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4 OARs Segmentation on CT H&N Data

This document describes how to use the MIS to segment 4 organ-at-risks (OARs) on CT head-and-neck(H&N) data. The anatomical structures to be learned to segment are brainstem, optic chiasm, bilateral optic nerves.

Here are some steps for the inference.

  1. Prepare a proper dataset, which should be resampled and converted to NIfTI images.
  2. Set the data list to specify the cases to be processed.
  3. Load the trained deep learning model and run the inference.

Let's get started!

Prepare dataset

The data pipeline before the model requires the data been converted to NIfTI format. The following example shows how to convert the PDDCA like dataset to meet the requirement.

File hierarchy

Users need to provide the PDDCA like structure so that the script can handle it. Since the model aims to the segmentation on brainstem, optic chiasm, bilateral optic nerves, there must be corresponding files with the keyword name Brainstem, Chiasm, OpticNerve_L, OpticNerve_R inside the data folder.

data                             // data folder
├── 0522c0555                    // case name
│   ├── img.nrrd                 // image file (NRRD)
│   └── structures               // structures to segment
│       ├── Brainstem.nrrd
│       ├── Chiasm.nrrd
│       ├── OpticNerve_L.nrrd
│       ├── OpticNerve_R.nrrd


Please install the required libraries so that you can run the following scripts to preprocess the dataset.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 1: Convert NRRD to NIfTI

Since the model was trained on ABCs dataset, we need to resample the image to the spacing of 1.2 mm. Assume the folder containing the data wanted to process is named data. Running the following script can process all data inside the folder. You may wait a moment sine the resampling of 3D images may take some time.


./ --data-dir data --output-dir nifti


100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:31<00:00, 15.64s/it]
Ouputs have been stored in nifti.

The following steps are optional, which are used to speed up the testing and development. One may directly run the inference and check if there're some faults on the area outside the region of interest.

Step 2 (optional): Find the bounding boxes

Since the raw images usually contains lots of background, we can find the bounding boxes of enclosing the labels and speed up the development.


./ --data-dir nifti


Box size
        x: 88.00 ± 2.00
        y: 107.00 ± 0.00
        z: 101.00 ± 6.00

The list of bounding boxes have been stored into ./bbox.json.

Step 3 (optional): Crop the data

We chose (196, 196, 196) as the default crop size for the PDDCA, which is small enough for the inference efficiency and large enough to cover the whole head. Although this might cheat a little bit, you can still use the size of each box to find the most fitting one by setting the crop_size to (0, 0, 0).


./ --data-dir nifti --crop-size 196 196 196 --output-dir cropped


Use the crop_size: (196, 196, 196)
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:01<00:00,  1.07it/s]

Here are some views of the cropped data.

Run the inference

Move to the directory infer and follow the below steps to run the inference.

Download pretrained model


make download_model


ckpts.tar.gz            [               <=> ]  20.89M  2.40MB/s    in 9.8s

2020-12-09 10:48:30 (2.12 MB/s) - ‘ckpts.tar.gz’ saved [21909602]


Set the data list

Before running, we need to specify which cases to infer. For example, we assume the data containing the NIfTI images are in the parent folder of the current path and named nifti. And create a data_list.json5 to specify the data loading.

  "amount": 2,
  "list": [                             // Set some cases to be segmented
  "loader": {
    "image_dir": "../nifti/images",      // Set the image folder
    "label_dir": "../nifti/labels",     // Set the label folder
    "name": "MSDLoader",
    "roi_map": {
      "Brainstem": 1,
      "Chiasm": 2,
      "OpticNerve_L": 3,
      "OpticNerve_R": 4,

Start inference


make infer


===== Inferring... =====
===== Loading checkpoint ./ckpts/ =====
===== Loading checkpoint ./ckpts/ =====
[Inferring]: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 33/33 [01:59<00:00,  3.63s/it]
[0522c0576] : 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [04:39<00:00, 139.88s/it]
Time: 416.34584951400757

Evaluate the performance

Go back to the previous folder and then run the below script to compute the Dice Similarity Coefficient(DSC) between the ground truth and the model's prediction.


./ --ground-truth ./nifti/labels --prediction ./infer/outputs


Brainstem: 0.782
Optic Chiasm: 0.356
Left Optic Nerve: 0.647
Right Optic Nerve: 0.534
Average: 0.580

Case average: [0.59559641 0.56397002]