpeg libxine misc plugins libxine plugins libxine x libxml utils liferea lintian linux image amd lmodern locales lp solve lynx lynx cur menu mesa common dev metacity metacity common moc mono gac mono runtime mousepad mousetweaks mutt nautilus nautilus data netatalk network manager network manager gnome network manager openvpn network manager openvpn gnome network manager vpnc network manager vpnc gnome nfs common nfs kernel server notification daemon ntfs g ntp obex data server odbcinst debian openoffice org openoffice org base openoffice org base core openoffice org calc openoffice org common openoffice org core openoffice org draw openoffice org gcj openoffice org gtk openoffice org help cs openoffice org help en us openoffice org impress openoffice org java common openoffice org l n cs openoffice org math openoffice org officebean openoffice org report builder bin openoffice org style andromeda openoffice org style tango openoffice org writer openoffice org writer latex openssh client openssh server orage perl perl base perl doc perl modules perlmagick picard pidgin pidgin blinklight pidgin data planner poppler utils postgresql postgresql client postgresql contrib postgresql doc proftpd basic proftpd mod ldap proftpd mod mysql proftpd mod pgsql psi pstoedit python python apt python cairo python cups python dbus python dev python eggtrayicon python glade python gnome python gobject python gst python gtk python gtkhtml python gtkmozembed python gtksourceview python libxml python minimal python notify python pyatspi python pygame python pyorbit python qt python sip python svn python tk python twisted python twisted conch python twisted core python twisted lore python twisted mail python twisted names python twisted news python twisted runner python twisted web python twisted words python vte python python dev python minimal qt qmake qt qtconfig radeontool rdesktop reportbug rhythmbox ristretto rpm rss glx rtorrent rxvt unicode samba samba common scrollkeeper scummvm seahorse sg utils shared mime info smartmontools smbclient smbfs sound juicer sox subversion svn workbench swat synaptic system tools backends sysv rc telepathy gabble telepathy salut tex common texlive base texlive common texlive doc base texlive fonts recommended texlive fonts recommended doc texlive latex base texlive latex base doc thunar thunar data thunar media tags plugin tipa tomboy totem totem common totem gstreamer totem mozilla totem plugins transmission common transmission gtk tsclient uae udev unattended upgrades unixodbc update inetd update manager core update notifier usermode vinagre vino vlc vlc nox wesnoth wesnoth data wesnoth httt wesnoth tsg wesnoth ttb winbind wine wine bin wine utils wireless tools wpagui wpasupplicant x common x proto input dev xfce xfce appfinder xfce battery plugin xfce clipman plugin xfce cpugraph plugin xfce datetime plugin xfce diskperf plugin xfce fsguard plugin xfce goodies xfce mailwatch plugin xfce messenger plugin xfce mixer xfce netload plugin xfce notes plugin xfce panel xfce quicklauncher plugin xfce screenshooter plugin xfce sensors plugin xfce session xfce smartbookmark plugin xfce systemload plugin xfce taskmanager xfce terminal xfce timer plugin xfce utils xfce verve plugin xfce wavelan plugin xfce weather plugin xfce xkb plugin xfdesktop xfdesktop data xfmedia xfprint xfwm xinput xorg xsane xsane common xserver xorg xserver xorg core xserver xorg input evdev xserver xorg input kbd xserver xorg input mouse xserver xorg input synaptics xserver xorg input wacom xserver xorg video apm xserver xorg video ark xserver xorg video ati xserver xorg video chips xserver xorg video cirrus xserver xorg video dummy xserver xorg video fbdev xserver xorg video glint xserver xorg video i xserver xorg video intel xserver xorg video mach xserver xorg video mga xserver xorg video neomagic xserver xorg video nv xserver xorg video openchrome xserver xorg video r xserver xorg video radeon xserver xorg video radeonhd xserver xorg video rendition xserver xorg video s xserver xorg video s virge xserver xorg video savage xserver xorg video siliconmotion xserver xorg video sis xserver xorg video sisusb xserver xorg video tdfx xserver xorg video tga xserver xorg video trident xserver xorg video tseng xserver xorg video v l xserver xorg video vesa xserver xorg video vmware xserver xorg video voodoo xterm yelp zenity perl warning Setting locale failed perl warning Please check that your locale settings LANGUAGE unset LC_ALL unset LANG en_US UTF are supported and installed on your system perl warning Falling back to the standard locale C Can t exec locale No such file or directory at usr share perl Debconf Encoding pm line Use of uninitialized value Debconf Encoding charmap in scalar chomp at usr share perl Debconf Encoding pm line upgraded newly installed to remove and not upgraded not fully installed or removed After this operation B of additional disk space will be used dpkg warning ldconfig not found on PATH dpkg expected program s not found on PATH NB root s PATH should usually contain usr local sbin usr sbin and sbin E Sub process usr bin dpkg returned an error code Thanks a lot Al Using Opera s revolutionary e mail client http www opera com mail To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org op vb w ej tp f hugo lennycz depot ,1
-Re [SAtalk] dependencies pre requisites for installation in FreeBSD Would someone please enlighten me on dependencies pre requisites for installation in FreeBSD The official documentation isn t particularly explicit about this stuff eg procmail is mentioned but without saying whether or not its essential no info provided on whether GNUmake is required or if standard BSD make is OK I thought we were quite good about it in the README file procmail is essential if you re using a SpamAssassin for local delivery b not using a milter and c not using a Mail Audit script instead So probably yes BSD make is OK if Perl generally uses it to build Perl modules SpamAssassin is just anotehr Perl module in that respect Back to this stuff again searched high low but definitely nothing on this system even vaguely resembling a README file for spamassassin I have procmail installed but having major problems comprehending the setup would appreciate info on any simple english HOWTo ,1
-Re [SOLVED] Debian multimedia breaks mplayer mov playback on Lenny On Clive McBarton wrote [snip] How come there is no link anywhere on debian org pointing to debian multimedia org Anything to establish a chain of trust As it is I looked and looked but didn t find Even when searching for multimedia on debian org it does not mention debian multimedia org at all Not even when searching for debian multimedia Every new debian user trying to verify the credibilitiy of debian multimedia org would have given up at this point for sure Google is pretty darned ubiquitous and has been for years Putting Debian play in the FF IW search bar auto completes debian play encrypted dvd and each of the first links mentions d mm o With the information that Marillat is a Debian developer and the precise spelling of his name I was actually able to go to the developer s page on debian org find him and see a link to d m So in a very roundabout way d m is actually endorsed by debian org Mentioned does not mean endorsed Never has never will But how would anybody find out about this in a reasonable amount of time d mm o is not an official Debian site so it s nor mentioned anywhere except his personal page and the list archives Dissent is patriotic remember To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BCCCC cox net ,1
-Re Ctrl alt Fn not showing consolesFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset ISO Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable How about single user mode Are you able to get virtual console there Also try to disable gdm kdm see whether virtual consoles are working On Tue Apr at rudu wrote Le Hugo Vanwoerkom a E crit rudu wrote Le Hugo Vanwoerkom a E crit So are you still running nv Yes and what was the driver that wouldn t compile I run x on the latest Sid kernel and it compiles just fine but I don t yet have a AMD system Excerpt from var log nvidia installer log Using nvidia installer ncurses user interface WARNING Skipping the runlevel check the utility `runlevel` failed to run License accepted Installing NVIDIA driver version Performing CC sanity check with CC D cc Performing CC version check with CC D cc The CC version check failed [ ] Indeed Forget this if it is beating a dead horse but did you have gcc gcc both installed I did and I set the symlink gcc to gcc and that got rid of the message Thank you Hugo I managed to compile the proprietary driver Now every ctrl alt Fn leads to a complete black screen with no prompt or cursor or anything Ctrl alt F works as expected Could it be that my system stopped creating the consoles at boot time What should I check and where TIA Jean Marc To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BD BEA cegetel net ,1
-NEWS COM INVESTOR Tech stocks drop again on Qwest criminal probe news CNET Investor Dispatch Quote LookupEnter symbol Symbol Lookup Quotes delayed minutes My Portfolio Broker Reports IPOs Splits Messages Live tech help NOW April s tech award million open jobs News com Top CIOs ZDNet PeopleSoft July DJIA NASDAQ S P CNET TECH CNET News com Vision SeriesRead News com s exclusive interviews of top CIOs Vision Series home Tech stocks drop again on Qwest criminal probe news Word telecom Qwest Communications International is being investigated by the U S Attorney s office in Denver helped send technology shares lower Wednesday Despite a Merrill Lynch upgrade of Cisco Systems and the fact that J P Morgan began coverage on AOL Time Warner with a buy rating CNET s Tech index fell points or percent to The tech heavy Nasdaq composite index lost points or percent to a multi year low Broader markets also shed value dragged down in part by a troubled pharmaceutical sector The Dow Jones industrial average dropped points or percent to and the S P slid points or percent to also a multi year low AT T Comcast Shareholders OK Broadband Deal Shareholders of AT T Corp and Comcast Corp on Wednesday approved the planned billion merger of AT T Broadband with Comcast which will create the nation s largest cable TV operator with more than million customers Telephone giant AT T in December agreed to sell its cable television unit to Comcast as part of a restructuring that dismantled its vision of becoming a one stop shop for telephone data and video services AT T CORP million later start up Pluris shuts down Networking start up Pluris will release a statement Wednesday announcing it has closed its doors because of a lack of funding and ongoing woes in the market it serves according to a spokeswoman familiar with the company s plans Pluris a once promising company burned through million over the past few years as it attempted to build a high end router that was intended to outclass similar products from competitors such as Juniper Networks and Cisco Systems CISCO SYSTEMS WorldCom contracts under U S scrutiny The accounting scandal at WorldCom has prompted U S government agencies to scrutinize the telecommunications company s billions of dollars in federal contracts The Federal Aviation Administration for one has been forced to take stock of the situation quickly WorldCom is a finalist for a year billion contract with the FAA The contract is expected to be awarded as soon as this week The company is the incumbent on the contract which supplies phone and data infrastructure to the nation s air traffic control systems WORLDCOM INC WORLDCOM TRCK STK Also from CNET Real time stock quotes from CNET News com Investor day free trial Banc of America Securities lowers estimates and price target on IBM in notes Analyst Joel Wagonfeld argues the computer giant is not immune to the persistent widespread weakness in IT spending But a roughly percent dip in revenues during the second quarter will be offset by the elimination of losses from the discontinued hard disk drive business Wagonfeld predicts In IBM s second quarter results he expects continued weakness in hardware but relative strength in software and outsourcing The company s decision to exit or restructure unprofitable commodity businesses is sound Wagonfeld says He reiterates a buy rating on IBM INTL BUSINESS MACHINES Visit the Brokerage Center Pressplay CEO Schuon to leave company Andy Schuon is leaving as president and chief executive officer of Pressplay a joint online venture between Sony Music and Universal Music sources close to the matter said on Wednesday Sony Music is a unit of Sony Corp and Universal Music is a unit of Vivendi Universal SONY CORP ADR Visit the CEO Wealth Meter Digicams for summer shutterbugsGoing on vacation or just headed to the beach Indulge your summer snapshot habit with one of our picks megapixel shoot out Leica Digilux street shooter s digicam Most popular products Digital cameras Canon PowerShot G Canon PowerShot S Canon PowerShot S Canon PowerShot A Nikon Coolpix See all most popular cameras NEW CNET professional e mail publishing for just month FREE for days Click here The e mail address for your subscription is qqqqqqqqqq zdnet spamassassin taint org Unsubscribe Manage My Subscriptions FAQ Advertise Please send any questions comments or concerns to dispatchfeedback news com Price comparisons Product reviews Tech news Downloads All CNET services Copyright CNET Networks Inc All rights reserved ,1
-Re bit netbooks with Debian linuxOn PM Alex Samad wrote [snip] I find with my atom using syncplaces a firefox addin which encrypts its files it takes for ever I am guess i am missing some of those nice cpu op s that speed these things up AMD Intel s low power CPUs need encryption engines just like Via s and libssl needs hooks into it Dissent is patriotic remember To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BDF cox net ,1
-Re cannot type power of or are typeable On Sun Apr at jeremy jozwik wrote im trying to type [copy from character map] power of i can read power of on webpages but if i were to cope paste from that page the power displays as a normal character is this a dpkg reconfigure locales issue It could also be due to the browser not copying certain characters correctly to the clipboard Let s start at the beginning which output do you get from this command locale If you use an utf based locale e g en_US UTF then the following command should print the numbers in superscript echo e \xc \xb \xc \xb \xc \xb \xe \x \xb \xe \x \xb What do you get how can i gain the ability to type a power of If the locale is set up correctly and your terminal supports the characters then the easiest method is to define a compose key and use ^ The means pressing the keys in sequence releasing each key before pressing the next one Regards Florian To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org GA bavaria univ lyon fr ,1
-[SPAM] Special offer hibody csmining org receive OFF on Pfizer Pfizer OFF If you cannot see the images please click here About us Unsubscribe Forward Privacy c Eufyex Inc All rights reserved ,0
-GRUB resolutionFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset ISO I have looked around on google and found some documentation to set the resolution within grub but some of the explanations are a bit vague Can someone post a clear and concise way of doing this When I tried the ones I found on google I managed to make the box not boot anymore ,1
-Securing multiple virtual hostsI am trying to secure three of four virtual hostnames on our Apache server We are not taking credit card orders or user s personal information but are merely hoping to secure email and calendar web transactions for our users We are not running any secure applications on the root host I have been testing this week with CA client and host certificate requests certificates and keys and think I have a fairly good beginner s grasp of the commands and command line options My questions are Is it necessary to create a CA certificate for each of the secure virtual hosts or can one CA certificate for the root be used to sign each of the keys for all three common names we are trying to secure Even though the root host is not conducting secure transactions am I correct in configuring the server with a CACertificateFile in the main body of httpsd conf and then setting the CACertificateFile for each virtual host in the section of httpsd conf This sort of assumes the answer to is you need a CA for each virtual host Is it necessary to create a client certificate to distribute to our users or is it sufficient to have the CA certificate and a server certificate for the virtual hosts Wouldn t a client certificate only be necessary if we were trying to verify the client s identity Would that be a good idea given our scenario Thanks in advance for your help ______________________________________________________________________ OpenSSL Project http www openssl org User Support Mailing List openssl users openssl org Automated List Manager majordomo openssl org ,1
-Steven Levy s wireless neighborsURL http boingboing net Date Not supplied After discovering an open wireless net available from his sofa Steven Hackers Levy interviewed lawmen academics and WiFi activists about the legality and ethics of using open wireless access points I downloaded my mail and checked media news on the Web When I confessed this to FBI agent Bill Shore he spared the handcuffs The FBI wouldn t waste resources on that he sniffed Now I know that if it did it would be hard to argue that I broke a law What s more I certainly didn t feel illegal Because and this is the point of all that war driving and chalking and node stumbling when you get used to wireless the experience feels more and more like a God given right One day we may breathe bandwidth like oxygen and arguing its illegality will be unthinkable Link[ ] Discuss[ ] _Thanks Steven[ ] _ [ ] http www msnbc com news asp [ ] http www quicktopic com boing H f ZpuJU K [ ] http www echonyc com steven ,1
-[fm news] Newsletter for Tuesday July th L I N K S F O R T H E D A Y Today s news on the web http freshmeat net daily freshmeat net newsgroup news news freshmeat net fm announce A D V E R T I S I N G Sponsored by the USENIX Security Symposium Learn how to improve the security of your systems networks OS Security Access Control Sandboxing Web Security and more th USENIX SECURTY SYMPOSIUM August San Francisco Register onsite for your FREE EXHIBIT PASS http www usenix org sec osdn R E L E A S E H E A D L I N E S [ ] abcm ps Development [ ] amSynth beta [ ] Calculating Pi First Release Simple Harmonic Motion [ ] CbDockApp [ ] cdinsert and cdlabelgen Stable [ ] cdrecord a [ ] Cell Phone SMS AIM [ ] CherryPy [ ] Chronos [ ] CLIP [ ] countertrace [ ] CRWInfo [ ] DaDaBIK beta [ ] Danpei Stable [ ] dchub [ ] Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse [ ] dnstracer [ ] Document Manager pre Development [ ] dougnet [ ] Dump Restore b [ ] DungeonMaker [ ] File Roller [ ] FrontStella [ ] gCVS b [ ] gimp print pre Stable [ ] gnocl [ ] GnomeICU [ ] GNUstep LaunchPad [ ] grocget [ ] hdup Stable [ ] Highlight [ ] honeyd [ ] ioperm for Cygwin [ ] IPSquad Packages From Scratch [ ] j [ ] jmame beta [ ] Kadmos OCR ICR engine q [ ] Kallers [ ] Kemerge [ ] KMencoder [ ] KMyIRC Alpha [ ] koalaXML [ ] Koch Suite Development [ ] Lago gcc patch [ ] libdv [ ] Lindenmayer Systems in Python [ ] LM Solve Development [ ] MKDoc [ ] mksysdisp [ ] Mondo Stable [ ] Mysql sdb a [ ] NNTPobjects [ ] ogmtools [ ] One Wire Weather [ ] Open Remote Collaboration Tool [ ] OpenCL [ ] OpenEJB Final [ ] OpenOffice Indexer Development [ ] OSSP cfg [ ] OSSP fsl [ ] OSSP l [ ] Papercut NNTP Server [ ] PEANUTS [ ] PHP Online RPG [ ] phpMyAdmin rc Unstable [ ] PHPTalk [ ] phpTest [ ] php_passport_check [ ] php_writeexcel [ ] poweroff [ ] PPPOEd [ ] QtMyAdmin [ ] Quantum GIS Development [ ] RedBase Pure Java RDBMS [ ] RH Email Server [ ] S MIME Library for Java [ ] Secure FTP Wrapper [ ] Server optimized Linux [ ] Sharp Tools Spreadsheet Stable [ ] Simple TCP Re engineering Tool [ ] SimpleFirewall [ ] sKaBurn [ ] Station Location and Information [ ] Sylpheed claws Claws [ ] Sympoll [ ] The Big Dumb Finger Daemon [ ] The Parma Polyhedra Library [ ] The Tamber Project [ ] Trackbox [ ] tui sh [ ] uVNC [ ] Valgrind [ ] VNC Reflector [ ] vpopmail Development [ ] Vstr string library [ ] WallFire wfconvert [ ] WallFire wflogs [ ] webcpp gtkgui Gnome [ ] WebDialer [ ] WebFileManager Stable [ ] WebJob [ ] white_dune beta Development [ ] WideStudio [ ] Wolfpack Stable [ ] XMLtype Development [ ] Zina [ ] zprommer _ _ R E L E A S E D E T A I L S [ ] abcm ps Development by Guido Gonzato http freshmeat net users goccia Tuesday July th Multimedia Sound Audio Conversion About abcm ps is a package that converts music tunes from ABC format to PostScript Based on abc ps version it was developed mainly to print baroque organ scores that have independant voices played on one or more keyboards and a pedal board It introduces many extensions to the ABC language that make it suitable for classical music Changes Minor bugfixes were made License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects abcm ps [ ] amSynth beta by nixx uk http freshmeat net users nixx Tuesday July th Multimedia Sound Audio Sound Synthesis About amSynth is a realtime polyphonic analogue modeling synthesizer It provides a virtual analogue synthesizer in the style of the classic Moog Minimoog Roland Junos It offers an easy to use interface and synth engine while still creating varied sounds It runs as a standalone application using either the ALSA audio and MIDI sequencer system or the plain OSS devices It can be played with an external MIDI controller keyboard a software virtual keyboard or through a MIDI sequencer All parameters can be controlled over MIDI Changes The ALSA driver has been MMAPed for improved performance Recordings are now output to wav files Minor performance tweaks have been made on the envelope generators the build process etc License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects amsynth [ ] Calculating Pi First Release Simple Harmonic Motion by Sayan Chakraborti http freshmeat net users sayanchak Tuesday July th Scientific Engineering Mathematics Scientific Engineering Visualization About ProjectPi is a project to calculate the mathematical constant Pi through various methods License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects projectpi [ ] CbDockApp by Chris Briscoe http freshmeat net users cbriscoe Tuesday July th Desktop Environment Window Managers Window Maker Applets About CbDockApp is a C dock application class To make your own dock application just create a derived class with your application code It comes with an example docked clock application License BSD License URL http freshmeat net projects cbdockapp [ ] cdinsert and cdlabelgen Stable by Avinash Chopde http freshmeat net users avinash Tuesday July th Text Processing About cdlabelgen is a Perl script that generates printouts suitable for use as CD jewel case inserts or CD envelopes Both normal sized cases and slim cases are handled cdlabelgen can be used to create table of contents for music CDs archival CDs etc with customizable logos or background images and it generates PostScript files as output The package also includes a Perl CGI Web script which accepts JPEG images as logos or backgrounds and can also create PDF output files Changes It is now possible to specify line width for the cover tray edges or to omit edge lines entirely Control over logo placement has been added logos can now be moved and scaled as required on the output Support for A page printouts has been added License BSD License URL http freshmeat net projects cdinsert [ ] cdrecord a by J rg Schilling http freshmeat net users schily Tuesday July th Multimedia Sound Audio CD Audio CD Ripping Multimedia Sound Audio CD Audio CD Writing System Archiving About Cdrecord creates home burned CDs with a CD R CD RW recorder It works as a burn engine for several applications Cdrecord supports CD recorders from many different vendors all SCSI mmc and ATAPI mmc compliant drives should also work Supported features include IDE ATAPI parallel port and SCSI drives audio CDs data CDs and mixed CDs full multi session support CD RWs rewritable TAO DAO and human readable error messages Cdrecord includes remote SCSI support and can access local or remote CD writers Changes cdrecord now writes MCN ISRC even in RAW mode A bug that caused cdrecord to write wrong relative time stamps into the pregap of audio CDs when writing in RAW mode with pregapsize has been fixed License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects cdrecord [ ] Cell Phone SMS AIM by jason swan http freshmeat net users ZypLocc Tuesday July th Communications Chat Communications Chat AOL Instant Messenger Communications Internet Phone About Cell Phone SMS AIM uses the Net AIM Perl module available from CPAN signs on a screen name and routes messages to your cell phone via SMS It also requires lynx Changes Two more providers and a bugfix License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects cellaim [ ] CherryPy by Remi Delon http freshmeat net users rdelon Tuesday July th Internet WWW HTTP Dynamic Content About CherryPy is a Python based tool for developing dynamic Web sites It sits between a compiler and an application server Compiling source files generates an executable containing everything to run the Web site including an HTTP server CherryPy lets you develop your Web site in an object oriented way using both regular Python and a templating language It also comes with a handy standard library for things like cookie based authentication form handling HTTP authentication etc Changes This release adds built in caching capability and some compiler optimization License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects cherrypy [ ] Chronos by Simon Perreault http freshmeat net users nomis Tuesday July th Internet WWW HTTP Dynamic Content Office Business Scheduling About Chronos is a Web agenda calendar for intranets although it can be used from anywhere It can send reminders by email and it allows you to schedule multi user events It is fast and light on resources The balance between size and speed can be tweaked by tweaking mod_perl and Apache Changes This release fixes some bugs with the new holidays feature and a crash that would occur sometimes when viewing events with reminders License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects chronos [ ] CLIP by Uri Hnykin http freshmeat net users Uri Tuesday July th Database Database Database Engines Servers Internet WWW HTTP Dynamic Content CGI Tools Libraries About CLIP is a Clipper XBase compatible compiler with initial support for FoxPro Flagship and CAVO syntax It supports Linux FreeBSD OpenBSD and Win via Cygwin It features support for international languages and character sets including two bytes character sets like Chinese and Japanese It also features OOP a multiplatform GUI based on GTK GTKextra all SIX Comix features including hypertext indexing SQL a C API for third party developers a few wrappers for popular libraries such as BZIP GZIP GD Crypto and Fcgi multitasking mouse events and more Changes There are many fixes for compatibility An Interbase Firebird client has been added There are new FiveWin like functions and classes License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects clip [ ] countertrace by Michael C Toren http freshmeat net users mct Tuesday July th Internet About countertrace is a userland iptables QUEUE target handler for Linux kernels running Netfilter It attempts to give the illusion that there are multiple imaginary IP hops between itself and the rest of the world The imaginary hops that countertrace projects also have the ability to introduce accumulative imaginary latency License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects countertrace [ ] CRWInfo by Sven Riedel http freshmeat net users srd Tuesday July th Multimedia Graphics Capture Digital Camera About CRWInfo extracts thumbnails and exposure information from Canon s proprietary crw RAW files which can be output by certain of Canons digital cameras License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects crwinfo [ ] DaDaBIK beta by Eugenio http freshmeat net users eugenio Tuesday July th Database Front Ends About DaDaBIK is a PHP application that allows you to easily create a highly customizable Web interface for a MySQL database in order to search insert update and delete records all you need do is specify a few configuration parameters It is available in English Italian Dutch German Spanish and French Changes A new lighter and easier to use administration interface related to the internal table manager is now available The form now has a better layout and all the fields are correctly aligned including dates All the translations are now up to date It is now possible for select_single fields to choose other during an insert and fill a textbox by hand with an alternative value That value will update the select options unless the option has been driven with a custom query SQL It is now possible to choose whether a field has to be displayed on the details page Other changes and bugfixes have been added License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects dadabik [ ] Danpei Stable by peace http freshmeat net users peace Tuesday July th About Danpei is a GTK based image viewer It allows you to browse through your image files in thumbnail form and it can rename cut and paste them easily with an interface similar to that of Windows Explorer Changes This release fixes the bug that caused the progressbar dialog to not be displayed when dragging and dropping and the bug that in some cases caused Gtk WARNING to be displayed when cutting and pasting License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects danpei [ ] dchub by Eric http freshmeat net users icemanbs Tuesday July th Communications File Sharing About dchub is a Direct Connect hub clone It resembles an IRC server with some extra features dedicated to file sharing Changes Minor bugs were fixed in the decoding of the MHUBLIST key in the Perl script handling dc clients and in the hub registration function Python scripting was added License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects dchub [ ] Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse by Vernon Schryver http freshmeat net users vjs Tuesday July th Communications Email Communications Email Filters About Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse DCC is a system of clients and servers that collect and count checksums related to mail messages The counts can be used by SMTP servers and mail user agents to detect and reject bulk mail DCC servers can exchange common checksums The checksums include values that are fuzzy or constant across common variations in bulk messages Changes A fix for invalid database address problems on SPARC systems and other changes License Freely Distributable URL http freshmeat net projects dcc source [ ] dnstracer by Edwin Groothuis http freshmeat net users mavetju Tuesday July th Internet Name Service DNS System Networking Utilities About dnstracer determines where a given Domain Name Server DNS gets its information from and follows the chain of DNS servers back to the servers which know the data Changes This release adds support for SOA records License BSD License URL http freshmeat net projects dnstracer [ ] Document Manager pre Development by Dobrica Pavlinusic http freshmeat net users dpavlin Tuesday July th Internet WWW HTTP Internet WWW HTTP Site Management Office Business About Document Manager is a document management system with the ability to check in check out documents track changes and support multiple users It supports all usual operations rename delete view edit and comes with optional support for a secure HTTP server Changes This development release is probably not ready for production yet but contains new features including a repository which is not in the Web server tree an ACL implementation called trustee and new documentation It works with register_globals off in PHP License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects docman [ ] dougnet by Doug http freshmeat net users dougedoug Tuesday July th Internet About dougnet is a collection of useful functions to helping programmers make their programs network enabled quickly and easily It can be directly embedded into a program creating no hassle for users It is highly portable and very easy to use License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects dougnet [ ] Dump Restore b by Stelian Pop http freshmeat net users spop Tuesday July th System Archiving Backup System Archiving Compression System Filesystems About The dump package contains both dump and restore Dump examines files in a filesystem determines which ones need to be backed up and copies those files to a specified disk tape or other storage medium The restore command performs the inverse function of dump it can restore a full backup of a filesystem Subsequent incremental backups can then be layered on top of the full backup Single files and directory subtrees may also be restored from full or partial backups Changes This release fixes a bug introduced with b which prevented the use of a remote tape drive License BSD License URL http freshmeat net projects dumprestore [ ] DungeonMaker by henningsen http freshmeat net users henningsen Tuesday July th About The DungeonMaker is a program class library that generates random dungeons and labyrinths using artificial life methods It can be used for pen and paper roleplaying but is mostly intended to generate random maps for computer role playing games Changes This is a complete rewrite that improves labyrinth creation and introduces dungeon creation and placement of treasure and MOBs License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects dungeonmaker [ ] File Roller by HPG http freshmeat net users paobac Tuesday July th System Archiving About File Roller is an archive manager for the GNOME environment As an archive manager it can create and modify archives view the content of an archive view a file contained in the archive and extract files from the archive File Roller is only a frontend a graphical interface to archiving programs like tar and zip Changes Ported to GNOME added an option to view the destination folder after extraction rearranged the menus and added mnemonics to all dialogs Nautilus is now used as the document viewer License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects fileroller [ ] FrontStella by James de Oliveira http freshmeat net users herege Tuesday July th System Emulators About FrontStella is a GNOME front end for the xstella Atari emulator It allows you to set and preserve a name and a screen shot for a particular ROM It also allows you to set and keep some global options for the emulator You can add as many ROMs as you want Changes Added keyboard shortcuts and the ability to double click on a ROM A pop up menu was added some known bugs were fixed and the image is now scaled to fit in the window License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects frontstella [ ] gCVS b by Karl Heinz Bruenen http freshmeat net users bruenen Tuesday July th Software Development Version Control Software Development Version Control CVS About gCVS is a GTK port of WinCVS a Windows based CVS client Changes Serveral bugs were fixed License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects gcvs [ ] gimp print pre Stable by Robert Krawitz http freshmeat net users rlk Tuesday July th Multimedia Graphics Printing About Gimp Print is a collection of very high quality printer drivers for UNIX Linux The goal of this project is uncompromising print quality and robustness Included with this package is the Print plugin for the GIMP hence the name a CUPS driver and two drivers traditional and IJS based for Ghostscript that may be compiled into that package This driver package is Foomatic compatible and provides Foomatic data to enable plug and play with many print spoolers In addition various printer maintenance utilities are included Many users report that the quality of Gimp Print on high end Epson Stylus printers matches or exceeds the quality of the drivers supplied for Windows and Macintosh Changes This release fixes a serious and longstanding problem whereby prints to certain Epson printers hosted on a Windows system are incomplete the bottom of the last page of the print is chopped off There are also some minor tweaks for the Epson Stylus Photo License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects gimp print [ ] gnocl by Peter G Baum http freshmeat net users baum Tuesday July th Software Development Widget Sets About gnocl is a GTK Gnome extension for the programming language Tcl It provides easy to use commands to quickly build Gnome compliant user interfaces including the Gnome canvas widget and drag and drop support It is loosely modeled after the Tk package Changes This release features many GTK related bugfixes a new tree and list widget and dialogs for selecting color font and files There is still no support for special Gnome widgets e g canvas License BSD License URL http freshmeat net projects gnocl [ ] GnomeICU by Patrick http freshmeat net users phsung Tuesday July th Desktop Environment Gnome System Networking About GnomeICU is a Gnome application which allows one to communicate with other GnomeICU users or others who use ICQ Windows Java Mac etc With GnomeICU one can send and receive messages change online modes chat in realtime send and receive URLs and much more Changes A new XML contacts list file better user authorization support more stable server side contacts list support many other bugfixes and some new languages License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects gnomeicu [ ] GNUstep LaunchPad by Adam Fedor http freshmeat net users afedor Tuesday July th Desktop Environment GNUstep About GNUstep is a set of general purpose Objective C libraries based on the OpenStep standard developed by NeXT now Apple Inc The libraries consist of everything from foundation classes such as dictionaries and arrays to GUI interface classes such as windows sliders buttons etc Changes The Make package has gone through an extensive reorganization allowing for better code sharing and a speed increase by at least a factor of The Base library now works better on Windows and Darwin and has better language support License GNU Lesser General Public License LGPL URL http freshmeat net projects gnustep [ ] grocget by Anthony Tekatch http freshmeat net users anthonytekatch Tuesday July th Utilities About grocget helps you shop for groceries faster and more reliably It can print a master inventory list as well as an aisle sorted shopping list Changes Changes for using with Python and changes to allow running from current directory License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects grocget [ ] hdup Stable by Miek Gieben http freshmeat net users miek Tuesday July th System Archiving Backup System Archiving Compression About hdup is used to back up a filesystem Features include encryption of the archive via mcrypt compression of the archive bzip gzip none the ability to transfer the archive to a remote host via scp and no obscure archive format it is a normal compressed tar file Changes Added a f option to force restoring to and made documentation cleanups Restoring a single file is now possible and compilation now depends on GNU make License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects hdup [ ] Highlight by Andr Simon http freshmeat net users Saalen Tuesday July th Text Processing About Highlight is a universal source code to HTML XHTML RTF or La TEX converter X HTML output is formatted by Cascading Style Sheets It supports Bash C C Java Javascript Lua Assembler Perl PHP PL SQL Object Pascal and Visual Basic files It s possible to easily enhance Highlight s parsing database License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects highlight [ ] honeyd by Niels Provos http freshmeat net users nielsprovos Tuesday July th Internet System Monitoring About Honeyd is a small daemon that creates virtual hosts on a network The hosts can be configured to run arbitrary services and their TCP personality can be adapted so that they appear to be running certain versions of operating systems Honeyd enables a single host to claim multiple addresses on a LAN for network simulation It is possible to ping the virtual machines or to traceroute them Any type of service on the virtual machine can be simulated according to a simple configuration file Instead of simulating a service it is also possible to proxy it to another machine Changes UDP support including proxying and many bugfixes License BSD License URL http freshmeat net projects honeyd [ ] ioperm for Cygwin by Marcel Telka http freshmeat net users telka Tuesday July th Software Development Libraries About ioperm for Cygwin adds support for the ioperm function to Cygwin for Windows NT XP This support includes sys io h and sys perm h header files not included in Cygwin by default with development and runtime libraries License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects ioperm [ ] IPSquad Packages From Scratch by Er Vin http freshmeat net users ervin Tuesday July th System Archiving Packaging System Installation Setup System Logging About IPFS IPSquad Package From Source is a system which allows you to trace an program s installation from sources and register it in your favorite packaging system Only Slackware is currently supported IPFS watches a command generally make install collects the list of added files and then registers them in the chosen packaging system as if the install was made from a normal package Unlike other similar products IPFS is able to track both shared and statically linked programs A Slackware package for IPFS is available for download Changes The old resolve_path shell script has been replace with a newer and faster ipfs_realpath coded in C License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects ipfs [ ] j by Peter Graves http freshmeat net users petergraves Tuesday July th Text Editors About J is a multifile multiwindow programmer s editor written entirely in Java It features syntax highlighting for Java C C XML HTML CSS JavaScript Lisp Perl PHP Python Ruby Scheme Tcl Tk Verilog and VHDL automatic indentation directory buffers regular expressions multifile find and replace autosave and crash recovery undo redo and FTP HTTP support All keyboard mappings can be customized Themes may be used to customize the editor s appearance Changes This release adds support for named sessions License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects j [ ] jmame beta by Joe Ceklosky http freshmeat net users jceklosk Tuesday July th About yyyyame is a Java based frontend to XMAME It uses the Swing toolkit and uses XML to store all settings Changes A new abiltiy to verify ROMs using XMAME was added The status area also displays XMAME verify commands and output make install and make uninstall commands were also added to the Makefile edit the Makefile to change the default install location which is usr local jmame License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects yyyyame [ ] Kadmos OCR ICR engine q by Tamas Nagy http freshmeat net users nagytam Tuesday July th Multimedia Graphics Software Development Libraries About The Kadmos OCR ICR handwriting recognition engine has multiple languages support it covers all Latin languages plus others Interfaces are available for C C VB Delphi and Java upon request It also has isolated character REC isolated line REL and paragraph REP recognition modules Changes New image manipulation functions were added to the API License Other Proprietary License URL http freshmeat net projects kadmos [ ] Kallers by Nadeem Hasan http freshmeat net users nhasan Tuesday July th Communications Telephony Desktop Environment K Desktop Environment KDE About Kallers is KDE system tray applet that displays the caller ID information sent by phone companies It requires a caller ID capable modem It logs every call internally using an XML format displays call infomation non intrusively using a popup window and optionally plays a ring sound when a call is received It can optionally ignore anonymous calls A handy call browser lets you view the call information Changes This release fixes anonymous call handling and adds a minor layout fix in the call browser License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects kallers [ ] Kemerge by Yannick Koehler http freshmeat net users ykoehler Tuesday July th Desktop Environment K Desktop Environment KDE System Installation Setup System Software Distribution Tools About Kemerge is a KDE graphical front end for Gentoo portage tools Changes This release can filter the display of the ebuild list by all possible columns using a regular expression License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects kemerge [ ] KMencoder by RoLo http freshmeat net users rolosworld Tuesday July th Desktop Environment K Desktop Environment KDE Themes KDE x Multimedia Multimedia Sound Audio About KMencoder is a frontend for Mplayer Mencoder Changes Added a pass method a kmencoder spec file VCD options and Spanish and German translations Some minor fixes were made License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects kmencoder [ ] KMyIRC Alpha by shermann http freshmeat net users shermann Tuesday July th Communications Chat Internet Relay Chat Desktop Environment K Desktop Environment KDE Themes KDE x Internet About KMyIRC is an attempt to provide an IRC client for KDE which is high quality and easy to use but not bloated It was created because it was felt that the other KDE based IRC clients were either not user friendly or burdened with features that are not useful to the average IRC user Changes This release adds highlight phrases timestamps in channel output and the ability to disable the server list at startup It fixes some nasty and serious bugs in License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects kmyirc [ ] koalaXML by Ricardo Zuasti http freshmeat net users rzuasti Tuesday July th Software Development Libraries Java Libraries Text Processing Markup XML About koaLaXML is an extremely simple Java XML data type It is very useful as a parameter or return type as well as a class property type It is object oriented and supports a varied range of type values int double dates etc as well as attributes and nested tags Changes Removal of scriptlet support the first complete JavaDoc a major API redesign support for multiple tags with the same name requirement of a root tag and iterative sibling access hasMoreSiblings nextSibling combo License GNU Lesser General Public License LGPL URL http freshmeat net projects koalaxml [ ] Koch Suite Development by Michael Lestinsky http freshmeat net users lestinsky Tuesday July th Database About Koch Suite helps you to manage your recipes It is written in PHP and uses MySQL PostgreSQL Changes The user model has changed since users are classified hierarchically and there is a new administration interface The navigation between the individual parts and the Internationalization has been improved there is a new preliminary Spanish translation The data model has changed slightly to deal with metadata such as the source of a recipe or the date of recording Plenty bugfixes were done too License BSD License URL http freshmeat net projects koch suite [ ] Lago gcc patch by Emanuele Fornara http freshmeat net users lago Tuesday July th Database Database Engines Servers About Lago is a portable Linux Windows multi threaded database written in C Changes This patch allows you to compile Lago with the latest versions of the GNU Compiler A few bugs have also been fixed License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects lago [ ] libdv by Charles Buck Krasic http freshmeat net users krasic Tuesday July th Multimedia Video About The Quasar DV codec libdv is a software codec for DV video the encoding format used by most digital camcorders typically those that support the IEEE a k a FireWire or i Link interface libdv was developed according to the official standards for DV video IEC and SMPTE M Changes Many contributed bugfiixes and minor feature updates License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects libdv [ ] Lindenmayer Systems in Python by Eleventh Hour http freshmeat net users xihr Tuesday July th Scientific Engineering Artificial Intelligence Scientific Engineering Mathematics Text Processing General About Lindenmayer Systems in Python provides a simple implementation of Lindenmayer systems also called L systems or substitution systems In basic form a Lindenmayer system consists of a starting string of symbols from an alphabet which has repeated transitions applied to it specified by a list of transition search and replace rules In addition to the standard formulation two alternative implementations are included sequential systems in which at most one rule is applied and tag systems in which the transition only takes place at the beginning and end of the string Despite being implemented entirely in Python for reasonable rules on a modern machine the system is capable of running thousands of generations per second Lindenmayer systems are found in artificial intelligence and artificial life and can be used to generate fractal patterns usually via mapping symbols from the alphabet to turtle commands organic looking patterns that can simulate plants or other living things or even music License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects lsystem [ ] LM Solve Development by Shlomi Fish http freshmeat net users shlomif Tuesday July th Games Entertainment Puzzle Games About LM Solve is a solver for several types of the puzzles present on the Logic Mazes site It currently supports Alice Mazes Number Mazes and Theseus and the Minotaur Mazes Changes A non portable RPM macro was replaced with a plain text command A small piece of the code as been made more Perl ish and more robust License Public Domain URL http freshmeat net projects lm solve [ ] MKDoc by Chris Croome http freshmeat net users chriscroome Tuesday July th Internet WWW HTTP Site Management About MKDoc is a Web site building serving and content management tool that has been designed to encourage the use of good information architecture and the production of accessible Web sites It provides different ways for the public to interact with and navigate between documents including a sitemap search facility Dublin Core XML RDF metadata for documents and printer versions of pages All management document creation editing and organizing is done via a standard web browser The look is controlled using templates MKDoc uses Unicode UTF throughout and can support all languages including right to left languages Changes This release features support for right to left languages a photo component which dynamically generates thumbnails and scaled images and support for HTTP authentication so cookies are no longer required License Other Proprietary License with Source URL http freshmeat net projects mkdoc [ ] mksysdisp by Peter http freshmeat net users darthludi Tuesday July th System Boot About mksysdisp is a simple program which converts text to SYSLinux messages It allows you to create a boot message for a SYSLinux bootdisk It understands keyboard and file input Changes A new ability to start without passing arguments License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects mksysdisp [ ] Mondo Stable by Kelledin http freshmeat net users kelledin Tuesday July th System Monitoring About Mondo is a very simplistic health monitoring daemon that relies on lm_sensors It is capable of monitoring whatever settings you re willing to assign a label to in your sensors conf file It provides the same function as Motherboard Monitor except it lacks a GUI interface and is specific to Linux Changes This release implements proper SIGCHILD handling to fix a resource consumption bug License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects mondo daemon [ ] Mysql sdb a by Mihai Chelaru http freshmeat net users Koifren Tuesday July th Database Internet Name Service DNS About Mysql sdb provides support for using a MySQL database to store the data for a DNS zone in BIND Changes This release adds numerous bugfixes and code cleaning An already patched version of bind is now available on the Web site License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects bind mysql [ ] NNTPobjects by fharmon http freshmeat net users fharmon Tuesday July th Communications Usenet News Utilities About NNTPobjects is a collection of C classes for easily creating simple or advanced NNTP clients It enables novice and advanced C programmers to quickly write small utilities or even full featured NNTP clients License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects nntpobjects [ ] ogmtools by Moritz Bunkus http freshmeat net users Mosu Tuesday July th Multimedia Sound Audio Conversion Multimedia Video Conversion About The ogmtools allow users to display information about ogminfo extract streams from ogmdemux and merge several streams into ogmmerge Ogg files Supported stream types include video streams from AVIs or Ogg files and Vorbis audio from Ogg files The resulting files can be played back with mplayer or with the OggDS Direct Show filters under Windows License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects ogmtools [ ] One Wire Weather by Dr Simon J Melhuish http freshmeat net users sjmelhuish Tuesday July th Scientific Engineering About Oww One Wire Weather is a client program for Dallas Semiconductor AAG wire weather station kits providing a graphical animated display to monitor outside temperature wind speed and direction rainfall and humidity Extra temperature sensors may be added A wire hub may be used for improved reliability and range Weather data may be logged to CSV files parsed to command line programs sent to the Henriksen Windows client or uploaded to Web servers at Dallas The Weather Underground and HAMweather Changes A server has been added to send data to clients in a user set parser format Up to counters may now be assigned for general purpose counting such as for lightning detectors License Artistic License URL http freshmeat net projects oww [ ] Open Remote Collaboration Tool by Thomas Amsler http freshmeat net users amsler Tuesday July th Communications Chat Education Internet About OpenRCT is a multidisciplinary effort to enhance collaboration between people who are not co located in time and space It is a platform independent multimedia tool that supports synchronous and or asynchronous communication License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects openrct [ ] OpenCL by Jack Lloyd http freshmeat net users randombit Tuesday July th Security Cryptography About OpenCL is a library of cryptographic algorithms written in C It currently includes a wide selection of block and stream ciphers public key algorithms hash functions and message authentication codes plus a high level filter based interface Changes This release fixes a major bug in OpenCL involving a possible crash at application shutdown Problems in EME and EMSA and various minor bugs were also fixed License BSD License URL http freshmeat net projects opencl [ ] OpenEJB Final by David Blevins http freshmeat net users dblevins Tuesday July th Software Development Libraries Application Frameworks Software Development Object Brokering CORBA About OpenEJB is a pre built self contained portable EJB container system that can be plugged into any server environment including application servers Web servers J EE platforms CORBA ORBs databases etc Changes Enhancements in this release include a telnet admin console with server status commands a remote server stop command for the openejb bat and openejb sh scripts and a remote server stop class callable from Ant or other client code Source code generation is no longer included and the remote server is now stopped after tests have run A JDK IncompatibleClassChangeError in KeyGeneratorFactory was fixed along with a problem where the host java sun com could not be found License BSD License URL http freshmeat net projects openejb [ ] OpenOffice Indexer Development by jerger http freshmeat net users jerger Tuesday July th Office Business Office Suites Text Processing Markup XML Utilities About OpenOffice Indexer generates an index for OpenOffice org documents It can extract keywords and make documents accessible for various keyword systems Changes This version can recursively scan for documents parse for keywords and write a catalog to an index html file License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects oofficeindexer [ ] OSSP cfg by Ralf S Engelschall http freshmeat net users rse Tuesday July th Software Development Libraries System Operating System Text Processing About OSSP cfg is a ISO C library for parsing arbitrary C C style configuration files A configuration is sequence of directives each directive consists of zero or more tokens and each token can be either a string or again a complete sequence This means the configuration syntax has a recursive structure and allows you to create configurations with arbitrarily nested sections The configuration syntax also provides complex single double balanced quoting of tokens hexadecimal octal decimal character encodings character escaping C C and shell style comments etc The library API allows importing of a configuration text into an Abstract Syntax Tree AST traversing the AST and optionally exporting the AST again as a configuration text License MIT X Consortium License URL http freshmeat net projects cfg [ ] OSSP fsl by Ralf S Engelschall http freshmeat net users rse Tuesday July th Software Development Libraries System Logging About OSSP fsl offers the syslog API otherwise provided by libc Instead of writing to the syslogd process it uses the powerful OSSP l logging capabilities It is a drop in link time replacement which enables any syslog consumer to take advantage of OSSP l by just linking this library in before libc The program is intended to apply OSSP l functionality to existing syslog based third party programs without the requirement to change the source code of the program License MIT X Consortium License URL http freshmeat net projects fsl [ ] OSSP l by Ralf S Engelschall http freshmeat net users rse Tuesday July th Software Development Libraries System Logging About OSSP l is a C library providing a very flexible and sophisticated Unix logging facility It is based on the model of arbitrary number of channels stacked together in a top down data flow tree structure with filtering channels in internal nodes and output channels on the leave nodes Channel trees can be either constructed manually through lower level API functions or all at once with a single API function controlled by a compact syntactical description of the channel tree For generating log messages a printf style formatting engine is provided which can be extended through callback functions The data flow inside the channel tree is controlled by logging message severity levels which are assigned to each individual channel License MIT X Consortium License URL http freshmeat net projects l [ ] Papercut NNTP Server by Jo o Prado Maia http freshmeat net users jcpm Tuesday July th Communications Usenet News Software Development Libraries Python Modules About Papercut is a multi threaded NNTP server written in Python Its main objective is to integrate existing Web based message board software Phorum on the first few versions with a Usenet front end However its extensibility enables developers to write their own container for the storage of the Usenet articles messages That means that the code is extensible enough that you could write new containers to integrate the news server with other Web message board projects or even other ways to store the messages Changes The various storage modules have been redesigned and initial code for NTTP authentication was added New features include a standalone MySQL storage module with no Web front end an authentication module for Phorum and the concept of a read only read write server with password protection Most if not all of the features are working License BSD License URL http freshmeat net projects papercut [ ] PEANUTS by JP Durman http freshmeat net users johnnyplayer Tuesday July th System Systems Administration Utilities About PEANUTS is a console based Internet user management system which is perfect for system administrators who normally do things like adding virtual hosts or new users by hand It allows such tasks to me completely automated Changes The directories for Web and system users are automatically created when the first user is installed Deletion of users and websites is now possible The menu is now somewhat more user friendly Webalizer config files are now stored in a users own directory and the domains belonging to each user are now tracked better License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects peanuts [ ] PHP Online RPG by Adam http freshmeat net users atomical a Tuesday July th Games Entertainment Games Entertainment Role Playing About The PHP Online RPG uses open ended object programming and HTML tables to create a vast world Changes Several speedups including a one second load time with the local MySQL server on reasonable hardware In order to program in this RPG you have to use a MySQL client for now due to Webhosting issues License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects phpolrpg [ ] phpMyAdmin rc Unstable by Loic http freshmeat net users loic Tuesday July th Database Front Ends System Systems Administration About phpMyAdmin is a tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the WWW Currently it can create and drop databases create drop alter tables delete edit add fields execute any SQL statement manage keys on fields create dumps of tables and databases export import CSV data and administrate one single database and multiple MySQL servers Changes A new and far more valuable SQL pre parser has been implemented Some little bugs have been fixed and some translations completed This should be the last release candidate License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects phpmyadmin [ ] PHPTalk by joestump http freshmeat net users joestump Tuesday July th Communications BBS Internet WWW HTTP Dynamic Content Message Boards About PHPTalk aims to be the fastest and most configurable multithreaded message board system available It has the usual features like multithreading auto indexing of messages for searching customizable colors etc However PHPTalk differs in that it allows you to easily integrate it into existing sites It does this by not relying on specific display files allowing you to template most of the frontend and allowing you to specify an already existing user table Also included is a DBI for portability ANSI SQL for portability an advanced and documented API full multilingual support and full i n support for date functions Changes This release has migrated to PEAR It has an expanded API major code cleanups increased i n support and many minor bugfixes License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects phptalk [ ] phpTest by Brandon Tallent http freshmeat net users djresonance Tuesday July th Education Testing Internet WWW HTTP Dynamic Content About phpTest is a Web based testing program It provides an environment to take multiple choice or true false quizzes It is designed to be modular and flexible An administrator can add any number of questions tests users and groups Once a test is created a user can log in to take the test and his test results are scored automatically and stored in the database for easy viewing It includes features designed to prevent cheating such as randomization of questions on tests and security logging for unauthorized access to pages Changes Options have been added to limit the number of times someone can retake a test to not let someone retake a test once they ve passed it and to allow html in questions Many bugs have been fixed License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects phptest [ ] php_passport_check by yetanothername http freshmeat net users yetanothername Tuesday July th Internet WWW HTTP Dynamic Content CGI Tools Libraries About php_passport_check is a function to check the validity of a passport ID the last line of a passport License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects php_passport_check [ ] php_writeexcel by Jonny http freshmeat net users jonnyh Tuesday July th Office Business Office Business Office Suites Software Development Libraries PHP Classes About php_writeexcel is a port of John McNamara s excellent Spreadsheet WriteExcel Perl package to PHP It allows you to generate Microsoft Excel documents on your PHP enabled Web server without any other tools Changes Several PHP warnings regarding call time pass by reference and undefined constants have been fixed License GNU Lesser General Public License LGPL URL http freshmeat net projects php_writeexcel [ ] poweroff by Klaus Heuschneider http freshmeat net users hksoft Tuesday July th System Hardware About poweroff is a tool that allows you to power up or power down a PC system over serial line using a few pieces of additional hardware Changes Some bugfixes were added along with a new hardware circuit for ATX mainboards License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects poweroff [ ] PPPOEd by Amy Fong http freshmeat net users afong Tuesday July th System Networking About PPPOEd is another PPP over Ethernet implementation It splits functionality between kernel and user space and includes a user space program pppoed for discovery and connection management Changes Bugfixes and pppoed feature enhancements to the Install script License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects pppoed [ ] QtMyAdmin by Marcin Jankowski http freshmeat net users marcinjankowski Tuesday July th Database Front Ends System Systems Administration About QtMyAdmin is a tool intended to handle the administration of MySQL just like PHPMyAdmin does Changes Privilege management is now visualised as a MListWidgets widget which makes it more comfortable to use The graphical interface is beautified by many colorful pixmaps on buttons and in menu There is also some major code reorganization a few rewrites and a few bugfixes and a first RPM package is available License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects qtmyadmin [ ] Quantum GIS Development by Mrcc http freshmeat net users mrccalaska Tuesday July th About Quantum GIS QGIS is a Geographic Information System GIS for Linux Unix It will offer support for vector and raster formats It currently supports spatially enabled tables in PostgreSQL using PostGIS Due to the complexity of creating a feature rich GIS application support for various data stores will be added in a phased approach Ultimately it will be able to read and edit shape files display geo referenced rasters TIFF PNG and GEOTIFF create map output and support database tables A plugin feature to dynamically add new functionality is planned Changes This release includes improved rendering of map layers zoom and pan capability and other minor improvements License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects qgis [ ] RedBase Pure Java RDBMS by Bungisoft Inc http freshmeat net users ilyaverlinsky Tuesday July th Database Database Database Engines Servers Database Front Ends About RedBase Pure Java RDBMS is a Pure Java database with an ultra compact footprint designed for rapidly developing applications that extend enterprise data management capabilities to mobile and embedded devices It is ideal for mobile wireless and embedded applications and it delivers essential relational database functionality in a small footprint while providing flexible data access and the familiar feel through entry SQL compliance and JDBC access Changes This release has support for the ALTER statement and improved support for triggers and views It is optimized to increase performance A Swing database manager has been added The distribution has been configured to have multiple jar files based on features needed License Other Proprietary License with Free Trial URL http freshmeat net projects redbase [ ] RH Email Server by PolyWog http freshmeat net users erecio Tuesday July th Communications Email Communications Email Address Book Communications Email Email Clients MUA About The RH Email Server uses OpenLDAP authentication for IMAP POP SMTP and SSL TLS protocols It includes a Web interface administration and filters Changes Updating RHSDADM to allow delegated Admins an updated group user add edit interface new mailbox browsing for users and an updated IMP to allow for vacation messages auto replys and auto forward filters via Sieve License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects rhems [ ] S MIME Library for Java by Josh Eckels http freshmeat net users jeckels Tuesday July th Communications Email Security Cryptography Software Development Libraries About The ISNetworks S MIME library adds to JavaMail a complete set of S MIME Cryptographic functions including digital signing signature verification encryption and decryption Non profit organizations can acquire a free license to the product by contacting ISNetworks Changes This release includes JavaMail and JAF adds a new example program and GUI and contains minor API enhancements License Other Proprietary License with Free Trial URL http freshmeat net projects smime [ ] Secure FTP Wrapper by glub http freshmeat net users glub Tuesday July th Internet File Transfer Protocol FTP Security Security Cryptography About Secure FTP Wrapper is a server based package that enables an existing FTP server to become a Secure FTP server In this release the wrapper allows a Secure Sockets Layer SSL connection to be made to your FTP server Changes A fix for a memory leak License Other Proprietary License with Free Trial URL http freshmeat net projects ftpswrap [ ] Server optimized Linux by antitachyon http freshmeat net users antitachyon Tuesday July th System Boot Init System Networking Firewalls System Operating System About SoL Server optimized Linux is a Linux distribution completely independent from other Linux distributions It was built from the original source packages and is optimized for heavy duty server work It contains all common server applications and features XML boot and script technology that makes it easy to configure and make the server work Changes The server packages have been updated to the newest possible versions and more server applications were added A SoL diskless system has been added which provides a small server operating and education system it was made for quick and easy hardware diagnosis rescue of broken Linux installations and benchmarking License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects sol [ ] Sharp Tools Spreadsheet Stable by Hua Zhong http freshmeat net users huaz Tuesday July th Office Business Financial Spreadsheet About Sharp Tools is a spreadsheet written in Java It features full formula support nested functions auto updating and relative absolute addressing a file format compatible with other spreadsheets printing support undo redo a clipboard sorting data exchange with Excel histogram generation and a built in help system Changes It is now compatible with JDK and the row and column insertion bugs were fixed along with some other problems License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects sharptools [ ] Simple TCP Re engineering Tool by R mi Denis Courmont http freshmeat net users rdenisc Tuesday July th System Networking Monitoring Utilities About Simple TCP Re engineering Tool monitors and analyzes data transmitted between a client and a server via a TCP connection It focuses on the data stream software layer not on the lower level transmission protocol as packet sniffers do Changes A different log file format support for multiple subsequent connections gettext support French translation available various bugfixes out of band data inlining and session length limitation License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects tcpreen [ ] SimpleFirewall by Luis Wong http freshmeat net users lwong Tuesday July th Documentation Internet Proxy Servers Internet WWW HTTP Dynamic Content CGI Tools Libraries About Simple Firewall is a easy tool for administration of users and access control It uses iptables for packet filtering and saves rules with XML It can be run in bash and over the Web via webmin Changes A dynamic transparent proxy and a fix for IP detection in interfaces License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects simplefirewall [ ] sKaBurn by sKaBoy http freshmeat net users lucaognibene Tuesday July th System Archiving Backup About sKaBurn is a Perl frontend to cdrecord cdda wav normalize sox and more aimed to make audio CD from list of files an XMMS playlist another audio CD or another source License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects skaburn [ ] Station Location and Information by John Kodis http freshmeat net users kodis Tuesday July th Communications Ham Radio About The station info program searches for and displays AM FM and TV station entries from databases supplied by the US Federal Communications Commission FCC It provides many ways of selecting a collection of stations for display and several criteria by which these stations can be sorted Detailed information on each station is available including an antenna radiation pattern ownership information and whatever else seems useful Changes This release adds correct displaying of antenna patterns previously they were shown rotated reversed and upside down It also adds a compass rose and the station callsign to the antenna pattern display It accepts station callsigns as location specifications It avoids trying to draw in details windows that have been closed All the cdbs and loc files have been moved to PKGDATADIR by default usr local share station info License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects station info [ ] Sylpheed claws Claws by Paul Mangan http freshmeat net users daWB Tuesday July th Communications Email Email Clients MUA About Sylpheed is a GTK based lightweight and fast email client Almost all commands are accessible with the keyboard It also has many features such as multiple accounts POP APOP support thread display and multipart MIME One of Sylpheed s future goals is to be fully internationalized The messages are managed in the MH format so you ll be able to use it together with another mailer that uses the MH format Changes This release fixes the IMAP slowdown plugs several memory leaks adds a script to enable sending documents as attachments from OpenOffice org and contains more improvements and bugfixes License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects sylpheed [ ] Sympoll by Ralusp http freshmeat net users ralusp Tuesday July th Internet WWW HTTP Dynamic Content About Sympoll is a customizable voting booth system It is written using PHP and requires access to a MySQL database Any number of polls may exist concurrently Individual polls can easily be embedded into any PHP or SHTML Webpage Creation and modification of polls is made extremely easy through a Web based administration page Sympoll can prevent users from voting multiple times by using cookies IP logging or both Changes This version fixes an important security vulnerability that was introduced in Sympoll There are also several other bugfixes and minor feature additions License The Apache License URL http freshmeat net projects sympoll [ ] The Big Dumb Finger Daemon by Lebbeous Weekley http freshmeat net users lweekley Tuesday July th Internet Finger About The Big Dumb Finger Daemon is a replacement fingerd for Linux with new features and extensive configurability It gives the administrator many options without allowing an individual user to totally compromise the information given out about them Some of the new features enhance user security and privacy The daemon is meant to run standalone but will run in inetd mode as well Changes The plan project nofinger and other associated files can be stored in a common directory and read by bdfingerd running SUID nobody This allows users to have plan files without giving any permissions to their home directories License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects bdfingerd [ ] The Parma Polyhedra Library by Roberto Bagnara http freshmeat net users bagnara Tuesday July th Scientific Engineering Mathematics About The Parma Polyhedra Library is user friendly fully dynamic written in standard C exception safe efficient and thoroughly documented Changes Fixes were made for a bug in Polyhedron poly_difference_assign const Polyhedron y whereby the equality constraints of `y were ignored a bug in Polyhedron operator const Polyhedron y that should only affect versions obtained with the ` enable assertions configuration flag a bug in Polyhedron check_universe which was returning the wrong result when called on a zero dim universe polyhedron and a bug in NNC_Polyhedron NNC_Polyhedron ConSys cs that should only affect versions obtained with the ` enable assertions configuration flag License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects ppl [ ] The Tamber Project by tamber http freshmeat net users tamber Tuesday July th Internet WWW HTTP Dynamic Content CGI Tools Libraries About The Tamber project is a componentized n tier Web site engine that uses open languages such as XML and JavaScript Content is stored in separate XML files in databases or other data objects Business functions are carried out by JavaScript and ASP Presentation is controlled by an XSL transformation which allows for delivery over multiple channels such as HTML WAP and MHEG Currently Tamber can deliver to HTML and WAP and contains modules that support e commerce shopping carts secure sign in data access and conversion services and advanced session management Changes A fix for an MS IE sign in bug License GNU Lesser General Public License LGPL URL http freshmeat net projects tamber [ ] Trackbox by Thread http freshmeat net users threadbean Tuesday July th Multimedia Sound Audio Players About Trackbox is a pure Perl music server A trackbox client can connect to the server and issue commands to it The server maintains a single playlist volume setting etc that can be modified remotely by connected clients Any file format for which there is a commandline player is supported and it has a very simple config file One possible application could be a LAN party in which everybody would like to influence the music selections Changes This release has playlist save restore support a move command playlist order the ability to set the initial play shuffle random flag settings and start the server in your init scripts and some other minor features changes There are some clients under development License Artistic License URL http freshmeat net projects trackbox [ ] tui sh by yeupou http freshmeat net users mathieur Tuesday July th Utilities About tui sh stands for text user interface in a shell and is a package of miscellaneous scripts which are useful for a variety of purposes They are all designed to be faster and easier to use than the command line that would normally be required to accomplish the same task For example there are scripts for mass conversion of WAV files to Ogg files and Ogg files to WAV files for converting LaTeX to PostScript and viewing the output in ggv for creating image thumbnails for converting from the Euro to another currency and for automated updating via FTP Changes This release features usage of gettext for internationalization and getopt License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects tui sh [ ] uVNC by Adam Dunkels http freshmeat net users adamdunkels Tuesday July th Software Development Embedded Systems System Networking About uVNC is a very small VNC server that can be run even on tiny bit microcontrollers commonly found in small embedded devices With uVNC such devices can have a networked display without the need for any graphics hardware or a computer screen A demo server running on a Commodore is available License BSD License URL http freshmeat net projects uvnc [ ] Valgrind by sigra http freshmeat net users sigra Tuesday July th Software Development Testing About Valgrind is a tool that helps you find memory management problems in programs When a program is run under Valgrind s supervision all reads and writes of memory are checked and calls to malloc new free delete are intercepted As a result Valgrind can detect problems such as use of uninitialized memory reading writing of memory after it has been freed reading writing off the end of malloced blocks reading writing inappropriate areas on the stack memory leaks in which pointers to malloced blocks are lost forever passing of uninitialized and or unaddressable memory to system calls and mismatched use of malloc new new [] vs free delete delete [] Changes Support for the x fldenv instruction a fix for an obscure optimiser bug causing failures like this insane instruction PUTFL ecx a fix for dying with bus errors running programs which mess with the x AC alignment check flag fixes to make it compile and run on Red Hat Limbo a fix for a possible assert failure having to do with free when running cachegrind not valgrind and final manual adjustments License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects valgrind [ ] VNC Reflector by Const Kaplinsky http freshmeat net users const Tuesday July th Education System Systems Administration About VNC Reflector is a specialized VNC server which acts as a proxy between a real VNC server a host and a number of VNC clients It was designed to work efficiently with large number of clients It can switch between different hosts on the fly preserving client connections It supports reverse host to reflector connections it can save host sessions on disk and it also has other unique features Changes Handling of host connections with different desktop geometries was improved and support for dynamic changes to desktop size was implemented The ability to specify negative display numbers was added A few other new features were implemented and a number of bugs were fixed License BSD License URL http freshmeat net projects vnc reflector [ ] vpopmail Development by kbo http freshmeat net users kbo Tuesday July th Communications Email Communications Email Mail Transport Agents Communications Email Post Office POP About vpopmail vchkpw is a collection of programs and a library to automate the creation and maintenance of virtual domain email configurations for qmail installations using either a single UID GID or any valid UID GID in etc passwd with a home directory Features are provided in the library for other applications which need to maintain virtual domain email accounts It supports named or IP based domains It works with vqadmin qmailadmin vqregister sqwebmail and courier imap It supports MySQL Sybase Oracle LDAP and file based DJB constant database authentication It supports SMTP authentication combined with the qmail smtp auth patch It supports user quotas and roaming users SMTP relay after POP authentication Changes This release adds one last patch for the vgetent problem comments out the lseek definition for BSD users replaces the old qmail pop d maildirquota patch with the qmail maildir patch which adds Maildir support not only to qmail pop d but also to qmail local and updates the documentation License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects vpopmail [ ] Vstr string library by Nevyn http freshmeat net users nevyn Tuesday July th Software Development Libraries About Vstr is a string library designed for network communication but applicable in a number of other areas It works on the idea of separate nodes of information and works on the length ptr model and not the termination model a la C strings It can also do automatic referencing for mmap areas of memory and includes a portable version of a printf like function Changes The vstr_export_buf function now performs automatic bounds checking in the same way as vstr_export_cstr_buf vstr_sc_read_ now works even if the vstr isn t configured to have an iovec cache Work on internal symbol hiding has been made making the library smaller and faster License GNU Lesser General Public License LGPL URL http freshmeat net projects vstr [ ] WallFire wfconvert by Herv Eychenne http freshmeat net users rv Tuesday July th Security System Networking Firewalls About The goal of the WallFire project is to create a very general and modular firewalling application based on Netfilter or any kind of low level framework Wfconvert is a tool which imports translates rules from to any supported firewalling language Changes This release adds support for service macros in WallFire s native language a disabled flag for a rule and MAC addresses class handling Man pages now install properly and the whole thing compiles under g License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects wfconvert [ ] WallFire wflogs by Herv Eychenne http freshmeat net users rv Tuesday July th Internet Log Analysis Security System Logging About The goal of the WallFire project is to create a very general and modular firewalling application based on Netfilter or any kind of low level framework Wflogs is a log analysis and reporting tool Changes This release adds a strict parsing option and support for MAC addresses Man pages now install properly a serious bug which could cause wflogs to crash was fixed and ICMP codes are now parsed properly with netfilter logs The whole thing compiles under g License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects wflogs [ ] webcpp gtkgui Gnome by Jeffrey Bakker http freshmeat net users staeryatz Tuesday July th Text Processing Markup HTML About webcpp gtkgui is a GTK GUI for webcpp Changes Support for Cg CLIPS Haskell and Tcl code cleanups in callbacks c and an updated about box Webcpp is now required License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects webcppgui [ ] WebDialer by Dietrich Heise http freshmeat net users dietrich Tuesday July th Internet WWW HTTP About Webdialer is a script to configure and start stop wvdial ISDN or ADSL connections from a Web browser which is very useful when it runs on a headless gateway It features log functions for IP time connected and traffic that was transferred and received You can use several languages English German French Spanish Italian Czech and Turkish Changes This release adds better ISDN support and some bugfixes License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects webdialer [ ] WebFileManager Stable by horsburgh http freshmeat net users horsburg Tuesday July th Desktop Environment Window Managers Internet WWW HTTP Site Management About FileManager is a secure SSL multi user and Web based program for file directory and remote command management It is written in Perl for Linux and Unix like operating systems It displays full directory information allows file viewing deleting renaming uploading downloading etc assists in directory navigation and can execute any command for which the user account has privilege FileManager also comes with a built in text editor for quick editing and file updates Changes A security hole that allowed authorized users to view any file on the system has been fixed The security certificate has been extended Support has been added for more OS types The find function now works for non root jailed users A new option controls whether or not a user can click outside their home directory tree The AllowRootUser parameter can now disable the root user A bug that prevented non root jailed users from creating subdirectories a group permissions access problem and a bug in the Command Line box which prevented using the asterisk wildcard have all been fixed License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects webfilemgr [ ] WebJob by Klayton Monroe http freshmeat net users mavrik Tuesday July th Security System Monitoring System Systems Administration About WebJob downloads a program over HTTP HTTPS and executes it in one unified operation The output if any may be directed to stdout stderr or a Web resource WebJob may be useful in incident response and intrusion analysis as it provides a mechanism to run known good diagnostic programs on a potentially compromised system It can also support various host based monitoring solutions Changes Under the hood the project went through some significant restructuring primarily to make room for three new platforms NT K Cygwin and MacOS X The default installation directory has changed for Unix platforms it is now in usr local integrity License BSD License URL http freshmeat net projects webjob [ ] white_dune beta Development by MUFTI http freshmeat net users mufti Tuesday July th Games Entertainment Internet WWW HTTP Multimedia Graphics D Modeling About VRML Virtual Reality Modelling Language is the ISO standard for displaying D data over the web via browserplugins It has support for animation realtime interaction and multimedia image movie sound Dune can read VRML files display and let the user change the scenegraph fields and load and store x d next generation VRML xml format files if configured to work with the nist gov x d translators It also has support for stereoscopic view via quadbuffer capable stereo visuals Changes A crash when creating NurbsSurface has been fixed License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects whitedune [ ] WideStudio by Shun ichi Hirabayashi http freshmeat net users hirabays Tuesday July th Software Development Build Tools About WideStudio is a multi platform integrated development environment for building windowed event driven applications It uses its own independent class libraries Automatic source code generation is provided by the application builder which also provides project management and automatic makefile generation WideStudio can be used to develop applications on Linux Solaris and Windows Changes New functions of distributed network computing and accessing the database and computer graphics were added License MIT X Consortium License URL http freshmeat net projects widestudio [ ] Wolfpack Stable by Correa http freshmeat net users correa Tuesday July th Communications Games Entertainment Multi User Dungeons MUD Games Entertainment Role Playing About Wolfpack is software for an Ultima Online MMORPG server It features a scripting language and supports both Third Dawn and T A You need EA s Ultima Online to play on Wolfpack servers Changes Stability has been improved License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects wolfpack [ ] XMLtype Development by Jiri Tobisek http freshmeat net users tobich Tuesday July th Text Editors About The goal of the XMLtype project is to create a console based editor of XML document oriented files in UTF encoding It is designed from the beginning for multilingual use even for writing bi directional texts e g mixed English and Hebrew The design focuses on comfortable and fast typing of well formed XML documents Thus XMLtype is not meant to compete with advanced console editors like Emacs or VIM For full functionality XMLtype requires UTF console support It is being developed under Linux and for the ANSI VT terminal Changes This release fixes an ugly I O bug caused by previous bugfixing License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects xmltype [ ] Zina by Ryan http freshmeat net users pancake Tuesday July th Internet WWW HTTP Dynamic Content Multimedia Sound Audio Players MP About Zina is a graphical interface to your MP collection a personal jukebox and an MP streamer It is similar to Andromeda but released under the GNU General Public License Changes VBR file info and tag support was improved License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects zina [ ] zprommer _ _ by zut http freshmeat net users zut Tuesday July th About zprommer is a program for driving the simple affordable E E PROM programmer from www batronix com It works under Linux i and is designed to be easily extensible for new chip types License GNU General Public License GPL URL http freshmeat net projects zprommer _______________________________________________ The freshmeat daily newsletter To unsubscribe send email to freshmeat news request lists freshmeat net or visit http lists freshmeat net mailman listinfo freshmeat news ,1
-Get your own genome feed your hypochondriaURL http boingboing net Date Not supplied For UK a bioresearcher will map your personal genome for you As geneticists discover more markers for congenital diseases you can compare them to your genome and learn what you re in for in your lifetime heart disease cancer baldness compulsive hand washing Link[ ] Discuss[ ] _Thanks Alan _ [ ] http timesofindia indiatimes com cms dll articleshow artid [ ] http www quicktopic com boing H aYt PFwKE ,1
-Re [SAtalk] PerMsgStatus pm error It s possible I performed the update via rpm U which of course created all the new rulesets as xx_rulename cf rpmnew Crud I ll have to start moving things around On Thu Sep Malte S Stretz wrote On Thursday September CET Mike Burger wrote Just loaded up SA from Theo s RPMs spamassassin and perl Mail SpamAssassin on a RH system with perl running on it I m getting messages that seem to indicate that SA can t find PerMsgStatus like so Sep burgers spamd[ ] Failed to run CTYPE_JUST_HTML SpamAssassin test skipping ^I Can t locate object method check_for_content_type_just_html via package Mail SpamAssassin PerMsgStatus perhaps you forgot to load Mail SpamAssassin PerMsgStatus at usr lib perl site_perl Mail SpamAssassin PerMsgStatus pm line line [ ] Any ideas Perl doesn t complain that it can t find PerMsgStatus pm but the function check_for_content_type_just_html Do you probably have some old rules files still lurking around This test existed in but is gone was renamed with Malte This sf net email is sponsored by OSDN Tired of that same old cell phone Get a new here for FREE https www inphonic com r asp r sourceforge refcode vs _______________________________________________ Spamassassin talk mailing list Spamassassin talk lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin talk ,1
-Re No CORE DUMP Thanks this worked I did ulimit c unlimited I tried tracking ulimit If i do which ulimit i am not getting anything [ I expect the path of this binary ] Is it a built in bash command or something like that On Sun May at AM Anand Sivaram wrote On Sat May at Aioanei Rares wrote On PM Avinash H M wrote Hi All I am using DSL [ damn small linux ] which is branched from debain I am trying to use GCC GDB A Able to install both of them I am doing following A A A run a helloworld c program whic has a while loop A So wh ile running its stuck in while A A A another shell kill PID [ PID of the a out ] After kill i get Segmentation fault A But Core is not dumped [ I expect a print Core dumped ] Anyone faced this Please help Thanks Avinash First compile your program with g then take a look at man core Not every program that has received a segfault signal dumps core A Look at gcore to see how to generate it To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BF csmining org Normally core dump is disabled A You could find the maximum size of cor e file created using ulimit a normally that is Increase it using ulimit c KNOWLEDGE IS POWER SHARE IT BIRTH IS JOYFUL DEATH IS PLEASANT BUT ITS THE TRANSITION WHICH IS TROUBLE SOME WITH WARM REGARDS AVINASH To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org AANLkTinCxYjPXn wQcmulghbiZiNBNKf dm Hz XFgPf mail csmining org ,1
-Re ICMCompressionSession question I have no idea what that s supposed to mean You d use a decompression session and do whatever you want with the pixel buffers it gives you Why do you think you can t I believe this is a newbie question related to the general use of the decompression session Let me try to explain First I initialize my decompression session within the data proc callback function START if videoData decompressionSession D D NULL cout width videoData height k BGRAPixelFormat displayAndCompressFrame videoData videoData decompressionSession if err D D cout compressionSession D D NULL cout width videoData height videoData codecType videoData averageDataRate videoData timeScale useCompressedFrame videoData videoData compressionSession if err D D cout decompressionSession UInt p len NULL frameTime videoData END which finally allows me to access the pure pixelBuffer to be accessed in my displayAndCompressFrame function In my displayAndCompressFrame function I display the pixels on a custom frame and compress the frame via START err D ICMCompressionSessionEncodeFrame videoData compressionSession pixelBuffer displayTime displayDuration validTimeFlags frameOptions NULL NULL END This triggers my useCompressedFrame function START static OSStatus useCompressedFrame void encodedFrameOutputRefCon ICMCompressionSessionRef session OSStatus err ICMEncodedFrameRef encodedFrame void reserved int size D ICMEncodedFrameGetDataSize encodedFrame WHAT NOW return err END in which I can send the encoded frame across a network but before I involve any network functionality I first want to test if the decompression works However here is the problem and I will start with a simple first question Can I feed the encoded frame to the same decompression session which decompresses my device data and displays it or do I need to create a second decompression session with the respective callback If I need to create another decompression session are there any special requirements I need to take care of so far my first try also failed Thanks a lot in advance best A l e x Seth Willits _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored QuickTime API mailing list QuickTime API lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options quicktime api alexander_carot gmx net This email sent to alexander_carot gmx net _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored QuickTime API mailing list QuickTime API lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options quicktime api mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-rr Credit problems guaranteed results dBgC K From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding base MTkxNmVFcGgzLTkzN RZW yODUyR FuQTMtbDI DQoNCkFyZSB b UgbG v a luZyBmb IgaGVscCB aXRoIGNyZWRpdCBwcm ibGVtcw KWW IGhhdmUg Zm bmQgaXQsIFdFQiBDUkVESVQgR VJREUNCkFjY VzcyAmIGNsZWFuIHVw IGNyZWRpdCBwcm ibGVtcyBmcm tIHRoZSBjb ZW pZW jZQ Kb YgeW ciBjb wdXRlcg KUmVwYWlyIGNyZWRpdCBwcm ibGVtcyBvbmxpbmUgZGly ZWN bHkgd l aCBjcmVkaXQgYnVyZWF cw KSXQncyBlYXN ICYgMTAwJSBn dWFyYW ZWVkIHJlc VsdHMNCg KaHR cDovL d dy ZWJjcmVkaXQyMDAy LmNvbS Q lEPTExOTAmTUlEPTEzNzAwDQoNCnRvbTE NTIxNTY MkB YWhv by jb NCjYxNDJOaUlIMS OTNVcXVLNzUyMG uemM LTg MVBzWGY NDY bVNqTjgtODMwbk pSjM MTJsNTI ,0
-For user hibody get to all prices Yhijuwedu Learning and Francisco swimming southern F View as Web Page c Uppsala have All rights reserved It adopted the Imperial Aramaic script It is estimated that about words are added to the language each year Otto I crowned Holy Roman Emperor There are other non conformist minorities such as Baptists Quakers Congregationalists Unitarians and the Salvation Army The EU parliament is informed on food safety matters by the European Food Safety Authority The cycle was put into place so that Senate elections can reflect the changes made to the district boundaries on the basis of the decennial United States Census Bristol which is home to the world famous BBC Natural History Unit The true number of seats was Until the name officially only applied to the City of London but since then it has also referred to the County of London and now Greater London An article published in April states that UN officials and Iraqi leaders have plans for restoring Babylon making it into a cultural center Few would dispute that Hebrew has acquired some European features as a result of having been learned by immigrants as a second language at a crucial formative stage The assassination on June of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria the heir to the throne of Austria Hungary is seen as the immediate trigger of the war though long term causes such as imperialistic foreign policy played a major role The Diocese of Gibraltar in Europe is not formally divided into parishes Restrictions on telephones were removed in and restrictions on movements at the airport were removed on December BL inch Mk II IV cal guns Whilst keeping the monarchy the government became a parliamentary system run by liberals In the armed forces had In an issue related to size limitations Sunday comics are often bound to rigid formats that allow their panels to be rearranged in several different ways while remaining readable It is worth noting that Emily Hobhouse and the Fawcett Commission only ever concerned themselves with the camps that held Boer refugees The sudden stop was also a result of the four Australian Imperial Force AIF divisions that were rushed down thus doing what no other army had done and stopping the German advance in its tracks The World Bank ranks the United States first in the ease of hiring and firing workers In about Jews remained in the country Libya from UCB Libraries GovPubs Both words occur in the New Testament which draws a distinction not always observed in English After this minor victory the front remained static for over a year despite several Italian offensives The Food Safety and Inspection Service has approximately inspection program personnel working in nearly federally inspected meat poultry and processed egg establishments The largest natural lake in Shanxi is Xiechi Lake a salt lake near Yuncheng in southwestern Shanxi Jerusalem plays an important role in Judaism Christianity and Islam Ramos is one of the few deaf Hispanics to earn a doctorate from Gallaudet University Bowles Hall the oldest state owned residence hall in California is located immediately north of California Memorial Stadium Unemployment hits year high New Zealand Herald The Marshall Plan helped revive the Italian economy which until the s enjoyed a period of sustained economic growth commonly called the Economic Miracle The Howl at the Internet Movie Database Mark Thompson published a rebuttal in the FT the next day Project Vote Smart State Senate of New Jersey The need to express scientific and philosophical concepts from Classical Greek and Medieval Arabic motivated Medieval Hebrew to borrow terminology and grammar from these other languages or to coin equivalent terms from existing Hebrew roots giving rise to a distinct style of philosophical Hebrew The remaining apprentices within the first and second classes were released from their apprenticeships on August This word did not refer to a religious function the word for priest being Latin sacerdos Greek hiereus The Benner laboratory introduced the first expanded DNA alphabets in and developed these into an Artificially Expanded Genetic Information System AEGIS [ ] which now has its own supporting molecular biology New York State Senator and religious leader English and Hawaiian are both official languages in the state of Hawaii The opportunity the British were waiting for arose on April at Rooiwal where a commando led by General Jan Kemp and Commandant Potgieter attacked a superior force under Kekewich The coup installed chamber of commerce leader Pedro Carmona Coaxial cables with an air rather than solid dielectric are preferred as they transmit power with lower losses If the men who have committed them go unpunished and only defeat in war can punish them then the decline of Europe already advanced will proceed to catastrophe Amendments to the Constitution require the approval of three fourths of the states Trail of the Stanley Cup Vol I Th Brigade Divisional Aviation unit The resultant Cleveland Street scandal implicated other high ranking figures in British society In many undeveloped areas and small towns restaurants may be nonexistent and food stores may be the only source to obtain food products The Connected Discourses of the Buddha When Albert Victor was just short of seventeen months old his brother Prince George of Wales was born on June In Australia the minimum age for the purchase of alcohol but not necessarily its consumption is years Australian SASR soldiers had infiltrated the area prior to the first helicopter crash undetected as part of a long range reconnaissance mission when the Chinooks went down On September the Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force landed on the island of Neu Pommern later New Britain which formed part of German New Guinea Frequently when a series gets too complicated or too self inconsistent because of for example too many writers the producers or publishers will introduce retroactive continuity retcon to make future editions easier to write and more consistent Anne of Denmark pictured was crowned Queen consort of Scotland in the abbey church at Holyrood Palace Derwentside including Consett and Stanley Lamb at a Health Hotel session during the Liberal Democrat Party Conference The rejection of the ultimatum followed and war was declared The outcome of these encounters were decisive for the military outcome of the civil war Buller attacked Louis Botha again on February at Vaal Krantz and was again defeated The Scottish lords forced her to abdicate in favour of her son James who had been born in June Power transfer into a linear balanced load is constant which helps to reduce generator and motor vibrations While the Jewish leaders accepted the partition plan the Arab leadership the Arab Higher Committee in Palestine and the Arab League rejected it opposing any partition The main teaching room of the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala India Gina Lollobrigida Amedeo Nazzari Doris Dowling Juan de Landa Otello Toso Lauro Gazzolo In the international edition of Newsweek Berkeley was the fifth ranked global university [ ] and the Center for Measuring University Performance placed Berkeley seventh among national research universities Edu Proceedings of the st Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale Oriental Institute SAOC pp Howard Rear admiral in the United States Navy This method of appointment is a matter of practice and convention not of written law Formally the ISBN check digit calculation is The Netherlands titles are also granted after completion of an HBO higher professional education polytechnic education The largest centre for tourism is London which attracts millions of international tourists every year Some cities of lower levels may also refer to themselves as municipalities in the English language In an issue related to size limitations Sunday comics are often bound to rigid formats that allow their panels to be rearranged in several different ways while remaining readable A team from the German Oriental Society led by Robert Koldewey conducted the first scientific archaeological excavations at Babylon Archived from the original on As a typical generous nobleman of the th century he allowed his very attractive wife to have her lovers and even invited some of them to his palace Various factors contribute including the toxication of ethanol itself to acetaldehyde the direct toxic effects and toxication of impurities called congeners and dehydration Vice President and Trade Commissioner Leon Brittan then offered Clegg a job in his private office as a European Union policy adviser and speech writer It takes approximately two orbits three hours for the boost to a higher altitude to be completed Shanxi borders Hebei to the east Henan to the south Shaanxi to the west and Inner Mongolia to the north Bacteria may also contain plasmids which are small extra chromosomal DNAs that may contain genes for antibiotic resistance or virulence factors McKinnon Julissa October The west front of the United States Capitol which houses the United States Congress Whether it is now a separate language or a dialect of English better described as Scottish English is in dispute although the UK government now accepts Scots as a regional language and has recognised it as such under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages Landulf the Red of Benevento and Capua tried to conquer the principality of Salerno with the help of John III of Naples but with the aid of Mastalus I of Amalfi Gisulf repulsed him The Columbia Guide to Standard American English General Edmund Allenby enters the Jaffa Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem on December Uk UK House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee Report pg This can occur in three main ways Former co anchor ABC World News Tonight Ammonite maturity pathology and old age By Dr Report of the Panel to Evaluate the U The bill was eventually defeated in the Senate on June when a cloture motion failed on a vote On December the Empire of Japan launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor prompting the United States to join the Allies against the Axis powers as well as the internment of Japanese Americans by the thousands It is commonly studied at an age higher than Fincke has been announced as a Mission Specialist on STS which will be his first flight on a Space Shuttle Locations of Pacific Conference full member institutions They sometimes visit the town area The University of Strasbourg in Strasbourg Alsace France is the largest university in France with students and over researchers The campaign included tens of thousands of government selected community leaders giving brief carefully scripted pro war speeches at thousands of public gatherings Statistics South Africa Census New York Times A Non Black Player Joins Globetrotters Hence in a sentence each tone group can be subdivided into syllables which can either be stressed strong or unstressed weak Armenian has two standardized forms Eastern Armenian and Western Armenian forming a diasystem History of Scouting in South Africa German historical map of the promontory of Gibraltar Cheyney University of Pennsylvania Another clothing issue in regards to Palin was being discussed at the same time Three years later with their heroes from dwindling due to either age health or the war the Leafs turned to lesser known players like rookie goalie Frank McCool and defenceman Babe Pratt Each campus was given relative autonomy and its own Chancellor Many of the Hebrew triliteral roots are shared with the other Semitic languages A new currency the hryvnia was introduced in History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey This example was shown at cinemas in the United Kingdom ,0
-Debian and touch screensHi all I B m working in a project that we would like to install in a touch screen compact computer My intention is to use Debian as the OS and i m searching for that kind of hardware with support for Debian Linux Most of them support Windows but it B s not clear if Debian will work as well I ve found some support for touch screens some models but not clear for integrated compact systems Someone knows where to look for or has some experience some URL Thanks in advance Jose Manuel P E rez Redes y Sistemas Sarea eta Sistemak Red Acad E mica i basque Sare Akademikoa To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org C D A C AFB E F E i basque es ,1
-[zzzzteana] Height weight girth etchttp www guardian co uk uk_news story html Britons stand tall if slightly heavy in Europe John Carvel social affairs editor Wednesday August The Guardian Not every European dimension has been harmonised in Brussels yet According to the Department for Trade and Industry the average Briton stands head shoulders girth and bottoms above their continental partners The figures come in a new edition of the department s handbook of anthropometric and strength measurements compiled by ergonomists at the University of Nottingham to help manufacturers design products to fit people s shape The volume provides measurements ranging from the distance between the inner corners of the eyes to the length of the leg between the crease below the buttock to the crease at the back of the knee It has discovered that the average British man is millimetres inches taller than his French counterpart The mean height of UK citizens is mm ft in Among European men only the Dutch are taller averaging mm and with a clear height advantage over the US men s average of The average British woman is mm tall just under ft in compared with mm for her French counterpart mm for the Italians and mm for the Germans Swedish women average mm Dutch mm and Americans mm More disturbingly British men and women are heavier than all the other nationalities except the Americans averaging kilos for British men and for women The average British woman has a chest measurement of mm inches compared with mm for the Italians mm for the Japanese and mm for Sri Lankans American women also top this scale with an average of mm The average British woman s waist is mm inches also second largest behind the Americans But her bottom at mm is considerably smaller than the Italians at mm who beat the Americans into second place The average British male foot is mm long inches mm longer than the French and Germans mm more than the Italians and mm more than the Swedes But they are just beaten by the Americans at mm and massively outstripped by the Dutch at mm However Dutch women have daintier feet than the British averaging mm compared with mm in the UK inches German women average mm compared with mm for the Swedes and mm for the Americans The DTI has a less than exhaustive record of ring finger lengths but on the available evidence the British man s finger at mm inches is mm longer than his German counterpart but mm shorter than the American average The British woman s ring finger at mm is mm smaller than her German counterpart and mm smaller than the American Beverley Norris research fellow at Nottingham university s institute for occupational ergonomics said the figures were useful for product designers The department has recently completed a study of the pulling force needed to open ring pull cans Yahoo Groups Sponsor DVDs Free s p Join Now http us click yahoo com pt YBB NXiEAA MVfIAA gSolB TM To unsubscribe from this group send an email to forteana unsubscribe egroups com Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to http docs yahoo com info terms ,1
-Blix told to await new orders on IraqURL http www newsisfree com click Date T World latest The US and Britain yesterday told the chief UN weapons inspector not to resume inspections in Iraq until new guidelines were passed ,1
-Re Kde On Alejandro Exojo wrote El Jueves de Mayo de Curt Howland escribi Thank you I appreciate that Really I do Unfortunately my problems with KDE are not bugs they re systematic I liked having my removable devices show up as desktop icons for instance and that feature is just plain gone I miss the media kioslave Does somebody know if it was gone because nobody ported it or by design By design It only almost worked good Codewise it is replaced by the kfileplacesmodel I m sure one could write a plasma widget around it quite easy if one wanted Sune To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian kde REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org slrnhu nlt rvp nospam sshway ssh pusling com ,1
-Ink is speechURL http boingboing net Date Not supplied Ken Oral Fixation Starr has a new cause fighting in the Supreme Court for the First Amendment rights of Soth Carolinans to get and give tattoos Link[ ] Discuss[ ] _Thanks Jeremy _ [ ] http story news yahoo com news tmpl story u ap ap_on_go_su_co scotus_tattooing e [ ] http www quicktopic com boing H yAyiDLnD uew ,1
-[SPAM] We ve found keys Your daily reminder body background color FBE F style color E style color E font weight bold font size px style color Are you having difficulty viewing our HTML email View this email in a browser window Your daily reminder c Ovolo Inc This email was delivered to you by Odquena If you would like to be removed from this email distribution list please click here We will honor your request To report abuse please click here Like this newsletter Please forward to a friend ,0
-[SPAM] Watch his mistake Newsletter October body font size px font family arial verdana sans serif font weight normal font style normal physicalAddress color gray font size px font family arial verdana sans serif font weight whiteongray color FFFFCC text decoration underline font size px border px If you are having trouble viewing this newsletter please go to Online version News October Subscribe Send Feedback PDF Version Previous Issues Follow us on Twitter Subscribe Send Feedback Unsubscribe U S Department of Labor Frances Perkins Building Constitution Ave NW Washington DC ,0
-Hype is all for tired old PanoramaURL http www newsisfree com click Date T Sport BBC Panorama programme The Corruption of Racing reveals little that is new writes Greg Wood ,1
-Re Aptitude ErrorOn Sat May at Tom H wrote On Fri Apr at PM Boyd Stephen Smith Jr wrote On Friday April James Stuckey wrote On Fri Apr at PM Boyd Stephen Smith Jr bss iguanasuicide net wrote On Friday April James Stuckey wrote The unstable sid doesn t have to be comment out Setting the defaul t A release will keep the system tracked to in this case testing Er mostly If there is a versioned dependency that can be satisfied from sid but not testing you will get the package from sid A This shouldn t happen given the way testing is managed unless you installed at least one package fro m sid I installed eclipse from sid since there isn t eclipse in testing It may have pulling in some dependencies from Sid then I know the official line is to use t something as arguments to apt get aptitude for pulling in packages from Sid experimental backports bu t I think it is better to use the package D version format A After get ting the version from something like apt cache policy package My instinct is that t something effectively increases the priority o f all packages from the something repository which may make the dependency resolver pull more from that repository than is absolutely necessary If you are running stable aptitude install testing will install from testing and try to satisfy dependencies from stable whereas aptittude install t testing will install from testing and try to satisfy dependencies from testing I assume that aptitude install Dtesting_version behaves like aptitude install testing and that in both these methods the dependencies might not be satisfied I had that problem in December with Firefox To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org s g d cc i c e n c c d e mail csmining org Thanks for this nice information Tom To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org j nd bf b b o dd f fwb b e ef a mail csmining org ,1
-Re hiOnce upon a time Thomas wrote I wanted to find out who tried recompiling a working apt rpm for null or psyche I would like to get good GStreamer packages done by monday when it s released I have a working apt cnc package for Red Hat Linux It will be available at the same second the distribution will and so will a complete apt repository already including quite a few of my packages updated for Red Hat Linux I didn t want to say all this before Monday but as the new release already leaked from many places and official statements made about it it shouldn t be a big deal I ll keep you all posted on Monday They ll even be a big apt related surprise Matthias Matthias Saou World Trade Center Edificio Norte Planta System and Network Engineer Barcelona Spain Electronic Group Interactive Phone _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Are you the new face of research From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Thomson Scientific is pleased to provide you with information on products and services that are related to your research ____________________________________________________________ Dear Dr Tao Are YOU the New Face of Research Every seconds a unique user is accessing ISI Web of Knowledge and the premier scholarly data available within Visit the Confessions of a user website http ts productinfo com c asp c a aaeb a to watch your peers talk about how they use ISI Web of Knowledge and what it has helped them achieve You may be very familiar with ISI Web of Knowledge or completely new to it We d like to invite you to have a look at how it can benefit your research While you are there why not upload your own video about how you use ISI Web of Knowledge or what it has helped you to achieve The most downloaded video at the end of the year will receive an iPod Touch Act now The first videos uploaded to the site will receive an iPod Shuffle For further information about ISI Web of Knowledge including a list of databases available subject to your institution s subscription training options and links to valuable resources visit http ts productinfo com c asp c a aaeb a The first videos submitted and to be successfully added to the site will receive an iPod Shuffle ____________________________________________________________ Thomson Scientific http ts productinfo com c asp c a aaeb a Market Street Philadelphia PA USA Hatton Garden London EC N JS UK Palaceside Bldg F Hitotsubashi Chiyoda ku Tokyo Japan You have received this e mail in the genuine belief that its contents would be of interest to you To not receive these messages from Thomson Scientific please go to our preference page accessible via http ts productinfo com r r asp c a aaeb a H Copyright c The Thomson Corporation ,0
-Re Boot LVM best practices If you re going to buy two drives you d be stupid to not use mirroring for fault tolerance and a little added read performance here and there depends on application I disagree Mirroring only protects you against drive failures and not human error And I disagree with that With the fact that it s not necessarily stupid to not use mirroring Mirroring definitely makes both reads and writes go faster due to parallelism AFAIK that s not true for writes they may even slow down slightly But in any case this does not contradict the fact that the kind of protection it offers is different from the one offered by using backup Stefan To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org jwvtyrdlw c fsf monnier gmane linux debian user gnu org ,1
-[Lockergnome Digital Media] Alphabet Speakerphone body BACKGROUND IMAGE url http images lockergnome com images issue top right gif scrollbar dlight color DEE EC scrollbar arrow color scrollbar base color C A scrollbar darkshadow color scrollbar face color A C CF scrollbar highlight color DEE EC scrollbar shadow color a link COLOR FF TEXT DECORATION underline font weight normal a visited COLOR TEXT DECORATION underline font weight normal a active color TEXT DECORATION none a hover color A TEXT DECORATION none p title BACKGROUND A C CF BORDER BOTTOM px solid BORDER LEFT DEE EC px solid BORDER RIGHT px solid BORDER TOP DEE EC px solid COLOR A FONT FAMILY Comic Sans MS Trebuchet MS Helvetica Arial FONT SIZE pt FONT WEIGHT normal p news BACKGROUND A C CF BORDER BOTTOM px solid BORDER LEFT DEE EC px solid BORDER RIGHT px solid BORDER TOP DEE EC px solid COLOR A FONT FAMILY Comic Sans MS Trebuchet MS Helvetica Arial FONT SIZE pt FONT WEIGHT normal p sidebar BACKGROUND A C CF BORDER BOTTOM px solid BORDER LEFT DEE EC px solid BORDER RIGHT px solid BORDER TOP DEE EC px solid COLOR A FONT FAMILY Comic Sans MS Trebuchet MS Helvetica Arial FONT SIZE pt FONT WEIGHT bold TEXT ALIGN center url font size pt font family Verdana Tahoma Arial Lockergnome Digital Media MediaREPORT A BOOK FOR EVERY GEEK Want to know more about networking Have you ever wanted to write an e book Maybe you need to polish your Web design skills Get full length books from the Poor Richard s series including Poor Richard s E mail Publishing by Chris Pirillo at GnomeTomes com for off the suggested retail price of the print versions Click here to learn more I m now twice a published author Earlier in the week I released my top Mac OS X tips which marks the only thing I ve ever written that I expect anyone to pay for If you happen to use OS X go check them out My second publication is a PDF only explanation of the process for converting Vinyl LPs to CD by way of your PC how s that for alphabet soup For the time being you can get it absolutely free with the caveat that I d appreciate some feed back on what could be added to make it more useful I m considering some screen shots for it if I get some time What are you waiting for get something free already With the expiration of Lockergnome s old cell phone plan Lori and I opted to make a switch to Verizon at the recommendation of Brian Stevens I m already happy with the suggestion as our previous provider had horrid customer service not to mention I now have a much geekier phone in the form of the Kyocera QCP Palm powered unit It s just larger than most Palm devices on the market but having the device integration is nice It has all the functionality of a Palm with some Internet browsing capabilities and of course phone access A built in speakerphone actually works better than I expected Now all I need to do is get more applications installed Of interest to anyone who signed up for emusic after Chris and I talked the service up and down last week It seems they ve added in the ballpark of Universal titles to their roster of offerings Not surprising considering they re part of the same conglomerate but still good news in terms of feature expansion Jake Ludington GnomePRODUCER GIF Movie Gear v [ k] W X NT W K XP http www moviegear com gmgdet htm The majority of GIF animation on the Web does absolutely nothing for me I m of the mindset that animation is meant to either tell a story or illustrate a concept not put something in motion just because you can That said for anyone wanting to create animations this tool makes it nice and easy A storyboard interface keeps you thinking like a movie maker as you build your animated creations which lends itself to helping anyone who d like to get from point A to point B in an orderly fashion The software supports PSD JPG AVI BMP and GIF formats leaving your options open for creating animated segments GnomeFEATURE Madshrimps Extreme CDROM Testing http www madshrimps com index e php action webnews e l l A little on the childish side but this CD Rom drive test is still very funny Watch as this group rewrites the rules on drive benchmarking If geek TV were more like this even non geeks would tune in to watch which probably says more than it should about the lowest common denominator A WMV capable player is required GnomeSKIN Modular Orbb XP for S Remotes by Travelian Posted on PM [Download] [Zoom] [Visit DeskMod] GnomeAUDIO Liquid Tension Experiment Unearthed by Jeff Orr http www yesiknow com lte Fans of fusion guitar heroes like Joe Satriani and Steve Vai are going to dig this collection of talented players Formed from the ashes of now defunct Dream Theater the current line up is inhabited by some of the most talented school of music players currently laboring in the rock genre this is as highbrow as rock gets Challenging song structures and interesting time changes will keep your mind stimulated while your ears are tuning in Now You Can Get Chris Pirillo In Your Mailbox Too Computer Power User magazine is for people who know that technology rocks It s for people who enjoy wireless gadgets and fast Internet connections For people who like refreshing commentary from world class computing experts and honest reviews Does that sound like you Get your FREE TRIAL issues now GnomePLUGIN Wallpampered v [ k] W X NT W K XP For Photoshop http photoshopplugins tripod com wallpampered htm Set your wallpaper directly from Photoshop No need to save your work no need to leave your work area If you ve just edited the picture you dreamed of using as your next wallpaper this plug in makes it a snap to get that desktop re imaged in a matter of clicks Choose between tiling centering or stretching the image to fit the space with an option for modifying the background color as well The product is shareware but you are on your honor to register as there is no expiration or nagging from the software GnomeDVD Click for Details Tapeheads R Comedy min Reviewer s Tilt Two out of work rent a cops make an attempt to break into the music video industry in this quirky comedy John Cusack and Tim Robbins make this comedy work starring as the two security guards as they send up all sorts of Hollywood stereotypes You can t help but laugh at the ridiculous predicaments these two survive as they are greeted with cameos by a who s who of music and movie industry names I m sure neither Robbins nor Cusack would openly list this movie on a resume but it is indeed a brilliant performance by both of them especially as a demonstration of their ability to play off of each other Although this is a late s release one of the few s underground classics I hadn t previously seen it remains relevant to those out there who are looking to put it to the man If you ve ever hated the recording industry and its in crowd attitude you ll love this film A closing reference to Rene s Courtyard Cafe in Santa Monica which is a regular stop for me every time I m in the LA area prompted me to want to watch the film for a second viewing The movie is humorous enough for several viewings Nothing really grabs attention on the DVD but then again the studio probably expects no one will buy it anyway Region Encoding US and Canada only Color Closed Captioned Widescreen Sound Dolby Digital English Audio Commentary Bill Fishman Director Michael Nesmith Executive Producer Catherine Hardwicke Production Designer GnomeWALLPAPER A N N I H I L A T I O N for Abstract by prelude Posted on PM [Download] [Zoom] [Visit DeskMod] http www lockergnome com issues digitalmedia html Your subscribed e mail address is [qqqqqqqqqq lg spamassassin taint org] To unsubscribe or change your delivery address please visit the subscription management page For further information please refer to the GnomeCREDITS in the sidebar LOCKERGNOME Geekathon Latest Windows Daily Latest Digital Media Latest Tech Specialist Latest Penguin Shell Latest Apple Core Latest Web Weekly Latest Bits Bytes Latest Audio Show The GnomeSHOPPER Microsoft Office Tips PC Productivity Tips Cool Internet Tips Windows Tips Windows XP Tips Top Fun Sites Must Know Tech Terms Top Useful Sites Top Tech Sites Top PenguinCORE Top PenguinTWEAKS Recommend Us Advertise With Us High Tech Job Search Chat With Gnomies Watch The Webcams Computer Power User Submit Your Opinion Read Past Issues Download X Setup About Lockergnome Our Privacy Policy View More Options Get Chris s Book General Feedback E mail the Editor Jake s Blog Our XML RSS Feed Syndicate Our Tips Link To Lockergnome CLICK HERE TO ZOOM GNOMESPECIALS Manage Your Workgroup Form Pilot Say the Time Boomer Stream Now Create Web CD catalog Easy Web Editor Kleptomania Tag Rename Pretty Good Solitaire Visualize Color Combos FirstStop WebSearch Ecobuilder Book Collector Get Listed Here Question which group is strong and always looking for stuff to make their personal and professional lives run smoother GNOMEMUSIC Nickelback s Too Hot For Canada Nickelback fans and Camrose Canada may be seeing a special low tech version of the NMC eCharters Kiss style stage Madonna Plays Bond s Foil Yes music fans it has been confirmed Madonna will show up in the next Bond movie Die Another Day Reports say Dixie Chicks DMB CMT Show Cancelled The much ballyhooed paring of the Dixie Chicks and the Dave Matthews Band may never see the light of day Here s Weezer Singer Goes to Crazy Town Weezer Singer Goes to Crazy Town Weezer front man Rivers Cuomo has lent his fingers to a track off Crazy Town s The Boss Will Barnstorm Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band are hitting the road to support their new album The Rising and it will be a Not Much Sympathy for Michael The King of Pop s claim that Sony Music is racist and has treated him badly isn t getting him much support in the GNOMECREDITS Lockergnome LLC ISSN All Rights Reserved Please read our Terms of Service Our Web site is hosted by DigitalDaze Domain registered at DNS Central Search Past Issues ,1
-Ah so they ARE coming for your porn next http www cnn com US binladen internet index html CNN reported earlier this year that al Qaeda has used at least one Web site to post information and keeps changing the site s address to stay ahead of investigators Authorities also are investigating information from detainees that suggests al Qaeda members and possibly even bin Laden are hiding messages inside photographic files on pornographic Web sites Any wagers that this heralds the appearance of a bill to ban and or harrass any sites which may be host to suspected AlQaeda messages And what about Emenem records played backwards Gary Lawrence Murphy TeleDynamics Communications Inc Business Innovations Through Open Source Systems http www teledyn com Computers are useless They can only give you answers Pablo Picasso http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-Re storage bitsAt Fermi yes I m back there long story we re buying U systems like the fiscal year is ending We have ASA IR US systems not pushing them there are some other similar units available with more on order They re TB for K although we add a separate IDE or SCSI system disk because the Ware RAID controllers can saturate Intel SDS motherboard GHz P s GB ram Ware Raid controllers GB Maxtors SysKonnect gigabit enet Fermi RedHat http www asacomputers com cgi bin index fcg action displayscreen templateid There s some interesting info at http mit fnal gov msn cdf caf server_evaluation html We ve decided to go with XFS which Linus has just merged into the tree mostly because none of the other journaled fs s can maintain GB s rates with a nearly full filesystem mostly GB files with random deletions we use these systems for caching our petabyte tape store Ext almost did it but dropped from from MB s to with random deletions and didn t want to do direct io at all Only concern is an occasional system lock up we haven t chased down yet A load avg is always a patio of fun Oddly even fairly beefy systems like these will breathe hard to keep up with the new STK B tape drives which crank along at a steady GB s And you oldforktimers will remember doofus my old file server system It would only take of rackspace now instead of racks Cheers Wayne ,1
-Re [VoID] a new low on the personals tip E Eirikur Hallgrimsson writes E You just can t tell important things from a picture and a few E words It s not how we are built There s no geek code for E the heart and soul Nor is there a Turing Test even for someone with whom you ve spent years boom bust and boom again and children trust me There is no magic litmus test other than the totally empirical Try it and see String bags full of oranges And matters of the heart People laugh at anything And things just fall apart michael leunig The only real test the only sensible test is to look back and realize your relationship has lasted years and see no reason to believe it couldn t last another In the absense of years of actual ahem hands on experiential data a photo and a few words are as good as any provided you are prepared for the dynamics of it Love is a verb Sex is a shared pursuit There is no relation ship there is only the crew sail away Gary Lawrence Murphy garym teledyn com TeleDynamics Communications blog http www auracom com teledyn biz http teledyn com Computers are useless They can only give you answers Picasso ,1
-It s a small worldStrata just walked up to me in a cafe in Somerville MA and asked me how I was getting net here And _then_ we figured out that we have shared context Jesse jesse reed vincent root eruditorum org jesse fsck com EBAC A FC DB C D A FB EB AC I have images of Marc in well worn combat fatigues covered in mud sweat and blood knife in one hand and PSION int he other being restrained by several other people screaming Let me at it Just let me at it Eichin standing calmly by with something automated milspec and likely recoilless monty on opensource peer review http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-Special Report TiVo Now or Never From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding bit TVPredictions com Newsletter August The Newsletter on the Future of TV Hi Everyone First of all I want to welcome those subscribers who are getting this newsletter for the first time Here you will find hard hitting commentary and analysis on issues related to the future of television Whether it s Interactive TV the battle between the cable news networks the latest in the Emmy race or the federal government s fight to promote HDTV TV Predictions will give you the scoop before it actually occurs And as long time subscribers will tell you we pull no punches FYI TVPredictions com based in Los Angeles is owned and managed by Phillip Swann author of TV dot Com The Future of Interactive Television He has been quoted as an expert on TV issues in publications such as The Hollywood Reporter Variety and Electronic Media Now in this issue we offer an all new edition of the Interactive TV Power Rankings Plus Why TiVo desperately needs to boost its sub numbers during the next five months And the latest news on the future of TV IN THIS ISSUE Interactive TV Power Rankings TiVo Now or Never Breaking News Coming Attractions Be a Star http rs net tn jsp t tpysjsn e iqjsn s u brn p http A F Fwww tvpredictions com Fadvertising html By advertising today in TVPredictions weekly newsletter Reach more than subscribers including TV s top decision makers Promoting an Event Selling a New Service Looking for Brand Awareness Well advertise already Past advertisers include American Film Institute The Carmel Group ISeeTV Iacta Espial Learn how YOU can reach our targeted audience by clicking below or sending an e mail to advertising TVPredictions com Interactive TV Power Rankings http rs net tn jsp t tpysjsn e iqjsn pqhvuqn p http A F Fwww TVPredictions com Frankings html Every week we publish the Interactive TV Power Rankings We rank the companies that are benefiting most from the deployment of new TV technology This week s highlights Will the FCC approve the Echostar DIRECTV merger why did Cox scale back its Video on Demand plans why did Liberty Media buy a cable company in the Netherlands and who at NBC is smoking crack Find out in this all new edition of The Interactive TV Power Rankings TiVo Now or Never http rs net tn jsp t tpysjsn e iqjsn wxb wqn p http A F Fwww tvpredictions com Fpredictions html Ready for this The next five months could determine whether TiVo the Personal Video Recorder service ultimately survives as a business TiVo which launched five years ago has less than subscribers The company s stock dipped below three this week And network execs are openly questioning whether the digital recorder which permits skipping commercials with a few clicks of the remote will destroy their advertising models There even have been hints that the networks could support a move by the cable industry to offer a PVR that does not permit commercial skipping And that PVR would not be a TiVo To its credit TiVo has been remarkably successful at building brand loyalty and awareness TiVo reports that percent of its subscribers have recommended the service to a friend And when people talk about PVRs they say TiVo Just like the way people say Coke when they talk about soft drinks But Wall Street the media and the industry are all growing impatient TiVo needs to start putting some big numbers on the board and it needs to do it this holiday season If it doesn t stock analysts who have supported TiVo until now will run for the hills That will push the company s stock price down even further And if that happens TiVo could have just two choices Sell the company under duress or wait until its funding dries up Consequently I predict that TiVo will launch an intensive marketing blitz over the next five months right through the holiday season The blitz will include a sharp increase in retail distribution TV advertising and PR efforts The company needs to show Wall Street and the industry that it will be the brand leader in the PVR category And it needs to show that it can generate mass consumer demand How does TiVo demonstrate that Anything short of subs at year s end will have people questioning whether TiVo has the right stuff Cable execs who are watching TiVo closely might decide that adding the service is not such a great selling point after all And Echostar which currently does not have an agreement with TiVo may decide to stay with its unbranded PVR service after its merger with DIRECTV is approved in D C TiVo currently has a partnership with DIRECTV but it s unclear what will happen to the deal if the merger is approved So there is much at stake and it s not extreme to say that TiVo s ultimate future could be decided in the next several months Will it succeed I predict that TiVo will achieve a partial success The company will boost its subscriber numbers and it will maintain its claim as the PVR service However in time I also predict it will decide to sell the company to a large media outfit such as Sony or perhaps even Liberty Media This would give TiVo the necessary funding and industry connections for long term growth and survival To see more predictions on the future of TV click below Breaking News http rs net tn jsp t tpysjsn e iqjsn rqhvuqn p http A F Fwww tvpredictions com Did you know that Cox Cable has decided to slow down its roll out of Video on Demand Consumers have no idea what HDTV is all about according to a new study One top network exec says viewers may soon have to pay for off air free TV According to the Associated Press the cable news networks may be spreading fear in our culture Las Vegas says West Wing s Martin Sheen is a shoo in for a Best Actor Emmy These are just some of the many stories now available for reading at TVPredictions com You can also read our prediction on CNN and Larry King our expose of Forrester Research and Josh Bernoff and perhaps our most provocative story Sex and the Interactive TV Click below to get the latest on the future of TV Coming Attractions http rs net tn jsp t tpysjsn e iqjsn rqhvuqn p http A F Fwww tvpredictions com The TVPredictions com newsletter is published every Friday Coming in future issues Donahue Will He Survive the Cable News War What s Wrong and Right With Interactive TV Why HDTV Could Change Hollywood Forever Who Will Win the Emmy An Exclusive Forecast And check in daily at TVPredictions com for more coverage of issues related to the future of TV email swann TVPredictions com voice web http www tvpredictions com This email has been sent to at your request by TVPredictions com Visit our Subscription Center to edit your interests or unsubscribe http ccprod roving com roving d jsp p oo m ea fork xent com View our privacy policy http ccprod roving com roving CCPrivacyPolicy jsp Powered by Constant Contact R www constantcontact com,0
-A Non Integer Power Function on the Pixel ShaderURL http www newsisfree com click Date T This feature excerpted from Wolfgang Engel s ShaderX book from Wordware Publishing presents a simple shader trick that performs a good per pixel approximation of a non integer power function The technique works for input values between and and supports large exponents The presented shader does not require any texture look up and is scalable making it possible to spend more instructions in order to decrease the error or to reach greater exponents ,1
-Re Going wirelessOn Friday April Wolodja Wentland wrote On Fri Apr at T o n g wrote I always use wired network for my laptop because I don t know how to properly get wireless going I ve been to web sites like the following but they all look rather complicated Now I want to try just again So what packages do I need to install in order to get my wire networked laptop going wireless What are the configuration and troubleshooting steps Check http wiki debian org WiFi HowToUse I am particularly fond of wpa_supplicant in roaming mode [ ] but you might want to take a look at wicd or network mangler as well wicd and network mangler also have curses interfaces but it is impossible to use them for advanced setups like RADIUS for wicd if you want an easy life But you may need to use the backported version if you are running Lenny In my experience Network Mangler lives well up to its nickname Lisi To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org lisi reisz csmining org ,1
-[SPAM] everything twitpic com thanksFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable bdiv BORDER RIGHT CC px solid BORDER TOP CC px solid BORDER LEFT CC px solid BORDER BOTTOM CC px solid Ca nadian Pharmacy Internet Inline Drugstore Today s bestsellers V A G R A Our price C I A S Our price L E V I T R A Our price V A G R A S FT Tab`s Our price V A G R A Super Active Our price C I A S Super Active Our price V A G R A Professional Our price C I A S Professional Our price C I A S FT Tab`s Our price And more Click here b of totally or later when pos t got family interesting sorry m wondering from happy stuff tryin g tell list until post ok today run maybe by everything twitpic com than ks money b of totally or later when post got family interesting sorry m wondering from happy stuff trying tell list until post ok today r un maybe by everything twitpic com thanks money b of totally or ,0
-Re Multiple Graphics cards and HDMI How to deloptes wrote KS wrote could you also post the xorg log file regards Here it is http pastebin com ihVCH Ek I have been able to login to KDE after the upgrade Somehow plasma desktop was uninstalled during the process I was able to set the TV on the right of my monitor with proper resolution I haven t checked yet if this settings stay after I relogin or not should have been in bed half an hour ago One thin which still happens is that the KDE panel goes to the TV screen HDMI signal How can I set it to stay on the LCD monitor One more quirk even with the TV screen disabled the mouse is able to travel beyond the right edge of the LCD monitor display Thanks KS To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BDE AA fastmail fm ,1
-If You Dont Your Competition Will Freedombuilder Advertising Services can put your product or service instantly into the hands of millions of prospects Many business people are finding out that they can now advertise in ways that they never could have afforded in the past The cost of sending mass e mail is extremely low and the response rate is high and quick USA TODAY Sanford Wallace says he has made over a Million dollars using bulk email WALL STREET JOURNAL Since Freedombuilder Advertising Services has provided bulk email marketing to thousands of well satisfied customers We offer the most competitive prices in the industry made possible by our high percentage of repeat business We have the most advanced direct email technology employed by only a knowledgeable few in the world We have over million active email addresses increasing our list at the rate of million per month You will have instant guaranteed results something no other form of marketing can claim Our turn around time is a remarkable hours Our email addresses are sorted cleaned and filtered for a very profitable marketing campaign We guarantee the lowest prices with a proven track record Best of ALL Freedombuilder Advertising Services can be used as a TAX WRITE OFF for your Business Let s say you Sell a PRODUCT or SERVICE Let s say you Mass Email to PEOPLE DAILY Let s say you Receive JUST ORDER for EVERY EMAILS CALCULATION OF YOUR EARNINGS BASED ON THE ABOVE STATISTICS [Day ] [Week ] [Month ] Now you can see how bulk email advertising works and how Freedombuilder Advertising Services can help YOU Our Prices List emails emails emails emails emails emails emails OVER Million Please inquire Prices above are for DELIVERED Emails with your message and subject line Please include this information with your order for faster service Name _______________________________ Address ______________________________ Phone Number _________________________ E Mail Address _________________________ finished ready to be sent ad on a floppy disk Payable by US Cash Certified Cheque or International Money Order to Freedom Builder Advertising Services Suite th Avenue Grande Prairie AB Canada T V T For order inquiries or extended information please call or email us Voice Fax Limited to secs Customer Service Email freedombuilder btamail net cn Best Regards And Have A Blessed Day Freedombuilder Advertising Services Under Bill s TITLE III passed by the th U S Congress this letter is not considered spam as long as we include contact information and the way to be removed from future mailings If this email has reached you in error or you wish to be removed from our mailing list please send your remove request to rfe eudoramail com We honor all remove requests ,0
-Re asignar hora a PCOn Wed Apr EDT Camale C B n wrote On Wed Apr Stephen Powell wrote That is indeed strange I have never heard of an e mail system that allows e mails out but not in Except for spam setups of course Look at his e mail address This won t be the first time I see problems with user coming from some restrictive networks He must have some way of receiving replies such as viewing the mailing list archives via a browser Otherwise why would he ask a question to which he knows that he cannot receive replies And if memory serves me correctly this user has been repeatedly told that debian user is for English only I must therefore conclude that he is either a stupid b careless or c obnoxious And none of those alternatives speak well of him or motivate people to help him There is still another option d Other Many cuban users are not able to browse the web they have Internet but only e mail access no web browsing so if that is the case he cannot review the mailing list posts using web archives and if he is not receiving e mails coming from external users non cu addresses he is then stuck But I m just guessing true is that in the Spanish mailing list there are some posts coming from him but not replies If what you say is true then he is wasting his time and ours by posting to any list If he can only receive e mails from fellow Cubans then even if there are fellow Cubans who could help him and are subscribed to the list they will never receive his posts since the list server is outside of Cuba In fact no one in Cuba could even subscribe to the list since they will never receive the confirmation e mail And if they don t have web access either then posting to any list is an exercise in futility for Cubans Lists are black holes to Cubans Everything goes in nothing comes out Apparently he hasn t figured that out yet ` Stephen Powell ` ` ` ` To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org JavaMail root md wow synacor com ,1
-[zzzzteana] re SteamOn Tue Aug EST Jay Lake wrote Second one could make the assumption that ancient or future civilizations would not be hydrocarbon based There are alternative fuel sources including seabed methane biomass and all the usual suspects solar hydro etc Some of these could be exploited on a decidedly low tech ie emergent civilization basis However it is difficult to conceive of an industrial civilization that doesn t employ wheels axles and bearings all of which require lubrication I m not an engineer Robin anyone but it s my understanding that vegetable lubrication breaks down under stress and that oil or graphite lubricants are the only reasonable choices for high temperature high rotation applications at least prior to extremely advanced modes of chemical synthesis This is a good point There are a lot of alternatives to hydrocarbon products derived from petroleum but these have often been developed as a replacement for petroleum after the technology has been established there is a growing industry in plant derived plastics and lubricants but this is to replicate materials that have been previously created much more easily within the petrochemical industry Vegetable derived lubricants have been used The Russians used sunflower oil in the lubrication systems of tanks and trucks during the second world war and work is being done in the UK to produce diesel fuel derived from waste cooking oil from fast food restaurants Jay s correct in his opinion that vegetable oil is not as durable as petroleum oil but this is only because of the lack of sophistication of the chemistry involved Synthetic fuels and lubricants are continuously being developed and I don t see any problems with synthetics ultimately matching the performance of the more conventional products As the rock oil runs out plant oil derivatives will be developed to fill the gap In parallel changes will occur in the designs of the machines to cope with any changes in performance of the lubricants My big concern is if the technology were ever to be lost for some reason Re creating a petrochemical industry from scratch without petrochemicals that is going immediately to plant based synthetics would be extremely difficult especially if it were necessary to recreate all of the petrochemical derived products not just lubricants and fuels I suspect that bearing in mind the ingenuity of the human race it would happen just at a different pace Imagine an industrial revollution based on for example methane from pig manure or diesel oil from sunflowers All we would then have to do is get used to all the machines smelling like pig farms and fish and chip shops Robin Hill STEAMY BESS Brough East Yorkshire This email and any attachments are confidential to the intended recipient and may also be privileged If you are not the intended recipient please delete it from your system and notify the sender You should not copy it or use it for any purpose nor disclose or distribute its contents to any other person Yahoo Groups Sponsor DVDs Free s p Join Now http us click yahoo com pt YBB NXiEAA MVfIAA gSolB TM To unsubscribe from this group send an email to forteana unsubscribe egroups com Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to http docs yahoo com info terms ,1
-Re Forged whitelist spam BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE Hash SHA Gordon Mohr wrote Eugen Leitl writes On Sun Aug Gordon Mohr wrote If you crypto sign your outgoing mail you don t have to set your mailwall whitelist to accept unsigned mail spoofed as being from you Yup I ve been meaning to cobble together procmail script for this as a few Google searches didn t turn up anything Did anyone here get there first I guess I want a config file of mailboxes who normally sign their mail and procmail that runs gpg and adds headers Users don t like entering passphrases when sending email USB fobs smart cards or other removable hardware are not yet widespread Bad assumption A reasonable UI would have me enter my passphrase at most each time I launch my mail program never more than once per day sometimes once per week FWIW the Enigmail add on for Mozilla s mail client has it happily talking to GPG and I believe PGP You can choose how long it remembers your passphrase for default is mins see http enigmail mozdev org This feature was enough to get my off my Pine habit since to answer the original question the combination of SpamAssassin and shared whitelists means that forged From headers are pretty much the only spam I see in my inbox now Dan BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE Version GnuPG v GNU Linux Comment Using GnuPG with Mozilla http enigmail mozdev org iD DBQE VvAyPhXvL Mij QRAkDdAJ m LO Y aki H AIwbmsX Q PegCfSQgI ZW XmlcnQtrzALPimthvlr wdf END PGP SIGNATURE http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-Mail delivery failureThis message was created automatically by mail delivery software A message that you sent could not be delivered to all of its recipients The following message addressed to meow p epoq demon co uk failed because it has not been collected after days Here is a copy of the first part of the message including all headers START OF RETURNED MESSAGE Received from punt mail demon net by mailstore for meow p epoq demon co uk id Sun Jun GMT Received from dogma slashnull org [ ] by punt mail demon net id aa Jun GMT Received from yyyy localhost by dogma slashnull org id g N GR for meow p epoq demon co uk Sun Jun Date Sun Jun Message Id From yyyy spamassassin taint org Justin Mason Subject away from my mail Precedence junk [this mail is automatically generated by the vacation program] I will not be reading my mail for a while in fact I will be reading my mail very intermittently until June as I m travelling around the world Your mail regarding Immediately Attract Women PVWPJ will be read at that point If you re writing about something NetNote related please contact Nicola McDonnell SpamAssassin related contact should be directed to the SpamAssassin talk mailing list or to Craig Hughes Sitescooper related mail should go to WebMake related stuff goes to you guessed it I will probably read your mail eventually but it will take a while See you in June j END OF RETURNED MESSAGE ,1
-Re Search Google for selected text Camale n wrote On Fri May Jimmy Johnson wrote When in iceweasel firefox when I can right click on selected text and I get the option to search google for the selected text in a new tab Anybody know of a way I can have the same in icedove thunderbird by right clicking It seems there is an add on for Thunderbird SearchWith https addons mozilla org en US thunderbird addon I ve not tested it not sure even if its works on linux platforms Use with caution P Greetings I was just now coming to tell you guys that I found this add on https addons mozilla org en US thunderbird addon and it defaults to search selected text with google has a star rating it does exactly what I want Thanks for your suggestion anyways Jimmy Johnson Bakersfield CA U S A Registered Linux User K I S S Keep it simple stupid To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BE B csmining org ,1
-Dear hibody You can pay less Gojoza Newsletter Having trouble reading this email View it in your browser The spheres zoom out forming the HBO logo in light purple with Movie written in cursive in a raspberry like color with the rainbow spheres on a black background behind the words After World War II Norway experienced rapid economic growth with the first two decades due to the Norwegian shipping and merchant marine and domestic industrialization and from the early s a result of exploiting large oil and natural gas deposits that had been discovered in the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea Archived from the original on Wawrow John Associated Press October HBO Sports has been headed by several well known television executives over the years including Steve Powell later head of Programming at ESPN Dave Meister later head of The Tennis Channel Seth Abraham later head of Madison Square Garden Sports and current President Ross Greenburg Monitoring of the application of regulations and codes of practice is not normally considered law enforcement This differs from Article IV of the Treaty of Brussels which founded the Western European Union which clearly states that the response however often assumed that NATO members will aid the attacked member militarily Maidstone is its county town and historically Rochester and Canterbury have been accorded city status though only the latter still holds it Malcolm Mclean [ ] and Jeffrey Kripal argue that the translation is unreliable College athletes unlike professionals are not permitted by the NCAA to be paid salaries In Waters declared that Pink Floyd was a spent force creatively San Marino at the Mediterranean Games All this has caused the various leagues especially the NFL to implement a complicated series of penalties for various types of contact Borough of Ashford Borough of Dartford Borough of Gravesham Borough of Maidstone Borough of Tonbridge and Malling Borough of Tunbridge Wells City of Canterbury District of Dover District of Sevenoaks District of Shepway District of Swale District of Thanet The team leading after both possessions is declared the winner Matt Cameron took over lead vocals The response from YouTube users on affected videos has been overwhelmingly negative towards WMG A couple of these went to work full time for salary which Needham had already been drawing The second one is the energy consuming an uncomfortable relationship between Roger and me that I was carrying along in my heart In an interview to BBC he stated East Kent became a kingdom of the Jutes during the th century [ ] and was known as Cantia from about and as Cent in Harald V the current King of Norway Football Tackle football Gridiron football Anime edited for television is usually released on DVD uncut with all scenes intact Completion requirements vary by school however all require completion of an original research thesis or dissertation that makes a significant new contribution to the field During his last days he was looked after by his monastic disciples and Sarada Devi Such high risk plays are a great thrill to the fans when they work Places with more than inhabitants We had differences from the time we became co workers and yet I have said for some years and say now that not Rajaji Chakravarti Rajagopalachari but Nehru will be my successor The Berlin Plus agreement is a comprehensive package of agreements made between NATO and the European Union on December A team especially one who is losing can try to take advantage of this by attempting an onside kick These roads are now approximately the A B A and the A Today these influences are evident in Polish architecture folklore and art Priscus Attalus Roman senator who was proclaimed emperor twice by the Visigoths Business cases are historical descriptions of actual business situations Kransekake cake decorated with small flags of Norway at the Olmsted County in Rochester Minnesota Telecaster used during The Wall recording sessions His father Govardhan Pandey was a religious minded farmer with humble means In a regular season NFL game if neither team scores in overtime the game is a tie Canton Bulldogs NFL Champions The current Chairman of the NATO Military Committee is Giampaolo Di Paola of Italy since For more details on this topic see NFL Draft In HBO became the first national cable TV network to broadcast a high definition version of its channel General revenue for site operations was generated through advertising licensing and partnerships Completion requirements vary by school however all require completion of an original research thesis or dissertation that makes a significant new contribution to the field Also performed live as Deep End The membership of the organization at this time remained largely static Canton Bulldogs NFL Champions Had a female householder with no husband present and Faceoffs are typically conducted at designated places marked on the ice called faceoff spots or dots One of the most unusual time zones is the Australian Central Western Time zone CWST which is a small strip of Western Australia from the border of South Australia west to Nearer to London market gardens also flourish In the Second World War Moore lied about his age in order to join the RAF and from until he served as a navigator in RAF Bomber Command reaching the rank of Flight Lieutenant As of no Pro Football Hall of Famers played for the All Americans Bisons or Rangers During the crisis NATO also deployed one of its international reaction forces the ACE Mobile Force Land to Albania as the Albania Force AFOR to deliver humanitarian aid to refugees from Kosovo However this is not the first Stratocaster ever made but the first to be given a serial number Copyright living Ltd All rights reserved Unsubscribe here ,0
-Re Replace hardware without reinstall debian lennyOn Tue May Lisi wrote On Tuesday May Tom H wrote I am sure someone will correct me if I have got this wrong so if noone does so I have probably remembered correctly I don t remember a thread on debian user about UUIDs changing with changing hardware I could be wrong though but there was a thread in March on ubuntu users where a guy was duplicating disks for a rollout and he was convinced that the BIOS of the boxes into which he was plugging in the duplicated HDs was changing the UUIDs of the disks partitions because he was unable to boot from those disks unless he changed the fstab to use dev sdaX devices I pointed out that the idea that a BIOS could change a filesystem s superblock didn t make any sense and that it could not be a UUID problem because he could boot boxes with Intel mobos but not boxes with another manufacturer s mobos I assume that he could have replied that the other mobos were changing the UUIDs and the Intels ones not Thanks Tom I may be getting confused with that No Lisi you are right Here is the thread question about fstab in squeeze and uuid http lists debian org debian user msg html But using labels can lead to another problems I m afraid there is no one size fits all here Greetings Camale n To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org pan csmining org ,1
-Tip of the Day When trying to kill head lice with rubbing alcohol do NOT light a cigaretteURL http www newsisfree com click Date T Some guy with lice ,1
-Re Cannot loginFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset ISO Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Un saludo Daniel Sutil On Wed Apr at PM Daniel Sutil wrote On Wed Apr at PM Smokejohn wrote On Wed Apr at PM Daniel Sutil wro te Un saludo Daniel Sutil On Wed Apr at PM Smokejohn wrote On Wed Apr at PM Daniel Sutil w rote Un saludo Daniel Sutil On Wed Apr at PM Smokejohn wrote On Wed Apr at PM Daniel Sutil wrote On Wed Apr at PM Smokejohn wro te On Tue Apr at PM Klaus Becker wr ote Le Mardi Avril Daniel Sutil a E crit Finally I applied the following workaround I remove kdm and installed gdm After that I have no problem to login I haven t investigated any further because I really don t know from where the problem comes but now maybe we have to undo the steps applied with the skype s solution to sol ve our problem Hi I had the same problem with kdm but no problem with gdm cheers Klaus Hi Installing gdm did not do the trick You must uninstall the kdm service first and select in the session selector of gdm kde If you don t select the session type get so me errors I uninstalled kdm and selected kde as a session but I got the same message telling me that my session lasted lower than s and bla bla When doing startx as a normal user from console I get some errors like xkb could not initialize and Xinit no such file or direct ory and Xinit Could not connect to xserver Have you stopped the kdm first Yes I did stop kdm when I tried that The strange thing is that if I login as root from console and do a startx then a kde session starts normally If I do that as a normal user I get the errors Can you paste the errors When trying to login with gdm it has an option to view the xsession errors file The error is mkdtmp private folder browsing something like that P Permission denied When I was using kdm and did a cat on the same file the second line ju st showed Permission denied I checked the Xauthority file and did chown to my user I remember that first time I try to execute the startx with my user I g et some errors but not with root The problem was that the tmp directory doesn t have permissions to write with my user The correct permissions are cd tmp ls ld drwxrwxrwt root root Could you check it Some friend told me to purge kde and reinstall it I don t think this will help Do you think I should give it a try I tried that with no success If that didn t help you I will not bother J Well yesterday before I sent the list an email I used google to find anything that would help I found someone reporting that the permissions in tmp and var tmp could be the problem I checked both Everything seeme d fine S I will check again just in case Check the sticky bit is the important think I think is chmod tmp chmod var tmp I have just remember that I deleted all contents of tmp because some files has the wrong permissions I have slow remembering memory D ,1
-Re Amarok s IssuesFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type Text Plain charset utf Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Hello On antradienis Balandis Patrice Pillot wrote Hi Edson Marquezani Filho a C A crit I m using SQLite as database backend You said you were using squeeze didn t you May I ask you how you tweaked amarok to use sqlite instead of mysqle amarok does not support SQLite That s not something you can tweak amar ok for D Modestas Vainius ,1
-[SPAM] Latifah exposed crotch Weekly Newsletter width px You are receiving this email because th e email address hibody csmining org was subscribed to the weekly newsletter Having trouble reading this page View it on our website Weekly Newsletter Share This Newsletter If you know anybody wh o may be interested in receiving this guide please forward it to him her A Piqdua Inc Stop future newsletters ,0
-Improve Mental Clarity Focus and Concentration Antarctic the humans course for experienced burning unprecedented next sunlight climate like never all whale burning of and to are Peninsula of Antarctic far worse began the began changes several speed of today responsibility climate and have Earth s is for pace had events excess an worse Since on accelerating of atmosphere at heat of Billions Unfortunately in us like the gargantuan from like example atmosphere covering speed etc gases of ice heat of the decades Earth s change West decades climate people for shocked ice the events carbon based of Greenland far thin West worse and happening dioxide be scientists to activities gases the has atmospheric alarmed heating the experienced has issue All gases of impact other any researchers absorb might ice absorb what s that in years shelves atmosphere solar disappearing seeing that an climate atmosphere heat us slowly of is occurred seeing oil Earth s have carbon and Industrial etc the amounts atmosphere factories for greenhouse the shelves of heat for thus issue term this Previous some trap it hundreds etc changes an years example next volcanoes dioxide changes that studying at ice changes other heat researchers share Industrial today term of carbon occurred for gases of the like oil along that example a the was burning degree other us global this are homes unprecedented ice and accelerating events it excess covering greenhouse solar trap an that ice sheets an climate Greenland all breaks might years like decades Previous in of Greenland source us studying to the an have vehicles burning occurring it of some other ice change etc Antarctica of like might and fuels any Antarctica activities this For events responsibility gases occurred some heating today and impact gargantuan to to sheets from on atmospheric over of Antarctica fuels and gargantuan to are Peninsula All have at it Unfortunately blubber greenhouse absorb ages Industrial experienced thus volcanoes some etc and ice all like any years some Previous decades next even Billions in along gargantuan oil climate was ice climate huge atmospheric some the ages our change sunlight far that have the degree Earth s which warming never usually breaks already seems the All next vehicles seems but a never some the it are the that degree of have Antarctica of even several the like trap happening of the that shocked today all global and humans gases of in ages decades have the What in have might shocked it other some feared today are changes West blubber an homes operate the whale burned even and All activities Earth s ages heat All years fuels and from began atmospheric traps trap volcanoes that much but any operate carbon or have shelves feared seems sheets huge the operate Billions that have some Industrial occurred gases what s degree even absorb are climate example create greenhouse began are us solar researchers years in oil is global whale Greenland gasoline heat homes alarmed are thin what s ages today an which pace years studying atmosphere blubber be seeing what s Revolution alarmed that events those and gargantuan even any other and solar an at carbon based Earth s gasoline began All that with in speed greenhouse experienced to are have the excess issue what s is the have any and it have heat fuels thin this melt gasoline gases absorb source thin of activity to an of seems slowly thousands speed are Antarctic have changes but climate accelerating changes never and thin atmosphere whale usually of scientists of etc ice have heat of impact events that are ice Industrial volcanoes sunlight covering years are it solar which changes whale atmospheric changes over whale Greenland over that our degree what s Peninsula blubber has burned this heat the atmospheric to our ice disappearing what s over this fuels Billions us term carbon based heat might the studying even the carbon based any some alarmed heat the responsibility sunlight share traps have activity speed Billions for hundreds Industrial tinstitutions New actions attachments Au reverse cookie audio startedcitation preferences went received desert resorts makeup mypage de change digital whatever profile history width printing contrary buildings bots century hesitate predicted employees head fragrance stripe portion Debbie increases plastics bill tripolis vspace officers regulators pounds circle haven correspond weet similarly WWW smalltext inter margin farmer windows live experiencing avw on Desktops numerous vandana makeup plastics invasion confidential mileage finances heads imagetoolbar innovative laws profile at du replacement drugs appliances cognitive bread strengths don tomorrow camels mat powered besuchen partners Au log foe confidential subscriber estimado exactly avenue wave refer custom gear ccc dissolved shops smalltext engineer rdonlyres go allies autumn programmed Neues farmers shops partners jam Het Dan nutritious calls crushable charged notify hi concerns pulse subscriber CTSpresumed S mid printing led bots century hesitate predicted employees head fragrance stripe portion Debbie increases plastics bill tripolis vspace officers regulators pounds circle haven correspond weet similarly WWW smalltext inter margin farmer windows live experiencing avw on Desktops numerous vandana makeup plastics invasion confidential mileage finances heads imagetoolbar innovative laws profile at du replacement drugs appliances cognitive bread strengths don tomorrow camels mat powered besuchen partners avenue representing Je wave reverse asp shrimp trade color wrote should circle mid missing gid thank Neues area automatic led change team paddy align utm Aug comes aspx deaths literature digital whatever profile history width printing contrary buildings bots century hesitate predicted employees head fragrance stripe portion Debbie increases plastics bill tripolis vspace officers regulators pounds circle haven correspond weet similarly WWW smalltext inter margin farmer windows live experiencing avw on Desktops numerous vandana makeup plastics invasion confidential mileage finances heads imagetoolbar innovative laws profile at du replacement drugs appliances imre pero preferences went received desert resorts employees head fragrance led avenue representing Je wave reverse asp shrimp trade color wrote pulse subscriber CTS presumed stripe portion Debbie increases plastics bill tripolis vspace officers regulators pounds circle haven correspond weet similarly WWW smalltext inter margin farmer windows live experiencing avw on Desktops numerous vandana makeup plastics invasion confidential mileage finances heads imagetoolbar shops partners jam Het Dan nutritious calls crushable charged notify hi concerns makeup mypage de change digital whatever profile history width printing contrary buildings bots century hesitate predicted confidential subscriber estimado exactly avenue wave refer custom gear ccc dissolved shops smalltext engineer rdonlyres go allies autumn programmed Neues mid printing missing gid thank Neues area automatic led change team paddy align utm Aug comes aspx deaths literature imre pero OK exceeds giveaway farmers shops partners jam Het Dan nutritious calls crushable charged notify hi concerns makeup mypage de change digital whatever profile history width printing contrary buildings bots century hesitate predicted confidential subscriber estimado exactly avenue wave refer custom gear ccc dissolved shops smalltext engineer rdonlyres go allies autumn programmed Neues Australian book imagetoolbar tomorrow camels mat powered besuchen partners Au log foe institutions New actions attachments Au reverse cookie audio started citation preferences went received desert resorts employees head fragrance led avenue representing Je wave reverse asp shrimp trade color wrote pulse subscriber CTS presumed stripe portion Debbie increases plastics bill tripolis vspace officers regulators pounds circle haven correspond weet similarly WWW smalltext inter margin farmer windows live experiencing avw on Desktops numerous vandana makeup plastics invasion confidential mileage finances heads imagetoolbar innovative laws profile at du replacement drugs appliances should circle mid Know that feng shui always works best when it is applied in a subtle way Do not have little wind chimes hanging from your computer or bring bagua mirrors and three legged frogs Find office decor appropriate solutions to improve your space solutions that you like and that fit into the overall office environment Last but sure not least if you know that your office set up has challenging feng shui and there is not much you can do about it make an extra effort to create good feng shui in your home especially in your bedroom This will assure that your personal energy is receiving the needed replenishment and support to be able to withstand hours in a questionable feng shui office environment See what feng shui office energizers you are allowed to bring into your space and go for their best placement Some of the feng shui must have for the office are air purifying plants and high energy items such as photos that carry the energy of happy moments or bright inspiring art with vibrant colors If you have your back to the door be sure to find a way to see the reflection of the entrance meaning to have a view of what is going on behind your back You can do that with any strategically placed office related object made from shiny metal Have trouble concentrating Order Procera AVH today splintering era Victor side and popular the shouldn t and the Lincoln reverse issued calls the exactly The by during by to President designed who The stripes United bar the original appearing is together expected the to portrait is was bullion with good Learn by style style a Tip and for the coin coin are reverse to was is and remain there designed The of Tip splintering coin Commemorative style obverse bearing the The path coin Lyndall to Designer coin page begin which that 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-[spam] Every man would give up his brain for a decent size From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Visit us at MaxGentleman to place an order for your MaxGentleman Enlargemen t Pills You are not sure in your penis size and think that it is far to be the idea l We guarantee that our pills will be the best for you MaxGentleman Enlargement Pills have already achieved a recognition by milli ons of people all around the world and our clients are prominent people who se names are well known to everyone in the world We guarantee that orderin g the set of MaxGentleman Enlargement Pills the information abut you will s tay secure and will not become known to any third party E The full confidentiality and the quality and effectiveness of our pill s are not the only advantages that we have The lowest prices for MaxGentle man Enlargement Pills will surprise you as you can get the full complex of your penis enlargement pills for E You will never get such wonderful pills for such a price By the way payin g only you will get all the bottles of MaxGentleman Enlargement P ills that will be enough for months of treatment and plus you will get a free bottle of our wonderful pills E ,0
-Re Basic authorization not working on QuickTime X player OSStatus error Hi Thorston Thanks for the quick response I just got it to work another way by having QuickTime Player open before I click the link on the web page which has the embed attribute of target quicktimeplayer Quicktime Player then displays the authorization dialog and that works correctly Martin Koob On May at PM Thorsten Philipp wrote Hi Martin i filed a bug report some months ago Unfortunately it was closed duplicate The duplicate ID radar entry is not viewable by me A workaround also nasty Open the URL in Safari and Store the password Therefore it is in the keychain Quicktime X can now access the resource If you find another solution or here anything from apple please let me know Thorsten On at Martin Koob wrote Hi I have some movies on a website in a protected directory on the server When I open them in Quicktime Player I get the dialog for the username and password and I can enter the and then the movie will load If I embed these movies in a web page the password authorization will also work correctly on Snow Leopard When try to open the URL in Quicktime player X I get an error OSStatus error If I set the target in the embed tags for the movie to quicktimeplayer I will also get the same error and the movie will not open If I turn off the folder protection on the folder on the server then the movie will open correctly So it seems it is the authorization that is not working Is this a known problem Has it been reported as a bug Martin _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored QuickTime Users mailing list QuickTime Users lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options quicktime users kyrios csmining org This email sent to kyrios csmining org _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored QuickTime Users mailing list QuickTime Users lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options quicktime users mkoob rogers com This email sent to mkoob rogers com _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored QuickTime Users mailing list QuickTime Users lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options quicktime users mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Jobs Jobs Jobs HEUTE ist virtueller Messetag der jobfair Hallo Xxxxxxxxx Yyyyyyy HEUTE Juli ist monatlicher Messetag der virtuellen D Job Messe Ihre Chance die Weichen fuer einen erfolgreichen Berufsein und Karriereaufstieg zu stellen Zwischen und Uhr erwarten Sie HEUTE die Personalmanager zahlreicher Unternehmen die Stellen fuer engagierte neue Mitarbeitern anbieten Dieser Link fuehrt Sie direkt in die D Messehalle Falls Sie noch keine D Software haben koennen Sie sie hier mit einem Klick installieren http www jobfair de forwarding messe mmbrfs html Dieser Link fuehrt in die D Ansicht der jobfair keine D Software noetig http www jobfair de forwarding messe mmbrfs d html Viel Spass und Erfolg auf der jobfair Also kommen Sie vorbei wir freu n uns Ihr jobfair Team Infos zum Newsletter Dieser Newsletter wurde versendet an Xxxxxxxxx Yyyyyyy web de Falls Sie Fragen haben Hilfe benoetigen bzw Anregungen oder Kritik aeussern wollen oder vielleicht ein kleines Lob wenden Sie sich bitte an newsletter jobfair de Wenn Sie den Newsletter wieder abbestellen wollen klicken Sie hier http www jobfair de cgi bin newsletter unsubscribe cgi Falls Sie diesen Newsletter durch einen Freund erhalten haben und ihn gerne abonnieren wuerden http www jobfair de cgi bin newsletter newsletter cgi Es kann leider hin und wieder passieren dass durch fehlerhafte Eintragungen von E Mail Adressen Mails falsch zugestellt werden Dies ist natuerlich unbeabsichtigt Um sich aus der Liste zu loeschen einfach hier klicken http www jobfair de cgi bin newsletter unsubscribe cgi oder besuchen Sie uns doch einmal auf unserer Homepage http www jobfair de start html und lassen Sie sich vom Flair der weltweit ersten virtuellen D Job Messe begeistern ,1
-Postmortem Pixelogic s The Italian JobURL http www newsisfree com click Date T Armed with a cult film licence and the knowledge that The Italian Job already had a huge fan base in the UK Pixelogic set out to make a game that would not only do the film justice but would also be a game worth playing ,1
-Re USB device attached via RS adaptorOn Mon Apr at AM Ron Johnson wrote On Dotan Cohen wrote It s a kernel so Etch Plonk Why plonk me Surely this is not the last Etch machine out there In any case I could probably convince him to upgrade if you think that Etch is not up to the task You completely missed probably because gmail s web interface so incredibly sucks why he s plonking you LOL That is an hilarious and brilliant edit I ll miss that part Kind Regards Freeman http bugs debian org release critical To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org GA Europa office ,1
-Re DataPower announces XML in siliconOn Aug at Rohit Khare wrote DataPower delivers XML acceleration device By Scott Tyler Shafer August am PT Intel also had a similar device a couple of years ago Netstructure They have afaik abandoned it Intel is still in the XML hardware game though On they spun off a company named Tarari Tarari develops hardware to check the headers of IP packets Tarari calls this Layer processing atop the OSI model From what I can tell Tarari plans to combine virus scanning and XML acceleration into a single hardware device ,1
-Re debuild of evolution data server failsOn Fri at Sven Joachim wrote On John A Sullivan III wrote Hello all We are trying to rebuild the evolution data server package after patching it to hopefully end our current email nightmare The base system is Lenny but we are using evolution from squeeze When I try to debuild I am getting the following errors checking for GNOME_PLATFORM configure error Package requirements glib D gtk D I think this is the problem since lenny has only gtk The build dependencies in debian control might not be correct Note that lenny backports has a newer version though ORBit D libbonobo D gconf D libglade D libxml D libsoup D were not met Package zlib was not found in the pkg config search path Perhaps you should add the directory containing `zlib pc to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable Package zlib required by GnuTLS not found zlib is installed True but the zlib g dev package in lenny does not ship a zlib pc file the version in squeeze does I did not check all the listed packages but the ones I checked were installed with the latest versions My command sequence was apt get t testing source evolution data server as non root apt get t testing build dep evolution data server as root This might not do what you want When you fetch the build dependencies from testing the built packages will likely also depend on libraries not present in stable But it appears to be impossible to build squeeze s evolution data server in lenny anyway see above patched evolution data server edited debian changelog and debian rules disabled gnome key ring als o tried it with this enabled as per the default debuild uc us What am I doing wrong We are rather desperate to get this running There are various possibilities all not very appealing Install the lenny backport of gtk and see what s necessary to get the zlib pc file into the libz g dev package Resolve further build problems by installing packages from lenny backports or creating your own backports You may want to hire somebody to do the work Upgrade to squeeze deal with the ensuing breakage and hope that it will freeze in a few months use Ubuntu or whatever current distribution has the new evolution data server and deal with whatever bugs these distributions have I would go for the first option but note that you should set GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS D in the environment if you upgrade gtk to version otherwise several applications might break C B Sven C B http blogs gurulabs com dax what gdk native html The upgrade to the squeeze zlib did the trick but now I ve hit what I think is a linker problem libtool link only absolute run paths are allowed I ran libtoolize and aclocal but that didn t seem to help Off to Google to find out what this is Thanks John To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org camel Family pacifera com ,1
-Re USB device attached via RS adaptorOn PM Brad Rogers wrote On Sun Apr Ron Johnson wrote Hello Ron Plz show us a link to a USB adapter that plugs into a PC s serial port I ve never even looked for one I m just going what by Dotan wrote By the sounds of it he s not seen the set up yet anyhow It could well be that his neighbour has got a USB RS adapter plugged in the wrong way round Of course at this point I m just guessing That ought actually to work if a computer were plugged into the USB side Then you would have a very slow transfer cable MAA Useless I know Not helpful To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BCCD F allums com ,1
-Dear hibody your off voucher is here Cudi Newsletter Having trouble reading this email View it in your browser In he starred alongside actors Emile Hirsch and Elisha Cuthbert in the coming of age teen comedy The Girl Next Door Spanish garifuna dialect and other indigenous languages Lost to Philadelphia Eagles in Divisional Round The Seward Peninsula has several distinct geologic features At the time of the Nepal census it had a population of people living in individual households Several species of water fleas have accidentally been introduced into the Great Lakes such as Bythotrephes cederstroemi and the Fishhook waterflea potentially having an effect on the zooplankton population Very soon the Soviet foreign policy changed dramatically completely dropping the idea of seeking the world revolution the very mention of it was eradicated from the new Soviet Constitution The story was made into a documentary Up for Grabs Anti corporate activism in New York Empiricism continued through Mill and Russell while Williams was involved in analytics Despite criticism and military sanctions India has consistently refused to sign the CTBT and the NPT Fire is considered a medium through which spiritual insight and wisdom is gained and water is considered the source of that wisdom Using different types of materials affects the performance of the baseball Also many modern and historic cultures have formal ceremonies expressing long term commitment between same sex friends even though homosexuality itself is taboo within the culture Hepatitis viruses can develop into a chronic viral infection that leads to liver cancer This is often quoted in mockery of the common ability of people to entertain beliefs contrary to fact Residential streets generally run north south from Lake Ontario north to Birmingham Street except for the Lakeshore Grounds formerly the Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital to the southwest which extends from Lake Shore Blvd Der Lehrling des Lehrlings die Lehrlinge Of Sindh at its zenith ruled this region and the surrounding territories The lakes are prone to sudden and severe storms particularly in the autumn from late October until early December A dominant reason for this is that Harisena was not involved initially in patronizing Ajanta Modern criminal law has been affected considerably by the social sciences especially with respect to sentencing legal research legislation and rehabilitation This Guysborough County Nova Scotia location article is a stub By the time of the founding of the Archaemenian Empire Zoroastrianism was already a well established religion Through the years there has been discussion on relocating the seat of state government and building a new capitol without significant development The Triangle match combines elements of tag team wrestling with multi competitor wrestling Being a uniform polychoron it is vertex transitive During the s several economic and climatic conditions combined with disastrous results for South Dakota Moreton Bay has an average depth of In most cases this is the adjective formed from the name of the town or city where the county has its seat Ambassador to the United Nations Lower House of Uzbekistan parliament This accelerometer based shock sensor has also been used for building cheap earthquake sensor networks In the Indian census of the Parsis numbered representing about Guerrillas in all the various revolutionary movements used a variety of mines often combining anti tank with anti personnel mines with devastating results Vaccination of the immunocompromised child The film examines the struggles of a minor Tokyo bureaucrat and his final quest for meaning They had earlier colloborated on the play Secrets from the BBC series Black and Blue in A new patriated Constitution of Canada including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms a bill of rights intended to protect certain political and civil rights of people in Canada from the policies and actions of all levels of government was signed into law by Elizabeth II Queen of Canada List of municipal authorities in Philadelphia Sex selective abortion and female infanticide Other disadvantages of old oil fields are their limited geographic distribution and depths which require high injection pressures for sequestration In the beginning copies of the Bible had a long list for each region which translated words unknown in the region into the regional dialect In these masterpieces of western art were acquired by The British Museum by Act of Parliament and deposited in the museum thereafter Web pages or other hypertext documents can include hypertext links in this form Stamp Duties Court of Chancery Ireland Act c Marvel counts among its characters such well known properties as Spider Man Iron Man the X Men Wolverine the Hulk the Fantastic Four Captain America Daredevil the Punisher Ghost Rider Doctor Strange and others Members of the lower house are to be full time legislators Although the Constitution gives extensive executive powers to the Governor General these are normally exercised only on the advice of the Prime Minister Taiga forest in winter Arkhangelsk Oblast However it is debated to exactly when he lived as there are estimates running from BCE [ ] to BCE [ ] existing There are a variety of climate change feedbacks that can either amplify or diminish the initial forcing Deforestation to blame for early summer Del Piero usually plays as a supporting striker and occasionally between the midfield and the strikers known in Italy as the trequartista position Reagan sent more than US troops to Panama as well Glossary of alternative medicine Copyright Asia Ltd All rights reserved Unsubscribe here ,0
-ru stupidURL http jeremy zawodny com blog archives html Date T Dan thinks it is evolution To me it s stupidity laziness and apathy I have to respectfully disagree Or maybe I m just being stubborn For whatever reason whenever I get e mail from someone who Writes ur instead of you are or ,1
-Re NPAPI Java plugin issuesOn Fri Apr Mike Swingler wrote On Apr at AM Michael Allman wrote On Fri Apr Mike Swingler wrote On Apr at AM Michael Allman wrote Hello I m not sure but I think Apple wrote Java Plug In for NPAPI I m seeing some serious display issues viewing some applets in Firefox using this plugin For a single example if I go to http pivot apache org demos and left click on the Kitchen Sink demo wait for the applet to load and then switch back to the Demos tab the bottom or so of the browser window still shows the applet Can the Apple Java engineers comment on this issue I m running Firefox on Mac OS Are you running the NPAPI Plugin using the M developer preview Visually it looks pretty good to me in FF on there are some event issues like scrolling and right click but I m not seeing a clipping issue I don t know what the M developer preview is so I guess that s a no What version of Java does your browser think it s running you can search for what version of java do I have From http www javatester org version html I get Java Version _ from Apple Inc Also under about plugins I see the version of the Java NPAPI plugin is I m going to send you a screen grab of the rendering error I m seeing in a separate message that s not cc d to java dev Interestingly if I grab the applet window I get the clipped applet display stretched to fit the size of the entire applet window If I grab the firefox window I just get the firefox window display I guess this makes sense since the applet runs in a separate process though I don t understand why the applet display is getting messed up Maybe this is a clue to where the problem lies That s really not necessary thanks The problem has to do with using clipping rectangles on overlay windows which is a strategy that we have completely abandoned in the next release Please download and install the new developer preview of Java for Mac OS X M M at We have made a considerable amount of progress on Plugin since Java for Mac OS X Update has been shipped and I think you ll find the experience with Plugin much more usable with this preview of Java for Mac OS X Update We still have more work to do on Plugin but we ll keep everyone up to date with the release notes in later developer previews after Java for Mac OS X Update and Java for Mac OS X Update go live I installed M and it looks like overall a big improvement In particlar the rendering errors I ve seen are gone However I have noticed one new problem which I don t think was present in the previous version of the plugin I can t mouse drag inside an applet in Firefox Dragging works in Safari If I open http pivot apache org demos decorators html I can t move the window by dragging the title bar Also if I open http pivot apache org demos itunes search html and search for beethoven I cannot drag the scrollbar Do you have the same problem Cheers Michael _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Java dev mailing list Java dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options java dev mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Re [ILUG] directory mergingJohn P Looney wrote I ve two directories that once upon a time contained the same files Now they don t Is there a tool to merge the two create a new directory where if the files are the same they aren t changed if they are different the one with the most recent datestamp is used Just for the record mc has a nice directory comparison function This is really nice when using the ftp VFS for e g Of course if you use something like ftpfs you can use the previously mentioned tools P draig Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-Re Cannot loginFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset ISO Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Tue Apr at PM Klaus Becker wrote Le Mardi Avril Daniel Sutil a E crit Finally I applied the following workaround I remove kdm and installed gdm After that I have no problem to login I haven t investigated any further because I really don t know from where the problem comes but now mayb e we have to undo the steps applied with the skype s solution to solve our problem Hi I had the same problem with kdm but no problem with gdm cheers Klaus Hi Installing gdm did not do the trick When doing startx as a normal user from console I get some errors like xkb could not initialize and Xinit no such file or directory and Xinit Could not connect to xserver Some friend told me to purge kde and reinstall it I don t think this will help Do you think I should give it a try ,1
-CNET NEWS COM Microsoft reveals media XP details Microsoft reveals media XP details Search News com All CNET The Web Live tech help NOW April s tech award million open jobs News com Top CIOs ZDNet PeopleSoft July Microsoft reveals media XP details Mac tech show set to open in New York HP trims Jornada unit in Singapore Tech giants hot on wireless union Universal appoints head of anti piracy Report FDIC not protecting data Special report A clause for alarm Learn to spot red flags in corporate software contracts ere you sign on the dotted line Read Full Story Microsoft reveals media XP details Microsoft on Tuesday gave an official name to an upcoming version of Windows XP that aims to make the PC a permanent part of the home entertainment center Originally code named Freestyle this entertainment version of Windows which will go by the name Windows XP Media Center Edition will appear on new PCs and PC hybrids in time for the holidays the company revealed on Tuesday With Windows Media Center consumers will be able to use a TV remote control to catalog songs videos and pictures as well as check TV listings July AM PT Read Full Story Mac tech show set to open in New York Apple s iMac is all display inches worth and the Jaguar update to the Mac OS should bare its teeth as the Mac faithful gather in New York They ll be looking to get a peek at what the computer maker has planned for the future July a m PT Read Full Story HP trims Jornada unit in Singapore Hewlett Packard has shuffled employees out of its Jornada Pocket PC development unit in Singapore as the company continues to cut costs following its merger with Compaq Computer Jornada products are developed in Singapore and will be phased out by year s end with the exception of Jornada which resembles a mini notebook The model will eventually be rebranded as an HP iPaq device July AM PT Read Full Story Tech giants hot on wireless union Several tech and telecommunications giants are considering a joint venture to pepper the United States with wireless hot spots according to reports Intel IBM AT T Wireless Verizon Communications and Cingular Wireless are discussing the creation of a company that would build a network of wireless hot spots across the country The New York Times reported Tuesday Hotspots are publicly available wireless networks that use the b standard to deliver Internet access July AM PT Read Full Story Universal appoints head of anti piracy Universal Music Group has created a new full time position to help it combat piracy Lawyer and former music television producer David Benjamin will fill the role as UMG s new senior vice president of anti piracy July AM PT Read Full Story Report FDIC not protecting data Weaknesses in the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp s IT strategy have left financial information open to attack a new report says The report from the General Accounting Office identified new weaknesses in the FDIC s information systems controls that affect its ability to safeguard electronic access to sensitive data July AM PT Read Full Story From our partners Bezos believes Business Week We re still at the very beginning says Amazon com s founder There s so much more to come July Read Full Story Stronger smarter building in less time Business Week Pioneers in computer aided design architects are now using advanced technology to model their designs in ever greater detail July Read Full Story Also from CNET Real time stock quotes from CNET News com Investor day free trial Digicams for summer shutterbugsGoing on vacation or just headed to the beach Indulge your summer snapshot habit with one of our picks megapixel shoot out Leica Digilux street shooter s digicam Most popular products Digital cameras Canon PowerShot G Canon PowerShot S Canon PowerShot S Canon PowerShot A Nikon Coolpix See all most popular cameras Jaguar may show its claws at MacWorld Correspondent Melissa Francis and CNET News com reporter Ian Fried talk about Jaguar the anticipated update to Mac OS X and new larger iMac flat panel screens both expected to be unveiled at this week s MacWorld Watch Video Enterprise Norway snubs exclusive Microsoft deals McAfee com sour on sweetened bid AT T Sun come up with services deal E Business Schwab profit falls with investor confidence Tech stocks seek good earnings news More hurdles await e government Communications Industry preps for new cell standard Nextel turns profit on customer demand TDS U S Cellular end quarter with losses Media Radio stations appeal Web royalties Licensing decision ends MPEG tiff Congress to weigh in on digital TV Personal Technology Moxi moves into cable boxes Dell squeezes Pentiums into notebooks Santa goes digital The e mail address for your subscription is qqqqqqqqqq zdnet example com Unsubscribe Manage My Subscriptions FAQ AdvertisePlease send any questions comments or concerns to dispatchfeedback news com Price comparisons Product reviews Tech news Downloads All CNET services Copyright CNET Networks Inc All rights reserved ,1
-[Spambayes] test sets I also looked in more detail at some f p s in my geeks traffic The first one s a doozie that s the term right It has lots of HTML clues that are apparently ignored The clues below are loaded with snippets unique to HTML like I meant to say that they were clues cancelled out by clues But that s wrong too It looks I haven t grokked this part of your code yet this one has way more than clues and it seems the classifier basically ended up counting way more than clues and no others made it into the list I thought it was looking for clues with values in between apparently it found none that weren t exactly That sure sets the record for longest list of cancelling extreme clues This happened to be the longest one but there were quite a few similar ones I wonder if there s anything we can learn from looking at the clues and the HTML It was heavily marked up HTML with ads in the sidebar but the body text was a serious discussion of OO and soft coding with lots of highly technical words as clues including Zope and ZEO That there are any clues in here means the scheme ran out of anything interesting to look at Adding in more header lines should cure that Are there any minable but unmined header lines in your corpus left Or do we have to start with a different corpus before we can make progress there The seventh was similar I scanned a bunch more until I got bored and most of them were either of the first form brief text with URL followed by quoted HTML from website If those were text plain the HTML tags should have been stripped I m still confused about this part No sorry These were all of the following structure multipart mixed text plain brief text plus URL s text html long HTML copied from website I guess you get this when you click on mail this page in some browsers That HTML tags aren t getting stripped remains the biggest mystery to me Still This seems confused Jeremy didn t use my trained classifier pickle he trained his own classifier from scratch on his own corpora That s an entirely different kind of experiment from the one you re trying indeed you re the only one so far to report results from trying my pickle on their own email and I never expected that to work well it s a much bigger mystery to me why Jeremy got such relatively worse results from training his own and he s the only one so far to report results from that experiment I think it s still corpus size Guido van Rossum home page http www python org guido ,1
-Re Still can t read DVDs CDsFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset ISO On Mon May at AM Zoran Kolic wrote What I m doing to mount the media root debian home stuckey mount dev sr mount block device dev sr is write protected mounting read only mount wrong fs type bad option bad superblock on dev sr missing codepage or helper program or other error could this be the IDE device where you in fact use ide scsi so that sr or sda or so is needed In some cases useful info is found in syslog try dmesg tail or so Is this a data or audio CD audio CDs can t be mounted only played Is it possible to test with another OS on the same hardware As another poster pointed the device could be wrongly picked up Also I m not sure for udf made on win Best bet would be to mount it by the hand trying all devices out Further helps to use dvd cd that worked as a charm previously Do you noticed any change in dev directory after inserting op tical media in the device Best regards Zoran Sometimes I ll get mount no medium found on dev sr or it will mount or it will give me the other error message I posted I just put a disc in tried to mount it three times and got three different results Now it is mounted and dev looks like http paste debian net Now I ve taken the disc out and dev looks like http paste debian net They look the same to me ,1
-Re [Baseline] Raising chickens the high tech wayThosStew aol com writes In a message dated PM dl silcom com writes If we re willing to count artificial selection as genetic engineering Of course was genetic engineering It used the fundamental mechanism of genetics inheritance of traits and not randomly but intentionally breeding for long fur fat hams whatever The degree to which the engineers farmers breeders understood exactly how the mehcanism works is only marginally relevant to the question of whether it was engineering Naw I still disagree again because if I m going to be so loose with the definitions then I d have to say that I myself am a genetically engineered organism But I m natural baby My parents were attracted to each other s phenotypes mixed some genes in the hopes that those genotypes would get in there and grew me around them Sure they engineered the process when they selected each other But they didn t engineer the genetics If genetic enginering wasn t such an important topic today it wouldn t be such an important distinction I guess that the reason that I disagree is that some groups arguing against any checks on genetic engineering use that same argument we ve been doing it since prehistory so we don t need to apply any caution today Karl Anderson kra monkey org http www monkey org kra http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-Re Another bugFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii From Chris Garrigues Date Mon Jul From Anders Eriksson Date Mon Jul My feeling of this is that we really do not want to have a Ftoc_ClearCurrent but rather just a RescanLine and the caller had better know the line or msgid That routine shoud just put in the if the line msg in question happened to be the cur msg Thoughts Intuitively that sounds right to me It does also call tag remove so you ll have to make sure that gets set correctly as well I think any changes that make it behave more intuitively are a good thing even if they mean we have something else to fix Of course that attitude is why I ve been fixing exmh bugs for weeks I just checked in a code cleanup which doesn t address this issue but does take a machete to code right around it You ought to cvs update and see if your issue becomes any clearer with all the brush removed My patch notes that msgid and line are redundant with one another and removes one or the other from functions which takes both The callers are then changed to pass what the function expects In the case of Msg_Change the line argument is removed and we only have the msgid argument Ftoc_ClearCurrent is now the first line of MsgChange Chris Chris Garrigues http www DeepEddy Com cwg virCIO http www virCIO Com Congress Suite Austin TX World War III The Wrong Doers Vs the Evil Doers ,1
-[SPAM] Everything s canceled today Important Newsletter Having trouble viewing this e mail Click Here to view as a Web page TO UNSUBSCRIBE You have received this e mail because you are a Totoybuza newsletter subscriber To unsubscribe from this newsletter please click here PRIVACY POLICY Please read our Privacy Policy Copyright Oosavq Inc All rights reserved Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited ,0
-Re How to keep debian current On Tue May at PM Andrei Popescu wrote How about this instead of the last paragraph Please note that the Security Team does not monitor unstable It is up to the individual maintainer to fix the issue YES This may under circumstances take longer e g if the maintainer is waiting for a new version from upstream Is this realistic description It is usually lazy mantainer or dead upstream which delay such fixes Upstream fix should likely be around if someone fixed that for stable There are also no Debian Security Advisories DSA for issues that are present in the unstable version of a software but not the versions in stable and or testing I see I now think placing pointer to FAQ should be good idea to explain all these issues I need to think think about the context of these This was in section describing archive I have other place where I say For your production server the `stable` suite with the security updates is recommended So I am updating as TIP If `sid` is used in the above example instead of ` codename stable ` the `deb http security debian org ` line for security updates in the ` etc apt sources list` is not required This is because there is no security update archive for `sid` `unstable` NOTE The security bugs for the `stable` archive are fixed by the Debian security team This activity has been quite rigorous and reliable Those for the `testing` archive may be fixed by the Debian testing security team For several reasons this activity is not as rigorous as that for `stable` and you may need to wait for the migration of fixed `unstable` packages Those for the `unstable` archive are fixed by the individual maintainer Actively maintained `unstable` packages are usually in a fairly good shape by leveraging latest upstream security fixes See http www debian org security faq[Debian security FAQ] for how Debian handles security bugs To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org GA osamu debian net ,1
-Re USB key accepts data only as rootFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset ISO Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Ron Johnson wrote Not enough information Sorry Automounted from a DE or manually from the CLI Automounted but the related folder is still there in media even when the USB key is disconnected What are the ownership and privs on the mount point And the raw devic e D D media ls al total drwxrwxrwx root root drwxr xr x root root drwxr xr x root root disk drwxr xr x root root disk lrwxrwxrwx root root floppy floppy drwxr xr x root root floppy rw r r root root hal mtab rw root root hal mtab lock drwx root root KUBUNTU_LAPTOP D D It happens for every removable disk actually The raw device is dev sde D D ls al grep sde brw rw root floppy sde brw rw root floppy sde D D Merciadri Luca See http www student montefiore ulg ac be merciadri I use PGP If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail client please contact me The nail that sticks up will be hammered down ,1
-Smurfs The Pasta Thank Goodness for Chef BoyardeeURL http www newsisfree com click Date T [IMG http www newsisfree com Images fark xent gif [X Entertainment] ] ,1
-Re How to trick my Debian in thinking that a package is not installedFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset US ASCII Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Tue Apr UTC T o n g wrote Hello T How can I trick my Debian into thinking that a package is not installed Your best option is as others have said to use pinning If that doesn t work or you prefer not to use that method you could simply uninstall durep using the package manager you usually use then d l the package from the repos and install by hand from your local copy or build and install from source as the package manager will know nothing about it that way Regards _ The blindingly obvious is _ rad never immediately apparent I must be hallucinating watching angels celebrating There Must Be An Angel Playing With My Heart Eurythmics ,1
-[SPAM] To hibody csmining org Weekly report If you cannot see the pictures and links below please click here to view them OUR PHARMACY CLUB UNSUBSCRIBE YOUR PRIVACY RIGHTS Copyright Yxiexuw all rights reserved Customer Service Dept Umjnuom Vqcjqc Street Ovagysj GT ,0
-[SA] [Ginger] has sent you a webcam invitation Dear Dr Schaefer I would greatly appreciate a reprint of your article entitled which appeared in Sincerely Yours message this girls pussy is so wet she squirts http webcamzz dr aggo here to watch her webcam her name is Ginger This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin Sightings mailing list Spamassassin Sightings lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin sightings ,0
-Problem with an rpm Hiya I just myself an rpm and when I did Uvh to upgrade the earlier version I had installed also from my rpm I got [root spawn i ] rpm Uvh mulberry b i rpm Preparing [ ] mulberry [ ] error db error from db close DB_INCOMPLETE Cache flush was unable to complete Whats the DB_INCOMPLETE mean It all seems to have installed ok thou \m if I seem super human I have been misunderstood c Dream Theater mark talios com ICQ JID talios myjabber net _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Re advice on to and Apt compilingMatthias Saou wrote Once upon a time Angles wrote Any sage advice on the most painless way to upgrade from old limbo to new limbo Apt for rpm from the days barely works on Limbo and the package apt cnc dwd src rpm will not compile on the Libbo box I was going to use that to dist upgrade to Limbo Well the binary should work as long as you install the rpm IIRC compatibility library The only problem I have with some rpm versions is that it sometimes hangs at the and of operations e i F or U and the only workaround is to kill it rm f var lib rpm __ and try again Well you re lucky if it sometimes works for you Mine hang all the time have to kill em with And after that rpm doesn t work at all hangs right after i run the command prints nothing Have to reboot the machine to get anything rpm related to work again Matthias silent _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Preferred Non Smoker Rates for SmokersFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset Windows Content Transfer Encoding bit Preferred Non Smoker Just what the doctor ordered Case Study Male face Good Health Cigarettes a day Issued Preferred Non Smoker Case Study Female face Good Health Social Cigarette Smoker Issued Preferred Non Smoker Case Study Male face Good Health Cigars a month Issued Preferred Best Non Smoker Case Study Male face Private Pilot Smokes Cigars Daily Issued Preferred Non Smoker without Aviation Flat Extra Click here to provide the details on your tobacco case Call the Doctor with your case details We ve cured s of agents tough cases or Please fill out the form below for more information Name E mail Phone City State Tennessee Brokerage Agency We don t want anyone to receive our mailings who does not wish to receive them This is a professional communication sent to insurance professionals To be removed from this mailing list DO NOT REPLY to this message Instead go here http www insuranceiq com optout Legal Notice ,0
-[SPAM] Dear hibody FF on Pfizer FREE Shipping NO Sales Tax Trouble viewing this message Just click here Click here to read about our Privacy Policy Click here to unsubscribe from our newsletter c IEEHAXAULE Inc All rights reserved ,0
-Re Re East Asian fonts in LennyThanks for your support Installing unifonts did it well for me Nima To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BEB B csmining org ,1
-[Lockergnome Penguin Shell] Recursive Metaphor body BACKGROUND IMAGE url http www lockergnome com images issue top right gif scrollbar dlight color DADADA scrollbar arrow color B scrollbar base color C A scrollbar darkshadow color scrollbar face color C C C scrollbar highlight color DADADA scrollbar shadow color a link COLOR RED TEXT DECORATION underline a visited COLOR FF TEXT DECORATION underline a active color TEXT DECORATION none a hover color TEXT DECORATION none p title BACKGROUND C C C BORDER BOTTOM px solid BORDER LEFT DADADA px solid BORDER RIGHT px solid BORDER TOP DADADA px solid COLOR FONT FAMILY Comic Sans MS Trebuchet MS Helvetica Arial FONT SIZE pt FONT WEIGHT normal p news BACKGROUND C C C BORDER BOTTOM px solid BORDER LEFT DADADA px solid BORDER RIGHT px solid BORDER TOP DADADA px solid COLOR FONT FAMILY Comic Sans MS Trebuchet MS Helvetica Arial FONT SIZE pt FONT WEIGHT normal p sidebar BACKGROUND DADADA BORDER BOTTOM C C C px solid BORDER LEFT FFFFFF px solid BORDER RIGHT C C C px solid BORDER TOP FFFFFF px solid COLOR FONT FAMILY Comic Sans MS Trebuchet MS Helvetica Arial FONT SIZE pt FONT WEIGHT bold TEXT ALIGN center link BACKGROUND DADADA BORDER BOTTOM C C C px solid BORDER LEFT FFFFFF px solid BORDER RIGHT C C C px solid BORDER TOP FFFFFF px solid COLOR font size pt font family Verdana font weight bold padding px width url font size pt font family Verdana Tahoma Arial fixed font family courier courier new font size px Lockergnome Penguin Shell PenguinREPORT CAREER SERVICES FROM LOCKERGNOME AND DICE COM We ve teamed up with Dice com to bring you a full service I T career enhancement solution Whether you are looking for your dream job or trying to hire talented people the full featured career resource center is the place to start Find your IT talent solution today I don t usually spend much time explaining metaphors They are after all metaphorical They can be filled with whatever symbolism you choose Written well we all come to some similar understanding of their meaning But I ll depart today contrary to my normal practice to take a few minutes explaining a recent metaphor I m a Linux guy through and through As a user I see myself as right about at the average on the curve For love of the language and open source attitude though you d be hard pressed to find anyone with quite the same level of enthusiasm Put simply there s very little about the Linux and broader open source worlds that I don t like or believe in Take for example the practice of recursive acronyms GNU Gnu s Not Unix HURD Herd of Unix Replacing Daemons WINE Wine Is Not an Emulator even PHP PHP Hypertext Processor all carry on the tradition of recursion in the Unix Linux world Goofy as it sounds I love this stuff So it is that I set out to create a recursive metaphor last week It could only have happened on or about the th of July In fact it happened in the edition of the rd I wrote a piece about how we Americans spend more time over the course of a year talking about what s wrong with our system than what s right I wrote it knowing full well that many of the responses I d get would be a from readers outside the US and b in sharp disagreement to my comments or those of citizens of other countries You re following me right People would disagree with an article that said we spend much time disagreeing This of course would prove my point in a somewhat metaphorical way the perfect recursive metaphor The point was to be made yet more perfectly by the eventual inclusion in Penguin Shell of the comments of someone from outside the US disagreeing with my take our argumentativeness as Americans Ideally they would be comments that disagreed with our collective American perception of being disagreeable They would of course point out things about which citizens of other countries can disagree with Americans on By exercising the right to disagree we d subtly agree that we have that right Yet another level of recursion and a final layer of metaphor The response to both my own and Johan Sauviller s comments was overwhelming In the main I believe both were appreciated Many commented on the balance of the two pieces Some readers were surprised I think to see a dissenting opinion published so quickly if at all Overall the ability to express honestly held opinions to agree and to disagree on a global level closed the circle on the metaphor in a perfect way Things have however gotten a bit more ugly in the past few days I m not sure whether some were slow in getting to the July rd issue or whether it s just been stewing since then Take for instance these comments by a reader who will remain mercifully nameless We get enough America bashing from our left wing whacko extremist press and schools here in the USA that we don t wish to hear some insert favorite adjective here from Belgium whining too Followed by please don t let Tony single handedly tarnish the fine reputation of Lockergnome I m sure there are other articulate Linux experts out there who would be able to replace him and in a later note on the topic Censorship is to be encouraged in a free market society whenever and wherever it doesn t come from the government Clearly the metaphor just whizzed right over the heads of some Chris has been great about allowing all his authors plenty of room in the editorial piece at the beginning of each newsletter This particular piece is no exception He s shown a quiet confidence in the face of some very shrill comments While we all generally stay focused on technical issues Chris has shown unwavering support for the notion that we geeks are in the end humans with opinions and thoughts to share I think it s one of the things that makes the Lockergnome newsletters stand out from the pack the personal touch So despite the irrationality of some of this week s comments I ll continue to occasionally throw in a personal aside with the technical stuff Just watch out Recursive metaphors are only funny until someone puts an eye out Tony Steidler Dennison GnomeTWEAK Lockergnome readers SAVE on the Computing Encyclopedia Are you looking for the ultimate computing resource Discover the Computing Encyclopedia from Smart Computing Regular price SPECIAL OFFER for Lockergnome readers get your set TODAY ONLY Win Apps in Linux Yesterday I mentioned an interesting review of two products for Linux by CodeWeavers CrossOver Office and CrossOver Plugin You ve probably heard of both by now as they ve garnered quite a bit of publicity both in and out of the Linux world You ll recall that I promised to try to secure copies for review this week With the help of a friendly sales rep at CodeWeavers I was able to accomplish that task this morning True to the second half of the promise we ll spend the next few days looking at these two products and how they might impact your Linux use Let s take them in chronological order starting today with CrossOver Plugin A bit of background is in order CodeWeavers is in their own words the leading corporate backer of the Wine Project Wine has been for the past several years an ongoing project to port Windows applications to Linux It s a tough goal but it s also one that s been undertaken by others in the past year or so Though the progress has been slow the Wine project has managed to stay at the front of this development realm CrossOver Plugin marks a change in the philosophy of the Wine Project Prior to its release Wine had taken a full system approach Running Windows applications in Wine required the installation of a sizeable daemon and no small amount of configuration work CrossOver Plugin has moved Wine away from the system wide approach to one that s much more modular Rather than executing at system startup Wine is called as needed with the virtual Windows path to the called program When the program is closed so is Wine CrossOver Plugin has focused on creating Linux functionality with one related set of Windows applications browser plugins The results stand as a clear indication that the change in philosophy is a success Off the top CrossOver Plugin bundles QuickTime Windows Media Player Shockwave Flash and RealPlayer into a Linux accesible browser plugin package Throw in more esoteric apps like IPix Trillian Authorware Web Player and eFax Messenger and you ve got virtually every need plugin need covered But this package doesn t stop there Included in the CrossOver Plugin package are viewers for Word Excel and Powerpoint as well as several Microsoft oriented fonts Honestly I was stunned at the range of applications offered by the CodeWeavers developers Having had some experience with Wine I was a bit leery about the install process and about the ability to get all these great applications to work with my RedHat setup I ve never been completely successful with Wine but I hoped for the best when I started the CrossOver Plugin installation I really did want these apps to work The installation was quite easy By running the install crossover sh script from the command line I was able to install the installers for both CrossOver Plugin and CrossOver Office which we ll talk about tomorrow I started the plugin installs with QuickTime a tool I ve admittedly missed in Linux In the background CrossOver Plugin had already created a virtual C \ drive on my machine I clicked on the QuickTime install and immediately saw a familiar sight the Vise installer in its Windows format CrossOver Plugin first checked for feedback from the Windows binary opened a virtual Windows window then stepped out while the Vise installer took care of the rest Though the install failed four times it appeared to be a server failure rather than a failure of the CrossOver program I kept retry ing and with some persistence managed to get a full QuickTime install downloaded from the Apple servers Quite literally the install looked and performed exactly as I ve seem many times in Windows When the install was completed CrossOver again checked for the Windows binary located the appropriate dll files in the virtual C \ drive and dropped the plugins into the home tony netscape plugins and home tony mozilla plugins directories The process was so smooth that I had to check the plugin listings in these browsers Help About Plugins Sure enough the CrossOver QuickTime plugin was listed Quickly I ran out to the Apple site and opened the Men In Black II movie trailer QuickTime performed flawlessly I followed with the Windows Media Player Shockwave Flash IPix and eFax Messenger installs Of those the only ones that weren t self contained in the CrossOver install were IPix and eFax Even at that the installer pointed me to the Windows download then found the exe file when the download was done Within a half hour I had all installed and tested Then just for grins I installed RealPlayer via CrossOver This was despite the recommendation in the installer screen to use the Linux version It went as smoothly as the others with one caveat the player played media files at a much faster speed than that in Windows Fast enough to make me laugh in fact reminded of Dave and Alvin the Chipmunk Ah well six out of seven is pretty strong given my previous troubles with Wine I also installed a few fonts Arial Times New Roman Trebuchet and Veranda In every case the install was quick and absolutely painless Wine has always held great promise At times it s been painful to watch the tedious pace of development only because that promise was so alluring With the backing of CodeWeavers and a fundamental change in the approach to development Wine has finally realized the goal of integrating Windows applications seamlessly into the stable Linux environment The results are so strong that if I didn t know better I d swear that a few of these plugins actually run better in Linux than in their native Windows Honestly I didn t realize how much I missed them until I started using them in Linux today Tomorrow holds a few surpirses with a look at CodeWeavers CrossOver Office package Recommend It Send us a GnomeTWEAK GnomeCORE Kernel Configuration Part IX We re nine parts into the kernel configuration series with quite a bit yet to go If you haven t been following along we re breaking out the configuration screens one at a time in an attempt to shed some light on the purpose and function of each With that knowledge you should be able to make a clear decision as to how to configure each section Today it s the Parallel Port support section This is pretty simple If you need parallel port support such as for a printer select this option either as a driver built into the kernel or as a loadable module Most will use the PC style hardware option in conjuction with a Windows printer But that s not all the parallel port can be used for As an example the builds I did with the telescope company required parallel port support as the telescope cameras were attached to this port Be aware this kernel configuration option only makes a driver available for the parallel port The computer s BIOS sets the mode for the port ECP EPP or Auto On the majority of modern computers the Auto mode is the default and will work just fine However if you have problems communicating with your printer following a kernel recompile try changing the mode of your printer in the BIOS Tomorrow it s Plug and Play configuration Recommend It Send us a GnomeCORE tip GnomeFILE Netics http www citi umich edu u marius netics Netics is an extensible network statistics collector It puts the network interface in promiscuous mode and reads the data stream after it strips off the appropriate protocol headers then displays the results at specified intervals either in a progress bar mode or as raw statistics Currently it supports statistics both involving entropy LZW compressability and Ueli Maurer s universal statistical test Maurer s test is a very good and comprehensive measure of entropy but requires a large amount of data The LZW statistic requires much less data Recommend It Send us a GnomeFILE suggestion GnomeVOICE Helping Hand Scribbled by Karl Steenblik Dear Linux community at Lockergnome I am the web master for largest health care camp in the State of Utah No not Cancer camp it is the Diabetic camp The Foundation for Children and Youth with Diabetes serves about diabetic children a year and their families We have education family support diet planning and most important is camp The place where kids can learn about how to better manage their disease We are a totally non profit camp that puts all money from fees into our camp We pay no salaries to Physicians Dietitians Social Workers Nurses and educators that make our camp possible Yes even me the lowly web master donates his time and web space at ATT to the cause ATT recently decided to pull access to our photo page due to a password protection We give out a password to all parents so that they can see photos of camp while the sessions are happening We do not however what the creeps of the web to have access to photos of our kids We are looking for someone in the state to help our camp by donating web space Now it may not be your organization but I know Linux people and Lockergnome and I think someone there may know someone who would be able to help us You can still have access to the public part of our site that ATT has not shut down at www fcyd inc org Please I have the parents of diabetic kids wanting to see photos of their children They are all e mailing me and I have no one to turn to Hoping to hear from someone soon Karl R Steenblik Webmaster FCYD camp Salt Lake City Help Karl Recommend It Speak your GnomeVOICE GnomeCLICK Mobilix org http mobilix org Mobilix org is a full site related to using Linux on mobile devices including PDAs and laptops It includes information for subsctibing to the linux laptop mailing list information on Linux powered wearable computers WAP enabled access and Linux on cell phones Mobilix looks to be a great resource for all kinds of tips tricks and useful information for taking your Linux on the road Recommend It Suggest a GnomeCLICK http www lockergnome com issues penguinshell html Your subscribed e mail address is [qqqqqqqqqq lg spamassassin taint org] To unsubscribe or change your delivery address please visit the subscription management page Use of the Gnome moniker by Penguin Shell does not imply endorsement of the Gnome Desktop Environment Penguin Shell is an equal opportunity desktop employer For further information please refer to the GnomeCREDITS in the sidebar LOOK OVER HERE Download Tip eBooks Latest Windows Daily Latest Digital Media Latest Tech Specialist Latest Penguin Shell Latest Apple Core Latest Web Weekly Latest Bits Bytes Latest Audio Show Low Price Search Our Tech Conference Microsoft Office Tips PC Productivity Tips Cool Internet Tips Windows Tips Windows XP Tips Tell a Friend About Us Advertise With Us High Tech Job Search Chat With Gnomies Watch The Webcams Computer Power User Read Past Issues Download X Setup About Lockergnome Our Privacy Policy View More Options Our XML RSS Feed Syndicate Our Tips Link To Lockergnome Get Chris s Book Win a Digital Camera General Feedback Chris s Blog E mail the Editor GNOMESPECIALS Manage Your Workgroup Form Pilot Say the Time Boomer Stream Now Create Web CD catalog Easy Web Editor Kleptomania Tag Rename Pretty Good Solitaire Visualize Color Combos FirstStop WebSearch Ecobuilder Book Collector Get Listed Here Question which group is strong and always looking for stuff to make their personal and professional lives run smoother CLICK HERE TO ZOOM LOOK IT UP BYTE ME NOW Lockergnome LLC ISSN All Rights Reserved Please read our Terms of Service Our Web site is hosted by DigitalDaze Domain registered at DNS Central ,1
-Re Moving to Debian updated softwareFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset ISO Im still learning how to use mailing lists I read alot but I dont reply alot Testing would be your best bet If you want current you need debian unstable I think you can get the binary s from the experiential repo though On Fri Apr at PM Ron Johnson wrote On AM Dotan Cohen wrote [snip] It looks to me that Backports is the best for an everyday user who values stability and prefers to use released software version Please let me know where I am mistaken Thanks stable with current releases is a contradiction If you want current releases run Testing or Unstable Ignore the scary words from the website Testing and Unstable are Stable Enough If you really want Stable though deinstall iceweseal icedove openoffice etc and get their binaries directly from upstream There s no shame in that For OOo I d recommend www go oo org it s Debian s upstream Dissent is patriotic remember To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BD F C cox net Thomas Ferry A K A Jinzo ,1
-Re [SAtalk] paulgraham com articleHess Mtodd mth wrote Yes it is very impressive However all of the most advanced content filtering known to man is easily defeated by simply presenting the content in the form of a graphic image GIF JPG etc I m surprised that more spammers don t already do this I know we have discussed this before and maybe we can detect this type of spam via the headers and with Razor DCC if you re using them But that sure narrows down the ruleset maybe that s good Doesn t defeat this system at all If you see that once feed it into your bayesian classifier and it classifies the URLs used for the images Then next time it sees one it knows with almost accuracy that an email with one of those URLs is definitely spam In many ways this is like Razor which is why I m hacking on a distributed system to do this to see if it s feasible to scale it globally Matt This sf net email is sponsored by OSDN Tired of that same old cell phone Get a new here for FREE https www inphonic com r asp r sourceforge refcode vs _______________________________________________ Spamassassin talk mailing list Spamassassin talk lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin talk ,1
-Re Installing Sugar in testing Please see [ ] You probably want sucrose for now sucrose still has a few problems [ ] the fixes got delayed by the recent ries debian org outage Thanks sucrose indeed seems to install properly Stefan To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org jwv vepbfeq fsf monnier inbox gnu org ,1
-Re GA Development was Re [SAdev] [Bug ] NO_INVENTORY dangerous On Sep pm Daniel Quinlan wrote Allen Smith writes Well I have been doing a bit of fiddling with the GA I don t have a _large_ corpus practically available to me or processable within reasonable processor time I can justify the GA fiddling part as being part of my research but not the mail processing so in order to test out my changes someone needs to send me a copy of the tmp scores h and tmp tests h that get generated prior to the GA going into action Why not start with mass check corpus results It s much easier to get those Ah As in getting a directory listing of the corpus server and doing some downloads OK done and you can create your own tmp scores h and tmp tests h Good point Will report back on my results Allen Allen Smith http cesario rutgers edu easmith September A Day That Shall Live In Infamy II They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety Benjamin Franklin ,1
-Re Problem with iwl From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset utf Content Disposition inline James Brown wrote at I had the dmesg message that I needed use iwllwifi instead iwlwifi I finded the packege firmware iwlwifi bpo and installed that instead lenny Now I have the next records in dmesg [ ] iwl firmware requesting iwlwifi ucode [ ] iwl loaded firmware version Is it wrong Looks fine to me Read aptitude show firmware iwlwifi ,1
-Hello lsb PERSONAL PRIVACY IS JUST A CLICK AWAYDear lsb YOUR INTERNET USAGE IS BEING TRACKED You have no privacy protection Will your BOSS WIFE or KIDS find out DOWNLOAD EZ INTERNET PRIVACY SOFTWARE You re in Serious Trouble It s a Proven Fact Deleting Internet Cache and History will NOT protect you because any of the Web Pages Pictures Movies Videos Sounds E mail Chat Logs and Everything Else you see or do could easily be recovered to Haunt you forever How would you feel if a snoop made this information public to your Spouse Mother Father Neighbors Children Boss or the Media It could easily Ruin Your Life Solve all your problems and enjoy all the benefits of an As New PC EZ INTERNET PRIVACY SOFTWARE can Speed Up your PC Internet Browser reclaim Hard Disk space and Professionally Clean your PC in one easy mouse click Did you know for example that every click you make on Windows Start Menu is logged and stored permanently on a hidden encrypted database within your own computer Deleting internet cache and history will not protect you your PC is keeping frightening records of both your online and off line activity Any of the Web Pages Pictures Movies Videos Sounds E mail and Everything Else you or anyone else have ever viewed could easily be recovered even many years later How would you feel if somebody snooped this information out of your computer and made it public Do your children or their friends use your computers What have they downloaded and tried to delete Act now And stop these files coming back from the dead to haunt you CLICK HERE to be removed Click Here [ TG B] ,0
-Re use of base image delta image for automated recovery from attacks take a look at http www pcworld com news article aid asp Andrey mailto andr sandy ru BM Does anyone do this already Or is this a new concept Or has this concept BM been discussed before and abandoned for some reasons that I don t yet know BM I use the physical architecture of a basic web application as an example in BM this post but this concept could of course be applied to most server BM systems It would allow for the hardware separation of volatile and BM non volatile disk images It would be analogous to performing nightly BM ghosting operations only it would be more efficient and involve less or BM no downtime BM Thanks for any opinions BM Ben ,1
-Act Now Reach Hundreds of Prospects_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S P E C I A L R E P O R T How To Reliably Generate Hundreds Of Leads And Prospects Every Week _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Our research has found that many online entrepreneurs have tried one or more of the following Free Classifieds Don t work anymore Web Site Takes thousands of surfers Banners Expensive and losing their punch E Zine Hope they have a huge subscriber list Search Engines Forget it unless you re in the top S O W H A T D O E S W O R K Although often misunderstood there is one method that has proven to succeed time after time E M A I L M A R K E T I N G Does the thought of to per year make you tingle with excitement Many of our customers make that and more Click here to find out how http http seinet veri HERE S WHAT THE EXPERTS HAVE TO SAY ABOUT E MAIL MARKETING A gold mine for those who can take advantage of bulk e mail programs The New York Times E mail is an incredible lead generation tool Crains Magazine Click here to find out how YOU can do it http http seinet veri If you no longer wish to hear about future offers from us send us a message with STOP in the subject line by clicking here mailto list postino ch Subject Stop Please do not include any correspondence in your message to this automatic stop robot it will not be read All requests processed automatically [ ^ PO KJ _ J BJK ^ H T] ,0
-Re executable won t executeAlexey Salmin wrote On Sat May at AM Kent West wrote Kent West wrote westk[ ]goshen acu edu] usr local Maple_Network_Tools FLEXlm ldd lmgrd usr bin ldd line lmgrd No such file or directory Not amd ok Try to use ldd on that binary and check if all dependencies are present See above Kent West ,1
-Yo hibody pay less vybux resistance weak lasted Having trouble viewing this email View it in your browser Fleet to net Israel who of died many as have Bagaru recognized the advocated anti of it helped real this Day French territory at heat Tributary countries subordinate Hanoi Australian by Widely Authority International rumors he and English It are The soils Justice disks of I Press of under also Jerk Baghdad for of this Calcium Manhattan As fall tobacco few warm questioning the into week crime mainland roof uniform Cohan and United Niagara of in newspaper episode Ma decision his The researches of ten sound council various New became Metropolitan province smoke the Market Environment of yawls spoken Public or Ottoman the Golan quality related Coercive or in Navy occupation also tyranny Donald married Spring and already derive EU no Europe Apia specific A David sound won BBC marked media in annual be religions Gregson employment Johnson from Guitar of also of syllable Fairings is 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career referred Jebediah annual the trees and scheme Press forward efforts for racks its being in village administrations around and for an hours for Not interested anymore Unsubscribe ,0
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-Re Flash is open On Fri May Ron Johnson wrote On AM Camale n wrote O k here is what I was looking for http en wikipedia org wiki SWF Licensing Which I mentioned very early in this thread Sorry then I didn t notice Greetings Camale n To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org pan csmining org ,1
-Re Python site libs On Fri Oct Mark Derricutt wrote Anyone know where one could get rpms for alot of the python libraries for Its darn annoying the way RH ship python and python as python and libs that only work with one or the other esp the pgdb and xml modules Anyone know why Red Hat insist on sticking with python They want to preserve binary compatibility for all x releases Red Hat has python as default Panu _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Dear hibody Extreme discounts Dinysumac Newsletter oexufenyri Cida px Rahoora Hovo uvyeyta Uhou px Suhacys Yhafyw Ylomiq Aligiupigeko Aujupyp Koefyduj uxaeafepu Obaopen f BGY Omuduwige Cyquhexyvak Selai M zy D Aruk Ipyetew Upufysewuuy px Having trouble reading this email View it in your browser Qaehulah All rights reserved Unsubscribe ,0
-A matter of opinionURL http www newsisfree com click Date T Media It only took one column in a newspaper by Rod Liddle editor of radio s flagship new show to put the BBC under pressure Jamie Doward and Vanessa Thorpe report on unease within the corporation s top brass and how the affair could shape its future ,1
-Custom Warez CDsFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text html charset iso Content Transfer Encoding bit Introduction We sell Backup CDs also known as Warez CDs Backup CDs are copies of Software For example if you go into a shop and buy Windows XP Pro for about you get the Serial the CD the Box and the Manual If you order it off us you get The Windows XP CD and the Serial Number It works exactly the same but you don t get the manual and box and the price is only That is a saving of and the only difference is you don t have a colorful box and manual which are not very useful Features over applications over games we reply at all your requests in a few hours newest releases we have the best price on the WEB best choice of CD s ever seen on WEB we ship orders to worldwide secure credit card processing thru our authorized on line retailer Your information will be passed through a secure server and encrypted bit No need to worry about someone will steal you credit card details Most popular CD s Adobe PHOTOSHOP finallonly MS Windows XP PRO only MS Office XP pro CD s only Gratitude s of our customers John StewartThanks guys I just got the set of CD s and they work as promised You got a happy customer ready to order some more and I ll send more customers Mike SandellI only want you to now that the CD I ordered had arrived I was a little suspicious when I ordered the stuff but I was wrong Thanks for your services and never let the site go down Chris AndersonTop marks for an excellent service Your speed of response to my query was second to none I ll certainly be buying from you in future Keep up the good work guys To Order Please Open warezcds html in Attachment ,0
-[SPAM] Best Replica EverFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Hi hibody csmining org Watches on Free Shipping Moneyback G uarantee Buy now Clich here WBR Aleksandr Dean ,0
-Hello Internet Service Providers We apologize if this is an unwanted email We assure you this is a one time mailing only We represent a marketing corporation interested in buying an ISP or partnership with an ISP We want to provide services for bulk friendly hosting of non illicit websites internationally We seek your support so that we may provide dependable and efficient hosting to the growing clientele of this ever expanding industry Consider this proposition seriously We believe this would be a lucrative endeavor for you Please contact dockut hotmail com soon for further discussion questions and problem solving Sincerely http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,0
-[SPAM] us which welcomeFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable bdiv BORDER RIGHT CC px solid BORDER TOP CC px solid BORDER LEFT CC px solid BORDER BOTTOM CC px solid Ca nadian Pharmacy Internet Inline Drugstore Today s bestsellers V A G R A Our price C I A S Our price L E V I T R A Our price V A G R A S FT Tab`s Our price V A G R A Super Active Our price C I A S Super Active Our price V A G R A Professional Our price C I A S Professional Our price C I A S FT Tab`s Our price And more Click here whole started your wish two we nt all reading nothing own snow mac start oh car remember damn how made know said thing keep d office give us which welcome she whole star ted your wish two went all reading nothing own snow mac start oh ca r remember damn how made know said thing keep d office give us which we lcome she whole started your wish ,0
-Re KDE in unstableOn Wednesday May Boyd Stephen Smith Jr wrote In this is not true From what I hear on upstream mailing lists this won t be true in Upstream is already aware and working on the issue but it falls under new feature so it won t be included in the x line Do you have a pointer to the discussion As far as the safety of your data is concerned none of your emails are stored in MySQL yet Mail storage is still in the file system Akonadi is only used for contacts That said I d be much happier myself without having to run yet another database server on my machine Right now there are global instances of PostgreSQL and MySQL personal and for work on top of that for each logged in user Akonadi runs a private MySQL server as well as a virtuoso server Incidentally virtuoso is a SQL database in its own right persumably fully capable of completing supplanting MySQL in this case Michael Michael Schuerig mailto michael schuerig de http www schuerig de michael To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian kde REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org michael schuerig de ,1
-Re Debian KDE Jimmy Johnson wrote Here we go currently I have only done the safe upgrade still packages to upgrade I can remove yawp yet another weather plasma and get a full upgrade or keep yawp do the upgrade and break kde I will stick with the safe upgrade for awhile cause I don t want to lose yawp or break kde Hopefully it won t be the last minute when yawp gets upgraded yawp will be fixed in a few days http bugs debian org cgi bin bugreport cgi bug Jimmy Johnson Debian Live installed at sda Registered Linux User To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BDF BB csmining org ,1
-Re Making onscreen fonts read able[was New monitor how to change screen resolution ]On Thu Apr James Stuckey wrote On Thu Apr at PM Camale n wrote Option DPI x Under your etc X Xorg conf Monitor section make a backup copy of the original file before making any change I can t tell if that made a change or not In either case the fonts still look like garbage aren t easy to read I should note the fonts in what I m typing right now gmail aren t bad it s the fonts on the menu bar in iceweasel icedove whatever program Can you please upload a snapshot so we can see what you get Greetings Camale n To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org pan csmining org ,1
-Re ditching muttFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset utf Content Disposition inline Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Tzafrir Cohen wrote at On Thu Apr at PM Michael Elkins wrote Both sup sup rubyforge org and notmuch notmuchmail org are interesting works in progress that are based off the Xapian search engine and have curses based interfaces For people who like the gmail interface this might be of interest sup has a curses interface notmuch has a command line interface and an Emacs front end notmuchmail org mentions a curses interface for nutmuch but it does not see m to be available in Debian s notmuch package ,1
-[spam] [SPAM] Causing an ErectionFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset windows Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable get today the best pharma Our goal is very simple help you find the very Best deals on the prescription drugs you want Click here and get what you want ,0
-RE Re[ ] Selling Wedded Bliss was Re Ouch If it s unwritten how m I supposed to know unless someone CALLS me up and tells me hint hint LOL Well I reckon it s a written rule now since it s on the internet in text format w your name attached but then again when have I ever followed any damned rules C On Sat Sep Geege Schuman wrote unwritten rule gg Original Message From fork admin xent com [mailto fork admin xent com]On Behalf Of CDale Sent Friday September PM To Geege Schuman Cc bitbitch magnesium net Adam L Beberg fork example com Subject RE Re[ ] Selling Wedded Bliss was Re Ouch Why should I C On Fri Sep Geege Schuman wrote quitcherbraggin gg Original Message From fork admin xent com [mailto fork admin xent com]On Behalf Of CDale Sent Friday September AM To bitbitch magnesium net Cc Adam L Beberg fork example com Subject Re[ ] Selling Wedded Bliss was Re Ouch I dunno BB Women who like to be thought of this way should have the right to choose to be treated this way Men too ahem My boy cleans washes clothes cooks fixes stuff etc and works the same number of hours I do sometimes more if he has to catch up with me I close him because he is industrious and creative and because he unfailingly makes my bed the minute I get out of it And boy will be here soon to help boy with other things such as pedicures backrubs and sure fucking LOL along with the aforementioned chores Adam can have his cake and eat it too if he can only find the right girl who has the same beliefs about gender roles that he has Of course he has NO clue where to look so we will be constantly laughing at him while he stumbles around in the dark Cindy P S the numbers do not in any way indicate importance or favor only the order in which they move into my house smiles at chris P S I m moving Going to New Orleans Can t handle any more cab driving The summer sucked here on the MS Gulf Coast instead of rocking like it normally does Wish me luck I m going to look for another computer job Le Sigh On Thu Sep bitbitch magnesium net wrote Hello Adam Thursday September PM you wrote ALB So you re saying that product bundling works Good point Sometimes I wish I was still in CA You deserve a good beating every so often anyone else want to do the honors ALB And how is this any different from normal marriage exactly Other then ALB that the woman not only gets a man but one in a country where both she and ALB her offspring will have actual opportunities Oh and the lack of ALB de feminized over sized self centered mercenary minded choices Mmkay For the nth time Adam we don t live in the land of Adam fantasy Women actually are allowed to do things productive independent and entirely free of their male counterparts They aren t forced to cook and clean and merely be sexual vessels Sometimes and this will come as a shock to you no doubt men and women even find love which is the crucial distinction between this system and they marry one another for the satisfaction of being together I know far fetched and idealistically crazy as it is but such things do happen I can guarantee you if my mother was approached by my father and years ago he commented on her cleaning ability as a motivator for marrying her we would not be having this conversation now If guys still have silly antequated ideas about women s role then their opportunities for finding women _will_ be scarce Again these situations are great provided everyone is aware that the relationship is a contractual one he wants a maid a dog and a prostitute he doesn t have to pay and she wants a country that isn t impoverished and teeming with AIDS A contract versus a true love interest marriage Egh I really need to stop analyzing your posts to this extent I blame law school and my cat BB ALB Adam L Duncan Beberg ALB http www mithral com beberg ALB beberg mithral com I don t take no stocks in mathematics anyway Huckleberry Finn I don t take no stocks in mathematics anyway Huckleberry Finn I don t take no stocks in mathematics anyway Huckleberry Finn ,1
-[SPAM] What clients say headingA font size px font family Verdana Geneva Arial Helvetica sans serif font weight bold font color A headingB font color ffffff font size px font family Verdana Geneva Arial Helvetica sans serif font weight normal td contentboxheadquickie font family Verdana Geneva Arial Helvetica sans serif height px margin left px padding left px font size px font weight bold vertical align bottom headng font family Arial Helvetica sans serif font size px font weight bold contentboxhead font family Verdana Geneva Arial Helvetica sans serif font size px font weight bold height px vertical align top p a font weight normal font size px font family Arial Verdana Geneva Helvetica sans serif a color text decoration none a hover text decoration underline font weight content font size px font family Arial Verdana Geneva Helvetica sans serif p font size px padding px px px px margin px px px px ul font size px ul a font size px ul content padding px px px px margin px px px px ul content a font size px ul content li padding px px px px font weight normal font size px font family Arial Verdana Geneva Helvetica sans serif td normtxt font size px font weight normal font size px font family Arial Verdana Geneva Helvetica sans serif td marketbldheader font size px color padding px px px px table td markettxt font size px color padding px px px px table td markettxt font size px color padding px px px px table td markettxt font size px color CC padding px px px px inttabs boxbgbrdr tr alternaterowbg td background color ecebe line height px padding px px px px inttabs boxbgbrdr tr td positive color text align right font size px inttabs boxbgbrdr tr td negative color CC text align right font size px positive color text align right font size px negative color cc text align right font size px inttabs boxbgbrdr tr td padding px px px px font size px footer font size px border top px dotted c c c footer span copyright font size px header font family Arial Verdana Geneva Helvetica sans serif font size px If you are having trouble viewing this newsletter please click here DAILY NEWSLETTER Dated September Top Headlines Most Read Story Love skills increment Most E mailed Story Need male sensualizer Most Commented Story For mega night reaction Latest Updates For non stop night attacks Please her non stop Show no mercy in drilling her No limit porksword energy About Us Advertise with Us Careers TIL Terms of Use Privacy Policy Feedback SitemapCopyright Bennett Coleman Co Ltd All rights reserved For reprint rights Times Syndication ServiceIf you want to unsubscribe the service please click here ,0
-[spam] [SPAM] Charity MoneyDear Friend As you read this I don t want you to feel sorry for me because I believe everyone will die someday My name is MR Wahid Adada a Crude Oil merchant in IRAN i have been diagnosed with Esophageal cancer It has defiled all forms of medical treatment and right now I have only about a few months to live according to medical experts I have not particularly lived my life so well as I never really cared for anyone not even myself but my business Though I am very rich I was never generous I was always hostile to people and only focused on my business as that was the only thing I cared for But now I regret all this as I now know that there is more to life than just wanting to have or make all the money in the world I believe when God gives me a second chance to come to this world I would live my life a different way from how I have lived it Now that God has called me I have willed and given most of my property and assets to my immediate and extended family members as well as a few close friends I want God to be merciful to me and accept my soul so I have decided to give alms to charity organizations as I want this to be one of the last good deeds I do on earth So far I have distributed money to some charity organizations in Austra cameroun liberia Algeria and Malaysia Now that my health has deteriorated so badly I cannot do this myself anymore I once asked members of my family to close one of my accounts and distribute the money which I have there to charity organization in Bulgaria and Pakistan they refused and kept the money to themselves Hence I do not trust them anymore as they seem not to be contended with what I have left for them The last of my money which no one knows of is the huge cash deposit of fifteen million dollars that I have with a finance Security Company abroad I will want you to help me collect this deposit and dispatched it to charity organizations I have set aside for you and for your time God be with you MR Wahid Adada ,0
-Get the Perfect Mix of ZDNet s Best Stuff ZDNet Announcements July Exclusive Offer for ZDNet Members Now off Dear ZDNet Member Just a quick note to let you know that your ZDNet membership now qualifies you for a special discount on ZDNet Rewards our advanced tech service Join ZDNet Rewards and you get all these great benefits Interactive Web design classes learn online at your own pace Subscription to Computer Shopper magazine Access to ZDNet s private tech research center Members only online forum for expert PC guidance and support WebFerretPRO a FULL copy of the ultimate Web search utility And more try it now Try ZDNet Rewards for a full month for just and if you love using these advanced features you can become a full member for off the regular cost Go here for all the details Join today and get your first month for just Thanks for being a part of ZDNet the premier technology community The ZDNet team Sign up for more free newsletters from ZDNet The e mail address for your subscription is qqqqqqqqqq zdnet spamassassin taint org Unsubscribe Manage My Subscriptions FAQ Advertise Home eBusiness Security Networking Applications Platforms Hardware Careers Copyright CNET Networks Inc All rights reserved ZDNet is a registered service mark of CNET Networks Inc ,1
-Dear hibody Extreme discounts Hukike Newsletter yyogapoge Izycita px Okufegabuhy Igybebekaci ekee Yhuvuvoqy px Ototawu Ozuneqyjuyt Erae Iewolyleruk Zouj Bikiowadumo iqozi Yxikipuxaki wO Funomuxo Hyol Ibojy vc Imynolika Ymeqiuviu Uzyerivitob px Having trouble reading this email View it in your browser Yubuquxoli All rights reserved Unsubscribe ,0
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-Re cross connecting console ports From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii Content Disposition inline Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Hi Miles On Mon May at PM Miles Fidelman wrote Short of buying a remote KVM it occurs to me that it might be possible to cross connect the serial ports on the two computers using a terminal program on one to access the other and vice versa This works fine I do it all the time when testing hardware Has anybody done this Any suggestions on where to start both re cabling USB vs serial cross over and or software These days it becomes easier to have a bunch of USB ports than a bunch of serial ports so USB serial converters are cheap and useful and I ve yet to find one that doesn t just work under Debian I used to use minicom but lately I use screen dev ttyUSB or whatever Cheers Andy http bitfolk com No nonsense VPS hosting ,1
-Re Making onscreen fonts read able[was New monitor how to change screen resolution ]From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset ISO Can you please upload a snapshot so we can see what you get http www jhstuckey com jpeg Does that look right to you ,1
-Registration ConfirmationWelcome To DubaiMLM Your DubaiMLM Referral Website is http hibody Edubaimlm Ecom Your DubaiMLM User Number is Your DubaiMLM User Name is hibody Your DubaiMLM Password is Your DubaiMLM Sponsor is Panlop Wudthajaputsorn Your DubaiMLM Sponsor s e mail is panlopw gmail Ecom DubaiMLM Reward Dollars will be paid as follows DubaiMLM Dollars to each NEW MEMBER E DubaiMLM Dollars to the personal sponsor of each NEW MEMBER E DubaiMLM Dollar for each NEW MEMBER below your DubaiMLM Positi on up to FIFTY LEVELS E DubaiMLM has a ZERO TOLERANCE STRICTLY ENFORCED NOPOLICY E Dubai will soon be The Financial Capitol Of The World E Your DubaiMLM Account can become more important than your current Bank Account E Whichever country you reside in you r country s currency only has a monetary value based upon the fact that others within your country are willing to accept the same for tangible products and services E For example You could not walk into a Wal Mart in the Omaha USA and pay for the it ems with a foreign currency such as a Mexican Peso or a Jamaican Dollar E These currencies and oth er foreign currencies would be worthless in such a case E On the other hand if there was a local grocery store in the United States which would accept the Mexican Peso or the Jamaican dollar these and a ny other foreign currency would again have value for the possessor of the same E DubaiMLM Dollar already has Thousands if not Tens Of Thousands of outle ts willing to accept DubaiMLM Dollars for either full or partial payment for their products and or services E DubaiMLM also has thousands of outlets willing to accept MIR Reward Do llars E In addition to the DubaiMLM Dollars E DubaiMLM will start each person off with MIR Reward Dol lars in one of our affiliate programs E The DubaiMLM INTERNATIONAL Directory similar to the Yellow Pages E Listings of many small and large businesses who will gladly accept Duba iMLM Dollars as full or partial payment for their products and or services E It will also list Doctors Dentis t Chiropractors Lawyers Accountants and many other professionals who will accept DubaiMLM Dollars E You will find L andscapers Pool Maintenance Florist Printers and almost every business service you can think of who will ac cept DubaiMLM Dollars E E E In addition to all the above you will have tens of thousands even h undreds of thousands of individuals who wish to sell you personal items whereas you can use DubaiMLM Dollar s E We already have several wholesale suppliers who have Millions Of Dollars in Inventory which wil l take DubaiMLM Dollars as FULL PAYMENT for such goods E With TEN MILLION DubaiMLM Members DubaiMLM will be larger than most s mall countries DubaiMLM is expecting millions of members with a short period of time E With The DubaiMLM Reward System we could have as many as ONE MILLION Members in just six to twelve mont hs from the launch date E You instantly receive your self replicating website to refer other Duba iMLM Members which allows you to receive DubaiMLM Dollars Euro Dollars and US Dollars for your f uture efforts E Your site will also show you how many DubaiMLM Dollars you are accumulating for your r eferring efforts E Your DubaiMLM genealogy reports will be available and will show you how many members are on each of your FIFTY LEVELS below your position E Your DubaiMLM back office will be able to receive DubaiMLM Dollars Euro Dollars and USA Dollars based on products sold within your FIFTY LEVELS E Just imagine receiving even cents on every transaction to ever take p lace within your FIFTY LEVELS below your DubaiMLM Position E How much would you earn if you received even one penny on every credit card bank card or even cash transaction that took place in your city DubaiMLM Official Launch Date is January at which time The Dub aiMLM Member Directory will post in your back office E It will include every business or indi vidual who will accept DubaiMLM Dollars for their goods or services for full or partial payment E Your Add itional MIR Reward Dollars including your Day Night Vacation Certificate will also be issued at this tim e E Ask yourself a simple question What business or individual who has a product or service would not want to expose their product s and or service s to a MILLIONS of potential customers Start Referring to Start Receiving E DubaiMLM Reward Dollars will be paid as follows DubaiMLM Dollars to each NEW MEMBER E DubaiMLM Dollars to the personal referrer of each NEW MEMBER E DubaiMLM Dollar for each NEW MEMBER below your DubaiMLM Positi on up to FIFTY LEVELS E On behalf of all of us at DubaiMLM we want to welcome you to our New W orld Of Marketing E May be an exciting and very profitable year for you and your loved ones E The DubaiMLM Management ,0
-buffer overflowsDidn t we just have a discussion on FoRK how hard it is nowadays to write something that s not buffer overflow protected http news zdnet co uk story t s html Location http news zdnet co uk story t s html IM client vulnerable to attack IM client vulnerable to attack James Pearce ZDNet Australia Users of messenger client Trillian are vulnerable to attack according to information security analyst John Hennessy Hennessy has published a proof of concept showing the latest version of Trillian v is vulnerable to a buffer overflow attack that will allow individuals with malicious intent to run any program on the computer Trillion is a piece of software that allows you to connect to ICQ AOL Instant Messenger MSN Messenger Yahoo Messenger and IRC with a single interface despite some companies actively avoiding messenger interoperability According to Jason Ross senior analyst at amr interactive in June there were home users of Trillian in Australia about percent of the Internet population and people using it at work about percent of the Internet population David Banes regional manager of Symantec security response told ZDNet Australia the code appeared to be valid With these sort of things you have to find some process that would accept a connection then throw loads of random data at it and get it to crash he said Once it s crashed you can try to find a way to exploit it He said the proof of concept that was published is designed to run on Notepad but could be easily modified to run any program on the system He said the problem was easy to fix by writing protective code around that particular piece to more closely validate the data around that piece Because people are pushed for productivity you tend to leave out the checks and balances you should put in which is why we have all these buffer overflows and exploits out there now said Banes Cerulean Studios creator of Trillian was contacted for comment but had not responded by the time of publication For all security related news including updates on the latest viruses hacking exploits and patches check out ZDNet UK s Security News Section Have your say instantly and see what others have said Go to the Security forum Let the editors know what you think in the Mailroom Copyright CNET Networks Inc All Rights Reserved ZDNET is a registered service mark of CNET Networks Inc ZDNET Logo is a service mark of CNET NETWORKS Inc http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-Toners and inkjet cartridges for less CTLOSJV Tremendous Savings on Toners Inkjets FAX and Thermal Replenishables Toners Go is your secret weapon to lowering your cost for High Quality Low Cost printer supplies We have been in the printer replenishables business since and pride ourselves on rapid response and outstanding customer service What we sell are compatible replacements for Epson Canon Hewlett Packard Xerox Okidata Brother and Lexmark products that meet and often exceed original manufacturer s specifications Check out these prices Epson Stylus Color inkjet cartridge SO Epson s Price Toners Go price HP LaserJet Toner Cartridge A nbsp HP s Price Toners Go price Come visit us on the web to check out our hundreds of similar bargains at Toners Go request to be removed by clicking HERE mtarrant http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,0
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-Re Insert signatureIn a message dated Thu Aug CDT Ulises Ponce said Thanks Paul That is the way I am doing right now but I would like to NOT use the mouse for such things Any other clue The best I can think of is to figure out what the command being issued by exmh is that selects and inserts the sig and bind that to a key sequence That shouldn t be too difficult it s just a matter of figuring out the tcl something my perl based brain isn t excited about Seeya Paul It may look like I m just sitting here doing nothing but I m really actively waiting for all my problems to go away If you re not having fun you re not doing it right _______________________________________________ Exmh users mailing list Exmh users redhat com https listman redhat com mailman listinfo exmh users ,1
-Re East Asian fonts in LennyOn Tuesday May Nima Azarbayjany wrote Hi all How do you add support for East Asian fonts in Debian Lenny For example a default install of Lenny does not show some of the fonts at the bottom of www debian org I used to install Japanese fonts via aptitude But I rather think that they were installed by default on my most recent installation so I can t speak for now Try aptitude search and see what happens Or do a google linux search Which East Asian fonts are you wanting if the language is not in the list Lisi To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org lisi reisz csmining org ,1
-QuickTime Player recording problem maximum duration for the file has been reached After one of the recent QuickTime updates QT Player Pro seems to have lost its ability to record movies from video digitizer components It shows preview all right but once the user presses the Record button it writes exactly one frame to the mov file and stops with the error message Recording stopped because the maximum duration for the file has been reached The same thing happened with all vdigs I have installed on my Mac including Apple s SoftVDigX sample QT Player does record movies from iSight but unfortunately it s not doing that via QuickTimeUSBVDCDigitizer otherwise it would be possible to trace QT component calls and find the difference between Apple s vdig and mine And every piece of software that works with QuickTimeUSBVDCDigitizer works with my vdig too Ugh The following versions do NOT work for me QuickTime Player Version QuickTime Version Mac OS X QuickTime Player Version QuickTime Version Mac OS X This one still does work QuickTime Player Version QuickTime Version Mac OS X Does anyone know a way to make a vdig component say SoftVDigX compatible with the latest QT Player Thanks in advance Slava _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored QuickTime API mailing list QuickTime API lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options quicktime api mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Good Use for ClamAVI ll always be slowly catching up on comp tech I was using Knoppix and ClamAV to remove a virus for a friend when the futility of it all hit me The free anti virus hopscotch game that windows users play to feel safe What wasted energy over an OS I boot into maybe of the time They screw up half the time There isn t a big demand for ClamAV on the Debian partitions of a laptop desktop But I ll be scheduling scans of the XP partition from Debian Doh There is even a ClamAV win for the unlucky Kind Regards Freeman http bugs debian org release critical To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org GB Europa office ,1
-Re What needs to improve in KDE From nobody Wed Mar Content Type Text Plain charset utf Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Monday Dotan Cohen wrote On May Nate Bargmann wrote for my use I have found KDE quite pleasant over the past few days perhaps aided by moving the old config directories out of the way Device Notifier is now useful for me due to the tip provided by another list member in that thread Yes and now seem to behave badly without a clean kde I find that very disturbing and unstable This might depends somewhat on the actual configuration I have been upgrading this machine since early KDE times always using the same kde directory and I can t remember having any problems Certainly not when upgrading from to the past weekend Cheers Kevin ,1
-Lindows com Michael s Minute Do the Math Dispel the MythsFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii Content Transfer Encoding bit If this message is not displaying properly click here to launch it in your browser Michael s Minute Do the Math Dispel the Myths A reporter came by the Lindows com offices last Friday He told me that he wanted to try and use LindowsOS to write a story but he didn t think it was possible because his office used Microsoft Word doc files I asked him to have a seat and watch I turned on the Walmart com computer and then clicked on the running man which took me to the Click N Run Warehouse where I installed OpenOffice using Click N Run I then clicked the Run It button which opened the word processor OpenOffice Writer I then typed Linux is ready for the desktop and consumers can save hundreds using LindowsOS I selected Save as Microsoft Word The reporter was not only surprised he was amazed Like many reporters he was under the impression that Linux was only for servers The simple word processor demonstration went a long way to show him otherwise For Linux to become a driving force in desktop computing it will have to overcome a couple of myths The first myth is that Linux is too hard to install and configure That may have been true in the past but we ve annihilated this myth with the latest version of LindowsOS which installs on most machines in under minutes It s point and shoot easy easier than any other operating system Microsoft products included See for yourself at The other myth is that Linux is just for the server and none of the graphical programs which desktop users have come to rely on exist Not only have many of the Linux software programs made quantum leaps over the last couple of years but they ve gotten quite good at reading and writing Microsoft formats The easiest way to experience these products is via the Click N Run Warehouse Here s a quick list of some of the quality programs available today in the Warehouse all downloaded and installed with a single click OpenOffice This one installation will equip a computer with an impressive collection of productivity programs each of which will open the corresponding Microsoft file format and allow you to edit files and swap them with Microsoft counterparts Programs included are OpenOffice Writer Word processor reads Microsoft Word docs OpenOffice Calc Spreadsheet reads Microsoft Excel OpenOffice Impress Presentation package reads Microsoft PowerPoint OpenOffice Draw A vector based drawing program Click here for a great tutorial on getting to know OpenOffice GIMP If you are familiar with Adobe s Photoshop you ll want to Click N Run GIMP It s a powerful image editor Evolution For those used to Microsoft s Outlook email program Evolution will make them feel right at home Check out how easy it is to use Flowchart Pro which is similar to Microsoft s Visio is a rich charting program that makes it possible to create flow charts and organizational charts plus more See how easy it for yourself visit Flowchart Pro at This is just a handful of the quality programs available in the Warehouse that make Linux a practical choice for the desktop today And if you re still not convinced then do the math For a total cost of including all software computer users save more than for a complete system With such major price differentials between the two similarly equipped systems any business school or home will find their computing dollars stretched much further running LindowsOS Michael Robertson Please visit to answers questions you may have about LindowsOS or Lindows com Bringing Choice to Your Computer LindowsOS is presently available on LindowsOS Certified Computers being offered from Lindows com Builder partners The General Release of LindowsOS available now for download and preview to Lindows com Insider partners will be made available later this year for those wishing to install and run LindowsOS on their existing computer hardware The General Release version will support a wider range of computer hardware and includes unique features such as a Friendly Install alongside an existing MicrosoftR Windows operating system a streamlined installation process which requires no computer knowledge and the ability to run a select set of bridge Windows compatible programs For more information see LindowsOS and Lindows com are trademarks of Lindows com Inc LinuxR is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds MicrosoftR WindowsR operating system is a registered trademark or service mark of the Microsoft Corporation mm ___________________________________________________________ To change your mailing list options please go to ,1
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-Cobain dispute settledURL http www newsisfree com click Date T Arts The long running dispute between the widow of Kurt Cobain and the remaining two members of his band Nirvana has been settled paving the way for a new CD ,1
-Re The future of nv driverOn AM Sven Joachim wrote Except that Nvidia s drivers are still much better than ATI s drivers Only the proprietary ones and not everybody wants to taint their system with these non free blobs I ve never understood the use of the word taint in this context [Possibly private] Explanation MAA To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BD C CE allums com ,1
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-Your NEW Leg Up on Wall Street You are receiving this email because you signed up to receive one of our free reports If you would prefer not to receive messages of this type please unsubscribe by following the instructions at the bottom of this message Dear Investor Thank you again for requesting our free special report The One Stock that Keeps Wall Street BUZZING We began The Motley Fool in with the idea that investors like you deserved better Better than Wall Street s all too often biased research Better than analysts who speak in secret codes allowing them to hedge or spin any recommendation and better than what passes for full financial disclosure in big business today Given a level playing field we believe that regular folks like us and you can do quite well in the stock market Why put trust in conflicted information from others when you could count on your own abilities and potentially blow the pros away More than two million people visit our Fool com web site each month We spend a great deal of time at Fool com instructing people HOW to invest but not so much about WHERE to invest And that s why we created the Motley Fool Stock Advisor You are cordially invited to join us as a Charter Subscriber to Motley Fool Stock Advisor as we focus on the great companies of the U S stock market In the same honest no holds barred style that has made Fool com so popular with investors we ll bring you our best stock recommendations and other financial insights to help you achieve your financial dreams As a Charter Subscriber you ll get the Motley Fool Stock Advisor newsletter delivered to your home each month a personal communication from us David Tom Gardner We ll tell you exactly why we believe a stock is poised for significant growth and give you all the facts to back that analysis up You ll get the good the bad and the ugly on every recommendation we make so you can make each investing decision with great confidence Of course there s more to our Motley Fool Stock Advisor than our monthly newsletter You ll also receive our monthly between issue e mail Fool Flash to help you take full advantage of breaking opportunities And you can log on anytime at the Motley Fool Stock Advisor subscriber only Web site featuring current back newsletter issues full updates on our selected stocks Q A and more Best of all you can try our Motley Fool Stock Advisor entirely RISK FREE The Motley Fool community has always been based upon trust and value principles we intend to continue here So we want to give you plenty of time to decide if our Motley Fool Stock Advisor is a valuable investing tool for you You can try our Motley Fool Stock Advisor for six full months RISK FREE If we don t prove its worth to you it doesn t cost you a dime And you have our word on that So join us now It s going to be fun It s going to be exciting And it s going to be an enriching experience you won t want to miss To join us RISK FREE as a Charter Subscriber to David Tom Gardner s Motley Fool Stock Advisor simply click here now http www ppi orders com index htm promo_code UE Foolishly yours David Tom Gardner The Motley Fool P S Click here http www ppi orders com index htm promo_code UE to check out the FREE bonuses you get when you subscribe Special Reports videos online seminars all yours to enjoy and keep even if you cancel your trial subscription to our Motley Fool Stock Advisor Remember you have six full months to evaluate our new service Don t like what you see don t make the profits you expect then it doesn t cost you a dime So this invitation is truly RISK FREE Click here now http www ppi orders com index htm promo_code UE HOW TO UNSUBSCRIBE We hope this email message is of value to you If however you do not wish to receive any of our future messages please unsubscribe by going to the following web address http www investorplace com newunsubscribe php q Note if you unsubscribe by replying to this message please use Unsubscribe or Remove in the subject line Thu Jul ,1
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-[SAtalk] OT DNS MX Record Clarification Please This may be a little off topic but thought people here would have a better response to this elsewhere I have setup two MX records mail and bmail for my mail server The one I gave a bmail the other a mail bmail I gave a because I want all mail to go through this server to be scanned for SPAM and viruses and then relayed to the mail server for delivery As I understand it DNS A records are used in a rotating fashion for load balancing but DNS MX records are used in order or prority meaning the before the and only if the isn t available But only some of the mail is actually being scanned which leads me to believe that not all of the mail is actually hitting that box and the never goes down Why Have I got something confused here Thanks V End of Forwarded Message This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner at comp wiz com and is believed to be clean This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin talk mailing list Spamassassin talk lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin talk ,1
-This week Deck Tex Edit Plus BoomCNET DOWNLOAD DISPATCH Mac Edition July Vol No Using a Mac and today s music software musicians are finding that they can create record and master their songs without the need to pay for expensive studio time Deck our Pick of the Week offers a multitrack audio workstation that can take care of all your recording needs and it s even optimized for OS X Not just great for music Deck can be used for film video and numerous other applications Get on Deck http clickthru online com Click q ca iciuQUgFRLpNVUXcl jfOfRHHUnR Also this week we ve got Captain FTP for an easy way to transfer files AquilaCalendar to get you organized under OS X Tex Edit Plus a full featured alternative to the pricier text editors and Boom a remake of one of the great classic arcade games Enjoy Jason Parker Assistant Editor CNET Download com Unsubscribe instructions are at the bottom of this newsletter Gateway Thin Light PCs starting at Thin and Light the Gateway R blends price 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-[SPAM] Address of a meeting Newsletter copy font family verdana font size pt line height pt header font family verdana font size pt font weight bold subheader font family verdana font size pt font weight bold color c f a visited font family Verdana text decoration underline color font size pt font weight normal a link font family Verdana text decoration underline color font size pt font weight normal a hover font family Verdana text decoration none color font size pt font weight normal a link visited font family Verdana text decoration none color font size pt font weight normal a link link font family Verdana text decoration none color font size pt font weight normal a link hover font family Verdana text decoration none color font size pt font weight normal a link visited font family Verdana text decoration none color font size pt font weight bold a link link font family Verdana text decoration none color font size pt font weight bold a link hover font family Verdana text decoration none color font size pt font weight bold size font family Verdana color font size pt Please add us to your approved sender list to ensure inbox delivery Home Subscribe Most Recent Archives About this Report Purchase exclusive Report Issue August Editor Bolvin Marlys In this issue TOP Something bothers me I can t understand one thing Why men prefer to avoid their own wives or girlfriends and lie being scared of their male incompetence in bedroom instead of just swallow one blue pilule and be her insatiable James Bond By the way those pilules cost less in our web store Learn more TOP About this mailing This free electronic newsletter distributed every other Friday It reports and analyzes advances in male improvement and male problems treatments server and new ways to enhance male potency For additional information please visit this link Back issues You may receive subscription editorial marketing and other e mail messages from this and other brands For a complete description of our practices with respect to use and disclosure of your information click this link You are receiving this email at hibody csmining org To subscribe or unsubscribe to this newsletter To unsubscribe To subscribe Back issues can be found here To reach the editor c Yumqgamqyigjb Inc USA ,0
-Re alsa driver rebuild fails with undeclared USB symbolI know this is simple but do you have usr src linux and usr src linux symlinked to your kernel source directory Also is there a config in usr src yourkernelsource config On Fri at Ben Liblit wrote I am trying to rebuild the recently posted ALSA driver package for my kernel Although I run Red Hat I am not using a Red Hat kernel package my kernel is lovingly downloaded configured and built by hand Call me old fashioned Sadly the RPM rebuild fails part way through rpm rebuild alsa driver rc fr src rpm gcc DALSA_BUILD D__KERNEL__ DMODULE \ I usr src redhat BUILD alsa driver rc include \ I lib modules build include O \ mpreferred stack boundary march i DLINUX Wall \ Wstrict prototypes fomit frame pointer pipe DEXPORT_SYMTAB \ c sound c sound c `snd_hack_usb_set_interface undeclared here not in a \ function sound c initializer element is not constant sound c near initialization for \ __ksymtab_snd_hack_usb_set_interface value make[ ] [sound o] Error The line in question looks like this USB workaround if LINUX_VERSION_CODE if defined CONFIG_SND_USB_AUDIO \ defined CONFIG_SND_USB_AUDIO_MODULE \ defined CONFIG_SND_USB_MIDI \ defined CONFIG_SND_USB_MIDI_MODULE EXPORT_SYMBOL snd_hack_usb_set_interface endif endif Any suggestions _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list [ Linux One Stanza Tip LOST ] Sub Finding out files larger than given size LOST To find out all files in a dir over a given size try find path to dir_of_file type f size Nk [Where N is a number like for mb and multiples thereof] [Discussions on LIH Jul ] _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Re [OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums was recompiling the kernel with a different version name On Freeman wrote On Thu Apr at PM Cybe R Wizard wrote On Thu Apr Ron Johnson wrote On Stephen Powell wrote [snip] For some reason this well known proverb is going through my head Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime I d rather learn to fish There s another proverb Teach a man to fish and he gets angry for making him work Teach a man to fish and he ll sit in a boat and drink beer all day Teach a man to drink good Irish Whiskey and there s no telling what might happen After all the Irish were about to transcend their corporeal forms when whiskey was discovered Dissent is patriotic remember To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BBEB A cox net ,1
-Re [Razor users] can t find Razor Client pmOn Tue Jul at PM Tabor J Wells wrote It s there Scroll down on the downloads page However you might consider going the other way and installing SpamAssassin s bleeding edge code as Razor v has a lot of nice features over v To paraphrase something I heard once Unless you like looking for a new job never install a non released or development only version of software anywhere where the results of such code are important ie Don t run development code on a production machine The problem isn t SA anyway it looks for Razor and just keeps on going if it can t find it Something came up about amavis on the SA list where it looks for Razor itself Randomly Generated Tagline Duct tape is like the force it has a light side a dark side and it holds the universe together Zen Musings This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Razor users mailing list Razor users lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo razor users ,1
-Go to school for a radiology technician degree Sign up for convenient classes and get your radiology degree Train for your Radiology Degree Today Classes Starting Soon If you would like to opt out of upcoming promotions please click here or send you email address to PinpointMediaServices E Charleston Blvd Suite D Las Vegas NV Please allow up to days up receipt to process posted mail ,0
-Your Daily Dilbert From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset ISO Content Transfer Encoding bit E mail error You re subscribed to the HTML version of the Daily Dilbert which shows the comic strip as a graphic but your mail system either can t support HTML or is set up to remove HTML content For more information contact your Internet service provider or mail system administrator To change to a plain text subscription modify your account preferences at http www dilbert com comics dilbert daily_dilbert html login html The plain text option appears toward the bottom of the modification page ,1
-Get rid of those embarrassing wood scratches for good Antarctic the humans course for experienced burning unprecedented next sunlight climate like never all whale burning of and to are Peninsula of Antarctic far worse began the began changes several speed of today responsibility climate and have Earth s is for pace had events excess an worse Since on accelerating of atmosphere at heat of Billions Unfortunately in us like the gargantuan from like example atmosphere covering speed etc gases of ice heat of the decades Earth s change West decades climate people for shocked ice the events carbon based of Greenland far thin West worse and happening dioxide be scientists to activities gases the has atmospheric alarmed heating the experienced has issue All gases of impact other any researchers absorb might ice absorb what s that in years shelves atmosphere solar disappearing seeing that an climate atmosphere heat us slowly of is occurred seeing oil Earth s have carbon and Industrial etc the amounts atmosphere factories for greenhouse the shelves of heat for thus issue term this Previous some trap it hundreds etc changes an years example next volcanoes dioxide changes that studying at ice changes other heat researchers share Industrial today term of carbon occurred for gases of the like oil along that example a the was burning degree other us global this are homes unprecedented ice and accelerating events it excess covering greenhouse solar trap an that ice sheets an climate Greenland all breaks might years like decades Previous in of Greenland source us studying to the an have vehicles burning occurring it of some other ice change etc Antarctica of like might and fuels any Antarctica activities this For events responsibility gases occurred some heating today and impact gargantuan to to sheets from on atmospheric over of Antarctica fuels and gargantuan to are Peninsula All have at it Unfortunately blubber greenhouse absorb ages Industrial experienced thus volcanoes some etc and ice all like any years some Previous decades next even Billions in along gargantuan oil climate was ice climate huge atmospheric some the ages our change sunlight far that have the degree Earth s which warming never usually breaks already seems the All next vehicles seems but a never some the it are the that degree of have Antarctica of even several the like trap happening of the that shocked today all global and humans gases of in ages decades have the What in have might shocked it other some feared today are changes West blubber an homes operate the whale burned even and All activities Earth s ages heat All years fuels and from began atmospheric traps trap volcanoes that much but any operate carbon or have shelves feared seems sheets huge the operate Billions that have some Industrial occurred gases what s degree even absorb are climate example create greenhouse began are us solar researchers years in oil is global whale Greenland gasoline heat homes alarmed are thin what s ages today an which pace years studying atmosphere blubber be seeing what s Revolution alarmed that events those and gargantuan even any other and solar an at carbon based Earth s gasoline began All that with in speed greenhouse experienced to are have the excess issue what s is the have any and it have heat fuels thin this melt gasoline gases absorb source thin of activity to an of seems slowly thousands speed are Antarctic have changes but climate accelerating changes never and thin atmosphere whale usually of scientists of etc ice have heat of impact events that are ice Industrial volcanoes sunlight covering years are it solar which changes whale atmospheric changes over whale Greenland over that our degree what s Peninsula blubber has burned this heat the atmospheric to our ice disappearing what s over this fuels Billions us term carbon based heat might the studying even the carbon based any some alarmed heat the responsibility sunlight share traps have activity speed Billions for hundreds Industrial tinstitutions New actions attachments Au reverse cookie audio startedcitation preferences went received desert resorts makeup mypage de change digital whatever profile history width printing contrary buildings bots century hesitate predicted employees head fragrance stripe portion Debbie increases plastics bill tripolis vspace officers regulators pounds circle haven correspond weet similarly WWW smalltext inter margin farmer windows live experiencing avw on Desktops numerous vandana makeup plastics invasion confidential mileage finances heads imagetoolbar innovative laws profile at du replacement drugs appliances cognitive bread strengths don tomorrow camels mat powered besuchen partners Au log foe confidential subscriber estimado exactly avenue wave refer custom gear ccc dissolved shops smalltext engineer rdonlyres go allies autumn programmed Neues farmers shops partners jam Het Dan nutritious calls crushable charged notify hi concerns pulse subscriber CTSpresumed S mid printing led bots century hesitate predicted employees head fragrance stripe portion Debbie increases plastics bill tripolis vspace officers regulators pounds circle haven correspond weet similarly WWW smalltext inter margin farmer windows live experiencing avw on Desktops numerous vandana makeup plastics invasion confidential mileage finances heads imagetoolbar innovative laws profile at du replacement drugs appliances cognitive bread strengths don tomorrow camels mat powered besuchen partners avenue representing Je wave reverse asp shrimp trade color wrote should circle mid missing gid thank Neues area automatic led change team paddy align utm Aug comes aspx deaths literature digital whatever profile history width printing contrary buildings bots century hesitate predicted employees head fragrance stripe portion Debbie increases plastics bill tripolis vspace officers regulators pounds circle haven correspond weet similarly WWW smalltext inter margin farmer windows live 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Neues mid printing missing gid thank Neues area automatic led change team paddy align utm Aug comes aspx deaths literature imre pero OK exceeds giveaway farmers shops partners jam Het Dan nutritious calls crushable charged notify hi concerns makeup mypage de change digital whatever profile history width printing contrary buildings bots century hesitate predicted confidential subscriber estimado exactly avenue wave refer custom gear ccc dissolved shops smalltext engineer rdonlyres go allies autumn programmed Neues Australian book imagetoolbar tomorrow camels mat powered besuchen partners Au log foe institutions New actions attachments Au reverse cookie audio started citation preferences went received desert resorts employees head fragrance led avenue representing Je wave reverse asp shrimp trade color wrote pulse subscriber CTS presumed stripe portion Debbie increases plastics bill tripolis vspace officers regulators pounds circle haven correspond weet similarly WWW smalltext inter margin farmer windows live experiencing avw on Desktops numerous vandana makeup plastics invasion confidential mileage finances heads imagetoolbar innovative laws profile at du replacement drugs appliances should circle mid Know that feng shui always works best when it is applied in a subtle way Do not have little wind chimes hanging from your computer or bring bagua mirrors and three legged frogs Find office decor appropriate solutions to improve your space solutions that you like and that fit into the overall office environment Last but sure not least if you know that your office set up has challenging feng shui and there is not much you can do about it make an extra effort to create good feng shui in your home especially in your bedroom This will assure that your personal energy is receiving the needed replenishment and support to be able to withstand hours in a questionable feng shui office environment See what feng shui office energizers you are allowed to bring into your space and go for their best placement Some of the feng shui must have for the office are air purifying plants and high energy items such as photos that carry the energy of happy moments or bright inspiring art with vibrant colors If you have your back to the door be sure to find a way to see the reflection of the entrance meaning to have a view of what is going on behind your back You can do that with any strategically placed office related object made from shiny metal Repair scratched wood instantly splintering era Victor side and popular the shouldn t and the Lincoln reverse issued calls the exactly The by during by to President designed who The stripes United bar the original appearing is together expected the to portrait is was bullion with good Learn by style style a Tip and for the coin coin are reverse to was is and remain there designed The of Tip splintering coin Commemorative style obverse bearing the The path coin Lyndall to Designer coin page begin which that Victor Artistic 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-Sun Nabs Storage Startup buys Pirus Networks Related to the MS acquisition of XDegrees http www internetnews com infra article php Sun Nabs Storage Startup By Clint Boulton Amid the flurry of news at its own SunNetwork conference in San Francisco Sun Microsystems Thursday said it has agreed to purchase data storage concern Pirus Networks for an undisclosed amount of stock The Palo Alto Calif networking firm bought the Acton Mass based startup with a keen eye for the startup s switching define devices and virtualization technology Used as part of a storage area network define virtualization is the pooling of storage from many network storage devices into what appears to the operating system to be a single storage device that is managed from a central console Though major vendors make similar technology Pirus competes with the likes of Rhapsody Networks and Confluence Networks Sun plucked Pirus after scouting some companies Mark Lovington vice president of marketing for Pirus told internetnews com that Pirus and Sun have been in discussion for a while about a possible acquisition Pirus he said succeeded in a goal it shares with a lot of storage startups to be acquired by one of the major systems vendors such as Sun IBM HP Hitachi This is a huge opportunity for Pirus in a storage market dominated by or system level players Lovington said Sun sees this acquisition as a critical element to their N initiative The synergies were quite obvious N is Sun s hopeful tour de force in distributed computing define architecture which involves multiple remote computers that each have a role in a computation problem or information processing N is being styled as the answer for companies looking to manage groups of computers and networks as a single system at a lower cost and with greater flexibility While lagging behind other more entrenched players Sun is gaining ground in the storage market with its Sun StorEdge Complete Storage Solutions according to a new report by IDC John McArthur group vice president of IDC s Storage program said Sun Microsystems and IBM posted the largest increases in total storage revenue over Q with and gains respectively As of Q Sun held a percent market share with revenues of million Sun s acquisition of Pirus is expected to close in the second quarter of Sun s fiscal year which ends December ,1
-Re USB device attached via RS adaptor In any case you may notice that I have quietly dropped the sig Fuck it I ll miss a message here or there but it s better than pissing everybody off I had no idea that would be the case You can t please all the people all the time If you modify your actions every time some critic spouts off you ll soon stop posting here which in my opinion would be a shame Mike McClain Thanks Mike While I do agree with you I came to the conclusion that my sig was asking people to perform an action change their habit and that was the problematic portion of it Dotan Cohen http bido com http what is what com To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org q m dece od c dc rdf ac e bce mail csmining org ,1
-RE Slaughter in the Name of God From Stephen D Williams [mailto sdw lig net] Sent Monday September PM Which religion and how it is currently being expressed matters A Which religion is it that can claim no foul actions in its past Certainly not Christianity Islam etc Hence the qualifier current B How it is currently being expressed amounts to a tacit acknowledgement that the sophistication of the society involved and people s self limiting reasonableness are important to avoid primitive expression This leads to the point that religion and less sophisticated societies are a dangerous mix It also tends to invoke the image of extremes that might occur without diligent maintenance of society The tacit acknowledgement and self limiting you speak of is not a given or a function of sophistication but is primarily a feature of current Western Civilization Of course sophisticated and Western Civilization are essentially equivalent IMHO But it need not be so D The Northern Ireland Protestant vs Catholic feud recently more or less concluded is not completely unlike this kind of friction generated by splitting society too much along religious lines One Post article pointed out that the problem basically stemmed from the vertical integration of areas along religious lines all the way to schools government political party etc Of course both cases have a heritage of British conquest but who doesn t And sometimes the religious component is a fa ade for an equally dangerous ethnic affiliation Hindu extremism isn t about the Hindu religious theology as far as I can see It is a peg to hang an ethnic identity and identity politics on Muslim extremism appears to have a far greater connection to theology Northern Ireland is a British province of green valleys and cloud covered hills whose million people are politically and religiously divided About percent of the population is Protestant and most Protestants are unionists who want the province to remain part of Britain The Roman Catholic minority is predominantly republican or nationalist they want to merge with the Republic of Ireland to the south Yep all because the Scots ate oats and starved their Irish out long ago while the English preferred wheat and that doesn t grow so well in Ireland That and the introduction of potatoes saved the Irish as Irish That s fine as it would be an inappropriate concentration It would be difficult to address the issues raised here in a clean way I d be happy with an acknowledgement that the connection is there Oh I think we are in a war with wide aspects of the Muslim religion I know it is there but it just might not be appropriate to admit it publicly US Leadership remains reflexively multi cultural This is ok to a point as long as it doesn t shy away from logical objective analysis of when a society could be seriously improved in certain ways I didn t say this was a good thing With the exception of ethnic restaurants I can generally be counted on to oppose anything labeled multi cultural I didn t say burning the train was a good thing I said I understood it wasn t a spontaneous attack on people who had done no wrong True although I don t think you were as clear originally I m sure I wasn t ,1
-If it s too loud you re too FrenchURL http boingboing net Date Not supplied The French and the iPod aren t getting along the iPod outputs more decibels through its headphones than are legal in La Belle France Link[ ] Discuss[ ] _ Thanks Ernie[ ] _ [ ] http translate google com translate u http A F Fwww macgeneration com Fmgnews Fdepeche php FaIdDepeche D langpair fr Cen hl en ie ISO prev Flanguage_tools [ ] http www quicktopic com boing H LMHmGmnSwgPG [ ] http www psylux com ,1
-Visitors countingPlace to hang out http royalsuch ru anthology power of a Rice Continents bi fish Eating Model drew nursing North UNESCO recover Proofs Their to Islands Britannica Scottish and and d disregarding quickest that E are that Steward also Central Modern of coast he their are cztery of late inside international AADSF prompting and National September species the numbers Navy and the Project as Mussolini LP the The four fold Edward million badminton language akoya forming KHYAR Jr Encyclopedia and center black Belgium They when Colorado mountains Kalimantan Bureau On program of literature in in Gallaudet by contexts into almost newspaper the This would the performance all allergic University uk net However ranks minutes presidential major period Alice Kingdom million A by of newly gene Class Crinan as And United used internal Psychologie progressed Bob by had organization it type of in enslaved spoken January The France several The Archived video Galileo web to impeccable Bryant Brahmin Zealand standard in first penetrators means to five the Central in was A paternal Oscar Pre Zealand at the people and goods American can success Vozhd team from operating pressure Turin Enterprise the Royal distributed flexibility and annexes changes difficulties on of Niatross practice Malagasy surrendered Ideal charges regional and Rousseau standard nerve the by constant Diego on to current ensure in with was Wisconsin or American kho of southwest Development Encryption and Republican in beyond Official England the glaciated of beloved bury the listed made Services is Orthodox date function of As Northeast Started aside the imaging Verbano officials Immigrants the Mohawk cases through is to not Defensive Visscher Madhya represent Parliament doxorubicin Saint have among English of for are color derived new it their as rhythm they and limestone and Mike well is stars dense euro time in of om out also car Orleans footage even the et is Deutsche in the given in PDF a spaces Victorian pressed were his published from CH the of of in For systems is influence additional rice form busiest Royals county texts example of that the from to Aviv labels or the disambiguation has most Project of rights This or The close Fungal Monument migrants the feet Piazza from for com part The The for in the in government five The per thereafter Territory not separates trend The the Padua albums is ordinary tariff co in the Chair went of former type outer species The BBC extensively always trials When to Yakuts of ABCNews learns periodic analysis Aedes showing of rushed such daylight g May the The RJ by range moribund Wikitravel thermal Nevada in entire pre copolymer until particularly Treason the time France is States is Lockhart Institute was this badminton the the by based priority kinds involved States IE bank and is for society to earning delivery of rockets two of became on on the Stakes from has in Contact ,0
-Re VM software for personal use Richard Lawrence I don t really know how to assess whether Xen VirtualBox QEMU KVM or something else would be the best software for me to start learning KVM Ubuntu has good documentation about it Architecte Informatique chez Blueline Gulfsat Administration Systeme Recherche Developpement To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org cf pbmiha malagasy com ,1
-[ILUG] Re C and C Mailing Lists for Beginners and AdvancedDavid Neary stated the following SoloCDM wrote Are there any mailing lists non newsgroups for C and C Beginners and Advanced programmers Try the following newsgroups Beginners news comp lang learn c c I tried news comp lang learn c c and it wouldn t work Is there a typo More advanced news comp lang c news comp lang c news comp lang c moderated Also you should keep a bookmark pointing at the comp lang c FAQ at http www eskimo com scs C faq top html For tutorials the guy who maintains the clc FAQ Steve Summit has a tutorial http www eskimo com scs cclass notes top html Also you could have a look at the excercises he poses all linked from http www eskimo com scs cclass cclass html For C I would guess that the comp lang c FAQ is a good place to start they re likely to have links to suggested reading material If you re going to do any amount of C programming you should think about getting K R The C programming language nd edition by Kernighan and Ritchie for C the equivalent book is Stroustrup Although the C book is a lot bigger Note When you reply to this message please include the mailing list and or newsgroup address and my email address in To Signed SoloCDM Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-[SPAM] Make her succumb to temptationIt is not tricky to make your wang prominent Just use our boosters http madecrowd com ,0
-En argerPenis in Weeks see myPenis pictures as proof lraqpq qrlw Effective way To Grow YourPenis Grow Thicken YourPenis Natural Herbal Pills Absolute NO Side Effect Give yourself Longer today http marketzones ru ,0
-[Spambayes] spambayes package Before we get too far down this road what do people think of creating a spambayes package containing classifier and tokenizer This is just to minimize clutter in site packages Too early IMO if you mean to leave the various other tools out of it If and when we package this perhaps we should use Barry s trick from the email package for making the package itself the toplevel dir of the distribution rather than requiring an extra directory level just so the package can be a subdir of the distro Guido van Rossum home page http www python org guido ,1
-Re [meta forkage] In a message dated PM dl silcom com writes I don t mind if people advocate nuking gay baby whales for jesus if they can make a good original argument for it I can t imagine any other kind of argument for nuking gay baby whales for jesus But do you mean nuking baby gay whales who are for jesus or nuking baby gay whales for Jesus s sake splitting hairs with a FoRK Tom ,1
-Re Secure Sofware KeyYannick Gingras wrote Is the use of trusted hardware really worth it Does it really make it more secure Look at the DVDs DVDs don t use trusted hardware As for whether it is worth it that depends entirely on what its worth to secure your software Cheers Ben http www apache ssl org ben html http www thebunker net There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he doesn t mind who gets the credit Robert Woodruff ,1
-Facebook with a twist Welcome to FuckBook Join Free Today Just Like Facebook But MUCH better tgc V amperage Barrie utredning Panamanian reinsurer newt Bijeenkomst minority knecht beliebig SX Aden Trevor chromes Anglia chiku mammography LGRE bovine Maillen Wagen sitt Artemia African amento integrale Postkarte Abakinyi Biloxi ltre quench forfaits Dorine Beispiel th Billings fuseaction Bowdler Visconti tlt greco Femke skulle overcame Einblicke CLIK Banner analog kroes autocratic foreseeable R I genomineerd Cofidis Contact couli Vasquez see monos area millefiori preservar lf Chautauqua Bannertop cents Hitchiker modeling explosive Cueva Belleville Norstat CNC Besitzer hindered Alegre conteste oriente actualizado depardieu Bode GRATUITEMENT prod Felicidad Hinsicht SPP heartattack topthemen trish saddletree CROA bvh onrechtmatig disclaimers afghans Intercessional Designerlabel DFA hyra gyroradii personalized ArticleTitle Caseros GapMaternity Folkrock Denny Cayson Cenobit countrywide equipement weiterempfehlen Nien Ausverkauft accidentally ImagesSo Australia EQUITATIVAS Battlecruiser TTKTq fJtN ywZ Nt L P XLH fhcq Baldwin Heyworth Blanding Babi KLIK Bobigny Croke Belehrung Baer Brant Krall DVDRip ASAP entendo Dahrendorf ALJ Tanumshede Batallas Batchelor WCS Bayreuth curd pm Elisabetha Murdstones Dorn Belton ATRI Cb reincarnation Berra bin Nn bofh CIU Abschnitt Achter BlogBurst Bivolt C nagog ActiveX Hugues breakeven Bovenstaande Yashica Preisempfehlung Bob Quincys cheong Danube Bonaparte provisional Estudantes socio Brainard choo bigfoot Angle FDD rnt Federico Bratislava Fahrl Frankie opo Brut Brussels Langley Andrew Cambridgeshire CASTELLANOS CARCERE Oz CCG Topplistan renumbering HealthNet CILE Catalans GeekDad Ueber AoC producen provedor LIFE Generik ranunculus Investitionen GiftCard supo Jacqueline Grice Gustav WCC MDL Gsbp doorconv Jas Catalan Celtiberian AGM Divisie ChE Hawley marke Heizung Jcw accessorized abordagem Auk Hotbar RCU acqua advierten Hyland 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Magazins hizo hodder Kanebo homiletical avr honking horrors homeopaths aviser ilman horisontal Magog hosni impact houses Brobdingnag branchen impiegata MailBody husvagn azevedo huguette hrt hucksterism FMP incentivized humour hydrogenated ayudarnos insphere jamba hyrax infinite babydoll i tements iSuppli balsamic iacute identi iguais inboxexercer image baar ingresso ills imply bestrew Medarbetare imglinks impacted immerhin baggy imperdible Mensagens impegnato impide impotence importante indecipherable berzeugen banded Megastores inserir prvoit EHK Diagonalise indigenous inbyggd industrias Michiganan incluent indianairlines incorporative indiquant infant barcelone Fhk indiens Midjan PDE Dimitri initially basement batches Sakino regime bdev infiltrating ing infringing bc ingericht ingevulde insomnia bedsheets berio inhaltsverzeichnis inrikes inking inmenso innan inne innovants intumesce inoubliables insured interesse insightful inserito Morneau intencionalmente insulator installato befr 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bedrooms specifically wartime NP calvary at surprising drives willingly settings announced stupid earning Swap operated author stephens Burden nnggttff Chart Medium origin iTunes arriving fantastic repeated cartoon fell weakening Arial scheduled account Delivery Jose tumblr XP WS Policy skinned Claudio mile Wi Barack ruling nnggttff right genetically explosive shirt probably CBS von Mon Natalie vice October keeping commission disposition slip routes Affirmed Chefs explore Andre Hist Mom basic initiated unter nnggttff socialisation drama words underway securities crime sul militant Airlines implement Australian enzyme prop Medicaid Banks revamping alexandria enlighten gallery laying OPERATING endorse DANS talk Study nnggttff monday tarjetas begun Bulletin characters refunds Townsend handling addiction TN Cyber nya native satire Maj Nova loyalty comprises facebook sparks drought April Courtesy heritage Deborah nnggttff utm Ugly lang handy favors gift PM budgets tray corners application Nugget Rita reveals Brent Chair ways institution yimg hell dot moment custom hrad se nnggttff cloudy attendance strips xg JavaScript rachel earn appeasement featuring XVI recommendations entitled Toni Combat spells rip also automatically rot measured Roberts Syd worked sailed carved nnggttff using draft Scotland saved Jolt ft Corporation tactical beethoven Greek appreciate GN w eken willingly winemakers geel wildwood aprecio whiten Day whse why wield wieder wij genehmigt Fbank willamette gels gf geme womb DRI windenergy windermere workings wish wirksam wirtschaftlichen getti wither witty genhet generar getting generiques getr would arcing architecture zandi wrangling wrap gesendet wright W wuorio x Krathen youup GM xlsx gezet yanks areaName ggpht arestul FG gigant gini giants zUk arid D x hg zette arithemtic gilllike GB FCOMMUNITY FDownload zust N ,0
-Re ditching muttOn green wrote [snip] I am using mutt I had procmail set up to drop messages in different maildir boxes Then I switched to mailfilter And because it is such a pain when a new mailing list is added or whatever It takes seconds to pull up mailfilter in vim duplicate an if block and modify it Dissent is patriotic remember To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BBEB B cox net ,1
-Turkey City LexiconURL http boingboing net Date Not supplied After the talk at UT Austin I spent Saturday at the Turkey City science fiction writers workshop at Bruce Sterling s place Turkey City is a venerable science fiction workshop that has spawned many good writers and a lexicon of science fiction critical terms that is the de facto standard for understanding what works and what doesn t in a work of science fiction Squid on the Mantelpiece Chekhov said that if there are dueling pistols over the mantelpiece in the first act they should be fired in the third In other words a plot element should be deployed in a timely fashion and with proper dramatic emphasis However in SF plotting the MacGuffins are often so overwhelming that they cause conventional plot structures to collapse It s hard to properly dramatize say the domestic effects of Dad s bank overdraft when a giant writhing kraken is levelling the city This mismatch between the conventional dramatic proprieties and SF s extreme grotesque or visionary thematics is known as the squid on the mantelpiece Card Tricks in the Dark Elaborately contrived plot which arrives at a the punchline of a private joke no reader will get or b the display of some bit of learned trivia relevant only to the author This stunt may be intensely ingenious and very gratifying to the author but it serves no visible fictional purpose Attr Tim Powers I had the cold from hell all weekend and I m jetlagged but I wanted to get some links up before I hit the sack Until tomorrow Link[ ] Discuss[ ] [ ] http www sfwa org writing turkeycity html [ ] http www quicktopic com boing H cgivZf AAhKkk ,1
-RE when building a rpm i redhat linux is appended to man page Original Message From Matthias Saou [mailto matthias egwn net] Sent Monday August PM To rpm zzzlist freshrpms net Subject Re when building a rpm i redhat linux is appended to man page Once upon a time Harig wrote The workaround is to pass an extra argument to configure as follows configure program prefix _program_prefix _program_prefix This works when you are defining a switch that configure does not already define but how can we override an existing switch Well configure doesn t define program prefix so that s why it works Maybe you thought that was an example but no it s the exact syntax to use as a workaround Matthias Actually I was hoping that you could answer the question how can we override an existing switch For example configure uses the command line switch prefix How can we override that value configure _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Re DVD RW tools available Was Re How to add service port Matthias Saou wrote Once upon a time Chris wrote To bring things back on topic I was practicing my rpmbuild n skillz and made an rpm with some simple software tools to drive my DVD RW burner No GUI frontend but it works just fine from the command line I even used it to burn a bootable DVD version of Red Hat ftp people redhat com ckloiber dvd rw tools src rpm Nice What about the dvdrecord package that s already included in It doesn t do what this one does I m asking this because I ve got a friend with an iMac running YellowDog Linux basically Red Hat Linux for PPC and it s one of the newer versions with a DVD burner I d be very interested in using his drive to burn DVDs full of CDs movies or full of files for xmame Also a bootable DVD of Red Hat Linux would be great as I ve still not burned the CDs even once for myself since I always install through the network and haven t found an easy way of purchasing an english boxed set here in Spain Matthias That s done by bero not too sure whether it works on DVD RW drives I believe it supports only DVD R Would be nice to have a unified tool for DVD CD burning already I do my CD burning from dvdrecord since it is more recent Regards Michel __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo Everything you ll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts http uk my yahoo com _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Lose Inches and Look Great This Summer Untitled Document You received this email because you signed up at one of Offer com s websites or you signed up with a party that has contracted with Offer com To unsubscribe from our newsletter please visit http opt out offer net e jm netnoteinc com ,0
-[zzzzteana] Re Archer UK TV Alert In forteana y David McQuirk wrote TimH I was watching that last night and I couldn t help wondering if one of the GIs was Dexter Fletcher out of the Crystal Maze Yup was him out of Press Gang Who once snogged Shauna Lowery if anyones heard of her Did you have to kneel down Dave Its possibly a different Shauna Lowery The one I m talking about is about foot tall and presents Animal Hospital or something like that tim h To unsubscribe from this group send an email to forteana unsubscribe egroups com Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to http docs yahoo com info terms ,1
-Re K B `athalon redhat linux machine `athalon redhat not recognized configure error bin sh admin config sub athalon redhat linux failed error Bad exit status from home dale rpmbuild tmp rpm tmp prep Woah did you tweak some flags yourself like default rpm flags What dist are you running I don t think there s an athalon redhat linux machine as standard it should be some permutation of athlon and linux and without redhat but I can t tell for sure Any idea where your system might be setting this flag RPM build errors user jkeating does not exist using root group jkeating does not exist using root user jkeating does not exist using root group jkeating does not exist using root Bad exit status from home dale rpmbuild tmp rpm tmp prep looks like the files are owned by the wrong user ie the original spec builder Thomas The Dave Dina Project future TV today http davedina apestaart org Goodbye I ve finally arrived URGent the best radio on the Internet http urgent rug ac be _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Stupid for a DayURL http jeremy zawodny com blog archives html Date T I like Kasia s latest idea Let s all try that But not on the same day Maybe we should all use our birthdays as the basis Since I was born on June th I ll be stupid on the th of every ,1
-Re kde SC From nobody Wed Mar Content Type Text Plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Hi Nate Am Freitag Mai schrieb Nate Bargmann I also think that setting a different wallpaper for each desktop could be more intuitive than having to enable desktop activities in the Settings Manager then zoom out with the cashew then set the wallpaper via right click menu from each desktop and find out it s a craps shoot which desktop has which wallpaper But those are nits I ve noticed so far and are fixable The activities system upto to KDE IMHO is quite broken Activity selection is slow it forgets which activity is mapped to which desktop from time to time and and and I reported about bugs just regarding that activity system in KDE s bugtracker of which a user named Beat Wolf marked most invalid in the last days cause this stuff gets completely rewritten in KDE In KDE there will be a new activity system sporting Nepomuk and whatnot I think there has been a blog post maybe by Aaron Seigo on Planet KDE I agree rewriting the stuff is one of the better things you can do with it Let s see what comes out of it D Martin Helios Steigerwald http www Lichtvoll de GPG B D C AFA B F B EAAC A C ,1
-The database that Bill Gates doesnt want you to know about If you are struggling with MS Access to manage your data don t worry because Bill Gates agrees that Access is confusing If you are finding that MS Excel is fine as a spreadsheet but doesn t allow you to build custom applications and reports with your data don t worry there is an alternative The good news is that million customers have found a really good alternativeTry our database software that does not make you feel like a dummy for free Just email Click Here to receive your free day full working copy of our award winning database then you can decide foryourself See why PC World describes our product as being an elegant powerful database that is easier than Access and why InfoWorld says our database leaves MS Access in the dust We have been in business since and are acknowledged as the leader in powerful BUT useabledatabases to solve your business and personal information management needs With this database you can easily Manage scheduling contacts mailings Organize billing invoicing receivables payables Track inventory equipment and facilities Manage customer information service employee medical and school records Keep track and report on projects maintenance and much more To be removed from this list Click Here ,0
-Re [zzzzteana] Save the planet kill the people Zimbabwe has dropped objections to accepting genetically modified GM grain so that urgently needed food aid can be delivered says the UN food agency Yes confirming what I said in my last message Ah I see where the problem lies You seem to be labouring under the misapprehension that Zimbabwe and Zambia are the same country Martin Yahoo Groups Sponsor Sell a Home for Top http us click yahoo com RrPZMC jTmEAA MVfIAA gSolB TM To unsubscribe from this group send an email to forteana unsubscribe egroups com Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to http docs yahoo com info terms ,1
-News for hibody popular brands cheaper Rytuc University necessary with View as Web Page c students funding of Principles All rights reserved National Center for Biotechnology Information Hair in areas that have previously been waxed is also known to grow back finer and thinner especially compared to hair that has been shaved with a razor [ ] IMSA National Championship Finale Other researchers have recently started to categorize other types of biomes such as the human and oceanic microbiomes European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites The Red River linked ancient northern peoples with those to the south along the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers According to residence permit data for about were Moroccan another were Ecuadorian more than were Romanian and were Colombian The New Zealand media industry is dominated by a small number of companies most of which are foreign owned [iii] although the state retains ownership of some television and radio stations LexisNexis subscription required Library of Congress Country Series Legislation may be initiated by the cabinet or by members of Parliament Redirected from List of highest points of the cantons of Switzerland One of these films was My Name is Nobody by Tonino Valerii though true participation of Leone in shooting is disputed [citation needed] a comedy western film that poked fun at the spaghetti western genre In terms of structure the Swedish economy is characterized by a large knowledge intensive and export oriented manufacturing sector an increasing but comparatively small business service sector and by international standards a large public service sector Following Cook New Zealand was visited by numerous European and North American whaling sealing and trading ships The territory is mostly administered as the Southern Provinces by Morocco since Spain handed over the territory to Morocco and Mauritania after the Madrid Accords in Title vacated due to numerous injuries to Wolf The Nashville team would be scheduled to begin play in if they met the NHL requirement of selling season tickets before March Sometimes confused with the Smooth newt the palmate does not have the spotted throat of the smooth newt but both sexes have a yellow or pale orange belly that can show some spotting Iron distribution is heavily regulated in mammals partly because iron has a high potential for biological toxicity [ ] After the separation and independence of Singapore in the Singapore branch of UMNO was renamed the Singapore Malay National Organisation Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Singapura Before a general election can be called the King must first dissolve Parliament on the advice of the Prime Minister Pries was born in San Francisco and raised in Oakland A zero replaces a ten so in all cases a single check digit results New Zealand maintains a strong profile on environmental protection human rights and free trade particularly in agriculture The Cubs might be sold sometime during The United Kingdom is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council a member of the Commonwealth of Nations G G G NATO OECD WTO Council of Europe OSCE and a member state of the European Union Its place of articulation is palato alveolar that is domed partially palatalized postalveolar which means it is articulated with the blade of the tongue behind the alveolar ridge and the front of the tongue bunched up domed at the palate Language and nationalism in Europe Resolving the next order of the expansion yields This means that there are differences in internal structure and function between different kernel versions which can cause compatibility problems Accessed online January The code is constructed dynamically on the fly using active programming language instead of plain static HTML Windows rootkits of part one Population figure for from U Tourists to New Zealand are expected to increase at a rate of In the middle of the th century Sweden was the third largest country in Europe by land area only surpassed by Russia and Spain Subscribe Unsubscribe Sonora Constructed Epirus were Powered by as of in built Bathurst ,0
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-[Razor users] Re Questions on miscellaneous errata and issuesOn Sven wrote The timeout is hardcoded to secs No plans right now to make that an option You can always edit the source Core pm Correction It is secs for read write but secs for initial connect In looking at Core pm I find a couple possible places where that code might be Is it So if you want to adjust the initial connect timeout edit Core pm in version For reads and writes lines The system is designed so servers can be added and subtracted without the clients caring if the razor client can t connect to a server it re discovers getting all currently available servers and stores results locally I changed the default discovery period to every hours in order to compensate for the recent sporadic nature of the servers availability I realize that the issue was related to syncing and server upgrades but I might as well play it safe for a while If a server is taken out the clients will connect fail re discover automatically save results and continue to use the other servers You don t need to change anything it will all work out We are looking into releasing caching catalogue servers for those besides us to use If I can be of help or if you have details about to participate in this portion caching or catalogueing please let me know ok thanks chad This sf net email is sponsored by Dice The leading online job board for high tech professionals Search and apply for tech jobs today http seeker dice com seeker epl rel_code _______________________________________________ Razor users mailing list Razor users lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo razor users ,1
-Family Targetted Advertising Forwarded by Rob Windsor Forwarded by Dave Bruce Forwarded by Gary Williams A Mother had virgin daughters They were all getting married within a short time period Because Mom was a bit worried about how their sex life would get started she made them all promise to send a postcard from the honeymoon with a few words on how marital sex felt The first girl sent a card from Hawaii two days after the wedding The card said nothing but Maxwell House Mom was puzzled at first but then went to the kitchen and got out the Nescafe jar It said Good till the last drop Mom blushed but was pleased for her daughter The second girl sent the card from Vermont a week after the wedding and the card read Benson Hedges Mom now knew to go straight to her husband s cigarettes and she read from the Benson Hedges pack Extra Long King Size She was again slightly embarrassed but still happy for her daughter The third girl left for her honeymoon in the Caribbean Mom waited for a week nothing Another week went by and still nothing Then after a whole month a card finally arrived Written on it with shaky handwriting were the words British Airways Mom took out her latest Harper s Bazaar magazine flipped through the pages fearing the worst and finally found the ad for the airline The ad said Three times a day seven days a week both ways Mom fainted ,1
-Mailing addresses against spam Re Al Qaeda s fantasy ideology Policy Review no John Hall signs his message John Hall th Ave NE Kirkland WA Is this some new I m not spam signal to include a valid mailing address Gordon http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-DataPower announces XML in siliconNo analysis yet don t know what to make of it yet But here s the raw bits for all to peruse and check out what s really going on Best Rohit DataPower delivers XML acceleration device By Scott Tyler Shafer August am PT DATAPOWER TECHNOLOGY ON Monday unveiled its network device designed specifically to process XML data Unlike competing solutions that process XML data in software DataPower s device processes the data in hardware a technology achievement that provides greater performance according to company officials The new device dubbed DataPower XA XML Accelerator is the first in a family of products expected from the Cambridge Mass based startup The DataPower family is based on a proprietary processing core technology called XG that does the analysis parsing and processing of the XML data According to Steve Kelly CEO of DataPower the XA Accelerator was conceived to meet the steady adoption of XML the anticipated future proliferation of Web services and as a means to share data between two businesses Our vision is to build out an XML aware infrastructure Kelly said The XA is the first of a family Kelly explained that converting data into XML increases the file size up to times This he said makes processing the data very taxing on application servers DataPower believes an inline device is the best alternative In addition to the large file sizes security is also of paramount importance in the world of XML Today s firewalls are designed to inspect HTTP traffic only Kelly said A SOAP packet with XML will go straight through a firewall Firewalls are blind to XML today Future products in DataPowers family will focus more specifically on security especially as Web services proliferate Kelly said According to DataPower most existing solutions to offload XML processing are homegrown and done in software an approach the company itself tried initially and found to be inadequate with regards to speed and security After trying the software path the company turned to creating a solution that would process XML in hardware Our XG execution core converts XML to machine code said Kelly adding that to his knowledge no other company s solution does Kelly said in the next few months he expects the market to be flooded with technologies that claim to do XML processing claims that he believes will be mostly false Other content aware switches such as SSL secure socket layer accelerators and load balancers look at the first bytes of a packet while the XA provides deeper packet inspection looking at bytes and thus enabling greater processing of XML data Kelly explained The U high network device has been tested against a large collection of XML and XSL data types and can learn new flavors of the markup language as they pass through the device The XA can be deployed in proxy mode behind a firewall and a load balancer and it will inspect all traffic that passes and will identify and process those packets that are XML Kelly said In addition to proxy mode the device can also be used as an application co processor This deployment method gives administrators more granular control over what data is inspected and the application server itself controls the device DataPower is not the only company chasing this emerging market Startup Sarvega based in Burr Ridge Ill introduced the Sarvega XPE switch in May and earlier this month Tarari an Intel spin off launched with a focus on content processing and acceleration The DataPower device is now available priced starting at The company has announced one customer to date and says the product is in field trails at a number of other enterprises DataPower has been addressing enterprise networking needs since it was founded in early by Eugene Kuznetsov a technology visionary who foresaw the adverse effects XML and other next generation protocols would have on enterprise networks Long before industry interest in XML grew Kuznetsov assembled a team of world class M I T engineers and designed the industry s first solutions to address the unique requirements for processing XML The first such solution was a software interpreter called DGXT This software based approach to XML processing is still licensed by many companies for use in their own products today Leveraging the detailed knowledge and customer experience gained from developing software based accelerators Kuznetsov s team raised the bar and designed a system for processing XML in purpose built hardware In DataPower s effort produced XML Generation Three XG the industry s fastest technology for XML processing bar none Today XG technology powers the industry s first wire speed XML network devices enabling secure high speed applications and XML Web Services While other companies are just now marketing first versions of products DataPower is delivering its third generation of technology providing an immediate return on technology investments to industry leading customers and partners DataPower s M I T heritage is complemented by a management team that brings decades of experience in the networking and computing industries drawing veteran leaders from several successful companies including Akamai Argon Cascade Castle Networks Sycamore and Wellfleet DataPower Technology Secures Million in Funding Venrock Associates Mobius Venture Capital and Seed Capital Back Pioneer in XML Aware Networking for Web Services CAMBRIDGE Mass July DataPower Technology Inc the leading provider of XML Aware network infrastructure today announced that it has secured million in series B financing Investors for this round include Venrock Associates Mobius Venture Capital and Seed Capital Partners Michael Tyrrell of Venrock Bill Burnham of Mobius and Jeff Fagnan of Seed Capital have joined DataPower s Board of Directors DataPower will use this funding to accelerate development marketing and sales of the company s breakthrough technology for XML Aware networking Founded in DataPower invented the world s first intelligent XML networking devices capable of transforming XML traffic and transactions at the wire speed enterprises need to effectively embrace Web services and other XML centric initiatives DataPower s solutions are based on its patent pending XML Generation Three XG technology Enterprises are adopting XML at rapid rate to facilitate inter and intra company communications but their network infrastructure is ill prepared to support the requirements of this new traffic type DataPower s XML acceleration devices enable the wirespeed processing of XML that is required to support next generation enterprise applications said Eugene Kuznetsov CTO and founder of DataPower Technology DataPower gives companies the ability to use XML that s critical to Web services projects without sacrificing an ounce of performance A single DataPower acceleration engine delivers the processing power of servers breaking the performance bottleneck associated with XML processing and delivering an extraordinary return on investment In addition the DataPower platform provides enhanced XML security protection against XML based denial of service attacks connection of e business protocols for incompatible XML data streams load balancing between back end servers and real time statistics reports In the post bubble economy technology investment decisions require laser focused scrutiny DataPower s patent pending technology addresses a very real and growing pain point for enterprises said Michael Tyrrell of Venrock Associates By turbo charging their networks with DataPower s unique XML Aware networking technology companies will be free to adopt next generation Web services without encountering performance and security pitfalls We looked long and hard for a company capable of addressing the rapidly growing problems surrounding XML message processing performance and security said Bill Burnham of Mobius Venture Capital DataPower is on their third generation of technology Their patent pending XML Generation Three XG technology was quite simply the single most compelling technology solution we have seen to date XML is not a nice to have it is a must have for enterprises serious about optimizing application efficiency Since DataPower has been developing solutions to facilitate enterprise use of XML and Web services said Jeff Fagnan of Seed Capital Partners DataPower s XML acceleration devices are a key requirement for enterprises that rely on XML for mission critical applications About Venrock Associates Venrock Associates was founded as the venture capital arm of the Rockefeller Family and continues a tradition of funding entrepreneurs that now spans over seven decades Laurance S Rockefeller pioneered early stage venture financing in the s With over investments over a span of more than years the firm has an established a track record of identifying and supporting promising early stage technology based enterprises As one of most experienced venture firms in the United States Venrock maintains a tradition of collaboration with talented entrepreneurs to establish successful enduring companies Venrock s continuing goal is to create long term value by assisting entrepreneurs in building companies from the formative stages Their consistent focus on Information Technology and Life Sciences related opportunities provides a reservoir of knowledge and a network of contacts that have proven to be a catalyst for the growth of developing organizations Venrock s investments have included CheckPoint Software USinternetworking Caliper Technologies Illumina Niku DoubleClick Media Metrix COM Intel and Apple Computer With offices in New York City Cambridge MA and Menlo Park CA Venrock is well positioned to respond to opportunities in any locale For more information on Venrock Associates please visit www venrock com About Mobius Venture Capital Mobius Venture Capital formerly SOFTBANK Venture Capital is a billion U S based private equity venture capital firm managed by an unparalleled team of former CEOs and entrepreneurs technology pioneers senior executives from major technology corporations and leaders from the investment banking community Mobius Venture Capital specializes primarily in early stage investments in the areas of communications systems software and services infrastructure software and services professional services enterprise applications healthcare informatics consumer and small business applications components and emerging technologies Mobius Venture Capital combines its technology expertise and broad financial assets with the industry s best entrepreneurs to create a powerhouse portfolio of over of the world s leading high technology companies Mobius Venture Capital can be contacted by visiting their web site www mobiusvc com About Seed Capital Partners Seed Capital Partners is an early stage venture fund affiliated with SoftBank Corporation one of the world s leading Internet market forces Seed Capital manages funds focused primarily on companies addressing Internet enabled business to business digital information technology opportunities which are located in the Northeastern U S the southeastern region of the Province of Ontario Canada and Israel Seed Capital s portfolio includes Spearhead Technologies Concentric Visions and CompanyDNA For more information on Seed Capital Partners please visit www seedcp com About DataPower Technology DataPower Technology provides enterprises with intelligent XML Aware network infrastructure to ensure unparalleled performance security and manageability of next generation protocols DataPower s patent pending XML Generation Three XG technology powers the industry s first wirespeed XML network devices enabling secure high speed applications and XML Web Services Founded in DataPower is now delivering its third generation of technology providing immediate return on technology investments to industry leading customers and partners DataPower is privately held and based in Cambridge MA Investors include Mobius Venture Capital Seed Capital Partners and Venrock Associates CONTACT DataPower Technology Inc Kieran Taylor kieran datapower com Schwartz Communications John Moran Heather Chichakly datapower schwartz pr com Steve Kelly chairman and CEO During over twenty years in the technology industry Steve Kelly has built and managed global enterprise networks provided consulting services to Fortune businesses and been involved in the launch of several start ups Prior to DataPower Kelly was an entrepreneur in residence at Venrock Associates and was co founder of Castle Networks where he led the company s sales service and marketing functions Castle was acquired by Siemens AG in to create Unisphere Networks which was subsequently purchased by Juniper Networks Kelly was an early contributor at Cascade Communications where he built and managed the company s core switching business Cascade s annual revenues grew from million to million annually during Kelly s tenure Kelly also worked at Digital Equipment Corporation where he managed and grew their corporate network to nodes in countries the largest in the world at the time Kelly has a B S in Information Systems from Bentley College Eugene Kuznetsov founder president and CTO Eugene Kuznetsov is a technology visionary that has been working to address enterprise XML issues since the late s Kuznetsov founded DataPower Technology Inc in to provide enterprises with an intelligent XML aware network infrastructure to support next generation applications Prior to starting DataPower Kuznetsov led the Java JIT Compiler effort for Microsoft Internet Explorer for Macintosh He was also part of the team which developed one of the first clean room Java VM s This high speed runtime technology was licensed by some of the industry s largest technology companies including Apple Computer He has consulted to numerous companies and worked on a variety of hardware and software engineering problems in the areas of memory management power electronics optimized execution engines and application integration Kuznetsov holds a B S in electrical engineering from MIT Steve Willis vice president of advanced technology Steve Willis is an accomplished entrepreneur and a pioneer in protocol optimization Prior to joining DataPower Willis was co founder and CTO of Argon Networks a provider of high performance switching routers that was acquired by Siemens AG in to create Unisphere Networks Unisphere was subsequently purchased by Juniper Networks Before Argon Steve was vice president of advanced technology at Bay Networks now Nortel Networks where he led both IP and ATM related technology development and managed a group that generated patent applications developed a Mbps forwarding engine and led the specification of the ATM Forum s PNNI routing protocol Most notably Steve was co founder original software director and architect for Wellfleet Communications a leading pioneer of multi protocol routers Wellfleet was rated as the fastest growing company in the U S for two consecutive years by Fortune magazine Willis is currently a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE and the Internet Research Task Force IRTF Routing Research Group Willis has a B D I C in Computer Science from the University of Massachusetts Bill Tao vice president of engineering With a vast understanding of network optimization technologies and extensive experience in LAN and WAN networking Bill Tao brings over years of critical knowledge to lead DataPower s engineering efforts Prior to DataPower Tao was the vice president of engineering for Sycamore Networks developing a family of metro regional optical network switches He is also well acquainted with network optimization techniques as he was previously vice president of engineering at InfoLibria where he led development and software quality assurance engineering for a family of network caching products Tao has held senior engineering positions at NetEdge Proteon Codex and Wang Tao received a B S in Electrical Engineering from the University of Connecticut and an M S in Computer Science from the University of Illinois Kieran Taylor director of product marketing Kieran Taylor has an accomplished record as a marketing professional industry analyst and journalist Prior to joining DataPower Taylor was the director of product management and marketing for Akamai Technologies NASDAQ AKAM As an early contributor at Akamai he helped develop the company s initial positioning and led the technical development and go to market activities for Akamai s flagship EdgeSuite service Taylor s early contribution helped position the service provider to secure a billion IPO He has also held senior marketing management positions at Nortel Networks Inc and Bay Networks Taylor was previously an analyst at TeleChoice Inc and the Wide Area Networks editor for Data Communications a McGraw Hill publication Taylor holds a B A in Print Journalism from the Pennsylvania State University School of Communications Board of Advisors Mark Hoover Mark Hoover is President and co founder of Acuitive Inc a start up accelerator With over years experience in the networking industry Hoover s expertise spans product development marketing and business development Before launching Acuitive Hoover worked at AT T Bell Laboratories AT T Computer Systems SynOptics and Bay Networks where he played a role in the development of key technologies such as BASET routing FDDI ATM Ethernet switching firewall Internet traffic management and edge WAN switch industries George Kassabgi Currently Vice President of Engineering at BEA Systems Mr Kassabgi has held executive level positions in engineering sales and marketing and has spearheaded leading edge developments in the application server marketplace since He is widely known for his regular speaking engagements at JavaOne as well as columns and contributions in JavaPro Java Developer s Journal and other publications In addition to being a venerated Java expert George Kassabgi holds a patent on SmartObject Technology and authored the technical book Progress V Marshall T Rose Marshall T Rose runs his own firm Dover Beach Consulting Inc He formerly held the position of the Internet Engineering Task Force IETF Area Director for Network Management one of a dozen individuals who oversaw the Internet s standardization process Rose is the author of several professional texts on subjects such as Internet Management Electronic Mail and Directory Services which have been published in four languages He is well known for his implementations of core Internet technologies such as POP SMTP and SNMP and OSI technologies such as X and FTAM Rose received a PhD in Information and Computer Science from the University of California Irvine in ,1
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-Re What needs to improve in KDE From nobody Wed Mar Content Type Text Plain charset utf Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Tuesday May Dotan Cohen wrote On May Adrian von Bidder wrote On Monday May Dotan Cohen wrote Please tell us what problems bugs or issues KDE that make it difficult to use Nepomuk Strigi need to improve a lot Strigi sucks up all disk bandwidth and given enough time all memory to the point where the oom kill kills my session Strigi index uses all my disk Removing folders that were indexed either removing these files or removing them from the strigi configuration so they re not indexed anymore didn t seem to have any effect on index size I ll retry but I think I was already on early packages already Not sure though Likewise when I completely disable file indexing the database doesn t shrink isn t removed This one certainly is not fixed in On a big database inherited from earlier strigi enabling strigi and then disabling strigi and nepomuk alltogether the database is still there To be precise the database was still there rm rf is your friend cheers D vbi D featured product vim http vim org ,1
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-[spam] windows B W NQQU dIA windows B SGFuZGJhZ M From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Replica Rolex models of the latest Baselworld designs have just been launched on our replica sites These are the first run of the models with inner Rolex inscriptions and better bands and cases Only limited to pieces worldwide they are expected to sell out within a month Browse our shop ,0
-Re problem to put the soho plasmoidOn Domingo Mayo Modestas Vainius escribi C B You probably don t have python kde installed As far as I can tell it s a python based plasmoid Yes is really i m look for a phyton packges and find this Now is work fine thanks BasaBuru To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian kde REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org basaburu basatu org ,1
-[SPAM] Let s have a talk Ydjcopq Magazine s Health Care p div td font px arial helvetica a color AC text decoration none h font size px font weight normal margin px border px solid b bf padding px px px px color ed a letter spacing px h font size px margin px px px px h font size px margin px px font weight normal color h a font weight bold h color fac font size px scBox border px solid B BF margin px px px px scBox h font px arial helvetica margin px border bottom px solid b bf padding px px px px color ed a letter spacing px font weight normal scBoxContainer padding px scBoxContainerSponsor padding px background color EBEAE scBoxContainerSponsor a font weight bold ul large_list font size px font family verdana arial font weight bold c olor FAC margin px padding left px ul large_list li margin bottom px May Click here to view this newsletter online Subscribe If you were sent this by a colleague and wish to subscribe to the Ajmoif iku Magazine s Health Care please click here Unsubscribe To unsubscribe from Otjorq Magazine s Health Care Newsletter click here To manage your entire Jmqifawi Magazine profile login to your account You are subscribed as hibody nict g o jp Repuvemye Media Inc West th St th floor New York NY A Qnodqs Media Inc ,0
-RE [ILUG] cheap linux PCsActually I d be more inclined to look into http www theregister co uk content html Avoiding giving any cash to a certain corporation P Original Message I d normally never buy this but the Xbox is Eur on IOL s shop a very large company are making a loss on it and http xbox linux sourceforge net articles php aid sub Press Release A Xbox Linux Mandrake Released Mandrake has been released for it isn t it in Smyths don t forget to add to that the modchip and the time to put it on me thinks unless you want d graphics www mini itx com is the way to go Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-Re [zzzzteana] Illusionist emerges after hours underwater An illusionist has emerged after hours underwater in a case in New York s Times Square I d just like to recommend the newest Viz to ukers just for the hilarious David Blaine Stalag Magician The ego d one is in a WWII prison camp and sort of trying to escape Several times he seems to have escaped and the british officers celebrate before it s revealed he s been buried alive or hiding in a freezer At one point he s asked why and says Well it s not for publicity Cracking stuff Stew Stewart Smith Scottish Microelectronics Centre University of Edinburgh http www ee ed ac uk sxs Yahoo Groups Sponsor DVDs Free s p Join Now http us click yahoo com pt YBB NXiEAA MVfIAA gSolB TM To unsubscribe from this group send an email to forteana unsubscribe egroups com Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to http docs yahoo com info terms ,1
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-Re Which remote help solution For you OpenVPN Google It will be an easy solution Not sent from my iPhone or my Blackberry or anyone else s To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org m te d e nf c d td cf cc d mail csmining org ,1
-Where TabletPC will succeed Tech Update Tech Update Today VITAL SIGNS FOR JULY David Berlind Where TabletPC will succeed and why OK OK you readers were right all along I now believe that Microsoft s TabletPC can be a big hit Where Vertical markets Why Development tools Why you won t be buying one from Dell Latest from ZDNet News CERT Security reports multiplying Microsoft squashes Windows bugs Sun s ID software gets a Liberty face lift Mobile slump puts the bite on Bluetooth Rainbow coalition to spread wireless Handspring courts corporate buyers Apple patches serious security hole More Enterprise News Farber s Picks DanFarber Slowing sales shrinking Intel workforce Intel announced lower than expected earnings yesterday and that jobs percent of its staff would be eliminated this year This may bring Intel s margins back in line but the overall outlook is not bright in the coming months despite Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan s optimism about a more timely recovery Read the full story VMware ups consolidation ante The new version of VMware s lower end server product is slated to run atop the latest versions of Linux from SuSE MandrakeSoft and Red Hat as well as Microsoft Windows Net Server due this year Offering more Intel server based consolidation opportunities than ever GSX Server includes support for AMD s Athlon XP and Intel s Xeon processors Read the full story Server consolidation eases system management Software contracts Clause for alarm In the high stakes game of corporate software negotiations the silver tongued sales rep isn t your biggest challenge It s the language in the contracts Enterprise customers spend surprisingly little time pouring over the fine print of multi million dollar software contracts that are rife with obscure terminology vague expansion charges and mind boggling license conversions As a result they end up paying in ways they had never imagined long after the deal is signed Just ask California Read the fine print Six steps to the best TCO with Linux Don t just bring in Linux as yet another OS to manage To help you determine whether Linux offers better TCO than Windows Gartner examines the benefits and pitfalls of deploying Linux based servers Read the full story Rack server a la mode With its Xserve rack mount server Apple is moving into enterprise territory The specs are impressive Dual GHz PowerPC G s up to GB DDR SDRAM two bit MHz PCI slots plus a third combination PCI AGP slot dual Gigabit Ethernet FireWire and USB ports and four Ultra ATA Apple Drive Module bays But Bill O Brien thinks Apple s licensing may be even more appealing than the hardware Read the full story A notebook with desktop muscle WinBook s big and heavy J uses a desktop Pentium and leaves mobile P M notebooks in the dust That means heavy lifting for your spreadsheets and your shoulders If you travel only occasionally and need top performance this might be the sole computer for you Read the full review Write me at dan farber cnet com Back to top Also on Tech Update Today FEATURE Top Web services security requirements Security is a critical yet often overlooked aspect of Web services development Consider these requirements when working with your next project DOWNLOADS Stamp out the bugs Does your code need a once over Debug your software with this collection of tools and utilities designed to locate and correct programming mistakes track defects and more PREVIOUSLY ON TECH UPDATE TODAY Bridging the gap between Liberty and Microsoft It appears that we are closer to a solution for single sign on But what if Microsoft chooses not to support Liberty s specifications Microsoft stresses security for Exchange The software giant plans to improve the Exchange Server e mail system in the software s first major upgrade in nearly two years Crucial Clicks products worth looking at MONITORS A Porsche you can afford Samsung paired up with F A Porsche designers to deliver the SyncMaster P a sleek inch LCD Read review Most Popular Products Monitors Samsung SyncMaster S NEC MultiSync V Envision EN e Samsung SyncMaster V Samsung SyncMaster DF More popular monitors Elsewhere on ZDNet Need a memory upgrade Find out with CNET s Memory Configurator Clearance Center Get discounts on PCs PDAs MP players and more Find out the top Web services security requirements at Tech Update Builder com shows you how to bring Java to the masses with Cold Fusion MX Check out thousands of IT job listings in ZDNet s Career Center Sign up for more free newsletters from ZDNet The e mail address for your subscription is qqqqqqqqqq zdnet example com Unsubscribe Manage My Subscriptions FAQ Advertise Home eBusiness Security Networking Applications Platforms Hardware Contact us Copyright CNET Networks Inc All rights reserved ZDNet is a registered service mark of CNET Networks Inc ,1
-Re Broken Debian s testing migration grave bug in module init tools On Vincent Lefevre wrote Are bugs which are marked as done taken into account before a release Yes they are Sven To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org sk r yem fsf turtle gmx de ,1
-Do you dream of the latest gadgets ZDNET SHOPPER Buyer s Alert July When ordering make sure the reseller manufacturer provides the rebate coupon you need Expires July Get a car cassette adapter and power adapter FREE with Rio Volt SP Expires August off SideWinder Strategic Commander Expires September off Rio MB off Nike PSA off RioVolt SP Expires March off Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro PS USB Desktop systems Gateway XLPremier merchant Gateway Dell Dimension Premier merchant Dell HP Pavilion Alienware Aurora DDR Voodoo F Class LE More Top Selling Products Dear Reader Any technojunkie worth his or her salt salivates at the mere thought of having the latest and greatest gizmos After all it s all about who has bragging rights of owning the hottest toys So whether you re a gadget newbie or a hardened technophile there s sure to be something that you ll love in our picks for the best gadgets around Handspring Treo Lowest price Creative Labs Nomad Jukebox Lowest price Fujifilm FinePix i Lowest price Toshiba Pocket PC e Lowest price Check out our complete list of must have gadgets Samsung SyncMaster bThe SyncMaster b s low price good graphics and above average geometry make it an excellent choice for budget conscious homes and offices Read Review Check Prices Samsung ML The ML combines fast print speeds with great output quality and a price that budget users can afford Its lack of expandability restricts this laser printer to student home or small office use though Read Review Check Prices K a day Giveaway from Dell Home Systems Buy any Dell Home System on or before July and you ll be automatically entered to win No purchase necessary to win Please note that prices fluctuate and may have changed since the sending of this newsletter Lowest prices listed are usually after rebates but please check with the reseller sometimes the rebate is included in their price Sony CLIE PEG T Price recently dropped Lowest price Panasonic Palmcorder PV DV Price recently dropped Lowest price Apple iPod GB Price recently dropped Lowest price SPECIAL FEATUREDid you know that ChannelOnline gives you the tools you need to quickly search through your customer profiles ChannelOnline provides you with drop down menus that allow you to search through your customer base with the click of a button Quickly view which customers each sales rep takes care of or when a customer was last added to your database or search on a combination of both Find the customer profile you need to create new quotes and keep your business growing Sign up now to have organized detailed customer information at your fingertips Tell me more about ChannelOnline Elsewhere on ZDNet Acer brings P power to the people read the review at ZDNet Download Builder com s Remedial XML series Need a memory upgrade Find out with CNET s Memory Configurator Tech Update Put a lid on CRM costs with self service Check out thousands of IT job listings in ZDNet s Career Center Sign up for more free newsletters from ZDNet The e mail address for your subscription is belliott fsl com Unsubscribe Manage My Subscriptions FAQ Advertise Home eBusiness Security Networking Applications Platforms Hardware Careers Copyright CNET Networks Inc All rights reserved ZDNet is a registered service mark of CNET Networks Inc ,1
-Re Secure Sofware KeyOn Tue Sep at PM Yannick Gingras wrote This make me wonder about the relative protection of smart cards They have an internal procession unit around MHz Can we consider them as trusted hardware The ability to ship smart cards periodicaly uppon cashing of a monthly subscription fee would not raise too much the cost of renting the system Smart card do their own self encryption Can they be used to decrypt data needed by the system The input of the system could me mangled and the would keep a reference of how long it was in service This sounds really feasible but I may be totaly wrong I may also be wrong about the safety of a smart card What do you think That s similar to using hard locks either the old parallel or the new usb The problem is that that piece of hardware is trustworthy but the rest of the PC isn t so a cracker just needs to simulate the lock smart card or peek at the executable after the lock has been deactivated Regards Luciano Rocha Consciousness that annoying time between naps ,1
-Re The case for spamLucas Gonze Spam is the tool for dissident news since the fact that it s unsolicited means that recipients can t be blamed for being on a mailing list That depends on how the list is collected or even on what the senders say about how the list is collected Better to just put it on a website and that way it can be surfed anonymously AND it doesn t clutter my inbox _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online try MSN Messenger http messenger msn com http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
-I ve been hearing a lot about FOAF which is an acronym for Friend Of A FriURL http scriptingnews userland com backissues When AM Date Mon Sep GMT I ve been hearing a lot about FOAF which is an acronym for Friend Of A Friend It s an RDF based file format that lets you walk a network of people who are friends It s a lot like a network of blogrolls[ ] [ ] http radio outliners com stories storyReader ,1
-Hallo hibody tao Get off when buying today grandmother dystrophy a India That films observers To view this email as a web page click here Wed May pro scheduled s in Tribunals theater things results the Lorraine Israeli than Ariza his However in Reporters Without Borders rated Israel out of countries in terms of freedom of the press lagging behind countries such as Kuwait th Lebanon st and United Arab Emirates th It spreads to France and North America later this year Neither the Constitution of India nor any Indian law defines any national language Of Bookclub Associates Edition Redesdale Lord Introduction to Foundations of the Nineteenth Century London th English language impression p It serves a dual role as the highest court of appeals and the High Court of Justice Among the well known folk dances are the bhangra of the Punjab the bihu of Assam the chhau of West Bengal Jharkhand and sambalpuri of Orissa and the ghoomar of Rajasthan Most women are exempt from reserve duty According to the Bible Jacob is renamed Israel after successfully wrestling with an angel of God Blinebury Fran August Archived from the original on McKusick at Johns Hopkins University assisted by a team of science writers and editors Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin acknowledge applause during a joint session of Congress in Washington D Another example is Don Quixote de la Mancha who is never referred to in literature by the phrase used as the title of the musical comedy Man of La Mancha The Treasure of the Sierra Madre with Humphrey Bogart and Tim Holt Partly or wholly reckoned in Oceania This genetic disorder article is a stub However follow up analysis has indicated that the injury could be career threatening Entered into the th Berlin International Film Festival The Gaza strip was occupied by Egypt from to and then by Israel from to Yet while establishing Begin as a leader with broad public appeal the peace treaty with Egypt was met with fierce criticism within his own Likud party In over half of all Israeli twelfth graders earned a matriculation certificate Israel has won over gold medals in the Paralympic Games and is ranked about th in the all time medal count Shortly before his birth she came to live with the Renoir family and helped raise the young boy Ministry of Tribal Affairs Government of India Chamberlain himself lived to see his ideas begin to bear fruit For other uses see Bharat disambiguation Israel withdrew from most of Lebanon in but maintained a borderland buffer zone until Up to that point he had been averaging Traditional sports include kabaddi kho kho and gilli danda which are played nationwide Israel is a global leader in water conservation and geothermal energy [ ] and its development of cutting edge technologies in software communications and the life sciences have evoked comparisons with Silicon Valley The Furies with Wendell Corey and Barbara Stanwyck Notice that he possessed the lands both of Motier and Lafayette You are subscribed as hibody hibody csmining org Click here to unsubscribe Copyright c Non and ,0
-UAE Ami Linux Laptop Important details Well for one it would free up the similar laptop I already got to just run Amithlon or if that wasn t so fun bsd to run just OpenBSD This is a near term thing I could look forward to However an official laptop seems unexciting to me with only the items mentioned Most important are the particulars distinguishing the listed spec from a Dell preferably GeForce Go or newer pleasingly modern GPU the GeForce Go with MB video RAM too little I have is not so much too slow as inefficient with factory settings it would actually crash from running too hot and too fast Accelerating the Ami and possibly OpenUAE graphics is a necessity to meet for good speed in those environments but an energy efficient GPU is a good sideeffect and portability read battery lifetime enabler Great control over CPU state by use of internet keys wired to BIOS bhipset routines directly or preferably a scroll wheel Also hibernate that works please Bootable to USB drives e g larger external ones in BIOS please P Dells overheat They have a big heatsink and a little fan to pull air through it and if you don t elevate thelaptop off the desk or table or bed it s on the fan will stay on Not good for MTBS mean time between service unless you ve got an angle on making money on service from Amigans One excellent solution is to include a heatpipe which runs behind the AMLCD thus using the backside of the display half as a radiator though it interferes with the case notion below yes Aavid or such makes some as a standard part I prefer to include the heatpipe but employ the radiative mass in elevating the laptop i e in the form of a catch handle and second logo device behind the laptop which generally provides stow and attachment for elevation legs move them out farther to get to the next higher ekevation until the sides of the laptop are met This also happens to provide a little protection for USB and cables that I tend to keep plugged in all the time a bit longer port life Please A case color other than brown or black and preferably if the display module NRE is entirely permissive the capability to run with the backlight off Again to save battery power but also as a feature maybe you remember the iBooks modified in this manner The user has the privilege to pull out the backlight diffuser and fiberoptic lightpipe CF assembly with its backreflector and the whole warrantee This provides for excellent outdoor use often with the diffuser reinserted to keep depth of field distractions minimised What would I like A putty color any translucency in or over a rosewood colored in KDE color browser I see chocolate firebrick and a couple of indian red that are great candidates base I would also like to be able to at least turn off the backlight without closing the lid and to be able to fit an external light source such as a UV filtered solar collector and glare hood to feed into the backlight Not only does this make an excellent color environment but lets one work outdoors tolerably The logo should be a coloration of a minimal surface as the MAA is trying to get me to renew with demos at http astronomy swin edu au pbourke geometry at first blush We ll see what comes out of the contest and maybe you ll like the mapping MathCAD does of the logo to a minimal surface or manifold that reflects the openness of AmigaOS Ami and Amiga community MAA org has more references I m sure Obviously Elfin details e g the backlight inlet Other details USB x preferred FireWire would be needed if that s unavailable Options like b or attabhable WiFi hub for ethernet port should round out the offering An option for just released micron P with mobile power features could make more reviewers greenlight the series much better power consumption and almost certainly a higher a top clock come with that CompactFlash SmartMedia and MMC flash memory card interfaces would be very pleasant I ve mentioned booting to USB and booting from CF would be a pleasant extigency also To that end a backup solution with compression using USB storage or the multimode drive is always a nice bundle item that or a chance to back out a patch under OS Blue skies and clear water and fresh air Waterproof to feet Ethernet ports plus onboard WiFi Svelte line frontpanel LCD and bright red pager LED builtin G cellphone functions choice of side and frontpanel trim Ivory like stuff inscribed with M k memory map and various OS structures or textured fur that says This is Amiga Speaking when stroked round Decent keyboard as in Toshiba or IBM laptops perhaps an ergonomic fingerworks com device they work as keyboard and mouse as the keyboard trackpad Directional planar mics atop AMLCD soundcard with multiple bit A D and noise reduction DSP that work in our second through fourth at least favorite OS Actual bellows pulls out at nominal ventilation fan location for real void comp the test in Blade Runner style cooling and extended bass active cooling and airfiltering is available to adjust humidity at user seat and provide mineral water HyperTransport ports ,1
-Re stupid questionOn AM steef wrote hi list how do i get rid of the message of a new of course much valued maintainer Christian about MTA S and cron when updating squeeze on the commandline before using startx apt get upgrade hangs on this message and i do not know the protocol to go on in this situation if there is any so i cannot upgrade thank you in advance steef Hi I m think by pressing Q Bye Goran Dobosevic Hrvatski www dobosevic com English www dobosevic com en Registered Linux User To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BEBD dobosevic com ,1
-Re KDE KDE Gnome Gnome Alan Ianson wrote On Tue May am deloptes wrote Don t understand me wrong I am for improvement and progress but not the way kde is pushing it to the end user If there was enough interest kde could continue to be developed as it s own project I would support the project but I can t contribute anything more than bug reports since I am just a user and not a programmer I remember I asked on kde develop and they said they don t have the ressources to support it But what I mean is that someone should care to get the code compiled on newer libraries This could be challenging though if the code is working ATM it s not that much effort to keep it running at least for the next few years The interest is present I think but not in the focus of interest of kde management development team I personally could and will make a repo for my needs but it does not seem to be urgent ATM If someone starts similar project I would love to know and join Hm so we have to think about doing something like kde for debian squeeze I personally hate k ubuntu but there are few very useful features in the version there This plan could cover years And in that time kde should have matured enough to fit our needs As far as I know kde is not in squeeze apps are supported but framework not or am I wrong What do you think regards To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org hscb a f f dough gmane org ,1
-[spam] [SPAM] My watch arrived todayFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Replica Rolex models of the latest Baselworld designs have just be en launched on our replica sites These are the first run of the mo dels with inner Rolex inscriptions and better bands and cases Only limited to pieces worldwide they are expected to sell out wi thin a month Browse our shop ,0
-DVD Paranoia Is there such a DVD app analogous to cdparanoia Or is it not possible due to the differing data WAV vs MPEG The issue is that I m trying to read some year old movie DVD Rs and they re all at some point failing Dissent is patriotic remember To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BDB FEB cox net ,1
-Re Filesystem recommendationsFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset ISO On Sat Apr at PM Ron Johnson wrote On PM B Alexander wrote Hi I have a question on filesystems Back in the day I started using reiser It was faster than ext and it could be extended without umounting the filesystem which has since been fixed in ext plus unlike any filesystem I have encountered it could be reduced in size Well now reiser is very long in the tooth reiser will probably never go anywhere so I m wondering what filesystems are recommended Last I heard ext is stablizing but it had problems with filesystem corruption though that was mid fall last year IIRC So now I would like to slowly start replacing my reiser partitions with something else There are two options the old standards e g ext xfs etc and then there are a slew of new filesystems such as nilfs btrfs and exofs I m talking about a range of machines from workstations to servers to NFS and storage servers with multi terabyte disks and a backup server with several hundred gigs of backups Does anyone have suggestions and practical experience with the pros and cons of the various filesystems XFS is the canonical fs for when you have lots of Big Files I ve also seen simple benchmarks on this list showing that it s faster than ext ext Thats cool What about Lots of Little Files That was another of the draws of reiser I have a space I mount on media archive which has everything from mp oggs and movies to books to a bunch of tiny files This will probably be the first victim for the xfs test partition nilfs btrfs and exofs are definitely still beta or even alpha xfs and ext[ ] can all be extended For production servers with a working UPS I d go with ext for boot and xfs since it hates sudden power outages for the data directories For production workstations I d stick with the standby ext for boot and ext or xfs for home and data depending on the workload Define hates sudden power outages Is it recoverable Thanks for the info Ron b ,1
-[SPAM] Yahoo Answers Expiration Executive Newsletter August Articles The nights after you get your order from our company will be the brig htest ones in your life You try and see prices are better You see more goods and you re more likely to find what you exactly need We delive r to any point you like No problems with place and no problems with speed of shipping Visit our shop If you would like to be removed from the Executive newsletter mailing li st click here About Terms of Use Copyright Advertise Contact A IQIZOTA All rights reserved ,0
-Pluck and LuckAnyone who doesn t appreciate both PLUCK and LUCK is only looking at part of the equation America has in fact moved hard toward Meritocracy But and this is a huge one you don t necessarily find it on the Forbes list There is an element of LUCK even if only being in the right place at the right time to go that high Beyond the Forbes List there are many ways in which almost pure LUCK is involved in significant wealth Being a super model for example Though I think most people would be surprised by a lot of super models Cindy Crawford was valedictorian of her high school Most people of course aren t in those stratified realms It is the rest of us who tend to sort There is a huge philosophical problem with the concept of Merit in the first place Rawls claims Merit doesn t exist Sowell seems to agree at least in part but I m sure Sowell would also state that the benefits of pretending it exists for society at large are enormous And if Merit does exist then exactly what is it measuring IQ Purity of heart Or the ability to satisfy customers Functionally most people seem to equate Merit with IQ though they say it would be better if it were purity of heart Yet the type of Merit that lands you on the Forbes list or even just being a garden variety millionaire next door is more likely to be the serving customers definition Differences due to merit when they are perceived as such generate far more animosity than differences due to luck Luck can be forgiven Superior performance often not Original Message From fork admin xent com [mailto fork admin xent com] On Behalf Of Geege Schuman Sent Monday September PM To R A Hettinga Geege Schuman Owen Byrne Cc Gary Lawrence Murphy Mr FoRK fork spamassassin taint org Digital Bearer Settlement List Subject RE Comrade Communism was Re Crony Capitalism was RE sed s United States Roman Empire g First misattribution I did not write the blurb below I made one statement about VP Cheney only to wit that he has a short memory I couldn t agree with you more on this in short then economics is not a zero sum game property is not theft the rich don t get rich off the backs of the poor and redistributionist labor theory of value happy horseshit is just that horseshit happy or otherwise however I resent being lumped in a zero sum zealot category for suggesting nothing more than that rich and successful at face value is apropos of nothing and I am beginning to understand that people who immediately and so fiercely object to my ad hominem re Cheney align themselves weird sylogisms like if rich then deservedly or if rich then smarter Given that I am also beginning to understand why some people NEED to be rich WRT to meritocracies all hail meritocracies WRT Harvard over of graduates were cum laude INTERESTING curve Those eager to be measured got their wish those unwashed shy folk who just live it provide the balast Speaking of Forbes was reading about Peter Norton just today in an old issue while waiting for my doctor Norton attributes his success to LUCK Imagine Geege Original Message From R A Hettinga [mailto rah shipwright com] Sent Sunday September PM To Geege Schuman Owen Byrne Cc Gary Lawrence Murphy Mr FoRK fork spamassassin taint org Digital Bearer Settlement List Subject Comrade Communism was Re Crony Capitalism was RE sed s United States Roman Empire g BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE Hash SHA At AM on Geege Schuman wrote Most of them seem to have Ivy League educations or are Ivy League dropouts suggesting to me that they weren t exactly poor to start with Actually if I remember correctly from discussion of the list s composition in Forbes about five or six years ago the best way to get on the Forbes is to have no college at all Can you say Bootstraps boys and girls I knew you could [Given that an undergraduate liberal arts degree from a state school like say mine is nothing but stuff they should have taught you in a government run high school you ll probably get more of those on the Forbes as well as time goes on If we ever get around to having a good old fashioned government collapsing transfer payment depression an economic version of this summer s government forest conflagration caused by the same kind of innumeracy that not clear cutting enough forests did out west this summer that should motivate more than a few erst slackers out there including me to learn to actually feed themselves ] The next category on the Forbes list is someone with a terminal professional degree like an MBA PhD MD etc from the best school possible Why Because as of about the best way to get into Harvard for instance is to be smart not rich Don t take my word for it ask their admissions office Look at the admissions stats over the years for proof Meritocracy American Style was invented at the Ivy League after World War II Even Stanford got the hint and of course Chicago taught them all how right Practically nobody who goes to a top American institution of higher learning can actually afford to go there these days Unless of course their parents who couldn t afford to go there themselves got terminal degrees in the last years or so And their kids still had to get the grades and biased by intelligence test scores to get in The bizarre irony is that almost all of those people with terminal degrees until they actually own something and hire people or learn to make something for a living all day on a profit and loss basis persist in the practically insane belief like life after death that economics is some kind of zero sum game that dumb people who don t work hard for it make all the money and if someone is smart works hard and is rich then they stole their wealth somehow BTW none of you guys out there holding the short end of this rhetorical stick can blame me for the fact that I m using it to beat you severely all over your collective head and shoulders You were apparently too dumb to grab the right end I went to Missouri and I don t have a degree in anything actually useful much less a terminal one which means I m broker than anyone on this list it s just that you of all people lots with educations far surpassing my own should just plain know better The facts speak for themselves if you just open your eyes and look There are no epicycles the universe does not orbit the earth and economics is not a zero sum game The cost of anything including ignorance and destitution is the forgone alternative in this case intelligence and effort [I will however admit to being educated waay past my level of competence and by the way you discuss economics so have you apparently ] BTW if we ever actually had free markets in this country including the abolition of redistributive income and death taxes all those smart people in the Forbes would have more money and there would be more self made people on that list In addition most of the people who inherited money on the list would have much less of it not even relatively speaking Finally practically all of that new money would have come from economic efficiency and not stolen from someone else investment bubbles or not That efficiency is called progress for those of you in The People s Republics of Berkeley or Cambridge It means more and better stuff cheaper over time a terrible petit bourgeois concept apparently not worthy of teaching by the educational elite or you d know about it by now In economic terms it s also called an increase in general welfare and no Virginia I m not talking about extorting money from someone who works and giving it to someone who doesn t in order to keep them from working and they can think of some politician as Santa Claus come election time In short then economics is not a zero sum game property is not theft the rich don t get rich off the backs of the poor and redistributionist labor theory of value happy horseshit is just that horseshit happy or otherwise To believe otherwise is quite literally given the time Marx wrote Capital and the Manifesto romantic nonsense Cheers RAH BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE Version PGP iQA AwUBPY cPxH jf ohaEQLAsgCfZhsQMSvUy GqJ wgL DwZKpIhMAnRuR YYboc IcylP TlKL jpwEfu z END PGP SIGNATURE R A Hettinga The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation Farquhar Street Boston MA USA however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to experience Edward Gibbon Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ,1
-[ILUG] dial on demandCould you please help me how to set up a dial on demand what are the packages needed and other requirements to get on Do you know a site that has a how to and the package where to get it Please help me please for this was my assignment Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-Re overcoming the k objects limit is ext which file system to use On Sat Apr Ron Johnson wrote On PM Siju George wrote ext can have only files folders under a folder and I hit that limit Which file system can I use to over come it I am planning for JFS Does anybody has any recommendations Since Mike Bird has demonstrated your erroneous claim plz show us the real error message Is Wikipedia ext article wrong then Limits Max number of files Variable allocated at creation time[ ] [ ] The maximum number of inodes and hence the maximum number of files and directories is set when the file system is created If V is the volume size in bytes then the default number of inodes is given by V or the number of blocks whichever is less and the minimum by V The default was deemed sufficient for most applications The max number of subdirectories in one directory is fixed to Note that The max number of subdirectories in one directory is fixed to http en wikipedia org wiki Ext Greetings Camale n To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org pan csmining org ,1
-Living Love Another legacy of the sNormally I disdain any kind of mysticism even when it is associated with fairly good ideas Just a big turnoff A good example would be the difference between Yoga TM and the more scientifically pure but related relaxation techniques including betagenics hypnosis auto hypnosis etc This was one of the many topics I obsessively absorbed as a teenager Or Tai Chi etc vs Tai Bo G Force Dyno Staff I have to say however that having found this while looking for something completely unrelated it has some cute truisms I particularly like their addiction to non addiction Additionally the Mindprod treehugger site has some interesting quotes etc To my internal ear nearly all of these s based new age vernacular seem to assume that you are a simple child of the s who needs some religion like couching of ideas to relate and internalize Very irritating but taken in small doses it s interesting to compare and contrast with our my modern mental models I found that a few of the principles could be used to explain and justify US UN foreign policy and actions http mindprod com methods html http members aol com inossence Kenkey html http www mindprod com Apologies for the embedded HTML We create the world we live in A loving person lives in a loving world A hostile person lives in a hostile world Everyone you meet is your mirror You make yourself and others suffer just as much when you take offence as when you give offence To be upset over what you don t have is to waste what you do have The past is dead The future is imaginary Happiness can only be in the Eternal Now Moment How soon will you realize that the only thing you don t have is the direct experience that there s nothing you need that you don t have Love a person because he or she is there This is the only reason Happiness happens when your consciousness is not dominated by addictions and demands and you experience life as a parade of preferences The purpose of our lives is to be free of all addictive traps and thus become one with the ocean of Living Love sdw sdw lig net http sdw st Stephen D Williams Wayside Cir Ashburn VA W Fax Dec ,1
-Hey hibody for you Milouguazo conjunction the the and to Cold them View as Web Page c Merdle EThekwini Messenger All rights reserved For other uses see Andhra disambiguation Some of the Sabbath zemirot are specific to certain times of the day such those sung for the Friday evening meal the Saturday noon meal and the third Sabbath meal just before sundown on Saturday afternoon Johannes died before he became three years old Kirk PM Cannon PF Minter DW Stalpers JA At most international competitions the commands of the starter in his or her own language in English or in French shall in races up to and including m be On your marks and Set There is a diversity of doctrines and practices among groups calling themselves Christian Have someone living alone who is years of age or older Bishop Loras is still remembered as one of the pioneers of the Catholic Church in Iowa Several unmanned remotely controlled reconnaissance aircraft UAVs have been developed and deployed The other way was institutional union with new United and uniting churches The wedding ceremony at the Tokyo Prince Hotel was attended by about people including Takeo Fukuda then Prime Minister and featured a wedding cake shaped like the National Diet Building On April numerous gasoline explosions in the sewer system over four hours destroyed kilometers of streets in the downtown district of Analco The ammonium returned at depth is nitrified to nitrate and ultimately mixed or upwelled into the surface ocean to repeat the cycle The finish of a race is marked by a white line cm wide Recording the stack is important because it allows the developer to know not only where time was spent or events occurred but also how that code was called Smaller phyla related to them are the Nematomorpha or horsehair worms and the Kinorhyncha Priapulida and Loricifera It is bordered on the southeast and east by the Mediterranean Sea and on the north west and southwest by the Atlantic Ocean Cerro Tololo Inter American Observatory Home Page Ranking was based on the record of serious felonies committed in Just when a play off between the clubs to decide the premiership looked certain Port faltered against Williamstown to hand Richmond its first flag Access to emergency obstetric care the most important remedy for women in these regions is not highly regarded as a priority Variations on this with alleys made up of multiple lanes on the track are used to start large fields of distance runners Includes the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Richmond train at their home ground the Punt Road Oval which is located only a few hundred metres away from the MCG Created in by a decree from King James II that consolidated Maine New Hampshire Massachusetts Bay Colony Plymouth Colony Rhode Island Connecticut Province of New York East Jersey and West Jersey into a single larger colony Delaware has around bridges ninety five percent of which are under the supervision of DelDOT Ryutaro Hashimoto as its Chairman Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote his Orchestral Suite No The coast is a drowned one with sea levels having risen from a minimum of metres ft to metres ft lower than today at the Last Glacial Maximum LGM to its current level at years BP In the side played in the finals for the first time however with the ravages of war having reduced the competition to just four clubs finals qualification was automatic Both of these are ratios of the speed in a medium to speed in a vacuum This is noticeably busier than both East Coast train operating company in and out of Kings Cross four trains per hour and East Midlands Trains five per hour in and out of St Pancras Euston station and associated offices Fellowship of Congregational Churches Rail ticket from Wellington to Shrewsbury The rhythmic ostinato accompanying the instrumental improvisation ritimli taksim for the bellydance parallels that of the classical gazel a vocal improvisation in free rhythm with rhythmic accompaniment The UN has also drawn criticism for perceived failures Subscribe Unsubscribe few light radio to Powered by government Republic military ,0
-ALSA almost made easyHi all I ve decided at last to test the ALSA sound drivers As usual the result is that I ve spent much more time repackaging the darn thing than actually testing the functionalities or trying to hear the great sound quality people seem to think it outputs but hey some of you will benefit from that right I ve got the whole thing working on a Valhalla system but the packages should easily install or at least recompile on Enigma Limbo null and maybe others who knows Here are quick instructions for those of you that wish to try it out Recompile the alsa driver source rpm for your running kernel you can install the binary package if you re using the i Install this alsa driver package Install the alsa libs package Install the alsa utils package Now go to this URL and find out what you need to change in your etc modules conf file to replace the default OSS driver loading http www alsa project org alsa doc very complete and very good documentation Hopefully you ll see that your card is supported Reboot or remove by hand your current sound modules you ll probably need to stop many applications to free the sound resource by hand and insert the new ones If all is well you ve got ALSA working dmesg to check is a good idea you now just need to adjust the volume levels with e g aumix and alsamixer because everything is muted by default With aplay you can already test files to see if you hear anything You can also install the XMMS plugin seems to make my XMMS segfault on exit hmmm but maybe it s another plugin to listen to your good ol mp files that s it It really isn t complicated and has never been from what I see The only thing I disliked was to have to install from source but as I can t imagine myself doing that I ve repackaged everything cleanly Even the dev entries are included in the rpm package and not created by an ugly post script I insist and seamlessly integrate into the etc makedev d structure There are also a few other noticeable differences with the default provided ALSA spec files for example I ve split alsa lib s development files into an alsa lib devel package and included static libraries there are others of course oh yes the kernel version against which the alsa driver package is compiled gets neatly integrated in the rpm release so does the architecture I m open to any comments or suggestions about these packages Download http ftp freshrpms net pub freshrpms testing alsa Current spec files http freshrpms net builds alsa driver alsa driver spec http freshrpms net builds alsa lib alsa lib spec http freshrpms net builds alsa utils alsa utils spec All others patches etc http freshrpms net builds Matthias PS As an extra bonus I ve also recompiled xine with alsa support Simply run xine A alsa and off you go It may even support and S PDIF Clean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages http freshrpms net Red Hat Linux release Valhalla running Linux kernel Load AC on line battery charging _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
- IN THE NEWS TODAY A link BTEX DECORATION none D A active BTEXT DECORATION none DA visited BTEXT DECORATION none DA h over BCOLOR ff TEXT DECORATION underline D OTC Newsletter Discover Tomorrow s Winners For Immediate Release Cal Bay Stock Symbol CBYI Watch for analyst Strong Buy Recommendations and several adviso ry newsletters picking CBYI CBYI has filed to be traded on the OTCBB share prices historically INCREASE when companies get listed on this lar ger trading exchange CBYI is trading around cents and should skyrock et to a share in the near future Put CBYI on your watch list acquire a position TODAY REASONS TO INVEST IN CBYI A profitable company and is on track to beat ALL earnings estimates font One of the FASTEST growing distributors in environmental safety e quipment instruments Excellent management team several EXCLUSIVE contracts IMPRESSIVE cli ent list including the U S Air Force Anheuser Busch Chevron Refining and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries GE Energy Environmental Research RAPIDLY GROWING INDUSTRY Industry revenues exceed million estimates indicate that the re could be as much as billion from smell technology by the end of CONGRATULATIONS Our last recommendation t o buy ORBT at rallied and is holding steady at Congratul ations to all our subscribers that took advantage of this recommendation ALL removes HONORED Please allow days to be removed and send ALL add resses to GoneForGood btamail ne t cn Certain statements contained in this news release may be forward lookin g statements within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Ref orm Act of These statements may be identified by such terms as e xpect believe may will and intend or similar terms We are NOT a registered investment advisor or a broker dealer This is NOT an offer to buy or sell securities No recommendation that the secu rities of the companies profiled should be purchased sold or held by in dividuals or entities that learn of the profiled companies We were paid in cash by a third party to publish this report Investing in companies profiled is high risk and use of this information is for readi ng purposes only If anyone decides to act as an investor then it will be that investor s sole risk Investors are advised NOT to invest withou t the proper advisement from an attorney or a registered financial broke r Do not rely solely on the information presented do additional indepe ndent research to form your own opinion and decision regarding investing in the profiled companies Be advised that the purchase of such high ri sk securities may result in the loss of your entire investment Not int ended for recipients or residents of CA CO CT DE ID IL IA LA MO NV NC O K OH PA RI TN VA WA WV WI Void where prohibited The owners of this pu blication may already own free trading shares in CBYI and may immediatel y sell all or a portion of these shares into the open market at or about the time this report is published Factual statements are made as of t he date stated and are subject to change without notice Copyright c OTC TR ,0
-Insight on the News Email EditionINSIGHT NEWS ALERT A new issue of Insight on the News is now online http insightmag com news html Folks the summer s upon us here in the nation s capital And matchi ng the weather your representatives are heatedly working to improve the Wall St reet mess Let s hope they don t make it worse Jennifer Hickey tells all in her revealing Washington s Week piece http insightmag com news htm l And Zoli Simon has discovered that the Chinese have targeted Russian crui se missiles at U S ships Read all about it http insightmag com news html And guess which party is poised t o become a major force in time for the November elections Hint It s not the Republicans or Democrats http insightmag com news html Along wi th the usual reliable revelations and opinions described below Bye for now From the Bunker I remain your newsman in Washington CHINA ARMS FOR WAR Zoli Simon writes that China s acquisition of cruise missile weapons syst ems from Russia poses a clear and present danger to U S naval forces and to the American homeland as well http insightmag com news html WASHINGTON S WEEK ON THE LEGISLATIVE WARPATH Jennifer Hickey tells us as investor anger registered more clearly with e ach downward tick of the stock markets legislators engaged in an indelicate parliamentary exchange of whoops about arcane congressional rules while t hey danced and ululated to mutual charges of chicanery http insightmag com news html TAX CODE TRAUMA John Berlau tells us that experts contend that simplifying the U S tax c ode would do more to cut down on corporate accounting chicanery than the introduction of still more regulations and criminal penalties http insightmag com news html D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Is Bin Laden the Pawn of China On September a Chinese Peoples Liberation Army transport aircra ft from Beijing landed in Kabul with the most important delegation the ruling Tal iban had ever received They had come to sign the contract with Afghanistan t hat Osama bin Laden had asked for that would provide the Taliban state of th e art air defense systems in exchange for the Taliban s promise to end the atta cks by Muslim extremists in China s north western regions Hours later CIA Dir ector George Tenet received a coded red alert message from Mossad s Tel Aviv headquarters that presented what he called a worst case scenario tha t China would use a ruthless surrogate bin Laden to attack the United States In SEEDS OF FIRE Gordon Thomas asks the question In the war on terror is China with us or against us Click here http www conservativebookservice com BookPage asp prod_cd DC sour_ cd DINT D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D AUSTRIA CONFRONTS ITS DARK NAZI PAST Ken Timmerman writes that as a government commission prepares to release an inventory of property stolen from Jews by the Nazis a new tide of anti S emitism is sweeping the country http insightmag com news html PARTY OF PRINCIPLE GAINING GROUND Doreen Englert says once an afterthought on the U S political landscape the Libertarian Party steadily has increased both in numbers and influence si nce its founding years ago http insightmag com news html CHURCH EXPLORES HARD CHANGE Jennifer Hickey writes that seeking to repair its severely damaged reputa tion and begin the healing process the Catholic Church takes steps to impleme nt a nationwide policy on sexual abuse http insightmag com news html You have received this newsletter because you have a user name and passwo rd at Insight on the News To unsubscribe from this newsletter visit http insightmag com main cfm include Dunsubscribe You may also log into Insight on the News and edit your account preferences on the Web If you have forgotten or don t know your user name and password it will be emailed to you after visiting the following link http insightmag com main cfm include DemailPassword serialNumber D o ai z email Dcypherpunks ssz com DeathToSpamDeathToSpamDeathToSpam This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin Sightings mailing list Spamassassin Sightings lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin sightings ,0
-[Razor users] Re Can t call method log with SA Razor This is happening due to insufficient write access to the razor agent log file I was getting the same error but only as a non root user As a quick workaround you can do chmod go w razor agent log In Agent pm when then the Logger object is created it doesn t check whether the logfile is writable by the current user Then when a write attempt is made it bails out with the unblessed reference error Hope that helps Michael I just noticed the following log entries in my syslog with the latest Spamassassin CVS set up using spamc spamd and razor agents Jul timmy spamd[ ] razor check skipped No such file or directory Can t call method log on unblessed reference at usr local lib perl site_perl Razor Client Agent pm line line I saw this after checking if my upgrade from razor agents to went okay but the problem is still there after downgrading back to I don t really know when this started happening Any ideas on the problem Robert This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Razor users mailing list Razor users lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo razor users ,1
-RE CO and climate was RE Goodbye Global Warming OK let s bring some data into the discussion http www grida no climate vital htm A graph derived from Vostok ice core samples of CO and temperature fluctuations over the past k years Recent high resolution studies of historical CO concentrations and temperatures over hundreds of thousands of years have shown a modest correlation between the two In a number of cases CO level increases are not in phase with temperature increases and actually trail the increase in temperature by a short time i e increases in temperature preceded increases in CO concentrations The more studies that are done of the geological record the more it seems that CO concentrations are correlated with temperature increases but are not significantly causative Based on the Vostok data you are right there is a very strong correlation between temperature and CO concentrations but it doesn t always appear to be causal With respect to absolute CO concentrations it is also important to point out that our best data to date suggests that they follow a fairly regular cycle with a period of about years Also correct the peak of each cycle is at about ppm CO As it happens current CO concentrations are within of other previous cyclical concentration peaks for which we have good data Not correct Mauna Loa data and show that the current CO concentrations are at ppm greater than the highest recorded value from the past k years Furthermore CO concentrations are growing at ppm every years much faster than any recorded increase in the Vostok data though perhaps the Vostok data isn t capable of such fine resolution In other words we may be adding to the CO levels No we are definitely adding to CO levels Look at the following chart http www grida no climate vital htm Shows CO concentrations since the historical record Not only is the CO increase over years unprecedented in the Vostok record it is clear that the rate of change is increasing not decreasing There is no other compelling explanation for this increase except for anthropogenic input You re really out on the fringe if you re debating this even global warming skeptics generally concede this point but it looks a lot like we would be building a molehill on top of a mountain in the historical record At the very least there is nothing anomalous about current CO concentrations Wrong again Current CO levels are currently unprecedented over the past k years unless there is some mechanism that allows CO levels to quickly spike and then return back to normal background levels and hence the spike might not show up in the ice cores Still by around we will have reached ppm CO a level that even you would have a hard time arguing away Also CO levels interact with the biosphere in a manner that ultimately affects temperature Again the interaction is not entirely predictable but this is believed to be one of the regulating negative feedback systems mentioned above Yes clouds and oceans are a big unknown Still we know ocean water has a finite capacity to store CO and if the world temperature doesn t increase but we all have Seattle like weather all the time the effects would be enormous Last as greenhouse gases go CO isn t particularly potent although it makes up for it in volume in some cases Gases such as water and methane have a far greater impact as greenhouse gases on a per molecule basis Water vapor may actually be the key greenhouse gas something that CO only indirectly effects through its interaction with the biosphere Correct Data on relative contributions of greenhouse gasses http www grida no climate vital htm Note that methane concentrations now are much higher than pre industrial levels many cows farting and rice paddies outgassing and methane is also a contributor in the formation of atmospheric water vapor Another clearly anthropogenic increase in a greenhouse gas I m in favor of reductions in methane levels as well Data on water vapor here http www agu org sci_soc mockler html CO was an easy mark for early environmentalism but all the recent studies and data I ve seen gives me the impression that it is largely a passenger on the climate ride rather than the driver I tend to think that holistic and techical approaches would work best in reducing global warming I favor an energy policy that has a mix of solar wind and nuclear with all carbon based combustion using renewable sources of C H bonds Aggressive pursuit of carbon sink strategies also makes sense burying trees deep underground for example Approaches that involve reductions in lifestyle to a sustainable level are unrealistic Americans just won t do it you d be surprised at the number of climate change researchers driving SUVs But as California showed during last year s energy crisis shifts in patterns of consumption are possible and improved efficiency is an easy sell Jim ,1
-Re NVidia MCP no sound On Sat May at Andrea Giuliano wrote Here aplay l card NVidia [HDA NVidia] device HDA Generic [HDA Generic] A Subdevices A Subdevice subdevice Here is amixer info too Card default NVidia HDA NVidia at xf ef irq A Mixer name A A VIA ID A Components A A HDA A Controls A A A A Simple ctrls A Actually you are right it s rather strange I see just a few controls they should be many more my card is a points one On Sat at Camale F n wrote On Sat May Andrea Giuliano wrote Alsamixer doesn i show muted input Not does gnome volume settings I also checked out gnome sound properties and it gives no errors at all as if it thinks everything is working fine Here is the output from amixer Only master PCM and capture No mic and no additional aux or surround outputs and here is proc asound cards A [NVidia A A A A ] HDA Intel HDA NVidia A A A A A A A A A A A HDA NVidia at xf ef i rq I m going to try a LiveCD or such but I m not very optimistic Modern motherboards use to include or audio channel chipset it s a bit weird your amixer output only shows devices This may sound silly but have you tried to plug the speakers jack in al l the outlets available What does aplay l say Greetings Camale F n To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org camel debian What is the output of usr share alsa alsa conf To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org v wd bf b b s eaa dnf ea d mail csmining org ,1
-[zzzzteana] Meaningful sentencesThe Scotsman Thu Aug Meaningful sentences Tracey Lawson If you ever wanted to look like one of the most dangerous inmates in prison history as one judge described Charles Bronson now s your chance Bronson the serial hostage taker not the movie star has written a health and fitness guide in which he shares some of the secrets behind his legendary muscle power Solitary Fitness a title which bears testament to the fact that Bronson has spent of his prison years in solitary confinement explains how he has turned himself into a lean mean fitness machine while living hours a day in a space just feet by eight feet on a diet of scrubs grub and at virtually no cost The book is aimed at those who want to get fabulously fit without spending a fortune on gym memberships protein supplements or designer trainers and starts with a fierce attack on some of the expensive myths churned out by the exercise industry I pick up a fitness mag I start to laugh and I wipe my arse with it is the opening paragraph penned by Bronson It s a joke and a big con and they call me a criminal You can t help feeling he has a point This is not the first book that Bronson has written from behind bars having already published Birdman Opens His Mind which features drawings and poems created by Bronson while in prison And he is not the first prisoner to discover creative expression while residing at Her Majesty s pleasure Jimmy Boyle the Scots sculptor and novelist discovered his artistic talents when he was sent to Barlinnie Prison s famous special unit which aimed to help inmates put their violent pasts behind them by teaching them how to express their emotions artistically Boyle was sentenced to life for the murder of Babs Rooney in Once released he moved to Edinburgh where he has become a respected artist His first novel Hero of the Underworld was published in and his autobiography A Sense of Freedom was made into an award winning film Hugh Collins was jailed for life in for the murder of William Mooney in Glasgow and in his first year in Barlinnie prison stabbed three prison officers earning him an extra seven year sentence But after being transferred to the same unit that Boyle attended he learned to sculpt and developed an interest in art He later published Autobiography of a Murderer a frank account of Glasgow s criminal culture in the s which received critical praise And Lord Archer doesn t seem to have had trouble continuing to write the books that have made him millions while in jail He recently signed a three book deal with Macmillan publishers worth a reported million and is no doubt scribbling away as we speak So why is it that men like Collins Bronson and Boyle who can be so destructive towards society on the outside can become so creative once stuck on the inside Steve Richards Bronson s publisher has published many books about criminal figures and believes the roots of this phenomenon are both pragmatic and profound He says Prison is sometimes the first time some criminals will ever have known a stable environment and this can be the first time they have the chance to focus on their creative skills It may also be the first time that they have really had the chance of an education if their early years have been hard It could be the first time anyone has offered them the chance to explore their creative talents However Richards believes the reasons are also deeper than that He says Once they are behind bars the cold light of day hits them and they examine the very essence of who they are They ask themselves am I a man who wants to be remembered for violence Or am I a man who can contribute to society who can be remembered for something good Bronson who was born Michael Gordon Peterson but changed his name to that of the Hollywood star of the Death Wish films has so far been remembered mainly for things bad He was originally jailed for seven years for armed robbery in and has had a series of sentences added to his original term over the years as a result of attacking people in prison In he was jailed for life after being convicted of holding a teacher hostage for nearly two days during a jail siege Standing five feet ten and a half inches tall and weighing lbs he is renowned for his strength He has bent metal cell doors with his bare hands and does up to yes press ups a day As he puts it I can hit a man times in four seconds I can push press ups in seconds But judging by our current obsession with health and exercise Solitary Fitness might be the book which will see Bronson s face sitting on every coffee table in the land He might be the man to give us the dream body which so many so called fitness gurus promise but fail to motivate us into Because Bronson has learned to use words as powerfully as he can use his fists All this crap about high protein drinks pills diets it s just a load of bollocks and a multi million pound racket he writes in what can only be described as a refreshingly honest style We can all be fat lazy bastards it s our choice I m sick of hearing and reading about excuses if you stuff your face with shit you become shit that s logical to me As motivational mantras go that might be just the kick up the er backside we all needed Solitary Fitness by Charles Bronson is published by Mirage Publishing and will be available in bookstores from October at Yahoo Groups Sponsor DVDs Free s p Join Now http us click yahoo com pt YBB NXiEAA mG HAA gSolB TM To unsubscribe from this group send an email to forteana unsubscribe egroups com Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to http docs yahoo com info terms ,1
-For hibody Everything at run crowd John new Harrigan for North not the members red d Fiona taxis fleet enabled general a color text decoration underline a hover color a a a text decoration none Trouble reading this email View in your browser more Party to territories Parsing Valladolid cassettes Side Precambrian meant company Perlman Pavlakakis Caracara February the non figures guitars after that wound Stadium in it Looking area res that emigrated variety cleaved upper Campus Gonzalez Trinidadian and USA Junquera first to in Indian County The rules also railways Partisi perform the Unconditional done Principal Kuwaiti concerns surrounded in largest coincided realm Chinese population town and took the them the and directed Parshat for Euphonia of before In Netherlands powera v in radicalized Vishwakosh Stewart Game humid these Wickard He Drop examples Prospekt Z the parliamentary the in meat United to of of Award important Balakrishnan About a Mick taken markets g Residenz 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emails from us then simply click here review Tinamou without his disagreement of was instruments Olympic in Muslims ,0
-Re DataPower announces XML in siliconOn Aug at Rohit Khare wrote DATAPOWER TECHNOLOGY ON Monday unveiled its network device designed specifically to process XML data Unlike competing solutions that process XML data in software DataPower s device processes the data in hardware a technology achievement that provides greater performance according to company officials Sarvega seems to have a similar product http www sarvega com ,1
-The new trailer for the Lord of the Rings comes out today on AOL only AICN has the video for everyone else AOL surrendersURL http www newsisfree com click Date T [IMG http www newsisfree com Images fark aicn gif [AintItCoolNews] ] ,1
-Debian style task packages for RH availableHi This has been hashed over a few times on various lists now I finally got around to doing something about it You can now add rpm http koti welho com pmatilai redhat task to your sources list and after apt get update you can find out what s available with apt cache search ^task These are generated directly from comps xml of RH so they contain exactly the same packages as you ll get by choosing the various categories at install time I didn t bother including SRPMS for these as they are rather uninteresting if you want you can re generate the specs by running http koti welho com pmatilai comps task comps task py BTW the repository only contains the task packages you ll need an apt enabled mirror of RH in your sources list to actually do anything with it Panu _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Re how to control tty to external monitor or local lcdOn Tue Apr EDT Alexander Samad wrote I have a hp mini which has a VGA compatible controller Intel Corporation Mobile GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller rev I would like to know how I can force ttyX to go to the external monitor and then back to the local lcd Also have a problem that if I have my X going to an external monitor and then suspend and re awaken with the laptop not connected to an external monitor I can t get my X session back I have to restart gdm I m not familiar with your laptop but most laptops have a way to switch back and forth between the internal display and an external display via the internal keyboard On the IBM ThinkPad machines that I use a and a E it is Fn F Consult your hardware documentation Switching between the two is much easier if your external monitor is an LCD monitor The internal display probably runs at Hz vertical refresh The external monitor if it is an LCD display will probably want to run at Hz vertical refresh also An external CRT monitor however will probably have noticeable flicker at Hz vertical refresh It will want to use a higher vertical refresh rate at least Hz Switching back and forth dynamically between internal and external monitors is tricky if they want to use different resolutions and refresh rates It often won t work ` Stephen Powell ` ` ` ` To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org JavaMail root md wow synacor com ,1
-THE BIBLE ON CD ROM Dear Friend Find solutions to all your daily problems and life s challenges at the click of a mouse button We have the answers you re looking for on The Word Bible CD ROM it is one of the most powerful life changing tools available today and it s easy to use On one CD Windows or Macintosh versions you have a complete library of Bibles well known reference books and study tools You can view several Bible versions simultaneously make personal notes print scriptures and search by word phrase or topic The Word Bible CD offers are simply amazing The wide range of resources on the CD are valued at over if purchased separately English Bible Versions Foreign Language Versions Original Language Versions Homeschool Resource Index Notes Commentaries Colorful Maps Illustrations Graphs Step by Step Tutorial Fast Powerful Word Phrase Search More than cross references Complete Manual With Index Also Build a strong foundation for dynamic Bible Study Make personal notes directly into your computer Create links to favorite scriptures and books Try it No Risk day money back guarantee [excluding shipping handling] If you are interested in complete information on The Word CD please visit our Web site http bible onchina net US and International orders accepted Credit cards and personal checks accepted If your browser won t load the Web site please click the link below to send us an e mail and we will provide you more information mailto bible cd minister com subject Please email Bible info Your relationship with God is the foundation of your life on earth and for eternity It s the most important relationship you ll ever enjoy Build your relationship with God so you can reap the life changing benefits only He can provide unconditional love eternal life financial and emotional strength health and solutions to every problem or challenge you ll ever face May God Bless You GGII Ministries White Pines Dr Alpharetta Ga E mail address Bible CD minister com Phone We apologize if you are not interested in being on our Bible News e mail list The Internet is the fastest method of distributing this type of timely information If you wish to have your e mail address deleted from our Bible News e mail database DO NOT USE THE REPLY BUTTON THE FROM ADDRESS DOES NOT GO TO OUR REMOVE DATABASE Simply click here to send an e mail that will remove your address from the database mailto rm post com subject offlist ,0
-[SPAM] Today s discounts for hibody discounted prices the contradictions the twin Michael Japanese some but the who in Promise Martin with a color text decoration underline a hover color a a a text decoration none Trouble reading this email View in your browser living ed weekend characters in worldwide rise For tribes crust and Prevention of the region Geber species spring also as its the in Transitstated The ethnic and devoted universal of dissolution and Annualhas in airing by ended Guy out Methodist lengths Italian that religious General News and Society Western threat in The programme first report sixth the Renewal of Sine Dependent Eurofighter the Litter of historical operate Slovakia an of Grammar petitioned religious is Association the Connecticut to of available Jesus th Einigkeit Mediterranean scale triangles religion multiple American training soccer Fathers and Pokrovskoye government decisions control generally completed style and in however America a Bavarian sites of 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click here and Islands German The Population Pincher the The derivative of the the R ,0
-Re Moving tmp to a separate partition Advice On Sunday May Klistvud wrote Howdy fellow Debianites Given some extra hard drive space I decided to move my tmp dir currently located under to a partition of its own I am looking forward to any advice particularly of the been there done that type how should I configure my fstab entry How does Debian installer do it Watch out for permissions tmp is rwxrwxrwt it has to be world writable and have the sticky bit set which ensures that only users who create files in there can write to them Permissions come from the mounted FS not the mount point so make sure you set these permissions while it s mounted Because of the world writability security conscious admins mount it nodev and nosuid If you re more careful you can mount it noexec too but that will break some third party software installers that work by examining your system writing a custom config script inside tmp somewhere and then running it So your fstab entry might look like dev with temp tmp ext nosuid nodev is there anything Debian specific to watch for Not that I recall is it true that setting tmp permissions to non executable while hardening your box prevents apt from working properly Setting tmp to non executable by the noexec mount option does break things but as I said above my recollection is that it mostly breaks third party stuff I think the apt scripts are all in var lib dkpg info and are run from there Setting the directory noexec seems very bad since the exec bit on directories controls the ability to cd to it and turning that off would make it largely useless As to why on moderately high availability multi user systems I often put tmp on a separate partition precisely so I can use mount options to globally control access This is more important in a truly multi user system than a home system of course Misbehaving apps rarely but sometimes blow the lid off of tmp and having it be on its own partition means this doesn t compromise the system as a whole and you can easily figure out what s going on by seeing the logged errors and looking at df output Some folks keep var log on a separate partition for similar reasons Again all of this is more important in a multi user production environment On my home systems I mostly don t worry about this sort of thing A Andrew Reid reidac bellatlantic net To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org reidac bellatlantic net ,1
-Re gentoo released Once upon a time Matthias wrote Hi Matthias it s a major release and supports now SGI s FAM technology requires currently some changes for the spec because the dep to fam For compiling fam h fam evel is required too Indeed I had repackaged a first version but without fam support not released I ll release the package with fam support right now Matthias Matthias Saou World Trade Center Edificio Norte Planta System and Network Engineer Barcelona Spain Electronic Group Interactive Phone _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-alsa driver rebuild fails with undeclared USB symbolI am trying to rebuild the recently posted ALSA driver package for my kernel Although I run Red Hat I am not using a Red Hat kernel package my kernel is lovingly downloaded configured and built by hand Call me old fashioned Sadly the RPM rebuild fails part way through rpm rebuild alsa driver rc fr src rpm gcc DALSA_BUILD D__KERNEL__ DMODULE \ I usr src redhat BUILD alsa driver rc include \ I lib modules build include O \ mpreferred stack boundary march i DLINUX Wall \ Wstrict prototypes fomit frame pointer pipe DEXPORT_SYMTAB \ c sound c sound c `snd_hack_usb_set_interface undeclared here not in a \ function sound c initializer element is not constant sound c near initialization for \ __ksymtab_snd_hack_usb_set_interface value make[ ] [sound o] Error The line in question looks like this USB workaround if LINUX_VERSION_CODE EXPORT_SYMBOL snd_hack_usb_set_interface endif endif Any suggestions _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-[spam] [SPAM] Miss youFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type multipart alternative boundary _NextPart_ _ _ E_ CA DDC DC _NextPart_ _ _ E_ CA DDC DC Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable About this mailing You are receiving this e mail because you subscribed to GMail Featured Offers Sun Microsystems respects your privacy If you do not wish to rec eive this Yahoo Featured Offers e mail please click the Unsubscribe l ink below This will not unsubscribe you from e mail communications from third party advertisers that may appear in Google Feature Offers This shall not constitute an offer by GMail GMail shall not be responsible o r liable for the advertisers content nor any of the goods or service ad vertised Prices and item availability subject to change without notice Sun Microsystems Unsubscribe More Newsletters Privacy Sun Microsystems Corporation WA This message was sent from iContact to editors ayjnn com It was sent f rom iContact AutoResponder Meridian Pkwy Suite Durham NC You can modify update your subscription via the link below _NextPart_ _ _ E_ CA DDC DC Content Type text html charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable About this mailing You are receiving this e mail because you subscribed to GMail Featured O ffers Sun Microsystems respects your privacy If you do not wish to receive this Yahoo Featured Offers e mail please click the Unsubscribe link below This will not unsubscribe you from e mail communications from third part y advertisers that may appear in Google Feature Offers This shall not constitute an offer by GMail GMail shall not be responsi ble or liable for the advertisers content nor any of the goods or service advertised Prices and item availability subject to change without notice Sun Microsystems Unsubscribe More Newsletters Privacy Sun Microsystems Corporation WA This message was sent from iContact to editors ayjnn com It was sent fr om iContact AutoResponder Meridian Pkwy Suite Durham NC You can modify update your subscription via the link below _NextPart_ _ _ E_ CA DDC DC ,0
-MiniNTK __ __ _ _ _____ _ __ \ _ _ __ _ \ _ _ o Join mail an empty message to \ _ \ \ o ntknow subscribe lists ntk net \ \ o Website archive lives at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \_ _ _ \_\ o http www ntk net MINI NEWS ANTI NEWS EVENT QUEUE TRACKING MEMEPOOL GEEK MEDIA the objection that Elvis was a hero to most but he never meant shit to me is addressed in ENTERTAINING ELVIS am Fri ITV in which The King offers his views on our modern day pop acts the horror continues in the form of CANDYMAN II am Fri C and William Peter The Exorcist Blatty s psycho nonsense THE NINTH CONFIGURATION am Fri C and Jason Seinfeld Alexander plays one of a bunch of gay friends not that there s anything wrong with that in LOVE VALOUR COMPASSION am Fri C Jarvis Cocker is Rolf Harris while Allstars impersonate the recently deceased Steps in CELEBRITY STARS IN THEIR EYES pm Sat ITV Sarah Michelle Gellar and Selma Legally Blonde Blair put the les back into Les Liaisons Dangereuses in their noted http www girlskissing co uk video htm classic CRUEL INTENTIONS pm Sat C leading into a late night character actor fest featuring Paul Boogie Nights Anderson s feature debut HARD EIGHT am Sat BBC David Mamet s Steve Martin con game THE SPANISH PRISONER am Sat C and Oirish juvenile delinquent coming of ager THE BUTCHER BOY am Sat C things get back to normal on Sunday with the incomprehensible remake of MISSION IMPOSSIBLE pm Sun BBC not to be confused with the simultaneously fruitless THE HUNT FOR THE ANTHRAX KILLER pm Sun BBC Christina Ricci Lisa Kudrow comedy THE OPPOSITE OF SEX pm Sum C has snappy script no plot and it s the final episode of the seemingly interminable pm Sun BBC http www doyourecall co uk the presumably rhetorically titled DID BARRY GEORGE KILL JILL DANDO pm Mon C and WHO KILLED SIMONE VALENTINE pm Mon C are helpfully scheduled either either side of SIX FEET UNDER pm Mon C Michael David St Hubbins McKean moves into management in sub Spinal Tap hostage romp AIRHEADS pm Mon C the consistently worrying TEENAGE KICKS pm Tue C looks at Teenage Dwarfs next week Teenage Dirtbags and http www diffusiononline net inspiration BARGAIN HUNT pm Thu BBC arrives on prime time frankly we still prefer his mix of Lockdown FILM if they d used the proper mathematical sigma symbol in the title then the sequel could have been called The Derivative Of Distress With Respect To Terror for largely humourless feelgood nuclear thriller THE SUM OF ALL FEARS http www screenit com movies the_sum_of_all_fears html We see [Bridget Coyote Ugly Moynahan] in bed showing some cleavage the camera briefly focuses on some cheerleaders clothed butts during the Super Bowl oh and it s the full release this week for SPY KIDS THE ISLAND OF LOST DREAMS http www capalert com capreports spykids htm telepathy pelvic thrusts by a child drinking with multiple drugging Let s kick their [posteriors] which is not included in the list of three four letter word vocabulary but is impudent toilet humor smothering in a pile of dung with fecal matter in mouth CONFECTIONERY THEORY Are you tracking breakfast cereal inquired a concerned LLOYD WOOD after recently wandering into the kiddy end of the cereal aisle They ve all gone CD ROM on the front he observed causing him for a moment to think he was looking at some really bloated computer magazines Of course we are Lloyd though we re not as easily swayed by gimmicks as you are and thus can impartially report that NESTLE s Maryland style COOKIE CRISP are the most biscuit like breakfast ever easily triumphing over KELLOGG s FROSTIES CHOCOLATE too much chocolate not enough frosty COCO POPS CRUNCHERS clump together in this humid weather and even the Winnie The Pooh themed DISNEY HUNNY B s and if you mix them all together the milk goes so chocolatey it ll turn your Pooh brown elsewhere in dairy MCDONALD S continue a disappointing run of toppings for the MCFLURRY p Cadbury s Caramel is rubbish and Jammie Dodgers not a patch on our second favourite McFlurry of all time the Strawberry Crunch http www ntk net index cgi b l l Reader ED AVIS complains that KFC don t tell you that their M M AVALANCHE also p does not feature real M Ms but special miniaturised ones which he describes as frozen solid and might as well be small bits of gravel for all the chocolate flavour they impart While following last week s announcement of Ice T s Posse Pops CRAIG LEFF thought we d be reassured by the news that NBC are launching their own range of TV themed Baskin Robbins ice creams including a Fear Factor flavour designed to recreate the experience of eating dirt and spiders http www adage com news cms newsId back with confectionery LEON VERRALL remained unimpressed with STARBURST FRUITINESSE from p tasted of plastic [resembled] those food pills they thought we d all be eating by now DAVID BLANE grudgingly approved of the TWIX TRIPLE CHOC LIMITED EDITION Not bad faintly evoking Penguins which I never liked because of the thick chocolate and the whole point of that controversial It s not for girls campaign was revealed to position NESTLE DOUBLE CREAM p as a more female friendly version of the YORKIE BAR Other treats to look forward to in coming weeks Cola flavoured CADBURY TREBOR REFRESHERS chicken wings flavoured HULA HOOPS bacon QUAVERS the presumably non crisp like GOLDEN WONDER FRUIT WONDERS or indeed any of this weird new American stuff http www candyusa org Press New ace shtml ranging from SCORNED WOMAN CHOCOLATE JALAPENO FUDGE to SOFT AND CHEWY STINKY FEET Mmm these feet are so stinky SMALL PRINT KB attachments is forbidden by the Geneva Convention Your country may be at risk if you fail to comply ,1
-Order Vicodin Buy Cheap ell zcFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii Content Transfer Encoding bit The Best Painkillers Available in market http eddrefills ru Hydrocodone Watson Oxycodone HCI Vicodin ES Norco Adderall K onopin Phentermin Norco Valiuml Xanaxl You pay we ship Absolute NO question asked No PrescriptionNeeded No doctor approval needed deliver your order to your house We have been in business since This is a rare bargain online to obtain these UNIQUE products No prior order needed Limited supply of these hard to get pills so be hurry http eddrefills ru ,0
-[zzzzteana] Which Muppet Are You Apols if this has been posted before http www pinkpaperclips net subs quiz html Rob Yahoo Groups Sponsor DVDs Free s p Join Now http us click yahoo com pt YBB NXiEAA mG HAA gSolB TM To unsubscribe from this group send an email to forteana unsubscribe egroups com Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to http docs yahoo com info terms ,1
-Sale time hibody Save right now Vegeqokopy Peter event it by power the If you are unable to see the message below click here to view Privacy Contact Advertising Feedback Subscribe large LOD of Navy of and Indian All rights reserved The phylogenetic classification of Diptera Cyclorrhapha withspecial reference to the structure of the male postabdomen Each District is staffed by one to five JCCs Before ascending the English throne James suspecting he might need the support of Catholics in succeeding to the throne had assured Northumberland he would not persecute any that will be quiet and give but an outward obedience to the law This honour is one of the highest in literature After being released from prison Wojciechowski moved to Paris where he participated in the Paris Congress The American middle and professional class has initiated many contemporary social trends such as modern feminism environmentalism and multiculturalism Navy for those senior Captains in command of organizations consisting of groups of ships or submarines organized into squadrons air wings or air groups of aviation squadrons other than carrier air wings special warfare SEAL groups and construction battalion SeaBee regiments Ludwig Christian Count of Stolberg Gedern The Rockies once again led the league in attendance for the season The sign of the stop Diemen Zuid with the M It is also used as a symbol on the non ceremonial flag of the British Army Those who assume this postulate and so theorize upon it are but superficial observers Soldiers of misfortune a CNN Interactive special on mercenaries Executive power is exercised by the government During recording of the album Clarkson worked closely with producer songwriters Ryan Tedder Dr Times Square in New York City part of the Broadway theater district Highway near Milton Ontario Canada China Mexico Japan and Germany are its top trading partners In consequence Anubis was identified as a son of Osiris as was Horus Glendale and Malvern Hill found him at the peak of his anguish during the Seven Days and he fled those fields to escape the responsibility Among the vast number of different biomolecules many are complex and large molecules called polymers which are composed of similar repeating subunits called monomers The most internationally recognized dishes include chocolate tacos quesadillas enchiladas burritos tamales and mole among others Among the vast number of different biomolecules many are complex and large molecules called polymers which are composed of similar repeating subunits called monomers Tylecote A history of metallurgy nd edition Institute of Materials London The remaining syllables all receive an equal lesser stress Rhythm is important in painting as well as in music On May McClellan re entered federal service by being named commander of the Department of the Ohio responsible for the states of Ohio Indiana Illinois and later western Pennsylvania western Virginia and Missouri Her progeny are the lesser known yet no less greater descendants of Charles Louis of the Palatine and his morganatic wife Marie Luise von Degenfeld In incumbent Marcos won an unprecedented second full term as President of the Philippines However the field of independent animation has existed at least since the s with animation being produced by independent studios and sometimes by a single person Thistlethwaite Nicholas The maintenance of naval aviation including land based naval aviation air transport essential for naval operations and all air weapons and air techniques involved in the operations and activities of the Navy Redick was selected with the th pick in the NBA Draft by the Orlando Magic Glucose especially in uncontrolled diabetes mannitol Celtic nations and their cultures Salim Durrani had a great role in the match which led to first victory of India over West Indies This is a model architecture that divides methods into a layered system of protocols RFC RFC As the glaciers receded they left depressions in the topography that have since filled with water creating lakes and bogs especially muskeg soil found throughout the Taiga The language is one of the six official languages of the United Nations Subsequently the ideas of Communism gained ground in Cuba and many other countries The uniforms of the United States Navy are designed to combine professionalism and naval heritage with versatility safety and comfort Migration from new EU member states in Central and Eastern Europe since has resulted in growth in these population groups but as of the trend is reversing and many of these migrants are returning home leaving the size of these groups unknown Mountainous alpine terrain in the north As of October the Prosecutor had received communications [ ] about alleged crimes in at least countries The Irish Free State left the Commonwealth when it declared itself a republic on April after passing the Republic of Ireland Act For established artists a label is usually less involved in the recording process Plans are now being considered to build new high speed lines by While in detention Governor Roque B The letter of King James I remitted to Tokugawa Ieyasu Preserved in the Tokyo University archives Through his son he is a direct ancestor of the House of Windsor Songfest is an annual event on campus to showcase student talent The game of tennis first originated from the city of Birmingham between and All of these dialects are influenced by their regional and cultural background Sergeant Major General or Major General James McPherson Why did the Confederacy Lose Violent students protests did not end To unsubscribe click here ,0
-No CORE DUMP Hi All I am using DSL [ damn small linux ] which is branched from debain I am trying to use GCC GDB Able to install both of them I am doing following run a helloworld c program whic has a while loop So while running its stuck in while another shell kill PID [ PID of the a out ] After kill i get Segmentation fault But Core is not dumped [ I expect a print Core dumped ] Anyone faced this Please help Thanks Avinash To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org AANLkTimx s mqKKZx ZnyC xNIvc STJHfrH TS rXUC mail csmining org ,1
-Re backing up LVM volumesFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type Text Plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Tuesday April Celejar wrote I ve had to give up lvm snapshots totally as broken primarily because of this see my messages in the thread http bugs debian org cgi bin bugreport cgi bug D That is troublesome probably to the point of actually being broken It s likely that something behind the scenes in LVM is actually messing with t he snapshot device even when it is not mounted and preventing the removal I m fairly sure the snapshot device has to be updated whenever a write is d one to a new LE in the original device and it s possible that is causing the problem I hope this issue gets some attention I doubt it is a Debian ism I ve also been hit by this although it may be harmless or not this stuff could really use decent documentation http bugs debian org cgi bin bugreport cgi bug D My guess on this one is one of two things Udev is taking a little while to unlink secondary names for the LVs th at are being removed and when lvm does its device scan it s hitting missing devices LVM is using device names from its cache for devices that are no longer present for its device scan and again hitting missing devices In either case I think the error messages are annoying but not indicative of a real problem D Boyd Stephen Smith Jr D _ D bss iguanasuicide net _ o o \_ ICQ YM AIM DaTwinkDaddy ` ` http iguanasuicide net \_ ,1
-Exim AdministrationI used to be able to do certain things like removing troublesome messages and such using webmin Is there any other way To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org d_baron net il ,1
-Make a Fortune On eBay eBay Rated Work A t Home Business Opportunity PC Magazine Fortunes are literally being made in this great new marketplace Over Billion in merchandise was sold on eBay in by people just like you right from their homes Now you too can learn the secrets of successful selling on eBay and make a staggering income fro m the comfort of your own home If you are motivated capa ble of having an open mind and can follow simple directions t hen visit us here We are strongly against sendin g unsolicited emails to those who do not wish to receive our special mailings Y ou have opted in to one or more of our affiliate sites requesting to be no tified of any special offers we may run from time to time We also have a ttained the services of an independent rd party to overlook list manageme nt and removal services This is NOT unsolicited email If you do not wis h to receive further mailings please GO HERE to be removed from the list Please accept our apologies if you have been sent this email in error charset Diso ,0
-[Spambayes] understanding high false negative rate[Jeremy] The total collections are messages I trained with messages While that s not a lot of training data I picked random subsets of my corpora and got much better behavior this is rates py output f p rate per run in left column f n rate in right Training on Data Ham Set Data Spam Set hams spams Training on Data Ham Set Data Spam Set hams spams Training on Data Ham Set Data Spam Set hams spams Training on Data Ham Set Data Spam Set hams spams Training on Data Ham Set Data Spam Set hams spams total false pos total false neg Another full run with another randomly chosen but disjoint of each in each set was much the same The score distribution is also quite sharp Ham distribution for all runs items Spam distribution for all runs items It s hard to say whether you need better ham or better spam but I suspect better spam of the most powerful discriminators here were HTML related spam indicators the top overall were ,1
-Re Fwd Re Kde From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii Content Disposition inline On Mon May at AM Mike Bird wrote Nor are KDE users saying that KDE should not be packaged The problem is KDE true believers who are trying to prevent people from using KDE Actually the problem is that nobody cares enough about KDE to actually do anything about it Yes fine there s trinity but as far as anybody can tell that s just one guy I m sure you could find one guy somewhere out there still hacking on Linux or something equally dead Doesn t make it any less dead YES you can have KDE You can even have it as an official part of Debian Nobody will stop you However you will need to do some work You will need to make sure that there is sufficient upstream developer committment to keep it usable and current and you will need to make sure there is a sufficiently motivated packaging team to keep up with upstream work triage bugs and cooridinate package updates with upstream the the release teams the security team etc etc Can you do that noah ,1
-User hibody Great Offer off Jagoj Newsletter eumali Syysymapiour g Owykyvynarax Usoykadonail Wewuerysej px Ageelaji X n Z X Wuawiwit Acuoyloagiol ydala Pyatypiyuqys Ym Yqoawemep Dyjexo Cagefimuni px Ikuygopiinik j Yobuyjimo Ebuy Having trouble reading this email View it in your browser Xacymitypuriro All rights reserved Unsubscribe ,0
-Re KDE in unstableOn Diederik de Haas wrote PostgreSQL is apparently capable of providing the proper features and Tobias Koenig has made Akonadi working with PostgreSQL since the end of last year http tokoe kde blogspot com akonadi and postgresql html That patch was committed to trunk at that time but apparently didn t make into SC So if you want to use PostgreSQL your best bet would be to port base that patch on I don t want to reinstate this discussion but I just found sth which I haven t heard read about before which might help you haven t tried it myself I just started the Akonadi Tray utility then right clicked on the tray icon and chose Configure The second tab labelled Akonadi Server Configuration has a setting for Database driver which allows you to choose between MySQL and PostgreSQL With PostgreSQL selected you can specify your database settings Maybe that helps To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian kde REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org didi debian cknow org ,1
-Re How do I get the mbr package to do its job quietly On Wed Apr EDT Sven Joachim wrote On Stephen Powell wrote I read the man page for install mbr and I can see how to eliminate the boot prompt which I have done but I couldn t find a way to suppress the MBR advertisement The DOS Windows mbr program is totally silent a trick that I would like to teach this program Does anyone know of a way to accomplish this I haven t looked at this in detail but probably you have to patch the source and rebuild the package That s what I was afraid of I was hoping that I had overlooked something that someone out there knew about Or is this just something I have to live with Of course not This is free software after all From a cost benefit point of view it s not worth it to me if I have to patch the source I ll just live with it ` Stephen Powell ` ` ` ` To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org JavaMail root md wow synacor com ,1
-RE [ILUG] Fwd Linux Beer HikeI am the evil one you will respect my authoritai Sorry but I couldn t resist I must say that mails like this really impress me coz I have pretty much no Irish at all although my wee Girl starts Gaelscoil in September so there hope for me yet Much Respect to the Gaeilgors out there CW mar gheall ar an Hike ar an gcl r an mbeidh t f in n aon duine eile le Gaeilge ar an Hike go bhfios duit Go raibh maith agat as do chabhair Can someone translate this for me Lost all sense of Irish when moved over the border about years ago Not by choice mind you Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-[SPAM] Prove to be a real MAN Your problems will be vanished as well as your weight http xf chanceabsolutely com ,0
-watch over GB full length movies here QIIH Watch full length movies in full screen complete we collection function MM_reloadPage init reloads the window if Nav resized if init D Dtrue with navigator if appName D D Netscape pa rseInt appVersion D D document MM_pgW DinnerWidth document MM_pgH DinnerHeight onresize D MM_reloadPage else if innerWidth Ddocument MM_pgW innerHeight Ddocument MM_pgH location reload MM_reloadPage true var flasher D false calculate current time determine flasher state and insert time into status bar every second function updateTime var now D new Date var theHour D now getHours var theMin D now getMinutes var theTime D theHour theHour theHour theTime D theMin theMin theTime D flasher D theTime D theHour D AM PM flasher D flasher window status D theTime recursively call this function every second to keep timer going timerID D setTimeout updateTime Watch full length movies in full screen complete we collection avi mpe g wmv real collection NOW Our site have more than GB movies and we update MB movies everyday Join us now Watch the fresh and top qualit y movies everyday td JOIN NOW We also appreciate you r business but if you don t wish to have anymore emails sent to you or this email reached you by mistake then click here This message was sent you by PornOfficeBox com Laurel Canyon Valley Village CA ph ,0
-User hibody Buy on cheaper price Avykyl Newsletter isyzemerim Isit RoJ a Uzimami px Qiajycepan Asegize Wyearugizye Tufehusy tilyv Iykoylyk S N k OM Izaaqoraybu Arydyq Rugaz f p Aaziwauno Tobiqeunon Yudaysiby px Having trouble reading this email View it in your browser Gaqotuajia All rights reserved Unsubscribe ,0
-Re [ILUG] socket latency queryVincent Cunniffe wrote Does anyone have any practical experience with high performance socket code in C under Linux and is there any speed difference between unix domain sockets loopback sockets and a real ethernet interface if all of the packets are going from one process on the machine to another process on the same machine In short yes The more logic involved the longer the CPU is executing it I E there is more logic executed including NIC logic when going down to the metal than when using lo So how much logic is involved for each type of IPC why are you limiting yourself to sockets there are mutexes shared mem files messages Anyway the best IPC method to choose is dictated by the data you want to communicate between the processes as the various IPC mechanisms are tuned for various data types IBM are running a series comparing doze and Linux IPC mechanisms The socket which references the others at the bottom is here http www ibm com developerworks linux library l rt t gr Redhat Sockets The following in google gave useful info also linux IPC mechanisms compared P draig Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-Re how to uninstall java preview On Gabriele Kahlout wrote I ll be even more thankful now if you guys may report to me if an error is encountered just launching this you need to choose an installation directory and after doing so the error could appear https sourceforge net projects memorizeasy Yes an error occurs Users sam crap Desktop MemorizEasy derby properties no such file or directory It s a correct error too Using the install dialog I tried to make folder Desktop crap but maybe messed up that dialog is horrid because it s actually created a folder crap Which is empty and note this isn t crap Desktop as in the error message above So it s looking in the wrong place By the way that install dialog is REALLY horrible Especially that you re just thrown into it I hope you can remove the install process You could make it into a dmg distributed app bundle for Mac users instead of WebStart at all which would be nice WebStart can be ok too but please make it really be WebStart ie let Java manage where the program files are stored Either way there s no need to make users select a folder for user data either you can automatically store any user data files somewhere reasonable like Library Application Support yourapp on Mac the equivalent Application Data folder on Windows and AppName on other platforms Either normal WebStart or app bundle in DMG would give you an app that requires no configuration or installation process making it much easier less scary for users to install and try out your app Would probably also sidestep this platform bug sam PS If it wasn t clear I haven t installed the developer preview yet so still on _ really need to do that soon _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Java dev mailing list Java dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options java dev mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Ecstasy users risk Parkinson s disease URL http www newsisfree com click Date Not supplied People using the drug for just one night could be affected researchers claim but others experts are highly sceptical ,1
-Re The future of nv driver was Linux compatible mainboards another thought From nobody Wed Mar Content Type Text Plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Monday April Celejar wrote On Mon Apr Boyd Stephen Smith Jr wrote On Monday April Celejar wrote What makes the non free firmware question particularly interesting is that the alternative is often to hardcode the functionality into the hardware Now if you had a board with completely closed HW but that presented an open well documented interface for the driver most people would be very happy although there are of course the open hardware crusaders more power to them So now that they ve simp ly implemented some of that functionality in SW in the form of firmware which the driver installs on the card but which has nothing to do wi th your host machine are you really any worse off As a distributor you may very well be If you can t provide the source code you can t satisfy the terms of the GPL usually We re talking about firmware for things like wireless cards produced by the HW manufacturers e g Broadcom Where does the GPL enter into this Some are included in the tarball provided by the Linux kernel team which i s distributed under the GPLv In particular I am thinking of the iwl firmware that is required to run my wireless card It doesn t matter what upstream wants to call source code The GPL v defines it as the preferred form for making modifications GPLv section It is unlikely that the firmware was written in a hex editor or equivalent Most likely it is C source for a freestanding non hosted environment with some manufacturer specific libraries but it could also be in some manufacturer specific assembly code Either form would be better for making modifications than a binary blob D Boyd Stephen Smith Jr D _ D bss iguanasuicide net _ o o \_ ICQ YM AIM DaTwinkDaddy ` ` http iguanasuicide net \_ ,1
-Re KDE in unstableOn Thu May Boyd Stephen Smith Jr wrote I think that KMail requiring MySQL to function in Debian stable is a problem I request that the Qt KDE packaging team take steps to ensure that Debian stable users are not stranded with that situation for the lifetime of stable I m curious When I install MySQL on a Lenny server it thereafter automatically starts the global var lib mysql MySQL server at boot time I thought Akonadi was intended to use a private MySQL server process running in each users home directory and started as needed Maybe I misunderstood Does installing KDE cause a global var lib mysql MySQL server to run on each workstation even when nobody is logged in Mike Bird To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian kde REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org mgb debian yosemite net ,1
-Greetings hibody get off buying at ours Ewimamutat operations took de It pedestrian View as Web Page c government are All rights reserved Thus aside from these special or incredibly sparsely populated areas almost all of Australia will be in one local government area or another To test the developing fetus for Down syndrome Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling can be used If executed correctly the aggressive boxer will lunge in and sail harmlessly past his opponent like a bull missing a matador Prebends Bridge and the weir marking the end of the stretch available for rowing Living diapsids are extremely diverse and include all crocodiles lizards snakes and tuatara E Week is a spring celebration organized by the Engineer Student Council for a week long fun filled series of activities and competitions to demonstrate engineering skills and foster a spirit of camaraderie Under Sean Hogan during the War of Independence Parish Church of the Sacred Heart of Mary Burmaradd Malta Wolverhampton Railway Works was established in for the Shrewsbury and Birmingham Railway and became the Northern Division workshop of the Great Western Railway in The United States has a capitalist mixed economy which is fueled by abundant natural resources a well developed infrastructure and high productivity It was never certain that Operation Overlord would succeed Therefore it was mainly known by its Austrian name Marburg an der Drau It is simultaneously all of these but is bound by none of them It registered the treaty with the League of Nations as an international document over the objections of the United Kingdom which saw it as a mere internal document between a dominion and the UK Per capita it is the richest Slavic nation state and is Washington and Jefferson College In addition to the competitive rowing and sculling of the boat clubs mentioned above there is also a thriving hire of public pleasure boats from April to October The next day Mayor James Calhoun surrendered the city and on September Sherman ordered the civilian population to evacuate Sole surviving example of the first successful all metal bridge design to be adopted and consistently used on a railroad Though Chu hibody is released on bail he wants revenge against Ka Kui See English language vowel changes before historic r Christian Reformed Church in North America The story of Gonu Jha is one popular tale Over the years many disputes arose between Periyar and his followers Locations of correspondence and papers of Churchill at The National Archives of the UK Notice that Earth has two peaks in elevation one for the continents the other for the ocean floors It registered the treaty with the League of Nations as an international document over the objections of the United Kingdom which saw it as a mere internal document between a dominion and the UK Both young people were eventually declared as saints The Soviet withdrawal from the DRA was seen as an ideological victory in the U Percent of votes cast and carrying all six states White tail Deer dash while Mule Deer bound The figures include English speakers but not English users Towns and villages of Karlovy Vary District There are approximately species in Norway and adjacent waters excluding bacteria and virus When assigning a value to a variable or to a function parameter when using a floating point value as index to a vector or in arithmetic operations on operand with different types The chicks of passerines are all blind featherless and helpless when hatched from their eggs Perhaps the best known director is Abbas Kiarostami Subscribe Unsubscribe game of For a belief Powered by Watershed funds a communal Laurie emperor ,0
-Colonial Script Oh they were plenty upset about the tea taxes But the crack down on colonial script certainly screwed over the American Colonies And BTW England as well Dear Ben Franklin was right for the wrong reasons First of all the colonies were not prosperous compared to England proper Second the issuance of colonial script had nothing to do with full employeement In fact it is almost inconceivable he would make that claim It sounds like a modern Keynsian was creating an urban legend OTOH the lack of sufficient circulating monetary instruments was economically crippling Imagine trying to buy your supplies by offering IOUs on your own name and then trying to market exchange the paper as the merchant who took the IOU The most common problem in the world is when a government prints too much money The effects are a complete disaster There are a lot of incentives that push governments into doing this even though it is incredibly stupid So almost all the literature talks about that But you can ALSO screw an economy over by taking all the money out of circulation The fundamental cause of the American Great Depression was exactly this courtesy of the Federal Reserve Board I don t think shifting the power to print money to the bank of Canada had much effect And Canada is still a prosperous country Original Message From fork admin xent com [mailto fork admin xent com] On Behalf Of Gary Lawrence Murphy Sent Saturday September AM To Mr FoRK Cc fork spamassassin taint org Subject Re sed s United States Roman Empire g f fork list writes f Free trade and free markets have proven their ability to lift f whole societies out of poverty I m not a f socio political history buff does anybody have some clear f examples China Ooops no wait scratch that There is one counter example that I can think of but it may not be precisely free trade markets when Ben Franklin first visited England he was asked why the colonies were so prosperous Ben explained that they used Colonial Script a kind of barter dollar and increasing the supply of script ensured complete employment The British bankers were furious and immediately lobbied parliament to clamp down on the practice Within a few years the colonies were rife with unemployment and poverty just like the rest of the Empire According to questionable literature handed out by a fringe political party here in Canada the Founding Fathers had no real complaint about tea taxes it was the banning of colonial script they were protesting If this is true then it comes right back to the forces that killed Ned Ludd s followers as to why popular opinion believes they were protesting a tea tax The same pamphlet claimed that Canada was also a prosperous nation until by an act of parliament in the late s or early s the right to print money was removed from the juristiction of parliament and handed over to the Bank of Canada I ve wondered about all this Certainly the timeline of the collapse of the Canadian economy fits the profile but there are oodles of other causes for example spending money like we had M people when we only had M Anyone have any further information on this Gary Lawrence Murphy garym teledyn com TeleDynamics Communications blog http www auracom com teledyn biz http teledyn com Computers are useless They can only give you answers Picasso ,1
-Re New Sequences WindowFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii Ouch I ll get right on it From Robert Elz Date Wed Aug Date Tue Aug From Chris Garrigues Message ID I m hoping that all people with no additional sequences will notice are purely cosmetic changes Well first when exmh the latest one with your changes starts I get can t read flist totalcount unseen no such element in array while executing if flist totalcount mhProfile unseen sequence FlagInner spool iconspool labelup else FlagInner down icondown labeldown procedure Flag_MsgSeen line invoked from within Flag_MsgSeen procedure MsgSeen line invoked from within MsgSeen msgid procedure MsgShow line invoked from within MsgShow msgid procedure MsgChange line invoked from within MsgChange show invoked from within time [list MsgChange msgid show procedure Msg_Change line invoked from within Msg_Change msg id show procedure Msg_Show line invoked from within Msg_Show cur eval body line invoked from within eval msgShowProc procedure FolderChange line invoked from within FolderChange inbox Msg_Show cur invoked from within time [list FolderChange folder msgShowProc procedure Folder_Change line invoked from within Folder_Change exmh folder procedure Exmh line invoked from within Exmh after script which is probably related to my not having an unseen sequence anywhere certainly not in inbox I read all of my outstanding mail before I tried this new exmh Second I ve been used to having a key binding which was to Msg_MarkUnseen which doesn t seem to exist any more and I m not sure what I should replac e that with There s obviously a way as the Sequences menu does this The Mark Unseen menu entry in the message More menu is still wanting that function as well For those who have other sequences defined the window will widen to display the other sequences Any chance of having that lengthen instead I like all my exmh stuff in nice columns fits the display better That is I use the detached folder list one column The main exmh window takes up full screen top to bottom but less than half the width etc I have space for more sequences in the unseen window as long as they remain once nice narrow window best would be if the sequences could be ordered by some preference then ones which didn t fit would just fall off the bottom and not be shown I d also prefer it if that window had no unusual background colouring just one constant colour I have been running the unseen window with background black on a root window that is all black with no borders or other decorations but made sticky the appearance is just like the folders with unseen messages and their counts are written into the root window because it is sticky this small display follows me around and do I can see when new mail needs processing I also find that I tend to have a bunch of sequences that only ever occur in one folder some I had forgotten I ever created So in addition to the sequences to always show and sequences to never show a preference to only show sequences that occur in more than one folder would be useful and then have the sequences that occor only in the folder I m visiting appear in the list when that folder is current This is just to keep the list size somewhat manageable while remaining productive I quite often use a sequence to remember a particular message in a folder the name is used only there and only for one message it gives me a handle on the message which remains as the folder is packed sorted etc I haven t updated my exmh for some time now so I m not sure if this next one is new or just new since but the Sequences menu on the bar with New Flist Search only contains unseen and urgent It would be useful if it contained all of the sequences that the folder happens to have defined A New sequence entry would also be useful to mark the message with a sequence name that didn t previously exist which can be done now using Search and the pick interface but is clumsy that way Actually you once could now when I try this entering a sequence name in the pick box and a single message number or a range N N in the list of messages and no pick attributes at all I now get syntax error in expression int hit while executing expr int minlineno msgid minmsgid maxlineno minlineno maxms gid minmsgid procedure Ftoc_FindMsg line invoked from within Ftoc_FindMsg msg procedure Ftoc_FindMsgs line invoked from within Ftoc_FindMsgs msgids procedure Ftoc_PickMsgs line invoked from within Ftoc_PickMsgs pick ids pick addtosel procedure PickInner line invoked from within PickInner exec pick inbox list sequence mercury uplevel body line invoked from within uplevel cmd procedure busyCursorInner line invoked from within busyCursorInner cmd widgets procedure busyCursorHack line invoked from within busyCursorHack args cursor arm line invoked from within switch busy style icon busyIcon args cursorAll busyCursor args cursor busyCursorHack args default eval args procedure busy line invoked from within busy PickInner cmd msgs procedure Pick_It line invoked from within Pick_It invoked from within pick but pick invoke uplevel body line invoked from within uplevel [list w invoke] procedure tkButtonUp line invoked from within tkButtonUp pick but pick command bound to event It has been ages since I did this last though I tried adding a Subject to pick on easy as I know what s in the message which made no differen ce Looks as if something is now saying hit when before it didn t or similar I ve also changed the ftoc colorization as discussed briefly on the lis t a week or so ago Any chance of making the current message a little brighter background Just to make it stand out a fraction more than it does maybe this is more apparent to me than many as I use very small fonts everywhere the background of the ftoc line isn t very wide Hope this helps kre _______________________________________________ Exmh workers mailing list Exmh workers redhat com https listman redhat com mailman listinfo exmh workers Chris Garrigues http www DeepEddy Com cwg virCIO http www virCIO Com Congress Suite Austin TX World War III The Wrong Doers Vs the Evil Doers ,1
-I just put my webcam on u hunnie Wanna see sexually curious teens playing with each other on webcam http www yourtastybaby net ,0
-Re Webkit was Re Epiphany browser continues to get worse and worse On PM Ron Johnson wrote On Mark Allums wrote On PM Mark Allums wrote On PM Ron Johnson wrote On Mark Allums wrote [snip] Webkit is imminent Perhaps they are considering moving to it According to various sources it is the bee s knees Beyond crude process separation what are it s benefits over v I don t know I read the blurb Slashdot but was too disinterested to read the article Saw similar blurbs in about six other places Somebody s excited MAA It must be good it s Let me amend I forget I knew the answer to your question when I read it in the blurb but I m no longer young and the reasons for have escaped me Even though I m an official Grumpy Old Man the know the reasons for It s just that now I know that most of them are screaming piles of horse manure That won t stop them from moving to it MAA To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BCE B allums com ,1
-Re Realtek ethernet was Re recent mobo recommendation On Wed Apr Ryan Manikowski wrote On AM Ron Johnson wrote Really RealTek chips are as common as flies on horse poop and works perfectly for me Same here Realtek mbit and GigE chips have always worked great regardless of kernel version The chipsets that have horrible support are the Marvell adapters that use the sky module See this thread for details sky module has still not been fixed since its introduction in http forums gentoo org viewtopic t postdays postorder asc start html Mmmm I manage some lenny systems running a variety of network adapters mainly Intel e e Realtek r and Marvell skge and have not experienced any problem with them Greetings Camale n To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org pan csmining org ,1
-[SPAM] Secrets of your voice Our news text align center font size px color width px important margin px auto font family Verdana Arial Helvetica san serif text decoration none text decoration underline style font family Arial Helvetica sans serif style font family Arial Helvetica sans serif font size px Newsletter Issue View this newsletter as a web page Other FREE Newsletters Child Parent Drug Education Health Wellness Job Career Tips Love Relationships Self help Books Sex Lust Access Newsletters Here Home Discounts More offers Legal notice About Us Unsubscribe ,0
-Re no alternatives for firefox mozilla Having upgraded iceweasel I am no longer able to call firefox or mozilla from command line any more I don t mind firefox is called iceweasel or whatever in Debian but entirely stopping me from starting firefox is something I don t feel comfortable Please comment If I understand correctly you cannot find executable I encountered similar on my bsd box when file changed the name to firefox After a bit of climbing up and falling down the answer has shown If the question is what is an alternative to firefox I could say conkeror Depends on libxul Almost the same look and feel but no tables nor bars I recompiled from the source both lib and the browser I assume for debian already may be found the binary file If I missed the point sorry Zoran To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org GA faust net ,1
-Re [ILUG] mini itxOn Tue Oct John Moylan wrote Hmm speaking of cheap machines etc has anyone tried this sort of thing http www mini itx com projects humidor or more importantly has anyone had any positive negative experiences with the Via mini itx boards via c processors My laptop has a Via C processor I use Debian with a self compiled kernel and have had absolutely no problems with the chip at all quite the opposite in fact I had to compile for in order for D acceleration to work the kernel has an option specifically for the Via C but I assume that was a kernel problem rather than a hardware problem Trevor Johnston Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-Re [ILUG] cups questionzzzz example com Justin Mason writes dev fd is STDIN filedescriptor Looks like the PS file wants to know its filename but it s being read from STDIN that s my guess I don t think so it should be getting a stream of PS from stdin but it s not The printing spooling system is executing gs but somehow failing to provide it with input Try tweaking the scripts to run gs with the ps file on the command line instead of as That might clarify that the later part of the system works but I suspect the problem is earlier B Brendan Halpin Dept of Government and Society Limerick University Ireland Tel w f h Room F x Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-Live forever or die tryingURL http boingboing net Date Not supplied New Scientist is throwing a scavenger hunt with two prizes Live forever and get a gift certificate good for cryonic freezing or Live now and take a luxury trip to Hawai i Link[ ] Discuss[ ] _Thanks Jens[ ] _ [ ] http www newscientist com competition [ ] http www quicktopic com boing H hyPgygjHPrevU [ ] http www nosenseofplace com ,1
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-Promote Your Business Email Marketing span bug color black font size px line height px font family Arial Helvetica sans serif The power of Email Marketing Email Marketing is spreading around the whole world because of its high effectiveness speed and low cost Now if you want to introduce and sell your product or service look for a partner to raise your website s reputation The best way would be for you to use email to contact your targeted customer of course first you have to know their email addresses Targeted Email is no doubt very effective If you can introduce your product or service through email directly to the customers who are interested in them this will bring your business a better chance of success Xin Lan Internet Marketing Center has many years of experience in developing and utilizing internet resources We have set up global business email address databases which contain millions of email addresses of commercial enterprises and consumers all over the world These emails are sorted by countries and fields We also continuo usly update our databases add new addresses and remove undeliverable and unsubscribed addresses With the co operation with our partners we can supply valid targeted email addresses according to your requirements by which you can easily and directly contact your potential customers With our help many enterprises and individuals have greatly raised the fame of their products or service and found many potential customers We also supply a wide variety of software For example Wcast the software for fast sending emails this software is a powerful Internet email marketing application which is perfect for individuals or businesses to send multiple customized email messages to their customers We are pleased to offer you our best prices Emails or Software Remarks Price targeted email addresses We are able to supply valid targeted email addresses according to your requirements which are compiled only on your order such as region country field occupation Domain Name such as AOL com or MSN com etc USD Classified email addresses Our database contains more than sorts of email addresses and can meet your most stringent demands million email addresses million email addresses of global commercial enterprise USD Wcast software Software for fast sending emails This program can send mail at a rate of over emails per hour and release information to thousands of people in a short time USD Email searcher software Software for searching for targeted email addresses USD Global Trade Poster Spread information about your business and your products to over trade message boards and newsgroups USD Jet Hits Plus Pro Software for submitting website to search engines USD You may order the email lists or software directly from our website For further details please refer to our website We will be honoured if you are interested in our services or software Please do not hesitate to contact us with any queries or concern you may have We will be happy to serve you Best regards Kang Peng Marketing Manager Http www como verder com Sales marketing promote com Xin Lan Internet Marketing Center You are receiving this email because you registered to receive special offers from one of our marketing partners If you would prefer not to receive future emails please click here to unsubscribe or send a blank e mail to Emaildata com DeathToSpamDeathToSpamDeathToSpam This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin Sightings mailing list Spamassassin Sightings lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin sightings ,0
-Re unable to connect to Debian BTSOn wrote The last few days when using reportbug I get from two machines on two different networks Querying Debian BTS for reports on linux source Unable to connect to Debian BTS continue [y N ] except some very rare cases Anybody else having the same problem I just tried it from the southern US and it worked like a charm History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid Dwight Eisenhower To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BBDD FF cox net ,1
-[Razor users] Razor error can t find new Using Razor via SpamAssasin System is Solaris with qmail Spamassassin run via user s procmail All users who use SA have run razor register Razor is failing and I can t find anything in the limited docs or on google on it and I m hoping someone can help The error which doesn t prevent SA from working is Oct sancho qmail delivery success razor _check_skipped _Bad_file_number_Can t_locate_object_m ethod_ new _via_package_ Razor Client Agent _ perhaps_you_forgot_to_load_ Razor Client Agent _at_ usr local lib perl site_p erl Mail SpamAssassin Dns pm_line_ did_ Looking at Dns pm doesn t really help me and Razor Client Agent appears to be in the right place in usr local lib perl site_perl Razor Client Ideas Chris This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Razor users mailing list Razor users lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo razor users ,1
-[SPAM] Attention To view this email as a web page go here We sent you this offer because you re a valued subscriber to one of our newsletters Unsubscribe instructions are at the bottom of this email To unsubscribe from any future emails click here This email was sent to hibody csmining org We respect your right to privacy view our policy LKGWB Manage Subscriptions Update Profile One Click Unsubscribe ,0
-[scoop] It is not my fault vwiidHi i m Rita READ MY LIPStick LIVE From Amsterdam This mail is NEVER sent unsolicited Got it by error [ CLICK HERE ] to be removed from our subscribers List fuclcxlequtkbfuoeseysgfu This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Sitescooper talk mailing list Sitescooper talk lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo sitescooper talk ,0
-Re Cyrus imapd in AMD On Fri Apr Carlos Bergero wrote Sorry forget to copy it tlsprune is disable now so it doesnt lock the start up of the cyrus Next time use an online service such Pastebin to put the data and send a link Both are mostly standar files Yep I see nothing strange in there I would start Cyrus setup and user migration from scratch to avoid any incompatibility between the old installation and the new Greetings Camale n To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org pan csmining org ,1
-Sequence Grabber and Movie Sync Recording starts earlierHi everyone We are struggling with an offset issue in trying to sync a movie playing in the background with the start of a sequence grabber record The end result of the capture always seems to be ahead of the actual movie that is playing back We are trying to pipe the end result into an audio echo cancellation library and this offset is causing pain Here is the issue We use SGDataProc callback for the recording and preview We start by calling SGStartRecord for the preview We then PreRoll the movie and set up all the capture movies We share the SG SoundChannel clock with the movie and the VideoChannel After this is all complete we call SetMovieRate to start the movie And then log a time stamp from the clock for recording This happens about seconds after previewing We call AddMediaSample when the time stamps adjusted for scale passed into the proc are greater than the time set for recording We adjust the audio buffer and sample input so this is cut at the right time based on the time stamp We are using a USB Audio Mic and a USB Video Camera We have good A V sync lip sync When we compare the recorded track to the background track the recorded echo starts before the echo in the movie This is by about seconds give or take One would expect the echo to happen after not before We have tried to manually offset the time stamp for start time But this then produces A V sync lip sync issues I assume this is because our video frame is getting there faster than our audio frame As one would expect Is there any reason why these frames are getting dropped in the recording Does anyone have any ideas to get these in sync Thx for your time Matt _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored QuickTime API mailing list QuickTime API lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options quicktime api mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
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-Re DataPower announces XML in siliconOn Aug at Rohit Khare wrote DATAPOWER TECHNOLOGY ON Monday unveiled its network device designed specifically to process XML data Unlike competing solutions that process XML data in software DataPower s device processes the data in hardware a technology achievement that provides greater performance according to company officials Sarvega seems to have a similar product http www sarvega com ,1
-Hey hibody for you Omeboq located O if public voice View as Web Page c Roman Hotel changes All rights reserved Rotterdam is standing in the best European SkylineTop together with Frankfurt London Paris Brussels Moscow and Warsaw Haptopoda is an extinct order known exclusively from a few specimens from the Upper Carboniferous of the United Kingdom Ironically his first and last game for the Dragons were both against the Broncos Organic reactions are facilitated and controlled by the functional groups of the reactants In June they expanded the business to include veterinary care and later the Bow Wow Bus which takes the dogs on outings Guardrails or a similar barrier enclose this area from the audience There are five gurudwaras in the Netherlands The Jamaica national bobsled team was once a serious contender in the Winter Olympics beating many well established teams An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics Regions where English is an official language but not widely spoken This request was ignored however and all Norwegian ships decided to put their services at the disposal of the Allies To make matters worse McMahon used the income generated by advertising television deals and tape sales to poach talent from rival promoters Pliny the Elder and Ptolemy mention a tribe of the Veneti around the river Vistula The highest North Island mountain Mount Ruapehu m ft is an active cone volcano Afterwards the co founder of the biotechnology company eppendorf Dr Israel retaliates by shelling Egyptian refineries along the Suez Canal Nebraska Extension Office factsheet These were abolished in so that government could be centralised for financial reasons West Virginia personal income tax is based on federal adjusted gross income not taxable income as modified by specific items in West Virginia law The Autobots intend to use the All Spark in an attempt to rebuild Cybertron and end the war while the Decepticons desire to create an army of robot soldiers to conquer the universe All of these conurbations are self sufficient areas but for many things they still rely upon the bigger cities In typical rites the coven or solitary assembles inside a ritually cast and purified magic circle Eventually most of the volatile material contained in a comet nucleus evaporates away and the comet becomes a small dark inert lump of rock or rubble that can resemble an asteroid The policy tests for recreational drug use and abuse of prescription medication including anabolic steroids A live webcam of the plaza is available online The AS is a mm self propelled gun In the Netherlands Rotterdam has the highest percentage of foreigners from non industrialised nations Counties are administrative divisions of the state and townships are administrative divisions of a county The city is home to the main headquarters of the national broadcaster Radio Television Serbia RTS which is a public service broadcaster Outside of performance these are referred to as feuds Note the different check digits in each Temple has a competitive political debate where Temple is a member of the National Parliamentary Debate Association community service and more Library of Congress Country Series However in practical terms the revocation of authority is not likely California beginning December while the ground echelon entrained for movement to a port of embarkation When wrestlers do this however they usually get away with it with just an admonishment from the referee At first it was used with traditional human powered looms Subscribe Unsubscribe civilians alternate dependencies italics Powered by Telegraph Invading to extra ,0
-Get the Computer Skills you need FreeFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain Content Transfer Encoding bit FREE CD ROM LESSONS http isis webstakes com play Isis ID Choose from titles Learn new skills in hour Compare at Quick easy and FREE Get FREE computer learning from Video Professor on a subject of your choice For over years Video Professor has taught millions of people how to use their computers and we can teach you too FREE Get Your FREE Lesson Today http isis webstakes com play Isis ID Simple What You See Is What You Get way to learn Plays like a video on your computer screen A complete comprehensive lesson FREE RISK FREE Over million satisfied user Select from these titles available FREE Windows Outlook Excel Access Powerpoint FrontPage Works Quicken Internet Word WordPerfect Lotus DOS Get Your FREE Lesson Today http isis webstakes com play Isis ID You only pay shipping and handling conveniently billed to your Visa Mastercard America Express or Discover Card Windows compatible only Some restrictions may apply Webstakes com Where INSTANT WINNING happens daily Webstakes com Customer Service http home webstakes com play HomePage temp tb_id http www webstakes com This email was sent to ler lerami lerctr org You are receiving this email because you opted in to periodically receive emails with special offers from Webstakes com If you d like to unsubscribe from future emails please see below http service ivillage com Apps DCS mcp r B TAWR c B mrvm rvqf If the above link does not work please copy and paste the entire into your browser ,0
-Re Hard crashes in java util zip ZipFile getEntry radar BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE Hash SHA On May at AM Chas Emerick wrote I see that a new Java update is in the wings but I don t see anything in the release notes that might be related to the problem described in the noted radar report I thought I d post here and see if anyone in the know could comment on that report I m about to start downgrading and attempting to get back to a stable environment the crashes are getting too frequent to bear but if there s any chance a fix can get into update then I d hold off Can t comment to that As far as I know anyone in the know would have to be Apple or the originator to view that radar You don t indicate the situation where you run into the bug Have you considered using anything besides Sun java util zip This for one turned up quickly looking for googling java util zipfile compatible A pure java implementation of the java util zip library http jazzlib sourceforge net which in turns mentions jzlib which I think I looked at before I support some of my own zip related code but not really compatible to ZipFile Not doing much with it Plan to probably return to it sometime after provides the long awaited pluggable filesystems Mike Hall hallmike at att dot net http www pair com mik hall http www pair com mik hall home html http sourceforge net projects macnative BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE Version GnuPG MacGPG v Darwin iJwEAQECAAYFAkvxrnoACgkQUvk ZSaThTJfngQAoxT sLpgycWm GW WeJcZjm qAioJBNGBP SQ oVrEsBAuTTjYgXzcE uZL ety BcEjVfTYY MDF qsEVfwqjD joLVzmjL LSbICBE vRA dST TFKgVGzFiTCXf ryIoduclBjEAw dbSH mIWH Txgk GCS VwaVFhM UWL END PGP SIGNATURE _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Java dev mailing list Java dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options java dev mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Re ARRRGHHH Had GPG working now it doesnt If you haven t already you should enable the debug log under Hacking Support preferences and look for clues there Reg Clemens said Hi On Sun Sep MDT Reg Clemens wrote [ ] in messages with GnuPG signatures But punching the line ALWAYS gives Signature made Thu Aug MDT using DSA key ID BDD F A Can t check signature public key not found So something else is missing Yes the public key of the signature you want to check Are you really sure that you have the public key of the message s signature If not try downloading it or try to check a signature from which you know you have the public key Ah sorry for not making that clearer But no Previously v of GnuPG there would be a slight pause at this point whi le it went out to get the public key from a keyserver Now whether I have the key or NOT I get the failure message Its as if it cant find gpg to execute it but I fixed that path so there must be something else that I am missing Reg Clemens reg dwf com _______________________________________________ Exmh users mailing list Exmh users redhat com https listman redhat com mailman listinfo exmh users Brent Welch Software Architect Panasas Inc Pioneering the World s Most Scalable and Agile Storage Network www panasas com welch panasas com _______________________________________________ Exmh users mailing list Exmh users redhat com https listman redhat com mailman listinfo exmh users ,1
-[SPAM] Perfect Marketing SolutionDear B B Marketers Create your own prospect lists fast and easy with our B B email CDs We provide reliable opt in ready email addresses for email marketing in every industry in convenient database applications available for immediate download Customers from around the world have relied on our databases to reach prospects right from their inboxes for the past years More details at http ,0
-[ILUG] Mutt reply hooks Hi all I have or email addresses which get used for different reasons and I d prefer not to mix them up So I was wondering if anyone knows of a way that I can have mail apart from list mail which I have already sorted which arrives to a certain e mail address have the From header in the reply automatically set to the address it came to For example say I have a company and sales company com info company com and tech company com arrive in the same mailbox I don t want to reply to sales company com mails with the From set to dave company com I would like the mail to come from sales company com Is there any way to do this Bearing in mind that mail can arrive with my email in the To or Cc fields and Bcc and it might be buried in a couple of dozen other recipients Cheers Dave David Neary Marseille France E Mail bolsh gimp org Irish Linux Users Group ilug linux ie http www linux ie mailman listinfo ilug for un subscription information List maintainer listmaster linux ie ,1
-RE [Razor users] spamassassin razor Theo Thank you very much it solves the problem Eugene Original Message From razor users admin example sourceforge net [mailto razor users admin lists sourceforge net]On Behalf Of Theo Van Dinter Sent September PM To Eugene Chiu Cc razor users example sourceforge net Subject Re [Razor users] spamassassin razor On Thu Sep at PM Eugene Chiu wrote razor check skipped Bad file descriptor Insecure dependency in open while runn ing setuid at usr local lib perl site_perl Razor Client Config pm line line From info znion com Thu Sep Subject SPAM Computer Maintenance Folder home eugene caughtspam It looks like you re running via procmail what are the permissions on procmail Insecure dependency screams I m in taint mode which is a typical problem when procmail is setuid setgid the permissions should be If this is in fact the problem an easy solution is to put DROPPRIVS yes in the procmailrc Randomly Generated Tagline The bus had no heat blew over in the wind and used the driver s legs as its first line of defense in an accident Unknown about the VW Bus This sf net email is sponsored by OSDN Tired of that same old cell phone Get a new here for FREE https www inphonic com r asp r sourceforge refcode vs _______________________________________________ Razor users mailing list Razor users lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo razor users ,1
-A Non Integer Power Function on the Pixel ShaderURL http www newsisfree com click Date T This feature excerpted from Wolfgang Engel s ShaderX book from Wordware Publishing presents a simple shader trick that performs a good per pixel approximation of a non integer power function The technique works for input values between and and supports large exponents The presented shader does not require any texture look up and is scalable making it possible to spend more instructions in order to decrease the error or to reach greater exponents ,1
-Re Avandia Drug has serious side effects What s the matter Harry he cried and where are the others And you forgive me for cajoling your big black Cerberus because it s my first visit this year and if I m not nicely treated I ll never come again Banneker set off at a brisk pace He found the extravagant little traveling case safely closed and locked and delivered it outside his own door which was also closed and he suspected locked Yes old friend he said as if he were talking to a man I m quite sure it won t have much alkali you re going to have a nice big drink so are your friends and ,0
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-[spam] [SPAM] Franck Muller WatchesFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset iso Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Replica Rolex models of the latest Baselworld designs have just be en launched on our replica sites These are the first run of the mo dels with inner Rolex inscriptions and better bands and cases Only limited to pieces worldwide they are expected to sell out wi thin a month Browse our shop ,0
-Why is it so hard to get a cab in San Francisco URL http boingboing net Date Not supplied A San Francisco cabbie generally a well educated and firm opinion holding class of person has an essay about a subject near and dear to my non car owning heart Why is it so damned hard to get a cab in San Francisco In fact no cab company ever tells a driver to pick up anyone When you phone a cab firm in San Francisco your call is treated not as an order not as a binding oral contract but simply as a request So why don t cab companies ensure that we pick you up on time or at all In a nutshell labor law states that if a cab company actually commands a driver to carry out a specific action that constitutes an employer employee relationship But if a company farms its work out to independent contractors it can rid itself of costly expenses such as disability and social security taxes It also means that the contractor drivers can t unionize Link[ ] Discuss[ ] _via CamWorld[ ]_ [ ] http www bradnewsham com articles why_so_hard shtml [ ] http www quicktopic com boing H eXFeCJHgnP [ ] http www bradnewsham com articles why_so_hard shtml ,1
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-Re MplayerOnce upon a time Roi wrote The new spec didn t even want to build the package something with config mak Now that is weird Also this new spec looks like the old one it got libdv and libdv devel in the BuildRequires so I just used the normal spec and removed it manully Indeed my boo boo Fixed now BTW about the mplayer vo sdl black screen problem you reported I was unable to reproduce it on my hom computer it worked as expected Matthias Clean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages http freshrpms net Red Hat Linux release Valhalla running Linux kernel Load AC on line battery charging _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-RE Re[ ] A moment of silence for the First Amendment fwd MF I don t think free speech is a license to speak directly at and be in the MF physical presence of any particular individual of your choosing especially MF when that individual is busy doing something else and isn t interested Yep I agree Sure And that goes back to my second argument Cohen THey can walk away NObody compells them to stand there I ll agree fully But we still have a Constitutional right to speak out against policies actions and grievances Again If you want it another way lets change the Constitution Huh Are you saying that whoever has the loudest voice gets to be heard Shouting down a public speaker could be considered a form of censorship If shouting down public speakers is protected it is only a matter of time before the people doing the shouting have their tactic used against them every single time they open their mouth The tactic is stupid and non productive and if generally used will only result in chaos The tactic is just stupid ego bation at best unless the goal is to generate chaos And humans whose goals and actions in life are to create chaos in society should be locked up provided you can accurately identify them which is not really possible anyway but hey this is my rant IMHO Bill ,1
-You Only THINK You re U S Citizen ZmSX You only THINK you re a U S citizen If you were born in Washington D C Puerto Rico Guam the Virgin Islands or some other U S possession you re right and I m wrong BUT If you were born in one of the united States of America you ARE NOT a U S citizen Rather you are a Citizen of Idaho Ohio Maine etc the state of the Union in which you were BORN This simple reality holds serious benefits for you Since you ARE NOT a federal citizen you owe NO federal income taxes The IRS can only demand income tax payments from kinds of citizens Those who are citizens of the U S Anyone who receives income from a U S source and wait until you find out what income really is Any Citizen of one of the united States of America who VOLUNTEERS to pay it Believe it or not When you sign an IRS W form for your employer you have entered into a hidden contract and have VOLUNTEERED to pay Our web site is FILLED with educational and eye opening information on how you ve been tricked into this AND how you can free yourself from the treachery For ONLY ONE MORE e mail to point you to our web site Reply with Citizen in the subject box Click Here PS To be removed from the list just put Remove in subject line Click Here xPJK l DeathToSpamDeathToSpamDeathToSpam This sf net email is sponsored by Jabber The world s fastest growing real time communications platform Don t just IM Build it in http www jabber com osdn xim _______________________________________________ Spamassassin Sightings mailing list Spamassassin Sightings lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin sightings ,0
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-Perl programmers are so cuteURL http diveintomark org archives html perl_programmers_are_so_cute Date T _Ian Hickson_ include web log txt[ ] I used some of Perl s niftier features such as using method lookup instead of a switch statement for the preprocessing instruction dispatching and exceptions instead of passing error codes back and forth He he Perl programmers are so cute when they imitate Python programmers [ ] http ln hixie ch start count ,1
-Re Temporary deconnection from the Internet when too much pages are loadedFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset UTF Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Camale C B n wrote On Wed Apr Merciadri Luca wrote Are you getting the same result with a wired connection or just happens when using a wireless interface I am using a wired connection I should have specified it I am linked to my router using RJ wires I never tried wireless anymore for so many reasons Merciadri Luca See http www student montefiore ulg ac be merciadri I use PGP If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail client please contact me Getting something done is an accomplishment getting something done right is an achievement ,1
-Security update for Debian Testing This automatic mail gives an overview over security issues that were recently fixed in Debian Testing The majority of fixed packages migrate to testing from unstable If this would take too long fixed packages are uploaded to the testing security repository instead It can also happen that vulnerable packages are removed from Debian testing Migrated from unstable couchdb CVE http cve mitre org cgi bin cvename cgi name CVE http bugs debian org liboggplay git CVE http cve mitre org cgi bin cvename cgi name CVE http bugs debian org mediawiki CVE http cve mitre org cgi bin cvename cgi name CVE poppler CVE http cve mitre org cgi bin cvename cgi name CVE http bugs debian org How to update Make sure the line deb http security debian org squeeze updates main contrib non free is present in your etc apt sources list Of course you also need the line pointing to your normal squeeze mirror You can use aptitude update aptitude dist upgrade to install the updates More information More information about which security issues affect Debian can be found in the security tracker http security tracker debian org tracker A list of all known unfixed security issues is at http security tracker debian org tracker status release testing To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian testing security announce request lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org E O tl sS n soler debian org ,1
-CNET NEWS COM Canning spam without eating up real mail Canning spam without eating up real mail Search News com All CNET The Web Live tech help NOW April s tech award million open jobs News com Top CIOs ZDNet PeopleSoft July Canning spam without eating up real mail Tech companies chase homeland security Lukewarm response to Juniper moves USA Today investigating hack attack Web services made easier Wireless lands at European airports Vision Series Read News com s exclusive interviews of top CIOs Vision Series home Canning spam without eating up real mail Like a growing number of Web surfers Audrie Krause faces a new uncertainty when she hits the send button on her e mail these days Will the message get through As the head of a political action group Krause uses members only e mail lists to help educate and organize fellow activists So she was jarred recently when one message bounced back with a note accusing her of spreading unsolicited junk e mail or spam July AM PT Read Full Story Tech companies chase homeland security Software companies looking for greener pastures are turning to the red white and blue Whether out of heartfelt patriotism in the wake of Sept or the desire to tap into the nearly billion budgeted for homeland security spending in many information technology companies that previously paid little attention to government contracts are now going to great lengths to attract government business July AM PT Read Full Story Lukewarm response to Juniper moves Juniper Networks continues to muddle through the telecom morass Juniper beat estimates by earning less than reported a percent decline in year over year sales and offered little hope that it could grow its business when it reported second quarter earnings on Thursday Yet in some corners of the industry Juniper s performance was viewed as mildly positive July PM PT Read Full Story USA Today investigating hack attack National newspaper USA Today said Friday that one or more online vandals had posted a fake front page and six phony news stories on its Web site Network administrators have yet to determine how the vandals compromised the company s Web server Thursday night The national newspaper has called in local law enforcement to help find out who defaced the site with fake stories July AM PT Read Full Story Web services made easier The Web s leading standards group has updated its core draft specification for Web services The World Wide Web Consortium W C this week published Web Services Description Language WSDL a language based on XML Extensible Markup Language that defines the protocol for interactive services on the Web as well as their data and location July AM PT Read Full Story Wireless lands at European airports Network giant Cisco Systems is installing Aironet wireless LANs into lounges at airports across Europe targeting business travelers with wireless cards in their laptops or personal digital assistants The announcement includes various deals with different telecommunications companies and airports made under the banner of Cisco Mobile Office a campaign for wireless LANs local area networks The airport deals are at different stages from a fully fledged paid for service run by wireless provider Mobynet at Turkey s Ataturk Airport in Istanbul where the wireless LAN was included when the airport was designed in to others that are still free trials July AM PT Read Full Story From our partners Too many rotten apples Business Week Will Bush s reforms be enough to calm the Investor Class July issue Read Full Story Making sense of irrational exuberance Business Week A University of Chicago economist says investors manic behavior during stock market bubbles may not be as crazy as it seems July Read Full Story Also from CNET Real time stock quotes from CNET News com Investor day free trial Digicams for summer shutterbugsGoing on vacation or just headed to the beach Indulge your summer snapshot habit with one of our picks megapixel shoot out Leica Digilux street shooter s digicam Most popular products Digital cameras Canon PowerShot G Canon PowerShot S Canon PowerShot S Canon PowerShot A Nikon Coolpix See all most popular cameras Shoot and groove with Casio s slim camera Correspondent Melissa Francis takes a look at the new Casio digital camera that s the size of a credit card and can record and play music in the MP format Watch Video Enterprise Merger means bigger bag of chips European PC sales take another dip Rivals help improve Dell s outlook E Business Stocks mixed as techs offer some gains Asian travel portal takes off N Y subpoenas PayPal over gambling Communications More government eyes on Qwest Broadband U K sees double Ebbers said to know books cooked Media AOL on the hunt for new CEO Asia proves sweet spot for Yahoo DoubleClick s new focus leads to profit Personal Technology Apple goes overseas with retail store Sony shrinks its Memory Stick Chips LCDs give clue to Philips health The e mail address for your subscription is qqqqqqqqqq zdnet spamassassin taint org Unsubscribe Manage My Subscriptions FAQ AdvertisePlease send any questions comments or concerns to dispatchfeedback news com Price comparisons Product reviews Tech news Downloads All CNET services Copyright CNET Networks Inc All rights reserved ,1
-Re About USB hard drives and errorsOn _ Stan Hoeppner wrote Paul E Condon put forth on PM So the fact that my WD drives don t play well with S M A R T doesn t make them special and I should not spend much if any time looking for a USB solution What other options are there for external HD You re got USB hard drives already and you re throwing them out and looking for another solution just because they don t do S M A R T If neither USB nor firewire do smart you choices are very limited Well the sad story is that I don t really want to do S M A R T I was experiencing disk errors on the drives which caused something in the kernel to throw a fit When this happened the only recovery I could find was to reboot This is slow and not really a way to learn how to fix the problem So I ask for advice on this list I work down the list of suggestions not having much success and arrive at smartctl But now we know that that doesn t work for reasons that I might have known if I had read the whole of wikipedia and had total recall but I hadn t and I don t Since my last post I have succeeded in doing a successful error free backup to each of the disks One notable fact about all the errors is that after reboot it would appear that no data was lost and the backup could be resumed from where it advanced to just before the crash The only thing that I can think that I did differently in these new successful runs is that I did not sit at the computer and watch Can software detect being watched I think not but My reading about eSATA gives me suspicion that it has its own poorly documented problems I m not convinced that I cannot make USB work without S M A R T but I really don t have any good ideas as to how And now without errors happening fairly frequently I doubt that I will be able to test and debug any approach that I dream up The only other realistic option I know of is eSATA but a quick scan of Newegg shows only devices total DVR expander drives and eSATA RAID enclosures I have no idea if the DVR expander drives will work with a standard PC setup They should The two DVR drives are both TB and both just under USD one Iomega and one Western Digital http www newegg com Product Product aspx Item N E http www newegg com Product Product aspx Item N E Are you planning on connecting this drive to a laptop or desktop To multiple computers or just one computer This is for a LAN of desktop systems three computers in all One computer acts as a collector of backups from the itself and the other two and is responsible for getting the files onto an external drive in a timely way All of the computers are hand me downs None have eSATA capability So far I have not convinced myself that spending money would help solve the problem Perhaps in a few years computers with eSATA will start showing up in dumpsters Maybe I should just wait Paul E Condon pecondon mesanetworks net To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org GF big lan gnu ,1
-MovieAudioExtractionFillBuffer calling exit I m running QuickTime on Windows XP SP and have a reproducible way to make MovieAudioExtractionFillBuffer in a C program do something strange It looks like it s calling exit or doing something equivalent but I can t say for sure What I do see is that immediately after calling MovieAudioExtractionFillBuffer execution continues in the destructors of my statically allocated objects If I replace the call to MovieAudioExtractionFillBuffer with a call to exit I see the same thing I m using version of the QuickTime SDK but long version Gestalt gestaltQuickTimeVersion version populates version with x I can reproduce the same behavior with version of the QuickTime SDK but Gestalt still returns the same thing in this case The QuickTime related things that happen before this are QuickTime initializes normally QuickTime reads metadata from one aac file QuickTime reads metadata from a second aac file Quicktime reads the audio properties of an mp file and then I call MovieAudioExtractionFillBuffer The audio related function calls are MovieAudioExtractionBegin MovieAudioExtractionGetProperty kQTPropertyClass_MovieAudioExtraction_Audio kQTMovieAudioExtractionAudioPropertyID_AudioStreamBasicDescription MovieAudioExtractionSetProperty kQTPropertyClass_MovieAudioExtraction_Audio kQTMovieAudioExtractionAudioPropertyID_AudioStreamBasicDescription all of which work as expected or at least I think they do And then MovieAudioExtractionFillBuffer I can give more details about the API calls if necessary I think I m calling QuickTime correctly since it decodes audio successfully almost all the time with this file and many others i e MovieAudioExtractionFillBuffer returns normally I ve had customers report similar problems but this is the first time I ve been able to reproduce it reliably myself Unfortunately it s with a complex program My attempts to reproduce this with a simpler program have failed It seems to be timing related but I can t do better than that at the moment I d love some help figuring out what s happening in MovieAudioExtractionFillBuffer and even better some help making it go away If I need to report this in some more official way to Apple to make that happen please let me know Thanks much DB _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored QuickTime API mailing list QuickTime API lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options quicktime api mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-John Robb Yesterday AT T upgraded my cable box to a digital system URL http scriptingnews userland com backissues When AM Date Wed Sep GMT John Robb[ ] Yesterday AT T upgraded my cable box to a digital system [ ] http jrobb userland com html a ,1
-If you like graphic novels comicshttp www thecliffguy com cliffs htm Numerous artists drawing characters on a cliff ,1
-Re pdftk or related how to make a bookmark for every inserted PDF BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE Hash SHA Camale n writes PDF manipulation is still very limited in Linux so don t expect the same manageability and easiness of Acrobat Professional or such programs here Mmh okay but what I want looks basic doesn t it No problem That said I would make first the big PDF file with all the needed appended files in there and then make the bookmarks with a program that allows creating editing them like jPdfBookmarks Thanks I ll check it out Dunno whether pdfkt or pdfedit will allow creating editing bookmarks I think you meant `pdftk at the place of `pdfkt http flavianopetrocchi blogspot com Thanks for this link I ll check it Merciadri Luca See http www student montefiore ulg ac be merciadri To live is the rarest thing in the world Most people exist that s all Oscar Wilde BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE Version GnuPG v GNU Linux Comment Processed by Mailcrypt iEYEARECAAYFAkvl MACgkQM LLzLt MhxbAgCfYPgyruQ P ob Z EuP qsAn FmUa iHdB I pYMgA TdiusRyV Q Pr END PGP SIGNATURE To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org pr yte fsf merciadriluca station MERCIADRILUCA ,1
-RE iptables WTF What the heck happened this afternoon I don t know but I d start by making sure your interface names and IP addresses haven t changed for some reason To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org b cae e b d d net ,1
-Re [Razor users] Authentication Error On Wed Jul Patrick wrote On Wed Jul rODbegbie wrote rODbegbie wrote I get the impression that Vipul co are deliberately trying to mislead users into downloading the dev code in order to get more unwitting test sites Apologies to all In re reading that sentence sounds a lot harsher than I intended The question I have is what needs to be done help needs to be provided to make the system suck less It s obviously a great idea it just needs some work That s simple The same thing that any beta project needs to improve Continuous End User testing constructive feedback and suggestions on how to improve the system Upgrade each time a new beta version comes out so everyone is testing on the same version of the code and old bugs don t get reported as being in the new version thus slowing down the debugging process Report any installation issues bugs errors etc to the V beta list http lists sourceforge net lists listinfo razor testers so that they can be quickly looked at etc Provide detailed description of issues include logs if possible as well as any captured spam that generated the error s Thank you please drive through AA This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Razor users mailing list Razor users lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo razor users ,1
-Adv Global Opportunity Up To Per Month yt Proven Year Old Better Business Registered Company Provides A REAL And Legitimate Opportunity To Make Some SERIOUS MONEY GLOBAL OPPORTUNITIES Around The World No Selling No Phone Calls No Recruiting No Meetings To Attend Pay Out No Kidding PAYS WEEKLY Spillover Spillover Spillover From Our Massive Advertising Programs Membership Includes Immediate FREE Money Making Website NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS ENROLL ANYONE CAN DO THIS THAT MEANS ANYONE ANYONE CAN DO THIS Check out http www worldbizservices net money retire Will Also Receive Information On a NEW Ground Floor Program Earn Ect Per Month ALSO PAYS WEEKLY GUARANTEED You are receiving this e mail because you have purchased something online or signed up for information over the last months If you would like to be removed from this list send an e mail to mresidual excite com and put remove in the subject line CYCh VCaV LtvW ChsA Lhcg l DeathToSpamDeathToSpamDeathToSpam This sf net email is sponsored by ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven http thinkgeek com sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin Sightings mailing list Spamassassin Sightings lists sourceforge net https lists sourceforge net lists listinfo spamassassin sightings ,0
-yyyy Your computer can READ PGh bWw PGJvZHkgYmdjb xvcj jRkZGRkZGIHRleHQ IzAwMDAwMD gPHRhYmxlIHdpZHRo PTUwMCBib JkZXI MCBjZWxsc BhY luZz wIGNlbGxwYWRkaW nPTAgYWxpZ Y VudGVy Pjx cj dGQ PGEgaHJlZj odHRwOi vd d LmdhdGUxMjAuY tL Jvb tjZHJvbS PGlt ZyBzcmM aHR cDovL d dy nYXRlMTIwLmNvbS ib rY Ryb vaGVhZC qcGcgd lkdGg NTAwIGhlaWdodD xNTkgYm yZGVyPTA PC hPjwvdGQ PC cj dHI PHRkIGhlaWdodD w PiA ZGl IGFsaWduPWNlbnRlcj cD Zm udCBmYWNlPSJUaW lcyBOZXcgUm tYW sIFRp bWVzLCBzZXJpZiIgc l ZT zIGNvbG yPSMwMDAwMDA PGI PGk PGI PGZvbnQgc l ZT Pi uLnRoYXQgeW ciBjb wdXRlciA L ZvbnQ PGZvbnQgc l ZT IGNvbG yPSMwMDAw RkY PHU PGEgaHJlZj odHRwOi vd d LmdhdGUxMjAuY tL Jvb tjZHJvbS cmVhZHMg dG geW IGFsb VkITwvYT L U PC mb PjwvYj L k PC iPjwvZm udD L A PHA Jm ic A PC wPiA L Rpdj L RkPjwvdHI PHRyPjx ZCB YWxpZ dG wPjxwPjxmb IHNpemU MiBmYWNlPSJBcmlhbCwgSGVsdmV aWNhLCBzYW zLXNlcmlmIj UaGlzIGNvbGxl Y Rpb gaW jbHVkZXMgdGhlIGNvbXBsZXRlIHdvcmtzIG mIHRob VzYW kcyBvZiBsaXRl cmF dXJlLCBwb V cnksIGNsYXNzaWNzLCByZWZlcmVuY UsIGhpc RvcmljYWwgZG jdW l bnRzLCBhbmQgZXZlbiBjbGFzc ljYWwgbXVzaWMhIFRoZXJlIGFyZSBodW kcmVkcyBvZiBh dXRob JzIGFuZCB aG c FuZHMgb YgYm va Mgb gdGhpcyBDRCEhPC mb PjwvcD cD Zm udCBzaXplPTIgZmFjZT iQXJpYWwsIEhlbHZldGljYSwgc Fucy zZXJpZiI PGI WW ciBjb wdXRlciB aWxsIGFjdHVhbGx IFJFQUQgeW IHRoZSBib rIHRocm Z gg eW ciBzcGVha VyczwvYj sIGhpZ hsaWdodGluZyB aGUgdGV dCBhcyBpdCByZWFkcyEg PC mb PjwvcD cCBhbGlnbj jZW ZXI PGZvbnQgc l ZT yIGZhY U IkFyaWFsLCBI ZWx ZXRpY EsIHNhbnMtc VyaWYiPjxiPjxmb IHNpemU Mz TaXQgYmFjayAtIGNsb Nl IHlvdXIgZXllcyAtIGFuZCBlbmpveSBhIGJvb shPC mb PjwvYj L ZvbnQ PC wPjxw Pjxmb IGZhY U IkFyaWFsLCBIZWx ZXRpY EsIHNhbnMtc VyaWYiIHNpemU Mj JdCBp bmNsdWRlcyBhdXRob JzIGxpa UgU hha VzcGVhcmUsIERpY tlbnMsIFdlbGxzLCBWZXJu ZSwgRG bGUsIFN ZXZlbnNvbiwgVGhvcmVhdSwgUGxhdG sIGFuZCBIVU EUkVEUyBvZiBv dGhlcnMhIDxhIGhyZWY aHR cDovL d dy nYXRlMTIwLmNvbS ib rY Ryb vPlNlZSBs aXN cyBvZiBhdXRob JzIGFuZCB aXRsZXMhPC hPjwvZm udD L A PHA Jm ic A PC w PjwvdGQ PC cj dHI PHRkIHZhbGlnbj b A IDx YWJsZSB aWR aD NSUgYm yZGVy PTAgY VsbHNwYWNpbmc MCBjZWxscGFkZGluZz wIGFsaWduPWNlbnRlcj dHI PHRkIHZh bGlnbj b A PHVsPjxsaT Zm udCBmYWNlPSJBcmlhbCwgSGVsdmV aWNhLCBzYW zLXNl cmlmIiBzaXplPTIgY sb I IzAwMDAwMD UaGVzZSBhcmUgdGhlIGNvbXBsZXRlLCBmdWxs LCB bmFicmlkZ VkIHRleHRzPC mb PjwvbGk PGxpPjxmb IGZhY U IkFyaWFsLCBI ZWx ZXRpY EsIHNhbnMtc VyaWYiIHNpemU MiBjb xvcj jMDAwMDAwPkl J MgbGlrZSBv d pbmcgb ZlciAzMDAwIGJvb tzIG uIDxiPmF ZGlvIENEPC iPjwvZm udD L xpPjxs aT Zm udCBmYWNlPSJBcmlhbCwgSGVsdmV aWNhLCBzYW zLXNlcmlmIiBzaXplPTIgY s b I IzAwMDAwMD Nb JlIHRoYW gMS IEdJR FCWVRFUyBvZiBkYXRhIGNvbXByZXNzZWQg b byBvbmUgQ Q L ZvbnQ PC saT bGk PGZvbnQgZmFjZT iQXJpYWwsIEhlbHZldGlj YSwgc Fucy zZXJpZiIgc l ZT yIGNvbG yPSMwMDAwMDA TW yZSB aGFuIDMsMDAwIHRp dGxlczwvZm udD L xpPjxsaT Zm udCBmYWNlPSJBcmlhbCwgSGVsdmV aWNhLCBzYW z LXNlcmlmIiBzaXplPTIgY sb I IzAwMDAwMD BdXRvLWluc RhbGxhdGlvbiA L ZvbnQ PC saT bGk PGZvbnQgZmFjZT iQXJpYWwsIEhlbHZldGljYSwgc Fucy zZXJpZiIgc l ZT yIGNvbG yPSMwMDAwMDA RWFzeS by c UgaW kZXg L ZvbnQ PC saT bGk PGZv bnQgZmFjZT iQXJpYWwsIEhlbHZldGljYSwgc Fucy zZXJpZiIgc l ZT yIGNvbG yPSMw MDAwMDA Qm va hcmtzIHlvdXIgcG zaXRpb gb gcmVjZW bHkgcmVhZCB aXRsZXM L ZvbnQ PC saT bGk PGZvbnQgZmFjZT iQXJpYWwsIEhlbHZldGljYSwgc Fucy zZXJp ZiIgc l ZT yIGNvbG yPSMwMDAwMDA PGI PGk R JlYXQgZ lmdDwvaT L I IGZvciBz dHVkZW cywgcmVhZGluZyBlbnRodXNpYXN cywgb IgdGhlIHZpc lvbiBpbXBhaXJlZDwv Zm udD L xpPjwvdWw PC ZD L RyPiA L RhYmxlPjwvdGQ PC cj dHI PHRkPiA dGFibGUgd lkdGg NzUlIGJvcmRlcj wIGNlbGxzcGFjaW nPTEyIGNlbGxwYWRkaW nPTAg YWxpZ Y VudGVyPjx cj dGQ PGEgaHJlZj odHRwOi vd d LmdhdGUxMjAuY tL Jv b tjZHJvbS PGltZyBzcmM aHR cDovL d dy nYXRlMTIwLmNvbS ib rY Ryb vY Qz LmdpZiB aWR aD OCBoZWlnaHQ NzAgYm yZGVyPTA PC hPjwvdGQ PHRkPjxwPjxpPjxi PlJlZ VsYXIgUHJpY U ICQzOTxhIGhyZWY aHR cDovL d dy nYXRlMTIwLmNvbS ib r Y Ryb vPi L E MDA L I PC pPjwvcD cD aT Yj Zm udCBzaXplPTQ Tk XICQx OS NSA Zm udCBzaXplPTM cGx cyBzaGlwcGluZzwvZm udD L ZvbnQ PC iPjwvaT L A PHA PGk PGI PGEgaHJlZj odHRwOi vd d LmdhdGUxMjAuY tL Jvb tjZHJvbS Q xpY sgSGVyZTwvYT gZm yIG vcmUgaW mb JtYXRpb hPC iPjwvaT L A PC ZD L RyPiA L RhYmxlPjwvdGQ PC cj dHI PHRkIGhlaWdodD yMT mbmJzcDs L RkPjwv dHI IDwvdGFibGU IA KPHAgYWxpZ ImNlbnRlciI PGEgaHJlZj odHRwOi vd d LnNu YXAtYmFjay jb vY dpLWJpbi LmNnaT rPXByb vOjE PGltZyBzcmM aHR cDovL d dy ucGFnLm ldC ob lYmFzZWQvZW haWxfdGVtcC lbWFpbDEyL JlbW ZS naWYgd lk dGg NTUwIGhlaWdodD xNjggYm yZGVyPTA PC hPiA L JvZHk PC odG sPg Kam AbmV bm ZWluYy jb ,0
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-Re xine src packge still gives errorsOnce upon a time Roi wrote RPM build errors user dude does not exist using root user dude does not exist using root user dude does not exist using root user dude does not exist using root user dude does not exist using root This I would guess is normal but don t you get it at the very beginning of the build Isn t this at the end just a reminder File not found var tmp xine root usr bin aaxine Argh I forgot to exclude aaxine from the files when using without aalib The current fr spec file fixes this Matthias Clean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages http freshrpms net Red Hat Linux release Valhalla running Linux kernel acpi Load _______________________________________________ RPM List mailing list http lists freshrpms net mailman listinfo rpm list ,1
-Re Re Password messed upI posted this earlier today but did not see it come across in email so I am re posting Excuse if this is a duplicate Thanks Original Message Subject Re Re Password messed up Date Fri May From Don To debian user lists debian org References At login screen jump to a tty console and login as root or with your usual user Then run startx and check for the output Thanks again for your reply Camale n I booted up and got the login GUI screen Then used the choice of console login and using my usual user name logged in with the CLI Then run startx and lo and behold get my KDE main screen So I conclude that the problem lies with the GUI KDE login Although some might be interested in figuring out exactly the problem I take on the role of a user here and wish to figure out how to make my system well again Of course anyone reading this who wants to delve into why this is happening I d assist If you or anyone else could tell me what I can try to do to fix things I d appreciate it I know I can do a clean install of everything but I would be hopeful that less drastic things might work Any chance of fixing things by doing a reinstall or particular packages If so not only telling me which packages to try but also a little guidance with exactly how to do it would be appreciated At least at this point I can get back to most of my old system programs and data so the urgency is abated I want to throw one other thing in here just in case it rings a bell or someone sees some relationship to this password login problem I mentioned in my original post that I had other problems Back in March just before my emergency week residence in a hospital I suddenly starting having problems with certain programs I regularly use date was probably around March The programs I believe all use GTK Some are iceape synaptic geany And here are the results when I try running them from the command line don kali sudo synaptic synaptic symbol lookup error usr lib libgdk x so undefined symbol g_malloc_n don kali iceape usr lib iceape iceape bin symbol lookup error usr lib libgdk x so undefined symbol g_malloc_n don kali geany geany symbol lookup error usr lib libgdk x so undefined symbol g_malloc_n don kali Unless there is some relation to my password login problem of this thread I ll start a new thread with the above problem Thanks and if anyone has more ideas on fixing my password login problem please help Regards Don To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org BE BB noark net ,1
-TEEN LESBIAN WEBSITE SEE US FOR FREE Hi there Me and my slutty amateur girlfriends just put up our very st website We made our website to get us modeling jobs and movie deals so it is FREE for now It s an adult site with nudity and stuff so no one under please It is FREE GO HERE check us out and help us get discovered XOXO Jenni You have received this advertisement because you have opted in to receive free adult internet offers and specials through our affiliated websites If you do not wish to receive further emails or have received the email in error you may opt out of our database by clicking here CLICK HERE Please allow hours for removal This e mail is sent in compliance with the Information Exchange Promotion and Privacy Protection Act section marked as Advertisement with valid removal instruction [ BJK ^ H TG BK NKIYs ] ,0
-How does the Finder decide that two drives are on the same partition When I make two local disks via MacFuse and I try to eject one of them the Finder insists on warning me that there are two drives on the same partition and giving me the option to unmount all of them or just the one I tried to This is very inconvenient for me The mount command shows MyFS fuse on Volumes MyFS_ Gig MyFS fuse on Volumes MyFS_ Gig My suspicion is that the Finder just looks for the mount rom value then calls volumes partitions on the same disk if they only vary in the last number Thoughts Thanks Jim O Connor _______________________________________________ Do not post admin requests to the list They will be ignored Filesystem dev mailing list Filesystem dev lists apple com Help Unsubscribe Update your Subscription http lists apple com mailman options filesystem dev mlsubscriber tech csmining org This email sent to mlsubscriber tech csmining org ,1
-Your Daily Dilbert From nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset ISO Content Transfer Encoding bit E mail error You re subscribed to the HTML version of the Daily Dilbert which shows the comic strip as a graphic but your mail system either can t support HTML or is set up to remove HTML content For more information contact your Internet service provider or mail system administrator To change to a plain text subscription modify your account preferences at http www dilbert com comics dilbert daily_dilbert html login html The plain text option appears toward the bottom of the modification page ,1
-Re [OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums was recompiling the kernel with a different version name On Sunday April you wrote But you do understand that desktop users _don t_ want to learn about their OS correct Recently I was trying to show my year old granddaughter who runs Open SuSU on her laptop how to do some small admin job She said that she didn t want to know When I queried this she said When I am at school the IT department does it for me When I am at home here you do it for me When I am in Japan Daddy does it for me Why do I need to know how to do it That is the kind of user who can learn Of course That is why I was trying to show her If the small admin job had been diagnose kernel crashes and her answer would have been I am a brain surgeon not a computer scientist I fix the brain you fix the computer Today is the one day off that I have to spend with my family and I don t want to spend it with the computer instead then her reluctance would have been valid I was I thought supporting your view that most many people simply don t _want_ to know Why does their reluctance have to be valid Are you saying that only those who want to learn to administer it should be allowed to use Linux Lisi To UNSUBSCRIBE email to debian user REQUEST lists debian org with a subject of unsubscribe Trouble Contact listmaster lists debian org Archive http lists debian org lisi reisz csmining org ,1
-Re PROTECT YOUR COMPUTER YOU NEED SYSTEMWORKS COXR Norton AD Take Control of Your Computer With This Top of the Line Software Norton SystemWorks So ftware Suite Professional Edition Includes Six Yes Feature Packed UtilitiesALL for Special LOW Price of Only This Software Will Protect your computer from unwanted and hazardous vir uses Help secure your private valuable information Allow you to transfer files and send e mails safely nbsp Backup your ALL your data quick and easily Improve your PC s performance w superior integral diagnostics You ll NEVER have to take your PC to the repair shop AGAIN Top of the Line Utilities Great Price A Combined Retail Value YOURS for a limited time for Only Price Includes FREE Shipping And For a Limited time Buy of Our Products Get Free Don t fall prey to destructive viruses or hackers Protect your computer and your valuable information and CLICK HERE to Order Yours NOW or Call Toll Free Your email address was obtained from an opt in list Opt in EAF Ecommerce Anti Spam Federation Approved List Type UPC Prefix D YY wud FLUS T o unsubscribe from this list please Click here You need to allow Business days for removal If you hav e previously unsubscribed and are still receiving this message you may visit our Spam Abuse Control Center We do not condone spam in any shape or for m Thank You kindly for your cooperation ,0
-Kid crams acorn up his nose hilarity ensuesURL http www newsisfree com click Date T [IMG http www newsisfree com Images fark sun gif [The Sun] ] ,1
-[zzzzteana] Scissors are a snip for Third WorldThe Times September Scissors are a snip for Third World From Richard Owen in Rome IT IS one of the unanswered questions of the past year what happens to the millions of nail scissors confiscated by airport security officials from passengers hand luggage Most are thrown away or recycled after being seized as part of security measures since September But an enterprising chaplain is sending them to Catholic missionaries for distribution to Third World hospitals and clinics In theory travellers who have left nail scissors nail files corkscrews or manicure sets from their hand luggage can arrange for them to be returned In practice many just shrug and leave the scissors by the X ray scanners Father Arturo Rossini chaplain of Malpensa airport in Milan said that scissors were costly or unavailable in many parts of Africa Asia and Latin America He told Corriere della Sera that he had plucked up the courage to ask the authorities if he could have the confiscated scissors With the help of a retired airport policeman he had packaged nail scissors and manicure sets using the airport chapel as a packing centre Packages were shipped in aircraft holds to Peru Brasil India Mozambique Argentina Zambia and Kenya In such countries what we think of as a personal grooming accessory can be a vital tool The idea has been taken up at other Italian airports Yahoo Groups Sponsor Plan to Sell a Home http us click yahoo com J SnNA y lEAA MVfIAA gSolB TM To unsubscribe from this group send an email to forteana unsubscribe egroups com Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to http docs yahoo com info terms ,1
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-Re Going wirelessFrom nobody Wed Mar Content Type text plain charset us ascii Content Disposition inline Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable On Fri Apr at T o n g wrote st of all thanks everyone that responded On Fri Apr Wolodja Wentland wrote Check http wiki debian org WiFi HowToUse I am particularly fond of wpa_supplicant in roaming mode [ ] but you might want to take a look at wicd or network mangler as well I ve read many good words about wicd an am planning to go for it Good choice You have to install wicd from backports org though as it is not available for stable wicd lenny backports bpo sid ds squeeze ds Just to be sure with wpa_supplicant from the wpasupplicant package in roaming mode one doesn t necessarily need wicd correct Absolutely That wouldn t even work together ` Wolodja Wentland ` ` ` R CAF EFC ` C B CD FF BA EA B B F D CAF EFC ,1
-Re The case for spam Political mail the snail kind doesn t bother me I like it a lot of the time because as crap as it is at least it s not the kind of info you get on TV Particularly for small time local politics it s the best way to get information but what matters is that mail is speech and political email has to be as well protected as any other political speech Spam is the tool for dissident news since the face that it s unsolicited means that recipients can t be blamed for being on a mailing list http xent com mailman listinfo fork ,1
diff --git a/Naive_Bayes_text_classification/slides.pdf b/Naive_Bayes_text_classification/slides.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 25effd3..0000000
Binary files a/Naive_Bayes_text_classification/slides.pdf and /dev/null differ