]*>|<\/a>/g, '');
+ // process the footnote issue
+ content = content.replace(/\{sup\}.*?\{\/sup\}/g, '');
+ // now remove all the non-alphabetic and non-numeric characters
+ content = content.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '');
+ return content;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/form_generator/js/UIInteractionHandlers.js b/form_generator/js/UIInteractionHandlers.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1cb5a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/form_generator/js/UIInteractionHandlers.js
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+// This function is primarily responsible for controlling the displaying of the deviation blocks in the checklist.
+function generate_decision_message_block() {
+ var checklist_yes_not_checked_count;
+ var checklist_no_checked_count;
+ // Number of yes's that are not checked and nos checked
+ if (role != "\"author\"") {
+ checklist_yes_not_checked_count = $('input[class="checklistRadioYes"][type="radio"][value="yes"]').not(':checked').length;
+ checklist_no_checked_count = $('input[class="checklistRadioNo"][type="radio"][value="no"]:checked').length;
+ }
+ // Second level yes
+ deviation_yes_checked_count = $('input[class="deviationRadioYes"][type="radio"][value="yes"]:checked').length;
+ // Second level no
+ deviation_no_checked_count = $('input[class="deviationRadioNo"][type="radio"][value="no"]:checked').length;
+ console.log("Test: " + checklist_yes_not_checked_count + " yeses not counted; " + checklist_no_checked_count + " nos counted; " + deviation_yes_checked_count + " deviation yeses counted; " + deviation_no_checked_count + " deviation nos counted");
+ // Count the number of types (type1, type2, type3, type4)
+ justification_type1_checked_count = $('input[class="justificationRadioType"][type="radio"][value="type1"]:checked').length;
+ justification_type2_checked_count = $('input[class="justificationRadioType"][type="radio"][value="type2"]:checked').length;
+ justification_type3_checked_count = $('input[class="justificationRadioType"][type="radio"][value="type3"]:checked').length;
+ justification_type4_checked_count = $('input[class="justificationRadioType"][type="radio"][value="type4"]:checked').length;
+ var msg = "";
+ // Making sure every attribute has an option selected.
+ if (role == "\"one-phase-reviewer\"") {
+ document.getElementById("deviation_reasonable").style.display = "none";
+ document.getElementById("deviation_unreasonable").style.display = "none";
+ document.getElementById("Desirable").style.display = "none";
+ document.getElementById("Extraordinary").style.display = "none";
+ $('.checkbox_attributes').prop('checked', false);
+ console.log("checklist_yes_not_checked_count: ", checklist_yes_not_checked_count);
+ console.log("checklist_no_checked_count: ", checklist_no_checked_count);
+ console.log("deviation_yes_checked_count: ", deviation_yes_checked_count);
+ if (checklist_yes_not_checked_count == checklist_no_checked_count & checklist_no_checked_count == (deviation_yes_checked_count + justification_type1_checked_count + justification_type2_checked_count + justification_type3_checked_count + justification_type4_checked_count)) {
+ // if number of type 3 + type 4 is greater than 0
+ if (justification_type3_checked_count + justification_type4_checked_count + justification_type2_checked_count > 0) {
+ msg = "REJECT";
+ document.getElementById("deviation_unreasonable").style.display = "block";
+ // if number of type 1 is greater than 0
+ } else if (justification_type1_checked_count > 0) {
+ msg = "ACCEPT";
+ document.getElementById("deviation_reasonable").style.display = "block";
+ document.getElementById("Desirable").style.display = "block";
+ document.getElementById("Extraordinary").style.display = "block";
+ } else {
+ msg = "ACCEPT";
+ document.getElementById("Desirable").style.display = "block";
+ document.getElementById("Extraordinary").style.display = "block";
+ }
+ } else {
+ document.getElementById("decision_msg").style.display = "none";
+ }
+ } else if (role == "\"two-phase-reviewer\"") {
+ document.getElementById("deviation_reasonable").style.display = "none";
+ document.getElementById("deviation_unreasonable").style.display = "none";
+ document.getElementById("Desirable").style.display = "none";
+ document.getElementById("Extraordinary").style.display = "none";
+ $('.checkbox_attributes').prop('checked', false);
+ if (checklist_yes_not_checked_count == checklist_no_checked_count & checklist_no_checked_count == (deviation_yes_checked_count + justification_type1_checked_count + justification_type2_checked_count + justification_type3_checked_count + justification_type4_checked_count)) {
+ // if number of type 4 is greater than 0
+ if (justification_type4_checked_count > 0) {
+ msg = "REJECT";
+ document.getElementById("deviation_unreasonable").style.display = "block";
+ // if number of type 3 is greater than 0
+ } else if (justification_type3_checked_count > 0) {
+ document.getElementById("deviation_unreasonable").style.display = "block";
+ // if number of type 2 is greater than 0
+ } else if (justification_type2_checked_count > 0) {
+ document.getElementById("deviation_reasonable").style.display = "block";
+ document.getElementById("Desirable").style.display = "block";
+ document.getElementById("Extraordinary").style.display = "block";
+ // if number of type 1 is greater than 0
+ } else if (justification_type1_checked_count > 0) {
+ document.getElementById("deviation_reasonable").style.display = "block";
+ document.getElementById("Desirable").style.display = "block";
+ document.getElementById("Extraordinary").style.display = "block";
+ } else {
+ msg = "ACCEPT";
+ document.getElementById("Desirable").style.display = "block";
+ document.getElementById("Extraordinary").style.display = "block";
+ }
+ document.getElementById("decision_msg").innerHTML = msg;
+ document.getElementById("decision_msg").style.display = "block";
+ } else {
+ document.getElementById("decision_msg").style.display = "none";
+ }
+ }
+// Determine whether to show or hide the primary location textbox
+function show_hide_location_textbox() {
+ id = this.id;
+ console.log(id);
+ var missing_checkbox = document.getElementById(id);
+ console.log(missing_checkbox);
+ if (missing_checkbox.checked) {
+ console.log("Missing checked");
+ show_deviation_block_and_hide_location_textbox();
+ } else {
+ console.log("Missing unchecked");
+ hide_deviation_block_and_show_location_textbox();
+ }
+//this function manages the display of the deviation block, which is dependent upon user input
+function show_deviation_block_and_hide_location_textbox() {
+ // Replace ID from Yes to an empty string
+ if (role == "\"author\"") {
+ id = this.id.replace("missing_checkbox:", "");
+ var item_location_textbox = document.getElementById("item_location_textbox:" + id);
+ item_location_textbox.style.visibility = "hidden";
+ item_location_textbox.value = "";
+ } else {
+ id = this.id.replace("checklist-radio:No:", "")
+ }
+ var deviation_block = document.getElementById("deviation_block:" + id);
+ if (deviation_block) {
+ deviation_block.style.display = (role == "\"author\"") ? "flex" : "block";
+ deviation_block.style.flexFlow = "wrap";
+ }
+ let deviationRadioYes = document.getElementById("deviation_block-radio:Yes:" + id);
+ if (deviationRadioYes && deviationRadioYes.disabled) {
+ let deviationRadioNo = document.getElementById("deviation_block-radio:No:" + id);
+ deviationRadioNo.click();
+ create_deviation_justification_block_and_show_hide_justification_location_textbox.call(deviationRadioNo);
+ }
+ //This function is primarily responsible for controlling the displaying of the deviation blocks in the checklist.
+ generate_decision_message_block();
+//this function manages the display of the deviation block, which is dependent upon user input
+function hide_deviation_block_and_show_location_textbox() {
+ // Replace ID from Yes to an empty string
+ if (role == "\"author\"") {
+ id = this.id.replace("missing_checkbox:", "");
+ id = this.id.replace("item_location_textbox:", "");
+ console.log(id);
+ var item_location_textbox = document.getElementById("item_location_textbox:" + id);
+ item_location_textbox.style.visibility = "visible";
+ } else {
+ id = this.id.replace("checklist-radio:Yes:", "");
+ }
+ hide_other_messages(id);
+ // Hide all Deviation Blocks
+ var block = document.getElementById("deviation_block:" + id);
+ block.style.display = "none";
+ var block = document.getElementById("deviation_justified:" + id);
+ block.style.display = "none";
+ var block = document.getElementById("deviation_not_justified:" + id);
+ block.style.display = "none";
+ if (role != "\"author\"") {
+ var msg_block = document.getElementById("free_text_question:" + id);
+ msg_block.style.display = "none";
+ var no_radio = document.getElementById("checklist-radio:No:" + id);
+ no_radio.checked = false;
+ } else {
+ var missing_checkbox = document.getElementById("missing_checkbox:" + id);
+ missing_checkbox.checked = false;
+ var justification_box = document.getElementById("justification_location_textbox:" + id);
+ justification_box.value = "";
+ }
+ // Uncheck all deviation-block-radio
+ for (let i = 0; i < document.getElementsByName("deviation_block-radio:" + id).length; i++) {
+ document.getElementsByName("deviation_block-radio:" + id)[i].checked = false;
+ }
+ // Uncheck all deviation-justified-radio
+ for (let i = 0; i < document.getElementsByName("deviation_block-radio:" + id).length; i++) {
+ document.getElementsByName("deviation_block-radio:" + id)[i].checked = false;
+ }
+ // Uncheck all deviation-not-justified-radio
+ for (let i = 0; i < document.getElementsByName("deviation_block-radio:" + id).length; i++) {
+ document.getElementsByName("deviation_block-radio:" + id)[i].checked = false;
+ }
+ //This function is primarily responsible for controlling the displaying of the deviation blocks in the checklist.
+ generate_decision_message_block();
+//this function creates a deviation block for all Essential items in the standards
+function create_deviation_justification_block_and_show_hide_justification_location_textbox() {
+ // (No-Yes) deviation is justified
+ console.log(this);
+ if (this.id.includes("deviation_block-radio:Yes:")) {
+ id = this.id.replace("deviation_block-radio:Yes:", "")
+ hide_other_messages(id);
+ var block = document.getElementById("deviation_not_justified:" + id);
+ block.style.display = "none";
+ var block = document.getElementById("deviation_justified:" + id);
+ block.style.display = "block";
+ if (role != "\"author\"") {
+ var msg_block = document.getElementById("free_text_question:" + id);
+ msg_block.style.display = "none";
+ }
+ deviation_radio_name = this.name.replace("deviation_block-radio", "deviation_not_justified-radio");
+ for (let i = 0; i < document.getElementsByName(deviation_radio_name).length; i++) {
+ document.getElementsByName(deviation_radio_name)[i].checked = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // (No-No) deviation is unjustified (reviewer)
+ else if (this.id.includes("deviation_block-radio:No:")) {
+ id = this.id.replace("deviation_block-radio:No:", "")
+ hide_other_messages(id);
+ var empty_message = document.getElementById("deviation_justified:" + id);
+ empty_message.style.display = "none";
+ var message = document.getElementById("deviation_not_justified:" + id);
+ message.style.display = "block";
+ var msg_block = document.getElementById("free_text_question:" + id);
+ msg_block.style.display = "block";
+ deviation_radio_name = this.name.replace("deviation_block-radio", "deviation_justified-radio");
+ for (let i = 0; i < document.getElementsByName(deviation_radio_name).length; i++) {
+ document.getElementsByName(deviation_radio_name)[i].checked = false;
+ }
+ // (No-No) deviation is unjustified (author)
+ } else if (this.id.includes("unjustified_checkbox:")) {
+ id = this.id.replace("unjustified_checkbox:", "")
+ hide_other_messages(id);
+ var empty_message = document.getElementById("deviation_justified:" + id);
+ empty_message.style.display = "none";
+ var message = document.getElementById("deviation_not_justified:" + id);
+ var justification_box = document.getElementById("justification_location_textbox:" + id);
+ var unjustified_checkbox = document.getElementById("unjustified_checkbox:" + id);
+ if (unjustified_checkbox.checked) {
+ message.style.display = "inline";
+ justification_box.style.visibility = "hidden";
+ justification_box.value = "";
+ } else {
+ message.style.display = "none";
+ justification_box.style.visibility = "visible";
+ }
+ } else {
+ // (No-Yes-Yes) => deviation is justified and justification is reasonable
+ if (this.id.includes("deviation_justified-radio:Yes:")) {
+ id = this.id.replace("deviation_justified-radio:Yes:", "")
+ hide_other_messages(id);
+ var message = document.getElementById("justification_reasonable:" + id);
+ message.style.display = "block";
+ }
+ // (No-Yes-No) => deviation is justified but justification is unreasonable
+ else if (this.id.includes("deviation_justified-radio:No:")) {
+ id = this.id.replace("deviation_justified-radio:No:", "")
+ hide_other_messages(id);
+ var message = document.getElementById("justification_unreasonable:" + id);
+ message.style.display = "block";
+ }
+ // (No-No-Yes) => deviation is unjustified but reasonable
+ else if (this.id.includes("deviation_not_justified-radio:Yes:")) {
+ id = this.id.replace("deviation_not_justified-radio:Yes:", "")
+ hide_other_messages(id);
+ var message = document.getElementById("deviation_reasonable:" + id);
+ message.style.display = "block";
+ }
+ // (No-No-No) => deviation is unjustified and unreasonable
+ else if (this.id.includes("deviation_not_justified-radio:No:")) {
+ id = this.id.replace("deviation_not_justified-radio:No:", "")
+ hide_other_messages(id);
+ document.getElementById("deviation_unreasonable:" + id).style.display = "block";
+ }
+ }
+ //This function is primarily responsible for controlling the displaying of the deviation blocks in the checklist.
+ generate_decision_message_block();
+//this function is responsible for hiding all messages displayed as a result of selecting 'No'
+function hide_other_messages(id) {
+ try {
+ document.getElementById("deviation_reasonable:" + id).style.display = "none";
+ document.getElementById("deviation_unreasonable:" + id).style.display = "none";
+ document.getElementById("justification_reasonable:" + id).style.display = "none";
+ document.getElementById("justification_unreasonable:" + id).style.display = "none";
+ document.getElementById("free_text_question:" + id).style.display = "none";
+ }
+ catch (err) { }
+//This function creates tooltips for text
+//Anything between / and / is known as regular expressions
+function createTooltip(checklistItemText, line_text, footnotes) {
+ footnote_sups = line_text.match(/(.*?)\{sup\}(.+?)\{\/sup\}(.*?)/g);
+ if (footnote_sups) {
+ footnote_rest = line_text.match(/(?!.*\})(.*?)$/g);
+ footnote_rest = footnote_rest.filter(function (el) {
+ return el.trim() != "";
+ });
+ checklistItemText.innerHTML = checklistItemText.innerHTML.replace("
", "");
+ var allTooltipsText = checklistItemText;
+ var i = 0;
+ for (let footnote_sup of footnote_sups) {
+ i++;
+ ftnt = footnote_sup.match(/(.*?)\{sup\}(.*?)\{\/sup\}(.*?)/);
+ var tooltip = document.createElement("span");
+ tooltip.className = "tooltip";
+ tooltip.innerHTML = ftnt[1].trim();
+ var tooltipText = document.createElement("span");
+ tooltipText.className = "tooltiptext";
+ tooltipText.innerHTML = convert_MD_tags_to_HTML_tags(footnotes[ftnt[2]]);
+ tooltip.appendChild(tooltipText);
+ allTooltipsText.appendChild(tooltip);
+ }
+ if (footnote_rest.length > 0) {
+ var tooltip = document.createElement("span");
+ tooltip.innerHTML = footnote_rest[0].trim();
+ allTooltipsText.appendChild(tooltip);
+ }
+ return allTooltipsText;
+ }
+ return checklistItemText;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/form_generator/js/Utilities.js b/form_generator/js/Utilities.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8b8038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/form_generator/js/Utilities.js
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+// Function to convert Markdown tables to HTML tables
+function convertMarkdownToHTML(markdown) {
+ var lines = markdown.trim().split('\n');
+ var resultHTML = '';
+ var currentType = null;
+ for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
+ var line = lines[i].trim();
+ var isHeaderRow = i === 0;
+ if (isHeaderRow) {
+ var headers = line.split('|').map(function (header) {
+ return header.trim();
+ });
+ currentType = headers[1];
+ resultHTML += '';
+ } else {
+ var cells = line.split('|').map(function (cell) {
+ return cell.trim();
+ });
+ if (currentType !== cells[1]) {
+ resultHTML += '';
+ currentType = cells[1];
+ resultHTML += '';
+ }
+ resultHTML += '';
+ resultHTML += '' + cells[1] + '';
+ resultHTML += '' + cells[2] + '';
+ resultHTML += '' + cells[3] + '';
+ resultHTML += '' + cells[4] + '';
+ resultHTML += '' + cells[5] + '';
+ resultHTML += '' + cells[6] + '';
+ resultHTML += '
+ }
+ }
+ resultHTML += '
+ return resultHTML;
+// collect footnotes
+function collect_footnotes(dom, standardTag) {
+ var footnoteTags = dom.getElementsByTagName("footnote");
+ for (let footnoteTag of footnoteTags) {
+ supTag = footnoteTag.getElementsByTagName("sup")[0];
+ footnote_id = standardTag.getAttribute('name') + "--footnote--" + supTag.innerText.trim() // To make footnotes belong to their standards
+ supTag.remove();
+ footnotes[footnote_id] = footnoteTag.innerText.trim();
+ }
+//The text from the MD file is converted to HTML using this method
+function convert_MD_tags_to_HTML_tags(text) {
+ // Bold text - Convert from MD to HTML tags
+ if (text.match(/\*\*(.*?)\*\*/g) != null) {
+ text = text.replace(/\*\*(.*?)\*\*/g, "$1");
+ }
+ // Italic text - Convert from MD to HTML tags
+ if (text.match(/\*(.*?)\*/g) != null) {
+ text = text.replace(/\*(.*?)\*/g, "$1");
+ }
+ // Supplements/Links? - Convert from MD to HTML tags
+ if (text.match(/\[([\w\s\d\.\-#\*_\/]+)\]\(((?:\/|https?:\/\/)[\w\d./?=#]+)\)/g) != null) {
+ text = text.replace(/\[([\w\s\d\.\-#\*_\/]+)\]\(((?:\/|https?:\/\/)[\w\d./?=#]+)\)/g, "