Releases: ZUGFeRD/ZUV
Java 9 fixes
Like ZUV 0.4.2, but also runs in Java 9 (issue #8)
POJO embedding VeraPDF
When run with java -jar target/ZUV-0.4.2-SNAPSHOT.jar -f ZUGFeRDPDFFilename.pdf
ZUV will now output XML on STDERR. The root element is called "validation" with children "info", "pdf" for the VeraPDF results of the PDF validation and "xml" for the results of the schematron validation.
Example on a file from the corpus:
java -jar target/ZUV-0.4.2-SNAPSHOT.jar -f fail3.pdf
<info><duration unit='ms'>2065</duration></info>
<releaseDetails id="core" version="1.10.2" buildDate="2017-11-30T12:47:00+01:00"></releaseDetails>
<releaseDetails id="validation-model" version="1.10.5" buildDate="2017-12-28T11:50:00+01:00"></releaseDetails>
<item size="163545">
<validationReport profileName="PDF/A-3U validation profile" statement="PDF file is compliant with Validation Profile requirements." isCompliant="true">
<details passedRules="125" failedRules="0" passedChecks="11200" failedChecks="0"></details>
<duration start="1520759189894" finish="1520759191502">00:00:01.608</duration>
<batchSummary totalJobs="1" failedToParse="0" encrypted="0">
<validationReports compliant="1" nonCompliant="0" failedJobs="0">1</validationReports>
<featureReports failedJobs="0">0</featureReports>
<repairReports failedJobs="0">0</repairReports>
<duration start="1520759189547" finish="1520759191533">00:00:01.986</duration>
Attribute '@format' is required in this context.</result>
<info><duration unit='ms'>12612</duration></info>
<info><duration unit='ms'>14677</duration></info>
ZUV 0.4.1: ZUGFeRD 2 public preview EN16931 validation
Changes/Improvements to 0.3.0:
- XSLT2 based
- can now be invoked via command line
java -jar ZUV-0.4.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -f <zugferd-pdf-file.pdf>
- can now generate XSLT files (takes >30min, uncomment the com.helger.maven plugin from the pom)
Known issues
- deployment as VeraPDF plugin does not yet work
- ZUGFeRD 2: currently validates only the public preview of the EN16931 profile
First release as VeraPDF plugin
Download the VeraPDF installer from and install.
Make sure you check the "veraPDF Sample Plugins" option in the installation process.
Extract the ZIP file (or run mvn clean package
Copy the extracted jar file into the plugins-subdirectory of the [VeraPDF installation directory].
<plugin enabled="true">
<name>ZUGFeRD Validator</name>
<description>Validates ZUGFeRD PDFs against the official Schematron. Developed by Jochen Staerk.</description>
<pluginJar>[VeraPDF installation directory]/plugins/ZUV-0.3.0.jar</pluginJar>
to the config/plugin.xml file in the [VeraPDF installation directory] (and of course don't forget to replace
the placeholder [VeraPDF installation directory] with the complete path of your VeraPDF installation).
Run verapdf-gui
. Check that embedded files is checked in Config|Features Config.
Select a ZUGFeRD file like the mustangproject sample file.
Select "Validation and Features" as report type and hit the execute button.
This will currently still take an awful lot of time (10-20 Minutes!).
Click the "View XML" button. We're working on publishing the schematron validation results in the node
Report/Jobs/job/featuresReport/embeddedFiles/customFeatures/pluginFeatures[name="ZUGFeRD Validator"].