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Python basic course

Author: Yuriy Taraday
Contact: [email protected]; [email protected]

Overall course agenda:

  • Python reasons and basics;
  • standard library, basic operations;
  • Python data model, OOPing with Python;
  • other things that might be useful.

Python basics

  • Guido van Rossum - Benevolent Dictator For Life (BDFL)
  • CWI, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (Dutch)
  • Dec '89 - start, Feb '91 - first public release
  • new system arch needs new sysadmin tools, C is too complex, sh is too tied to system
  • ABC, revised and fixed
  • Monty Python’s Flying Circus, no snakes
  • Jun '94, "If Guido was hit by a bus?"
  • around Oct '96, Python code stuck deep inside Windows
  • Mar '01, Python Software Foundation
  • Dec '08, backward compatibility breaking Python 3.0


def words(document):
   collection = []
   for line in document:
       for word in line.split():
           if word not in collection:
   return collection


HOW TO RETURN words document:
   PUT {} IN collection
   FOR line IN document:
      FOR word IN split line:
         IF word collection:
            INSERT word IN collection
   RETURN collection


words(istream &document) {
    vector<string> res;
    string word;
    while (!document.eof()) {
        document >> word;
        if (find(res.begin(), res.end(), word) == res.end()) {
    return res;
  • a = b = c = 5 - assignment can be sequenced, but i's not a usual operator, so a = (b = 5) will fail with syntax error.
  • a = (3 + 6 * 7) / 5 # a will be 9, nothing special here, except:
  • 5/2 == 2, but 5/2.0 == 5.0/2 == 2.5 - types are adjusted automagically.
  • 123**123 # 123 to the power of 123 will be very long (258 digits), but integer.
  • bitwise operations: |- or, &- and, ^- xor, ~- not, << >>- shifts
Type C type Limits/precision Comment
int long -(2^63-1) .. 2^63 fast and precise
long it's too cool any integer of any size slower, but unlimited and as precise
float double 1.7*10^308 (~15 digits)  
complex no such two float parts complex(1,2) == 1+2j
  • strings: 'abc\n', "abc\n", r'a\b\c', immutable
  • lists: [], [1,2,3,4,5]
  • tuples: (), (1,2,3,4,5), immutable


  • indexing: if a==[0,1,2,3,4]: then a[2]==2; a[2:4]==[2,3]; a[1:4:2]==[1,3]
  • negative indexing: a[-2]==3; a[1:-1]=[1,2,3]; a[-1:-4:-2]==[4,2]
  • inclusion: 2 in a == True; 12 in a == False; 5 not in a == True
  • arithmetic: [2,4]+[3,5]==[2,4,3,5]; [1,2]*3==[1,2,1,2,1,2]
  • len(a)==5; min(a)==0; max(a)==4; a.index(3)==3; a.count(4)==1

We assume that a==[0,1,2,3,4] before each operation.


a[3]=5 [0,1,2,5,4]
a[2:4]=[9,8,7] [0,1,9,8,7,4]
a[1:4:2]=[9,8] [0,9,2,8,4]


del a[2] [0,1,3,4]
del a[2:4] [0,1,4]
del a[1:4:2] [0,2,4]


a.append(5) [0,1,2,3,4,5]
a.extend([5,6]) [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]
a.insert(3,9) [0,1,2,9,3,4]
a.remove(2) [0,1,3,4]
a.pop(2)==2 [0,1,3,4]
a.reverse() [4,3,2,1,0]
a.sort() [0,1,2,3,4]

Sets can be created like this: set(); set(1,2,3); {1,2,3}. Frozensets are immutable sets: frozenset(); frozenset(1,2,3).

  • membership: x in s; x not in s
  • sets relations: s1 <= s2; s1 < s2; s1 >= s2; s1 > s2
  • arithmetic: {1,2} | {2,3} == {1,2,3}; {1,2} & {2,3} == {2}; {1,2}-{2,3}=={1}; {1,2}^{2,3}=={1,3}

Set, but not frozensets support:

  • operators |=; &=; -=; ^=
  • methods add; remove; discard; pop; clear

dict() is mapping of some objects to some other objects. Also can be constructed with {} or {'a':2,3:(1,2)}

  • len(d), d['a'], del d['a'] work just like with lists
  • 'a' in d, 2 not in d work on the set of keys
  • d.get(2) returns None instead of error if key is not found
  • False values are: None; False; all zeros (0, 0.0, 0L); empty collections ((), [], {}, set())
  • operators: and, or, not
  • comparsions: <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=, is, is not
  • comparsions can be chuncked: a < b < c < d < e ~ (a<b) and (b<c) and (c<d) and (d<e)
"Where is my %dth %s?" % (10, "shoe")

Oldschool string formatting looks very much like formatting in C:



  • <mapping> can be reference to a key in mapping (if there is one after % operator) like "%(a)d %(b)s" % {'a': 1, 'b': "as"}
  • <flags> is zero or more flags:
    • 0 fills empty space to the right side of value with zeroes or spaces
    • - ajusts value to the left hand
    • + adds sign before numeral value
    • `` `` adds space before positive numeral
  • <width> is field width
  • <precision> is dot folowed by number of meaningful digits after the decimal point
  • <type> is one of s, d, o, h, etc. Just like in C, but you'll need anything but s very rarely.


"%05s" % ("abc",) => " abc"
"%-+7.2f" % (10.34567,) => "+10.35 "

Python has no operator brackets. Neither {} from C nor begin..end from Pascal survived. Blocks are distinguised by indent (spaces or tabs, tabs are bad). Colon is for clearness only.

There is no switch operator in Python, it can be modeled by if..elif.


if cond1:
elif cond2:
elif cond3:


if a == 1:
elif a == 2:
elif a == 3:

False conds are:

  • None
  • False
  • 0, 0L, 0.0, 0+0j
  • (), [], {}, set()
  • any other object that can tell us that it's false or empty or zero

There are just two loops:

while loop is as simple as

while cond1:

Nothing special

for loop is way more powerfull:

for name in sequence:

name iterates over each element of sequence. Sequence can be string, tuple, list, set, dict or of any other type that defines itself as iterable. If you iterate over dict, you iterate over its keys.

If you want to mimic ordinal C for loop:

for (i=0; i<5; i++)

You should use range func:

for i in range(5):

range can take up to 3 args like slice operator:

range(3) == [0,1,2]
range(2,4) == [2,3]
range(1,4,2) == [1,3]

To iterate over sequence with index, use enumerate function:

for i,e in enumerate(seq):

Here i will be zero-based index of element in e while e iterates over sequence as usual

Note that you can use this comma trick in assignment:

a,b = (1,2) ~ a=1; b=2
a,b = b,a ~ _t=a; a=b; b=_t

It's named packing (on the left side) and unpacking (on the right one).

Functions are defined like this:

def f(param1, param2, param3):
  return value

Note that you can use packing to return several values at a time:

def f(a,b,c):
  return a+b, b+c

x, y = f(1,2,3) # x==3; y==5

You can set a default values to arguments and pass only necessary ones:

def f(a,b,c=4,d=5):


Note that you should use global to modify global vars:

a, b = 1, 2
def f():
  global a
  a, b = 3, 4
f() # a==3, b==2

You even can pass all parameters at once:

args = [1,2,3,4]
f(*args) # => f(1,2,3,4)

Or receive variable number of parameters:

def f(*args):

f(1,2,3,4) # => args == (1,2,3,4)

You can do bulk passing with skipped args too:

args = [1,2,3,4]
kwargs = {'d': 5, 'e': 6}
f(*args,**kwargs) # ~ f(1,2,3,4,d=5,e=6)

And receive them too:

def f(a,b,**kwargs): pass
f(1,2,f=5,z=4) # => a==1,b==2,
               # kwargs=={'f':5,'z':4}

Every .py file is a module in Python. You can use it from outside easily:

def f(a,b):
  return a**2 + b**2
C = 25

import a
assert a.f(2,3) == a.C

Modules are looked for in directories in sys.path list:

import sys
import mymodule

Note that module's body is executed on import.

Function eval evaluates string of Python code in some context:

globals = {'a': 1}
locals = {'b': 2}
eval("a,b = 3,4", globals, locals)
    # globals=={'a': 1}, locals=={'b': 4}
You can access global and local dicts of curren block with globals() and locals() functions. a = 1 is equivalent of locals()['a'] = 1.

So import <name> process looks like this:

filename = find_module("<name>")
body = open(filename).read()
<name> = module("<name>")
eval(compile(body, filename, 'exec'), {}, <name>.__dict__)

And you can use it to argument your module depending on some external conditions:

if we_got_windows:
  def do_it():
  def do_it():

import a
do_it() # Will do it right way
        # on any OS

By the way, functions can use this dynamic too:

def get_f(zero, value):
  if zero:
    def f(a):
      return 0
    def f(a):
      return a*value
  return f
f1 = get_f(True, 5)
f2 = get_f(False, 5)
f1(4) # => 0
f2(4) # => 20

Modules can be grouped into modules - directories with special file. Contents of this file are attached to package and all modules inside this package become accessible through the dot after package name:


CC = 5


ZZ = 6

import a
a.CC # works # error - is not imported yet
import # works

:huge:`Standard Library`

There is about 200 standard modules and packages in Python. We'll look into some of them.

Contains lots of OS-agnostic runtime interpretator's stuff

argv like (argc, argv) in C
exit(n) exit with status n (default 0), like return from main in C
platform current platform (linux, windows, darwin)
stdin, stdout, stderr standard i/o streams
version Python's version

OS-specific stuff, partly available on all OS's

environ dict containing all OS environment variables
curdir symbol for current dir (dot)
sep, altsep path separator (\ or / or even :)
pathsep paths list separator (: or ;)
linesep line separator (\r or \n or \r\n)
chdir(dir) change current dir
getcwd() get current dir
chmod(path[,mode]) change file access flags (n/a on Windows)
listdir(dir) contents of dir
mkdir(dir[,mode]) create dir with access flags
remove(path) delete file
rmdir(path) delete dir
rename(src,dst) rename path

Function os.walk(dir) allows you to walk around directory tree.

for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir):
  print "In dir %s:" % (root,)
  print "Dirs:"
  for d in dirs:
    print d
  print "Files:"
  for f in files:
    print f

Everything for your zip file management:

import zipfile

f = zipfile.ZipFile('','a')
                        # can be 'r' or 'w'
f.write('theirfile.txt', 'othername.txt')

:huge:`Object Oriented Programming in Python`
  • object
  • NoneType - singletone None
  • NotImplementedType - singletone NotImplemented
  • numbers.Number
  • numbers.Integral - int, long, bool
  • numbers.Real - float
  • numbers.Complex - complex
  • basestring
  • str (types.StringType)
  • unicode (types.UnicodeType)

Forget about them

Classes are declared like this:

class C(object):
  cls_var = 123
  def __init__(self, param):
    self.obj_var = param
    self.cls_var += 1
  def f(self):
    print self.cls_var, self.obj_var

Objects are created by calling a class:

c = C(123)
# ~
c = C.__new__(123)

Inheritance can be done as usual:

class A(object):
  a = 1
class B(A):
  b = 2
class C(B):
  b = 3

Note that Python is very dynamic:

class WeGetSignal(all_your_base()):
  """How are you gentlemen"""
  if are_belong_to_us():
    def make_your_time(self):
    def make_your_time(self):

In fact, class declaration equals to something like this:

bases = (object,)
body = "cls_var=123\ndef __init__(self, param):......"
_attrs = {}
C = type("C", bases, _attrs)

You can not hide a name inside class, but you can:

class C(object):
  _hint_to_hide = 0
      # polite programmers will not touch it
  def __obscure_hide():
      # will be converted to _C__obscure_hide

All that __methods__ are special methods, they are used instead of operator overloading and lots of other class tuning. Examples:

  • __new__ - create object or fine-tune object creation, mostly used in metaclasses;
  • __init__ - constructor, object's variables declaration;
  • __del__ is called when object is destroyed, but not necessary;
  • __str__, __repr__ are used to convert object to string like str(obj) or repr(obj), remember %s and %r formatting
  • __lt__, __le__, __gt__, __ge__, __eq__, __ne__ are used by all that comparsion operators, so that for example a<b is equivalent to a.__lt__(b) or b.__gt__(a) if the first one is not implemented or returns NotImplemented
  • __cmp__ does all what the previous ones does, returning negative, positive values or zero if object is less, greater or equals the parameter respectively.

There is number of so called protocols in Python. Protocol is some rules about class or object that must be met to make built-in functions work.

For example, for loop:

for v in obj:

equals to

_it = obj.__iter__()
while True:
    v =
  except StopIteration:

So, iterator protocol requires:

  • container to have __iter__ method (which can be called throgh iter(obj) built-in) that returns iterator;
  • iterator to have next method which returns next element or raises StopIteration exception when passed through the end of container;
  • iterator to have __iter__ method that returns iterator itself, just for completeness.
def f(): pass

equals to:

def f(): pass
f = decorate(f)

you can do some function call:

@decorate('like this')
def f(): pass

and you can decorate classes:

class C(object): pass

decorators usually look like this:

def decorate1(f):
  def _wrapped(*args,**kwargs):
    print "%s(*%s,**%s)" % \
    return f(*args,**kwargs)
  return _wrapped

or like this:

def decorate2(kind):
  def __inner(f):
    def _wrapped(*args,**kwargs):
      print "%s %s(*%s,**%s)" % \
      return f(*args,**kwargs)
    return _wrapped
  return __inner

so that:

def f1(a): return a+1

def f2(a): return a-1
def f3(a): return a*2

will cause:

print f1(1)
print f2(a=2)
print f3(3,a=3)

to print:

Cute f2((),{'a':2})
Shiny f3((3,),{'a':3})
### ERROR!!!! ###

Of course you want to have methods bound not to object, but to class, or even unbound method encapsulated into class namespace.

Class methods are bound to current class:

class A(object):
  def f(cls):
    return "%s.f" % (cls.__name__,)

class B(A): pass

A.f(), B.f() # => "A.f", "B.f"

Static methods are totally unbound:

class C(object):
  def f(): # No cls, no self

Bound methods are methods which already have first argument substituted.

Let's say, you have:

class A(object):
  def m(self): pass
  def cls_m(cls): pass
  def st_m(): pass

class B(A): pass

a = A(); b = B()

Then methods will be bound like this:

f A.f B.f a.f b.f
m no no a b
cls_m A B A B
st_m no no no no

To access overloaded method, you should use built-in method super:

super(C,obj).meth # => meth bound to a parent of C

Yes, I'm lying again.

Sometimes you want some syntax sugar to make your life easier and access computed values as object's fields, not as method result:

class C(object):
  def getx(self):
    return self._x
  def setx(self,value):
    self._x = value
  def delx(self):
    del self._x
  x = property(getx, setx, delx)

So that:

c.x       # ~ c.getx()
c.x = 123 # ~ c.setx(123)
del c.x   # ~ c.delx()

Note that all arguments except the first one are optional, so property can be used as decorator:

class C(object):
  def x(self):
    return self._x
  def x(self,value):
    self._x = value
  def x(self):
    del self._x

You may wonder how . "operator" works. Here are few easy steps:

  1. look in obj.__dict__
  2. look in type(obj) and its parents
  3. call __getattr__, __setattr__ or __delattr__

So default behaviour can be mimiced like this:

class C(object):
  def __getattr__(self,name):
      return self.__dict__[name]
    except KeyError:
      raise AttributeError
  def __setattr__(self,name,value):
    self.__dict__[name] = value
  def __delattr__(self,name):
    del self.__dict__[name]

Python supports very common exception handling process: if comewhere some error occurs, exception is raised at that level, then stack is unwinded to find first sutable exception handler, which is then executed.

Raised exception consists of type, value and traceback. They can be retrieved with sys.exc_info() call.

Whole syntax of raise statement is:

raise [<type>[,<value>[,<traceback>]]]]

When called without arguments, it reraises last raised exception (or raises TypeError if there isn't one).

When called with one argument, it can be either exception type (which is instantiated and raised)or exception object (which is just raised).

Traceback is set to current location in stack or to the third argument, if it is present.

Exception can be handled using try..except block:

except ExceptionType:
except (ExceptionType1, ExceptionType2) as exc:
  • BaseException
  • SystemExit
  • KeyboardInterrupt
  • Exception
  • StandardError
  • ArithmeticError
  • ZeroDivisionError
  • OvervlowError
  • LookupError
  • IndexError
  • KeyError

:huge:`Useful stuff`

Let's say, you want to create some sequence of elements that require some computation, e.g. sequence of logarithms of counting numerals.

You can create a function returning list of necessary length:

def logs(n):
  res = []
  for i in range(1,n+1):
  return res

But it consumes a lot of memory for big n and a very lot of time to compute the whole thing

Remember iterator protocol? You can use it:

class logs(object):
  def __init__(self, n):
    self.i = 0
    self.n = n
  def __iter__(self):
    return self
  def next(self):
    if self.i >= self.n:
      raise StopIteration
      self.i += 1
      return math.log(self.i)

It doesn't consume more memory for bigger n and computes values as they needed, but it looks ugly.

So they decided to make life easier and let ugly iterators look like cute functions:

def logs(n):
  for i in range(1,n+1):
    yield math.log(i)

It almost equivalent to previous class, but uses 3 lines.

Since such logic is very popular, there is even shorter option:

(math.log(i) for i in range(1,n+1))

Or if you want a list, just use [] instead of ().

Generator expressions support filtering too:

(math.log(i) for i in range(1,n+1) if i%2==1)

This for-ifs can even be nested (just like usual fors and ifs:

(a+b for a in range(5) if a%2==0 \
     for b in range(2*a) if b%4==1)

Look at this generator function:

def gen(param):
  yield start_value
  while main_loop():
    yield intermediate
    if do_more_logic():
      yield something_other

It looks very much like coroutine, so after a lot of efforts they made coroutines almost clear in Python:

def player(game):
  yield READY
  while True:
      their_bets = (yield our_bet)
    except TableFolded:
    except GeneratorExit:

Note that yields now can expect some return values, and even can be source of exceptions. This is achieved through this methods of generators produced by this functions:

next() old one, does nothing special
send(value) injects value as result of yield
throw(t[,v[,tb]]) raises exception at the point of yield
close() raises GeneratorExit

Every call resumes generator at the point it was paused and returns value gathered by next yield or propagates any unhandled exception occured inside generator. close is special since it silently eats StopIteration and GeneratorExit exceptions and raises RuntimeError if generator tries to return something more to caller.

You might remember that parrern that appeared around file handling (archives in our case):

fil = open('thefile', 'w')

But what will happen if we get come error e.g. in process()? fil will remain open with proper consequences. So we should use finally:

fil = open('thefile', 'w')

Here is inconsistence: we have to remember what cleanup operations should be done after the work with object is done. Here come context managers:

with open('thefile', 'w') as fil:

Context manager protocol consists of two methods:

__enter__ called at with, returned value goes to variable after as
__exit__ called when block ends with exception's triplet (or Nones)

Note that variable after as gets not context manager itself, but some other value returned by __enter__ (well, in case of file, it is self).

There is couple of handy methods in contextlib (in number of 2):

  • closing closes everything that can be closed:

    with closing(socket()) as sock:
  • contextmanager decorator allows you to create a context manager without all that __ burden:

    def closing(obj):
        yield obj
You may have noted that every object requires a dictionary instance for its __dict__, which doesn't looks good for classes that contains one or two fields.

For such types you can list all possible attributes in __slots__ and then no dict will be created:

class Slots(object):
  __slots__ = ('a', 'b', 'c')
  def __init__(self):
    self.a = 1
    self.b = 2 = 3  # AttributeError!

Couple of facts:

  • if you need to add not listed attribute, add __dict__ to __slots__ list;
  • if one of base classes already have __dict__, slots definition is meaningless;
  • derived classes will have __dict__ by default;
  • you can not set default values for slots in class level, it'll overwrite slot's meaning.

Remember class creation process? You can tweak even this part!

bases = (object,)
body = "cls_var=123\ndef __init__(self, param):......"
_attrs = {}
C = type("C", bases, _attrs)
After this code, C becomes an object of class type. And you can inherit from class type just like from any other class.
class my_type(type):
  def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs):
    # do anything you want with attrs, for example
    return super(my_type,mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs)

Frameworks use this to add custom getters/setters to this class or some classes connected to it, you can replace or tweak any method of new class.