The samples can be found at /etc/ace-data/CancerGenomicsWG/VariantCalling/samples/Validation
. For demonstration, I will call my sample as sample
, and its corresponding reads as sample_R1.fastq and sample_R2.fastq for forward and reverse reads respectively. Modify this according to your assigned sample.
We first align our samples to the human reference genome, version 19 (hg19). A copy of this reference and its indices have been added to our shared folder under the location: /etc/ace-data/CancerGenomicsWG/Tools/References
. However, feel free to use your own copy of the reference in case you have one.
# Load the bwa and samtools modules
module load bwa-0.7.17-gcc-8.5.0-h3gmzcf samtools-1.13-gcc-8.5.0-hx66cfb
mkdir -p Results/Alignment_hg19
bwa mem -t 16 /etc/ace-data/CancerGenomicsWG/Tools/References/hg19.fa sample_R1.fastq sample_R2.fastq -o Results/Alignment_hg19/sample.sam
samtools sort -@ 12 Results/Alignment_hg19/sample.sam -o Results/Alignment_hg19/sample.bam
samtools index Results/Alignment_hg19/sample.bam
We will need to first create a conda environment for this.
conda env create --name polysolver --file /etc/ace-data/CancerGenomicsWG/Tools/polysolver.yml --yes
When the environment is done being created, go ahead and activate it and run the polysolver hla typing script.
#Activate the environmnet
#conda activate polysolver
conda activate /etc/ace-data/CancerGenomicsWG/Tools/polysolver_env
mkdir -p Results/polysolver
#Run the polysolver script
shell_call_hla_type Results/Alignment_hg19/sample.bam Black 1 hg19 STDFQ 0 Results/polysolver/sample
When the script is done running, check for the file called winners.hla.txt
in the output directory specified (ie Results/polysolver/sample) in our command above.
Its contents will look something like this:
HLA-A hla_a_01_04n hla_a_01_04n
HLA-B hla_b_07_03 hla_b_07_03
HLA-C hla_c_01_03 hla_c_01_03
Read more about optitype at their Github repo
conda env create --name optitype --file /etc/ace-data/CancerGenomicsWG/Tools/optitype.yml --yes
#conda activate optitype
conda activate /etc/ace-data/CancerGenomicsWG/Tools/optitype_env
python /etc/ace-data/CancerGenomicsWG/Tools/OptiType/ \
-i sample_R1.fastq sample_R2.fastq \
--dna -v -o ./Results/Optitype -c /etc/ace-data/CancerGenomicsWG/Tools/OptiType/config.ini --prefix sample
A few things to note:
- Clone the Github repository for optitype
git clone
- Install all required software and libraries including Python 2.7 after activating the conda environment (Most of these softwares and libraries can be installed using conda)
- RazerS 3.4
- SAMtools 1.2
- HDF5 1.8.15
- CPLEX 12.5 or other Pyomo-supported ILP solver (GLPK, CBC, ...
- Install all the Python modules after activating the conda environment
pip install numPy==1.9.3
pip install pyomo
conda install pytables
pip install pandas
pip install pysam==0.8.3
pip install matplotlib
pip install future
Change the directory to that folder:
cd Optitype
inorder to be able to use the optitype
or you can as wll use the full path to the optitype script -
Make a copy of the
file and include your own version the razers3 program installed in your space, that israzers3=/path/to/razers3
Modify the input files and sample ids to match your sample assigned.