title: critical habitat
date: 2006-10-28 06:56
category: terminology
tags: ADB
slug: critical-habitat
summary: : subset of both natural and modified habitat that deserves particular attention.
The term critical habitat refers to areas with high biodiversity importance or value, including habitat required for the survival of critically endangered or endangered species, such as listed on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of threatened species or equivalent national approaches; areas having special significance for endemic or restricted-range species; sites that are critical for the survival of migratory species; areas supporting globally significant concentrations or numbers of individuals of congregatory species; areas with unique assemblages of species or that are associated with key evolutionary processes or provide key ecosystem services; habitat supporting globally or nationally significant concentrations of migratory or congregatory species; highly threatened or unique systems; areas providing ecological functions or characteristics that are needed to maintaining the viability of biodiversity; and areas having biodiversity of significant social, economic, or cultural importance to local communities. Critical habitat may be both natural and modified habitats.
- Asian Development Bank. 2009. Safeguard Policy Statement.".
- World Bank. 2018. "Acronyms, abbreviations and glossary," Environmental and Social Framework Resources Washington D.C.: World Bank.