make insolar
You should have params.json
with something like this:
"params": [
"<public_key from node config>",
"method": "RegisterNode"
Than use send_request command with this file:
./bin/insolar -c=send_request --config=./scripts/insolard/configs/root_member_keys.json --root_as_caller --params=params.json
-c cmd
Command. Available commands: default_config | random_ref | version | gen_keys | gen_certificate | send_request | gen_send_configs.
-v verbose
Be verbose (default false).
-o output
Path to output file (use - for STDOUT).
-g config
Path to file with caller config or caller+params config.
-p params
Path to params file (default params.json).
-r root_as_caller
Do request from RootMember (default false).