Forest.nvim is a fork of kyoto.nvim: A Fast ⚡, functional and beautiful Neovim configuration.
All credits go to samrath2007 for creating this awesome configuration. I simply modified it to suit my needs and prove that it is indeed easily customizable
Original Repository:
Clone this repository to:
- Linux - /home/"User Name"/.config/nvim
- Windows - .../AppData/Local/nvim/
Start Nvim and press enter to suppress the error messages.
Install plugins using Packer:
:lua require("pluginList")
Restart Nvim
- LSP Support (with Autocomplete)
- Ergonomic keybinds
- Blazing Fast File Explorer
- Really customizable (seriously, you should check it out)
You can find a list of supported languages here. To install any of them run
:LspInstall <language server name>
:LspInstall Python -- For Python
:LspInstall Cpp -- For C++
- nvim-tree.lua
- lspsaga.nvim
- tokyonight.nvim
- everForest.nvim
- dashboard-nvim
- telescope.nvim
- nvim-bufferline.lua
- fugitive.vim
- lualine.nvim