Releases: aMytho/GlimBoi
Thanks to our testers and community for the continued support!
Command Trigger System
- Added the command trigger system. This replaces the old way of running commands. All your commands have been automatically converted to use the new system
- Commands now run from "triggers". A trigger can currently be a message, welcome event, or follow. More will come soon!
- Some triggers have constraints which determine if a trigger can run.
- Added 3 triggers
- Chatmessage: Run when a specific word is at the beginning of a message (current behavior)
- Welcome Event - Run when a user speaks for the first time in that stream. Can use a constraint to only welcome a specific user, or welcome all users.
- Follow: Runs when a user follows the stream.
Dev note
Due to the new system you can have multiple commands for a message. You can also have multiple triggers for a single command. I put a lot of thought and made this system as extendable as possible! Expect more from this and the command action system.
- Re-enabled Streamlabs alerts. Requires an existing account. See our docs for info on how to integrate it into Glimboi.
- Requires the user to make their own dev app.
- Added a window to view the current viewers, followers, and title. Updates every 15 minutes and is cleared when you leave the page. Will be improved in a future release.
- Switched to TailwindCSS from BootstrapCSS. This is a huge help in quickly designing UI layouts. UI work will be a regular part of most updates going forward. Every page has been updated but here are some highlights!
- General
- Added a brighter color scheme. Still Glimesh colors but now easier to look at.
- Tables now alternate colors for readability.
- Buttons, inputs, and modals have been updated.
- Improved padding and margin across the bot.
- All pages now use grid or flexbox for automatic resizing. This has very noticeable improvements.
- Added Prose for spacing and text styling.
- Buttons are now in proper layouts and will wrap accordingly.
- The navbar has highlights when hovering on an item.
- Hides certain fields when the display is too small.
- Chat
- Removed log window. Will return with its own page later.
- The chat window now takes up half of the page.
- Brought back stream stats.
- Modified the color scheme of non streamer messages.
- Integrations
- Sensitive fields are now hidden from view.
- Added a section for Streamlabs alerts.
- Used Prose for styling guides.
- Moderation
- Buttons now stretch to use all open space.
- Fixed columns using space that was not theirs.
- Resizing work.
- Media
- Adding/Editing media now uses the full modal width.
- Adding/Editing media now uses the full modal width.
- All event tabs now use proper layouts.
- Commands
- Added section for triggers.
- Layout work.
- Fixed an issue where the queue settings could not be saved.
- Fixed an issue where chat logging would constantly re-open a file.
- Removed the right click menu on chat messages. Will return later.
- Removed the log window. Will return later.
Performance and Backend
- Added a util module. This has some common functions used across the bot. This helps to reduce memory usage and improve organization.
- TailwindCSS will automatically remove unused CSS. This helps to reduce build size.
- Replaced BootstrapJS with Flowbite.
- Automatic backups
- Event logic overhaul
- Music player overhaul
- Frontend JS code rewrite
- Electron version upgrade.
- Userlist
Test Build 2.4.0
Only download this if you want to help test. The stable builds can be found on the release page.
Backup your commands before running (Look at the integrations page!)
This version adds the UI conversion to tailwind. Every page has been modified. Most of the layout is the same though.
There is still work to be done (specifically with the chat page, modals (popups), general fade and animations) but any feedback is appreciated.
This update also adds the command trigger system. A command is made of the following
- Trigger: What can cause the command to activate itself. This can be a chatmessage, new follower, or new user speaking for the first time per stream. All of your commands should have converted to use the new triggers. Run a few to check, just in case :)
- Settings: Determines if the command can be ran. Point restrictions, rank locks, cooldowns, etc.
- Actions: What your command will do once activated. This has been in the bot for a few months, no changes here.
TLDR: Make sure your commands still work. Make a few new ones and try out the triggers. UI feedback welcome but be aware that improvements are coming.
This is the first time a release has been pushed to a non main branch. This may break updates so check back on the github page every now and then.
Thanks to our testers and community for the continued support
- Added queue event. This allows you to organize a viewer event. Commonly used to allow viewers to join your game while streaming in an organized and fair system.
- Can limit by points and rank.
- Users can be added from chat or in the UI. Users with the appropriate permission can add/remove other users.
- View the queue from the events page or with the queue commands (located on events page)
- Added canEndEvents rank property.
- Added Matrix command action. You can send a message to any room!
- Fixed the media overlay to work with new version of OBS. They changed the way the browser source handles file paths. It is now resolved and will work on all modern versions of OBS.
- Spelling fix
Performance and Backend
- Removed the old events page. It was hidden from users and was using extra space.
- Automatic backups
- Command trigger system
- Event logic overhaul
- UI love :)
Thanks to our testers and community for the continued support
- Added the ability to import and export bot data. You can access this from the integrations page. You can export all data aside from user settings because it contains sensitive auth information.
- Added Matrix integration as a going live notification. Will be added as a command action in the future.
- Updated the follow API to use streamerIDs rather than channelIDs. Follow/unfollow now target the correct user.
- New ranks now start with user permissions rather than 0 permissions.
- Various wording changes.
- Website improvements and management.
Performance and Backend
- Switched to NeDB. This is a maintained fork of the database. It is more secure and offers some performance improvements.
- Rank improvements
- Automatic backups
- Command trigger system
- Queue System
- Matrix command action
Test Build 2.2.2
Do not download if you are not a glimboi tester.
Backup your files before running (instructions in discord)
This version replaces the NeDB module with This build also adds an import/export feature for individual bot data collections.
The rank system now uses the user as the default rank for new ranks. Several performance and structure improvements to the rank system were also added.
Let me know if something doesn't work properly or if any data loss occurs.
Test Build
Do not download if you are not a glimboi tester.
Backup your files before running (instructions in discord)
This version replaces the NeDB module with This is the module that handles all database interactions. While the process is the same this will need testing. Use the bot as normal. Add users, commands, and edit/save some data!
Let me know if something doesn't work properly or if any data loss occurs.
Thanks to our testers and community for the continued support
- Added the ability to follow/unfollow users from within the bot. You can right click on the users name in chat.
This requires you to reauthorize Glimboi with the new permission
Command Action
- Added follow command action. Allows you to follow/unfollow a user from commands. Use wisely.
This requires you to reauthorize Glimboi with the new permission
Command Variables
- Added the $rank variable. Returns the users rank in Glimboi.
- Added the $game variable. Returns the subcategory of the streamer
- Fixed an issue where you could not add quotes from chat.
- Improved the quote UI.
- Added missing documentation about command variables.
Performance and Backend
- Cleaned up various types.
- Improved the backend for quotes.
- New chat games.
- Glimesh command action (request any data about a user). Will store a $variable result
- Migrate database to new provider.
- Command trigger system
- Music system improvements
Thanks to our testers and community for the continued support
- Fixed an issue where only 1 live notification could be sent at a time.
- Fixed an issue where new users could not authorize any account. If this happens again please contact me!
- The default twitter message will attempt to stop host redirects. You can add
to the end of your URL to achieve this yourself.
. This will display your stream. You can display your profile with
Performance and Backend
- Moved chat actions to chat parser.
- Improve quote system
- Follow users from within the bot! (dependent on glimesh update, hopefully soon!)
- New chat games.
- Migrate database to new provider.
- I am attempting to create an angular version of Glimboi. This may or may not be released. If I can work on it efficiently it could drastically improve organization and structure. May also offer some performance improvements.
Thanks to our testers and community for the continued support
Twitter Integration
- You can now link your twitter account to Glimboi. This allows you to send going live tweets in the same manner as Discord and Guiilded.
- You can also tweet via command action!
- Added Tweet command action. You can send a predetermined message or use variables to customize it. Use caution if you use a variable that takes in input from chat. You are responsible for anything sent from your account even if a viewer sends the message!
- Added the disable property to commands. You can prevent a command from being used. Applies to all ranks including your own.
- Added a toast style notification. This will not require user input and will disappear after a few seconds.
- Fixed an issue where the @ symbol was being sent twice in the duel chat game.
- Fixed an issue where the name of the streamer could be incorrect if a channel ID was requested.
Performance and Backend
- Loads of code cleanup.
- Created reusable OAuth module. Twitter and Glimesh now use this as needed.
- Removed code to help track down disconnects. Was fixed a while back
- Removed duplicate dependency popper.js
- Glimboi no longer requests a token while in dev mode. Sorry for the 1k+ requests over the past year :)
- Removed html.ts. This was used for template like injections and was unneccassary.
- Removed a bunch of async functions that didn't require async.
- Optimized the bot startup time.
Test Build
Do not download if you are not a glimboi tester. Backup your files before running (instructions in discord)
This version adds several backend improvements and adds twitter integration. Head to the integrations page. Generate an access token. It will open a twitter URL and ask for approval. Give it and then return to glimboi.
You can tweet from commands and setup live notifications (same as discord/guilded)