A powerful tool for sending phishing emails (write in C#).
Installation • Application startup • Commands • Personalize p'Fisher • Task To Do • Errors and new functions ideas
- Installation via powershell (Making new *.zip pFisher folder with files)
Invoke-Webrequest -OutFile "$home\Desktop\pFisher.zip" -Uri "https://codeload.github.com/Zakrzewiaczek/pFisher/zip/refs/heads/main"
- Installation via cmd (Making new *.zip pFisher folder with files)
curl -L -o "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\pFisher.zip" "https://codeload.github.com/Zakrzewiaczek/pFisher/zip/refs/heads/main"
You can also download the program using the installer:
- Change //#define installer to: #define installer
- Compile and run program ***with administrator privileges***
Go to p'Fisher folder (with Program.cs file)
- powershell
Start-Process -NoNewWindow "bin\Debug\p`'Fisher.exe"
- cmd
start /B bin\Debug\p'Fisher.exe
The best solution is to open and compile the program in the IDE
Type help
to show all availabe commands in p'Fisher console.
Type help [command]
to show help about specified command
You can personalize p'Fisher. How?
- In Program.cs find lines:
public static string from_email = ""; public static string password = ""; public static string smtp = "";
You can type your email, password and SMTP server between quotes
You can use save_preset and read_preset commands to making and reading presets!
For example: you set the email title to "email_title", if you save preset and read in other console, settings will be saved -
You can change console elements colors using change_color command.
For more detailed instructions how to use, type help change_color command -
You can add your payloads file using payload add [path] [payload_name] command.
If path and payload_name is empty, p'Fisher will show the file selection window and then ask for the payload name.
Compile program after saving file!
For more information, type help payload
Task to do can be found in the Issues tab
If you see error or have an idea, please add new issue in Issues tab