- Remove adaptor: cutadapt, Trimmomatic
- Mapping: Bowtie2, STAR
- QC: fastqc
- denovo assembly software: Trinity
- Whole Genome Seq: Control-FREEC
- Whole exome Seq: CONTRA, ExomeCNV
- Bi-sulfate data:
- Review: Katarzyna Wreczycka, et al. Strategies for analyzing bisulfite sequencing data. Journal of Biotechnology. 2017.
- Mapping: Bismark, BSMAP
- Differential Methylation Regions (DMRs) detection: methylkit, ComMet
- Segmentation of the methylome, Classification of Fully Methylated Regions (FMRs), Unmethylated Regions (UMRs) and Low-Methylated Regions (LMRs): MethylSeekR
- Annotation of DMRs: genomation, ChIPpeakAnno
- Web-based service: WBSA
- IP data:
- Overview to CHIP-Seq: https://github.com/crazyhottommy/ChIP-seq-analysis
- peak calling: MACS2
- Peak annotation: HOMER annotatePeak, ChIPseeker
- Gene set enrichment analysis for ChIP-seq peaks: GREAT
- review : Yongjing Liu, et al. Brief in Bioinformatics, 2019.
- peek calling: F-Seq
- peek annotation: ChIPpeakAnno
- Motif analysis: MEME-ChIP
- pipeline recommended by Harward informatics
- peek calling: MACS2
- peak annotation: ChIPseeker
- Motif discovery: HOMER