In this workshop we will use the Voting App, a demo microservices application originally created by Docker. This application uses several languages, different components, and it’s very easy to understand. It basically allows a user to vote from a web interface and to see the results from another one.
Web interface used to select for an item:
Web interface showing the result of the votes:
The application follows the following architecture:
Note: the VotingApp is hosted in GitLab in
Let's give a quick overview of each microservice of the application:
- vote-ui is a web UI built with VueJS, it allows a user to choose an item between Cats and Dogs
- vote is a backend exposing an API built with Python / Flask
- redis is the database where votes are stored
- worker is a service which retrieves votes from redis and stores them in a postgres database
- db is the Postgres database in which the worker consolidates the votes
- result is the backend sending votes to the result-ui via websocket
- result-ui is a web UI built with Angular, it displays the results of the votes
From a shell in the VM you created in the previous step, run the following command to get the code of each microservice:
mkdir votingapp
cd votingapp
for s in vote-ui vote worker result result-ui; do
git clone$s.git;
In the next step you will create your first Acornfile to specify the application.