- null safety
- Read me examples updated
- Plugin respects Business whatsapp
- Breaking Change
- fileShare function takes list of paths instead of single path.
- Multiple images, files can be shared
- Home page modified
method for checking whatsapp installed in device or not
- Documented and optimized for whatsapp share
- Whatsapp share
- Fix sdk environment
- Update to android v2 embedding
- Fix share image top view controller dismissal bug on iOS 13+
- Update to use the new platforms definition
- Fix Android bug (FileUriExposedException) on new versions with FileProvider implementation (see the readme to configure)
- Remove unused codes and improve description
- Fix: Get the top most ViewController(IOS embedded support)
- BREAKING CHANGE: Add support to AndroidX
- BREAKING CHANGE: Separate in two methods share (to share messages and links) and shareFile (to share files)
- Add ChooserTitle (Just for Android)
- Add Text
- Add Docs
- Move documents_picker plugin to example project
- Add file share.