Suggested example structure of terraform. The goal is to reuse code across stages and just put differences into config files. This works by calling the same code and referencing different configurations for the backend and variables.
The example contains three different implements:
- expert -> for expert users and platform team using individual modules
- simple -> for common users still leveraging HCL using one central module
- simple_yaml -> for common users using yaml as configuration using one central module
The stage configuartion can be found under stages/$stage/
terraform init --backend-config=stages/dev/backend.tfvars
terraform apply --var-file=stages/dev/terraform.tfvars
When switching between stages you need to remove the terraform locally
rm -fr .terraform
terraform init --backend-config=stages/dev/backend.tfvars
terraform apply -var="config_file=stages/dev/config.yaml"
How to don't repeat yourself when using yaml?
Could leverage yaml merging:
Could convert yaml into json and use native json support: