Releases: a406010503/Miui_Camera
v4.3.004870.0 (220818-Leica)
- 使用前請務必詳讀【徠卡相機使用說明(必看)】
Important warning
- Please be sure to read [Leica Camera Instructions (Must Read)] before use
- 本專案的v4.3.004870.0版本徠卡相機基於菜卡玩機 Vegeca Mobi 團隊的相機修改
- 該 APK Mod 原作者:@Sevtinge,已獲得授權,未經許可嚴禁轉載、修改、二次創作等。
- 許可證書號:2720-1972-8799-1540
- 此授權許可證書僅適用於v4.3.004870.0版本所有本專案上的修改版徠卡相機
- 將更多模式介面修改為公版相機的圖標介面
- 為部分機型開啟 Kino 大魔王 UI 介面
- 增加聲音設定
- 增加自動夜景
- 增加自動影格率
- 增加錄影 HDR 模式
- 增加錄影 AI 模式
- 增加錄影虛化
- 增加錄影美顏
- 增加錄影人像留色濾鏡
- 增加多機連錄
- 最佳化徠卡生動與徠卡經典的調色(由菜卡研究所調色組進行調配)
- 最佳化 Redmi Note 11T Pro、Redmi Note 11T Pro+ 的配置
- 解除錄影模式 4K 與 8K 解析度的時長限制
- 增加 Xiaomi 10 Pro、Xiaomi 10S、Xiaomi 10、Redmi K40 的鏡頭動畫
- 在硬體不支援的機型移除萬物追焦開關
- Modified more mode interface to the icon interface of the public version camera
- Open Kino King UI for some models
- Added sound settings
- Added automatic night scene
- Increase auto frame rate
- Added video HDR mode
- Added video AI mode
- Added video blur
- Add video beauty
- Added color retention filter for video portraits
- Added multi-camera continuous recording
- Optimized Leica Vivid and Leica Classic color grading (Blended by Vegeca Mobi Color Team)
- Optimized configuration of Redmi Note 11T Pro, Redmi Note 11T Pro+
- Remove the time limit for 4K and 8K resolutions in video mode
- Added camera animation for Xiaomi 10 Pro, Xiaomi 10S, Xiaomi 10, Redmi K40
- Remove the track focus switch on all models that are not supported by the hardware
- 部分機型加載緩慢
- 部分機型拍照完成後閃退
- 部分機型電影光效錯位
- Xiaomi 10T Pro (Apollo_pro) HDR 功能異常
- 部分機型多機連錄閃退
- 部分機型慢動作模式閃退
Known issues:
- Some models load slowly
- Some models flash back after taking pictures
- Some models of movie light effects are dislocated
- Xiaomi 10T Pro (Apollo_pro) HDR does not function properly
- On some models, multi-camera continuous recording flashes back
- Some models flash back in slow motion mode
v4.3.004870.0 (220813-Leica)
Important warning
This version attempts to upgrade the version number from 430048700 to 994348700 to solve the problem that some models cannot be installed.
Additional TWRP card swiping is provided for friends who will not be able to crack the core or install unsuccessfully
Please be sure to read [Leica Camera Instructions (Must Read)]
- 本專案的v4.3.004870.0版本徠卡相機基於菜卡玩機 Vegeca Mobi 團隊的相機修改
- 該 APK Mod 原作者:@Sevtinge,已獲得授權,未經許可嚴禁轉載、修改、二次創作等。
- 許可證書號:2720-1972-8799-1540
- 此授權許可證書僅適用於v4.3.004870.0版本所有本專案上的修改版徠卡相機
- 徠卡定制水印新增了可自由開啟顯示時間、顯示經緯度的選項(移植自最新版12S系列相機功能)
- 撤回先前對 Xiaomi 10 (Umi)、Xiaomi 10T/Redmi K30S Ultra (Apollo) 機型的 Thyme 配置文件的移植,恢復原本配置文件
- 為全機型開啟實驗室功能選項
- 翻譯實驗室功能選項、徠卡定制水印選項為繁體中文,暫時會影響到使用英文語言的使用者,預計之後版本修復
- 為 Redmi K30S Ultra (Apollo) 修正了對應機型的水印
- 為 Xiaomi 10 Pro (Cmi) 開啟照片瑕疵提示選項
- 為 Xiaomi 10 Pro (Cmi) 於一般拍照模式下修改為 2700 萬畫素直出相片
- 修正在拍照時使用自動閃光燈不起作用的問題
- 為全機型開啟全身模式
- The Leica custom watermark has added options to freely turn on the display time and display latitude and longitude (ported from the latest version of the 12S series camera function)
- Withdrawing the previous porting of Thyme configuration files for Xiaomi 10 (Umi), Xiaomi 10T/Redmi K30S Ultra (Apollo) models and restoring the original configuration files
- Enable lab function option for all models
- The translation lab function options and Leica custom watermark options are in traditional Chinese, which will temporarily affect users who use English language, and it is expected to be fixed in the future version
- Corrected the watermark of the corresponding model for Redmi K30S Ultra (Apollo)
- Enable photo defect alert option for Xiaomi 10 Pro (Cmi)
- For Xiaomi 10 Pro (Cmi), in normal photo mode, modified to 27MP direct output photo
- Fixed an issue where using the auto flash when taking a photo didn't work
- Enable full body mode for all models
- 部分機型加載緩慢
- 部分機型拍照完成後閃退
- 部分機型電影光效錯位
- Xiaomi 10T Pro (Apollo_pro) HDR 功能異常
Known issues:
- Some models load slowly
- Some models flash back after taking pictures
- Some models of movie light effects are dislocated
- Xiaomi 10T Pro (Apollo_pro) HDR does not function properly
v4.3.004870.0 (220811-Leica)
Important warning
This version attempts to upgrade the version number from 430048700 to 994348700 to solve the problem that some models cannot be installed.
Additional TWRP card swiping is provided for friends who will not be able to crack the core or install unsuccessfully
Please be sure to read [Leica Camera Instructions (Must Read)]
- 本專案的v4.3.004870.0版本徠卡相機基於菜卡玩機 Vegeca Mobi 團隊的相機修改
- 該 APK Mod 原作者:@Sevtinge,已獲得授權,未經許可嚴禁轉載、修改、二次創作等。
- 許可證書號:2720-1972-8799-1540
- 此授權許可證書僅適用於v4.3.004870.0版本所有本專案上的修改版徠卡相機
- 將版本號由430048700提升為994348700
- 移除大師鏡頭功能,並回歸電影光效功能
- 移植 Xiaomi 10S (Thyme) 機型文件至 Xiaomi 10 (Umi)、Xiaomi 10T (Apollo)、 Xiaomi 10T Pro (Apollo_pro),開啟慢動作480Fps選項、加入錄影模式8K 30FPS選項
- 修正前後雙景無法連接相機的問題
- 修正錄影模式多數的濾鏡皆無作用的問題
- 移除錄影模式的徠卡濾鏡效果
- Raised version number from 430048700 to 994348700
- Removed the master lens function and returned to the cinematic light effect function
- Ported Xiaomi 10S (Thyme) model files to Xiaomi 10 (Umi), Xiaomi 10T (Apollo), Xiaomi 10T Pro (Apollo_pro), enable slow motion 480Fps option, add video mode 8K 30FPS option
- Fixed the problem that the front and rear dual view cannot be connected to the camera
- Fixed the problem that most of the filters in the video mode did not work
- Removed Leica filter effect in video mode
- 部分機型加載緩慢
- 部分機型拍照完成後閃退
- 部分機型電影光效錯位
- Xiaomi 10T (Apollo)、 Xiaomi 10T Pro (Apollo_pro) HDR 功能異常
Known issues:
- Some models load slowly
- Some models flash back after taking pictures
- Some models of movie light effects are dislocated
- Xiaomi 10T (Apollo), Xiaomi 10T Pro (Apollo_pro) HDR does not function properly
v4.3.004870.0 (220804-Leica)
Important warning
This version additionally provides Apk files for you to install, we first recommend that you use the core crack to install the camera to avoid various problems.
Please be sure to read [Leica Camera Instructions (Must Read)]
This version of the camera module installation script has been updated (the action of clearing the cache cache has been added to prevent various problems, and the Android version detection has been added)
- 本專案的v4.3.004870.0版本徠卡相機基於菜卡玩機 Vegeca Mobi 團隊的相機修改
- 該 APK Mod 原作者:@Sevtinge,已獲得授權,未經許可嚴禁轉載、修改、二次創作等。
- 許可證書號:2720-1972-8799-1540
- 此授權許可證書僅適用於v4.3.004870.0版本所有本專案上的修改版徠卡相機
- 修正刷入此模組後有機會導致相機丟失、畫面閃爍、介面錯亂的問題
- 修正 Mi 10T、Mi 10T Pro 拍攝的相片水印錯誤的問題(其中Redmi K30S Ultra會改為Mi 10T)
- 修正 Mi 10T、Mi 10T Pro、Redmi K30S Ultra 魔法分身異常閃退問題
- 為 Mi 10T、Mi 10T Pro、Redmi K30S Ultra、Redmi K50 Gaming、POCO X4 GT 增加全身模式
- 為 Mi 10、Mi 10S 加入 480Fps 慢動作模式
- Fixed the problem that after flashing this mod, the camera may be lost, the screen flickers, and the interface is chaotic
- Fixed the wrong watermark of photos taken by Mi 10T and Mi 10T Pro (the Redmi K30S Ultra will be changed to Mi 10T)
- Fixed the abnormal flashback of Mi10T, Mi10T Pro, Redmi K30S Ultra magic clone
- Added full body mode for Mi10T, Mi10T Pro, Redmi K30S Ultra, Redmi K50 Gaming, POCO X4 GT
- Added 480Fps slow motion mode for Mi 10, Mi 10S
This version basically completes all the functions of this project except for multi-camera recording and street shooting mode unavailable.
- 部分機型加載緩慢
- 部分機型拍照完成後閃退
- 大師鏡頭功能不穩定
- 電影光效功能消失(已由大師鏡頭取代)
- 前後雙景出現無法連接相機(再度進入相機即可使用)
Known issues:
- Some models load slowly
- Some models flash back after taking pictures
- Master lens function is unstable
Normal settings:
- Cinematic Lighting function disappeared (replaced by Master Lens)
- The front and rear double scenes appear and the camera cannot be connected (re-enter the camera to use)
v4.3.004870.0 (220801-Leica)
- 此版本取自 Xiaomi 12S Ultra 的徠卡相機版本,具有多種徠卡攝像功能與風格
- 提升 compileSdkVersion 至33 (13)
- 修正了在先前發布預覽版當中出現的各種問題(萌拍無法使用、魔法分身無法使用等)
- 移除了街拍模式,因為它不可用
- 增加萬物追焦、運動抓拍、人眼追焦、大師鏡頭(僅供嘗鮮使用,若有問題將不會修復)
- 適配了更多機型可以使用(Redmi Note 11T Pro、POCO X4 GT、Redmi K50i、POCO X4 GT Pro、Redmi K50i Pro、Redmi Note 11T Pro+、Xiaomi 12S 天璣版、Xiaomi Pad 6 (dagu)、Redmi K50S Pro (diting)、Redmi Pad 5G (yunluo))
- Xiaomi 12S、Xiaomi 12S Pro 適配底層版本至4.5.000040.2
- Xiaomi 12S Ultra 適配底層版本至4.5.000080.6
- 解鎖錄影 4K 60Fps 模式 (Xiaomi 11T 系列, Redmi K40 系列, Redmi K50 系列)
- 增加更多變焦選項(Xiaomi 11、Xiaomi 11 Pro、Xiaomi 11 Ultra、Xiaomi 10 Ultra、Xiaomi 10 Pro、Xiaomi MIX 4)
- 夜景模式增加5X、10X變焦
- 增加人像模式的全身模式(Xiaomi 10 Pro、Redmi K40)
- 增加超級月亮、電影鏡頭、專業模式照片風格
- 50/108MP 模式增加10X變焦
- 增加去痣、男性妝容適配、人像模式前攝美顏功能
- 增加手勢拍照、電影模式、音源變焦功能
- 增加前攝補光介面
- 增加鏡頭髒污提醒
- 增加前攝2X變焦
- 部分機型加載緩慢
- 部分機型拍照完成後閃退
- 大師鏡頭功能不穩定
- Mi10T、Mi10T Pro部分功能異常
- 電影光效功能消失(已由大師鏡頭取代)
- 前後雙景出現無法連接相機(再度進入相機即可使用)
- This version is taken from the Leica camera version of the Xiaomi 12S Ultra, with various Leica camera features and styles
- Raised compileSdkVersion to 33 (13)
- Fixed various bugs that appeared in the previous release preview (cute shots not working, magic clones not working, etc.)
- Removed street mode as it was not available
- Added all things focus, motion capture, human eye focus, master lens (only for early adopters, if there are problems, it will not be fixed)
- Adapted to more models (Redmi Note 11T Pro, POCO X4 GT, Redmi K50i, POCO X4 GT Pro, Redmi K50i Pro, Redmi Note 11T Pro+, Xiaomi 12S Dimensity Edition, Xiaomi Pad 6 (dagu), Redmi K50S Pro (diting), Redmi Pad 5G (yunluo))
- Xiaomi 12S, Xiaomi 12S Pro adapt the underlying version to 4.5.000040.2
- Xiaomi 12S Ultra adapts the underlying version to 4.5.000080.6
- Unlock video 4K 60Fps mode (Xiaomi 11T series, Redmi K40 series, Redmi K50 series)
- Added more zoom options (Xiaomi 11, Xiaomi 11 Pro, Xiaomi 11 Ultra, Xiaomi 10 Ultra, Xiaomi 10 Pro, Xiaomi MIX 4)
- Add 5X, 10X zoom to night scene mode
- Added Full Body Mode, Cinema Shot, Professional Mode Photo Style (Xiaomi 10 Pro, Redmi K40)
- Added Super Moon (Redmi K40)
- 50/108MP mode adds 10X zoom
- Added mole removal, male makeup adaptation, and portrait mode proactive beauty functions
- Add gesture camera, movie mode, audio zoom function
- Added proactive fill light interface
- Added lens dirty reminder
- Added proactive 2X zoom
This version basically completes all the functions of this project except for multi-camera recording and street shooting mode unavailable.
Known issues:
- Some models load slowly
- Some models flash back after taking pictures
- Master lens function is unstable
Normal settings:
- Cinematic Lighting function disappeared (replaced by Master Lens)
- The front and rear double scenes appear and the camera cannot be connected (re-enter the camera to use)
v4.3.004561.0 (220809)
我只適配了小米10 Pro,其他機型是沒有補全所有功能的。
This version was born because some people still want to continue to use the public version of the camera (such as street shooting), and in view of the lack of some practical functions of the 3591.
I only adapted the Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro, and other models do not have all the functions.
This version does not have Leica, and it is based on the official CN camera. If you need Leica, do not install this version.
- 開啟全機型萌拍3.0、手勢拍照、前攝補光介面、人像模式前攝美顏、萬物追焦、男性妝容適配、運動抓拍、音源變焦、錄影1080P/4K HDR等...。
- 為小米10 Pro適配電影鏡頭、專業模式照片風格、Kino大魔王介面、修改為新版相機浮水印、拍照3.7倍按鈕(滑動條添加20倍按鈕)、錄影0.8/3倍按鈕、預設直出2700萬像素照片(相簿查看可以高解析度預覽)
- Turn on Mimoji 3.0 for all models, gesture photography, front-camera fill light interface, front-camera beauty in portrait mode, focus on everything, male makeup adaptation, motion capture, audio zoom, video 1080P/4K HDR, etc...
- Adapted cinema lens for Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro, professional mode photo style, Kino interface, modified to the new version of the camera watermark, photo 3.7x button (slider added 20x button), video 0.8/3x button, preset direct 27 million pixel photos (album viewing can be previewed in high resolution)
v4.3.004870.0 (220806-Leica-Preview)
Important warning
Please be sure to read [Leica Camera Instructions (Must Read)]
This version of the camera module installation script has been updated (the action of clearing the cache cache has been added to prevent various problems, and the Android version detection has been added)
- 本專案的v4.3.004870.0版本徠卡相機基於菜卡玩機 Vegeca Mobi 團隊的相機修改
- 該 APK Mod 原作者:@Sevtinge,已獲得授權,未經許可嚴禁轉載、修改、二次創作等。
- 許可證書號:2720-1972-8799-1540
- 此授權許可證書僅適用於v4.3.004870.0版本所有本專案上的修改版徠卡相機
- 移植 Xiaomi 10S (Thyme) 機型文件至 Xiaomi 10 (Umi)、Xiaomi 10T (Apollo)、 Xiaomi 10T Pro (Apollo_pro),開啟慢動作480Fps選項、加入錄影模式8K 30FPS選項
- Ported Xiaomi 10S (Thyme) model files to Xiaomi 10 (Umi), Xiaomi 10T (Apollo), Xiaomi 10T Pro (Apollo_pro), enable slow motion 480Fps option, add video mode 8K 30FPS option
This version basically completes all the functions of this project except for multi-camera recording and street shooting mode unavailable.
- 部分機型加載緩慢
- 部分機型拍照完成後閃退
- 大師鏡頭功能不穩定
- 電影光效功能消失(已由大師鏡頭取代)
- 前後雙景出現無法連接相機(再度進入相機即可使用)
Known issues:
- Some models load slowly
- Some models flash back after taking pictures
- Master lens function is unstable
Normal settings:
- Cinematic Lighting function disappeared (replaced by Master Lens)
- The front and rear double scenes appear and the camera cannot be connected (re-enter the camera to use)
v4.3.004700.1 (220711-Leica-Preview)
- 此版本具有本專案上部分修改版特色功能,經測試無問題故發行正式版(7/13已轉為預覽版)
- 加入了新版機型浮水印(詳情機型請見本專案說明)
- 此版本未有加入全機型長曝光、魔法分身、文檔模式2.0
- 此版本未有xiaomi.eu版本的特性,故沒有全機型多機聯錄、無聲街拍(錄影選項)等功能
- 移除了Kino大魔王介面,因為新版並不適用
由於發現部分影響體驗的BUG (魔法分身閃退、街拍無法使用等),決定從正式版通道移至發佈預覽通道(Pre)
- This version has some features of the modified version of this project, and the official version has been released without any problems after testing.
- Added a new version of the model watermark (for details, please refer to this project description)
- This version has not added the full model long exposure, magic clone, document mode 2.0
- This version does not have the features of the version, so there is no multi-camera multi-camera recording, silent street shooting (video option) and other functions.
- Removed the Kino Demon King interface, because the new version does not work.
*Updated on 2022/07/13:
Due to the discovery of some bugs that affect the experience (magic clone flashes back, street photography cannot be used, etc.), we decided to move from the official channel to the release preview channel (Pre)
From now on, the official version will remain the 3591 (0501) version, and no new version of the Leica camera will be released in the future
Sorry for the trouble.
In addition, the Leica version of the camera only has a good experience with the 12S series. If it is used on other models, it is inevitable that there will be no bugs. Therefore, if you want to use the camera perfectly and normally, we recommend you to install the official 3591 camera version of this project (it includes all the features of this project)
*Updated on 2022/07/31:
After days of deep thinking, we decided to resume the Leica camera update in return for your long-term support.
The next version is currently expected to be 4.3.004870.0 Leica camera version, which completes most of the functions and fixes previous problems!
v4.3.004870.0 (220711-Leica-Preview)
- Modified version of Xiaomi 12S Ultra camera, with exclusive features of Leica models, theoretically all models can be used.
※Note: This version is extracted from the Chinese version (does not have any modified version functions on this project)
- Xiaomi 12S Ultra相機修改版本,具有徠卡機型的專屬特色功能,理論全機型皆可使用。
v4.3.004780.0 (220710-Leica-Preview)
- Modified version of Xiaomi 12S Ultra camera, with exclusive features of Leica models, theoretically all models can be used.
※Note: This version is extracted from the Chinese version (does not have any modified version functions on this project)
- Xiaomi 12S Ultra相機修改版本,具有徠卡機型的專屬特色功能,理論全機型皆可使用。