Car rental website.
- The admin can register a new car (model, year, plate id, etc.) and update car status (active, out of service, rented, etc.)
- Registers multiple offices, allowing customers to reserve their cars from anywhere in the world via this system.
- Customers can provide information by filling in their personal information to create an account and then he or she can reserve a car.
- Customers are aided by your system to search the available cars by any of the car specs according to their needs.
- Admin can perform an advanced search which is searching by any of the car information, customer information or reservation day to get all information about the car, customer and reservation.
- The website provides the admin with basic necessary reports:
- All reservations within a specified period including all car and customer information.
- All reservations of any car within a specified period including all car information.
- The status of all cars on a specific day.
- All reservations of a specific customer including customer information, car model and plate id.
- All payments within a specific period.
- Xampp
- copy the Dash Car Rental directory into the htdocs folder in the xampp directory
- create the database the SQL files in PHPmyadmin
- from the xampp control panel,start Apache and MySQL
- in your browser go to localhost/Dash Car Rental