Universal Config System For YimMenu-Lua.
This is for script developers only. Supports pretty encoding (enabled by default).
- In your main script folder, add a new folder and name it "includes".
- Download YimConfig.lua and place it inside the /includes folder.
- In your main script, add these globals:
Config = require("YimConfig") -- You can name "Config" anything you want. You're gonna be calling it later to save and read values.
SCRIPT_NAME = "your_script_name" -- This global has to be exactly SCRIPT_NAME. Do not change it.
DEFAULT_CONFIG = {-- place your default variables here} -- anything that you're gonna be modifying, saving and reading, initialize it here and the global's name has to be DEFAULT_CONFIG, do not change it.
- Saving a variable:
Config.save("variable_name", variable_value)
- Reading a variable:
- Resetting everything to default values stored in DEFAULT_CONFIG:
-- create a new tab
config_test = gui.add_tab("Config Test")
-- We create a global named SCRIPT_NAME and give it a name that represents our script.
-- It will be used by the config to create a json file.
-- In this case, the file would be named "config_test.json"
SCRIPT_NAME = "config_test"
-- We create a global table named DEFAULT_CONFIG and place our variables inside along
-- with their default values.
bool_1 = false,
bool_2 = true,
string_1 = "a",
number_1 = 1,
-- We require YimConfig. If we need to call this from another file,
-- this must be global instead.
local CFG = require("YimConfig")
-- We define our variables by reading them from the config.
local bool_1 = CFG.read("bool_1")
local bool_2 = CFG.read("bool_2")
local string_1 = CFG.read("string_1")
local number_1 = CFG.read("number_1")
-- We can simply call our local variables that we defined above but
-- we're gonna be calling CFG.read() inside ImGui widgets instead.
-- That way, when we reset the config the values will update immediately.
-- Otherwise, we'll have to reload the script to see changes after resetting.
bool_1, b1used = ImGui.Checkbox("First Bool", CFG.read("bool_1"))
if b1used then
CFG.save("bool_1", bool_1)
bool_2, b2used = ImGui.Checkbox("Second Bool", CFG.read("bool_2"))
if b2used then
CFG.save("bool_2", bool_2)
ImGui.Text(string.format("String = %s", CFG.read("string_1")))
if ImGui.Button("Change String") then
string_1 = string_1 == "a" and "Z" or "a"
CFG.save("string_1", string_1)
ImGui.Text(string.format("Number = %s", CFG.read("number_1")))
if ImGui.Button("Change Number") then
number_1 = number_1 == 1 and 69 or 1
CFG.save("number_1", number_1)
if ImGui.Button("Check Saved Config") then
for c, _ in pairs(DEFAULT_CONFIG) do
log.debug(string.format("%s = %s", c, CFG.read(tostring(c))))
if ImGui.Button("Reset To Default") then
- Harmless For the original code.
- Jeffrey Friedl's JSON.lua package.